N0 Trui to Show Goods Wu. qu yvu lluv-n . . Vounor nix] (hnml the coldout ally of I)!" phol made u 139.: we are m hue 21 var) ml II ..._.| Th. Emma Nun. apenkm: of Hm Kingston Modlqal (JUL-go mm 1111; w\ < "We only oxpreu tho feeling of u lnrgu numbgnn "cry parwf the munu y w hell In condemn the mum u! the Rovsz (3011ng 0! Surgeons m ubnnloning the leonl polle what: :a mloyted when H .dmicud women iutu it! hulls un the um. um with men, l ,, *______.__.. [thntdm-nom ad Gourd Intern! 4508'? 4' M II Mic. ..._. wry. . The Queen Show. and Chalmen' Church choirs mug n Convert. in the gentry lut OVOIiIK~ A -1... -f lay-null. L preferred mluy lllu cur-n. A churn of (aruullnu. mm" Bumrd HmI. mu from the Polxu Cnurt um mm 7 u-..- u_.l-..|.-.n I Dr. IcUumnon once howled Um pul in Frontenac Ward. twhen ho rst. nu ll Aldermtuu, cum, second wacu um third (our tun". n. A; .4 ..---|. 4.. mm hv meknlll uuuu luul humu-. Christ-nu cnroln wax, Hun munical ptrtiea un 31 Inh; The Cotton MIN bind uwl hvonrtble wrunmlca. Youorily morning a Lek-gram my. reuivbd {rum dens- '\L the pnlwn hwlquuun askmg {nr tho arrqu of John Stacey and 'nllmvu Thusz (,r burglary. It :ppenrs that nu Sup dnywhnlo Mr. Gordon Hnuhmvu afrm?!- ly of in oith and rmly were an church the two vnnuu mm {on-rd an n tunes into Hngnlon'a slow by bursng opens door. They ll-d n su-k mu. book und calf leuber. kid {rm-tn null othu good- lnd made u. 'lheir pre- no. in ()duu canned suspicion to be out upon them uud the telournm was out for the force here m apprehend than. Detective Sullivnu and Police on: S-oddn ounod out And sown I wound m men. Stacey mu m and not! Ih btidge onPrinoess reel. whilo Thomu wu "rented a! his hon. in Willnllnvillo I Tho later "psyched ' nd aid that Shay had hikeuin the oat. A nuch 'u nut innitated (tr . mm!" pmpcny. [hummus-mini: | ad PM 06.: 30,1. arched in was I CW Md Police ("Tiger Hxnde n: W. Th hm: 015C" found the A. IAA x. .L- __l n. u... n! Sum-'- II I l 'uv" v-Iu- v vp. -.. W. D. Knee. Sydonhlm. has Home hm. comma on ban I In nupplymg the non- Io uric" lumbenug uhuuueu. h lhould bu known that. any one He- glecting to town to the palms when he hdl Ions] m luble to prosecutiuu. u v w l'rnu-luv h... unturned from WI .0, us -mh w ,.m..., Ir. (J. W. Crowley hzm lemme-l DOtI'OIt. when he MLMIIQI the I union-l Conventmn u! Hm Sen: n damn Md mlqm noun-y. mnuu-y Wald); Ind Euler Snuunlrl ovum rub lllhod, put up xu no.2 001". much Vt umc wnh prewar-r L'IIOD. The pumice o! cuclnng m1 nlmgha and cut.qu II Imugbt wnh grant lluhvr It. should bodxucuun'..gcnl .u much in pallibleA h- Ilplfnlnmnn once pull m. I" blue-l aunt: nun-- u. Mil Ibo yu'd II ms: of Sac-y'- m Museum m uhng lo the police won. when It. Hugh-o. idootmcd than. rim-u chi-O that ho uni Haney were drunk who in robbery curl-mi Thu ___ kn... - In... I... avg-lino . I" [WII, mun... -T. m but u Odin bu "coma. 'mumminluon was to be ltd: __.- .L. a --j 0.. nnnn' (ho-A- In. at can un- w- w- Wu ggumluumi. Shayla bani-Maiden. Tb!!ch Mmmwwon'm. mantra-skin ha!an x,n.-_ -L- 5.. .1 .L. I...- x I."_ 'u "w u. nu... .- >wmwuqunu. ..._. "bounty-ca hi that: nut 10"} my. Wuhan an, that ill-owl All" I A _.-_ (.-.-t_.- rm: AND THERE. ..u.u.......... L In the )letlv . . . Juu, uc:c.u.._\.. IEU logs. lhr-y Rock 0! kg. m Auxumu- Alum.-. . VI lmh, Tho llrouhlng anan Duhod Blah. by Fallon Homnm. ul OAK/le .1. .uuoer of the J unly a qual- . preferred A ._nul nu... urled later 2 Seamans THE BRITISH WlG. TUESDAY 12mm 26.1882. Ill Ilbll'l WUKU W-Ivuuu uwvnn.u mt]: gold oworl Ind coloured llghtu [he onbwan plncod nur the altar at 5: Mary. Hm Lordship Ibo Bishop ui Hated M {:30 o'clock mus. winch w unmadmmlv follow! It 0 o'clock by I Hugh Mus. the Rev. Flt-her Humguu iemsmg. 'I ha number of peruona who parwuk of Holy Com-union at. this mus: mu uuprocodentedly lugo. Ab 1mm oclocklimnd 1311 Mass was celebrltoll. the llov. Father Twohey ociating. zu- nlstenl by Ron. Father Kelly and Hul' [1.311) as Ducou lld nub-Deacon rel pecblvely. The Bishop presided on the throne. Tho scone n time: during the holy oco was very improssivo. in the mumg Urund Vapors were colobnwl. The Rev, Father Kelly prouhed a very beautiful sermon on the Nativity of (Mr Lard. lus language bemg vary {ormble an 1 graphic 0! this greatesc even! of L310 l'hrlxtmn world. The ultra. mt. tho Bella dwnou were mnguioontly illuminated. l'hero were large ulhoudunoo 1t all the uervit'as. among than being many range. The collection amounted to about $1.10!. a very gonorous oering. In the dnorant conventntl inultumuu WM, A_|_L__.-.l __.I bLn IL] Iue (nuclqu uuuvcuuu-n luulluuvlvur triple masses were celebruod. and the festival was observed in an uppropriucu mnnnor. The music was of I high order. . u , k... ~..:-LI.. L; In. winner. 1 B lulqu WMUL - lllu gnu. \esLerduy was very quiatly but hap- pily apoub. Tho home circle Ins the :v\"VNB uI much, pleuunry, revivmg old memorlel, and creating new onu. There was musidernblo visiun and muc ploigh riding. A _ - ......A..... -unu.nn In the: King-Lon Penitentiary Christ- nms was obeervod eomewhnt eimilur as all Sunday. The convicts nn-her 56-! including 72 femelee. end 80 ineano and lb luck. The lumen of the letter speak well for the unitery condition 01 the prison. Breekfaet ooneieted of 1.160 llnl. uf riell cerrnnt breed. 130 lbe. olex colleen better. too in shundnnce. avor- ml with Auger end milk. Alter pnrtek~ in: of the above the conviota ettendcd unrvicu in their respective ohepels. Be- fure dinner the Depntv Worden wishel thr- ofcers Ind nonviote e MerryChrm- n. eml lleppy New Year. Dinner next mmc. ll. coueieted of ebont 25') lb. or excellent ham. 5 buhele of novel beeus, brewiqu and 120015)! plumb pudding with brendyto eenee. 0:: re- wing to their cells each one received 2 lbs of Bppll. Each wee well provided [or The only drew beck wee the eb- aencaoltlxa convicte' friend." J.Creigh- me. Warden. who hoe been conned to the house eince 'lhnredey evening. 0n the Hill: NHL. he slippedJell end ininr ed his luck very badly. He come to the any on Thnmdey. elthengh enenng gmt pom. eed provided ell thet we: nweeqary And anve direction for the (' .rnnn I! dinner. 0n Christina the Arden coulul not keep quiet. end in o: ler zhn there would be en unple eup- ply of apple: pence-Hy directed that the three or (our extre hertele el his 0va be eent into the prihoo nod divided. Min; regret; were expand by both' ofcer! and conku that be we: nneble ! lowpennteed the aummmacmm- 3 mu cheer. The Deputy Worden, Mr. i Wm. Sullivu.did 1m beet e- ll: the' Wenln e piece. end the Stewed. Ir. Jinn Weir, pad greet the. lathe preperetion end eerving up ol the good thing: pronded. -n-.-ou.- .- o-r._ nee- 1 St. Puul'l Chruch mud. a specialty uf the singing yesterday. and she cen- ul'ugllion complimented the choir. (nn der the leadership of Mr. Treudell) for the oxct-lleuce of the service and the manner nu which ibvu rendered. The anlonsts was Miss Buncn. soprano: Mrs. Mann]. matralto; Ind Sergt. Billman, n n U W. A-..__ 'IL- IANAinn :- nouns? GOODS! .unrun. ('Uuuauu. qu sac-5'. lllllmuuy 8 Bauery. tenor. The following is lhn programme: v-x l'lmstlnnu Awlke - Yorkshire m Chin-n he eel. .eee. Ind line but in We hue he re- eubnuedthuehevh'be-M lmmh any Mn eve. end [the men-emu report am they nude lee during the week Mind. the roceiphbeilghouwtowpet eons greuerthu ever hetero experi- enced. Prune- sue ue Seturdey mth wee. etudy. huving en epput- noe o! lite evee Ion mkeble shn dun-g the prenleeee ol the vaineiel ' Fair. All the are. were Ill. And In w-e oeseeerowde Ind collected upon {nu sidewalks uniting e cheuee (or an Vance. Honey-spending end mom-y- bmegiug were the order of the dl). end .x huge emouut o! whet. we call lthy lucre. though $0 get. such in the smbmou of may people. In pu in cireuleuun. Sundey'u services were. in man. cues. of en appropriate chnuler. but mm were reserved until yuhriny earn 01 the lenuree whinh make the edveur, nu- ublc. The musicel emblem of the two Cuhednln of the ciiy were very ne; mm in St. George'e brought toge- that A large congregnxon on Sunday menmg. end the chain'th not. done better execution in A long time. But Hm good mulio we. not conned to the A.AL-J_I- in _.. .mml in A Hm ' {rum White. (Horn From 'l'rendell't service. Vclnlev- Uregonn. 12. mum Laudnmul .Elmo Thorue. Authorn- 0 Come 1.11 yo FAiihfuL-Hnr- mnmzed by Norollo. Hymn Mark the Honldmuondeluhnn. K vrm and (Horn 'Iibi-uSl. Elmo. 'l'ue grant. and joyous festival of the Nux'itv of Our Lord Wu celebrated m \L. Mary'l Lnbodral yolunhy mil: all the grandeur of Llu ritual of thu church. The altars were beautifully decorum] .x n ,_A__ __J 4---...l Ind... A UvelyCIrm-ullcl IOM'N' in: mm City-Snub! scuba II no Chuck. {no R006! ulqu w" nul Winn-lu- vv vuv Cathedrals. n In. good in A the L'hurthu. and in the Qnun Street Mathwlmt Church worthy of spoeiul 1.: [Hum banana]qu m. mmu .l5xhxlala-~~Grogoruu. Anthem In the Boginniugwls the Word Thnrna. On SturdnyMIhodehm nu not [In fully-anh- than uncut of pin-nu a. x ciild- duntho inn-told the '0... Th" ,m loohoduudi-dy Int cl.- AM my, ulna-q with w quit the lava-9W1. the in. A menu-nub. d via-u won ML Ibo shit h p, duo: mums-unnum- llllllll. HnllelmuhA Scu il born-~Arnnyd Ir..." \thn WPHOTOBRIPIILIUIS n Laud-unqu St. Elmo (ir-anrmn unu LIUhH. "lull uuuvn Iv-uu-u-vu 1'... ing to than maladiel. The orphan: Were the mod. hnppy. as' their Christ.- mai Lree wmi helnly lldon with good ung! provided by kind friend- nd dear old mm. x Clauu, who never forgets god lime children. M the clone of th. day tho Benednctiou of the most Haly Sacri- ment. was given by Rev. Ruth-r Harn- gan All ware a.ng in who ohlpol to recon Lhe blaningi of Haven. rociring to re, blusumg God. the Hilton ml the good people of the city who I. gou- only provided their Chriltmu cheer. There no in tho Helpltul 32 [mutants an] in the orphanage 43 in ... .. A-.. The [unean in Rookwood Asylum worn as usual Inpplied with ploniy o! (hrinmns cheer in the limp. dent-blo- nnd umusemeuhs. The ward: were lial mth nmlling faces. And those who Word lucky enough to receive pro-nu were u iuppy as children. The dining r n'na warn beautifully doborahd, nnq - , _. _.;..-A M..- nunsunlhl 1")Yli warn uunuuluuy uuwuam, Ill. in who we unicod some buntifull punbul motion: which hid evident] bnen tho result. of much one d llbor. Thedmncr servod w lublunz'ml in character and we able omsmonkd with ower! and other little thing- wlnch go far to make such 3 dinner homwhke and thuroughly enjoybblo. Enghty Lurk-op; and goose, one hundrod anxl Len ponnvlu of beef. twolve Inna, can buuhcls of potatoes. u bnlholl of heap. En busholu of turnips Ind Iv. huhhuli olcarrok wore dispoud of. 3nd snll Mare w onough nppuiu Inn to ., A; L... _:n. 1-- kin-Aid n x n: nun-3 utu. uvu- -n nu... Wu. be lone u; make the dny happy for them mu done. and no doubt with lone luc- msu. An excellent. Chriltnudinnotbt game. must beef, hm. plum pudding Iul cuue wan not before them und onjnvud Mr. J. M. Isobar nnd Mr. Dun] (ixlmou represented the Dirocbon and curved the good thing: provided for the pour unnumnmong whom, It might Lruly be and. wore the 11:6 the halt. 3nd Lhu budmm. Bld bout- with udder alone: being among them. Smokers were kindly nnpp lied with tobuco by the St.- Georgus Society and one of the Dirac ._| all... _-...,....L.\.- H. linln IUx'le 3 IULIUU] all. UHV Vl Ullv "Anny Lora. who uuunlly remembers thi- little ludulgeme. No on who many vili thu luuse ot Industry onn (nil to b. Ibrnck with its usefulnou and importance on An unvlun (or the homeless and inrm who hue an other refuge in poverty. inrm In or helplon old Ago. Il. Inna... ...l..m.luhm nith Ihy UI uclylul! uul II. lhu Diroctoru Ioklowloduo with Lhuks the followmg donntion: W. R. McRue, rumms Ind curl-mu: Rev. Fuller Twohoy, 2. geese; Dr. Sparks, barrel of apples; St. Heal-go's Soclaty. Lo b.1000 and butt"; It. Rudd And J. M. [)unlup. clothing: India of St. George'- Lnthedrul. clombin for 4 women. .......m~...- u.- .nA-r-u nvwn Christmas et thin intitntion wee much the same on in previous yeere Three muses were eelebreted iu the Convent Chapel by Rev. T. Kelly. Bishop's Secretary end Chnphin be the Convent. An enrlyu ve oclock de- rout people were gathered in the little chapel eeger to adore theu God end liiug. The decorations were ob an to excite devotion in the minde of those who witnessed them. The sleet wee arrayed in old Ind white. with not- Loee reminding us of the birth of Him wlmwu to redeem us. The crib wee very pretty. The ward: were bright end cheerful. being ornamented with orihe, evergreens and owers. Dinner time being come the petiente and orphans pirtook of turkey. goose. lamb. roast beef. with e desert of plum pudding, ten. coee. mil-3r. apples, grapes. candies. and nuts. with other delicacies Accord- |A_11__ 'FL- A-..|...n- .IIII DIIOI'IIl-I Inn5... uried prod-ch. ad in! maid O. with tau-din. 0-h- ul appl- by Eb. delighted ollllel. u out n.- wu Hod in turn. Altar m In! put-on. In disposed dm summtl. sod Matron not being muna. ohme mg "God 9. m QIOOI." uni nun followod tho and thus cheers" for Hot lujdy. lo! the India who had provided the tn. And for Ir. n um..- I.:.|. m air... -hh ml. CALI". Iron. 3m din-II min- by muv.a.n.aguuuv.r.m. Wichnld-hhlrm-Mby In). x. lush-r. M to disti- hhthonrynrio-lnihd but". "mum hsm ndphlh. Dolls. horn-Jump... pin box-Ind on. .unu handball-an ale-(it. - n ,M__A_ __A _.__ ....:..I -I '1) I PW'III" I. I - I-I -- It. Miller. which won givon will: amt. spun. by the boyuvho "Handy thought nth. noon-port. put a! (ho pro- madman, Tho man then cup-nod. loving tho children to My. Hair u-ouuros n lot-um. ,, n-.. AL- -L.IA_... -n, sun more Wm onougu lypIIulw man .u rmko std havoc with In hundred pounds of pluh pudding. '1 he to: Mblon I were lovlod damn win: good thing. und J as n mmnl result 'onryono In good naturout whon the evening mnumuu wore Innonnced. This you Ihc Uhr'nt- mu treo wss don. uuy With. I pity. founded upon nnmry fby-uJIchmv M. This pl my wan-lan _ol loot! hi 1 mm] (ulnar aim in the plum pudding i use of plums. nd proud zbo hit a! tho I nun. The mm m Mid], mdo. Ind no mail. In spud to nuke the urn-pod. I Goll- L_. .1 m... .nmnal --n- th- in. ll'oolurcs I. I'm"- 0: Cinnamon Doy tho childrou on- ]uyol tho now boa-Mo! din-or o1 tar- koy. goooo ond plo- pudding. providod uy members of lho Con-I'm. oova of when wore prooolt. w ooo thou do lomco to it. which. it II hordly moos- aory to ooy, thoy did with o thorouh good will. For tho root. of tho doy thoy had the" to" old othor trouqu to mouse bhom. And It is oolo tony thot mxty hoppior chudron could hordly bo fond any where thou moo who no so kmle cum] (or in whit il tool], I Home. nun-l. \n Invu-n -1. The Home of Industry on Christmas D" is not on. be "one Inch unmilgled plenum m the Orphnm' Home. he furloru and. m ltny om. inlnn in- naou no not. I0 naily and. happy by n (hnstmns treat. Mill ull thin could I . n #1,,_l__ u.--_ mil. we DWI'WIWI I V dws and nut.- sp'und Igo- tho mu: _. .L- -;..- 0..._ n. nag-inhn'l had mos Ana nuu Ippum Igu- w- w..- JI than sign from tho DW'I bud 3nd dmppoam'l hi. nude mum th! " dd a! nu mjlmu in. This day my honid min-Shannon. aim-Ho y up. It in lashed. unit-- - mmllcl ya. up -- .- IOCII I mmua. 1 Tim yur. u Wmv nu lI-|m of this {amni- up... A , vergplusamdny. Aumqnlcu'ly burn! in do. euphwhich'uWJIiUH-m: All-u III My "I W, W with s put-i- elm Tun (ul'NTY men. The prisoner camiqu In the County Gaol hm! Lhcxr regular Christmas (oust. An extra biannual uf beefubegk. tomato. wna serVuAl. Fur dunner nluge turkey was dnxded between every three In- mntca together with the uuulldeuerL .. 7-? 7-? Err-s n Cm ~.i,(iuir:rUi, um onwlriuui "lly A thorough knowledge of the ntturul llws Whlcll gnu-m this operation: 0! digeu- tion and nutrition, and bv a ureful appli- oniou of the miupropmtinsol well nelson-d Cocoa. Mr, liplm has provided on breakfuat tables with n ilcllcdlvl) mourod beverage which may save uJ many heavy docturu' billa. IL is by [lie Jmlicioun use of nuoli articles oldicl Link an luutituuon mly be gradually built up until strung enough to resist every u-udrncy to Ilium. Hun red: of subtle maladies are outing ground in ready to Attack WllLlCVel than is A wank point. We may par-ape many 5 {.ul shalt by keeping oursehas uell fortied With pure blond ainl a properly nouriuliul frlme."Ciril .51)'llic Hanna-Mm]. sim- ply with hailing water or milk. Sold only in Puckett] and Tina llb. Ind lb ) by gro~ oars. labelled ~"Jmn EN! 52 Co.. Home;- opILhic Chemists, Landon. Eng." makers 01' Eppua Lhocolate nance. .....,...7 um mums, mm mm In [mtvwo are a no you will be Ion-ca wan nnyzbmx you buy |n our store. 0041. It: I nut. benum'ul, um u choap ulhny cu: be no .... A- n-vxw-1rn A IV'P n. Iy lull IV. Fat-u. :- nun-u. "- onlunod tho previous by u wanna Sanitary. Hound. E. n- Mod by m. m. Chphil. II... mun}.- m. n. .n"... ' Ada-In I, 'u "7. U-FI-n Tbo munw n: In full." : Ado-lo Fodel'u. (Int-outh in [out put.) "Olen-in. (or Christ-u. (Woman 8.0 an dawn hon luv.- ilk-shag. MA__A\ n.|_. 1._:.I n-.-:L;..._- ill. uwu Ian .1 :- wuv phat) Dnly : Quid Burihiron." Domino (1010 Ind choru) Lo-hiotu; "Putorde." .oolo"nd ohoru) Lonh'll- louo. Bruhlost woo oonod It 7:80 o'clooh.nd sho othor mod- el tho dnv oonxiued of whn Inows: Broohhot hoof sunk. uuuaoo. too old ooloo. Luuch-vuiono hind: d-ho. npploo. omgoo, nwoot do. And no older. Dilnortufkey.gooeo. ore-sherry ouoo. Inn-bod pontoon ond other Vogooobloo t demonplum pudding. handy oouce. too. Suppor-bloul sud honor. ooke. he. and coee. During tho dsy urinal friends of tho instiOution nailed Mao wards. which cantnbnted much toltlle good cboar andgononl rojoicilg of tho inn-m. Thn orphans bud o very pretty Chriitmu croe. which wu duly npprocinted by them. "Santa's" gifu woxe highly prlzod And the hqu onen" wero made to feel tho: their kind patron were not nnnindhl 0' their Christmas comforts. Benediction of the Blessed Sum-men closed the Joy's proceodiugu. IL wan givon by tho Rev, D. Too-Icy, Ilsisled by Iov. P. A. Twohoy. Chaplain. The muoic was as follows: 0 Snluun'm. :Qunrtetwn anbillouo; Adonbe Fodelm ; A Solis Urtnn. mole and choruor lou-r. l'nutum Ergo. (duet. and chorus Ros-1. After this oil retired. havan npeut 1n every some of tho word I Merry thnuuxn." I.I\.l-'lIN OIDITII Al Vualvn uuu- .. an. 'llm when at the Genortl HOSDMAI had a happy Limo yesterdny. They wore bounmully provided mm turkey. plum pudding and other delicacies. Pipe" and cards were given them for perusal. At present when are 44 com lined therein. Tth month there lune been three bums, no dutbs. 'rul IIII'NTV A!!! About 150,000 bottles of modicine and 3,- 000 lerometer}, the invention of M M. Souvlelle of Pan: and Exmida Surgeon of 10 French army. have been mod by phy- aicinua and patieuu during the Just you for the cure ofontarrh. umrrhll dnluesn, bronchitis. thins, consumption In its rs: atnges and many dmemos of the head, thront and lungs [Id notrly lull the above amount during the Inn three months almwxug u grant inure. in the demand. (uunulmtion with any of the Iu'geona helongmg to the Institute free Poor people showing; certicates otn nlva uplromctera froo. Write onelouug stamp for pamphlet uxving full information to either of the Lnnwhnn ofce; where oom~ potent. English and French upeoitlllta Ara nlwayn in charge. Addresl. Internslianul Throat and Lung hmtiluie. ll Philips Square, Montreal, l".Q., or I73 Church nroet. Toronto. Ont [BET YUUH 'xms PRESENTS LOT OF UEAI'TIFI'L Jun to him], no Ilun m wnh uiin Vur mlk -ev_o.m |. III. uUI-c " V' wj-g :0 mm. m M by In. D. Too-0y. {W CHM I"- John Too-0y. tho pm a! Cada- ll it nut wurth the tam-ll price of 76 cents to free _\uursc-lf of every Iymptom of these dmtromluz rumplnmu. I! you think so on at our more and get I bottle a! Shi- lob's Vltulxmr. PVCTV bottle hll l. printed guarantee on It uue accordingly 1nd I! it. does you no gum] n wxll cos! you nothing. .10. ng. wholcnnle and renll mom. __....~ Prayer Boom1 Go to Prevontn lu'r hue and well mmio olothmg. 'l'hu latest patterns in Seoul] bweeds to mth from. Remember we guarantee a rsbclnss (it. w Underclothlaor 75c. Suit. Flesh Colored Shirts and Drawers from 45c each. 1-51..- 71--..- BLA- -_ Manta-minimum; 35mm wholonnryuw- 1.... 1-. In... m. In un- CHEM1,.CHEAP.| urn W a]. a u. U Lu Juu caps-I Extra. Heavy Shirts. md Drawers. double bros, 2mm 500 each. All Yl__1 -ng-_J 1w. .4; vv vvs unav- meers only 95 each. I 1111---_ Old... ._A h ULGWCI D uun, uuu um. Fleecy Shirts and Dr!- |on only 81 each -- n-Irn (I'd-'- f-- 'l---.. I'A'I ULLLJ w; Um. We tulle Order! for flan-cl Shim I. may a le. W. 3878! & co. lingBOnotJ Wham-8M. lot, It DR; AUSTIII 'Phosphatlne! Em x11 Imus ,7, _#_ 4A,, rm-n...- II. I I now" a 00. 1m '5--- .-I.._ n- km. .1". 1.. l'unuy "IN-n .9, ON. nnl up. V 0 . t-glgmulmmmmdaQ. Y: ! - w "1' 3.: 17m uw. nonqu GOLD SPECTACLES! v u u", v-u uv NU cuw. Fine All Wool Shirts and n_-_A_- 1an (an -nnln # -F,* Ollulng a World 'Ida Baputaou. w. :1. WEPfSON. An nailing o zoom. and g I put. ljggxluLACY._ "I'lQpiu I Lle emu-n. y.,. v.-._.~v-. Cmm m1 um 0mm... (luau-um 00 Ban: t Gaunt rnAnUACV' 1M Dunn- L- ~94 " VOCALIIII'ITU m unadu- d lid-I 'gw'...""'f...3' .. m1]; sum: mu-.5; IfMIIIlAG [39 [he FOLLOWING Those Slippers are Lovely! Is the Expression of Every Lady who Enters our Store. ()UR CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS ! v_ _ _Vvi Amounts-nymth thQnymlm mph-did Im-w Chm-Ind mun-.Oouplnndfn-n Til-Insulation. (blind-III- 2W Standard :Gros : rain : sum wmme-umuur . "mam-plum 00- pmmmauumum, . _:n;_. OPEN-I IIIJ" III-- "-n--- -- ....-~_ ._ -_-_____ V AFIllu-o 0! mm M toutin- dinounlolu yuan. IIUMIBIM bought-mun. mmmMOud-nouuuuy.uvaiulhmuu out bobnnucl-nnu. Wilt-who! [mm H" Whlusummuu uh Mil-u -..--- ; Alum-l I" GBE'APIEUHIHND US$71.11;-AAHTIUEiPodiMASWPiENTS ! Gonu Open Ind Tl. llpporl. [Amer Opon Ind T1. Slippan, buuufully worked on Vol VII Thole gnodl will be found ebuper and but" lhln luvo "or bun 06.106 to our Olllunl. We undetermined so In" thl but of the Chnnmu Tulle by nan!" goodl u lowor prim Hun over. WI col-Ida! it I plenum to show good- CHAMOIS LINED BUTTON BOOTS for LADIES A nnnntil Int \ull rmivml Whoodlonuntrom now $0 me New Yeti-willde; CHRISTMAS PRESENT. OHRIOTMAS OARDS GOLDEN FLORAL 11mm} W601 Ml Ind: .- Clonal. Scum. Wu . Shoulder Bhuwh, Wool Bqum aoIiinllnbooyoold 53 um: out (Inna. the holidAyn. Fn. IbOVI Good: no an! an down to price. um mull inure . woody durum. - _ _L__. nu-ARA- H.000 worth of anoy Good: Ohnp. Bug-in- 08 Drama Goods, Cuba-m. Bill Tiea Cloudu. Woolen Goods sud Handkerchlell. ntleman Tm. Bquml, Glovu. [Tnderwa-r. Brunei. Kid Gloves. Mm- uud Coll-n cheap. )0 d0]. Wool Cloud. Ild Ann-ran lr-rn Uh uh UnnULUAU LLHAI now a- a V- ' ' -.. -v- _______ A Iplondid |o Jul! received. Alto Felt Hum. 800 And Wum Linod 8h pen. Gentn Putin! lmvhor Dnnoinu Hhou very nest. Spoon] Wool Lind ubbnrl with Intl niloul French ".01 jun m Wt" _._.. Grand Xmas &!__m Years Sale RICHMOWEIBO YDEJSJI? mun: Inn-1., Cnrdtun I V' WALSH & s-f-BAOYS l nderwa-r. mm, m dqunrol from 00. up. To tho Lady Patron. and Frlondo of Halnu I: Lookc, Klngston. You can save money by continuing to visit this, the only Cash and One Price Boot and Shoe Establishment in Kingston. We talk and like but one prlce. Goods marked In Plain Flt-"I and told only lor CA!" at Donu- prices. Ii yurdl (Io-turn. Cloth {or 01.00. Ivoth OI an. N yuan l'voucl Band for OI D. want. .1. ll \ ud- Fronch Bantu. Cloth 01w. worth 13 u ylrdu All Wool Envy Dunn Good. for H :0. worth .81!) \Mkmmr ner-11v. hrm 00041.! H. 13 a He. worth 20 & Ibc CHEAP G001}; FURVX'MAS! BARGAINQ FORBkMAs. R. MOI'AUL'S. . . _ n , 4 u _ . _ n n . . n n - n n I - 'IIn-n Ivar I- nil-I 0- .mv_ We WIII Give Greater Bury-III Than Ever I. fell Good. Burl-I [he Holldnyn. BOWEQE: BISSONETTES -__._..,_..._.n.v-r. A Ghristmas G999?- sLiPiinisas : VV LWL a. vwv vvv- 0! Cry ductime Maud. 25 For on}. (Ii-count. of! Ludiaa Junta Dunn, 0! mr Clouu. Nu Clean. Dunn d Puck. Mambo! the pl... tops 3). a". goodn- In 1 H0138 STREET. T. A mm H'TCKEY & ILET'I. FRb'M "Now cumg-rms _L1_ >- o"- Bung mmu. ICIYILAID'I woox. mun mo nuwnu um um- AID owns. LADIII' no CllLDIII'I IDIIJILITII mu. 1 M can our cumu wvuuu mun-mummy. The W Inland wt Gun- Dun-u- VII guys-hum A. unmanned-mun .001 a Mmmwulwlmccny. ms. Inn tipM m, "U LEAD s VAN. 1 AI 10623 _. ic ulall abldu. ' Slnwls, MAI'JOI. Ihn- Ind lenlngl. ll job pncul. Black And Colored Ind Glou- trom if I \Vluler HOIlary Ind Glenn 0! I lde. bran Good! In Homo-pun Cuhm-re. Scr. am M damn lovely Silk Tun from lw Handsome Luna and lullln Son ALL OUR CUSTOMERS OI'IIII. 001' 'I'IIII KKK A'I IPBICB L, _AA4 L-_-L- .n- Amntnll In: HOLIDAY I NDUC E M EN'IS. VIII er the Following 000. at ail-Inc Bum. "Ill mul- luulw - Irv, .. n... Dress Goods .5,_ #1....) a: n.- .. ilnmml u Lydian Jmkohl UM Are [he neu this year Evar Blown~ In Ille Olly. uncouth-gal Imt Documulli abuwnln III. SPECIAL NOTIGE ! GREAT CHEAP SALE OF I Look for Nsme on Window. FOR YOUR XMAB PREHENTH. Only on. F. X. COUIIIIIII & 00.. _,_ ___._ __..__..-.. A- -- In LATE HICKEY dc ILETT. ,,_1_ _L:I 4L- A..-..-_o h (Maud-g Walsh 8: Steaoya, Im Pym...- In mmnm R088. I- L In Din-.- In... MA M nan-v w-ov -vv mamrmwmmwo-MWML up M In." on [all III. IIOWl-ZS & BISONETTE'I. um pnnmu \trmzt (mm-rule Wmdmr l OWEN BISONEI II'Zl. 204 Pnnceu Street. oppmule Kohl. I'II (Ian D." Inm 0' 1'. m, _____ 411; 1.1.1.va w aua-u Cull only whilo tho Anomnont in Compton. W u yum Punch Pomllo Cloth luau-ch u. a yudl Oanhmon tor . Woh Om a uni: All Wool (unnnro 08 0. worth I . lyud- mm Qunm All Wool cmnmJlm worth .5 M R- MOFAUL'S. Ilintln- um Pun n, 'Ifmlo-IWM', IPENCB & CRUD Ll". Oppodio our land. m v ..v Cloudl, Brenhful Shunt. Cardigan Jloimu, n Huh Rlbbon and kbem in .1] mlon. hinnnlnvurl 15m. man Lu. I Tunr 'R. WALDRON'B, lm a; * mm. lIAlNES a LUCKETT, RICHMOND a BOYDEN'S. [lug-lam Bollavlo Ind Tronlnn. Ubbon nun unmou- m N! (own. Cow", Tle Conn. And Tnpu- ;Mn.. &r D. I. A BM 87.0! (I. )(1aHaul|u8 um nhnwh II (Io-l nu. II Bugamu lor norm :3 III. I." 141 Prince. Strut, Kiuuuwn VIILIONI IUILDDOE m L O C-UILI" ' v:qu moo. John Random I: 00.. J 1.: a. ll!) Ynnma 31."... a! {mg 0n! Wm! Belll. by 'l'pnmmn Ah.- Wuh \h in- Hoan Frnnmn [ loch. Inna-c7. Ilntau. mxcm mm - m I)... It EKEELSiOR. Funny 1qu n! .3. N. .5. K 7. M. II. up. TO-vA'IG-HT 1 [CV E R Y NU HIT BARGAINS "~"Wu Ono-In gnu-w o'lutuunlmdr tench-r: tn Low Prices. Dec H 176 lrinlcu Stroet. OCI'AGON TEA IN?"- U :1", MOROCCO. PLUSH. PAPIER MACHIE. I'IINIZ IL! lllll. ('nr I'rmcou a Well";ng MI, ll ngnton , j New Ann-u Bully. IohMuoCyv Ots to $80.00. This is 3 Combination of the Illustrated Poem and Christmas Cards. n Inn nu urn-I II rm Pquhv 'x nu [mum-nae um I Bunnful Block H: b'llllun Knnx . Augunluu Monugul Top l the R in! of Mornl be .ngvn nnl mm: In by John H. l'uvnc. v Hue by lenh Flower Hymn Books. Homo" AIIIVALH. The train! on Sunnlny afternoon and nndly morn- mg hrnught many oll ngntnuinnn to tho mty. Hmong Lhrm Mr K )lolvor. be non; Il. l'omkluu. Huffuln, H. Wade. Cln cage; J. luwer. [)esranfurmorly of tho A'mn; J. 'unwr. Hnawn; and Dr, W _ .. .. . H A [Munrm'lw SrnL'Thelrull and Losn (Jumpnny'u English shareholders no in n diumtisod state. Ind a. denl of Inxiouu considontion was given to the roports u the recent meeting in London. The general opinion was that. the Chief Coxnmisnioner in LInndn. (Ihnpmum was too old for good ssh AM'NIM: A HananLust night no.0 nuuls Book a harm: bolongiug to Ml Vsuordor. Front Howl. from tho Windsor Hotel yard and drove it. Wildly about. the City. About undnlgbl. the uni-ml Adnmu. Uh, Why thultl I Dam! in '1H the City, About. unuuxgu. um an".-. wu: found by n pollcoumu mth \ drunk- eu mam lying 1n the author. This morn- ing a warrnuh was Issued for the urea! ol the party who mmqu the animal. V _, 7-04 n _V .\ M-uulso Hm: v About. .3 3 o'clock a n: :Llurm wus given from bnx No. 5. l'he re Wu H: the stable In rear of the muse occupmd by JV Lurd. ptintor. lhvmnu Street. The budding In de. Lroyed mth About on. Lou of buy. Th. IUW and chlckcnu In the budding were 1er taken out" Mrs. Mdhr. relics of Ll: Mlllcr. and mother of! Janos. dual M her ho Sh. wan a wnumu of J Ind thaner n we. londnuu for [no-min an hved happily, ulnad h ,. .- .I A. ...._-..J _ a. ,, ; A-sul'l r t'wr Uu iundly a dllpnt attuned at n lnrury nu;le over I. brokon Whip, The nmr was rst at a wordy character. than hluwu were rewrth to. .\ nuumunu tn the point. court. followed - VIA I... .L... .nmunuu khn nuir All!!', :1. ~ any... -.. Lavell. Merrickvxlle. [Hun u; unu .x w... pu re and virtuonw It n FHSIA. An - mum-m u- Hdesu I'm, eve-mug: in the, (. M Church manna-:1 Llu- but nffmrs of the kind than hm ucvurrcd there. Donna of Mayan-nun: wore m aluminum. The procomla amounted to 9171!. The Iner- ary and muucnl pmgmmnm was an ex collenl. one. Mr, J. \" Anglm nn-l Miss Mm) Bur-fun! added to the emoymem __ .I... ~lA-;1\n TN A? Urns. -. in mm was at th 1 ".99.. u.. on the occasion. Hth Bunk "I m I Rich And Nonan-i wuh hennly lung-d. Munlul cover do- ugnq m gold Ind colored Tho moo! chum. Md naiquo Hand-y. mind-y \anmul pub Puu. [Ah-cud Ippor 6|. Lawn-ca. b wilds. cloudy to Mr. moi-Id mm vuthun LOLI.IITI(). or \A. luvs: - n. v .... .nor. Stuwxud of tho Gaunt] Hulpxml, bus in bi: rooms a collusion 0! cards Hut. IIO n lmlllrt curh-altv Tho d ,, h . u m. ,. -...-.ln mmu-uy.-. "u" mun-nun. In Ju..|l I-lv Unomuxuu Summit. 77-01: Saturday I grind orlhn-uou borne. ocuurred in the {omnn Catholic Church, Montreal than lwlwrrv; unlmnod, including J P4 Kolly, u! King-Lon. wlm ruonvod the I micro. and D. \. 'loomey. of nguwn, I A,_A ulgns. Illll Irl "on uu \ llllxnulnu nun-.- He worked out. 111 ch. tiniest o! birdn' lauhora. uni m perfectly. Loo. than. M | High hildlld. |L gives tlu- Impressiv- of to uent. nf aaurnvera wnrk. They no the 'IIUILICrIfL o! hm illlel' In Her UVIYII Bengt-4) of than m- Mn country unhenngl in to be hold on Tbnml-y owning who mm It. W. E. Franklin]. Philhpovillo Bud, Pun-bug. on bond! of Zion Church funds. In. Trotter II f-ecrcury. .-._ h Nnuumznxm Pu:u.-Thou an only duh not-ban of B Buttery. II n teal ung": of two hundred. to b. Ixmnliud. Section 4 o! the limb I": up till. the forms uh. con-in of Bnmh unbpcm by blrth or by turn!- union. V, 7-.._.__.- Sum: slutn.~ Fred Johnston. "on o! the lute Jenne- John-ton. 'Il kicked in the head by a han on Snndly u the farm of Eluuh Joyner. township 0! King Ito-.in who family he III viumug. For many hours In won muniblo Ind u nil] in n cram] unto. , .___.. I, 5:. I In (nmyn WM 7 M Ll}. Roan School 0! (h1an r_\ . Klnglton. Thml Class short. course certium hue been gnuwa the lulluwmg rSeruenut Th1 a. .leuu. 'mmpeg Mold Bumy: Sn 1'. gum '. Gibson, Ton-ohm 0|!!an In. ury; Corporal E. A. Hutchmonn Lon. don Field Battery : inuler mm. Baker. Ind William Jolmnou. "H" Battery. Wulum Hymlmnn and John Grilling. Rm HM by l'enmmn Abide With Mr. Lyte lie Gueth HH [lulule lm-IL by Ehubolh Burn hm-mug Home. Swml "um-n u--. \Iv lhul to bv Hutchmon. FiethMM-ry 3" Bath. steam! Fourth Ulnu oar. menu. Saga!" ll). Huum. Gov. crlor General I Bu ly (intrd. curd g Third Um I110 course cunlry cu. tilting; Sargent L. E. Living, rd 4 l._n Flo... .hnrl pour-la mfg-n" Menu; serge-m u. n. my... w... But. | Fun Clus hon couru Infant! animal... . Acuowumnuur. Tho Gannon at tho Bambi: 1}th Hound that- fully ukno'kdo - nes! 0 u. lol. [om-a doom-nu: Inn}. W; i hunt pun; In. DI. H. In... I who bod-uni nod 1 undo}: Ir._(ioo. Mn. m. 5 dlpdum; Mr. G I. Had... ull. I nth-rinse bod: K. till. - M-h n-Ibmin bun. I0. I "WWII!!! I'll. n: u- I... 00.. I; Holy-bl wombat-o- bu... OIL-W: In. CHI-lopricnm; Ir. 1.. r- a I. a. Man s cont-n QHJom n- IL -- Ilwf" {WW-7' Mydrwi'mhmww' mun-z Wic- mumumyd hold J u n.n.__.-- sl lulu-m1. [)IATI n Buncxvnw..Uu Satur'dny ilru. the In! J. Morton hhllcr. of lbelabeJ. Burkett. longs. home In Brock'illn. iha great. nnnabihty. um gunk-r lhnn usunl ondnuu :uhl rleLnes. She wed hed happily. and has A, A. , _ ___J _|..,.:. -uta 0L- Mbkw'l' I"'P"| wk Hm; :I Nun-mks;- lov.P.A.lvuby; I as would |' macaw-a mun-null; immJMan-MW. Ln- m- .0 .5. Im- Uni mammm.v. . .hilyeopy of no But.- Wm, ~dd-m I itll, u .- u-n "m- b "lived-hi nay huh l'rou. In N Rock of Ag". 1 lmlv. W ('ITY AXD VICINI'IY. u. . nun. rownrd _-- A.'. I when. 30. 0|. A Ian-u. m l1 UJUIHIU) uuu In... the cue Withdrawn. IV . uuu nuns awaits the I I. Ivlnvw the shit 4; "JUII UlllIl-uh M'- .4, Hr. Robert S. 'hltt a; White, M.P., null Ulmwu of I. Uazrllr. is to be 28th, It. St. Andrew's ('ln 1. His. Ruth Mamiouguil An-Ira Rnthhnn A S vvuuu-u .u n... . In hil uarmuu It: youurdny Rev J. .-\ school system Mr nink us one of our (u: -- I 7,, I'LM: unu- uu 'uu v: uu- In Mr. Jules. ('hmf Hugmoe-r Cum]: Punic RR. 19 now unpecung the has luau-d between Hulmtchn-wnu and Uslgurry. He goes: nvor the liockleu bofore he returns. "v r - J L _ u . A , . .n. 1 Inn-q ..rnnmu~.n Busy WeakltoudSumasxl ohm-7i? new DUIUKU .u n 49-- u... Hil Lordship Bishop ( lvr in St. Mnry's Cathedral on in: on the lm-aruamnn 'l in canaulored to have bum um: bnlliaub P'arts, .. n. . v|__ g- -m- nuuu mun... Mounts. Racbbuu & but. slrondy cut MU} haveBOtumn and L'M in the woods. (m [In thcy have 3610b'115 at H" Erhlnv n..rnm.n lu'y Iluvu u 1...... .. .4. .V ()u Fridsy albernmln .\lr. all. 3 mp screw! tho m. 11.05 Howe Island frJLn Mm 110 draw a cutcer iu whu-h lclud. He went. over mu tor ohm inch thick. A clerl_\'m1\u.tliscm.ung LLm of Rev. A.W1|sun. akml. \Hm 1 Ha. church to recognize, n llglnu. Iolidny uppointmeutu kept by t authorities? Whe'u tho clergy on such thing: the hum-'1 m1 have some latitude. Mosrs.Cec:l N. Maxwell. of Que" and Arlhibxlri (' Mmth Wlndlor, Out . have [mm-l Lhr r "4... 5.. A.....n- 1': all-1|IMIIHUU" m; ontrnuoe into the Im} loge. Kinglton. Thw nouucomont of a hut week: 3'0 Toronto l'unvex-~1L_v rum municuial {mm mm SemL Univonnv. Kiuuqtnn. lxravl of the (Ormor [a pm Iu MIL: tiona to the Hoverucx' mvt the ulviubilxty of rmlmri W Ittend I Normal hcbuul allowed to tenth. n._..__,._ _. H77 0 you Chm-mu. Tho Ink 0! Dumb North Atrict MI W 6 par owl. dudmd satin. Tho bl- Iolg- I. Quebec yogur- dny Ind urivod 1| Murray Bay ull J-LI "I nnu nunu... .v The oldest. IHIIJJL'. ml Inch druuhonuu-n 7r. iw dly night. Sumt- meyL conu-d to the musumu v u - "7A ....L..\l Th.- alvul in the numeipal elec- tion in boil) conducted quickly but vigouuly. 1a.- 11...... Htrml. and Chalmen'. n yenu. -._..-<. I labours After I mqu Well. children. you hlloH good. but you havut. 3M st I'---.... ...i.| l'llrlJnlnl Woo "a: wool u My. M 041...? all our n! d the very am a... Im. '0 at am It nub-do pmn