-|liu Forrooto-r-,-n!orrod to in the ,,a_.; ,._A I.-- .|.---_4l I.-. nnlnn ` puuu, luv, -Ir. uuuu;-uu -u -....-. lho Iniotal. and Row. Hr, Wilson to -11-... IL- -.;n.I- ihni-muting-nan-nun : W U, Twibjuc -- hunonIclnlnII'ChucI. A consultation was ndnd hot I:.Iotthou,nIputinqo_dltoI4u- bvu. Thohdndionvuunnpdlo tnhpluoontlubthol Apt-ll, 10:80 d'aak.Rov. lncuaylo picnic and .....n`. n-- In- n.n..|... a.. uni... . Ls: o'dak. y-;i'.y tho P-910-7 -4 ._-_.-L in nlhn-manna]. In Ih WIND WA]-`I8. Ira: aamun WILIG. ruuasnm, MARCH a7.mn. f._._.._.__,__. ._ ;QdnbIdlIdhnq pail pun! a-lung-Inn lanai. fknnjnn E____U__'l_'_I_l__V rujds F1 I-tut jut-Ipuvul douilonloouaud. `nuqouuou to dtlluuu. an lunhdd In Obtain buIuIuuIIunuId Ihnnuuyutdhnbcdohn. u (Eh;-njnnn-lAALn: L:-nj reiuiued unexpenueu. Rev. Mr. Wiehert expleined why the congregetinn of hie church hed formed en euxiliery to this Society. He hed branch ed the nutter to the congregeiiun leet yeer, but no move wee mede. The reeeou weethie: thet they hed been lor ever twen- ty yeere engeged in church building, end for the put the your: were pulling with ell their might in every direction. All the meme they could eerepe together wee devoted to church work, end he believed it wuuld be eometime before en euxuliery could be lonned. The work of the So- oiely Among the '/Anenn 0! Indie wee grend. Butheheal en idee thet more Ihould be dune for the home mieeiune. tlieten incl-one in the home mineioue would ieereeee the reeouroee (mm which to drew lor the ioreign work. He gen hie experience emong the Ihentymcn M evidence of the lame of hie erjementc. He moved the edoption oi the report. 11.. u- u..n..-;.. L.-IA Illnl u... mm. I10 muuu IIII nuuyuuu in nu ..rv.-. Rn. Ir. MoOun1g hold that the con: , negation ol Rev. MI. Whhnrh church would niu moro for home miniona it they raised I liltlo for foreign Iniuiunl. He pointed out that tho conlribulnom lo! minim purpuul gononlly Ind in around ainoo Ihll miniunnry moiety had been formed. In. :1. u..-;.... .0 n-n-.;u- Inning IOOH lutllru. Rev. Mr. Burton, uf Ballavilla. having apolrou iua plaaaanl maunar of tho In-go altandanca, runarhad that he would not Ilka la and nndar tho imputation that ha had not a Woman : Funlgn Dllaaiuno ary Society in Ballavia; that with auch an ia|p_uI.ation ha could not stand up in adroeaay ol tha raporla. Tho Social} in Bgllovilla Iaa ldontilad with Ionian Ima- aiona hut unl through tha Aaaoeialioa in Kinplon. lha oonmbnuum nl lha lor- uar paaaad through another ohaanal, and tho change Ill not nada bacauaa .1 -AA_-L...--I A nnhuinnl nl An-ndnllnln jj-CV -1UvII---v- -v\'wuv-u luau. nonulouuouoaduynpnllmud that thou! lint-Wodopcbdnpo luplolvluldoouulolsldcoynpdhy ouunauoci. unnrudlloalno Mdhqnhh bacon bone and land`: nldou. The Ioldiulhovutldmnd lnuouuohvunouh go dawn am... lune. [Io .1-ma lid Mug: hdhooodooowbhblrooghobluh 0' about lotho llrlt-no : shot. but yet (blind-gin: to Ibdhh lndhunulo. A Illa In |Nohu|ov1Ibot; dhuuryhgtboquplhlulhlhy Vvuputyhlghh thud! boo. lnchnnluulullohnpouo nno dvho Iolulhdoanbnb. `liq vmnlghflnthuhu -in-thin-ndnannnln-A. TI: anon. cl manhunt-A pdlldptl ul noodctlon I n---- no---.. LII the walks cl Mo. Tho Bollovillo poo- pb UH Ill rdldllhon fdllq the Kinptou Wanna`: Vunigu Iiuonuy Auoddiou ht Ions ol intent. but low the region In had stated. Alluion bd boon nnduoobo obuutu ol the work 3! Install thud. no had none- Nluo lollulr Wkhn hul upnuod ||.|lId tho Indus about this loop I Wo- nu'u Ilono llulon y. But two nqnlnullu Ibo Io:-nonthoy an hdly Id nquind fut tho lnltor. Ha Iolt K0 *0 I000 IBIOI Dori nqund | Inn- _.... -n...u... ..A .-.-....n|... -.A ol Kingatun. The aum of 8250 ha been remitted to the Rev. Dr. Reid during the year tu~ Iarda the auppnrt of Miaa Forreeler. '1 he Womalfa Fur.-igli Mieeiunlry Society of Halifax in lllllulll that Miaa Forreater ahall be aaeigu-ed to it, as having been pereonally eonneeted with it before going out to India, and Ohio Society ia only awaiting the appointment to the miaeion eld of another labourer who may be ee- eigund to it in Mill l"orreater'a place, in nrnler to accede to the request from Mali la], and tranafur Muee Furreeter in her Hill friends, although it will not without much regret diuolve the connection be- tween iualf and one in whom ita mem- ` here havu learned to take a warm and peraonal intereet. During the put you the auxiliary cun- lributiona were aa lollovu: Portemnuth 810; Trent in CH; Gananoque 828; Stir- ling CH 45; Roelin QIO; llurrolvnnith .17; Olive Branch Miaainn Band (Chal- Inera Church) 820.83, the latter to be applied lo the auppurt of an orphan in India. l`heGeueral 'l'reeeurer'a etatement ahowed the receipte to be 8495.54, of which buta oomperitively amall amount remained unoxpended. 0-- u. wan...-9. atnlained elw ijiahb fnoun will ulna quicken Christian me an. name. The nmmbornhip of the Huaiuty during I lhmpuingtgnnad to one hundrod mem- berl, I number w`iit:7n;'?Hrhnpod-,-Ii.U$c lugoly eufurced during ulna present year, an it due: lul mmr|y exhaust tho puni- bilition or the Prubytorun congregation: ol Kingston. The of .a Minion Band in Kingaton. ` mouth, Traninii, Gananuqiio, Mill Pi-int, tliaooiaty parlomad a naaliil work, that ii Iiad-a dlraoi inliianaa apoa aha nan- bau and their fauillaa. 'l'lia laiiarn and ninionary inluruiaiion noaivod laft iinu proaaloiia upon Show to Ii_hoia ihay wara add . . r. Wialuri, oi Iuloo, and R41. Kodarator of the Kinpioii Purl):- iary road ilia rapori oi Ilia Sociaty. It uad aalolloaaz - - During the you aix now Auxiliary Snoitalaa liavo boon lorrnad, inclnaiio 0! It liaa now lliaufora eight Auxiliary Boolatioa, in all ihe.Pi-aabyiery of Kingauin, which an. ' in Ilia nrdntol th-ir organization, Porta- llnalin. Stirling, Harrnwaniih, and the Minion Band in Kiiiqaiuu. All 0! than Auxiliary Socieiioa have ant to Ilia obn- tral Society malarial cuiiiribuilona ol funda, to go iowarda Ilia objeoia which the Society haa undartakan, iiia auppi-rt of Min Foireaier, and of an orphan at lmlorii. This Socioly. however, would hope that. bolnra aiiniliar year`: work in rap--riad, an Auxiliary Society may be formed in every congregation of the l rubyl.ary, boliuving that the {urination of aucii organiuiioiia will not unly pro- mute the cauae of Fureigii llliiiaiuiia, but Cliriatian lilo at liuino. Tim ninmbarnlllll Hoaiuiy guy, uauung oxpu-_III III I`-""' `thanks-nnnlo III!!! P""`- `hr in; to the Ilonholl of "10 K|""" ..n,my mum nuinuuu taken III :- AL- _...I. [In in ndd .3 IZXUIZ T V "'7 ,lfotd_nIuhuII78oduy -a-I-dd uoubgilohlncio Ohltlih "W "- luau. prddllm '1'|0_ P'"`5"9' Innooduonaud -an shut.-ti-I 0' W nu Jung , and pant 5! 130% F- Grnamol` Gonnoqu. _ nu, ,o0uAi` oxpnqd NI H59 `AL-n AL... ---A -an unt Km. lllrlli W` `Inn: IZIOIAII f. Winn won. --- 1` non-1|: qll, - uwu ninpuu rel i-un...,u. u. .-... ...... fellow citizeiia and aiilnjacte an foroigiieia, liidia huiinz a part ul llrituiii,ninl itii per - pl. of niir own rill. In this niiaaiaiiniy nutter he made two challeiigea-(l), that inatoid ol M33. given -luring the peat year by the latliee of Kiiigetuii, in- terfenng with the cuiitribiitiune to the cliurcli, the general hliaaiunu ary Society had been benefithd by a gain, and the eight auxiliariee had given more to the general niiaaionary 'work than betore; ('1) that the ainouiit given to the foreign iniaeiuiie now ie more than to the whole inlaaion work be- fore. Why did he apeala of giving ? Bo< oeuae it ia the teat. of feeling. and they certainly prayed more and had a deeper intereat in the ohject, and the moral toroe aoinetimea waa incomparable with dollara and centa. He thought there ahould he an auxiliary tn thia Sn- cietyiii every Church in the diatriet. They did not want female aocietiea for Home Miaainn work, {or the ruaaon that there ia nu epecial nilaeininuy liibour for women in thia country, but there waaa epecial work for the women abroad. No acoeaa could be gained to the women of India except by women. Men were not allowed into the Zanaiiae. He then entered into a law leading thuingbtranent the education of women, dwelling aim at eolle length upon the aciiptural prunii nence given tu men, Mill to Matthew Haiiry'a tiile --ld aagiiig that wniiia-i wae made from a rib taken from the aide ul man that ahe iiiiaht lniia equal and be beyet her protector. The l'rota-atant Church had much to learn {ruin the Church of Rome, the latter 4:! which waa more diatinauieliod for the manner of organiaing womena woik. One had remarked to him that hie journey acruaa the North Weat waa periloua, but he had replied, bow Dullllul it been periloiia,ehen, under the ahadow ol the Rocky Moun- laiite, he had louiid a great body of Elia tera. who had travelled acroea the mun- try from Quebec, when travelling wee not one-tenth ao eaay aa when he made the journey ! There they were, their eaiaiea unknown, iainietering to the little orphan indiane, and doing an heceuee the I-ve of Chiiet wee animating them. The earne epirit ol laith and love aliould pre- vail auoeg women everywhere, and he appealed lot the utnnat etiouiirageniei-t lot theae eegeged in the lureign vniaaum work. `Huey ahmilol not beainiply in- tereeted in a lady arm from Nuva Scotta; they ahoeld aeeh to eetid an agent lrorii Kiugaten. in wlileh event their inuence would be lnveeaed liur~lold. I'a_._ ea- al-n.._i- _.l......i-.l .I.- --...I ummlttnv nu.-a..u'u,u.. u-u. 1::-v- -- IUIH In I -uwvv-no Ru. Mr. |IoCIu'g advocated Ilm um!` incl on goal from Kmgulon. Th. 1-nllnnlinn lnhhnnl nun) lmvinu IAM nub! I.-union, the olden dwghtu M II. Ju. J. Wlllohool, dud Mlddonly oolololpooudly ol lnlanuuuon ol no lag. Mutual (bunt Ibo. and soul; so uulpuu-lly, u. Wuhan, link! M It. Whitehead. died M In! run- down an 51. 1'50 doubts houuonom in vary III. blond, And not blur in lnllon heavily up: the busily. Tho nlnuud -lnughlor an an uniablo and pub pug Id , found In luv yooqnquhhua. a III! In In than pliant. Ito Md but ill lot; In Inn. with NW7 4-N-ha I!-M--. but Ab and on not than In In on Int. A lap $60 to dog noon M: In lthruilylluundopnbuvovr onl b ulna! I) no bully. and u I%QIpIhb Ilpj The kno- III cl Ito It In Wlhnn oil Into n It IO UUQ Doubt morning. i X I lb Wlci I Ca 19.`. II. U: II qua u-- nu...-up... 'l'hoeo||oot'uIu (cllhorsl uuo) Inning boon ulna up, the unsung ulj`-nruosl with singing and pnyor. UIU law In uuu-c_-nun, um. um outs`: hanrt was dnwn out. in this the Inuit) would be done at IIUIIJJ. Ill not right lu think of a part u! own Empins an foreign, or uf our 4 foreign I Huh. In this miuaiun ._ n-.. I... .-..;h. 0-n oh-Ilnnnnn_ .13! IHIIIIITIUI Ill Lllli Iuguuu |.IIlll\u|' he Inning I vlritnhla Dimvuaul Biahny. Ha alntud thst while ho had alum all he could in line {urthenhce at home win uinm, ho had nlunyn iuuintud tint nume- lliiug Ihuuld be dolls [ur the hcmlheu, tlul nuocintiuua nhuuld bu formed and ooutribuli--m umdwboeauno he knew by the luv uf chriltjunily that the UJUIB . ....5 i.. nu`. wall v | _. ._.._ .l IIIO. 11 Ilolul Iwl wtguuu nul- Oiclllhionnnnputol the church`: mark. Tho quutiun nonotinu shod in. DI! Iiniou vayl Such I quution should not be expected from on intelli- pot pnnon. In thin pnctiesl up they nlld oulything by its ntility. Minion: should not In looked at inn: u paying point. `hay hurt the sdnnuuro of tho gospel, And they ghould go into tho battle at lilo nlxiou to [in other: the hooollt of th knowledge which they oujnycd. Willi NQIIC `to India in the put it Ill OIlI0%I'y lolpuk. India In being l.$Iontod. He. kept in Vic ! that Obit no main; by and lays, Ind that lot that cunt the world In getting hot- tor. "Biotin nrollmoot the work of the [mount century, and [hen it no ooinid- Inst whnt prugnuhnd been made they Ind reason to fool grateful. Ho opoko oi oat inlunou, and of whnt they had Accomplished. Al for tho Women : For- oign Miuionnry Society he hopod| it would nurinh, tint itn uynipathiu would be oxtondod, nnd that it would ho pro- perly encourngld. The grontut hoppi- Iun ol Inn in not in looking personal Inll-boiuu so much u it nu lll doing I I001` Curl. Principal Grunt (slur: hymn had been _ lung) good hurnouredly hinted thnt the i Society hnd boon roping in" liev. Mr. u Winhlrt Ind Rev. Mr. Burton; those, by busing induced to spank at tho meoting, ' identied themselves with the Auocin-- tiun. llo iintiunutml tlml Rev. Mr. Bur- ton should carry to the Ii;-ll-ville people the compliment: of the uncanny. to ac- kunwlodgo tho minim: work already be- ing done, but to nugysl the advisability ol hnving an nuxilinry to the Women`: Foreign Milniunnry Huciety. The rever- end gontlumau Ihnulni nluu stop all It `Nipavma 1m+~ntnrt11rn11ch-hr fl town . A: ll-r llev. Mr. Wnhurt he aha-uhl not only uuoceed III entnbliuhiuq one, but eight mxilinrion in tho Muluo district, I... n...a.... . .4.-;o.I.I.. Dim-.nnu| llialmr. t9Cv@-w--v vv-w--~ uuruuan oopnnuc urns-In--u an-E.-nun. nu-on mu. W no. but Clair nydpaihiu ihoold Id I0|hiud;thquhuHl|onldbowodd- Vvs, linyohouldnotlajottholon -iaa-in-I-nnnnllli lhl llldfl -~-~ -900 A Hal Ionav>o`nc-:;. mu-|nn'n Arllrl aunr. The Ben Salvo in the world for Cum, Brniam, Sores, Uleon, Salt Rheum, 'l'n9tler. Chnppod llnndl, ohilblmin , U--rt-a, and all kind: of skin lruption-. This Sulve in gnnrnntood to give part.-. I. nhsfacunn in every one, or money re- fuudvcl. | rI'oo 25 Cent: per box. Fur nlo by J. G. Kmn. Kingston. It ioolibllul the tho ll--Inn Untlhdhuobiuanunn Tb Ilculnoallvcrunlllunndfhlhunado cu-uulduudn Iiolulnnslahculd b-Pdhnpuvnhduhl-not IMId|lhnlH\h&nIaoUod. 0-tulips-vovultdn, um-H nulls-ndliluuluou. .oIdan unrPdbuta'puu o-Aldon. hIo"duuIMu"phng|g Ital! Protection versus Free Trade. |m[ HIJLMAI PADII uxeu Ill mu clmuuu, wnnnn -nu Ivvuu um um` mine, dulu to my very nit-In-al par-naga, and my Inga in fur Ion non thnn it Ill befuro that uvful Inven- to:-nth.` ....+,- -0004 ----- Eut and Want Pelorbnrmiih. -Tho annunl IIIIWIIII; of the Globe Printing Company was held yutordny. After paying dividend: of sixteen par cam. hm! your, nearly 39,000 In car- rind ta the credit. of the current your. The Hun. Han. Brown III Nolocted lllllllgillg :1 molar. I --Mr Mu-kolilio Ii Ink for the pa- oipnn Yl`l'ABl.I8. A nuns` mumt mmuiug d --Mr. will pl- pers In connection with the Murruy ubi- trution one, in which nu uurd cal 89,- 907 on an Intercolonill contract In uuue I c uuplo 4-I day: ngu. It in pmblblo that another 'jub' may be uneuthed. ~ `Cuuloond thto Tury uo'nrula, cried a Scolohlnln, the other day. `True lute tued nll that clnthol, wsnm nnd food- ... ...' ...a... A... :4. mi Von EVERVIQDY PEEASED ! GtocerynudsheaperlhanEver PARK!-l|LL S. HUGAI AS CIIIAP A3 IVII, TBA! LOWII THAI IVII. COFI-`II A8 LOW Al IV! I JAMES REID. Oablnot rum. opumm .; vv_ j-_4-|___ ~~Chirf. Juutico Hngnrty has Appoint- ml April In! fur hearing the Ipplioauiuu to withdrnw the poluiun uznium the n turn cf Mr. A. Shuurfur South Hrucu. --An q'.rt will be made to bring uul. cnlldidulan tn represent the Ivurkingmen, nmlapernlent of putty nllinnoon, in bulh Want Petorbnrmnih. __'l`h- nunnnl ulnnllnu 0' "II - -Prof. Daniel Wlllun, of T-on-`nut--, `in nut ngninu the `N.I'.' with (not, horse and artillery. Ha ulunan down upon the '|mfehcnd. logalmod humbIg' with lrrtulstahlb force Ind ennui countena- ti.,n H1 Iho nun ,-- Frum the moment :1 child in eucnlml u'I.|4luuhLuuAn II. away In the soil and the umrblo head` 2; am`: in 1-remind. on-rv nrtiula ho um: in the son and mo umrum nun- s u-mi is erected, on-ry hunvnly camd. From tho baby-nunol to lheacotu of the loud ~Ln ! lu !'tu v ...__- - ,.. r_, , '00 B108 FAIILY PLOUI. ONII (`All LOAD OLD IAIILYPIIIUD` Shin. --A letter fr--an ,.\.\-u Sent to Mr. Killhnm, M.P., up: 'Mnny an the oamplninu hero ghoul the mnlf, and A large numlur of Liberal Cunnorntivon foul they hava boen. botrnyed and will support the Uppoailionf --VIr Chnrltun. M.l'.. roouivod 5 let- the Uppoailionl Chultun, M.l'., ter fmun Green Bro: , nnnuluoturorn ul ugriuulcurnl Implement: at Waterford, pruu-sung ugmnnt the new tariff. Thaw x;i\'L' tiguroa to nhow thu tho tuilf will ilncruane Ihs cost of 1000 reaper: by 8|,- Shh`; -u---v.~ -- v_.~vv . gunman: nus. "`wus1:n: I_AoAnom rum-:11 . ......-;-.-... . u.-null ..-mu.-, vluv ... .-_w,w.-. -Mr. Fruur, M.P., roooivod I letter from Strnlfurd stating lint Ln unlined mnulncturor thoo iuteudod uuponding u;-rnuom. Tunis in in addition tn the mill 1: Much: I`, lhv pr-Ipvlcll r ol I-hich ooutompluu .....n...; in the Unitod Shun. A La... t....... K... sun; on Mr, llllda Iho ulna In Iuzh uuumcu. -Sunlord, lh Cnlnlurmn nilwuy onpnulut, um: I farm ul IIO thouund was near Sm Funoiu-. l'p-n it an Ihodl And llnlllv-I ulreln-lung lur I mile, honluilning Hm- huudrul thumughbnd ~ hormn. In! In il'_ l|lI.||0l|. uonuuung um- nIu.Iun honoa, mull: 8'. UU,1I0l|. II- I.`.,-.- II I.) uuamuod. -Mouro. Oopp and Gunny, stove Ilnnuhtturaru nf Hlmiltnn, lust the M; on ruuugn in tho mnuh (`:0 pct cunt. ml cyal) uni on Iininhul mu yu; (26 par cont`) Illldu {In I...-.0: nn pnilunv --`rho Tomato Uouanuvu nu non thoir nominuiolu lot the Local Bonus on Thurulay. 1110 all bbuhou, Hon. Ala. Hunin And Ilr. Rahal. Boll. Ii" be rc- uu.IinAl`od. _.M...-. (`Ann -ml nrnmv slain we IIOOCIIIIQMI ulu. Viv In I-nuuv thing! honor in Cauulqnnd Int bogu- urioo, Inning tho lunuiu A I uomiul IIIIII. -no ngun urn: puou m the nooouuictul ulu. Wv um chin... 5.15-. in (`.u...lg and up -lsu' Jana. trying to unovo um times by making outythiug hunt, ll like I nun who wou junp bio I vol- onno to ho uvuy Iron 5 burning hm. --'l`ln ltnnliah unlfuhou no In: M: -`l`n d c _- the nu vign- luinu .vill.h o W5 III! bu-vol. -Sir bin. trying to relieve bud lino: hi mgkinn nlzvlhill IICIII . u-uux)n`llI.cull'l'l.IlIoun0 am . tau cnmul: on but .-9 qr-w--n --- jn-urih-I. h-union. `WWI ` wnliuinn-uulnaq-no imnuinsniul on whats... nlqnnnuuoulgunuuuuo nni&.mnnIA-nu-1 5` 1 I J Inst {YA |:IW.l.IlAII . .huua\hocI\y. rlmnflnhhluudoullauounnu --`Tho Tomato Couunnlina will nah }..i- m.....i...ain... Inn ch. Lnnnl Hanna an I90 U) K IPOQ U DCTIIIQ XIII. --Tlu ltuglinh tu-Ilfpluuo be mango thou l'0l.l'l`I('AI. N0! E124. 1 Aulrirxxunut H AT PA|lKII||.L'8. KINGSTON Lfllfl Ell N`. cm m___Jut Arrfviaf. IIAIB `Io |.Ol' porn I. an nun $070-1. AIIW FIJI-Ililhtfl '10:`: CI XII. M rkloyloi hooHuvhop- Lush all Lluougb Applvlo J. I. ULIMIAI VI GIIIVIIQ `mm In In nu - A nwIl.l.um IlUUlI.Ikh In-lari nuvcniooou. and autumn; at has In hodnnno. In! an! Io u|ouuo W-u Ind ol the any pooh:-rod. App 1 to I IIIAMIIAIIJ TIIII --Than In Ira-dunzidutuhl ouognpluo can not nuvouboal and sub. unusual 7 Mini unto. opp-db as not Pu-I. mho - -- 1 '" '- her The Urdor Dopnrtmont oonlpinn Ill immouu unortmont u! (loud: at nu In. Md mun [..hi..n.l.le -rylm. In |ondyMndu the Stock in mock oxtomivorut-clnu in ntyle and qunlity, nml at very moderate prion. Uamlfa Furuiuhing Hood; of gll .1...- criptinnn nml in K-out variuly onnountly on hand. fyl nnu lllllllly, Blllal Ml IIIUUOPIIO criptinnu pg-mt urioly oonnuntly 1-`MIC two stony and hue-nous halo! and name Home, nu-I oooupml by In (`bowl on I--nuns]. hounon mum. sad Q0000 nrosu. Pnuunwu kt lny. Ron! Inodunlm Apply w W I), GUIDOH. In lull: Pattern, Pod lotion. and Wilt to Wears. 1 III bnuduu uu I`:-Inna: mom forum-ly ooouphd by luau. uh. A lulu un [AI Ola. Han db!-aoat, which will bu -ado In can u duh-oblu Iouutuu Us an-llod on npplhounu so the onus ot IAWDIIH IACIIAK L` volllno-I ulnouunmllonlncolhll aulnhorolxbuhonpphlnu. Apply lo I V. Illll`. ha. I690 lam ne. In-1| 1 A"'f I Andy .g lurk Iii. I he fur Ii THOMAS snALn, } UUHEH IN VAUGHN T|Bl(A(`lu.m. I rooms. gnrdc-In Ilhnhnd. Ram 0160 landlord mun luau. Apply at Ibo lhuruu Wlll Union. I r \ul_n)'-molt ANII I-mmlslis on PI'uo.u smut. nu anoom nmupml by Ir. Putel llntly. Puuoulon In Ann! Apply to RM ICIIIFII` li'Il(]UION. Ilnmh In. Ill: BRICK HOUr I No. II9, Clnnneo II . II pntonl ounplod Iny Ir [Misti Doy- dou.o{ than mol Ilehnoml & Boydu. Poo- oouluu In II] Apply to 'r v wn.um `.91.! `.0 Princess S.*.'eet,.. UH v--v ---y-.-_. uuui. he as non; umuu-Ina 3:` n.'x.:.. in II vlohlmvc-uogu ho; to lufbrh VERY CUI |"ORTv\NLI NIH` A LING. nth u-nrnum Imll-t I Alhml olroel. Iull ho hum er I! v`NUI|'.wAI`1.I\ I I IIIInn-l)n|n IAWI Golda! Ibo Much. Knnpum. op: '11:. I8?! rim r}}i1:zaEsr,Mosrs%rYLIsH{azia1 3Es?s71`6ci: an-..I.... .... ` _.-... 0(,_;_ - WE HAVE |lCCl\'El) A EPIJCNDII) A.~!mR'l`IINT UII` (.'l.0'l'llS. TWEKD8 AND Worcuul (?uminxg. which lor alylo. durnh my And nhmpnou ormot In oqnnllod In nm N" Wm-nod Uuallun In Clinch. Dlugonull. D||u`ondI and Ignru. Fine Wanted 'l`roun-r- mg: in Ilm the luau aw York and Purl: nylon. I-mo Broulelothn and Dooohinl. Flunlhum digu `I wemhiu the chumw nun:-run o_1_ror nnunuhntuml. I-`inc unonnont ol Bpowh Twomln We no uhng anion npldly for ma shove (lwwln, nud pu-nu requiring POOH] I Irnl,-olnu uurmont or Bun up nmlonh p`rloo will v-l.um mall on us. We hno bun Inn! at work all winter Innncufnnlurtnx A (.`H'Ul(,|!'. ARGIDRIIENI` U_lI` CLOTHING. and porn" [gqnh-in` 5 u...|y...|a Con. Pnutn or hang will Ind ouu oquul In nnuy pg 3; go Md" '.!t..nd _ very lnrgu uuuruuun Lu usloot lmIu-A'l` VERY l.U.W PKIGEKS. Ylmiog ggoumgug gf guy. Furnishing Hmxln. now mad plnonp. Jun Rooalvml-1'llR|Iv2(?All!5| AICBICAN |I'Bl.'l` mnl I-`UK I|A l`.\l. in be nol-I ul nrmos than I}! |!I>4I|>_tI_|>n>I_*!IIQgll bIl_yg|_~;n_`1_,,.=...|..g.....g4:..,. - nu... ....`u nu: nu ...-.n.< mun... lnrgu uaurtuuun usloot fmIu-A'l` [mu Rooalvml -TIIREH CA HIS] will uhnmh thn luau! blqor, N|lC-31l.uLJ'11L'l`J:.4Lll:LIl` LlRKI`.4ll8lH&NiV\*AT3T 'p' W Pne National Policy Don't` Make any Difference in Prices ` AT vvALDRoN s-|I ___:.oo._. ..._ now 18 You rm: to Luvs roan owns ran yous RPIIHII Il1Y'I` All lint vu .u .v...- annual Av u-nun avvn VIUIIID FUI XUUK SPRING SUITS. AT THE NEW YORK CLOTHING STORE. Brock Street. !'anr__f3m Hat-kat Squat-a. ' IKQTCT Colo OCJI. HI '3 Djl A NEW AND !lANDS()HE STUCK OF SCOTCH AND CANADIAN TWEEDS a nod Ihil wool. Alan 5 ne uloouan o!(IKN'l`l.lll- Nd FUBNIBIIINH G'|0l)l. In!-Imllng I [the hnhnlllnl oflh uuan. Oondouou mm and nll nu nnponunllylnvlh-I to call nu-I `examine our lo-~l mad at prlan hofotcxgnggn nnlnrn (or I! dun Cl-vthllg. We no not pm- pm-d gg nyow ono pf 1` at l.ARI8`l` A B1` 31" vcl our hro-zuht to Klnluon II In v.I."isnIuI|valhun6uli-loodnlu'In- vhhuy.v_c--all in unwohn,|ut`nuIvolnr w. Y. BOYD, re:-chant '.l'n!lor. (`nu-nnll I IIII|nnan -nnl IIY-IIl..nl-_ uA..-_L- |sPRINGEO (TD"S E ll-phi. IUIII II. I079. -_. 01 -s-vn-~.`- |I;_I.ua nn\'q~uuIII ol llll! Ieclon. LIIIIIIOIIIII IIIIO lml III II`! lQ0p0ll|llI] IIIVIBII I0 (`Ill nml Sunni ruler: IIOI to About of? Pl UTWCK I-vwtlhtto Klnnton Also GUARANTKIA l'lll|I lIC`l' PIT ANDWQUI) WOIKIANSIIIP IN ALI. UA8I& Inch wn. un v nu, 1'|Io(?h-.9 Broker Prmoeu Bl . Knnntao. lurch Int. [JT\ T`:`|z7' nu. r. x. douxmuujm rotnrnodfroln roronta. when In In- boon landing maul Lu-.rnda sun of lupin Dry doodn. sud hvinz nude heavy cub Pnnohuoa. the Public my expect G"`..'F_. '.3`."3`3"F`3- Mun-h Ilh. L-`Ill! IIUUBE mi Syd O1iIl\|Ih_V"NDl'fI' ! II In I)`. Apply Io ' l"_onwhikVnouoo ., " , orrunoannrf. Anlyk . .- ofw. nuwwx, Inn -l1& Inn: vlnhnoln PAD` I In want. Iloulll on-not Mll. co-uuua loot. Applyulu-nu Wan unset larch IIII nnusrc nu -rpm Arum 0|-` I.{lin. 1`horouu urn ,;-..-cl unlbuallnp sud shout 0 Ann of an moi. u--I Apply :4. than owner. Wll DAVID red nf`l`llI< AND PINRIT `CR1! or `WI PluI lIC`l' FIT LND`8Q\)\l) Cl!- All White Cultnm And Shooting: at old prixa, All Urey Cultnlll and Oroy Shooting: at old pricu, All Black I711] Colored Silk! It old priory, All Rugcy Urea Good: At old priceu. All 'l`uvoeln nml Ulolhn nt old prioen. All Unrpnsll nu-I ll:-use Furnishing: at old priva, All l'rin`.I_ lsnmnn. '|`:L-king: sud Tuwullmgu ut old priccn, 43. t. WA Ll)|{UN'S And buy your Dry Good: chespor nc r live your-. D ll/AI.l|I)n\r urn--- Merchant Tailor. dlotmor and Dealer in Gcntlomoni PURNISBING GOODS. cess Sh-eet, ............... ..Nenrly opposite the City Hotal. ,.u_) _l\ ,,,._,,_A-----E - I-`hr Io. {IN UFIICI IAII. an Wanted. -IA! ~A In Emporlumm Hf Fashion; iq`: ) "l.llIATuD 15 :1 :3 3,6 j 7 1 j 2Ii&Q fiu. (Inner Princess and Wellington streets. 1'llTX J. I`. ml.lIlIIl.Il\'I. I-I luau Anal. not TI-`or all Purchnners In the Clty. nyply un ulnvdu WM. DAVID. Prmtnm HI `maul; on u-rm: on; com um Wonk. nun Iurff. (hymn r Naw You Omrulsu Smn, --1- R. WAIJDIION. Wllbon'n Bulldlngs. 0.W. v.'.#;` _ . Out Ind! Tl-lli l`l'l.l0 HAY RILY UPON ~00!-- Bolling Goods :3 Old Priooa. to our God: Inn nil in Inch and -uh-I II PLAIN IIOUIQ. bin 3b In- `full can. II has. Mun Iuynnrndlbrnnl and have an nuona. we no pupa tilt at] Noun us the trade 3. nun9_:__sa son y llnullwmr vrllllllll Illfl Uold Hmv Ir I'):wi Rnom sun.1.{un..d with .~u.u.. Mu-ble T T .F Hr whllo L (H \VI?lthzg Cllflalll. (`nrjj_ WHCII1 DOE. Lu-e Cm-ulna. (`m-Ilon. Bl'lIl~ cola ma Tnputry (`u-pug Ofntnnh. Hund- -ono Nllvar Sch. 7 pious, nlwr phud Cruiu, PICHQ Ranch. HIIIIQIUQHIOII H Roldan, Fnrkl. 3 non. e . la . Hun B. \V Nldoboolvs. Mirror Hack. Klkltlon lninq 'l`|blo.(`-am (dmllnnduuo Bvwlnrbh 'l`..p Bad lluon Bot. Anll and Walnut do , Tull: rm. Eu) Fhnlrl. Huh Cloh Lounp. R:--It on. Brand ulr UM-p-C. VIM Dlmur FL-I. lcuy (Wain. llnlr Clo!-I Lounge. Stair (`hing Tu u Ground Ind uu (Hun ouu. lhlr and 8 NICNCI. TAM: unl lk-I |.lucn. Bald . hllnio. to. Nov Yuck hgur H-win; M :0. UN "lath. Hall (`ml Flmn. Plpq, (3-oi Econ. Kitchen Uta-Inlln. TM sh-on furnlluu is only bun In no in: union dam. and In In in ovdor. 3.1. st )0 Ir och Ihup. Q1`-nu min. No Rust" J. I. lllcllllovl. lamb ml. Annu-nu ,. :11 .`.-...._.. -....o. no Gnu lends lonely 'uu-an I;:I-Inn, The Suhoarlbor bu v.1-mlvod Iutrlumonn Iron: II. W. ILVDIIINAN, In all In Pnhlm u. nun on rIv|:3i:"A"|7, nu; APRIL. TL; Ihnlu nl L1. nnnnnnnv n .n..... Tho whole M Ma IIOUIRHOLI3 I-[VENI- TUIII. It . OCIIIIII I 1'50 whole Ma unlulng Vary Hm-lone (Manon And Gold Bmanv I- D Vi IKIIIS C. uludihou .M bl Tn; Txlnfnngy Nu. Winn; Ltrll; [The |dPIice%s Prevail Household Furniture, Brussels Curpcln, Sliver Plated Wu-c. China, Pictures, Cur- tains. Sewing laclllla, ac. The Suhoarlbar mmlvod I. DIIINAN. by Puhlm Almuon, M Lin nokloun. on KARL IITRII1`. Ix.-u Iago: lm-M. gnmmininur sm (cl -ll PIIIODIOJI PILLI. n -An; (mum AT BURGESS Ion ;;uu' m'A' -I DIALIIO II Fmcy Tabla. Wig; L. Lwe (`m1 Ilrv (`u-nut; OI-um. la. I IlIVIIU'l'. , Buavx 8-nuurr, Klllutuox. __j_.__.j Z. I IllV08'l`. mun 8-nuurr. Kunm- IS`! A ICIICIN g _ 19:, r not zhnn can pouibly - . an-n-.. IN-I05. Luu `Milan. rn-In. lluui. I Putty flour. hull: I'lOlI', v-u--u-w- v-v h`.FC'l:'_I:I5 03?} VIICIIOILLA, FRESH. ' I. jun... I. Ih bull. II-n s_.; Fun ll `I'll Non-u.--'l`ho Bollovillo lnlolhpnav hho nothorohoc nl Mr. A. F. Wood, who in running II III In- A...-A-A ...JlJ-A. I- Il..aL l.l-.n-.- us an vvvu-, -uv - IIIIIIIII tau nu- dependant QIIHAII In No! Huunun. I! up : "I: la aw lur lain In yield to tho vhbuol the Oonunuino ol the oouutooocy, othoniuho nut npoct 5- .--.--A. h aL._ .. 4|.A.-_i-...I j I -I'. warn, -.r.. luv Ilndlgl. to tho any from Bollovillo thopocot to about hulyudnucl nu 1 pain` thug! the hthnnh In uuponnlbu to II. R|||bIn,| IAI- lovlordllll Poiahlochb upper! bbhhdutho. Il.Ay|unodhn- odvdd I nujoruyit llll Punt, whlh ` II.I`|I-In. lb Insulin; [Abdica- dlnh. hnly divided the votes In in huuubu Iv. Iouollhulnuothlngln dadllihlnnalhumod Ihlhohlll IIIpuuHlo|ohIhd Olom. -:14` tiujgvj IUII-1;:-I -Iv ;n.uI'hIIlt.d|unIr6p-ldgbm oigH|oIvI.hIN`IoUdonruvu I-nnuIcuwul.Inhuu d lint Gimp. Iubuuuaqtilunb` -Alanna` In A. Inndnnl UIau.Invnu.-'l'hAqIu-J-r 'uIIdl1nun)uIulhoI4o- hmjan-njlyd-I1. -- -av vuuvvzu no: you ...,- ndvcnho-out olbrlag to umnnfnotnnn Ihrlllgbuniuu ipuu plans duo: ouy tuna, ad municipal I-iutnneu oillm` in the Ihnpo ol the remission 0! Indian or dinot bonus. unuuu V: I uurunl 1. -'IIrul Zr. Ihn-vonu'va|donou in loud Plano cu sold It Hllldotocfn slur Iinly oompotio Iioa. AH. Canon pzmluod in: 02,- odo, ondh to ho oongntulnlod an M: uubono. 0: Saturday the `l'ninor tun. cl I00 noun. on won. kind, In cold lot 02,750, 1 ligun .411`) above Ibo upoot prior. OI Ion utudsy Bordon A K-`Ln -nill g... ml... ......4I I--An. .0 uruuu yuuv. vu -can-auounn-1 Iluwllwu 8 Kids: will also nine good lnrmut thnnouort. J " W` '-UITZ}I UIIIISV V uoontohuago usutuuuisguamuoau lhlIIICIU 10to~20 I _4.._J .. an opposition nil he an n candidate in 8500? iI(ItQl." Ir. Wnad B I00 olchlnd. 34 goal on cunning. -54]. W gg-u. l.l_- nun-an-1 C -- '-pvt uu vu-v-.-u-I, vlo oty nap blag coouu um cl hunt and oxdtunout. Tim : In In tho North. Cgj Z1C`$:?vuu-uv ha`. MIHRII lab ouodllu, launch:-blah; tuuuuuo the lbbvlbtlncn. II. Inc nu-cum. not put Ilovnl nllulun Ilia:-lbllnodc ht-I-Illo ldnhuhl h an -nu -uuuuvnuu nu -lull: `III! III! DI ` the Gold Lion Block, tn propun {or IM opening of the political campnlgn. A lung nllnnxlnnna in -,.-D-lnI- An n._.d.aI IIIV III III` YUIIOIICI UWIIII A large attendance is certainly npcoud. Tho Rolornon not hold the city, and they no tlnunuinod that nothing nhul 5.. l...o-... 1.- .. ......_x-.n:.... ..... A lm-Ann Inn.--'l`ho Nnpunoo suuuua nfon totho ptohablo unb- llshnnt ol I brush lutoty in that town u 3 null: ol the opontion ol tho Nu- tioul Policy. Wu think dimntly. Th nogoduluu an the ouloono of mu Atlas-lip.-4-I nigh- 6.. ...-uni.-Ann.-- wlnnuuu V-nIuI:-u-v vunuu uncut:- Iloulluw HonPulhncnt,pro- -.A.AL-H-ILIL.IlDl`.l..A Ruouu Ru.l.v.- l`hio evening the Reform and Young Mon`: Liberal Oluho Au summoned to 5 annd puny nlly M n.. n..|.a... La..- nu... .. ......-.. a... IIIIC uni uuuun-IIIIUII IIIIO IIUIIIIII ho Iuuruo In an organization (on. 5;, -I-Ia -- ---_-..... %d 1nm9 BARGAINS 3` \0I"Uf KIUCIUY. `ff: Jl*.IN9dO|ndW|l unto cuuyvllhuuhlod-ll'.'0(ho ...n. -nn. .u.. u. 14...... gal L;-:-.':---W: lplllmhfudhi` Ruuunu.-Inc:.-\Vo were uhnuny tn- dcy the Upper (,`uuuh Harald printed in Kingnon in l8l9. On the 27th July oltlut your tho birth 0! Her Majesty Queen Viciorin in nnnounood. It took two month: in thou thy: for the noun to ' nrtlvo Chit can now be lluhod over in u uuuy Iooondn. Tn Int Bnor Lu-nunu.-Tho Spo- cinl Colnllitloo, on the sale ol Inn! by bumhon, shop-leopard and othon, tn novnomulting with ma City Solicitor nquding the pain; 0! A new by-law to it the Ileana sud put tho luv in farm on the In of May. ----v--v In. Scan Snmous -Wo road that thin blunted Indy will give one 0! but ' dolightlulontorhinmonh in '!'orono on the an Instant. Kinuoionlam may, ghuon. to-lonurod nl Q oimilu tun! noon in the Mechanics` lmtilnh ongngod -,_.__. a._. --.. Slnuoilwl Golnuv.-Hr. Donia- Illnh Nanny in now in Iloncrul rc- hming tho Shughnun Company in the kink play: in which he lithe star. Tho Company will appear horn only` nut. month. I Iou.-Votlcnh to truth vindu, sud cloudy to p-rtly cloudy voucher, with light rain or llloi in use lounlitiu. Fol Inowinu and liquwn at low prion I0 00 0nIloI'd'l, IOI lord's. =k'-"."` D1 0 00. n-._.An-.g Inna 0uu_n.-'l'ho Glob: damn LL.Ag XII -.-. Lglg-4 D.-ll.-an-A nch Luau Iuvluu in I.00Cf|0'l uularu l`uIuc dun-g HL\duuI'ChImh mu We-on`: Ionkl Iouhnry Iooluy at Ll. than or Pmrn1*1.--1'o-dny Ir. In-n..-' nl.l-_-. in Il.._..| DI... --- lrnunwav swag. muons ), 157: --.-...ojo-..._. Inc` (Jun: Inmmn. -lr. In-' .1 Q.__a.._ _...n_-.| -. n.nn__ -. __._ an gang gums mm 'IX-OLY Luau Invite: h II.0o-up`: lhlhdnl I5 I-. V V Ion In do mdfp--who go to Onw- ord'|. w1LLp2;14 HAY. Ihllu :4 Outer. % wrra . 0. w. numnws _\ xuounr uuon. Walla-gun Io. Lu:-Icnuu.r'::au'., potnugo mu all unto: a. nun am ..Ill!hl!I3Ax "CX`!"AI`II. *- U~ *5, .s-1 COD ninth :`.n.`..-..-n.......Q_. our "um vmunrr. ICEIINDKBS. -lll$ rlluuulun, Iv:-nun. vv ... -_- nhdon npott. has olunpd hot nuns. Bho Ill noontly nu-tied. an- --....-n .....u.... ..l n..'H.hlmh HIM rcolnuy lutncu. -TlIo ununl meeting o! hu'Babbnth Reformation Society in to be held in the Quun Strut Church this evening. -m.- t....A.... .w,...l.m1 has buu." I- --A louder, nulod Pour Arnnhong, at the 10th Bdgalo Boyd Artiloty, nu arrested in Kmplon and taken to [bli- hl. Ila dourtod from Wuulalch about to: your ago. .3. n,_,,_v nL___-L I.-- _.... Al....l VIIIIII Dir!!! Ullulon uuu wvvu-u`. -'l'Io Landon Standard hag "bun." Tho Notions! Pulley didn't holp it; nor did iuindopondent chat bring it up- ....-A -Mr. Guun pruoutid I petition in Puliumnl ngnilut the man dutiu, but it in not in the interest of his oun bud: vvu w--- -.... -~Bt.Ja-u Church bu more than` donblod its contribution: of Int year to tho Ontario Minion Fund, in amnrln the plural appeal ol tho Minion Fund Oonnmoo. --The Bpoaku ol the Hanna 0! Cum- bona in not ruling the way Sir John would it he wore in the chair. ltin doubtful if he would allow Kr. Kuhn- do to open his -outh. an , Iu-|.__ ,1n,a__x, L-_ .__,,_1__._,| -w nu v'w- -- ----... --Th Dilhop ol Onbrio has nppolnlod III lbw. D. P. Instr, Baotou of Banish`: hllo, Rural Donn, in and our the pol- hlul ol the Ohnroh of Inland in tho Uonthl cl Lunch and Euuw. --KlnpIon bu out I good nerd IAIO that when [people got in trouble shod they chin this plan no link L "n; "fifri'66zb'a 1 lilo Inns UICII yuuysu 'vI nu Iuvunuv utboit bolt. The tom 0! In place nbould It Inc thdhgnooolthkuo And nhinoahu ahead. Vi In luv: no--:1-uuwvu ---V... F nadphipoohunhtond. --Wouo wldthullooulyludu pudauooovoatboubgolu to hndo oudablnthloldllulilllouolh. D.D. Chlvlondalllhonltcluhth `,._;_ -n-.... I -In.n..A -..A A I) T- --Amutunonu vcouaptnuru. IIIIIIDIIII-,lhlIr.1$on.RuNuno. Illlboitlltbost Io product I [Ah Duns.-dlllodnulrouh aqyh.ul ddluhonitnoo at 5 ndmpdihn .L --..1..I ._-_-___ A lwnutulluld Klopuo, nu cI\(hllnIuhnh,nh|I||0I|a|onnI olcuIoHuon.vbuu-llyugod In but dluindnu I phuol unlo- __...A KL`.-an-`.140 jinn In Bull 37 UCIDCI. Mm the muting of tho Wanna : Fonign Miuiomry Society, the Presby- hry oonnidond I remit of the General Assembly, rupocting the dividing ol tho 0! the Bonn Minion Fund into two dil- tinol pub. The Iuggulion wu dilap- plovod of. -N... P.-_h-any than ndiournod with pmvoa or. The Pronbytery than Adjourned tho benediction by tho Mudantor, Rev. `J. \lI:-L__A it -v-I-. v. nv--- ---:-- Yanlnnn as did at -..-_--__..._.... nut liiiim Palynulaqp-min to pad- `m'h%% > , -, L tooeivw um luupwu. I _J!ha4h}m1u]-Linatiusyuuthuydioeueaod -shat in, the collection of hymn: aub- Initted by the Committee of the Uenoral Aaeolulnly were oqnaiderod, the Presby- tery roeolving jnto _a Committee of the Whulo; Proleaaor Mackerrae in the chair. The hymna numbered 278; they were oullrd Iron fuur booka, ropreeontiug the tour ditforelit Churchea oompoeing the Proabyterian Church of Canada, and they were approved oi with a law eneptione. A number ol doxologlee were also aub- Initted by the aamu Committee and adopted. The bymne for the young were deleted. on the ground that the lame hymnology ehould be uaed in the Sabbath Schoola an in the Churches It waa lur- thor recommended that well panphruea ae may be retained be incorporated with the bymne, eo that all be intho one col- leot ion. nu. n_-_L..a._-- e..,.I. mm... In-um -."l(l ` loouon V The Prabytery took recon from 6:30 nnil 9 o'ulocI(. .;.__ .L_ ...--a;..... ..I oh. \II.un-n'n nun OM! 0! I-nu rruuywry. It I`! announced lhnt the nut moot- ing of ` ho Proahylery ahuulnl take place in Piolun on tho uoond `funds, in July at 10 mm. ' IHLA ..... .- .... E-.-i....;| Rnnnrtln -urn TOIIII, III Opplllllll 50 Ill! plliuvn. Raw. Mr. Chunbon [no notice that ho will undo I motion, Inning for in oli- jocl. I change 01 the landing rule roe spanning the muting: of Presbytery. Tho Idol In to nboliah tho ko-I limo now inmled upon. mud to Ian the up- poiutmom. of mating: to the convenience and 03!] of the Presbytery. u ._ ......... .......I that u n-It mm.t_- `F I I.ul- The reports an Souionnl Roourdn were rooiived uul ndoptod. rm.- 1.-.... ......H.... -.- lhnn dimunnd Uougugnuonu unurcn. ; Rev. A. Young wulnliond o( the dulicn ul Modontor ol tho Camden 800- . sion; and Row. R. J. Onlg, of Hill Point, sppoinkod to the position. D... II. {`.|\u-hon nun nnlinn tint I0 vluu wnoul wugrqnuuu nu-u . V... o! lulu cu stipend: ungnoulad. , Tho Presbyterian of London Ind To- ronto `no noun ol thcir intoulinn to Apply to tho Gaul-cl Auonhly lot have to rooiin Rev. Maura. Kaclintuck, (of the Church ul England) J. Elliott. (ul the I. H. Church of Ounda)ond `Fiona: K. Rookie and J. A. B. Dickpn, (of the Oougugntionnl Ohnreh.) 11.. A vnnnn un.rnIinInd 41 2 It-In-1', uuu nun. -_u,. n........ .. oddnu Ibo pooplo. In. lacy. Snith and lichen (Iollovillo)_ can appointed a oommmu to visit attain oougnptiou with s via- .1 |.-_a-- AL- .u_._;- -..-_..u|uI :-&.jI'n-1 lulh-Iu&ph6nIhl5- -.._..._....._..4.._.._._.. .1 ....;..z.._..r:..:a;1;;