mu.` a-n-unII, u.I. Iillupl-III |)I'0Il'CI- ---Ir. 8]. Huohono oolkibuhtl I curiosity to tho WIN) Am Inhibition to- dqy-o copy ol the Not Yotk Oommcroial Adqorliur of Oct. 2nd, 1707. It in u lnlonotlng folio. Ono ndnnhomoat coll: Io: tho hiring o! A "good nlloh Inn" "for . -ugh. cl..." .9 . ............ ...:.. un vuv --nu. vu - 'vvu uuuvu I1 um-mu tho"Magonomuaprioo. _3IiNuy became III. John Giboon'| nlon an Ila... ..-I..- --- __.._x--.| um. nun-ya -n-nun: uvvul lI,I XIII! llll lonponnoo Int club. In Lindsay, after vuporl. ho dolinrod I powerful Addrul on tho touponnoo quoltiolyoupooinlly dwelling on t_lIo noumoni in Toronto to nbolilh only olodq on Saturday night. --A voioo from Bull: noties no that -..l.Il... n. .HII n.- -|.x-: __..-1-..--. _, (nu nuvv uvuu Ian-All uosulu I III! weddings are null the chief ucileuunt on AIECIC Xllllld. LIII Hook Ill. LILl-- Isggun. ll- I..I.- n:|.-__-_ __|-_ EIIIIIII, uvualuu In`. -Junn ulooon I VIlII' tho. Ion union: no prunind. Tho hhndcn,N.P." in nuptial prom-nu. ..Ilp ll. l~l.s.L.... ......n.:|...;.A - AcuJo|uun?u."oui-nun-amu. n-n-an-I-I-lg-mI.A..l .. 5. 4L. uv-- In-Iq noun] uuniotcll ll IIIUIIITZ] hu boon About 026,000; yesterday It ruched tho enormous amount of 0113,- .s43 00. 49.... m Hllingl map in amm- nlo. Mr. Thou. Koomn loot n. And the (AIR now In um the wrong nun paid III: dununn_ Than I... In... . ...:.o,.|.. us: was uuw ll nuns Inc wrung llllll it] tho duugu. Thou ha been I minhh in dop. _`D.o|... no-0...) ..-..-- |-.__ -_u- L), no-Iuui hash-maul-o (Icahn ' latch Voulhtlld Iunorht, CIII ulna ;.-4 .1 LI. &n._|.- `_A__A._ _____ ._ -'l`ho n nlu-In us not or-rrootly struck yuhudny morning. Tho how can drinr a well u the uu-clad oiliuna Inn bowildnnd for I ti` -Tho dsily nongo amount of Ou- tonfduty lately oolloctod at Mantra] Inn Innn Ahnnl nsnm. -..o-.a.- u I -'l`ho ldbonl-Oonurvutlvo Associa- tion had 5 pow-vow on Suurdny, for n talk our the Pmunubuhlp. Tiny an synod, probably. -Kinpon an about up hndlomoly. too. on plpom. J. McAdam and W. Irwin |u_vo I "pontor" hunting 164 inhoo from book to tail. mL_ 1,, -uuuuu-I VVIIII nwiua Inll marmulou bu boon uout successful for two onthn, I..- .....l-.l hu ondod . -uu- -uuumug urrnuguuonl. win: no Koutrul Wookly Heruld and Stanwllioh I... In... yum ..........c..| I... 5.... ...,....n.- -lC VUI `lllln --Thu no twenty`:-so doctor: Active pl-notion in Kinguon-nbont ol professional for 700 permnn on t} u UIUUUI IIIIUAII tlllll 15! D I. _ ` -'-Bellow : Jlaqasiua lo: Much in,"u usual, the but of in clus. `It: View: of Capo Horn.` Am! uuoriptionn of Iucrouo, an very good. ._'l'l.... ... 4---`--L--- .n---.-- :_ ~n- nvnullvru l.I"IllIII Uulllllly Ill paid up its ouploym, and II hopeful 4 I hm. nuoln than 1878'; - n..n....v- u-,__:_,, , u", I - r ynvuiv I Iilpullu. -Roport up tint Mr. J. W. Fraliok hni the Anglo Amoriom Hotel. Report in correct. --"l`h Northern Tnnnit Company In. [lid Iln ill llnnlnilnl Ann! I: hmulul nl -A very plouant winter time. --Onpllnl nlciglning in the all]. < -Vonnor ought to lot! disoonngod. : Thin begun. to look my lens like 5 month of thin. -A Wntottown lady has counted 150 pitch holes during I mils and I halt : drive out at the city. ' ` -.l)M;-- in n.n"A4I AL- tI.;......A ........A_.. ..--.._ . vv----.-._ __--. -., , Will En one 0! ` he Iuhrbllnontn SHIN" III walk; of IVIDNIJ um ' Anna: L. "4- ..,_'._. Clll VI III` VII : --Ottawnip called tho `biggont country town in Onnndnf Hnyor Molnlonh will plane respond. _l`I-n...p-.-- lI..A M- I III I.1,_n:A:, ' AIl|'I'l'hIol`l'Ilo. uvvu-U. - -001: dubbing nrrongomonl with the Inna-.ul W...I.l.. II.-0.1.1 -...a nu... _|.:-n. wr- -Fothor Stnord novor Iuyn uldo his Ixlnlun can nlnl. In I.h..I..-. -04-- It Ionlu--ut to shy,- Tlno 8 lo, not no lwonl, Paving lor the u In]. `Kiln than voaldrt lord, no r How bountiful upon The nonnldll thou would be TIIV foot! 1'|:lo~lm ulou Wore conqnoot worthy than ung-ton, rob. I5, I879. II-cu-In 1| luau, Io null D&r"b9ltorpIubI'lIoI dlouyooulryzj [Ibhuovhgvgnu (Irma In my the 3&1-htlhva It to Junta nppllubb to Dipuuutqnrnul wht Ihghuu Ihquto uthlvihluuaiuoubolrnpu nun... A 4-4.: 4. .u.s."-a. ..4....m- Tlwn half! rowan: Found '0 . hculotl II an lbl " `2.'..u...:..i..{".... `% "' umu:IuicunmI. lo Inn lb I-MIV3 lad, And toll dual to no In rule In 1 III bud. L nun mun: 1.9.: Am aounruuu Icon; War: the to shun ch Ign K 'l'Io bravo hlpoot the Innu- For shalt! '00. chuck thy hnnnn lun.~ ` ` Lu-_ Oldhhlvbouvnlbo `I1: luoolcuuqu-tquuohodv Th In-Mono yaklrhubbd-bdnnohd. Iudo thou? the Afghan be It Inn to mm Agd toll nu lotlhlo it they who not low In Itrllo. ` flu A! an -omuu black The ghts : oouIm1=Mlo. -; sinus vs. uulum-u.f V-Y.I_l) WAH8. `Ir :1 u|u-ut Ilnv.-- nuruulnutlpn n "5 calculi: ant`: I--`Al; "V"-?"ITWffX-'*C""' u-annual-uy uguuqnu. mC`l8IU*.`IOIhIIUOC jg E. On. Invnln lb unlabell- Iqbpuldnpongnln. ` llllilv. link on `-ZXT " II- i ._.A _._A__ _n,, '71}. a. ; xoupua, I. 1-.. an loruudunhtIhnurvuuuhu- .I... AL..AA l.._.0 -.;.A -;n.a-;__ an- ICTUW nutonunuhldlluhulunln the AA- jivrvujlvtnl ol the (III [Inf] htulbt. --u-no-, ---a corn rvvxuuu aolhu ouoqud lad Ilontolt Inlnlupuo thnoluu locaualhdhn -1 `L- n..|| -| __ L-_-_n_- puny -uv -n Iacuuul-II nu-U-. ln Quon Street 0. I. Church yacht dc; naming. Rn. Ilr. udbnith panch- od on Hanna, and that in rooordod o! it In tho Blblo. Ho llhood nun : know- lodgo ol lilo with God to Sir hue Now- Ion'n not In his Ihdho. lninom though the DMD! hohlo hoyot claimed that honhndhulonlho Ihanlhiktho nuooon 0! duo: In hofun Mun, un- Mhonol Iul unhown. 0! Heaven, Ilcllo In how, but Aldon, the ......a... .n..n....| n...n L... ......|..| . gm`. 5 '.A:0:...l=m`I:l'h`ru Ounce! T-unono 96`.-`-~a.bnau ".":".u'.'J1s`8a"3 & . "'.at'..`."' "` | ulvluu-I -uu yulwuuuc nuv-an-nnuu. . The Ersngoliuio union in the City ` Bull in the nlhrnoon Ind evening ol yer hnhy won Ittnotivo. In the afternoon then won biblo rnulingapnd in tho oun- ing goupol preaching, alter the style of bold Gull, with when nligiono unooiu tlon Ilr. Walk, sud Capt. Tumor, now in tho city. Ippur to bo idootiod. Oupl. Tuna IOI lonnorly located in Kingston, and hhaova Ooinnnyunnolou-at u Boyd Onadinn llilu. l.. n...... lnun n ll m.....|. -..o.. n. .--J v---.-..-l In the owning Brook Itroot Proobr torlnn Chutch III llod to the nnormoul, And the lu-go oongnguion gun nun- tlon to the cannon ol Rev. Principal Grunt. which in dirocud to I considers- tion of the lutun lilo and tho hope o! Haven. The dinoouno In: very thoughtful sud men, and Ivnuoutod poinubwhich gun riu to man or Inn in- dividual And persons] Inodiution. `Flu- I`...-....Il... much... 5.. oh- nu- I In the shaman of tho Incumbent, the service: in St. l nul`n Church Into con- ducted by jho Von. Arohdodoon Psrnell, chop urviou are non gonoronuly `inn in ovary emergency. I- AL- -_-..._.. D...-I. -A---A D_..|_.., wuuu .nuIou:; ...I -A4-J Wit It cdqonlnhl ndcnllul Ljnnna-I--A-.4 |I_'U ICC-II IUIl`IU|- I """"' ' " , enee e elainia that he in an authority on the eubject e! which hetreate. He may he and he may not be ; the Catholic Church may be a bad and dangerous inatitution, ae he aaya, and it may not be. Theee pointa we did not propoae to ujue. What we do` object to ia this uu|mown'a refer- ence to the policy of the Catholic Church in Kingeton, ao far in the poor are eon- oerned, and to eapecially repel, an a alan- aer, the inn utetiun that the lunda rnieed for charita lle purpoaea go other waye than: those for which they are expreaalv intended. The statement wae made that the clergy of the Catholic Church were not anfliciently conaiderate of the poor-, that often the Catholioe ham] to go in their want to Proteelaule for auc- `oour and aid. Then in regard to the contemplated charity aermon for the benet of the poor the expreaeion of a companion wee quoted, that the poor" were the nconpauta of the Biehop'a Pal- ace. Now we know whereof we epeak when we aay thateuch inuendoea are libel- oua in their nieaning,and are not juatied by facta. We d. not know what may be done in other place:--in Germany an.l Italy and the United Btatea with which thia itinerant Ieoturerallegee he in ac- quainted-bet thia we do not linow. that Biahop O'Brien ia one of the kindeat hearted oi men,that he la the poor : Ipecial friend and counaellor and adriaer; and it win but recently that he made a per- aonal and eloquent appeal in their behalf from the pulpit ol the Cathedral. to the reevalt of which aeore_a who have been the recipiente oi` benevolence (rain the St. Vincent de Paul Society can bear grate- lul teatimony. And what we have said of Dr. O'Brien may be aaid in great part of the reverend Illllleruen who are acting under under him in connection with the ehureh-Fathere Twohey, Corbett, Hig- glne and Leonard, the last of whom lec~ tune on Sunday evening next in the in- tereat of the poor," not of the palace, but or `run vcrrv, even Proteatanla aa well ae Catholics, who are dependent up- on the etfurte of the Society for the ineana oi auhaiatenoe. We make thia enertion ln prompt denial 0! a Inalicloua inainnatien; and we.hope in future when ' public attaeha are made open any body or church, that the truth will be told, and nothing but the truth. tuun, lull I0 BIVI `rm nama wm. MONDAY. FEBUARY 17. 1316. ' uwv mu:-In -UQIIIVIIU UIIIE --f U Jinn tnknu religious on-don, and to have ._ ._.-q -----.-- -rv- run"-v--u van-unv--u V nod particular religion. ,"l'MII though!` have but ouggubd by an adieu: to which In lintonod for rtimo on Sunday. We bin not Iuonlionod the oposku lump, nor do n inland to do I0, having I doclinod to ndvortlu him tithe [ntnl- 1 tounly or lor mnnoy. This uuilnt of ` u.. 11...... n.u...|:.. m.-..x. H...` . THU uuu--J vu nu lll"lI"- lllll l-Il.llIlU 0|} Ila Roman Catholic Church L--- A-I._.. --I.'..:...- -_.I-_. __j A. L__, tuuv*wVIT"iI*$'&Uj Z ! rating. Tiny an Incoming (our in nunbcnbut than iutill I oumcionl nun- buui `gin onaounpnont to unypdu in dual: Ilulll upon Pttioulu ollnnbu .-ul n-.Al....l-- ..I:-l..-- .'L..- AL_.._LAI C501 Igllnll Ihyknovnboulthoduph III! and thyhn_ldI, ud Honotinout good dullonthulluyknov. Tonaglth. nhnling unlntiou ol than who Inn .-.J. -4.L._...l .-.4J......_,._._a..J._A.. DAHAKE `III, (`WEI IIIEDIII-Y-Al 1 Illjjl SUNDAY l.AB0ll8. `I'll can run. _ "1 'q&O|NQcIbIn. `ho ----v---'---cu -ul'wvuU'u1- Int. Iodbdngllonnnhqobocll pub in up and: Nnfodguu-6. Iiolnnuunoolohynd-onnnuhn; Ilqldnvohoycuoolyobuyouud dnad Ind-II-.1 .-J IL... .|..A.. --. -u--vv-v'v--vuq vvvyli-U1- nnnluldlulplud, ndlhyddn lhdudould Iohtlbhunolboh Anl-L-A-E v-uvuu "WC ICU1 IIUZUU I} W -006; ufloluuun chunky`:- bk. 15000:-ltloooafln. Wucrnd wnonsimv. I-.5. `mu, m 5. .......-. -3) on up mm don: the ohms. as-union-I Au. 4.... 1 r--....r-. .,..-.,, ........-. :. nnsr :.'nI1n-.-,% on up tponnn. j '0 Innboon-l0apL Ilovuyooupldu hilhrjyollhoannnynnohnhiohbohgg has nljnbdbyhlvhhh phi: In an-n Ijnnh Jnlnnlnd L. n-...._.- vvtvvijvvw wuuvuiiiy IT?! lulu: heathen ouhllotbo Donn-I -nah A-I'LAAnnnnn an-angl----- , ....-.- via vu .-'nv-wu nu-u IIIIUC` win. The iron boonmo nd hut, ro- lootin tho but inwards. nnd bolnn the human Inn nuns o! it n Bro Ind cou- muood Iu havoc in the spoon botwoon the upper story and tho tool, tooombat which Inn 1 work of no mu. Innnl and ` Ilioulty. The look In ailing, tho non could only breaths hy lying ulovn beneath the uuoonnd john, and in um pndon oponto Ibo Ishoock extinguish- olI,IlI0 phi ! In cl which In uh doulooohollyohuk thin. sum. ` lyufbrlioehing the plan Ospl. Horny thought but non angina would ho nodal. ud nut to out {or the Non)- Iculc. but It In not past! Into ur- via. Tu low: paid allot tho ont- hut 0! tho unlqnuon bolon the Inn-nnnnnnndlnhn-o C-I DI'lII. DC`! U". WVIII IuW!' '1 won all the protection that could be nquirod. But their pnoonoo _Iu, por- Ilnpc, more to ho nqnuod than other- -in Thu in.-A L...-n- _..I |...n _. The no building: vere connected, but only at the front. An erolnuy I-en beck several feet, end then the ynrd III reach- ed, the factory proper being cut in until it roeembled the elupa 0! en L. The etotehouee Ill Iuruiehed with iron chut- ten, front end reer. Theee were ell clon- ed tight, end one would Iuppoee they Ina all u.. nmnnain. or... ......u L. e I | u I r I and limiling ill deelructive power. it was clueely ourrounded hy nimble pr. petty, run] it wee moat lurlunnle tht the morcileal llune wen prevented I`:-am Ipreldillg. The remen worked like Ihe `home: which they ere, brewing dengu- end enduring dieoomfurie the like 0! which we nwet cordielly hope to be spared. 'l`he re burioedorcely, and its heel. wu inlenee. The wooden materiel in lhe building appeered to be well see- nouecl,und the large clock nf leather, oils, cm, which Mr. (mbnl in mid to have had on hand e-Ideal fuel to the lumece of n. end undo n blue which illuminated e large put in the city. A brink went wiud prevailed, end by this the llnme wee formed end sided, while at the name time it curieci ickering cinder: for eome dir tenomoruting the apprehension that tiny night ignite edjeeent houeee. The build- ing ueedne emre roome, peeling ruoml, end oioee was threatened. end indeed it we: only and nlter e noel. I up: 1.1` wuvu uuv gun` Ill IIIU ulv atnlion cnllod tho occupmlu thereof to duty, st which tiiuo the show factory was: oonlidanhly dunngod internally. Whuu Mr. Li. Olfurd. jrl. ruched the scene the atruoturo wu nanrly lulf gums. lle It. tempted to bi-all in a couple of tho door: and failed, but he forced hi: vny through I window mud entered the promise: three timu, only to be repeatedly drivon out by the hut Ind Imolie, without uving Anything. ln about three minute: after the Alum wu given the Chnlhlm engine wu plncod It Waldron'I corner and com- uionood pumping Almout immediately, the supply of vntor being oxcoodingly good. Two lino: of hue wnra Ittuzliod. and good stream: of water were forced through theno, but they were ulolou in lo fnru uuiag the factory, tho inItru- mental in uuw uunu Iuuu. ter in ehrouded In the mini my|tery- That it etnrted eccidentelly we cannot nun Ull'IIl UI Hui ulvll` I believe, when there Ill neither etuve or light in the_buildI'ng which line been on- eumed. he three` stories were heated by steam, end that the tin did u t begin in the vicinity of the boiler" in evidenced by `the feet thet it end the engine are nuin- juml in the epertunent in which they were luoeted, their nlvntinn being at tribnteble. no doubt, to the preeenqe of I dividing stone well. But it cannot be laid that en incendiary he: been applying his lunch, far lpp0I'.Il|0PI do not war- rant the eeurtion, end no the paint must remain unsolved if not indiepunble. 'l'he elurin In 3 little terdy in being given. It wee 4:14 when the gong in the tire niuinn ..lI.A Mu- m..m.....a. n.......r A.. n hnponry olou lut manner, but luuorly it l,uu boon running with hope ol that Iuoocu 0! which Mr. Uord Ill donning, but 3! which he wu da- prived by a combination of ICIVOPII cir- cuuuhnocl. On Sunday mornings re roduood lllll Inulunl nu Alllla the third Oimo. ' Tho origin of the disu- Onr in -I|~uuI.uI In Oh. ......I ._...L-.... uibsrozomzx 5--I -I -an .0-Iuugnlug VIIUIJI II IIIIIII IIIVI ' ' "ii- hrpriling bulimia nut and ouployor ol labour. Between Inns: and hard timo- hyhn been 1 more nuoror. Thm lilb Inc the cunt building boon laid in tab by tho Iuno`or,y olcmont; the Inc ooodun being In olooo connection with the Iolouut which undo I kn-iblo up in Primal utnot, and IIIDQO olfoola um ; loll. (or long Altar. AI won an insurance: oould bouljunhd, honour, the Itructuro In upland. tho mnohiuory so fur -- - 1aouibltIunIpIlud,oI'tOplt8od,*Iud thu Anfgislhkunnnt -nah: nnl In Ii-nlu nv._n._ Th nn'u_ ol the nunulploh ing dnputnont of 0Eoad`a dob chop, ` Btoek'-dud, in u unplount some to oonhupluo`, qhpoially uuplunnt in to- gud to the lumbar cl min the will lou onployiou hyita dummies, and in tr ` pm! to an ponlyaing clout it must Inn 1 " ` Ill]! uomnr 1 QIllCFI|lI. lg. .._ .1 U9? VIII-II. OTIOID A IIAVT LOIII ' -4`! Ili AID IIIUIAICI. sir -u vu pr: 5 wyu-um: , t__Ig_|in_ gt in livglg; A. .4- . .1" ' ' 1. :_,____.d; opreuuon caunq I Innh an m mg: Inn r T6333; mu. n... curmurnc wrrl All nlunc no in I'll PIOVIIOI. noqgxn xxud 7` --. j.-`_-.:-. /WK IHID. I. DOIAI , Pnnnt. Vin I is~\JII. Jabs Indon. Wu. lloilo, 0. V. Pris. `-`A III I (`bowm B. I. Irma. Wu. lolu ea. ]v.uucuuusumu] ]I.-A-G~E-|_ 3-E-E-n UUTICI-~WI 000030 : Ball. Jun. 835. Fbowu. II. I. ltmou. Wu. lulu w. and IIIIII Wood; KARAOKE. . . . 0 o . a --JAR IQAITIUI. luau undo on tho noun; alga...-and hrun-Ic1|yat1bvIPnpun;.hn-o-rldo hululooouuuhnuolbunvcn. OFVICI--Wolll bl Iluot. Qpuu If 009110`: " -u--vvv-wv-.-u'----w-w--v-- clbcl I.l. IIIIOIC FIQZIJ .lll'||Q|'I Illullz I'ClI1-BIl OI IITIOIZ latest and lost lullonabln Styles, suiubln he the paint anon. IN Il|ADY-HADll Ih8tooklnnunx- uonulvmlnlohu In Itylo Ind qul|1_v,'u;d uv nodurnlorlou Gk`. ll FUR RHINO (I000! of nude.- oripuonl and In nut urhty, oouuuulyon haul. mmuno Building & Savings Suciaty, IINOITUN, ` OITAIIO. _ ..____.___j -.vv PRINCESS STRIIT, (Nady Oppoula M: (My Hotel. Kl-cpuul. `PHI ORDER DIPAITIINT co-mun iuuouo A-cannon ol G00`! at tho WlDlIslMY_d TIIIISDAY. f _'II.'v'l9'fl no Dru. ' rqzmnnor -nnnnil-`.1 ' 1'Hos.'"'s-nALn, Merchant Ta.ilor,C1othier toullv nod. will nul fall to roduo mu luau-halal ruulu. pn solely in II. llol-Innon, Phurusoonuoul Chou-t. John . N. B and formula :5 D lot: I General Damian. Prlm IL nu-Iii 1|.- u. not-Innon, rnu-usconuoul 8:. 33 and Price IL pol-Iii do; all bottle: for C-1(1). Gena:-Al Dealers. `I'M largest, Most 83 llsln nnd Best stock for I Pur- chasers In the (my. T1) (!0N8U|ll"l'IVES.-Tho production of ` a remedy that m|{ he truly be phi tom Altar 3!;:~ ;:r:-..;p:~:t.: (`uuuuwyinvo n w gm: Impo of cum in not 1 few cues. and of much prolunmingofllfe In by fur tho [tutor number -the oulf remedy worthy of Lha nuno. Ihkah. II careful v and fnnhfully used may anon nml (HIM the dluuo, Ind In putty sun to ream! it and pmlo: 9 lip mart than any other Imnan: Wmnly. It I: a great denidarntluu. Yul. l.h|n duudanlum in fully mm. In llollnoru Plioc- ruonmm Euuunmu or con Llvn Un. wmu Lncm F Ilou-Inn: or LIII, which I: Illll,Val'- ullywknnwlodgnl whdrovorinuvduood, hobo the Mal srvpnntian ofod Llvor on output. and who u. ifcarofully, faithful] sud penu- laullv nod. will nu` fnllltar nu morkod an Inlalv In J. 499.-.--_ ssw- CCC Nxuvxuns is s posiuvo necessity to ' those who are sub oct to uarve psins on exposure to cold ; lservilins st once pone- ` lrslas through ths skin to the source of pain: Nerviliuo is one uf the most cerlsiu rm-medics fur nenrslgis, stfurdmg speedy relief to the suerer; Narvilmo has been` used by hundreds in Kingston sud vici- nity from whom it hss received Ibo high- on prnilo. Nernliuo can onl be pro- cured frum N.C. Pulsun & Co., ( ruggisls` Try Nurwiline, the new lsmily remedy for pain. h..._j_ will prevent an-ioun Iiokneu, n lune doc tor : bill, and pt.-rhnpn death, by Iho,na nl thrru or fnur luau. Fur curing cun- numptiuu, hemorrhngon, pneumonia. Io- Vl`I`9 coughs, qroup. or any diuue of tho chrunt ur lungs, in mucosa: in nimpl won- darful, in your druguint will tefl you. (lennnn syrup in now uuld in every town and village on llul continent. Suuplea bottles for trinl, l0o.; ngulu oiu, 790. In our utyle uf climlto. with its sudden change: nf tn-mporntnro-V-nin, wind and sunshine oftun intonuinglod in I Iinglo day,--it in no wand-:r that our children, frnonda and relatives are no froquantly takan from us by neglected ooldn, half the dentin resulting din-sally from thin cnuse. A butxle of Buuohooi Gnirnmn Symp kept about nbuut your homo fur immediate me bill. nnd Imrhlnn dnth, hr um Itlu OPERA ' HOUSE I COO; Em-ou|uanm.-Tbo G-womnnont, up the Globe, bu dolonnino.|- to mule inn. medislchsngu in the Militia Deput- uwnt, md among other: I" the brigmlo. mnyan and pnymutorq ro to be dinpeur od with except tho pnyluutorn at Kingntun and Quebec. ' ' 000 ._!.I..;$$vI.I: landing `shut Mr. Tuylor ubundom hi: claim upon the $1,000, deposited by tho gleiunut in the one of Dnnnnn u. Gunn. e Arr-onrnuu`r.-ln Satunhyh Gazelldt in snnuunood thnt Mr. Wm. Taylor bu been appointed Oluinl Auignoo fur the city of Kiuguon and County of Fron- iuinc. H i gndonood {hi thh` up- Dninlmlnl hnl. boon land: on ALA, unti-L uvu uuuuu. nu uru aim ! was IIDOIIII] u Mr. 011- nl noaiud an oil from "the city of Ottuuto runovohiq hotory thither,` but he doclilid it, proforring to remain `here, sud ooluidoring that it would goarouly pay him _to uluovo. ____ -.--- -- (} ENTI .EMEN'S ... unuuuy uupuryull II_ III II IIVIIII] vo htndu. We no um that rooontly Mr. 01] . rd mmivml An nor Inn... 1).. .0- nu-u ans. VIIVIII Iuu I19uIIuI'0O IID|l|lu- in; at me, noun: hi: humans will not In allowed to sale: by the uoidont but upnlnrt u tinou poIIiIJo._ The {smog ". .I.`;lT:.`.'"'. . ` L -4 "Univ gwuwnllbli no Iiolln thlt Kr. Olord II" comm-I-co abund- ln- .6 aim-A ...I ,.. n.:_ L.. .. __ _1II ,,_. P"? ' . `'c '13 it ml ; Pbouti.I5.W||: Wuhan I.b0Oud Iri- tinh lath Ana-in, CIJGL I'N'bIiH- In; In unund in the Oodicldnl Uniian. an onono um. nnmu. _` W: on lm! t he oblc to unndu-one 1|.-A ll. nA'....I ...n _4.....,. _- _.I.-:-J ltookfiuuroalin Ibo lulloviq eon- nnninn: In.-.1 man. 2... nnm. Aicntunv-=-snuctnvl vvv A uonllo Illnl. TH08. BIAIJC. Duncan In-at ".._';:.`.., ;.`x..'... .ii' --gnu Hun -.....oI_ roduo muted by J. 8:. 1.`:'. .;'-'-..':'E':-'.-."{`.`:'."'.'::..'{"'-':':.'~ ` Au Ruin ` hdlb L 134111;. IMJII {IL &_J. auimtnnl Hang.-lm.-A ------.---- vv g-wu-In noulu IUII nu. inow nu nnnn W.-,.-.: : ."".}..... :...'::- 2-' Anhqnuloutlrlld. Ichllnnlh. hobtlyoooprho. lfablo unou, nbloochodnt teal 80 pr yard. 'I`|h|oHuu,hllHuchu| cl I10 and abopuyud. Tub]: Hun. lull Hound Duo-I, at 000, I00 and 750 pot yard. I Tnhlou Has :0 Ix, CHI), 01.20 and II. par loan. A 14"!` tndllp ock ol Tovolln. ALDO--Kitchen Towolllnlnu `roan. in. lh&0lulu. that d and oulbnuhd ung. | THE LOWE3'l' ma mess] A Lama Uuwggpt awuodni `Fab 5. I879. jig: ALEXANDER RO88 8, Street, Fab 0PPnRl'l'Il m-rv mwm |iT& .I. EABDIMNEB! And In-uld cxll the attention n nmpnsrvr -I Ivi '05 "II. ,.. mu nn.M. .. ....'s'.....m3` """5'.'3.'1:'c" A000. llhlhou `nal; 11.I_a_ I Wnmuutln White Twill Shooting: at `J, 2 I 4 and 2 I 2 yard: Iialo. Wnumma Plain Sheeting: II `2. ? I-4 And 2 H! ynnlu Irido. Horroch' Whito Shooting: st 2, 2 L6. mod 2 L2 ynrdn Widn. (hey Twill Shooting: 1: 2, 2 I 4 sad 2 1-? yard: wido. Urey Plain Shooting: at 2, 3 l 4 and 2 1-2 yudn wide. White Cotton: it To, 80. 90. 100 and 12 1-90. Guy Cotton: from be per ylrd. Pillow Cotton: 36, 40, 42. 45 and M inchoo. Pillow Linen: 40 md 46 inchea. .-` All 0'0 U0-"III. Whltopotluna and Shooting: cold` bytho phat st Mantra: Iholouo pl-icon. R. WALIDION. WlIbOI'l Illlllljs. Fab. 10th. 700 Pieces Shootings. my and White "cottons---Uhoap `W A.LI)RaOl\TS. yuur own [I1-mop. Norton. The llru Hale conqencos on 'l`laIrlday.Iho can lust and continue `T as above an the stock In disposed cl. ` 11- N.B.--PRIVATE saws m:|.u DAILY A8 IIsuu.. ANDREW KEYS, P. HARTY Ann-tinnnnr "'*- ' " " "` ct` uIuu_( IN `GREAT AUOTION SAL! TO BE HELD ON ALL IARKIT DAYS `1'nesdsys,'l'hursday: md latlu-dayn' st half-put two o'clock in the afternoons, and 7:30 in the evenings. _ ____,_, ___ L_,, i_,, , 320.000 Worth of Dry Honda to be Sold without Raaorva ._. ___ _._.____..._.__j_._._._._;____.?__.._:.___. fIMi!IENSE AUc(T1~TsTiE ON RATURDAY Nl(H|'l' THERE WAS AN IHIENBI CROWD. LIVELY BIDDING. Goodn ml-l nt rid in-uluunlv low prices. llumlre-In of Bnrgnlnn mound by the Audience. New Lots win he 0'n;od. 'l.'o-H1`\`l'V1_Eit. SALE EVERY HVEPlN(i ll 7:!) nhu-1:: ....?_.___....- 11 cou3_ucms. [HAMILTON BANKHUPI srumu 3i.~`i.~if AUCTION SALE v" Q BEAR IN IllND--TIIIRE ll 'l`0 BE R0 `NERVE. "liooooh will I your prion. ' All In an` Him puhlw K: to mum and ion our `ytook and the rim and than ml 0 for thelnlelwea rr um-: mucus ASK! mu do Lass nxa . Oountry um um would do well to give uu a 1'1" an no no to lung Uoo.h mlmh lou llul Iiunntmtuhnx prlnos. MoNAUO lrmn 4-. no -'T"Tn-n nnuquluuuu-uhnnuuv Limo t-local an uncanny: FOWIIO ll `:iSfo'I'I- ""1 -513 l"IlIB Inlln Huvy All-Wool Twoud l untI,,82. But All-Wool Tweed Punk, 83,00. Black Duo Pauli, $2.60. Dingi-ml Punk. 8!. l`woo:l-Voou 01 And upwards. I'M" J aolmtn from I? to 86.00. Uvorooata frum 83.00 to 30.50. All-wool Tweed Cosh. $3.50 to M. Dingmul 001%: O5 to 37.50. All Wool Tweed from 450 to .1 per yd. All-wool Ding-anal and Wanted Coating: [$.00 pgf pm], All '00I Blnck do., II. `I. .00 per yard ponh ]_b() [t`iothlng,I)lot|ns, lblngonais. Coatings. Twaodi, umm ` ______-_~_._;__,_;__.__,_I!.n-nglnl-I.--n. II;1.- vllgna `n. . Jun 2nd, I879. at uoncnol, wlun mm poguodhu`oaca.oupuwm j -nunu an [McNAUGHTON&CO S . J, IIOWES & C0,, Muugma. ,,_` ..-V.._. `W _,_ (A5. Bcrdi-tan`) WHICH run urrn AT m:e*jnranaestV Fleab manna; nvna " ornnvcn Ill nuosrow. 1 has an dun. IIAVI BICIIVID 1'. I 5, A uctionqor. I1; Made Clotlng . ll not sh Onrasta wm the of than who no in nod 0! that Good: to CALL and INSPECT THIGH. Thoyub chap Ind putty. IIAH JUIIT IICKIVKD A IIW LOT OF` Last clearing Sale in l`Ip;stry and Wool! In ----- :1 iXi&Z 1 -;)PP08l`l'I OITY HOTEL -eff-----J,-1?---2 roul Diuagnnal `,.).p'e:._yu-.1. Wool .00pcr yuwd (1.50 Hall sud Cup: A: I" nricoa. ` SEE PRICE l.lT. n 0- I<'!355N `uni of tho ubnhd low York :2`:- _.C.:-.n._A.t|.___. coxvmfsaloxn t -uvprwu |!nmnanth_n_lyrthlnn? u n om mu.-I ao.. ll. :1 MI per yam (1.50 C: pricey. Gents` urniahings :1! hnlf whnt they can. I } Iuonnonn -1-.37 Slighllyl]amagedPrints Lmnvoun SUPPLiE'S ow amen {inn Ki BA AIM m rhoumtn runs wants us!` nu numAUu'l'UN d . 00. Conan Knmt Punu.-as Srurm. T-F.-.0! r-'.u"'.rF Iwiju Z We EOYDIWBJ on last Illll muutulhmng 1 HTON Iv. 00. II. Kln plllnlnn Ron-9 __- V. J. E. Hu1~om:so'N. Anotinnn . , TI ultll PI-hounllhat. E--"*'*-~.-:=`:::* .*E*: on T Q-uquaquun-uh-un.':.' A 'Zf'_#_ClI-iqahl HARTY. Ferguson : Block. T .w`nII-nu nth: Iwooju. lion! 5 Iurnlallngn curds` I|Il|OIIb.' \\ orslc-cl rumuu . Anotinnoar. ffuilngu, ,. _._-_=a=:a:=-n:;.=:;.--.;.===-:.- u_r..~_. lvoi7`l" `u;b:"l'm-nod llpddo Ion: - :*t.-x~.:w.r~,- i-.-.r~., - nRt}G?I{._ A wlllturnont IIhi(oiot..vowlgoonu Mlnthoovontudrotonrny ~ gnaunmaproaouh I "w. 2. non: as oo. lllh V, lliiiiio. Allfleilo uerusmnnnnrunn mm AT oiwm to at -tho` 71100;, `A L {hint} n.n.L-..nnn. iiwjw n-Ibhicuplham wnndhuliinoillihoin Q ahiopun. ` ZUT lolpuun `_.__J.._X..L_l.. r-'3-7'-'4-u-.b-o any -1! -4 nnnnnnhnnt puouovhlHohtho0uI|oht he uuIsAYongnunuuydhulorly Ilinnoqhlluoouoln loop Ouhhhmbulho hallo hnlonc outt. lovonl vonuphc nu mkjn`-1 Huh IKQ-An-n.H..I --J f_.__,r? Pounu Oolvll.-Poor old "Itchy" Buhnuhul hhu | low glass: 0! "h(ox|unt"bhopoIHho onldblt nnuolhindudhonohlldluby Ihopnlun It qnul-to lb Wcdbhrobclunqnnlluuv -nnggngnhlll-hnthandln ho Inn ullilngclgrullg, IIIIIIIIIIIQ I point- Mly written story. "Hy Ivuiq lint," ml About IR] other ongnvhp. The uuluinmn anchor `on ouulomr Al... ._-...I --yuv-v---:-u---ugyvuucuuug uent:-Ivinhhnoctnbuuau Ianin-a--.-.a._ 10:11-11: 3. nu- II Illilvwvil U I IIIIIIIIU` ;i`:::|ond bullion phtqlhn coca ulouhb-duputcn bra IHy,umu nkAn-lnn An-n--I-- Hlnnbnnllnn - -4-.- uvvuvuu-wot yuvuuuuu nun {unru- churning turning, Illustrating I pont- In- Qvhlnn Anon "ll- `-4. mg. `I -u-, n-u-v uuwu gun. yvu "CI. rognu." Thin in lollolml by I doublo-I mi-g-J4-and In-Linn ulna- IL-Q ~.-.. . uqyvr ncauury III In! D] 'uIsutIIny V ndu|nuIiomu"ivrlaiu | (Inn 0! vain and lot him go Loan," and II. 0. J. Dovlin, II 8:. Ann : Wuvd,Iu mul- ly hauled about by the non udlod of AH. Donovan : Moods. ' Pruner`! Imam: tot March in m unusually irillhnl number. It open with I Iplrlbd illnouuioo, ugnnd on -Lad Id -4 nnnuh um um: -an-- -----.4n>+.%. Iuluoaru. &.ucnou.- Hm in King- ` noon to Inn non noun liuly none: at munioipol elections, but In huo hour not anything Approaching the conduct ol none the attended the lnyanlty and Aldo:-Inuio nomination at Konrad on n_...._.|__ \a-_._ n__._.|_1 _-_ -_. L._ Tllti.-'OaD||C the Kai-hn- :0 $2: can guild].- -vvuI-I UI luv IIIIIJIIUII I 5 I'll IUI' lab!-n Onluio will ho halal in Ottun oI'l'uudoy. Wodnoodny und Thurulny. Fob. 95th, `Jh, Tllh. Bovonl of the |...A .L.......... :. u... nLa...u 0.-.- ._.n In at tho birth ol tho `N.P.' `T Bwlquhn. Eillh - ----o1-6--_. Dunnnru Amount-mu. -'I`ln nnnunl IOOCiI[ of tho Dnirynvufu Association for lnnhnon nl-pin nill I... |.-l.I 3- nu--- av. -Inn. UUIII, nuun. UUVUIII III II Lu ohuuunon in the Uiitgd sum and Cumin will dolivor nddnuu. Thou who stunt! vnll bug I olnnoo 0! Iain; In .0 AL. Mun. .4 an. an D I uitiun, one of tho uldolt in the link of Kmgltolfu old poplo. nu. dapodlod at Can-nqui. Tho luuonl In: I vary long 000, I9! ovluud I wido pubo yrapoob Tho units at 8!. Paul : Ohuroh VII con- ducted by the Von. Dr. Parnell, and the boir uni; the solemn u-thou. Tn Ln-I Mn. Duvn.-Yumdny dhrnoon the remain: of this lunonhd _:u_,_ -___ ,1 `L. ,| 1,,` ,- AL , |- . 3 ----v--no A PLUNOI.-\'oIlordny than-noon Dr. Innll'| hone: wore lot out (or I list]! Ilorqiu, And they soon to ban (akin to the ice for their unuunout. While pul- iog in int n! the Grand Trunk brewery ny... ,.I.........a ;..g- .1. . |. .1, .,._;._,g._ I._., .u,.7,,_ 4. ..u...\-u A-qr: unnv u-nu man: u -uvuv ;uIting out too. Tlum Ill bouddonblo t-`no spout holnru the hon: III ruouod. nun -u. vuun, ul us: in one ul the npnlm-u. -----oooo'-o __jo......._-. l'.M. Ouunun.--'l`ho young penplo nu hard at work doooliling tho looluro roon fol Ihb Annual ten nnoohg to-"marrow owning. AI tho Iichtl no only thirty" Hunt, and n good programme to be pro. Iontod. the turn out should be lap. Rev. Ir. Coohol tho Bapliu Church, in Ann 1:` Hum nn.nI:-u- ----o-vo----~ A Tuouaunul. F'unIo.-Y-stordny morning. during the bunk with tho in, tho ilropdn use mmmd up by Auupply ul hofeooo nud uthor nfnnhlnontn, `provided by Mn. Honey, wile of tbs Uhlol. Their duty III ohoorlou and J noun enough io mute the oomidonto oleriug mos! aeouptublo. wnu ulv uuuuuuu ul vnllrlo wuouo. Mr. Kirkpntriok will nah cm-satin this aubjeor, which demand: on-mu no (union lromovory Anglican olmrolnnou In Kingston. FLOUR! -------o-pa.---. Mmnonuu MIlrlIIu.-On Walnu- dny awning will boluld the Annual moot- lug at 8!. Juan` Church, in connection with the miuiono ol Ontario Djooou. ll. I(:.|....n.:..I. _.:n _.|__ .;._...x,. -I. an UIIU vu unu uu wlltllj IVII- in, god the prognmmo will be 1 good one. Mr. Corbett hu boon to nun] loading plocu In tho Provinoo, out and IQ! n' In Ind an In: an -A In... L. I.-- -v--|-` In-uuuu III tut I IVVIIIUU, 1!! IIICI nut ul un, Ind I0 In u to know In [In not with nloomo and uwoou. all-lIuIU.V vIllI'I'l'.- lllll VOIBIIIII Ill! Iill Ill UGO City HI" on wqdnlny Qygg. inu. and tho nn...p........ -;n I. . .......| vvmuu III vwlul ulu, IIICIIIO |II'IpI-PIP than In vary 7:] An pltolllilhlj of I capital omortalnmonl. Ir. R. I. Hor- poy in {good Iorhr. ..`-_-, ,, , . $TZC -- -1- . (Ih -g-n~.;.-1.:-at jj vvuvInAIIvxl.:n:FlI1rI'V" IIIIIII _t_oV 50, Pull`: __(J_h_u_ul,n voqgvonuiooo 8:. Owns`: Bocxuy. --`u adjoin- cl Ionthly muting ol this Boast; will ` `it hold to-cotton owning. `Man will In Inpu-tun Iinncn for discussion. and OIIIIGAI programme till also In Inm- dnnul, M. _.. ..,. lunar : l.umru.--`lit Lord llhbp 0! Ontario` will, by invitation, Colin: I la-can dlankgul, on Thnrdny enn- lu run. on the Mo Pun-Anglican Synod. -__..-.o Poou.-Inot to brink` uoulouioy bomb:-ly wind; and aloud; Ionic. lollovodby snow. `. 1-\1-59-1` ;u o.`_..._ [mu jail; gaunt um] -----o49.o--__ Hn`m.1o.1 conrn-.-This vocalist will .1..- I. u-n:4- u-n __ nr-.u--_.n__ ._-_ ;:--n _ Itouun iV'l0. tn`! :1. av ._._...,_.___ '0!!!) In Vmtlif Vgg-ucuu-3-uuaca-tau,` -.._.j.o___:- |\ hdnmiouuhnlnahlohnd Illduuhlnyohuullmh ujl Int clad ndy j I0IUD|||pn|nbd,u IO Ilqubanuunhulcpvj. "-9133' EH11`-WOTK Irahcultlouuunnnl any L-xi-L-ng .1 ,..__<.-- v- -uuuua-Isa. .&Ilol qr cnnuu. Q3030` OOLOOII, ulna ani a'_W a'u_on-no oi PIAII` rolufnmn. loyal mu nlnnn oouu. non ml cont. _ `ii ; an n ZjxT-*w*-' unlit. e Inuit: In h an huldunluounqdolhubth j --u-u---sup-II:-IIIII Ia no throuhm on #00:, out put; augludthaaduhyooundni pub. Iboouglnnlolbohwvlotholuncu uclllqy odd with III that n-a-lial; l|L....'....a|.. ._. AI; v--uu-vv-'-nu :-uvIwIj-vl]I zunolutnollol. 'l'IodduklApo- noun dnng ch nu-oi-".... jvt -371. UK "IG'-'T'VC pqoonn. and 150 Man Mp Iu hoyold Jnxlhlhn fun-u'n-u .uuU lucid III VIII IVIIII uinplndnnpuu. `ho day vuluo, udlho"ptnp"oHhopnrIy in ind her. Tioupouoollbonh In tho Inulcnddcndn. `hobluhnltldcl Inll IIIL -n-Alanna Ah` LII.` :W with potiuncn and bib, Mlb, villa, porhnuyud plug nu, -III: II: nnnhnl Inn-than uul -- An, Ftuxug In -Ju- Vt-`GURU. III] III!- pnuol hat I plouun onnnlon nod nor-I mlhnnnlnlu ll: Inning -l -I.i.|. ....A W I-at u yIv-Iuv IIIIIIIIUI lull Ill!` ||lhopnrty,|lo use 0! which on trnnnnl-ul gt Inns... 3. .I.- _.- 1-- u-1-. I---U-, |rUI'vI-w IIlI vli IIII, vllluhuudonl Inghhrudgqy chu- htoltbouopnnynduho anonbly n gdxnlnxdlnn 'n4nI-K-.A.--_._ 0. may :5. 513.4 lath or an int said: And ol Via-Royalty lntcloguoo ol yin and the nu- panauyonuuouquuu. Thy .-.1. nAln` In: A nlnnnn-u Aunnnulnn .-ul nun.