m W W In --V-v Matthew'ldl.nid. Tu Iin III that]: hi0 ridag. All It. [numb I-ptovunonu wan has us put at Addmgwn. u. was up a. but am and haunt u I. I m. wry you Mr. Call- Io knight den 3 largo gummy of In. com nu by. n I" a, , . . , _ . _ _ A __ u- u..l...n'. improve A BAN K's COL ~o-.-o--- A CONCESSIUX. c 1'). Heavy man are reported. n One lsmalo man are rupux wu. n One 'rvmgl).01)) bbls -i has Mani-11011 Pym}: Z LUU I DUI! t has sold +0000 I LLA PSE lTbOHdeMI-u Vol dun-h humankind So. Was. The. "null hvo got. at 911 a crew! in. hoo- uni dhmdmmh The I... I. III. loot an In. loth'm Hound Polio. till he in- MM my. 1.000 men in with- out W. In. uni-Ii- unwind anus-h- d ineld! hue-ruin! umuo paw van drowned on tho [ska du- ila tho put salon. A coloured Inn uni-ed Jonas I'll lubhod by I duh woman named My Brown in 5 home of ill repute n To- ronto Ii! honing. 1-1... ma... ".4 9...... mn u. h. r.- '1no mun um um: um to no u- iltroduood bv Lb. Goverumoni will 50 omllv the sun I: tho wound not-m 0! ti. two previous Ion-ions. On mun-d Manna-inn luv. naut- All" w-v 1 v-rku .- ......,.\.- .. Spring and I5. not In a Imttur of. plan". bus in pnnnnco of bthlm'IvA olglgonuoun open $0 acceptor rov you the motion. but u u wonby of O patina thought 0' I. II!) pronoun IMIIOIII. 0:. sound Mano-ite- b. neut- I; been nutunl'uad u Emonol Ind innipog. 3nd will now motive p.th for thoir home-toads. Winn. um um no for li-Ll handy-d hnn- (or um: nomnwoas. Eigh hundred bonus hue boo- dos- tnyod by In M Canton. Chinu. lacy liven hing lost. Iwo res u Foocbow luv. datroyod 400 home: ad (in liven won Inn. A ogran nulli-Sn- rm}: nlm nn Mm 'Ollll. A terric collision took plan on Mm (mld Trunk BR. mm St. Annes. Qns.. on Saturdy. two engines und t to freight curl nnd tboir oonuntn be- ing Ins-bod. Than in luck fronble throuhou H). Ina mauled. There in noel: througho Lachwu. and Susquehanna counties on account. of the scarcity of wnur. The dronth hsvilg mnhnued since Nov. 131.. I II-blr of oollierlon in the Schuylkill Couly luv. bun oblngod to unopond. W Tn rut-us All onen very unjunt but novor maliciously no. What they nee closrlyto b0 justice they alwayl Ip- prove. It often taken u long time to bring them to ace thjnuq as they nully are. but. in u and Lhczr verdio: is :1 ways right. It was faith in this idea which induced the manufacturers of the "Mm-H. Nuvv" tnhum-n On alum. bv th-ir which Induced we muuumcwreru UI one "Myrtle Navy" tObKCCU to stand by their superior brnurl under every discourage- ment at the outset. The public verdict has been rendered at last. nud it in em- phatically in their [n.vor. ___=; can u :Ju uvnucz, Hum m: Anus lulluu. Chulu Street Friend: and ac )UMDLIDCOI Are nupoouully invnud :0 Attend man. Mantra-l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Onurio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Banque du Penplo . . . . ,. Mellon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Toronto........ banquo quuu Caution. Merchants . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Lommoroe Exohulge. . Imperial . . Fedora] . . . TnI-m-n uh II. [Itw u-w lwu. .m. n..m.u.v Mr punt ad when with n uiv-u , and gob) OI I Iokon of 1-hou- lppnrin- | nio- ol Iai- vduhh cervix- to Hum ! n W. M II a an! a! then In. ad an... n hi-and friend." Thankil t MINI] 0... both III an -4;.. a... [mi in than mnnn-r n! r Moral Tolognph Dom. Tel. C xolognpn 00 . . . . . . . . Rachelieu .. .. City Pusenger . . . . . Gnu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cnnsds Cotton ()0 .. Dundul Cotton Co... Onhrio Invaatms-nt . RI Pnul I And M. Uni-no lnvaaum-nn StPlulll sud M.. I W 'T {n an: dado-I. I new woo-do Kalb out. Mulhpl-Ddhrwdvnthon and com 01-] 1M Show I h- dead "I that a: {am 0! n3 '01-] Inde ammo-rd. usuan tho Mm. udul m alum-d. sch-nee lb- madly 00! m nun my WM: won Vacuum-L I Mantra], Dec. 20 flourMime 1900 bbla; sales 100 bbln ; Burnt dull ; price unchluged ; quobioona: Superior. 4.80 to (.85 ; Extn 1.70 w L75 ; Funny. 0.00 no 000 ; Spring Inn 10 to 4,75; Superne 4.40 to (,50; Stan; Bnker'a 15,00 to 6,50 ; Fine 3.90 to 6,00: llddhugs 8,65 toilm ; pollnrds 3.26 0 I. :01 bugs 2.00 to 210 ; any do 8,00 Io IJO. (In-inWhnnh n n Mum 1 04 [.0105 ' Ind h... comma mo tn mm o h Mart-uh boson" u m Iona can!" I_ tape-dqm It "gag-t Gmm,-A number of the chem a! Dunn'- Block. Prl-cvu ll-col, King-Ion . nnnnv A v mu IOIJU. StunWheat. (3.01 while, 1,04 (.0 1,05 ; do rod 1.07 to 1.08; aprmg 1.10. 00:- 36 to 871}. M39 .0911 (or M11. 0- 80 to 860. Dub] 00 m 700. By. 60 to 610. Onmul 5.10 to 5.25. up w to 01. 5,10 Cor-moo: 4.00 to 4.10 Provident-Butter. W( INLB M 18 to 22c E T Ghent-ll} to 12c. Pork21.60 no 2200 141143! to 14;: Bacon14 to lc. I" van... _-__. v. -.....V in, and lit-Shun Spun-u prenatal AL. .l Inmmymm] bond. BuloyItendy ; sales 10.600 bush 0! No. 2 Unsd: It 80 m 80; No l bright Cnnndn 319115 : No lCnnada at 89 to 890'. oxtn brin Cumin at. 85. o~.O~ on n". 3 mo. 9.} Dec; Bl Inn; 9 May. "(rm Ndmdlbcbsffr He]; Mny; 4 Tab; Jn: 1 * Sept: 3:, cub ran11, (or my; 17 50 m .umn : mm M 1- I145. Feb: 17.370 Dec ; 1712; our. Lad-40.37. Jun 1080 Mny; [v.61 mh. can-u Jun 363 my. lCLEARISd SALE ! of I'm now mud of In Jumuy. n In 1am. yun. 't boy. lot lamb Iat and Fl! Sim. Wellington Street. M - . ()nwow. Du, 00. 3) Whom-rundy; sales 5.000 an State 1.07; now Bod State at 1.07; No. 2 Rod Chiocgo at 1.01. Cornr wearco sales 1.000 : No. 1 Yellow IXmas Presents. I STILL LARGER SALES l unsuuuv. Dont buy Anything in YURI without In! no; thu you can no n m. I 1_,,'-_ __ -- I TM when and vbolnn of the Sundty Mocha! the mcmooru of the l Bibi. Cllll 0 Christ Church. C l tunqui E lut "uni-g. n the nguhr uln-I ll.u~'.- :4- __.-__..J .h- R..- lh- 31...... E bomtxstb mum a. an valor-u buy JIM DONTWAIT 1 1M Suumy'l nub In wmelhina enuron bow-d on m'uiunu. Wc will do our on; town lywnuvoly on ou-wmmn n nnv time. but if '00de- ulc your an lootinnu bofaro BA- TL'IDAY. u hum norm-need our Western 70; re]: western. 6/. I UnaQuit ; Whno b'tate held st 430 to 450. Rv. .0 m- nun It a 0m Caninst 6. m onuo lllll nor-mg. The livm Ind Stream Bill to b. n- -..na-..a 1.. 1L. n:;--.:.---. -m L. Ghnocgo 1.01. 1,000 Western 70; rejt 67. UnaOust ; held _ 450. By. 0.00; mm It 0.000 Canadnt 6. bond. Harlownull!!! ' In: In 600 bush 0! NO. Lurelag to up AltosPots. 4.80 to I 90. _ _ _-A-V___ ,.J_9_8_h:?a__iwxhlm III w .w l - v m q _ u I v. giving. It." In pro-en: u H) l mm The uddnu mrud by m M Iuluhno. 0! 5.1ng L_.. __J Ii Rhll m man-l .- !ouho pod-u dun IdUbylo'm-Iu Chm-go. Dec h. I! anon. 3 Jun. Dec: 93! I'ob: 1U, -, Western 16 to 190; i 20 L0 240. L J. WILSON. .lJU .llu . 864 J'JU time .uuaI . 861} .124; .170 . 4 .xaog 175 "151 1323 ,.144 "BID 197i 110 BO 123 1695 115 000 155; 151 llU mu fund hunk Railway. luoLIii'Ic'nnl manual!qu IRIDA 1. plus]... N, IA nun; I n.1,"- ruby.9:-luia{y.m1..$ { -.u L] u... FARE AND A-THIRDI Migriw Icnrrou TEA HOUSII .TLTST IN TiME| Pry'l Chocolua Cronin. m Funny Bonn. loo Lbem. I SHORE LOYNES & co Holiday Gifts! NI SBETS Ofce & Pocket Diaries. '83. FOUND; n n: comm Jam nio- m. . 5.. cg noun 15."; a. unuumuwmm lSpenial Etalugua Holiday ml n.___ rflgil IYIXOgVEEigLZ And: um- ou mu In My M lorwbclu. ovum w club. a ISAAC BIIPIOI. M m Sankey Hymns Complete for Opera. House Meetings. PHEA'EIH'A TIUN U1" LIFE. 48 Genuine Oil Paintings, port-I mu) him-mu. eon-Inland mun-4 Gentlemen'u Dru-ulna l'uu. Lulu! Comp- Ion Odour I you. Bou- Pot'lmn. Iuhm [a bountiful dolly -, and n no Moth.- M More patch-ling cluvbon. at" all u- lnul. 0| "00L IllA an. nan-mun 0! l'm Ian-ooh .- no not Imponod by any who: lou- II c. nus. 3.900 who u common m pop. LYING OVER-DUE And uon [inn than yin Um no u- wun emoorua um pram", u" ouuucnou u the nest our oered in lhle city by puhlle nucv Ion. II will be on exhibition on Wetland-y evening and Tinned-y up no the hour of ale- It. Philly (hoe-nun, of New York, will conduc. the Isle. T-rm- nah . nun our Ilwl w.T.O-BET1-I]3L Chum-MM _ L . ... 7 .4_.__- ~-;-. . | EVERLASTIXG FLOWERS ! | Ornulumod with Dried 1nd Pro-ad now-I. dunes. Ferns, Lionel. 0. Alla llama! Perfumed nch. with mile!- m-non noun, tannin n [and Gunny at good- Imuble hr mu pmnu. . IA "DELHI"- RE ANNUAL MEETING 0! the Illul Reform Anucmlmn 5nd 0! lb. Young M Liberd Club wm I held In tho moan HILL. GOLDEI LIOI moon I .. - 7...- .._.7 mac: MWATION. Round nnd Flu Rouquou. Hu lela Bukou. (TERISTMASII JUST ARRIVED (DIRECT @ GERMANY) 'nnoh Ind German Pill!!! Good. our in- Ain't-d rung. MHCQHPIA '1! TIRE!" COLLECTION Of IIGLXII{ FOLGER 8c HANLEY. SINGLE F ARE Cl REIT IIGUII '1 9"! in: Thundly Evening, Doc. QIII. A: 8 o'clock, I- .L-..I--..,m "I an..." .ml nhnl. n! rhi- LIBERAL_I_EETIN. Puulr .1 A. I; .\1; LI/Y .- II- mun-.- v--.._ "V w than. 0 tho tnpmvomonu. bot It. Cddwoll doclmod, outing L): In would Ibo. Lb. paw. u! m... euuu '7 than! could b0 nod n mum MM. A Mr. Manna. ,.._- Pnomsogy NOTES. Bookstore. Good toth n. DIGHJ. Good 0 Earn": up IoJLN, hi. I- 'E SELL N0 LIQUORD. Late Stacey a Walpole. \a'll" nun uni-nun than. m notycm 01' w I PRICE LIST. nd sud g Plunging Bunk. lo Father Gnu Bouqu-u. (JIIBII'I'NIAI CARDI! I the measures [0 hi! In the last. um] I- Parlisuurut. An- Vnnced. nnJ 1H 9 upon the pnpn- M I received by the :5, lion 0! the Li'g.~- p, ut awn win-u the 1hr; 'ong belt Illa pn: ,.1d ad by those ems-w up 11: um hul S, u M vru..l H1 an hl'u . -. A Mngnilconi Stock of CI'IY IWIEP. Gonenl Ana". lluuon _ MEETING Illa-ton hon Men I I DIG [0! KW pron-nu. a. g. nonnrr. |ouEEAYEAR| Tha Holden Linn rm-1| I!" "II PM. Now [bill the Ionian are Over I. Vol- Ion: And the Luan And Moat Compute AI nomneuv. over oered in thin city 0! Tub]. Run-ms. Onngol. Lemons. Pro-crud Gin- ger. Delicious Coee. Tampennoe Drinh. I)...I.I..- Q-.u.-. ;.nnllu MAI-A..- ernn rue-aw. - 00 In merr Ow... ID-"IV uyp Dr. Luvell eeld she Do-ieiol ewed' earns M to the Hedicd UllVenl-l Hoe. end the Province 0! Quebec 5 greet. I deul $0 Meal Ull'ereily. In Untanu the progreee nude in ledicel educunou dun-g the pen teen yeen bed com- mended the mp. of ull who uppre- cute medics! ecieuce. end he hoped naming weuld eccur in the luzuro to mu Ibuproeperny which hul amended m. teaching of nedroiue in mm couu~ try. They bed now nine mudlcnl whoelelolr in Ontario. the in Quebec Ind one in the Maritime Provinces. l'heee wereell sell eulnlumg. In there mm room (or improvement, am! he hop ml the whoole would acquire such wealth as to ennblo mam lu curry on Lhe work 0! medical educruun. lle roncluded by expreeqmg shape mm the tuvlouw would. utter they hml grmluut ed. Luke up their lile work In luck u umnner u to merit the condence at Lhu public. Dr. Sullnn referred to the wanu foelluq which uni-(ed between the- nu. :lulve'eiliee. He epoke ol the program wlnch the Boyul College hurl umm- m : ate yum. and said um III on evnl hum- nome lull hid Inbred ll, Lnuully trouble cane wihh 'he lldlei, and noun: mule trouble ceme to the L'ollv-gv Lllruugh them. [he Erouble wnu nu expecud. Noueoeula belrimlcr leu Ll. mmnle student-Jae! they chungln. um um tune thut the boys were too u'ectum- 118. ILauqbterI Such was not the c mu. however, It was not necessary to ; m mtn decuils; wlce it to suv that they compromised the nutter as best ahev could, end now everything is go- un whiny-d on A _ L _..-...l..-.. I G u or. UUIIuIUW L'UI-IW. luluyvluuw ulna-v. Pickles. Sluou, Bimulu. Moluuu, Syrup. Putry Flour. Hun. Bscon, Butor. Ohm. Buckwheat Flour, June Ind Jolhel. dc. GOLDEN LION GROCERKI YOU \smmn STUCK or 60th 1\ AID III! TIWIAIN, aw I A. dauuhuroflbo lnu Dr. To] nu, as pro 011w huh VOCAL l "8'"! IIITIL u SIC. Thy-n to audio:- at ("I pd- nu hmnoom m I!" OEIIIAR LAFOLAOI Ind LADKEII' FANCY WOMK o! '5] 40-1119- uor. for umu'hlch In no duct-law!" u M rattan. No- 9 Bydonbun- mm: at, not. '.____ _*i 1'. nqu 1.]! be bold VI . ANDRI" IAuo-wzuxlmn. DEC IL _ ,_ ._ --__ ___.__ In. lnounnv PRESENTS! [Hum Bum & Mies Fucy Huh, I ST. AN DREW'S CHURCH CAKE SALE l FRENCH DRESS MA TERML new. Blunt. Bean of Du. [null ad Sullivan tro- lontndM 8mm $ Low IN PRICE. ELEGANT IN DESIGN The Newest Designs in Bro- cadud Silk Velvete. Real Spanish Lace Scarfs. IcuRISTMAs CAKES] I The Fashionable Louis Vel- veteens. ' A Splendid Stock of Silks. Handsome Ostrich Feathers Mosquetaire French Kid Gloves. Imporml of arm-h ind Conant-u] Good: Barbs and Fichus, --~_ Dru. hull Im-Ad . Boy-l Conan. ol WI-I m .702 round M M I, n- ; tended the I. m with in medial Wt 0! I005 College. - We have my and why then geu NO... '.| no I II to Mknuwblyo the countd- d I m institution-m '- M- l.- .L- --mn-,hv n' ya. & .1. GABDIIEB, LEAVE YOUR ORDERS I HOLIDAY SEASON.| l'umbcr Adah-to. unto-"Inuit. n2.- Try our Cut Ora-ml. only 20, pot Ab. Cbooolno Bu. Pin Honey Crum. now 15m: w. n. upnap gm... u u u H Ibo. m -- nu. I mum lacing 8n. for M. New V. Man for ll. Lnyar MI 10! M. Mule-id Runn- for .1. Now Curr-nu lot '1. Lemon and Gnu, Pool (or .1. Citron Pool {or .1. 80!: Shell Almond: hr 01. Fbnrtn {or 01. hr New Mumshdo for "06. Jul Mince Men (at W. Tim Tomnon for M. Tm 8w. Corn {or .1. Tins Gmn Pun for .1. Tim Gran Applu (or ll. Tina Paulina (or .1. New mm. Fig. [or 01. New 11mm. {or .1. h Boxn New Bmvrun Ftp for ll. OYNE TRUE BLUES. WI. Inns!) of man . mum-arm in hit !n m I. a My cum mt but..." I'. u. v. mi'am. AT LOW. LOW PBIIED. 0. m I I I" I-uuuvu w up". unit-do hr tho uympsthy of McOHII Faculty 'ith Hut 0! the Royal out... in M In. diIeulty with mo! students an. arm. - .n. j_-LA_ _-_ IL.- _m mi-l I09 Prince-I Stu-col. J. GARDINBR! CARD- Nov Rudy And Fro-h. '1'. m. rum, Como! Block C Willingwn It... G'nfmlonn . _ lodmm M [or II. Brigln Ydlow 9m! (or .1. NoJGI-uuhhd " IL A 5.,4A_ n__ .1 ARE INVITED l T. M. PARKIN, om" l nu. n of Walnut": It [iiis nouns: numnu m u-m. I so We any they won wume mind. ad that union-nu. uproar ed in mm upoochu. loule upplnnded. n- I--- ..:.1 u.- nn-;-in- nwted ommgsyonns ! SiHiAEWi S We no Oerlng lots of Bar- wnlin ovary department during the holidays for Christmas Presents. Our Largo Drus Stock Marina 3. Maud prices. 0!! Blank Cut-om oorm' u l Gm! Mu, OI! BM Illh '0 will clot M- 0m. BAN n Our Colorod Silk Gwa- wt): 01.. of!" in. n 00. Su OI III Mom All M uduood prion. Baton! Hunol stock [or tha but nine in Guy. Whiu. Nun. Sculol ct Fnuc). Our Now Juht Cloths we uwr (in-u Vllue. Kid In. Glenn. Tiucnrh. Collnn md Cuu. urv chap. 15, If). 25. 17 30. 3 3.1. 879. No I Ipceul v||uo. We will olu Gnu Hamlin. In our (lolh Doputmenhl. Bhswla. kaou. Cloudn. Wool Squueu. 'lnel nud Nelda u rcdum-d prioeI. 'ulev L'Uulu, .uu Ilv" u-v.,.,.....-, .,. 5, mg on u heretoloro. He referred to we honorable. upright manner in which Lhe Medical Faculty of McGill lTum-r- mv had acted throughout the whole nmtwr H. was sure the Faculty of Um! College wauld relp their ruwad. It was mamly for the purpose of show- A A..- -.......i-hn- I olur urlvinnu Tubln Dnnuh md .anknu. slmoungl nd Pillow Cullonn at u arm. burg-In. Now in your time to buy 3 New Hun to uni. your house look mca dumm lb. hollduyn. _PA I I. A '1 I000 Plocu Fancy Prints. J-nl Ih- Hung fnr (hrI-tmuu Im-ants Glasgow Warehouse 8c Car- pet Warerooms. Corner 0! Pnnoou .1 Wulhugwu Struts. Du. ll {THE PRBABILlTlBS We uk our ounonmn an In (our to luv. their orden a! early In [mulblo Iu II to give ul tum m hlvonur on]. m properly 011de to. We do not, nun \ prim: Ii". u it would lake tho Whole nvwnpapor '0 ndnniu All our ohup nlumk of Fine Groceries. Wines and quuors. Our leun'n :18 in pt, bullion in now In very ne Ipnrkling onlcr. Wu hme our lubrnted October Brawn-d Mu m (4.1.. which in the u. Ale of lhu unuu And I! no aqua]. I boil. Third Clu- Ivllur Turner mm mm). 0 ton Pu mnan in now king Ibo In ] over all other wnuol. 1'. WM! ILIIIIII nu luv yunyv. v- mu... mu our nvprociatxon of their servivun that he and his friend, Dr. Law-ll. bud amended the gathering. He couclmh d by uopmg mu ihe good feeling wind: had always oxilud between the two universities would contlnno in the {n- Lbre. PORTAITO I I. IVER, POHIIIT PIIITER. 1| 3.1 Immlu VIP-nob. -..- Ms. anwronn, -_.-w.. .. Ann I. [Inptnn for P010. 1.]:an Vinonnll a but London Item Du 20. ~_ _._'-V "IA I IIIVANT Amity V: In J [O ImllVl w. ton-mum FOR I'll! IIPARVY SCHOOL. Forb- mth. rnuvr Tun-nor a y nun-admin John . lll: CLOSING Dlehu of an rmmu Ch.- In the Public School- um uh. on the Box nnd Human o! led. amount. than! a rm" nu rdcd iv the Board will in mud lo der nu [mp1 v.0 h , [)0 1m Pu ha- ooh Doe I! -ronom noun stuns } lsw 1555__ DOI'II cammnumnl pllu, FLEIIIII l IEMIAI,""'.'.:'::'..'.'.. an} n luau, (Iii-n... Ill a Gumbel. is Itill nuering from lever: A large number of hopeful children are wruing lower: to Santa Claus. Mr. Pal-doe, senior lender writer on me Gluhc, in resigned as well 115 Mr, Catawba Wine! EME Down 3 Flour. Oat Meal, Cracked Wheat, Brown Flour. Buck- wheat Flour,Prepared Flour RAMS 3a BACON TORONTO FLOUR STORE. M. MORRISON. A 1. m, 93: voyu I'-' I I'vvv - --v < -----v J-m u ung {or Lhrmmuu lrvunts. _.. n . . . .u ..,. Illr In: llms Surges, .K I025 '27 30 33 3.1 371, 10c all 51mm- iiiiii VERY B'L SY. on S. C. Wood retire: from the Pro- I Manuel}. viminl Cabinet on gccount of domeuxc ahctiun. Tory malignity in mignated by no circumstances. I v n #:A ln_1-_-|.__.. --- A- t, I-iI'va w-m " -"' MN] 0! Ir. Kahuna __ Nov. 14. subhmunn. (alum :- vxom i5, . on w ' hloAvqu '00] W, xuur. Apply .1 In Bowm- luau, w. b for Ill week in that we rim be NFFFFFFHHSS __ PUBLIC SCHOOLS. lhhhhdtt INCREASE lllll'tlni 'TREET. CALL AT L (!_V uu (Guiana-nun. Jnnn Kit-win, of Ogdunbua. was one of tho notiml of tho il-lnod schooner iFollar. His body Wu roconrod on F'ldny.lld but! upon it a letter from i his moth-r. by whxoh in WI: idonn- 14/17qu YOUR 1 AI'I'IA L. -. ._ .4--. _ ] llUllun) a. Min 7. A. Wobltor is Lguil n cnndxdnte for the Roevuhip of the Front of Lead: and Laundo'no. Sullmm and Elliot: Ire matched for I u ght. Each is condent of knocking I the other out, in ve rounds. I . n n- -,,__I :_ J-:__ .. .00! uulsl. Lllu lu Runw- Iv ulu;h'lu. Hunuors Ooyne nnd Andrews. of the Lou |ou Field Buttery. hue arrived in I the any Io Mk. coutu- 1n tho Schol of Gunnery. A- Q P WAnt inll-l lrnm 10 Pm. Mr. Chrlel Tuppor has gone to Hal;. ' fax, where he will spend the (hriumna I holidays. I \I.. l' A Ill-t" an-i- gr-ndinlp ' LUU UDUUI Uul; Iu uvv Auuu~Au. Mr 1). H. Manuel in doing 1; good lnlhzueal with the Expnu from Lynd- hunt. Elgin Ind Morton to KingsLuu. A: . . . n _ _. (1-..-.. and Anrnn- n Hut- Liu so Ilulwn navaw ku. .- -n. In... :1d cu]! It .100. and uvonl cows aver- uging 528 each. 1 Mr. Samuel Goo. Brewers M1119. Iold a number of com. roaming by them As 'mgh u .33 pct head. 3". P. Bhko. in thd Townshxp ofI qusburg. bad III OIIOIIiVO 9.19 ofg church. bin pnrpm boing v.0 mmnve | u,- Michigan. After i. hnd di-pnsed of ' [stock to the V510. of 02.000 he con-l cluled to rennin in II). manmimlnyi and II talked of u I undid. (or she i Deputy Beovuhip. ' . I ~ \ | ; Among tho new drill in use no ulh Uncut pit! nods can sill. damn! load 'uud chowuick. ' 1 A \nrtmu-nll A nal. in Ink. n 'nrm. non. Awmmamam.l tench-duo" with own. Tia-Hinged huh-pint' ingnlnphuulh til 6! leather manqueoildmpipinmhcx him Hannah-ell 141.. Ml. Mr. M. Conig-n. Loads. but had a gnod mm on [III firm. He sold pru- wrty to tho value of 01.560. Inclulmg Lhne horses at .100 etch. I two your 1.! 4,1. a. 11m -nA ---...-l -nw. ut-nI. 1. 15m. program 0111:. Pour- mm. in n tpplicll. for u. Who! I. Conny of Potorbom. n. 3 by tho hub of (ol Unul HI. I] All whammy he will be the snout... in! Ipnrt. from his mum puty m the Cid! would be popular 3n) than is not . qua-tin u! m. po-rh-rt ti: In! for Ibo plum. Mr. Stuuun belongs In A OII- uljouruluno who at: constant 1] by then lollorlowmmcu and their puny under un obhgumn, Lhuuuv. htobliptiol my enunc- bo Imps: .r-cL Iv uknowlodgod. Tbav do nut n-sL upnu Ohovde "onion Ihntuublnshml juuruulh madly occupy. but no Imbmoun um onurpnling. over lookqu forward to (In mg wlothiugbwrmven A! :L den 1 IMV I. well. The Exam:an 1| .1 h APPV u. do. 0! nouly and great 1m pruvauwm u Ibo run]! 0! - nurrmg hcnd am".- .1. llnolco in I pubho and party some Imh incrooud ll proportion. Wr- hup n. tr-won I. I row-rd mll lnve the man oomg of lone. Iud uhea fur LnuwH . _.__.__ nun. matey . Somebody bu dissented nm the: con-op! p ' Dciltion 01th. word Khe- I durqu "K on." They night A; well an an um mommy to pronounce mum in bobovt _ Thnrn- Wand rill-1| um m avg". n uno'x Thurbv Wood wind 0100 to overy- body and that iii. In In :3 ha in pound.an nance-lull: Ill-l inn : bun-r3. mi tot-krona: a! pri- l l : load and cunwnlcu. A mortaqu n hon-o in hko n worm- t hole in an lleO. Bela" ym know IH uer In morn wotnbom than hunt. Fv. urn-r- II. A K "Aknmnnn n'n ; worunom wan Iruu. Fm; you: .5. A. K. Inkepencs. of : \uderwn. lnd.. In wonh 025 :00. ' Lu! week he In put a work Cleallu gluten. hecauu be In out]. tn pny a I due. Whitley. . Somebody In dinoch FBATERNAL FEELING: The Arcbbuhopric of Canterbury has won o'ered to Dr. Benson. Bishop 0! to! nun L14- rch - |()l"' ally )mu [91,19 I gumum tlme pruvumeuh the. Jlr. Macnlled w m prcwtul I nmcu H)! 111 Home anll thin Llns m-ekl M gin-n nuLlcu 01 mm? a lull [or I'IVQTH. streams puma lull as I I'm: CmumlHHi lave-r054 u Lolliu Anynnw who w ll..uu\|.v'l Tboqomol an m Inokildmh input-blunt. Juana-mm datum We! Ibo no... ,Dnnnuthodobuvo Inn hand I van! a! the MI Inc-hon. Inwou, who tum-l the nddnu. in I my" nu, the wound diniplo o! I in WM Hail... H. in. young-u . 'i dunbtleu nuke lm I .41 in tho AUDI- bly. Ii ucut And any I . Qlld- vn'wdand real, in to. W: Ind "1|.intomod.so .M- m u | the Ill! 0! gooduppoonol Admit l muulon. The count. Ir. bury. 0! ast Simooo. in tour.ny bowl to [we hrmorl a! Onmio. A m of though:qu viun ud m In | gugs. he II gin Iii-Molly to u (iuverumont of bonus. patrioo non. Mr. 0 Coun'. .5th Brno. upclh in I cnlm. convincing WI] Ild evidently relics more on mm: and [uh phillv put. than on rhokrioll Ilghh of in- luuurutiun, such for inst-loo. u the In. mmnbor {or Glengnrry In won! to in- dulge In. whom: plum spy-Art hue been allowed I Mr. Msdill. the non- bct for Nuth OnMrio. It. lam. the member {or lukoh. wanted an team-n baring to the any good poms be rude. His It [0. diva-sod n n w. be no doubi uhon at something of tho touo In" union 0 u cxhortor. will be nioctim. Mr. Dorooho deliver- mi 3 16ng spuch his [at night. u- },rnmng the opinmn um though Ad- xii-1.1L) went. Consernuvo in June he CnuH um" cury it for Mr. own. 15 l'enlmu of the fact. um ibis ear )lr unall hnd uted timber own the Mmsmmpp: Whle runuhrongh put or .\ lillugbuu. withon. using improveA urn-nu at. all, wan p:th with loud u. .... Th6. um".- Mn strum uvign- wm no mucu- telling II n diunuu 0 His renlmu 41 "unell Missmaip] oI Aihugbuu, al chmzm. This 1.! nt- nmnu 4 Immnys V Jun 4111. lul WW I" W -- 7 Mi um It. lemon improve I. all. All when It. McLarou M thi- hin brom- olered Mr. 4.,|A__II AL- _ .1 AL- mnmvmlnll. .._ DI. Dame! Ohio. In". t tho an annng the w. from urn-to .- eonmmpuon. Be my! a I dw!m1..m 800. can Agar-hm Baum! nu ldMi-Miummbyo- mu-ammu- now-liv- Jim-pupal. The second important event. and one which lma created a. deemed utilisation. li tho laposnion of Mr. Gordon Brown irwm thu controlling position on the Hub, Whmh he has held since his lu-utlu-r's rleatb. Mr. Brown Lao cen- [lnllE'i tn run the paper in the old LIHV-S since 1880 rather than allowing it w harmonize with Mr. Blake, the lmllur of tho Liheml party for the Do- miniou. That Mr. Blake cannot think on all HlleLCbS as Mr. Mackenzie or the lit Summer Brown would think did thvy still land the party is patent. but an a prominent writer at." elthongh the 1m lur was changed the editor was not. The change has now taken piece and the Inn/m \Vl not nu'er. 1t isneedleue tnmv that Mr. Uurdon Brown stood. by virtue of his appearance and ability. at the head ol the Canadian journalism. Thu-e: in; nu comperiaon between him null uuv other-editorintheconntry. But u. be ceased to represent fully the vimw of the Libernl party be caused to lu- elllLUI. H succensor bee not been nitnlcli nor will he {or some little time. It 1e qmtanbsuril to connect the name of Mr. Johnuton, one of the leader .i u,n_......v. In Hug nan-n. [[19 Menu UI uuu uluwu-u un be uthermlltorinthoco represent 11 Hm bl wrltrrs. With the vacancy. II tinw the whmriul page will gently directed by Mr. Haw] elhlln'. n journalist. thorough A 1 ....>L. oh; anrinllu nllalnll Johnston, 01 we muqu In the noun- tinwthe b. inklli HawkeJhe new: thoroughly acquaint.- a I With the various plus-0| of Csnsdiu politics. arm in! CRITEKNIAL. Urelt prepnru tiom are being mad. to tlv mluhrnno iu Much, 1884.. "Ini- (eutenum'. of the incorpontion of To- thu as a cmy. Under Mnyor McMur~ rhrksduectinn Llnugl an being 510! into gnu] prelinnlmly shape. a very large Ummns' Committee being foruod the UlLlleD-X L other day. The rhfcultiea in Grace Church hnvo benu adjudicated upon by the Bilhop 1n favor of the Rector. Rev. Mr. Lewin. agmmt the position of Mr. Wdlio Bow- llm l. (Lunnnli' nrn'nrinA Rodomntinn. mu you hood tho wmina. Th lint] pumps of tho aura upprcuh of Ihsl nor. urrmla duwue onmnm (ion. Ali ogr- New )1 mu can Afford or the Mk. aw i mg .20 an . to run the nu nd do nothing (or n. We know from upon'oneo um Shi- Iobl Cure vnfl cure your mall. It In": ful- Tth explunl why man "an - pil- hon human ooh tho put yur. It to - ll- croup um whoop); cough n ones. . Nathan. do not be Inlham II. For [an Intel ude, or chat. use Bhiloh'l Porou- I Plume. J G. Kln. vbolcnlo Ind mu] i went _-..0- ! __ _.. ' l A. My Humxllon. Wuri'onh. 't: For wqeh I Inn (to nhlod with I "dbd nklo. wind: and In. much 5d: a (Annoyance. Ir. lnyheo. ol in phat. recommended Dr, Thonu' Bel-um: Oil 10! it. Iuiod madly-lawn. buth :udI-uaund. hilt-Mg! nku: [ 11ml. Unnuod'l oratorio. Rodomptinn. WM R'ICCUQanHy prounmd by ho Phi- lur'unulk'i Luxt week. 'lnn "lezer'a Wife" in on at the run! 'l'hmtre With the Hmiloni in "\"n- ." (.l'umng the wock. Ju. Dowling is piuymg In "Reynaan Mine" :3 the Rn! We no givau by the utueru u! hem: volcnl manual an naught. mm numt xv: Ibo Iuenng Null prstl-c mung [In poorer clam-nu o! the cuy. We: :uh nvr dlupoood to bellow thlt there H m4 mum wnnt. tad Inmary us In nume {urnmx yen". bu: we Ire couucmm of the lust th-t than no III many who dishing m be (murdered dependent. upuu tln- buuu ty of no) on. or Any orgunlzutmn mm who nre vet. devoid of tho lecmelmq Ur his. Thor. has been so muclrlrnpu.mm1. In tho benevolence of our cmuun 2.1M ohnriublo mimics in being Curtluli} dluponud. Orlnu are not. mark: an Llu- not. npplionion of any person. no multvr how indmont he may appear to be. but only M! n enquiry has been made into dream-mu: o! the indmdunl and his Inn-or ol livmg. Encouragement Ihonld not. be non to protessmnul [Hu- ponlm. .nd the gran safeguard auumut it is t.th luggeued by Ina tew duyu n... Our friends should nu: give to all." u. Iholr houses. 'lnose who ('uu up. of helr menus w 'urthv ume-u should contribute to the funds of HL Auoeiuionl which are known to m ercm ducreuon In the beatowweut of hhmr fun-rs. Them If. poor and needy. nud I.th would no! boa Iuch if they Could holp it. There are none Wlthuut Wm"! Ind fuel. Thou should be kindly mun-lu- band by tho wealthy u Lhm Christmas IS lHItyi Royal. [IU' 17! 1, (usual! 77 ruy. Dam SimSome two or thru your- nun. Wilrll the R-;ynl College at Physi- mus uud Mirgaons of Kingnson opened 1L5 viimrl ta females for the study of mrlmn. entertaining n Idid very strwux whjr'ctious Lo auchncourne, I ven- NHL"! to express the opinion um tbc nuilmrities of we Calla]. would yet. lune [H1500 to regret the injurious Amuncm innovation; but! wu laughed at by some of the vigour" of Kingston mm nzhcr pincesi I w bald um I bud bnon nub-op. I was bohind tho iimel. in fact that X was urn-dad I I the rock- uf Storrington. und Hnl new only I any nannpcr that found no out. RH. bu. Le name Ith nun per ml: me that my predictions m in; : n-rzo-l. and I hope my friends in g Icing! mll lube the (not I no glad ' to [mun mm the medics] adopt: in. I'kl-u-Ni to a can. or unit duty m , [hemaeh-m and me prolmion II largo, an! um. they will be rm in insisting that the doors of the College lbs" 50 Cluswi to human. I I remun. u, R J. Dunn, 1),..- ll) Th! F'lrr )r. Brim/I Whig. _ _ u,_- A..- r m. WW III Sew Spurn-00 Icahn! A5- m-o 6,1050. 50- ___..- Toronto. Doc. l9. run all. grout." Ivqu mm. mm. 'Ibiq proves tho vign- H at tunes null knoolu away the It uncut tlmtbut {or Mr. McLlreu's im- uvumeuh mu rlvor would be useless. r .lt'lt'WHC. the member for King-ton. h prmcut at thv opening. but not iL'U I! llILle child I! quite ill at mm anI mounts for his Absence u Alr. Pardee hm nlreudy wn of hi- Intention to who m: Pull for the public protection on verthrlums sud creeks. It I! the me us that passed lut union. In: L'mmumium r of Crown Lands der Rs-ru-l telling upeech thin afternoon. llyunv wishes to gauge the polle tn pruwtmu .md contra! it wnth nt of [lies Howrument hudbottor read r PJTlLel" m unterlysnd slthoritltive -l1vnrv. The debate will likely close r mng The adjournment for the [lullys will last from Thursday txll A.I, D8019. Tomxro Lm'm. :linnnuly shape. urge being \4 I. y l... WWI-JIM- hy. Print-Ean In one {math 2 bit chill. mm ad cue THE BRITISH. Willi). WEDNEDAY. DECEMBER 26. I982. Sncrnon. Inux-.00.th mama-:th Cot-.1. was bundonoynthveo-uchil- dun-M. uno- on "-1 III I" I-Iu unu- dnl W. " I, Um 3.1.. Du. .-Mnn In magma yum for Ila-om H. J. Wm win mum Io URL H. ,1. "not guilty" an In: conning! ht fl!- tbar oumluuon. Ha :0 Id tho mm Warm: .11 am hi- wilo deafened ull tuo Inn. Wu- Iur is. lanolin gunner. Bo Indu- utaul 0h". Humor cuned mrnn lid Lml nanny! m hm: hi- H. Ind N am. Inner canon mount III had mm to am bin. Ho had m b. "1011th Wan-r in M. h. Yun- ll UlwnuL-w-n uh. Chicago. D... 2.).-lt in boa dil- eovond m: lug. numb" 01 1'. only : low dnyl' old. wholly It [or food. ware bung Illippod to Chic... lron vulca- Iutioul on the Chicago. Milwauku & St. Pull RR. R is sud thu considonblo val cl um deadwo- hu boon Iblpped to Now York. . mmv'n l own van Plol'i. In A ULAII. Pithburg. Doc. 20.Ducend|nu of John Blnlenom. 924.510: of the coloninl nes. are taking steps toward: pronoun iug I claim to pruperty upon which stand: the United Sula-0 lpiMi. Whio Home. 'lrmunry ou other 0 wornmn Mid print. buildings In Washington and Georgetown, COVullllg 481 cm: in the Dist.er of Uulumhm. bentle lIJJ n.ch in BhLonsbury, 51.1., 600 acres 111 Wuh- iuguu County. Pa. nuii an uncut. of i Lrnnra in tin,- Bunl OI England. rho A DUI] I ML: I-Ar. The Dory Pncia. one nnJ levon night. ton burden. th. Gnlbuy. which I. hero [or Aunralin. o- AIanIt "It, In sighted by I Bquueutino Nov '1. Gilboy wu do" ud mud shu he nudod no Inna-t. no Iulrl'lu Unl \alnno St. John's. N. 1"., Doc. '2 ).-Tho luhr. Jackson's Con vu- uashed hon dunug the burns-mu Aml sll hundl, numbering leveu. pullslmd. u..- Yuri! ma 2 J,- rue steamship W. no glul tint our oluscrvumn: have lad Iona people to scrumle lu'u- do: our the but means of prcsvrrm; lilo Ind of guuding uguluut the (lingers which no many Inuoceuwnlv lrravr Wu no ronindod by A valued cum-rmpwnllnnt ol the Act pulsed by the Unmrm Unvorn lont. {or the protection of ~ll ml grim? mshiu oortu'n uuom. and n n u<.e.l ll Ibo Logluluturo cm: or" "co mm .L l my fault: It be unrouwuublo to exprcs Ill;- umo unborn" to piss nu (-mwllneul. lorbldding people to slum or vulk upon II. no boswuu dues which may bu vuiod wording lo the novemy or the moon nnd dictated by m. local Ll n- ritiu? 0 think tho Idea not m. all nn romuuble; loan impuran su-ggmnl .14 hIV. been umbodmd iu me-hureq whlch netl val given at preocdmg union. 0! other though! ll advanced. Mopuou depends more lulty with which it u L... pooplo mm by my action the lulurt III-11m: '1 lmt own wlu u 10. is bdliovod to be strong belt ; loner. should be curried lvy urns-v in; it. 1: II pounced on: lml all u ur And Robmwu carnml mu brlu luau! of nun thoy would have Lrwn nublod to do until Instance reach.- Mun. Shun. 0! course. do not feel juulod in pnrchnlng lil. prrourvrn which they on only mm [or n luv: J. l Thou who m pond tu dangers m g a__;__ -_A I-" an. .- :1 man." 1 y l r I I l ' iuguu 1. mm lumen; 01 nun-u England. money value of in. esLasn cnn hard- ly be eltimnnod. numbering punshml. New York. cc. '2. [ue' steam-hip CID! If berhu nrnvcd off Sandy Hook thus morning, haviugm Luw the dinilod Manner City ul Chcawr -n...uu n-r'nu nu nu .x-uuun..- Bradford. PL. Dec failure: In the on mm; 0:5 mm lo-It 61. 'JL specilnor 111.5 boom: m' o! 12') on twomouthnau bbli. to curry the mnrg. Morehead May, NJ, , Den. 2 \A wo- man. two children uul thrue mou 1nd- ed yesterday from the barge schooner off the bwr. The wuumu. ne looking and haughty. in mid L. be a resident. of SI. Nlcholuu leuuni. one 0! the Azorol. Sho was uccuw'. of pumoumg her hus- und condenme.t to dumb. but the tub lane. was co-u. uted to purpenuul ban- iuhmenb and Buplrdtinn 1mm her chil- dron. She possessed mat. causes, which ab. converted into monev. um; "curing the co-operuuuu of a schooner Capwm and hm cruw obzaiuud her childnn. bringing the gnoler nLll two guard: with bar, winch she Wm: obliged to do, :- than live: would have been forfeited by her escape. The mate of the nasal Ihid ho rweived 0600 M! his share. Tb- womau stated thus Ibo mended to go 9 Boston. Pombroko, Ont... Dec. 20,A re broke out At (our o clock thlsnm. m the Unm- wn Hotel. 'lnu whulc bmldxug was in a. verylew minutes knvuloped In umu. The house was we tilled wnth guestrmeb "mm. &c.. whose fr LULIC eudeuvuuri to escape. mxnglad Wth loud and pititulap- penis from the woxueu made the spec- nclo a. serious one. No llVeH are repen- poms How we women. mnuu ulu upon- od lost. although there were very nar- row escapes. many ()1 Lhu guests huvmg to jump from bhe Unrxl story window". The Mayor telegraphed to M 1'. Spencer, of Lb. UPJL, Ottawa. nsklug for a train to be despntclmd Lo lleulruw to procure a re engme and help. The prompt msnner m which the request was com- plied with reect great. credil on tho oiciala. 1!. mm. l1uWB\'Bl,lOUId by six o'clock that the help tulegrupbed (or would not be requlred. us the re was well under control am! the tram with the re engine was stopped just A: tiny were about leavmg Reulmw. The Low] loan is estimated at. 9100.000, dlndod among the following pxlrtleu : J. Cope- lnld, 'I. a W. Murray. Edward Behau. V. Uhurron. R. B. Uruv, E. Martin CL 00.. and quk Thompson. Total in- sunnco. 625.11. pnvnhrnhn hm Or) _Throa lives were I . Hound, Dec. T). Cochnno. Cal! 0 Co. In umng moi! luau In 099.1 unit? to mun mucus lining u out. Dublin. Docalxchuzl P1 In. tho [In a! the thus men uni for a. lllnhrol the two Huddyu ll Lough last. no any nuanced to! hug- ul an Inn" 1791. In. my; my son I on Jaw, 17m. ._._.. 826.000. Pembroke, Doc. llThree lives lost. In the re hum Hus morningtwo French bow. servants at the hotel. and Jan. Cumeron. agent. 101' J. R. Booth. of Ottawa. m'IWUUI Inns-u a: na: w. pond Links-ab. PM. u 9.1... EllNi Co. (nu Rochester. Dec. 2 L The City Bank, rated third su'uugrut In the city. closed ns morning. The cause of the sus- ponsion 18 mm! to bu Lho npcculnbion! m stocks and 011 by Lhe lrehnlenb, Charlel E. Upton. It Is semi there will be u demaucv of 1m u mxlbon. Oren ex- ntu-ont nn t'u Ilu cibemem. yummy { Rochester. Dec. 20 -The Clty Bunk closed on uccuuub of Upton app 0pm- Iug $350.4) (:1 us fun/1. to can; an oil ipecnlntluus. Thu muuuub 0! the do~ posits Mn osuumuhi :1L35l).0UU;th amount of paper hr by Lhu lilnkJBGXL- (XX). Upton was Trasurerni the Wu- wr- New York Epmcopnl Dzocese, Ind bud its funds in Lhe Bank. The Slvingn' Bunl- of 1115 any had Luge sum: deposi- ted 1n the bank. Toronto. Dec.2 ).Two condence men were uponed bya Gram! Trunk con- ductor while trying to work a game on the tram from the east. last. night. The latter telegmphad to Toronto to have duectiveu on hand on the arrzul of the trim. The condence man got wind of what. had been done. and as lpbe trnin approached the Don xt-ntmn thev jump- ed. One of them mine In contact with 6 Mill car lumian on n siding. and linking hll hour! almost. fractured bin Ikull. Ho wu carried away bv 1m oom' puzzon. "r M I Amlcbwkum. Sennbm. Dec. 2).Lewis Marsh wu killed by uu oxplomon on Saturle in the [hang Hmhhnds. ()1) Monday Honing his brother Lirayctte nnd two other broth": came here tn nrmngo [or Ibo funenl. The tum on which may upturned dul not step whno it WM ox- ad and the bunkers j_ulnpod ol. hyuu wu hl'eedbv n' mun on tho but truck. Both the dead broth. -;II L. luv-nd .1 U1- .nm- timl, mar WK. DOM] we urau u will be buried At tho nun. time. A DOUBLE BEREAVEXENT. _.__. -4 _ 7- CONFIDENCE MEN SCARED ASOTHER SEX IEXCED. -w FIRE AT PEMBROKE. bu... d bariumDim 1, m lath-idlan usual in an mue- _-.. .1 um. and. no Mann hr