Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Mar 1879, p. 2

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Iilbnl Hull!) Ilchtnu nor on Wodnendny avonmg. The mun] weekly dhu-ibution 0! food took place on Buumny, It the corner uf King nnd St. Andrew nroou comin- ing of 700 Iulvel of brand, 20 bunholu ol vegetables. 80 pounds of boat, 40 pounds of ten, 2 barrel: uf fish and 100 pllonl of Ioup. ' The Educntiuml Eltuhliahlvout of the nun. u.A.r. rouom r. Major Levin no In the city at pnbuoinau with tho Iiniuoc Cun- ` wins, at ihoii requu! he has ban [or some limo` oullootiag Colorat- tion respecting the trucking loan of the Dominion. The point: .ho is upoolod '10 upon` on ore the number 0! diaadara. on Canadian Ihoroa bot-run Kincton and Culliugvood oinoo 1807, the Io- calny when they luvo moot froquontly occurred, and the gonzo!-al olfnot 0! the working of those Ian, an cull an tho 0(- loct of the American law: have hadon the Canadian mg intorvanlu. The report will be prounlod to Parliament when the question no on n p for oonoidomion. Mr. C. riaher, Engineer-in-Ohio! of Oh: lnlnrooluninl Railway. ha: nturnu the mm`. Maura. Fruur and Plnbiuo. of Non Scolin, mlh whum no nuooiutod Noun. Mn,nuiIu.' mu! Shiultjg. 9f T9!'9n!9. gm! John J. M&BlwIlI3||\]`, I-f UNAII, have put wrpttru` lS'1`DL*.;a`1'y T1<'1- ym-cant. drpait lur the contract. qf an-y seven uilu of the U. I . R. IL... Mr Ill-nnhnl Rnnnlrnr nf Hm Jame: Fruor. ~ Hon. Mr. Aikenn. Secretary of State and the Spnker of the Sonnto, will on- Iormin a number of gentlemen It A din- Wodnendny uvoning. The wooklv Tm! Lola .\lml;me .."UIt'r`- Wrecking on ap Labor- I Tiukcrmu Jlalluvul Gout Mr. U. ucnnouor, I-`nglnoer-In~UnIu ol the lutozooluuinl Railway, urn- od to the city with a full report 0 the condition of the mud, embed in noon- meudatiom with respect to tgo hnlual of unnecehury ulcull, And I In-go I1- ductiou in nlnrion. 4 Mr 'l`l....-.0...` nf Hun nnnnnlnl RIIIII ducuou In nlnnon. Mr. Thuntuu, of the Dumln Sonw Company, who carries on an extonnivo business in that line in in the city, and, it is understood, wiil oonlult with the Hun. the Mininlur of Finnoo ll ro- gnrdn that interest in the couuruction of the tnrilf. u-..... 13...... ....a l>I.L.:.m of Man be oxtondod to u Exoollonc Ina uo~ vornnr (lam-ral And H.R . the Prin- cess Lonioe, in be prenent at tho inaugu- rnliun of Guelph u I city on the 23rd of April. _ Mr. Murdoch and uurvevin DIPU hue April. Mr. uurveying party returned to the only frum Ni iuinu, where they have hen-n running I inc in connection with tho. (I. I`. IL I). D Q; Juan Inna nnnliml for lhn the U. I K. on. Mr. Blmchot, speaker of tho Homo uf Commom, has been Informed at the death of his brother at Quebec. l`he and intelligence nu received yester- (luv. Thu Opposition at Ottawa 5: poking conaldonblc hm at the Minutry in run [id to thcit policy. of which the coun- try than nothing At present, and of which tho noubon of the Government do not types: to know much Ihcmulnr 0: 5 Into occasion Mr. Putonou oauuil qpnlldcnblo cmuumont by referring to tlu "I; which had got under thc whcel, 'IllI"1lfIldOVI!t~io-bun;=ind+o+h9 "nut ncdicino run 0! the puny who had pnmlncd 5 policy in three days, hm. Ind to had it our to I duly-licensed npothoocry, who no not lnboring with in " du . {I is understood that in invitutiou will be oxtonded Hit Exoollong Chi 00` ..-....... t:......n.l .n.l N I! than Prin- `rho. Ilium intinulu this naming L.| it I... -hnnnnd hnndn Anal nnmnnl Wrecking mp lance-1 1`inIu'rny~lfuIwa 0,0054 The roar mm -rm-uagd Movements. o ITIQ F00!` Aloveguen la. LIIESI rnon ya: cugm (.~xp-uu 2:3}. mm) .. M-...|\ III _'I!.. In... |on_iuL. sagugs. 1.33 It J I110 fl LI; E13`-..E" ital - 3:2. ;; ._ ....,--~; line A-.nI7In sank`. II, III! III uwulu Inn uvuuuuu ---um, unihd, nines ho had non: wituauod on oio made by than in unn your- to deal with the qnution. Mr. Cslvin novod, thus tho Home in roeomunondod on no amend the Auoumont Act in to nbolull All uupuou on pononalty, in- cluding nook: ol inootpontod oonpmiu, and including bulnnou of pumlluo money duo on pououhy. Thu amendment did not any. It III dohotod on o divluion oftoll. . AI'l:unOuun.'-V-VI:llou' Ooh h honpi MI. I F. not undid hnu duo. Ionulu whether the nut be has Illaluuhn at tho not nou- bvunhon cnld,or mu urvou ago- QZL "CVO? PCCIDIO Ill 0ClI,. IMO If were -L-dun, stud. Tho PI-1uon- won and to I50 III: 10 Ian undo In witness the torture ololtlnnlllu. MIDI . `no coon: II unun Ism- nuln Mn lain ubld. ll lnqnlodlhtvhilothonrnlnn-9 ans, :3 tin instance of (in King. ouly amounted to 40, the killing no uhndon *.:..'.'z.""*....'.*.': -12:25: 2:.-.-~... nnpounmo. uonmny nu ma coma not in. Unlurtnntuly the had louhow a run! in tour dilloruut diuotblu and could mus non ol hot noighbou. Cunntnntiunnlm Ilnmh I(),-.'l`Ln Sal: |lI INIII IIOHO OI IIOP l|O$'IDOYI. Comhntiuoplo, March 10. -'l`|u Sula tun ioubnn that he cannot oonoodo more npldlug tho (Brook frondor. and than in mum: to fur the negotiations button Turhy ud GI-coon, lot the uodlculoo at Ila frontier. II." In hmkon cl. IIG` EH53, III! III IOGHI VIVUCIC ol the frontier. II" ho hlvlol ol. Aln in Hnndaln Am annalnn at no rronuor. run on own: on. thin in Inndoloy no on gnu cum `ho hum in mi Bun- hm uonaon, ulna Iu.-'I'no nnu ooh nopondont. At Berlin up M the Pullm- nonluy sou-no on Saturday the Chun- ullor odd {hut partial diurmsuout in inpohiblo. (lonnnny at lent could not basin. Unfurtnnktolv (Special to the Globe.) London, Much 8.-ln lho Home of Common: Sir George Campbell. molnhor for Kirhcoldy, govo nutioo that ho will o! o future day. ooh tho Cbonoollor of tho Enchequor whother llor Nojootfn Govornlnom hod infhrmnion ouI.honti~ suing the report of the s eh which tho Britioh Governor-Hanan ol Conodo de- livonod in his uicnl capacity ot th- o in 0! the Duminion Pu-homont, in w ho rooonmondod tho roodjuotmont ol tho torilf for tho purpose of inorouing and onoouroging tho indnotrioo of 0ono~ do, Ihuo diltlnclly n-lvoutunq o protu- Iioniot pohoy at a limo when Hot Mo- joot"o Guvommont no otriving ogoinu o oimlu policy by lnroign (luvornmonm I! oo wholhor Ilor Mojooty o Uovornlnonl oouotdor it riooiroblo to oontinuo the oun- nooon 0! this country with Conodo un- dor ouch dioodvontogoouo and humiliol` ing Ioumll -ooo-___ UV" II WI, III! WU quuw vuul Imllubuqndslonunolthououao Inna! Ibo Local llouu for cndonououl by Ilnpooplqutl tohbloling uncut AL:-nj nl IL: Llhnrnl nuvlmnnnn "auction to ma noun on or `IOIDIIIO came upon mo with grant. unaxpoctutionn. l tool that I an only humbly rooogniu tho dioinion of the 8) nod 15 over ruiod by the guidnnoo of the Holy Spirit of God, sud therefore called on to I (hit which I dun not decline." The proeo I to any that he in prepaid to enter upon tha mm. oult ml: of uniting the Church, ind ro- qnul the prayer: of the Church. Grnmom`n M`d-lo_I-cry Atluudeu The I":-4-urh Frontier--The Re- -enl Burmese Munaore. \='.'4 `$"`f"'-I Toronto, Much l(l.--0n Ssturdny, the 8th inu., I one win triad At the County Cm:rt,'ln which Ju. Wnuon,J.P., of Yorlmllo, tuned for lnving illognlly lmpriuoned Juno: McDonald Duungon to tho nmulnt of 875 were awarded to the plnintifl. ~ Tho Hon. Alox. Mschaxia in in the the plllnull. Tho Hon. Alex. Muchnxio in in oil ? He natural to (mun to-night. ho Anglican llinhon-aloof. bu writhn on . no return: to mun no-mgnl. `he Anglican llinhop-elect be: written A letter to the: Rev. Dun Grueet, in which he up the Announcement of my "election to the nouns See of Toronto nnnnn Ilnnn n\A nit}: nu-1;! unnwngc-O-nnn The English (;To;var-muons and Cauadmn Protecuou. - ._ -lh-o_-_uk \!.I0II_non nu Gdunfil 1100 has llo gun. * - -lhu night 9. John Molnod, U, PP. lot Wont Durban, died It MI xv dine: in Buwnulvillc. . -|Ir. Sullivan ha been ccllod upon I: Lioutonnnt-Governor Sir Robert 11063301: 1-: hn-In u now Princo Edvml Inland Cnhinog. _'l'l|3AKI|ntHIn Inn infnrrnn Ennlnn (By Telegraph 7o~day) London. Mu-oh 9.-A correnpoudenl. at Cape Town uyn Col. Pearson, after ro- ulalng Zulu ntlgch on Feb. l3th,burued Entunodi. ' A dupotch from Kimberly re rt: the the Zulu: burned eight hull longing to friendly Kniu near Doombcrg, and killed the inlubltanu. All the fun of A gnooeuful Invuion of Natal have din lppenrod. . '1 Onmmrn idooaoeh-8auitiauuod- uenl. A do: tell from the Viceroy of lndin uyl YA oob Klmn in proclaimed tn be Ameor. my oooooqumoo. A -'|`Io ruuuund diounainn I:-nu tho.Cur ad Oaruitch any `lie ncndod u mntndicud hr the Anlounoomanl Iuuuuuuu vu -- up-u- riluguyuqj IIIII pubis Ila uutlnonu no alum. an Man an bin word: : RCIIUI. ,1 A Berlin deapuch status` that the Poyotl hue notied the Bulgarian do- puliu that their dilnoriucu hu proo volnd uriom diuplouuro. The Point: refuse to oonunt to the proviaionul ro- gonq, and desire I Prinoo re oloctod. (kn. (hm! hm Irrivad at Onlcuth Sympathy foyr`7Io_o llrluoh--Ibo Ameer :-I successor. lppenrod. Olpnmrn `.vsl2oopooh-Sayoitiaohtod- I largo proportion of Zulu: are temporar- ily disbanded tor the lurvent. Pretoria in being fortiad ugninlt n throutonod nt- tsok by Chief Sooocuoni. Tho Cum Armu nublinhu the lollov- tank by Uhlol ooocuom. Tho, Cupo Argus publinhou the ing den lch from It: curve: udont. in the el : The Zulu: now uiru pen: on terms continent with uibnl indepen- deuce. r.....an.. u.'...|. m _'m... or"... Fm. deuce. _ London, Much l0.- I`he Orange Fm Slate hue axprolud their nymnlhy In the Britjuh in the /.ulu War. A gone:-Al rise of Knirn is regarded in being immi- uant. Acou against a_J_.P.-- The Bishop Elecva Hews, pond:-uni lo"r-l;o: -- mug Bpad-I era, llllutl Unnlncy. -'!'|I'o`Khodiu hu informed Euglnnd nuclfnnou-thu ho will appoint Nubu Pulnlouign Mininh-r, if they iuinl. but he mum decline` ull rcupogoibillty for tho `Th unsound diunnaian snmunr Inn Ulnriucn may on ncuuoa oontndictod by tho Anlounoonunl 35 the Em I'D! and ' Empnu inund ` louing St. ounburg for the Crimea next month for the benet at their L-.h|. gong , and acute rnnco ouocuu. Gill. anllf and in the guod orsn Edwnnl Lytbon. II In runny ol uro- Illd It uuondnod by and which in Ioalnluly Ihdudinl th abun- C Arlolu (lulu.- l$nhJ -nnnnnn (By Tuleymph To-day.) . London, Ilrch l0.-'I'ho how numndnnl. AI. Harlin urn ll. tho Pu-HA. Knb. Ind I0. I0! -1814. II 14. j K34. N I-L jfiil I10!` IAIIIV. IIPERIII. EILIIIEITJ . T0-BITS _T_l_ELE6MI5. FOBElG_I_IEWS. (Hy Tgmph.) Il-....|. In (1.. u.o THE u_Lus. 7Bi'g'f:f TIM Euuptlon qnoolion ha roooivod uotlm onrluuling by the Committe- cppoinud by the Ingialotnro to dul with It. But INN`; an be done with the lnbjootat this cilion, nothing at hut in lb: olnpo ol dnnito notion, aiaoo the dtlutiol booonu the man ombnrnuiug by GM gust dlnuity of opinion Ihich pnvuln. AI 0 Into muting of the Eu IODDHOI Column Mr. Robinson sud Hr. Oalvlnlul in in nnimntoddobnto, ` the lathe! nlllnding the Uppooilion, Ihhh IOOI O0 booolu may because the Gaul-aunt Ioold not act whuhor tho twnutly In ripe for Iuoh legislation 0| not, that they uhould not become unduly --.n.4I .huu In lull nnvnr -itunnnd III rcunnii. an-an (lid nhouolu uIn.l hutinnoahm. nil! IIIIIJDIII WILL DO Wllalofll CAI-In lNEWBsuI9cK rl FOIIIOI LIT TIAVII: hi nnuulo and Iluuo so than until: Inn 51 . lain. Donut. lulu, but all to llhqnnvudt cl sun: In- mound Out onlhl. with Q culln lrii T iEiiE5TIiurgl VIIUAL AND ORAL lLIaUI'l`IA'H0l OI` IOIIIOI LII` `IIAVII. hlh nhuoqylo tuntly II. laobmlohllin N IIAIONAILI 'l`lIIIl-`l\on two lru-olua uuldocuhl Ilouuaopluo with ovary eonvoolonu and style. mun-I on Alftod Street. opposite the new Pnrk. Anni! W Pumvoly Two I III Only :- Thurndny and Ir Ivrn. Incl Ian um um. o The Telewaun makes unothor home throat. I! Inyl: The oitixem of Toronto ere of one mind About the I :-it Oloe job, At the Open the other night, the poople, to umuee themeelun between the nu, nu giving out political numol And cheering or hluing Iooording to their eentimonle. Our other mrnea there III I division of feeling, but the new Poetnutec of Toronto nu unanimously Mned. "IOH|Ol` John A. job rue tho C]. `The pooplo hoped that Sir John Ieodounld, after the lawn he he re~ oolved and the gonorocily with which he had been ueehd, would likely renounce eorrupl pnelioee end lollnpilh tranum tlom. But they llml him filling beck intohle ale wen. By this scandal he will do hie pony no small harm in tho eonlng Provineiel ohotionr. No wondor the! Sonic: Ifeophenou in to unions to let Ill Inoflhut he hntl nothing to do am. . mnaouon which Imooke nu. buom out 0! Me grnnd indictment egalmt Grit oxmvugenu und corrup- On.`- Alod Apply I| 2nI. 011. Men A: Stock : Extra Oil. It in` An IIITATION in nppounnoo. but H081` INFERIOR In quality. -oU V.- lstocncs iirnmxx a. mi, When GENUINE, burn the shove: VI llll \llI|V V5113, II 1'1-Ado lurk. anomuc B. smcx. IA l1I\......|. Qt 'l`.....mo Until lldmlay. Isl. April Next. lllnnk fnruu ot application can he obulnod from the luuyoulor. J01 N DA\\'30N. kmnm Iuupoctun. Wolfe hlnnd. In-ell 3th, I879. Fmm pnrtiu roquirinf Tunrn or Shop Licensee or tho Hn\'u.n-I it n poumu I-uoouity to than who u-o1ub'u:l. to none paint on Ixpoonn to cold ; aniline At once pano- lnlu through thd akin to the ooltoool pin: Norvilino in one of tho luau cumin Iuntdiu fur neuralgia wording speedy relief to the monr; ken-nlino In: both Illod by hundrvdn in King-ton sud vici- Iity from whom it hu roooivod IO..hi;lI-` Cttpnioo. Nu-vmno on and Bryce- ourod from N.C. Ptulnoh & Cm, rugjintl. Try Nerulino, the new fumly nmody in pain. ` Tn Tavern aiid Shop Keapm at the Electoral Division Frontenac. j i ' IIIDIII In Klnnwn. on Sunday morning. the 9th Int. Ir. lllmon Iiyno. up-A 75 you-n. Th: lnnanl will an nlda lnrlnnrrni nflan - uu-. II . unuon uynl. up-1 In you`. The lnuonl will an [blah tomorrow mo. nooi n"2:M o'ol0cl. {mm his Ina ucidooo. Vnnnn Iilvanttn tin In-nan l`.noLn||n`l`.-mt-pg ion: n can 0 owes. Imlll ml Illa IOIIIIOIOO. Young must. the Bonn CAtho.!|o`Couo\ory friend: and ooqulnlnnoulu respectfully Iuntod to utond. ~ |Il.|I8'l'M|TlAl. BRICK COTTAGE. | No. ml Al-ml llllmnl nilnmlml on n CvDU I III` I IIIH UIIIUR UII I I RUM. No. 80! Alhod Btrool. nilunled on an qunrlor Arm Lot. Huusnuontnilu four rooms. good (`rlinnwith loll Iutor tank. kltohou at bunk with wood nlnod. Good welt. Inter ourtlod Into the house. Properly all fenced. well drulnod and every thing In good order. n,, , . ,., . . x._, .. ....._, ._ 3.... _..... Home on he vlavod any day between ll And 1 o'nluuk. n.....n......_ ...-.z_ |.-,._.. .A .z.... ..ru_I.. |.\_,.. luu I u nlnul. Collditlullll mules hmwu :1 limo of Sula. I-`or further Inrormnlon enquire of n n |a-nII I GENERAL HEB. -I`-l-ll-0 ohlm Young Mull Liberal Club, will be held 'l_`IIursday Evening, March um. up I! n'.. n. The culling of the U. E}. Congrul upo- dnl uuionuoohu I dun hu`nnigni- Iautiook About it. Tn our mind the Hana` Oonrnunonc in" ntching the cla- Ilotlk lnnauvring of 8|! John and hi: OINIIOGICOMAII. and if the N. P." , can anything `like nutnlluory policy nnuoxpoono hour from our Amati- ouloonllm. Bnulialiou in I gum 5'- Ihkh two an pliy, and the walnut In lht Golden Llon Blo'ui.on buninou M In- puruuwo. JAS. GALLOWAY. 87iLE`BY' Auomj |%v. M. L:_ CLUB.` lu lolh. Lkmm iEUKlilu ll. anuun. _ 14 Church St., Toronto, Ont. on Friday, Illh Instant. xiii? mnwm B(iI"l'Y HALL. hon. `PPLICATIONS WILL Bk`. |lli:LEl\'ll) by the undoniznml E. IIUTCHESUN Wll.l. SELL BY All TION. at his Roomn. on Brook su-oat. at I`) u'olooI uuon. that PIIIOX I`l'BII'l'. lint. Earn: Aonrr, Clnronoo Btroouoppoulo Pun omm. IUTCH E8011, Auction:-or. I 8th. TO BE SOLD, IAIUHAILI TIIIII ~-- TI YEAR I879-80. GALLOWA Y. secretary. u vu1II|lu an S. C. MoGILl., lint. Earn: Am u-----~l--_--.---_.-- . ------~------- uonimr nv'I`Ia.T1Tnuu n. 1m.| HY. SKINNIR Apnt. Klngllon. Thounndi of Barrels of OIL hue been palm- ed on` by UN- BORUPULOUS JAIII 8Cu1'l'. Cannot-rr | wuvuwv-wv .Pu_:-so no 0:34`-ulna... I IIADIDI, IHIIA 7 HIE AHNUAL IIKPIIG of tho lrbl l`ntuIun Benovolon loehlv for the about: of ooovmnd other human, will be bokl at tho rnlducdonbo Pna|doI|.()IIub Iuwwt, UK TUIIDAY IVKIIIG. lush IIIILAI 7:3!) slurp. JOHN OAIIKIN. 8. WUODI. Pvllldant. lunnlnn. in n ur, l`l`ll IIIIDIATI POIIICIOI-oh Icon llonn In-l oonphl buboni- uchor. ups Dlvlnou uni: Ann at land otlocbod. Including (lulu. good well and ouhollln. AIoo-|hoIu-ononhllhopolth n- bnlucd upon Hutu lqun. WI. ll. IND. liil` I I IIOUII All) TIN ACII! 0' LAID. Thane: an ulhlldlupudohll on Am out On . Apply to Cheviot. Illll in Acts . "lm g5ui1y47itis|g euhiy, i'Xkn1LlnnbiIii2i: i M the lunar To-Icy. REE? P395 Ir me umun. ;n:1-um of tho mu Pnnnun Banovolonl Innlalv ix Hull Cloth Chain. on Hair C!oIh lion, ha Foolhor Pillcnu. oun Anh 0'11 Wtll Iod- rooln Hot, ulw Lounge. Also at the -one umo. [bf own Inn-nu! of whom It IIIIV ooIII`cl lI-`l| mum of may oonmm-`ll DOZINB lm1'l`l.l8 Uh` IIPOITKD PICILIU. J I |'llTl`(3llll)N. 7BAILIFF SALE _`]-_.. Hntcheson's Auction Rooms. 0N TIIESIMY NEXT, [STAPLE IIEPARIMHITJ They Ah` showing in the IUOYO doputnont. h RICHMOND & BOYDENI JEWELLERY DOWN! :| PARTIES \\'lh'HlN('l ANYTHING IN I|mJaweller_y line will do well to onll Ind Examine my Sgpck and Prices` I Iuwo lurked all my Hoods` IIIIWIIH O In Large. Cohlplew and lineup Stock ol oods Wvqhuo Uhup Linu in Table Linlhl, 10.250, 30c,36o|nd40opryu'<`l- . We hnva Uhonp` Line: in Table Nu Hm, Towallinu, Mu-Ioillu ind onoy Cnmh Quin Crnmh lnthn, Luna and Iuntld. [NV-{TE THE A'l'!'EN`l`l)N 0}!` ALL Huh human with avg: nnnu-r --uuulalonci a: We hno I-`uur Spaciul Line: in unbleached Shooting: ll '20:, 25c, 30c and 360 pot yard. We hue l"o`ur Special Lina i Sheeting: M 250, 300, 3 per yard. Q A all will oblige- THEY- 0rn0owon.. -InIlnI-ulp.-. R vi-_GARPIH=R| [}rumntun s Canada Bnrsets, do b1l0IlBll8l( do ' do Adjuntahla u lanthanum. Iboinllouon. Inn! It. Wu Iuvo Three Specisl` Line: in Feather Tnckinga n lbc, 20c, and 3; ) cont! per yurd. 9 Eulton Kid G10 voo I-`ur Why c-cuts ' Intel 315. v-- -7.- -. _- ....-....._. .....'., - -------., WI. DAVID. `Dacia. Inter. Pnnunlt. Khaki. Inch lot In V-ITIS Tl A11 EN I`lu.\ Ln! Mn. Cuh bayou with awe: gran-r the In nlgy fornor oouou. to N-e ` TUZIJII. lulnnluluu ll-A-. An-nu. Month: at Auplyulho IIIC I March 5th. Just _Rece!ved! R. a J. GAHDINER order to rnduca my present In-go Stock. 'l`0WIlllI1I, UIIPEIIIQ nna HOBO Comb Quiu,_Cnunb Cloths, Lsoo and Muslin (lurking. ` unmn qu|u,_m-nu Muslin Curtains. I02 Princess Street. _|. .-.u. Ton ENr; II A-ll `FIE LIV.-i ll A FULL SUPPLY OF` 7:wiiEikAounuo. nmna nu;-nunimn A PAH To IEJ%%I. !`I`,` I II IAIEIII Til A1` 756 and SI. J|'l\\'ELLl-.`l{. In as nun. Apply In QIIIII IIIOIXI. II IIDII CII I DOWN ! J. I. lIU'l`Cl!l02l. Auctioneer. I I; lI'rnuI. nun. Wurtln one Jollnr ! 9 1 in bluohod -15. ....a An _ ----- _...__._.__.._.. ' II All IHJAIE. Nwmsiuuanbn Inca:-ago. W 1-`: $S'i`.'f_r`&'M6l"``, xx and xxx no: an agar. WALIIOIHOEIIGIIII xx..x.>s>semn3._P+ Oahu unlimited. and thou uoolnd by null In-oil: sauce: :0- IURTUI. lol & KELLY. L-A-c-:1 V B-E-E-IA! Grand Trunk Brewery. rjllolulqcloojw In I churn! l.A. IAIIIQ mo` gun`!!! - .-_._- II!!! I I Ivggvuuuuwg V |l.oAl4U0Hl'll0 C PATOIIIIO -04- pa: ion and M 1. vmbm Ihbvut in pool -oulmu-1 clunluu. ' ' W. JOKI5. bwou-. Ind-In mm, Print: ad. Du!" hl[00;.JOIB' who you no IvIII\'l &-:2-cl U| l (`8Il'l WILUIITI IKIBLI SHOP PIINCIIIS ITIIIV. A LARGE BTUCK ()7 NEW CIIYTHII Inn! on hand for MIC V N()l`I Till! Al)l)|ll(8l- ! 4 4! I an I H ....!.5. '.'.?-....a 4S3.N.!?3.$-.I... ,.__..__._ __ . ._._.... ...._.__. UCCESS. --_.-.4._A_A -- D And to la continue-I owl: tuning of til: not at 7:11). without my ruono. :1 In n-__.- I|v_|u__.-_ u._.-. fresh am Water Eerrlngl. mu: bbls w1m.enm, Half bbln Salmon Trout, Bl! bbls nnm Hlddhl, > uolwi izumunri ' C_a.st-O'Wea.ring App ml Inns. Dry Goods, Blankets and Fancy Goods, II ILAII SPEAKI- _.... sammeninu Tuasdnylight. IARCII 7008111. Ills`. Buhoerlhor ban to unouoo that to In: Involved {mm J. 8. l.olhnboho.Ao- 33$: lonttnl. for positive Inlo bptnulol - bonus Fur Capo. mo India mpg. so .1..;., nu... u an... . ..,u ,, `..... . ._.....--. r Pom-rs ufutornoy to elect tho tnufor of I|`RA(`l`l0NAl. PARTS 0I~` SHADES. of the uooeultyof which you hnvo been Intel: ndvllod. on he obtunnd It Ilyooe. ' Plvm'fusI:D. New and Ra-cuml Ilud Good: oi ours Ilmrrlptiou bought. nd told. IlJnreservedAuctionSale lontrul. for podtln Inlo b`yAI|06|ol capo. so Lilli`: Wlilu 8otb,`0|IIdlu l Oollunuoo. Indies` Anruhu: Jschon. link 8ottI.lm.. Ihlvh xnnu be sold In alone hm... `Pablo Indies` Annulun otu.lm.. luau. Tabla Conn. Rubber. Oil And, Cloth. Gcutlouuni wum and tuhlm (loan Uldomlour Inn. Ladies.` 8 inn. Cloud` and Lab Gosh. u well an Anouorunont of Fnov Gouda. MI 1:! Lmdloa klrln. Clontl and snuaorunont Fancy Goods. which mun be sold It Auotlou each night lhll week at 7:30 o'clock. wmmul my mnorvo. -rd` mi ifasrou Shareholders o_l' the Iloynl Choquu for the payment of tho DlVl< DEN!) Intoly duhmod-by the Comppny no now in my lmmln.`Ind may be obulnod by thou ahurohohlorn who ho frnnllonnl pull of Sharon as noon um um Fnntnonn nu Ad- nx EXEIPIIOII;-- iunuvl. Lltlnorshnraholularnuun obtulu than Dl v lalounl Chequu at once. . C. F. GILDERSLEEVE. Aanut Royal Canadian Insurance Co. Kinnmn. Feb `50.11. I879. Also 50 Pairs of hue: Oornvull % 31. rs. puny : (IEN'l`l.l!IlENr- l wcrmxun. I Wozllnnon Bu-cot. - - - luuntol. J. snulunmi,` K] \J LV IJ \J \./\/JJJKJKJI The Boat Ieeonncndatlol-" Vanni 7 F. sag. lresh Smolts, Fresh Haddock. Kit: Hubs-0!. ling `tract, Kingston.` umuuvuuuuf RECEIVED `roj-D A? CHINA TIA HOUSE. ... - i\'\" ...._..... ..-_y -.-.. ..., Rooms. Wolllulou Spool. J. IIERIIIIGIMI. Auoglonoor. -803 Saimon. EIXIIIGIIOBINN] `, Iillldlllillg -nl nnllllnl rung: In thin I IN. Th upscal- dbl! Cad Io II January 010-! In Pndlo odlil Cl Minding , JIM II 0-- IA: `dial `tinned-um. nth ----::: ......s:. to [Alumna REI IOIIIIII IL!-pun: Inn In Danton udbu II} In their post hug. nldnhouby Intact Ibo -5-uh grand IL:-ammo! IM- amnesty uoullou gnulunnmlohulqlocn nonun- clllo no 'o.`unboa In um. and Vho~Proddoot y hi the put Ihuoyun` Duulanhnlu duiruo on HI! llllllu Illluu nun w-an yu vuuvyw. " \- 1 man lluinkolh no II In" And in I ma. wull.l no thlnlil ho. Tho ndvncntol and Antagonism ol prohibition lur thin rouon View in louibility through very diluent India, and, ol oouno, arrive at Iislrupnrt ooncluuiona. Under than air- ouinllolnuund noognining the right: ol loonl Innjorlllu, the pormiuivo principle 0! the Bonn Act in that Ihinh aim. the hind pouiblo solution ol the conflicting dlcnlty. Tho repeal ol tho dclunct Duukin Act in Inn} plus: in upoctool to be only the precursor ol tho uioptiun ol it: nor. olhotivo nuoounor. That it will be no Mlonbd in oountiu where that '3 I dcddosl pupondounoo nl hunpornnco liuoltin Ipilool tho failure at Dun- lill in Ho DIG dlltriou than can ho no lulu ol doubt. Tho pooplo will try the an Acton In own merit: In the hope that it any hon noun aoat in , Alnunq II evil which thinly bu uoumnd Ah... --.:I I||A nnlulin I|If-I'l' ylvpunuunu sum luv pu-mu dngotolvhonnxoauu own the most data-Ind opponent ol pmninivo pru- Mdoo in not dklngnuoun onmlgh to j,__ `ho hlluhg n:d-:a-Mon Ill passed 3. u sooth; ol the Wutot Worh Director- lid on the Ni Int: ' n..una.n-c tho Director: of tho Ko@nWduWotIo(Juu .aHhin ...'.a.n.n...u..uu.cLuw olthr ' III. III lrllvvvvuu -n uuv wtulvvu, K pin Was Wed: (Jun . so thin |u'oir Int ucuhguhu thmd lboir gun `and uuunno. Ir. Robot! Pflllii lulu: IIIIIIIU wunu u vv lelden to be en evil. Not on-llyr Boeietyet large, i. e. throughout the en- tire country, but-Society in e more re- ` etricted eeneeeupplied to the populu tion of en} given locelity. We ,u'e fer from believing thet prohibition eliuuld be forced on e reluotent or edvene local mejority. In such a cue the leak of the neoeuery inonl sentiment to heck up it: enloroelnent would prove an inenrniounl- eble weelneu which would certainly on~ we in ignominioue feilure. But where there in I decided majority ol the people `evonble to the edoption of thin prim eiple, when the lielenee 0! public eeuti meet in he lever ieereeeoneble gnaruuifoe ol ite enforcement, we cennul. use en in- juetioe or e tyranny or I danger in per- mitting tlnt niejurity to do u it plans. on the queetion of the euppreeeion of thin or my otherw-deemed evil. 0! counts ee we here teen the poeeibility of the uiooeeelul epplioetion of thin principle liee been vigorously challenged end :- vinorooely eleerted by the enema: end lriende of the teteperenee movement roe- pectively. Nvdouht on both eiulre the tin! edwoetee ere hilly persuaded ul the thing which they went to believe`. ._ . ..._.. n.;..i.-n. ... .. L." ....i .. . Tboevlleeee ol eojonroen in plaoee where e V prohibitoty liquor law ie in lane le exceedingly oohtradletotyaeto the qneetloe at he eoeeaee. Klnpbudde, in rectal lelhre ta the Gabe, cited conni- darable teetlnony to the eleotthat not only In the In a dead letter, but tone, it wee a :. rect and downright in-. eentlve to the growth ol drunkenn-en. Herein we cannot but think in where the opponents of reprenion overlhoot their mark. They prove too lIlll0ll."U`l' tools to do ea, in thin eeeertlagen increue ol intoxication to be the reeult a! Ito et- tolltpted abolition by mean: of Vprohibl-i tion. Belldee while many travellere ere reedy to avow_thet the law in pteetioelly inoperetive there ere, on the other hand, aelnany quite ea willing to poeitively Ilrnt the low to be a decided ouoceea. Letter: have letely appeared in tho Kontreel Wiluue from Mr: Yuhmnnl, olPieton, Mr. Powell. cl New Yorlt, and other: teklng the {round that the Liquor law ol Maine. though oooaaionel- ly vlolated, la nevertheleee generally ob- eerved. } With much planeibility thnee people contend that the vialetion ol e lew ie no proof that the law in quoation lee failure, einoe there ia no auoli re- etriotion egainet any public evil that in not open to procieely the nine objection. All the lawn of the land are broken, end that very frequently in epita ol the, in- lliotion of the eevereet poneltiee, but it la quite untenable to nay thet the oriminel code ehould.-be ehrroaated beonuee lt hoe not succeeded in entirely eboliehing thou wilnee against which it} he been level- led. ll a law bo found upon e letr trinl to have a deterrent effect upon the evil 'oT"v`v'Tli i;t. Te"lli`ii"inte?Ided iT1t'iI6l35"I"t'6' one would dread ol reecindiu; it became in e few iuetanoee it hul been deliod and broken. Such lnwe ahould be ad~ judged by the rule which does duty in so many depertmente el lilo. _ Anything which elect: a partial good, or which done more good than harm, in ontltlud to respect and eupport,end we really cannot eee whyalaw which Illlll ll. the lup- preeeion, or et lent the abatement, of the liquor manin ehould not be adjudged by the name rule which in applied to all other kinda of rentriotive logieletion, u margin being elweye left in much one: for expeutedinetenoee ol violation. and theee inetanoea being pro-euppoaed but puniehed by the iuiction of the prescrib- ed penalty. The alleged tyranny of eulnptuary lewe in much deecauted on by thoae who oppoee prohibition tooth end loll he en uliwlrrautable inlriugement upon pereonel liberty. It occure to us, however. thet e diepueionute coneidera- , tlon of thin queatlou muet reeult in the admieeion that eooiety he a right to protect itulf egninet what it ooh- .I4l-- In La an nvil Nat DIIIV In L ""'r ~ M`? `.. W cm.` ...._: lulontcndolueo. III IIII Izlluuml uad Ibo public ..-..--. AL- -nnnl H. II vuln- only ...A AI... -- `Cw L. ......a...-4' xupur, man u Inn. onu- lu-uy In 001:: um um. It nu nnnn|nnIIhnOnm.nhhQ.lu In At tho noun huqut In Toronto, hu- dnd K-. Iain by his support: in the Lqhlunto. noun] lino npoooho Inn made, but now Im the labjoct of guns: nouns: and mumon can and dollntod by Hon. Idvud Blah. Wu enutlod space {or the whole 0! Ibo do- lfvcy at punt, but we quote what Al. Ilaha--nnluhnnlnlnnllhnnn-n. msun;uuuun&ouo::m:;.u1w- Iouu. unapd moo - 3;: A-u'iu.IlutIho Coll ld I II? ol|a2.1`hauIn-aunuoludu, :"|cuI`I`_h-od:hdtoI=doonho_I: Tho recent fato of tho 24th regimont ol tho Bmuh line in Zulu land in poouliarly malancholy. The roimout la nvatly 200 yoan nld. having boon originally ombodu ml by William of Urango in 1691, lot urvloo in tho Flonmh war and the Nothorlamla. In rooordn alum a tour of union unanrpanod by any othor nul- Ipont ol tho Britiah any lot varioty and hard knooh am! it haa always boon un- lucky. In `rat oxporionoo van a diaao~ tor. boin alnoot annlhilatod at tho battle 0! Btoon lrh when lt III hardly no yoan old. Snhaoquontly II aulorod out of all propuruon to in oonndoa at Blan. hoim, Ramlli-a and Ialplaquot, and III nally roluvod and um bono, in tho laltor part':ulhQ.u`:::`I`|;;la Ian lin con- uquonooo I ll mg in rank! roemitul. Pony yuan '3. undo It had an alnoocdullar ospodonoo on tho aauopoud. In so III` 0! I|I0- ` oololon. and um luot, lu tho 1801 con- hal'I_ it anand In-can In}. and an ognog, um um user, an we mucou- tury, it Rand In-one loan, and nn :3 Int nptuhd bodily in the Auction: Revolution. Returning to lnghnd, it onjoypd only I hi you: of nut, when u um an to In. ad prtidpuod In Sir Ralph` Abuntoubwu oponuom. thou in bad luck did not down it. `Phonon tho Iqlau-In IOII In tho Pub- nh. than ll nnnlhnud In Inn. nt- | Tlll IIII `lllflll US: IIO I'Q|:' on when Inn nyun pa - ..'. .I a uni, 5.31 .n uuo'.. 1: on tanned In Ihohtnnqodd lI...ip|-..-J H, MD lLadnIIaa _dld. , Al I ever Aew it. end my D About eleven OCIOCK it got u Auu wife, who we: at the door. remerked how fine it had turned out, when like A thunder- cla the blizzard came down with e eweep An A roer, carrying everything monhle before it. You could not Aee your own length eheed. We thought the home would he carried oil . It in new ten ` o'clock, Seturdey morning. and we have not been able to weter nur eteok eince the day before yeetenley. Fences, bnerda. end everything looea the wind whirled everywhere. We expect to heer euuie nd telee to-'lAy of ponple being loet end frozen, for A greet meny tnuet heve been out et the time the atom: cenie on, end you might A: well try to tlyee to n-I your wey on `the preirie, or in {not my- where elee. The Atorekoeper of the Penitentiery wee out, And hed just got upon the mountein oppueite our etehlo-; he got into our yard, end gut loet there; he could not nd the gete on the other aide. lie took hie linree And let it gu. and then crewlod by the lence to the hnnee, An-l thin morning could not liml hie eleigh until a few minutu Agu. when we saw e corner of the heck of iteticlsiug out behind the manure heep, end the man he lent to look for it had hie noee frozen in About the minutee. We got in A etnell mow etorm the other night on our wey from the woode, gut oil` the treck, And the tint thing we knew we got luet, but we etruck A fence And got home ebnnt eight o'clock. 'l'het'e when the herdehipe come in, in Menitobe life. We here lied, on the whole, A very eleedy, pleeeent winter, and AA you elu reedy I now, we lieve dune e lerge Amount of chopping end healing cord wood to the city At A good prot. We Are now heel- ing 2,000 rail: from our wood lot to our own fern: [er lunone. We Iile the enun- try remerhhly well, end our proepecte ere tint rete. We expect there will be e very lerge etnigrntlon Iron Onterio thin enmmer." n:--uuch nerprue, no mo uucu` dlneoemnmnnt, have been felt by thooe uoet intcrented in the rnlid of thepeor in l Kingston, by the ulnenhtynnl guonu once at the, late Ohnrit Concert. Thin ounecrt eu meet hi 1 ptup by the Rev. Mr. Mnekqy, who knew how greet nn nm-nuut of dentitution null exinu in the city, on neeinl emong n moot den`erv- ` inq clnnn o `our ellow-eitixeun-the un- employed lnhorillg men. To rene n nmell mm {or ueurinu tirewood for then Mr. Uldhnm lllu took n greet denl o! Cfuublo ` to errnnge nn ndtnirnble concert, and the choir: ol the churchee, with neverel une- teur nin ere end renders, willingly gnve ` ` their nunhle nnnintuien. It in hardly-' creditable to the charity of the public thnt e eonoert (or no lmnene n purpone nhould notbe nble to commend even 1 moderntely good nttendnnoe. When nuch luge numn oi money here been taken out of Kingnton by nll the troupen end Cumpenien which here via- ited the Opern Houne this winter, it in rnlher herd that no nmnll n nun: wnn nll thnt could he realised by n reel- ly excellent ounoert. the proceedn of which were to be ipent in the city, And for the need: of it: wont nnlenng clenn. It in true I-I hnve hnd ell eortn of con- oertn nnd entertelnmentn, for ell noru ol ohjeotn-mniuly denoniinntionnl onen- in regnrd to which no pninn were npnred to secure llnnnoinl nuoeenn. But it in only when a concert in prupeeed fur noetholio end humane purpono, which nhould Ipn penl to the hurt end purne, that people "need n rest." 0! oourne few people, who might otherwiie hnve been there. me ` have been prevented by cnunee over whic they hnd no cblhtrol. I know thin we_n theonne with none. who regretted very` much their innbility to be prenont. but who neverthelenn took liokete. Let me l nuggent to than` who here not done no thnt they might ntill nugment the nmnll fund renulting from the concert by hund- mg the Amount of the tioketn they did not " ttko to Mfr G: K050960015-ul Roberto-us n.... M on Mr H S Hnlmrt. Prinoenn The following in nu ourwc from I let~ Ler rucoived in buwn from Stouoy Moun- nin, Hoar Winnipeg, Manitoba, dnteul 22nd February, I379: -cw}. .... .n :......._n......a nun... V... mzuu ruullinly, nu; (I. We are All hnuee-bound to-dey. Yen- ter dey we llld one ol the moat. terrible `Bliuerdn on record. I lied olten lI9ll'1l the people here spell: of them, but never experienced one till yesterday; and if I had happened to be on my way to or from Winnipeg.(l5 mile: oil ) when it came on I would nut be here thin morning viriiiug to you. We were going in that morning, but it wee Itorming pretty bad, no we stand at home, and n. we: rovideminl we _dicl. About eleven o'cloc it got u still an I nlmr nu: it. and mv tile. who untuuum wluqr. To Ma Editor of ill Brili Why. 4I-l-nu tutu Mn H: Kooouoon, M Quorum l)ruc., or to Mr. (LS. Hobart, Prinoeu Street, who, 1 nm sure, will be hlppy to not A: Treuurer to the Concert Cum- mxttoa. Hoping thin hint I_Iill be tnkun, I am mun. &o.. nnuoe. Hoping lnll nun 1m nu llluu, I yuun, &,o., A Mnumm or run Poou Rzunr (Jou- um-run M urch .0`, 1379. AN UNLUCKY BI0lII.'l`l'. North-Western Bmnrol, nus sumsu wmu. MONDAY. MAut:ff" 10,1379. I lllh n Mun-Q pnIl1IIIwhouoh-|:.;;. than huudlo nu .-I-n-Ann-nnnnlnlhnnnnnuldnh I13:-I Nudity. luo ulna out 0! Innnuqunu Doug solo a the but by the Dlnucn, owhglo nan! nwlsthu in bulls; duhmbol nu Dinuou and It-Ii WICIDII lonndouon. II I E '7 Inc ulna out ol lnnnupl hing! _.A. .1 oh. bank In tho Dining. (loorp 0 In boon uppunuc loo- nhryoltho oltnol houundluh pp Ooupuy, via Thunuonh, n~ dgudtoukomo position olouhkr ol the lulnlp link. via Inn}. 05- caudal. `an Mn boon don-Iuuul n-an ontbounohlholul four dual: via out to Ioloon`o But but you cornu- paodoulu nun to blue! an without lonmlulon. It in III thy Ln-n urban nlll nl IIIQUIAI that Ir. J.U. unnluu nu boon llolllloly uppointod Governor of tho Babel : Iq Coutuy, In plan of Ir. Donald I won 8:! 'I`Iu `I'll. -IIPTK IIIFIIIIIZ III that it PM ohungld hunk. I under the control 0! 5 0 I Lin..I-n Innnlln II: Inn} 1 ....-... ndhslo. It bitterly bonus tho lul dntllhg nnurunnnn. 1`: cursor III rnn DINHII bitterly bonus no In! It cannula; pslrooaqo. The onrootul Punch publish- : "'..'.'..?. .': ..".`.2`.".'......' ` $:! :JYh.. Iuntura. Vornillu, Mnrch RAH. Brianna : ropmt reveal! a lung and suspicion: cor- rggpundonco hullu-m (Ion. (lnmundot do Roohtslmuol thou Premdaut u! tho Minin- Iry, and Hen. Durant and othoru. Dur- out on one nccxuiun telegraph: muting Ihchebmat that ho csn oount upon his ful7-nt. caropullliun. Ruchobouet ulc- unphn to the Cummnudnnt of tho Rouon (Yorpn "to urganin Dummy`: brigade for the oxecuuun 0! plan No. 2, on you pmpog_" Uthar ulugnuu order than propnnlion of two days` nliom lot tmopa. London. Much 9,--A Pu-in corra- uuopa. London, pondoqt boliovu tho Rldiotll Iill ho unruly dohohd on tho illpuohlnont quunuun If the Oovornunnl moot the Ir uuo Iqunroly. P-rm. Much 3_~Tho nun Inn. the uquuoly. Pnm, pun Loft, tho on-uncut [rump at Ropubluuu, number in 98. yenlonluy dooldo-I that none ol in member! can also be onnnoeuil with umthur Rouublnnn group, Inch II tho Lon. Contra or lxtrolnins. It In undor uood that Um docisiun u oonlnty to tho Iiuhuol Gllnboo. 'm.. ......a... i. .l...a.4l Ilunl (1.... (By [clog-I.a:k To-Joya Ilonlrul, Mu-ch I0.-lt is manned thu Ir. J.O. Bnduu hu boon tlolnltoly -nnnlmnd (hnnnmr of ma Hint : IA: lhsno, Mm nu-cum, um nuuuo noonun. If the Ch uuhern vulo fur imponchulont, e1~I ruinl.-ntM:\CMIhnn intend: to ulc- Innnd that ha be prosecuted with the Miumm. The topo. in conuidorod pro- mature. V..rq.u'lI..- Ilnl-oh H A RI-i_nnn'n (Hy 77%-pk.) Putin, Mu-oh 9.-Arnong the nun 0' the purduued, to be pllbliltld. shortly- under the uunuly luv, will bo Arthur lbsno, Elm Ru-clam, and Eliuo Roolun. If AL- |`|. ....)-nu-. mu.` 'm- in-ungnnhunnnl lllholol UIIIDMIO. The uurti.u in deniod that Orovy will ruign il uupuchuout in onnlod. Brmgn A p:nuuM--The `ll- nc-rm' ale Banking lalgorc. of Congroguion De Nutro Dunc, on Glou- oeuer Street. was on Friday ufurnoou lut. agreeably Iurpruod by I Iooond vilil from M. It H., uooompnniul by Indy Suphin Mecmumrn. Uu onto:-ing the eatuhliahment Hot Roynl Highnou ox- prouml n daairo to vinil the olnuu and we the children in the urdinuy ruliuo of school wurk. Mmllulum .....fI;.. uumcorn ltecenl New-laNonn-.-I Defeat ' 0]` Radicals Expected. ' `llllflli (0 Inc. Ivlwygq . 0 Tara, March 10 -'I'I Mun! M. Ina Mulnmo Fournior took phbo on In` Iurday molning And Ill lnrgoly tuned` ed. l`ho pnllonoaur: ware Ch|olJIlIlic0 Guyana, 0! thus Suprulno Court, Hon. Justice Plumuundon, n! the Superior Court, ol uoboc, nan. F`. (Jeorion H_un.U.A. . Pollohnt. Main! '4-iI In in uh; it: uh nl-hnnnl connecuou Wllh um 1:. l'.l:. Dr. P. St. Jean has applied for the situation of Clark of the Uonnty Court, rendered uonnt byjhe duth 0! Mr. James Fruor. Hm. My Aumn Rn:-nntnnv nf Run "'".uuu" Tiuumusq gum`. lb $m:uIb| or in us. zany. H W: as Ioll , 11 IX Klan-\

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