Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Feb 1879, p. 3

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ulqiuhh-and nu-uy`u a.a mL AIl:a:I`|:`IlhI.0OInIInd ls QOPIBUOI All Dlvlllty lobroun noon. Quon Col ' All 6: has in vulqn llullnp. Iona pllldory. roman tau-mu. "&'i`:'.!.':%."a"..-"I`..':."..A 2 v ' In-w A ?. `gt: ...::."...".a"..-.-a:a:."..* . lug cannon. all low, 1% udhlnllnnuun. ` 2 liyu-In -Tho Fodorol Govornmont nit: About an hour o day. Tho Ontorio Pu-liomont not for o low doyo in this lonhion, on! tho Kingston New uouly out Mr. Mount for his bod monogomont. Whot about Sir John? Bo clooorvoo o Inubbing, but, you ooo, ho in About to appoint o Pootnutor. ` --Tbo News print: n isluhoud in mu. 1 thottho J. W. llu-pot,o! Public Ao- ` count lomo,Iu o plumbor in the omplor lnont of MoKo|voy it Biroh. The rm . montionod know nothing 0! tho woouuto, I oud never know my J. W. Hlrpor. , Tho New; in vory oogor ot oil moon to ` vont ito Iploon upon thin rm. , \IIL-I . uh- 5|. oh- .I.-..:.m ..I ah. - lpuunnuu nu uu-w 1: .vuv u yum . i -'I`ho Wmo fun not boon pononnl with 1.! luff at our couhmpunry. Hit] it oontly bun timing 5: nuqlrnn objioq Tmuuy thing: could huq been said to rul- othuupornnhiivo Ikin of `our editor. I dignied title to which more than one individual in tho uuuo utablinluneut IKQVI. IIIIIIIIII IF! VI luv vulluuuu Ill oltliou who attended the Sm. , since it is evident tlut they did D not hoi how ` nnoli liquor they were nble to carry decently. Urn. Belleville lntdliqencar is excited bout Ncrth Hutinu. It mm inclin- to crush Mr. A. F. Wood booauw he vie eomewhet independent in notions, nl~ `though that [OIINIIIIIII hu dune as much ' I my one to place Ihckonzie Buull in ` I position to drsw 87,000 I you. _'l'l.. w..... I... ....o i..... .....,....i -m. ` 1 1 r'-- . 41:. new blochdo on an n.w.a _o. Rh: not yd bun outdone. Our. norian lrisndn an laying unit lull hue ol the bountiful." `I-|lr. N. I . Davin, Into 0! the Mail been llohud for Oh North Wu|_ 0 Inljbne to establish IohoolI-lor the ` t 0! IEO [ndilh ehildnl and IIim- . ' `edit! (.110 MED limo. _ IN IRTJQTTFSF. "iIr`.'T:iuiiiri?uf, B |l\AA___ _|.-..I.l -___L _l AL- .....I.._A . I I _.. -. .... -._'.-, -... --4_}9Nug nm for the lnoldhgd CM out Pinon : Tou- uunc in 41: turn. -Thu "us quits; ooumouou anon; tho bclldun gonads] shod the mu I.` l'\--..-'. ..IIJ..'. l.n..IA-4 -nu. Juuialgd .1; C..'.u.2TI'.J.Ta.'.7T.'.'.'.2".I but of In onployou. n,L___-|_,_ __._J_ IxI.-__I -1-__- L... . Opuo-you plu- oi hy h but nigh: uibmnto. _I.a.-I Dalian Th. Vidnoin Inna. mu. GURU. II II?- Quolfo Oolgb toudcu were decided 15! WUIIIIG ["0 -Jr. vnlnuluu, In nun. should lpuk of tho conduct of Inn: A. than; hn Ahnncln HIA Hum -Iu-JAou_gH"Inn-an not __ lLA h".j,` m`WK'.luI_1:r STOCK The lnyonny. ..uoo..o.. . . - . - o -. rumour 0n|.HoUIon'uIu . . . . .. (Jul.-Oul. l:lOlI, F '3 I`; opacoc Ardl|oq..... 0 I,'.'ouoo Host-Ool. lrbimnllowuoou I ' Oadhuu ollubuld G:-n-0, Am )1 `I?/~ F` .,_ ` -. g H}. W. IIIIJOI. Iuolnnt 'l'nlor. of liquor, e .r v I . The eyeten of providing for only three regular short counsel: of inetructiun, eunttnencing reepectively on the 5th _ Jenuery, mu Aprtl and t')`.h September. `bee been ineugureled during the put you. end no far the rosulte have been entlelectory, ee regerde eystametic in- etruotton, but it in probeble that in some onlol it Iney prevent ellxlblu men from juininuthe `sahnnl, it not being elveye pouible fur II: mt tn leeve thetr employment on -pecitied dates. I: in hoped tbet the permiuion granted in re- eeut generel ordere lor etlleen to pre- eent themeelvee lur entniuetton at the Sohoole uf Unnnory, end il eucceesful to obtein `Ind clue oerticetee. will act en an inducement to A number of then: gentlemen who hue hitherto been un- able to Attend the nhort couree 0! in etruotlon. end tbet they will we eu-lee- ` war to better qnelily theunelveelor tlm dutiee of the poeitionn they occupy, by eequirlng eenloient knowledge ul ertil~ 1.}, drill: and uemleee It would be edvteeble to limit the tenure of Inch ooen' nppointtnente to e oertetn due, yeey 10th December, I879, belore Ihlcll tine they eloul-l be requind to peel the eluninetion for `bid clue ehort ounree eertileetne at the Echo--I ol Gunnery. 'l`beCu}. epeeh well ol the ounduct ul tbeoeel-I end men while in lontrenl end In berreeke. lie paint: to the euc- __ nl-.-e.i- nnnnn I- ..L--a-;-- _.:.... II-Zollluniiillf ID. XII 0| populuu-action have boon on lung withhold. -nu uunnn vv VIII!- The Public Aooonnu luruloll the ful- loviug an the upon: ol imuuinng the School 0! Gunnery during tho put nal DIIII Ill IZITXKI. IJU llllllll IU III` U510. an o! an-uh onion In obtaining pfilsl on can an evidence of tho ohuaotot And vault: of tho innlrnciiun cnrriod on M the institution. He again I-span pnvionl-noouuondnliona u to the in- cnuo ol Ibo Bold bum, establishment nlnsnnn Wham .-...- ...L_. l_._n..._ crvuui UI $0 IIIIII IDIWI1 CIIIIIIIIIIOIII ol bonus. When our; oshar lualny nick lot pcupoc instruction in olcl bul- hq drills and damn, it in to ho naut- hd that In ALI. ....n..|_- `L- ._-___ -- In; uuuu Inc uIIII-, II II I0 00 Ivan!- tdthuluthhyulkulu the ol -an-gal-I.-.41.. L--- L_-_ _. I V 5;; null . \ uh. Tho report of the Commandant of the School of Gunnery in printed In lull. uuun n ' Fmm it wolelrn that durim_ the put ` you four otoen and I23 non-commiu . and Iionod otoon and Inon.joinod thin SolIooL Of this number, three oiaora 72 non-eommiluiuuod uicora nml men joinod lot I three In-)nllu' cuurus ofimtrcction, one oflicor and 23 non- ` oolnmiuioned officer: and man were no- uinod for A further service of 12 1 montln, nnd38 nou-ooInmiuionod --i . can md men enlisted or re-onlintad in I A" Btttory for throo yarn continuous : -an-in- rmgfun1r1'1sxi W.Hlt;'\VEDNE8`I)`Ma FI.BUAR,Y:26. mo. Y A mnnt lnvuunbla npllllull is uxpr-vued 5 ol the FieldArnlilc-ry,Ilie(lunnery Suliuoln, l the Duniiniun Artillery Auocintloa, and (lint Ipecul urm of the service in Cam l dw. The Field lhtlurien, Sir Selby nyu. l In in 1 condition of lniniug iunl know- l lodao of gunnery for my rough urvico~ " They are completely rndy for Iorvica,un1l they owe much of their superior l01|llll`t9- mum. to (ho imtructivm given in the Hm I Gunnery Schm-ls, und the attention bu ltowod upon them by LL-Cola. Strange Mid lrniu,R..-\. Those aclluull continue, yur After your, to produce llld send forth well instructed mmburl of the Ar- tillery service, And Sir Sulhy trunk: to no tho otfoouvon imxronod by 60 gunners Inch, :3 nrlillerymen us much needed to nun the oxtamlvo worlu in the Fort- rt-uol of Quebec and Point Lsvis, and the armed Furl: of Kinguon. I vuuuuuvu 1 no ulu IIIiwI'U"Vr"v-|Iuu [ dolonou. Thu Iuombeu of the Brlmh . , Columbia (hrriwn Battery rm onrollod by the D.A.G., Ind drillnd and instruct- , Ml by Col lrwin. Their prolont ill- ltruclur in Lioul. I[cN|u,-litun, V10 ptuod through this Kingston: Schoo of Gunnery. Sir S. Smytlr thinks that, for ` Ilia purpose of manning the bulletin ul Victoria nu] Esquiunlt, it would be prudent to mnintaiu I mull force ol Ibuul uno lmndrul marine nrtnllarymen in Vancouver lalnml, Ind in ooiuci-ling in this opinion Uul. Irwin Iuugeuo tlul. the Cunudinn School! nf (luunury might pru- vida thn wholoiur 1 portion of the men. lnsivghtgamr 1875! ` IVY `l` T`IIS!l !- -9 -!-.-I--_nu:L_ `- i in patent lnrnony and unity thmughout, Jlilitin Ropon, and it will up ponu - work thick in banned by tho lvpo-A od arrival in Aluoriun anon ol I stun- nhiji, with n large body ol Ruuinu lol- Inon"nnd I cargo ol [envy riod gum on baud. Ou hiourinl in Victoria col. Imll plnepd himself in communication with an senior and aloof, and, acting tho nut`! and military oioofl lino plac- od I very obciin u-nnmant Around the harbour: of Eaquiunlc and Victoria. The apocial report u!_Cul. Irvin. giving do- tailu, in primed in the nppoudix of the by uiiihry men, And than who my be `7IIIn"l`iilI`It'|o' I-bI'IIiwI~~8f~--Cues) uuucu vuuu-un-, In pl-av--u-nu`:-u-- kr thtdalsanunl 9 ...-..|. ._Ll_L ._._- L__ _,.I I... An. _A_..-A T KI, l"I'I'w I. U 1' IIIU ouniidon undo! vhi Ll .-Col Itvin, B L, in [glut ptoonqdod to` Viatuin, Btiuh Columbia, to make unnpnnnu ` La, 11;; (`Alanna nl ILA Puin (`Anni A `Iul`yiuIhu::tloPulh A cot snub, Siytlgnldiiuhundototho gnu--.3-In-. n-1-. _I.8.l. l.|- ILJ I--in I 'U'.`uU'IUIlUC""l'KIl4II I111 3| oovunv-us -mun: mun no V _tuumcu:ouu. ' nun-n or mun. manor Ihnnntmnt ,Iu u I on I !'l Uuuuxuuii Iii III IIIOGI. I\ohhh.yo'pcIbl.nuuxuonuIv cl |IO['I'I`I'G] duffd, or at dul- htuahuanqldullun ndu. unusual uith Ad Wdudq, hon Ihld II` 1 IXQ (Cult- Iql-luvlldlbhtbnd Iu-din INA cndnhiudy-lamb wold jinn. Qngh _.A._.A I. 3 hnhulllv "" oar`. I-Il""': .-vpgj u, up. nu... gnu uuvvu I-u Inuw Uahlnlauuio bl-Inn an actual; 0 my anion, It not a way pdulin, tum-a-. ho auhu .1. luduunollqonlcflun ncdnblhhd I-up halal down has Ibo noun `.I..l- A...` -.-lgul .. ..__.._.._n_ no tau... Nut-|-u:od6Ig Iahroocns mound to-dq, and tho own in shunned by lhllouu and One! and otbn 11.1.-A.lL.-_L_. 1-I_._A._A_ ....... .... ,...... .......... nu ma... . auntie quad date u, e! in rurrrm nur- tm."` (Remember thet thou ert duet _ And mnut tuduet return.) Next, they were etrewn on the heed: ot the olcir tiug ptieete, thecleru, end the enem- hled people. The eehee were end to be the-ee ol the pelne ouueecntel on the preceding Palm Sunday. The Proteeteut Church in (let-eny does not eelehnte the ennlverury. In the Church at leg- tend it ie oheerved by etdotet Ienhere. but without enytlalng ol the eereetony from which it derivu he none. In It. lug`: Cethedrel, thte morning, the eetviee ot the day eere held et 8 o'clock, Itev. Father Corbett omotutng at the eeevteee. The leetdqeol the net ere Wedleedny, Fmley eed Saturday; cue the reoeletlg dqeel the week the lee of must wall he elleeed eeee I lay. -------aoe- This in the lint day 0! Lent, no culled {mm the llumuu _Calhuhc oomnony ol nu-owing uhu on tho hand an I sign of punntunco. This custom, probably in- lroducvd by (lragory the Hunt (590 604) Ill unoliouod by I :-po Gelatin HI In H91, and nltorwnnh pnorslly prouilol. Befon nun tho uhcu vote ounuontod on the Altar, Iptinklod with Italy Iblol . Indsignod lhroo unto vitl the atoll. wmla the ptiut rooilod the word: :Ua- -_.0.` ......J .-1-1- -. -1 .`_ -._..._ _ _ _ _ ._ The well known roputntion of tho Shnughnnn Company in I gnu-nntu that none (If the min; bonutiz-I of this great plly will be loat in their perlonnnncu u! it Two mm scene: hue been pniutml by a lint clul Artist in Tun-utu nprulnlly for thin owning, And the: contumou are Ind In My Very line. The Western pnporn speak in glowing term: of Mill Fanny Reeve; n Louiu" the blnul girl, And credit her with crutmg n genuine seuutiou. To-marrow unn- ing we no tu have "an Eugluh conudy night," when Rubortwni hmou comedy olCule" will be perfurmod. (Inn of the futures of the evening will be the nt Appearance on nny luau of lntle Claire McDuwel|,nnly throo month: old: Ihu null nu doubt nuke 1 nnooouful Jn Iml under tho direction of her lather. [ This in In new departure on tho old cun- tum ul mtruducmg I rug baby Imlnd at tho gouumo. *% 01%? ! nu cc u-,- "l`lne Two Orphans` in u reunrhblo plAy-nny more, it in a great. plny. It contains not one future or uituntinn which II common place or uninteresting. The olden playgoern who witnessed tho play on Ill hut. ropreaomatnon were wrought up to an excitomout almout psiuful. Tlmt. this gluy in the beat that nu beenpus upon the Inga of thin coun- lry within the memory of mnny old pnllronn oi the drum: 1: conceded by Al ." Mr.`McDowell'n talantod company will open auuon of Vfuur night: at. the Upora Ilouu th_I| evening, by producing the great play of The Two Urphan|._ Spanking of it the N. Y, Spin! of flu Time: nylz --'m.. 'r.... n....s......' ;. .. -......-|..|..:- noes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . David Nicol, planting noon... Warden, l'onitonlInry, dis burnnmanh . . . . . . . . . . . .. Iv|ruuu,' romummry, um bumsmenh . . . . . . . .. Sand ry perm-nu, Id vuruung.. vnu Irvmg .1 aom, sundry regain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L. M. Warren ll Co.. lum- ber. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M:sluusnn,YmIng at C0 ., hub ing apparatus . . . . . . . . . . Prnwsa Br-vs , nmge. . . . . . . . Robert (Iago, prolouiunnl ner- vioea . Allyn-vliu u uuuu, r|u|II\I` mg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Wm |{v-bmnon, panning. . . . N. M1:Niel, plumbing. .. . . . Wm lrvmg & Sum, sundry rennin runllvu gnu.`-. Th Iubj--iued Iccounll were incurred fn the extensive ropnirn dun Ill connec- lion with the forlilicallum : J. W. llnrper, labour, etc .. .5 ELH3 3'.` Fraser JL Ueorge. hardware... 21'. 4:! Wm. MCR-Juie, hunber . ` . . . . R35 17 w M....;.. |...;I.n..- ...|....c mu n m. Mun-uue, uunber W. Maui, building wharf. A. Churn. hnrdlvnrc .4.. MoKel\'ey .1` Birch, plumb- nmz . . . . . . ,.. .oi&i,nu umun. -V `T . Ankh: D9,. \/IL UI IXIIIIIIUII, lull` -ICIIII nyuloln. . . . (in Company. tn". . . . . . . . Young & U.., healing Appara- Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . V` IIIIIIII IiUI\JIIl-UH, PIIIIUIIIE. olc . . . . ..,.....,_.. J. Wuldall, bniling stables. . . City of Kingutun, tire Illflll nvnlom. . W . IPVIII`. I0l'I p8I"l0l'D0(l. . I -A. Cameron, A: Clark 0! the Worh.."..... . . . . . . . .. T. Suurl,_luuber, an ""?il.Z".".".".`Z. " "W ud non, cutin.g' J: W. I nrpor, potty mount: Erna: & Gnome, llll`dlll o.... William Rulginnoa, plinling, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zlloll II` IICVI|o'I- In the Public Aoouuuu, under the heading "Hililnry Oollogo" (building land) we n-I the unnoxod Ilatoment: R Gage, labour . . . . . . . . . . .0 5.700 00 ` `R. (hp, prolouionnl in-vice: 1,533 25 t Penitentiary. building atom. . 400 00 do - furniture . . . . .. 5.190 06 W. Irving. Iiork performed. 29,000 00 r- Cunoron. :1 Clark of the . , `E111, H Thai nu othor iuuu, (travelling on pilllu ol penolu joiniig the Sdool Ind nun-uiug hone from it. oc.,) which do not nppou to be includod in the grand total ginn` above. nu .-.-u nlnvnvn : -:j---- Ol-3.766 4| Iau--Amount charged in Int ' Jar`: oxpoudium ..... . . 1,426 6 I J. va....T " i do bola Modal indrouuu......... I. ll. Palm. Votu-pun Id nah nt- vomau-pun lclnunn u- N60 Boobouppl-od....... . . . . .. 462 Knit. and lorh aunolind... 6 25 Iloolnouppl-on. Kain: ndlorh auppliod. The Two Orphans. j; I'll`: CUFF!!- jnllolorlolnonxrln, 7 . ` 1!Ql_9_!`.Q.ll,AlPA|N. uunoocoowomuu. ulglllldcutlnntdt :'I'on.Br sons. V - inlhj -mum unuiu. Iml Babb: nauula oouizn won mm cons, V"1'?i`:'!`'tl0II'"` "no It O lull Wednesday. N0.2ro 2: 4,500 on 397 so 4,2434 53 409 D8 144 0| __.-., _ (50 00 -n-.- m ouuuu 77540 29662 82860 Illooouuo t|lN_.ollIhPnlbr,_lavdopu.lo`m . ll-We will an "an own: or -nu. - _ , for 0| douv_o_I;! I,-up . mun. V ~ @`l rla_'utonuiHIo thus. ' I uuuu nunxn -uun---v- I -- ~.:.- =._$_f_`:.';.%'.:.` lm"_C4Q-A-n&--1 gjg. -. l'`!!!__E":'!i.'!l Iuuuuu w------vn \~-'-, - ----v VII DOWAIII O Ill. O:u|AgnuIh0uhol()uu\o. O"I(7'- I" (NIH j DC 7*: In mw ate... .. ..,..- folds: ulJiha|uu`|oh~n- TI-I-Iv` U uup------- -.---. --- cu pug uncut Ihuhvo(lcupuuynuIhcIn _..._n,jaQj gnxjn h Dual-y not and: In tho led us! 5-nIho Uoupuhl Ihluocr wy. an 5574 non noun; Io lhhihy Itdtllbonblbapril :'..f.`.1.'o.. Auouflu Int. 70` Showing the uniform nu! umnmpled growth for thin old nnhumnud Company. during tho put line your: : Agricullural Insurance [}omp`y A-I-Ir.-rnwu, I\`_Ir_ ASSLTQ JAN. lulu um oufoohled pou-an And build: up and ve: hush life and vitality to the wholc i Item II. In propuonl aolaly by J. l.BdbImon. Plnrunmntleal Ohuuut. 8!. John . N. B.|ml fur ulna b Urngghu Ind General Deuloru. Price Cl 05 per hauls; 1|: Ibouleo fur 85.00 of Kaunas`: Pnournlomzlu Euuulos ur Con Luvu Um wrru l.n("I'0-EIIoIrlu`l`I or hull would Iudksateiu real. value II I nu- wnllvo and lnvngontor. 11 lbs! low oonditiuu of the Iylusm revnilinu in patient! recover- ing fr:-In Dqu. erinuvo-llu fenrmupoelnlly those) of I typhoid (~bunsoter.whi|o|! tnion when [he pl-eumnHor_r signs of Iulitudo nnul waukleu uppoarn. It would have n lcndoucy to pmvent no |l.uwI,or lighten and nhorum U4 duration. The one in which It. Inc been and fully bear on! thin hypothuin. It aliulu lulu um sufoohlul And build: and than vluhcy General Dauloru. $11.00 Una hundred voices participated in tho ohnnll, and at the couclmion, a bouquet wu presented by I pratly little girl dressed in white, and nttandenl by twelve awaet lilllu cluldrun Ilmllnrly attired. The Princeu Iclmowlodgad the compllumnl. by several graceful ouurteuieu, amidst. the deafening nppluuu of the nudienco. nuiunu IIIUIO people nave newn uuwii our f|'l"CIlI and built. up our cities. Altar them more intruduced ll|> dif- ferent province: entering iutulho Unti- letlernttun. Quebec in: ropreuiilod by n liitly hubitod no one of the old French iiobleuo, huviiig eiubroidisrad mi lior robin thiijlem ila Ii: sud lion: of her elciitclietmuid wearing Iluurnl or-mu. Onuriu wu ropruotitad by n lndjdreued in white, with norm: of St. Ueurgo llld groan iiinpla leave: oiiibruidored lliereuii, her liend-dress being nutuinnnl uinple lonvua Allll Curu. ainblanititic nl Ii-vr Agricultural wealth, Britvnh U-ilumbiii win represetilml by I mutter. Mnnilulu 0y I trapper and hiiiiter, New South by I tinli-.-riiiiui, New Bruiiurick l-_v ii lady druunl iii sea-grooti, and wearing water- Iilies Ill Ii-7r l|l5'I', niitl Prince Edwnrd Edward laltnd by nuilur. A distnchn merit of the (L U. I". U., and n Iquml ol the Drngouii Gunrilu were present, mil zmiidst lll\l"llll music, marchel on this stage at the cluuiiig name, where Oniimln tendered hi-r welcome to the Murquin nntl Princess. The whole t-llacl mu giauid. The Imrils Ind uiusic throughout are In table to the ligtirntivg perwiintium. The following is then mg Jung liy Ciltuith in the welcome in given. - lloyiil lmly, on our wnlouttie ll:-i-,,'Ii to luuk with kindly ayes; L*'VI\l. luring livaru IN liviitling, `Null: its niumlu. linmelv iruise. flhe Fllalmn Uutrllive To It qunllll oi uounlounzlu uuulos un ll` rnguusum "IVIf1!]'I"I'IlIl1lHf\'1Y' baclnmoduuon Ind trappa, who nng I long in prnise ufpionur life. A procee- uinn then entered, olnnblomutiy of HM history of Cumin, thou purticipuiug bo~ imzdreuod in the costumes of thou nlliunl wlu-to people have hewn down furutn amd hmll. nu Nor dishonor touch her hind. Guard her no, and :11: shall hlul you. And her children yet unborn In the After day nlull huunr You, her Ruler. Lord of Lorne. II-I-I-.Iv-'3-OI, 9-`It . I......... n.-,u, ._ .11. x -.3""""` Inn VIA`! 'u.ow counts: at T. ..A.._Ll.nn......u...| A_..n_. AIOI XQFUQHIIIH o H..- \V-- are uimnln hut nu v'a_a H-- 1 anal: fill one lmnrt -ml]. Aml um heart. she givuto yuu. Xulplo air. In hail ynu glully. lmynl on the H13 you bur, For whom lngluuxh ag in wnvin This `Let right be done !'-lu I. u-re` (`nnuh would fnin pzmw upward. Stnmg and straight. at her uwn pi.u-9. \ViV.h her nune as claan. untnminhal An tho um um. on her nhinen; Luved Incl hunnrod through the nnliunl. True and fnithfnl the wnuld Itamd; Never should her word he dnuhlcd. Nor dishonor touch her hind. Hunhi hear no. And nhn nhnll M: mu. u use Lgpn llouu mum to Innlno roduguon otllu Muquo 0! Welcome, undudn of pa:-plu won Iuvnod any to obtain tun 1` mdiug mom. The ' Uovornor-General and tho Pdnaouwd mite were paint. The word! altho gglgggc by Liz, I`; A, Dixon. IN.` '50 nuuio by Arthur Olappo. bun .-uuur to frho Guvornnt-Omani`: Foot huuda. . ho lot in n||1o|'wa' I in ohnnolot. illultrlftiuu the history of Cnmdu. The l Ioono oponod "with n uquuurod glad in th-\ woods. At the back in: uuiuturo Iutarfull, npluhiug our lmou-covered I roclu, and `on euhu lid an tron, nur- ing their trunk; mniJIl. leathery form. A hint hglut, us of the: Dawn, Ihulvod that form ofnn Indian Ohio! in Int oollumr, during which the -hue zniunlly grow I `light. The Chin! (Mr. (iuiud.-,nu), one Q of Canals : n! leuuru, thun ung his plain: of fnruusll to the wool ilr-no sung ,.S-nuduwn." The Dunn ol Coloniution, an Indian mnidon roprouemmg Unnuln, in I must. ehborgto ooatutno, Imw entered. and um: I nimplo song, 3: the c|ou,whi(h ' Irfrmxiiunt I -i1nni?nI' bnclnmodumon trnnoa. nun 1 Than no 1 lama-To; bnllinnnudioooo u the n llouu 0083': to Iituulllo pcoduauoh Muquo swam. "o-Eu`. EXHIBIT OF THE VAL luving In-art: lmnthm, Neath simple, hnmoly uiu. win-,; courtly phruo tn uv. urn: -- uimnh M119 .._..___.~ nu: saw: or mm. `. lot. II I. lit. ION, \. ICC, llil. WOQDS. MCI. 1379. ` ATEITOWN. NJ. Iloooo-P I>LIIIII 095,572.90. 0117,00 : oo. 0103.077 oo 0250.221 oo 0so2.oss oo 0000.010 oo 0400.098 oo 0401.104 60 0001.007 oo 0023.000 oo 0710.000 00 0000.010 oo 01.000000 oo 01,000,000 oo 01,000,022 oo Sl.05l.l51.N I plod gm Iv Li durln |mummInmn| Ixltiillu ummL| |John Henderson] `I'M Pnyw lasting and no Input- nont, by Tlonpou, Ot. orm-mo by C50 Iooiny Chnbcl tho Into: hunt. um tuli... l:7r..s1z.-Jastwsatuuq uni Vnunl Ink`: Juofnnl lot lard. Puos FozoN1: 1 Ilnulnfl Katy um llalluul (.`umlilu- uoull llluury, III cunts. Huboth, with Oopimu Note: by Ihnlot, wlh. Nichol`: Ingfhl Componilinn. an on- oollom Prmoc. containing wary- thlqnouuuy huh ohouulquo, Mann. Ilnonulnyk Easy on HuIIo||'| J..h`uon with Notes. 25 cum. Schiller n Hodmhtu, 31! : cents. . ` I Bufu lntmdnctinn tn Hcmnuc Chemis- "7. ~35- Uhur (lul-Iunllh, (Eug|u|| Men (I Ian) 75 cents. Johnson : Rnunlnln. 3-Iaplocl I-vr Nclooll, u.. .4 (`null l'lmi|o'n Lilo : David llnuu, by Huxloy, (I!`.ng|uh Mon 10! lntton), Te : couu. ru:umoox-sImtl Cartoon: ul Punch," Curt-mm ul (Pnvlul.-ma, Punch," 110 oonu. ummnnsgn INEW BUUK LIST. Henderson's Hnnkslme. I VY -------- IS GOING ON T0`-NH Ill`, AND WILL CUNTINUI EVERY N (I . ' DISPOSED 0'. I HT UNTIL Al L IN sale every llnrkct day at half-put Twelve o'clock. Q` BEAR IN |UND-'l'HElII [8 TO BE NO RESERVE. 1`ho(}oadI will he sold gr your own prices. ' G` N,B.-l lllVA'[`E BALE! HELD DAILY AS USUAL. ANDREW KEYS, p_ umry_ A Ilnlinnnur I.I-_ A._._ n nu . $2{l,[lU0Wurtl1 of Dry Gnnne Sold without Reserve! P. HARTYS G-RZBJAT .A.'U'O'I`IOJ.\T SALE unun nu vru` uIt_| A n II I nu llvnvln u-"nu... E HAVE l{!CU$lVI`ZD A HPLENDIH AESUIITHENT UV CLOTHC. T'I`DU AND Worsted Conrluxn. which {or ntxvle. durnllny and banana: uunol ho tqnllod In the mty. Worausd Umviu n in (,`hM-,h. DI gfonnli. Diamond: and lgunn. Flu Wound l`roIu-u- mg. in the the lamest ew York and Put a uty|oo. I-`loo linulolollu and Doooillu. Fina Oun--A dlnu '1 vwdnln the nholw-t pattern: over mnnufmturod. I-`luo uuormant of Scotch Tloodn. We um taking .u-dam mpldly for tha Llmve (lauds. and puma Inquiring nnlly n amu... (hnuenl. or Hull it I mmlerauo pl-loo will uloun call on An. We hora boon bud at work all winter Iuunllwmring A UHUICE AS8Ul(l'Ils2N'l` OII` CLOTHING, and puma roqulrln I Rudy lulu (Inn. Pnnlnur V:-at will Ilml ullvu qua! In umn`_v rec In In onlct work.|n to vary lnrgo aumtlmonl to unslac-I. fl-um-A'l` VERY l4(),W PRILICS. `holoo unortlnlnl of Gum`! I-`urninhiu uoo1In,nm: and cheap. Jun lhmeavanl-l`lIRlE CAHN AIIIBIUAN lI`El. l`nuul I-`UK IIA II, to he sold at prime ghpt w}l[5nhwIniah the loam: blU'0l'. 1 N.H.-book um fur vary IIFKB Iulmuluml Io nnlucl. |l'Ulll*I V an I IIUW PKIIIICS. Uuolne Infl-IIIIIIE aunt`-A (louuln, new Ila-oeiyenl- l`llREE that WI Antauuah U` NB.--look ml! for THE SIGN TH LT HEADS TllIlII}E DH"l"I`.'I(EN'l` WAYS. ` Z. PIlIVI|'l`. Feb Zlut. Nnw You CLOTHING Smut. Bum: Snnr. Klnnnvnu Fe"-.".'Z"p5.' ghinu` '_onil_iu in sold only by 1:?! IIa'uIpnino;loIvi.I1IonIu do Ind laud and pninintbguanuh and "'I- < NOW Is YOUR TIME To LEAVE YOUR ORDER! ran ran oELI:Im.mnN 0!-` Tm: mu MARCH AT THE I;P..AI'3!K1P*.! "fl! NEW YORK cLo1'HIuTdT Swrojne. unnnb Qhtan` Fawn Hanna u... |lnu.L-A -..--- J. B. HU'l`OHE80N,.. A: In IPO obliged to In-no tho ullllili In` tlautthua 3 SALE POI Till LADIES IVERY AII`TEINU|)N THIS WEEK at L p In.. nlmrly Sula only evening :1 7:3!) Ihlrp. [I The Hamilton Bankrugg `Stock `j `lflhl -Q;-.1 ...` Y'"`l laly'I n.'`" /5%` OUR JTIMEMIS LIMITED!5w `I500 Pieces New Spjing [e$Guu`fi;-Chw'p Fob. 26th. RECEIVED l'HlNUIH.\` STREET. E HAVE R!CC$lVl'2D BPLEN at I Umvimzn (Jinnah. 1 An n uu| u.;uno urou uooal u Km`, ma nun nor. . "Unuannay Oran (mas |t1!e,`l.`ra.'2(Ie um we. - - - 100 pieces New Black Lulum ml 10:, l`. }c. 15. 20:: sud 234-. New Funny DI-on Goods for Wrapper: ut 25. Np! All Wool Plum: _nr[o- at 350 Ind 400 -<" N~p,Cuno! !!:ir goth (ioodI-Cbu . " 300 coco Nov Prints--but quality rut colon, at 10-3. '60 to ALDRON '8 hr the Chuput. Home Furnishings. - Int:-In-Au nn___n. I -:v .-. \rI\l\ `an-\II I1III\I iii!!!`- Brook Street. Pour Doors rom Market Square. E HAVE R!l.`Cil\'l4.`D al l.lNl)ln A.~s()liTIlEN l` TWIIDB >_Worutgd,(,`on Iugn. lor_|tyle. oheupnun ounllod In um Chap All Wu -I Ill nck Cnllinonn at 504. 60, 75a and 90;. rump Uni--H Nut uuhuuru n 25-, 304:. 360 And Joe. Chain I ' vlmn Unhmorou Al ]n..40.:. MM. lllh Am! 7x\a L nap mu--n was unanimous :1 3w, .1043. am III! we. Chum " Uuhmorol 50 Mo. `. 500. 000 Am! 750- Chnn `D H - Hanan (land: ll. lbs, `Ella and `.15: for Sdo by Auction. unup "vim--` nrunmom 5: Jun. Que, wo. wo um Chan 3? ' ,.- Drouooduu Ibo, '..'l}gnud 35:. All \\ ..ul Luunco Drou (load: at 25v, SIM sud 35:. "Ul|MirI'mxv Dun nwn n Iula `ifrrajzltls um 21:: Jr-lm Hnghl, " fl) conu. U! K pbort Duck, mu cormuus ms nu: wm Jam AT v:rA.J:}D'R.oN s. la. l'Ill'IIH'I'. Smut, Snlrr, Knmamn. .8I_c0. . ....--.,... -.---. _ -..._ I. wuancou. V;-I-`It;-awn : Iumum. flu byuub , non U! DO! Cf. um -no in up! tut-VIII "J" 1. V. uoiloon. AI IINII o`omoI, A.l. fsinisliiixg 5|gp|QplycoouInInI 1. F\%v:_s_snowu & co sA U91"! ooluld UQOIOI PATIIIII, I-..-|_lAa_..4;._...-.._. In-wk. jmcumum. BUYIJEN LARGE SHIPMENTS! ( Ar urnu. 3703: no open. ed on lulu:-day. Pol. till. next door above loath O GIIl'I. Pub Rd lmpongrn and Whohlllodlnlau In Crockery. Gluunro, Cutlery. and lamp Goods, uted ' WA II I N E W S T OR E I nonsnrggupoa. 21-1 -1 lb-heoucrooc. august. 5- RIOIIIOKD O EYDIU. '56 mt. The above ltovud will be (Inn to an pornon who shall (In such lnlonnulon a null leul M the oolvlotlol of the pnrtho Breaking or Stealing thoity Strut Gas or God Oil Lamps. n, 85 nwann. All IICIIVIIO ALIOIT DAILY. 1 ,, By onlor. I. ULLNAOAH. Olty Cloth. Klnpmu, v. `MIL, um (IAIIIIHI Il0:i OI'. EAIPETS. II III! II IIIII IA NUVALTOIIII OI` 7 lakes 0' OIIPITII "woo: and Fauvnnon 'n -.v- cannu- nnlylnul 1: I I . Fol-(uoon'u "Melt. e_I_-,--,----- ..AUO'l.'IONIIR. unjust: M51! 5- ` -TCIZIIAI IXLCICP-J. W. ,l'hIi.lhhn-ly,odnuudn0u- > `alt-Hhglunh thin. `I. hung Ano-Anuhn laid. -nun pith: D bu-hallo * Ahhjhbhn T lnidornhlohnndngnda l8I1IlIIt%hIuIub * I..1I. ._ 1.1.. _ VIIlou'|VuuII.-II. Venn 5 ovllallyludlulutltuluth gout- nlhllIidhhpuIlh(hnI,hc Iotupo vbhpvodhuouncrylvo callus , loch. lcuinhhlnud: Sunnis.` hhuuthond lial luq. AbH1.LnnJ-dial Annual;-xnln IIllIul.-Lu0 owning the enter- Iolnunl glnqby Ir. 0. B. Halon II I kiln. no he an tho undlonoo nu eon- cund. It. Inlou thnlnn postponed IL` ngljnl--nu-A n-DH-.\-A lulu: II-A jlt fivtjig CFC Ivw unv- jah. wild won ouhlnly rank undue B0 In `unrivalled able! by Ilka do -n-n-I an .nnl IA...` QKA a_nl|.J CT Z ZZUTVUU unumuqnauunuumuuqnn aIvIIIh_quuIInI.uI all tho phyuuhn an-uamuul can an up nu. jlljjnf --'IK- T [I10 37 W? CTVIIIUU uhuouuoyunuouduupnov -`.C-IAHZQK1-nch U.I.....-L..L. IUIIIgIIwIICIyUII'Iqu-uuu-yvur uludhl-phonon. Wohupouboaho mounts glvouutomhnon than -lllhnlnn-nlu-nln1innI *CT`CC_T I I W Icvilhndadb-I cpndurnlnl nin 1-Quiz; uni -LIJ,nnn }*.'.'..-:'.""?.-`-.':'.:....'*7*7| K- also ulna. Tho ohm-I In non uulul lot ..I...... L. _.IlH..l _..__.... nu :-nu-u \'IIn-I- --n. u. Ia. wu- H the Iput lorobinf Political Ohm, [May In naps ol Ounds, the colouring cl tloooulu In onus thawing tho pollthll ca! 9! the glution ol -1874. and tho coloring ol the olhor thawing Ila IIIIIII which IO ouuntry had you in Ihlutoloolkll. A list ol numbers In _|.. ,4_-.. 1.- -L._4 1.. ____.___-n_.I 1-- $00 boixn A-_.&.-n-.....u.:.|._..a. an. $IT- Zn -IIIIUI Ijvwuzv flluufwuuu Ihouichlunuc ntiloono (nun lino. Wnuuurylhuluuunotpulodvlth A...JL_.n.4 C...-g-n-..l..-.- > Too-nu : lluont.-Mr. Juno: Shu- Im: II ruuuund to have mind {mm the oondldntm In tho post can vunuy. but lbotnnouuoouont is doubled. I! he steps down Ind out it will only be In the cunt ol Mr. 0. nnllloa or It. I. Flnnipn thrown; tin nigh bower. `I'M lngnngo in unlnlgloto the pnoolohnoo in which the thno gontlonon nuod no pluyig with -on than Illllll vigour. ICU SW DKDIZIL IIIU I KTIIIUUI hunnmdma-rag Wanna, of Capo Viuauurool mum Port. Ir_ [Wu-nu In one of tho but sud twat Ru publiotnut the Cnpo. Ho wu lornnly I uurehnt, pm! by hi: squat and up- ` right dealing won the (com o! the on- ` tin ooulnunity. Hear, hear! vvluvuvvvulu lIlll.lDI II lrvlluvll, IIIII Williun Molhllia, who was found guilty 0! until! with intent to omnult npo. Tho lonnor Ill uutonood to than yearn, and tho latter to two yarn in the Kings- ... u-..n...n... I ton Ponlumhry. IIIU IIIU Ilill" II} I Bmrnxolo.---Thu Bellovillo lnullgcnccr up: J udgo Luin pond ununoo to- thy upon William qua George Harlow, nnnnlan nl hm.-.l.-. .0 "l'u..-o.... ...A Sun 0! Wall: or An.--A gondo- Iul In imported hora 1 Iplondid nook 0! oil poimingn, ohromou, ongnvingl. mirrorl, Ihlunttu and other ornaments. Ind Ir. J. Bonninglnun, thq Auolionur, in soon! to afar them to lhipublio, It price: that will shuns sun the land tlmu. - In-, Ilylnu vv MIIIIII Iuuo \lIVl`U ulllvi, oouviotodol burglary at Trenton, and William Iln\Y.|l3- -I... -nn .1.-In` nn:'5- lacs.-Ir. J. V. I-;I.I..&_l._......|___A._....|_n;- Pouc: CovIu.-'I`hi- margin; Wm. Scott and Ihry Ann Scott. worn up for boing drnnlr, and were aommittod for wdnii nah. Tilly In the Inn purtiu who weroyulordny dinohsrgod on con- dition that they would loan town but hlbd to do A drunk was dlqolurgod. gpjoaoi In-j Inn: cal titan & on and unlnnngnnvpv... vv-cu uuuuu vIulrIv v\l no but wvnn HIV uh-pontnoton. Kr. Niel I(oNodou -II AL- _-_L_t _A_-__ L_-u_, __a -__ I-U'FllI|I1IUlIa uni. A1 IUI uulnwu IAVII ull tho work 0! stun: hosting and po `(ns lull II) RH UII UIIU WIJTI III CI. Iain; for 02,350. `, ,.......a -vw.'.... ...,.--.... , . William Irving 6: the noponaihlo con- tnolor lat tlu hum of about 047,05). Tho other Gnu unployod in the work In nu|\_auno_-on-. ll. N'i-I Il-\T-XI A..- vuuu-nut Inn Irv Iufuu. nun -awn, Ila! Ihph any friends. Poj.I('Al. (Inn-. -Hr. H. 8. Smith - LL- g....A I..- II..Ll_-l D,.lhl..I lIL-.A .___._.;._...__ Tn Gnu`: CoI.I.m1-ousu1r.-Sqya thc n.. n...:..... m....a....:. -m.- v...:.a... lx!_QlII|MY IV'G, I jg iilj"r!,fluTTl-`VH ' t.\_~.. W` 1'9 's!_e9_t: --on--- fl Iu|'u`Iu;A `I019! I .L...'.'3'. uunllb '5'!` urouaanou7:m'uauuoo - ---4-coo----. _, _ I01?! 110 rtalltn. .upunulovnuI>- -l- -.-ah --I--. nan Ir. --tn]: IIII Tho Pnuidont __.__, ,1 n._- -3-H875 II. W XI` UT ji if C olilnuu unuplhhod nud- dnmillunluuo onnoologul \-I`..-LlLA.L-I-J-l- AL...-.1... vonlhnuuluacnnnlnilnquhh labour nodal dub. Inn? n__--_n A- -_____.__ Q-It-luau, us, I-- Iiwuqg vv 0?! Ihlhlnuhl undo. And Unp 5) Ian. lllcluyu nl In. Join Ioctvdl, who 5 AA an A-nnnnll-L-`I --J 0ounn.-Woull an uuuo. annulus 00 thousand Co-guru nah; by It` oludr ol Bydonhn llt. mlnlld "hunch ulna Lnnnlunn unn- UIIIIV III UWIHIZ no. Ioodhl Gilt`, '50 have boon wry utlnlnthopnpnntion ohpcogru-no `Mild lull to pan Intuitive to -I -Lg n-:nInAn ngnd -nu-In `IL- ,-r:-<- yuguwuwru. .`.x'}`.JE; ; \ ``'1a hlh T 0(JOIlIIOKll- onlllulnnu. uvdha U. .-c- WI w I FIUI IJIIIIIII InIa0|Il.Hlhl.hlh.l -nnL- mi IL:-Long An I-, T "j DIV Qjj CIIT V" ddlu to run lot my public position In Illl thou 50 I It subject he tho Nun- nd vononou Insults aftllo Nun, but it Illlbo plouod Io [turd roll in In- jlluond aburudooly Goth truth in tho continue at poumo. on on pill Io lulu qulto uln-thI ho has no nut to la: the Mndiddnro ol my mother at our oonbuponryh out In In uuldudcn cl clan In tho jlll at the nnng ........ .... ...... -,.,,....... .. .............. by Ina oolnquonou. but an onninlion Io-dny M the potlolnn at which the bony Irtlory 0! our ooolonponry In Aland, nvonln tho Iingulnr hot that ho coupon! tin drudtul ounno uhioh Ill oottsinly upootod to lollol than loading and attack. In a word it may be dia- tinctly |htod,!ot tho bonolt of tho oditor of out oolhnponry, who and be par con! tlthon any putbuhr na- ...- Al...-hm IL-5 55.. ........-L.o... IIIWCIII , VIII! lull! ytvprlvlv III (In [haul Wino bu noc na- uounood Ilnull 3 candidate for the -`Anna -IIIIITII -ISUCI I UIIIIIIIIUI luv IIII Inyonlty of mo or my othor you, nor has be ntbnrilod my olhu youon to Ipul for hln. Th odioor of our con- temporary in boon pining for I ohnoo ~ to can lllnnll of the burdoninq gouip sun! the Intention ol tho publlohu ol thin popor. We hnpo he will now be to Indy to swallow his uninluoing mu- uanu. who the Miami: nndnd to ;__n__- A. _._, I _ _ _._L| _ _:.x._ n__ A mild and inoimivo pu-lymph Inv- Ing oumd our contemporary to uplodo like 3 outridgo of dyuuniu, we find thnt tho sudden uplouion hu lodgod a fearful thing mt our door-~-|.o., tho ohugo that the proprietor of this pcpor in I undi- dato for tho lqyonlty of 18:1). M tint night tho shot nppouod to bonttondod L. l-kl um-gnu.-gm... hut gn --`-1-nth.-u -Ir. 0. J. Tandy in junhling About Iolnewhoto in Now Brunswick. No one onnhll Ila hein doing, but he has ~ some kind of I Govornmont bjlM-n ` -something to encourage him to uhod I ` In man km in the nut election Lu: 4 Bophllbor. It will be romolnberod, he I nearly broke his heart in tho prounoo ol ` Sir John at the nesting in Tim Sullivan : I nn-An All.- Dir IIVIII DI DIIU I I Bowling Allny. VIIII IUU lylvvll uyvu uni uuu. --Whit I pity that the dancing 0! the l.O.B.U'n. should huo inlrinpd on tho "oomidontlon" duo to the tender gon- Ileuon ol the Noun? It the Aldermen no willing to aubmit to it, honour, thnl in wlun the chic! oonuidontion ands. Tho} any oonlidor thonulvu snubbed, ` however . .".f LLIIIOLDIY . our lot I an-.1... lI.&n

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