u w. 3 lemon" ouuiy. !rhoII|It..v1.Ilbofond unkind: .0 1|...-1.. and Du-Inn-n 1 wnlk. I. but no n the 0nd. S1. G:onuI`s Cu-InmuL.-'l`ho an- nual Iormonn on behalf of tho Minion Fund of tho Diooolo Irill be prowhod on Sunday nut in than Cnthodnl, in the morning by the Rev. J. J. B--gut, M.A., and in (ha nvnninu hi lhn Raw, Dr. Wllllunl-ll. nlyI--noun. I: win. I . Duuon, Fur. Haley. I IV t I-__._ !-IL-_ I0 :onu-my boing nunpondoa. Thu nmundmut III Ion on tho lol- n-inn tliuininn - VA|l--nlllfl. AIOhO' |ppel|m:ln- costs. The Council then adjourned. _ _. .....___ _V._ --A Comiotury in to be held mt Rome .n than 2111. Fab:-unrv. O00 ONTARIO DIOCESAN IIBSIONS. Tho pnnual town; at thonbovo Br. .l.L_ -Ll.L Inn Lana J::gnl I... --- Ilk. -Judgo Hilton hu not At nu tho ru- mm nnorlimz the recovery of the body The exodne lrom Canada}-to the United Btatet. no marked under the tormer regime of Sir John Maodonaid, hide fair to he reeumed very ahurtly under the lame Governmental auepioee. Btatietiee undeniably proved that when Sir John wae in power before nearly hall a million ~oto.m:m had expatriated themeelvee to the adjoining Republic. Sir John bitterly lamented thin fact in hie recent oampeign apeeohee,and outiouely enough blamed hie aueoeaeore for it. Of oouree it waa the relatively better timee in the State: that `Oanadiane thither. During Hon. Ir. Mackenzie : adminietration tlllea were oomparatively better in Cana- da than in the United Statee, and the naturalooneeq uenoe wee theehb of the tide of population and the return to Canada p of many of her eone, aeoompanied,too. by many aliene ae well, in queet of work. Now it would appear the Americana are anticipating the immediate return of better timee. They are daily expecting the `reeutnptiou of prneperity. There in no auoh proepeot here at preeent. Timee were never eo had in Oanada aa'at thta moment. Undor theae ciroumetanoee ' our alien vieitore will hie them home again, and uuny (`aumln me will go too. What then will boo:-mo ol the Tory wail that depletion of our population and OK. wane-Kan at. nnnlllll who IIIII lhlil He knew nothing 0! It ; no I in nor. tnma there waa a `ring. but there wae talk to that elfeot, and three truateee already lived in the vicinity of the achool. He moved in amendment that Mann. 0. hngwith and G. Dennieon be the true- -.The amendment waa Ioet and the origi- nal oarried. ` ma cm.` room. A latter waa read from Mr. H. M. Maodonnell, Preaident oi the City Poor Aeaooiation. calling attention to the pre- valence of diatreee, to the tact that the Corporation ol Kingeton had agreed to take 500 toiae ol atone an a mean: ol gim- lny employment, and he urged the Coun- ty to do aomething eirnilar, and thue miti- gate the exiating aullering. oaowe nun? Moved by Mr. Williame, aeoonded by Mr. P. Daweon, that whereaa some im- rovement waa aooom liehed by adepu- tation eent from thie ounoil, in January Iaet. to wait on the Commieaioner of Crown Lande, with a view to get certain reatriotion removed from Crown Lande. be it reaolved that a de ntation of two Reevea he appoin to wait upon the Oommiaeionere and eeonre ae far aa 'ble atioh reetrietiona ae they may deem boat for the interoete of the County, and that their oapeuaee ahall not exceed 825 each; that the eight hank Reevee ballot for who ahall he the dele- gation. Mr. Shihley oppoaed the motion, hold- in; that the County member could do all that wee neeeeaary without the aid of a delegation. .-- wvavx gg...._ _, SATUII [H V ! Gl;I'}A`! {NUS- $ 0- lb of [Mad than-II. nu Io0nll.l `ran nmnsawniu} sATt:`au4x,*%rw`xuAxv 1, L379. by Mr. Purmd ` nouuul. ru. _,1. - 303:3 6 lip:-spun : Uotnmonul Ago 5 him dnotherday, calyx`-I I150. ` TIA.-U in n.n imnreuion that tho Col- 7 IOITIFJL ' - 1 3 Lumuierclalulgcncl Ibo (Bullet-l ! I fall Uh` ' H 005- l 0 Scugsoaorl u Ifpartul On-AA ' '|'I.L.a u Impression mu uuuor 4 lootonhlp ul thin port will bonus nun I by the dofaloalioul of Collaclur Brown. I Duid Sinclair in Already mentioned II * his Inouuov-I ` .1 Richmond. Inn 1150 been nnooinlod Col- . ` I`l[III III In [III In. nuw luv II n tho Ill-hub oulodod hon Ioningon the juu ol Ihdt Inow- Idninnlnbyubodnlcglduiou. mnohobopouhu tlohrdlnou ol olruklbouihuuhguboutlhovotk dlornounbnalittunwllloilynnulthn duoihatoulcnirptlionoutvbcu Ilu huklobnguuhutmut. llpwonduth `nluu"I|vouHnuIpnhd!onr the 0-Ihnncoohhuandnl by the Ihnluultlu. nuuuhdom oplII`|IioIaMIoqIohliu0lM"h- cnnojobuhphll an all nut to nuounhl guilty," ohmhn the n "or Inga` I-0-I--A. . .us.nu%.m.._u. %.n7.a.. 4.5.... II. AL-um nnslnahn than Tb lo I In oaur u 1:: v o'olod and called tho Council to outer A motion in undo by Ir. Shibloy, naoudulby Ir. Iiul . tlutho propo- dou undo by It. can, (Wuo) to dnuihd uhhnonto! oxpndiluru ul the by the `humour, for I put south, till thmluno union, be old thus a lit: tum be given WINCH to can for I like union for tho an-Minn. Inst. , I7-LAVI. OI d It. nial tho Conn - ....*-.*:~.-..-.......- ~* w::.- n 00 an bug I! Aldus h the clam Richmond, Inn 1150 nppoinud ootor ol Customs At St. Uyacintho. --,1;nnnu-Ju:x.\ 1 . Mann. Ron J: Benson. ul Winnioou. Ioowr or Uuuolu u BL uyaclnsnc. Moon. Roll cl Benson, Winnipeg, have shipped Into an low : of chnioo French-Cundinn honu from this city yollcrdny for Manitoba. The out 0! taking bone: to Emotion. At nu southern bounlary, in .200, and 830 fur each cu loud; diuuaoo by nil shout. 1,500 miles. Th: amnion on tho Itrbal. this shah Uo., vuoluuo 000! um Inoo maniac` wring conpnny, with 8400.000 liabilities or thoruhout. Tho bunks prinoipslly intamnhd no tho Britinh North Aunti- osn And Commerce. Thoy did not do- 51:1-.i9;=!!9!I.1: by; 0:91;. 93.11419:-_@.;l,\;!. tho inn brought. it.` About thonulveu. Sovonl otlur houses will be brought down by this oruh. Tho fooling in busi- nnu oirolu hero in duponu, IIIII utoch no Ink And declining. . load; duunoo by nu noon; 1,nUu mum. The unution on tho ntrut. this noon iuho lnilnre o! M. C. Mnllnrhy I In nnnnn All I nn 'mnnI Ana serious l:uolt"em-y - Heavy Lla- bllulon amt Fm-lIur Failu 1-er`. (By Telcgrayh To day.) Ottuu, Feb. l.--G|rlnud. Mubchmore & Co : hiluro hem hu tnrovm uunl retlil tirmninto insolbenqy. Thin morning the ulumern no upon tho learn of Mo- Kinnun If ---I I 00. And Wilson 6. 00,. both on S`...rLa given. which, with (In- laud, Mutclun r~' 5* 1` - `I olond unm- houu, gin: 1...; . -n of our main buuinon lh0|'UL|hl.uc .s sundny appen- mm. It is rumored that throe other muuun/aT3auu' mAl&n_Il an-nn- that buuinon thoruuglnmc aunany appur- nnoo. It ll rumored rm: in the immodinto vicinity, and About sixty in the Ottaws District, will hue to succumb. It in now thought. shut Gnland, Mutchmoro & Co.'| liabili- tiea will be in tho vicinity of $250,000 or 83U0.000. Tho l-unlu no largoly inter ested, the discount: being eutimued an high ll 'lHll,(NM T: min uf stoinrl dz McDonald, Unugow, arc liitolfosted to tho Lune of something like 880,000, and it. was through thin rm that the writ of attachment. wn iuued. A meeting at the oroditurs will be held on the 20th ul February. `Dy luljrllpu IU`ID(Iy.} Edinburgh, Feb. 1.-Tho convicted Dinotora of the City of Glasgow Bunk were nuanced. Slouch nucl Potter to eightocn montln imprisonment, and the ronuindor to eight month; Wm:-lin RAM. 1 --wi"illll_ Cldl IOII '0 IIQII Iva un aw. yJuuu~-u-nu-. We inird nothing in the prediction that, -_..n .157}.--iL-n in-cull: JLLI nnnnllnnn an the ronnlndor to eight. mount. Berlin, Feb. I--Willinm, eldest of tho Crown Prince of Gn-mnny, while lonoing to-day, ruooivod 3 nlhar uvoro Innnd. nnong dime in nu dutnot. A Vlonnn dolpatch up that the Sul- tan in nuloring from norvounneu, and Iulpioionn nru, mu.-e awn-ru Lhm over. He dim-nut: uvuu nu noxdmra. __._ -1- >-- ----- the Plaguo-Rumoured Death of Share AIL sultan`; Iuneu. (Hy lograph To-day.) l.`A:..L.....L limb. I_'I`I.- nnnuinfll wound. A Ipocisl Commiuiou of German and Auntrinn doctors will proceed to Russia non week to investigate the plngue. Lnndnn. Feb. l.--A doaonch from -_- ---- nugrgo. 1h_e Acceptance of I Canadian : jnnnnn- U3? `'!I"`l " ` ` ```"`Y- I Builo. N. Y., Jan.-Hurry Fisher, of Manual, bu uooeptod who chnllongo of John Ennin, to than ngainwuny nun in America or the Domipion,nn_y dintsnoo, from 100 w 500 miles, {or 8600 or $1,000 I Iido. Fisher gnu to Allow Ennis` ox- penul to sink At tho Montreal rink, Ind nipulnu tho dinunoo to bo 100 miles, ntnbnn IN!) A girl. Ennis ha: gland 1) nupumu IIIO auunoo to DO Aw mun, nukes I600: Iido. Ennis bu thud 100 nails in 11 hour: and 37 Inlniumtho but on uoord. Fish: 100 miles in I) hours and 44 ntinutou. oooj next wool: to Involugue me puguo. London, Feb. l.--A deapnch Jellullnbud up itil rumored, but Wllh douhh, that Shari Ali in dud. 'n... Ennlinh Uanml At. New York In: dout, that share All ll dud. The Englinh Uoluul telogrnphed to the Foreign (mice that nluamnnonnonin undoubtedly uiltl belrgrlpnea to ma nomgn ulnco mu pluorop muonin undoubtedly mo in bi: dintriot. A VI-nun nnnntnh nvn Ihll. lhl Sul- IDOIU llplouon on our pvplnluuu un- the lumbar ul Ocmdisnl who have their country !o'|dd to the wtoslth and tho pout: uf tho adjoining nntionf What- not truth then in in the cry ulla ugninut Hr Jolurliudouuld and his pony, nines it III in thoir time at purer tho demo- tion oocwmd, and should prosperity to-. VI" in tho Batu all the nntioul polky. trick: In as. John A. Mudonws bq ___I.I _-. .I-A-- l`,-..-.l:.... Inna: unin- ws -"W"-:-I Cincinnati, 0., Fob. 1.-Bunu, th oonviotod umndor of Manila! County, Ky., nu Ionlonood st Fnnchburg yen- tohhy. to 99 yuan imprisonment in the poniuutiu-y. New York. Jan. 31.-Wuhinnwn de- (Bu TN-vnrl TN-v-) Qubu, Fob. 1.-1'Iu-0 an aim capo of null pox It pnunt In the In-in uopiul. Tuoluri 0 India at laviu an no- tivnln Al nap nnhhlinhinn A nanln Iuinuh. Tnoun Iuuu ol mm unno- livoly no not ouublilhing a mu kitch- on up ulion IOIIIO ol the Inn uh h now nnunlk thug. ' pnuuo um`. Ir. Bcttnnd, lb LOCI 8Iporinton- dons ol the Continent Work. Inn to- uindnooo Iron Ottawa tin Mo uh vial how has dhpouod with. Long Seuonce_-_-The Cattle Im- eaae-c'uuu. pomuuuu-y. York, 31.-Wuhingwn Ipntehu lay tho Agricultural Dopu-uncut um. I doculnonl to Congnu youardny, oonxgiujng roporh from nrioua put: 0! ch country, upocinlly tho Coll, lhoiinl {hut plnuro-puounuma is raging gunni- ly and (null; anon: cnmo. It in almost no duaprou u I-indorput. Alhnnv. N.Y.. Jun. 31 .-Tln Sula onnprou u nnuorpou. Albany, N.Y., Jun. 3l.-Tho suu Enginoorh upon lnonfl low toll: and iunuinglh equity at the umln. ooo----. N Snulb Pow---Sou; Kuclun--Dio- I sound. nil)! '|IO other 60], 0?}, 31 III! ' TLL-I5 in iaapremon Ool-' lnomnhnn nl. non. boon-Q Mouliul. Iris. ,1. Inna-un l!nnuI|And'nI Ann: fn -Aunt nudylu havllbtu ` ilzluvh ontnhnhn. nunhh Ibu- (By Mon May.) In N V .Inn _ Arrv vIIIl'IIIOl`IIl_'III- Luau suuunol Fearful Orllh (By T7e7-pm 5; n Ugh I .}-ooo--- lIE_ly_C|l. aungguu. onggu. g-;c. Ioll Ill alt uunn A. nuuuvuuuuu u... would not dour Cuiltlinnl from going Ill! ngnin. It in all one I0 tho Ohio!- hin. honour, who nds it just. an any and much more to hi: hate to lul)IOl'VO Ii: purpose with minropruontntiou tpun ' with sober truth Ind stubborn hon. The New (?aba'ue_l-G;nu0clla .u 2 lllduoucc-1'Io_a I :-lure Im- 4 penal. , a _A full Gout II]: III l'lHlI'I- daflhllot {on 0 President, Unniboun loooivod 5 won: and D'4niinnli 8,D`Au- nnle And Gnlliht, one nah. Baron Huuaouunn wu among the line to cum- jnlulnu Gravy. who. in n'p_ly, uaurod him that -the Bunnputuu euuld rely up- on hi: auto 0! jumbo and impartiality. Pain, Jun. 3l.-Th 09 votes (or Gou- ; J?naid9nL-Ju. uugrou yulerday wore `probably can i by membon of the Right, who wish to` render him iinln--pnihr with Rupublicuin. Anothor Pnm doupnfch pay: than unyi- bath`: election In lhe chanr -1 the Chamber ' of Deputiu is regarded in giving him a oonlululivo mice In the ti-nvurnmonl. A l`.hn...i .nnnr||i.|nun lmlil ilun mnrnu Wnuuxn, ma mu. 1: nnuuu I0 nululn. There in I gononl foelmg of [ratication throughout Franco nt thy issue of tho gr:-'ni_n. Flu: are Ilylug ix} umny put: of Putin. ' ....!.|-.iLAAi4L,:$hA&.$ho.1npidbb~ has been disappoint:-d in the devulopmtnt of the chnvuclz-r`pf the Princo_ Imperial. Since his cmuing u! age he in nid to but dilpllyod qnahtiua HUI. unlytha nu voru of those promised by hi: earliur yours, but much u would `render him thoroughly unufo At the lmml nf gpnrty. M. Rouher hna long conned lu keep up his Illnll Imp:-rinliut prruluzigulnlli, mul Marshal Hnclllnllull H nnclurstmnl la have luucomu cmnvincell (hr! he would he doing lr.mcu uu ill turn h_yaidiI);_v1n a line nf pulley that hall `for its purpoau the innullnliun of Prince l:I)ll|B Napoleon on l the throne of his father. Tllll account: for the hot that nllhnuuh the llonapnrt- ilu mmla IUIDB uhnw of exnllation over the trouble: of Woduosduy they voted for M. (lrovy. _ A Pnrin dannnluln mun .-Up the and ol .u...."'u."'...".'l'.7 Zn.'.' :i'oY."I'.'.'J `hymn u 4. .v.u.a.- I [or M. urovy. A Pnris deaprstch any: . Mu the M. Gravy : term uf ulhcr, if things gu on an expected, M. (iauubettn Inll becmne Jill inovitablu successor. Marshal MIc~ L Mnhon in very generally applauded `for the Itep he has ukon, on-n Iomo of the mo|l|Conwrvntive journal: pniaing him. A Inelugo (rum l ru-aria-nt (ircy WI be communicated to the Chamber: probnbly on Thurlduv. M n..r.....-.. mm hnn nnrnrilv rmnil: oonuulunve me lmvurnmont. A CI\b|neI. Cuunubwu held dun morn- ing It Gravy`: huulence. Mnnmor Toi--~ Donna do Borl will prubnbly he Appoint ed Imbuudor to lnglnnd, Uon. Chm: .n m An In `IIIIIEIII W ll`l[ll npuuloul u 5 check out tho Privy OOIIOU illpootnn. --- ono - 7 J. _. Inlay o! tho American journal: nun slolominod that the Inns: Day Baht. shall not much longer porpotunb thuir Imor dry tin. Tiny are no long dlogond to ho Iolonnl to that in nothing kn than duo Against United sum luv. Thounti-polygamy Act I 0on- gnn ha been conrmed by the Sn- pruu own at an Unipd Sun: a pod ilunud dun uonuw ho`: [corian- noln' on the put of public untiuont to allows it. Rclorrlng to the Mormon up- ped lo the Supreme Court nguinnt the validity vi the luv onto! our American oouunponriu up: Tho conidonbly nu-rind Iornol, IIO uunpud to oouvlnoo that court ol ` Ilonlhioou ohuuutolhhnuehwivn h[I|lIiI,hul0dohI|gnoninlou {Ill-` on. Thu duo: villnluulhollh cfulhlol Ilnuuhlnnno; but ......... -, .... ...... ..._..... ..-..... undue! y-bid, by, loan a-uIIiII,luIhIooId cub. An Ila nun:-uhnnliunusaouuuol oupna In IIO wan oouunu mu 5: un- unounl of dun bu be-on onst- I 01 at he Ontario : an and they own Ihplh Ila `shunt. (ht tho Animals conducted kn uulhnd from phuroo nonin. For an on at their \"7 " Y"`P""I London, Jan. 'l.--A Liverpool de- Ipltnh to the Ti eeye:-Wilh reference In the future erriul ol oeule Iron Amo- rleeil Ie enonnced the! the Privy Own- eil depemeeut hen the eubjeet under eolddention end ml ieeee orden heu- Qlt. It ieprobehle that [or the gum In! no general rqulnion will be dd douybuttheton emu! each ooeeiguh -n-Ielllhe hloeeh webbed end eeeh `OUR, DI! IIICI OII IITIVII XII HIO'I~ last! will be hlonly uid And oh nnmdnnlt with on in own merit; Thm IOII Ill! be uonly would um um unoxdult with on in own merits. Tim; engaged in 350 India oouund that an un- nmmn rnurlauv. M. Dufnure will temporarily retail: his oico of |'rcaI:l1.~.nl of tho (fumncnl and Miuilter of Justice. IL in belio-vual that the Chnmlu-rs uf I)c1,In.u-3 will nhurlly uumblo in Paris. L.n.I.... was. I, TI... I`....;\` I'M-i. uumme Ill runs. London, Feb Is The 'I`nm:.s' l ariI deapatch saye thin M. llufnure appears to acruple wlfethur it would be huuornblu fur him to remain in the Cabinet. ll in thought, however, that the great eorts nude will induce him (.0 puarpune his retirement, pnrtnculnrly as the Ambass- don at Vienna uml St Prluraburg report thnl. the new: of the l'reaidential change In received there with very slight reserve, which Dufamreu retenliun in oico will nuflice to dispel. ____ ._4._. uuu nun In nyrumro. Henry lnglio, lnwyer, and head of the Inllknovru rm of H. I. W. Inglis, 0! Edinburgh. M0 vs: a mngiunto, depu- ty lioulnmnt of hi: Shire, An excellent Eiblio uponlur, nnd - poet vf Iowa colo- Iv. lheir Trml, ('on'lc{io1a and .5`ent-`nu-'. John Inuit \\':i;,-ht, ugod 08 years, I lnolnbor of H10 once fnmoun Eu: India houu 0! John Innis Wright ll. C0. Wm. Scull. banker In nan home of W. ' umnpp zv'u< 1..nn 1. u-/L soon a uu.. or Iunnoon. Robert Snhnond, 74 url old forlnor mlngar M the bunk an owner vi a bun- tilul came in Ayrshire. Ham-v lnnlin. Iain-r. and hand 1576. Lori: I um~r. the other cunvicted director, II 7:! your: uf nee. He was introduced in the bank an director .'.. Imw ....I -.. .I.. I.....l I ah. wnlntroauceain mo mm: uincvor in 1857, And Ina the head uf the roll-know rm cf Putter, Wilton ii (lo. , Auutnlinn morchnnu, And of the limn of Lewis Potter & Co., who owned I large eet of ueainers plying botloon Glaaguw, Liverpoul Ind Dublin. He obtained from the bank, upon whul II nnw proved to be wurthlou pnpori. something near one million du`|u`|. Tho other mraonn who were convicted. Iomumng muuon au-urn. Tho other poraom convicted. not on cturgg U-plaid down in the in- dictment, but of uttering fnlno nhutuctn And onlunco sheets, were. wm;.... rr.-u... .......: an... ....a.. nnu nuance meals, William Tnylur_ aged 60! yous, unin merchant, I member of the [inn of Henry Tnylnr & Hum, 11 ro~pn-u-nlxmve el Ier Ild Pnuident uf (ho \n-mug .\lvn'| Cinna- III Aluluilliull. II n - u--u. 1.1. ,_ noun 0! Jnnn lnma W ngm ll. (10. Wun. Scott, banker In tho houlo Scott & 0a.. of Rnngoon. llnhrt nlmnnd. 74 van: old. formal No SI:-dugout Manure-u H; be En- fbrcecl at Present. ._--. A Fun": 3-: ' Th u- |i:'.-'-."9* '9' 5- ."'::;-_*:'.-.'-='t-l."3:~n'*;- GLASGO\;lBE_i.[l`|R~E_(2TORS. GI IIUII II. An nun-nag nu- dun voinn Inca Ilhpu-Inpnouo nuns an the Bolclahsnllannhvo undo! on to gin in. Now let Irl-lunla by chain legislation. .. ._ ._ g- L-..) .L.. n.. 5.4:... .1 .1. ._ OITLIIO Ll'.HI3I.A1`UB!. THE CIT1fi;E: Euiiico. (By 7:0:Pb-) I... `II _A I u, uuuvn , propgnng I ounuenhml fro: l(ioo.'l`hoI-17113! 00': Louuvilla, J-r-. IH`.-A llihh 1|)` glgy occur:-ml L vi In Ill], ALMDM Uh` serious Inn .3 l1lo. ThO Louisville Alnuha-um`, wulnining 3.0 I ill- uuleq, Iran burn;-d tn the pouid; Nearly all ucnpdd. Juun Rid- Ioy. nu imbecile. wu burned fuslly; Prod Mayer broke his neck; Hpnry Kehler poruhud in the dune: : Thou. Dixon Ill killed by 5 severe lull ho luf- cwpo; Mrs. Johnston roooavod burn: nhuch Inll robably result (gully; end Nnlh|n`Cu dwell in Iarloully hurt. The menu won I terrible one. The unxeu lenpbd from our to oor ul the hmmum with wuuddrful niditv. i 1.043 0/ La c-- 1:I:I.'iNc/`SOKCIIG at the ' Ihu-mug Building. IHO IOIp00 lI"0lll [|lInl' 10 I100! ml the lnul-hug midit ', And the "\'lT1fuT1.IJluh9 Inunteu of I 0 hnule, Ivhu wu-re nnrly all imbocilul, in- vnlndn. uzd clipplol, came tumbling out, Ihriulmg and yelling like wildv bouts. ' on of Iifo was 99 mull. The lrecundiuy In]; ii : Ilia do; trncliou of tho nlmnhouw in ful|y I|T5,- mu. Ill llllvi uu VIII IIII uuu-any `In (or Tor; plus-Iunhn. ul -...0|uinn in Ha; nnnallanlnn unk Ij Ila, wlulll W11 -InI-- dluulunurnvlnoua AI.` -I.-4 .-LAI-- gnn V M IIIIIIIIIUT ul -r. lllulu um.-urns. II": -1 yrs The funonl will an plan from bu father! `rte-ndonomon Handgun II An. r 3 bn In. S'..-igha. (`spa \'mcanl- 361) bu nil- mn. `.`| M ch um, I can linh,1$ bug: nod, 123 hf ch um. V `II ADJOIIIIID A'3UAIn III-TING 1:! In IE0 Iodoly ill) h IIX1` TUI8 AV. I, - . In tho ' 0hoo.(,`lu*oIvo Mud?` N. Go}i;*g4_3: Society-I Tllr. CA l"l'l.H Ql'ES'I`l0N.-Th Globe in nf opinion thm. when circumstances of the Ucmudmn cattle incidents M. Liverpool no fully llnvralignlml must of III importance will vnmnh. It does not believe the dlI~ one to have been infection: ple uro- pneumonia, but this cannot be decided now as the lira! am-_wn in lmvh mg gjmilu, Even ll the nun? 8` ~ I1!-l rams. Ind Uunndmn uutllo nlmuld In tho future be nHl1l0lIlll)JJ(`l ll).\1Il|ghll`r at the port of |nn:hn;.r_ nur meal Wlll Bllll liml a mnlkel Ill liuglnnd, llnmglx um so good A ono n in uu.ul.l uf nllr mulnnln Chllhl ho sent l'ni-vu l!ank-Ilunk lh*|K*\` ltnnk- I`\ IIi\ (K), (II l`.x<-lmnge Bank-00. 00 Montretl Tel. (Io-v `J9. M 3-4. City (hm (.`o--110 1-2. `I00 Dominion Tel. (`n ~00. ()0. (`it 1'... My 77. 70 R11 xelieu and um. ~ L 3 I. 40- Ruyal Cnnadinn Inn Ur oil. 86. 'jj* l |:n1*u-l-`Iuur pa-r Inl-I 1,00 toil.-'10. Oatmeal r bbl Qt. -U m 3.3, Wln~nt-s nring. per lounh to 9013- "Hull do !'0(`; Pen 4-) I4) 55!`; Hurley 50; ()M.~o Jic; Ryn LIN to C0`-. Purl. Hon T,(`0u) : Ilc-sf par I00 lbs. [`. ..')0 10.1.00; Lnrd 8 W ; Buuar I0 1 He: Cheapo I0 to He; E I50; Pntatuea per bunh `Km ; Wool 2| so : lliaal $.'>: nlmep AHIIIO5 to 70: HIV 8910 I0. on -r. aunt-I vvlllon. nuts Iuwl. to us: Uuenroqut Ucnnouvy. I-`rind: and sequi- unooa an napoonlly llvlbd toulonn. u_ nu__n,.._., 4- u__ c _. nn.__L-.|. -n.:--. Wanted 1 A YOUNG LADY who I lien on `lhoehr In an . - hob. out. lust and lullhtui. -oohlo Int oluo. ID Iddno hr I.A.0., 33.51:: Wan In-non. ' o It. IIEPLITIOI AGAIN- (mun-i4. I -nnk ~|'-I. 519. Bank of 'l'urnnt<- -uk:-I 114. l (hnmlidatx-d Hank 30 L2. 50 Mulmn'n Hank rlx. xliv. 84,! Bank du l euplc-uemd IT, Jnoum-n I`nrtir-r 4|). (NI. luau-MI. Feb. I. The Hour nun-hat. in still qulol uud unchanged In In prlcm; I better In-vlmg, Inowavor la pn- valaup. And A tale ohpuug our: to reported at J mix-_ No `J red Inlwuulu-o M L00. Corn 4.'|e. quiet. Cnnmn by sample: n 90 0961 lnwnu-rluwn.on the 6!!) hum. In lagnuo A. Shnlnor, Ir Gonro I-I. WnIM,of ha. Io Iiu Iury D|m.of InItoI.0uI.. AI (hnnuoquamn Jun. `.`.9li.'|'I|oInI Bimbo] A! Pivlonmn Jan. Ell. Ir. JIIIH Wlllhll Stu-h,ol Mhol. to Ila Debonh I-`orriuon. of south Mu-ynburgh. IIIED. In thin ,on line and ol the am Jan`). lath. ll onhe lug r. Wu. llhw. ngvd N you-I. Th: funnrnl Iill OAK: nhnn In lnnrrnw lnn ._... . ..... ....I...,.._.., ._ . ..._ .. ......_... In Glonlmrnh. on Jun Sat. ltlnuhethmldmt daughter 0! Ir. Junulnntotd. qnl `M yr; Th` hump-I -Illuhn nlnnn hon: hnr fnlhnrh Eiactoral Div_isinn sociat (hwego. Fob. I. \\'lu,-nt n1I.n|uu|ngnl-Wlxim Hula !|. >c to `I. 41. Barley quiet. hv sample: to 96. Klnutomont. (hnnnoqun, on tnbl ruh.-lnnxhtnro It. on nl At.Piu-lon,nn Jan. I. Jlr. .ru uWlIl|nm Hun-h.ol Alhol. to Ila Debonh Fornnhn. "_ ._ "5 4!`'r.'!.L!!E'l "|>1iiii'iTf'"o73r"tF6`ii6'Tilii IA. Inn 'I'no- nInnn.InnInrn, u yuan. The funeral will uh plane lonormv. (Sun day) monsoon. at 3o'nIooi . from the noudum nf Hr Jnvunn `I/Hahn Ilnnbin -nun IA IL: It-r N1 in N0. Eggs I510 1'1-. [Ion l,00toI4.-'1 M, 5.3, Wln~nt-aprilu(. -v ~<-t->- --- .T._I._!_-2 .91.. 5-39: ,!`'>er.'~-. * $9!--' UT, 5!. Arumud--_l00 bu lh. Sleiuhn, Cape Vilm-,nt-:l70 bu rau- ns. 5; ) h! ch Iva. HT {, Muutrul-t14') cults toblooo, `J0 . .a.. - us un. (-"l`R,.` 1:'l`I? lulu, blH|lIl`\u-.o- .1 canon nun, an u `I: IPII. 26 NH: sugar. S|uu.-ln.Cn1u- \'Lncent--`.. (|l| bx: rnininl, Ii hi .-h Ina. .\lHBll.|l. (`ITY COI`xc:|L.--Rt-gulur it B p In. Co.~nIHun'1oN nl Hm Ar! Iixhlbitltnn. MlHllIN|:(lI>A1F ~ Hognlur M1-,N.ing.7.1l) pm. Mmuu.-1 MLKTINI; fur lhn()ulurIu Uiumuo it at turn I. 851-: hsl ol .\l:ui-m Meotingn. uunluv IATI KIJA I . lmvruav. by Prof Dupuin at Illa uhibiliou 1| Arts. MPFIU! ' :10 In an iI'KATHII(l\- I'M` V\lI\`Il, [M-r uulu av [ll not`, ring In. 7;` In 3 I11`. Puma .30 lo 5190, Built` 40 43, (mu J0 In .(`2L\. l'otDM)(*l't'.") to HR`, ut. ' 1'1-. [Inga Q1! tn ll) nor 10.4.10. Oatmeal par |DAY. of LI p~1 nclunvo Itnu` ., St Aru .\ ul---l3U bu sh. (V. oi.- ._ '. nnnnn nk rukn- Fnl` Mu-at [WT bu-In 8010880, J to B|I'||`)' 40 lx'l`.`Jl I 5' D I<.`I| S. ll ftglss." mnnzn. ' `- n.on nun George Wnlgmof Mn. - .1 ca lumlccn. 8|) cults tulmccn, I0 La Inn. | sh, 98 M` iI..I7I.'.I .IPU"1'IAl\I oo_o!o. luau nu: GIANI` |uu.ln.|% Bjvuuulx |u:~.-........... l'HI NOVl`LTI' 0? 'l`lll AOI-IN TI_I-* `l`I`l KI'!R'l"'l'f1 il 1rh tniIj ii'r6T.F.* ' numnguuaoum V 6010 ` 0033311 G003-o I1I(Io_s__Otnot. wnxcdun a tlvislnv. l.n u-y uyud Ill. Ila: Jenna Qulglry. um 9.). height 3) Inches, BOPRANO. lino Jenmc Qulglry. `:3. height I! mean, Nina Ilnruh Helm!-. I ad `."|. height 33 lnohol. lIt7.'l.U umuzm. (FONT ALTO. Ma... Eur. Iuru.u-Lu o 22. hugm aa mono. ADMIYAI. D01`. u o `:0. height '.`8 Michel. 'l' "NOR. GEN. TOTIAN. 510 `II. but ht `Z! inou. HALE HOPKANIJU p--___ _.. .. 7.-...- .` --.._._,_. 3-rovnsx IOITPII Ollli? AID I-I' TOTIAN, `ll. hal ht `J! maul. 301-`HAN U PRINCE LOUIS. I o 1!. height 36 nu-bu, ISA ITUXE. MAJOR ()U(IH'l`()N. e`26,l|o|uht Jinohu `IID TE OR. Clrole J.u-. rnrquuw auo. lA'l`INEE-Aqmlu|on `.`.'>v. Rep:-rvul Sun 11:30. Chlldnn under I5 warn. |'o YT 991! can be secured II Woodr lluoluur II`:-1: In. `I1 ! Al! lAIUIAO- III PKDYIIIJI j |xxmxxx_A__ TENOR. And (.`0L()NEL NOAH Olll. 080 N, holght 8 fooI-BA860. Admnuiou-(hllory `In. Balcony and Draco Circle 35:0. Pnrquoue 500. un`1NIclt_A.|mlu|an Rena-ru-cl Innaor the mum Amorican .-_ _...... _. .... ...---_ ...- J. II. .IONII`.S, - I l'o|Irh-WI`. ]vuuscITLo:uunI| L6Ts`1} {IEL DAYS.` . 1'0 NIGHT. LF.(t'l`UR,!T'l I`: In Prof. H. F. Dupmt. on The Ilnernla in the ghlbmon. Toronto Flour Dtoro M. IGIIIBON. I`nh Inl. THE iiw mus; T800! WAITING LACI CUITAIICI ad I olund than and then It um old nibble cdublhhnut. when HOCI WAITING LACI CUITAIII uoluuduboulcluolcbonu this old ca'Iablhhnut.IMro thoycnnhundohlool oqhlloltvhll Loan Iouemandnll lhdnolooduthnou to nation! CLIAIID AID DYID all oulonhtbobuouqyhudouthauhonut mu 1'8-ladlavlllplcnu hhudoothulul thoulv Ct-no Dyorln Ihoony, :-.4_-j: Q11jjj lu.-A-c~:-I3_ B-E-E-ll I YOUNG LADIES LCAI)III.| THE UNDIBSIIINBD ANNOUNCII T0 the oicigom of Mn non Ihn opnnlng of Mn NEW BATH . II the apartment: the Oldest Iuovulu & Inlu --.-Ln-L-.-Q I- II-can-I i."'3i'ii`6'iunnY| 11431: 131:`-_ Cult: 0 mud. in Tovuu or Pctllul,q ,ounotioIolIr. :- ` liIou.Iunud.s ltnrtlno, duuruds innjnlthronghluungon. ARTS EXHIBITION] n no --nu---u -- .-- IONDKY Nmnr. l.I(."l`lYRE1`TE by tho llnv. Prof. Forgulon. the Egyptian Curhdtluu Ind Collu. TUESl).aY-Poa|t|uly the In: night. MUSICAL ENTERTAINHENT by Prof. J. K. U|dlnnv'a On-huun. .. . ... .. ._ u\:\\vnI| {NEW Pmness lll SPRING TERI vtll o|nmone(D.V.) on WIDXIESDAY. to`). 5th. (`luau m Fronoh and Latin. Drawing nd Pulming in water colon And ollc, 5: well an the plnin Euglinh hrnncha. Ind Fancy work. _ _ ..__|.u_ .._._n.. 1.. -.I..--.. I..- ' _ : ;_.... ; Dv|u{f6"L|vE. ..........o. .......q.................-..- { 1101 ~ X!) 001.0 12.4 rns Ia &&.V Qt?-not Guam 1370:-. Iun.l87I. OPERA HOUSE! `*i`iWU` the payment ol the auditors. The by- law to conrm the nuditon cnmo up, u. u.h...... .......I um chuncaivo ` '-$5.37. I 0:31 1'0 noun hunch!-` 5"` ncuunuou. I Io Illa! IDIOVIIIII I -]Ul- I lstabllnl-out In I manna mm. . In the c-binning Upcnlu in 4 AMA, IKEID GILT EINIES! E. G. ROSE, Pnclrnua. III TI II `III IA`II?. In-uuvusuun-on u -n On Thursday. at 3:!) pa. ADOWE. Inontnrv` ` than Mr. Alchuon Inovod tlut thoyrocoivt 3 null for Auditing the Account: 0! lat ' I". ms-r .rm1sn:ns PH()'l"0G"RAP_HB jun-u-j-u:--u-`F w tsuLunm..cnucnv luv: JU41` IINIKHED TAKING ITOCK and ul|uo\n use Una cl Goods In none of the dopu-Iuuumllol they -|_|_I `.11 _J; ~_.,#-__ `GREAT IAIGMI8 IV 6II.l.|IG_EAIl.V. Tho following bouts Ill` be cold ll undo: r- 22 lbs. New Prune: for $1. 22 lbs. Dried Apple: for $1. 20 lbs. Prime Ournntn for $1, 500 Bx: Bmyrnn Pin st 100;. bx 50 bn Toilet Bosp ;t,12o per dos. Ohoioo Sweet Orange: 254: per don. -nusrv- The Oontenu of Two Onset of Goods. entirely of Dreuleterlell suitable for the epproeeng eu- eon: wear. All ole:-ed at ente- "u `I. Kant}, uoondod by Mr. Wnuon, loved in amendment Chlhlllt auditor: ti-2` gang sgsuuh amp j__......._. __......_ .._..-......-...-_. . I T0 - IORROI I ....__. , _..-.-_._.__. Dominion Tulnmph Um ). nmnii no 11 100 Barrels Km: Superior Putry Flour. 100 do do Hour. .500 Bug: 0! l-`uully Flour. Hot In: peanut: hon sumo Mr mum: `P fhvmtnnnlu. Aduluion 50. Bun-vod Sun 750. `PM ah of Inorvod Both will mnmouoo II 9 un- on rrkhv. Jun. am. at Woodr Boohton. IAIIID ll Pull IIIJUIH. as print luv had at Iu. In i-i:ov`is_uou's`z" " " Bnnrourod Runs, Bacon. 81:91:!- don, Long Olen Bwon. Lnrd. -w--, --v--`, ---- _._V - 7", Ghana, Butter. . OOLOEII -- LION -- OIIOOEIIY. w. 9. non: & co. 1. _nna.|. Tuesulay lvenTn_x, l'el)'y II, ... nu (\'.u [502 uaw srmnc nness coon: AB UNDER :- Tlu runnonuon or In noun ox Audit nu End 5:32 pot day, and mile- Ico. their appointment boinq > oonrmecl by the pa-10 cl 5 b lav. An gnu: Inn! -oyvxod bv HI . A{ollO- R. & J. Gnnmn ATTIITIOI ll UADLID `I0 -0' WIIDOWI, u I `bl 1 nu-_ cap. Innis jun. ae., .LI1.l.JJ.l.QJ .LILC\I'JI fllllltfrlllllb rululltonu hhannllngulluuu L-ll` l'|(ou_|-! Flour ! I-`(lon7Ir'! ilour! |Mns.scuTT-sInuuus ll horouuoohor I " `"*::'..:......... W NEW sPnJuNc GOODS! WE HAVE TO HAND VII? CHILI LINKS OI` `U. noun uyyvu--nu-. ..-....I .v....._.`_ pa-:0 brlnw. Au an Inn! moved by Mr. Atone- wnbcalurdpudq; - aide nilnp, Ill voted down by so over- -hnlmimr nnioritv. . Blnok Cuhnnuu at boots, 000:: and 7513!: not yard. ` rmsr IN TH'I?IEE`I)"! Bllck Persian Cordu st Mich, Not: sud 5350!: por yard. Black Lustre: ll lotu, lbou, 20: md 2150!: per yard. 1 I.ln.C|.I\ MILIB BROS. 31. nurllnnn ADI! IIYIIIIIA nun- Jugeuh. Jan 30th. wk mu. IIAVI on IXIIIITIOI lI|IAMATI_lIEc|`I`AI.8 _g[._ Whloh win he ooh! at I! can. pol lb. AIIRICAN LITERARY BUBIAU. Manly!!! FEE fond Loan: 58 lch, lboh and more per yin]. Alaux 9 M` :11 `T i TWO CASIO OI AIICAI -rn- your any forward. no L: to nu root for Spring Oooda wlnlnlu. lg: public tuninuouoh. to no pun wnon mu qndiung in completed.--Om-iod, you,| And I00 Pulqu of Japan IO! PI-luau lnroot. unk In Shuunhtp Io:-Iu. toned 9 ti `Jun. n iii: 1} 7-7r1" I"G`o sun. .IIIWII El!!!/"!"' :1 On motion of Mr. Williamson. the by- law (No. 179) III rend A third time, it bolug for the nppointunnt. 0! Mr. J. Wnuon ll Director of the K. 5; I . [hil- IAIII Inuugo, Iholming IIL-`II-III. Moved by Mr. Flynn, that Mann. Dennison and Rattan be nppoinud Trun- toou ol Bydonhun High School in pllco 0! than rotirin . I Mr. St:-noun: ndvbonud the ohugo of fun u M. the Oollogiato luuituto. Ilr. Wnlhr boliond (Int tho Board ol has M. the Dollogiau lunmuu. Ilr. Wdkor boliond Trustees should ho nouhrod, he having heard tbs! u Iohoul wu run by a `ring. Ho know nothing 0! it be id not think thnrn nu I `I-inn. but than A uqnnksvm nu nu no: `at. 0. I.&rl..uINl hI-ncuHoIIoun- "lPr.'.'.'`.`.'.!.'a'.'.....u In. Tbolgllipluihcnodouodoryurna` to Ilqilhpdcnulonbyloq Hr. Joly. Jan uualvoIIIhuol'jnu|Iuo_H_|I _ oEoot,ud the nmondmont bu. {III UITI TUUII. nnnllu nun} u-vvv II unnvu. proumonl Iron 3 possible v . nvnnnd nnnhz lhll IQ Qiht Ill lntl III nowlllry wlmuus um um U: dologutinu. Tho Wudou and Ir. J. R. Duuon mud tht the dolcgnion Ind stranglin- onod Mr. Du-ooho an uauring nunnunl Dl'llI'J_ LEW LI-`LII: Judge Prioo Iddruud tho Council nspouing the utsblhlamnnt in the Court ` Home of 6 law Iibnry, the pruonoo of which lould be u suing to the County, othorwiu In would not act [or it. Gm: oxponno III onuud by frequent delay: which Ion Ihonud the sitting: of court: And Inn . imtun, lnuvnn And nlionn lnlfar Ion lnonud Inc mung: or court: um 0 judgu, lnwyon and client: Accordingly. The libnry could be nun- uinod for About 8200 or 8300 I you-. And 01,000 would he uulonont to cum- nouoo it, ho giving udomtion of 0100 worth of booh, while the legal fraternity ptonlnd to ash ilpportun ountribu- tins to it. u the lihnry Ion uublid I150 law npom would be ploood in it u noon at they-wan publlnhorl. Ho ho- liond it [us noouury. And In an pre~ pan! to but Ilq lu-gal put of the oxponlo hidull. Ho polntod out that lnqnonllylhooonnt hndtopay dou-lylor ogllloln proound ton Toronto, which could notbo obhinod hm in conu- ......u- .1 an Inn. of book: which min I lII|l|lK1\I. A lathe VII rad h-om the manager of the laden! Bull. shun; that ho would dlnoonllt County pupor ml 7 per. cunt. without ouunldon, and allow 5 par cont. lnlaut on deposits. `I10 Wudou ud Trounur Inn on- tllothod to about the Oonnty account hull til llnlfk IIO Fodord Bank gnauuullnnlu amid Iolbo oomnoa now In oouu-' quuoo 01 sh Inn of boat: on not in tho city. As for abort.-h rev mbunnrxln thought thnt At present it In In city. A: lot anon-nun nu Mlwk thought present unnooouary upomo, and In . Inu Iuvunu mm In uufuuu nu- bvpili lndinuilliuhly on all who no-' Ildbd him at the lunlootlon. An I sat! MI` 0! ha}. thin uunionpn the pm 0- III Tory organ in not true; but, suppos- ing ute. Ivjth Ihll has or Jinn of ounduoocy and such nohgb ho urged In ow al the hat; of which out} by Inl- upuucuotgnuuricionu, um Torin: no III OI!" IIIIIIIZOI1 unyuu-u, gm. ... would not incur il. Ir. Buook ondonod the Judgu`. 1-,. -ngrln _ Tlu runnonuoa ol the Amln -u ll:-I um nu tlnv. A .....' ukstln rad. up I . :`u_ Inu4....-an 4-u:..-ul h an 2'- gnnu. The motion In: an-iod. 'I'0DlII-CXIlU'$ nglgmhjoumd IIIIII I II I Inuvun. 'l`laoWuduI with olnlr M230 .'.|...|. ma nnlhd lhn Oonndl my man \l|O thought um. II proton: is `unnoounary n! inmn il. --9'-vu- Vol?!-Alb Ill.AI: ... ._- .n_a._.;......| .`.A nun! nouns. .._.u.._..._..4I I -uzgnumwm than-I van. 9 on"oul`nn0 lady" bod 11': ZTVT TVT 1 '57. Movulmpns `lhdhvunln In-I j loud in unaulnomby It. Bu-nchua, ' &IOIl Hill: Huhlltiocoun-5 dl uonudip the Ontario Lofilhtutlid In his the go the run! connunlcud loin Ir. Sllllblorg lnoon Th umggdnt. 91: being put, in dhzalind puhcd, thc otigiul notion not J an nut. I nu-I----uuuu-qwuupvv rm-noun:-urn:-.uug.o..c Il.J. I. ucmuu. `it:--:'I.Jn|.A.IIIn. u --'.JA.I..IoOnIhu. uuhn- r. us. can. 0:-Olin-lr.1'.I.Iu|aun. % .n.'u"'.33.- -"""..a$':`.x"..'J'."" ""' Aliuclhfbnnhllllllnllhuulou. -Ihdolholubuuluulvuycir Italy "lag; ugh Inn (Idl- I-5'OIIoOI&|IiIIl. We Injhtamndhuluiol hhl|IA&IIin0oI|,I6'hpn- Mr. Flynn moved, uoonaou by nr. Burke, tn: the Tovuhi ol Ponhnd got u gum. ol tho sun, of 0, co be u- Rodod on tho Ponbnh Road, in tho ingoton limp, and the nudndu o! V `nl rm nah. oxoont Ponlnonth and Gu- vmhp-it-tho=6ucuty1uHhvnur ` I mug pus, - LIGTIII (HAIL Mr. Flynn Cloud, ucond o no u nnnnt of III: Inn of (J ' git-ue-`Bounty ' 0! 075 each. oxoopt duu l|lnnd,uid1nnu to be expanded by tho rupwtiu Rave: on road: and bi-idgu In their respective township; The mnliun was but on the following `V. W IlV'IIIII' III IIIU F'VCT\IUIl UIICQ` upinjliiagoiliu "OM oihu qnulonu on Ililoh the Tory Gonnunonc in Into to diuppuiht and disgust the pooplo, Ibo Inn not in power will ruin Inch 1 storm of indignation It the introduction into Unadn of the party dinmiual code :1 lhsll inevitably reuult. in their own din- ploounont. The poopln ol Onmdn will non: away with tliiuiuporuuon of tho pcnldoiu Auction Iyohm of 3 putiun nuhlln Ah-vino bridges in than respective Iownuupo. The msliun division : You-Muuu. Atchuon, Burke, Cou, J. R. Dsuou, Denmuou. Flynn. Bhibloy, Soon, Whtkinu, Wnuon, Williunu-ll. N|yn--Mann. Boll, Cd- -in, P, D.-non. Fur. Henley. Horton, lvun, W||kor-l2- Mnvod- in amendment by Mr. Maho- vnn. uoondod by Mr. Ooxo. that the mgx ` of 0100 be given to cook mnnioipcllly in the County, oxoopt Pol-bnouth And ` ' ' ! `ITTZIE I? `T F hgvu oadnalutlhlhodhtongn. Ir./A.B. Iuthllun coupled would:-. Tlolonovlngolouunudonhdlotlho Annnl-a -nun - luau nuns-ll. in: lawn. Bud at but Nd:-valiant t-Bv. Donn lnnql. A. cl Ions load. PIddcu-I:. Ind:-Ilu. bIHC|-KI'. . I. GIINIMI. -.n In; LL-1 cub! combining the nun, all rules to the contrary boing nunpondod. nmundmut tiu|Lu rpouin O50.nud I by-ht be punod lowing divilion : YOIl-l.OIIl'I. Atone- Ion, Wi|liIuu-9. NI MOQUI. Boll. Burko. Calvin. Con. . R. Dunon. P. Dauvwn, Dennison, Fnir, Flynn. Henley, Horton, Must`. Ruttnn, Stnohau, Sexoomshibloy, rm, Vnulunn, Walk- or, Wnuon. Watkin|-2l. Mm...) in .m.mIn.mn bv Mr. P. Duv- Moved in Amendment by Mr. son, uoondbd by Mr. Stnchnn, tlm. thin Council appropriate 81,600 for road: snd bridgu, to ba Applied nooordinu lo_ their rupactivo valuation. Lmt on the following division 2 You chat and. - `ighty Halifax fumiliel, chiey in the North End, no receiving charity from on church pariah. -A mootinn in to be hold at Bellovillo nuundmlm. loan In zon- divhion You-|[ours. nnn_ willilml-2. NIVI--MOIUI. roapoctivo ulunuon. Inn following -Mmn. Cslvin, P. Dunon, Fnir, Henley, Hewton, Muaty, RAlton,Struh- nu. Vnuluven /and Walkor-l0. NnyI-~ Mourn. Alchnon, Boll, Bar 0, Can, J. R. Dmnon, Dennison. F! n, Sexton, shibluy. Scott, Wntkinn, nuon, Wil- liAmI-l3. orumuy. ac liAnu- 13. --A uommury u so on the 2151. February. -Tha New York He church pllh. -A meeting to orgnniu 5 company for emigration tn Mnnitobn in the u ring. _'l`h- Rn-itinh n in Knnnv in ronortod Manitoba in the rma. -Tho Britilh 3 ip Kenny in roporhd uhnving foudorod It nu. All of her crew but fnnr were 1-Mod. ' _Mr F. r'u:-v Um .1\f.vII1|lliItIll 003' uuyuu -u-Ivu l'Illl1l In VIIIIIIV HIV` con, ylll he held on Ilondsy owning at an put noun o'clock in It. Ronni ! Ball. Tho sunburn appointed no cu-neatly nqnuld Io nth promptly. 4010} V L`U.L Uflllllo The opinion of Dr. Henderson, Q. C., an to tho liability of the County no pny we con ol upped in the mount equal - nukion cue, was then rnd to the effect the 0! appeal In mo mount equin- cue, thmho was clan-ly of thc opinion that the County in not legnlly liable to pny the |ppel|nt~3|- costs. The adjourned. the 21st. February. -Tha New Herald uyl Edison`: electric light in perfect, but require: to be cheaenod. `jnlnu Flnlifgx fnmilinl. chinv but lnnr were union. -Mr. F. r`---.~v, H-0 Afavlumistan rdapondaut uf me Lnmlun Newt, says the In will con 130,000,000 at tha lent. _A hill -nu nuuul thn Amaricnn Con- loan. -A bill was paced the America: Gou- grou Ioltricting the number of Chinese iuumignutn who may come to America to fteen in mv one ship. ._ll1iuht mnnlhl Mm Gunlnh borrowod X UII Ivwy IIIIIII xv: uuu puun union in the ma Dominion alumina, Not. maul: nu. but list of- iu. u-d times the noun. -~Detoctivo.lohmon who vu u-rented nt Ogdamburg, [or kidnapping Fritz, from Onkvilio, 0nt., vu you!"-day din- chu-gad by n unnnimonn voto of tho Unnd Jury. -At Pntanon tho Ru. Arthur Grun- Ilusumuv Am. \1/ho Int muting ol the Association, lotood in Kinpton to slash: Minion Fund of Oncuio Dio- ___- _lII L- L4 A_ Il.._J-_ -_-_L.- -A fteen in Imp. -Eight. mnmhn Ago Gmlph I rs engine from Toronto, and, up to duo, hu nuithor paid for not rotumod kind times the ucu. __Dn0nnO.iu- Jnhnnnn Ihn In u-rmhd wunnd J ury. -At Pntonon wood and two New York detectives, who wen indicted for com inoy, by inducing the Puuio liquor d on to all boar on Sunday, were found guilty. --The nnmu of some oiuhty-four Inon, sundny, were round gumy. of eighty-tour man, implicated in tho destruction ol Govern- mom. pruperty at the Luis loru, hnvo I-mm obtuuod by the militnry authorities st Quebec, and furwndwl to Uunwa for inurnolium. ,,lnhn Rgnlmn I` S lnnnoclnr of inurnohum. -John Baku, l`. S. luupecmr of Iteunbonu hu been rrruiod in New York on the charge of manllnughter, the result at having certied lnluly regarding the boilon of the uumboat Ado] hi, which had ncontly oxplodod II or- null! -J udgo Hmon nu not ll. nu. ma ru- mour: reporting recovery body of A. '1`. Sunni. Ho denial thnt the body bu boon lound, and doolu-on ho hu no condence in the reported alum, blot hodhu hops in (acting tho body in I: a on . ' III0l'l1ll)' D] BVII xwv. -I. J. nasal`, Au.`-I., and in the evening by the Ru. Dr. Clarke, o!Uh1-id Ohuroh, Bollovillo. Tho olcrtory at both union will bo lot the Minion Fund. 9....-. n....-.... `PL- .... .-I null) lllllllu Au. Swan 0nunun.- l'ho nnnuul Illulonuy meeting will be bold in Iho nbon phuroh on Sundgy nut, at 730 o'clock, innud o! 7 pan, to at int Announced. n.._.__ n .... .. l1.-.-.nn- ,, ll|I.- -- UIIIIUIJIIZL Gnu-r CIUICI, CATAIAQUI--ThO an. and nesting will be hold on Sunday non M 8 pm. `I'M dopuhlioa an the Row. J. J. Bogus. olapuuo, and tho Rev. Dr. Olu-I, ol0lItiIt0hunh. Bollo- `OISIOII. not DI!!! Iu,vuI III! un- ldiul public urnuu of Rdurm uh- !-do-I.-_ 9!-_..".*"s, _}'uIh|-.-I: 9509!! `E.".i.'".'.T5l'-ii: