XUIU I'IIU.Jc --During tho last winter, tiu, pom und timbon have boon got out for the Prince Ednrd County uniluuy. n . . . . . . . .... On 4|-.. oh- .o..m..- CJIKIIUJ I QIIIIIUIJIU IUIIIII -Poor Tilloy in nick of the Nntiousl Polioyund won his "sitter: sud hi: oouninl Ind his aunln." yval. -0. E. Wromhnll, booluellor, hu re- tirod. The buninou will be carried on by Thou. MoAu_ley. vvvn-Aug, uuu uuu v yuu nunguu u. -Thoro will be A terrible III` of word: II tho Council on Monday evening. ~-The bud road: make poor mnrketn. The nttondnnco of hrmen today In: pc ar. 1` IL` \N......|..lI k...\l..nIl-- I... In- -Tho nppronch of Spring in indicnlod `by the increased deuund for and nlo of Suuloy I Ethiopic Elixir. 79..-- 'l`Xll... :. .:..I. ..l 55... \I.|L.-ml | El --WongroHh| '0 said that Ir. I.4._.- MD -nnn9n|- nnnnnnnnp IA -Hr. J.A. Johnuon has been Appoint- ad pootmutor of Conucon. -Mr. W. H. Reid, butcher, nhowed n nploudid on-cue 01 veal to-day. -Futhor Loomrd lectures to-morrow evening; and `don't ya: forget it. _'l'|.--- -1 L. . 5..-.|.|.. -.-nl .-..-J. _._' - in dun-ur: Th lingual: pou- ..-4._LA- |...m .|--_n-- A- .5- .l-Ln ---n-- u--u vi u-uvuu-luv. -A. liohorlnnd'o liobiluioc no anti - l muted at 37,000 ;nuou 83,200. --Mr. P. Hnley_h-u been appointed Muuinnlo of Unnvnoque. 41 Ilnthg-I-n.I -I-|.I.A-. g... `.0; RIIII Lint Plllllllllll. `Hie return spelling match "between Garden Island and Oeteraqui Public Schools took place at Cetarsqui yester- day. The Town Hall was chosen eI.ll'IO sceneof the contest, and et en earlyihour friends of both schools. Mr. J. L. , Nicol was appointed Chsirman, end P. Messrs. Malone and Frost acted as ' Tue umpires for the respective schools. nuntest oodunsnoed at ball past two o'clock, and for three hours the stnls went on in real earnest. At half past [in o'clock an sdjonrnment was made for refushnsnts, which were served by the ledies of the villsge. At this time there Fete but three pupils reinaining, viz., Jlasters Daniel and John Findley, on the Cstanqui side, and Miss Etnond. ol the Gsrden lslsnd suliool. The match use resumed at seven,and untill half past eight o'clock was continued, the only change being thst one ol the Cstarsqui puvill lled retired (tout the stand. A suueltiull was then made to `draw the naatch,Msster Daniel Findley and Miss Emond,being still on the stand. In this manner the con- test terminated, the pupils of each school llsving acquitted themselves nobly snd thus reeotiug great credit on the train- ing received from Messrs. Bole and Mc- Intyre, teachers of Garden Island and Ostaraqui schools respectively. words bj sctual count were spelled. .4. in the elternoon was well lled with the . bt an 3,345 ed bu annual liuln n muuqvx wloou 1A IIIAC, Onq6VanlOInu'u. IPLLMSU A `I. WIND WAFTBI. zuwlrunoqusnnaturun moods -unt: quid; nun! who u-um b-emu nu. ooulbylududolnmopln vid- uh]!n-IhonMhunoivdthoNI- pubs. In-who an to local. Pvnhull lunlluo. Ito no holly 1 llll-ll! In 3 pauIuu.ncnoui1y lo ihoovlouuub hnorvopoiuocu hold; unilhounupnr tuna uootlntocbcnonod lzlcrv boogclthnlucululn rain!-an null-In. nlalha nud- uguuvuu , --u V- han Anson] cull human (I: ll: IOI dldrlot out o! (lotion anal, and on Prtuuu urool upodnlly) to ban ol annuity actual Inc: its liu, not Immu- ing use nun ~ v nu`:-on-I , nun PI-has Itnot--`l`w bout: '"'M 073170; ll7I. L... _.. ____ __.II L 4... u, .L Kin. IIroo$-Tvo homes 0! H. J. Cu-high Nola! and npoiml ; 1875. III ! Utnol-Buldonoo of P. R. Hon- JOIDI NIIIOJOHOC ; I378. V.-- n.__.4 u_.___ L, n. p , u :1 -n-nu . Gordon 3u'Oot--Hound built {or Soul. Iniot Boll. loan. luau, Wu. Irving, GIIILI (I). and Rnoudon. AIl_.J 34...; |I\;_,, L- _ n _ nu, "Inn. nun , luau Oldlnlu Strut-- Two bonus fut D. Molina I Bun ; our luulud. urn,` `ugh. m_, n . u I Young 8u'oot--ouu mu fur J. lo- Knluy. lL..J-.. A.-`A u...._-- |...:u 1,- 5.1---. Vullnuotlr; I878 n..L_.._ -A_.-A II v--run , nu u. Yotl 5Cl'IOC--I row of wooden cottag- on; nearly nished. I\l-.1.... a.._n 'l`_.. I.-..-_. I..- In` D v-. -noun -un--nu-. Division 8uuI~'l`-u house: In: E. R Webb; hnol ; I878 n-.|___-, u._,, u I , Ix Hroul Strut -Roudenco ul It Hugo , wood, ornamental , mohod m I876. Sydonhan Street - Residence of Juuph Kidd ;bl'icI ; I878. Victoria 8uoot-Roudonoc of Wm. H. v..... ......., IIY"IlIl ... mu. Colborno Sync!--BrIcl cottage for R. Dnnon; I878. . , : . THAT HAS 87000 `PEI Tl` FOR lulu Gordon |trool.--'l`hroo houun ol Wm. Huowdon; brick; roaantly burnt. VH1`. -L__-A IJ....-- _._ I -L ,.. I .- E .,...,-....., ....~..., ..,......., .,....... Ellioo strut - House and shop (or I. , Cook I Sun; brick; bmlt Int Full Brock Su-sot Rosidenc of Dr. Du- puis; brick ; summer ol IHTN` Brock Streak Rolldunce ul Mrl. AL Ion ; brick ; summer of I87H. Is. I. u.u_._. n,...|,_.. ,. n .1.-- v wan. us-wv---n-uauv-ua \-I u an. n. Rlld ; brick ; I875. Oolboroo Strut--Two brick house! for Wm. Music; begun in IRTH n..n......- m...._n....n. ....n-..- 1... n I nun: nu, n-nun, -Illuuvu u... -....u.. King Itreoz wont-Throu for If. Dgran, brick and done, under con- Itructinn. Uofdnll Streut- Dwelling for Jn. -'4"-IW}IvI"IIn Street - Noobitl; brick; I-lug I-lull. Brook strut.-Rumoncu [or E Uhown; brick; being begun. n-__.|.... -.....-. u_-:,|-...... I... 1:-....._ l\u|I:|lll\lUvu . In an, uuuuu vvuulnvlu Alfred aIrout-Two dwelhnp fur Jul. Soon; orunmeuul m.o.iwor|s ; ualrly ninhod. .. .,..l IIIUIITL Union |l.reeV.--Rocidmnco ul Ju. Rich- mond; bnck; bull: in I877; nished in .1.-.. Ill nun , umuu usuunu. Gordon Ill'O0l- -Iuidanco fur (ioorgo Richnrdwnz brick; under coulnct .u 1 ., . In, 2 n a-I_ I uunc, vuuu, llvnunl vIvnI|I|vIr(\c. Johnson llrset-Lnrgo Addition: ruidonoo of A. Gunn; btiok; 1878. n . n. m , I rvuuuuuu uu, n. uuun. uulun, Iuuu. Lowu Gordon Stroet-- I`wo houses 1 M. Damn; wnod. n u. ru-u_,, I , _ , . _ __ 1,- J OOUITIBFIITID, by lcdglhg ad un- -nhddnl dnnhnn. Au. uuunu, -um... Queen St:-eet-Throe home: fur Murtiu; brick; nished this wmler. ->~ . m. n n, ,_ 1 Wellington atloot -Two largo houuu fonnlouph Ueorgo; brick; newly occu- pied. l.'. .... -A-....A l)..-..I.....u. I..- I4` I D ynwu . King street--Reu:lenoo for E. J. Penn; brick; nenrly enmploted. _mt mama W116. SA1tn Muwu in. 1376. Alwinglon Avenue-Jns.: And none; under cunslrucnu King atreet-CrnIg-alie"- wood; finished in 1878. Barrio ntreet-R. '1`. WA non oomplotion. ll-....o -0... , I...-.. \l;.. nun: vuulrlvtlull. Bagel Il.ruot--Jnmou Minnen; brick; nished May, 1878. Eurl Itreol-Uhuhm-rs` Church mansof brick; nished in December Inst. uv n- . store nbuilt. Altar tire, --nu unu, Ivuuu, loan. T. McMnhun-Ul`uck and Bagnt street: building: received mldnti-mu! storey and renontioh; It--re house added; 1878. Dr. Uapuil reudonce on Pnnoeu meet converted iuzo two stores; three Itoriel; brick; winlerof 18789. .u n . . . . -nu--u-, ullul, nuucn U1 nuau--v. Wm. Ford--Sturo and ruuidence of Mr. Sands, Wellington ltruel, uhuuat entirely rebuilt in mutlern style; Fall of '78 and preach! winter. u .5 w I n... any It-nl-Jn--2&-a-An-l1.lI._ nu-nu \up, can nnuvuvn. And Ituo0-~'l`hno houu lot Iv. l1__AI,_-A-_ IJn uuun, uunu. nu: u. B|jua' Brewery; extumiw uddition f lager beer brewing; Alana; built. in F: of 1878. 11, ._ , IL, _ n - . . I . .u... Ueuigo lirom|-~l:`riucc-as atreol.~-u! and dwellings; none; restored after 1 of January, 1379. II I`.......\ UL..- . r I) l)....l --_.... UI ll-Illl-I , HUI 3'. R. Ull`I0n- Shop of R. Boyd, restored that fire; atone; I878. In nn_|l,| n I u n. John Gl4uon- lcu hbune, wood, King Itroez weal: Martin : Building: ~S.3vuu lhupl, en- tirely rebuilt, brick, IBTH. Wnlum & Duu' luck, la-ur nhupl, brick, built 1873. n~ . . - ..-.- . -nun -nnu.: nu lhlllnun. Horton 81 ||ughea' Wunlcn Mill, street went. Morton`: Diuillory pruperty--lIuprov- and enlnrgad lur Mr. Mc.\l1llun'n Ipueinl buuinou. 1 I 1.. . .- - ..` LIUUUI, IIJ'|:lI`I-Illlll UUIIIR l!I'U"II'Uuq House of Providence -R.unfed in I being now supplied wiifl hut. water. unuzuuq-n u |n'II u.u.m.. uuuuu, uuuun LUIII-I -um. Ml`. Clint--Store on Ontario Strict, with room: nbuve for Anglo Amoricnh Hotel; foundumn being prapu-ed. Hn.a..".1 v....,:.z........ _ n.u.t..a ;. lRTil- vvu nuu uuluuvcu, not 0. G. A, KlrkpIlrick~Hulul on Ontario Strut, to include room: of old HM-wood Homo, under contract. ll- l:..a 2.....- .... r\..n_-:A H__-l IHE um PAM] ION!- . Albion Hotu|-Rulorod from tire ol Februury, I878. ' . St. Mary : CnUmlnl-Boing ropovod And ox-nunented Wilhlll. P. M. Church, [Stuck Str-ut-Ronou- ` ted And iunprnved} 1878. n A u..:......;.. # lL.a..l ,... lino--in M;rtm'| Open Hun--Stone; Sued !ur1,100npoctutrm; occupied January, 1379. Au_s,., -1 . I n .__,; z, __ 42-- -1 St. Paul : Church--Cmpplele-I and i proud iuumnl_ly,' con 83,000; hll ma. ` |I__.,_- n, ,, u,____ u..__., :4; I nun! _wnunu 7. n was In on ,vvv, O!'l\r Qua`: Cul|ogo- Oootguu [I74 lady lot. I. I. Clutch, Brock twct-A .95,(XX); nearly omnplakd. Rguuul (`nun-ngugjinn-I huu-||_.Il 'CI.\KKI 3-H IX!-IFUICII. Second Congregational Church-B occupied this winter. n..a....:.....n.._... rs u m......s._ uvuuylvu nun In IIIUUI Sydonhuu Stnet_ `C. M. Church -R lnuill lwithin ya I can 0187.500; 1375. D. l_I-..ll_ rIL___|. ru4_._|-... A __.I J.- us: or nw Iunwumnu I878 an 1879 1'0 novu n`-rvnuc nuunltos. _.__ ---;_v; -_:,__\.- IISUGIUPS I'B0lJII'.8l- ,horI-Bnlu.-ry .. Iu`u. .o ..l. Wnlkem; lDE.%EGHEEHY] . Craig; , : brick; I7,4I)(J,` -hop sr re Kinll n 1878; 1 kill m lur | Full Q5011! llnn ladies. nuuwunnuou-uncut -ln|holnpI-bl Bonn d0onuom youdqymnodah hunt Hooch on III N by 117 to ma. Em In It Hail: Null rmhhronnd that Ilmntu uh: hon-cnllduuuuoucoluo nlpplhtlyvkilh Icahn (Dunn- .QC .5. vucrhth on u Iolloullo L.....-.I-Lhh ..J -A....L.4 Ll... II|l IIIIOI -A hotory IR: lllnuhuro I column "OI ought: It to In uubluh ed In the vicinity at Bollovillu. --`II: nvnnn nub ul nnolinnu W XKVIIII. -`ho avian nub! ol nyplinnu lot nlklu 80. Ouhdou nu uiolu L..L....-L-A I-_-A- ...A _..L non ucounu unur. u ouuo wum borsinod in the l'pp_or Provinou lur shipment to England, the with [In ndvpnugo of clluulo in Non Soon: the trade uhuuld ntuin lugs proportion: in the Luwut Pmvinou Thou rounrh would Ipply to New Hruununoi a null u Nun Suulit The Inc of onpnul among ho tuning oocnuunily In 3 grant ohuolo In tho promotion of Ihlpmoul to Inglaud. I! the pooplo would pt mp, tho Iny ol raking outdo. In-go Ihiplnonll could be undo. Good bed not brought pot .ndrod pound: dud nought. Us novor hoard ol plouropnonmomn in lhobour Provinces. H In dealt in ma Engllnh auto! In thought ho luuld blood the Devon, n In upononoo sun that lhoy could be bad . Hi: putunn did not juuily tho in o! Illo-hon: mule. uml ho dud not think much proll could be and: out at um clan, owing to the vuiou noourou ol ` tbs pvovlnu. '0! fading um. Email 4 potatoes can Iploulnly mod. The IIIII hItI_lron I80 0-undo ulllo Ill bu In; cold In lap uutllic In Nun '80:; `Phaonnu than-orln hgndn .1 I\...L._. 1- pm- pg.-._.. -_.I -VI Jug M qI.U In In I:v:nplhohuno,u IO noun Tia! on soon tour or In India! Durhnn in no provmon, and hi: own hard 0! Davao! Nu, he cumidor ed, the only lino hard in tho prnvmoo. Uuuu. Much 7 -Tho lmmigrntion and Culunintioii Cominmoe mo! in room No. 0 this morning st Ion o'clock. Col. Luurio, Pruidont of the Bond 0! Agriculture ol Non Scum, nu present for tho purpxo ol giving IVIdO|)cO u to tho but nun: of utock ruining in that province. Ho uid {but he onntd I hard 0! about Iilty haul of thorough brmll. Ho hud cxpcriniontod with All the bu! km-In broodl, And claimed the moat cue - oouful olua to bo Ibo Dlvnnl. The cli- unto uf Nov: Semi: In Inllulor than that 9 0! ll]. other pl'0VIl)0I nud the Devon: ha I--und tliivo Amazingly roll. An uaomrul pur-pone brood tho Donna won the but for all 'll`lll|IHl onunnunitico. Hull. King: uid Col- ohontor counties won tho but sdnptod for cattle. lu-go quantities ol hay being rninod than [or (coding the mills in Nuucoti in winter. If oalllo wuld L- ._;...a .- .L- iv...... n...-;...... 1... 'l`he second concert given by the K. L`. 1. Literary Society, was held lest even- ing, nnd wee largely ettcnded. The As- eenil-ly room was literally plclletl. Mr. D. A. Uirene occupied the chair, sud iii- troduced the percent who took pert. ln pert tirat, the K.C.l. Glee Club wee An- nounced uu the pronrsmme to sing The march of the men of Herlech." but fsileal to do an promieed for want of practice. Mr. Neirn reed Alli Munms" very nicely He wee Iollowed by l duet by Mrs. Jiioluou end Mr. S. Ssvsge, which wee well rendered. The pisuc win by Master J. R Shsunon wu plsyed with excellent lute, snd merited applause. Messrs. ll-sth Ind Duly rendered their duet, ".-\.l5.C." in s hlppy msnner nnd received s recall. Mseter J. M. Sher- lock followed with s Curtain Lecture," which he gave in good style. The null) of Mine Bsinlord wes fully spprecinted. The Glee Club in the second part esng well, gee our usrs." Ms-ters L. T. ltenton snd C. H. Clerk ueve twe rend-4 ings, which were listened to sttentively. The pieno duet by the Mines Dunlop was s valuable contribution, while the trio by Miseee Mclntyre, Day and Ben- lurxl eficited heerty spplsuse. Mr. M. S. Usley gue Spartacus tn the (:`|sdiu- tors," which brought down the house. Mr. Tslt was unsvoidebly ebeenl; he wss suffering from e cold, but his piece wee conveniently lled by Mr. Cumber- leud, who reed s very humorous selec- tion. The "boye," no doubt, coined A small emouui of money for the expelllvl of the Society. led] yutenley afternoon three boys nuned nepectively Mcreth, McGoul- cry and Ilclnnghliu, the letter two 0! whom live in the city. end the tin`. nico- tioned in Berrioelmwent Illhing through the ice. They located dawn the river quite cloeo to Cedu lnlnnil. While thue englged they ubeerved e Inge hole in the ieehend, desiring 5 change, nppronched is with the intention of angling through it. in the dour water below (quite ehnlluin) ihejlew e box, And at Jllla it In mined end opened. To the horror of the . led. the-eoiitente were apparently tbuee of en Intuit, ivhioh wu wmewhet mutilated nndiwhich leaked the head. Inform iton of the diecovery wu conveyed to the .police, end the nutter being beyond the I jurisdiction oi the city euthoritiee, Mr. Ryan. County oonemblo, Berrietield, wu notied. He and uthen went to the pleee where the box In: lelt, and nude an examination of it end that eliclmed within it. The trunluud limbs of e fe- male ohilJ were there in I more or leu decompoeed condition. end nther humnu eeh, and the whole so much resembled whet seemed to be the refuse of 1 die- Iectiug room that the box wui ngeiii cun- Iigned to in piece in the water beneath the ice. How the `romaine came to be originally left where they iire, end who diepoeed of thuiin in thin manner, in ii mutter of conjecture. We believe, how- ever, thet the discovery in not me some imagined, Another scene in p cue of in~ hnticide. There ie no l'oii:mll to eun- pect fuiil plly. -------ooo~- `AV- IIATIYIDA I-u mnuuus. S101` RAISING. :5!-:9-_-._-1!-_ It'll! Illuhb. CON CE M`. Ivvu 3 M1 mn now be pm the must sun: lruducad to or clmrtn in~ nll ox lllulllil, Imam cr-u.hs. crmnp lung diseases. this nwdncum ` -..|mf `mo 0 Ian: Till GOVIIIIIIT IAYI I1` WILL ll yo! lnlbro Ch publlg on get I ` poops! the lnuanl Polk. thu- glvlng an opportunity to thqgo olpu oun- -nucrbhyo -.A`.A Ihdlt-03%: jn-nnd-n-I-Xjh :01 |.g&.y1vO:I&yQ tots! WM. BUNN. lcrownhg-Ilzr-ylool coal with Pro! Hui : Dnhohlt inh- Iq Pnv|rr.Ibk`||I cw (loath nod Pinklul ol the b jg and who an M. In in tho alalbzwounnndo but no`: Dihlhal IQ EDI: rumor It In no 41:`:-an -luv, nhhn In ruuglh - but than nu who Diauhohil la In. um-hu Venus: and drivlq stunts and boa-In D luuPdnnoou.h|lulyu 111 Q ijjlj | B'l'0Vl8._81'0Vl8. 3 lion rbaoouu. In: only W A. D E ' 3| nuru llll PIIVII1 I0! IIITII TIA! Cl!!!- hn Iuhluonodohdyoupnuhu no word! ll-nu. Iva lnlhco, ales. busty. no-co. public lug. lain camp. and non cl-III. IIII. collar and all public Idlllj. lulu-in our] Dbl collar 5.... um um. um us.-H In an-tuna inh- Inn Pnidvr um:-II: nrlnnihllll tinnanh 1 uuuglo luuun `huh Quinn 1 _m._...__ , 111, author : ournomllo lltzucox I (`on Luvn On. in: Lsrlollonruns. : II Iohlnonl, PINIIOI I Ulnbt I'.. John . I I and hub Una-mu nl (knoll! Pneol puholo. on bonluhr IS IT WIIEI WIIIIE WWI P Dmnlootun, Venn Institu- tot ud Deodorizing Pardon. (`nu Llvn (ML Lanollouunn or [All would Indsonhlu gnu ulna u vu- wnun and iunnutor. In that low and mo of the spoon nvulllg In puhnh nu-n.nI~ mg (mm Dnpl oruuuollu favor: urn ally than of I typhdd O`MIIOIf.'NL| Jan when tho pnnounory nlqu cl hullndc old weakness -pvonn. ll lucid have I bid any to pr-um tho unset.-ar ha In ad oh-nu tholunuol. Tho o*|II bl hula. In-I fully boron Illa Iypothnh. II 1: .3. luau lhn uhoblod poinnnd builds up and `I700 n-uh III: and vitality In the `bolt into: I: In wound ably iv J. bodies hr 'fl'|ll0III BL, WM] DIIOIIIIII Ill Ilul of Oroooriu and Proviuona a the clone cutting out principle. ---006%.: III: and vlhluu a no: pupa! ably I OM-us JoIn.l IJII lklllhtu M. W.8. 00Ii)0ll'8 Groc . Prinoou8t.,wi1lbo!onndsllkJ'.. 3 Inf nnnnrinn null Dnnfl-Inn: An 1 01' } * Mntruml u I wlolnn thing-A oh we fur life, he cnreful In the choosing And be can-Iul in choouing traded} for loan ale cmnpluhu. Ho mm In uh yolll` dulor lor Vnctorin Huchu And Un l rli. It in nvw ulonuuly prescribed by All rec, -ch nblo physician; Bnghfn dluuo oi tho lndnryu. diubotu, om, may he nun am by the [luchu If ukcu in umo. For ale by I drnuiun in Kingston. .jooo-- V A ---ooO- A --- . Tun Dl'1`\' ur nut Do('rnii.--N--pliy- aician dnu justice to himself or his duty by hi: patient. dingmtml It the lhulglil of tanning Cod Liver Oil, who dooo not pro- ncril-e -`~'cntt'n Ernuloinn of the Oil with the Hypophonphilel of Lime and Soda, n they know it II the moat nhnblo combi` nation of f|)0( And medicine for the onir lump ivo ,'crn{u|i-us or deliiliulod potion! uni mu i.-var been dlli:u\rOf0d: At. the um. cure: tomnncno. uourugu mu rIIcu unlum ; Nerulma in unequalled let the apoedy nlnel cut all norvo. Internal nnd lv-cal pallll, Ne-rvilma In tho moat Ipco-ly_ nlv nml etluctunl remedy l--r ur|Inpu_ pain In lhe Ituluach sud hndrod CI-Ill \.mm.. Norvilino in sold only by N C. --In-n J Cu., druggnu. _ 101-) Iv: ,-crululunn oeuunusou pgnen: {bu mu ever been dnncuvorod; lame tum: it ll perfectly ugreonblo to the in-In In] In th I. P. Ilalayad? _ ,, .... ..__ NIu\'|Llu1-:\ never {Ailing remedy to pun, Nervnlinogivouinnunt relief; Noni lane tonthncho. uournlgin Ind rhur unnu-m - Nvrnhnn in unu-nunllnd lnr lhn l:l'IllIUlIl_y In "ruins. It`: always economy In use tho but AKNIVA ash (m. l.I.\I.\mN1' in Aclin--w- lodged by all who hlVO mad I! in Iran no nqnnl f~r rhennuliun, neurnlgm, oun- trncuon of the Inuaclel, Itllf 'ointu, bnnun sud sprains. Suliahclion Jwnyn [nuan- teed. Price 25 And O00. . ,-_._..o--_.. The Ben! Salve in the Inrld for Cuu, Hruisou, Suru, Ulcers, Sn]! Rheum, `Fetter, (`happed Hands, Chilbhuun, Corn a. and ull kinda of ukxn erllpliuus. This Snlve in gnannloed to give perfvct utufuctzun In every case, or money ru- fundul. l'ric(- '15 Cent: pr!` box. Fur sale by J. (3. King, Kingston. -7 000 ---- Iiusclll-2|`-."s UER M AN s\'kUl' purohned right. It home, it in sure.-ulul pr:-pnntiun over In- our people. It work: like I (`IMBI of cnnlulnption, pneu- lmumrrhngon, and-nu, severe nnul nll other throat And Nu person has ever uwd vn_(hnut gelling immediate n-lmf, yet there Ire I great mnny pour. Iuflunng, pk-ptlcal purwnn going Jhulll our arr`-eta Hllll 1 auspicious c<-u,vln, and the \'u|\`v3 uf cumunnp c-tuning {rum llncnr lungs, that will not try It. ll yuu due, :1 Is your own fnnlt, :5 you cu: go In ynur dl-Iugxnt, llouh GI Uunn, or Henry \\'ml:-, and get 11 sample b-Ittle far H) on uul try It ; three (lulu: will rellow any . cane. liegulnr um: only 750. ____.._j_ 1 If yuu are suffering with I severe cungli, cpl-I, iulhiirn, liruucliilia, cunamnp lion. It'll of vnice, [inkling in Ilia lhrunt, III` any n`ucuii of the ihrnnt ur Illngl, we know that Dr. King's New Ihscuvory will give you immediue relief. We kiinw liiiiidlredl of Ca\!0I it bu cumpluiuly cured, and whens Ill other medicine: had iailad. Nu other remedy can Ihor one hnlf as many pernninont cures. Now to give yuu utialncmry pi-out thnt Dr. King's New Discovery will cure you ol Antliinn, I`ulichliII. Hay Fever, Cun- niunplinii_ iieure Cniigha and C--Ida, llniirseiieu, Or any Thrnill or Lung d a ea.-.i~, If you will call M. J. H. Klll, euc- cz-sauri-z E. H Parker Market H4;-urn, Kingston. ymi wnl at a bottle. . nerr. - Nth Du`.-- drow Evans; nmh-r Mills; 1 linker tifh. Dnv - I. Mary Mnnig; 2, Funk MINI, J. H1-uric!-In Smnh; 4. Alexander `Milne; 5, Harvey Llndmy; 6, June: Mc- Caugherty. Tlh UiVf"-'1, Lillne I:u'Ior. 2, Wlllinln Ms-(`mun-"1; ii, llu-hurl Uullm-pm; 4, James Pnyn I. .3, Alice Fuhor; 6, Hnnnnh Kerr. un.h... I l-...... Hm... `I A... 77 1.4-: an.- NIH" DUCT] I103. I-In Iguana. (honor at III; -3` Hanoi IlInnlA_ I"lOlIIl1l-luv; J, IHUIIIII nrlnl. u, llrl gnrul, McWnIer. fr!!! DIv.-- I, Prlll|('NIch0l|un; `I, Don Mills; Z3, Fmncil I`)-nu-I; 4, Charles Lnnanuy; 5, Henry Smith, "I3, [rilliya Lynn. tith I. Marv Mn(`uniu: 2. {nibsrozona : Mnbel Arthun. ` , -uh Dn. |, Elizabeth Bull ; 2. Wm. Kenm-ly; 3. Esther Nnwnlo; Fnnciu Homtn-Ige; 5, Thomas E-am. (5, Mn- nnrul. unlnnor. - 3rd D|v.-- I, John McCuInoll; 2, Scrub MCCUOHOII; 11, Ruth Suwnrt; 4, Blur] J. Dun-ugh; 5. Human! Vnnnoldcr; 6,` Mabel Artbun. ' Job. In: I Flnnhmh R;-nllun '2 Win Thoma; ouunurll. 2nd Div.-I, Ag!!! Lyn--2 '. ,. Bush Croft; 3, Ellen `I .-yno; 4 Allen un- ulrijgo; 5, 'iI|iAm Ahlln; 0, christian Brenner. .4 n.. __| 1.... u..n......n. -.2 R... 1.; pm. 1, sum Luna ; '1. sun: both Honundut J`. JIIII Adam; 3, Zlolhm Qphun`. 5. Eliubotla Adan; 6. Thoma; Hocunurll. `Ind l)iv,-I. A-mu-.3 l.4VnI-I `.3. [)iv_- 1, Bush Kandy; `J. Ilia: ulh Hnnnuduo. .1. Adam; 3. |hIvklon's Arnlcl salve. , ileum-I-tn 5; Harvey rlv -v Economy In Wealth, ..__ ..-_.... ... .. - A rm. nm We Know. win: on; LA Info`; In Ottawa l 0hTaI0l'fl swoon. -1. June: nusuuru; 2, An- 1; 3, Juuph Fiohor, 4, Alex- ; 5, Neil Mcunnigg 6. Charles -1. June: Slown; 2. An-` . -4 |.......|. It'.'.}..- 4 AI..-` IJohn Hondouonl I Onbh I Iynnnyuo--Not and llnvhvd mom nan. ` In Iullafo Ovh and (lunch 0! In via: ponnonild in tho Ilalgku lnn, Q. . ol nu bulb wand Chords}, um uu. dugonllu not ban! and tluooun an with that! ha. It in nu output paint squint Ibo pouilllg ptiouly Inbou--nu. I Thin Wocl In I lliuoryot the Inglhh ' Iidol-nodes. dubbed to slow the nun Altnolo 6: Elton oauoouutultlo mnuigblo Dhoonrhn 6n the (Incl Pyramid. by Di. Kain. CI 1.3. ' to Ms MORE'GBACE I luaunsnsousl The English Refdrmation E Hot it coco shout, uni why no Ihuuld uphold it, by Uunlinqhn man, I). 1).. that ol "Tho Lilo MORE NEW BOOKS. English llagazine Parceli BOW BILLS. IVIRY IONTH. FAIILY TREASURY. ImENDEHSUN'Sf ANDREW K EYS, Auc! mnu IS (mlN(l UN Tn-M(.lll`. .\\'I) WILL (.:0NTIN`UE EVERY NIGIIT UNTIL ALL IS I l)ls`l`n.~ls`.D (H- 820.000Wurtl1 of Dry 0nnEo_bs 800 without; Reserve! `V lnbrqdor Iorrlnu, P- EARTYS G-RIEIAT AUCTION SALE l (lumen! or suit I! I mmlarnta prim WI I'll-tun: (`gall un us. Wa have boon hniwl at work all winter muuufnvtunng A CHOICE ASHR1'Mh.NI ()_lI` (,`l.(>THlN(l. and pnrtnon haqunriugg u Roulv Iulo Cont. Puntuur Yen! will llu_-I ours nqunl In nmny rout:-uh to urdnr work. tn-I .. vary la nnorlluunl to Iolovt lrmu -A I` VERY LOW PRIIJICS. `hoion Mnorunout 0f(}gn|,`4 Furnish u`qOuods. not uml rhunp. Jun! |h>nai\'m| --TIIKICE (`A (KII A)||(|(,`A |.`E[`T,m,. rlru HA1. 1.. ha nnhl Al nruvsn um: mll uuumh llm vlmuul Iunnar rt N n A L _ frmu -AT VERY LOW PRIIIICS. Choice of(hnl.`; AMERICAN I-`UH HA1. . 14: he nulul M prions WI uuununnl} vlonoll lmyer, W` N.ll.--Look out Ior THE MON 'l`ll AT Bl-LADH Tlllllilsl Dllf`l-`EI(l'.N'l` WAYS. VI llnlaunnm `E HAVK REC.iI\'l~2l) A Hl l.lC.\'l>ll) A.\SHTME_N l` OF (,`l.f)'I`HH, TwVEl|:[)n `N1; Worclul (`nu-lugs, which Vur style. -I-xruh luv and I-henpuou (-ualmz ho oqu.|l.u| 1.. u,. my Worne-I Coann n in Ulu-ch. Ilingmmln. lmunundo uml I-`Ignr-ea. I-`me Wurnusd Tn)||Qnr. mg: in Hue than lulu: ow Ynrk um] Pans alylmu Firm llrozulnlnlhn And Doenklnn. I-'lno()mm man `I veechlu the oholm-1 punarun urur nmuufnvmn-d I-`ms nuuurtm-nl nl Scotch Twnmln We grouting anlorn rapidly fur (ha Lhuvu (hmaln. uml pnruon requiring really . am; (.|;..,. I-It-tun Null Iinlar |uAnufau`tlI!'|ml ASS` VRTHHNT OF CLOTHING. Anal um-tum 'm........' .. )I IIM. 111'! lU.`|-'IlTI. an in: A D-:1. hn NOW Is YOUR TIME To LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR THE c1~;1.r:m:nm.\' or TIIE 1.-n. MARCH AT` THE NEW YORK CLOTHl!IG STORE. Dunn`! Qnuuu` 15.... Anna fr-nun `Ia-.aAA sale every llnrlu-I day an Imlf-Inuit Twelve o'clock. Q BEAR IN llNl)-TIlI:`.Rh`. In l`u ll Nu RI-23!-IRVFJ. '!`ha(l.nu-1 vnll be cold M vourown wins. 1` N.B-PRl\'ATl h`A!.h`.S IIEIJD DAILY AH HSUAL. (.81 ':AI!K:$JA,v. FHPEW 0030011.. Agent. hjgnj WE OFFER SPLENDID INDUOEMENTB. F. X. CO US I NEAU& CO. The Order Department onutgim an muuome uaurtmonl uf Good! of the In-sot and wont fuhiunnblo nylon. In Road]-Mldol the Stock in man extouuivmlirnt-clan Ill utylgund quality, and I! very unmlanto pncun. Gaul`: Furnishing (load: of I doa- cripuom And In great nrioly conutnnuy on In-nd, __, /_ __._ ,..----., _ . %""`1=':1v%'Iiai1`viB`T? OER" GRAND GIFT SALE Princess Street. Feb 2lIt. `TEOBIAS SIEIAJILE, ll-_-L-_.. lII_.-.-_. II-.L.__ ( Eff 11Xiz%GLi;*=;1*,_ _l_0_ST_TYL_ISE_an_ :BEi`7E1`6'c`x FOR camp CAR; V TS! Mu-ah 8th. and %ocdn ol ChriaI.' M2 pagan. I). ,,V, __ NOl>DOl|'.lu .u |'Ap.-try Carpal: M. 60:, The. flu` Ill!` 00. Nov Do--nu In I`-runsoh Clrpou II II And (1.25. Hub -~ -- 2' I - An in Wool Cu-peu ll "3-., we euldl. New Pnl1.n.n In l'niou Ongpen at 460. in 1-, {-50 and ` Rx New Hemp (`upon at lire, '. 1|c. '. ;'rc an 4 mi.- Fhup Star Cuuuu and Stur Lmoun. ' Chap Crumb Clntho, ll:-arth Rugs uxd Cucvu Mats, 2!!) Son Now Pntivrun Nottingham Luce Cnrugm. The Chupeu Eur-~ Curuinn 4 yard: long. I} yard: WHO, Inll IL00, not 3 50. 300 pioou Nev Fancy Dru; (loodl 5!. me, l.'c uud lhc-ozt.romaly ohup. ' """ID Ilrnu nunu IIHI` .._-.. n..n.u-_._ RECEIVED WITH Merchant Tailor. Olothler and Dealer in Gentlemen`: DYYDIIIIIIIIIII nnnnn I` `gv-\a I IIII`\I Z Br-o-cit 8390:, Four Doors from Market Square. _...r gmj `vv'.A.1:.:D:a.onT'. Will Fonilnue for [Ms Month 0n|_\'. ,__-.._ .._ -.__-__ ..___ - Vror all Purchasers In the (Elly. . '|`Ap.slry I I`-ruasoh um! (l.`.. ."u. Wool 9. - n .'. -o .`u-new at l. .~_ '. Ilr, `_. ."|c .. .1 :m.- In l'IIlVOH'I'. Nnv Ynnx (`l.oru1.~'u Smut, Bnoox Snuzn. Klmsn-N. IV! a VIVUI-IIFI DUI! I-IUCIUI Ill \l'UII UIUII-lull 5 IURNIIHINO. Goons. ............. ..Nearly opposite the Gify Halal. "nu... .. . ..; um Inn. --vAuvuIIIIy UVIIIP. `Nil. WAl:;'DIl0N. Wilson's Blllldlugs, mmaiu: umpas Lnndnlalobo I ..-Ooury James lulu. RT. LAWIIIOI WBAIJ. l1lUl'l'0l Wlolnnlo and Iohll tnlu In All Doooduuono at Cool. ` S-.-.-Q}--.._ C. 5AL __t_>EPoT I Hutton 21a @1070- For lly nah ' (I00!) Iv`l l'T|N(l. CHILI AND DUIABLE RICHMOND &BOYDEN Grumman's Uanada Uorsats, ,"""""co as are] J uat Received! do M10011 Busk do do Adjustabla du AND GENUINE BARGAINS` Iml really 0rn|('|;u-1 I hard partial hauunriuu .. AT 156 and CI. Z. I IllW08'l`. noun S1-nu-r, K llnur "=u'a'"'o7u>-Lu'vu'n`7au'L' I EMULSION A /roll eon uvn on u -1 1...: uquoulcllvooldlnl aluahhnownld L__ L.-- Ilancil Goods, Vegohblcl. dc. AT TIIE `ll PRICES. niled Awhi- Tolnooon. 3:: umyj Jtuinqnnoun.-I an an yup... clan`-buggy. _... _j1IjnX .- Qiiqtuumuuuuop *.HQj_Chj.1 KIT Zfuuquu - 1.. '-u. wloothruuunaqunuhl ,... __. __ -j Ejl IT "" Ilonhul (&J9I.) cl Ibolo jn Ind d"Ih-0 I11" upovlld Io. Qoovh nub: 0&4.-IL L--Innnmnhn rlulu, WI.IIII|uUIInI Uivwvuvwu cIa,"Ibo holpd to pct Si: John`: uuntudpquhonaunualw Inloduualortlobuovotuulu Pal:-OI. lhuhahldvqd |IoWnI.uuuloubIoulc.`l'llIoy ndhhunlhppuulohdpt 1... .-ALg -.- -L4 -`In AKA hm. --`W Iuiuuvuugu. flmullhnuvhonoloh huh- btpnuhub thodcntauullhonuo Up.uI|Ir.0ou. Tbohlhrhndy n-...I-. Lhnlnlnnn lath-nnnnh. TI. IIC1 7&1 Ilui nuns; yu - dnumbtttho Ila turbos agood phu) lulu brutal In tour Inna, ollcllo Inglnd no aha-o in-on. bulsltutbo punhn Io us the mad- Iat-nn tlucunld to loud. `flun- gun-plu Duo voty good, but hood hnhubutuhlhnld Inn non oHL 'l\ohuI|nplcIuvoaln|cud|o hnhocuiulquhonuoonhlo. ____o3._.__. ?_f__!7%% F*"!| `A....._i .. __.._.__ __ Una Inna.-The Nun ino- cullly nod quits mildly murky that -4.5. .lnnA.- can an-n-H-a Kn (Inn: In "lliuju ICU!" st. uuuu - nnlohbnnlbuupocdouthbudpt." n`. u_. L..l..n.... An. N..- ---v_.-vj. Auc'noI.-l.ou at upon cook plus till honing at Hubhnonh Auction Icon: will: the Input: goods won L.l_- ._u `IL... -... . l.- I...I.- mu- Br. PA`I Il(`l'I D4Y.-Tho'l. O. B. U. Inn doddd to oobbnu the coming 17th cl Hush by O pl-occasion. And lo: thst _..._.... -.. _-|.i-.. 33..-]- n--`Angolan; K -IIwu I] I yuvuuu-vu, -u-a nu ---u purpooo IN making livcly preparation lot an uulotivo display. The IL Pariah : Sodoty bu not 103 docidod Ip. onvht course it will porno , tho Odo- bnuou Oonumoo not having nportod. Tho Vlollo Hand and Portsmouth so- dado will hhly du that the St. Patrick`: Bodoty my doddo upon. __...:.___. e~-__ Fun: Llouuoh L:c1un.-Wo de- dre to beer whet Rev. Father Leonerd heetoeey ebnut "Cuude Three lluu- dred Yeen Ago," the theme of hie leo- Mue D-mono! evening. He hee given the Iubjoct Me cxrelul ettenlion. end in me; Iherelore expect Ill eluquent de- livery. The -public ehould Attend il- M eight o'clock in St. May`: Cethednl. Thole will In eoele eeleec music on the 1 A Movuw NI. R:1'I:nm.-'I`o-dny Ir. Dotooho man: in the Local Legislature fur I rolnm of all oorroupondouoo ba- wooa tho Doplmont ol Public Watt: and the municipalities of Portland And Clmdon, relative to the dninngo of tho drowned Ind: in uid munlcipolitiu, uni for tho oorrupondonoo (ll my) botwun tho uid Doputmcnt and the Nnpmu River Improvement Company. ALIA Mun Dnn':.--Tho Queen : Collage Journal up: Tho citizen: of Kingston my look funurd to I rich mm in tho way of I debate by the Alan Inter Smitty home due towud the and of April nut. With two months` pro- pannun than in no culling Ihll tho noun 0! Queen : may do. Wo know what some of than can do impromptu." 9} nun, vuu Inn y took log bail. l|`xul1'.-Qulv.o In oxcituunt nu created on tho Mnrlm Bqnro thin unor- noon, by I light between two men. They were both intolionted, Ind u I oonuquonoo very quurelnome. They only had one round when the ubiquiuoua pollcomon dropped around to In the fun, but lhn p-ngnlinu oouod lighting and 01...]. I-.. lmil as com. 1..__..hA__.jjX- DC. 4-etc Cur Ooumru.--On Mundey evening the regulnr meeting of the City Council wlllteke pleoe, end en incoreetingeeh lion mey be expected, npecially Iinco the dleoueeiun of the nlnry question will be returned. 1!. in the rim item ul busi- lu|Iuu..-ln connection with tho lec-._ tun to-mun-ow evening, In undnntnd thou will be I municnl rohonrnl which IIHIII be npprecintivo. The orpniat and choir-mailer in giving the prognmmu nyooul Attention. 4-tau-.__-. _-__, Pouul Counu'.-Thin momiog P. M. Mnngc one: more occupiod the chair, Ind hit nttontion In uocupied in st- tending to two drunh thu graced the ducht. Ho duohugod lhomu I pouco offering. . .._._..`n- .---1 N-.. \- Sr. "-A .Ionw n.- l`ho' Rev. Prof. Blown wil occupy the pulpit 0! St. An- dNI I church in the morning And tho Rev. Mr. Thonuon, of Bnrnin, ?n the onmng. 2. --_..;.___._4 SAL: ortonn.-We luru today that Mr. J. E. Bulohuon, nuctionur, lluroooivvpq union from tho Gavan- Iouttoull nll unurvieublo milituy Iturn now burn. ' Dunno.-'l`ho lam: `o! A mambo: , ol the Poor Relic! Commilho" will ho ho plablinhod on Monday. Pu$"u.--l'nllin[ barometer, brink out lotly Io southerly Hindu, clgpfiy weather with not of not or rain. .-.._. SATURDAY trim Iuncu 3, mo. mu gang Qrmm mtg. Ill]; Pll Oil)! ITOVB 3 .....; ~* ~ `.50 . ., nun ruluouu want. you vlujl haunt uhtt. `Yhoyullon in all IlI'n`:..{-'l.h"` by all as enbnvbu. 5 and `.'.`.a..'.`.'2..a`.': 'h'?Q sinner In n this ilniuoy will not drain: allnyh eouholldfnt nlooutn ~ "..'.""" 7IoylOllIv:.{h' E I. Ilayunnhuuumounyuuoo z naIuun 1 1100.300 n'nPI|uuh It; I n::uolp|InunuuIou.udnI_lnyju_ C" Gold in New York at 5 o'clock 160. III III Cnyivuu [virus wwv Than Ion clot Inky pir- .....J I `L- l._ __- _L... - our Ali) vlcum-T :uIuIloh'I:I.uIInII-nuIgnup.I:-he'll l&-qo Od qhpnnndduwl ml ah: I call In and bula of j.Iuud#bc-lhhtlo Uiiltlltitndlo W C a II IVY. ndlonnovotdoulvoln putplu tn IbIllH.IItJoh A. Ioduall do- advdtiolchlhllncluds `jjlrqvuuvj---3 Ufuuuu IV` polhlohtladoosld. Icahn` Inovohuhuloldowiq the Pro- _a.. -.A`....A.1....... ... ....4..__ jviijvuuuuu-C-urn-' ICU Irv- -hvanliuotdnuono out cuvnn L. O._.A. ..- .._A_. I..A. IL.` Dun. .7-if-'5'-$3.: jg:-urquq-u-cw-UV tut Ivuvvvvi bfunhnvadng lnblho. Pou- Ilnlhvuldy 8 India; III and. gall:-Q-Inning-load: gnarl: I- `-`VVU IWTCUIZU WU ICIU ICDI XI: ooyu, I.P., no 3 `Ma oocuuor In luu.lL.I.0uIwrIgM.' Tbooonpllnnt huutoduoudoualyupoatho Torianol tbodtytlujoolouynqouu poo cl Ilouudwuoh that. Hon! poph .._'n -A44` I410-1 A -Dn.Al An. .-. on`! obi IIMJI7. omtd on an- A._.._._- L4 I-.A-gg jwiulf - Inn u-u'u.' nu uuu nu..- oltbooltluohrn. Th riulolnlnuh uoIoun.7|uipu, Houyul Bhu- noI,n|l thquouou In Kingston in Oldie: Fhdpn on paulbly tool - """'-l"""I V" "W ---1' -130 editor! of the Sir Jollll organ nun through our nnuu. We vial: utlrlul uticlu ol our oontonponry taro than in den (hi to could no Ibnlgh thou. We vould lilo to be ro- dptoulln out Appreciation ol 5 good (Mug. V---It unuuguu -- ru-uuq an} lit! the Shanon rolling bacon AL._I vuuu vu uw vvvu vuuv, nu v. - We prim in nuothot column I to-dny lock: on ho.U.B.8.---the Uonlruurnity ol tho Hlouod Sacnlnnl. It will be the locllol lanolin` Ibo oninou scheme of A oontolponry on the Iubjoot. _'l'L. .An..- Al IL; R3. Inks. A-on II vuuuvvur. III nnuguwu pug.- Tl`ll _ nuunhlp lnull dangling In the night JAL- `$4. ...I.... TL- -ln-I .I;l-gnI. -'l`Io Kiugnon Ponihntiuioo upon loving nooivod 213 priooun from the Octagon Goal: during the put you. Thou note in the Pomuntinry 7?!) oun- -Egg- _- AL- NHL In-A I290 ._......, ._-._._.. ..- ._,- -..- - ..~V.~,. -Harnia Obnn-er. Wlhn Uovbrnmont dnyounonu-ound and the Honoo calls (or II. T1110} and hi: Budgct. the clerk lnvuiablo nu-h d0II N. P. --not pro- I IIUIU IUII Ill IIII I UIIIIUIIIIIF, than on the 30%|: June, 1878. IYIOWIIIIJUI VIIIIIIUI IIIUIIU UI UUIUII Illlll. --Knyor White, of Puotou, in prou- olting the cavalry men who hue ro- luudlo hunt! to tho nuthotition thou Iniluuy clothing. 80 up the Guam. 1.: mu. 1 u , ,,, vvu ynvuuuv IIIU L van win: uvv vnqvu. -'l`ho question, `who : to he Penma- Of,' in I own ofgiuter anxiety to King- Daily Nnu than the dOl|VOl'y of Mr. Gunn I maiden Ipeoch. Au. n An.;.. ;. i....i.r;.... . ....I.o .i \lIlIIII' IIICIIIUII IPUUIL -Mr. C. Athin ilbuilding I yuht 5| Bollovilo 26 ft. 10 in. keel, 11 hot bum nod 33 hot our I". Sh: rqillan 10 tom, And In expected to be fut. _II. A W....l ..l Il-ol.... null L. n -vu-, nuu - vnyvyrvu Iv -nu nu-u. -Kr. A. Wmd, of Mndoc, II" be I oundulnlo in rth Uutingo for tho Load Homo. Thu -plum u! the In- Mliqumr annot dnunc or dolon. him. Il--..- llfhib- ..l D...p.... E- ...-4.... u, Iuvvuuuul n In uvunu nu -Ivu -Tho Bounty band but boon ongnaodj for the 17th, by thu Young Irishman. Wu presume the Paul will not objoct. 7'l`l.- nn-Din-n l-|.n'. In In. Pu-unnA_ -A puru Ill fc;und on the markct to-day by policomnn Nosbiu. The owner on have it freely and without prioo. _mu.- .. ngnnlg Ina. hnnn gnu:-ina IKII luv! II IIUUI Inn wuuuuo yuvv. -SooreI uf poopln hue been tanning thn hing on the Fort Hull. By moonlight it in bolur enjoyed: _'l`b.- Il-M--. 8..-A I... k.... nun-agtl I IIIIK III.-K W\"III| 1.1.7. ! -0110 you no to-day the unmet Piorl'opnnt" mule: stun. The ice in now I solid hurrior, two foe! thick. - Hr. Tilloy qtntod yesterday Afternoon that tho Budget. apooch will be delivered next Friday. _.h_-..'....H..I..o _:..o-.. n-. .m.6. urnqunbunuolol-u __.A_____ .__.n _ _-