_ un gum. Qkitish atiug. pox. , -A Lcdy who pm a trump I qunrter nude him promino not to buy rum with it. He uid be preferred gin. |ny~ way. -Arohbinhop Lynch preached n ur- Inon on tho Bopanto S-xh.\ol nplit, do- nonnclng the couru of the Ann-cloricnl puny. -V|oo-Chnnoellor Blnln will try the In...n. v....|. ..l..oi.... mmiun :0. New- hold in Pcurbomu -'rn. Totunlo nmnlun I39 hnalnn. ` ' -Vloo-Unnnoelmr mus -nu u, North York olonion pomion market, on the `list, And the Eu! petition IV. St. Thomas on the 27th. -John Livinntun. of Ailm Crnig :0. the Wth. Livingston, Crnig, ha: been committed for forgery. Two cues ua been proved, Ind eluht cue: An- rondiug. Linbllitiea, 815,000; unou ink or nothing. _.A Wa-ham nnnar romnrlu In its mm nothing. --A Western paper nsuoitl |n||yIil thlt money in nu plenti- ful lhnyounu man are Ironing punt loom with check: on them. And when money in concur, probnbly there will be dnl through chain. -A vounx lndv who hu for yours dnnl tnrougn mun. -A young Indy been In the convent M St. Murio. Much- olwu, recently left the innlttntion by Ipvcml pormiuion of tho Pops. Fur mum time Iho hnd boon desirous of quit- .u nu-gran! Hln unno nno nnu ting convent Iila. The Committee on Street: for 1878 ha been uynn. fottunnto In nnklug and 5 nearly meet. u abown by I ntuemou prountel to the City Council at in meeting lut evening: AnnI'A.I'\l"il- ICxnandi- unn. Czshnqui Ward. . . .Cl,30l) (hltnriu... . . . . . 750 Frontousc . . . . . . . . . . 1,200 Ridegn. . . . . . . . . . . . 1.300 St. Luvronoo . . . . . . 000 ydonhnm . . . . . . . .. 1,000 a..o...|. _ _ , L300 5 KIOIIIIIIII .- . ictorln . . . Shoot: (gone:-Ally). Pnnoon `SI. AOII In... Q0 W, W ow IIIIIIII In III. .`.-`Auk o! 1876 tho uunn victor would without doubt lnvo bun nnquhhod. It gguld Inn boon utterly inpouiblo for ` gh. am who Ind undo `lull very nuns m for nudity and npounn ;'-mynllid tho Rqpublioun laoou in luau: o! the third Iorm, on which in `u hm`; to have in hit hurt. But the Inomory of time objoaciam Inn boon coldlonbly Nunlod by the Input oi IIIIO. ___I AL- nu-nnl which IIIV. CVCTM Dunc Diviuion BL. Uruve 85.. . rnnouu `nu. King St . . Uulou Straoh- Montreal St... .. R-ruin St A Nnnuwg Street! Smrlriol...... .- DlH|'lf|II. . . . . . nu. . Tue onlculntiona nhow nn under expon- dllnre in sumo ward: And an over uxs ponxlitura In others, the totll oxcnu he - inx $192.91) Dumig the ym cal 5| lure spent in nooosury repnirn. Ac- cepting thou gure: ul Mr. C wonlulo, City Enginoor, M currocc, tho City Council of Int your hu to be congratu- lstod upon the Inuit. .____---_j__ Meolllieter the Wizard eppeared for the first time in the oity lest evening. The City llell was the mono of his megio performenoe. lt wee comlortebly lled. the Open being A alight detriment. Hie wonderful illiieiorie were witneuml with much emuement by hie eudience. whoee exuleunlione of eurprlu were repeatedly hunt. Hie performenoe caneieted chiey ofsleight-of-herul:trioke, unny of which were very lnugheble. The cloeing part 0! the enterteinment wet the dietrlbutinn 0! the preeentn, which were both elegent end ueeful. One old ledy beoeme the poeeeeeor ol I heevy woolen ehewl. which pleeeed her very much. end which will edd no doubt to her oomfort this winter. Oemp ehelre, gleuwere, dry [code end furniture were given ewey. The prlloipel lug- ___ OI eh: High! mun &lIl Jnhl nmuuro I011 guuu nwuy . . nu yu-my-. gnu ya 05, lb! hvoky mm lulu; John nnt-:| n..s..:.. Amt -hn axohnnnod I DHKO III W, In! l\lOI, lulu II'lIl' uvun O'Neil, Ontnrio etreet, who exohtnged wenhwolnufl lriend"-e nb-!or. the prize. This evening we beepeek A large Audience, ll Muoeliuer "Le well worthy of petroneqe. The prinoipel present will be Q In oeeh. An entire change of pro.- gnume will be given thin evening. --1----oOo--._-- .V, _ Ifuvnnn in I positive noounity to than who no uubjoct to hunt puinu an exposure to cold; Nonolino gt onoo ponoc Inna tho ll thfutin so the loans 0! pain: Nun in in one of the moat ouruin nlodkl for nonnlgin J0i z nliol who Iuliur; ornlino III! by Iildnda nklnllm and vjci-I any from when It nndvod the h- U.'Pnh6i & 00., I !|C_|Il'I':I~.-ilotvolino on on] ho Tfy Iptvoliop, than now lunily ht nah. I . In wall` not to any plniulg e -iahnu punill evoryqhpre, and ovorybody ootnpluina of loan dioouo dur- ing their lilo. wm nick, the object In that no in dun-orla um inn ri with poplin, Livu Complaint An its 0 . such II Indication. ' Sick Budnoho, Sour Slonuh, ,Hou| Burn, pdpihtion of tho HouI,Dopronud Slnltih. Biliouonou. ot.o.. on uh of tho Honmuopronnoa Spkih` Gnn u Acorn Fmwu without getting talk! And euro. lrsn doubi this, go to Heath I Gun, or . Wsdo, and got I I-nplo Bum. lo: 10 cum and try it goon. Two will and the autumn wmcu nun nu,-u-u. in Inna ground the halo 0! the Agni _._ .5. nu have no tickled Auction: nus orhisv nu. lacnlllstor um Wlnnl. A Good llccord. lug. Appn.priI- Expendi- lion. lure. ...s|,30o u,3I3 as 68000 1,235.14 1 on 1 In xn I ,auu 850 1300 400 250 Inll zuu `50 In u...;- u....}.. 1 , ' 005,01 1,04 a2 1 ,301 .06 T94 01 are: m 4 J. 395.34 247.62 79.60 199.91 89 49 100 00 250 00 205.0.) 84 00 . `um `gun uw Inn! in now awfu- 3.. civil war Inn Auwiosn "nu, tight not Goa. Cltthl in is {nigh W U,` (`mg with the Ropnbhuu `may: M thiidkunoo Iron thobsuh it In ol OHIO` inpoulblo to louant the `___.. u.. mmm no mutu- ry Navy- Illmn pmroclo -Duunul Flllllfcd` Couwry %lodon. \" '["'U'_I " I London. Jun. 14.-'l`ho Auction: uhnp Thou. Rood." bound [rum Ban Punctu- on I! Lin: 1, In totally tucked uu Llnuay cod yoohrdny. By mean: 0! 1 has twenty ol the crow um uvod; three were rum,-d -norbmnl. I.....,|,... _I..... I4 -A alnnmlch from three: wungu overboard. Lomlvm, Jun. l4.-_A dupaloh from smith Wale: natal lhlt 5 terrible OIplo~ lion bu oocurrod M. Out!in'I Oolliory, nun Oh` 1.0-!` 2.! I'nn(l, NAAIII nix: Ilun nu occurred M. Uumnl Uoulory, non tho `lmui 0! l'nud. Nouly niur minor": are rrp nrlml lulled. `Tho toul Lumbar ul cuualnuu uul the aunt u! thp damage nnuuv. ba`lah-nod, an foul air in the mine prevunu axplontion. Cnrdi, Jun. N.-Thora yu An uplo- nion in the Diuu oollmry in tho Khan- dnh Valley [nu night. About lint mnnm Ara bnhuo-i to hnn boon kil . III! III HI! Ulu ll Uuluuly nu nut nauvgr person: are bohovo-I boon Luuduu. Inn. l4,-..-_L`rimuuma Bram, behave-I uni boon nmu. Luuduu. Inerchnnln, of I\'owrut|o-on-Tyt3'0'...II,g_v`0_ hilod. Lulnluiu. 92,541). . M..|(.- .6 Ka.|..n...I ummim whali- - lulled. Lulnliuu. rwgxu. Mcliny it" Kirkumod, oxtonnivo vhulo- ulo nutionurs, prinlorl nnd -publuhon, Glugoy, have hilod. Liabilities no Inna. ulllgou, nave large. A Berlin deapalch nay: tho Pu'l'unnont.- cry Puuuhmont Hill continue: the chief topic of oouvernliou. The opinion: ul tho f--r- jln prune any engnrly qunted in culupnrllulrwlth the article! in the jour- nal: hens. "Ab:-on-I there in m'1l'eoppuIl- tion than in Germany. There is cur- tninly great uppnailiun hero though. To the English mind in is wmouhat surpris- ing tu nd no much uucunceru reigning, in View of the fate which Menu 60 throu- IIIIIII. IJIDUIIIUIUI -Iv . on the freedom of speech and the hberty of the preu. us D .5...-.1...-.. I.1 _'I`hn I. f`,1;p muf -.. nut aid: UI I-IIU `JIQEII. t. Pulernbnrg. Jan. l4.-'l`he Czlr hu appointed a Ipocml High Uommiuiun to olnborlte I uuhame tn reduce the or pendituro,-of the (iuvernmeut. T Condensed ionld the most Ix'eul- able _shape- 1__ -1`. S. Stuvonlon, formerly uf the G. T. R. . has been appointed American agont. hf l ut,t.or lino uf Stuannhipn be tween Europa and AIIIUTICSL. -'l`huJnnuarv term of tho Supreme huropo llld .~\Iuur|c:\. -'l`heJnmmry Supreme Uuurt upon: an the Lfmh inst. A Inge number of man: has been entered for hearing. -~L Ifreumml denies: that Farrell : hnng- I man was I French Canadian, and say: that my ronnnnernon he rocoived In hjs liberntinn frmn a unlcuco of 8 month: in gull. ._ Hr, Sanrn..l reaident of tlW'BnweI:I Duuhn Act III the county ur non. - l`ho N. Y. Harald`.-I Paris cnblu an- nounce: that Gan. Urnntlonvn Paris on Saturday for MIr!oi|l!, and nil: thence for lndn on Tburndny in the regular French steamer. Ho doe: nut nut for the atonmur Richmond. \\'.IIi..m ()IfIxI`l` a well known 'I`u- munthn in gnnl. -Ilr. Sovorn,.l tlW'BroweT ` l and Mnlntorl Anocinlion of Onluio, vi to day prennt to the Secretary of Slate, I petition; playing for the Mpulul tho Dunkiu Act in the County uf York. _'l`h. N Y. H.rmId'.-I the lhcnmona. -Wlllium Uxfurd, I well runlu thief, was fnund gnnhy of highwny rnhln-.`l y this Iunrmng M the pulled courl, And aunt In the (Ventral I'rus m for two yuarr. On the night of tho mnyuralily can- last at Oxford, he gwrrumrl I man mnnod Tillilun, near the Dun Bridge. (Ru 'l'elr-Imp/u 7o~r.lny.) London. Jan. l:K.-~-A atriku tfcnltnn opornlivea, at Preston is found on the `23rdimt. , when n In per cent. reduction will be enforced. 'I`hg nuunlxlnrn ltnru In!` hllrkllilhl Cotton Upcu-uHI`( s In .s'lm'k'-lMr- row Run or and War-rmgrou. in '1':-nuh 1'. will be eul.rce(l. 'l'ho muuldera, litter: and hlaolcumilhu of the Railway Rolling Stuck Work: It Barrow huve ntruck nguinst an extension uf lha huurn ul lnbnur. The l0undry~mun, alllp l)lIllLlil'I and lmulalvuildors at Bangor an-l vlcinlty have struck. 'l`lm alrnke will nllucl ullmr dopArl.manl.u ol the nulls. The strike lnu cmmn--mu--l in tho vure cogggply Nauru: U; nu:--`cu -u -u---, u outiom which onryvhln :.. In-an Ell` IO lh)pr1l'HlI{1lIUl or we nuns. trad: ll. Wnrringtan, and 1,500 men are idlo. 'I'v.. nlrilza nu (ha Miullnnd rnilvmv in ndlo. The Itrike an the Midland railway virtually ended, the men At the control station at Dvrby, by whole Lotion 1 number ut ntlmr place: agreed to be gov- erned, having unexpectedly resumed to- Jay. D..;. ,1... I31 _-Thn vnlvat manu- day. Paris, Jan. l3.-The velvot lnnnu~ fnctururn of St. Etienne but resolved I reduce w|gea20 per cent. In the unl; menu: 0! forcing foreign competition. -->au>-..____. (B, TI.,,7.;,-.n Tu W.) Oltnwn, Jan H. -.\Ir. E (inrnuy, Jr , Pruaidunv. nf the Untnrio Manufacturing and Industrial Auocinhun, and Mr. W. H. Framer, Soon-hry, both of Toronto, nrrxverl at Ottawa Inn: night. They bring with them the reports of the Auuocinlion Cumlnmev. and are to have an interview with Hun. Mr. Tllluy toquurrow, when they will ha joined by dopqutiona from Quebec, Nova Soolin and New Brunt- wick|nunufncturen. Mann Semrn. U'Keele, C-mgruva 1inkm'ing at tho Turf -1`Iu.'./I{n'- lutum Begun. wick|nunulncturen. `MOIIFI and Wnllor, brewer: of Toronto, have Arrived in the city. mid in compmy with I number of Quebec brewer: and mult- Itorn who are axpoctod to arrive this morning, wiil have an intorviuv with the Hun. Mr. Tilloy to dny. The ohjoct of their visit in to urgu the desirability of throwing oil" the duty of one cent. imposed ou mnlz um year: ago. r (To an Editor ..f 0:4; Al.mtiuh n., I _,.`II LL- `nu -nu --'vv`v- .._, ..v. . ,,. _ _ Dun 813,-! would like to air the mechanic: and npprentioo-I of thin city if they intend to Inks ndvnnlqo of the opportunitiu which no now being pluood in their way by tho Mechanics lumuto I To those who have decided to make use of then clnuol, which no to be opened, and the other informntion uuppliod by nah nu lngtituto l hno nothing to II]. But I woiild lilio io vfriwh il- tonlion of thole who huo not no do- oidod NDIOIIIG luau, and to da no will uh i luv quutionu, which I will loan ouch am to muster to his own utilhction. quemonu, Which I win nun own one to Who urn: tho highest ngnl Who urn: the local Inga? Who In: the utudivn employment! Whoin rim diI- ' miuiol Who bocolnel n loremnul Who nd: it vary hlrd to go! work? Whu bocomn tho pruuperouu uunulnoturor? ' o|uuuo>h~8ut4bauAu 4.4; . tho Inlnllmowrorv 4u|o$ -it8Iss4bsgsu#.-L ` hops lhsz sll will ponder aver thou ques- tions, Ind than ssk themselves if lhsy ssn slord to rsmsin sn they us. 1! lhsy sss that it is nocosssry (or to suoessd, dist lhsy should Isis sdvsntsgs ol svsry IUIIII ol gsininy inhrrmstion, both thson ntiesl sad prsetiosl, plsced in their us , they should begin st ones by stunding thus clsssss, sun! in giving the lusti- tuls lhsir hssrty support st sll times. Thanking you for tho spsosl hsvo Islam I nmnin .- coo or ATIAEW covmmm `emot- Jul. I4: w - Whlutnmlo I0 lolll. lytlu II L00. Corn uoehlllrod , -NI 1 brim nag at|o3y.:ln`f).Y 0 II ! I Cuudl II `J \ __kA__ land. In I4. `l'hv`v.I;`no ehnp |.n"Ih oI|:=IoH.ho Cour huh , . hhoo on mu. - .4. n. .-nynn-man J. I..6.1`.'a ah`. ab 0! I bbhoi Iprhg turn .1 ON. Iopu ill) hunk. -- UHWAID All) 1` Kingston, Jul. 13th, 1879. a:---oLo-...; (bu to--t-Q.) |_-. l-_ IA ML- A_..l.4 7...... IOIIIIAL PIOOICI IIIIII. LAIEST Ii_t;nAms. Lnaounijq WAGES. EUIQEQI. runuu You: truly. Unwun nm l7rwu.n. .... I... In. IE7!) OIWXO ILIIIII. __._ tnlnv. mm. on wnuumss cu am." In loan 1! Si Isiah` pun ' oi_{A_wA. rm) % ST. Mums. " Dowd ung I-`or Hrder To-dip. `.ldroI'a. NJ}... Jun. M.~DoI(i Ira hanged nylb thin. manning. Deal Ill imnnui.oou:"W`.)uiu I avoid in around the pol nu-I 0` 2* Court Homo. '50 us- cnlu .11 cu Irnebtd by tboIIG60 pooplo, is being print -. Alta thoinquat the body in hnudad bvogto tho cunnillco sppuiuud by I-`usher Doylo, Ind by than it Ill tnken to the church. A! Inn o'clock u Inga -.-ungregnion Moorublod in the church 3hen' B solemn high Inn: of roqunoln I'll qung. Esther Duylo being an oolobnnt, Alter Ihich the Laban Ill sung by thq choir. Tho solemn urvioo boin coulutfod the body Ill carried yo ` the `uhalic Cemetery (or interment. - Montn. of MoutnAl--I37 3 O. 137. ._n_h.m.j _lj'u:_k-'78 1712` mnkmzmuam -1hn2, 100. Ontario Bnnk-4H 1-3. 633 I2. Bulk of I`umnur-hkod. IH` H5. (`nnmliahted Hunk .55, 521-2. Multan`: Bnnk-Ex. div. 8!). 81. Bank du Pouplvo -oterol 60- Juuluu Cartier - 3`) 1-4. :50. Union HAnk-hhmk Quebec Bank-ex div 00, (K). llo mly Union HAnk-mnnK lmboc div xchnlmo Hank ~ 00 Muntred Tel. (J-> -] Hal (`(1 I118. I)0luiniun T01. ('u~ New I ... Hv 00. l{i-lxe |n-u and (Mn. 4:! ii I 42. Muyal Cuumlisn Inn C.r- utf. 83 ouo~ - l1'lfonu=mhw:-Io pay; your Water Worlm Arc-mm! by the 1500 Imam, and save the uliu.-ouul. NI Alllll I'4Ilo luTormmI. on Jun lllh. Ilr.J. T. An[lm,ol Kingaum, to Min Minnie llncolnuf Toronto. lllhllo In Kinwnn,onJnn. I nu, Magdnlene, rolicl of the law 1-. Blnlip Hulfner. nod '15 yearn. >m.- r........| -ill ulm uh-a on Tlmmdnv. at Y|-vnu. . _ unn.IIcWIuu_d.,nI nun. lulu g_I,gcfl!3oini' pa-Ina ` 031:3 L. the lulu Mr. Hump nuuner. non Ia yuulu. The funnrnl will an plume on Tlnurnduy, 2` p m.. from her late rnpldouoo. Willinmuille. Friomln nml scqullmnncen am ronpootfully invited Io attend. u.....|....| m. um Qmh I878. invited Itloud. At l`a`Inloy. Smtlnml. on Dan. `Nth, I878, Urnilln Mnvul|inlar,rellct o!Aluxnndhr Pollock. Maulbr, nmlharuf Air. I . II. Pollock. atudaut QIwe.u'g Uulla-gu. null inter of Alaxnudar Ku- olhnter. b`urvr-`vm of (`um-torus. ol this oily. jj T _JYnUNG LADIES AUHJETKYI FRENCII (Zl.Ah3 wu.u nr. ur r.n nu in thin .'&uhm>l nut. wool All duairouu ofjoinlng Mu requeaud to apply It ouoa to E. G. ROSE. Jun Huh. Quoou Street. Sleigh. and Cutter- I WILL IIrI.I. A1` con` Purlz. (}. VV. R()IAi1NS()N. -nnnnlnn I1. nuuorrou. SATURDAY, JAN'Y 18th. 1879.! A aru.m.`ww U'l'Ul&UL\L 4. TH WIN A I-`ORTUNE. SICUND GRAND l)ls1`klHU'l`l()N.CLASS ll AT NEW UR- LEANS, TIIICI-HIAY. I-`EHRUAHY um. I679, lubth Monthly Drnwing. ` The Louisiana Sgt: Lottery Company 'I'M. immutinn was rmnlnrlv inmrnorated L [18 uouuuuuu umw uuuwn vvunyau; '|`hi| institution was regulnrly inmrporated by the In-uianuture of the Sum fur )`Iuh1m'iun &|I\ll1lUhIIl`iLnlI|l' mrpmoun in 1865. with I unp|l,aI-fIl.(}00. ), tn which it has mince Nltlml 3 rn-earn: fun-I of $.'L'Ml,0(X). ITS I l(.\.`\ l)HlNHl.l*l NI'Ml .El( l)lS'I`RIl3l'- In` IIII --vv. .... . cxxndiujntnlm, and pnum c -dicnto that he will spin u to but the Donoontio mhe -`en annuing Prolidonlinl _.\, G V. Gum will In dlprobu bl: _ Kanublican opponent, vs . ~r"cr:~r-V**~` `1T`oia'iiii'l'Fi`f.`i ' mlllml ITS l(AT\'l).`1'lNHl.l*l Nl'Mlll`Il{ TIUN will Lulu. place munllxly on the nwcnnllcl 'l`u-mln . It Iwn-r |91`|\lk! or Pollpunea. Loulx at. the allowing dinrilmtiun ; ('.\Pl'l`A!<. PRIZE. 013.000. 33, um fulluwmg dm.nhuuun; ('Al lTAh PRIZE, 031.000. _ ` 100,000 l'l(`K|'I`S at TWU l)()l.LAIS EAL]! HALF TICKETS. 0N5`r[)q0hLR- LIST 0}" PR] 1 Cnnllnl Pnm........ ..... m-mm 13.57 Prilea. Imnunung m . . . . . . . . .. gu lv,1Irv Renponnlhln odrrmponding agent wunwl at In pmminnnllrolnu. In whom I liberal I uompommnnn w he pnid App\|z-mum: for rug: in .4:ln_I_u nh}3u_)d nnly be .._. 15157 Priloa. nmnnntlng tn . u-........u.In m&u-uuvmmlin wlli pnid A pllz-Mhm nu-c club: nhouhl mun to the Home Olve In New Urlcamn. Wrn.e.(-.loar|y unilnx full mldnsu. for fur- mm; New Urlcomn. Wriu>.(-.lonr|_y llmr Informnlinn, or mud orders to II. DA UPHIN, P.(). Box W`). New Orlunn. Louilltnn` nr In under who Iuporvlnlnn and mu: umnl o.1*.u|uuuIaogun A. lAk.l.Y. ' ' iahy, Monoy.| or w H. L. PLUI. 319 Broadway, New York All our Gnml Enramdlnsrv Drawing: no And unnngemem. ol (lanunlu 0.1`. BEAUBEGQRI). um JUBAI. You wnm. uvr. I-`non 9:. T0 .50 Pin rant .01: every damn nl Phntoxrnplu Tl 33PW RV'N0. `J/[xi-1'14. H70. 1wii{i.-mans. M ` aat'sA`PHaI9saaH+sAt{m} F011 TERI. u be wlll oontllno lull Inue- tlon until the and of Jnnnuy. Thou llvlng II the any will pleas nuke up lnunont If no..- veulons. If Sunpln fun bed to nII.ud wnrl gunntaod natlofselory. IAIITIN1 BIAKIK. om-hero! lontnsl sad Prlnoou Bu Entrance on loutrul ulrool. ` `H, I- IILL- School at llltllll Languagos. Ingllnh. Luau;-njl.-I-;JioVI7AVIho7-An'w Iln lode:-n ha. .. l.Ionn1|ou `Advanced German. . . Inn. 'IImIAII, I.l) .,_ Halo at IL u`cluck noon. Adjourned BailiIf's & Sale FRENCII CLASS WILL BE OPENED K in [Ina I000 Prim: of I0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. APPR()IlllATE l klZEH' 0 Approximntlnn Prinz-n of 8300.. 9 Approximation Prue: of `00.. 9 Approximation Prizes of l0O..` E. G. ROSE, I`rcc(-plrcss. A srmnnm omn'mmm\ 1| min: A ININ'l`lYM`Il`. RI.f,()Nl) GRAN Lory incarcarMion_ ult--In of late ha ._| LIST UK` I Cnpiul Prua.... I Capital Prinu. I Cnpllul Print! `2 Pnma of 2,500.. Jun. lltll. _:__.___._ )U FROM 95 TU .50 Pl on? B OUING TV) iaiiieni Till") BALANCE 01'` MY ,\x'rnN`s, 1\l.\|(KE`l`SQl A_l:H --- Thcl ITAII: n. um um luhaIAIho-An'w .l4a. and .I`no. ml'l}S'TP01VAIlD. , unacnh.,une cutter, bob- alui_;;hs, rakes, &c, P3 \ "F" - 7"'\CIll-I.lLI'T` III VOII AICI OI Il IAIN. ' _ g _ I-Ii A7R-R7l7E D. .. nu. u- il7llEl;; .. I .1. M J. A. GARDINER. lhili. 14 `Manual. Jan. H.- :i A. 1:17. % -HUN IIITI. w. P. nu. nnngement ol . . 3110.400 . -nnnul . |U.Ul\) . |0,000 . |0.0(;0 :I1vu-onrum or rnsnxonx Tho vonddlul 0:! U130 lion by nu. cumin W-mg. -* W Open Homo III! II||M.'|l Pi3F'd 5 |l'!pldId bout. ID`; 3' ,"`` ,n .L. ._.n_ -_.I .8 Jun- THE SUBSCRIBER WISHING TU REDUCE HIS PRISKNT FPOCIE A an--uh In nonlbh an odor to ash room (or M: Inn-ha lnnnnnhn; cm In an 30' NOW ll flfgtll `ru-: TO LEAVE Y0!!! onnlu ron cuormsu. hllllllll ' - II` WE (lUABN'fB A PIIIIL1` l_I r. 1. no-`uh upoult-I. `us omo;l::ox:n:h?Yn: at lnpu.1odo/ga, will for the Aspanlal I_ioduptinn_nI 1!] par cant onall rdaljsturlllothihu. 'oLos:nsrG 6'U';'R[ BUSINESS . - . ` `g r. uanrri mun: E? to IE ucnmcm The Last Grand clearing sale. Ill`. 00008 I081` AND WILL BE SOLD AT HAL!` PIIUI. Iollcll 0 body'- utntlnn In the fuh\:.II_|dot_ 'i`}hIlI{m_l_XI Ihzloua bullion. nnd thin bolnf my I H. | no shunts I an I I I III lo :!Ilu`.N0|l )ul:) ull uh: lav; thin Ball b."rv:.nil.. ' .0 ' I. "..?bu'..d I ".n I If` SALE TU COIIKNCIC ON T UIUADAY, JAN. Ich. . N. ..--All nooounu to be named an onoo. K! not thu um ha mum! in nnnn o... ...n...:.... LEE, UN INSPIRATION. HHENEWBIIUK-SIUHE` Motley`: Bunnpton Lectures, Liddon on tho Canon, ,l*IpIdOd _ ouoot ' opplndiop ol bounds and mi 4000- ` nllyunboo_a!toyipn,Ihopoduf ' 'oow ' ombuohotioolly nqoivod. Nothin oou ti ` bo noro mo to Inturo thou Hill Wad`: I rendition ol tho follon hvourito. `A: the ' hnpothl niotnn Ibo no oi unoo boomi- hl nod nojootici Hot qolnmouding pro- oonoo,u obo in {mono lane with the uuoou, in I urikirg ovldoneo thot ponouol boon- !) and ohlolinooo pf booting in not tho Tialuivo Hhriht of royolty, and that tho nobloot trait: of tho humon hood and lblil` ii'i l6 bi Yoiid in the 'rmmb|er n51h_._ Ibo plo} jg nag _| nttoiilng ouo V [or royllty. It in on Ifhil pruzoot ogoimt. tho `ouo mun` vor And on iuuuonlo ' ` ~__.._...; a.. 1.... ..l nnnulu mvernuu-nt Hunmoud'I Textual Criticism. Wectoook on the Cnnon of the New Tel- ununt. RainIford'| Who Bids for you Tahungoi Night Side of Cl\y Lnfu. Culliu-`I Engluh Lilenture. Saukey'I Tnvollor. 30. Dnwlng Booh, Drawing Paper, Ponciln. &z:.. to. ENVELUPES going down dilly. All the School and Collego Book: on lnnd Copy Book! going otf quick at the mug} ntu. pr SALE TU COIIKNCIC UN THUIUADAY. N.B.;-MI once. they wl be gglnood In Conn tor colloouou. the `one mun powur, Iuu u. ....3...... argument in (nor of popular goveihuu-nt tho world out. The uwnl to bu drum - - -L- 4--...- ;. ..voIr. hmhu: urdor. Q Stock full and well snorted. Jun. 1:1, 13th. lma new AUcTIoi}nni.| IN MlJl!IKAI"d 0L0 S'I`AND,l I Inlet Squue, Klnnton. ; M. DAVID, Licensed Auotionoor . for on sud CnnnI.y.vnahoM.odrnv Ihu unelnlon of 1. o uhllc that he lntondl to all nn SMALL C( MMIBBION AND IAKF. I VI` \JI'\&i, ON the Suuthweul unrter ul Luv. 24 In the 6th (`nnccsnni-in u?l.ho Tuwnuhip of King I! In. containing (`)0 Acres of zonal culuntvd Laud. Thermn Are two Dwelling Houneu, (oc~ nupiod) four \VolIn of wnu-r, and 6 Acres of An Urrhnnl. in nod comlilion. with fruit. Thurs in one new hm, lntol huHt.,IiLa 40149, the bend. in the '1`-awnahlp. {Phil \-nlunlxle Properly in aituatal nur the Perth Road. u milu {mm Kln tun. Thu pmporty nan be unha- MI by pay ug one thknl down For hm. or pn- ticularu an to tonna or otherwiu. npplytn the nwnar. the guhllc this lntondn all , nu E mzmwr HEFURN8. WM. DAVID. Auctlonoor. _ owner, I WM. DAVID. (`Iona lroiur. Prlluu IIPQQI. [lunch I \II I \lI`\I-I-I GUOD BUSH FAIII. oontdnln About one hundred and twenty none. on in : new Fnme Dunning thorool. For um: I tothoow or. `W " wu. DAVID, U '1 VII vuwvu uvu --_-- HY THE QUART. (Ml.l.UN. or BARREL at a Cheap rum. Apply to urn I nu l'\AVlh vorld The mun: w uu u..-~. from thc drum in of the highur. urdor, and would prove u morally tuluutnpouu it pnfofmud in the presence 0! 1 uudny -.-I.....I .. in . `Lhuln. Tho unctity of lie hu lnmqmu ox any: on luau. WI. DAVID, Broker. and doulrr In New and deooud Hnnd Good: ol our-_v dc-Irrl tlon. opponim Mn` Burpnr I-`lacy Ooodo Ion Prlnooul Street. Kingston. WCHIAP JOE UUUSJNIUIK W IBIILUU '-'=j'*'-*'-'""'-'*-.'..*:;:-'.::." orders I`Il|| WI. DAVID. the Ch-n Ha ha hundred: of Keys hand. mu Iuvln Ilrnlmo uul dam! Wm; nav:u.'mtio2J9om-1 |Sa|urd1y. the l8th .lunuary,| A` `III l... The Sales will oonuilc of I quantity oi Home hold good: and Mmhlneiy, glue 3 lot of our dinn nnd Boon-h Twoodn. nd 5 number at Sleigh: Ind Cutter: Ind lhruon. Alto on 0:311: in ood ordannnd on Iolodoon. Iltl portable no. WM. DAVID, I... IAAL Annllnnnnl Jan. Nth, 1878. vv nllivug FEIALB BCHOUL TEACHEI.Iohoo| semen No l9.h ConouI|on.1`oInuh|p of Pltubnrgh. Amy!) to ` ANDIIW I. BAY. IAIUEL VIII. z'l`run0u. JAIII BIOWI. Jan Nth. I879. I the Ontario Pnrilunont. `PHI ANNUAL MEETING of tho (boldly will be hold 01' WEDNESDAY. lfnh noun. M 1 p.n..|I I2, Emu I 0IIm.Clu-anon Btmv. r .. N Acoonmncn W111! 111: Aer or will be bald URI Maury. z.~qI!;Aaa;,mm.Le.-.=!.-gas.-;.8\mv 1... ma. laonhry. n nu-nu-, performed In me ptnenoe or school no in e `theatre. the merriege tie, _the noted eeeocietiun of home, perentege end virtue, thine out reeplendently in oontreet with the dark in- trri!'l-,-9! mgty and tb9.!z.mer!m- 0' bril- iient diellonor. In the ohencter ul `Henry Shore` Mr. Inviek wu moet edmireble. Poeeeeeing I eplendid phylique end A re- merkebly hendeome lice, from which beamed forth the very soul of honor, he did lull justice to hie important part. AI en eotor, it in at once epperent the moment he oomee upon the etege (list he in to be the `manor born.` Evury gen- ture in grecelul, end hie voico in (luup, rich end full of pelhou. Mr. Cehart. u `Duke of Uluetc.-r.' proved himself I talented ector. ilie inipernonntion oi thnt royel ecnmp wee perfect even to the elighl. hump upon the heck, which chemo- teriud Hie Royel llighneu. A comhinu tion of bruleieoeneneee end royal refine- mont wee diepleyed by the eotor which braught`Gloeter ee it were {me to face with the eudienoe in ell hie true cherecterintice. Mr. Andrew Jeoquee wee exoellent u honeet `John Griete.' One : hurt nem- ed to werm towerda him on the represen- tetive 0! en houeet whole-euuled El`llIll~ men oi the working clue, who euccwurod poor humenity at the rink of his life. Mine Eu (ierrick, en `Queen Elizn.beth,' perlormed well her pert. though the re- quirement: ogylher chereoter ea lhe lawful queen eud enemy of `Jane Shore, with whom the Audience eympethized much, mede it I dillicult ono. Mine iloee Perkerne `[loueekeeper,' Mine Living~ etone u `Ledy Cur-to, Min Alexander en `Deme Oriete, Miu Horton ee `Ledy Mellee,' did edmirebly, ee eleo did Mr. Little ee `Lord Cook, Mr. Kildey In `Outer-by, Little Eu ee `Duke of York,` Little Lille Leigh ee`l rince Edwnrd,` end Meeere. Miller end Young en ruieue. mm . -L..l- 4...... .u m-uuntad truth- 1 IVI, on Allan ad loin: ooh. vol! found and usual ; thy oulun : nulbu olebdoo upplo Iran. "I: In I. W. Illllfl`. J. C. Burk MING. North. vonm IA! and cuploynul will lilo nnuucuol cm. I: not Mu- od ofvovl. would Inhblnulf Inful Any thin. vmcn I hand. look of hulls. Adan-I L0. ." Box III. [uptu- `In uh. A Wanted A-Y0l`l0 IA! 0130! $|IL1OII would to not Mon- ml at work. would nah hlnpll ugh] u. mvv, as woluugoon sum. in vuuolnn nnhnoor but Bunion. With up when Iocuu, Mil. Wollhghn luv-1. bu or union mun. Tu-no -dune. lupus. Jun. nth. Iltl. ` v7eet Cider for Sale. 11> RARRKI " ci&iT Jul mu. IIII'.CBIl'IIlD F0-DAY. J m Nth. ruiunl. The whole drama mu presented lully and artistically. The mow scene wu vory mtnnl nnd could not be 'un~. proud upon. We Clnadiuna are judges 0! Clint lot! of thing. We Will] the Ward Combination I pie-aunt and Iucceuful tour through the Province, and (run. we may no Cl}B\|JJ again At Ix-IIIB future dny. > P0 All. PEOPL-3- .:WAN1'YNG K B Y 8 for Loch an be Iunnllod by lo-ung their nply to the owner. Tho Cheap Broker. Pm-oou lt.. llngowu `0 PEOPLE WLNTYNG K I! Y! _ for Lookacnn hem pllod bvlonvln their am vrnhwl. DAVI ). the chimp rohr. . hu huudrodl K07! (Iurr|y'I Old Bland. In-hot Squat) I Vllbbll nnux. nry-_y vv WILLIAI DAVID. - The Cheap Broker. Prinoou 8! . Kingston # F3? 8910: AUCTION SALE` THE NEW AUCTION ROOM Wanted, LGJOI. Apply I0 III. llll, IH. Int! H. - s _ ,. . .. . S. WOODS. Pnluonfn MAOAllNI."--\V0 would not always be pruning Poul-Ion : I4a|y'l Book, and yet. no hnoto to do it juilice. The Fobnllry number in unlurplued. cur..- Ilnanm Rlnnnn.--Thi. Ngw -l;OR SALE u 5l.mIhum-I nugrfnr nl Lu fornor Princes anti Wellington streets. FOR SALE. IIIYIIIJ 91 II nantnllull Klgjrs. { Wanted. `J! IIEIIHHI. TEACH $35!. Wnntoiv I IAH natal u-n v nu. } . DA V I u, Auellonoot. The ronrulry lllllnoor ll Ullluryluuuu. "Tn Mnuxm Rmonn.-Thiu Yolk publication. rlprounling the min- ing intent of North America. in pub- linhod by Mr. A. II. Chiuholm, and in I credit to him. A grout amount qi mining _ now: is told woekly. n.............,. as Tim Rmvinanriml and I02] Il may y-. ` 4 VIPIDBAI. mum Agrwslnunlbanp, . '3. V . . limit: 0! Iloolonl DIv_Mog.gIot_y u 7 .3. -. .. ~' ,,_!!l_ll0 oI"1nuun o Leap, uounqu. It 7 pl. V . . . _.. IU ISEUUUI HID l"I$IU'l' 'l\)Uh4 .1 .=".::.::y' ma: am.-. '-9"-:2-'~ "" " "` / |cHIIIinTHKivtn. cotnat-:_e!o!_:!=_!9E=' THE GOLDEN 1.101! 03.003! nu: SELLING wens 1 ITEE GOLDEN LION GROCERY Sells nothing but the BEST FLOUR nu- hu on hnnul tll gttdol, from the | uent Putry to the boat Fnmily in Burroll, hall Harrell, qr bbll. STONES AND HALF STONES. FLOUR, T. II. ZIQCOEAE 00 11mm: our-:41-. suuut ovum nXuT:, BRlAKlI`A8'l' BACON, % FINNAN HADDIKS, ouorngn baaolou) min). CHll3l..o., & II tom wuavuy. Elau1nalua.- The Engineering and Mining Journal" of New York, in 3 very handwmo weekly with wide connoctiona in the far west, and the coal minea of Pennaylunia. The engineering engraving: aro ofton highly artiatio. Tho Scions-Itic Pnbliahinn Company, 27 Park Place, are proprietors. DA-wnnal. Inn 1R79.--We have receiv- YOU CAN BUY A Bl'l'I`EB POUND GOLDEN uo: Gndnnr. W. R. McRAEI& 0| Thursday Evening, Jan. I6v THE GBI'. Al' ORIGINAL (DIVE NIGHT OX1: [New lllleans Minstre The Hunger would vary rupootlnlly naunoo that no uponn In boon lpnu mnklng thin the Inn Troupe ox mum! F over brought Ingosbor under one unnueu thin the Inca! Troupe Iinltrol unnqeu A.I_I-_L.._ In -1: ...A An. I\.._. -_-_ lond|y,'l`ue and Wodnau nu. 13, 4:1: and mu, -AID- WEDNESDAY IITIIEE AT 1 I Till GBIAT AID ONE? nun wand] any Uhl PROF. MAOA*|.l8'l'l Tho much of an Wizard: ll HI! WOKDIIIUL IAITRIHI Uompnny, Z! I III I IIUU, -nu `nu... .-....... Pnnonu. Ion 1879.--Wo receiv- ed the thirty-uoond annual address. iuuod by the Hmmo of the Religious Bocioliu, Dublin. It in written in forci- ble lungup by the Ru. Thou. Scott, A.K., and In lnhnuly Protutsnt. It urged strongly tho torning of Promotion Sooluu to unlit Raformed Romnn IlllII\I-` I Ilccln _ AWL I. ` Almhnlnn III]: nnnns, I Inoal-. on Alninlon with `noun. I lnvolopn 25 lluonod locum sh pruo-I. 2 lnvolop only Iautnlnnu M nlo on lot |;.':`:L'*".;..T"`:';`."...`%`*T..5.`:.`"a2"E`i`: l luhum. hill -UUIlVU 9| I LUIIOII Klm &`Ph_131_pmka Kalli; uuutu or III llunholdon at Ouupnyv I to hold `:0 ch coupuai In guy olllngton at IOOI. I ml A . um cl uhunv. 1 , , of death; mnoIIn.ho.,lot a-chant. I; do. - v-----~-- -'-- -;- -v-g g I an Axl.Iuu.71;nu:. Ill f..1`.:'...`*:.=-'-'*-'-....... ......' '*'- 2:sr:.."'3. sun! luwluuuoo. ' onvioau-agy.tho_1`tsn-yrob |nmihiii-l:gnph l}um1I'!-I ` V` ` IT a '2 am pm -cu. h"u:`Ivo"u.. Ann: -o-"u.-uuaun um} M""' nu. lradc. uvvn vIvu-n:u .5... u... nu-.-. `mu .--u-`cu Aduuuion 95. 35 5nd 500. Doonapon tooomvnonoo at l. Tioklla for ulo at box nmoo. Ilruvu -in vu Pdill. Jun um. Avuv l|l|I`l'I-I. Alnhlon with I Invclop B.uorvo;l_;I!_og.`v pr_uou._9 I_n!_olo_p_ .__.- _._... 4- _, Jul llth. hilt ` FOB LESS HONEY AT THE `ja+[yj1m:;`: Sugars, . uh. ormu HOUSE: THXC. A Nlv AI.luui..~'[`he m number nf " Andro'n' American Queen," in new il- lustrated publication in before us. In doputucnta oovor nooioty nun from all pun, bouk, musical, dramatic, nnd art oriticluml, unyl, nlmtchu, |tur'ies,puomu, etc. A oominued uory will be an surna- tivo feature. The new jourml will con! I ald in IOIIIB respect: different from Any otlur And present flll nntl I.l I0llVO Iuturu throughout. A nmplo copy can 50 obtainod by onoloping 15 cam: to W. R. Anduwl, "l'ribuuo' Building, New uv,_|_ rnovgsgous. IDIIIUI4 I LUIIOII. 1. Ikln DQI UIV*' CE. IIIOIXI. log 3 id Tun. FLOUR c. w. noun: A: MI; Ioivn.: York. We In pllllod to observe the com- moluhhlo ipiri l ndiuioomont which um: Anon; Iomo ol tho city tuohon. Y . unity to gun tho mine: at the uuc~ oounulcnndidntoo in the tocont onlninh tion, And praninml Among thou nppufed Illa Em Icllroy and In MoDomhl. In the can of tho {onnr it an not mount} that she should I a competitor ' (or honors. She Already pnuouod .a ..n...4.A|....uM;-Ll-Inna-lllahnhnuv ~ 'w""3"VWI'I`-"HUG"-VI` Iv` lilo, but III: unbilion lod her to uni Malia qnnliostionu, nnd hr oloru hue bun Inouuhl, .i5`]lIp0I'I being o! u _.__n -.......l-l nhgnndnr, nnnh an in an - IIIII fun, -I yuyuu nu... u. .. nnuonnuulul _ r, such a to on- tillohch I Inll of [rude "A." III In Hui)-r n'n| nu qualied to ll tho `tuition: to think tho [Ill been re- untly uppoinhd, but aha had not A d ' |o`."lIIlIId D0 Ihnnklnl," rather Ihl up` plhd haul! to Int otudiu. Audion now the Iilnnlon ol holding I oortionlo $.23 1.. -l shun `I'll: Board ol School the WW DI IIIIIIIII. - IlU||a||yuuu valid lot all due. The Bond ol mimu-uclnploqoa with um. um of their 1500 appointment, tho spirit nu":-Ind by whim cannot be too high- I_ An-n-doing` _ ' ;1Vl orulino gins saunas nus; ; nono- no and and rhu- ipdtinn ; Nu-nliu is unqmlbd let the qudytdn-I --I all no-Yvo. iltcrnal and N.l'whud nabs must spend}, -In--I. -2`! .4-. Well and truly wul:_I_Mhd "by on; 0! the npoihn in the Local lnghlann,thu 9 (All: gown, it bclioud but lot than dnyo. would xgtcrislly unit! I eulu. 1-5. `ran damiavuuu prooudod on thin llllmu--cu u, .1 L1 nppuuluod. . p 4|iI"::% upon}: but uh-nah nnd hdrod onu- I5. Nono|hpbn|dou|ybyN.C. ninth oh-nah and Itodl-an ouI~ 0.` lab. Nonolhpinnnlcloulyby . 4 o1o>----- IIVIUIL --A nun Idling toned] lot notulinogivuiuhnt llliof; Nun- ...n- munch. ninth an non. The City Teachers? TIIE PAPERS. V,` j-- ,1 us n-Iuu. nrou"or CAPT. noun. ._,1;;'oouooo.io- -my cu. upon ol tho Conitu0 onHn, \Vun Ind on, an . Chief Enuc ol the Inn Dopu-uupnt lint null; IIIIUI NI Innuol upon to the City 0ouud1`.'*`l`uo Jocumont In lulf ; md,__guIpl0h, cod contains I. do- .._A { IoIl'll.1 In gun Iuhtynzm no iI|q,__gIIpiOlO, non cuuumu in` VI!- nirnbhjnlornnlon. `m 0.95. n Ysah (`fths orgnnintion 0! the briudo, hieh he pointed out /yy Jiuiant from nny other Dopu-nnem"in Cuuuda. It in ....n- ..... ........... ...d m unmzod And '|ny other Department In unuuu. u .. only one qonlpnny, and no unngod Ind drillod that men can bo and u hon men or book npd lnddor man, thereby doing :.L .L_ .._u_ -a..:l- uni indnnnv book you manor mun, Illltvlqt -v--g Iuy with the potty utriln and jnlonny which nlluya nut whoqthoro no two or _--- _..........a.. a.. n.. Iran Dnmrtnou t. Ilhlch nlvnyl nu: wnoqunuru um um -- noro oomponinl in I0 N DP`".' `- u . s..m'..a nun uh. "nun worked Id- oompemee In me nu uupu H3 lutied that the eyuem uximbix. Ind that tinge ihe ergnluueu the prgjnptnue of the men In responding to the caile of duIy,e:ii1 their ellciency in the Iorvict-,hed geined tor the Department I reputition thet the citizen: oi Kinpton Ihould feel proud 9!. After speaking of the sppueuu And the tire elation. he refer: tn the remen : Hell, Iituted in the Depulmenl. building. It hen, been furninhed and mg up et the expense of the member: of the Depertment. The men heve elm eeubliehed a reading And debating room for the purpose of gsiniug inlormntinn regarding re duly. and lo keep up ihe upro? dd corpa. He illiidel to the tournement held In: summer- the tint in Canada, end 3 great. Ilooeu-- end the lormuiun of I Firemen : Ano- ciutium. He then nuke: I number 01 reconnnoudeliong, commencing with the bunk room. He any: to make the Deput- mont more eicient the bunk room Ihould be furnished with eight bode Ind bed- dim, m order that eight men can :1- du duty M. the Department. build- ..;..I.o Ha rccnlnmondl thet 3 nu-cu -. Iuye ... -5 IIIU uuu v-nu. no duly av. ing nt night. He recommend: horu be furnished for the hook ind Ind- dor mick. to be kept in the Igablos oi the Department building. He nlu for smoke pronsctoru for the hole men, to ensble them to enter I bumiu` building without dnngor of Iuffocation. He urge: that the present lire by-luv be ruined, and tint Iho Auiuanl Chief: be chooon by,tho Department, subject to epyronl by..1he Council. This would hue I {Inn dency to incrrane the eiclenoy of the Dopertnieui ll Ilunkul the Council for the insistence it had given him II. the re-orgnniznlion of ' the Dopnrlmont. end the citizen: generally for the linndnome manner in which they sided in the lint Dominion Firemen`: Tourne- , . u.. n.-..I....4 ob... nnlinn Our valu- Llvplnuu In the nut Uomlnwu rnruuuu - .-.......~ ment. He thanked the police !ur valu- able nnsishnce when on fire dmy. Ap- ponded were atuauuontn of the number ,.t 4;... ma uuhnrn thnv occurred. the pended alalallloluu on ma -u-u.-4.. of ru, and where they occurred, insurance, if any, and the losses, which were genern'lv vory light. They nlso guns the nu-mu r u! n n"u..I (5); the sc- tuul rs: numbered 24. About nix o'clock last evening an nhrm was rung from Box 8,|nd upon the num- er arriving there, I re VII found In bo burning on the went. Aldo of Alfred ltrnt, in a double houue owned by Mr. John Vandawatar. The Era In: first nollcod in the unoccupied put ut the building, on the south side, which mun. hno been not on ro. ,-\_The fire Iproad rapidly, md in A than h Vtho other part of the house. occupiej by Mrs. Bockwurth, wu in tlnmou. Happily the furniture, otc., wu removed before the re hnd gained much hundwny, but, M 1; nunl upon nuch occuiouu. it In vary much damag- I am, __.-.. .... I... ; Hm. nilllnuh Inch occlllll. it ill vlry Iuuvu I---w-5 ed. The ntonmer was (or atlmo withoui utor, which uppund to be vary source, but after n time got I stream from Mr. Karen : cellar, which upoodily put out the lire, yot not before the double houu occupied by Mr. Rty, which Ill nut to it. was completely gutted, Ind tho lurnf tnre putty well dnungod. Much indig- -mtion in {oh by tho noighborl that I per- ,...u .... .....o.-mln no r: In thn -nnuon ll [III by IIII nuguvuu an-5 - V... - ` nun would so Iuntonly not re to tho` buildings. Both building: note imured, the dduble I.-rune in the Guurdiau of Englnnd, for 814,000, and Mr. lhy'I for I500, iu the Rpyul Onnudinu. -- uuuuruuvvu wvrovvuv ... Home on tho 30th. v-'l`ho nhting rink hu nnny cnl|er|_ It in In up It ukht. ~A|hr.on. the Bollevlllo nbaconior, ha. been arrested 5! Rochester. N.Y. Mr. T. H. Mcurl. hu obtained 8 Second Class A" certicate. -In|poctor Barker in irfveatignting the burglary M. tlraon Pout Oloo. ATL. D...i-n-up fan will bl the dth burglary an unnou run Uluuu. -Tho Rogiury Ofee will be of the Deputy unlou than in I ohnugo In I the heating. -rm... .... n.u\(` rmuln nn WONG V the healing. -Thare no guod rand: on lnlnnd, in cmuinq to the Cape, but they uka avertho holds. --wood has become I kind of drug on the market. It nlln dearly and slowly at C3 Ind M 3 load. - -W0 n`xouldn l be Iurpriud if the K. t P. 11.3., got Another handsome bomu {or 5 further oxtonlion of the line before f long. long. -'I'ho Wiurd will bo at tho City nll_ to-night. He given a good mmtdnuul It in way luughnblo Iomothnu, and al- Inyn interolling. Au. nmumll`-. who III Inch an Im- l'Ioul|lJ`"~ .U"`F' `" """ was. and cloudy to pm-Iv dot-sly cold-V?` ',"' /' -ilk nnoi Illl. lnurolnng. --Mr. Connolly, who such porunt card in thin city during tho lut elootion, lm boon lootm-In; In Ottawa on `I`empennoo.' Blade: 0! RIM, In: it OOIIII to thin! __m 4.: nm the Dominion Gonrna thin! -On in! um .m;acL.|;a9. on 919 P" -M roduotion on ulniu or A Hid :'niVinTTi ' sud olleinln in tho Imidt and onllidn union. The good resolution will In: _.. -.-- .......n.. rvwu. luv .pIvVa about oil months. nu.-- n.- b. Dowd In lunged to-dny for tho mur- der of Ward, tho Mmbnlul of hi: pun- Inuur, the lent-mw of the {utter being, for Ipedinl Fnuuu. cziiiinilial to u Ioven ..-....' lnl-m nf ooniu.-miary vunon Illoq pun [nun w u-u. -Judo Guyana`, 0! tin Oognnou Plou. who succeed: to tho position in the Snpmno Court, wanted by Jindp Rimhjo, hnnon ol Ibo hh Bu. Dc. Gwynne, cl Oath Knock. Ddblin. O lqininlu ol the Oluuiok ol England, u is partly I Kinptoniu, bulb; utudiod fan vmh tho Into Tholnl Kirkpatrick. Esq `Q.C.. nl Kimnlon, being` odlod to tho KAI` In 1837. -- vv IIUII vuv homo, lhu Roy: n _..--.....J _..b..p- Im dilpllyl. I Ijvnun nun nnhon knoq n 1 Ihun to cull. u...:_. n--......` .1 5. 4 OK/Dlllly lu pun-1 -u with snow I-"rigs. \ -`0Jdfellovn' concert in the Open -- \ , nun. '?-1 nu ngnnnzfllr. ....... ..-...--- n- u.-I I nu: LAST ruuu r. W IND WAF13. III. &III%' DIV ptv-our Titcount-nouldug. kg. . uni Q0 hilt` W0 uoIwohuog..u,...`_ (IO OIIMII Ilighuy, II lion!-I any, in hung at l`n|don- I WUIK 0} AN INUINDIABY. II, III! UIIIVI v-nu .- k ngonu And white- .. I -Innn In nu, nnuun uuuuu - -- mdw in hoisted J Q-Homo, Otluu, and rat, the Union Jack in -\- ---Oh ant` -hi!`- aarrisn wnie. TIIESDAY. JANUARY 14{,`\1e?7e.`A I -A not ulon 1:74;; into be ulod at Ottawa. rm -Boned can-dvond ll Mllilg $.31 and in Pnhrbomunl ` -anion can-gut cord Pcurhom _"l`In Tnmnnln -1'no mronuo tum; 9: onployn I39 kuhbn. ' -DuthI huuuolirlpd 1 {our II Rm Jnuiro. ' -'I'ho onool tho Oh . |..._.. 1...... ~..o.n.n..4l rill ` -'I`ho and tho nu bun lunhu pootrnnd ti Ju y. -Hun. Mr. (31 none In: oonnqlod to ......n..o Mid I .m|ai.u --uun. ur. uuuucno nu wu-mun w oonlqul Mid Lothinn. ` -Mu. Angeli, wife 01 tho 01-M- torn -Gounl ol Qnboc, iI_ dud. - ngun drivu I fhrgc undo in `chip- munk Ikinl lot `kid gloves. .-0on&lonon' in mourning in Philuleh phi: IOU black ribbon in (In btittonlgplo. --lolly Ward Bunker`: New You`! caller: -on nulnborod by the lhounndl. ---Lmndnn. likn Roma. ht! hld I _._..-_ _____.. IIE FIE8|lIEllIY- 'l'ildon'n prospect: {or the nut Prui- doncy no btighuning. Unllll the oxi- gotoiou 0! party otherwise detox-mino, poetic u tell uncommon justice will dumnd um Tildon be accorded I uquo ohsnoo 0! winning 3 position, to which he In ooruinly uuignod by the popular vote duncautuwulgnnr. but 91!: I ylgtg In VII non. buefnoodly defnu 0 . inluontitl Democratic cnncun roeonlly doolurod in - his favor [or Ibo put, nppourlmc bocallod banner inphe nmpsignyx mm. ha bu opponontj numbered by the lhounnun. --lnndou, like Romo, visitation of Ian, imported In Uriduul Inning. ~~ |Iu|Hu in India Inc bun mind and!!! nuounuto eighteen tune: the can pm. 0! -as 4. England. v --A Cinoinu oonlrnntor hu undo I silt price 0! an in England. - Cinoinubi contract with French oapitnlinln wbulld A nilroud fro: Jomnlon to J AIL _nnnn Khnlnv nil H11! H10 sIlO DO` nilrotd from Jomnleln Jana. -Dun Shnlny up Hut pottnont Building 3: Washington is one 0! tho gtundut building: in the world. -Tho St. John. N. 13.. Globe publllhu building: in tho worm. -Tho John, 13., publllhu unrl-nun ongngemouu, with the :39: uf the partial. -- lliuhtvouou of dinlrou were rolinvod Hightynuoa by the Qnoboo 8t.Goorgo'n Society during the put you. --Thorn Inn 3.710 oonvictium, 1,996 your. 3,716 conmltnll, Ind 80? dilchugel It the Rowtdafl Uonn. Montreal, int your. _l)IInn mutnme cold weather nut Roourdcfl Conn. Montreal, an yur. -0wlng tonxtreme you"I crap 0'! monquitool will be born wish fur collar: Around thol: neclu. _I`n-`nah Mnnrnhv hll cloned hll In- wish fur aollara around their necu. -Franoia Mar hy haa cloned bora at New Yort. Ho luduood 251,000 poraona to sign the plaJ.(o. --500 lnavan of bread, l00 gallon: nf aoup and 1.000 lba. I boot wore dimi- butad ha! w poor of Ottawa on Saturday. ~--Thu J.l`;l|ll0If! urn Afraid that Ruaua la about to an ux ll l l tho largest ia- landa boloul_m, v `= r Empira. -'l`hmnaa Lord, n Mae marriage oauaml quite a acandal aome time ainoe, in dying. H0 in 86 years 0! age. _'l`ha Llkrarv 01 Birmingham mu` in 86 of -'[`ho Librnry Birmingham buruod on Snurdny. It coutniued the nut complete Slukiupou-inn oullectiou in the? world. l _II'ivn nnrnnlm Al the BOIIIEHN. Any- liu the? world. ;-Vive poruoua at tho Any- lum, Queboo-four women And um mun-h|vofAllon sick with the mull- nu! Bllil, 0' Illlur. - mu. use truly II-yu--In on M, ,1. g,., q..ida with the u-Pun? daut the ohm-on of nomination. Hm] .._._. 5.... ....mud to Tildcn in the