Hake : 7 BAIJAJ, ,, If. It. Join A. lldonll, who had been I an appeal ywul-Icy. luuou no union! the sauce In h III Ill IIIIIIIIIOIIIIC. The Huuo at with dead dam lot in bouryuhtdny durnoou, dhunha Ibo lndonnltyoi Iunbon. Appliance hm; Inn node by Icahn, Ilovon than duh. pm at Ito Iudn, let {all ullouna. The applhnuou ol loan Plumb and John White nu -mg-and An` Ikglnl II Knnlhnn In- Inn nnonoon. Oonupundonco in regard to tho Boys! lutrucuou wu hid baton tho Home yuulday Illoruuon. It rppoul that in I875 Loni Cu-nurvou a pond ouhln , Ihuoh won round In Hon. . no and I ouboumumuo. They ulnonudm number of chug sun In oooutduao with the position oi Gaul: and the mnululurou. TL. Hm:-n ma .4. nln-all tlnnnn Inn `I IV IIIIIIIIVICIII IIIIII-] (Mon, May It -1: in expected that than Id] be none diwuuion on tho In- ullior xutthtiu the Home ol Oouloll thin nllonoon. l`nDOAAnuInIAl|nn in nun-MI tn Hun nlnnl run. Then in vary little doubt that tho rs was named by the children playing with Innwhu In the shed. I ndem Mm of Man boron Clone Hesslom - M actlonaul Cane. I I l . vvvv. , In this city yesterdey afternoon three children came to their deeth under cir~ oumeteuoee of the moat dintreumg nxfure. , The mum: of the little one: are Riohtrd , Cuey, aged nix; John Uuey, aged three; sud John Emerd, Aged four, whoee por- ents live nt 4|!) end 426 Adelaide-street Wat respectively. Between three and four o`cluok Mn. Cuey. who use in A neiahl:or'e houu. ubeervod smoke ieenlng 1 from I fremo Ihed in reer of her own place. She shouted `Fire and 3 men gun the alarm. An the scene of the fire nun but 5 ehort dietnnoe sway little time elapsed before the tin-amen reeched it. The ame: had in tho meantime mede repid progrou; uter wee lhroun on the building, which hed the elfoct of ex- tinguishing the unu. While one of the firemen was working ineide the ehed he noticed eomethinu peculiar Among the emolung embers. end etouping down In horried to nd the cherred body at a child. He should the non ot the startling diecovery, and the dehril lining been removed, the men : horror Ill douhl intensied by the nghtot the bodielo two other child- wneumngiy rqenea. Much ooufunion was caused by the mo- tiou, which in its originnl form implied the Queen had acted unconntitutionnlly. bsing at tho Int moment remodelled in- au 1 nimplo voteof oenunre of the Minin- tou. The original mution would hue not with oven In: support tlnn tho pra- um one. u, u an Nun am, ml Robiuon did no good by hi: ulunu at the City Hall some Ciao Iinoo,~Mr. clodle did not xA.___.._ Ll. ..-ulhlgln-a Inn an-`grin: nl They are Ifoa-.:I:d Aura in an Old Shed-r-.ln Inquest to be Held. merely I general expression or nympuny. The debate wan adjourned for one week. Thg motion is certain to be over- whelmingly rejected. Much oouftmhn ill canned bv the mo. nun, emoonaeu in Huron nu, Innue- tiou in the we; of luv-gory coming to, light after hie departure. The principal mode at proceedure nppeen to been been enlarging note: nude by hie friendn. Ir. L. re.` in the loeer to the extent of between 86,000 end `L000. Rimer ep peer: to here drum out the bodiee of _I|;e noea, leaving the signing of them to hie victims. The lut note given by Mr. Fee mey be taken for illuelretion. Thel gentleuinn gun the _ ebet,-under I note fur $200. On uniting the Men:hente' Bank Mr. Fee wee Iurprieod t J nd tho nuts enlnrgod to 82,- 200, and enother changed from $100 to 81,000. II. we: reported the! two or three city banks were let in for euml varying from I|,000 to 83,000, but no- thing delinwo can be leerned. Maura. W. J. Sher & Co. were heavy crediture, but they were uncured by mortgage. The nlllure of Rimo: were left in web a confused state that nnthing tnutworthy could bo4ubmined. On the 12th of Much he wu known to hzuo $13,000 in bill: end tiny-two sun-n~i,_-us III hie poueuion. Hll bi-other, H. F. Kuuer, an employee ` of Hey i 00.`: factory, also disappeared ' 1:ttyo1rmrrnT:ia'ahIr`" " " me uuvernmem nnu deemed Iu meet me motion if It direct negative. The arquin of Hm-tington nlmont parnphruod Mr. Gladstone`: doolnrm tionu. 1ur.urou, nomo becreury, announc- od ho was Authorized to name that the letter at the Quuen to Lady Frere nu merely general expression of sympathy. ndiaurned uure. Sir Staffurd Nnrlhcoto announced that tha Government had decided to meet the b 'l`hn u-nui. nf Hm-oinnlnn nlnnnnl lo-nlgnl. mr. umwyn, uworu, movau, `That in the o inlun of the Home it wu neoeanry the innit: of the pterogntivo should be more strictly observed, to pre- vent. Ministers under ccvcr of nuppoaed peruonnliuterponitiun uf the Sovereign from withdrawing from the cugninnce of the House matter: which are properly Ivilhin the acopo Ufilu powen. Mr. Ulndnumo called Attention to tho Ivumn Ina 0!` no powernx Attention to the fact that the Home lmdhlrendy approv. ed of tho neveml acts of the Guvern- maul which the motion pmpuned to ceu~ lure. Loudun, May In the Commons to-night Mr. Dillwyn, Liberal, moved, oninlun Home it In: Ccmmriug flu: 7l-I_c'-nlury;-H-2\'o Sup- port from Liberals. The Boottmn in shortly to be nb-' miuod to tho pooplo of Lunbton. Whnlo In do nu! bollou In Attempting the on- luroumout ol tho Act in the lacs 0! I hootiio puiailo Mntimont it in perfectly in order so gm it . rm am when A local majority can be found to oudoru it It tho polll. H In no not mistaken Inab- tou in tho that County Ill tho Pmvinoo of Ontario co submit tho 'Pnhiivo Act to the popular veto. Should tho Ml bo udupusd, and In (mind to work well in Mr. Inhabit`: oonuituonoy, othor ouunlia will not ho Ilow to Iolloy unit ovcn though the Dnnkiu Act has boon tried and ptonounood I tnilun. '1 uuu to no: mo go, out. me our wu refund. The prilonorl no hold uniting inolrnctiona from Toronto. The li.IhII', lh0 Ill dngnuod in I [moor] and coal buuinotl nt.M9, King Strut But. nluoondnd in Much Int. tunne- ram. nun mom Ill uncua vvm. latter, 0! Nolmukot, who in, honour, boliovbd to be innocent. llimor own: hi: guilt, and ooud Mr. Murdoch ` I1 000 to let him but the ulor wu priponon IIIII OOII Dlllll II-QIV, l\lI1g DIIOOI Rut, ubooondod in March Inn, Innue- tionl in the Inv lung" oomiuu to, A. n . lIIlocn,|uIna.-nl Astana on '10- ronto, notwithstanding Ringer`: d uiu and his puning himself o II the v. Ilr. Waiunnn, at Southampton, Eng. luau`: Mother In known IQ Mr. Food. With them uT'ud"Wii'.' - Inn in hnnninr [Astor nl N---nnnh-at ... FIRED OBI JXI WIIIO UIII dnndlhlol II. Kulhul nu ut r;u of lune-:75: A handgu- H0 ldllfld HID Gil. Winnipeg, Us l3.-l'.W. liner And Mo Imuhc-r, ol ofonlo, womb unuud his was lot lurpry, -_hu:h III outn- glued in twin. from whom chi] nt- ~_uuu-.'od some time ago, uriying how yuuadny. Tllay non nooguyod on; nilu train st Ggndon, Mmnooota, by AW. nIdocl|.I0 'cinl Aninnnn ol To- ,..........,.' ...., ..... ......,..,.... .....-| u-an LW. n:doch,|O `cinl Auianu ol To- ronto. uotwitlnnndinu Blunt : dinning DEITII OF TILHEE CHIIDBEI. tom. Mr. Urou. Home Secretary, Announc- ud ho that tha IMPEBllL_l_ Rl.|lME`lT. wnuho Ii-iA-0:IIAnnIulo qy ...I..A AL. 0.44-I4 ll.-an-.-.-A In (hr I)m::mo Lino.) - II__ In In 1- --K-4 or1n_m. (Jog) v- -3; nun In I. II WIIIIIIDO. III] -.-.:-.. :.:=..~.`.'. .--.-...'.~-...,..- W V ` on lb 0. ||o0II.l.Bul. an end. "' hurt! on Friday norutu :0 ma). rWuouovI. l.I'.. I lay Nth, but I ..0'I'K.OM|llofIr. and In. llmy A-- ( Inn. Woodrll ileum. god 7 Icon A WITTY l"uicv Hlul Mnyur Quincy, c-l ll-ml--n, ll 8., was the ullinnr dpputml to c-xtuu-l Ilia rivililwn if that oil tn Hem-rnl l.:|fnyo-(In Ill IHLN Ho lol I this lnllnwlng uuwodnto ol l.lIu1ielIer~ ll: 1 ho onrlegn had ncuppeul in 'l'remnnl. alrool. near the Cumiimm, In "4-W the Frenchman tn thinks hnndu will: the (lan- oul. Mxny urvoloul him nml fur over - ono he Ind I kind word. (Jim old nmn [raped l-in lmml nnd told him tl AI. he won the father M I d--zen living chil- dren. The (lmwrnl psuml him on his bncli And niul `llnppy Iullow I llnppy lul- luw ." The non. mm mud: `Gunvnl. I nova: Iulltled nml hum no ululclmu to 1 oncnmbnr mo ' `J.-ll,~ ilu," Jully dug Y` replied Lslnyctlo in lm ur?-Ina mnnm-r. Ha III dwqyw mad; with hi: upliwl. ll lama. were alive he might say to the nun who unure-I him tlul ho wu alwwyn , woll, `Happy fallow I` And In him who hul boon wry not Ind was: cured by Du. HIIll!:l'I Emu: Conan l`u.ui `Joly no... It la jully In an thou ..m._ they 1 an no palatable. In I" umnnchio oom- plnlnu, they n no choc-lately without n rlul, and 9. air ulrmivo ulna ultui their popularity. l Bank of Tvlnntrw-nl HI! l~`. Marc|unl.n' Hank N) .1 I. 2- Bunk:-f l`n|uIm~n~.- - I01 I " to .),m; ponmrua z.uu LU '.:,aU; l`,per Unu- sdn bags per 100 lbs 2,223 to 2,17%; city bags delivered 2,25 ; uatuneul. Un- tnrio, held quiet at 4,25; Curl) meal `. .,fr0 to 2.60. Lnrd 9} Lu 9.} {ur tubs and 1-ails; Ii I3 50 to I-t_00m%curdiI1g `wlnud; ham {to 10; chemo I tn 7: butter. new. 10 to 16; uld, rhuicu H in II. Ashen - ta 3,65 (,0 3,70. Soedn- timntlny 2, to 2,00 per 4; : lbs. Clover 7 Lu 7} per lb. :-:j--:- IIIIID. OI In Not I071. ac W nap. god IS. `an Mn Inna. nuunzun.-nu. mnv u_ Flour market moderately rwtivu mnl very firm. Receipt; 2,667 this. Sales of .'5,f0() barrels, 100 uuperior extra :1 4,70. 200 extra suporlino at 4,55; 500 do It 4,525; 700 bbls sprung extra at 4,35, not |nnpocle:;d.'l0U bbls strung bakers at 4,50;200 bb .. M 4;m); 1500 ch. at 4.30 E09 Unlariu bags at '.!.)2&. Quutntiuus : xtrn an orior 4.70 to 4,75 ; cum uuperlino field at 4,50 Io -1,60; fancy 4,35 to 4,45; spring oxlr:|-1,35 tn 4,40; Iupertino 3,195 In 4,05; strung baker`: 4,40 In 4,60; line `J 30 In 3,40; uniddllnga 3,00 to 3.15; pollnrua 2,60 Lu `.. ,80; l ,>per Cau- bans per 2.22.! 2.171.: . hrouum up In Inc uuuu III In u-rugunur way. and the only china! 0! it, no hr at In an no, In to make I limo pglitioal I onpiul for tho Tory party, the hypootily of whoa loader bu been expand by tho Menu-ul I'M and own the Md Cana- dian, tho` :0. the pruont than the poli- tics of the hub: nqniro denition. vrere ueluroycu. -\\'alu, sevunty re miles auulh east of Pelth, In: [men inmmlnted in conse- quence of the rmns. Much damage was - dune. _ I`hn(1nr.u-n.u- I H...u.lu..-n I).- A monln n nouanyn. --Tho order requiring urine froin the United State: to be- slaughtered At the port of lnnding take: effect on the Inn: of May. - l`ho Journaylr dc llcbula lay: an: on ox may. -'l`ho Journal the Attitude of England on tho Omsk question may diwpend u `cnntiuuanuu of that mutual cnnlldunco which hillwrlu marked the rulntiona of France and Eq`g~ land. ._'I`|Am. um I: ...-mu ...\..lI..,.--oi.... l...| umu. --'l`hero_w.u 11 great cnnagrntinn lul. night At Pounuh, an xnlpurlant. (lovem- Inuut. military centre, eighty mllul south 91!} u! .. , achoull, Boudwnr Palace, law courts, pout oice, policu union, and 60 houses were deacroyml. -\\'nIu nmmntv rnmilun nnnlh mu! uune. l'he (inwrnor uf Urenburg, Russian, has tulegmphed than. xmotlmr live occur- red there on tho Huh inaunt, which was quickly extinguished. A lire also broke out on the 12m inaumt, in the Cusanck quuner, which was conlumed. The Gu- vurnor of Urnluk, in the Government of Orenburg, telegraphed on the 13tl1iuIl.., as follows : `Thu lire hem destroyed In considerable portion of the town and is still rugmg.' --v 04060 7 Q0ou. queen. ~ ` ,, --lA-rd nnd Lady Dutfarin u-rim in London to-night hum SI. Potonlmrgh for month : holidnyn. reauirimuwino froin VERY LATEST. combined for I.c"-uwm Road- Of. CI . {Ibis morning thirty-wvisn our loud: of emignull and live augck, fur Mnnilobu, d through thin city:'un ghu (lnnd rnnk RV. Tomato. In lI.-Thin morning D. I. K. Kim, the Tozuponnoc Lootlllit, - ` in the Pollen Oourt A: com - II! an I nun mum! Batu. ` all Ann Rina in the nI.no0.,And'on being u}od that In unused, he tried Kine how the serum girl: wen. Tho one "wad dilninod Iith coon. 1'11: cl-IA:-liunu rill Imuna [ha 1-ihr lu- I `u u nrvn-u--vn 3..., .'o ' . Vjilh ' ' Whh, luvs`: bouunhjl l.c"u1`IubvcoI.Dnyunu7.I5p.-. " Ill auunuou Inn costs. The detocliveq will loan the city to- thy for Winni , to take charge of 1". W. Rimu, tho, urgar, Ind convoy him to chip city. The nmuhilmv l'.~ nu Jamel ulroet Iill Io Imp city. The .m||hiI.nv -be opanad {or pmucnl muting: on Fri- dnv. G lnruugn [DID CIly"l)ll lltl lifln runk R . Sixty to persons,` with their clock, pauod thrbn I: on tho Gnnd Trunk from Van-mnnl In IIIIII I DIIIOC IIIYDII ll 0|! III Vermont Io nmu. ltuu Iuoull`:.iA:it ;iuor-'0 unitary- Poucal Huaga, etc. rmrcuu -65-Ar nun am, ` . won: Iuu. Ionian hvbr. In-ultra. _.~_ --The lupus of Go:-|nA`ny will Irrlvo n Landon lands} on n visit. to the \nnnn w4.g:::s: (Pa Lin.) 5. A- ll _'l`hin -1.-h iQg_qj_Io. The only Ipmooisblo that ol the MI urilno fuhu boon to gin the prion Ihopornsnhuiopoyaa upward hm done] sad to (In Ill unpcoudcutad im- potno to snuggling. Lsgnding qniuou md mom oldalfgcuauly along tho bonds hug hnito double their diligonon and vigihnoo to oluc you the illicit im- portation to which 0 high tariff In: no msnllouly incrouod the umpmion. The food tho lull wan to nuhorin luau to bou In diuknt nut in ihen the Tory promiull won in the poid uhsdu ol n.......Io;.... Hl\`lunt.n-Al. May H ' l~`.. . I3`) uuu, nu .: wru- r quiet; prime `_ Corn men] D for nnboltcd shorts; H) for . Mn; N. l arudeu. L03 to U 5) ......, av. -:.'-`.2-*;="-"e"'=~; L-aw-!~m_-_.__f:`T'f` I mm [swim emu, ma 'hncyndIuploDryGudI.II1llI|If!' `Cu lo Ilnhnidorhn |I CI-Slum! III In] HQ J"':n' ':"n'a"on u I one pair on Io van r . Io_y`P|d:l In at - 7 for using oxpreuiom st I church meet.- ing whhh Iota never intended for pub- lic service, and which were not mount to be olonliu to any ulun or creed diluting lrom his in icligion. The Illllhl` in brought In the Home in an irregular _-- uul Hm nnlu nhi -at n! it, In '1! ll 18- m9_~sNl ,ron 'IE__o1'II um. Checkd Striped White lullu (`nu-dlnal as Wino amped Ilulllh lmuy Iluo uuufivnmo umpedl Innllnn uno: ?uthrrv or ons. o no 2:: run. orvma up Ssmnss um snunm on. In I3. aa`A'+s: p. ~'AMF.!5`! 9""~| Ohoice Sugar Cured Hum. spiced non Bacon. Illooolvocl Thin Dari! nu, ruvinu-I Oppotltion. |Kingstn[1andPeI[1hIuke Junphlu III Glove Icy`: Pldul lay Bu... _..__.- ........._ I CIITI PII IIPQML QUAIT. DIX DAQI AI uuy. Horne, Team and Driver per day. S cincnziom to be noon and form at` tum er: obtained it said Oioo. Lowest ur any Tendon not nooouarily Accepted. \V, COVKRDALI1`. lay Nth. CEDAR 8K|I-`F8 KHLL l.ll'l'. .... .--w--qua-J. Iuv I-7 music, for the f-nnwing Wurh, Mntorinll, and Service Required for the your, viz ;-- Fur tho com-uuclion of Plnnlvltlkl and Wooden Croninsza. Lumber per Thouuml Feet. Nxulu per I00 lba., (I8 to the pound.) Carling Ihokon Stone, pol Toise. Hurnea, wnh Driven null Cum, per claw. uuguncrn lllllll 4 uuu.uI on Monday. the I9 lnsI., fur H... `..II..--3.... \I7..-I.- LI'-n..-.`..I- -...l Mr. IloOnIh;, of Prime: Edward, yu-l` urdny roowod in tho Home uf Commons n... .u..k ,....._1u...a1......u.u_m.k. [COLORED TSILKS I] [OLD PRICES] [ RICHMOND & novnmrsl VII May NHL Tbpleyi Photogra In of the Go;omor General and H. R. . in lnndnono elm- ooluto and Ebony hams: to urivojn I low dnyo. New Style: of all Good: Arriving daily. I The Reception I l I-I-I uumtcul. Myles During Uoplu, ombnoiug Landscape, Figural, Inchin- gry, Animnlq 43., rim M112: 1 Il'-....4:-_ u....|._ x _|._,._ 1,. n. ~-,. --v ---~-. --.---- -----l Exercilo Bouh, 5 than for 15, Lugs 8m. Brunnvick Nola And En- Volupou. ~ Carbon Paper, all linden. Artiu Material, Leather Sumpquhc. Gilli.-l.t.'I Pain, 5 Ipocinl order dine: (rum the mapuhotory. including Ruling }`_on|, Etching Pena` Oroid, |u':., Ro- u1,, -n,,u 2_ _ n , 3,, `We nhnll in 1 (av gum receive an Im- Inenm Iupply of Bnunonh Chinese Lu- Nsrnl, Io., 0. Union solicited. H THVENEWBIJUK-SHIRE] lIIK:$I1XIPIX`ZIlIUIUII -1' about M,NOJ|XD,oI which K5Pl"'"" ooiu pbont 00,M0. During tho Int 4.. -.... I...-.u- -MI. IL. nmnln` IZ IuIrv@u-U-u -- IJIIT V-U-'- gnonl,oI|hll|.0.l'.FnutInpor- uhr,bdpudoulmb nouns. A jourulihldhlluoolylobly undue hnuutlybtld Ihopalllhnl coup: undid; lluhlouu down Ionoil. Icunlnghnlr John Iuhhll Dlllnpulol Ipu IN: the |onu&IpbIohInI0anuI oaunvlilugnuuuyucuanpaum IIUIIVID YIBTIIDAY II- PHGNIOILN. um} Kingston, Nth Mny, 1879, Mly Hlln. A FEW Oi` l`|Tl--I.l0IlT, WILL FINISIIID May Nth. I979 REES BRO8.. IVBI.JA.(_Z`JA `EPARATE Sealed Tendon will be received In the (mice of the City Engineer until 2 o'clcoi |.. n......a..-. .1... III I_~4 1IolI1'7o*ii'Ioi. \ 'Yll5l5i7'"_iY"id{)ll,Y` 14/I. ' I-H dinrcnt nlylu During Copies, Imbnoiml Luuhcuvc. Fianna. Inchin- -inn nnpo-r. cm pr _IgncsTou. :1... Que. PRINOIII ITIIIT. can cam mum, 5. woons. IA 14 Al. J. sauna am mac. Innhlnld. W. COVERDALE. ` City Engineer. Mnv. I879. ` Iuu olcun, Bonolou Bacon. mrunmiui I-nu nu non: mu; uncut: ud lulu " ""' "`.'"ucV'lu". Iol 01' `l'IM_v~l|lht. II I I39. van lull! 0 (Ion Dunc. human lhum ru-`noon : Ihblnutl lbs Panel Mount. `run: our. Apply to 3- Tlll new Mann on Prinoou Inn-I, opposite I50 Day N-r-I 113- 0 Appl to II I \\ Illa.` In JAGUAR. 0.440: lJn__I|l.-ti. __ IJOII Illuri. linguist. In; 60:. II? 9. L0TnIn1nr line on Oolllnxvood Stun. oppouuo Ibo Fmulonu limworv. The noun lot fnmllnl-on Quoon uvl Col. bane Hlmou, Ruining Qua-on Hunt lk-tool. P 1' no . I to em` . Hwnxx U IACIIAI. Oavomnntoondatal II Ioglully thruuilliou lollnooflho -urplulchhuho Ttgnnq in 1."- Intdlipnur. . org- |._-:....- ...._n.. ...._..n.4l In `ILNIHLIIN mldreumd to the undanigued will he rvw-we-gl lllllll n'('|n(\l p.m., on WEDNILIDAY, Ihlrlnuuu , `or Lha eroouon mu] numplnbon of: (NI lllng home on Goulon uent. Plum um! ape-Ill:-allot: to his men at the mum M Jan. llrnwnos 0:. (Io., Unurio DI `Hm lawn! or any lander not nemlutllyur copuul. I A'l`I(l(1I( ulmwu. iflolxu I.0T.-A I'M siiiz The show (load: an nll of this spring`: puruhue. and I-might nu tho very out u~r'.m, tharvfnrn tho [llhlkx nmy dapmul on getting good gm] gguuino bu-gaiun. an In an dehrmlned to near the entire Stuck out in Huron weckl. (`mum mm And all and secure I bu-nln. Alum .',lIlI ylrlla Amnrk-an Print: Iron: hell. MlCK|I.Y & l|.!T`l`. Non (lngn'uJewal|ry Nmrn, Prlnnuu 8:. In] LL flinlu-:usT mu TKNl)EllS mldrcnnod to the undcnigued ju p.m.. I TIIEMENIIOIIS mcams Immense Cleaning Sale SPRING 8 SUIIEB DIIESS GOODS In In`. In I. Ihbln nil Oh any. uh; gum g:iiitsh71':'atg, ______, ._._.._.___.._j_____ W`!M9!YW HICKEY& ILETTS OD T"l'7R8l)A' o'clock nhnrp. S. WOODS. I HE Annnnl Moetlmz lor the: remptlon ol the Raport. of Bonn . of Mnnagomout. and lnr the 1-N-Minn of the nlonra for the nnaumu year will hnhnld In Hm Room: onlus luninutn 0nTWl7R8l)AY EVENING, lay l5tb.n 8 o`u>Io<-k Terms any. Apl -I won! llnpton. f-ch In_y.H7!I. Umlnl`. um dlntinnnlah-d pnu-onus f~|- W(vrlhIp1I|e Mn)-cur; also of Liam Co). B. Vnn Rtnnbonnle, (lummnnding No. 3 Hillary Dinlrh-V ;l.i-ul.l`0|. FLU. III-watt. R.IC.. Com- llllnlllulll. of H011! Military (`.nl|4-za :_l.iant.Col 09 h\(?. T. Irwin_ R. A, Cnnunnminul A HM- nml S:-lmu! nl Guam-rv. nml H:-lmul nl (hum-rv. TIM rrotw-daol'1hu IAN-tnrn In In ha giv.-m _"'_N1-1LII.'u|.n_I,v.1J1sv_.!V Wilmer: lrilkul Ill Hm Zulu War lh` hind m~ruuIu-hm nl Unl. lnrln m..I l\m....... xlnhllern lrillml Hm Ry porulululun Irwin nlul "Hi--era nf A Batulrv. lhnir uplamlhl hulul I'M he in nttmulnmo and play sq-lmmo pruxruluma. uvnum - - Klnnloa. May 145. 0839. o Cnnlnpfmny ho order: 1| 1|. I0 tvrloek. Lint of I rlooo~'Heaorvod Sun 7.'.;u. Gon- nnl ulmiuigm .'-0 cu Ind `lou. The ale 4!! llelmu will ounnuonne on Inn- d V, II] l`2t|I.nt R. Woodf Boohton. ha grunt! Pinno and by this Uolnppuy Ia of tho mlobrntod Walter Muninotun`. luv I011: cm! _u_uu.|.. Wednesday E::lIIlI{.', May l4.N I Ulliirlllju Icuuuvuu vu- politician of any utipo. |nu1. Ilraysun. R.A.,F.R.A.8.l `The Cape {he Zu1us.' I Price of Admission, 25 cents each. Tickets can he uMainml at the Bonkntnrea, Doors open at 7:15. Lrcturn at 8 p.In.' "and will cnnxmovvm plnyimz at 71' GODSAVE Tim nlnrwn Kingston Mechgnicslnstimts Meclmnlcvz Attention. s;'2`x:__._% The Gaunt L|v|I[((`.ornol. Pluoluuntod by lie Don Gorilon Nucleic Ir. Ton Bullock. 'I`.. .. 4 1-- . - IlI..,.. .... 7-....- PIANO. _. . . v- ........-... V Tm: (Inn Enuunn `futon Ir. George W. l`-olby. Pumn! um `.r`lIlDAIn.'r 73$? (mar 16 xi L! n`. ll`rlday,:I.y 1stn_,l [Grand concert] -Pliliilqlhauvlllkdyhlophuto-I W, 4 I The One! Musical Fashionable Evonl. ppm: Q! ,3. 1 I . Preehlen t. lay loch. 'ioAinIns wtnof [u'w.Ixooh:C;p-uuoauau and -up unhanu loan. 0000 anomoul. . Annlvlo . ill. Mny I0. 6000 I1 ! Apply In LEOCFURE ioii Iiliflt. "Tho banana} 0! lie I Onhrlo Bovorn-an candid Iii: IIIHI hung -HIhun nllaoq nl ` liq IAIh-l LEVY", .. __*_.;.';.2T..%,. :'..:.:_:c .2 * 1` OPERA HOUSE. I will plnynnu M7134 HODSAVE THIS QUEEN. AV ' WrI|Ii3.*" ` to: am. POI BALI. NI Sllal. 5 {annual out. ' "A v?ou a noun. ()N]jY. 7 . uuuuuru. IIIUWNI, JAB. I. HUWKK An-Mlool n . I inn]. Plum` um Acconruusr. (I. OIIOID. haul II a:{i`i|.I)|`nT4E E. BROOKS. Hocmtn-I BROOKS. secretary. .-.---.-..-~ 7 _v------ ._-..--~-. _-.._. uulcul-or-A-haunt, _=+-':'=.=;-T.-.~.:.*r-._`=-=3 IHKVEIT ACT I I815, III by Au. luponnnt II_l_f 5! `lulu. hlbtndtf 4&1 -Unltlu. :9-1., _:m_.A;_L ;_ n__n__; Hulhnndvulb Ibo BHLDEIEEGHUEERY W.II6IlI800. Putty flcicht Iod.II.nr Olnl Ian. Inn. Ilnldul. Iollluumbo-.tc..chupcIhu --.I_.A __l___ AMHERST ISLAND flesh |JIT,E|u:e & [668 it the Golden or In lot: 0! FOUR DOZEN8 At $1 per dozon, (homo: ntnnul) IIIIE DOLLAR MID I0 GT8. ;' ""Ju..u, miaau GIAL I` . CNN. I$lII.XIi.'C lithe. ilnplondld order 8 owing over ` for GOLDEN LION GROCERY. You on Buy one Dozen of ulu-U W-un--cu v-u-. ----w, hubosiunhtp Aulvuhn. whoa. In laud; &t.Ctmo. Oculqug listing. in pubs no link and ...u|h-L-ll-3&0:-nnlhnnl l0l'|IIl' GU11 Iu-0 -- vwul had on non club on ocoulon tarnish- od 1 pnodul lot hi: diqnalul it luvionr. To to oxpulld Inn 030 [loan WM but I dlgllpnhhhont. He should have has pllutl undo: in-udhto IF nut Sh-John could not dole-I than man that John A. Iudounoll in nu- nouod to the Bat ol the lions, though the non Iiulo dilcnlly till In to null uln Ihtuumhr that pupa. Buuu up to in nlvuy [shad Maul! io- youvthouuloho Input-shuns.` You can boy more pounds of Buyer for one dollu at the Golden Lion Grocery then anywhere elee. Bx Luke Ropogon from London. 20 BOXES VERY FINE l:|u\(`K 'l`EA. 50 SACKS RICE. For Sala, Golden Lion Grgcary SUGAR8, SUGARS Arrived To-Day V I VII \arI:I-I GOOD BUSH FARH. ounlnining mmnt. one lmmlmd um uvnnty an-rn-n. 'l`lu-ru In | new I-`rune l)woI||n, thonon. I-`or lurlnl apply tothfn owner. W-I VDAEIDI WM- DAVlD.l!rolmf. and doubt In Now And Stsuand lhnd (loodn ofuvnry dmu-ripllull, op um Hrs. Bur;,voM' Funny mula Nu-ro PI-moon Strut. |(lu;m.on.Q'l.`l|F.A 1 J0 IIN WM. DAVID. I.lM\IIn-cl Alwlhunmr lur City und Uunllty. vrlnhea tn drmr Hm amm- tion ofthe pnblux that ho hm-min tn toll all HMAI/I. (FUMHIRSION and MAKE I'ROMl l` oftbepnblux rnll nndMAKl I'ROMI"I` RETURNS. WM. DAVID. I `L IIIIII lI\I\'I'I4I`4 'VlII`lI.I\`l l\l`lI'1lIIl Loch mm law an mliml lw lmn iv-v t u-ur urdorl with Wm. DA In. tlm (`ht-xvp H In: I. Me In: hundreds ol Koynon hm-d. DAVlD.I!ro|mf. and donlot In No: And mmnd nfuvnrv dmwriptmn Illu D17 oppouu PI-moo WIII%j' I.IIIIv pI-i FVl' """""o `l`cHo.G&oon; harp Alien Pun , II(QI1.l7.@pund that Do- puunluluuuhllulunod. I_AL|. 1L-.l , |....-_ -.Ilt.._ IN MUR RAY"3 Ol.`Dg;l".AND. Mari-a Hun..- R (n...o.u. uuplecl) fnur W1-Ila nl watt-r, and 4 ,-\rrm- ul nn (in-lmnl. in mud oondlvinn. with fruit. 'l'|n-m In one new horn, Intel |-nllL,air.n- 4U\l.", Hm In-at in the 'l'uwnnhip. I'M: vallmlnlv l'mp<-rI_v 'II'=aHuBturl`1Irxr`1:h!!"`PFrt`|lNn!rfL`11TtVTn`H7'N` - 1!\'IIr'1ihU"`}FTt`il"Rl"ilI`Fh"`T1'\'F*'Tn`i`l7'!l" lmm Kin ton. 'l`hu pruporty um: lu- nm-lmn- ad by Fl 1; nno-third down For fun. 4-r par- tlcului us tu usrlunur nun-rwisa. nl-ply l.u'l.ha \:WllHl', FIPTY ACRE CH" G(N|I1(!(H.T|VATE|) Land. Thereola Am two Dwe ling ll->tm~1,(n1~ uupied) fnur W1-Ila nf u! cum! A`l`l\lUHl IND TKN AC1 BUF LAND` Tln-n-on Am guard null-uulaimgn and uhom one Acre of Au on-hml. Apply in (Int manor, uuvu In UIIII -IUCl'IIII, IIIWIUW for the approaching anon : want u under : ` rV< ,..._. _ Ohup line: of linkage Lush-on 1|. )5 oh po_I' yard. Chuplinea of Mclwgo Lustre: M20 at: per yard. . Chap linu ql French Won] Dehego It 9001:, 251m and 30 cu per yard. A I-..` ..A _|__-__ n;L-n n m,x We have to bail very cheap lino: ofbrou Iztorull, Initnblo fnr tin nun-u...I.;..- ----.._v_ .......... Obunp lino: ol Cootnme Cloth: at l2&oIa per yum ` nl .. . -- . _ . -- , _.._.. .. .__.,-. _,-.-. A limo Ind cheap Stack 0! Trimming: to match all out drum mnturinln Audio, Iuuul,guonlcup;lNol- lnn.InII|lIot|up;&|u|ugo mg, nhuo.lN.0 |-"I, [nnhssdbns ' WI. UAVII). The Cheap Broken` . Tnhuu-u L.Ihnu-um Labatt s Ale R. &. J. GARDINER. F0 ALL PEOPLE \VANTlNG RF.\Bfnr Lneknnnnba nunnliml lmniv-r tn-Ir An innpoctibn invited. Oh:S`|iuen of Costume Cloth 30. locu non . Kingston. Hay 1011!. "1. DAVID, Tho Ghcgplcuker, |'r1nnwu.- 8 . Klnmclmn polite umln moon K|ux|IA)u.g'l.`l|EA P l"""'-"I --"W --- --3- --c--o 10,!!! con; Dunn, 10,900 do; 8Iu-.2l.- OW doglounnl. NJ!!! that and corn; nu.`-u-, moon pen and um; nu. bodo, IIJGD con: Icmnhur, 13.88 _L.-I `Hausa nil :l-`l?ii M`1K|B()I`l.AND` L'IMM| nlxllmlhiumn and Ydlellptoholoo WM. mvm, Inter. Prlncen Mn-M. Iuunlon r FOR SALE. in RIYRH PARK nnnlninin Inlet Equnro. Kingston. KJa_:_YsT 196R SALE; A nsm;nsnT?1~. PIINCVHS STREET. l`0*RIN'I`. wt: vvuui Ilv-I I-I5. Um--liar": .- wollhghu, 6.000 pun: prop lmuluu. `l\..I.h.4.$I-an: hnvan Alina Pun. p;e1`Y ZIZIIKI lrityvtl-uuu vv-.p-my I Arrtnluz Hon Oocnth, Whitby, 12,- 781 I|nu;pmp| nnda, Toledo. 4.03 can; air Iyonoth. Inlnuho, 19,000 ..L..a. `I5. 1-4.. _.oL I... 5...... 1).. HUI} wur IWIZ` tuwuuuvv, Ivpovv than Tug Lulu cut but bllj. Do- putntn-'Iq Active, with harps Inglo, II an ...... Inn... II sill nIn- mu-,m,. VII: -Vatllvvu . uvuu --an, lboon. Hodoputunu. Tho PNPIW Cuba in lying at Port Ddhouklornpoin. BL Latinos and Clloqo Forwarding Oo.-uttrind: Bohr Ilgin, Tolodn, 20,A L ._._ H Jgngnlnngn llll IIUIXUXQ Klu n. Dunon.-The pldnml. Koyu, In onployod by Dunou ms nu- hr 0! the ship R. H. Guiin during two uuom. During tho Inn anon tho nasal III hid up (u I eouidu-able time in oouuuuuo oldnll tine-. Tho nation in for 5 hnlauao ol up: due. The defend. ant puunhd I pun! account of all the nungonnn ol this pnnoo inux that potiod. The out in going on. Mr. Iolntyro fat pldntil; Ir. Kirkpatrick um nu. Moulnfordolondunt. A and: ` Motion 0! the Tory party wu all too bilhlully I-oprounhd by the oondibill udlnhmour ol the Suntan u( the Oahrlo Onnunuiu Auooiulon in his loan! violntion at In dignity of I u|iunoh|. For this impordnont inur- hope! to N loliflhd '0! I IOIOIII on an ooroltho Bonn no a vile chant, but,douMlaI, In named m-mu u. unhht with impunity inault I blhonl -cub: ha Houu Ihonutno largo` nlnnjolydlia own no-punish, not , lofgoillj `I509 that Eh win Qidtlil 5...! an u-nan u): nun nnillon furnish. IUII, l-l||` IIIIIIIIUUII ua nun xunvuur ant, upon their getting into dilioul- tiou mould Iodolouduu qu|ntity--about olovon touo-of soup iron. This III _xn.:- nL..- 1-... -0 II-`In inmlnumu VIIIC. VSIIWI III lnullluu nu yuvnnuv. Ir. A31" in ponon; Ir. BI. Britoon O... 4I.l-1|-nl IIOVIII IIIlII-Ul llxrup Iruu. anus was within that: inn 0! their iuoluncy. Action In now taken by K1. Anon, u Anllgnoo II the lnoolnnoy, to mount nluo. Vunllvt Ill plaintil for $313.36. In. 1..-- I. ...-_.u... ll. H II Iloiunn Inn vs. Gun-n!.1..-ln this one a verdict III brought in for tho plaintil Mr. J .I. Mach: lot plninu; Mr. Snook (or doloudunt. ..___.. _. n... n..|._..-L:.. L n.. `DI IIIIUIIIlIllIu \ Aouw vs. Rou.-~Brokounhiro & co., Kingston, bung indobtod to tho defend- :-6 nnnn Ah-3- gninn inln diinnl. Out`: Whit-hi: Von, hnhr, ,_.-_..n.._. L`... A.I_._A.... -L..A IIOI Illlllllllrll IUCI on rvvunuuuuuu... ...._ ` proetreting uede in the preeenl. hueineee I crieie impelled the Seneton to this op oTi"ec*eiIIl belon the Commune eome hon. membot moved (or e poetponuneut ol eotiun lol Thin notion wee voted down one yeer. ec the time, but the rejection of the Bill by the Senete hee precu- it eiuoe no , oelly given eeot ho eotion on now be tekon till next eeeeion. Altogether it would hue been better. V even for the lurtherenoe of the object they Ihemeelvee bed in view, bed the op- ponenlepl the exietieg lee eoted with leee preolpltetion, end bed they been content for the px-eeeuc, et lent, to emend tether then to eholieh it. Wen: it not en hopeleeely lete in the eeeeiou, it would Illll be the beef. oouree under ell the air- oumetenoee, to re-inuoduoe e meeeure ul emendneet which would commend e me- iority in both Houeee, end eotd our logillel-on time to coneider mom mature- Iy the letter 6! eheolme repeel. llnpun and Health! Fotnnlina '\.4A-l-.1.-/Hahn n..m. n....'... In ucguuww. uu vu, ......... majority of !our, by which Mr. Bo- oMrd'I Ropul Bill was Njeotod in thy Sonata, In Iuciout to show on ihlh 5 ulundu lonun iluolnnt logiolslion in jggt now baud. Thom can be very lit~ tlo qncuiou Nut rho Sonny in not at all [notable tn tho existing laws, but thus": not nunnnnl lea of revolutionizing nnd __,,_._,.:__ .--.|- :_ AL. haunt hnninnll ' M an (Joanna moo-0 as an nu...- fulory upclon of all iuolnnl legit! `lion that they would puny with Visa!!- Iuy Iguana. and with alums headlong tahuu they noolnd upon abolition pun dlplo. ' Tho nlult ol utoupb in; I00 Ind ha Iinply boon to utullly nuouplinh nothing. `Au you won` in virtually Ihoardorol the Sonic to the Oonnogn in thin mum: at iuoluncy loginlulon. A: the taped Bill up lniI~ ad to Noon: bu ol count the lngolunt -4 ---L-.. _-.. .m| Inlnnin in [mm ` III yuan. IIOIIVW, IIIIII III puvyw ' have but bonollodiy uodun upoodh tun by the Reform Gourmunt n nv- in; 0! .(Xl0,w0 ho boon aoctod. Such . Mn-nonnunl. Imnrin II IIIHIDOHV d nolwlpuunuma II IN": """I`"'"" spinal than in the populu brsnqh o! n.. 1...a.I.mm_ 11:. van narrow CC 90 R0030 HI 0| uun'- Inn u;!II!9v-W Acts, no they won, still nnuin in turn iaotvithaluding tho heavy nnioritiol ___.'._.A n..... in (kg nnnnlnl hunch nl nauup pm --'-'I I, honvonlul I luv IIl}"`_` ,_ .,._...u.... .1 .n hnnlvanl haul ughuuatur IIlYUTII!IAl.IlLl- T huhnlyu. nunddlud gsd pu- Cdullhllwliingaol um.-' Irlvnuyhqhutdiilunnllopuntu Iotolthollppcllonno. Ir. Iodufn ItIunIMiIIItIdIl$III|lIhIIII- ucananholsl to 27. II In that lullodoilll-u adnhld cl Innu- ` Iltoh|~upulIsn ounuchod un- ulm. nduayun mud to no- nny! It. Oolbyh menu. at I nouuimo ooupvudnuibcoblotunolylntuc a.n4...n an the Boom would snmw ASBIZRS. IAVHINI. cnlloubjod. and hpnd an no-non no ooounuu. Ir. Bolton hops-I the Oovonuonl Iouldnotallootbollaao to pangs: hlouunuondlg Ibo null olllolt =hnnyo-In/unhgtln Iabllhr un- uiu John Iuioull all am he duhd-ludvndoutlulobopnd to` hubhblovunno hub: abandon nnnhnmhhd. and hnnnlnnunl ` I0 III IT, Ill IIII Iapu-It nu In-U uurdolu Illa by his nguding the Gonrmunt oi Oubrio man have In .\ ulllnj inpnnion upon tho mind: 0! nu... ....nm. [1 Mr. Robinson hu atom uaumu u-uuna ponoa. The to 0! tho 09-aim: at lhpply coitus onto nlun cm, of tho Eldon In lamp . Ill cuuuno-1 In The Ilouovut in Oounmoo on Wu. and loan. Tho Oonnmoo to- nrhirnululun Ihhh Inn nodnd IDC DIQIK wl-I'D! I-IO Iflll 0" "IO road. Ho wished the Uovornlnant would an an to phcln tho mqjurily cl tnllo out ch Oovwnnont road, and Ioitlloi ll to go to Portland. Mm l)-n lnrlhu dinnuminn lhn raun- NI. II logo I rorullul. Aha no-0 lurthot dinouuion tho noo- lnliou can oooannod In. and a Bill lolndod on than inuoduoedaud glint unnad uuhhitd In-and pound. TIM noun. Ibo On:-Inna! Bunnlv . nnnua. nnlaohulic aid tho oouamercinl nluoolhltrocdwuuottohl com rod vmh nu puug] ulna, lot mo and Trunk Company Ind olton complained M Iholoo the mullnd bun tn them up to the opening ol the Into:-uuluuinl, nndhouldontoodthluptotho and of Ina. you lbonlud um been I luu. Ho uchnothdpd the annuity of obtaining control of the Rivitn du Lou brunch, ndlnd oouidond it udviu o to ub- Iain it in sun}: 1 gnu-n-I than I. 333 WKINIIUKI II XVICDIO I0 (ID- uin it in not a Iuunor that they night oonu-ol the Inina tho mu]. HI Ihlnd Lhn Hnvnrmnnnl 5IOIl "I. uovornmont CIVIC [0 IO 01 oluion tint the h but outinnto mu 5. 31,500,000. - o roooipu of an hue Int. you-hnd boon 828,000 our l HID P0903! 0| Uollllllvi 0| III VVIIOIO On I Mnruoluuum nuthorixing an-nugouunu for the purclnn by the Government mm the Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada, 0! their line on nilvuy from Hlviuro dn Loup to Uudlow. Ho explain- ud that grant nucouvenleuou hnd been found, owing to the bad oonditiun of the ` hiviarodu lnup bnncmtolxoop it in good ` repair. and undo: than circunulnncu it boounu nooounty lot the uuvornmont to obtain pouuunon ol thn branch. Tho I km: of pa wore nrnnum on the ` ban 0! uh the Government would in had to expend if no Iuoll road 01- ` .. _ , I ur. nonnoor and own mnructaa to amino And nporl Ihnt thsl. coal. wquld ho, sod ho Ind nponod that the local Amount 80 I50 Olnudiotoulunctiun would IOIVOII `II III! |'Il|Il|Ill]' nu nu. uncu- odfn up In did, that can) the objoot ..| ..|......h... Man I N 00, IIKI III IX lIp0I luOI III IO |0lIl cm:-mt Ohnudiotoulunctiun would 5. I rm mu -r.|.a..- .m..... .......:.a.... 2733' lion Ibo (iovornmant to the Ill 50 IIO UIIIIIICCUHIIGHUII would ,502,(llL Tnking nllinm oounidorm oon ..Iu.i..n dun u... I..aI...1 ..n....o- _....m now me uomnnuu or auppq. Mr. Haokonllo said it us not hi! plouuu lhl the itch. nhould be dos`- od, but in the protons not sun at o Oppouilion ho would imply onur lm nnntgnt `l O IIOIIOII `H Ti- Mr. Tapper mend duo" ado tion of tho upon ul Uonnitton ol tho hole ma renoluunl Authorizing nnnnnnmu cnur. Altar rooou Mr. Tnlley moved the uiuptuun of the ruolmion Pncio rul- tq,BI-itiuh Colutubu,0,0&),~" reported from the Oomuiuoc of Supply. Kahuna aid III uuuunuon stopped mo nouar. Alter Iomo further diuxuuion Mr. Tuppur brought down I number of re- turn. rouglo us dononuuluou wnnevor. Mr. Boullbuo aid that tho sooner tho diuuuuion stopped the better. lama further ' motion the pomtul order mun be ruuu. Mr. Cuntignn then continued, and re- Ju'ud~1o1h;pooolLoL\Lioo . Iilnke, what: he aid ho hoped Ihnt Pro _ Luann would tin and put down Popory and Indelity. He said than was mother charge ngniuu the Vice Clnncollonwhich Ind boon :lluded_to by nearly Llltho paper: in the oounu7,thAt_ho Ind mad the moat ` olfuuivo tango from` the bench to- vurdun good ,3 Iilnou in bi: ooutt Ho ooutoudod lhll such conduct wn din grnooful on the port 0! I judge. Mr. Ihohsnxio naked tor 11.4 motion wall known rule ox mo noulo. Mr. Gomgsu then moved for an order of the House for :1] oorreapondouco Ind papers nlnting lo the chnrgu made Against Vice Chancellor Blake. Mr. Mnckonnn said if the! hon. lantha- egeum. V we Unenoeunr ulna. Mr. `Meckenue new if the hon. gentle- and would mete echergo egeiuet. ejudge, end then move for pepen, he would nul. uppoee hie motiou,bnt he did not believe um judge Bleko I-ed ever need Any 01 preeuou um could be oeneivo to any rellgio donomiuetiou whemver. Mr. Buullbua aid that the nun! In : In: --u, m ol olnnglhg Mil grnouun on we part on 5 gnu;-u. the hon. member had proposed to nuke. Mr. Ooutngsn--1 move the Home do now Adjourn. Mr. Mills acid the hon. Kentlonnu hud uuoum. gontlonun downed tho House, and had vlolalod 3 well known rule of the House. ` Mr [!nnkin`I| lh-ll mn-ml In: an nrrlnr Ir. Uouugcn and In and no um slut Ivlnutho hononolo mambo:-of Prince Edward county (Mr. Mo0nui;), had been choked pl! became he did not make as motnou be (Mr. Uoatignn) cook the cutter In lnnd. III hind. Mr. Hnlton naked if notice had been given of the uwtiomil not it could not be I-wooded with. Sir John Ilnedonnld aid the Home would know when the notion we: put. in. In the meanwhile the honorable member [bed 1 ugh: to speak so It. After Anhorl diecuuion between Sir pomt ol ordor, The spake! decided lint Mr. Oouignu ahuuld prucbod, And when but ado hi: motion the pomtuf order Inuu be rniud. Cuntiun continued. pm a ngm to spun: go 1:. bglween John Mnodonnid and Mr.` Bolton on the point 0! ordar, The sunk: Oouigznu number ol numu. Ir. Cquigun uid none duo ninoo In brought _botm thqnolico ol the Home :- oomplnint IIILIIO conduct vol Vice Uhuzoolhr Ir. Hahn: ukod ll thohon. member nnumngal on nnnnlntln -ill: A lnnLinn_ VDOCIIIICHOIIOIIBGHIIIBGIDOIIIOIO nu such a thug II pdblio opinion In tho \ country and that 3 Judge could not use his olhcial position for ooouu: purpouo. Sir John Maodould bvouxhl. down I III olncul pooluon lot ooollrlau purpouc. brought number of nturlu. My (`unlit-an maid nn-Ln nlnln ninnn Ill with clued doon tall tour o'clock. Altar routine Ir. Iocnaia called tho attoution oltho Houuto qrtialu in two Iiillpllntlloqlll` Jinn think it that Vin Chafodbr Blah Ind and elusive language with to Agni lynch and 1 Into: ol Amy, and tint prflidion ottho Vice Chan- odlor upiut Oatholion And ltonnn Ouhulioun in no post thu pooplocl that nlidon could not obain ; puma: at bin Ind; Ho uhhod the 1 Vice Olunonlloc to undontnnd the am. V In: mush A ung nu mthlin nnlninu In tho Q I00 RIO Illlvlwluu Iuuwuu: uni uw impnm hbiundtdutuu by appearing u the uouinginllldoul Wad lut night. Wllm Ihnllgh do It use Tory Ao- pinut` for Inglhldvo honor: npihd the vary guns with which his Manda hopud towinouougudthoupuun at lulu _-....u._.. -uI. kn Inl- munnlina Ilnn Ina. . Ilr. Schriblr bud bum inltruclod sunning Anal wanna! -In-0 tint .m.| -.... u C lnulunvn uiuup Ochnn, lay ll`.--'l'ho Bucks! look. tin chit ot3o'dcok,IndIIo Home in Iith aloud doom till four o'clock. All-o ......s... u. n.n...i. tmllnll tho "" . . Tho motion III uni-L II: 'I`nnnnI- mural (Inn- urns. It being nix o'clock tho Speaker left the :h|'. 1 to conclude with I Inouon. r. Couigcn uid In did he iild .1. Ilnnthu huuunola r colt OF CIIIIOII. I _ .._ [WWI IIIK |l III IIOII. EIIII I conclude with motion. F`....oi...n nah! In did In i (Par 1):;-inicn La...) . II.- II _'L. En.`-L; III. M) II]. it would that Ililll) nvnr lhn gran m.n_`isnA[wn1e. W"ED1_IESI):AY..V my 14., 1879. ll XI`. lbvlluxull ll: puluus. ca-val the my faithfully. am Mr. ot- ..u. ..u.. L. AM can nan hn thn ohinnl