`f \`D'l"ff3(I>I"I"R` .LV1.l..l.J..I.JLJ .lJA.IIk/K}. PRIZE A'Il EllI AID FUIHIKBI. Oorno Princes: sud [ingot Bu-an Doc Nth. - (nxr T0 3. woQus' noolurroux.) Jun 10th. WURSH IIPLOYEII won me Nxonhna my to apply deuund lnr Immense Despite the Bull 1'_u:he-x s1iL46o IN HAHN l)lKl`RllIlI'l`|CD, ui`i "J"sf5n VOL. xLvu. MILLS BROS: uuau uulvlvlrnn gin nnolnwun n lllpanllolod In-0:01-13 or the Popular Dnwlnu. 'Il.o.a.a.a.iio"f"r. GRAND DIITIIIUTION . I-urnuuyp culu ovuip In No Scaling! No Postponement! run-:n um I! wu.. ladies and Gentlemen : `b'uvvAu`cI{nd%L rhea. .1l5,I00 `min I\rkrll. Hui] Tirkrtl. 8|. oul. 0110. 55 Tirksu. MIX! Fons: sALET 'aih `n Iwsv AS BlllS_ ` I 1. G. J. IIIY. 73 III: . I `I 1$-w? nu roon`ln'a nun [f".'..**.:.%`:.'.;-{::.*:f.'.*.;.Z.i..:.'"' sum. Tea. ac ac `onus: duo Clmwom M-n-In-I Io Mafia dish AT , uh cuaaicumo M m: u I nuglllvl IUOWIIIOO VH1 00 IDIOO on LCCHUIHI I0!` the Itofpngo of nnpply, if such ntnppnaa u loan to exist without the Imp ofatreet. .I WlI.()N All mono Vno IIIVD IOIYIJIIII uluuuug In Illll!'l' Good: todluyooo ol. will Ieuo call on Cheap Jack, who mll pm; the h ghoul color Ion. lvuyhdyflnv cod tn comm got was ph hon SAAO DAVID. Gaunt llmhr, oppoulta Pgrthm'n,Prtnoou Stmt. lnnunon. Mm 511:. ; CHEAP JACK. ONSUMERS are hereby reminded to have their oellnrn aml placer where the Water Pipes enter their premises at once lecured from front. Positively no IHOWIIIOO will be mndo uccnuntn for 01.. nlnnnmm of nnnnlv if mmh nfnnnmm WILL BE BOLD on reuuuabla terms, Hm three Dwellings on Gordon strum. butwoan Earl And Johnson Streets, N05. 23`), "JIM uud 238. Tho house: are In ne nppmunou; one unto for `I90 per year. and has nine rnonm. bolidu closets, pnntry and vnlhgr. '1 he other: mat for 091'? etch and have six romnn, besides the oloootl. punnea and oellnru. Thurs in a Ohtorn In cub house, and hard nnd son was- brrgnngn In kltclmn. Good Shula sud plunked u I. mnlluden to owl: houae. In kltclmn. Good Shula plunked Alto the two stylish Brick home: In Iuuno block uonrly nished. They contain 7 room- each. `resides clooou, pcntrlamoel Inn and good ymrda um! Ihada. Lula N5 ft-at deep. oh, beside: (-Iosou,pcntrlu_oelInrn and good yuda I _ Further pnrtlouhrn on uuplloation to ` WI. SIOWUEN. Johnson Bu-oat. I will no-I! the lluildingl Ilngly or Altogether. 1 Dec `2nd. [ISAAC D A7\/1b,) -12 Is-Irtlus -An D- Dealer in New and Second Bud Clothing of all kinds. 1|` YOU WANT THE BEST CIDER In the . world is t|c(!|nII.Quu't or Gnlhn, go to IIMLC DA lD'I, 285 Prlnoul Buns. PIOPIITI M the ma wugn: A. Douldcumutho (Innd `hunk non, Iuubh lourluuof |A;s good sumo "'*-'......'-'..*.."`:.`.2':"'-'w':..?.:':..":, V I I OI org in 5 auto: ow A-nli an ILA mum]: IUU WIN] Your lawn neatly Bled and let. go to CH EAP JACK'8 II" IUU "ARI Au: ud cum I! e 'l`ool:'gmund ;o~ to , ISAAC DAVID (255. 7_ _ All those who luvs nwoml mom or other Oooduodhpooo I call Jack. pa`; '1ho babe mm for . H.` ,p.,.;.;.u-n. :....\ f=ENw:6iEWii6`G"I%] n win In umunuau I juvuvuwuu --cc` UNTAQIO Il'l`HIl`I', With lllludhlao poanudon Ipyly to} J` nr 703 _WAN1` YoIr'l`ub||nd Burro`: ropniml go to ISAAC DAVlD`B Cooper Hhop. rrlvuu, I-In ;---n- --u----- u-.--. w. Io:-mount nu... Th oh hvouclt. Is:.`.`:."'91:."..':;";".'. ` "." I" ' ' [ho-um In I. III). wmni_wiurn I WaterWorks Notice. And will In cold so the v Alowut prices. If REMEMBER THE LL05 `WI Wellington Street, 'noa.r Prlncut Bt- Dm `20Lh. . EVER BROUGHT 1'0 TH? CITY -JUB'l` OPENED UU1` BY JEWELLERY, WATCHES and % RE` 128- 331208 "'-. "'i,,1` {.'u`i?"v`s'v`-"i:`3'fr-`;`1v`-."3; :5-'.r"="` - V_ .-__._:, Three Resl:lcnces and Lola] NEW DRUG STOII Io Iarket Square, I)-Irner of King and Brock Streets. Nov 7th CA RBOLINE, - F`nIInwn' Swi- HIGH UV FIIUIIU I ` B mpmon nu-rylnz Saeonga. $80. and 0100 gold. moor-ling co uoouunovlntlon. ' o Staongo. My Summon not cu-rying than .$30.O|00 Ind 0'30. u:mIuim.I Tiokoh iuuod at n I aim rue 01000 gold. during the Full sud Winter nonnn. to to Purl: 015.00, 00 mddltlonnl. locum Hahn on favm-nblo Iurlnl. Btnnngou very low nun. Uuongo `Hahn from hverpod and qneonnwwn and All othu pm `.1 of auto M lowul nun. Through B of lulin pvou tor Bclhlt. GI-now, Havrmlmvap and mu pom on no Cuntinant: and for lull mm. For Freight sud Punnmnpy-ly at CoInpuIy'|0Iloo. lo. 4, Bowling Gnon. New Yont. CHAS. G FBANCKLYN. Axon: .IffT } 4.}. us. 1' lI\ll ABYSSINIA. HA'I'A VIA AL(I!.'RIA.... I A I! I'IllJ.... UOY l'llA.. .. HIKE '.'lIlI plljur u n: Ihnon,Ju.I. pro. ,:. LN Ivhg Oyuun $31; dl|I|:ol lBNnl.ti~ ucn Nu. V0 % "`3s::;. ,. ...m....:. V :'E%tIa:Esi:Ezfiszo%s : ` nnnln ouhcuolon. .' H0 ll DAY GOODS Hotel To Let or For Sale. The Oi1n.rd_8teaIi1-Tl|7_i-1;_O_ompany,(Limited) New York and `(J'U..A"2El..'l3 1:.:t:nr:I 1, _ 7 33;! 2! -%-5!:-gu:_y&h{%;u;i:.uqn,m nun-cu at hhlng` . 0-IM0-W-MP-II-coin-I , !'|J939'70lIIjBOIAoI.uvudnglodln:nlo!b0u Ulniquibfiibblh I1 ` < > 0at.hcI'laIovInlPungn. dIIlHbno!5ol.l9l.o&.wnoa.I.noIhoHohqM2l nnu Nov. 7th. Iuvnm A M19! moon or aana 1;;..a:` KHULINE, - Fallon Syrnpuf Hypophonphitcs, VFIGF/I`! N E. I bulldua on Prhoou street formerly [Old by In. lnodonnoll. h India ak! Olen. Plan o( slipnciono which IIII Munch In lulu lulnhlo count In; A0}. . 'foTt' SALE, .1; II... . A-gang. . IN GREAT VAR] ET Y, _`-f_ (VA LLING AT Howl` syrup 0! I VE(:`E'I`lNE, In I.` , min; I128!` cuss QUAD D. '0' Ibk Ind luv u, and nu-aha mum-. it nnnllvlnlllhi l..J.- FROM NEW Y )RK. ru. . uv I , I ll` x(1_wAN1~ .n|.-n. IA-.. "\n4sI- `an -uu. ..- u, Elma Fruit Syrup. PHOSF'()Z()Nl Wllgzn A. hi! a 5 gum, rlonntjrsu mo Douldnu. M the nk nnhhln her Ann: of HAHOI I` I'll D"I'Up. PHOSF'U'/.()N Sun ford : Uatnrrh Remedy without (M um M urea. J. WILSON, Mnnnger W. W. Go. nrv I Jun. r Avuul . .Wednnad|y, Jzm y 8. A II Y.*'h'Ix\'I.4 . ..WednL-`day, Jun. 15. BA TA VIA . ..WadnudLy, Jan. 22. AI.r:1m1'A....... .WodutIday, Jun. `29 PARTHIA . . . . . Wedneldny, Feb. 5. And every lollowtnp wdnudny f~om New 1 VQIETKEB. WARE don. M7`! g, \?c'l"|xW!cx. KINGSTON? CANADA; TUESDAY EVENING, ' JANUARY 14:. I879. - SW90`: IIIIKIWB CHEAP JACK. `Rates of Passage: ms. 830. loldmooor-llnz` J M0lLOY S IWWJ$'e" I have concjdown hnndaolnelyon PRICES For tho Holidays. COIE AND SEE IE. !'o1tGoodI Below Cost of Kgnufactm C. I4. lI0Ial40Y, Eon-o ofAl1 Nation- 71nd-n nnvlfr! nan r!tI'IYIIlII'lt'II `HIEII I8 NOTHING B0 IIPURTANT ._;g_ and , Alfnduuet. quALnv"TI|_u*nocn|s.' -d `m I `Hi bile 37.nov, Errol 'pnhI|:w nppnohtlon like |1`easa:es1,<:e;.=ssreass2=~ries~i -....... .- vvu u-nu, unv. - Double I-`rnme Tonoment noun on Noloon Israel. quite new. |n_- __.u . L_Il .,_., n .... .,., .I....., .. Nina and n hnlf Acne: on Regout street tunable for I maria! garden. N...b lV-..... u....-- _n|_ __ .... ._.: _-_: .__ --..._...v Iv! - -u---on uulicu. Neat Fume Houm.wH.|: mnnnanl roof, on corner 2)! Juhmou und Alfred Iereau. oune nnd ulna Lelia of lnnd. hunt. hevnnd nlluhmou House tons of land. just beyond the Village of Unbnqul. 0 n :1 nun: 1' PNDIIIII to Main I llmliod number I Plplh on tho Plano and Orun. Toma mule how: an oprlonthu. Oonnulcatbnn nut though be promptly nltondod to. Iad:lnnng--Anal: Mun. ..,. 7 7 .__.. Stone Residence on Quevn Itreotmontain In); 9 momn. lhthroom. Wood Shad. Gm. M` . b *: y Jjlllli UKIUK (,`()'l'l`AGE an Alfred ntruet, . nlnudnng In quarter Aorn I uL Everything In good order. n., n -. ., 1' FINE BRICK C()'!'l`AdE mrml In. wood nnlnr, Sweet Japan at 300 per n, New Season Japan at 35c perlb. Fine Japan at 400 per lb. Extra Fine Japan at 50c per lb. ,- @UGAR INEWVJAEAN T EAS} [E-nnKHn.I.'s) The Largest and Best Assorted STOCK O!` I. DA". is wuuum aunt. in tendon hnlnoorhnr Iouonnmh If WM haul. `hrna -dune. U130. Jul. XIII. MN. Oyiatox-u,_ Pystors. _._,_-;__`_-_____. ._w.,. . 2 ` ' ' ---e------- . lungs: Hugs: I Juno: 3 WALIII -Nashua _ ugulneut In favor ol the supodut ex- oollonoeof my (flare: Nov 30th. UUALITYI UU ALITY! Nov 3915. onnu `I'll % noun. ntrc * FROM NI! W YORK. All Y.~'.'I2\'I.4... .Wedueadny, Vob. 12- ....Wo-dnerday. Feb. 19- A I.r:Im1'A.. . . . . . \\ cr!m=idiy, Feb. 96. ..Wednuaduy, March 3. PAHKH|LL S. rm: `mo wsats now some on. LOOOI. Andy II III. IIIIJIB, hr Ilnot. _ - Io LET on son 8Al.ET vnnv mm IIIIIA I|l.l nmvi nil ARRITVING [ran SALE __gn To m. 31.113 31 L.-IJ JVXWIC 309 PRINCESS STREET. , Ann.` :3. U. meuum, Rnx. Enn: AGIl`I'. ` Clarence Strocmopposile Pootoloo. \ ;;.ow|-:R THAN EVER AT ron _AL. 7I"'oA_an." 'ivtii3L Anni. In Ell III] IN KINGSTON. ,Bowhn Omen. New fort. .- , .4. y`*4 G Ii`BANCKLYN.A[cnI T. Vol must. in !_'-3"-.':-_t':':'._._ *'~"' 5 l" ~' FRESH TEAS! L M Ornnm of the Flu! Congrega- tbnol chuck. V - ,u_; -_._L-_ -t Liverpool` C. MeGlLL, . Aunt. CORK HARBOR. SALES I \ Bright Pure Dlnrk Glace Silk! at 73c,\90o 31.00 nnd 81.25 per yard. " Rich (Iron (irniI.n,very handnonm, at 81 50 and 82 00 per yurd. Rich Groa Gnim (bunuet I1llk8I)lt 82.00 nudl$`.. .30 per yard. \'ury handsmne Clouded Gran Grain Silks f r promenade and evening war. in all llm fmhiunnhlo ahudel At 8l.`.. .3 and $1 ()0 per yard. Blnck Satin: of oxtrorno hrightnus at 750. $1 00 and 8125 per ynrd. Colored Sntlnnin I the fuhiunnblo Ihldou .0 Inn "-6.... pI lC0l. Tho but variety and but value in Snlh. suing And Velvet: no to be had at |Nw 4dvtt?seIeinT.-I l-ulUl`8(`l naunun nu me Iunlununo uncles at low prices. White Lynn: Satin: fur bridal wear. A|no,\VhiI4,a lrinh Puplino at roduood nricoa. .700 nT;TnwnuIon'upplyQo REV. A. F. KIMP,'_L.L. mun. llov lssllu R 3e..,. .-...E.A..!*.`.3.'.E*FR'3~ mochxsng-connu'""u-.' oi IATGIIES MID JEWILEIV In IIIIIHD I-Du` 17.` W n. (J. i:KiibiiiEii." " Black Silisgd Sqting We no l'.'mWing a very camp to |uort- \ ' want of Black and Colored Silk: II -v1-n-unv lnlu hnin n . P0!` IDIOFIIIILIDD cone:-mung IIIG : [puns AND nnumo unns In l`PK7'I`DlI llllllllnnkl I..- _-I_ L- AL- nuns: QLVII Illt-ullV\l IJQIVII In CENTRAL MI(.`lllGAN. lor sale by the Fllnund Pore In em Knlwnycomp y _A dmu IV I50 I W 80088. Ill UUIIHIHUUICH I EAST V8A1NW. MICK. . 8 A DAY. In oxilahcnnvunhg f6r`;i:'oa l lRS8lDl.- '15] 1'01). ad 31:`? fine. Ad-Inn P. 0 VICKIIIY. ngluu, e_ . Inn and Bountiful Chroma Cards. with on|y&0;. pottpnid. Geo. [.8004 & Co.. I`. I. BFAISAB, U.u.D., u.u.u., DII`l1I'l'4-0Iooud Iaddnoomnnoou 8:. EOIVOII lonlnll and Bvdenlum Glnou. omamu-uxa. aid miooumun. onu jinn-lino! 2- _El`.mm;J Clrll.7Now Iltylu `|ih..;;Il;;, Io oontn. srlmcu a ($0., In-nu, xv. k Co., Nu-an. LY- .....__. .__......_.-,_.__ - .. . `QOIIXID CMLD8. wllh nun I0 cum. warn mm 100. 1.. Josh 5 cu.. Ilunol. --._..`_ '0 Input no nu I GAGE BROS! [sum-"Wm. Bronson and Bo-l hA-InI [huh mmor s'nu:I-:T. liI~."l`WlCEN vnmcxss AND QUEEN u1'x1u;'rs.; rr mmsr. mm mm! PAINTING. Ginin~ Inn. uh-xi:-a. l`nn!sr Ihumlnu und 0:!- I Epbinson 62: Son ] OTTAWA LADIES` OOLLEGE -.AIl|... Addmu wn. nwmtn. ma Oouunlsaiufr ` ItAR I` RADINAW MIDI] IT.-PNH*!9Pl The I4u11gest. Cheapest and Best. Selection 0| ROOM PAPER, n my power In an this: "If nuiva ant 30115 gin; bhgpu this: nntiva . Soha ting the surnqaa And lnlluonoo M ovory oitiun fuvovrnblo to hone Iud pure Govern- lnhl. unn | 1.1:-Inn,- 0 Having been rm nut-Ad by I Mtge and inuancisl number oh 0 Elmmn to ropronon this city in the nut lmrlinment ol Ommrin, lunm verygruz pleasure In wcmdluz `tn tha rt-quopt. and ifnlc-cw! pledge mynalt to do :1) advnuoo the but lntoreatl of v-u v- v vuuuwuvvun I02 Princess Street. Jun. 8th, 1878. uEN'rLI:I1c.\',`- ll....t- . n.._.. To the iiicctors or the City 01 Kingston. Al the Election for the boil. [llutnte will tske plum within I fey mun . I lxegto mrurm the Eioowra of the Cilyo ilmpmn llmi I will ngniu b~nCuniidnlb for 0 |l)llI.l0I!- I now hold. and that I will commence: por- Muml onurnu of the oily in nfow d: n. 1 rut. my claim w't`hn position no that him ul- remiy dona, and when olootod will follow on in the June urslghtfmiurd oolrnel luvs Ilwuvn pursued. lusvlng an on olnglo to tho procporuy of [ha Province. the uluneument or the city, and apooiuilv to the volfno of my fellow workman. Your ohad ion! netrunt. JAIIII-)3 II. ll'l`l}AI.l"I. Kingston, Supt. 23. I818 cm or Imuzsrou. Anal Room Paper Depot, 7' ll(HY3F1 AND HIGH PAINTING. "I1 lug. Hlnzil-g. Pnpor Ilunaln |omlniug.&o . done In! a boat utyla nud on the shortest notice. :;l]|M, moat lonly CAN: I ovo;oH.vili D:.;o, no mu. J. a. nusnn, lu- ;(~.`i:romo-4(-`:n!I. tn. Cupldl. Dflovora. lo urn alike. with nuns. loo. -...`:. ll-How * Wll. ROBINSON. Khlguon, Nov 15 I378. _.__.._._....... , ,..__-.. W>' inc: UIn-|`|,. Chroma. nowlltka. do no two alike with name, We J. Ilnhlu ._. Nnun.,[.Y. 5'.'m:'.`..`.'.'!c'l v6ta\dolu.._ To nu: 'lbl(;TOI8 % In Central Canada unwind in ncotlhtb` ""`llhI- `ems aaos. IIJ-.... Ho... t Alvrnldlg IINOI hint. In tut. .:-..-.----&...-.---. CALL AT Ari kxelmlent Chance I To MAKE JONEY. I 4_6_OAc1::_s oflaand FOR` Sf\L_E. I ..l nlu. |.....o I.. ~... J... .6 I ..... FOR THEN. I0 by will nontlnuo hll Rodne- llon ulml tho and of Jnnunry. Tbooo living in the city will plane make npliolnuneut If no..- vanlent. E) Mmplea fun shod to nll.uul work pznnnnteed utlufnotory. MARTIN'S BLOCK. oornar ol Montrul uul School of Mudern%Languager..] TliA(.`lIl.\'(} STAFF: Englhh. Lnlin Mal Mllh(~mIlica-ANI'W H u Iodnm LlI|.|l0I`t\l. ` . . . .ll. 5 ROIl.I,nml Advanced (irnnua. . . Fun. 1 lwlunul, I.U The Instructions are thorough . And, in French And (lnrmun. and the other modo lnnguqcw, tho pupil in taught pruuml an (ion, as well u the theory or lnnnngu. Prlvntn In-mu tnunln hv (ha Inna Ifnr -.: Irnuw: Tu-no gmm Nov. mm. WFII .I `III! lllQ)f.V UI III`II`U. Private leuom taught by the lantern. For pnnioulsru apply In ANDREW HAY. I V I I & I I 1 f` ln One of H10 bx-at Tu-wnnllipu in vur M l mu trnw. nl-out ten mll.-an from the K & 1' linll runnl. and near Hm tmrreyrd mute M the Qm-lmc and Uuuriu llulllrny. (which will pm bnbly he built In 3 rw years). The pm n-y haiku fqllawlng ~ lngmwonoahr v ..\..a the fqllawtng tun;-nvvomoatnr vim About 40 Acnu ck-and ; I Fume Home with 8 mmnl, a rurclaa Prune Horn. with Btublug '&c., And I HAW Mlln manning ordenwith An excellent Inlet power. The unclmroul portion 0! the Land lnrdl excellent portion vnodnd with ulunblo tinhnt. VA quantity 0! urine Mill Gunning can Ilnobolmdnn nmumnblaknnn. 'l1npmpurty w|lllnonllchanp.Andoncuytu-nun! pnymunt. For puouhn oppiy to F` ELKlNG1'0N. ('|ork`I Olro. |.I.w.B110wN&c0'sj pznnnnteed uthbotory. Princou an Entrance on Ilontrul In-cu. . `AI - III I vi iultvllg c ' YOUNG In out of employment would like uluuucu u Clo:-I. In non`:-Ighum org! uufhuu -ail , I It cy- . I . o 'm!...'~n.a`."" m M Box -m, Kingdom ianvsrnulusanrusnutnvI an t" vhiiindzi AT alum] `u non Stock in the City at the lava: prices. . DB. 1!. W. UAI. `o-0IInInIII0O. Df. lump- un`Iooo.eorIor of Ila; ul Wnllnua Ienunoudu Dn Yank ll6ney, |lonej.{ A few onbioa of um Chrintuma Nnmlmr of the SPIRIT 0!` THE 'l'lMl.\|. [T Tlckuu for Capt. A|len`u Rknting Rlul F05 SALE. Day Books, Journals. Lodgnrn. Blow-rn `And Loner Boukn 2. ; nor cant. cheaper tluu any other human in tho city. 3' SEE OUR ENVEL()l'E.~L '1 he beat nine in Ih6(`IlV. Spelling Blnnh lot 3 oeuta. FULL AHs()R'l'MEN1` 01-` ALL S('ll0()I. IHMKS nml [ho unual nmm. uu(`ln\Ipfr than my other homuv mud nmlmu-or. I-`l`l.l. I~`l'I'l'l.Y M-' Ql'l'.'lCN.\i ('m,|,: ; TEXT H()(IK.\' F0!` Exeroiu Books only 3 oeutsj Pu_ynon,1)unt,on and 8;-ribnor'a Extn lnuvy Copy Booka.with Blotting Cover, only 8 I oonta. n-v-\-v- - -- .1. CUITII II). noon 1- nwml. dmmhol Induce nu-ly toad!` Great llmluclloniuvopyliooks and Spelling and Grammar BLANKS. pnrtioulnru Apply Anbktw HAY as Wolliugwn sumz, near wmum su-'m.. Doc `Nth. Aiu-cc1'rIu to: run. In `Mn. .--. NI. on Alias and lobar `Ilvub.'vuIl hood and an-and Lt!-3 nlnoonhh nunhrololdoo spph tun. Apply lo I. W. lllIl'l'l'a nun. aunt. la-cl. Jun. 0. ._._ -. . ,,,,A.,V. The Supplies must be of good quality, nnd dellvarml as re ulmd it the llanlulion duly, (Sunday: axon god.) The Boo! to be without neck: or uhuun. and to be nubieot to 'he 1: - prvvul ohhn Dnmmoru of the lnnmuuun. I m dgnut bind thomnlvon to accept the lawn! or my lander. ISAAC SIMPSON. Jan. 11th. IHENEWBUUK-SHIRE] Bread per lb. Beef `do Mutton do Jan. Ilth, I875. I":-om nnnioa willing to onlbr lnm u(`oulr1wl for nuuplylng Ilm lluuao of Indnntrlr with tho following ltutinnn fvr untn your from than Punt |"ebrIn|l'y. lu7'.I.to me In Fa ruarv. I81!) ` DI. 'l'lM!lAnu, PBIGAI `_ib union. 1 I aorta of Q ad 3': OIIIOI-Huh b Gun`: KINGSTON " mnsm F_o_1-5310. ` Uut ll'l"l1ursday. January l8lh,! AT II n m.m*L 1- u SIMPSON. .JlnIt.~Boerotnry And 1n-umror. Klngtlon. Jun. 10, I87`). jH0us"()?]?4'LigTRv. AND BUY YOUR SLIIGHI AT ' All work made In our .o'\vq lhopnd mvd. [\KNI)ER8. Addressed to tho undonignod. will be received ll Mn ofho TENDERS FOR BITIOIS. S. WOODS. . --__...-<`\-. n. J. IAuI1;ilLx.n., Z ylll OI Till ROYAL C(`l.I4l`.Gl u5'l2:`s3'.:.':."'u`.`.K`E:`3'.`, ILL HAVE FHUM '25 TI) 50 P]! u ova-.r4v iluznn at Plmlograplu HY UUING T1) wnteH7. I `Ah nu! (If nmnla uur un munirvll Ill?!` 'W. P. BILL. loeratarv `lraumr I8 to Truckee and l`nl|K`t5Iet|tlI.!tl Andre Maaaena, lull ul tho of France under Ntpoloun. destitute Maternity. In tranapired that M. hue life written up lur Thnnpaun or it they did it waa only fer a IIIOIOIIK. He wee gentlemanly retired, and named devoted to hie work. puhliahed in the ln epublican. He was young. tall, and quite good looking, and mu educated in are ditlereut languagee. He claimed to be dneoended from a latui~ ly of wealth and diatiuoti on. Now Mal- eena had a wife. She was fer too young. for ten beautiful, not It; bu attractive, and it appears ehe won the l)uhe'a heart. but week it. Mleeetml tamilv left Truckee) and th l)ulu~ accompanied then. Some hm: of the crowd, in peek- ing up the thlrtgsfnr ioiimvtd, packed Up a oonatderable ...uuitity M the huuaehold geede of tlieirluiullady. Mra. Short. A warrant wae vapoedily aaorn out, and Of- cer Croaa followed lllvlll. The atnlen goode were fouud,t-get r with all the Mueena baggage, in the oil: or poeeeeeinu 0! Duke Thompeon. lle eaya Maeaeua told hlm to look nut for the baggage, and he hell no idea that any guuda had been atolen. When he learned Ir nu the olce, hewenr, that Mra. Mae- aena would probably bn arrueted for the thief, he at once returned with Mr. Creee tn Truckee, and pleaded guilty to tho larceny. John A. Gray pr:-eecuted the can, and Duke Thumpann waa aenlenced to forty deye` impriauntneut. Otlicer Crou In to remove hia prteon to Van. da neat. mornin . During the night eonm one made t 0 Duke believe that Mrs.`Maa-aenajhad been em-atod. Shortly after midnight he began hc-ldtng Ina breath ea long as he cculd. and repeat- ing the proeeae aa rapidly ae puaaibla. lle anon became weak and antenat- ed. and almnet unconscioua. Dr. Ourleea waa called, and alter a critical exanlnatim wae enable to diaeuver that anything alled the man. exeept that he waa continually trying to hold hie brenth ea long ae pneaible. Early In the morning the breath left Duke Thonpaon for ever. In aolne manner he had corn- Inittrl auicide. l)ra. Pedlar and Curlaae made a thorough examination at the atomach of the dead man and found not the slightest trace of poienu. All the internal urgana of the body appeared in a healthy condition. The veruwt ul the coroner's Jury wae that Duke Tholnpaon had committed auici-lo, but by what. iaeana they were unable to deto-mime. The oonteeteof the etonach have been preaerved and till be aent below to be analyzed. If Duke Thouipeun took aome aubtle poiann, the chsmet ran pmliably diacover ite reeence. If he really pro- duced death xy deternnnedly huldinghia breath, It ia the hret caae of the hind ever known. All medical wnrha deny that aui- cide can be coinuiitted by a voluntary auapona on J r- apimtmn. - Trurlwn ((,'4Il ) Rqml-In-.-ru. Rarer even than `Chriatian charity` is aoaee of true love, |l('l'| a we to-day re- cord. Somu tune elnce an old man came lmueulf ea lirat Marehal He waaa due time it Maaeenn waa having publication by a native of Eeat lndianamad E. W. Duke No one ever aaw the Duke, He wrote for the papora, and one very excellent artiole wee . ...~..u.,::,.,.., I Ono of the uuiiuiia fI||llDI_ nuticablo in this npn:,|g,gg_ :0 clone up the cheese muting diltctn, in the almost if not onuro shoonco of choou. Tlion in not I pound of tipdup St. lnutonoo county nude cheat in Ogdonlburu, no no iuformod, and the urns in nurly true 0! other ',;l IdCI of St. Lawrence choose. Thom no I cc upla of [notation clou by holding ll Ipring Ind I riiing muket. Since lhO hctnry uyotom bacuuo general it his I... putty iigpogyhlo to 0!. 3 trial! _ uf good Juno hcio; the :71 going nbtold and 0E avor being hit at homo tw be ulen hon. Conaidcnblo Ilnu wulnid upon tho rocont oorl to in- lrodnoo nchocu ration into the army. The Army bu 26,000 am And St. lav- nnon count bu A population d `marl; 90,000. uuld is not be important lot the cheat union to introduco than "into the local mulch of St. human?- ogdnuborg Journal. Du. Rum`: NII_B-lwovlnt lot Can- uumpl-io, Ganglia md Golda, ulbmn, Bronchillo. liq] Four, etc., 1: given ` any in trial botllufnr of cool to the Alicled. rll you Mn 0 nun cough, cold. dllculty ol brpalhlng. hnnueneu ` or my ale-ctiun ol the thrust u|' lung: by dl mum give this wovnderlul mluoy g trhl. -An you ulna your nlulanoo you can not nocd In lo! thin opportunity pun. We could not plum and would not gin this randy nun; nnlou to know it would woonplill that no old- for it. Thouund: on hupo|ou'nuu_hun nlndy boon oomplotoly mural by it. Tim is no Indian in tloncld that -ill can one-lull-H tho sh! DI. Kilo`: Bur Dnxrovnv will on-0. For Illa MJ. 0. King. Kinptod. ` sujultules In tho llahl IIIII An mi dqinhld; Chaplin hop tho nntunl tooth ooundlndqnu with (in wholuouo v elixir IOZODON1`. D-nhimond villlutuhog go the man mu. a. handy `null um nnnni hm hi-4.1 uonvlntdnbl. llmxo lnkst. Lawrence (only. IIIII 0! TI Mui%'n`:':`o':'u3'.n". Intent Wllllul -II ' TL'1:,nA\' :\".\'a JAN 14. >5. ~<,. xv ....=._._,s,. And ll!lclIlF' nlill gho clupod mo mund, Till my wry lm-nth fun '1 ; The cock mew guuu. with noun; noun-I. Wu the maiden IuAr':lo~pals-. lgailg gritish `MIY lip: mud cm-vh Mzmm not viii real, ' hi blend in my hunrivu llill ; Hut. shrink nu! Away with shuddering dread I II thins. to do thy will !' `My bnut. it neither lhrohn uur bub. It in mld u the mountain nunwu. Bu! Ion. I klovlwilll pump. was urnu. And in All muttering thrnon. Then thwbn my hurt llltr I thing poueutd. with ou :1] lot. But nu S rub Olin that fair one): Ivroal, She In cold n the muungnin In-JV. And nluuly, nlowly dial dug glklo. So phnulnvn like nud full, And down the lay: hr by my Iialo, Thu: uuiden Iunrble pun. Yule. polo wan Ihou muilu none. And wihd uul urunphuoa, With I li"hl. like pearl: bur syn thy them. Her l()-ii hung looug And two. l Illpl --mv nlc-op was no and Iwvot. No min In! Crash]: than ~ Than mine eyes I which gnu. A maid nu;-tvumly {Ill- j o-.---- -- EXTRAORIDINA RY SUICIIDB. 3:5;-.-.-:----~ NO. 11 15:: mAN1'o.. I871) . ucwmnk. bqlaronn whul rallnw I! may Irmv-.1! lulu .c,\ 1 due: vou gmnl. Tw:-my Ilm oenu worth Imn om-ml bgd cggnnul I-|nruuIu IIIII Inlood_y `In in navy (Inc In uuumuful urn mun In ru-.~u (numb; ll Inllnura Ill] can of pilou lllul II in pollibh w cunt it. or oluhl npplwnlmmu nu vnrramul 10 c-um any can 0! axmnml hip pluor lnnnmd I-rout. for bruhu. If up -In-.1 olun Ind bound up. than is not the -hg nu--.1 dllnolnruuou mllm nkln. ll Iwpl tho pun: ..I n burn an noon on Applied. Cum: In-an-ul fm-I. bo|ll,I|l'tI nod corn: And wounds of an-r_y description an min or bout Dunn or lIuunmIn.--Au fol Dl'.7'|mInnu liclmtrio Oil. buy that thou nign|;ur-ul N, N Thmuu In on the vnyporand than nmm--. ..: Northrop & Izynul In hlmvn III u..- Iuvllh unl Mu lo onus. lulu! by all uu-..n. ...` dealer: Prtco Bo. NnI1'I1nm~ N I. n |\ Tomnto.0n.. proprloton fur the Dulnimuu Nm`I-ldnou-l--8oIMIod And Ioctrm-.1 hul the bonus: and other c-`unnphnima 1.4-. utm} tn l'-on-non; on I" it npomu-:1 lzh p churn-, H .~ Man: at complaint. in Isvudw renmw--I. the awn not drum or` If! onrnmml. an 3 u umuad cl n cud shtmng npponnnoo [Ivan to cool pit without my dun: to. or pron-nun we In!-no being used. httho nlmonn -nu-Ihnnhnni nnturn d H 00-. ii 0|] 0.11.1 |,IM`i . lllllnrup O. I4]-DI. '|`otunvo,()n. pm [or (To undo. Bohl by I" mulidno dulon. ' -,----L.ooo-__.. `Ina. sum. 1). H Indloomtlolu nf youth. In-rvm.a m-;kmw-, gu-lyclookl. loan of nmnhuod.n\m, I wl||_MI:=! -.,,'", `.1 '-"r2.`.. '.'.`L."`:..:"".`:' ".""" "5 L . no _y nu ll()uW_-rt-.1 in A ulmm-cry 1' South ~,A:I|I`c-riru. RN-I 5 addxnnedunuen 421.-9 |!!J0!H"|'!` `" koulhxow` Yuri CTR: Mo utonuilng sud ulna! mlruulmu flroln on their bonnet lhrbro Ooldlfmn Paw . {in aid Anblu Ila-to Ionodgm no-um won loan and poor hnvtng Io nnpevnn. Ivitdcolal h I I0! nlnuhl. and Ilfu I Doll hulrhl llli C an In-nuhlnl n-lnlnusnornundu nut In and an Ownna or noun lluouculo.--Am1 WM` lot! And who know: but win! their Imrm-n an rm:-akslng n roll; who on row us nun - Inn in their owner: rt-J no bouuu ul nrhlng toll: who uw non Inn nfooo 050 utonuhlng sud Alma! In rloulmu now. lhrbro lllbliolw-Wu ' anon. I button luau. Ol I'lOI-At Dr. has lnrguy. din glad A:.l:`lu u`: lonodg.` on poor ring nu mn. otlbon wvnll avour cha;r loos! r|vau'::|nl) vol dune no hnmlll. lrom Ilpnomo wow hula-bound. um: muzh um! shun hmr. (Iona-Iznzvuol. In provuul sad no man. In Iudtd A: IN: grnnnraonvuo on on- non, and you: Ibo Iornnuwo ahgu. lllpnlmonurv oonplnulu may In null]; oantnlled by min: `I Pnhnub WIIIII. Tlqvlll rullevn DIIIIII. Fruuz uumcrnuu um-s --f l)yapvpnm nu-I Cuna`tpsu.iuu. vnrv-I by lhn mm -1 l'cl- luwa'CuInpuun| Nyrnpuf llypuplmoplnl-~n_ Iftor every ntho` knnwn romndy hm bum: ulod in uin. nu Ilioscy n rcuturung lin- lumttlonl xi 1) -,;.-mun and Ivncunuon ll mAm.`an'.. N IC(X)IDllCI WITH Till AI?!` 0!!` tin Ouch Pulluant. 'ru__ AHNIIAI, IKITING of Sh Iomqty will bald ()V.\ WIT)`-DIV. IR` 331']. CC` 7 ||ll| . In Him: 0I.":".!-P .-('1'i`|.|._ Walla Tm Tums in Weight 11: (told I`: cummf slay mdleru it u uni. -- .4u>.,,_ HAuYh l |r.u mun lhunu us mm puloduf tho uuml l1o.:I1ng hula.-um uni guun. Tho lhluunw, uhirh oulur Int-u Ill composition, were used by the nnuxn when Anmvrn-n Ina lint discoverml, .-uni urn combined with other vountublo tum.-a, no blended together. thnt it II A n1m'|In' for I Affection: of the thrual and um;-. Thouuuuo ol boulu no nlod nnnII~4Hy. ud it in enndndorod mm of tho |!Mn|:u.l premrnumu of the dny. l"4|'S(1oI-v ~-H D-v ` I 5') km./II Fur ull purpos-a cut I Family Med. m HAu\uu`.4 Yul :...w (Tu. in at the hm-l I [ha lint` His na-I with nil;-rr~m.l.-nx. Iuccou, both mt.-unlly and nu--ruu|n' cure: Sure 'l`hru.1l_ liurm. Scnlds. Fr`- um; relieves. uni often curu Anhm Fur Sal: hj ' ` - ~ Km,-,;Il III. \- wm me uuruu rrrz l'rru ) whtll U-Aldll lllnlrml Mtniluba 13 u curl of offal. lulmar {pgld Alulm ... Md) hld In) fnult to nd. It -lulu`! gum It rinl night to lure Ah)'blM'ly'.1 luau noII.- However circuunum-on Inn.- chnugrd since tlrcn, and the rnlhur pre- Iumpluuun mnnuer In lhl0h_MIl|Il0l`I lw luvs man: it tiun for noun l)lM1ll)Ih~ln an Ind put I ltop to thin nor! of ll.|ug. Uluunon in hero made to than Mnnmm oold Inn bulincll. Lul. Iummor, when A hut-Iuicknn country lay plnllnq .nu1 parched. mud St. Lmm wu Iulllllng 1!... tnrmonu of a future Chicngn, lll:mu~ bl promised uan rhlll wuvo. llny .n|lm day tho telegraph nnnuunudal that llm cold wuo wuJunI.a!-.:u1 llmly In slut. and thu cuuntry nlluulod-`Inn; nmy H Inn.` It vuvnd pretty long. n\lllH'll|lII;` Insut wrung -Ilh (ho rue Inulunu nu olnuury, evidently, fur the Mnmlulvu r- M wave vmrod all cert-muuy, nnd I't'IwIn-l to count. l'ln.u mu haul enough, bu . Hm uqnolnd-lad Insult to injury. Just an we got mcely peuluul for lln wmtm, down uvm-pa llm Mlllilubl WAN! me u mbnu fmmd from the country. whu Ilinp down hi: cnrporuclt III the |mrlnur and tmintorumly nun:-unou thnl lm In-I some Lucky 1 month. And nuw tn.- Manitoba wave Inna over than {mu button lnnd, |n will Lulu no hunt to gm If Munitoba duiru lo mnintun nu frmnl ly rclntinu with this country ll will lmvu In bu at hula more cnruful J In mum ll. may wave nwny At the North l'~I., n it want: to. but to hnvu nu vu\-- nu-H`: down nnInritod,vnth cnnI[>let-' Ill'IIl5l`|'4, in just I trill-c [nu nenghhourly at Hm paruoulnr aenaon ml the yen. l`omnto.0n.. proprlolon fur ' ju- Dooluh. "ntii Il`i_vi:I 1;1n,81'i)ioty. Jon Nth. nremrnnmu at the dny. 1-2..-sci. In = Il.lil)l`ltlC_l l`Y. Thomas` I-Ixool:|o-r l".cloolr|q- (HI. -- nu no not user In mod. An Inllum Linn Ill um lo tlun country Iunny \u|rn ago, ukig (or t-bu hairu. TN llytieshu tho Uniled Hutu look lhu nutter up.-md um uhantod with It! ruult that they docadod the real hair: were In Non Seoul. but n--body nu the l'rorInco lroublill lh`omholr'oI`um(1l htoVy"oal'I`. To prinoipll mining link up to g` l-gm. In the nhoonoa of proof that than original Hyde In tho otu whp ha]-I Hm hnyornl communion, and can: nut 1. Annqpolin. Tharp In no communion 0! Mile be found, but I low year: um: An old man! Innou It motion horn` and bought by I noun lortwnntyr vr Cums. SM Iubuquultly broke it u > (or Inmlllm,-_ ind sud tu thhning fuun I patrchnu-nl document which wig aJ'$rolty nun lhr Iulu utuchod that the put it any Subuquoutly hurin-g Iomothmg: llmnvl ,. tho hlo the hnpponnl to nwnuuu II to uh`:-ml, who mhwlud hur In no Um &`Q!'t,L'!!EL'LI'QI!OlJ, uhuzh I111 mu. .m.1 ll. pr-nod the verxuhle IIIIIIIII}; -I-I-1 Inont. A nnmu pup-cuyuhu uh amployou by up lmn of th lauucngocmluglud to In mun. lonuu bu vrm_-u 2` ooggnging Nporll. Thanh L . umaoul. no bad on-~ nlgugur Nun Sauna. Tho money In . III his to hot shot he died. `Au .4) (kn oonnlpu ----- out LI]-II Iorulno I ::%'::4fa:'.':f5. Munxnnln In phi. `4 u"1l`l.\.|lJ.|ll). MIC III! |r+ n -nu! rlamsnu II this cily. Tho om hu Inc! the Jinh of the Bank Orallglnlal u-hon tho money in` question In lu|., Nydo uunlnn who in lormnrly uh mnnpulu, um out by the lowing] um vuuaoul. H ` a had nu nlnuglilor hum L. mount an IN`-'.0w.Ul'0 'A}uInua nu yyuyy.-._ I ` Ix`LunuIr. ` IIIKII Z FWI ]|l'l!-Ill] lulduoo-A.nh_IIr. Doc 9. l. .1.-__.._a..o-O0T.-.. " Connzunuon. pnuknl sad fnlsl. Ida grun.`ooovgc (l"r<-m the bdrm |'IL_..n__,_:, : Halifax pI;:|yI that layout by Ilcin n! 2 Thr Ilullolu In-. no mu h mad nanny A CA I! ID. .. _..II'.....:. .. 1-... u Hrugunu tsnu. OIIKHIIT huff. 1 man}, u! .l...,.;,. rho and 1.. . ml I"rr l'reu ` I II IL I .v_. -ullllllllll uuntry yunrn rt. THO Hyde--In rn in 1 King! u I thy agent f Hyde onuguo an Is In on I I\_'||0\.| ..-vuul M 3-I0-CII$Il-r$-u-u. in. Hall! I Jon" Want -..-._-.:.------------' -- '0'-`OCH, A.a.n_n..A Links Inrvuvt R. I. BPARKB, D.D.8.. L.D.S., -ncmrr _nn.. `A R-dllannn, Pnnmu F Conservatory ol} lluslc. -... -,,*... - ,. IOICEOPATBY. I. L ID noouI'oHnDt.JnrvIa `nmlA.I. KUIB : to. V, _0Io9__|IJ ' . Oeo-Undar cm 0! Cnnhp on hand. .-V "' ' 1 .n. D` d *. 30" :'"R`.E.'I3- .15-v-*' LLIVIIY ITABLIO. Prlnoou ltnot. Oeo-Undar ch City Bowl. Any 1 cmhn llll. J. SMITH, Lin` .0 II.` DI-n fan: mmm ` DI.` `nmunol. I Alhnmu:lnl_ h *iii~'n'iF rnnw UIIA nl 0! situation. which Illuholnhlolo t "":1$?`3:R'nc 1`; Blank. .---h`?--,:-..'--.-.-. 0. J. JIY'II!. :1: max! A..4u.6. 1+ `... Ifllll -- FIII Al ntcnon ."- ,. A1`-' W Pu lio- |ouTolognph --u -u-.- siihomwk-d ms ii IE A oIdyl`Newuamng-omp . A A.;Aa.`-._..._ +167 Wilington Stret,` The City of nxlton Water Works Company. At their Olm. UNTIL NOON OII` SATUR- DAL I-`EB. Inmfro rnoua willln to lurninh -L- I..n.._A..,. -.._T.m-- -..A LA..- -1 an cry In! it two o'clock. mm, for IIW, and other business. . "rm mm on cnoctlcv STAli)' I03 SALE. EIDK. ORTGA Ed AND LKABEG oflaudu. hllsofulo. L`h:m.- Iorungu. Honda, Powers sf Atloruov, mm. on o! IortuoI.'l`rnusfaru of Vauell. an] Al other Conveunoa Mremlly drawn and prepared. WILLS PROVED AND LE'I`TER8 OF Atlmlnhtrnuon and Gnnnllnnnhin uknn out WILLS VKUVEI) AND l.l'I'l'lK8 Ul" Adnlnhtnuon nnd Gurdlunhip taken out In lhe Hun-opua Court. l\BIIIl M1 n|_--....,. n.---. _-_. A. `L- jCWW7HC -.._... -..,.,.. . ...-.. Du, I-`['5B_._in;t'.from mnawxlva tolur` tlu following qnnnt tie: and Mn 17! I Wood. vb. : To 50 dellw-rml in Hm Comp unY' Ytrd dur- Il I50 Ilgnli-n small 1-! l:~7`.P.3 n.--xn-_u-_- ..- ...__ L- ---_ _A AL- 0.... ._..--..-..,.... ..... ., lpeoloauon, luuluny ho at the Con panywndoo. J. WUAOI. I I.W.W. CO. `._.d. Aug UICIIUVCH I wIII` `CUCICI II , - , .._ ll AIYUAL IIHIIO oi the above Book: will 50 hold In the Gonnoll Chm- hl-. WIDNIIDAY. the I501 d Jaw 36 o'ulook. p.n., to 0 t oloon "9. 0.. undhtgtlotll. fd . V 7' Tnrr n.mnLI nundw nun Pl cuonnrto nu. how: so who nun: noun. A a-Imam: mu noucof rrtuou ' mu. tho `, 1 cl Ilun IL bani \ IhbnQueA.l." I`n i :_-:(;_.`.--,gg:.`:.'-.::'.-:...`.*:9.=.`*.:.'.:.*%' I'll Q 73"." '3 nu um vulnv.-vu vu-uu. 0F'I`ICl-49 Olnran Stroat, nut to tho `Brlshh Amulcun How . Kingston, UM. K|nnnl:nn. Huh .lnn._ ll1I, LI their D0100. UNTIL NOON OI` SATUR- DA\,lI`EB.Int.from toluruinh fuel Wood. : 260 Uurds or Hard Wood, 1 l ll`l'! an mum now: no OIAIAI bdllj. with Ilrhk {mm and In N8! lid with podmouo Bbbll-1, no lloqagblttpd IA! 33}!!! fail with stone Bbbll-1. Ilouolaluod 1 vlthwuajg-'dJ_`I:.oudhou_I= .5. nlhnhn ..'3'1`nmm unautmx` 0 1.1` I '1 mmI"~ IX-aI.IIT orn th vnglsnpd pmond Iloulho but land onurw-nucleon: `-`:.'k.2'..'.L'.?.":::`i7:$`l`~.`:sE"r`:-`5"'- >uong|holuaoynu unbopnn J. I . GILDEBSLEEVE. Oonvoyancer and Surrogate Oourt I ` nllnihw sou Burns arm wond.; county ofFron'te;1;: AlIl0Ul1ll_.3_l snclm. IIIRQDIATE COURT IIISIIESS. .'DY. hon HAS R EIVIOVED DEEDS. ORTGAHEA AND LRASES {Ills-<*fHu!o.(,`h:1tl.I llnndn. Atlnnmr. hinohn-ran at NOTICE 3g_1=.EMovAL. w. OSBQRN, Iticn`. mlohdhpuulc lu ,,'u`o'uquooluawnuuI.bopnn: \ man mun ndulrou UOIIl0lw|`.A nu Dlanuurrlol Co. or T.J. COIIIIRI-`OED. ll,oc'v.()our|er~lou 1- nd Bul|d|nza,LouIavl]lo, K1. Dec 3rd. 1878. Wlmlr IVrlrr(l. C9. `.27 Tickets. Th-iota, $100 Rnmll. b Pout (mice `Ionoyordar. m inter- ed Inner. rank draft, or express. Fun in of dnwlng Dllbllnhad In Loulnvillo Cnuricr -/mu- `3: M. Oll ll`|lIl'. "HUI (IHIH. 0I'(`-Ipl'0Bl- Full ".5 U1 dnwlxag ubllnhad mxlnn no York rrvrld. Ind Inailed to all Huh! holdnra. Fur tlclwno and lnformltlon nddrou Uolnnuwnnn COIIERI-`ORD. 8oc'v.(,`onriorlou I run. l00Prir.eoovQl00,$I0000 1 Prime .. .. mom aoorrmuw" 15,000 I Prise . . . . .. . 5,(XX` . 0Prima '20 " I0.000 I0 PI'llOl.0(`00'(`l|m.000 I.00o I0 " 10.0) M Prison 500oaohl0,000; 9 Prison $1110 each. Appmxlnnt n Prince 92.700 9 Print `200 on-.h. " 1,900 I ,90 Prison. n'I...I.. In. Bend the following nttrnoclvo list of Prison for the Jumuy Drawing: %.I..nIJ.TI.J\.J IN CASH `DISTRIBUTED. TI()KETS_ _(_)N LY O2. 1 `By authority of the Commonwealth of Ken- luok . Ilrnwingnnd Im-no under unper- V sum of rominem omunl of Ken- wo y. Ill tho city of Louisville. 0:: Thursday. Jun. 30th, I879. Kn nnllnu ! Nn Pauluuxlunmalnl UCJIVB JIIUIVKIHIITIUIV .%"'".'.",T""F`."?!'%"..W9".'9:' IDIIIII Alralllnll nowl, nil Iingnlann, Sch .Inn.. 1818. ,. .1, _, ,,,,, , ,__, `-lllgon. Don. 1Ihh,lI`8. 1'lutuoi`lllH,wel| nude nd um-Acoa ~ Iupuneluan. .; '3"! III! IIIRIOI u ualucxuurr nu-rcnna.