Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Mar 1879, p. 2

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[Inn WI . nus 33171811 wn1e.rUEsuA'?. Mnntsv 13.1878. nous: gngmusu. TM (`ton of Mo Lcguuuun. . (Hy Tdtgrnpb 10-day ) Toronto. I301: ll.-TM luau po- und .0 3 31.`. Thu no not and bound nunifoolori, and noticing qdnl owqnod. Tho 1`:-ah luuhd \_h 'qd cl _hqu_)u,r to._ ID 0! Inuour Io IIO uonuuuu lov no, ugi (hi artbfy (unied I vovwum, ma I050 uul Inlviln. the (I-nurnoruonoru In Uonnou. Ulla: that maps be hit: hobhh lohno dun ton min: and bounce rod on ul tln ouch ol Ulltd 9 C, II prnvidod M: by 0 Tu ol Wuhhgc um. and anti! tho Ame do no! grunt the any will In that out from Ibo nu nl our mash. (run um uny Iu nu ol on cash. III p".K'I'I|||-I0" 0' I HIDIIIDII IIIJVCIII. A mourning paper, In the Itrougool hum, no.-udqgmo than responsible lot dunnglng and unwullntod moon duh culntqd tn afoot the II.--okuuht. I TL. lluninlun Rental n` `I-`(In ha: Ad. I IIIIIHIIII lnvyv-v Vllrillvlu noon ro with that meant. | cnllfd In OHIO! UIO IIAIOIDIPIOI. The Dominlnn [hard 0! `Prado bu od- drouod tho pouucn to III Iheollonoy tho (D-nurnoruonorul in Council. akin an an. In 4.]... hahhh lmlknn. Montreal, March II. -Anothor boot and Ihoe rm. Muun Huunlvm I U-1.. Are mnlinuucml Mliculty.' hlnbnlitiou, 8Iu0,00n.. Tha defaulting ouhiornl the Hooholn I Hunk, Pnquel. will bu tried beluro I. 0 Court f (,)uoon'| lknoh, (Journal on l.o'h Ildel l-lung agreed to allow the one to be placed holofu tho (lrnnd Jury. A young mnn, nnmo-I Wm. (lillinpio. 9] year: 0! no, boarding with hi: brother M96 SI. Honuonmro urout, died in n po-mlur manner Int night. (Jill io had bgn Mltng lnoly Ind III III modioino freely. A! III o'clock lut night his brother um. to his room and III II- ahh ta sicko him. Tha young llll brulhod his Int chroo hour: slur bin brother nlluovurod him. A our-cor In nutiod Ind an imlnolt ll being lqld. Hume IN.l'lbIlh9 in: math to: Inlnhh In Illo prucmmrm 1! n modioal student. A murnlnl boner. Itromloal ` D0 (IOCIIPBU VIIHI. St. Polenburu, Much ll. ~'l`ho Golan puhhnhu tho nmrlulny nututncn of lho city (or the put Walk. Typhnn increa- ed; up:-[ted typhuu in also provulont. The llnlan decluro there hnvo boon two {Ital uses of tha Hnlmrlnln plague. '1 urkuu lruupl mu anwrou Alllllnopll. Mntlrid, March l0.-h. in ltltod the I-(mg has signed A docroe for tho diuolu- tinn of the Cortes, nnd that tho deoroo uummuumg themsw Cartel to meet on the lock! May will be gazetted on tho `0111 inst. n...|... Iu.....h In _, I`I... }\'.m'...ml `JUUI Inn. Berlin, March 10, The National 7.rn(u:yuf nyo re-parts concerning the din- wlulmn at the |(unc|nntag Are not Alto gelhcar without foundation. . P..ru. March ll.-Thc Cmuuntleo uf geumr vuthoul xuundalmn. Peril, March tho Clmnlu-r nf Depullu racolumoud thlt Um wound ulacuuu of Paul do Cuugnw be declared Vllld. Ho |'..nu~.I.uu-.. Mural: ll `Th: 0)... Prince or wales. A match has been undo botuon tho chnmpiun, Elliott. and an un|mown.ovor the Tyne, a month Ifter tho Haulin- Hnwdun match. I. ;- ...............,| n... n.. n..'n.I. 41... Hnwdun match. I: is announced that the British oat will leave the Sea of Mormon: and tho Uardanellea umnedlatoly, but Will In- chnr in Bezllm Bay until further or- (lrrl. lIin..l Pasha much -it hnllnlinnn 11' \.-5, .m,,n.,,.. ...-....,., lmudun, March lU.~PrepnrMion| for the llllprtlacllillg marriage of the Duke . of Cnnunught nml I :-inc.-as L.uile Mar- garet. ureneurly complete. The mur- ringe w||l take place in St. George`: Chapol st Windnur, sud the general iuterent. attaching to the arhir hu not been equullmi sin.-c the murringo of tho Prince of Wnlea. A mnlnh kn. knnn math: hnlnnnn (ha (lrrl. Rifnut Pasha with six battalion: of Turkinh truupn hxu sutured Adrinnoplo. Mnlrid. .\[nrrh l0_--[|. in ltllad A prlnlod lottcr oirculnted Among the member: at Ottawa proluuu to gin Iomo lukllng of what thu much employ- od but still cnlluudontood Lox-m"Nntionnl Policy" may mun. his well known ` am Biz A. '1`. Quit um Iuropo, ma the loan above rolorrod to incimntu that he in visiting and iuuniuwing the uvonl Government: ol the old world, with a View to tho onoonrrgomout .0! trod: with Canada, and thin, in in but some, wo an (old, will provo to ho tho Notional Po- licy." This mny be, bm. thin certninly in not the N.l ." which the pruent Hu- vormnon: us plnoud in power to bu-iug shut. "Cumin." nnd not uthu coun- mou, "lot that Oonudinnl," was the cry which ipught the popular our. Protoc- unu no the Tory , promiu, ouuphniud to ~, by nlao stronger phruau prohibitory ` and rowialory tariffs. A prnhibutory duty on All import: to n to `uncanny homo praduolion and homo Inmufncturo win I Int tho poopla woro promiud. But thin Hui-ld prove in tho very nature of , thin: anything but the onoourngunonf. .1 .n hlnwnntlnnnl trad: Iith uillll relating Ln um claim 0! annual J. Munro, uf llamnltun, fur the value of certain goods cxlnlnteul at lhll Australian Expo- siuun in I877, aml losl. while under Hav- ernnuent cnuuul. Mr. Pope (Compton), said the matter hall bean setlleti. The motion was with- dmwu. Mr. Yen moved for all correspondence ruhtivo l.u llm zqnpmprlmlun and distri- hntionnf Llm Fishery Award. Mr. Yeo slated (Inc! the In-oplu of Prince Edward Island cmmnl tlu: llmy hml ll right. to the porlinn --f.|hu 3."r,(llM,00U rounded by the Arbitraturs on the Fishery question as wall as Newfoundland, and he hoped that in the division of the money the House would accord the people of Prince Edward Island their rights.` A lam; discussion ensued. Mr. I -vpe asked the Hun. gentleman to witlnlraw his motion as there was no cor- respnnduncu on the nulnjuct. 'l`lm lllnliull was wlthdraswn. Tim Ilumua ml} mrnud M. 10:40 u'ci0ck. H53!`-I"U(JIl III IDJUII }'I` `\ Mr. tinopurj iunlm xsbnanca of Mr. Kulx-art, Illuvotl fur the correlpondeuce relating tn the chum of Sunuol J. Monro, ..f llmmlhm f..r Hm ulna of esrllin TDOIGIIOOOI Lcjorlnf Ion. I Imp Io. Mr. Pope (Q-no-u`|, B.E l.)uid he nu not aware that there Ill nny cur_re|pom|- once on the nuh'-act in tho lnndl of the Government. no (hvermnont IppI'O- cintod the value ol the fisheries, bud would do All in their power to protect. them. He II.Ito for the put you tho.q-mmity of nmclmrel caught on the canals of Nova Sunni, New Brunswick, Quebec and Pnncu Edward Island, unnunted altogether to 8l,78-1,319. ll thew tiuhories were deuroyed, as they certainly would be If thin pnctioc con- tinued, $5,000,000 wu'I| he no compo - cation for their loan. In addition to '0 value: viveu the Americans cnughtin our water: rum l51l,00() to 250,000 bnrreln, milking nllngether name $4,000,006 per year an the vnlue of the liuhoriu, ~ The motion was put and cnrrisd. Mr. Vulm muvud for cnpiol of tendon received for building the alum:-r `North- oru Liglr ' ll-a said in his opinion she VI! totally unlit f .r an nee, And he cited several inntuw n 1 z - us`: he thought. hi: H53!`-I`t.lUIl hill l5`UII I]. I1; 11.. l.;'1h.1 amnnnn nf N`:-- Ito;/al Marriage--Anollaer Row- ing match --Issoluou of the (`or-I'-.4. \nr-gnu nu urn --p-. If 3 Ottawa, Much 10.-eT|u Bpcll look the chair at :5 p m. After roulluo NIH worn` inlruducml by Kr. M-athot, to II E the rate at interest And plksyollljlllry; by \:..,~ Minute: ul Agricuilnzmtopna v_|do qnilut Muhgiouu diugul in _0ni_- 4 nub; b] Mr. Robertson (lhbllhn), to `Amend the Act rahnling In boning ltd `puolualhug; by the Puunnubr Gounl, ' ti: Amend the Fun Oioo Act of 1875. Mr. Macho! called ououtiun to tho rut dallructlon of Iiih by the American I ham Ilm [In using: nl Inch: lim In ` FOO` KIUIINICIIOII OI nln I), III` AIIICTIUIII hon, who bu -aqua: ol nacho tin u to take Ihnlo shoal: nt 3 limo, heart; All tho mukenl. but thmnivm avg wring And all other sh that In tlhn in the Z Several other member: spoke to 110 . suns effect, In ngreain that in order to pl-aunt the almost nun dutruction of the Ethernet, wine shing would be put Imp to. Mr. Pam (Una:-n`|. RE Llnid he hat: oqlutlug Nrm lollnagu ahlry I } Quouuou cud Fddhary A word. , , .' . J Illrlllfl` I ll Death ~ l`Ih riprov-flu. 'ul tee in the Senate. Illa-ilt n he been complimented by tho only honon heetoved on' Benetuf Bu.l. The hall. gentlemen hee elteedy bun veer-`nixed by Hie elevation to the Cl'ne5|-menehip 0! the Private ltille Oom- We Jon ! know on My how much honor or nvponeibility this poet involvee, but It my rete it ie e recognition of the hon. gentlemen : nint- ence ee e eoetor, il not of hie ebility, end nuethe vet] nrotilyiog to hie well- ` nuspeeted weekueu lot Beuetoriel promi- nenee. The Belnilton Tieuea, which fairly eeeened thrcvedit {or Mr. Bull : elevetion to the Sonete, any egein con- gntulete iteell end the city of Hemilton on thie l_ueh vindication o! in recom- mendetlou. Bot whet of Gibbe, the rivel of Bull for tha":ill lately vgceot cheiri Alee for the Deeth-bed Minieter ol the Pacic Soendnl Oombect! Ae he filote on the Intel feult ol elnlrohiug hie own honor, end needleeely nhering the reeponeihility of the grendeet job out perpetrated in the Britieh Empire, `end then et the ingretitude vith ihioh the Chioltelu hue rewarded that eecriee, he will dnubtloel been the elalu, "It principle. At my rote the Hon. Mr. fir` puyrto err 5 (libbe he by thie time dieoovered that it j doee notpeyito violate it el the biddmg ' ol Sir John. A Mecdonelul, end an the etveogth ol hie treeuheroue ."epreeenl.e- nous: ofgoilous. (uncut. To run Iln.'), ._. ll.-4|. In _`I'|u- Ranging n. cqggonit. (By `Telyr-:;:l; To-day.) \I...A.l. In I)-nun-anti ronslguews. Ina runny --- Nougulur -The . lurk Market Ite- lu no ngnm. 1IIIl.wI.|1UIITny1I- olhnnlvhh nk`-bug`: vain:-. Ir L-ctnoovmldtld. _ lIL...A.- an In. In.` Ibh-h dd ah:/L `1`)hTe1?2zti:isn :14 um p ...-o....._....._.. wuunr zv'm3. n_a{;_i:nixn. urn.` ..-..._.-.-2_-_._-.--.-. ----- 1' --- gm.:r:.'.::....-:.'.::`.':.~ WBII Itch I I] out & tuna. anus uu with and man Iiuhnu can: 000: nuody-waIuI II, No. I bdqhl Canada hold at ; Olin I. I0 LIO; I0. 2 yo 530 - (WI. lush ll. Flour quid uyoobrdnyo qontuiuu. Whoa ltQIy-ulu Inn hunch ulna llnnlli. uni LII!) Mining; 3 -I. Initial . In Bank ol Honlndv I13 I-I. [H I-I. Ioldui Hall 77. T0 I-1 Illlnl (3oCl:Cco-l(lJ I-I, llllsl Olho Bull 6'}. 00. lath nl `hauls ll. Ill (hho Baal T1. ill. Ink nl Tumlh Ill}, IN (`alcnlnnd Baal 47. M 1-2. ml! -31. div. 82. C 1-kin Elk I3, on up acme:-on z,.1u; nunou 3,40 lol 3,`? ; curmuonl, (kiln dried) 2.45 ; oorn nominal ; Au nbuut 28 to II): ; barley nominal; podnhout 72 to 74 pct 06 Ibo; port. can nominal 13,50 to N11), to- oocding oobnndnhouo puhculnloo; butuc unchanged. Ilonnal. luv! ll. Flour market qvuol and prices ru. Illul ul I00 bbl: nrung baker`: at 4.40 ; 50 do at 4,515; I00 uuporno at 41!). Rmipu 3.415 mm. Th. quomluu were . Inponor utrn 4.75 to 4.80; uln Iuperno 4.00 in 4,130; luucy 4,30 to 4,36; spring ox(nD.3`J|; Inporno 3,90 tu 4.1!); strung b.1m'.4,35 In 4.55; lino 3.3)! 3,50; mnddlnnp 2,115 to 3.15; pollnrdl 9.50 30130; bgug par NI} H)! 3.10 02,'l); mwrcply. , 4. The members will remnin in the city fur I luv day: and have another inter- . YIOI. rs-.'. _ . L531]! ldvhof It Gongs : Coundul u7:o'.u:. - R mun Iutlr-3 oi Caunqul luau Lu `-37:! pa 1 Londoq. March l1.-Tho Duh of Connuught and who will go to Queens- boru. to-dly to moot the Priooou Louisa Mnrnrot, and conduct. ho: to Windsor Cutlo. Prince Leopold. who III In hnvo been one uf the Inpporton of the Duku nf Comnugh- the Prince ol Wnlvn helm; 'lho othor-ia III at Dnrmundl. _- --.4o>-r --- , . Bellovillo, March ll. -Much unani- mu in M: In new of tho proapocu `M u upnng ood. The City Counenl in thong- ly urge-d to unko umnodiuo action in hr in; the channel u! the ntor dooponod at m month, In an In lunch the dnnpt to property in the lower part ol tho city. I (By Telegmph To-day.) Tuhiumd, Much ll-Tl:o denth of Share Ah em: to hnve cevorod all the tips between the Alghann And the Run- nmm. ' Mr. mu-eaun,1eaaornI Inc uppou- tion in the Local Legislature, entertain- 'o-i his friend: sud supporters at dinner nt t|1e'QueoIn'n Hotel. A nuun mnntino uf nnintnrn In held Ilsa Spring Flogvl -Arfdou lo I`:-e-I . rout Deluge. I \.., ...,.,...,.._, T--rontn, March ll.-A meeting 0! those Interented in the cnulo exportation trade, was held In! evening ; Mr. Ju. Briltun occupied the chnur. Renolutionu npproving of tho embargo on thu Inno- porhtion of American came through Cnnndn were puuod,u:d tho Govern- ment wu strongly urged to appoint L competent Inspo-ctor to exunino ucy our carrying callle, with I View to hnvlng them properly wlltilnlod. M. u-....a;n. v....a.. .\` n.. n.......;_ nu ma queen 5 now. A mun meeting uf painter: Ill held in the 'l`ndea' Assembly Hall Int. night, the object being to organize for the pur- pou of ruining the wages. Share 11:`. n1_eu_Iam'p--'1ne BH- dal Party--Protest of Evans- Eprlng. " Yum-day I deputation. compoud of Mr. Wahnnnn And nevenl uthn pntloa men (mu London, united on tho Hon. the Hiniuor of Agriculvun. and upto- untod lint than an r nbout 400 machin- in and Ilboreru in the cu_y ol London nt prnom out of employment, andjho doolnd to units on the Government lnndn in Manitoba. They were, howovn, un- |blo'to do thin, and denirod to borrow I mm from the Govarnment, which they would Agree to pny buck in the yearn, with interest It (1 per cent Hun. Mr. Pune aid the Government ty In uounug mo Imus. A do untlon, collpolod ol tho Hon. John orquay, Premior. and the Hon. Jonvph Royal, Minister of Public Worh. of Mnnidohn. uccompaniod by Mr. Thou. Spence, Clerk of the Logialntiva Anem- bly of the Pmviuce, waited on Hi: Ex- cellency the Uuvurnor-General yutonluy morning and presented an nddnou ol ulmmn, And um: 01 cundalonoo uithw llnr Mnjuty the Queen in her recent bereavement. . rm... .:-...... -u......' ..;n 5... .`....t.......a Ancu. lhtlhgofl, P..l. [gouty uh nu Anuu. loom; ulna. Junowhuub au- auu-to lucbu I w p.-. `L `J-... . -n bernvoment. The drama `Alone' will be ftarfonned ml the Govonmenl House on Saturday. lth, And Wodnosdny 19th for which Invitation: hnva been and no bning iunod. V...-.l..y .h.un..no. . .l......noi.u. hum. Iunou. Yonorday nftefnoon I doputntion from Lo.1dnn waited on the Hon. Mr. Tilloy in ruhtion lo the duliel on coal oil. They asked tlnt the duly of nix conu msr uqllon be increased to eight ceutl. r. 'l'i|ley gun the deputation no doli- nlwrcply. . . oil. '1 h_o Cattle Embargo w Entertain - 6 ng Fri ends--H trike fo r W agu. manna at. I pal walling. A lam: nu pal umng. nooived by Dr. Sohultl. II. ' P., from Mr. P. Bnood Ind 1 Ihnitohn trader. at the Moon Mountain, nur Sitting Bull : camp. tutu that tho snow `is disappearing, tho bullklo are moving uwrth And nil in quiet Among the Ind , though thorn in strong tdk of 31$ the Amoncnn holtilo 4:-ibu in the Spring, "" Yutordnv donuulion. oolnnoud nun mcereu u I) cent Pope Government In not st present in I poaiuon to nut money aid, but there would bo no (ii cul- (.y in uouriug the lands. danuntlon. comuond IIII nnno Luuuoo. . II.(;'. 8. Stock, I a II" known oil (||uuul|c`uvor, from ownto, in in town mum, on pybucm Inc now: on tho mil to the Gontmnont. In Hug nuhmnnd vmhl-Ann Hr Rah. no no uonrnmom. In tho Collmona, ) OIlOI'dI], Mr. Rob- ulaon lhunltnn) introduced I Bill to Irnolul 1'. Blake`: Bill on honing sud In.-I ullina, uim mI_1u untiifj cnouul-1o 1'-.u-ll Depuaa Null-lilting Raul and All - Cap-Ue'Inu4ct Gaul Free Lunch. I -~fu>w|u. to run wan-3.`) OI-kin. Iluch ll.-3ir Hail: Alba and Judge Badgoly, ol Montrul, Are At tho Rnuo lc-nu. ` u. u a sin... .1 ... ...n |......... ..n IUIIIIAI. nlm-gal, ms. any umo `lung l_og1|~.g_; o_I_`_Ic. g|unu (.huoh `IIUIII yluyulll vmu-nuvu. Mr. Meredith, leads:-of the Opposi- ion Leuillnturo. IOITIILI I101` IJI|IT. (Special ft;-VMI Whig ) {-3-} In: 55:51. `.;sar.Luf (Hy Trlcgmph.) M.....|. II _A M Too -._._ ronpygro. `Finn ulna yupm-unuputmtap. IIV. A. .nur, LL manual: ' - wlj TI! -I ` ' to vnniluuv. Iluuu Oflilgotw Loebuuclnln us 7:: r.:-.'. A _ Ilfbfill OI|-'|I|fQlIhIl| luoundumm. Applyllihcunot, /9 31nd In . `Inn ` II`jIVIl IOOII AID `I'll A0!!! 07 LAID flown on ollhildhp and stout ooobondu I . [TN IIIIDIITI flClIIl"I~-!hI Icon Ilouu luolvooonud by tho ub- oaobor. nu-as Dlvbou Btu uni: Ann at land attached. Including Onion. pd roll and ouhuu. - Alnvdloluul nurlboq ollho u. .."....`x .*.. I. IIID .1 l`nuntu\ Icnonbut Iuhcv for the anus ol oluumnnd uh: hnun. will be hold 00 lb Idluotul Ibo Pnddoulnnhrto aunt. OI TUIIDAY IVIIIIO, Haul Int. on 1:! chip. - Jolll (Milli. 1 7000!. Pinion. Irrfotltv. [TN IIIIFIATI POQIIIl0I--thI . -ulnar. anon Dlvhnn nal nclhx Ann .1 lnmory nuon [fun he nllg ` I l-l Inll. lfnnou-ry,g|vo the purolurr so-author-yuna run on chug: tu nun Mu. Apply pornnoslly or by loan to .I A I A non Ir"...-..._.. ._?._~...os-. - MIMI. EILAIGEIEII. All Iunllucyblngool 19! D Macon-ry,.| THE Indunlgnul olon for uni: Mu Stool. luhlnorv Ind pol-will In as non bulumn nryos-y urn: 0lpIylcuI.ud vlll not the macho. which no Dull dtnuul cud duped hr tho '1: at 0 an nodu- un runs] for`: In; short turn of . All Iunhtnry bhgool In oulor. th- lnclory 1 ml luggnrd looh, poor nppellu. luznld Inlnoublu fooling, poor blood. lmmtlre liver. kidney: and urlnnry trouble. lint clou oun- lnomolt. careful attention to nll fmlory work (In: tho oporutivoo, and all the physician: and nodlonuo in the world cannot help them unless they got out of door: or USE [hing energy And vitality In in wbulo ruv..vu~ In and uuvoun nyunom. Pll0aII`0Z0Nl-I for uunnwnhnn unngln-A -vul In-nlmn an... .m.., vv-w-you -nu nzvwvyuvv onvu-sync:-u nu um- mdniawu. Pricc U1 967 B04! 0' 10 f0 `V A propnnuon which restore: to tho buumn fnma the uncut olxenlinl olomnnla of Me, `hing Ind vitality tho whulo I-- -n.l -._--nn- --n`--. IIlI'lInlInVHll\\lI-` I`..- rII\Iol unun n lur ronovnhng Illlpllld sud brokon down eon- ` -iilnunnn, ha: nn nnnnl "PHOb'I'UZUNII"mnbchad-om every Chaotic! and Ihugginl lhrmaglwul M! /50- __.'_n.... 11.1.. `I "4. D..uI. ..- .1. I... Dr KINGSTON (Man and Steam Spice Mills 1"( ) R :5: A L E. (Fmronv FAcrs2 Tlll IA`l'|_!_l. POLICY- VIOI Inr HAY NEXT--A DWELLING nouns;-ma modem oonvulo-on. Iud containing M. local in bodroonu. Ron: mint be nodarna Want and of the oily preferred. A I : 'p I 0 J. P. GILDERSLEEVE. Raul Knuto Agent. Kingamn. larch ll. I879. GENERAL ||EE1`lV(l 0! the Kingston Lncrnuo Club will behold M the British Anurlonn Haul, UN WlCDNESl)AYEVlN- ING. In-oh I'2lh, II 7:30 o'clock. Special bu- nlnou. THE two storey nd buomont blink And none Honu,|ov ooeu led by In Clnovn on Inntrul. between P urou sud Queen ntmoln. Pouoqncu In lay. Rant moderuto. Apply `V D GORDON larch Hlh. V ' Kin |t.on,()ut. Jun. 28, |879.-lInvma u- unl 5 nunplo of DAV : Ex rucr 01 Int, I comfy It tu ha a genuine nrtloIo.nol. van- ulllng nuporuuy of nu-[urine or melon manor. In my oxpariuoo II. heap: roll unh- out rcrmouuux. and in wuugunn tlr quits Im from alcohol, very vclnnble proporti. I in such - sound of Practical Balance, Toronto. Ilnwh 5th, I8`r9.-lhvin( examined 1 Ipouimcu 0! DAY`: lunot of Malt. I certify to Ito being an pun nrtlole. containing only the uuul quan- tity uoohnrino and other mutton found in Inlt. It menu to koopvoll oven in 1 wnru mot: without showing nun of fermentation. nml contain: only I molt minute tune of nloohol. IIKIIY H (Ynnrr In'l`H Till FOLLOWING 0000!! Oh` UIIB OWN L Iundncuuun ` Ooloiod Ostrich Plumoo-ohdou in under: ` pnlnnn Light RI... Pd. Pink J A call Iill oblige- R. as J. GARPINER g_.._. lngi-siuximur mm] N. 1-`, Du:-um. II A.. lI`.B` I-7.. Profouorof Chommry, Queen`: L'nivorn'uy, Kinglton. Ill!-')ll NDKUJ: Flowers In Bunches and Pnchu. Ribbon! in Sell Colon and Rovouiblo, alto Double Faood Sulim in nll the fuhiamblo linden. A PUIIE ARTICLE. nloohol. ` UINIY K. Cnorr, I- .().s.. Profauor of Uheminlry, University College, Tomnlo. ` Iluch Ilxh. , Iago! III. \ Tuesday. Illh lurch, I879. ROI HAY NEXT--A cnnmlnlnn ll. lawn Ira hulmnmn Ihm n... JUSIHIEH FEATH~HS.'{ PHbs1~`ozoNE2 .- V. __ -_---~~ -ry-g - v- ----~'v WI. DAVID. noon. Iuhr. Pnnonlt. lunar. Inch In 3 School of Practical Balance, Toronto. .'o|h_ I8'49.-Huvin( Inocimon oi R4 -wu -- vu v---c-:--w- `I02 Princes: Street. Much llzh. - R. 6:. J. GARDINER I vi `tutu. MODERN OFFICE SA!-`E. oolnhiunlion look. Apply at. BIITIII Wum Urnos. In-cl Ilth. noun uuu-Ion rIumu-nunuu under: Polo and. Light Bloc, Pnlo Pink, Cram, French Guy, Dub And Slug; {ho Black and Whips. LTAcizos_E_iIET|n%t:. Opinions of Scientific Men. wmen T0 um; [ll I-r IAV llllY'l`_ A nunrll -5 g. unsung ya... on tho "jdoynqnodlodty. , u-u---go---_.- TO RENT. II All! THU AIYD-I ll 1'0 in MI)": r, IIIIDIATI Kill re. Sale. ER! OFFICE SAFE. mi N. bllifllll. I I-V`V.B: of Chomulrv. Queen`: Cnivarn Il'u-$I at I -SCI W J. A. KAICII Propru-wt. htnplou. Out. 7o mi. mum: and Ing-m; JAIB KIWI , (hint: T-UvUUC'-w-f-V-I--u nuvu-U-UUI nphulunl pulhhlo In no open Iylhu punt. Ir. J. Ardul cum Inlinjl uni -3 _l ngnnnn A lllver Inn`. KIO- ?Iovuulvub`yI u ISA IIAIIIEL _Q_g_ mum] IGAGE `$9.32! W0 III colitis! 00! I707: fl` P3 CIIT can thouyba-oh Itchy. Abmuulucwltluhnhahns \VO ll XI UIUVZ `I -I I cun'%='mo nub:-I h Itchy. A:-vgo.::nololCU'PlAllJlutn|uhnp. CV con1}_r._'_n' gs oo's.., IUI TIIK ('lllIl II.T AID IE1 HALL, PAlll.0l'Rnl coon trrovla s-rbvasz Wm pat-uhla Inhloooppat lunar | vdrgonu Inn non tutu! haunt than an other Inca-volt (Fun In; Stan. and II Ibo on 1 low uhlo Iuervoir Coollu Move In [tho with wu-ulu own Ink: :5: In. q u? I Zn 1- QIIUI w run! HUI I . Ilflr. J. (hlloooy I jlnnn Lot` 15' -Link Id`-JI- lnnlno uy Dunn baton Irving olnwhon T% Z` TTTTTT \ Crowning `Glory Wood Cook move, with portable abhor! cuppa Icon! I any utter Innrvnlr Inn Man. WM- i'3tiNN, Call and no lh(|('ruilI Jo-vol Rnortlblo Flue HALL AND PAIH.()|l IIKLTING l'l`U\'K, tho mm! anon-uhul Imvo Doll. 1/ KW?) IIKLTIIG ITUVK, the moat wrltvrrf \ Mme purnntud Alan ho: Canadian Stove Depot. in. 2| Brock Sn-oat. Oct. um, um. s'rovns._s-rovns. (`all nn-I nun II-nil Slack nml pnvoo hnfore purt-Inning. Q pu-ml mo--um nlvol `In Hosting at Hp:-c-Inl Dialling: an-I |'uMh- Nullclm I with Stun or Hot Atr Wu mnhm upoah Iy 0! tin: lnul nan. Rntnhar Ibo phoo - Thry linnrnnlre live:-y Stou- llney sell to uhe sntlnlu-llon. McKelvey &; Blrch HAVE NOW ON HAND. T IT. in -I. u. II-uvwuy u -uuqupuuuuovuunmouu jjnnjnnmnd Ammonia-nan s-1-Iov:Is,| I-`HR wnnn AND u()Al.. T-1I\JCu--uu I-`UR wnnn AND COAL, wmou [In] Cars! Low nun`:-.3. IIIIB IDIIICSI l\I.'Ill!VI!lllH t\ Il]I7lll P. Estnbllshlncnl In Kingston` IITIIADIIIINI A.D.. lllii. USE \VANTlNU LACE UL"l'All\'b uul Carpal: clunod nlmuhl send them w thin old und nlinhlo Mhblhhmont. whore thoyou he mule In loulg equal to now In 18 hour: nation. and nll kinda ofoodl int can be mentioned CLEANED AND DYED nil mloru In thn but atvla And on the shorten! mentioned CLEANED AND DYE!) nll wing: style not . Large and Well Selectedstunkf cooking notion. The Lulloo will please (aka notice that I III the onl-' Crnua Dyar in the oily. IR- n29NT nttogluriouu roaultot the lung loulnod-for III. T3} -I- I`. v - I-u`vu- IS` I N351] M01355] pull odying mu on `llnucly Lib, `Mu with It Iutnuuu on tho blukboml. The Iltlyilt hull tho lilo at thin bountiful Vi `I `U `WHOM naps, droning the mulch! chino -lbplqnd by tho Cu- AA-olnlho-n-nnndindl-agnd The oldest Kcnovatlna N; Dyeing` - m..a_Ln...I....-..o 1.. Ill...-an.-I |'*i`HE GOLDEN L10N| (lot. I Ihook last week nntisipnliug A TAX which that hiunxon nu luck. but Inn has mvuverml again And nun stand: on NI fool. fur we win! .ouminuo Ismmn AT ma om mesa] IPTIUII ` llama, Ilacon, sllomdq-rs, (Innm-cl Goods, iuuunnz ON l'lllD.-\\' X'E.\'l' TIIE |'RUI lIE-. Flnnnn llzuldles, IIBYI-zmc 1'6 %i.T\`iE| M lolionlthonulbg ol the II`. llhl In busily noun-Hub In -1.1] -n-IL: 1-Q-I `II`--AL-p nova, animal. 1 um-mg, l~`m|ll.-.|I, ` Sugars. DC I! ';LooK`oTv':I:' 1 Ctouxn I)'vor. I53 ll. I878 HOSE WANTING LACE CIIHTAINB uul (lnrnnln ulunml nlmuld Flour and Sugar (Yolk-es, And Ippeu tint It Utuuvamlnou yi uujlwpi TEAGE aaoa. D-l-._.Ia_ llhlvu loamy Outulbdlnll l$im. Mugshot] -nh:innI:.IlnLh-n-can--A W. R. Melt! & 00. I of '77 and '78-will come to put, I'ru nen. 2-`tn, Dick and Natty (.'AI}l. Al'- i'arlour_ will become rich,hy I`lll'l'lIllls, putting on of LION M the Myth: :00-ll; lilonry outing HM Vang Ion`: Ohrbnn Auooir IIC, Idotlg. Ir. ILV. Ilopn anal I Llnhlu lnljlnn null nnluilu. VT w W rvuu-IIIU Ix- onnhluupublhohlilunh odou- Hqlnbdlilqligndlnnalapuutho %IOI&'lU.IIIhnh|odIhouno Vt-getalrles. &c. 9 an;l Hall TC`-DIN, lbrletl Apples, :unucnv[ T0bll`l'0l. J. m. nos:-:n*s, Imumu nu. to am; im . t --'I`holcuu style nl llfllllp, or boat, III ,|l'I'InI In HAO city. "0 drop: into A chat , unlotpnnr. hituo Iho end, I M. and then nmomton In In Lb -on] at ho-a. -0cl. Goon! Flaunt, ol Water- loil, ildodmn of taking I contact to nine lb. gndo ol tho Rom, Wnurtouu and Ogdouburg nilroul for Il00,0(I0, to pt 3| out cl thou: drilu. coo---- - umAvI'.ims`roc'% K! -- dunnnnnn nhlnn WWI J. IL ll llul, An-I-cu. --*~_~:.r*::'= *" `_."_`;;:.: ; `tang: _nuI with loan` nohvslu u,.t ' `".`u ~33.-'v'ua an--I 3 .""T""T` . I rr.~.-:.::.~....-.*.-" W -' W nmim Nvhvd uy dqybuvconll wanna.- Onudluuu-Jobov uuuodloh ho Mihrhloruubl 04 - 1: 11,111: I J. :. mm.-n ' u mu. am. at AUC- TIUI. M Iunqollnut Itnu. at-ltdnhol -3. that WIITAITIM IIIBI MTTIII. In :n| Alfbntl n-at Allnnlnl 1 I vluuu. AND mul. II.l.IJlTIu`l'Iol or IPUIIJOI Alf TIKAVII. In tho unuonlylc sud-qulluon an lully Inn at Chum . It. lonu. Dntnl . ludon, sumo- ud ulullo fqh vuda cl rpvu n~ pron-mud an-In mu 1. l B nun change of prolillllun Fur (all purunlun no null bills. Donn apes st 7, connotes: M 7.1!). Cnrrlnghu may in ordofoll It IO. Adllho . claim '51- Cklnl I60. has I uhhu Plulayhrlun Ichooln. uni Nth. sue av Auonou; l5Iiid%3uiPiJc1:i!fe'I"vfuI: Thursday lvenlng, llarrh mu Al` 8 u'(`lo0(`I\. II the (luldan l.|on Bloul. on lnuinonn at In- nuumn. luv-u III. an unw uuvuv --mu --.- -.....-_...-. --lron'n Hohl,| connoctiun with the put of thirty not: no, in lu-day crumb. ling down beneath the workman`: stuck II. III: to full lnlon Kinptoni rapid much ol lnptonnont -. u . ,. A n. a ,._._,,_ ,_ L.-. l'o|lIlve|y Two N In Ilnly !- Thurndny and PM lvrn. lIAll(,`li lihu an Nun. or to H. L. PLUM. 3|! llmuhuy, New York All our (lrnml lxlrmmllnuv lirlllngn no under tho nupervlnhm uml nnmgalmnl. ol (}um'hluu.T mcwlu-u.\un. And JUIIAI. A. ICAILY. . . . . . . . . .... Iv.vvv 'I I'l"IIOIOI lIl.....v 1m_m|0xIn'ru PRIIEI; 9 Approxinintlon Prllal of $110..` 2,700 9 Approximation Prue: of 20-1.. l,l)0 `J Approxlmulon Prison of I00.. 900 28.57 Prlup, unonntlng to $l|0.400 Rupomlblo com-n;u-mliug would Iunlod tall proltlumt u-lugs, In whom I liberal mpenutlou ill ho paid Arpllcullon for turn: w -lulu: Almuld only be mu 9 w the Home (Milan in MN Urlonul. Wrius.-lunlv o-Iu.imz lull ululreu. fur fur maid New Urlonul. Wrius.c-lunl_v o.m.in,; thnr lufuruuui-an. ur an-ml (nnlnrn in BI` A IMUPIIIN, thannviol hl nubgl lualuunl pmlgou wuu A onpiulofO JXXMIK), to which ithu Iin-to added I renew Iund- (ll $350,000. IT-`U HRAND SlN(lf.l NUMBER DI5'I`RlBl - TIUN will run fnlncclnunthly on th nloml 'l`u-aula . It mater Ialudnrponponu. Look 3'. the ollowinll dIltl H9I0II X _ mun. ihnn in Ippllouun on be ohm-ml mun the Inc lur. JOHN mwsorli ldmun lnupoctor. Wolfo lnlmd. lanai: dlh. I87`.|. 8 B5 36A` Gnu Va 0 VIC. watt: 0 TO WIN A FORTUNE. `PUICD GRAND l)lH'l`lBU l`I()N. ULA83 D. 5'!` NEW (Ill- LEAN8 TUIHDAY. APRIL um. um. - `979 and: Denna... . `rho Lon1Iland"8t:t:-Lotterycompuy 'I'I.l. I-.4h.n.l..-n Inn: umnhrlv lnnm-nmnled `H. EUULIICUC UXVGQUVIUIJ vw--J Thu Institution um nsguhrly Inoorponted by the Iughillnu of the SLIM for Educsllmr Al sud Charitable purpouu In 1303. tor the: mm: 0! `rWII.HTI'-X-'|VI: Hunt. to which OOIIQPOOI. the mviol hlofnilb of the sun In [edged with It Ialednl P0 I II the ollowing dhtrfbion in own. Dnlzlc. I -8pl'iI` style: put I nrungoromphr uin on the short dnu lot ntrul um, but non tho swooping unit: (or the mure elu- honu auafumin of full dreu. To Tavern a`1iii8hop Keenan: of the Electoral Division i iFrantana.e. PPLl(.'ATl()N!-I WILL Ill-.` HM KIVIII byctlu underalznecl llnlfll llouday. In April Next. from purtln requirln Tnurn or Shop Lioonnol the rIvv.n1t~n'vs: inn. wwhlchooumraon the hl nub of pledged uhhul A run-rvu fund. 0550.000. Al the mmnnng (IIIIHDIUIVII I (.~APl1'.u. P Izic, 510.000. |oo,ooo TlCKl.`l`O`nt'l' u Dom.u.s mun HALII`-'l`l(,`K Irru. 0N! DOLLAR. l.l8'l` OF PRIZE ....l:I).ooo I I`,-nllgl Pun: . . . . . . . . . ..n .. OI lrldny, Nth lluut. PUII BOD LIVII Oll- I1|!7!0!I!1'I!nEIIlWL touhh dln pvrdqpdnllolurnlhannl h Only by`dsik;rcunn_dnc_-IIn_nnuav3 -IIll Iona and Mr. J E. Egan, of Hamilton, no umounood luv nooncort at Kingston on tho 18th. A tnla prawn- turu, however. -Kuoh dunno In unused in the woman part 0! Canada by the thunder norm of Salunhy evening. several men loot their lint. 1 emiiana lnthcwukmddehilhudpodcd. Im- ulmuloeblemion. mrirhu Ihe blood. ndli mdnruumudlov ` udnllnlecdouof tlnIh:onI.SaoiulI. _ _>_ IndIlI_db_td_nol Hmu Inland, .__,.. sco1'1" TIIQIQAS _W_|I.80_9'_l'8 Iuuuuuuu -nun: van uuu lo. In Mind Ion, much! u a guru: gen Int. 1.... ;_.a-A_. J4. ...AL(_a|H..n.. - I:|H 1' L I Capital rlm... I Cnpitnl Prlum. I Cnpitll PHI! '2 Prize: of `2,.';00. kGl~2N|KAl. |IlCI'l'I!l0ol'lhe Young Ion I l.Il-an-II Club, will ho Inld Grit %nu.1.. IUII IIIUII IIv-. --The IIOI in gradually dinppuring. bolon the phniuj up oftho Illn. A heavy rain I06 tuning uooelerned thu cloning ol Illa won from tho ndmnllu. l..... ILJ.I - nnnnuuinn -ill: u. A BPLENDID OPPORTUNITY .nnr`-nun QllIhI\ nnnll munofwfj; M. L; CLUB. nfurumlinm. an-ml mulnrn _ P1). ux tilt . New Orlvuua, Lou `mum. YEAR I879-80. JAS. (IALLOWAY, llootoury. I. U. loulbb. Inn. Inna Ann. |.Iud.qpQu huolao. IA-`I-an laugh - Hr. (lounge A. Kirk pntrick, M.P., I an - n .- --I a n yloot puny on Frnhy even- ing At Riduu Hall. .. ..I).ooo .... l0,nm .y.H\I| . |0,000 . 10,000 . I0.0(l) . l0.000 . |0,0b0 . .-... - ..-...- --._r_.., -_-.r._ ,. -A new calls: of Mr. Pntrick Kul Ioen'I, on John Street, in lloodod. ~ Tho onnnlry noupnporn urn keeping 3 slurp look out [or Jh fmt npring robin. In : u ,_A,n, n,....... |.,_- I IIIIIIIUI. -A Iiuler lug will freeze I dug," the old lolh say, but I'll! about 1: upring log, with thundor And Inghtning ' .. n . 11-: ,.,:,n, uh IHTI unllu`. -The price of sluts: ind ulster: wiil noon docliuu. --Tho Tnudy Ulolherl vn-re in Hunlu you. I-day. -- l`ho bonkbono of winter probably be- gins to fool fractured. -Poor market to-day ; bud road: ; ` not much uu in the oountry to all. _H.. 5... -4l--.l...I omrlinnlnl nl Hr ru uul. -l"u'morI in Lnnnrk County have been viuimiud by Egyptinu when M #10 I bushel. ...-.,; _*n:,,,A_.I,,n,.__ `n: IIDI lllllllll lllllil I III! vuuuu, bu won. -800 no sdnrtlud oonicqu-I of Dr. D|y'I malt. It in pretty genuine. --"In the mid oflifo we Inn in debt." P.S.-ProunI cornpnny excepted. n -1 n .,,n, L',I Ill IIIUIII IlyI'UlI`Ul'. --Evory puddle of dirty water nds a comfortable resting plnco at the end uh Ittoot atoning. __vm.- ...;,.. ..r .|.... ....: ..m... min ............. --Building mntorinl in being laid down for the new Queen : College. --Eu| an chuper and the ununfidenlc in them ntrongor. v--... .....a.II. .1 A:.o.. ...on.- And. . Anlnunl Tl'IIl|ll'f Cit Clark .... .... .. P on: Clark ..... .. .. AIIIICOUII Clan-k.. (`lurk of Market .... .. Ill! Boll rlnatn....... .. (`hm Iulnoer mm. . Auluunl ' Mechanical lcmzlnoor and (`neuter .... .. Cnysollcllor .... .. I4 nu ,, 11,, .1. A-.. -0o|lnn no beginning to ll up. Splendid author. Mild March. -Tboro In no Police Court thin morning. In ~--- ,,.,,:,| :. |._;._,. I_:.1 ,1 ...... .-. ..._ ..-. , WW 7 7 ,, The strut niluy company diwlrtluxl runners youhpdny. on. 1.... ..... n... 5..-......m ....o a.. :..n nlunan your-puny. -'l`ho hot sun but brought out in full bloom I crop of corner idlon. vs I , , , ,,; .L_ , _.r x,,.._._' I The long! union olkthe new Cxmincd , this you, And tho must protnckd thnt may occur under in ngi-0, took place ` Int IIi;ht, attended by noon: nonowhnt live!) but At the gun tinu oi Achanctor which no not of livquont happining-tonal which In oortninly vary rugrotoble u tho nuraot npprungh that bu yot been ratio to l boorgu-don in Kingston. We can noooum (or members becoming worm- od,uid to s oortoin dogru excited, but we fail to End ground for the pnlliotiun oi the personal blown which one Inrtuber Aimed st hnothor in the discuuion of pub- lic qnutiona. Bnchmn obullitiou of Mel- ilg hll not boot: witnouud in our Council 1 for loan time, and we hope a nimilu de- Inonutntion ol uotionll biu, party run- onnr and individual niumty will not ` bu DOOII again for many a day. `Home oi tho inn: 0! the Uommitloe were pnuud without I dluontinu voice, but the more important gural wore chnngad-the oioon whou unmet Anridentiod with than being niud by Iuoceuivo votes until nearly the pld remunontmu nu ruched. The nloricu of the Treuurer slid the Oink won the ground upon which tho chief bottle: `wore tonight, and tho tabla ` which wo Append will show the chuagu made to them, and the pniitiun in which other: Ituui: lull... IR? Hint inu If nu] uvuuuu: . . . . . . . . The police depnrtmunt, thu Mayor`; gratuity, the Collector`: romunenuion, otc., were lolt over for future cnmidu.-r.v .3 j `W. Ivvwvvw. 3 I-13 unultollnlvpncd ilanlnbo daIohl\IM|hhvIllg1'u O doddod Inpdulo up Ioalun-yin. blunt gap. oubvhnnrouoloaumy uuhuhhauothalbt tun. Alla: n.....J._ .. nunahnnnnn-nAAlLg.I.. v--4., lion. W |-C U31. CIUTIICIFIQ _` V` cm. ofpnduiou u in put lant- Iauoud uuIity,on-I Io Ithaca`!- np in iouguntiug iv, the uuonpIid~ unpni nl (LIA gang! nnalnrtgkind h puu,u.-aaauugasubuioupnuo Inga nil bopd|hythL'|IIdiIlD00b .n.. u.. n..|.....a. u....:.';.a..n...., In II mugunuug av, nu uuuuup--v mun 0! thin grout nodoruking will uuinly du. L -uuyu vIIl- 30130;`! IV] "" VUV lo|hhIIItInl'iIQ,oId uhnngnln-gal.-4-n.&_Ll.l......- `I'll mm at quzsnox. WIND` WAFi`!;. 7 LI-Col. 1 1.2!!) Iiiulnuquluu FT: -Iwrl bandit to much uncouth Vol-I |....l.-`I M hhnnllullhnlnlhglgn. ;puIl`ll0.NrI ; norvuuouonooponr :tuu choahhlochononnnol iInboIooI:':uu on-min N I` ' V and tuna .73.... I:.nu3L...l nod by handmade in Khpi-I and via`- my in: IIOI it In nulnd the high- counb Ionuno an ah In -on Nnvuuu in u ponmo mean; to than who on sub in have pain: on xpoouih ovvulnuonooponr vtuzedtho h in Ibo annual us can of point .". . ......"""'.'..`.".?."a'f..".".'.m..s.. ..a as.- tricu ulllipondiury uqiatnul. II will not be nanny for my o-mniuiomr ol police to pan` My propotly qnM|iIcI- Mon. TI: Pouul or Cnnln.-'l ho Hon. Mr. Cum boll hu Inuoduod in the San- ntn 3 MI nnyootlng the police o! 00!- ndn. II prondcn luv the nppdntnout ol tab at In In ennui-tour: ol pouoomlao shall he giuu sll tho pnnn porwuing Illll IVUIII, oarporatcd ` hounu. Am! Suction four hundred Incl silty-nix ml the said An: uidod to the lollowmy no nub Ioction [mu-Ioon'- - -1...: .|... 4.. We IIIll|(|ll|IC8(| ya-tor-lny that the Act ronpoonng Hm licensing of bumhon had bun panned in the Onurin Logulnlure. The oocuun of tho amended Municipal Act which nppluo to them read: Ql lol~ low: : HIE. vnyvivj vv-' Tc hhrdlyhdythuuw ...__..... .I..I.-I A. -.411-.55.-.._ . 1-II` nal 01 um Urnwnuua l'lou ml Unrlemn. -'l`lm .\Inntrenl Herald uh, `Where is the rlephunlf' Shut up in Mr. Tillufn utlico, I-`manna Department. Ottuu. WIN be brought ulll. non Friday. If nble tu walk. Very wenk II. preoont - It cost Cumin Qllibll) In negulutn the recent loan of 3,000,000 In midn- nun In Mr` 'l`Illey'I Glpcnlel. Quite I Inca Item to ply _lho financial ugouu. -'l'ho pnmaut Hmaruuneut unco they clmo mtu pa-war hue appointed nurly three hundred uiditiunnl uonuneol. From thin it In union! that they have no ulu that the `Kauai tuna an coming` 3: pm pllollml` .: --O- .- uovernnr or me r1-ounce or queoac. --The Monetary 7mm uliuutu that the Dominion nmhorition cullectad lust Iuunth in cnnlomn and excino not fur from 8:1,0(x)_0m. - Thu eatinmtoa will probably cunt in an nun of $ll(i`00() fur the Dufferin lulpruvrmullll, mud the erection of a \'|ce~ Regal residence 1! Quebec. -Mr. J. J. MICCIIIIOII. of the lagll rm of Scull, MoTnviah&. MmcCnken,|:n he--n uppuinted pro lam. Do my (`lurk of thu Crnwu and Plan Iur (mrletuu. ,'n.,. \|....o.....I H....I.J ..|.. -WI...-.. person: nun o~I,wu. -The average weekly rocelpta at the Stsuninnl Thoalr: during the run of 'Pmnfure` have been 87,500. They would hue been larger if lhs theatre could lmvu nccummodnled the pen-[He whn uwyntetl to gov. In. - 'l`h.u Duke nf Cunnnnuht oxnrennml wnn wmneu [.0 gm. In Th Duke of C()lIDl|l)(l|l expressed his dunno to proceed to the Cape, declnr mg that the nmmgementu nmlu fur his umrrmue ahuulvl not stand in the way, provided thcuther difficulties cmld be anrmuunlo.l. 'l`|.- :lnn..hI..- -um] I-annhy nin alnrxunmnum. v-'l'he daughter. aged twenty, of a linen dnper at Omsgh, Irolnnd, has gnined,$~l,0()(I from n wenlthy barrister, Aged thirty, who in Crown Prosecutor on the Northwest Circuit, for breach of pr. misc. IIIISIJ. --A member of the Oxfurd ('niver.-my lmat crew was rocuully the -lufendanl m n brunch ul prumiu cue, which was aetll ed by urwmem to pay 1200 damage: and 100 cunts. Them were" 600 [um letters in the cue. -l: in ruxnorod that Mr. Alonzo Wright, M. I`., will be the next Liam.- (lovarnnr of the Province of Quebac. _.'Y`hn Mmnoflnrvt 7|mr: nnlinlnhu that Cal|.0('. --'l`he em-ct: of the dovlslnling riro uf June, 1877, no Itill [alt by tho pour people u! 8!. John. The Relief uni .\id Suoiety unlined, during Febzunrx, 1002 with 94.400. -The noraue weoklv rocelpta lguuu. ~Nvw Ynrla city in fuller of stranger: than ll Ina been at llrl time for nevnml years. . Tho merchant: no there in full (mm {mm all part: of the country and are buying Ill Ire liberally than uuul. --Kenna. the rut urnin obemlor uf II-@ ti It-strum nut-u nun-nu -v - tunudoul Ioolalundotukinhnndonly tho Aholllo noouulty fut an only-pd and lot Ibo pnrpuio cl uninulniq tioulryllc Induupunuy ol our gnu calnryilglnyhthnu-board and to Ilnp call but juotiod tho anor- nounlpnulmaro which the Inn in- vdvu. Whuonnplohtl tho onlugod and CDIOC MI in of dunhgo to ant no shipping iguana Vutlnlyutot hump and In [IOMOC nuhn Ill hymn! Ghoul sh an ouolululluaolnu thouppbthkcn am all on lib dty v|1hon||igMon- sq. Uul II: It. bonus Ouch on 4- nnhnd. Lemur. n lnnnnn Ullyli l| O HDBTIIIY CHI" |l!llIl. --Kenna, grant grain operator Now York, hu ourml 810,000 rewzml (or the npvrehennion of_ the party who aentthe }orged le1e,ramu In Chicago, whereby the recent full Ill wlumt. was Cal|.0(. _,'I`Ixn n'.-oi: nl Ohn Jnvnulnlinu rn uf bnoll. -The rape of An ucendinglnddor in I coal pit. nan Wakeeld, Eng broh on Snlnrdny, And eight ponunn Inn kill- ad. lune. ~-Fuur Bouon girls, ranging from 8 In 12 you: uf Ago, have been cmighv. puck- in;; pvckctu. They have worked mam- ly m Mechudiat rovival Ineetingl. -Mvu-anrov. Ifurev. housekeeper of the ly Methodist revival Ineeungl. -Mru-gnrov. lhu-ex, housekeeper Ocean Hotel, Long Brunch, was nrrolted on Saturday, clurged with netting tire to the hotel, TI... l...l.....,.nD ni \7i:m.f`.hnnnalInr the hotel, -'l`ho judgment of Vice-Chnnocllur l`roud!o:n., in roglrd to tho Oshawa church cue, nullirun and Iubatnnlintes the thuury that the Inity |`1uul-I he the ruliug_ power of ll church. ~ [India in 1| tuwn Hf (hllifbfllin. Si! rulIug_ or cnurcn. ~~ Uudie i! uunthn ago It had 500 to 600 l\uil.lmgs, "`_*`l!i?1>.3"3|!,i.U!v,! L400. 'u- lune. 3,W)() lmiH|`|n'gu, axial A population vi 7,000. K. \.'...L ..:|.. 1. fnllnr nf an--n.v.:m ed. --.\ vouel with I cargo 0! up from Trieste, an infontionoud port, Arrived at New York on Thundny. _ Thu on-go wu ueuled and the veuel tent to qu;rsn- nun. pen at '90 MI use runna mp. -A Mothodiat miniotor named Trum- or recently did cg Suliabury at the age of 102. He had been I preacher muro Lhun 74': you". . --Tue: tn the amount 0! 860.000 in 7:: -Tues tn 860,000 Want Urnngo, N. J., remain unpaid, and the ta collector refuse: to shun his bnokl. ' Avn... .,..... .1 .. ......4;....r..u.. i.. . nu no pun nu mo porwmng n juuicu ol the in due: polio: ngbtnou. and n lcrrilorkn rhnn 1|, Alina-ulinnv nnnni .. In _| litimee erenotgvtl and the people - 'n.ii'ol money in the Ringer: penin- Iuh, it in had to know the ream-n why. Theenhrgeuent ol the Vollnnd Cunl in given employment to many hundreds ol hnde the leet two yegp,eud ol oonree, the vague ueeived end upendej by theme Along the line oi the Dem! mint hue largely unelioretod the nugnetiun in trade which IMI been hit so uverely elne. wliere. For eunple in the neighbor- hood of Weilend elone the money ex- pended in eennl eonm-notion will Amount to the neighborhood oi tuo nmaou a' doliue. The work at thin point in being proeeoutel thin the ntmuet diepetch, el- thougl it in add it eull require 3 couple of yeen note tooonplete the enterprieo. At Pan Oolburue tho I poeeilglo expo ditioe ie being Ioei, the work being pulled thud literally vithuut oeeeetion, nleye ol uen end horeee relieving eech othet nigh euddqy, tin Iorke being lit , up ntniglt Iith en naple eupply of ` leneuudreluton. Theee workamu a.._.nJnnn nnnnnlnnlabnlin-jndnnln uonmor-uoutu.u,IoI nu saanuu. : --Thtchoo Om ol Luau: Q Juhuon. _. Hannah kn nnighod. Linbililiu ` 0190.000. ` } ..Thn nhnal hnnnhn ic nn nntu-n in | I scan-uy oI,_wurtneu. I -Om of tho lu-gent pluubqo work: in the Iorld in to be erected in the` `spring nur Chester Sp-ingn. Chalet` counlv. Pu. ` , ouunfly, | |. ` ` , - to hundrod And eighty maiden Indies Ion ruined by the (allure uf th: Wu! of England Book. I '-Nnoinionau-o nncoediu to not no wcu or luglllld unnx. '-Nogontio:uu-o acceding got. up An excnrlion to no I nnlon-Huvdon at 890 lat the ruund trip. -A Mathndill minintor --Hnblu Guco-: 1 pp I divid - `J of 5 pit GIL Ill),-y. -Thondd|lul|lI hail ol the] (lovuuor-(Juiul.unol will miduuu. 3 .-Thmahnn Inn nlllannll A Jnhnnnn, . -~Tho than human is no nctn-o in. Buorhnll, N. Y.. juu now that than in w scarcity of, yvurknen. lnrnnl nlunbuo rum: or in nu. VI? IIHIQ lfnl II;Il .. J".-'...1`. '."n."'.L..! 3.'uIm'Ip|I LAW. l'0l.l I'I(`Aln lIlII,_l luyunu` Inn nu: uuuuuu-`nun... rl ou_ international tndo with oillor con Mel. Tho men in power it would lot on now Iddrouing thomulvu to the pufucy iropauiblo tuk of hoping out Ionian goods and yet onoounging lonign trade. Buck an Absurd contu- nlioxiua ul urns, Ind an attempt I! such I nnuilent inpol ibility,nro quwa worthy of the Juana` hood Tury Ohioluun and his Qclighlly omialonc oolluguu. Fran [rule and pmtoction hind in hnnd. to hoop out Ionian trade and ballot it `no.8: tho output trick Ihioh tho Tory il- I uiollnh ptopolo Ooporlonn. W0 Ihnll -Ann am .an. nln-I Ana-anon:

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