Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Apr 1879, p. 2

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huondhuibhuuut thin Wj. :|:7 "KTob'-`Jud {um I _ Ill ylou." `rid-no. , ,, 5 jun nun Vic-u psi! " mm... on No and W-~'-fr 9 IcI.Ioodo.Iuv-out 0 -P` -.a.n..;_.-@.LIXmf X Ema , on -unlit, cl .c7_pluc. . one In hum but A 7 K It IIO pt-I eonuuicy had no och: por- pauco thin Bill they stuck to Duukin with CNJCCINO pcttcnoy, nolImhouud- `Q in union ad munilold dohou. 'OO|IM|\OUOoMAI|IutInOndodAnd - A--._-A.A u u 1. -4. -nnllnr ah. tam- Inns 9-vonlgm. II no nun mu the In in also acted out hot I vie uu. ' ho arms at Dr. Wiodo. ol Zurich, ul I oloupol hing scanty to then Now, was In cuuqnoloo ol and: nonynouo auhnculn with non halo tn the pulhl ol libs. clan to no lu...mL In none; hunt, Ihpllb 1 -lunbtlul u in iaapublo ol Ouch I down A uh-qnuh Inn Inn] huh donlo calcining I); I I. law on loco Mala tho! um hn but nul- ploh Ibbh In lot the Dutch! at nil lthuldodthu Hm I we A: tip III II'l'.I`C I I.` `III `II II I: y on menus: ol aka 0 to or animals the no [hit sad Kan And Queen an! id}. Hi: lriuulu dooluro in Inapublo unit July. A dun Mai hull icliug inlarouu. New Yorl, April `)9.-The Snoiot for tho phvllllluu --I cruolty lo ohil ran, objects to Hm performnnoo, b the Chi.- dn~u'n Complny, at `Pluufuro, It Wol- lm k'o. n-...a.....c-r J-mu drov (ml: the Troo- Poumutor Juan Iury Du nnmonl, yutunhy, 086.1110, in M0 (um in; certicates, and tho whulo um-mm Ill DOW -at tho pool ooo at 3 m . than the sales were diuonlinud --r lbs Ih/. Wuhlulon A riI`29.-'I`ho Pnddont Inn oominm (`no I-mu I nanny: vote- in. ulna Ann! I. Inn Ion! Inn) um Ir in; the Army Bull. . llll The prupua-ad cumbinntinn of oil pm- dnoarn nr.d rvnon, including the Sun- d.rd ml Uumuuy, for thu pnrpuu at li- uuung the production at the wells And Incrau-ug the price II the uuhuar-I, hu hllou Ihn-u..h, Anal 1 Ipocinl oouumuau Ill Ippulhhsd nu the recent conlorenoo to nrnlgo the buin ol nouluuunt, which ha: been dinbmdod, u it Ill found im- pncuoable to u me upon 1 phn Ihi-.h would he nmlsotnry to the variant eon- Nan York. April Society (I H` uvmuuuu uni`! 4 127.--Dodo; Wkdo. ol z.?L'3.'.'3as..,'$'I4 'u.. .v... a.-uu-A-It. an-routed In dun It" 50 ll 9' .nnnn-sAAlI1nlnl|lnllIliII toll- Incoming of omigrlntl from 1|-olnnd nnd England, when thuuundr 0! mill oper- ratirel doclsro thu, being I nnblo to mule n lising, they must emigrate. Lu-go oumpnnu-I no turning in Iuutbcrn Unr- mauy, where much dntruu pruvnill`, And thousand: of Ruuinn Mennunikl are rxpectul to` immlgnw to no Umtad Sula: during the ya-Ar. Owing to the Incl. that I Ruuun edict nu been promul- uuted which cmnpels them In do unliury duly after I880, enugrnuon hu begun n An nnuluully urly lute, nnd it in unu- mpuod Lh-I. there will be 3 ton! u! M 1...: 100,000 bo!or: the In of Jumnry ---. Auaulucuon 0! (Juan and Kpogn-Inp German `tardy . G Ivxl puuu -y uwunu ...,.... Ibo. Phnbclnrly in New Brunswick is do Inc: As booting with gnu Juneau. We lo! but think thu nu onsctmont ol IIIIMOOI Io! Iulonod lbs dunno of Chnkiu Ant. So long ulbo um- _..__- ...._--n. h..I nn nlhnr nar- lhu ortabu Lira-kc! Dlaloh-A (to Point Ila _--Rollo OIC. I . ltauwayu rmc iDcmoIl- nlmtlou. . 0! non, April 29.-un anpuragy unr- nuou an eleven In-In the Lord: IllCOB' munl. with Mr. Brodie u bowler, will play I uuu from the Unuu Cricket Club, on Riduu Hull rounds. The , Pulinmonury I9;m..uill `mmpoood u l->ll0II . Somwur Cnruvull. Col. Wil- linml. H.l ., E. Donluoy, |l.P., Brooks, M.P., Haggai , M. l , Slruqo, M.l ., Cuau, M.P.. Dnly. LLP. 1! in under- stood thnc HI: Excellency will be Cnp- uin`nf chateau. M. um... n....Ann.l.l Ina been no The aungranl nueucu-I nanny nruncnu in Norway and Sweden report. that un- ,,,u,,||y gr.-gt prupantmnl no being mule in this direction. Then II IIIO I largo ....m...i.m nl omivrllltl uin'M tho Man. Mr, Bruce Iwdomld ha been lp pointed A. 0.0. to his Honor Lieutenant Govern): Mncdunald. during the nbwnco of U4; tnin Fuuylh Grant in Scotland. Lieut. (humor Cnuohon ll upeotad Funyth (lnut In scumua. Lieut. (humor olpeotad to miumun in the course 0! I for thy. A van nice nuint. Nu ruined in con- dnyn. very paint. naclion with the divuiuu in the Home Inc night. ur. Statue, member for North York. In: in tho gallery thou the members were called in, but did not nmvo in the Chnmbor until after the motion lud been pm. He did no! voice. And after the divlllun am: over Illellllnu wu called to thu lnct. The doctor gave his uamnem. ul than crcumutnuceu, and Sir Jalm Mncdounld, understanding tlnl. he Ind beunin the gallery when the mo- lion in put, cnnml.-rutl thnl. bin vote nhuilld be recorded, saying thatin Englnnd it Ill ountuumry ten record tho votes of members even when lining in the pllory. pguvidlnz may had hmrd the question put. lt nppenrrd, lwwever, that the , doctor mu wmuwlusru lmtweon the gal- lery and the cluuibor when ch: quonnun wan put, and cvmu-qutonlly his vote could not be l'u'-nrclml. \n In 4,..." New Park, April 29.--'l'ho Itenmuhip Cily of Rlcl-muud, which Arrived {run lnverpuul yelterdey, lmded 768 emi- gnmu. This in the lnrgeet number nr~ riving by An? reemer Iince 1867, on oeplihg un txontumor Wirlusd, from Ilhmburu, on June 5th of Int. year, when 81!`) arrived. 1!. in nnucipated um. there mil be I very lnrge imreuo in the immi- ' urntion lo lhe Umted States this year. having branches ;n Nnrwav llul. be I'm`-nrciwl. The lsmut lraumrinl deputation are still in the city min.-iting aubaeriptiona. They have met wan __'--Ml aucoeu. 1`TuTT"p`o7t .2r Mr. .`m'd`sid"'Fluminr.~ Chief Engineer Canada Pncic Reil- way, In laid before the Home la-t night. It contains a quantity (I very interesting information in regard to the prugreee made with the work. In connection with the route through Britiah Uulumbia, he still adhere: to the opinion that Bun-ard lnletia the but-nf the known routoa, but ellggt-Alp the advisa- hillty nfa Iurvey lul` u notthex route, something which Jritiah Colnmbiana, in their prrseut temper, are not likely to lgree lo. [I is altogether unlikely that the Wa- altogether iinliltoly mrtuwn n-iiiun will visit Otunu on the 2-uh ul May, u was uxpecle l. A tale` grain was wcieived by Chief Ynung lrom the Wuzurtnwii Fire Department, mung (link. they wuuld arrange an excuniun to the Unpitul un ihu 24th if that thy In to his celebrated, but in nothing ileliuilo hu been ilaieruiineil upon for I disuu-mi.ra~ nun, it is expected the Wiuortuwn re- men will pmotpoiie their visit until the lltli of August, when the annual picnic of the Ottawa brigade will be held. Ti... n...nu linn uf steamers. it in said, brigade will be held. The lh-any line uf steamers, will nut run to Kurt. William thin Ieuon, hut Instead will make Princo Arthur : Landihg their tonnniua. Grrwl Emigration From Europe -011 Prmlucern ComblnaIlon Dmmmd for Money Certi- r-ales. I trauma umuou. ("er Duzahn Lilt.) April 29.-Un Sqturdqy alm- mm. nu alnnm (mm In` 008' (I cr MM.) .- ._.n In __l\...o..- W Iueouon. 'lner9 IIIO 3 large ; migrants Ihnlu lhnullndl oper- ronIgI_I_ms. (Per Domi u ion I/int.) _ . . -- .|n mL_ _A nngysau. TIl`!'*- MQIU |III'$-Ill]. IIII uppu-mg us... and liquor anmuu mold of yCIK ouuliuoooluunin the Tory puny at the bolnli d 65$ dill oblivion: Illd pron in\'u'.dbln.' By I nuns la! Doddn and Gibson Min to uonro nuooou for tho hqnol `H01 in tho country of Munch, and thin Itb Ill Ilootivo il not I `lll| Now at Ila Iowa Ministry. Onion. Apl Flour qli and unohungod. What study; Illa oluool L06 to L Ca`! an` IIIII 6(I|..|'bhlu.; Icahn 6} . study; upwind II ld,lll) ibllzcundnutulb forNo.IhIII lo. 1 H. 5.1.: u an In In can Ital study no `III luv In--Ital; lllor In- hdnlnnhu. lmlfoo-I omdynlov Iolluuuuny :- ulpnbn. Bnndul lam; Juqlcl 0:3-'13:`: I-2. SI nlnn uk*O T uanh--Ids 1.104: '1. Hanl-l0D I~2. HI! I -.1 on 1. I?.5l4n?.'Im M o-- . ~ . nu . In N. .41. (`icy lhl'vny-T7. H I-') well. New Yorlt, Apnl 29. --Tho llcrull': Ipecinl lrum Nuwcutla on the 23.1., up: Hnwdnn II lulrarnng {run I ould nnddld not Ilka his nnunl Amount of rivrr prmlioo to clay. 11_ Iupp-mod t n be only A tempurary mlment, and that ho will ruumo unrk to-munuw. In the tanning Hmlnn went d'I n the river M0 mlluyaullllglnptl.I`('9l1n.elur~Ill:-j--urlmy. He turned nml cmua luck ngulml the ll-II Llnrty Ilr-`ken In the Inlnule nll llm wny hum!-. In the nfmrnu`-n, on I .5-ml lldt, he did tome line work. He want dun: two Imlu Igunu lhu tndu uithnnt I utop, returning :1 I thirty nth-luo mun- mem. lur 1 mil mm] a qunrn-r, an-I llu-n quicluned I.-2 III for lllrvu ll mrh-rl M I tulle, linulmu Ilfnllv; and u. ll ll-u:-1 don`: mclusrn hxvn tulmn El .340 to n0lI, 1 And do not hunt any Innro. 'l`nu tmumg It prawut II 6m 4 null H.cnl.nn ____-.-a~- Molina`: lh Bull (in P1 Jnall (`If (I'vr Iiummmn Lint.) Tor--Mn, April `[9. A numbor of on- trk-: have ban made fur tho nix dnyf talking mum, w|Iuh null cmrlmomi horn on the NM: .1` May. 1'..- l`...|..|.|.. I '....m :1 h..\.'.a .|m Hal um I WNIQ BIO Dunkin A08 is being ro- podldnl fit ud impnctnonblo, the 0II|IlTOIpItnel Act in being ld0pI- OI hnvcnl plied by dodain I||jol i- m_I..|..-I. in Na: Hrnuiiol al.- horn the mm I -`lay. 4 The Purkdnlu L'-vunul In-Va ochlo-I um! to [run Isconuo l. r the Idle :1 lulu vI' In that ullqu-. ;.._.3.- ~ - COUCH. Bani ol Holland 443 I-'1. N1. Marduk` Bunk BI. 81 Hank nl (kllalnomo -|`l'5. I04. well. A Hnwdm Ink -i-nr nrnnl in: In no uauang .ILJcn The 1.54-euu' um-anon. (Pu Ilunuiol Linc.) Paris, April 29.--A 8:. Petonburp dupnwh upon: that urn noguueuu of chi Foot Gundn Ind one brignde uf'|I'li|- lory have look no nuuy oiourn by crust the they hive bun bland to dnv_ noou Iron: othrr regiment. AI many .. A Til) nnliti mimnmn wan lBllIllV- \: u nun-nu-v Nowcutle on Tyne, Inn in better and fuels don ha I bud c--Id. diugroublo. Everytl well. 1u-- v.`.|. Ann] '2- Lou! of Iroopa-ullohonclor PHI- Quart--Ifuhtdh nnlb to (`thaw llular of Bulqab-m ~Ao-ruin no Kuuu, etc. nlnoou Iron: mnrr remnenu. nu muly n 4,700 politial priwnon were remov- ed lmn Fort. Petr--mulurukn in one night. to Kuon Hxrul ' .1. 1 other ouu-rn prinuu. , houtlnn, Ann! `.".I. -A` Berlin doannlch pnnm. London, Apnl dnpaugh up it is untrue thu Rnuin nbarrlntely nluoed to purrender Kuldju, to Chint. A Vinmu dannnlch an thnt Runil uluuea In purrenaer nulunw unmt. AVianu.1deapat.ch IlJ_I Rani: deem: it uiudinpemuble to prolong hot nmvinionnl ndmininntiun in Bulnrh ..----_ _ .__ 1 lhwun horny uuld that sum tunhrrnooh-o,lnuunbto altbor olth shun lie-stubs Dill Include,-_. Ivy any of upu|`Iu am ox Aggmmw nrvo mo rum auto to get the tuna oi (iovcrnmom i hand. up muted. aondon, A H129 Snrunrnet W..'ala-y coma to Eng and at tho reqno-nt. ol the War office, In nerve upon tho Military l`...mminnir|n uoeuniu. ll Iuullpennole H) pmlnnu nor pmviuolnl admin iuniion in Bulgaria untihho 3rd ol Augmuo aha tho Prince Limo In nt tha. ninn ol Government in hllld. ' 8:. Pobnburg ldIic9I upon tint the molt hupdlul view: prevail in rogud In Intern Roumnlu and Bu min. TIC unnnimoul election 0! Prince .-udnbury. u rulor of Bu1g|ria,iuoomid_erod on-tail . ll. in uositivolv nlutod [mm Consuma- nuor or numm, ll oonuluptou on-uu positivoly nlutod tinoplo that Rum: pm as to retain one diviaion 0! too in utern Rnnmelin until the SKI of onmher. Turkey will n`ot nu-only oppose thin, as Iho believe! It wouli had In pl-curve co. ` Pu-In. Anvil 29.-A BI. tenbnnz oar- the new order or wings. There are [ow pedratrmm M` carriages m the streets, but an undleu lune nf ar- tist no ltled on the thnuls at every our with stout nticlu. Cnvared prison VH1} lrkquently puss, with n pnlice ulticei lllbullld by the: tide of the driver, and,` General Gonrku drivu uruund_m In npen dronkey, escorted by Unaucln crnuklng their whipu. The iqlmhiunta are nut Iooomplicea of the Nihilists, but lreapzr thetic spectators. Onnotuun. Anril 29. -lmld (fhc-hna-I Sir lhrue rrere nra uniuunueu. Li-ndon, April 29.~AdviceI fr:-in Capo Town. under date April 8, reiort that Colonel Pi-noun hiularrivod in Trigetn. A number 0! Zulu: warn still in the vi-` cinity of Ekuwe, but King Cetinuyn, with the mnin body of his Army, had retired boyono Umrnlmni River. The Britinli force: ware preparing fur I gain- onl ndnnce Emu Zulu land. The Boer: were reported friendly nnd were Wllltlllu the arrival of Sir Bane Fi-are to uli I rooonlidorntion of the determination by the British to nnuox their territory. {`.nn-Innlinnnln Anril '29 ~-Tl)Q Tnrl(- the lirltuh to Lnexr wrnmry. Conltnnlinnple. April '29 -Tho Turlh ilh Minister of Fumnca has been dn milud, And '/.ugdi Effcndl bu been re- ninted. .ondon. Anvil 29 Sir (hnrnet \\`..'aln-y | ll wonu una I0 Pu-ls, April 29.-A tenbnrg mpondont up the polico u-0 oral] 3|-rating pooplo b_y balolu.-I It all 0Ill`I of tho day wbereu Appnolwnlionl urn hitherto undo gt night. On the ulightul. jnuploiuu ngninnt. n porwn ll niholo family are urutod, and dulnlciliuy visit: in . nnirl in all nnnlmlnlnnm-n Iauinm lu fur- gr-uual. Eighty-three {urnishd lodging keep- :-zn have gone to prison lor lm! rapurulm within twenty-I mr hunt: the hslent. uni L 3315.. ..hkonln1T. . A .. -.of.: uid, living in the winter pnlac, and his ton, on uicu: in the Guards, am in custody. I -Iron Be-strum do Huly, com nnndnnl. of St. Petarnburg gnrrinun, and Ganenl Gnldemtrulm, commandant. of the Moscmv uafflsll, have been super- seded for inluirient. euchuninm towards thus order of things. 'I`h..n am few rmh-atrmnl cnrrincea in gnu 9! 59-;-ngu. n... .., ...._ our, tho lbroafbiil biuh will lm pra- vulod by `tho retention of Senntor Uonphcll in the oovotod pumhm. - A-~ ~ '7 - . . , theuc Ipectuoru. . Olpotuun, April 29.-[mid (3h-|ma- ford and Alan" urn nu their way to lhuham. It is atntwl that the Zulu! now uccupy Ekuws. but King Catyyuyo huuself has retired beyond the bitch Fnnvuloski River. The rumor thnt the liner: intended Lu rotuiu SI!` Bnrtle Frere unfounded. I...-mun Am-il `)0 - Arlwimu from Cum I Both 1|lenl'nu-(`I-1 l'Iu l'rarh`n-, and lloinq. N pro urutou, and uttmlcqluy vlllu Ira paid to nll ncqunlnlancu landing ther Ippl`Oh8l|IIUllI ml the moat. frivuluun an-uudl. ` XIVIIM I nidlfl IIIIII. -_. `.97.. ~ IOMTIIAI. ITOII II III. T ltngysst. .1. .--xv ->-7' nnnuvgiawoou. (I'cr Uunoivuu .al.. .... Tun. MI. 3. King Doddo, the ohunpion uf tho liquur inland, Inn begun an sotive canon il Ilonok II Ihn Tury candidate (or the loud Houn. We have not yet. had lhltlndr Mt. Jnuph Gibson, In- gonolhllo Iouhnl opponent of Doddl on tho Dulkll quution And the defeated `I --ny clodldsh of South Oxford for the Cuunoal. bu yet boon Iendorod a Tory nonmulial form] oouutltunnoy. If not -dolly upon! to II" baton to bury the ~npofuI3o Iocnhuh and repair to the -ppon of Mn erstwhile opponent in Nomi. It would be u ruuurinz and odyiug light to Iiuuu tho union of that ptolllmion nnhqoniou in the good 6000 of Tony tutnntion m Ontario. ol the qloouon ol the Crack: Act, the `inning doing luv, nnd mun] ochcr upcub cl Ibo liquor quatiolmhoir joint dunno of tho Tuty policy would bo r_ _ _ . 1 LI 1 A.....ah... 'l`\...mmmmv ham- ~T0I_l(ilizl0.4 .mm....-u. ulur , n Apul W - Hlll~ ul onutidont. Haw - kc-ld. The weulher it Everything in running` HINDI]; l'DCII' 0000`) ID`!!! 0,00 In mu; LOIIII O. I0 .-I-n-n 4. -Tlnalnal. AMI 29. 63 1- II--p chvot U. ml II0ll|lI0N's .. Ioululozm... uonuonm 4 uunulmrs. . . MuRRI'I0l'l IIORRlb0N'u .. Iuluunmm. . . nonunion`: . IOBIl%.. 31:52;-mu` ' ::IlllllI.IlI 11. . )IIll)l'I . IUIIIIOII. . . . . . .. uul IBIVIII to 0! 150 nonunion. 0! 0! an maul and EL: ofionn Tho pu- ns I-xufully .ou.wa.[ of III any have ngma In J Buiinih " " Plauunj We hno pnrchuod from I Kumfsctnrot st vary low prices, 3 largo Itook of All-wool Dologu which we oor st neatly reduc- od Pcu Ml Wool Doqco M. . All Wool Dclqu at All Wml lhlhgu 1!. MI Wuul Dollop: M. French Wool DeBegos,% Ccmmonring Saturdny, April 26th. The nhovc Hoods an ml! of [him Spring`: murahuu-, Ind houhl.on the lIOl\lH1IIl. Iluen-[ow the pub Io mu dupe on [clung gm-nun bargnino. u we no determined to I r 4 ..r Ihn nutire Huvrl nut in three! woeh. ('1-mo no and all nn.I secure 0 bargain. Alnu 5.000 ynnln American Prlnla from Faun. "It'll? Iv. lLl1'l'. Nu: Hugo`: Jowollry Slam. Princes: St. April `M. l._ * .4- . Dress Goods `DEPARTMENT. j HICKEY In Blomnnon. on Tvcotlnv NM Incl. by luv. 1` r4. Hulnhcu. It _'l1:o_uu Iolildlun, to Iiu I.-nu Jun. ougqg humor as tho late Funnel hlmlh. . ` 7 VI I-U aw: highly lnhliuing. _ .9.-an And Huang I Important Notice. Vlmmense Clearing Sale spam; 1: swam oncss coon THE smcx AND GOOD wu.1.'mr A NICE GROCERY AND BUSINESS Fllh Stank in well uuoruxl and chently lmught. Nuold mock un hand, nothing u!. 1 VII!!! uolln owrj clay. Torin easy. } Apply in E. COOKK & DON, MASS MEETING ELEOTORB. MR. WILLIAI R_umauu| win ..mmn.. uuosonftumeny. Im Tucsdlla Evening. AQIPIIR9. z-Ir Mn. 0. F. Uxwunuunvn Ind nttuur speaker: uial nddreu the Meeting. Chair will be taken n8 p.m. Kingalon, April 22, 1879. .\ .... .....n ....nnu EA Gnml sus:naFs sJ*uneniag. %i-1:11-i:r;:s?1:y. CDNVOGATION IIALI. I 'I`o-Morrow (WEDNESDAY). 'l.ll !`H lN)l1` 11` II PM tllppcn and dolunco ox tun nu, 3..., [and policy, ooutitnud. u thny gononlly do, chain: to party ludunhnpu, than Iup|utI'm'I Ohio to the ponitiuu would be lldhpuublc. Thorn exinu, however, I fooling in (nor 0! man French Ipeuk- :-.. 1-... 0.. nun lndoriu tho Bonito, And will make an npllnulol of hi: counu in the Loml Pnrliulmlltlor the put four yours. .-_ TllWulnqin;g (`yonvm-nt.inn of nuluuen In Ans, Modivluo and Tlusolugyvlll in held In Ilnptuu. April lltl. .- --_._....._..-o.- R, 3. J. emomen. Au Iupulho mmd. - I III Isl : !n,Hlorn[!ol. Mud last. by lav. Tbouu Ttusadu. April (mu zmvm THE QUEEN. April 21. . The public are invited. oi-1'1: HA1-I-, KOCH!` In unit In nmuu .- um... -,.-__ iug Tory (or party ludoriu Vhiuh would Pull out the ptmphleuor in 1-. inn 9! !9l)lIIqo. Anit in, hnw- ,,.2_, ..t Q....-|.u- OI` OUR OWN IIPOITIIO FOR SALE. |'l{| NCES3 S ! REEF, l`Ill(?P!|l ITIIIP %J_:g._;1._c1_ II.ET'l"8, MEETINGS. IAIBIBIJ. .. .. Tnndni Prinoou Bl . .I`l..OUll STOII ITOII ` ..JIDO VII . .VlA)l7R ITOII IDUB IITOII ...I . .7l1)UR ITUII Vbotzll ITUII f.j -as-mu .,.... anon. ..PlDUI lI'0I.I .90 par W4 .1 cu. you-'4 ...anou.p0U"" ..abu. 90'1"` Ill ruluuuwn was vvvun ,...- ... , . quatlun um: anon; noxntivo pro- Illbilltkl. M lily nu it man declined by thou Iucalkd (mother to consider it, God the hon. pntlouun, In--so woundo-I nuupiibnlsiu wl than be Ioothod. lull doubllcu retain MI pnnition. If ofliciom llppn and defines of the Tory pnrty ----l mu... mnicnud. tho] IUVVAT, Ilogiatrnr. KI NXIIIII. II I'D Iqpbhgulog-tutu. fwAnsio1_uqqs, `IHfN`E@_Luvav 1 fasljmes & Slyllsz Eartjges ,4___-_4.. _ :41-L Any eonplnilu of a violation M the mm in loan luau on|nIv--v| may In Ir! Illh the un- (lcrllgld. '|I 1|: u :0 - nod lwrvluph ry II- otflolioll I0 r .I--u AI: L`.-1 nun: IuNl.I-JV. (my 4 CI Cuunhulouofo OHM. pI|| filth. ll. N(lCLh horvoby further given nu - I pnooa I! no Wanna. will his ylumtndouy person or pononc 'vInuIt||l- ahoym angknlhg to ban `M-Or nukes clan: hy tho the appointed will no nlnall ;.;;;r hoym `Mair nub om...` with noooriing to law. 1*Rd(TIIA_{A`r10N. cm OF _|INGSTON. -i;Ili!AIIlII'l Io! bhrlulnn W B: Iool at tho Upon Home--1:1!) pm. wlolum I. lanai but a! lad In Town lhuul It . cuvoqnuud uurmuon A: I Inn. Sublet. Hulhouu-I and MM: I. .m| `udonoluuroo Luca nnul Allo~uI.Ilu| nlll bolhunsglnv Olnenl M I V lint. Nlhm-co and other impmmoa III ` uaq,.|.IIDouonqnv alum-u M nu rm-u. holorr Ilm l"SeeWhatEashwil|a"I Molloy Selling otf the ` nucxnupr sroox or BOOTS .81 SHOES, above I! III yrlmo | Whoever want: one. good And chongnbhuulsl vomo Ind buy one of our s. BURGESS& soN| Fancyand Staple Dry Gootll-K111111073 .h- . .\"L'.. I'll! Iflh Incl la: a puns uf Grid, In nu 'll-IOU!-`|III you-planar me. to Do 'le~ v ufollowl:--PInl pnu.t'|II; L :-uA0.u,l 30. IIO. sun It 3 Inuud uuuh at H p.Iu. G `JV 3!`. II I50 Ill bhnl. Kmgnuu `Lu `$13 IOIIIII: --! Il'II pnu-, qvu, .111 35,1. and `I! Kmgnul house to are I`), la brluulu to Amy M d Urlll Kmptuu kn Cunn- mittm befooo ho hum. 1.'ounumoo-('. J. l.o-lie, C. T` (iruy. I Comm, 1.`. Bull nnd \\. Rhea. Adnrr-nun. (-and 23.` ; lullcu sud LARGE QUANTITY 0!` OARB, $1.50 PER PAIR. Ara nnw muting I Above all yrlou `lnnnnvar wuuln nr II 31 ROS?E S~| BUILDEIKS WILL DO WELL TO CALL SEE THE NEWEST STOCK 24 ...._.. Hll.` AUBBCRIBICR hunnagnnantit; of HAIR l-`BLT. perleolly m pr-mu! and Napeumlly nduplod tocovollng Builorr uul Ht:-um pi-nu. One half the Amount of me! win only In II- qulrod by in nu. For cal nt oosl. Apply M. the KINGSTON BIKEWERY. pun ll-' nA.ll?r|. Afnnuoviaiui and To Steamboa_t_0wmr9. drc. axvmo up Ttrslrazss AND snumo on-. _ II-DAI`. Luna lg lt.I`u. Iobluon In tho City lull-Jpn. Illnnnnn bhrlulun `Brothers pin. _l aiI;iasb-ls & Uillbrlluas 8. BURGESS & SON " Donovun William: & Shannon." Ilontrosl. TI-risen.` i Tuna. Oppullo` Iuelloltollco. rwzurv emf unnsons. CEDAR SKIFF8 FOR SALE). PRINCESS s'nuc|:'r. April mun. Iumh |3lh. I879 - 'I'UnDlY i'V'l0. APRIL 29. HE MAYOR. u Chlirmnn 1-I ll-n Hun-cl nf llulnh, bu urdrn-I um an 1 -min ('r~|~ ma Nubian. Ilulhounu and mm: I. Alldlup Eo,_7;:.`Az-7 smmm lnnms HA: R _fELT. I'l'i"Di-I`I`| tIiA`1\ 1511: AND ENQUIRII `PRICKH. I. ml. PRINCESS STREET. ECONOMY. STOCK-IE` LIGIIT-ROWING WELL FIVIBHED nap-, mt April 3: J. HHARIIAN. Boat Builder. lusnialleld, ii . .2 5' I . 0 I-. IIIUWOOD. 7.0. I I.t'.|. Ill Intact frnoolwal uuuuuy. ltb. In-tool. A-AQL = U` i-vIn- Invi- 11 3-: II5I-A n ~ n; ital. Nlklllrlv nll I `An All I [HE -III` DlI'8EXfB_1(_lT hr um. A omun_:__mncLe. alums udul I'm will 3- 1- .- oounllh IO M u City I: out. Alllolnb III: to Inn: -n. hnlvltl. AIJIID la PIIUWI Ullug l':Odv 14:1 .... ..-m.::, m .,-;__ no In Annnwy. Nu Inf] I amnll D n Ind An In no snow Iuhl n I u ohuvhn. I |I.-AlI-out wnnulrd. II. ILKW I-`OB IUSITRKAI. AN!) t)L.'l'.l|:. 6.80 5-1:}. [ gory: sL_4s;|\f udqrcyesox. IMPORTANT Aucrm SALE Tn Wnuamou I without any rnu-rrr. Lou 1_ '2. II, I 1 containing Mann! 1. : ol an Aom cm-\ run time um! place but No. 1. \'u Wllliunovlllo. vontniulug Ibout more or Inn. [Of desirable Building Lot.-, Om`- ` nor of Oatanqui Ind Grove Itrectl. On] at Kinguon. KN alublcrlber bu rwmivwl In-trm-hon: I31-om NIH Thumn H. Heme, to null mm but and 'l`lm-o 'I`om~nneM "ourm-. |u\nwv| nu Ian `)5. J-ulmnfuu irt-el, neur llarm-, un TIIIJKSDAY, Hay I-I. at his Am-hnn Nnulnl` Mm.-In Siren`. M In Im u'(~|ou|:. In-on `I'M.-no (`onmenu-mm! of (hr l'.'us-um:-r nIIIlIl`!|.l. V `Ill! ITEAIIIEHQ (ll-` TIIIH LINE \\'ll.|. I:-.n\'n lnuunlnln ||'< Tollniru Iuuru or Inna. Condition: ul Mslu lm Ibolh urn; lull Cub - ullwr hull `fwcluo lunl loroot at Ilium per cent. per unnu- Dlnn 1:! thus nnnmrlu mun ha :4 lino.-In mm". st Iva u'('l(w|:. 11.. um Ill) Hnuub Curl and mm l"ruIm- [hum- uid lot.` Thelol intil fa-I front hv I32. I} duet. with I gutmvny` |`u.In good, and I furl 4-r pnrliruluru Ivvply to J. I-. |IU'l`l`Ht-.':m.\'. T0 St3ambnat&Velwners } Ann rmi`mu1`r.u~.'. Rlrlwlleu and llnlnrlo Nm i:;u~ lion 1'0Inpun) . ROYAL MAIL 'll|l(I>( (ill l.lVl-. la-`A uh-v_1. `I '01! "Ill Turn.-L Iolu . Apnl `Huh. 4-. 'I Inn y Itul to salad 5 -n-my I II `:`.::.".`.'::... rulpouon ;; Hon. J ndp) Qumran, no Loader '0! the Oppo- sition h_I _.h_0ntn:io Homo, will be re- umnborod. `H : example In: pun emu- Ilhd by Hon. Souwr Ounpbull, Ilm, _ _.u.unanml:;,u_.vn- _1.`.3!!2.'!'1.`,'..!!Z_ . ln,,~bll hllllbd lain nslgnutiuu an Mim imrhl hodot in the Bonus. Whether tho rulanulun in bond [M0 or unl. in I -_..u..- .6. upon: nmntivo pm. apu uu ' The Royal Canadian lmsuam.-2 caamapxn oonm nlsxs ALSO covzmsn MN l'ADnnI.\` umuoomz v uI.\':.1`o,\'. , . '""'uM' '" nu. warm. Oydonmfl H `CI and linvlltuu -m~.---W.-A HULLR .9; (IA 1e< mI..\- DURING SEAHUN 0|-` IR? AT Aprll Dr-I GIIDIII LAWNH. Alnril 26. 'lcKl'.'l"0l.~lCl. April `.`:I. (emu ll Iuxln par uelu per llllIIlll' Pk! of tha pmpeI1_v onu bu non At IIl\` Auction llomun. . J 1-) lll"l`('llE().\ . I ltnplon, April Imh. MA .'.'I. VI:' INS ( 71: .-1.'\'IV'I'.' CIXTCIIC -A1 -~ vv uv-vn )IIK)'I lIu[! |_u: 1 law an g;.|.-on . W Cl Ilonlnod Ill! lolnel nnln EIJI UUUIIVITIUIH run. at. Nltnnrlv m u.` OILIJA L0l.|.II.IUI1IIAl, u sanuraay, May-lph, AT l".' UCLUC-K. N(.4).\'. K|I)gI-(ull. l!|llI April, Nah April, 1379. sun: or mm. |:sn:.' HY l UB14l(' A l`C`TlU.\ F3`-Ea. nu ud Qmmu n.-. Anchu1'_h_I_arina Insurzw V2! no! iii! .=a`1= :...-... huhw; F "I": wound 5I9CfDI`Hmu lo M! . I. ll \` L Indian Moon, llnwk Huuu. I. VIAIK IIGIIV luring uppnlnoo-I -0 h `I'Df'l.\ . I" fol having hilt tap-`ol'.uH1uIni-jun I'D! ciclnnl loll nonunion-d nunnnmnh ad and Dam. IIOI iaionanllnh no caution-1 1` fhpma . -,-.-.a-_-- aw R_A__VE5;- N o_tnce. IIqt_Ice. l.ulll(:llIclx. Albany for but light; bnl ilk. uunuwmga (Tl)lII'.v\.\ I , Pll. Ibq I01. Int. [llLllE|L\l.I'.|`.\ I` Agrunl uL Ku~g~l .Y luvinj nppnlnhul punks t-no no-no! Hm-Ir An re-on u-ml llznr Av ' No-gllf llhv at pm! In you un-no wlmm m III II (lulu-an u cum 1IoT|'c`|. Innnnllhnvr I-L--. I"""I "' Tho opposing um- a..A-_.o. -...nl.I nf .._.. __:....._.--__. ll `Snua: 0n..' ' Towuhlp o OOBILIY. ` nltsu II. D. A. T_Il]C-lT'. ll WUUUIUU dug. an llhvnclno tlhul Idhluuubcplhdlkuho ubuanhgvhvnhnliuucnuoc hnuuln&0|hp-nnInI:\lno' ouch-uuusnqso-mung: no...- `klljotbollcnoldiuul '0 psi dkul. IN: IICIIQOI "IIIIl|I-unnopb. 1 -'-'0 """"' "" "" "" _" I ll!!! I'VOOl lo '00! Ilriu We dun huh hhnothl NID0'"'t nu anon ul Illusion and Gulolululldnuldu that portion u-ovhvdhvn n u u nu ma: -`nan mow-a -1-_-._|-`-."!-l I .5 111.101; phi dgnnb) lo: nun! Io .` `h .o.... 'u(,|hodrIunuIoIno'={"~ `..-' ._' uuuuquwou-numuaulus. taunt nu] cn|y.uluolClIhCvI 0-4 -5"! H van` fill an dbdolub 1- `IE .__nn.4_Ila. L-` Id In lint-uuwu nu rug-u. - --.-. OM In. and Iain! in nply, rupooung tho brunt, OCIUIIIV lo. III, No. 5." 1- A..... l.._L.. L-l.--.|L..- _.._.g;.. Iynpnuy II luunwuouw nu v-um... .... luvllonoy did nothing to call tor thuo. Whig cool: to than in tin plllllilrl that on In the Front, who, in run.- nnnl. nuuod Ibo nspoubihty ol the ad. and ya Iotolo mad as! ouuun ho. but IIIIOI 0| MI by than than tlall ol truth ui pound upon Ibo dovvud Ind cl tho lunch at Inns. ` C 0ulloInlp&.I-Q-col thouril vol Inhillullwuotloalutquwl to up: --.| ... -_J _..A-.1 In -unln nggnggng uy uuv I-vw v--...-. Than us) | pod many (Torin) din l nodded Iitlth Adieu J the Oouroh GOIIOIII on no Q-who ouo,ImI we kn-m that net lnulh and oontdly inundtm, uunoonhludn the in lines quoud lrol In Canadian wall mt nd much Iylpllly at oocnhuuloo in (Jun-In. HI: l....I|....uuA nnnhinn In call ' " " ' " ' un - Inmo dnyl oinoo the gable ht-ought. the non thu the Duh of Aruylo, fuhor nl ] r the Mnrqnil uf Inrna, and other pennnu nlliod to the hmi'y ul Hi: Exoolhmoy, will nn-in anon. III in I fear noulu. The Cnnadhn pou In In: clupya received Iith oourlu ,wiI jay, with amhuuium, not only I Inombun of Iho Ruynl family but the prominont man of Eng- lnnd who hue rbitod uu. It in Iinful tu no to be obliged to up that I time they will not 0nd in the pmplo thu upon- unooul and gnneruuu impulse which lrd it to oor oration: to dininuuinhod por- aonugu Ihn and to un {mm the Mother Country. Thou reigns ontyuhoro n continent ol Inlury and dolhnco onmod by the Inn cvonu." 1 7..-- /1v-_:--. 4:. ' Ul ooaru III ulnulll `7"""" " oonaunu All an !In fun-Jain 1"!" _.c_ _-, u___ z- - -. ....n|4n - "HIPQ mockmg III I 'Uu|'I I Illlnl I0, um wounu In an umoying romombraucu I` No `mhu'nden'nndmg' that would be `lo he roqrouod 3' but In um-pt all lhe humili- un m a, let Ill band In! uur spinal, snd Ihnf uI...t to com Into the lchcn. of our `guuu on Kuluu lull, than nil be no- thing wanting an to plnca nuruelvoa at on nur uomwhl, in the guivuw of urpoln under choir Mlllll feet Y " ' I C C I I O I I. -IZUI.III-r sun"- I-0 I`! Ilopuhuly 3:-nu In [Iv- huhnvhuhh mu. v-coo... nln no. Hm so a uywunon : in Gouda," up 91: wulmponry, ` `tho. horriblo tndn depvudoo continua." .;._.n._ H A..I-`...4l It -mnld nomluo mu oepvuuuu wu----. it John I(ul|oull.doda'nd it would duoppur the nu hour 0! hi: uvlvoul. .. M... 11.. nnhlio aoolduwo which duoppou the now on In: m........ to pour. Tho public oolldnuoo which ....L .- .... -nultl iunin In to have such an aunt would inlpiro in l-undid: clout In dhpollhig :11 the ill: the country In: hair to uudur the ` proviouo sdninlunlion. This much by `to `Illa punnu vu-an-uw -...-.. Ibo II]. Spite ol Sir John`: glob pro- mluo, II have :53 8 ulnar : Idmiuion llothitl the huniblo Inn] timeout ,.xn L... n... ..-n..-many: um. um. '10! II III! Elli nurnuu nun nun. _- still hon. Om oanm-ponry thon mono on to My .95! tho oiional Policy in I --.. . .. ..| lnnnk uiuimnndnhlo oort to 10 'I_0Ql Ind ';LVIl0IlIl I mm, .. .. `re.-I ;a.nd moot oommnndublo uuuuluo tho industries 0! the :uuuIry. A uuponry iupolul may indeed be im- ....4..I A. nncnn ul [Ill `inloronu' to wwpwrury ussyuu period In some of the which the noted protection n! the teril is being applied ; but ener the stimulus will come the inevitehle re~ eetion. Stimuletien is generelly euooeed-' ed by proetretiun, end Mr it wiltprove in thie oeee. Protection will ensue in over ` production, of which the iueviteble mn- eequence will be en eggrevetion ol the evil 0! which it in juet now the preecribed remedy. Muet unfeirly then it is' dec|ero- ed thet `Mr. Tilley hee bent his ehoulJete in the work end hes done it well, in strik- ina cnntreet to hie predecessor in ullice, who seemed to rejoice in the evil me which lII l fellen upon the people. The, most rebi-I Tory orgeu in the country could pen nothing more malevolent then thie of my member of. the late Liherel Ministry, end certainly who honestly and rigorously opposed the ecel policy of the lete Government, will scout the unpetriot.thh elmoet endish gloating over the cnuntry'e mielnrtunee which in ebovo imputed to the ex-Minister of Finence. So let ee he end his eolleegnes were con- cerned nobody double thet they honou- ly end sincerely believed e revenue tn:-ill` the best for the country, end that a pro- tectlonist policy would eugruvetu rather then mitigete ilscummerciel misfortunes. The! even ite wermeet edvncetes have their misgivings es to the promised re- eolls of the Netilonel Policy the very peregreph we luvs quo`c-tl from owncedee ~in the edinisslon that while le,;iuletuon mey help the ueuerel huaiuosi of the ouunlry, it mnnalcrgak rntrl-eta for our etus nor build reilroeds without money, r --LA __....-- |.n.....O 7' AH _|..nh I0UuIl\l,' .. .-......... Y1 :,--- Itulh nor mnko rnguol honest." All winch any be imorpretud to mean that the N- tionnl Policy in likely Io prove I nntionnl zzle, And that lho political ruguou who inuuguntod it. no not likely, by consti- tutiugun honut ndminintntion, to en- oounga the adoption of hunnt habit: Among the people. The nttoinpned cum- plomenl to Tilley and the inault to Can.- wrighl no ntnngely contndicied by the ndmiuion with which may nro immodinte- ly followed. ` DIVO UII Lo! ulmluvrn nu luubuvu nu... promising that tho Muquif lriondn may expect on (hair ountomplnu-d visit to this country. say: our oontunpunry < The will 0! Pnrliunent, the decision at tho Cabinet, an lluurud by I youn mm of thirty, who hni no mtureu in than country, and who, after huilu enjoyed for ve yarn the lmy thuunnd doiilri that we pay him. will return to Enginnd mocking Ill ! `Dun : think 50. um would In An nnnovinn . Tho French Ounuiinn preu hu not yet` recon:-ed from the indignation that {ol- lowod the reference of the Letellirr mn- tcr to England by the Governor-Generul. The La Minerva utlorod lraummblo Im- guagmdoolnring that the young man at Olav: Ill no bottor thun u 'pll'M.u' Ihn represented the Queen nc~Q-nsbec. We hove the Le Cmmdien on mother tuck. _I__A .L.. It .... .4. l.i-p..l. nmu W Douhhn Goun- Ijji IGOR: III any of nlu Inn has appointed. that annual club pnvouobo sun-Ind. `luv ouuuhuh gout. Iounul Iloluulnnq ucunm-, 000* hluhul Mm Gonna- -nulciunl alarm. on mu, m hIo&f. `hhwnllpnn nun huh. no-hm-A --n-L !uIuhnu;:lZ`|!iI;Ii0I5 'numan_g_t_uooou.` ISOWARDLY |N8Ul.T- IIIAI ID Ill- H I H-- ton ". .'.:.:'.,""......... .. I: dun lulu! thou lrdlnzitll. I, III. Tomato 0 ol h . I., cud, 04. In York 0-annual Bulletin uyo: on-Mulou or `ap I! lit odor nl Ibo dny. Fulloulng the wool nun` ooupuo, its season. on aid. lhir `Union and have con! to In- -omupootbooonhg union. Itwu I Alan spool to wool: hruudouly am an ullotl [union `lbtoto,II||u Thu uu quits I no woman un- nnl noun to pin Iq. II no doo- mf owning 1:! III OIIOI will to dolny. [ ulna qnod wool: urn-sonny umn up not at but lumuuoul about N, The question of the pdymcnt u! .10,- 000, promised to 8!. Joint INC! thn grunt u, III dinouuod at tho Cuy Coun- cil muting ynutdn} Sumo Aldormen thought It should be: puid. and mhon llnl it should not. The question of uh. Itqtlilf ol the demand (cello money In nuoumod (0 (ho Uity Auomoy lur his opinion. Th unto along the _huinino Onnul in loootibod u n slurp pnoo of bmiuou. Opoutiom It-I'D being but-rial forvud on account 0! tho ncoodly cl luring tho ountnoh Imnhod by Bella], Isy (ch, u than um Iill In In Into the rlull. Thu nuviu bno been getting II r any lot I not or we post, but ~73. Ihnir ohonoo tho; mud yeotnday lur ll 50. And it hot Inga at out (noted. In that they nu wotkin so low A: 00 . gunk our tlnv. I In uuor may luau patchy. ! Freight: Inc 053460 I0 Kind-m an quohd; What. Q0. tutu, 7.0; and 0`. W W9 . Thu uqulud M Ito Welland 0:- an! muuu 0- min In. ` ngninlt Ibo aocuud. Tho Uaum drn-I r.u`. behave that the 83,0U0,(XX) Pruvincinl lusn In taken by the Iyndncua at 06` rm, u whulo lhll an the nonlinll gure, then In nevorsl shun, which roduou tho wtuul to N, auution pdymout Ourr -mm Qunhcll-Bub raued -`Mao (Moral and rubuc Um- ru nuuuon. ole. ` ` ("W01 ) V Oluu, April 29 --_III tho [luau of Ounmom yiotdly the Uiuiuo: 0! Pub- lic Work: lnuudueod I Bill to uuond ma Uonlo.-lndnw the Rnilnny Act. of '69, and the Act nmoudin tho umo. `H... r.....l..nmm n in to tho adop- ducuon In tnr numnor 0| ulraowm The ma] 0! Oulloctor Dunbar Bramn I commenced tn-day. Hun. Mr. Church :5 watching the cue lot the Domimnn H.-vcrnment. Thorn are forty Indictments Ibo accused. Thu '0' H I? TI! -UI mu --w uuuu .- lllldd Ii. II in no wonder lhc tom- Ion wish at the upul of the old In an pnliulnuy to: trial u! the low dt. A lrnttlon of this viov hhhluudh the [us am it in ion In `ooundnnhly nu-uh. Duo- Ih Lil & has pnlll. 0bo'&oImhipo' lhglutlb Mullen. inn thin: nllhluld cannot I applied bu uy uunhlpllyonnu tin thonliro CL. llhud Ga-loco: Oouuiu, . n u-,_ g_.._._A_L L--- ..l._A..I uh. n.-- ` Act amending tho The ruAulutwnA ruluin to adop- tion of A nAtioAAl oumnoy Anton: were, then. movogl by Mr. WAllu:u (South Nor- folk.) All money, ll hi: opinion, In an, Ind tho opilhet had no Apooinl App|i~ onion to mpg: money. Gold Ill only InAdA money by the list M A Govern- ment. PApor could bo the Anne. Bo chimed thAt A nAtiunAl currency, bAAod on tho lobour Aud public Iorlu of the Uuuuniun. had A Aonndar bub thAn tho prominou to pl not in ciroulntiou, only 25 per cent. 0 which oonld Actunlly be redoomod by tho bAnh u! the Dunni- ulun. ll tho public works could bo con- Alderod ll unto lo borrouing money in the mArlmtA of the world, than they should be: conllderod AA Auou with llllcll to redeem A nAtiooAl currency. Ha chimed it Ill totbo inuo of pAper muney more thAu proootion tint tho prol- purily 0! tho United Butor wArtluo. Mr. Olmrletun (North Norlollr) orltl- cmad At length the Argument: advo- cated by the mover of the rnolutiun. Ho contended thnt tho experinent in ch in- Atnnca had bean A AinnAl fAIlnre, And ........ .........a.I|.. in nu: oountrv (tho (Per Dominion Line.) Montreal, April 29.-Asir Francis Hincka, Preaident of the Cl|nIlJll(lIlB|l Bunk, haa iaaued the following card to the ahareholderez l regret to inform you, that. owing to aeriuna loan: which tllll hank, in common with aimilar in- atitutiona, haa rt-ceutly unstained, the Dr ` rectora find themaelvea unable to declare adividend lor the current aix months, and I am further directed to Hate, that after careful examination and valuation of all the aunt: of the bank, including huaineaa preiniaea and ehcuritiea for past due ilehta,in lllluh the ahrinhqe in value ha: been conaiderable, the Directora are of opinion that in the lntereet ul the Iharehuldern, and with a View of secur- ing an early reaumplion of divide-nda, it will no expedient to roduoe the capital alock of the bank. The Director: will thereby be enabled to aet aaido lunda nulcleut not only to meet all naoertaiu- ml luaaee. and to provide (or any that may occur in connection with current loana, but alr) to create an adequate rut. A alatement ol the puaitinn at the batik at the end of the nancial year (lllth ol May) will be tranamitted lo the ahare- huldera before the annual meeting. The annual general meeting of the aharehold era will be held at the Bank on Walnut- lay. 4th ol June next, at l`) o'clock noon, at which the Directora will aubmit reaolutioua lur the reduction -1 the capi- tal atocli, and alao fur the abolition of the local Band at Toronto, and a re~ in the number ol Diractora." '1'... ..I nl (`mllnclnr Dunbar . inymenll. . Mr. ,BuuMbtI uddreuod the Home bfll-y in {Hour 0! Iho spirit of the to- solution. AM..r -mun. n nr.mhm' of uublio Bill: Inga. F MUAimyimuw"w[5m"nnadm * Lu ragulute the cmnruction snd main. tennnce nl umriue eluctrio telegraph: wu road this third limo on I divilinn. M... !\1...-lmnzm nud H--hon both Bu IUIULI ceading. yuan, 68 nnyl. The Mimnlor of Public Work: bumght dunfn the report of the Engineer-in-Uhiul on the Cunndn Pacic Rgnmry, uld the Hnuao adjourned M. ll p.m. ____...._____ limo dlvlllnn. Manna. Mnclwnzuo entered a pmtuu ugnimt. uuuh I pm- .~u.udinu, Mr. Mnc.ionnall'I (lnvernou) Bull, tn pmvide fur the deleudunti coal: in cer~ nun nctinnn at the unit. of the Crown, was oppusod by Sir Juhn A. Mlcdomld and Wllhdrrtll. I n.. .1... ......m... M the mam-I :u.uIim( Iwnhdrawn. On the question of the loom--I :u.ulin;( of Mr. Mathufn Bill, to H1 this ntetf interest in Cnnnds and pruhibitin-4 usury, the Minister of Finance requrateul that the Bill be withdruvn, but Mr. Ma- tlint refined. M. Plumb moved the Iix munths' ' Mr. Plumb moved hout, which Ill curled on 3 vote of `J7 ....... ma nnun Tu III! In: v-uuwu v-.-.....-, H In Hlvldun doptoll the nu $@&. ld.th0 lulu by our n tbodty. Winn tho publ- W In mug haul in no pur- _-4 in: -an I I-dilnd `I I`!- nous. WHIUII Ill The nuns! Munro, mu more ea lily in (hut oountry (the United men) in which tho upon-imam hnd within the preunt. generation been nmda on I lugs nods. There the u- ple pumd an ulveroa vetdict on 1. on` previous action by n relumption ofiupocle pnymenu. .BuuMbfI thallouoo Consolidated 17;-ck Affair-a~-SI. Johns Demaml-- I'rlul of Dun- bar Brown-b'triIae on the luv- -I. .-._. tv,......l Alter receu, I number of public wet-u read the blhird hum or udvnnced A .i. 1; lnucreu out ry Quuuon, ole. UIIT IDTVIIWI -'l chme Canal. nous: or___coIIoI%s.% (Per Dominion Line.) real. Ann] l0I_T1IE|L. mm .,.m..;; wane, 'I`U%I4_%-. t3.1u5\!Lr`.-Q APRIL. >29, rave. TL 3. - CT. tun will rvvvv ---H onvnub-qpbounnhshonuhuu puuodmhhvn. Olcud -.-nlhllnnlhnncnld IQHOIIIO

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