gnu wan` unmw couurnunwn 0,` Haiti boll. poor sppollto, IAIQIM `grab lung, poor blood. lnotln liver, 3.01: and uhu1'hcsblo..thn `olou on- us ggnnnl nllnnllnntn -II ruuuwu -4.-I: "not at lino: onI.- noun. I. Flynn (lnllunn) . Devlin, P. De- gun. 1'." ., J. Grauon, u. nun, 1% Di Ulllllfivu V now up nuunuouu Sadat], and the uppot an by the Yuan; kahuna : ~ lgoluvolout Society, by the no-bun at which it bu boon rontod. 1- _I__A!__ .1 -53.... I-_L _-__:__- _,. -'l`no.ogoulIoot4I( at tho sum- doi'oIoddyb_ok plooo Iootovoohg in It. Paid`: floll. Tho tooth; on ootlmdutio and tho ouoodonoo good. ,. : Th-r9mrh2Hh-892!!!-'1o994 Tr!-9 V _ not Bdlshlj vruulto. Tho IIIQJOIIIUQ Ind rououu lllgoltho Hill, olwollingloo Stroot, ooot o logo amount 0! nonoy. but thoro ` togood voloo for tho iuvootnont. Tho < building in In ouolloot condition, having onoppoonuoo cl nownooo iatormlly, by _ tho polltlngoll oolpotlng which it hll toodvod, And tho outoido lo to_bo likov wioo mu-ImIod.- am. long mm. to ho nod oil ocupiod by tho St. Putz-ick'o mi .n.I u. nnnnv Hot. In: Hun Vnnn 1 lit. hrlouuowohmkoIpluuthl' -8ydoohIuIooI to-dq. Bad auth- '- --TIOII In no P0500 Cuutt thlu mum- tn Annud uniu-oununo: or ill 17:1. :11 VIC-UIQIGGI-Ur. rnuon. Uor. Boonury-Ir. '1'. J. Donoghno. Rounding 8oaotu'y-|lr. R J. Bowen.` 'l`nnnnr-Mr. L. O'Brion. X-Tl In Vlllvll II III. Uvvu Ivnwu. `ho plnction ol oicon last evening :-o- I .-IA.) -- l_Il..-- a lmiimulmm WU a 09:3. H-.%U1L---~ 7:--- ---r~- -~-y- PllHdI-ll._ T. U. Mcuirml Vin:-PnddQ--Dr. Phnhl. ?_4_. CONSlllVA'l`l!l BOIL. 7 nq-Anion IO(.'l_lI`I. WIND FAITH. `lnith hi his [intent Kin... |._.A4Lu_L hnmsn} wme. 'ru1;sn.`u;1u..A.1w11 4. 1.579; Whitaker... Sullivan. . . Swoetnlm ` Dumoulin. . vr I'll! rlllnnnnu --n....u Blllutina Ill mmunuucml fun toouth time: at three n'c|uvL, 4:30 the l`OIlIH. wu anmmm NH`. H. Inhcpuuluuu uamnuy .. .... .. mont of the umnnrr ll] winch Um vx- pcnlo of tho Kingnluu agency wumiu- ouxrod. For the trnnspv-rt uf immi- gnnu the Ontario (3-M-`ernnn-nl [mul $83.21, and for pnwismun, :i`.'|l'v.`2$; the Dominion (}m'ernInent pro\'ided light,fuol, chzmed buildings, supplinl water. 550., M A cost uf i*tS`.5:;.7(D, lhc tulnl being $l,633.l4.""':'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' iii 65 Audio: hlloinlnlilid "'5' W lhudlpm. mum, 'wo. can, n. (In: Jr.-3:.-ulll UIFPNI. N0-"WI Ian... I Patna. `I'll .\m\'ulIu;nn mun.-u Ill oomnonced At 7.3 pm., mid lho Iota, unnnnuncml mt mnu u'u-lock, show- od tho following roouluz - l`I.u-i.-Al LIV. Archduoon Whiukor. . Rn. Dr. Sulliun. Aubduoon SInotnun.. I :-donor L-`Italy... . . Rev. J.P. Dnmonlin... . Lou volu . . . . . . . . . . . . . `I'M Int illlot ul the day. tho vii`)!- OOIIIII, counting from the c-unmouoc-Immt, -u I-hhml nhont. ll u'c|o';k. tho maul! counting IQ IIUUOJ about 4-'c|o';|(, 0! which In npnouncml u Dull--as : Clurinnl. Lay. A...L.I--..... limit.-Inn TI; 38 urn TIE hllol named to place lhu |i|u|i- bood M dthof candidate bung olootod hull of than holou, u it wuulul Inn nqulud bl cloths! and 49 la] vutu tn own on cloodn. vlo. say! the umuuot at run an idiot: : Uloricd. Lay. IAlI1.u...-...JAI. mo- j in `VII not-rI`ov p\u`v., no. ulvu V cocoon. I-muvun. --. (lr'(`:Iv( ) Al 8 p m. the fuurtcoul lmllul was an- nuunood M fulluwa; ('l\ric`u|` Inn . Arohdencon \Vhimker. R407. Dr. 8ulliuu.... Rev. J. I`. Dullnnulnn . I ._-A -1\.Q- Anltduonn Whitaker Ru. Dr. Sulliun . . . . ., I...-A unlnn (iron lmhililiuu. . . . Claims pruven.. . . . . Receipt: upon rant. 3 1mym,,; di- vidends . . . . . . . . ., Rtecelpu Ilpon rauu: a pa .. Amount: prumiacd nr llm cumponIliun., .. . .. . .. Olnilm upon which no dun wdra unid . . . . . XIII` III in. fillll IALLOT. `Arch 4--'l`hin mornillu Tovoolo. Ru. Pnvnot Whitaker nugnul in hunt 3....,. lgnuu IIIIII \4IU\.- n. .........,..-l honlu wam wnll kept. and i were badly kept or In! kept 1 nancial considerations nny I` muized. u... the 7 now. n-none to in min: ant. UIIIIDI Wlllcll nu 1 wire paid . Anigneef cmumiuiou.. Lnw. . . . . . . . . . haw... Milcollmeum rxpendn.urc.. ..-uv.-V Lq-`run n-uu.....,. .. , INHOLV ENUY 8`l'ATl8Tl('-8. Thqn in nu npparont diiculty A5003. the collection of inlolvency ntatiutioc, but the uligneol are in a large` moanuro to blame for this, they having m-,;h=ctetl or delayed in many cues in Ill--king the ru. 'turn| expected of them. A "prominent feature In reumr|zed--that the uicinl na- Iignou report up to the `tint umeting of` ` creditor: and then give tlm zmwuut nf lilbilitioa. H the eatste in than trunn- lured to A crmlitorfu nnignco Mn! hv mnkon no return the liabilities are ru- ported. but in yach as 0 use neilhar reccipho bf the nuigneu nnr cnluposili Inn hy in- solvent: are repurtul. As lhern um um- hundred and fly~nino CJISUR Inf thin Im- ture the Average dun]-ml rn-ally [nun] must be somewhat higher Ihau that lhown by tho tablua. Thu ruturus fur Um County hf FrnI1tonm- am In the f>Hlv\VH|g Until` effect: Number 1-f insnlxonls, Iii. morcinl D, induutrml, cases in` which the oicitl auigneo was cmnlinw-cl, 13; one one in which oat.-Ito was lr.\Im{n~.rrul to the cre nnuignvo. ` Hf lhn thur toon cane: uf inmlvumzy in nuvnn tin- ' I ,., ,II I. .. ; .....1 Q.` uI\ llu-r . III] IIII |lIpI'-ll0lI. IIIIIII` A-u ,y- man] to 11,633 were reported nt the uri- ona agenda, and those hmnght into the oouutry good: aggregating 1 ulna ol I43I.563. Thin number Incl-ulvu the 049 who llfiV0d in Kingston under the nu|- j piano! the Duqrinion Government, hu- iug property worth I32,50. The Ink] oxpondituro in conhoctiun with the King- ` Ilbn 130110] in thus given fora Iuripu 0' occur: I on mu mun-nu lay"-----'-" fflrlili lilprlitalr. iiurinrtiaivvtf 1 ......- .. I I 12. ! -nrn rnnnrla It VIP Th Hindus: of Ag `ulna. nuhni a algenuuat which in non impothnt than blag book: mnuppoud Iuantoin. He , duh int.` with imnigrltluli, which ho` doelu-on in on thn incnuo n9wi:|m|nd- 4.- .n._-.-hut -FI-rimr~-|-'ai-1-nm- amp- Al-r..\| I nnnnr.-u Mr. R. Macphonnn nnln-n ,_A .1 .1... ............~ ... nlnnh flu --_ ` `. III UIVOIT OX IIIICIITWI A30 IU- ..... u--nu IIIOIIIHI . . . . . Lou votoa. . DRESS GUUDSH I871 . 1372 . 1873 . 1874. . 1875. . 1876 . "`UU'I'_.'. you i llllsl El! 0! A(JB|CCLTCBlL coo 1`0n0STo lllHll0l'IIl(`. ._._.-ooo -- IOIOI IOI.|. ) dividends 1 Ukvbu. lay. 76 ` 40 U! KI` Uleruml. Ln N0 41 II I Cluiual. Lay. our 'io_,e "us Hill'- in an `-t'_)' t M ztll. Thu y In thus sum- .`nllli!lI\v'Il, up: ... .... .,.....r and J1 >1-Ily balm un--n more eleurtuu` th-- \~uwCiM.inII dc the mark that it In decorum and hem: nmnner in whuqh guests. It is to T 2,104 70 . 1,00!) 40 . 1.837 92 2,540 02 *?,'fRfT*88"' . 1,90.) 91 `L918 35 1 mm 731 IIIVHIUIV IV I nliing `V prominent he M ..1 ..l IVIII DDUHI ml at ful- ment. -Tho statement (hit the Hon. Mr. Lnngeller has boon nppuinm-I Trouuror of the l'ruv|ncu 0! `Quebec is denied by Lin hernln. _'l`b...'..n umlinn nunin Mr. Thornton ll Wuhington Y -7 M I meeting 0! Libonla gt Mun- mml on Friday owning tho Hon. Bolu- tor Thibndcuu and Hun. Willnd Lonrior more do uto-I to mu Qnoboojn on! to imluoo t 0 I.ioIn.-Governor to Anticlpuo In rougnntion the Mlvono vote of the Inns. 0! Umnnum. Au olnady hul- muv.od,u soon as tho vuucy ocean. llon. Mr. Manon will be u lnlnl to as... ....i|i.\n Inning III mi In Ch! us. --rr rvul. --Mr Mountain`: noun ol motion went the lntolliu honor in an ugun an (Int inhoduocd lay III John Iudolold I..o ...... uni anal: nlnu Ibo odulolo mu tho dhmmu at who muouonwvnnu (luvormuont no ubltnry. A! result it in nu: huum wbothor In Iuoodnont on uonndouoohrutor than um I: withhulrl. The mnilmn will be dholnotl .... |l..n.l.n maul. In jgom yith R|CH_MOND_&_ BOYDEN mlumnnmu onrrupon-loam in CI} W blow the prlnun, I Ila-nu mu. dun will undo! thonluntbnnollbo "1-'3. "'n".'7`u........' hdPrlLt|h. Count! .4 to. Hunt nanllu. Ihoslbnunnoluu M (Q: n! In-cling. ` We can upprecinlba tho scnmuenta of n cunh-Iup when it remarks : One of t|.o must cnmmun experiences in u nuwapcper ullice in tho nun who comes up 1. get his mnne auppreued. "You sen," he :1;-1, in n hushed sort of voice, us has drawn his chair clone to the ropor- tor and I.-mks c-mtimnly around; "you are I met R friend In! night, and we went nruuml town a little, and -tho fact is--; Wu Imth of us not 1: halo off, and UN puhcennn -ho hu I grudge ngninu mo. .'uuylmw-)u- said we were disturbing thu pv':\o(- and he run us in. I wouldn't like lw let my fulka--you knowe; just km-p -vul fhe name won't you 1-! take your pay!` and if you'd juut-; you l.n.w," _otc., eta. Sometimes it imfur one thing and nomahmeu another, but a day rarely pane: without name one com- ing up to have hit name kept out. talc-rlh n. -- It has Inmupired that lifty-thI`ov len- niunal meuenueru and door-keeper: huvo lvcnll nppnilltel) under the preum. nrnngt - _1*|.. .o..o.....m Ihnt um Hon. heroin. --'l`ha uleclinn politiun ngninlt Mr. H|mw,M I , f: r South Bruno, mu direct- ed to be wuhnlnwn by the Reform Unn- vvnll-vn un Hutu:-day. Tho rumour come: from (Ntuu that the Manna Depnrhuom are oullocung in- !-rmqtnm no rrgnrdn the pru-ticnbility of n llmlson Bay port... `The Hon. Wm. Mncduu all ill cou- undrum which the Minister ul member: Cnnllut units out. He in a thorn in the rude of the body poliuu no In u the Con- -urmnve party In concerned. _.Mr Nmnkar Tumotu. who in in concerned. --Mr. Speaker Tu:-ootu, Mnntreal, hn purchuod tho plant of the dc-luncl. Franc Parlour from Mr. Aululphe Ouimot. for 32,500. Us in nh--ul mum-c I Llbenlpupor In Three Ihveu. _1-x... ..I...I.. ..I ah. "aunt nf Umulnonl Ihveu. --Tha cl:-flu ul tho llonus of Common: um having an any iimn of it. Then II nothing to dn for the lugs mnjnrity of them, but the country pan 8240 n dny (or th-4 Ierviou ol the tiny on tho Hm nll the lame. I! in nunnrnd nhnnl Chi Plllllmlhl nll the -It is rumored nbout tho Pnlumont Banding: Hut 3 rogimonl. of tho (hard: will coma nut to Cnnndn in the spring. um! um, slur tho union, Sir John A. Mnodomld Iull retire lrom tho Ministry and he nppninlod In nuooood Sir Ed:-rd Washington Y An . mnnlinu nl Libanla Ion. Mr. Ilnuon Illl no a nun: w the p-onion. bolng on ad In the Unhinot, a Minister 0! Mullah, by Mr. Ohnpluu, who will that! (or Turnta- uo.-Fru I'vm. II. II........-.'- Inll: 1|. nunlinn "" "`Y T'" ."` _ q. 7 ` r . In um inuodumd by Ill Jolll quuoum In! your, and newly ulna pdnd 0 the dbmioul at the Dallouolun Ilo u..-...........n an nrMI.mrI_ Al Q13} i!l.TimImuunuyvn-nur Print ngounilloo, the Ihnlo ol this ...|....mmm onrtuonn-Jones can In l'n'nun UouImuo,uw wmnu nu um onrlupon-hoes .L- ...t..a.n nnnl nnhnur HUI O \`IIllJL'Il is xuuwstv, snvw uuulu of tho heuntlea of elnctricily, which were greatly adniirodhy the uonipnuy, aml whirl: U-Illillilllotl in agrueaihla put ml the ;i u _-_5r.tnun--. Mr. I). Frazer follow- u-l Wllh :1 olmut ndnlrau. About tun ' u'cl ~k tho company bugnn tn disperse, `I ! balnru oleven the hall wm lJlIA'-'IxlIt`01lt'll`lL!Li. The young men of daaervo much praile f r must have entailed to henutily thu hull. And the they entertained their ba h npod that this will nut lnu trhu l.-ml entarliuninent of the amt which they will giro. -C01? Itllmlltl. III! III III! Munch] nut. Hun nnnnl lull il DI! Lat night mo" uninipnhd Pulor En- . uruinnuul. Ihich wu hodcnd to the " oitinnuoflmgatou by the young men 5 _` composing the Y.M.C. L, took pluo,uul ` ' (ha invihtiuup Ion! out Inn responded to ' by I large ngmbor, probably two hundred * Biii]"`;T*`o'iiE `Tn ramar irirnsaguun ` fully'decontod,I.ho whirls place bolng con- vortod into n ulognm. drawing room. I Tho Inllu nnd pillnn won proluuly ' ldooontod with oromrconl, while picture: ' `tub hung with ulmi.-able um Mound ` ionputpont. Spluuy gnood tluoornarl - of the rooms, and Ilpon tables, satuxqd , through the plum, Ion Ilnroptican viuiu which won greatly admired. The room on `tho right ol the Iuirwny wu turned in! I cloth room unod by the Indian. (or toilet And other purposes. Aftor the ulunl formnlitien cunlomuy upon Inch an ooculun had been gone chm In nnd_thec,omg;1ueamuIoutod, nu, `nu ll I'\:_|__-_ __I.....__'.l AL-.. 4.. Al... -\lr. Peter Mctlsrthy ha been I-at-n hy the Conservative: of Lincoln 1 H1mrcmdnlnl.e at the: coming Local III. The moumn I!!! no can-u my In onnnodlon 3}` `I Q _b_g-tglgd the gum (-c-noun? \ (`mu nmu 0L'('lll`r0Il('('. .____oos__.. l 0l.l |'I('AI.. in.uIn min A F... '..%...c-*-...a' mmuuu noon. - -- `lie Hlnllnln Null-Iuve Tulle qunllllu of KOBlII0ll'l pll0Il'|l0|l|7.ll) Ellrulux or (too Lnvxu Um wx-rn l.u;'ro~EIIoarIu'r: or Lula would indicate its grub ulna u n ma- mr-Mive and iuvlzomor. In mm In condition of no system revuilinx in patiauu rH-ovnr- in from Dim eriuuvnllu favors. Inlly thmm of A l._y[Ihohl cbnraololnwhlloi him when the promuun.or_vai,na of luailuda nu-I Kupuouliyui hnlolunonlvunl unabated Puuhu. Urdu-all ottnulduhouuhllnulu. Iupnoul slat-pnnulnooul n-Q,__ -_.I lI-_I_-L_ AM cont}; 0: unit: um. &NIOCIIkl'.UphI' II` fklnbj Fnnsr B1 In are ugly clmuzn; 0 mm: or our awullun to twice in Ymul aim in no more bnutiful thnn it in cnmforlablo After trying many `cure|' we come buck and award the palm to Perry D|viI' Pain lbller, `the old reliable,` which Alford: relief quicker than nny other thing we know of. cburumIor.wh|leH' taken prremcnulboryaunn woalnmee uppenn, it would hnve I tendency to prevent the |llm`k.or lighten end shorten in duration. The one In which it ha been uled fully bear ouuhie hypotheele. It Ilium later: the enfeeblul power! and build: up end gimp free]: life Inll vitality to the whole unlmu It in prepared _en]gn|_s~ by J. whole a nlmu nnlnly If. Bnbimon, Phnrrnv-eutionl Chemlat, Ht. Juhn . N H.nm.l for sales In Urugglalc Inl U0lIOI`NDeuIIl"I. Price 3|. porboulo; nix bottles fur $5.00 ` Cnii Mud um thacrown Jowcl Inn-HIM: I-`Inc llA|.l. All) PAILOI IIIATIIG KTO-VI, the man nnoouahnl Mon tall. 1 I very Buns gnnnnlood. Mao Ibo (:rownlng-IJlory Wood Cook Stove. W uh portable rhnlnbovl copper Nnnor vmr; an Inn man In ullllnllroo than In other Booorvolr ` In Btovmold no the on _y low nrublo Ioonrvolr Cooling Btu-vo In tho vor um: tuning oven undo: Ila In. ___.__________________ ..,..... ......., .......,.._.. ..... ..._ _ on,`cgd,Il pltqltblh sll tutor; work nvutbqnnum. and all the ply-lohno uni udlaho In the valid cannot help an nlul tlilgotottooon at US! only Bourvolr Cooking ltmfo In fqynnnrgxgn, _- -_n...... Alp`--L--n nnnln, Iwll IAIIIIIIII Oomns anal!-('3:i"kets,] NERVILINK in u ponmva neceuity to thaw who are subject to nerve pnim on expnaure to cuhl ; Nerviline at once pene- trates through the skin to the source of pain: Nerviline in one of the most certain mm-di.a for neumlgin, affording speedy relief to the nn'erz-r; Nervilino has been med by hundreds in Kingston and vici- nity from whom it his received the high- est prnise. Nervnline on on] be pru- cured from N.(). Pnlaon at Co., ruggi|ln_ Try Nerviline, the new fnmily remedy for pain. FRASEREMOWATS s'rov1:s._g-rovlzs. ltnmlno Iy Slant huh; I|uw?uuo_| (`nth-ry, Plated Ware. Sleigh Bells. Cut halls.` Ironinml st:-el. 1'. Ln Fulani-. Olin ch Glanc- AT liANI(RUl'l' Pkllflt. 134 P1-incosa St. Nov. `HI. WM- ESUNN. Inn) I`-at EH?-_.31*}ME uhmn nnuur. your name mr Immaumw use will prevellt serious aicknou, a large doc- tur'u bill, and perhnp: death. by the um of three ur fuur (lures. Fur curing con- mmptiun, hemorrhages, pneumonia, :0- were (`0|lL'lll, crunp, or any disease of the throat ur lungs, in uncoeu in Illllpl ' won~ darful. an your drnguiut will tell you. Uenmm Syrup in now lultl in every town and village on lhn continent. Sampled bulllus for trial, l0u.: regulu Iizo, 75. .a-zo .- lu ml!` style of clinuu. with in sudden clmuravn of `.emperut.uro-r|in, win-I And sunshine often intorminglud in a single nlny, -it is no wonder that our children. friends and relatives are so frequently tnl-nan from un by neglected culdn. half the deaths resulting dirwtly from this cause. A lmttleuf H-aches : German Syrup kept uhout nhullt hmue for immediate use Wlll nnn-nu! n.-rimln nickneu. lnruo It the puuco court tno_,I-mouung morulusz at my Te"l'il'M'|i'i "HrT)'I7I7_I'i'"l"oTo`6T." heuvily nilod, and when the verdict. hnd been nndcrod ngniun her mother, who vu ned n dolls! and coin, the I xnng forward tuuurda the prunooulor Ln pre rented I pistol full in hi: {too and tried to shoot. Fortunately the wanpvm hung tinf, And inltaud nlsdontlhcarryiung shut only A uup In heard. The I young wuumn mu at once dint-mod, and the revolver, which nu landed, Iequeutrnledl Subuequantly Aduir was placed on tri4l for nuulting Mrs. Brown, and mu linod 8'2 nml cmll. Thu voumz wminul. mr nuumng airs. nrown, nnu mu nnou 32 young wurbml, Elizabeth Brown, wu taken into custody and mm H6: in gnol uniting trial. All the parties are in {air ciroumunucea and `considered relpectnblo. , mununp nunqm.,, some limo ago the you man Iuoooodod - in onticiug the young gir iron: the path: `of virtue, And that in ouuloquonoo of her dingnoo rho Ind uinoo boon living Iilhihor uiater. at. whuu homo aha wu acou- Iionnlly visited hy her mother. On Sum * day. l1`tkinu., Mn. Brown wu on her Iny to no her dnuqhteu, when aha mot. Adair. Inca.-mod at hi: treatment u! Elizabeth the struck at him, nud he re- turuovl Hm blur with intorut, blnckoniug one of the Imam : cyan, und mlkinu hor none Hood I Mreun. After the uhy, 'Adn_ir, determ-'med,w have the dial :5; before the nnngi-urine. laid In infcvrmr tiou Igninot Mn. lirourn ohnrgina her uilh nbuult and bnltsr . Mn. Brown nu ucourdingly urn Ind Arraigned M. the police court tho_,[-allowing morning ar Im Ea T`iTM'iii`Bt-o wn in Mount. ......."'"*'..'.'-.'.".:.'.'::%.'_""-T'--* In ll. DUO. my Aunt. "rue puma nu uaaou: mo; Jlaumhjp nlK1;nL,, lama mno no tho mun: ng by an nlhnphdrahooung us cone: or I :00 Allan Iunod`Wdtu* Adair, by I girl, p u allege: that ho Ind uduooil bars A: tho mine, In. Brown, mother 0! the run; ur-mm, uh-no nun in IE|in.boIln Brown, an an Inn! for unsuit- --.--._._...._....__._...._._. - V -- - `min `Ann up: Ocunhlonblo uciuunt . in mud in tho but uour,0un South: day or two ago 7 the nlhnphdrahooling it count of mun: nllmt nnnod` WING Adair. by ~6aVbinot Maker YOU CAN BUY An can-up! null!- A 0I;"0 lI_lnl. II. In-It IIAII. n%dnnlhqn-bhnudn 0AlADA.UIl'lIDITA`|`Q AID IUIOPI --: Fresh am Water Earrings, lresh Bmolts, trash Haddock. Kit: Mackerel. Sea Salmon. -1.1: |_|_|- IlII.:A-I.k `I-;vEu`-E": mus. DUB Dnuuvu. Half bbll Whitomh. Half bbln Salmon Trout, II]! bbla rinnun Buddies, -T '|'1Ionn-lenlgnnl ha Ajuuo us--rtmo-nt --I 7` EH13 I ion :1. suitable {or (`lu-(luau urn:-uh. In ulln tho (I win; paturlujz hi Ill. laomw 35: R083.` Doc .|. CAN (YUIPICTII WITH ANY |lANUl"A()- TURII) IN TIIK | RU\'IN(IlI.'. |iIoOK_1_a::aJ12iai] _ '| l`l'|no|u-.hnniu|wudI.lI1-N l|0| Iirtniu Lp_I}_i' conical DIV A lhlnnta of Invontionl IS GOING ON T0-Nllulll`. AND W|l.I. CUNTINUE EVERY NIGHT UNTIL ALL I`) l)l3l'UHll) Oi`- Snlo every Market day at half-put Twelve o'clock. [I BEAR IN MIND--THl`2Rl1'. Ill TO BE N0 RESI-IRVE. 'l`hooodI will be sol-I If your own prinoa. Q` N.B,--l RlVA'l`| SALES IIICLI) DAILY AS UBUAL. ANDREW KEYS. P. HARTY, Auctioneer. Fer.p|Ion'n Block, WALDSCHLOESSCHENI XX and XXX Ales and Porter. Anal any that pauornu Ino and-n. OUT ronoorntory 01 Int !I"1im1ENsE AUCTION SALE 320,000 Worth of Dry unui_Tgbe Sold without Reserve: P. EARTYS GREAT AUCTION SALE E IIAVK REUIIVEI) A NI I.ENUl|) AHUR'|'IEN'l' UII` CLUTIIH. TWEKDH AND Worulocl (Ina. inn. whlch lur ntyla. dtlr1||1'_lH.)' sud nhggnou cannot ha equalled lu tlm ouy. Wornlml Cnuliugn in Che:-kn. Din null. lhulumuh an iguroo. Fina Worsted Tmuur. mg. in ma the lawn New Yurlx and Par 5 ut_v|M.l I-`lno Broadcloth: and Duullnu. lI`In.(}.m. Iiuu `I wemlnln the-I clmimiot putwrna aver unnnmwturod. I-`inn unorunant of lloolnh Twomls. We are making Jr-lam rupixlly fur than above (lands. and puuu requiring mall; 5 rnt-olmm Gunnnnl or Sun at u nu-ulernus urhm will nenmeg oa`ll on us. W0 Inva boon hug] .3, wufk ,1; winter |unnuI'uvI.u"mg A (.`|lUl.(.`E` ASS4)IH'M|s.Nl 0|-` Cl.()'l`lllN(}. and parties: requiring A Rmulv lulu Uuaz. Paul-ur vgnt vnll l|n_nl churn uquul In nmuiv rnapouu to on!" gut um _ vary largo Msorunaul tn nulowl (`rum ~A l` \'l1.l(_\' l.(rW l Kl(.lS. Uhnloe nnnorllncnc of Gum`-u |I`nruinhin (hauls, new and vhonp. Jun! HucnI`\'nd--'l`|I!a`.lI`2 CA MC! AIKBIUAN I-`h`.l.'I`umI I-`FR HA `S. to lm auhl ul pl`iI'un Llmt wnll Autumnal: the nlnmu lmyor. Q N.I!.-buak mum; THE SIGN I`l|l'l` KEAILNI 'l`llRlI4: l)ll-`I-`I-JIHJN1` WAYS. Z. I IlIWOS'l`, Fab 21-9.. Nzw YORK CL()`l`llNu S1l)ll\`..`nFl.()1'K S-nunrr. Klmmnnr NOW Is YOUR. man: To Lila: om: oanmzs ran rm: CELEl3I{ATI()N OF THE ITTII MARCH AT THE NEW YORK CLOTHING STORE. 6-.-}. o...-A g..- Anna 0...... Il...1..4 l....-_- I `rho IOIIIII| It-pan-out will be I Ill'[l of I. A. IAIIIPI l'rIm-on M.) | `|lP|| '19. I873 lI; 'i_AI*3!EKP Y 5%? tWir!1 IUU ploou (VOW HIM?! hllll I ll |UJ, lzgc. Inc, gnu um Now Fnnc Druu Good: for npperu It 230. Now All \ uul Plounn Sargon at. 35c and No New Cumol -Hnir Cloth (loud!--Cl|ua,J. 1100 moon New I'riutn'-~bo9tqu,d1Iy nut col-bl-I, :4. 10. - Go tu \'ALDl{()N'S for the Chelpul. Huulo Furninhingl. II `II A I IIIIQIY IWII. .. rm`-u..........."*.. :-,:,-__---------:-J -.-=.'`..':..."'.: III PI-bhnlilh IIV. A. I . XIII , LL (Nun. In I I 5lAlIiFPiec1es New Spting Dress Suns--Eheap 3 FOR l'\f!Tl' l LABS SEE HAND BILLS, which srouow Iboing diuribntosl ~. 7 -~ ~- ~ ~~ -- ~`-, - ~-~~ - ~~-v~ ~--`-- 0 ooooooooocbvtootqo--oovtoooooqoooouc-oonc} I nor um ootnnnras . co-A an-uoousooooooouoooc-ovrooooooooo IF. X. COUSINEAU &C0. Vanna Feb 6th. Ff}? 2lIt. GRAND arr-r sA.:i:.:a Feb. 26th. REGE1_YED To-D'A`x" . OHINA `ISA HOUSE. Will be Continued llurlnx the Whole Iontln of lurch. All Wool Uebnuu Urou UODGI at `ms, nu: Ana am`. ~c -m;wwHm* - ' . ----~-~~- -`~------ -- 100 moon Now llluzk Lmlml at 10.)`. l'.Hc. I50. 200 and 25. Chup All \\'oLl Hhck Cuhumroo :1 50c. 60c. 75c and 900. Chup Uuiun Black Cuhmoru at `.503, 30c. 35c nud 400. Chup Uolurvd C.uhmoroI at 30c. 40c, llc, Gun and 760' Cheap Dobuge Dreu Good: at 154:. 20: 1nd 2% ` All Wool Debnuu Drouuoodl at `I53. 110-: And . . -& -&m= --%-- PHOSFOZONE 1 I} HAVE Rl()l\'l\`.l) A I l.ENl)l|) ASUR'l`IEN l` 0|-` CLUTIIH. inga, alum!-liv.y nheupnou ouunlhd lu u... .-+ae+;-'awure-aese.------ Fnncv runners `30. 100 Now Blush Lust I l0J', 125:1. live. an-I` VHCXIUQ. I. 5 VJ. --n wrist` Q-r-\' I IIIIISI i Brook Street. Four Doors from Market Square. -.roo--- AT WAi.DRoN s. pow Yuri (`MP1, 1111! HI! I llll T. F. nay}. V V W _ 1.. rluuvllnl, b10lut, Bnovx Snunrr, Kmusmx. I. urns. _- `rrinewr. run Inn . V..--V... ... ll. Ilnlltllugn. N l*%`l%,*~;:; - N. t` (lltolml B. STOCK. N Churn! St, Tomato, Ont. HY. BKIINIR Jn 2-1|. Agent. Klupton. Canadian Stove Depot. uamunnuguuu. OAILICL Uumvu Uwuu Kl'.uWlllOlWIAlI.lll0I'lII -n4...A...AIA1n-In-I. (1-nuuult AIDSION PAlN'l'I!lG. (lulu lug. (Ilulng. PIDOI Ilunllll MN! 0:! On. In I: hook`: Inn 011. It lulu: mtuuou In sppounoo. but I081` mnuon In quality. 8TOG|('8 EXTIAIXX & XXX, when OIIUIII, bun tho above -_._ J` ---L Mclelvoym ai-Birch HAQQ In , - -AHf| IIm0In_x norm jtmomawausamwmk STIOVES. FDR W(X)D AID (DAL thoynolltop-_v_o_ndhlla._IIon. I n%.a v;~- - no In All. IHCQIIQ an IauhnhpIuo- cnAL_9EPoT w-u-juv---cu:-'-vw--u--- E The l.arg-st.Cheu|vent and llcst. l Selecllon ol OITV PAINT SHOP, And Boom Paper Depot. l|A(Yl` STRIWP. IIITWIERN PRINCKBH AND QUEEN ITIIDITS. j .-nu`: W u--u FOB AIDUOAL. Niki hoytu IADW IIICII. _.A .5us$a v: Fl! RI III? TWO IIIII! Aptqulllhuwlui `nuuu to gho hung; man on not nuhunu okuvuh of up, glvhgaurnudvhdllyhthwbhnzuuu In and ndmuma-. ruonroxon for IOIOVIIUQ llllil and Icahn down on- uuulbu. In II oqunl. "PHX!$NI" III e hdfhnn every Puiuwwu-mu. 1 u;lolordIf .5 ' .._._.;..._.. .- ROOM PAPER, gpbinson & Son lial Iiji gold}: ,, F` IIUUIII AND HIGH l LIN'I'lWG.( lug, (llulng. Piper Hun (I: wnlnlugto . done In I a but nylo III! on the thermal. nodes. "Kw? i3`-iv Si nix? Jam: JCI-II In (`antral Caaanla .030 I ATE V Ito taaxougcngu-so u an .$'r':'u.f-3 Thounndu of Barrels of OIL ` Inn been palm- od oil by UN- IORUPULOUB oooovcooowootvooov-cc-on I'M-n.|.nIu."u, |ui`|0Id Worth om dollar 3 I for Yuri. Ivv wvuvv -uu ._-- -_. ... no will upon business on Wellington dndllilouhnlotncllyounplcl by Ir. I !-uh Rkloy. W0 will its IIOI un.lnovhgI|nIobulIdc|c-no- nhntlnnltuollhlnduu. Whoa Iqobdonbohul nu bvcuulu, busuobuduuolhinlo. We wish ;:_. _._.| LA. l_.I_-A.-- L...A- _.I4..n CIIII IIIVI? III-IIU Illl nu uuuulvuul - unboto! pupil: 'l'h0ol|qohbou Wally dtutod near Glulph, on one cl AL. _..-I Inzndilnn Carmina `W In Will] Illulivu nun: uuufu. vu Inn in 35. mag: lnarilhing fu-hing district h (\_.._l_ Lngzhh In IL` .36 ...'*.:..*"-'.....:I...i-:.=:"...;'."""" I. IOITGOIIRY C90`? UHIIJUI. III Illtul uIIuI-uun' InI-uu' u-wu-u- :- Onlu-io. Pnouul honlolp In the an o( ngricultun in (Inn, and to know cl no plus when both! nlnitn ah ha `Inn to hnnon son. It. Johnna, Ibo Pn`nuips|,h ndvndng it idly In .Q.l.-.- . ----*-r*'-` `In Nu l'wvon.-Ir. G. W. Woke. the oolobntsd pluo unhr, In orrlntlio unallln Kluplon to open 1 luloqfor Ibo unnfnotnn ol uptight pluoyihkhnhnopopnluhthohtu and Mann -ill his call In Ouudu. ||Il IIo.IoIM will hit wall Tn u- _xn ._... L...|..... ..- Cglll-nim- duquont auctioneer found a politlcisn who valued tho Ihni at twenty oouu. ---qu> 'l`oioaAuuuo.- l'hlc been 3 popular nnnmunut nll wintar, and the nuthor has favored the sport. Mon. women and` ohlldnn have indulpnl in It to limit L...a-I ...-A-..A A ..... 1.... AL. l'...a -........-.. um. ............ u. .. .. ...... hum content. A run down Jho Fort HII In 1 unhucn not only duy upo- rhlood. and annuities young Inn uni Iona: take 5 did. without the mo ol 1 A-L--.._ n._ -1 AL--- .I___ ........... \-III. VI ...... ...,. .. any upset to bar of come one losing all tho little bnhu they no pounced of. Aouuma-aux.|.-'l'bo annua- tom of this well known Uollogc will oun- _-___ -_ AL- nm. .4 A...n A_....._ UCOIW VII uuu In nluu. -llu-`V mun bin undo lur an addition` n-vnhnt nl mmih Th h Inn. WT llwuuug vvv -- III! |Iln at! U: lndutryshouly volcano. I Duncan 31! cl-lovoo Ior Ilfly cuts! IUIIIAL.--It SIN U. 1. uuuu. Iutxoyun putpatorohhollow lJhbnq|PnuIyhI-luclu-ul.lIodyou Invdmnlturunilho-ounoodhgovan nub dunks Auhuhodlh lnlhhwunulndop. lions: uunclllujh-h,lootlud. `nun pnndlhyunnnnnponddlu ub- uhuq |houI|nlndhnlhAuIn- In. Wonnlclnnl Ihl bk tannin vliollongllloulchlcnont. `ho In-nhllnhphaothu the Quad Q...|....AL..-Ind-ILL. -n-Ann -2. Sou ClllAr.-An|ou( thq piston: ION by Mr. Bu-Ininghdm Int ovonlng III one of Sir John am! the number: ol the Onlnot. Mr. Bonnlumn Ihouglu Qt Ioujd be told quite euily. and tho; the bidding upon it would In qnito spirited, but it In only nftcr n furious bumbinlmusot tho udiono. am the n.) :, uuyyvu. av-ruuu-1 Iuviqul yuuuvuu u-u narrow olapol. In one one an ugly lump n! ion struck a person on tho heel and llmed him. "I. tho duoonding block hit him on the hon! It in probnblo .then would have been a. lumen]. lcnmuu.-Duhgchouughgum urllocllhuu at [lupin nil have |IIot'dcpucnIlu|unu-lIhIno- ..u.nA_..a..-I-nnnnhln-hash `III h. ..|InInIlI9In.lnt $911 0 unuhonnldsnbdqdln an an Iwqhunhllnlm nuuuIcl,h_uu@uqs UUUIICII. I'TWIIII' IIIU 'IZIllIl. III III!` my pan: to poor porlonl. u ullhod it to bumdontuod that Kingulop would `not ouponrt pauper: uni hon from cell nunioipnlltiu. FALLING'I`ho imlico should no disk ieiolu no eluted from house eaves, otherwise urlom u-cidonh my happen. Yeah:-dny non;-:1 person: had Toll Rmnu 0ANAL.-TI'IO work u! repairing the loch jun already common- oodon tho lliduu Csunl. 'I`_ho mo of Government uicinlu nu mbon About ten. The; no and to hue lulu -Kingoll and proceeded lawn:-do Ouuu. At prcuut they no omployod st Ritchie`: loci. wlafro homo lugporhnt chnau no hols; Ilooiulnnovoiluclvdll `~ '%`%.`.`s.."f.'.I."' PAqrn.uu.-Mr. Mayor (lildonloon hu written I lunar to the Toronto Oity Council, nsootlng tho grunting bl nil- unu hangs: In nnnu narannn R. -llhnd -:0?-nj RIOOVIIIIO --The Ulllol ol Polio)! ll Ionawhnl honor. The dnnproul point Ind uppuihuy boon puuod, Andunlun 5 nhpoo oouun uh mount; in only I mu- `or of timo.;'l`ho change in Mr. Hana`: health .10 viewed with interest. by his _._.._. I_-_.I- may lrionda. Pnnnlluuu.-Brink tn high conch- orly to weahrly `winds, cloudy Iild_nQ- that, thin ruin, lollowod to-mono! by cold northnourly wind: and pcrthlly clearing Iutlnr. . .-.?.1`....__.-. Coloulnb ln.'--uAn_ou the Mann canon:-ml in nuotdny by the Ontario ..1:T.T:'..":`.7.` .... 7.rtrr-Hr ` I Erqkvood Aoylun. ...__o....-_. -"TunIn'|" [mu um upper to- non-ur. It nu nhlnid. 2: Iollln.--`no luv. 0. J. Oman; L- _....- _.-_ _..a ...A...lAL. I.- `mum! in: v....-:.p...hsuu.hh'u-ul ....A..A-njlk-nxl-I-` i duioraqux , KlInlInl_ . . . runs. rm rum 3 o'clock nob --1-C.O-2: MY IVZKO, KAETJH 4, 1370. 012'! AND no`1u'r`r. nu.-- nL....|.|.. nglllhl-n Inn X I filtllvl IIIIVI nu un- hoon bounced forward A: tho nominee of tho pthor Tory Oouuntion which met nod undo iu doolnnlion some time ulna. Ir. Du-ooho hat the utmost cou- donoo In his standing in the eloceorr (noun-. nu! In full oetuln of hniua ro- Iurngtlh my cunt. but I Irinngulnr xmtut, with two Torin in tho eld, Inuit mako tho nee I pi-my my one for the present mombar. But why should Mr. Dorooho ho Npllced 1 Ho in -_ -LI.. -A.-..a:.... ant` uunonnun mam. -`1I. v. -. --..~ .._. ,.,, ol Inoolunq. - -A pad may bonus in an. vicinity mink Ihllho new homo dlunu. am- n.n..m. I3-I-yin gnu In... 4;] C-.1-']o:gn in dnlulu. ' -'|'hoO|ud Inigo AI. and LN. lanai hhuoouludnuaungto ",1".-. ,n_ Inmlgv Ihv. GIIIC IHIIIIINI IIII} IIIIUUIIU I-II liyluwvu v --v -. nn Iblq, nmntivo nnd ooumoun mom- ; A _._- -......|.:..-A:.... Al III IIIIQ, IIIIIIIIVU Illu vvulwvuu -uv-u- bor. poisoning I nro combination of pod qniithn, and ha in: send at I than Iltlt one object in viov-to ud- unoo the lutorntn of the constituency honouring him with u out In tho Logis- lstuu by sll poniblo, lqitlmsta, mum. Not ha in (Inn ollonoo to any. From the In! ha ha been Iupponod by many Oouonutlvou us toll u Roformon, and botlolnnuluvo no-nd oqcul cousi- dondon at lilo Iundu. III. Luke and Ir. BOIIIIIN very good nun, but they In the tool! 0! polhioalvliquu, Ilwu aniqgoninn to Mr. Dorooho in huotlol their objection to his support all lb Iowat Aduiniutntion. sad it, uL_ ll- l'\-_--|.- L..- - ......| ...,.,,.4| uodnt IIIIIIO luv Ion: u-u--. -150 Ddlovilh Ontario now bout: of O uiudhouu. The pupa in Iortiy -11; On Saturday Int the much threatened onions 0! dissatised Torin, who distant.- od {maths nolninntion of'Mr. J. W. Bol|,utho opponent ol Mr. Derocho in the nut Local election, In: hold at Controvillo, nnd the result Inn, :- nn upootod, tho uloolion of Mr. George [Ah so the choice of that win; of the Protection! party. Mr. Lake In: the Oonurvttivo oandidnto in the Inn. sloo- tion, and III moot uigully muted in hi: light (or Pal-linniontnry representa- tion. It In not probable that he can re- qoruoho loruur dooiulon of the olooton, but In in nubitioul sud can Itond A lupphlf shout A: null :1 Mr. J. W: Boll, ol Colndon, who in u proud - _-......I: ' -inn. In; Inn: loony unsung. -Ivo on Just now In-Inc thmal vukhordnlgn onto nod dollgluldl (I) .A..-.A- u,l'".C. -0! Iuulqy 30'. Principal paw as. Andrew : Ghoul. um- - -nihhhll Ink. i9m!;rA9_t: -r. uv-vw-1, u-- - .. I whnon to go In the oountly. IIII IIIIHI Igtvvnunv unnuuvv . The ootlng uljournod until Wodnon day owning, when tho Arrangements will be ludhor porfootod, Ind when`: Grand Munhnl will be exoaua. TIOUILI II `III ADDIIUTON 'l'0IY@lP. yI'fIIf`I" IIl-II Ull-ll UV rIUUUIIII' 1Il\l nn Invitation will be utendod to Mr; John Ooulgn, M.P., which it is hoped tint. golitlomuu vull accept. The Irish PI-otutaulu are nine to be inviud to jdin in tho prooouion, |._nd blond opinion; in tho moat an-uablo mnnnor. ll\I.- _--Al.... mil...---.-.l until ,Al'l|Q.I I . as-II]. _ I It was decided to col huh tho coming 17%| of Much by 3 `p ion nnd con- oott, tha latter to also plnoo in the oven- lng In the Opera Home !_"r_-r thin um!- nnsry it in duh-ad that homo leading re- pnunbtlvo mm nun be present, gnd -.. a..-n.n.... ..m 5.. ..o.....|..I ... M.` _...___...___ 'Ifo"LpvI.