_ in-rI`r1on. . Ald. Iocnnnoa - The petition at (home Guy. Vin-uforonoc to u;u.-R9- (and E: Hie Oonmiuu un luau to ro- L ', "IAN. Ilotullo--Tho petition of Sunuol Cannon. oolnplnining ol I'M long In land by having the ehinngp of 11.6 coal oil lamps brukvu ninl itolon, n -n asking proucliun hum ffun Couuri} nuninnt this` unduliun. - ltulerred vrliw. proucliun lwm gun \4IuIu l_: uuinat this` urli-.. Committee on Fina. Water & Gu. - Md. M.bmalla--The pgmiun of Mums 0'RailIy and isropny, uung.~'-mmmm 4! the Young Ladiu Catholic Aid Soc. - ty, the romiuiuu ul rdmu.-f the Cny Huii, on Hf Ch-1ir'|x!r L-.f.~:u. ALI Mmmlla muted fur .4 '._u.mL :Iu_ui1- thv froo mm of the hull when It WM occu- pied in the Interest. of public charity, And the bnzmr In intended for the benet. of the unty puor. Ald. l)nmmn--I'll pay a nlullnr to- it in. Aid? Canon EM not m`mrmb`ai any objection having hefure beau ukon to of the hull when it mun occu- ..a.A h. H... mun-nu. of public charity, I nc i_I. of the Ald. l)n.um,nn--I'll pay ward: it if you pay yuurni Ald. Canuu~Dnne, (putti in his packet.) ., Ald. Melcalfu lhuught it] in hll pmket.) Ald. Melcalfu lhuught 1 bad grncu {rum may mmb< grant the pemlion. The l dertnken tho h|7.2l'|I` for c .u..u.. 'I`huir wurk WIN 1 dertnken mu DI/.2|'u' pmoi. Their work 5 they only nnkcd for 1 lmnl rucmved. am l)r.um:u|4-Nu! ciutiun` Ald. Mutcnlfu cited the cam nf the S9, Vmconv. de l nu1Sm:wly. Ald. Drenmm rxgmn throw out the hint. lhnt thu Cuuncil should subscribe the amount. of rent nnmng thuuxsulvea. He did not press his 4-bjucliull to the mo- Linu, which wxu carried. ln.|IIUlIv TIIK IMJIIANIUH Ald. Woods -The petition uf the King~ stun Mechanics Institute, to the elfoct that the inltltutiuu hsd lately been re~ organized, and was new in R thorourli working order, that several classes hurl been opened, and competent instructors nppuinted to instruct in the nveesssry lvrsuclius, and risking nut only in! he use ml the ruuins ill pruscnt occupied, but fur the runm in the basement formerly occu- pied by the Chief of Police, fur twu sure in A nominal rental. Ald. Woods named the several clauses that had been formed in cnnneutiun with the Institute. and lo the increased room that was riucesury fur the carrying nut ml the phmsnowiu hand. The Institute asked lur the iuldilinmul apartment in the City Buildings only until such time: in they were Able to procure and priy lur rooms elsewhere. They made appli- cation at that time lmcuiae they were given to understand that-the Board of Public Schuols intended to ink for them, and it would be inconvenient for them to reuinve st preeent and pay such a rent in their accommodation would ro-- quire. The membership hsd been in- creased to 134, the lectures were free, and so was the reading room, lhoso attending it only being suited to pay their W nnnuin. lle niu\'ul that the nur- ( I l ( I 11' nnminnsorrs Blusllulux u sun, 32 per nnnmu. rooms at prowl nI...ninn lnntnlnln He moved mar. mo present occupml by the Me- chanics Inamulo M n romlimz-room and hbrnry, and the mom furmerly occupted by the Chief nf Police, bu given tn the nid lnnitute for mu years In a nominal rental. AI.l Ylrnnnnh had directed some pur- rental. Ald. Drennah had pur- lieu to make Bpp1lc.M.1Unf\'l` one room. but. iuonuwhile ho had been informed thin, the uid room (lately the nfce of the Chief of Pulice) wan needed for the stor- ms 0! good: that mny be cuntiacntod at anytime by the police. Us remarked that (or ten year: the lnutituto hnd paid no rent, tnd he emmtnined the opinion that it. would have bean only pnliteuou . n..n.n.nf thb Prelident tn have bean only pnuwuou on the pan. of mu the back rent cancolled on tho 'I`rea.surer'i book: as An anal. To do uthcrwino In An Audacious act, a highhnmled mu- -m-.. [In thought this A matter with lune. \ Md Drennun - In tho motion in order! The Mnyor--Yes, in the shnpmiu whiuh I. in highh.snueu mu- Iure. He tliuuglit which the Council should deal. Alxl` Wumle considered that it with neither impudunt nnr amluciuuu to act as he haul (lune. ll: hrviglit in the peli- tion at the request uf the uieclmnice wliu cunetitutetl the lnltitnte. He tllll nut wish the Council to {eel in if pushed in this matter. If the petition were uul urnntud so far In the ulce next the pulice Atetiur. was eonoerned, the only elleut would be the peetpnnemont of clause: until they had the required eeonininodeu tiun. He wu eetoninhed at the menner in which the petition was received. He Admitted that the Institute hed not been the condition in which it should hue been for ve nr nix yarn, and the Di- rectore of it had been obliged to pay 830 end 840 each in meeting preleinu de- muidl upon tliem, and not one of them had ever received a cent of benefit from it. Nuw that it In: compnud 0! An ective body of nrtiznne, to the mim- her of over 100, it ehnwetl eigne of re- newed life, and he did nut think it auda- city to move in the way in which he lnd done. Ahl Alhm Inlll a few worth. 'more in- mnl Md. I.)nsmmu--Nnuuu any of tho 0.... Ald. Allen said a Ivonll, vournble to the Imtitnto thm Aullnllt it. Ald. Oualiin highly commended the inltutiun. A: for the store room for the polico he thought I mull npnrtmem. would ncoommodno them. (L|ughlar') Ho npolio ol the room: ucsnt in tho up- per part of the building, and thought than junt the thing as I mum of nor- oiling tho police, in jumping up sud down min Ho contended that the young man in their Itudiu nhould ro- " alva ovary uncoursgumvnh And uoionneo l in their Illldlol Inoulu ru- ` ovary nnuihla. oelva every uuuuunuguuuuu ...... _.-..._..-- pouiblo. On motion of Aid. Union the commu- nication wu refund to the Committee on City Property to report. Ald. Cu-|on-Tho petition of Mr. J. naliucnons report. Ald. Cnnon-Tho petition A. Knob, in reieronco to I bill fnr fromsqe, which he Alleged he should not be asked to pny Iinoo he hnd not the benet of I oorporntion drain.-Referred to the Committee on Strbeu to re -art. All nnnun .-.-Thl tfonoa ond Jhhn zdunmon, satin: pormluion to roll huh mat in ch mount Ihnpu, tho] being outside! Md. Gukin pruonud no report: ol tho Couunltguon F'unuoo,vnomuoud- in; u nunbor of nooonmn, the prinolpd : otwhioh won: J. 0. lnnia. plan ul "`|6IIIiI:gI of tho Ilubour, m; P. Fnllon. ' braking stone. 013.75; 1. Buqo A Sop.Rqhtry oI!ico,Il8 ; J. Sum, coll. ' mt ; do. pauper pungu, 310 ,nudn, - . mntinnntiou of Montronl uproot, .2-.587 - on 0l'|Cl with thn by-luv. Jones Mnhn Meumnon, uung I :- their resent nhopn, outside the imiu prescribed by by-luv.-(}rantod. condition shut tho petitioner: comply the detail: ind proviuioun of tho i I.-_I-- poipor no , continuation uh-sol, ` sun. (In (have ltI'Ilt._ ; 57.30. Tue: om oombot, (7,304 I-4nn-IlmndId 4 nu being nixed to pay men lle .9 ...-.....no nl'.(`lIHH3(l hv nlfu lhuugnt It camp mm m mmnbur In reYuw Lu (ion. Indie! hrl un- charitable pur- r lugiliunato, and kcd what othur n >cill8I IIILICI IIPOIT. . u .__ II THE lllllll IOTTIH ,.'.mug his 1 ; hand with .-.. 9.. . .Nu ooo: .3) to J. Nulin, IBJ CHM A. lnnignu (bringing Illnnl; I190 to H. Wilma. Fm Dbuulhut; 031.17 In ti. {Gnniguu `Iran-inmnq uunu;.3u:fu Io . ilwb, In Dbpulhout; 1.7 Mouu. Dsvid__aoIt Doria. Fin Ddptg J. Wsddinglnn I Bod, for lqnhc for the [allowing Duds : Ctirnqlli, . Bydonhun $.40 ; Victoria 8118.81; St. Lstnnoo 837.01; Unllrio Il9,U)'. Mr Flnmguf. ,!or nviaiun pl Vows u: 042; do. sueudsnoo at Court, 83:8. Muck- n....,... 1... ...al. In: `Kin: Itroot. 836; nyuuuullu Ivulu ly_ u-.. . _, _ 112.34; Cntuiqu` Wm. $11.56; From ten Wud, BM. Ridqnu Wild`, .|0.~ 7 '1 mum WArd;'. 88 07; Nolligan & U_`%:erun, Iidewdh, $33.37; new Ic- c nt, 83`.).l_6; S. Wooth,atntionery,83Il).- 50`. J E. Hutchenonpelling city property, 830;T. llcnbonpundriu '..it.y bunldiu n, 628; B. T. Dronnul, do. 90.77; W. Rom- inoon, bnltnoe ol cunumt, .4935; `J5 . Wuldiu hum & Son, lumbar, Rlnfaju Ward. 115 I1! ; do Flonhmc Ward, 8193.36; Mcliolvoy & Birch, Iudriu, City Hull. 3214.91 ; W. Allou, Iuudnon, Guy Hull. 078.15; W. Huttonpnulnct on (Iron: at... .110: npproprinhon [or pub- llp Ichoull for 1878, 2.000. Ilrl flnnlxin nnvnd this IIIODUOII 0` the uneudsnoo 1% Court, 33:19. mucu- lumn, for mil: In! u-.I-..b..... \\'...q In (I`2:\'1cIm-u Wad. mil: in: `lung urns. no; Hydonhun Wnrd, 1 02:.`/'V'1clotu Wud. 13.84; Cattrtqu ` inl. Ounuxwud. :14. a` |'QWK,!-- 1 ` -7 AM. CYa.r'wn .oh;ochd to my H9!!!-`Q refute ofuxou Lu the M. T. 00.. far I .` He moved tlnklhne put of the re rt. be ntruck out. He uii the poti- ticiu hid bun `ftoquently before than Cuun of Rui|1nn,_g,mI it had never been digpawt of. The Cull-amp of Tue: had infurmed him thit the mist Furwnrdmu Cum;-Ania: Ind id Q39 NH Mnonuh ul their turn. In it In: not right that this Company, claiming to be riah,|hould be gnnted 3 reduction. Ald. Dronmn remnkod that the lchooll for 1878, Il`.UUU. Md. Gukin nuud mu |d9pl!9Q 9! the WWII . L Md. Cu-'non .ob1.ecIM`l item-- reduction. the Counnof Ravinion bld presented A report, rocommonding I reduction in tho unau- mnmnt unlinl property. Ymlu !h9II_0. bate. Ald. Carson aid 3 rololution wn pulled in 1876, granting I reduction of 90 per cent. in the nsauumont uf outing nrnnertv. He contended that that re- rocommenumg n rwuuuuu mom of auipg pm-party. rirnulmnlnnolll he hM.| VON In the nsauumont ur unnuug property. duction wu virtunlly undo lime the M. T. Co'I. elevator: were not lully ansuwd. The Company would nut have two or three olevntun if thoy were not vuntod, nnd u the compnnienfwhich the lgent of tho M. T. Cu. referred to as bankrupt concerns. had paid their llltil, thin rich iultttuliou should be Innda to do like nlnu D IIB. Aid. Gukin said the M.T. Co. was lin- unly Furwnrding Company which had paid twenty shilling: to the puuml during the put iorty yours. He opuke of the report. recommending in reduction of 90 per cent. Previous to that time the Fur- wardern did u rushing bulimu, and to meet the trade the M. T. C0. built a mcnnd elevator at I can of 810,000. In I876 busiueu droppd off, them can not bunineu for one, And hence the Com pany considered that they Ihoulcl nut ho fully tuned for an olevatur not running perhaps I month in the year. Aid. Canon nid if the may elevator | perhaps month in me cost 810,000 tho tnxeu upon it Alon should be 3161), consequently there was taxes collected but for one. VVe|'u the two elevatorn uwuud as Lhoy should be the time upon them would he 8320 AM. Gulnu cunld not. any that the them would he imzu Aid. Guklu cullld any lust elovatur cost $10,000 ; he did kuuw em-uly. _ AM. `.nruon-'|"|kimz your own In em-uly. Ald. Caruon-T|king your words fun it the nnesement. rests upon one in place uf two. Ald. Moknuio-The Cuurt ul Reti- uun decided that all elevator: should be assessed at. the lame gure. Aid. Cnrmu uid be had been Ipoken to by no eompnny. He had opposed the item in committee, and he opposed it in Uullllcll, I1 unjuut and unfair. The M. '1'. Cu. had any qlumily of pruperty whiu.-91 w.ua not assessed for one-loulh ol ill wnrth, and in this rebate the poor men wen: virtually asked to pny the rich nun: I lnxll. } men`: tuxos. AM. Motcalfe ridiculed the action of the M. T. 00., I reputed rich company, cunning into the Council and uking for I rebate of (Men. 'I`hrnughout the longth a.ud breadth of the city poor man were being: sold out for pultry unma, nnfl yet this L`-umpnuy, of which it WM bouted it mnld nu 20 nhillinm to the puund, uk- Slitlhln Birth!!! aim at Milan Prom ta of which 1!. Donna is could pay shillings pound, od relief (rom an Amount which would [my for the (axe: of 20 poor men. ll._wu unraaauzmblo that the Council should be nlked to cut uide their iudgment. and prinoiplel nf economy Au vote for the noun. Ho protested lgllll luck 3 thing. It nu Iuonq. Ald. Gukln said he did not winh the Ald. ` Council to undcrltund that the Compnny uked for unythily which they did not consider their right. He pointedout I dlicuhy, huIvovor-th|t iu_1870 the taxes wore paid, thn their boolu ware cloud. sud um tho Itockholderu of to-dny were nut the stockholder: of nut duh. AM Mn(}m.mnn--What were the ole- stockholders or tnuuan. Ald. McU|mmon---What vatuu to be Iuaued ford The Mnyor-For $0,000 or 86,000. Ald. McCauumnn thought the item should be expungud [rum the re art, thnt the old Councul, in the three: ofPdnuu|u- tn... In-uld nut be.-naked to deal with n. After some further debuts the motion was put. and carried. The report. ll nmondod in: than lI`\IR5!d put. puaed. ` M. I coet of 87?); thnt no ectiun be token Aid. McCemmon hended in the report of the Committee on Fire, Water and Gus. it recommended the sale of the old Deluge" enginetn Mount. Black- eall & Dnnebrough, Toronto, for $100, to be taken out in hoee; that 400 leet of how he purchased at 81.10 per foot, of the "l aregot|" brand; th|t`luut' rubber cv-an be procured for the nae of the Huee Company, to cost $5 ouch; thet a motion pipe be obtained for the Merryweather, on the communication of Col. Hewitt anent a gal lamp, nor on the letter of Meure. llndereon & Neabltt, respecting the lighting of the City Building by elec- tricity, that lamp: be erected on 0rd- uumoe Htroot end at the Grand Trunk Railway, but none at the etone bridge, Princeu Street. The Committee reacti- mended the lighting of the atreeu by coal oil. an they no 0! opinion that the rete aid to the City Gel Oompeny ie toohigh ` or the amount 0! light furnished. At- tached thereto wee the annual report 0! the Uhiel Engineer at the Fire Depn-t7 ~ Inent. Mal Mnnemmnn moved the aduntiou Md. Mccnmmon moved Iduptiou of who roport of the Committee, and the nlannno of the Engineer} npqrc lg gho Commitoo. _ ALI n....m lnnvnd um tho nmvlr of Comnmoo. Md. On-Ion moved thu. I Mr. Hench : petition be 5 mu 3 lump be orooud I btidgo -4CII'I"|ed. Tho noon u lmondul w iunsb A2. JAIWARY 3 4. 1319'} { Ald. MwcR.ouio bnndod in tho nport ol the: Uommituo on Stuck. It recon- .,o.l__ Jp_gg.m!;, Ullil -A ..._;gg George. unpoating dnlnago."!5':o nu lrontngc be ohlrgod; that on the petition of Pariah Klllon, ulixponry 1-chef to the extent. of I15 ho gnnud, his home being mulul In nnrlun 'g|,gf_ DI! Boob, OI I"I|l`|0I nlllill, wlnpmu l ooded by IIIHIOO WIMI. Tn. umunl noon of Ibo [daemons in Inn-Q: `oporlly In that land you.-;Adophd. I I) 0 uurlnoo The unmnl upon City Enuinuv, giving sppro ' ion and npondituro tor the you-,nro nadpnd it sad the Commit.- 1u'I upon In ndoplod. - Ala. Gnkin took oouuidonblo crqdit uni tqion odoplod. Ald. Gukln nuuadcnho man ` to himself for tho puup ol I by-In guidin the Board at Works. A nun; ol nbout;(.l)0 bud boon oootd Ilu o of tho your. " ' `Md. Iollohiounkt thnt Io hr II he know than u: not 1 oil or outmod- ing dcbt. in connection with and im- pmnmonu. u Ald. wood-huaoa in Iho nponoc m Oontt of Boviuinn recommending, in the e_uodof the nasal dvnnn, I Iiniliu ro- _ z_ .|._ -....._._-o ..l Ingng g-.5. (Joan of IIOVIIIMI {IooIlInuI_II|`. -- --v an of nasal ovnom ""!i" dnotiou in tho Manhunt 0! Ioulnt PW` . .....n- In uhn lml Inna follovii ll nidgo -Corned. The report gmondul nu than our- -Ind. . . rV....mninuu nn Fin. K redueuon In mo unau- ng he voted for tho re- non! oi Iooung laoon lul Ou Dhrlu, sll Ilupon and sing, . tho! mun, -mu the about ` IAIIIT |.31lI|l I5l. Ald. (`v --kin gruoululk ropo t 3! tho Msrkvl Uuopnntcoq. noon n; n arnguizy, _Lu_I(r. Thoma Boylgol 95, all u nunuwugpl all but unu.-'Ldo,ut- Id. ,,mm`,) . \ ` nuuu. nu-un. Am. Momma handed in an new 5ropo|-tel tho'Cit{ Uouuiuiopcr, which In plwod on y 0 for nloronoo. ` I u-lnnln ` FJUIIBII. Aid. Iotuifo put in hit upon 9! tho Lncuuo Committee; recommending ms: nu the canon of MeK||lu . Cungrou at ll, I precedent be olllblil ad, And that Sh luturo nu tubule: be gkt-led than taking out hceuuo no. im-_ruln': ponodJ.--A&opI.- .4 Ald. Drcinmn nquutod to an 1:. AM. Metouh then moved, noondod I)`; Ald. Woods, thn tho member: of tip: Lmunml upruu its undivided thank: to Mayor Molutyro for his unvuzying kind- neu ind urhnnity. And (or his ugum-v- inn; delity in tho dinohnrge of his official duties Ii Mayor lor'1u78. `kiA Llatodfo nu sun all the Cuuncil Flltal uluusu. ` Ald. Gukin brought up the unondod market by-luv for I link running. It in run] wcurdmgly. an .-1-ru-In VIII IIAVDI, TIIARIINII Inn .1: Ivn. Du motqun ofild. Molcalfrlho Mayor Ill rmmanlud to loan the char. nod nquutod uh 1!. AM Mnumlo Inorod. Mnyor lcr 15.15. AM. Melodie would unite in Ih mnlinn, The I|yor I nervwe-I hncl been npprecinlod ; his not was nruluoul, and he lmd noquiuod him- self with credit ALI `\VlI4Ill- l..Io nut it would bu un- self WIUI cream. Ald. Wood: fult thnt. it weuld neceaury tndetnin the Council by any lengthened remark: of hie. He (the 'npuaker)"1:mJ unto-red the Council u 1 new member end he hul been pleued with he municipal experience ul twelve monlhl. He endoreed the Ientimenu npuken by the previous Ipeukor, the but of good feeling being uburved thruughbut the you. Al for Mayor Mclntyro, he htd dunhnrged the duties of hi: pmitiun with credit to himself And the Council. In no one Ind the Cuuncul failed to show him pruper relpucz, and in return the Mnyur lmd Allowed every pouible liberty in dobuie. ALI u..(`.mn...n .l..r.d in the fulinu Pill Books nchlomonndnm Book: Hill Book, dobuio. Md. MuCAmmm alurod in thn fooling: nf Ald. Wood: llld Motoslfo. Ald. Allen cuunuxouted fuonbly upon Msyur McIntyre`: pzmuuco. Ahl. Cnraon nlsu concurred in thoiind- ly ox]-ruanmua ul \ln-ma who Ind upoken hnfurn. bnfura. '|`ho mutmn mu punad, the member: of the Cuuucil atnndiug. The Muyur mud ho In: much obliged fur the owrossinnnuf oondencn con- uyed to mm, and ho npprecinted it the more since the attering and complimen- tary word! warn nut merely I furmnl mu- tiun_ phased by Council: on ncceuxve yearn. It had bean well and mm: the occupation of the Mnynr a chnir required the oxerciw of all the known virtues ; and ho was glad to know {hut h|I eI!`.>rt.n and ruling-I had been npurocinged. He thanked the Council for us exp:-anion: tun-unis huu, And In return he Lhnnkod thou; fur their mdulgenco in In: fnvuur. Ho trusted his successor wuuld hnvu lho ....... ........x fur ohnnl.-fulnen Al the clone trusted his would nnu [DB umo cause fur thnnkfulneu of hi: tern of oice. (GIUIILH) Thu de.}mh,- on tlm Mldrou III con- linuml yuslorduy nharumm and evening. Mr. l.nudu-occupied the attention 0! the Human for rs nhurl. time with name rumbling rumarln, cnncluding with an muandunmt to the third pnragnph of tho Address, ducluiug it. to be of euontinl irnpnrtmme thn tho nnnnnl expenditure Ihuuld be kept within the nnnunl re- vmnmuf lht` Province." This In In Ihuuld be kept. vntnln "mo nnnuu na- venue of I0 vngne ~uul"1nnoconl.a mutiun that unmo- thing was evidently hehind it, Ind the nature of the 0ppoIn.i:n lactic: noon be- came evident when Mr. Pnrkhill. one of the new (Dppnminn memhors, rum in the uhuult. haste to move an mnendxuent. to lhaamemlmuul M fnllnwI: `Tint whilu we rojnicu with your Han- our In the duvelapmem. of all emerprmcl tending to tho mlnmoemant of the Agri- culturnl Inluronu uf Unurin. we are of opinluu tlmt tho mllniniuralion of tho Atfmrsulthu l'r-wince ahuuld be con- n,.. .1 _:.|. .1... ...... up nnnnninll nan- euuurm IllltIl`uIu.I Ul uun nu. nu nu: u. ntfmrs of this ducted with the mun-mt oconomy com untent ntth oiciuncy, and thnt in View of due `amoral depn-union existing in the Pruvince the expense of legulatnon and oivnl gnvarnmont should be ro-luoed, par. llculurly In regard: the uluriu of Minu- trrn and the Indemnity to momben of thin House." The intention In moving the Amend- mont to the amendment In of course to ..| ........h... an mu nilhal (or or the Amendment on cuuru to compel members to who either ngmnat it. in the: hope of placing the Inn- purteu of the Government in 3 lulu position. To won for the umondmout would be to condemn the Adminiotnt 0 u, while than who prepared the mom in hoped in be able to ropreunl (hots up in; againnr. the rolruiohment. in genor II Mid uuninul the rs-dlictluli uf nllrioa III-i inileu-vmy in pIl'l.iL`\llIl`. It In evident. that Um nnvor hm! nut propnrod the iimemlinent, nr even writton it out, fr iv. was Ill hamlwnting u! an older nnl morn prominent member ol the Opposi- him. hon. Ir. Frnur took the oor after Mr. Pnrkhill, had spoke tbout No hours, though lab-mring under mdilpouition no snare thnwhon tho Homo ruum d under mdllpouluon snore thnl when after the: six tfcluck noon he III cun- utraiuul to requut an udjunrnmont oltho dehmo till lodny. His upooch nu u muterly (rpm: M the Upponitinn Lmetirn, and of their ouuno wi-h rupecl to n- trenchment during lholut And pruent D--Immnnln, Irencnmeuu uu Pnrllumonu. Book and Fancv Stores ?-2--OQO Bran AND 8oALnu.-~lf you no so uulurlunnu M to mjuro yourull in thin way, we cnn nugget! a remedy thnt I`|ll (we apuk from experience) noon rolievo you of Ill pain and quickly haul the wound; It emu but twenty-ve cent: and 1: gold by all Druugintn -ult for Pun, Um. Pain-Kuller. dovixlad nlteruivo mtlnn at Boblmonl Pnoo mrizn-l I-`.mu|nmnul Cod [Aver Oil will w|'hoInlmtauf Limo. ulnpu in 3 re- muhhlu mum u I blood urior wall `worthy of tho lrhl of thou In rllg from n duouod oondmon of the Mmnhthu uid Tho nnnlgholy blomhoo. [mania and pinplu that dlngnro the (us ind neck. u wall as olhor portion: oftha body. of no mun] pot- ` mm. are ku:lu_-quona of gflunouod sum of the __ .. _-._.,..K.- zllk --~---ooo TH E 0.VT.\ll0 l.EUlLA'l'UBl'3. ---. ....T_. V .`. oo__ ufo hulu-anon: of o rllnoud H luaima 5".nlI`io|l n " ii, dopnuul mum on. fable diguon sad in- porfoot unlmllnuou. The oontlnnod us of tho Pholpholilod Ilnululon lnurhbly clum- uthobluodu-on oil then Im nu-mu sud rcttoru an Iynmm to n sumo! thu ll mamtutod in incnsuod mumutlonnl vtgor. Inonul nouvitg. and lightness and bnoL:n.~y ol uplnu. mpnrad solely by J. H. bmnon. |'hgnnugout_|oAl__Chomm., 8' lMI UR|l'lES OF THE BLOUD.-'l'ho Robinson} Phoo nhorizml Cod [Aver Oil bno nnvy olupinu. Pmpnnul unloly by J. li.ob1nnon. Phunnuoutionl Chonmt, 8:. John N. lI.umI for nalo law I) In: Ind Gena-ulDmlorn. Pr|uoOl.00 nor uh; I]. battle: fur Q-5.lJ0` WITII WHAT 8ALl[)W COUNTENAICI and hazard loch. poor appetite. lnnld. Inhonhlo tooling. poor blood. Knnovo Ilvot, kidney: and hriunry tronbie. that clue 00!- Inemou. oanlhl otmnuon to all tutor: work given the qnnuvu. and all no ptyololnnn uni mullahs hnho votla and Iclpunn Inleu they got out ofdoon or us: A propulllol that gun`. sou hnuu fuse the non ouonlhl chunk of mo, givlnpurgy And vitality Ln tho v-bola much In Ind nervous oyatam. P|l0$f0l0lI for -W, .____x_..| -...I huubgn in-n Inn. I`! III! lwfvuuv - -um-u. . . . . u - V - v - - - -- nnonhng Impaired sml brain: down on- -uumou. in M 9'1"- :. nunulnlnk" unkind bun curl `cw! Bpoks,` LID VIRY OEIIP. has gnu. "PlI08F4)l41NK"eIpy6IhcJ]nucury 050051 and llrugyist Ila Dov- ul. ptrlohordtfor PHOSFOZONE! Clothlng, Clotlm. I I. Navy A~Wm:l Twmgd PMILI. $3- llou All-Wnnl Tweed hum, 313,50. Blnck Due Pants, 83 50. Dmgnnnl |'unu, 81}. 'l`w-crl Vesta 81 and upwards. ` l'ua Jacket: frmn 8? Ln 8.`: (K). Uvorcunta frum $1 00 to 86 MI,` All.-mnl Tun-md Uoatl. $3..-D` Sale to commence on Snturduy. 4 the 20th 1 All wo uk ufllm nlnlu~. m to Nun nnvl Mm mu` Humk nu: t.lmnm|voa [7 NE PRICE AHKEI) A\'l) NU l.l*2S.\` I we nld do wall to give ma I cull us wn nro selluug ti nu-la muwh In M4 $500 Worth 4 WILL mum 'l`IlElR z-u:(:u.\'n ANNUAL k GRAND G-II"I' sAJ:. i:: .-.nnnul\A v Hill: Junmrv And to 1-onllnuu FOR ONE MUN1 ll It For pnrlioulnrn AM I Special Lois ofriryLEoBdE Extremely Cheap .A.'I` `W A.LZDR,<`.`fT`. lath! Paper, chap by the ` - Ihlll. Black nml Blue Blwk Nnp (llnnkmgs at `.*`\|o. 0| 01! anal M.'.'. - 00. L`.`.`n and I .50. luwk nnd Blua Bhuk Baum-n M. I Inulim` Quiltml Skirts M. `2 50 and L. .>. rmlmwl bu L75. Hill. Pi-Kiel New Black Uullvwrna from `2.' *W0lIty Vienna AH Wool Hhwk Cnullnxlmrnn n(..'p'1.. Twenty tivurpiet-on_ll W'o`ul (` I urwl Umnhu .. -m.. hum All Wnnl Drona Booth, I Selling jun! n Uhuap an 2 I (Jun. 3rd. \\'m LI) CALI. G-OOD CHEAP GOODS, ALEXANDER ROSS S, Princess Street, ni)|inRl'l`l! l`.l l`V HH`l`l1`.l. TREA'T OLEARTNG SALE " _(,|-_ Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Goods -AT THI-- NEW YORK CLOTHING STORE. hwy n-An`. Fcmr morn from Mzrkat Same. Jan 2nd, 1879. Comunnciug on THURSDAY, Doc. ul Winut Clothing in diupnnod of. an dintrltulinz in every huuua in th tarminod to olor thn public BARU OUR ORDER CL(Yl`HlN(i.--V Urdu Olothlng, hsvmg null :1 ll` -on which to winh to dilpoce uf I ` eluwhon and uvo money. Roman l- 1EU- Involopu in any qnuntity, my oo- lor. and at the very lowest prices pot, box ot lhouund, tho only, and you cull be c nnvlncmn mu, V, M, M. BARGAINS NEVER. l!EF()RE IIEAR D OI". CL(YNHN(}.--We will make large Reductions In the prnco ul large Stock of (load: on hand lot I"sll um \\ umr before Stock-tilting. ,3 Cull bofuro purchn-mg Romambor the plnoo~~ g, IIOCI lllllf. I Ivor: (nu lulu Iqunr 2` Look out [or the ign Ihnrrli llfrei` dilbiiiit iiji. ' ' Assets - - - - - s25,ooo.ooo. I-Inn una r..:I:1-1!. ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY ' OI` EIGLAID. .s;m~.-,............;...e. . .-,_...,; %m53mmercial s.,.... 4| .A,_...,...,.,.,...__`,-,. iIini6i1wKs`iitaiiica ompany OI` INOLAND A jonm1n%,n1131Einss saws. . nouov1uo._ Opt, "4 1 _..H. s. BEATTY an 00.; Pkgprietors. A Tliaruligh and Pmcticai Uommercial Education. VII? PlI'l'|'Y ITYLI I0! CIILDIBH. BOOK-KIIP,l!_\', ' ms not to deal with Sun. 1 Burns: Pauper, um fur aw mu: .'l`nIugrn| I2"t:`i"I%"I3m1ID1a Rs()%N.[ __._.-..n G|llott'I.Ii|ohll'|. P `u, Eaton hIool'I,|nd other In on` Poul, luv daslnn by Itlilvlth no man I an 8! JIIITI. x. C?0U13?!f?4;F&C0- WI!';il0W IOIIII AT ||EI||EI80I'8. rlillldl srnnn. i|-.z`a<.;t Glearing Sale .____.___.:_____ LIBERALTY AND ENTERPRISE! 9.___u.___ Will nd it t Hg uu n uu......._ - . . of Good: to be Given Aw: in Presenu, according to amount of pure use. ' I \UI'Kl\ $159! riuliya xv Brock Streof. Fanr Dam Square. _:_oq,_.__ Odd Pound Pluhd Pan and Pen- nll Gang - IV srmn IN ALL in mans, sisNxlANuu.w, uxnnun. HPIl.LlN(). uur um: oouumumun cIr..u.mx|No_ui'rnu|m_ `_... vonty Pumas All vu `I hum of III THE A'I`TEN'l`lHN HI" TIH" | l'lll.|I` T0 lllh` STUCK (IF mty Planes nu vvuuu ..... . , W , _ _ V `own All Woul (fnlurwi Cmlhumrnn -.nll rmlunmi to m_ pl lulu-y Dmu nods at 300 21.30 will :57 r. nll rmlurwi In -2: (`lump In-hm! WNW -lritwl Wm III I 'I4 ueu at II)-`. Druh. \\'him,(lrey. Hlmtllull I|I'| Hmal lI'in1-ring Irlu, truly `I In-r H. I 7. : yienon new luck lumrml at llm, Iunmsr |)ria'n- -.31).-_ ' `EC [doom new Blur: Lunlraa It 23101] 3.3a, 100 piano llluniau-A`| Wool M llmlunm| [I!'|m\I.` , n__.l- ...- mum-, nil rednotxl. \/ ` , ll.l. 11 TPIUBSDAY. Itilh J|nuarv.Aud NH VKNKANHH-ll . UKAIIAI `Ru, .. -1. l|lugo|m|s,\Vorslml Contlng.-I, Twat-Ila, urulslnlnngs, Ilals, l`apa, M-. _ ~- A m nl SE! l KH l l.lbI` _,,>j nun- --v--- --- _ ;-W I 'llURSDAY, 12th. Ind to be oont.|'nvIod'unlil the mun Htock 1; is Z` Enmino carefully the hand bill thnt. we 1 tho and will be unvincml thll. Are de- thn nublic IIEARD Oil-'. Bbphnd Bloc Black, 1`ndc|'- Olloo, AI\olno |, ma ulhor luh, "'f"fJnANB. "'"' ; - --stud I : .\u V The (iron liunefactnr of the l`ub|n~ 1 Ya (3-OOIDSI ' piece; munIau|-A'I wool M l:~ |n'n~m.] . naw Colorl. 5 | d`W"- B. WAI.IDIl0N. Wilson's lllnlldimzs. I any hangs in Hm grpdu, nl:hu' ha don't mnko hull lho talk About it. |'Il'Hel:Jes|r|ug to buy lu!I|Ll l`UI"llllIlIlIlKa nu unn wunu bur \-V... In: January. and to contlmuegunul of Ft'I)I'lIllI')'. ..|.. .:...u., ()vo|-cuuu 83 Ni ail,` All-wmnl Tuned Uoatl, $.'i,.'oU to 86. Uin`;mm| Coat: 85 to $7.50. All Wool Twaud frum 456 5.0 CI per yd. Allwvool Diagonal and \'Vurut.ml (}avuin.;s $`.',U1lp.-r ynrl All Woul Black du., mil .01! per yard wurth Kl ,4`! Hall and U: 3: all pncel. Gents` Furninhings at half whnv. they L`-ml - ..n I _ _ . . n _ .- ..n.I an .unnilnnn`unI|I 2 Lu their advantage an all Ind'see them. ROSS ul Blank C-onlnxnmrnn at :'Iq-, mu rm.l 7. -v, nltru. llievon Umghtxnnr-an lunrv 30_<\!ll.uuv1Il i'lf|g`. rmlngrjmi 2.`. Dd HQ?! Blotting Plp and Pull, ()PPOSl'I'E UITY HU'l'|l.. ll|Il'V|I Inn llmn nu |'Hl|,| `mung [urn MoNAU(lH'l`()N & C0.` Cmunm Kmuh }'I||NI`Hl. srnura. WY '5'II!S _ -I--L_.... Quill nuopnon You can gut the Myrtle Hm ?% 1: our umu ov EACH PLUG _ `V ___.,.._. -..., .-.-, ......_..,. `I'll IIGIITI CITY LIVIBY ITAILII, Prhoou luau, .01--u-unhcu I! [A ..`,;:,':'e............ ' W W I-`. X. GWIIIHINIHIV. EH... I`..l.|.`~ Ilrruluu Hull Hu|I- nun ll`. Umngu Hull Huuhlxmgn. . Tongue want for the :1-nntho , Go-nlu on nun II human A: mi Noun. Drplh, Roooipu,&c, IN JANUARY. .`0l-st! IIIOIAITI sud OTHERS will HID A1` Work Ions. , Q-nu-0 and "I ` , `IQqQIIIlIlVll`W"lP""""" gq Ww hljodolith B 7 ' . A an guiI2.[jaat1sh.?*?1*`I- I1-uxsmrv qzvsx-q, J lio I-v yo-. -. ltiblwrlol. -`Ii 1: rumoured that tlurg jg to ha 9 goqqnl Ijoductiqn ol the nlsrioa 0! number: 0! tho Dominica (lovornncnt, and All. `Employed by them. The announcement cnuua noun unnIi' ??` 0l!'rvA|Y.--'l'he duth of hrl. Pol- lock, mothor of We divinity ___uIuduat, Queen`: College, 0! glut Inna, And alalii 9! Ijg. >A. Mncslinleil, in Announced. If. occurred II Paisley} Scolinnd, on the ....n v\__ smu Prots {in Quick Returns, ovu- ----4:-o-..._. ""5'i|ou Lnnvsllonu.-Mgr. dilbop Fobnhu island :1 order prohibiting India: from ringing in Inf of the chain, ol the Romm Ontholio olullohu 0! ch. diooeooof Montreal, thn order to-uh obcton the luLJuuo nut. T` 9.` 36th Dec. 8711.1. Auntn|n.-Dopmy-Bhdri Da- vin, of lhldimnnd County, u-rived hon Illa morning with Herod, who was lou- unood h (on yum` imprinonment in Pcnihntiury for Inunulnughter, he hu- lng killod I nun ll Hngcnville In! num- 43-o~--_ "Pbucl Coun.-Friend Conloy, City Oomniuionor, don Mu duty oven i! it [on npimt the gain to summon inu- ontinl oitiunl for uoglocting to thou! the snow o thoir pomiuo. Thin morn- ing nine won up. but lining complied with the by~luv they worodiamiued. Tun Cnosslsu.-Double tum: around on the ice from the Inland tmdny, but I rink in run. The ice-bridge onnnnt yet bo oomidorad uh {or loads, but light euttcn sud aim-?o h0I'I8I pun nod ropul without any dimculty. Nothing vonturo, nothing luvs. ' a4uvv--- 1 am In Now.- Bolnm M nvu|s.--Young Bondigo," I Kingston boxer of celobrity, In About to union Ilirring tour uf the country. It - L - ------u.. |........ thnl Randi. Inlko n Iurnng loll! \u luv -.u.....,. . . nsy not be gonoully known xhn Bondi- go (ought. I mill in England In 1875, boating Wu-d in 30 minutes, And vin- ning Ol,000. [lo given private louonn at on-h pllco he vigil; -.j~..___ In I. Co.\n'nu. ~Thin var; dnngerom prac- tice in at present being indulged by tho mull fry of the city. The principsl plncu `in the hill our the Home of Providence, ,.:,L __.__ .....n. ma mum. If lwvl And Beet Selected Steek ef Damn.-'-Tho dunno! Mn. llulno}, .. m:m...`..an. min mominl. doprilu the hill mo uouuu ul . .u.u......-, which run: north Ind touch. If boy- run into I tum and as few of them are hurt they will dinpoma with the sport. The police inland to gl*i\b" my 01 the Iloighl they can. --.4p...__. - ----~o Pnllolla llluuu-.-Frod. Rignold, who In nuanced to aight yours impri- ununnt in tho Kingston penitentiary for lining ukan p|rL in I silk robbery hon Moan. Lnckhut & Hnldnnofl .n n, ._.A_ .|...o hm: hum Moan. lmclnlrs u ............- - Isnhonu on Wolhngton In-lot. ha been releued,hning only not-val two nun` und in It proton! in Montrul. H0 in suit! to be dying of oonnnm ptiun. A M mrrn|In1.-- AI tho Council lut owning Md. Dronmn mud: mention ul sllogod stuck: undo upon him by the Wmo in colmoction with the improvr NOD10` IO B\.'ih`iI1-.3 '8 hIVO In udd llnt the grievance, Io fu u tho Ward is concerned, in purely imnglnnry, for we know nothing of it. Perhaps the worthy Aldu-man can enlighten no. ------o-1. -_< MlClANlt`l' Inn-iwrI.-Tho In! of tho dunes in connection with the shown lntimto opened lut night with ioimoon uonlnn, which will ho lnclouod con- siderably bolero the nut muting. Tho ohm for thin owning will be Ihthomotica. Iuporiuhndod by Mr. Sunmuby. The free hand dnwing clun will open to nor- nw night, And will boluporinlondod by A. W. Moon. All ll'O oordiully invited to attend these ulna. FOR. sA1E., KIIW Ill COW 70! I. Aonll . V _ ______. A Scum -On Sunday evening, on returning to his home on Walk Inland, am the union on Garden Island. R". It. Godlroy minod hi: uuy on tho ice, sud slur Ilndoring nbout tor some time Itruot our aily when In In obligod to I-onnin. Iluntino his bail; boouno nhrnod 1! his ubuuoo. sud both Wolfo nndudcn I I4 uloru went in lurch of u--M- .,_- e;...||- udllll him 3: 3 llllulfdtn I I4 mar: wen. .. .._.._ ,_ hlu,'_hiI I-an tiuully finding o'clock on Monday evening nloop in the City Hotel. .-___-o1-i.... Innrlun. -'l`ho Olnytoulndcpendcnt up It in` umond um the Eolxif. Brothon, of Kinguton, hue located; 1 nniloonu-not ovoljtho U. C B. R. tcqjg` and villuhbliih/n furry botwoon bib point ad Kingston at soon A: nu scion ........ Thin nnuuonont wool [in AH ENDERSON S `I'll LLIGIIT point an Iuunmn nu awn - .... -....- I opono. This unugonont anon diroot louh to and hon the (land Trunk tlnn in 3!: Mod VII 0... Viaooutor Ogdombuflp / sad I` ` " ---`J ---ah tln Ql nuhh nu" qu c `or. tho pun! opinion that a good papaya} Itdonllld Iugoould be workod up lb) Illkill Inch trip. ` ----ojo---- Wlob` I'll Onuwn l-8puilng ol Ibo Ink ol llboullty in the Ohnnh ol Ioglnd our nouhnponry and In: IVOIIQ: "Th lsity in Iunycunn hnv novouunlu nppo-u-nu. ...... .._.. ` du('yIoa,oxoupt.n us standby. the Bishop of Ontario, Chdpovu ,0! the I pumuulvhnn we and u clorgnugt that upon an unwilling oongnption, I 1: but hing donolu Osipn. unlu : buhaonIonoovoI'und6`6Flgui||nth lhuuolQl0uio.IIdipthii vorydl dlhqhgithaunolyhlnwond ll thyoxcdu I550 pour." We dull lib Iokuov whotholhuu in Iblqdludvhdthnppdntniutol n-Q V(`H.1'Y AND 'lCIII1'l'.' mu um` was on um: loo. .4--3-.__. vary _-... L-;..- imlulluul hr the . Jgxir 14. 1379. AT HINDERSONS I. J. Jlumnur. 73 china luau. |hn&I . lALl.- cu-n uivhilnio 09 1/1` (;0IP0IA`! l7Q.I or 137.3. . .- 4 jru coma 011:7-8.5014 in nu mut- ing in` tho Ounnoil Olunbor lat owning, Mu I bin pnunt: f.. B, 'W `Inyor Kc tyre. Aid. Allen, Annl iunlnino, Csgsou, Dren- nn. ' Poi. Gukin, Malcallo, acorn, Hocunnou, lcllouio. Pouu, Ilwu, Woods. - Tho minute: of tho lat meeting were an and adopted. _ an a noun; Iluhll. Till UPIIA um.-pa. A eqnmnnlution In road from Mr. William Mann. calling nuonhon to In ngoolgl lur U20-lioonu loo-prueutod Io Hnby lho City Conumluiuuu for four ormnncoo in the new ,Uperu_ Houu. The levy of thiq liconu being` in hit opinion In jujullice he ukod lhu it $011141 ucoivo the uomidonuuu uf thn `......'I, Ald. Dronnu: move-I mu me Colu- nnuicuion bo relorwl lo the Cuuuumoo "'0! Finnnoe. Belinda! thu autorgnling Ipim (if Mr. Mu-un, Ind alluded urtho mupnor in which 1! Wu` nppneinlod tho puhha. He though! Mr. Uunlny hut boon | lull: nhnrp with Mr. Mnrtiii. iil nmutkgd till} ,5! he were an sharp in other rupocu it would be better fut Hie `Elly nances. ..n.u unniu iifv nIi|II`I2 lluuuucu. 1Hr. lgull my MP1: 1;, Mr. A. Le His-lmiix, Deputy ..lS.n-giulrar reminded the Cmincil J I previuui lam-r ho hul mm. In the U--unml, ri-gnvdlng inn heating of the Kegmry (Mi-re, and upun which the Cmnmiee tn which it hsd been reform-I hnd taken nu action. He lulurmed the Cuuncil tlint he lied been conned hi the buula for mrat days, Ineriug {rum neuralgia produced by the extreme ; of link and culd, end in he wu Advised tlint. the nth.-u wu injurious to hulth the Council would see the neceu ty of rendering it (it fur oocupuion. A Ieoond letter was rend from the nine person, taking to be sppoimed oareulior of Iho otlico 3! I Iiuinunil nlnry of M5 per Innum, In [hut he might hsvo it uudor hi: oonuol. nun. mmmuuicaliunn were referred to -,tIIIGOI ml oolltnu. Both commuuicalinnn werq tho Uummiltoo on (July Proporty to re- port. Ald. Drennan and tlut this l{v:g,iatry Oico Imd uccuuinned moro trouble and nnnuynnoe and labour than ll the other city olcorn put together. " "' 1rTmT.~ITon nom`rr.u.. . A cnmruic\tinn was rand from Mr J. E Cluk, llnn. Secretary, ulmd from the Cuuncll I13 usual nnnunl grunt tu- Iurdl the Kmuton (ionenl Hnupiul. Reformd tn the Fiunncu Committee with power to act. . .....u our nlI7l(`l A |_n_ UUVIIINMHN I Ulll\..In|.v. T|.o upiniun ml the City Solicitor rel- poeung the tantiuu of Government. nm- ` cinll WI! then run]. Application was made ny nmsaru. 1.U. Mnlu& 00.. of Turontu, for an nccurnto map of the city us A guide to them in the mnkin uf curtain Iurvoya fur a new Pru- vinjbfntlns. Laid ou the mole. (7UL'I(| nu-`.31. A letter wu read (rum the County Clerk, in reply to (ma furwnrderl to the nut] Cuuncnl smuu time since. llu he Ins directed hy the Chnirnnn of the Cummmee on County l n-pert tu any that tho lull: in tho Liuuru louu mo! Ill roplired `M won an discovered, and that these repmra wore made by Mr. Honey, the contractor, without any chugo. . .n.muu-rnvn v_|t'r1- [uh w---___., , New In the but the to subscribe for Ination`: Iandtng Lib , or my - 0! SIM Po Illlrl link, unri- III Oandnfnn Non- npnudlnguinu. .......-. A auuunnvl LETTER. A lomgthy document um: lnndod in by the Mayor, being received by him from the Ulerliuf the city of Toronto. He nid be In instructed by the Council of that place to cull attention to the number of ` nick and ilautituto persons which arrived there from variuuu municipnlitiou for trentnmnt at the liuapital. biug iunin~ tainod during their way at that institu- tion by the city of Tnrontu. The citizens balm; deuiroua of relief from this bunlen the Clerk was directed to ask Kingntuu if it would bocmne responsible (or thnso olliunn lo lmil from this place while in- mute: 0 the Turunto houpitnl. AM Drnnnln moved A resolution, in- IouuciL ' , move-I thn the com- ......i:.ninn In relorracl of the '1`urunt.a noupmu. , Ald. Drennen , Itruotiug the City Clerk of that city that Kingelun Ivu impueed upon in the mam `` net eouplniued ul, llld that fully ve ` ple come to Kingston from Toronto to \ one that went from here to Toroutn. , !The Mayor uddei thnt during hi: term of oioe he hnd not sent one poreon to To- runtu for medical lrentment, while Icuree of the peuper clue were sent h-om Town- to to this place, end he had refuted them pueoe that they might. continue their lnvole over the country. \)FIlI,`l Al. MU Inn: 3. Application made by Mann. '1`. U. Irhlu& 00.. ncqllrnfo Inun IV \I .... Dr. Evan: encloled. the appended lat- ter of Mr. Wrigley. the agent ul nn Eng- lilh Iron Ihnufncturing Company, who no no -tinting withthe Cnullcil of To- ronto n` IS lens of land: on which to erect an iron worlu. had represented the ldvtntugen of ston,em| Mr.Wrigley desired him to com- municute with the Council and report to him, in the uhupe of on uicinl document, the inducement: that would be otfered tor the location here of an iron works on I lnrge Icnle. Dr. Bum Iuggeoted the holding of I meeting of the Counctl at an only date, in order thnt the report naked for any` be duly turned and nut to To- ronto. '\--- Em ._.Vn||l' fnvnr of thg 171,!) Ho (Dr. Even-) 3 KIng- ` Dun SIn,--Your fnvor mo duly to hnd. Contents duly nul- od,und for which you will phuo to u- ooqt my Ilnooro thanks. should huts ropliod Ioolger 0.9 you: cog: Iinooro tmnu. Iooner to our ` uhomdl oolnmuniootiun, but I no ` boon waiting to no Ihll duciaion the City Oouncil of Toronto would arrive nt.in ` nloronoo to the npplionlion which I have 'ii`ilCwthllnfornlouod90 noun 0!. ` Aha mu-sh land adjoining Tomato hur- -" liar. The Iiluntlon is certainly very ......l (or the creation nf Inm Work: on I ; lint. Iihnuon ll ootmmy vary 3 for the I code; but the Inn . itull pouellll nmo ntlnr uriuna engineering i|icul- Tim the Inn: nun pouelul Ivmo ntlnr d:lcnl- tiu; 1nd I In Innewhut duubgful u to khothvr I can come to nunhgtory term: with _Iho Corporation uf Turoum. C3ulcl you huo tho kindneu to El` ourooll in enmumniostiun with ' ..thl,..H,Al!!L__;I;|j `_`QnT1 \lVI|l* J "' .v .. , n. _IlI| `On Oounctl 0! Kingston, an `g"3T`I" - mom and: out in the Ilnpo 0! an SIJBSGIIPTIIIIIS FOR I819. ..\Ianuo....mI.uJw-_- -9--9 _.,.. :33 "g"'l`K` " port undo uh; odnl document, netting onh the J hdnoononu Ind udunuau olfond { by thooity of Kuwumn u I me for tho oeshuu 0! Iron art: on 3 In-ga souls. mill nun submit our upon with IOIO olhen o! I oingyu ohnnotcr, and no doubt the :0 ti the oiddu ol your cit willbo` nly appn'ahd.IIIdwillbo V In him into oonlidcrulon by tho ` f'$:f;Iounn in roooivipg yo?n"2 or.) Relerred to the new Council. put :8 II only I my an may no ~-` count I to you. sad I, to tooth! you my utmost thlh for rating my suaucn tolho mum. mud (or the uln- thlo lliorlnuon contained in your. an tould communication. I rennin. Sir, - Your ob'c. uruut, W. N. Wuouv. - - n4--- omh rm A notion in paid. rolomuq mo Illlllth thoFiunooUoInuIuoool the uni Ouuil. nd uqucntlng utinn u nnnnnnlnibll. UUVIRNMEN1` OIHCIAIJI. ' - ., 3 AL- than H.. . un uw!cu.. vy-vu. `fl 0PIA IIOCII. .. ._-- .....I rol. Iuicaliunn I rn~n1nu wme; IIIIIAY BOIOOL PAPII8 npplld In any quully and at the low- ul ptlou