V: ISL. ...`I.'";..- .:.'-`gs. CO. I. Blwollliuu uuvuu-nu--, up--u bulcn. Aolottho oouollndnury. Ir. Iondiih (load: at 0bo0|IpoINon) Ilnaollthallovonltl hllow up Ibo amt upon the Provhdnl [nut to It In! Join. llonulnnuhuut docldvlhliolqlnhtloa ollh Duhhu `cut 17} can put hurl, Quito 16. unit, ad thootIntPn- vhuslb cuilpt IQd,0|hdoouh HONQMI. lalyoulloupuunwu &l|I7&.p|I|I.|IcnuuquIoo cllmhlunluhauouutd Indu- . Ilcnnpunynno bk-oh tho aluypnbuuvuhnnuohultvuln Gnu-min pay, tuna hunky II_unIldIh|Il0IIIIdi.Ol H&IdDIupu|d. lentil &poIondvunHo|utIhJah ug_.-___u _L.L.A-In-I Ihnhj Raul, Ihhlltl thhdonn Qdabuun-thinks} UNI , III nol pm, unsung w mu `us... to the Bouool Industry, sud on dis- ounod nlatlng to the muons: of tho Indemnity. On the sultry quouton in pohhd on! tho vunlllulux oonno of tho . Holding lid ndlwonn Info noun uuhlulnduury on which to go to the DION]: In has it val ||l|dIl'r uoolllil III Illborl ol the OM! or- vb chill Ion lid: pay incnuod by In. 1.8. Inodould slur the election; and lid Ibo ulnncu won propoud I8. I. O` Cannon and Mr. lliohlrdl, all. I. Iuulonld Govunuout, vocal n,_ .1-.. A- 1.. AL- li.......l l...|...g.. IIIIOIIIOIII [I581] IIIIUB In uur sxuuwusyw rary, that 390,000 more had been nrsntod lorthe Military College, remarking that the inlomation would be very unwel- come to Mr. Robinson. The speslser de- clared that the intornmion would have been welcome. lint in the nut edition aunonnuaiuit was made that the state- ment snent the appropriation was a mis- tske, the money being for work already done. He alleged that he had not said at I late public meeting things credited to him by the News ; but the fact was it was impossible for the News man to tell theta-uth about him. He oonn mended Hon. Mr. Mount for his consoli- dntion ol the statutes, (or his marriage law, {or his reduction of the marriage li- cense fee, and for his Act providing for the payment of criminal witnesses. wsrnnn ton anssoss. Bslore proceeding futther, Mr. Rnbin- son said he would give those who were anxious for a meeting in this ward s ehanee to hr-ln| charges against him. He paused for a moment, but not a sound Iss heard by way of opposition. He thought that those who had spoken Iplnst him behind his back should to manly enough to state what they haul to say in his pnsence. (Applause) I! there was any change to bring against hill, for his eight yearfservice, he would like to hear it. Continuing his speaeh, he said that the Opposition had gone to the country with no policy thathe hasl heard of. At a meeting of Is U.I. Olub last winter a series of moo lntlons hsd been ptepared, but only Done oi then had been moved. Among these resolutions was one which, hos- uer. not put, relating to the grant s- .s._ ll..... .0 lsulnntsm nn nnl (lil- ` $500,000. uwnu eump m yuuu He entered into I review of _ the origin and progrou n! .the K. & P. RR. For twenty year: the city bud beeu go- ing beekwnrd, being reduced in populn- tion. John Sendtleld Mecdonnld we: the Premier. lluving eevod e eurplul he ' Ynnuifui`i6diITii Elir-yifutirpnw; but he deeired to have the epenrling of tlie money in his own control. Although economical, he had been in great man for power, and his rnilwuy policy we: such that he underetood Sir John Mncdounlll uid he could `run the country with it. He (Mr. R.) went to Toronto in an In- dependent, but he could not Illpporl. Belidtield Mecilonuldi railway policy, on which the (luverumout mu defeated. He told what followed, how that the Blake and Mowet Government: hll liberally helped the K.& l . RIL, that the city Ind begun to grow, and that the citizens had received the benet ,of the bonus grentod end spent on the road. Alto- gether Kingston hud drown or had been pledged for railway outerpriee about If the Mount Govemmont reunelned in power--nnd he had no doubt it would--the nilwuy would be further ueieted, end I connection would ehorlly be made with tho Cenedu Central. (Hour, bur.) He described Mr. Mownt II I herd-working men, end in en honeet men. No one could point to any dil- honeet trunnction on hi: part. (A,>~ pleura.) He had lived in Kingston and had had 5 warm feeling for the city, and it had e friend no long u he run at the held of the Government. (Appleum) lie referred to the Municipal Loan Fund, and the 825,000 which hud been received by Kiupton in ttut connection. The New might" ecouee him of blowing hie own horn. He meant to defend himself from attach. and he heal I per- .__. _l,,I_A A-` A..II _|.-A I... 1.-.! Anna lllllll ll'0IlI IMIDII. unu nu nun u yu- loot right to` tell what he had done. (Hut, heir.) In pynihg he read the Iulomont lately Innde in our contempo- ...__ .1.-. can nnn ........ |...| I..- nnnmd GOOD NATUIIIJ CARVANH. Mr. Robinlnn on tiring nu hurlily_ lpphutjod. Ho remarked llu: 50 he and his opponent: but been good natural- in their cnnvun. he invited Hr. Mutulte, who no pruont,!on ugton tho platform, with the privilggo of making 1 rpeeah. A limilhr oorclinlity could not be found in any "other plain in Qmull. (Applause, during which Mr. Matcullo Advanced Id 1 took his place booido Mr. Robimon ) The Ipukor remnrkod that eight year: ago ha ha] been elected to represent Killglloll in the Loan] Mums. and ever since he bud done evrrything In hi: power for the city and seen that it recoived it: Iniful sharp of pulic `expenditure. II- -..L-...I ' nf oh. 1.... - ---m- I 1 1 V i J t qu-j III.` KIIIU % lllli DU lllo Fr. 0. Wnldron occnpiod tho qua: ` onduid um some had taunted Mr. Robillolljlut he Ill afraid to go Ilolon tho to explain hirpu-llompuury noun. `flab necking had been asllodto uulalo Kr. Bohinnon to vindiah Iniunulf, 1 and if any one wiqhod to uk qnoatiolu and make cpooohoa ho promised than a hit boning. At the nuns time tho otighuton of tho muting would gubmit to no bullying. nnnn ufnensunn nuuvum I UVUIIIUK I IKIKI Til-ll. Ill |'Iv Alanna ol Bidcluwud Iululdintlu olll. I.Cl\nroh, in ubodianao _to the onllolllr. Robhuonnvho oxpnnudnda-' dnloaddnutbodocku uudtodunr my qnuuou that night In pufto bin. II. (3 W-lnnn lnnnnind Mn nhnlr `I lhbile um 5:51;: lulled um mu hnhunuho luau-uh to olohr of the min: Oauuoriu will no umndm by any of 'Iuouu.vuu. til Pol_YI0A!_' I`3&I'u`-iii our 1 ldl china 5% setting of < .|.......` .1 IHA4`... IIr..A _.. bum in I THE BRITISH wmc wmnmzsnmz. Mu IIIIIIOII I0 gun up III u-nu-uq u only main-J not all unit not nllllul In. lalounubaduuuhhu Idndtlodmulloluurvolcullo I3!- :1. all. lbbinlon-I none nil no. It. Iohlh lulu-not M has Ila Ir nu-I ol Ir. llollluon In the EOIII, the! II dolutod it would 50 Kingdom : but not MI. Voho-8o It could. (Applaum) Ir. Huddle hi 0 dtlunt opinion. He cannula! Ipnl John Iudold Iudonl Inux policy. and hold nuhinuchuml. aP.nIL no ._.--;._n 1- ._.. .... AL; naught M u an opposing un-nu; nu \,.........- ed llnophhn 0! Mr. Boblnnomtlm Iowutho oulyoulttonpuu-ntlho L` IIBOLUTIOIU U! Arrnuvnu. Mr. W. Koertney moved, recondod by Mr. Wlllhm Bnoddeu, that huing heard Mr. Robineon give I ntetement of his couree in the Ontuio Parliament, dur- ing in Int term, we, u mechenice and enpporton of Mr. Robineon, do pledge ourlelvee to put forth every logilinnte effort to ngeln secure his re-election. nu (.'liAlBlA!I'B nunu. The Chairmen. in -nbmltting the re- solution, though Mr. Ketoalfe, an I profeeeinnnl men, hed egood deal 0! pre- Iumption to come unong mechenlol and uh for election u their repreeentetive in the Local Legislature, when they know thnt|they hed only three mechenioeln the Home et preeent. (Appleuee.) No proleleionel men could undoretensl the workingmoni use like the worlnnguun. Mr. Robinson eleo brought up sud ex- perience to bur, end was I superior men on theta-count. He lound fault with Mr. Metullen loginlelion in the Conn: cll. perticularly with the dog by-law. A ...u an than him on the reeolu- \ oil, puucunny um: um nu. ..,-..... A vote In then lutlon, thoee Sn Iuour of it being uked to and up. An none roee spine! It, it Ill deohred ho hue been Inlninouuly , ____J VIII OOIIOITAILI IIICI DWI!- IJNO. Irma has uhnlndmn Allhd umol, ill! in no at In. Amsw VAHDIWATIH t B . ` puuu. II. In-ou.v null. Tho Oouorumo osndidnlo was than Introduced, and no nry well roooind. lo Ihnhd Ir. Ilolnluaun for the Invi- huon to spank. Thu Ind nluqyu boon Honda. and shout! I-uh: no, no matter who won cloned lot tho city. Ho had 41,, _-__-_-I 5.. gnu Annlnnl Hr, who nu omuu um my way. u. ...... nothng ponoul to my again: Mr. Robinmn In this content, but he dlotod with Us pollliully and Loan nppund -. .. ........n nnnlIIdAIL an auction- ` 0:. them run And to Ihow that their nlnriee been fully earned. Nor dojobe for their friends. No one cc-uld charge them with giving $10,000 to: p0l(\8llllg um puuplv I uunr the Opposition had {tiled had not did they friend for collecting | few paper: II Sir _\ John Mnodunnld had done. (Hear, hear.) He deed any one to diecover I Ipot in the uherwter of the men cum- pming the Government. whose qunliliom tlolll he enumereted. There III no comparison between them and the load- er: of the Oppoailion. He hnd Iupp0l't.- ed the Mownt Government in the put, end he would do no in future. but not Ileviehly. He hnd not -endenvoured to place his friend: in oice. (Applenlm) H. nlnimnd thnt be represented the city place In: menu: Iu uxuuv. \..y,........, He chimed that represented the city honeuly; he chimed that no one could ` wovk harder for the conetituency then he ` had done. (Appleuea) AI 3 meohenio he expected the workingmen to stand by him, end he knew they would do it. (Loud eppleuee.) lie Igein invited queetionl, but none were put to him, end he retired. -um.n1-Iml or APPROVAL. IIANIHIHLIJ Inn: :50: urn-nun. While the former had nved five and 3 half m1|lionI,the latter had became bank- rupt, end yo`. some wanted to put in I Conservative Government in Ontario. He had followed the Mount Government fur nuven year: and he did not rue it, He challenged my one to point to any trenr action which would cause the blneh ol Ihnme to rise to the cheek. (Hear, hear: end npplnule.) No one could charge them with pocketing the people : mon- -- --I lhn nnnuilinlr ilk!` lIl()I'|By Inuluu HUI. Du Iluuruuu Ivuuu uu:-v wori?Bii5li7:T1i)?6iEInx1i reifinilf 'B'u't as much at $3,000,000 had been voted to railways, nearly 83.000,000 of the Muni- cipal Lonn Fund hnd been returned to the people, About 01,500,000 had been given to Oolonizetian Ronda, end yet, to-day, there vs: I ourplun of nearly 85,500,000. (Loud npplnule.) He com- pared the Ontario Government with the Cnnnervntive Government at Quebec, which had been no corrupt that the Lient.-Governor hnd .. ........... -u-nun. unnu nlrvlul loge Vllllnuuuluune us nus-svsus lulu. Hsd 8|: John been Premier it Iould not hsye heed built here st all. He reletred to the 82,000 passed by the Dominion Government for improvements M King- ston, at which emount the Government Ins so much Ashamed that Ihey coupled it with an Amount. voted for the Windsor Poet. Oloe. (Applause) [Ia observed thug while the Opposition talked 0! ex- trsugence the, leader, Mr. Meredith. blamed the Government, in the dehste upon the lsst address, because tho monay J in bend was not spent, and he partly agreed with Mr, Meredith, believing that money ehould not be hourded whon lhore { __. _ _ _.+- 4 ......::.':m:r.`.r.:;'. .......n1.' 'ramumU.'Biit fill! lulu HI! ytwuu. Luv Hnulvul vur logo vunmonumont of Rolonn rule- ll.A RI. lnhn Dunn PI-imin it Innld nut Ill HID plli wuu IIII nalunu uuvusuwwun u of the present, which he held to be high- ` ly favourable to the mm. Hui the Can- Iervnivenlookel After the city in the pun: nfpruont the population would , not bu 14.000 Hr 15,000, but 50,0U0_ (Apphuu.) Ho chimed thu Sir John ` Mnodondd had been in 5 position to Inch Kingston the In: of Govermuunc, bntjhntholnd not done In, and Ind really sold the place. Tho Knliury Cul- l-..` -.-n-nnnnrnnnt nl Rnlorm rula. rboromukodthatho Ind boon unused (or Iliuuuionnl ulloinoeo, tho` ho had * `roooivod butoo instead ol 3&1). He oonaqnlod qpan the Mochsuiu` Loin Luv which to Ind onoudrd, nnd which would soon boin univogzul nu. Thin n: I gonuino protection, ouch u @110 Cou- Iotntivoo Ind non: given them. Ho omnnuod tho Conurvntivo Government of the put with tho Reform Govornmout ; Al 11.. npnnnnt -Iiinh ha hold to be hith- tn Iodglgu, `duh; that an In a- oclun- bn1IoaoIIl_Iopoor. tblnkolm1tuuuuthuho0ppd|iIl hdbI'o[htdoIndnringhintIIiaPu'- liuunt, bntlddotlthatl Bill` Md bun` pAnot|nHhonnuudooolIr.CniMon naudingthobhokknoc. g -nlnrlun AI IAIATIDI llnhlnnnn lhnl you on thn point. It. Rohinnou gun Mn nporiouoo of tho Nulonnl Pulicpdoohring thus it In I policy Io rob the vorkingnun. IAIOI 0lI.DIIIl.IIVl'l AIIDIIII. Um I luv much thou: the Inn- ...n.. amen Hr. Iutodfo had nddnuud low noun about um nu In which Mr. Motua oorhln oloolon ol Riduu Ward. Kayo: Bl cnluvo Iooktlnp|mlornndcou- Id upon tho `clinic which Ir. lu- au... to Ir. Ilollilltomlho Ion-not thing that the hunt Ind put huh Ma uunlouh III blunt ol the an. (Hour. III!-) T , dc-0 tho nun ol the In! Oonnuou. nobfiol .NnnIrn. 'I'|0..o|v`ll ol which would pro riuion` (Hunt) 1'. Robinson did not think there were Lhru IIOII in tho building at web an opinion. [In none board at Iuoh - thing. The Paoio Bonndnl Ill nothing to the ncandul likely to riu mu. nl Inch n piece of logiulnlion. (Appluuu) Oom- pulng tho two Pmnlen. he said that than nu more hone; in Mr. Mount : link (in or (Inn in it John`: whole how. kg oar, incur.) r. utonlfo--l will not qunrrol with thn point. [on hnrliu. Dal-Iulmu'uuI' 37 an .%:: .'.... mun. one-I33 Mr. Motasllo uid ho boliovod in hu- inu tho0.P.R.R. built by ivin the 100,000,000 urea; sud ho below thnt tho North West Ihould be populated. 8irJohn'I policy would not build up I lmdod sriuoonoy, but u grout future In: bolon Onnadn. M. nhin-un-r)n vnu hnllavo in Sir John qonltng that u,uuu,uuu nunom Mr. Motonlfo (IurInIy)--'I'he (lover- Inont hu the confidence of the clootqn (no. n,) (I ha I majority in Pnrliuuont and it ha I right to nuke muh nu up- rislion. (I-linu.) Robinson nuon roman, tun-9 vn I nurpnu or ; our 8G,000.000. Ho oqmblttod Mr. Metcnlfoi uumon thnt the Nntionnl Policy Ind mnde the country prouperoun, painting out that nbnut everything the poor mm on And more won land whiln Inga: lud been matethlll reduced. At the nuns time immlgnt1on,woordinz to Senator Mao- Ehonon, III to be onoournged no u to cop down the wagon if an attempt were nude to nine them. He drew nl.t.ontiun to tho lcginlutinn nf Sir Juhn It the pre- I unttime. it being his purpose to give 100,000,000 ICTBI of land in the North Wanton company tubuild the C. l .R. R. I giving impetus to n landed jl'lll0\3l`I0] whnu rule would be felt for ganorutinnq. Sir John also probolod to upend 8l,000,~ 000 without letting Puliumont know how he laid it out. He asked Mr. Motcalfe if he thought that was right l I run: A Ivnvnnv bolonunnuln. Mr. Rnbinnun-Do you bcllevo in nponling tht. Il,(l)0,000 himself? Mr, Motoallo (w|rIn|y)-'I'he Mr. uubnuon and mu Ml . mowule 1 Ind alleged that since Mr. Mount came into power there had bun nearly 82,000,- 000 of I decit. He denied thin. When Mr. Mont came into poyor than were nonrly $4,000,000 in the public ohut; And notwiclntnnding tho return of mil- Iionato the pooplo, nd the expenditure `(If millionl in nilwan sud ooloui- was a ltelormer, so var no wan nuoweu | tn go, but too many pulled him aside. 3 (Ahevn!) In nnuvor to Mr. Wahlron he` said he did not think it impertinunt to attempt to represent Kingnton. Mr. | Robinson van patriotic to the interests of 5 Kingston, but not more so than he (Mr. 1 `M.) wouldbo if elected. Ho dolendad himnolf on the dog by-luv, and conclud- ed by ukinp the elector: to vote for`who- ever they conuidorod the but mm. A RIJOIIIDI3. Mr. mbiuon uid um Mr. Mamue, Imj Allnoad that linna Mr. Mount. came! 0! and ` wollnhlq ak)-1 lnonato mo pooplo, nu ma expommuro of million: in nilwcyn ntion rosdn, than Iurplun of| mar B('|.(Xl}.(]X). HO oombalbod I uva moon.) I Mr. Metcnlfo Iaid they had a right to differ in opinion. He had traced the` hiutory of Canada, and found that the Conservative: were not free from gross errur|-lhat they had made great and grand mistake-but. he thought. the country was been ruled by Torion. and no I he supported the Comorvatlvo party. I Mr. Murat, Ind been judged by Gho voto ' on the 17th of September. Voica-No. no. vo|ca--1Vo, I Mr. Metcnlfe renmrked thnt they might uy `no, but they would find out . nu the 5th of June this truth of that ho? .-;.: ms. ,.|.n u.. ...|;......I M. u.\..e.| the mu 0! June this truth 0! that no ; I nid. (0h,oh!) He believed Mr. Mom; Reformer, far he allowed I 5.. .... bun nu. ......u. nnllml him n.iAn . v o:ceu- 1 us. I Mr. Malcnlfe thought not. On the 5th of June the telegraph viral would nn- ` nuuuue the extinunichment of tho Mownt Adunnmntion, Ind there would ba 1: Government in Ontario which would luppurl the Ottuu Govorument in the carrying out of the National Policy which ` had already advanced the interontn oil the oounlry. (Loud hughtar and dcri- uiva churn.) Mr. Mal:-nlfn nnid Ihaw hul A rinht tn l.I BALL`! ulna I ' Spukingbf the Salary Gnb he said that E whatever blame there run it was equally 1 ntuchod to Rolormoru and Ounnerntivu. _ (Hon, hen.) Ho churned Mr. Mount wi`.h factoring I party Ipirit projudicinl * tn the interest: of the Pl-ovince-thnt in - ho had uumpod the country for the bonu- t ottho Mmkengiq Govgk-nment. Hw. I ing Jone I0, and Mr. M lnmzie hlving been defeated, he argued but Mr. Muwni. bu] been condensed loo. Vo1'cea-No, no. Mr Metcalle contended that he had, and the Ontario more thnu any of the ` E .l3:oiaooa4)ad-proamunood-Agaimt~ tbwi: Government. Sild ho, dn you think the country ll [wing to reverse in declaiun nt tha hut election 7 3 \. nm..-._ V... ur. summo- Publio Aooounll. reputed than than nu noon nunuu In the Province amounting to 02,000,000. Mr. Robinnon-l'ou no at Mr. Ibo- phu-|on'| pun hint. _ . Hr. MoImlr-No-: I'm uuotinn the and u-onlou onoenug.) Mr. Motulfo vnntod 1 hit honing he add. I! he wont to Toronto I mo`) of 10,000 would not hoop bun from spak- ing out in the interest of Kingston. Ho reputed that than Ind boon duciu in the Hanm nnountimr tn III um Kn .youu,uuug or 1 soul In _mur year: of neatly 32,000,000. Such an ad- minintntion Inn not donning of uippurt, and on the 501 of June the oloohon would rim and swoop it from power. (Hines and ironies! cheering.) Mr. Mounlfo Inntod burial: .:I Pllllllon of III; I . MOI, W .0: `:0: many Oonpuay. " BAVIDII t HIOKAI. Inch llth. ' ` Uw, or over on par com. nu nan ooonom (hint Applause.) There Ill something lacking there in ndmitiiilruivo Ability. You` altar or there had been decit:--i'n 1874 of ' ,000; in 1875 of IAAOJYNJ: in 1878 nf mm! I6(X).0(N) and oonmu--In 1514 or (30,000; In law 01 `$60,000; in 1870 of own $00,000 And in 1877 ol.00,000g at total in {our man of nonlv OIIIIIIOII Iaoaonnurn runny poucy. Hr. Bohluon--Iidid not. Mr. Iluefrnbooplod the deals! tad oadm land should go no further. Ho nor chugod the Gonnlllonl with. -nnnun-1.: lllalntinnilanhl-D nxucul. IIIKAIAGIIIIT, , that tho total 0 nditnnoltho Pro- vinoohul inonnrainoo 1871 01,800,- 011), 60 cent. Wu that an-uvun-I (Paint nnnlnnnn \ Than-4 -n`l no nun, u apuu nun, II [006 pan. B0 In hloluod. hound, tht Kr. Robiuon ulunlo support John Bandhld '1 policy. nut. o-No-; I'm quoting the` LII. ....... _. T111 union:-3 nasnuun-an has than his untold by the -hnrlhmnonbwlnhn lath; Am I1. w. BROWN & co.| -..-_V , . ...-...- ........ ...- ....., ,.--. ~Mr. J. B.'HondoI-Ion does not build an such :6 his noo ol buninon, but j in: Iithnnumbot ot othon in Quoting I double one on the corn: 0! King and Brook -mm . H" 8110? -38 can Street. next door to Ir. . I. Wilkinson`: ---innnnn -A lIOWIpIpl' mlo went out 00 unit! in hunching n bunt yutcl-day. He didn't Inocood in putting the butt. in the winter jun n he wnutod to, but he dlroppd in himself. 'P|ain or Fancy Painting] En:-Ito-I rmnplly um. tho BRIT IATII- IAIAI A I) AT THIS l.'|WII'l'I4lV|h0 PIICMI. -A numbur of privutu lmunen, M Hall as public muutucium, \ull be illuminated on the evening of the Uuvuruur (-`ennui : i I I I Irnval. cmamm and :1. Mm'j J-I112 fTf - T--_ ` tmgtun In the qupol Oalllpnl. -.\Ir. J. A. Mucdonnall nipped out of Ottawa in u hurry and ovuded punish- ment for his innpertinoueo to Mr. Unu- I n m-n ., , A ., ,_,- L, _,,_ ""3"" ' `"' `-_'-5' *- `*---.-"'- I -Juhn Tilluuon, of Arnptior. who was convicted of Arson At llu Pembroke Ao- ujzaa, has been untououd to none tau yearn m the Kinutou Ponilontinry. A l -Spoaliing ol Arthur P. Devlin, the Otuun Free Press nmnrh mu it in not surprising thul noma pooplo nhoul-.l fool I strongly inclined to `put. I hold` on the I Pretender. . - ~.-...._,. --Mr. Motonlfo haupoilod ono nu-ong point in our oonhmponryi abuse 0! tin Ontario Gounannt. Bo an bath p1rtiu-(}riG Ind `l'oI'y-no oqnnlly to hluno About the ulu-y grab. Good buy ! . Until _ ,1, .|.,:I.I PAINTITNQL cLAzms.| lilAl)Y FUR TH:-:PllN0 WORK - AVV OLABB Oi` ! --Wc me that the policemen are won'- ing their heavy belts this hot wonthur. Suruly they would feel nmru cumfurtnblo ' withuut lhelu. -..._ ...- -_,.-...-.-.. _ .V.--,.,-_.,. --'|`here may be no truth in the upon. but it in aid that Her Royal Hlghnou the Princes: Louine hu-boon ill 0! Into with Iculot favor. but but now lully re- oovored. -The ligbilitiel of L. A. Cnrncnou, ` Agents lor the Grungern, Imounlu to II I,- ` 187. A maoliug will be held on the 211$ imnnnl. -- Mn. Unldwoll, Min Barr, Tmdy Brother: and W. J. Spoor: ning in With lilfo Hull, lirantfurd, on Friday ovonin g "1;'::::.-~.---.--." . .w --.._T ,_ .. .....-.:.*:--.....,."--e.- at... Ponndnlnvl I. Anlvb A whole township Ill taken up by Ietllen in three houn, it the Nelson- ` vine land oico, Manitoba, the othur I day. m. r |,`|,'.`,_ I I . n,_,__n_,. ` " `* r"** *r'-* '" "' { --You iuow that Hunt in up I little. N The ware about drough Ind granhuppen l in the won: in the canoe of it. -Tho Synod of Toronto Ind Kingston operwd Int evening in Guelph, Rm. I Prof. Mowntproaching the sermon. . n u . n-, , , A_I... ..._|.__ } -'I`hero in no use in clonniug thu |sI.reetul the rubbiuh of the buck yu-J- ia to bo ognptiod upan them. 1 n . .. .. - u-..| I` nun!-ru l`IlIIll| ullly. TTJIA 1.53.`. it pr'eLai.' I .... i L U \lIlUlPII -U7` word for our cabmen. cemetery ntoa. -Mr. Kirkpatrick, M.P., ha been in this oily fur L couplu of days, Attending tho Annual. .-Nomor have we nun Inch mum-laul as in now being put upon I new street in Victoria Ward. -New members we buing mhlul tn [In- D .:I __. IV..i.... J-:I.. 'I`|....... _.... ..,.h ... nu. --A otilla ol mull bouts iuuggcnbd u put of the Vice Regnl festivities. 1 us. n. -1 -, ..-- ricvunul -- ...-.._. --Mr. Phipps Ipoko at .3 Re`!-um "meeting in Toronto Int honing. . n .-u u ,_,,,u L,,n, :__._-,__A..| OUII ll VAUOIII TIIIAOI -- IIIIO ` Ittuhd. In rant! `Adan: IN. liullivd j'InliI'I`II. Juli II IE WIIO Onwl. IIIHIEIO. Mu-oh I991. _ _ ...--. -_.._.-. -Lovy undo I negation with his ooh not plying at Ottawa. nu, I\|,: , 1.. _. - n-b,___ IIVVI UV Z ruiaenoe. --Lnger boot in tic-`go you-mdnys. -001. Dayton : Iaotnn this evening will be interesting. I , ;, , ,,,,_,.x,- _x.|. Lx_ -.,_ mo nouns uovpnmonl. The meeting dinponrd Iilh churn ho! (ho Q-Jean, Guvoruor General, Mayor, and cnuzlidntiou. ' _.j_, , --o Erma mums _ r-.. V. -..- . . -'I`ho Guelph Mercury hu a {boil mu-4| u: nnr nnhmnn It nrnnnlnnnln Ihnir mi `xiii: a1;ar.. --uuw Iuuluuulluv uuuug n-uu.u uu u--- And my store. TCBARD. "mm `mus. F. 0. MILO. run, nun u `vuu . It oolnmondn thuir 7""WaAb Sana` than I Wllulu the Clothes! Salton the Iardenl Water. Will not lnjure the Plum lnbrlc. I v * \ ` lac: mu v.4`nx-1'w).nolI|:ou'I|:I 0 Dj ooup l. B. PBIPPII. Inch 50!. 1|. A NEW AND HIUVUDUMII. -Vluvn um uuunun ruwu unnnunnu 1 vv any nod this tool. Alan I llnn nolmuon ol GBN1'LIIIH'l IUINIIHINO GOODI, helndl - I the Nouns of up uwoon uentloman _ono And in an nnpoothlly hvlbd It all an alumina our Elm-I And (at prim-I lncfura plnoun chill I'll rllq Clothing. W080 IO! pm- puvd huhov onaof 1'! r.` IAAHGENT AN "IE1 ITUCK not bvougillol .sIooto OUARANFKKA PKIFIC(7I' FIT AID GOOD WOIKIANIIIIP IN ALL AGES To Make Washing Easy. ' I Asroamvod lmlipring Importation: of llnzllnluoouh Illll Fornl n TWOMII. Sargon, km, . to I-thnr with a Iplemlhl Iuu~uf(lauv.lennen u li`urnInh|uga. wh unnot be excelled In tho Dululniol. nml nqpm-Hullv oollciu an uall mun Ml nurmu-om patron: an troll u the pnbllu pen-rally. nml by pollvu nmmnun to than tank of Us snowman, hope: to hug A mmlnugnoe of their |ulrumu't- ID in the pa t. $1 ICAKJ 1 IL]; L 1.1143. whim, u.r.m! uml Royuttu Hhlrtl. M9 Illl-MI. Silk. Marina and (hunt Undarwur; llk Merino nml 'I`hmul ll-mar ; Dau_t'n and BM! nnnkoahn Ki-I Gland; Sill Burl: Ind No: In nndlau variety ; lilk Hun llarvhld-In, n cpl-mull-I nnnorsmann lhthln and Athletic 0|-sworn: l44IIaa' Tim an-I llmnllan-lnulh. -uy-urh `Nat-tlmr with 4 Ilnolmo n! nbhar Uootl. laklngn, w; Y. BOYD, mu-chant Tailor, ...._..- mlnnnnn --all IIr-lu..-o-.. Hlnggln `USE TEIE I Forensic, UII1c_ia.l mu 01 (loodn. Flu nu-k muuhlp. Thus. le,*erchant Tailor, t-`rl\ .s'v-1vrr1 and by pullva nlhmuun pulnnvlxwe in Q. nml 'l'hrNuI Ilnalar [Jam in and mm Illlloll l\|Il uuwu; nu: oonru gnu um m Hm ulplnlliulhl ladies 'l'nt-char Sill Umbmlln.VnlInn. to . Inning "ID luv.-0. mm-3 In mg on, w W gm, C. N; L gnu-.1. No tmululn uh nhow Gouda. Ulnbrallu, Vnllnn. he hmng spent. I Illnplmu. Apr l'.'lh, |R7`.)` A NEW AND HANDSOME STOCK OF SCOTCH AND CANADIAN TWIED GOODI. . I um Hnnlum one yupgouplly Academic. G W. ANDREWS. The a1'e_z-Ial Tailor` Gowns. % M`. .T'T ..TT"_ n. Stock 0! New Carpets, 0|! I`lotIIs In lngllsh and American >(somel.l|lng now). also his splendid stock ol Window llanglngn. AIADPRV ALI: 7lIl'|'-GLAD Oi I An excellent stock (luodn. Hut olu I-nrkmnnnhh). Lddiesif y_uu wam hqve your `House Look 1.331 J\A `I3 Rr- Iulllll. Brussels` arid Tapestry carpets, Ghea. AT 7 VVALDRON S- Kingston. Muy 2d. o May 3. IMPORTAKT gnnouncnmnnr. Look out for tho ggn IITS` WHITE DRESS SKIRTS (OOIEAB LTTAOHID) AT ` Q1, WORTH $1.50. nova warn: muss annrrs A`! soda, wow! .15 cu. 1`honp lnpmml Mutln. (.'m'uu nuns and uanrun mun. 2'00 Palm Nvw l)wugI)vI Nnuinzlnuu lawn Curuslmu. Choap` - "|`hw4?hvt[rt+:urwr"wrt:dn-wvnrnfhnwff"y1h1`muf.3.fT I<||g'uu nml Slurnmllon Whitn Qul|'_I._ox}r:_n_ value, J|=|.w~(9hu:[rat+xurwr~wrtxin-wvnrntfUn'j1ln1a1u313.flr7' "* "` """ Ihol 1m Q\|ll'l. Pill ! VIIIIIG. 'l`onre~l Coven. Plano Covers. Columql Table Clxnlu, Linen Crumb ',`[o|"` 3 gizgg [15,, I) II ll,IIIDlI\l 7lI`..-J- II. ___g..,4_...-_ |"npeatr_y (`nrpotm nut Patterns, M. 70, 75, Foo. Neii Put mrmi llrumslu Uirnli, 5 Pnnm, Uhim . New I`nne-mu Klduuinator CM-paw 7. $,!I0,`.l.J3 ,I0. Hunllumno Pamornaz PI Won! (Jun-pou 71:, * ,.l. Prrll Putucrnn Duh-In IAl'potn7.' v kn-ul Ivlnuvy Unlnn (lnrputn 1'1. 50. II:-uvy Hem]! Curpeu. 15, `0. `.25). Illa. 1`|mnp In nmml Mutln, (Tm-on Ohms and llau-lb` Kluzn. I Nnulllzlnalll Choup. "|`|uw4hvu1n-E64-::rwrtwrtnin-vw-rntFanwf+ydn1*a1u13.fT ,__A, _- . ., .. *sa.=mou.L% cmsaiajg-uNc;` N" WEITE SKIRTS. F. x. oousum-:Au & 00., Emporium 6": Fashion. Cg j&Q:w 31123311` rm-not Prlncesn and Wellington streets.- `Nice, CALL AND. see J-BIC. BOSS Pm.Nr3_g3 K TREET. Bonn labor I III SP EU I ALTIES. . um. um: I! um. RIII: Ilmvlmu . gn umnuas -Fiiin` nxrnurrr wk? I. IGEIL.h lllelngs inmbllc Buildings ,\_,mun3u I mum unuuus. lllllll brllllll) Uloull, Ill Ilzal unamp ll. Al4I|Il0N. Wilson's I!_u_|ldlngn. Kw. ANDREWS. "ro:n.n:ZouJo7nim..m.1 v Divinion of Ironhnu `I I AM nlllng I /IN???`-It IIIOII fut I-0- lnv met. no I am going uglnup Mun- ` Mom I. onlaul mark only. `now coma on A1` PIIIIDBBI | stunt. ' an-an ` illdnyn. nll aha union AlaIu--GM I damned nu I-a-u.'u Mu. (mm cnmlus sum; lwlllabunl dish: nmun llorplnn on 50 M1 for the nut. lldun. Apr 10. A. HIYTIIIIAND. Prboau B4. hum`. n.InI|$hvouII ll-MI. nun. Roqnctlully invite! mlhh runwuu-rs to pntmulu him nxunu. Cunt-r, roqutna 5 trial oflaln nlnll. Cmu-1', '||.IIveIvrnolIonl Tu Ions are pu-pan-1| up plan the most In- udluu Edward Wrcnnllnrat-. Ill Ilolulhol GI Ihlnunapuonc. ._.......... .___._.--_-:.._......_.....___.._... stun n:A1-ma Lu ,nmm1cnsoN's} Shun-sun c. - - JAR. ooulhlr. 7". mwlwull. D.A. ._._- A _____._.- huh. 5! llllltt Inn, |IIIICOI'IOlOO_I UIf- Apply In I. w. Imam. on Iln. Ion-In luau. um: -_. -.e;r.'!.!--E1. _`. _"'.'_; ,"I";'$ II III`. cl-c.n.a-an. M-38`PI:cIiL%. I nwnum.I run - -rm. nu: Imolun nuldohohd noun. topluo uuphhhlloutn. Iuultluuolhudon Journal. ' . lo. lnlhltll 731-1031 Inns. nun: manna. Inn ll I v n-nu` v: -u-- v - - ......,. notion. llduoruua ll IIIIDIA ll POSIIRIUN-tho in rlht.-:.mvvInInn `tun uu-|h;,Aon nd . llilhl OIHIAII. loud 000 IJVII OIL IHDIKEIJIEQIEL, cu-manna. For Sale 113: .. Ai|...n..'.ii' nmsoantna-fa...-. rt, will be sold lot. A I to I! 0Ioo-0nhr|oltnot 1!. Illla, go. It Bunk luau. llnphn. u `all: yll. A 'IKlIl. Iolllloil. I .:IWLAlDI. Id!'I0iIPI!*- luouilldu. "'- .:.'-"""* '0-3-3;; Inna`. i i'.r;`x'nf " Wolllutol uni. thollopol the nu- hu, M "v'v"I.nI};m. labor ; any In not not In WIT, II It Iluvuuug and banned nlnum inc the nyupuhy djyidcll. ----oo-.-.- - ---o30---- Oanvnv.-Thin morning, If!!! 3 lbw-tug illuu. In. Wnlhn dbl, M hulunuoo, `Wnotlotonof nu Porto- IOINI. Sh Md bun dnkhq Ior noun! dun. attended with uolidtndo by hot lunhud, Ir. 0. Walton, ol the Ilith Doplnnut. Ottawa, and by tho Iouhnof in fully. Thlunonl will we phi: ou hidqy. `ho Gounod nu lycaouhd, and in surviving -..| |..._..a ..|.un- inn I!-DONII OI IIAIUIAIIDI `till! 'nIono we Intolul noun. topless with `ogayunuubuo and nylo, muted on t, Iron, oppoolh the new Put. hp at ulll Icurr, In-L loch. Oonnutor. Id '3 EC! D] I PIHWI IIIUIUII VI uy~ plluli. Ho thin thanked the India and geullonon, and oxpnlud plouuro with the hunting roooption. _....--.3o--:- Snveu 81'ouu.-I.u| night 1 eevere etc-tn evept over the reupert ol the County. Whileiutheoity ill elect wee not felt, u Oeo we ere informed the wind blew Iutiouely, while the thunder end llghteuiuq kept people eweke. About 1 o oloek e whirlwind swept over the hill, end dislodged the K I P. RR. Sutton M Burk`! Oredug, doing the building euueuehle denege. -----949-o__A.. A'rni.I11(x.-The Director: of lhe Street Rellwey Oonpeuy heve greeted the me ' of their ground: in Wllllemevllle lo: the of the Athletic [ml-oeee Olub, the lint plny taking pleoe thin evening. It In the invention. to lntrodeoe ezhlotlo gunee for the benet ol lhoee who any belong to the Club, end yet do not wieh Go play leetoeee. un-no: to ulVI.-u:e Illiuluu .... en lo levy on Seturduy night, in non- ueeheuletlheperleet ovation` to that mine, full) 4.!!!) to 5,000 people having eennbled. Ale: reputed cell: be up- peued :8 one o! the window: ol the hotel end met by A perfect ehowet ol ep- _n...__ n. n... n....|..A nu India. nu! Tn Zuwn.- This evening Ool. Day- ton will lecture in tho City Hall on tho Zulnn, cl whom Io will gin I most in- huatlny ducrlption, :1 well u gin by aunt of map, oto., many dohlln of im- poruuou at the pram: time. We hope tnlunduoo will lulu-go, uni! that lmndally the loctnn will be Iuooculul. cw-2-93-o__.L- llngnIo.-L grmd nlly ol the mom- boI'I- ot tho Rologfm Committee, for Sydonllun Ward, lirequontod to meet at ;l ?(IllIuT-n1i`6ToT<>nroooF5j:i:r. Br ~ .... __.I L- AL... ----oQ>o-:T`.`. Gnuon AoeIoIn.-'.I`ho inquest bu been spin odjonrnod. Tne Globe up the condition 0! the Iu'o|-on was much ,nbout tho lone Int night. During the day Mr. Conger In vary low, but bin condition ingprovod towudu onniug, And hail now oomidu-Id out of dlll . Pouol Com-r.-John hbor wu pick- ed up yeltordny About ten |.m., Ind nu taken to the Itntlo. During the dsy - ho aoboud up and this morning In: ned I? or 10 dun. A napkin, found dmnk M. 1 an. thin morning, loft tho court 32 poorer. D|onII.-|fr. W. H. Androvu, now Iuior proprietor ol the Woodrn` Houu, Woknovn, lost his infant son on Sutur- day ennig, llld the Wnbrtown pru- uld pooplo upnu yen nympntby for M... 1.. an. ...i nfmtion. .I. tmhuosza nnonu In cm or the clan ilhbnol Mtlmruuot onodnllnnoruoh drlvm-and III ofhouu. The pn- hl nopouhlly Iolloltod. Hm III to All hdhzdsh any Inn Agnodto ll!II.--D. I. K. mm In; I-uod I us-nnt[lnr than-nu on Inn who in- lulhll bin in Tomato. ` 1.1 ? Ulllliruuuvu u N an}. and in than. Plou.-Modanto tofnnh winds, put- ly cloudy weather, with nln Inn 0'` ohn-ulnr nhuom, ` ` I UIUIIII w I-In thunder storm. loonn Anna:--'rhh naming a -.,,L -_ .3 ...AI._._ {iii 'ni7`~1`QritiIh mi; '%-- wloiimn xv-no. MAY :4, -ml Own-no: 1'0 Lnvv.-The unnlde 1 ,, . 1-,..- __ n-A....l-.. nlnln in M Hemlersziifs __`-j- __--. , ` AIDA nu. uaonun-r or cuow: anon an mown sum u- Hoath &. Gunn sc n__ _.x-a . |sPRm " ___._1__ U Iulual `u: `fill: and Huang! nnnnnnnnonu Inonl Inle- ` I35 fl-luau IIIOOC. ll, I2. 1 V V 1 ` Ida 0' ' .-._. any in noum'r. T I` 9', , `|,'!1 - FIVE L0 OI Alton and Nolonn ltrootn. well too and Inunlrulnoy also cousin 0 unto: oloboloo apple mu. Apply to I. W. HD3111`.