Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Feb 1879, p. 3

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.,........ .-...g... u... .w....... .-Somc one u the ta-muting in St. Anita : Church, (lunuoqnn, lac Thundny owning. oxohnnjod mpg with u. Mr. Mooqnig, 0! Kingston. JAIII nann A IT:-unnlunnn nf smith : III, -II III IAIIIIIIJII. --Wugzhg nay:/Ig,,IJ it! 09_I!-1!? on lnd"`~I1|`I. Guam nuntlond among > VWWUW lbnvitifoqam lut dvonlhg. _.m... nnn .9 oh. 9..-... '*-5. u. -uevuuuu, --u.-nae, -.- been elected nleeodete Grend Seotetery Cl lheunnd Lodge 0! U.Y.B., which re- cently net in London. ._.\II`eA.'I|m nnlnnn Al in: gnontln non. Two brothon Inn oond to n Ol,000 to th nimion land it I3,W0uu booolluhdlrou oclnnonropi 1.. .4. '...|.. V-I,vvv IIIHX1 I3! C1111)`, Iml mvdhtnuntinlholuonionll. -1'50 Bliophtd Jubilu Slogan losing their audit. Pub,-n they're giv- llg I good deal to the poor. '-*: m quilt ol tho Inning Baud noon tho Onninl mud Iqunnto.` and -noauga;u-anasuikuuiu ~i.'!tdoidob(Ia pa -Inc-' Adhlldim, lloooptlon of 3. 0. A. Cool. TQIIICXTXTQ? 4, '--Ionnl Kinptuiann Iron to Walk Ydii Ind gunning Ad an-A- U3` WIIDILHI 160 but high (at nlonuno um -um-oom purpouu, the Ihtoroolu to be lined with druhr hulooniu buidu the usual mod- un hnprovononu Tho length of the Ipindlo will onbln It to rid; on tho toa- ofuvonl IIVOI. thu pnnutlng pitch- ing. A nicely Adjuhd '04:, o .- dng in I oylndat within: tho coca n nonnonod will provost rolling. Thorn kl no pitching and no rolling, than will no no niche: and o bodl I maa.-II:-"Zn ml min `The '......` "uT."Il.`...'Z`2`l:`."u?'.1""'r'`I"...'.'.',' at with any In-bu will be continuat- will oollpu lllollon hropoodond wll noon the I'll! `II III pofldlblo ff0Il. Though Ihplnuolthuo vuuh on and with huduu ol the use ol iunn, tho nllldn`. It In! no It In to ulste- ptlltlll. no the moon wagon ur u Iomobody in to brin to light I In more onus ih thn :)f I. 0 Toronto Pou- Inulor, who in to be uuponnnuud (in good health) on 02,500 pa: you, to make roan for noun non noody patriot! Vari- l , noun unwuhod Grit hu not into the ail sanctum. It can ! be our Icholnrs I! frzond Nicholn Flood Davlu. lately ol 0 . lnlm nznnlif long, or Iplnmo or u propollud _by ongiu nova. satin upon oluoa I loading unou: `Whon the state of the union come: to ho nnglod than mny in link diIpo|l- oiun to laughkr, and little dear. to do other than oondemn with all possible con- utitntldnnl uvorlty rocklou and un- nrivminlnd man who broulhl the nation into in unfortunste stete.' Whst does thisnesn 1 We won't feel dlspoeed to leugh,eh1 end whet ere we lenvhing st l Why, It the beeutiful pre- dicemont Mr. Tilley in in, between the nlllers end the Iumbermen, end st the humorous eituetion of things in gen- ersl. Grip lnstenlly grew serious when he reed this, end re ted to himself. Whet doeeit Ineenl ` hen the stste of the netion comes to be reveeled.' Won- der if this refers to the stete certein per- tiee ere orioging the Civil Service Intel or us we going to beer terrible revele- llone of eorrnption in the oontreet de- perusent. the Globe sllegeel Or in somebodv mains bring light lined : (omkVAnnl for I873. oontdna` an-`nu cit In -no ussuuoo-".'..n:.'?'.'o'. 3?. `""' IRAN`: Dupoo Much for 1879, contain: Potion dupq pioou. no-urn '.....`a at emu," Hinnu-II or [M9, with any olllon, ,`n Oloqkr. Aubolu-nun, ' cl 'I'nmp.'Ii|on u Answer, Mn IIII Ilnh. to. 3k. \UIUIJ. I Grip wu utonilhotl the other day than h pickod up his Mail and road {In following anti-ninmorinl untiunontmhioh ` cloud loading urtiolo: `Whon the rnsnmsn w1_ue; SATURDAY. FEBUARY 15. 1379. g nulilvu III UIIU \-Dill. VI bl!` I/UV`), III I good teete, auooeeded by a recitation by Mr. J. Donnelly, `Padly'a trip to the Bey e Biaoey,` which waa' well received. Mina Bate: gave a long, which wae ao well received the! an encore waa demand- ed. 'l`lIen'eame aduett by Mlaeea Booth and Malone. (of Garden Inland) `What erethe Wild Wave: aaying,' admirably given. Alter Mn. Slim` humoroua aong, -Peddy mind the Baby, and a duett by Miaaea Catanach and Brine, `Far Away. Mr. W. J. Keeley nished the tint part with `Counting in the Rainfexceedingly humoroua. _ The loco:-d part waa opened by Mr. Palteraon with I ute aolu, fol- lowed by a dnett by Miaaea Anderson " and Oroaby, and Mr. Elliott will! a reci- ` tatlon, 'Bhamna O'Brien.` which won ` good opluiona from all. Mr. W. J. Gage , Ieng `Hearta of Oali ;' Mr. Rathbun gave 1 ` aeong, end then came a duett by Mia ' Booth and Mr. Raymond, `Matrimonial ' Sweeta,' a piece well reliahed, the at:- ( eompaniment being played by Mina An- I demon. a very young girl, and en apt 1 and clever pupil of Mia: Booth. A song I by Mile Beta. and a piano aelo by Miaa I Bnaohe, oloaed the oonoert, with the ad- . dition by Mr. Keeley ol `The Sneezing - Man, a eemloal and laughable aelection. Altogether the concert waa a great ano- F 381. ( Itltnuonnl Iovonty rocuou Ina un- principlod man who brought. Into unfortunuto unto. Hut .1... ghinnnn I We non : fool uuu CIUUlIu nu 1- nun u-.v-u-I uy that the nlngere ol this piece were in their belt. him And really exceeded for- mer elem. Mr. Oxley, in 5 lnppy - manner, end with excellent elocutiun, undo`:-ed Lover : pourtrlyil of the Irish eherecteru shown `in Father Phil`: Bubeorlption Lint It In: beyond all oomperieon the moat taking piece 9! the evening, notwilheunding the at- tenp nude by one or two pertiu to canne In unplanunt feeling At it: alone. A due by Mr. and Min Spoor followed: it no rendered in line etyle, nml rea oelved III encore. Mr. Pnttenon nng :n--|.-.a :.. IL- n-..AI.. .0 al.. h...... ' :.. Inlvvu In uuuuiv. Olll. I noun-uu Inn `Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep, in .._...| .--.- ..........!-A L.-. ...:o.o..n In In Iui.lc`_.|1-0no I.-nu. .-I lnnnhdh. I13`!!! 0' I N- 7`. an evening is. eoneeri In an ol nu" Qgl {ed 0! `hilily Cheek, "Welle In- I lend, wee held In the Ipeonic Hell, in I Illehelugendlenoe Hedenlleesednotn litueedhg the eoldeeonl the evening. Thedty contributed Me quote to the qudienee (three large eleigb loede) which, leaving the dty st 7 p.n., enjoyed e oellent eoedition. The concert opened eherp on line, Mr. Bhlrley Going occur pying the eluir. Hr. Going nude I ehon epeech, explaining the object 0! the oon- ` eert, end hoping the ell hqd-none pre- 4 [sued to enjoy themeelvee. A: the pa-ngremne was long he wpuld at one cell on the Ilineee Godfrey to open the oorfoiit, " ehmn `they did by [shying _the avenue to_0berdou in I luperiar -annex. Next. in mint ouno the quer- `eue; ~`Iweet end Low, by Mipee Du; ` pay And Betee, nnd Heure. Penereon I t V V uh Jliltolll ND- iwio.'.nnno ndnogby 15:: _*"C""*' mend nlcnoln I Globc, manly I _.__.%.4 1rDnasdN's UIUTISI IN THE HAIL. fu my Iunuillh %. :..".'.*-:.*."-'-"""'-"'-3 than pubis lurvubooooltbonnuouuh noodle: Int I3'W"`I`.|.P'0"I and to (lo ulnar; onmno bun goal In hnldludn II Khnlon And VH- Ion um, um perhaps an, II] ms nu ol than or four data. For curing can- uunption. honorvhngcn. `pneumonia. - nu on In. on-p. ot my diuuo of tho thruster Jiluoouuhuiupl won- dorful, U your dngght will IJI you. uwncvlynphoouuhnxymnlzz Nnnun la n pumvo usually to than who ruunh :0 pain on to In also -......`~'--" .4. .... .. .. .....'::.*. _A.. lnownnnh-nnnllhn-mural: A notuool uuaontu um-um syrup up: About About your host lot Sanodiuo an ill] prevent not-bu dokno-, I largo dac- hu-`n NH, and pol-hnpu dash, by no New Oououlin Book, Mania and Worth, nll aulhl icon. 16. III llo on an column. unnpu bottles lot HA1. )0: : rqllu line, 750. .----_....---_- unureu nna may-nu. -A school diicully hu nriun in Don- umum, in autumn nuburb of Tun-onto, owing to the hunting of the Trouurur of lilu School Board. llichnrd Defrien. in Auguut |n,t.aking with him 882) of the school munayn. -ConIidnnbla dalnv hn bean mumd hv ICDOUI --ComidorAblo delny bu been canned by the urrinl of cattle nt Builo on account of tho order prohibiting Ainoricnn came from cumin; Into Ouuuln, tho ninnln lining to In to-chipped at Detroit and Toledo. _'T`h. I-o. .-:... Lao- ........l n......l...._ 'l0IOIJO -The late rein: have caused couIidor- able Alarm Along the Deluure. Thu ice bu commenced to break up end I||| probably form I gorge. M Nlrrolnburg fnmihu ere moving to hiuher ground for safety. .- A Suminh Cnbinel. Council wester- ulosy. --A Spnninh Cabins! yester- dly, under the pruidoncy of King Alfomu, xed livo your: an the legnl dur- ation 0! the prouul Corlqu. The quution of tho dinolution of the Corn: will ho IINIOII Ihortly. _Mr, Dnvhl (lrnnl And nthnr Montnnl wul no Ionloll anoruy. -Mr. David Grunt sud other Ilonuul Onngomon hno uken an ootiun in the Supori-Jr Cburt Against Mnyur Buudry, for tho rooovuy nl 010,000 dunluol, for lulu no-out and impytnoumont on tha ml: of July lat. - Ranorh from lb: Human nmld min- mm or Jul] llll. Report: from the Humor: gold min- ing region an lnvornblo. The Fomol mine in bcing worked by 5 com ny who hue Mlnon onpluyod, And ad than opontionu rohblo. M the William` mino. tho I t in down 135 hot, and the ruin In nportod to Iuanuo in rich- nun. The Gatling Coupon have at has ruulnd on tho nature at t o proca- tnln nlnnlnvnd in rnnahlnn uni! no-. tut. resolved mo uslun ol the tube am and in reaching thcir mu, nndu-on alto proonll the noonmry Ilunhinory for crushing mtou pot day. In mvr Mylo av! olirnun, with in an-lulu.` | at tampontulo-ruin, wind and sun: In ofhulntulnlnglod i I nlnglo dny,--It in no wondor can our children. lriondn and nluivu an no lnquontly hhl MI III by Ibohl oolln. boll tho death running dinotl Iron lhh cunt. A haul: nl Bengals`: Unto lam uon. -Miu Annie 0'Ni~ll of Baltimore. mod Philip Brogan for 810,000 for branch of prumiu. Brogsn clniuod he an drunk wlmn ha prollioed to marry her, but the jury gave her a verdict of C200. --Thn nnl ruult. of tho three dun Hand : Hnmonimn Llbgyry. contain- ing Preludes, lnmlndu. Iolodlol. Blow Ianmouh, e. 30. ouu mo Jul`, nor vonnot or raw. --Tho ml remit. of the three dnyl polling, for tho >ropoul_of the Dunkin Act, III Northulnborlnnd And Du:-hum, in I uujuril in fuour of the repnl by tom hund and forty-nix. whoa] diicultv hn nrinn in Hon- IIIII llvtuliyufwvvvuvuu-n,u-div-v A bottle ol Bugaboo`: Syrup hm ghoul vonr -- A manure will be lnid bolero` the Pruuinn Diet to authorize the Govern- ment to pumhuo all private nilvuyu nnd establish a nyntom of State nilwayu in mm. 0-zumry. - -Mr. Justice Armour at Toronto, ponponod his decision in tho North Onuno election one for 3 fortnight, to give himulf further time for conden- man. ,_u;.. A....:. n'N;.II ,.: n.|.;........ renu upon me nnng. --A deputation of oititons of Hon- treal suited upon Ald. Rivnrd with u re. quinition, ukmg him to be u cnndidue for the mlyonlty, to which he consent- ad. nou OI respectable parenu. -'I`hnt it indeed a ghully story told by tho New York Herald`: Brazil correspon- dent. Famine Ind pouilenoo have do- populntod the country, and blank doapsir rest: upon the living. denutntion II. Mxznu. --A young man named Emila Chorricr nclerk in the Mouths! Punt pllice, Inn been sentenced to the panitontiu-y h-I` ve yours for theft. The prisoner in I uf respectable pnrenu. indeed a nhullv ntorv bv promue. - -A mu. giriin~ln\:fsnA, 11 youruoid, committed suicide. Why didn't nho Iruit tillnho got older and Ill married whounho might better appreciate thu thins}. ._I hl nf Hun In:-an-Q ninnnn nf nnhl Aval- um --t)uo of the [urgent ions: of gold over lound in Britinh Colum in was Jxacorered lately at Dufnocreek. Cuninr. 1: Weigh- ed twenty-three ounce: sud wu valued It $412.50. __A mmnn nnnn n-mu! ll!-uiln kgrrinr nmory. ---The Application: (or position: an au- lionnl cloth have rewhed nearly four thonund. Every Ipplionnt uid he had a romine. mu. ..arH.4mn.. vounold. U I08 Olin DI I TCIIIIVO. --A small boy out in drunk I pint uf red paint. the It will be I rod-lot.ler dny m hiltorv. 1'1` nnnnnnsorrsw nn Inn on history. enumy ouum m mu. Iocuuy. -ChnrleI Kelso, of the Morchnnts Bunk. Perth, bu received infnnmtion that ho ho: fnllon hair totln Ium 011125,- by the dolth of 3 relative. --A nmnll hnv out in Milwaukee we unnpo onnlrn. uquor. --A report bu been mule by the Billlwici Diet. In fnour of the Regency bill. The Duke of Cumherlnndi right: no growing lou. --Bonvon hue formed I dam at tho grnurmg nu. --Boner: hue formed ndum had Intern ol the Onwoguahio River. [I In nuppoaed thou animnln were entirely nun:-1 in {hut locnlity. -Chu-la: Kalnn. of [ha Marchnntn -A wriior in tho Oincinnlli Gaufto up that 17,000,000 gallons of qloohol "in nununlly drunk in the United sum in the uhnpo ohnnrlt liquor. tenor: bv IIIO MI! nauotng "IO IIIIFICOPBLIIO 'nefdI.iIl'Iy1rh=p|undiho lhooou .. --linho|r load: 0! horns are suit mu on Thursday, lurcn mu. -0ur- tony-one thouuml dullnrs or duties have been pcid M. the Bolluvillo Custom! Home Iinco thn n: of Feb- ruary. _ ' 4 -CoI. Cuinbnrlunl in :9. OMAHA. to v ruuy. -Co|. cuhuboruud hint. mum, to push the chin: of Collingwood {er tlu Il00,000 grunt for hbur improm- -......;-....-....-.-..,.+...r.r';..~_.:._...._.__ ' -._: _ . unounun no IU,l_.l U ~ -Tho- on Sootin Loginhturu in mm- IIOIOKI to -out for` the cloupnoh 0! buoi~ Thursday, Much 6th. -0nr- {urn-unn lhounml viullnr bum. ---The luuqu 0! Unity Lune, Thutre, London, have failed with liabilitiol amounting to 40,000. _"'hA- nun Rm.ai- Lnninhnpn in nnm. Juno Eyre ! Oonplou, in clear lap up loo, AT HENDERSON ! I OK 300% ~~_k-.- --l'iht. our horse: Iuitirr at Montreal lot shipment to tho Unite`: SEIKO. -1'no nunnonunnn ponuo nu like bill reducing the uluiuolruto 0!- lloooo. .~k_.a -<.'ouuqou no out on no ununo Bunk min dteuluian In IoolnuL -0oIvfot labour luobooiiouo 66 EM vorkinguon at Toronto, and they was I it named.` It TOG. - r. Stony, of tho `O|I|ugo' Tiaul. {no 5 Iulf-inhliut Vin thnt nowopopor to II wile u I new` pnunk -The Munch tn _soouo hu puud the nduoinn tho uhrin.o!rI.|Io ol- A Conic tlllt. ` nulunr; Elpdo In 0 baking: bu-nod h ". htrloy ICU CUIIIICI. ; nurvmno I Inc 1 Col VH~ 7 L` Sankeyk Songs and `Solos. I tho Ontario In unnlnnnl Milwaukee other day. lint lad`: IVUIIKIO Ul`l-8 (IPPOIII VILOI1 IAIILI I v I..._._,__....... out-ow`L'%.;-men; llownldlooold Iuaoooal .a._..A.._a..u.. L-Anndn. A propuotlou witch ration: In In km s._. n._ _._g ._.-_u-| -|._...A. .1 11' m :unnsoN's giving on-any ad vitality to Ila viola u- .5`- Iu and canon qua-. PIIIIIOIOII-I for mooning Inpdnd and into: down our ominous. in no cud. up-nnnnnnu--...L.|.-.: a... ...... KNIT T I. `I3. "PIl08FOWNl"aoa|lnlounrnvy OMMM and nuphul IM Do- uiudwu. HMO! v'h`0"1f0" Kin: 33.0;-ii iii .. ... . meeting, and Ippoarod to be much in- tereatetl in the proceedings. The Iooioly, it should be Iutul, in nimilu In the Church of England Teiiipennoo Socioty. having: tempenze II well u: total abstaining section of members, but it in purely catholic in its priliciplul, churchmen, Roman Catholics. and Nunoouformiuta nlih naming in in promotion. -The mating an Thun- dny was presided over In tho Rev. H. N. H healer. principle oh: min to the troupe, nupported by Liiul. Ira, who in the chic! moving I irit in tho ngilnontal I0- cielx,` Rev. H. Bullock. president of line Horbort Brunch. Church 0! Eng- land Temperance Society; Rev. C. Sul- be. now at Chelsea; Bergunt Bqlow, Meesrl. Brown, Ash-lown. &c. The .9-...... lmml ..I ah. nuuiununn nu- nl uh- YRGSS, Z: ;).`.Z..,` .... Mausrl. urown, zunuown. ac. uroug band ul the rogimom, one of the linen. inthe service, via preuent undor Mr. Miller. and Added Innorially to tho mtereau of the proceedings. Tloro were I lurgu ntlandnnco of wldion and their frloudn, the men being ponnittod to be nbwut lrom gheir bunch-rounn nllor rool-call. --~-A coo- -.- .,..___, ,--. _._-_. __V-..- Ihlneyn and urinary uonblo. thnl clan --or Iuonugunmuunshuuulbolcn I-uh pun tho ope.-.um. I all tho phyui nun sud medicine Into world canoe help than ulna Ihoygol at of dean or [III TO (.'0NSUIlPl'lVE8.-Tho produouon or nrounady thus mu be truly be laid to no um tho pronpoou on oonuulnptivo u to give hope --f(-um in not I luv outs. and of much prnlungingnf Ilfu lu by fur tho gvggoor number -l.||o uulf remedy worthy of the name. which. in nsniul yunl lnllhfully mod In Arron! And -l.||o uul remedy worthy oi tho namommch. unl fnuhfully II] ours tho (I nouo,md to pretty Inn to relmvt it and pmlm g Iifv mow Mun any olhrr kmrwu rrInnly.lI u I grant ddo-uum. You. this and wlnuh. lfcunfully. f|I\h|'lIlI um pr"-ob null uouhvnllnnl hilto uoonu Id home In! ruulu. renuul lololy Ir! J. ll. Robinson, l'lnrInooIIHcA| Clnmm. 8:. John N. l!.nnul for nlo b llmuhto ml (knot-nl Doalom Prim OI. or bottle; on Wll`ll WHAT DILLON OOUHTIIAYCI uni Iaqgud loch, poor Ippwlu. In mid ._.._-__L_n- :--n__ ..._- L|_..| x...u_. : 4-- ..__ __..__ .-.__. 7--. -..,----. _ unnerablo loelllj, DO! 5%. IIJGMVU I up A Iathumatinal ulnstrnmantsl W U11: T _ :'s`1'b'.'a. Uni Ii-4 (`|Il'U IIIF lIIlI%.II1II ll PI"II IIIU Kl TPIIIIVI II rrInnly.lI ran :1 do-uum. duulentum In ully mac n Iounorn Pucc- rumuun Euuumn or 00:: Inn On. M ITI Lurm fnonrnnor LIII. which I: unint- ully nwknowlodnd whorevorlnroduood. I-Ibo lho but to Hon ofCod la|VC'0I on ui. utl whw. fmnfullr. fnhhhnllvu M-ob ll IIADIMIIIJII, l'IlIl'II\0OlllI$I DIUIIIIII John .23 . bottles! for I-`-ll). COAL! way can gov. wunon: I00 mucn annual-. H.R H. The Duke of Cunnnught nnd the clean of the lat Battalion Rie Hrigtde were prenonl. recently 1! the tint meeting held in the Cambridge Barrack: by the R.ogin'nntAl Tomporlnco Society. I` lI....| I I AA.1u.uv.u LAI ` :-.-:2 9? sh: . .th,9LrJi.ve,I;. 10.0.! g!'0;grod_,'w_, to ,l1I,!)l.|" ll propoelligllwwit "feiir 'f5`Tlie Kaine law. It In an inoalculahle bleeaing to all the ownere of real eetate. It in the elrlel reaeon nhy the Slate haa `nut been rnlned in these hard tiinee. 1. ll hae almoetannihilaled drui k I .eee: n mg the lartuere. The larme have proepered, and builtlinga and roade have Iouderlully im- proved throughout the State. The meet intelligent men attribute thie larely to the Maine law. In many farming towue you cannot get a drop ol liquor for love or money. 2. It in a boon to all meuufacturere. Their men work bet- ter, produce more, and break and inyure leu. Manufacturer: have told me that they ooeld not geton auooeeefull with ruin-ehope around them, nor won cl they attempt it. It ia nearly an equal blen- ing to lhel mber-men. Now then em- brace theilk of the property of the State. A Oxford County empty, and I have been neared the same in eftea true of other ooantiea. Panperiam ia hardly hnoen except in the citiee. l inquired e! a inanhowinany peupera he had in hie town, and he e'eiil "there were none. There were people more or leae pimr, and there might be mine en pour a lo be helped by their lrienda; but a town peuper would be a town iliagraee, There are certain cItiea-Portlaud, Le- wiuton Bangor, Calaie, etc. ,--wherein thia etate of thing: iedilferent. Citiee will always haven clan that Iill evade ell law. The Maine law in to nine extent OVllllOd in the citiee, and there in lound moat of the crime and panperiam. Rum is bought or emungled In every poeaihle way. Even there, however, the evil in diminiehed, aa a public eentiinent be- ouinee more eoand, etronger meaeuree will be reatored to. The whole rum intern! has fallen into the loweat and vileet clan, who defy piiblio aentiment, and like thieves and trampa; look only at what they can get wiihent too much danger. H.R Duke Connanuht tecrime,l found the jail ol ' . uonor poroopuun, uuuu mar muqu than ho. In in n ntivo at Kain. and boloro ho loft thnt 8tuto,forty yuan linen. toonnp In Iniuinmry lubor in Turkey undor tho din-ooliou oi, the Amorieon. Loud, ho In deeply. lutoratod in ton- ponnoo, and had donoguod urviorm tho oauu. Dr. Hliillill thuo writes :- `lnino being my native Shto, And nut hnvmg named in it for forty yoga. my rquru to it lad Inc to onuioo tho Iluiuo law nnd its working with grout intonnt. I have boon through the State in nrioua diroctium, from Kittory to cum; have attended thn public Inootingo in man] u! the ouuntju nnd hue hgl intg:-puuyu with nun who hno known the State I .uu_Lr1:.tv9,-,3. lug. !'0 90 II HPGIKEIHO?- C". . ' In tho udvuoooont cl unpauoo-In tn thuoluygood nun IO `mm than unuhouy i not shut oviduct. .810 tliuoay coming Iran the Ru. Dr. Cylul nnlin. D. 0.. lab Paddock ol Robutt Cpllop, Oonncuhnopbz Turkey, In nil 5 bonuol, of MI Inqrily. and 2&0 in: ability. For in honour on-motion. 01-min lint dnuin ` l_lld l,_ 0! III IDIIII . IOU DOII nger pol-caption. uorein ulnar dancin- .1nAlmn.,n1hn'nhuL xidu nhaguking `unit 5 suntan : ru urnuuou or tn ur-I Ab- PHOSFOZONE! vranon ofcod [alarm fmnfully. flhhlll an pi`-Ob` Jnlllllcly hiltop coo nu run-nucl. I um, I Irnoroanunsq lS|ighl|yllamagedPIinlsl And would all the menu. ol than who on in and o! lhmooda to OALL and INBPIOT `Hill. Thoyuv cheap and putt]. AI-IILNDIB B0898, Princes: Street, Feb I 1879. OPPOSITI CITY EOTIL. LT HENDERSON '8 Wunnutta White Twill Shooting: at 2, 2 14 um! 2 1-2 ynrdn Vida. Wunnulu Pluin Sheetiugl st 2. `I I-4 and 2 I 2 yank wide. Hormchi Wluh Shogun`: M '3, 2 14, Ind `I I-2 ytrdn wide. (lay TIIII Shooting: u `I. 9 l 4 and 2 I-3 ygrdl wide. Urey Plain Sheeting: at 2, 2 I 4 and `I I-2 yank Vida. ` White Cotton: u 7:. Be. 9c, I00 um 12 mo. Grey Cotton: Iron 50 per yard. Pillow Oououu Ill, (0, 42. 45 Ind 54 inches. Pillow Linen: 40 and 46 inchu. 3` All (hey Cottnnn, While Cotton: um] Shooting! sold bytho pbao at Kontlu Ilnoloulo pricu. n M `M II. Wu. nu. wuun Illldllp. 320.000 Worth of Dry Bonds to be Sold wilzhuut Rosana GREAT AUCTION SAL! 1'0 Bl HELD ON ALL uqnxnr DAYS Tuosdnyl, Thnrudoyu and Boturdsyr at half-put two o'clock in tho sfternoono, and 7:30 in the evenings. Z` BEAR IN IIIND-THERE IS TO BE NI) RESERVE. Thooodo will ho ooldn vour own prion. NOTICE. The Int sale commences on Thursday`, the min Inn and tooontlnue an above ml the Mock Is disposed cl . 9` N B.-P|lIVA'l'E SALES IIIELII DAILY A3 USIUAL. ANDREW KEYS. P. HARTY, Auctioneoc. l'oquoon'o Block. I700 Pisces Shaatingsiireyand White Uottuns---(moan AT W A.LDRON"S. [ A|| '9 gm or they HIIIIIO In to mum and we nur Stock sad the Erlool Illd than ud for thomsolvon 5" ma PRICE ASKED AN!) NI) LESS TAKE . Oountry om gnu would do well to give up I null 13 we urn mlhng Goods much lau Ihu mumluoturlng prion. MoNAUG HTON & G0. Uh-l (`0II.a mun 3.1.1 (0 w.nu. All-wool Tunod Cults, 83,50 to N. Diagonal Ooau 85 to $7 .50. All Wool Tweed from 450 to 01 par yd.: "Q All-wool Dingmul and Wuntod Coating: 32,00 per ylrd-. All Wool Black 110.. M. `I .00 per yard worth .1,bq Han and Cum It All pr-it--pg Gena` Furninhingu at hull what they cook laloitolcollneuce on s:|t:r :l:lyh. `4':In..f:bnrnuII:_I'y!.. and to contlnuo Iunll ` Jun `Ind, 1379, (`|otlIlIu:,Cloth.<, Iblnxonnls. Worsted Coatings. Twoeals, Gents Fumlslnlngs, llats. Cups, &c. Illl ` Kattluw, Ihrklnl lmh. Edited by Dr..8ohol. Prln M. A GREAT LBATBGAIN !% can n-noun unu- Ileavy Al|~Wool Tweed l`|nI.I. 33. But All-Wool Tweed Punk, 83,50. Black Due Plan, $2.60. ` Dingoml Punt, Si. Tweed Voau H and upwards. I'M .|nckelI from 89 to 85.00. (bve-rmnu from 83.00 to 36.50.` A||~unnl Tnnnrl Cnnh. fl 5 '... fut! [Ihz1'ar_ _['}_l1_13ehh. Clothing n--: u w 1 The Granri_e_sl V - Gent.-`_L lurnlshlnaa IMcNAUGHTON&CO S ----gig MITCH`! IE1` IAII IILI.`I c"u.L|nv 4--- _..--o--n n n______ ;_ A'I- II I #798 ' TIITIOUSLNDYLBDS IIVKQIAIVQK Raw columnar: on ~ tie-`Now Tomnontt By luinout. lnalilh old Aludosn lulu _ Ion o! nrlonl donouinnuona, with ` mllllilmll high dun [ann- tlonu. Ihm. Plan: nnd Mad u Clothing EOYDEII '8. P. EABTYS Last Clearing Sale IIAI JUST IICIIVID A IIW L01` 0' EVER OFFERED IN KINGBTOEVJ I.c-InlPoh-an-AD 'ln Tnpveutry and Wool! SEE PRICE Llb'l` A In u'TEl-1m III! ? '3' ;5|19!`? flu byuirbobfuacll/IIAIM DOII UP POI `I'll IIIIII. CALI. alto Oil dol DID-VII? en 1. w, BIOWR A on. Dan Illh. Ioivihsgzloun 2 [1 Into! VIUYOIIA ILADDERSI [1, w. BROWN & co's mozuwuunun a UU. Cmuum Knmt Punwun Stun-. OAIIIAGI ILOTOIY. ,,.ggQg_1:v%Q;g'.g]% llduihpplynn-alnlu y I C -2 jg -5-. n--4. un Illll Hill llllllllllclllflll MoNAUGHTON at 00. Ill Kntnh Punuw-u R-nun `clkorusy .-.2` V Wluolal/3',-_1 Worsted ~33 \'_`0Illns_ $3:--`T ;...`..V...... n...... IQ. Iuughloauu I UOIQUIII IIOOI, tlll Illupllol pm... 169. No. 3, wrrl! MU_s1o-aoa. A1` Iuanlbilsoujs. VJENTJ".NJE 3| nil! . j agzoirmvmh xununm mgn cuu mum Mona, liar Plan and Oak, oi. I, can- Iihil Dfd "'I'nmp."Ui|on Alum [ III C THO, 1 Mann: owns sir DI!- VVIII do do OIOHCIOHIIOIIOI `n. Muhnlio lnlhgIoo,IlrA. Inluihthoahda with non nu... Ibontto -ah In munch. A Incl Yovlu I I50 Vdtboro Rook ._.....__. Han n Conn I-This In the ail. 0! Grip : lat cartoon. It `in: 3 Intel ol Bl! John, -ounud upon the III|O olqhn `R. P.,' turning the count of on onto that ol Omwh, while Hons- Ipn. Muhnuio, Cartwright, Bolton. Huntington. Mr A. Snub and Ir. Ry- III an In 050 shadow 0! 3 null. and bun, with which they on about In duel upon tho Tory ........n. `Ill IV` I" H- Uc IIITIIUK T `M Q -II-I' hr kind III dmninud. Agnes Coultonn vngnnt, and hot child, won um up for can days; lodood, houulou and In my any Mullen, tho County pol in I most oullomblc lodging house during Moll l._l-_..u --.|L.. Uwuun u-luv IVIl'lIl. lllnlonont Iuthor. q.'.'.'t!" U` Oi-nun In.--We n hon Rnku, am "A Onnlng uid, vlng hhuno 0:000:30 lluvlo Ian, 9! Kingston, under the inlnouo ol liquor, unubhd and HI M the OIIC ol Gouge and linens Blunt: hit no on- zgglnjmm Klnnnllnuinnlxn *IICIZvIVvIIIUI Zuljiilrvi ulnulodahrppnoolglnnln the whlotollr. 1'. Dela. loo thhihq 4.14.`. A--.--4 L-J L... A.-g kn "jijnxuuvvuuv -:. wuvuyu Ion.uddo|tbudyhntoluvpua Ilghnlu the which lads` Stucco IA:-A" (loans: -n main: in`: :1 tun IuIuu.-'l'ho $uau(0I- IIIO)|I|hN@IpIbl Iid of (IO poijilcl tho li- llniumhnuuouyprou indict: HIO.3IlI'I, 0IItIlC.h.U hhrlslnultpzg. up an o. hhu',I$.d)m5.0AltIuu lin- Pouc|.~,-Au old gonllomm, thou diuipntion ha been giving nnnoynnoo Io Manda, III oommittod to tho County ..;.I I... In A.-. Annlhnu A... nl - -In-L uuuuuu`, w- uvuuun-vu -u uuu vvuul pol hr 10 dnyu. Anotlnr an ad I lini- Ign Linn` can `II-nninnml A IIIAI nnnllnr I } W . Q` I-And-Q A14 ..`..,'ia'S','..'i..'..,"'a...""' ".'.'." unnllhod inhalant V HI 0 nd Iub nu puny. than; 2.1: nnndlu--Inna:--Ag Ohblld Illlillt - no '-"-""..'.';'.z.:.'-. .....,:: f JOIN I00 bxupuu, Q-nnl CT! I--* I unuuu hllanrny 4... ..JA.IALn-A.InL-L-I---.-- -CZVm- IT! ~_' hkhllthd &jJq0q| hlhhldqnlvnh oh htnhdunqnihdox j-j`:nn.IuInXnkX-.An-: IIII."\'C. K? IUWUII K W onnplhtic muting: in the tuwnnhip nf Ocpny during the put lortnight, whore u put roviul bu ulna plum, than being Iron 30 to 50 inqniron ovary enn- ing, and I In-go numbor of oonuniuu. `u wotk in porhapo the moat romnrhblo lhu bu uhn place in Ontario (or ooxno 11-- tine. Tnl QwoI.-Tho Nspnnu pooplo Inn booomo In In sdnncod In their nivoouoy of tho nilny nnholno thll tho question of brand or narrow pup I tho buin of oonlidonblo dinouuiun. OI oouuo tho umul dionnou of opinion prqnil. n.lVIvAI..-IIlU Jwvv. l\- Iuuclly. U] Kingston, bu boon engaged in Ipoohl ADA-ma-"nO:n mp`):-n. in Ola- 6..-..-Lin A. A Music Received: Wan: We Oonuo1xon.-lu our notice of tin (non! of - tho Into Mr. Robert Duncan yonurdny tho lint of pull-baron was In- correct. They won Dr. Hon-iuu-bi. Q. C.,`Jolm Creighton, R. W. Bu :-hr, Wil- liam Shannon, F. J. Goorp and G. M_ Willdnuu. Dullnt up Rlr|u...-M 3 non? lcuponnoo muting at Odnu it In: do- oidod, by unnnimoul ruolution, to op- pou the by-luv now boloro tho olooton Aiming at the ropenl u! the Dnniin Act :1 in force in the Township of Ernst- town. FA-ru. 8en.on4u.- On Tlunndny oun- hg the youngest non of Mr. 8. A. Hou- Iip, of Email, and `bout 5 you-I, fall into I pail of hot [Her and Ill no budly scolded thnt ho dlod yulerdny morning. `as. F`. X. Oouuunu l 0o.`hnn just ro- ooivod I oonuigumont of wide English prints, slightly dnlugod by water. which they will all at 8c. por ynrd; format vo- lno 130. And Ibo. ll.'s-r|n1-muuxux--A musical and lim- Jpry untoruinmont will be [iron in Porn- mouth on Wodnudny ovonlng next. I; -1]! I-4 '11- Mu- In.-.4o ad 5}... D-u-Inn-I-in-. Iuvulu nu vvvuuu-um Iv-nun` uuAn 1` will be (or the bandit of the Proubytorinn Sqnday School. "' ,Pmnm.mu. - Fuoh wuhrly to ndnthorly winds, Luly cloudy Iuthor with light noon in some looalitiu. Bin- Ing tompontmfn. lanuuun uvwa. FEB ! 15, um.` ! Awnolqmo and mm Ilaalar ` _3_s ruinous sulln`. Ictfnoorauvo no my local. nape.-. ` I TP_r'int_:aMs'_Lnwar than tha Lowest. }':.0o-lo `Wnddtb -0ITII .byDnduonh No Al !.&:!l.`."..`. .'.."'."`... dnnoog No 10! [mu gang gggmuu =w1ua.| Bnvnvu.- l`ho Rev. R. nchy. of l'l-...|..- Lg. I...-u an-Q-J in nnnalnl r. q_nis;rnovgc,' Iuouoorltduon-lint PIIITIUTIIII VICKI`-I -~ voubllylovlall hubs in nu J - m..- ......:'.-::.-as.-::-.-.:':~.F'.-'5..""'.'. gr Gold In mu rm -ts (;'o|cok loo. 4oF----- 91 ggnouy 4--.__.-_- -jnnllhii ll` 011 ? AND VIOINITI. -__._ _ Ctfllll Uvndlu gnh Bohoniuh 0-nntlnnn 1|--cw: u-on-g wI-uI~ ,in non: how. ya; nuwisipuul w IIUXT'Il)VIIZ-Iv: -w hated echo in ooututvlthu wood ddghuullngocooploh neck 0! the honor. About Ito lune this notion `bin bot |I IIM lbdrhuln to runny, Ohnululgodogto Ir.0. W. Alum, vnnduhluA|olutuuolnI- Idogndnulululounulpfvlonu that llqhpub-Month ulna I-. O.(hnIIItu', when shalt nlnlgl ......,A_.A..A nhhmnnnh TL; 1| -I, U.|lI'rIIIu'I. VII-Iv I-W uuuhnn uhlrput. Thu [:0 hghbclluuunogqbcturuklng ..g|pu|nhvloo0lIn|uoI,IIo .14.; ._ nu-In dannlhlnl. 15: IO "noun IIIV. llr. Uuvl 5- uwu nkdtl. Ru. Kr. Pouock Iuloomod Ir. Oooknhbdbh church. Ru. Dr. Jackson oonv ad the Id!-whim 6! Dr. Gnnilndlh an n_t boingpn- cont. Ho (Dr. Jackson) ogorod word: 0! count] to than in ngud to the working ol the climb. lav. Ir. Ilouig hr pnnod upon no church the inporhaoo 0! out Dunbar working in unioon with Iiolr putor. Ru. Kr. Jollio cloud -hi an nuullnnl nnnnnh. Aq Roy. IIOII pnuor. luv. nr. ululuuu Ipuu-vu wilh an uulloul quot. Alta II. Oook Ind thnkd the church (at tho uaoou tndond him the mating dead with tho bonotliotlon. 1:1-- Sorlou Runny. Pdunn and nn_inalun.ud ox. dhnat about 10 o'clock thin morning, tlooaudnn 0! it Doing out 0! the nod ndounnvnyn that has occurred (or __- M... In um Int nlnnnlhn Lanna Dilriilvuyuu-u--u-v-cu-nu-w nnouuo. In tho Int phonic Inono cl In his Gordy. hula, nu sup. n. _... .n..u.. 1.... IMI-an-n , jly Initials-um not T hcluunohultlonanvlhuil _._.;__II_ ...-LA I. LL: nuns. and ml . Ioeet evening e reception wee tendered to Rev. 0. A. Coolr, the newly inducted peetor ol the Beptiet Uhnroh, by the Iediee ol the Church. An excellent epoeed wee leid in the veetry ol the ehuroh, to which-emple jnetioe wee done. Alter teeen adjournment took piece to the church proper, where Mr. 5. P. White wee celled to the oheir. He niede . eone renerke complimentary to Rev. Mr.` r Cook on `hie eppointment. He reed en epology from Rev. Mr. Dobbe, end then introduced the peetor, who geve en eo- oonnt of the oiroometenoee which led to hie cell. He eeid thei. he believed it wee previdentiel. He wee note he wee emong ` lriende who would eympethile with: him end eeeiet him in hie lebore. The choir eeng "Oome unto me" in "good etyie. Rev. A. Wiieon urged the importenoe oi the oongregetion being very eociei with their peetor, giving him inll liberty oi their house end heerte. The choir egein rmdeted en eppropriete entlmn, when Rev. Kr. Smith gev_e e epeeoh in hie uenel heppy etyle. Rev.'W. Jeoheon followed end epoke of the divoreitiee. in the Ohareh at Ohriet, end yet the unity olhthe whole. On behel! 9! the people of Kingeton, end the Cllrietiene eepeoieily, he weleouei Rev. Kr. Oooh te their __l.I.A n-_- II - n_-....I. _-I.......J ll. &III-uIIIuu1up---p In use oppodh Ir. Wllkluo-`I groin-ythonuutovllulhovush I-nhnnl an: In nonhatulthl ' u'...}u-u -iT--u-y3-` - uu-ah: on-.0-II (minds -1- ....,p. Wu. Ihanooluboohlr, .. ;u-_A_. _..I_u.- 4-an an-uni;-aj IUII JI'IIII. --`R.ov. Mr. Fonytln, of Pombroko, III robbod of I pookotbook oonhining .100, while on his in) homo from Brpalxa villa. Ho wu writing n lath: in the nnoklnjonr, And the book wu Imtohod while he wn huing 3 little friondly talk with nomo one in the you behind. coo L :-:-`+."*`:i'\i`;T.g;,_l an I05. vvuprulur Iuvu Jll|l'IllIIIlv. -1! tho Wino keep: in rondon `in ignorance of whn in going on in the world, it`: utonilhing till} in 3 hit old, and in open competition with our oonhnponry, tho puioronoa ol tho pub- lic uhould bo no mnnilutly in favor o! this journll. __d)-- M. Ir...-..u.., nl Pnmhrnin. l III now IIIIVIVIIII uvalwui `VI In nun.-,\ Ill nolloaa of applioatlona for dioclm-go ll-on Insolvency; ouo Chancery notioo ; and tan now notication: of Bharill "lulu ol lands. -Rov. A. J. Bray aaya Mn. Scott; Iiddona can read splendidly, but aha cannot act. Ho! don he know? A: a Uhrlltlan minlator he la not uuppoaod to boa frequantor of thc theatre! The boat theatrical critics of England nay aha can act. We prelar their judgment. 710 ll.` Inn: Ir;-nu in rnarlnrn `in Hull `UIIHIIIU l`IIl IVI-ll, 5:. --In tho lul Ontario Guam appuud 76 new inbolnnl notice: (of ull kind|,( -:- ....H... at -....li.-|i..-.- Inn .li-nln.-an P. I II. IIUIIIUIJ VCTWII CIIUIII II. -Wedding: u-(tho ouuu of 1 good dot] of jollity In tho oountry. Porhnpo, radon, you nornr mondod a country nodding! No; well you don't know win! guanine I-In rally in. __In ll; In-I Dntanin flaulh nnnnnrnd I17: -II . KUWQIII, UI lklIl`I|vUIl. -Pml Done, 5 Funoluun, of Smith : Fplll, loft town without bidding. noun pooplo adieu," or letting than not why in nu going Ill], and they spa pear to be torribly vexed nboul it. _,,\H.1l.li.u-. .-"ling .--nu: Al 1 unml }-r-hi- T ` .,_, ,,.,` an mi. OIIIDTI:

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