UUII Inyuu-uv-uuuI `nu llllify III _ ggugod by their jxolitiod potdlct, Ind '15 no held up tolpcboio IdI`Yl`UIC' _` plmalllno-atnnoltbluatthn puny` gush Iuppouwbo input or in up- nndnn " "' V If Dill II-Il IIIIII Illlll mnxjhdr pnninnmn-hglf. .n4|..n Jun A __Rnn. an ind o1--` . THE |FG|ll_I__C|IPl|Gl. (Hy 'l'eI{qra:h 1o~lay.) V...I. I... (1 _'l`lm Ngnnld (By 7c(ogra;I| To-day.) Vnyla Ian R _.ln..nL L - ooo------ ciiirs_ Imus. -q-----ooo----- (`atanqnl Wand. 'Anqu_cau. now no 0 may was` r; '9 pl: In I pubiic ` (mu public new it nbauunlmntunnuin ' wk `:3: J.InoIu./ mm `B=uII`l`8H $41119. na,oisi;g;,_g5 .muXax* s;s'f9A. , A__, "1 4 Iinivbs--~lmriu; I ganuoul Church an 7:3 p'.n` IUIUIIII anus :1- ho b bod vb \ ah puUi: rr mnhlio ;mauy"" rm. rtni any new: oolupionou in I inod "A uollnr There in no medicine prescribed by pb ioinnl, or sold by druggiuta, Chit on 'u such evidence of it: auooeu and pparior v` up an Boscullls Gnnuut Snwr (one in Coughs, Colds mottled on the breast, Consumption, or any dia- oua of the Thront. and Lungs. A proof of that fact in that any person nmicted, can not I Sample Battle for 10 canto and try its superior eacl. before buying the regular ciao at 75 (yenu. It has lately been introduced in this country fru (iermany,nndita wonderful cures are utonllhln every one; that me it. Three don: wil relieve any cue. Tr it. Sold by Heath GI Gunn and H. V$|do. `rm raqifo May.) ,T r Lmylon, Jun. 4.--A oorunpondout tofognphn lrom 'l`rum,0omv|ll,lhu gust comunution III Ilnnollod this morn- ing in cunngquooco of unotioo pound on the danr of tho Comm: Bunk, announc- ing` um it Ill cloud. Unfuuunblo ro- poruhup boon in eitcqluwn (or a law ` dust: to in uubility; but Ibo gene:-nl "IOHll`-I1)l- comideoeo-. ghhongb -that can I Ilight run on the bank.` It in hoped- tho III! 'on will be only` umpol-my, . hut noulng dekimto cuibo known for I 10! (hp. The bank dil` I very large buiinou in mining uud other com- uuroinl onurprinol. _. r Tho Oorninh Hank haldii ts) Tllhdil. mnrclu onurpnnul. ` Inldii Tsndit. Wliuna K 00. It In aqubliahod about on hundred ungi Ion yarn 5:10, sud hu bnnahu ll Fnlmuuth, Pouryhu and Red- xuuh. BI: Frodoriok Wullinu, member of Parliament fur Truro. who died ro- uontly held 3 third of the onnoorn, and hi: widow in MI lnlo executor. The bunk hul an nulhuriuod iuuo of 49,000. A.I.....n.|. 1...... DI-.......n. ...... the nu nuuxurnzoa iuuo or .uu,wU. Adupotoh lrom Plymouth II I the noppngo 9! the Corninh lignk nil egu,-9 terrible diltruu among tho twist: of wo|tCoruwull. The immediate cauuo ol the Iulponnion in I run on the bank dur- ing HIOIMI fortnight, ruulting {rain ry- monru tint thelste Sir Frederick Wil- liuna wulugely indebted to the bwk, and tlut. Ilnrgo portion of hi: capital wu locked up In mine: Ind ndvnuoou on tin, neither of nhich ucuritiegu were im- aodhtoly ruliuble. A further uuppngo o Cornish mineoininiviublo, Ind tun fhnliluro of nnuy priulo rm: munt fol- U. :.mo,uu:v Londg .l.m.--h. in believed Hut the lislmut 0` mi -h (`tn-nub Bank are out I mil -. .- Some say Oh; bank can pay 1:. `- `I the more gonor- nl opinion in that um vi impnuiblo. Iv. in believed tho mine: of wellern Cornwall alone owe the bank 100,000, the calling iu of which [own would hnvo n disu- Iroun aoat nu the whole of Well. Cum- wall. (By Telegraph Tu-day.) Montrul, Jan. 6`-'I`ho M.T. Uu. pub- lllhu I Ituumont prepunlory to an au- nunl meeting on Thundny. IL Ihovu not: [or 1878 to be $485,302, agninnt $5H,l22 in 1877, I docreue of 828,820. Expennon $343,208 in 1878 agnnu 834: .-,45() in 1877. 1 doonuo of 82,246. After pnying 7 per cent for the your nbuul 82,000 In: cu-rind to rent. 'l`.._.l.u i. cl... .n.o..o...-.. h..I&rl.u .ml carnoa to rent. To-day in the statutory holiday Ind luv court: and publlc oicu Are eluud. Divmc services was held in the Roman Cslholic and Anglican churches this morning. a Hun. Than. Mamavv. of Uuabac.mua- `Ex-Pnudenl bruit` bu boon much more oommunicuusc in Ha European nial: than when In onion :1 cubic! po|i}.i- . ml guro hood in the lfnitod Stolen. In Inland his longuq hat` booolno nodding- ry oalygma nu hu linud npptrnntly n ruin-`uihg lhtppiioiilitth which nu shun lu him in iomwqulrtarn. In flat hi: Inc! reported npoocji male as nonunion. - 0 morumg. lion. Thou. McGreevy, of Quobec.pua- ed through the city yesterday en route for Unuvn, where he goal to prelout the petition ol the friend: of the murderer Farrel, fur the commutation of his degth nnnlnnn-.:' uomn_|_:_m edit. Failure o/Tue Cornula Bank at -n...... . l The Echo saw: that the deposit in the Cornish Bank Imounu to 500,000. R H...I.n.. A. 0.. ......I ...-...1.... nl um-nun mu: Imounln no x.`wu,wu. R. Hudwn 6: C0,, seed crunheu, ol hood! and Hull, have failed. Linbilitiel, 1o5,mn lnnrln Inn 1": -I0 in 'hAAIvnr` Hm! Ouwogo. Jun. 6. Who|tquiot--Whll.e State 980 to L03. No.1 Duluth Iprlnu at I,l0` Corn Moody IH3. Bu-lay quloz -oxu-In bright. Cumdn It |,`. o. 01 JHQYI. The funoul will {no uhnco lrom her late nlklonoo. William Street. on Wodpudny ml . Milton at tvo o`olo: oi. Friend: and ocqnnln. taunt: no lnvltod to attend I..I|._.A.... .. n....A-- I-_..-_- :.L 9|- The fgnornl wnll u-kc plno on l`uudn_v, at clown o`olooI. lo Sand Hill Cemetery. Iter- rlnnlon. _ Apnpuuhn whmh reckons to the Iuunn (tune the non! enonglnl alumnus: of life, (Mn; nun-gy and vlulityto the viola nun- luau! uu-nnuymn. niouoxon for Iqontlll IIIMINI ad broken down nunaou, nu oqnnl. "PU08 H)N5"canb'kadfrosn every Obtain! .'..a Dnqgist Mrougkoul us. Do- Ininlnn.-`Prkcl Porotllaonu/orO6. Paris, Jun. 5.;-Tllo Senatorial elec- tions ronulted in n gtont Republican tri- umph. Ol 47 Conservative Senntors, whose term: expired, only 13 have been reelected. All the retiring Republii-an `leuatnn hue been rovelectod. The genenl rnult thou the election of 15 Comerntives um! 64 Republicans. The Republican Inn'ority in the Senate will be nbout 67. nd bnllote ere nonu- uryin the Doputmentn of Hmite Gn- r--nnu end Landon. [`he result of the election in Mutinique in not yet fully known. -a-- Aiov dnyl ago we noted tho pruouce ~ 0! Mr. Batty. nn enterprising utunbou mu"-,i-on.-., ha. vinit using in the lnhrnt. u! an luuvemunl. for the Illdc nout ol the: luv mining to tracking on the Idol. Tho Ul:bc'a Ouglu corru- pondoul onlu-gun upon the subject. For many you: Cqurlulmn tug owner! had a grievance in thc fut lhnt while Amen- can mg: were pomnithul to go to tho rog- cuo ti! vouel|,,Itnndod or wrecked in Uanndinn Intern, Cundinn tug: nor: not prrunttod to uwrcin the Anne privi- lege: In Ann.-ncnn union. The Mac- kemiu A-lminintrnliuu, in order to route- uly this uxil, p.|H-id an Order in Councnl hum hum Lust wunlar, prohibiting Ame- rican tugs frv-m wrockIm(" In Cnnndinn Intern. Thu v-l.Juvt of thin Urdu` Ill Council was In --mnpel the Alnoricm Un- vormuuut In In-(`nu thu duirod change in chair wmclnn`; Ian` nnd the object was Iclxievod, fur ..t Hm next Iuuon n! Con- .. n 'A,l n._._._ lunt.rul.JI.u{L The low mu-kel van tlull ngniu to-day and quotations nmnin nominally nnchnnged AL I`urono.on Dec. 2nd. tho wifa of Rev (' H. nlooiridgmoi n son. rlngton. wlfu wuu unww cousrnmmcn ud hggud lookh, poor uppomo. luznid, I l}ull_s_g_igto msmfa I A Financial Statement ---The I Murderer Farrel. are-at Brpubhcau Victory; at the Polls. -..-.. ......... ...., . . . . . u wan. I-I-uuuvw ll'Vl' Ilduyl And, urinary Imublo. ah I class can- henolt. `IONI nmntlnoo all factory vol-H (woo tho opentlvu. nnd I" the phynlciuu uul iudhlno in the world unnot help then; gllou I-Ioygu out or doors or (8! " l5nonun.xnIs.-Moderate to freahf woutorly to southwesterly wind: Ind parl- ly cloudy weather. -lulu nun ...... .V...--., I .......... ..,., _..., greentlm |'r.v:m1 ..l the | niled Stake In tnnpuwm--d nuke urrnngemuute with the (7.m.'ulI.in Hnvornment for reci- procity in "ur z-knng." During the rhrooa nf ' m u-emu general eieolion the propolnl lur u n-nprocity errengeiuont A'ec1ingt.hoiunLn~r wan received from the l reeident..f the l'nited Sale: by the authorities In Utmwn. Had the MM} kenziu Admininlretmn remained in power an matter by tine time would hue been emicebly eeulud, but the pn-aunt Government of nmnlorly inactivity" have mede no move III the nmtter other thnn to ink the upiniull an lhe subject of two well-knuIvn ehippmg owners. This in 5 queetiun which demand: immediate Itlontion. .-X: 1. xx xx ' lime veeeele Iney be wrecked at. my point Lion; the whole M the north Ihoroe 0! Bnkee Superior and Huron, end I tug nu.Ilt_, bu fen-had upon Windsor, Ihich in xhu mureet Cenedien port where thew II is in-ecking mm. It in not long since that mu Quebec," one of the Butt] hue ui {nu ztoemboete which nil [rum Bernie, mm `.~.xM'k0d un Leko Har- on, end A lou vi 8'.1),000 entailed. A. tug could line been procured, an already eIbod,in five hnure from Ratllt Ste Marie, but il took Nu) day: in _i-l uno hum Windsor. IIIKAIII In Kin Alon. on Sundnv Jnnnrv -'-lb. Isr- rot. be cvnl wife of Mr butrick Kelly, aged ` yous. PIII$ I IV IIIVIZU U! IIIUUU h In non. on Sunday, Jannnr Sch. Ho ` nncr.vI`roIM 1)!!! it. W.A Ilmtlod 4` Pnosvozom: 2 T--vv. --- THE FREE! SEIHE. The People Wm: Prool. (Hy Tl(yr:1_;; To-Day.) _ .9 _ _ ` - an r. flllht '0 Ya BIIIAI. Iuqybo-ulonth In-. JOIIN FHA! n6ui_ i_nL; DIED. .....I-- I Pin :5 39-- Dnvmulu at II`:-untauu Loan Ind luau- non In-hay unable. __ __ W KID IE?- JOIIN FBAIII. Uhnlrnu 1 _a-L---- Wadramaticpehingu ' ` T guoubnv zvemnc, JAN. 6,! I oI{;n.A_ HOUSE. 'HuppU!1I"d by .1|zown|1uH`ulup|ny. TIMI urn plnv Will have mery Advantage ul vuuy .1-l.`u|.ruv ,7 --~~ ---`----- --.-.....__.....,v..... 3' Plan opened for tho securing of nut: |t the Opera llouao from I0 a u: to 4 ,p m. lnrnsluv mr'u., JAN. ma,l sloltononl Ittoudod to. Jnn uh. uuopl will want old [In and hot III ouuuutnomdunl 3 H ohlp In; and Kinuum E Po-4 lull van!-rum 1`iI|-Liv-ii-M-59* mm V Eelehraled Shaughran Cnmpanyi By tho lined prrminnmn ..r Cul. Irwin, 3 do- uchmenl. of A IluU\r\' wnllnppnrln ._ the gran (llpu-y DH! Scene IITI"BI Llrl Bulcony. . (lnllary. .. '1: In. I53 lug} 7: pl Iblc. WIGBI Puivbh--~In-iug M u: Com nnnuonnl Over 3.. M. Romy : Hardv/are Store. PRlNC[s.SS STREET` I bor,onwn'uKEsD4Y.zheI5ghg { H... I~wI1-at-v0wvcIIuuI`* . un nmtm. uTc;nNo oi we shove Bode! will ho bold In the Council Chun- ;.. V$ 5 Ifor um. um other buuiuua. r 1' ll: on hand Ilnoo Uhrmmulwo no dotornlnod to dllw of than AT C081`. Z` Cholp Bane: 10 per lb. II! I lhllgnlllv A nag now. on cnocsnv sumo` I08 SALE. J. PIRTY on Outorkl ItI'u,kuoI.n at the GBAIIAI H3081 A ubuullnl mono building. with BI-bl. {nut uud lat lnli hot uni none Bbbllng. `l'ho`l!ouIIIGhl _A-I notch -_A..- -nnl ---v `-1 I... ck- with Brink fmnt uul lat llnliii TIo`BoIu;IlGlni an ml with and gamut] hulk inn-hunts. unot.0uhuuInot.daIo-b~- nt.0uhuu\noc.dnob~ mullplug u::l`(in ha I . Ti Inhdhpsbo. - `united I_t'n`owua on to ` Jolll CIIAIIAI. NEW h'('l4I!\'EI(Y, 'l'll|{lLl.l.\'-'1 'l`ARl.EAl`.\`. .El.A|H)l(ATI-Z 1`0lLE'I'H. .. _..._,_...-..._...... I'KIUKH III Alb! Prnnm Linn-A, Upper 36.. Parquet! . . , . . . ......L.. [M-nun m...|.. " 'i(33ib'A\" Iclwztu; 3 A3? 3." Also introducin tlm arm! Grotesque Dancers and ligb Kmheru." the )3 LORELLAS` 3! Lmo muoromsl HAVING CHMMENCED BUSINESS rnl Anon: umnnrnn Ho noliom '1 share of pub'k- pntron e. Pur- Iionlnr uumulon will he pnid BE AHHNO And JOBBINR morally. Order: la M II. Horny`: tor-o.Go|dn.| non Bloomer It sloltuoonrlnnn tnehvibo munch Gountyo}'gFrontenac AIllcljl'l|l_l. aocnm. |M0l|TIlEAl. -rj H50 5:] sugars, Ihlnlns, Tea, 00.. &c.. .: /' Tgn` 1 vn.uMn.I: rnnnnow no- IITY Ontario nu-aohknoun KIIABAI olbunlllnl nan. }F|Ell][lFIHEUlTHOHilllI] tn: JOLY g_ovmIm\ , w. MUN'I`(\\)nllInr. Ludur. 'I'ba Old l-`nvonnm. Address 376. King Street. near Prlnoou Street. Piano pllj`-3! it requimd. Klnuton. Jun. 1`-. I-`) l A 7 1-3 Octave NowYork Excelsior I Q Ruth rm guocl as ueww [ Plumbing. Gas and Steam fitting` THE CLINETOP sIs'rERs| `IVE, on AIL .1 mm! Nelson Suootl. wnll fenced nu -. nmuurogl ; they shot-ouuiu |\ number ufvhm. u my-pln treoa. Apply to R W NICRlll1'l` .1]. Ward mo School Truntoa. I MK 10 inti- mate [but I nun uow 1 \'IlIlH(|l0. nml lm m In em urn aulliclantsuppurt to alert Inn on (I- nemlny nut --y ix 41-nu-y-1.. I vomu: I.m|?s* u;mmnr.| VIABSEH WILI / .lnnuar_\- nth` ply to E. H11 ) nun uwm II`IllIVU!' I10! II_Il|- In nuhunn L- AL-|`.-l.. 5.. AL- The lnughnhle Hizwrk-II Burlesque of the 1un;mn.no..aom. ma. In In. Kingnhm. Jun- In thoiv bountiful kippmg Rope Dance. Jsu `Jud. \ Firs! production in Klnguton of William Broughh And the Charming Clmncmr And Fairy Dalmsrs. mum YVATRDT. FOUR N-IG-HTS ONLY ! Lots F_o_r Stile.` ' ll'.`. !l _l .\51ncs.iI . . .._ x\~ PI cu; Put:Ln`r`I.Iahololo,vo-opus. uauou mo 3 t noun II. Ghana '3 H-x:xnv..fIuo:thly' locus; M Up a. Inn-an ofllnguwn and Inn: loud (Ton- nu n--uncanny LCOOK Apply to Ilhl. KERR, I55, Eur] Slrt-M '. Ioutgouor lnuu FIRST CLASS UAD ILILLE B ND. New Music M: New Prices. ind nun-nnluu anhahrtlon. IULLE BAND. New Ilunle Ind PHPOI. bud gun-amen; umtuctlol. uy nun-n,.....n.-.u u, 1,, RosQALE I AVING ht-on mquosu-d to arm Ridonu. Ward School Truntoe. I In-K10 re hope HAVING A LARGE STOCK OI` Must. be Sold for private rounu. An Upngh; bhiokoving. Qiiadrille Band. (GREAT LOND().\' Sl'UUESS WIEOKIIG. E. (j.` ROSE, Pl{l`.l`I|'TRINs, .......Y., -,_..... TI`JO L. : mzaiq. .0... irargxcm; I. 8 S. IOBDHEIIEWS. Int. J. G. BAS'l'0W .-..... ,...... -....... ............ ..-.-. W. MONTQURIEIIY. Ludur. I-`noun Wanted, 7. n 0.. IIHJ Rlil.) W . I). (iR.|\'I'}.'. rm. urn .L KEBUIIC ON MONDAY. ` |"\7'*, Fm particulars ap- . (l ROSE. Quoon Street. -Ion v to vfflk to Josth Min: on I `h *Iul- (hunch _O' Jana. `, Jpn lth. will he pn- .`II n ll0`AI.ll.ll| Dunn, n no pI-ung OIMIAI. lllllhu. nions |m.Ls. ` Bocnnrv-. J. ,0. marrow. . Elliott GPIV Kan lalijh ._ -s s. .-_- ..l.owerI8 ......u.oq |coLnu._g-Elan -- cnocenv,| Sugars, |cHA'P'nf+WvH.%l 11-an aonmm no: 0300321] nun. . ` -Th.`;numop oI-Hiirbn Ivritulhn 1.. 1: meeting with unu acted uuccmn in ucuringfundo forth ulotn Univonity. The Amount Iocured in Englnuvl now Imonnu to 340,000. _l rinm lhnrlnuurl` Knnuu~u' hu gnu. uadnblooiqlnlbllwhl In no Himnnd LII llldnofoodltkltul ' so 3`.-uma cm In um nun an int 5 In aid on-the ulorloot nouns \ no xuladuunlpnuuubuuuuulau o-Iwomo `fwltdla-A -~ _. A.._-up: g-..::---_ Inn: conrm LIOI onooxnvl Sella nothing but the BEST FLOUR Ind Inn on hnml All gndu, hum the finest Putry to {he beat Fnmily in Bnrrell, hnlf Barrels, (Ir hbls. .\"[`().\'l`..\ AND ll.-\l.l" STONES. T `I-INDICRS will he-u-onlvod urn. uldar; Ii nod nnti| noon of bA'I'U DAY Jon. llth. or the Inca. Cnrpontor _|ud Linn. Tlnolnith And Plumber vol-I III!!! II the erection of I Tarnoo ollll ll DIES for C. ihmenbuu ln..un llnnr ~ ~ In Mani-aonznvl unn-1 13w-an-- FLOUR, IX. Pl. NIOILAE & C3().| flitenbvq . KIl[&I The lowest :3; will not neoco- urlly be umpbd. I. GAGE. Kingston and mu: load Company, Ill ANRUAL IEETING oH.hoK|npIo llld Bach Joint Stock load (Jon y will in hold an TUKEIIAY. JAN. 7th.l 79.nt Ibo ' ADVICI Io uu.uu.:--`_A society paper :2:; no-pm-he thud: in an -inkd. Wlilhq IA: bu; nfaud ,od_got IIon.'onruluH-vital do ny so hold a TUICSIIAY. JAN. 7th.l 79, Ill ANNUAL I EETING OHJII Klnplofl {BIL Il.aIAunInn.o|I.nn...... ...- Inc onus nu.-uvauu uDyeln| B-0-Lllnhmnnl In -I-Quinn Tnoax WAIITIIB LAC! OUITAIII .. (, nluud ouldaul list to an old nllabk nuhlhhnont. kn ggnggbonndnhloolx oqullouv C loan Iloliimlnd ho nnuoud CLIAIID BUHAR (YUKEI) AI, HRICAKI-`AH'l` BACON, l-`INNAN IIADDIEB, CUDFIIH (ban lSaddla and Harness M;.kar.| ' t. (ieoh1'g:sV Sbciti. VERY COI IOITAILI BRICK DWEL- l.ll0. mu urrhn Lona ME' ` Alfred street Apply to v ` um unDIl.7A'l|n|. I. nu!!!-.n GOLDEN LION (3-FICDCJIEEY . IS NOVV SELLING CHEAPER THAN nnv nllmr Imnuc In Hm nilv All ni-darn E?mTifVE,| ouu. _, I -Jln l'nu_oh Onvu-nun: nay law daeidad to [nut 1 n Com-unhu cusp! four hundn|- .--'l`han-oount of chi ballot: can In |w. n. McBAE & co.| YOU mu BUY ; mwrn I-'6"6xo In alllvlni an `autumn ` Htonun liver. In |l,|B7I. _ vmun o.'HI:Ap. Nov lth, I878. :1 nuw ar.L.|.uVu Uunnnsn [HAD my olln-r house In the city` All ordorl and mmln ntwndod to on the shortest notloo. T. B. RAY. Mn. HRH. IRTR .lAn. 4th. IC Ulucu -I:-Ivan:-3 1|-gun Buabllll-out In I on IIIOIIIIDIOI .A.I.. 4. TO LET OR FOR SALE, VIIIV (\nnl'nR'l'All.l llllrl nw: uom-unuu nap: mur ll.Illll'IIiI- .--Thnro-couut (lo gut Toronto dlootion ha counngnood acid In link} to lutoouo 0. -Jnnu' hnnou ' wifo won`: you Lisa I0!liY:'A1; ml: to covqgmons. flag, :8 Any Ollu Mug, A HE SELLING 8U(}A|lB/ Su-ga.rs, Arnovgsgous. I-* "rr-: - VANDEWATIL l. |!l l`l"8, 0Ioo-0nhrb Inc: AN IIADDIEB, bonolon) um um, um). CllEESE.hc., ho. THE l()N'l'HLY lI'.'l1'lN0 of tho at. George`: Society, oi Kingston. will be held II the Bt.Geor[Io Hall. at I p.n._ on TUES- DAY. Jun. 7th. ` A full nwsndnnoo In , rt-quoltul. A` LIIICHEUX, Secretary FLOUR. -JIIOI lannoir Mid` tun worn u'.'aauiis1'uro-no ihivi Tying in utupor ngund` by drinking rum. --No lou than in hunt: Andl doiglu, noun ... ...... r...-_... Jollll nunn, I loanluy. Sugars.` GAO! LIUHIEUX, ` i IUNDEHCLUTHINGH (bur Stock of Lambs Wool 'lTn- derwenr sud lloslory In very Complete and . Cheap. ' mmuau. Apply in Ladion Lamb`: Wool Voila. India Merino Venn, In-din Marina Drnwera, Indies lamb : Wool nnd Merino Hose, Silk Embroidered Cuhmoro llrxaiud, FOR (H!`.NTLEMEN'S WE \II A full Stock of Lnnb'| Wool :. ilorinu Rhh-On -nal P-nbn puma. -0orno|'nun Vnndorbil-., jr.. nntl tlu Courhlo lay I hon; hand upanvw. 8., ad to uh than control of the anus out ol bio bIoihor'u handn. ._nnnA' Inna. nnnlnn oh. rgnrt GILL hit oooounrr OEEAM -...I IIAIIAAIIYTI 1mcw itoou oriwu. mvurs |;seo,ooo[ -- - n--nag - . I ON l0R`lY}AGl`0VER APPROVID ` BIAL BTATI. I l Kingston Bakery. I CALL ANDJIE` IH-s..~.v;:n"-1-g2.t..l:ers~| JLOIU vvczruvnvuanu. WELIJNGTON s'Hu:k'1'. Nov. mu: A U I OIL, WATER COLOR; INDIA lNKl nu plain wnnnuy Q Cnoeimonn always on Mew. Ihow n his oor. .}y`DERSON. .0II OI Dll Dl0lhGl"I handn. -.Om:o'.moro oomu the re` I! that Mr. 0. J. Bl,d`II il 00 be turn 0N Hm In- tucoolonul in older to nuke mun`!-tr III! II ... Pang: Mn.n..u |Ke||y'sStemHennvaInrl |NEW FEATHERBEDS 1] IIIOIDII BEING DOUBLID ll BULK. Pushers weighed and rammed use My -ruopy.. Block 0! hllllbl W00] 1. u vn-nun Bhlrta nnd Pnnu. A tun sum. 'Lnn1b'; Wool ma non... H A... (EIRIIQ HOSIERY-A eompl in all nines. makes and aunlil |0n Friday. the noun January, I A1` I0 n`mnnI. A.|I.. Damnndn By onler. FRESH EVERYDAY. `A full uoortlllento ...... ...... ..u m. &c., 4%. `Paint-.` 011: (I! Q15.- A'I`[BANKUP`l` PBICI S. 134 Princess St. H... An. - IlEII'IEll8ll 8 l!,i%'sF!9%E'1.9J9,%2ht@v.'1! non. rout uueuoll. --ThI liu noai musly nipped to Ingluud by the 'l`uruntn `Export Co. brought good pricu. The cltllo aveng- ed II32 per head und tho Ihgp $12 per ' Dnmllu In-unun non lugs: pnyuble` Wl of jfuvpa - Ulla, VVIIIDIV UUlI`Jl; ILVUIA INK on PLAIN FINISH r n Prlou u my u nejcu be um. IR. =99-A 9-`ARP1_.NEF~| |rnAsn`TwTowArs| Cutlery, Illnln Kmpton, Rev 29. I871. lupus. rev h. In V An lmpootion Invited. lulu lor each. small: one prion. EIRIIQ complete Iizan, qunlitiu. Iv~ I IIIIV _J|u. 73r7d,7 1878: SOMEHTAHING NEW Mnounu lo uu,uuu. \ -l rinoo Dnnduuu` Konm:o' hu ukod the intervention ul thrUz-r in be- Iull u! the Bulgarian: in Mwodomn, wh-v tn Iuth-iug grout proueoulionl Iron: thu- 1`urh,_,.. - um. um... N. sh Harald. in an III : 5 Nov. 4th. Man: on . W`?!-y. lhllhu. NI. - nu. at 16th. Clall I AND IIIALTIY, uIII_vg Plum->d Ware. Sleigh Bells}, T 1`, ` / Cut hulls, '.;"2`.',y"` Iron and Stool. n,_ 'iK'i'i{vinio"&ix':"s'f" I nun alm- G. BEATTY & 00;, Propprietors,` A Thorough and Practical Uummumial Education. - noun-xlmuu IN ALL [T8 malt. PINIAN.8l!_lP. nnluun. BPELLIIG. umnumc. -, Lonxarounncu. unnlo IITIIODB, How to dual with :1... but mu. ol I: c;...,..._ .4 4. ,4, ,, mmuu. Pups:-`.r::uo lor\|;|"t1Ion nsd nanpnryu John nook ks, ' umaw, 3! (II Plllvlrip . ' '......""` - pnu |I all put: of Ihooonnu-J 3'... . `mu I055 Princess Street. a. I nun-.3 Turh,_,.. '-"f`u. umm. N. 5., Harald, in ` odnurinl yutorclny morning, up It. ll tho lrll desire and determination ul tho Loon] (iuvunvmml. sud Uunnrntlvu party to Abolish the lmginlutnvo Cuuncll. -A nluzmohu anmnmd nmoim the PR1 N CESS STREET. Ill` U I. vunnau and OOOOANUT OAKBS. |}n|7ns~ wciu. I \KE8 OLD AND YOU CAN BUY TO Inxin. `.-...u;wu nu nu y-- In -uvuuunnry u our --Iln ADVKllllII`l- The C`0I.l.l'0_' OIBCUIAA R ooltalnlngllll lnfarnnon, und upool:I:I'of Ponuuuhlp pro not the on uppuoguog. ' P1: __ _ OHTABIU BUSINES8 -G0!.LEGE. `S B, cn-1u___nuu_ g;__ llphtng lid l'IIIBl!I|!l]- `This iuiii u1uI|I :11 the cunt:-y in V ADVKI__I'lIIlII'l - puny I0 noomn mo uegmuuvo umnuu. plngmo bu appurod among Council u! A: rm-Jun, Tho auoron m Ilulnlod. Many ducloro have been uummondd tutholr rolief. 0! I95 por- nonn Attacked tune the In mu , 1415 have IHU1. A daily. up.-..p.\.l an H... Luhn Whllur Sonatina Ont. ' 3 a. mwrrv & co., Bollovi|lo.0nL 8 Cocoa or mnvoiopod Dlnu rypn tho` nnufuotory what we Ihll a cannon 0! $3170.10 from nnntuoto 0011 at the lowest pout It ran. 20.000 Imllh, own ulno, njl. 23,000 lnulllmoorn colour. n 900 pulbollld `.000 Pny Envolopos II 90 per tiounlt 15.01!) am superne M 03.50, high Mp. A most beautiful audrtmont of NIW YEAR CARDS. !niwuant.:amnrsials Idiot lotnulvuu. lfIIld0utf0Ih,t~f$|,. IIoooo`l'oIlctOnuu.' DIMM non V-0 pail lulu. no,ooo Corn. Ambor ud Can:-y I| 0|. P mound. Silver Ware. Brains and Bo- lnomlgn Goods Blr oamnol linker, ` Duke of Dovonhln. luanln of Lorna. Gel. Roberta. 8|: In. Armstrong, lul Boabnry. llt. Hon. I. I1`. Bunny, Admin] 1! by. In. HOIJAM Curunomllit Henry on. Ch R dn. 1') k t Idhbu In, a..':l'.`u..`;`r...,. r.'a'..o.m...E`. Lord hvnnu, Prluo llalul. Tho Ponuiuno mounted an and In tho h but loo! nnudohoprunovolnua loonp hthuonu. lnltl anlv hr A-h-nrlhnn ":?io8yru.-an oourwr` blod` ` 5 `|,i.I'|.<:ltu|IdiaIIIolIn|iv NOI'0Il'I I mi huildnn an F-I-:ouo nuns In-viz ooonpcld by nun. Inodonoll. I: lit! us Law Ooo. Plum 0! nlkatulonn vhhh will ho undo to can I duirnbla tonuat nu enmlnod on application: It the men of ht undo um. duirnblo sppllononl motto! BAWDII Q It IILI. Golden Llon Block. ' Kingston. Oops. '5. XVI. f` . [VII IIOUOHT 1'0 `HIM CITY -JU' "OPIIID OUT I} Dny Book . J mull. lndnn. BIO Lam: axis. all direct tn- Day Booh. Jon:-null. Illuh lldnl Loner Books. tho levy. no llnornodlnle prot. Over 500 of the loullo Libinry 3! I0 and we. Over I50 l`ru:hlm Iqum Llbnry II I0 :16 15 cents. All noun-non`. Ilov soon In luiod. Full Iuppllol of all Stock and well nlorud. mi-1c:s%oL_1znuovAL. I w. OSBQRN. I67 Wellington Street, In notupoc ogunql by mung; sleight, found without um: onun, .IOl`I im- nudod In Montreal on tho night ol the DC illi. ' -Tho IIOI gu work: It liurio gro ` in ant I23.IX). nu! Inn nlnidv bioh GAGE BROS And make your purchuu from one of tho but Stuck: Kingston hu aver loan. A magnicent Stock of ' wnrcus Ann Jawuanv In great vu-My pad /5! exceedingly lnvprioont m 4\ -3: ---.554 1) -00. 17. THIS VOLUME will include the following Ponnlu In no|orI :- ` Sir I]. L: uni, Hobart Puhn,` In. In: or lrChu'|u DHIO. Blr annel `inter, Duke of Dovouhln. In-qnh Loruo. Roberto. H We no Ilohrlnbod to all nll thnoooda M the lovut. poyin numud I [In an outonen the hon I of tho low prion. 371.3. 1130.. WILL EEIOVE ON OIL ABOUT `I'll ll! OI" JANUARY TO l"2!9!'.a'9*.'9i! ?!',[V IHENEWHHUK-STORE -vrno novgu won: :2 nuno gr In ouotI23900, sud IIIVI nlrudy lcuodjot {onnun your: to oxporionood panics. " ' -0orno|inun Vnndarbil-.. ir.. HoLny1L6"6ns VIII CICFIIK II. `I .- lold only by uboorfptlou A. AUIPII General Agent for Canon : PcblhutLIA D: o 3|. Oonorul (um 10 a. woman` Ioonron.) Dec 18th. RICE] VII) WIS TBIIMY. NEW PUBLICATION.- "'i"o11`"i"` A at B; Inn ya: `Till MIST BT00` 0? Iotoololuu In OHIO! In on. Pour Milclnoll. __Il II (limb vn'roi':_u qg S. WOODS. snow 39 uar. 7'XE3'iQ""?=2"6?" Prlnciu in CALL AT ., runs 3 Anti. Publishers. 73117:: was AN&I'iPr|n`oou It. {I I! Prlncin Sine; IIIOU. ---A Ittiku uccurod us the Luku Fidlor Colliery, one of the Mineral Rrilrond and M`uing Co : n 71:90, ll Shunmhin. thin mmuinu. 'l`h=`q mllnory employ: ::`. .3 man and buyn. - Juuthor non ha: been uken m the 11;, II II Ilvpuiu Ill-I III`! II II U_Wll' nyonau will our] tho mail: und pai- conga:-as soon u the niltodln an open on Ohoothor aid-. The lot today in i1 p Nstlllll condition Ind from th lllundaklhd bur. In H nal inche- Cllti. ill in ouauny niyelg - Idolduhn nu nu-an -had in Inn} in Tho Montreal Gaztttc roaontly modo on 1 onolought upon the Joly Govornmont. ohuging it with oorintu thing: in non- nootion with tho rocont purohooo of loud for railway purpoooo. Tho lottor 9! Mr. July to tho Q-noboc (`hrom'rl uploinod tho motto: utiotoctorily, but. so tho Ot- qtowo Free Prcu rounorh. "tho Gaztllr, with that ouopiciun which olwoyo choru- torizoo it when oconting I job nutoido of ito own domnin, permtlin doclormg thou, _ Mr. Joly hos Iuotod nonly o thonumi dolhro ol public mouoy. ond nrindicotoo, not ohoouroiy. its opinion `hot tho whole thing ha: been cnnoumuiotod in tho into- root of the Hon. Mr. Storneo,ond Hooou Bonn and Boonlort, the propriotoro 0' tho form. Mr. Stornoo. tho Prooidont of tho Council In Mr. July`: Cohinot, io tho G.ootto'a tutu mu`:-a, lndood. noxt to Uovornor Lotollier Mr. itornu might be tho morplal otonding in tho may 0! tho I Conlorntivoo rogoining power in tho Provinco. Ind diopoming thou oloomo- oyoory odnntogeo tolling to tho Int oi orgooiota oml Inropulloro who holp in munthining o oorrupt and do morolioing oocomloncy. Mr. Stornoo in I no oil the world lmowo, on old-timo Cun- ' oelvotivo. Ilia portnoro in tho ownorohip \ oil tho (toio form on both Oolfoorvotivn, , but all three we boliovo |'ooognizo--oo I good unony other: in Qnoboo l'00[llilQ'-` thot Mr. July : oourou. oinoo ho ooonlnod tho aim of power, hoo boon ominontiy Oonoorvutiso uf the boot inlorooto of the Province; tho! it woo high timo tho oliquo of oonuptimnoto, oi whomhr. Doonchz dime in u umro nnotrunont, woo `diu- ploood, and than it would bo in tho high- oot degree dutrnnemol to thooo intoloola if, by my oucidunt. or by tho roioing ut loloo iunoo bcinra the olootoroto that our rupt and corrupting regime woro I-ootuor od. Tho Gu:ctl.- duoo not ogrnplo, thoro`.' fun. to foil foul at thou ioutlouon` and broad thorn onlhnovoo, not unt- auto:-h3i|Irvd!"l&l0"=t"II'&I""'%l""`f."!- IIMI Duyl. utop Sclkilk. MAIL, uloclion proteut. A lvi'| ul puliculnrl, enumerating twemy-noun chxrgen ul n|'ugod bribeu, bu been luruilhod tho roapondonfa |o"ritur|. --The CMunInennt Victoria. IL (3.. Iurunnoa mo roaponuonu I0"fIl0I'l. 0MuaInon at Victoria, roluud to pay thoir lchuul tax, and I on! them were aummonod. Thvy u cu-h ordorod to pay 05,75 for 1 x Il,0 L0 oontn, be levied by dillrua. --l`olitiunn hnvu luau nrmamud Lo 31,110 up oonu, no Iovml ny auxroua. -Politiunn have bun pruunwd the Victoria, B. C _ municipv' counc", pray- ing for the cloning ui two Iquuw dance- houuu in thn city. The Superintendent 0! Police Inn ul-0' npplwd to lune n'| dnnoo-hounno I `used. , -M. ......n...u.a... a.. i`....I.....| ..c n.. unoanoumo uacu. - Tho nookhuldo "I in Enghnd nf the Grand Truv *1 Mid `lrmt. \\. 9Meru Rondo. urn ugh: soaking t . briuy nhuut. an Imnlgnmnuan uf intereua, with u view tu 3 roducuun of runniunand other expoulu und to I've cuution nf western cmnpoli- Lin!` Wu! or Pnvn.-Tho first meeting in this cunnecnon Mica place in St. Au. drew`: Church thin cvouiug. The nub- joot of prayer we hue Islroudy noool. The Iubjoct of to-marrow`: Iupplicnliou in: For the Holy spam to rut-upon and operate in the ChurCl:"uf God ovary- whoro. no Ihul tho dinciplei mny be lad 1 into :11 the trnth; that orron in doctrine, And oonupon of Srriptunl worship may be otnyod; Nut (nth nnd hope. brotherly Hudnu and chu-ity run; he Inorouod; md tint the canon! tone of n|in'(u_al life > -n__ u mglgvgmmhmmnslgmmntth ` Lord. Inuronulun luv boqfgn who no Aiclul. .. h . . J u~:'TAn.on, Gun.--This OQIO vi'|.now la. II,u!l`i|, `uttlod. Mr. Tqlor'iy_qrun In that I goptlelnn hu {soon um. out (MB Ilijland Iologk shit it. and `u n bqgiuniug the fulliiwing documot his boon iuncd: Tub uolioo the npplionion mm ; iiivww-v vv Iv--`cur-vy, I4-vru Lorna, to remain all pononu lrom de- piva. Williua Tnylor. Eoq., of bin jun tigllh and intuit in ooruin gold uinu mum It Oohooonk; and nl_uo` an India that Wu. Tlylor qillnot pay any John or demands,` the ` public may {n ||inI' II In " ' I vow I-I Inna-vvn.-u!U Iywll unrtllill Ml! II! to Wolfe nod Oink! Tlllndf cm W. n iohopdl um uh fo_idnyu_oon- -harm: -ill Inn-I-1 lhn nugiln -nJ n4L. um- -'l`ho nnminnviou for Belllhllnuh took plscu Friday. Three cuxdium-u -|`l ConIrntiveu-wore nom`nnIod, And they probabilitau indicate thnt Mr. BQI-pron in the fun. to, and thul, n p -ua.n`-lndopsmlom, he w `I poll the Then! vo` -. ` --The t..nl (up of the ntealm: Rich- mond from Hmlloll (0 Naw You having proud nlir : Lory, rho II oxpeclad to uni` on hot n. vuyngunut wapk. mm on! Grunt Ins b m asked to nalect. his int of embnrhtiun. In I letter dmd wombat 6th, he uid he Ihoald be rudy to loan Europe for Aria whonever tho- Richmoud nnued. To-day tho Annual civic citation is in program, Attended by comidol-able life, but Inching tho tumult Ind onthuuiasm of former days, ; rouiulf. a! tin profoumi nyutoryiinvolnd by the mo of the bullet Iyuum. We go to pron below the clone of tho poll: and hence we cannot conjec- ture what tho and will be. Wefiuvo u- ranged {or the publicntion of I nnnli ex- In, giving the man return, which will be distributed gniin. u vvuuuuu wuv -uw nuuvvw. Ilul lur Itqnding uhong they obouolou to tho ncliutiuo ol no fond dnan - the Intention at Old Totyiniii in Quobot. II this connection one on lnnlly holp uoodngon how. in politics at in com non lilo,` "cimumntmmo allot can. We night (cal Imus respect lor the .0cac'o petition it we could be quits con- dant that it would mtnen Ink wolu one the President ol tho Council to in ollltolhl II !!! it he would noounoo the ` amoral hi:-why: And fully to an old Tot; Gonmnonl. In the nu wgy wo night admire the chnptonnhip-ol tho Vomld it we [oh qwm ouuln that it would not deuonnoo Ir. Guru: :5 u An'--34243:]. Jnlinnnn-I h_-..4Il-4.I... -_ I-nu. 1: II Iuulvfoq jilj`-A1! vdnkllakolvofy mug chi to block it` --~---ooo ---- Lnlurronl Crrv Lonu|.-At the regu- In monthly meeting of Lilnolbonb City Lodge. 0.Y.H., No. 81. held In tho Onngu Hull. December Int, the following amour: wore choked tur IE7!) Bro.J.Sh|ton . .....W.M. J.Buut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l).M. H D Fllinln l`}\nn ' K. Mnou . . . . . . . . . . . . . .UDlp. " B. R. Toulpiim . . . . . . ..Soo'y. G. Kiuuonr .. . .. `...,.`,TruI. " \V. Burke. . . . . ..F, of U. " M. Cnmpboll.......... .......l. T. A. WnIwood..........D..ofC.- Com|nituo-- R. King, W. Slnith, W. King and E. Lchaup. _ Visiting Comlnmu-Brsu. Skoltnn. Bum and Tomiint Audil.inu-Bro|. Burk and Waltoml. 4 W. Smith. |'.M. ` ` III HUI! I0 IIIIIOEO -Jnnu hii`riA4I' 1.-.".1."-"1: a.-.`1'..".m.n. . .'.1.;r.- mm ww-. Tu Eaton-loo bow carridd the __.n_._ 1.11. _._.I r|_-A__ 3.1., n ` /._v ' Anne: spun ty r up: "Novnouhho a'."".. The (TI vlc litctlonn. DIIOL. ` Elliow. n '1`...... meanness f - . . II. II. .C2up. .Soc'v. wlruul um uuuu.-nun `-I'. warn` || oI`uuutial- dolinquou lnnodlnoly on his going back to hint old nllagiuoo. TI. Indin tho nrivnln no Ann:-n.-J.) .L-_ l_UIIuII||. r put Hal 58:-do uunun, 11., all. 0.-anon nun- uunnl boy: Mlployod nt Brook- " Coo Inn inland to work, do- mnlhg two months back pay. Tho oollinry. I Id: In an largest. In this to- glon. Inn idle |~-no you: my. Wilkeuhrro,` ['o., Jul. 5.--T p miuorl -.....I......I I... ll.. n..a.L. bu... .i....i..l Ion. an noon mu you: 5.--'Hu ounpluyod by Mr: Parish hue signied thoir.nnnauou to uooyt tho 10 pct ant. nclun,l.k.a.uu.. .A|lohu' viduul 'np;ul0rI mod in oonout "with Pnrilh. pg Iago: companion. no u the Doluun, Lnchuvunysd Western and Dclnuro and Hhdson Company, law; not given notice cl I reduction of nu, hm intimated their intention ul ram Ihir nndnd one-half. nut wont. Lqndon, Jun 5.-'l`no `nu-ikin ou- plqau at 111 point: on tho Idlmd nihuy an Ill out, Idd u Company in lliug their plus: with purtotl and oth- ornj ltil rop`ottod thus the driven vnll nlrika cu menu il incompetent noun no cnuuod. The 'utInou ue IIIO thrutnnod to Itri o. Ln-ulnn Jan I`. _l'l [III ninrlinn `III .!9`!!!\Ll!l[..$Sr 'I$A; _ London. Jul. 4.-'l5lI up indication: nl au'iIhIlI'oI on 50 pin 0! uployou in tho tent of 8003134 o..1ou-on n roman an an aura of lly-tau`! hour: II the wieixly quo (I Iabou. `Ono onto lug: uublinhmunu huo ulruy pound um noon to lhtt`~o oct. The men wi'| moet nut uni. Landau Jun 5 _Thn `nlrikillll ll- UIPOIMIIIG l0 Ilka. London, Jqn. 6.---.4,00U Ihrlinu have oun nubaoribod It u Owonnn Bank, London, to sum the Rhodopo mountain Innonn. A ugnaonl nirikn nf Hun -Inll am. Agauual strike of the gundn ong- pluyed on the Midhnd Kaihuy u threatened. bocaunrof the u round intontion to increase the numboro walk- lnghours. In-..I..n J... I`. _..'l`h-nu Inn hnnn An lngnourn. Inndoll, Jun. 6.--'l`hore bu been In inclulo oi dlltrua in ovary quular dur- Inglis puhvoek. On Friday at Mun- chulor then won 2,000 Application: from the Mad: ol Iuniliu representing l.`l,;'00 pen-mu to the Relic! Crgmmlttoo. On Bcturdny 4,000 fresh nppliontionn were made. Duling tho nook 12,000 families were rolioved in Vwolverhun can; con- uinlenhle inc:-ouo in ropnrlod rom Shef- eld. In 193:? 3r_lt_ish`?li?hig. . .... .__`__ Urenl I rmtc-plmn, Mr. nun-In um: "It would 3. I . Ihu inloreel. of our fol- low munlu mm m the United State: that a proper reception be eooordod Gen. Hunt, who n-presents the governing parlyuip the! country. There can be no fmefaonnl enhpethy to the genilemu him- eoll, neither was there euything in the Government. of the ex-Prelident objec- tiunuble lo the Irish people, nor un leu- nut U) the Irish in Amerire. Pro ably (hunt imuld Lenin be At the hand of the am ll) mo mm In tunorn-u. rronnmy (hunt Iiould ngnin hand of the l'nitotl sum, in which event it. would ho to tho intorut of our fellow eouau-y~ mon in Amoricu il proper recognition bu give him on nis arrival in Cork." M r. Bmy nid The ex~Praidont had in- sulted the Irish people in America. He got up the `No l opory' cry there." Mr. Tracey uid; "It would be unbonoming for the Catholic conltlluauey ol Cork to welcome well 5 mm. They should not bc ungonoroul enough to refute him hun- pinlity if he deserved it. but liouw nuthin in Grunt : oueor that called for sylnpat. y from tho Isiah nation. He never thought of the Irish not! as he did of othnru, and he went out of his wny to insult their religion." ` ll lllll l`O|VI|' I10 l||l IGl' NIIIIOO could placed on hie troupe or relilunoe offer- ed. The Muller therefore concluded to seek Rnuien pruteetiou, end place his cuo befure 1 European oongreee, leaving Ynkonb Khan. hi: Ion. In charge. Ye- koob nu releued the name day end an oath Administered the: he Ihouid do u the Ameer directed. The Ameer left Cebu] Dec. 13th, And hi: eulhorily Ind Almuet diup . A deepetoh from the Viceroy, lied Jen/. 3. hey! tlie Oe- buleeo ehiol bu Initye to Gen. Babette, offering his urvloee. lays the Ameer hu gone to St, Pehnburg. UI |WIl'II.l!|IIKO`I|I0 bomwaouunnd o-. an Sums. oc'Lund 0%. up table to 11 Ram suns-AU $57; no ummuu-u 1 so a limo \-y 1 Kll l\I JlI aII'uIy.; New York, Jqu. 6.--Tho Herald`: Dub- Iin dupltch up that at 5 Cork Town Cuuncil meeting, which declined to give Urun. rm-plirm, Mr. Hnrrin said: "It. would \lry song: up" xv-nay.) New York, Jun. 6.-Jou h Wooloy, ` member of Wooloy, Lnnp in at Cm, liah mnngon, died nuy sud loft eon- nidonble propu-ty. 3 lbs time of hi: death ho had three innunnoe policicl of $5,000 each on hi: lifo. B6 In knowil n I jc-Hy, whole uoulod Inow, And 8 great Admirer of the gentle! on. Five women lay claim to MI ropoy. Now York. Jun. 8.--- ban in said to 1-10 the lidjtor of ma livilich .>r?z?."o5fL'-{T Y'.31':?;S*' in oohilnm 6 lotto: nip: 9! mo gm lug, I nouauu oannpnonou III columns a Ii 01! mother Cntu-uqui Taxpayer." n the wane of of IN writing he heouno Io oonlnlid that ho nude an o! the followlnf, thinking In nu hiti no hard by I. Hon : "Poniblv emu ho the would-ho AIL`:- "Ion LI` IDA!!!` Hun I . . Ina I:`nu'u:rIuuAeudoI '` . juwun lean; otlbdu ladpulpp `Will or Pnvn.--Ihou ll 81. Ahdnfn Church -17.1 p In. - I `. \ TIXIIDAI. ntnwy non; puma have but I largo cups :- Wud. I think In onus`: to nlhnd hi: nnblin olln and Ills Reception :u-i`ork Dlscuuecl. --_., WOIIIOII II Clllllll IO "II film . York, nid to hnvo been more than on choice in this vicinity yntdrduy thnn our before in one dty. 'lhe wulhcr In Iplondid, sad it in eaiimatod than Inn two hun dmd thousand shun. Oontnl Put lakau nlono lining on In ' thirty thousand. Prupoet. Pnk lniu, Brooklyn, And other plan will IIIO be null pntrnniud. The nroumot in chnt than nill ha lnmn am no nu! oyn. non "Pouibly till] would-ho Al or- nun who Id ho VIIV1 favor of coonoa my, 39! no In (nor of opening up the gluon Iron notch to south pole, In fut ha nmod Ina. not Iron no.1]: In m";.;:m :.':...:'"".....:.:j don wugolh n to 3 _ In ha ptnlitptlol enough In nuonnl In ullhhn it saying. nu purnuna. prouptot in abut. than till he Imno rue opnrl on Ibo Vppcr Hudson thin nook. Tho ice in in mu 1'!) oonditiou, And tho ice ynohl that us; be lkimming mum in to-dny or to-nu now at the rate M61) milu an kour. ` Ldndma, Jm.4.--Tho Vince! of India lnllguplud on Doc. 3| detail ol the Aunt : withdnuul tron Cabal. Tho Amur hold: Dun-bu on Doc. 10, when mt nu resolved after tho lull ol Ah Mm- `mil nhd Pniuar nd fhrlhnr Iulipuuu lw\n|4| QOIIII, IIII [mm XII I) `CI, rillll ul ex :0; or, on he njd, I! he wont to the muo I, he mount to diqut thing: on their morito-n nu Nllltl for him an nn doubt he won dhgalt ovary um." I don huinz undo on o! um ono. I may mung nun III 0! `um words `hoonoln " or "dtqnl." but I will disgmt the I he to tho Daily New. All I aid In um. I In lolnn in for u'i'pi-I "nu 11 p -. li'ru_ntouc msgnu Ina Inlw Io IIO uuuy nelu. All [Ola] ooomlruy. upd Io.u.|`d dinouu quuliouu 1 ouly hid; d an 0 Ltd `ad but at anon: nuunp. vi- dantlv lit with tnhlmxdhin TIC II?Iljll Iloopol a mud .s'abbuIh .S`kalI:t-I; ~I<`igh Hug For luau-. ,.1o aka IduoVroHlu-;1'iah WM. n...n; ;_x-, ' than doubt in Illd uuglm one." I don having not 0! tho cord: nacho-I" or "dlnnl." but I will Ilgc Amea.-r u Retro.-al to lfuwaia. ~.._ _wu revolved um tho full of An Mm- ` mi and Point I16 firther rolinco could nlumd nn hi: tronnn nr nuintnnm MT.-. In 5, 1870 I Sullml, VI, JII. 6.-Sana hun- uund hon ounlond -u gnu. van: uv nu! vul lIIjlIIDO. hut in. the priuk oc eonnudd an... an ol`publio'uo`n in tlh country an annand In llnlr Mnlitiul uuuI...a -..|