Daily British Whig (1850), 16 May 1879, p. 2

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--~ion-tu~bo+-`ono-tonal nun, Jun mun; ,, VI "3 Dulllllm LIU III pith in Int Lvuiul lau lnuly land mean In nvino it: diooun-. o mud aplniszn 91.` Pr;-l.d9nt._ no Iuu rooontly doniouptnlad Ilia pouonlun of mini: non Book buuo than they gnu him audit (or. Hi: 'utu`u~ Inn lnllon thick and but upon Democratic legitim- tiou, sud u the Deinoanu are not nu- nuriully ptrongju uitlur Home to our- , rido his veto by I two-third: majority, tlia Rcpubllnnna um jubilant on the van- tiii EEIIRI lllich the uuo-mun power nl Ihi Wlii Hiiuu hui uotdid thorn. `flu Republican: no no alntod ovor Ilia lull} of Hayes to tho party which hind to elect him to the `Presidency that, but (or Inn long since Announced dutcnniur might nglin be put [award {or rononiinr liuu. 'l`lntlio could by ro-ulucted in lunch I cuo than in not the ghost oi n oluuoo, und his dinorotion would uutperuut him to no tempt the fntvu. Tho dominant putty Ill Uongrcu could, uf oouuomgjxt the veto lloapotiun by withholding the Inppliu, but us such an oxlromu oouuo would not win for them my pupulu oylnpuihy they will be sure not to ruort to it. M the nut Pi-eudouoy in the game forghluh both portion no now pltying, the action of the Pn-aidpnt,in going this on lira putlur ` with lain party, IQ signicant. u an indiu- tion that tho lopublicnnn hnp'o for pro- uiodl little from Southern oouciliution,s_ud intend to nine lllu bug-but of Southern noproinncy Illd the digtupt-ion 01 IO U{uon, by mum of which to rally lo thoii nuppmt the united Republican party of the North in it exmod during sud shortly alter the and the civil In. The old vur iuuu, however, no dead beyond Iismraecliunf It will dliuult fur the p zount Pruidout and his yuty to ruin spin! the in: for the inlogrity and oaluty oi the Union, and the Domoontn ni IN! by nuolid South, will enter upon Ilia Iuutlo {or the Pruidancy with the cluucu vary largely in favour of their -unnnnn DOIHI IIII YIDIIOOIO Old W, IIC -mi vein that tho boots won running npulud mm shun. ho loft, uilug Ad- minl Rodger: tnvun tho town that in than hcmn non ho would bombard tho Ina. Accordingly, throo hour: km the hnnlnont oonmonood, and land till tho turn us Nlduond In uhu oounu-uncut oomnonoou, um I roduood to abut. Pnnunn, May 7. -Diroot communica- Nun by cable and the Inna-Andino line between Peru and Eurnpo II for the pre- ' wut inhrrnpod,Admu-3| I.hobolldo,ol the Clnhnn nqnadron, Inning out u aunt able at lqmqnonud ukun Lhcchili and un bond to place hinnulf in dirochoInuuni- oniun with M: (lovornmum At Sonthgu. Pilludl hu bran bomblrbod And do- nrnyod, min; I Inn of 1,000,000 Iolu (I9li0,()00). lquiquo Ill bomlnrdod for half an hour; '0 triing. AI lo bom- lmd-nom. u! Pingun, us the commence- uaum of the light Rut-Admin! lingers, 0! H10 Punuooln, cu lilting from the shore an Inn Ihip with In fumly. when I bull {mm the Cblliul hock untied puny hi: ensign. llonignollod tho Obilinn ag-nhi , and Admin! Robolldo but on board 6 0 Pouhool and npologiud and union thoob-nu won ncnhlnu u nomng cunluuuu. Ye-utordny nfte-rno -1: while Mr. Lindny Runmll, Surveyor General, was ntloulpiigg to mount. Rm hono,Iho Animal be-cama Inghtmml and mud unruly. Hi: font. in in the unipn st tho timu, and luv mu thruwu vnlently to the .1: mad. lrncturmuhm nrm Am] dinlmut- am! nu Inu Lnruwu vnuonuy 30 Inc `I nml, Irnctunruunglnnanrm and dislocat- mg hi: shoulder. ' - ooo-- - - w- A Town Bmuba-;i;l Haagna in Ann", I curmnuy muuvou. Mr. Dunhomny. and span] of nun-vey- nra who vmru dening the line: in several timber Iimna m tho Liavro district, have returned tn lhu city. Ti ey hlvo been out 4;! days, uml had only I uupply cf prnvmuna lot 30 dnys. They In-ru ubllge-I to hm. for seven! day: before in Aching clVI|I7.Il.iuII. V-nun-dnv Afton-nn m uhiln II I- .\ low day: ago Mr. Donald Campbell, ul luwchlher, who clnma M be the eldest Cnmpbell in Canada, vuitetl Hi: Excel- lancy the Governor-(lsnanl and In cordially ruoolvul. Mr llnnlmnnnv nml Ann:-lv nl guru:-v- unluod with tho lonhu pohthnl did. In has with `tho paint job out put- pouuodintbo British lupin, add- at use-on)-on UNIII-Mn; 0! In uwn quick! pliul ad-nu Ibo pdbn HIM upuulln WQUW] IO! nan: Pnhnnlmn I--u Inland low um remain. Mourl. Derhvnhire, Hamel, Biulot Incl Trude-an, Unundinn Pnoilio Railway En: gin:-on, left has night. {or Puneunynh shone. \ 1'`... J... -.... "- l\..--I.l l'\-.....I...II . . uu-nun-um ;uuw., , . mun, May }6.~--A large number of member: ul Pnlvanmnt left for homo. A few still remain. II..--. TL.-lu.-L-.. ll.......I D.*..--L _._.l London, May 16 --Auvicea from Cape Town say that tho Nuul Legislature ha: refused tu smlctluu the proclnmntion ofmnrtinl lmv. Suvnml of the outlying fnrcen hnvo had slight eugugelnonta with Zulu a. ----- --- 900 ----.__. Lam-ma for llomcu Vuaung the (lovcruor---Survcymg-n Arct- drul. UIILU Ill!) |)|I TIIHU . St. Pelersburg, May 16.-'I'he cntlle plzlgnohals uuulu iln uppggrgmcu In the dmrict. Mound this city. Rmuc, May l6.-~Vury auvoru weather Inning the past. week threaten: tho uni- vernal destruction of the silk worm: in Italy. Lnmdun. Blur ll`. __Anvi.van from (`mun Harlin, May I0 -1126 debate on tha 'I`nri' Bill was cunnnuad in the |leich- mug yesterday, and uovonnl unimportant modications were made. A lively dil- cumnu tuuk place on the section rulning to the duties on irnn, after which the de- bate zuljnurlmd. ~ Hf Paioralmru Man U`. ._ I`hn nnllln , nu not noon rencinuuu. . Tho Itonnmr Minneuuln sud Llnhopo arrived at Liverpool {ruin Benton. with upward: of 1,300 pigs The Government 1' inspector dincuvereu tho Iorioul pretence . uf typhmd fever llllltlllg the nuimula, and . the whales of the cnrgu wow ordered to ho nlnughmrad within Ion dlyu. The L arrangmm-nu lur alnnghluring no ox- , tremely bad, and great expense will , be incurred nltugollier; 3,500 have lwen . Ilnnghtoredun ucconm. of typhoid {over mnou Ilio liratinnt. Thelou to impur- hr: in \\:I`)' :4--riuul. . Lomlun, M.-iy Iii.-~.lomo excitement. wu canned yi~.'1t-hluy III this city by the announcmnunt. uf Um lailuro of` three (.lnrmAnhuuuu,lugu.ly.4ngAgod-in the V Afllcllll lrudu, and having ngohcien in London. The lirm of M. L. Bauer 3 Cn., of this city, were the London Agents of Ilia African Trndinu Company, of Rat- tordnm. and thu lirm had high minding, but yesterday the-ir bills were returned protested in I large amount. nnd their failure was inevimhla aimnltnuooualy. Them came now: an! llm auapeulion 0! two other Rottordarn rnu with largo liabili- tiea. The cumlitiuu of the German trade with Africa has for some limo been pro- cm-Iona. Berlin, Mny I6 -'l`ho debate the unug uunlull mu: proper (run. In the House 0! Commons the Uov~ ornunont cunlndictud the statement of Profeuor William: that American cattle are not suffering from pluero-pnenmuniu since the order lnr compulsory Ilnughter hu not been reucindud. 'l`Iu.-Onnnmr Il:'nn.....I. .u.l '.|nhnnA v London, May lb.-Hnn}nn, Wnrd nud . Duh Inn boon in Scotland enjoying ` Ihumulvoo, but they return to Nowsantlu on uiuuday. Elliott in trying to imitate lhulufu nylc, |l.r0hi,IHd, and II]. It ,i: generally thought he in Ieuouing hi; chance by tin"-,u it in innpuuiblo to lurn I new lyllelll ol routing in I month. Orixica an gnmmink Elliott. with Advice, gnocl, bad and inditfumnt, And he will be glad when the Anir ll over. I7...1..u. Mnv 1l.-lhnlAn vnitad Pul- glad when use nnlr owl . Iulun, May lI.-lhnlnn visited l., ut- ney yeolurdny nud ncullod with Plniuad to liquunanmnll Bridge And had I lfnrp spin back. He rouumeq training on Mon day at Nvwcaatle. Ha ap`pu|rI in the but u! health,nnd does not anticipate my severe labour will be nooeuuy. to bring himlulf into trim. WU UXUVCX WUT: I? TCIIIITIT liouol\hohMGovo|'nnonOboooOIidn' odulhlngollhoput mdlboonnubn od /cud. llama : the Qcohdooln mu vhuubu hands` no indelibly -n..l_.4I -ML IL` hush-A I-nhlnnl 1-i-4 A ` (Peruo..u`utonl.6u.1 Ta-vuhlo, Ml] I6.-`THO Glob Ill munung contain: the following opooinl able: ' |.....z.... M... II. _ u...1... w--a -...| llanlanva Tour-Could Dictato- lloa Slaughter-Ilnauotal Ez- cltnu cub German Tat-il-llar~ Mal Law. soum a_m_nicA. .-I|uIl-N rail-33; I O0 (I`rr Dominion Line.) Man II! ,. A Inn... nu unique. Tuii.` oi1'.;_.'..: zungguu. In reply to the count 0! lieoppooitiovn, that Sir John : ehiel oily ooloido 0! Iain own propor potty In tho! nowed w- nenuionilt, Goldwin Smith, the Tory Clnioltoiu peupetnted qoe of the null oudociouoly lnpodom opoeehoo that oven he boo one mode in PIr|nomoot,oud tlllo. In good tooth, II ying o good duel. Of omme Mo uuorouao were cheered to the echo by bit Potljnnenlory miniuno, but not even the liooneo u! the: looodouo humor, in which Sir John ooeouoo to ho ouch on adept, will pollute the Impot- unouoeo with which the npoooh in quee- tion obounded. Hie boiler About the "Iii!-y thoooond hhenlo" who, ith ol- logod, had eeoedod Inn their pony ood, onher heeded or fancied by It. Smith. hod elfeoted the change in tho Govern- mont, might ho poued our on so much ohol, olthough it oettoinly did not new coboin voty [obd tutetnuo to count when duetbn for lhoir oupport without I-oncibly neuoiliog um: usiotoneo by rcpt-oeontotion in the Oobinol. Bu! per- laopo the hoot llonfoeod ovowol tllu tho speech oontoinod no the dedu-otiun tlsot o good men, live you tune muot poooouoy belore u oxporioneo eltho loot Ive yeon would put one; from the mind: of tho peoyle," end that notllll thouoolthennu or it-oodouooullho ......-. -I..o-_ .......l.n Ink. ..l...d.on.- mm:-vu Int .4 land 140.1. 'KlI~ UN 6. 7| I-1 d U:-nu--IM I '.`.lIi|. II. III uuvuuuuvuuo. -The nwurd ol the J udgo 0! Durham Own Conn yollovdny, III the out nub- nl by the and ovnan and ulinon, rdndng tho run, in strongly (Ibup- pnnd of. Tho ufnrl In-ch} will IAI- Ibou whether they win mum nth. .O 1 noun! at was way. In` the Oovuuunont ._-n.- .-...I ..l n.. wul not Iuuuy DI ruunod. -'l'ho Oouncll --I Shh enmrllod the View 0! `ho Ilbuiatot M the lntuiur, tin the Ilka`: II n Fury : Eduonon Ball, by the Arch man not Au. Ill illqnl. --Th French woman! will on 8:- tudny dunnd from the Do tho, n- Ilotinuoa Io prououto Do nuunu, 5 -nnhcnl that hath. lot nth-In Allnal. Ilonnuon Io prouculo In Uuugnu, noaiuol that bad]. to: uuclu aunt- Inn tho (lontmnonl. .....-.u--uu llivvu , --'l`vo Rmurdnm trading omnpnni-a hlvo hilod ; linlnlitin about 7I>0,(J(X). Tho Inn sumo L-mdou cnnnoctiom, but the out: no mutly In llulluul. ....II In mnnnd thnl tho Inhnh um um `I. III". II . WIUIII, Ill IIUHIINI. ---II In rupotkd thu the debut: cm the motion In anuro tho Inn|ulon,with ro- gu-d to their Abuse I! tho prctwum-, will not likely be resumed. -'l'ho Council an! Shh eunrnnl lhn lonulenucl [or Hm I! In" l.`~ml. I (`I N. hold her trial ull NI:-Inlay. The Trltwuru puhlmlu-I an nruck-, ul- luging that llw I; Luv: -`I Iho Inch It-lynl Regiment hum In-an Igmm-ul by the Cmnmu-dung Uiru , than Um fumln -I the Regiment nru nnnccammed fur , that than II grunt dllantlltlcllrll, and that the Regiment ru-qum I ;--gum-rnnun. -- coo - -- WIIII IIFIIUIII Ill IIII FTTIIVISE and could not relish nor may with win! may dodnod tu'bo Ml Iuudlin pnndoring ca the proutntd but still erce douwcruy ul up sauna. Tu. Iu pm, or the Noun I... I.1.I- hul -nu-. n.. ..-:.. in. .II........ `I11 : Tnrontn, May Hi Jaumm U'Nei|Am| Sumo:-I |`uIluw,l|n- Iulrglruri wlm walu nrruh-d Int night, lH'rI' brought up at the l'ulncu ()4 url Una morning. and won! hold for trial Mu-Inlay. TI... `l`.I...-..... ....|.1 ru nun , OOH. lllpyurum llu SI! b'm`urd Nu pron an opinl-m time In cnnanlrr 1 Thu hill was rna The [7lIdt~r-Hmtr oism } fhirn nmnl Ind ounolualul In In -an .n......--.. .. |...u\ Burglar.-u I.`c-mmulul --- Sn-(mun I4'lHur_u Jlu.-uu. uoa, um mmm~umr ganugv um UlH|lIC\'|lul`; n! the university tn lm appoiuled by tho ' Lord Liuutommt uf lreland,1ud Um unnu- bon .1 me ammtu to bu nppunnta-nnce, the Lord Liauh-naut III the link. Illl. Irish but tlmrcuftur Ln hr elm-,tu--I. San-rulhlvish mumbura and Mumra. Fnrulvr and Faw- cett Illppurtml Hm 11!. Nurtlm--to deulim-d tn ex- London, Mny I5. In Hm llunso uf Common: tn-day the 1 >`(3.m- 1- Don intro- duced a bill lo ntnbhah n Univuraity nf St Pmrlck ul liulnlm wnh ullilialul cul- legoa, making prnvminn fur h~l|uwIdupn, lchulnrlhlps, and a-alnlutmn.-, M. n coat. of ono and 3 half Imllum puunm to be do- frlyod frnm thu lrn-h Church tonn;or.1li- lies, the (7Iu|Iu`('Hur :and|Vu~.. Uhl|l|C\'"ul`, tn the Ilnivnrulv ln Im .-uumilnlml Irv than to white Ivmmn Milfurd, l`u., Mny l6.-The res in Pike cuuuly mo gradually being sul>du~ ed. The lcrntury burned uvc-r ulelula thirty miles in length by many in width --o0o The Ish I 1ln`:rs_1I[/ Bill lfomlu l"ir':4I 'l imr. mnrnea contrary no mo anus uuu. Revl. Rube-rt Jelfroy and William H. Auden-nun, two In-[U41 culored prencheru, have been urn.->1` 1 {ur Iunrrying negruea to white u;u.....i 11.. M.... in rm.. 4:... :.. IVQW IUTH, llly II). `A! H10 BLOCK FAX` change: this ninrnIni_: lhv \\'imLnru l7nmn opened it I14. Un the `strength of UN! seven million: nurplua this stock divided yelterduy. nfturwnnls the price full HT ((1 III}. On account-if anmo realizing in prot: it has nincu l"t`1lCl\-(.1 tu 112;, and at lill hour, 10:45, in quulud at 111. . Tnrra Hniue. Iud.. Muv l(i.-rEiuht' at um uour,, lU:`lD, In quuluu Bl u'.:. Torre Hume, lud., May lli.--Eiyht ' persona haw boon urrmstud fur being married contrary to the State In". Ran. Robert Jeifruv H. Pmidout lhnn-n:-o M. In Uln- ning but the Hound HI puny which Ma pro-Southern onnoillatiunn at the ho- ginnjngpl Inn bun did Io_ much to nliuuu. The M906} dun Rcpuhlinu warn inpatient. 0! his puio pnnolivitiu, Anal nnnld not nnli-In nnr nun: -ilk -hnl ` n nnnauome l'(|Bl(10nC(` upon in. New York, May 14' ~Uurn-Iius Vim derbilt imilnd fur Europa yes-terdny. His brolhr, Wiliuini, mils to-nmrrmv. The lntler any: Hm purpm.-o of the trip is merely recreation. New Yurk, May ll}. ~At the Stuck Ex- nlmmm thin IllI'|iIlI| Hm \\'mLrn Union or me Jury in L-x[wt:h nu. ` William Lloyd (-`anisnn in reported convslewent. Uornoliua J. Vanderbilt purchuull a property in Want llnrlfunl, Uunn., which he lunnerly owned, and intends to bulltl a handsome residence` pull it. Nnw Ynrlc, Mnv Ill -Unrnt-liun Van (Per Iluminiun lune.) -- -Nuv +rrlt,~Mny--l+`r.--~'Hmn1'x weeks trial of Uolulnuaaium-rs of the City \Vurl(I, Flnharty and llrnm-ll, and Water Purveyur Milm,-,uf Brut-lxlyn, mlwl yua- terdny. 'l'l1o defendants wuss Indicted fur conspiracy nu having maintained upon the pay rulls nf lhu my Illmul. vlvclinn timulaat. yearn Inrgu numlwr u-I wurlr men who did nuthmu. A tlitmgrrolnwlxt of the jury in L'X[)(`ChIl. Lluvd nnmrted some wnu qlmonu to gen pnymg cargo:-u. The notation: bur ulnr `Road Lou-y,o! New York, who My escaped from Ludlow Street Jail if 3 mm who claim: to be acquainted with the rod hudod rogue can be believed, was in this city on Monday lust, nnd went west, probably to Toronto . - l'underIn I!` Fun and liiclrc-a~~ I mpeurh m on! of U])lrn,uI.u~ Elec- (Ion. .Iubb(-ry (I)-cu! I"i)'('~'. one:-mg, and lralgnu rule low. Tho cattle export trade ha: been brink, rid In All some 2,000 hand of cattle have Alrndv bun nhinngd this unnnn. And rm II) All 21,000 mmu or cuuo nave Already ban shipped this nouou, and thin bu boon of matcrinl benet. to stum- on, which would othonvilu have found it that djfonlt to get: paying The notation: bnmnlnr `Raul Len:-v.uf no gran mommy. The quantity of grain oomilvg forward in not up to the amount of the tonnlge olforlng, and lroighu rule low. The cattle oxnon tncla ha been brink. ITTIVHI OK "10 Ifglllll. ` A nubocnptun lust. has been started with $500 by the Smninnry, fur eroc-ting n monument to the mamoryyf Multan- nouvp, founder of Montreal. Than in A mndm-Am nxnurt lrmla, Iml. `PIOIJVIIA In IIIIEIIO nolkun an I lolloul Aureul llmhdoy. at IU nlqnnmulu ad to s Uranus hula Iugau undo ul-or d hula uilbit In tbs -annual nnbrnnhn 1 nuuueu. - It hu been do cm`-~-l that lhe band of 13th.. Br:-:hl_\ n :.. _n......l(DodIIorth -) will gave an i:...Lu.ma.-nu] and vocal cun- oort ull tbcg oveuiang uf '.::rd., dftgf the Arrival of the la-giunent. nubccrmtnn hm. hm hmm nlurtud Iounaar 0! Montreal. Then in A moderate export tnde, but grout activity. aunnlilv urnin oomim: uecm-unon nu not yet. unwed however. Maura Lock`.-, \VeyImn 8: Co., succes- ugn lu Luo`kie,Mnhauu .9; Cu, are languid- Ming their Affair: with a view to touring from the genura! groccry trudu, and cun- niug thaum-Jven In the commiuion buainen. I. I... 1...... -...n .1.-. n... 5...: ..: (Per lJonx:;c:u hbue.) Iontrul, Mny l6.-lt .iI ll-lhd thy tho lhchnungo Bank will pay their lull yearly dnvidond. The uuunl time of decltution has not ycl. unwed however. nun la:-Lin \Vnu-um R: {`.:. mum..- Bank Dividend --- lAqutdauug+ lnabolulau-o-(,om:crt-a'(auo of 151440 cl'., | . umPET:|ALTEA5LiiiTEuI. (Per lPoIm'm'un MM ) . D._u-..I-.. A--.I:.._ _... -`VV.'II`EST.h - 9-9 TORONTO. ..__..- --o 0 a._._.__ IMEBICIN. I lllllll I r lhu I-ill. ram! 1: hrs: urrnlary nf nl hon In-In Era. I II) ul'N\(`.nI lll -ow-L 0cIo.IIg|I Ina l-. _l.. Ill. hc..t,o ax- ml the Home Ind . n.;n v nl nuuu mr l'nI'- In-Ilvutl Horumny IHUI Hnnmo, hut hr ll'u.'|ly lnul hem: r,,.r.-.- -_... - Oi loony.-Ibo mu Inn, - I tlolnlloo Watts, loud pl :7..- aqua: In its you. vi:h:'- Foo Ibo ouuutlu cl Plnnhnlh (loollu Illd I\I liop Iirllllh $00310] um luau on the nun and luolvnt, ulna u 9-no. Ahofottho I-not Aouugb ovhn to the luolvnl Anointing Iulllnly Inll`. at :'-'::h on the claim. 00 puchuur tub; I. "1'-ado`:-my bo||nh lav um out ud eoou upon-nu ulogubac. Puululun noel picnic: in nut stool nu Aeaouh 0-pulul Uncut. tlh stool no: to but on option In IE0 can I. I Andaman -9 on up to 'l'UllDA1.0IOIDIiIsy allay I :'0,Mlo'n|ooI -.. runbomotot hug now: IN Dunn-no idooglog In luotvnl. Insolvent Act of1875 AID AIIIDIIO LOTS. """' w. coggznau. n...og,nuIq,nn T ' % name one, name all. and but thin mat Inunhsble. plrufn . lnton-ting nod lnlmur Na ululnuc. Adll bl No. Tu-hon can ho had M. Ir. Wand`: unk Mammoth Cave. Kentucky.` IN Tlllt`. JH .ItK I I PIIIIRRII MR3`. Dlliilzli VANCO'I"I` urn: I\|1l In-n uu-n Annlatau `I In-sdny Evening, In 20th. Ihptno. it In, 1.0. [China Tea Sels. &c.! u 1;; gang gm -1: M9. ..-,.:t..,._ .. , ..._._.... TINIIRIHIIIUI be nadnl iyth coder pl ad TUIIDAY. Ibotbdq allay. I -q'"._..MM (local: 3 hrnnnn hdunhnn 'i``Y9.AT?f" L IIDWCH to lomvu nhmr ortlc-ru in Hume 1Ii||l8l_y, mu wu do not Inwml koaplng than: in gun-.k. nml will uuly gunruutno to Iupply thaw whu urder mu-I-ml ulnyn pronoun to line `..`lIh instaunt. Illa ululnul. Adniuion U0. Twist: on ha! :0. Ir. Wood`o Book man. I -portnt 3.0: by Tudor. M070. My m-dz-r of Ccummul. ` IAII [Mam-cA|. HALL 1] l~`Ire Works. I-`lama, Chinese Lan- terns. Wax fnndlu, White J; lfolol-ed Gclaune Lanterns. )AR'l`H`I.'l wunlmg any of the `xhova vm l|)W lnnvu lhmr nu: uliumlv. in in In Ilnl. lulu .I Irnnnlna um... rk1bAv av'xu. in u, 79. jecuratios It Il`lliIIliIl8.t iiunti. -I. I. PAKISIIILL. I-`umil_y(}ro:-1-r. Wino nud Spirit Ihrchnnt, l(|nm-uni. Man hllll. BRANDY- VIN TAGE OF 1870. Native Wine, FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES. 5|'|'P'0G0'I exhilmion At tho 1.- I `I'll! NATTII I IICUIII. IIBIL PA`l"IICl--A INIOL VIII . cm or Jglmou. At PAm(HILL*s] SPARKLING ALE, MARCH BREWINGS MM` llilh. uuuutjguhcun. .u-n---urn. v-nu. .--u.-u-nu- IN Tm: JUBILI-.'E I. I. cuvncu.` $15.4 LED 'l`KNI)IKH will he l'N`Q|VH.I by "ID K lnulnn-ignml until 6 o'clock p.m.. un IUNIJAY, Ilm |`Jlh inn... for tho emotion of ROBERTSON & BROS. ' I I so In ; tua, unolco 6 lo ll. lune: -puad3,65; purl: 15,60 to 5.65. Seeds- timntl-'y 2,00 per 4!) lbs. Clover 7 to 7} per lb. - I|4`o SIIIIIIIIIII v-nI\/VI WILL DELIVII HER ADDII38 (IN Tllls`. A _ , Iounnl. Iny I6 LU Flour nurhl uwdontaly Active and very rm. Rucoipu 19(1) tblu. Bah: of 500 Inporlino at 4.00. Quotation: Extra nu rinr 4.75 ta 4,80 ; ulr: Iupt-nine old It 4 55 to 4.60; fnncy I 4.40 to 4 -I4 ); lpriug aura 4,35 to 4,40: lupernu 4 00 In 4.06; urong um.-'. 4,40 In -1.60; ne 3.30 to 3,-lunnlddlingl 3,00 tn :1 Hl;poI|I|r1ig 2.60 to 2,805 Ugper Cw- nu. bug: per I00 lho 2,22 tu 2,17}; city bngrdeliverod 2.30 ; oatmeal. Un- turm. huldquint. :1. 4,25; corn meal 2.130 In 2 60. Lard 9] tn 1; for tub: and pails; park 13 G0 tn I-4.00 twcnrding `Maud; ham 0} to 10; Ichuemti tn 8; butler, new, II to 16; old, choieo8 to II. Ashen -nnl.n 3 415- nnnrln 5 RH in 5 (LE RuA1'n_, lie: !"~_w.-_ REGEPTIUN PLATFORM. IATUIDAY. `Hermann for pun-hue of hardware nook received It noun. * Y M , n':.`.'.'::;,A-.'.'.'...,_"``.---a ., _ '31. :-_9u... `I u.,..5I .4 lug. Lu ! It the Open Ho.-uo`o-l p.n. IATIIIYIA Y For Medical Puvpooem V EALEI) 'l`II.'Nl)IRH will be moelvrd by tho , p.m.. RE6EI3oN. A 7` I Al:'I|'UlLl4`b' In IJJI I .\ I) I-1'h'S. _.: n of lnnnor sou. very nut dcmgm. uu ml J. Y. PAIIKIHLL. un.I Hniuil ll---l.....a th Iuviiii-C nanny-cal app-cat for }nor.\vIu.un I-lilllou m `Honda: h the Dunn'- urilv M-nvpu . IRVING. Uhuil-IL an `NI. W-$113 --.:.'.T:::v.-:2.` Inll. Ilmd. Dlvhi A dnn I iou-im.i. " L0fHrIM.;;n II. me an: 0000 luau botvwu Ihovll `I lhblusld the invnni llolu. hr`..- T"'""" `'A"v`5n a noun. In In. dud nun oydlola hot in vuouhu [or In no -In . `fat-n vnnilnl-k. 4' W who cl I4: mun-In ll lInl`.lI Jump|nIne Kid Uluvlun ul 9!: (`in per I a.r_ Mu.) n Pluhl H0! at S. BURGESS & SON I Fancyand Suplo Dry Goodmtlinory I dun. Av ay I0 In um-.k.cv HtrI|u:W|IH4-, nusuns nmn-nu & Whine striped Jlnsllnu. Navy Blue lIlIlI"\r"llN` Hlrlped lInnllus_ JAMESWFQRD-I Hay lllh vnvll-on-"0737 nun gm, L B ' T-.`` [sh-nnauuppd. n-nu tau, run-um. It-I-I-. I-alums Iloootvocl This Day! Choice Sugar cured Hum, Spiced Roll Bacon, Smoked Bacon, Boneless Bacon. ` `ni an on to ur. ]KingstnnandPemhmke] uu., an, l KIN(YI'.'h'6 BTRIICT. May 13th. mcs'r MILHT lucs I` In-:1-J1` IlI'L'l` ,` Ijuuquu-uvu-u-up-ru uu un- . In it-qhluoupluldylo in has . h||lnououhqu,anJs|uhou onnhvuthnuu-oundnlu lldybouuuhladhly IItIndd`d&oDIIlI!|0Idnd the uIIyIoI,nlp&loulIIopouun.~ nnuyd-Iuabuubodqtluntcrw` ulbIbvunlq@h.ud|houo-r that I I `I I hb&bhIuIIhbhuunIu,|nI: n I I Iipi`L.n-lhvhibbthuubt nq&pIhUIhIt|F'lOIIIoo- The ulmvo Goods any nl) of IM .~'pring'n purahu-1!. nun! bought. on tho very neat u-rzm-. clmrufure the public nmv dc-pc-ml on gutting good and genuine bu-guunm. mi woum cletennlned to u unr Ihu onldrouwk out in three we-elm. (`mun mm and wll un.l swcuro a hurznin. Aha. 5.000 yard: Aim-rivun Priuln lrunn bots. Hll`K|s.) & lLl4."l'!`, Next (luau); Jewollry morn. Priucoon 81,. May Iil. TBEMENDOUS BARGAINS Immense Elearing Sale SPRING 8 SUMMER DRESS GOODS Agrll for I May ltlh i uainvniui \VA'N'l'll|. luau`: BEST BEST |l8'l' IIIMI1` }HlEKEY&ILETT'Sl ensl admission {-0 clnnnd `.'. 1mn. ` The Isle uf tlulmln will c-mnnumm on Mon- dnv. May l`llln.nt N W4xul' Boohluro. , no grunt` Pimlu Ilnwl In` lluin Cnupnny in Mum 04-lubrnlul Wnher .`\lxmulu.-lure. Mus loll: '.I:'HJiI :M:1R.'I'. [EMU BUYANYWHFEREI (Inn-in ca mu ire urden d AI. loo nluci. Li at o | ri~a-Rnu~rn~d Home '21 cm. In~ Idniuinn run And `.."nmA. (livid VIII pom-mum: an Inn. 3 The Gnsueni Living Comm. Plnyerguinlod by nrno Dora Gordon Steele, Surluno. llr. `loin Bullock. ' 'l`nu- u-...-. n|..,L. .....rv-___ _.. W [I ICIO. nun III uuvu IUD ul- WlIl8`l'J\J|IuIldKI`l. ggjg, `bu-yhgla Ihohnquh hndaooulotnu ocoulou. M0 005"! dug!` the purpouuion ol Obootlno did holldllv ulnluodbolon the Iqdonuoucllbovlcrutionlu llftudvlhlhobotllyitpnund la`: J..-. .n-IA- I-uh Haz KI: nnnnlunnll .-no -v-u -I-uvt-9 Tm: Hun Rx-`.unu Tnmu. Mr. George W. olby. Punmr `um Amm...._.... The Great Muolcnl and F ashlonablo Event. .4-_ Grand Concert roniegru MAY. Q13I}fRA H61 fs 1-:. ' I Friday, May 19th. I 7-- #113 '2L.'5" .'. ."n'.'...'.`,~."" I. OH. Ii 5! M ny Imh. Ul.EARING HALE ol I-`nrnitnrn lu-.. M. llulwht-uou`n ltomnn 'l'UMOIkUW. at. H) 30. cmuuiutlllg of `Palm-H. Muun-rm-Io, \VlIul. Nuns. (HI ('|uI. l|rnnnu~nt~. Hm-ker-c. Wnuh CST CH1` EST 5151` EDT E81` E81 E81` 131` :81` IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN K INU.-i1`uN K mm-m m K I.~'(m1`UN K I Nm-m ml KINHS l`0N l(INu8'DON KING!-l'l`0N KlNtm1`0N K I NnsTuN KINGSTON Toronto our Moro, I. I()BI1lUl. IUIQT I'I;XI.-W' WT. I" drop Olll lhlllloullluunln HUI ll 1"`. WCIC DIG 3`! J`. ;n_ ___.....| A.A._.| n..|_- .1 ....L TEA DEPOT. LEVY, Iillvl An`! In (3-Vnluul uud Nun; lilac. - Iluullml I-'l.ul'lc Pl/WI`. 1' I u 1: } Ln: 1: rwuu I-`l.()l`lt Iv`l.()UI( FIAIIIII Irumu l"L0l'l Iusuuw. ~'..'H'ui`.lh,IAIll. Dlvhl-0 It. hIh[JQIu| It Auuainanrs.` {L Minn d , `VIII;-vllit ()N 1:3. - ............... .. ....... .. tonuu bompn-an opposite, or any body cl hi onuuuynan. Iluoovu they elculobthgthu Iuhrup lordhcuu doc 3" cunning. coo. lurlhut on, the `X ll CVHI-In Do! that they Id not In mane mum... uu/~a\o..- .Au.._'. l. (III I ll... ...- L--. uh. I-_ -ON E- no I'"I',p Punmr an Acconrumr. nt-. l(m-keru. Wuull , ('rllv, Ih-trngurntor . nu-rcmcs(m_ A new inn-.4 IJIIICHUN. Allctitvgwgf, I-no-on An;-at aqua... nu. run In but-1. RICEIOND I BOYDEN '5 M1 or um, Luanda: Mu. llthl xi? 5] Tonia. OLD PRICES KIJIIOIUUI IUIIIVIIIIV Iuvyv-vtvw` nh I171. Iiuovohuolho lo- u....u......:..|...lm..l..nHmdnuu COLORED SILKS I The Reception I " MEAT VIIIET Y, UXNIDURI-IAM I CORK L D|I'Ia()'U'II.- lhvwnrn ul inf:-rlnr Innluu, tunna nib-HIIIOMI I0. llw lnrgar promn. inote. `BLACK A: III: nil-In mum-Iinn no . Innl. rum IIIIJC lm lain u-- Ilrgo nquuullly intu Hm run Cocoa. . . an ohup. Mnyl, In lth` GKIII7 ICI VIZZIX IIIII IIUI-IJ IIIII. nqudoo, to wpatad Inn clnllongo, un- nonudog that ho would be only loo ghd 5.. 2-AL Lnn -AQII-1-an nnluunO` no nin- Tlwfjjy --v cucnnlltgdhuliuliuuii It Join Maul clalhonldlhvto bulk handgun.` sheaths-qhu .-unnusivln-cuunuuhu-nut; hvinuu-L I-ugh!-iblnnhlu FLAGS FOR THE RBCEPTIIDH. French, All|(`l`iu.`|lI anal Japan:-I4-, lat at Ityloo at Henderson's Fans for the Reception nuur.) Caue|l | Mngnzinn, Good \Vu:.I.-, Hun- llly It Homo, Fmnily IlmnM_ Uhnnlmn Henld. Mngnzino n! An, UImu.|.cn'n Juurnnl, Funily Treuury, lhud of Ho , Children`: Fur.-ml, and a host of 8. '. Paper for Mny. P*E91?I. s~s_ 1:-s_vAr-I Young Indy : Juurunl fun In Boy`: Own Paper, [nut :1 number.) CALM-.ll l Mllvnvilnn Hm! \\ . AT HEN DE RSON S Contains Grandfather's Clock. Chiming Bells, Angels Whisper. Little Old Log Cabin , Gathering swam, Mokiifgkiiifdilifl Eevra1" others, all full muhio size. Free by mail for 35 cents from "1 T 1'7". Cr III UU1 VICKI : II would It JCIQUIJ fnrLou.ponUuuculo brinqupth lucuaos of (MI nuttwal any an they thou. Doclulna that tho country lull Vindioulcd bin hall) that .......L._ L._....o..I Ln. ..h.'II...... ...- imnnnnsozau '5 Book & Music Store KINGSTON. I Splendid lot In arrlvo tn-Innrruw :n HENDEllSUN'b' lANl'\' S lullld. French Kid Gli)vr.'I, nn mm uoumnent in HM), thrrv, our ` t-utwnn. 4-...-- . _. V . __.._.__.__._.` Hnwfs Musical Llbrary. BOOK 27, ONLY 35 CENTS. Real 'l`urclmn Lac. 'l`rInnuuJ Ha|nd< kerchinls, very hnmlaumo imuulivmn lrun~ uoln, Cluny and Point Luv lluldlu-I - chiefs. New Ruohingu, 'l`i..... Ia`. New Cluny Luau, 'l`..-..h .... I nu: snowmu ` xnvnms stn1*ABI.i':. run `run: llllttl-ll"! IUH. pm: Vnncxrib; ,_~__V ___ _ Kingston, lay Huh. ,_-_,__r. , _. -__`__A ~u- www-:1 _l"1"()-n-1"0ld England" Dixcct. An inspection invit-ml. R. & J. GARDINER Bookstore- PRINOESB srnwr. Mm I fut Uhamna Lama-rnu, ltlnlup ml Lunoa nlhnnll ' prots. nu u-vow, Tutchon L800! Il.-L...A ..uu.u;., Tiuu Frilliugn, u...n;.. y-but In and nut. SJIIIUI tutu uuve lee he hone hineell with regard to the vetyorine {or which he euered e ve yeere term ol beniehment from power, eI.d in reference to Ihloh ho nude the tnnllleting ooilellien to which we heve blend? Ae might heve been expected he eeind thelltet opportunity to eeoe ell I-noel ol hie crocodile teen, end to explicitly recent the mock ounfeuiun which wee eettmed from him by the mor- tal teotd deleel. Everybody ie vroll enough eeere thet the teens ol the gene- rel eleotluu turned upon the question of . protection, eed thet hie victory through- ` out the country tee In no name e condo- ` eallun of Me politieel crime. And yet thin eee the very end he employcd the Ne- tieeel Policy cry tooollpeee. It was the one greet perpoee of Sir Jnlm Mecdoneld to much e victory, no mutter by whet llemnn. end then to oleiun it ee e pereonal uudnum .u I hie peet ureer. Thu: elliteweelsed he reeontende Ihet hie hende ere oleen. What must now be the men- tal rernieetlone 0! our reverend friend, who enacted the conleedon from Sir Johe,ee he pereeee the epeeeh ul the let- ter in relereune to the very crime for which the Chieein expweeed no pun- yeet e euetdtioe ' Sir John, in he let- Oet uttenna on thie queetton, declered `ehet wee hnoen en the Pacific` Soerulel hed been brought ep in the debece. Me `-4.11 L. .l.l.'..ll.J 1`... L... .....IL-.... I.. {V A `Rmtrmrs ` (Prize Medal ` L ROCK COCOA. Fancy Store. u unvulf Uuluul Lama, I`! Hulliu I"tiHin_qI, Drona Ruliliugs luv -"nun, l)uohou Laces upmllml and nix vvvn vault young. avuvunuuuvnu w-non uu picked himself up am hi: load doleu. Io dinoonnd at his party Ind been pnonlly successful, and tlut bin rectan- Iion to pour In the gnnd result. of the bottle all alone the line. Sinoo thou how L__ I.` L_..__ I.:_.__Il 41L _-_-_.l 4. AL. VUIIIIIIK Ulvuuu lu . But now for the uqunl. Stnnge to II: 8irJohn, though supported. A: per the lnlltlul compact, with all the inlur onus :t.the command of his conoilmod patron, III badly hutan in the strong- Iold ho had hold Ignlnlt I" comer: for ovor thirty nun. Novorthulou when he ..a..|...I |.:....u .. .1... L3. 1...: .a-r-.. L !-3-_uuv- ua sun In-asus | \luIv?s:I1 u--uv A clu;l:reast at the giant uiniu-e`..`i m.. lustant sbaolnlion followed. The re- Ientlngs ol the Inorsl mentor were kindled together, and his great heart wnrmecl towards the returning political prodigal. Fact is, he was almost too lull for utter~ nnce, so dud was he with admirstiun at the magnificent penitence ol the grant . Chleltniu. hngup so completely failed Iltn thst he could only emulato the unm- plo of the pntrlnroh in tho psrnblo, and ex- presn his desire to embrace the ropontsnt `sinner. And so, In the most orthodox manna` lmaginsbleorgivanesn was gush- ingly granted on the buls ol repentance, and the two great men were reconciled, the understood stipulation on the part of Sir John being that the local Apostle of annexation should lend him the benet ,1 L:_ ,__,. 1-: _,,, . .s ouuunu-urn -Inn-nu nouu nun unv vvuvuv ot hi: gnu inuence with Llw voters of Kinpeon to secure his return in the then ponding nloctlnn. lino, m.-n lg. cl... ..m..I :......... 4.. IIU Iva In -- yvuvuuwu, uu-vvvn, wu- uuo_gh.n.onh. nus. .1, which Io hunhdouhi loud pa Inonli-t no to node: no niy may or omllillenl mutter on open docluuion ol fully lo lho mun ho haul no ofton denounced for tho OK that grave political orimo. To oponly condone the ooandnl on which to had upondod no much rlgbboun lndlgnntlou III on: of the queue lion since not I vlolonnomm-null would olpocl the political phuluo to the voll- IlIOflUOd`l'MI'0IIll of the whole community. Thus to Itultily hiilull In 0! course on- iitili 60! of I56 qildition, and no it III uidont than was no possible huh at I complete and cordial noonoilintion bo- lwoon than long nu-anged but ujll liodrod npiriu save and except a hoe, (rank, nnd lull oonlouiou of his great hull. on behalf of the Tory Chieftain. , Undo: ordinary clrcnnutanceu no Iurd A , condition would have been, innlnutly scouted, Imt Sir John no in uetromu A , Illa polilionl neck was in joopu-dy-and ; with \n ulminblolncility, which prom him him oqunl to my oInergency,- ho publicly, in our City Hall, And in tho gljgaonoo 0! his lnlhor mnf_og_oo_::L omlg L ,__..V,,,__.--_, _. A nlnnn hnnnn ni Hi. nn:nn llllnltlrn ljji ilj IUUUI -gII-- IqdIqcoo:t'h'iI pononl Ind lunily nunnlorhh Iona-tho ul the Libonl pay. 030 of the principal diicultiea in tho ll] 0! hi: pcrunion, humour, In: tho ghdol tho hldd Uwhi an In nnntlnn -n can: A`... up nnnninlunl W T TUT T. with vhnhnnntlnchlulcnqbunr nuualltuulutnpuiuuaqloo hqltulllobtuluhuhgnnndl guiuhtlduluhnoq Mud!` ...|Ll.n-llnnn-nj11-&- U. `III - W" I3! `I- Ihu. nononu e-Mat dcniE'?ohc- _lNO II` uvuund pulitinhn, who had for yuiu and otnoouly oppourl Ilg_Joh.iu anxiously outing shout bin la.-a-gg Iannn`Q-nnDA-`- nu-J1 -Kink -1&1` T. 7?`; ulumnol Idoon no-Hp} muumullu Us vllb o A-pd--in-n '..".:.I"a".'.`.3. "':`.'J.'a"". .s.. :......""". ouuuohoh alnqobcu nlhnd old -up an hyuquo'VIno- nun Q vnnnnnnn-Jthr ZIAWIIPH IYTTIIIQIIX g`... .`-%d lath: can lIIIovIl-.-A II I then in tho nil-lb | Al -admin nn nknnl L :lI$|I|::'-i:l0`d add ; 0 I nbi.nvhnuh:In:l' lover Rim :::..._-Lr?.- IC `ml I"'IV.I' III. XIIIIIIC ID lied dud Code! or Juana who Ilgithtdptdto VHI MI. Ho win In ad lngly lthy am. at M: dnth Inn -iupoo-I nqlooc. -KAnnqI Bnchou, cl Othu, hon noudvod around for thank ol the lngln-n And A-nnlim In nnnllnhn Ind upon. --Tuu in on the warp ul bankruptcy. The Legislature Inilncl tu pron-lo pay- monl ol intarou on the Hun bnntln. The pooplo are diquuod with the Sub gov- Irnnont. -Tho R". D. II. Wuinnun. putor ul IIII Luthorul church, In Sommt, Uhlo. 5 untried mm, in Indor anon on n ohurpgluvhgoucolliol I ith the Input inpr ol In .531.-. ' -Au oauntrio individual and Wil- Ii.-Sulhordllhl boullor ..u..1 linmbul nlnnal All nhndmm Ha Inn lhllllll DOG Ill lot also Iiumbm Maud all nmnduwa Ha hptnlodoal nvolur an bodaido to nhot dun clean nqo un Inn unurlo 0|` rm-Io. -8owoon lmunal 6(1) Indium near Alhlund have taken the pledge. They got the ids: that the plodgo III mm thing about whisky, and that In: onougl. - I0,00t) pouplo an on nod to be pro- Dunn! ......... nu... , --u. u... u... ....n..... nm at an omu ad on tho I`)Lh nl Jul: at hnnrlmrom Hun. Muc- IO! II III II ICCIIIIMI on I00 Plus at July at hut! nrocy. 110. Inc- lemuu Bowen and I . Rykm no to Insult. nouvnd ocouu-not I0! tumour ol mo ltd? lid II I ll blind the fwoounpply nlnnr. moi. BXOQ. IIOIL burl". lUl' NII IOIWICK II In. CIIOPII QIOCUUII. --0opt. Uuthbcll ol Bdlcullo, in building n 10 tun yacht which in dulgnod lnr nmuul L. nurmu nnr Imhl. ul her tun- nulunuu 1 IV we yuan: vmcu II uuuguwu {or speed to Iurpnu my yacht ul her tun- Intel Onlnrio 0| Frio. -RaIInnn MI) Anal lndinn: snared Umlogu, Ind w won-my. -'l`ho bun nd shod: ul Jnouh Smith, nfannor, lwu miles north nl Nnpnuev, were Itrnci by lightnim; Ab--nu. nndmght mud dutm ed. Lou H.200. -Mr. 'Inde|ind, daputy returning oiou of lnontrul, ha nuod Mr. J. 'l`. M-lloo, tho rimming oioor, hr 3300 {or hit service: at the gononl election. _(3nnl.. Unthbnll. of Bcnvllla. in ROI lorll mrrmu-. ml` Unmum. - The Pope aid has (alt. Ihnt in up- pointing Dr. Nowmnn ho nndarad A Iigunl Iorvioo tn the Church, to the Swrod Cullogu, and M wok-ty. _'l'ln hnn and nhndn ul Jnnuh Smith. IIiwIqWj TIZXIZI Idiltltbyulitultlu-lunypllo mu. ll,hIInIthlnpuoolnhd0 lhvnubyhtugluunupl and -u.-Quad-n nnhn W H... Lang --.l. Bird, nu Othuu dun or In hum and thou. hnn receimd an 0r\lm'fr'1m tho Cnuutonn of Duun-in who in mm 1: St. Pelonbung. _Rir Hum-v Tvlnr, I'M-niclsml. nml Hi!` N llln*l'IVIJf0 I'I9IlII6I 50 DO I plfl In lllm. I'elonnun{. -Sir Henry T lor, |`n-nialwut, nud Chal. Yuung, {Woe-I'rmi|um., nf Ihe Grand Trunk lhulnny, have arrived at New York mnmta-. fol` Unmuln. ,'n..-. 31...... ..m 1... Mo. uhn in All. was (In I arm :1 umour. Fnuoo duel not like the mncinl ur- mngmnonla lately Iuulu by Turke-y. and tlnorefare refute: to be purl In them. .-.I, Ilird. nu OMAHA din at bu-mu IIIIII III! III)? nun vlyvwluv us pun '"o , r v . 1 -The Governor-Uononl und Princess Luuino, nt the Little Chaudioro, ran lhu nhde crib of umber. |.`-.....- .I..... -u.0 lilun oh. lhunn-In] nl-. .'.'.-rm. ..'.':'.:.`...'.':3 :2`.-::.'-:1 -1Vou Imuz Ina rrlnnvul II encourag- ing. The Boots have hlokon up thuir onlnp and roinrnod homo. ~G.4nbnIdi, while in the Poulnnuln, will bu wltahod by no Ian: I doteclive than his Mujdy King Unbono in par 1 NJI` I GIIZGII Illa I IIIII OI (It`IlISl'L PIIIBI. --It in rumored that the Quebec Logic- lpture will be oonvoood for the 10th of June. -Now| from the Trlnnul II encourag- inn Thu linen hnvn hmlmn nn thuir - Puuplo um will-ring from starvation in Hinduunn. -Ellintt. nukes wonderful progress in acquiring llau||u'| Itrulte. -Nunuwnndn renuru that no Zulu ucqumug uamnu n uroxu. -Nuguwnudn report: {moo of Any use exist: It the present moment. __/Cllinu H Vnnalnrhilt Imn nnh] Ill moment. --Willinm H. Vanderbilt Inn paid $700 for dc-zen llld I half of dc-naert platen. --II. in rumored thus the Ouobeo Lenin- T. W T; Z W1 CIII duwltullonnlunnnuhlouo almnldliuiun. cuuild villi: an M gaunt In p-o,h.uia0lnpuu uhcqnn hoolndtgnnuu udfcllvldnl -_InL_I'.-I-41. -L..` L.I`.nnj-an ` mnginearl report. 5:-nnior Wiudnm yesterday ~:~ L) on the baginlativo Appropriation: Lul to a {nil Sonata. He lnrnnhod, perhaps, the most. complete runner, no fur, to the Deiuocruio Arguuaonu in support. M the leginmiun uunhid in an Bill. The Seunwr in n riainu mun um-ug Republi- eam, and a popular one with Democrats. Ho has u may of never treating I Iubjucl. until he has mastered it, and has that courteous manner which enable: him in _ny the Ilnrpast thing: without. n'uml- Ing nny one. Wun'uuv. no war nor mu session. Onpl. Ju. B. Endl get: this weak an- other hnlfmillinn on his mammoth jelly contract at the South Pain of the Min- Iiamppi. u deserves it, and more, if he has hqd the great. nuoocu which the: Army Enginean report. veoterdnv nu 1- V'll'I'll'B!| amum.""' * -' V -r - The Home rcluud yuturdny tonn- feud Iho rule: Ind pus Iho Income Tu lill, and thin probably put: the subject to run. [or the session. (1.... 1.. n li!..A.4...9.n.l. -...L ..... um henna. munu mun popular support. A Bill was introduced yo8l.ul I.iy,}(iVillg the summit ul the (Juvermnent In the `j'p`i'ou4;iH.ion by Central (Bantu Lee of hi! nn'rHur the Arlington pate. In 3 Into suit against the U. S. uioa-r in charge u! the onlaito there was a virtunl decision Ihnt the (loverumunt had no title to the propetty, and this pnopoaod Act. in only to permit an etfuctivo airmnion of what 'wIrtiru1rdwidwi.'"" -- TI... nun; unln-ml u-lnuhu On nun- Juan Bull and app unouu uunaron logo: nomo. Una rental! of the discussion of the Army Anal Louilhlivo Appropriutiun Bull- II noon in the prnpoud oumtitutlounl Amendment of Mr. Laphun, M New York. He wmtl the President to line power to vdto olnuu 0! any run the run. The rupoul in not nbuivod-with much favor. utbar. by up way, in that of Sinner Pondlotnu to give ugly in Uongmu tn member: of the Ulbinot. In fnct, it in hkaly there will for many yous be urea`- uuul ubjoctitmixo ouunmulimml amend- umm. Even those ntfocting the manner 6! counting the electoral veto. thuugh Iupportod by the qbleut lnvycrl uf Home um Senna. found hula popular support. Bill vnu inlrodncul voatunluvmivilnu ' IuyI,uIIu nul IUD lag ` tut. oath and I uuuvo mu, Illn "I-vino: olauau, And it in thought the ' 1 will be Ipprovod, ur nluut tbs! he will npptovo ndocidod modication of the In, nod tho full to 1-0! the Cut oath. Thou tlu Home and lento yill Iupply fund: to run the GOIIPIICIOIB for I while and ndjourn. lhnw for getting lhmngh my nancial bill: of impotfanoo. and but for measure: ol my kind will nulvf Ind nouuu. Them in I [noon] and decided wish Cunard-Ion to got home. prount nupervnur . That! II not: ghoul. 0! I . low; IIIO -Illa am. In GIIOIIGI mu ox- ioung luv vary atroaglyg We any thora- loro concludo uni nothing In]! be done in Nut connection during the tom: of Mr. Hnyu. The Bonnie will in 5 km days, and Illa the Iagialnlln Bill, with and lupin-vino: _ `Inn!-vi Iii! IZIWIPTCDI.) .15 II NJOIHQB I502 Q Pnoidont will vote any ncuuu looking to I mam Iillduojo in $0 Inn clowning un- GOHVC Inthtllly onfllo Ihqlolilion of troooo. in lnnlinnnu ol notordn. vo- GIIVI humility our IIO Iuqlolluon ol tloopl. In: " yutorduy, icing tho `IJN Bill, dclondn Nu inllnu 111 my atronII.' W: mnv [hue- [A u m.- nail-at ILAQ ILA Pan-id; WjI`TXCj' IT` odurhquuuotuundnnd. `mo... unouu-hHvmduuuodIauIupuu- htllbpblpu lhhu-I I-Ii-mouuu-q-my dlh olulon an lanl hwtlht we not` Aguadahnn-n-a.nnhl.-. T0-l|A\"S NEWS. THE B.b.1`1`1sH wnu;. FRIDA); 'MAY 16, 1879. . - `NI! ::::::...:r.. '::.::',.....] Worhna-uh-n `WorhDIF""" lhodonuvtuho aha bytbolacd Gonna; IOIIIOII In: tho unanno- uondwuucnnlnnuo. an Ihdh otlhouldl-an lunch. nu ml- -uuuumuuunvmc-on-om ml Knnhnnnnn n-Id-4 an-uv -Ian; '3-ICU-1:, u-I II !- blue lb ullqd uh-pm:-aunt olhhoppouuhnlouldbdnul hon Ibopcilomnoq! htlovnudcnh luhlalillllllhubnlhnlolbo` ovolndaopoliuldhonc haul ul pouhuu. non hnlullhlylr Mqdlihihlibhdthu nah-Ion ml-r-uMnnnonnnJn-:1 Thnnn

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