w,7-w:;:.;._....` .. _.._ .. . .-.-_. _.__, 7. , , , ft I. _O$8l8nI.I..l.0.P_.8. lti toMonl.ron|. _ on York, Juno ll.-A number of loading otlicero of the 09, Roailunl unto Nut thoinvjutiou to viii! Osnuln on Uuminion Day "will notbo --ooo------ To Hit Ifzlilur of the Brituh wmg. DICAII Sui :-l i~kiug up the News of laul. evening my nllention Ill nurnotod Ivy wlml. purporlu in be an Article copiod from the Mail ol Sulurlny, linden! `Tho Sectarmii iaiiuein Politics. kl-nding it over carefully. I thought I iuiuml some of the moat. pungent, Illtl in the lame time wine of the moat. imulting and uili-imivo miiusncen which were con- uiinud in the original article. Curiosity prmnplu-I mo in turn in the Mail for the purpuu ul 1-uinparing the original llld the cupy,_"wlu9iI, in my Iiirprila. I lind tlini. this wmiliy unmlm,-wr of our Prin- cou niroet. daily liu cm. the article short at the point where for Roman Catholic: it houonioa uioni. intorolting. The fullnwing in the emiliiiuntion of the arliclu an lakeii from the origi- iml, which I am vpry desirous ..r In-inullnr An nrnmiuently pg am. British Whig.` Ilvnn Nu: -_Piekimz no A 1 dollroul uf hringlng ll prominently puniblo bufure my cu-ruligiouinu of the CulIIUl'\'alUV9 party In thu oily. lor the purppuo of ucurtniuiug if it most: thoir unproul. o gpproul. ` ` We tr: joy the fruit: ul tho.nclory tmu won We venture to say, however, tlnt they will never be nlluwed to lurgot thlt they were allies, l|'l. Ilnu principals. in the bat- lluuf the lll Juno. Mr. Fruer ruled them with a pretty heavy lmml in the lnn. Aamsunbly, wlmu lm nude them opposo (lnuu:-3 Incorporation, vote against the iutm.l-wtimn nf the ballot in Separate Hal:-ml A~lm'IlnIIN. and .iiIcriIn- illutu Algal:-AL l'ru>tA91l2uIt imititutlnnl, or unduly Iumur ltumnn Catholic iuItitu- tlnms, nrlnivll in much the sums thing, in Ihn nmmrtinumout of the grant: to public ullII!l,VlIlI'l| thing, In lhu urportimunem. grant: churi ice. nut in the Leginleture elected the day before yesterday, the hon. gene llemau will be dominant end enpreme, and his exertions will no doubt increase with llll power In enet. Your eound Refurmer will endure lunch for the\ uke of his party bin. before Mr. Fruer get: through with him four year: hence, he will be reedy tuulmit that Rome chergee a heavy price for her politicel eelvioee. While the country may be emueed by this spectacle of the I`--pe lining Mr. Brown on the hip, it will not be beuelitu tell by it. l`olil.icu-religious Illieneee are u! their very nature eorru t and ill-con- ditioned. They are ouegtionn ol the meet immural kind, and under their in- tluenoe the public iucereeu inevitably euller, while public mortality in denuded, And the homogeneity thee nhnnld ohereo terim e society like our: dleilgured end broken up. H. in hula few deve since the Mail, up." It in hula day: since the New: nnd I may Inyhvory Cannons- live orgnnin the Province. wu caplet- ciug with this uuno Catholic 10 ,' And in the strain: of {he Ipidor to the y were taking them \VilI you, will (-u walk |n,Mr. I-`H , Nuvh a pretty |m.I parlor nuvnr dl you Ipy Ilul. mm the mulmlv hu chnngnd. Tho y wt-ul-.1 not be c...-.:-`H in the lpidrrl ail: and fonouth he M n Iuiokud y and must be abused and 1| ponible intimi- dnted. The church mun be brought in- tn the Arena In Inning plnyod nu llll r- um purl in tho ounteot of Thursday t. Our oluriuxhle institution: mutt be plrmled hofnru the public in huin un- ` duly fnvurod" Mid A general con amm- tiun M the l{.un|n Ualhnlio party A: I u...-.|...o.|.l.. .-...nn....IiIv" mult follow. _ truut our Reform friend! will on- jjny fruit: ol I.ho.victory than won. `Wu say, Qloyi tiuri the Uathnluo pu-Ly u mnr|ml.nh|o cunuumlily" lo-up-chad to lin-I In tho News M II. awning n I`tIpmHl|LlIIll of this Article by mum of my lollmv Roman Catholic: of ulna Cums-rvnlnvu puny, but I looked fut It in min. Wlwra no than bllhpl. urntun who, I! eloclinn limos. In In load In their proinu nl the geuorocity and llbonlny ol the Tories lownrdq their co-rahgioninh I AM they willing to ad- mil. thnt our chnitnblo innlilutionl In `unduly f|vorod,' or will none of them Inn the unnlinau to dolond the `Ohu-in tie: Aid Act of the Horn Adminiltrr tion, which only ylwoc our Institution on n nlmilu footing with all other ln|tl~ mlium which no onlitlad to npoivp (io- vammont lid l Will they IHOI lho loading Mann ol lhoir poll. In dug the m...mh_ (which I unwou mum thun- IX! Huvernlnuu, nu-u ru-nu----...._. V7 - , fut them, Um Uunoofvuivu won FIGHTING THE `liA'I"l`Ll 0|" THE NATIONAL PULIUY and tho mtionnl iuduntriu jaul cu much as they was on K17! uf Sepembr_ hut.` We need ~ -- ~-LI - ......'| at mnuunl. W0 ulnll Wull they IIIOI (no puny Church. (which suppose tiru hierarchy md priesthood of the Pro- vinoo) mm the polilicnl IPOIII, and thus dosocrnto hur hul calling without railing I word in hot do once I I nnnan fm-an AIIIIII I0 I00 queu- hot dolonoo I I pause furun nugwor than queu- tioua and null patiently Ivlil I0 I00 which meal `the noble bond at martyrs` hull onto! the IIOOOIIN7 upudinlou sud vindication. Vmuu hull. Clan V.-l, 0 Burns; 2, Don -.-~... -4:.-'~ . nu .- . on A W 1 P09. . PC Clan Ill, 8:.--I, 0'ld|l, I, John Quinn, 3, Willie _cLdoo. 4, AI- hnlhllu, D,`l`Ionu `franc, I, 06000) Dunhnmnn Putnam Ulmlll. J:-.--1. Olan `Inna. I. Iddh lloInon,3. hub Thnpu, 6. lush Rabdonuhl I ipuo I'_oNboIq, mul- s. -rial`-In omauuou noun. Dull cold. Ola: l.-I|l&y 'l`boIpoo, (hulk Pu- hnu. Ind lunacy. -._n...1._.__. .. g , I ; A_.I. ullI\ uonon uou., no. 7, u. rmnunu, vol III. ihc 170! September tau. vvu uvuu not ndd n wars ! of comment. lone tho organ und its chiolkin tn n3-llilo their mntuuloontndiction bocweug. Uu-Inn riudwltiou. Ynun truly, Kingston, Juno )1. Cymonlxrun. -:..__....... -.____..._....--. (YII U RC]! AND POLITICS. `III scutbou. .___ ini can Acplrauua for llamas-A. Novcutle, `Juno 10.--There in no ' opocinl Iuturp to peeord to-day. 4 Kuhn `II the-morning hm! 1 Ipiu of ,VO miles. Hi: mung III onsulluut. In the alter- noon he want war the same mung main- taining his uunl Nhllillblu uruke. El-A lion in dun duiug gnud Iluzuly work. - The Man`! this Inoruiug contain: the lollmving special cnlzlvgruun: Ruucullo-oi:-'T`y'm-, Juno 10. --Tho Qi- cnblvgnun: Nowculle-on-`fym-, o :- cilomout over in u Mun:-Iny'| mutt-h, for U-h IlI..In-`:1--ulhbrdt Ellhlld, in simply intense. It mm-ed: everything am. has our boun won bahro. Other moved: e\'oryl.nmg thu hu but nro. noon hnvo croutml euthuaium Ind grunt nnxioty, especially tlmno in which lureigu- on have competed, but none have we-r come up to the 'uI l.hc0luillg content. Crowd: thtong the river bush every day from sunrise to, sunset. in the hypo of ulchillg I glimpse of the rivnlsculloru, und lho vicinity I the boat home is blocked Ihh hnmun boiugn, going and oollhg all dny lung. The pulriu. than a! Enzhnd had but-n amused, all dny lung. "mo punu. till: of England boa-n and the people Are Illuull. paying for the doles: ol the vinitor. The weather has not in ne and the mu-nmeu no making the but of their oppottunitieu to bring u........Iv- inm cram. Although nearly ulna- opportunnntlou to unug thounolvol into trim. Although everybody noknnwlodgot that they ex- pect to see the Onnulgnn win, yet than no numbers of people who piu their fnith tn ch. Pm--ood man. sud hope that he nulnoun ul pvupm wuu V... ...v.. ._.,- to tho Pegnwood man. hope mny pull through. He ha been doing uomo very fut. Iculling entirely in lIlAOWlI- uyla, having rolinquiabml All idea of sdoptiug Hnnliin'a. Elliott in full of pluck and wonderfully cnnlident, but an undercurrent. of nuxiuly in perceptible, which, it in lt-uruil, may upset. liiii oquilibrium. lie in |ll pailuct hoaltli mil complainsufnmlung. The quantity uf work he dnua in ll|II| V0l()|ll-)- This morning, lmniilun taking land uxorcisa, he pulled live miles on It fair tide and smooth Wl\l.('I' aliuwing excolli.-nl. form. In tho allurnnun Iiu lriwollad Iix mile: at I onpilnl, mid we-ll uustiiiiml tutu of upood, varying from 34 lo 38 nuokuut - the minute. In his y-urnuyi ho atruulc I`ln.ialu near the Mvmlnwu, mind this N: u Yorker trii-il in row witii lnin, lint. Ellinu, npurteil and lmlnru In: haul .`n\`0I`uIl u limi- drod varda lm lm-l l1'll.l.lm i-lull swinger npurteul and lmlnru nu mu: nu dred yards I.-It Hm rl well behind. Pluiuml wan I--w and yulled M. by lhucrowll of nlm warn mrv indlgnunl. M. (tired 1-luh I--uuly hm-[.011 spectators, who were very what they oomldorod n Imnll uml unworthy hit. of buliuou. Hnulun, wlm was ace-uupnniad by Plninted and John liright, rnwc-I live Iullel in the morning, moving wall but making no ruuunrlmblu ulfort. Ila ukua hil exorcise very easily, giving the Im-kors on little npl-.r'.unity uf jmlgimg nf his quality. In the afwruuuu he we-:1 nguin out, and M u Inmlomtu pnuu xuxculupilulmd four miles. Ilu. as w--ll an Inn nval, is in splendid trim. 'l`lu- mum in ex.-1-Iud to be very kl-on Train Hm smrl. Hulda uf ten to four nu llnnlzm were mskml l...Yny. V but (ha Uu|uulizm'a frimla duuluuul tn gt! moro than twutu mm, lh|ukm,,v that Hung- Iillnnun uughl to luck Hlif` clnun; n ull nt. (hot. rule against as (:..a....m. Kent Gale ('a n mm" l`cr.maI-- Camp! :5 g ~ lv.`m`I ric Ligla I. Quebec, Juno l1.-'l`u-day, if the weather ho nu, Ilia Excullallcy lhu Qovornor General nml l|.li,|~l. tho Prin- ooII'LouiIe will rnpnir to the aim of the new Kent gut, wln-re the Princes: will In tho foundation alone. g`hil evening their Exoellemsiu are ex- tn be present. at tho Skntillg Rink to land the perlornmm-u ufa Cnlnlnta, ooppoud in hnnnr of Her Ruynl High- ncu the Princess In-uiao by Mr. Cnliu Inumllnn Lnnlloo. Kn. Do Wiutnn and survaluu will lone to-any for SI. Amlmvfs, N. ll`. whom, it in robnblo, they will roaido, fur n time .6... Hahn : Field Bath-ry of Artil- fblblb, they Wlll r\`l!lu17 lur n umc njnr Baby`: But:-ry lery. with four guns. wonl. inlu camp fur their annual drill yeatonluy murinng. Their tout: aro pilclunl at the old lluyal Engineer: Pnrk, Levin. Mr. Juuli Dellislv, pilot, whu iirrivcll in IIIO I II:-n `M .-.-, Lune 5.5. Hllmyl.-C, runu-n mm In: . night, nlmut 10 o'clock. when distant fatty vu miles lrnm tho hnrbnr, ho din- linully uw Um vluclric light which man exhihiloal from tho luwer uf the Inn! Univornity. ooo-~--- about of; mumpnu muuu, w.......... ...- lhnduu to the slave it nu lhoonnlon at the victorious llomuulo dug bohind the chariot ol their conquering hm. Thin drive at tho dhlnynl that in I In- '~--__. 9...: ithnl-lull! otibdjou Levin. Mr. l)ehalu. pilot, nrlivc-I port yeah-rduy in clmrgo of the Dominion Lino 3.8. Quobuc, states that on Mnnday wlmnuiatnm. A - n :|,__ ._.... n...I...-I...r lmdin. \ 1 v: . vvm... St. John, .\.lK., RAE illloncll tun-1!, 1 undergone lmiulnu 4 In Iul. him I wlnln. ..:-_ n .- lhmnnhn wlnlu. nu ma no I-Icon Ill View nut. Raprdnmg I-in run. in Eng- land he say: that ho r-ceIve~| mry uour lay lrom sporting men. (M Mr. "Huh, MI hcokor, ho up:-aka in Um wumout pniun. Emplnylnvnt W--uhl huu been viilod (or him if hm hm! wnlmd to re- Inlln than this no-mun Anullu-.r rlmuoa lg: IIIO I-ifovonl him in train uuvernl crawl. Ho'oI;l.niIml umuy good puinh in n-wing [mm Ilurry Kuily, and In ro- Iurn gave Hnlilui :4-mo poinlnl. This IIIIIOII he inlcm-II In gt-I lulu nny rircuiu {hut mny 4-{Tor umh u but year in thu U vpor Provinces. Thom in all. ul tn- ul or big lugllll M. Jhrrie, 0nt., with pulses of large aim. Runs in in receipt of I In-uor (rum Humwn, N.\`., inquiring hi: loruu to um Hwni Illh Cuurtm-y and uvonl mhor |-rw-mum-nt. North American ocullon. Spanking nl the com- Iluilnn-Elliott run. Run think: that II 10!! VIII wnnu the Ulllldilll, but that u will outrun his rival in I long run. Ron-mg News l:'lc'unevl I luv-4' Muss. f lrvwuvwvn --us. I ` No! York. Juno II.-AhouI nun o`|oak Illa morning In. June Do Forms Bill, | -urhd woman, npd lmy yon. ol I lulhublo bonding aloof lunnvnnulylng dud Icon. 880 III hound hudnnd in both! pad. In-In dl qrpunnou ~ Jun nnnnullnl by unn:u|oIv-u. Tho . Flu by u ::3.n|uv-n. ghcutly -can at xhmrd; puhuo hunt a vnl ol shotnuody. Ra pohco an In thouyotcry. - Juno ll.~ -This honing -L..nn ...I....I. .l..-in. n In-in but-. lard ar- Erlonni we Fa r-- Loug- ahon lama strike. "I1 `duh .:'t ha IQ & '30 CI by 54 In none quuun nu - nun... ..... ..._. o! the Ian ptonounood Oouuntivo mm- L.._ -|...a..I Int `I hands: till he {and (I`rr Nam: nu (Pu 1>a:~:so. bins.) v..-|. I... II ._.Ahnn1 3'3} 'e'XL""no" iiii. `aha: wood nnnah He in: ST. JOHN. m1u_cn. .E`- mtor almwung excem-nv. [turn-run 1, L; n B ...... n-.03. hum lull |`:H|nl.l. IHIIIH IAIIII . ' Julm ll. wnllncu far It wlula, Imviug unnugh Ill Englnnd Mu ha: in .. Li. ....n In Emu Wal- stun in uloluuug uu nu-...... `V. -.. cone: to shot: dintiuguilhod gush. And tho pros in both lugungoo Inn unplu- nluod the popular acclaim. Ono ol the French pagan, aloe: pronouncing tho prognu through dually In In untldng ofp klulnphal munch, oumpuu tho n..-..n.... m Iha nlno h__.._....*- < ` V IIl1.TE8I. ` % Condensed Iorao 9-mug Bud- Orl. 7 London, Jun ll.-'!'M noun! hoot nch continued to-clay. Tho Boyd Hum. Cup, a handicap uvvopunko. lot lhl-an you old! and uownda. diuonoo Hum Cup, hnndlmp uvuponun. I0! three ynr upilrdl, lbnul um mile. in won by Ilunduin, with SI!` Jmeph uound, Hubingnr lMl d. Rx lhcmnburu. Juno ll.-'l'ho GI-and Jnaoph uouna, uumng-or mu-u. BL. I -stonburg. Juno ll.-'l'no Duchess Mu-in llnuloun, wilt of the Gnud Duke Vlldiuwr, in out of danger. 'l....uI.m Jnnn ll. -TIII ILHII 0' "I0 Duke Vlndm-er, u out or anger. ' London, Juno ll. -Tho Iuulbcnnon ll. Sundnvnd, Swodeu, hu udml, the men yielding, but continue: in um Ssdcrhuu District. Tue nnliluy have ufrutod ve ring leaders (or [unit- ing violence. ' Q l..mdnn ' June 1l.-Quoon` Vlctotin hunovnjurrod tho urdutul Kntghlluoa ' I"rinoe Alonndor, oi Bulprix. Eu-I Snlilbury gum: gund bunqnos in honor u{ the l'rmcu, II which many dintiuguinhu od ponunl were present. Harlin. June 11 .-'l`he city in in holi. violoncg. may London, J una ll.-Qnoon` urdutuf Knighllluod ....' IF.-imu Alnxnmlor. of Bulnrix. Harlin, day attire in honor ol the Emporufn guldun wedding. The nrrlul of dinin- gnilhud guouu cunliuueo, whilo the st- {uruu ui fonign oolon mingle with the dark Pruulnn bino. The populace MI laid angular siege to the Emperor : phlncr. Burllll. June 1l.~-All European Sqr ' Burllu, Sov- o-roigun have rent um-IIMIBI ol oongntulm lion tn Emperor \\'il|'m.u on the occasion 1:! his golden Imhllng, And over l5,&l0 conngrnllnlilory ` u'n-..-angel Ind talogrinu hue been ran-nod from anther dinin- gninhml porwul. The Emperor hu niguoul mliumml munonty lint. Luudun. June lI.-~A donpalch lrmu I` limuml munony mt. London. dupalch Berlin at I u'ch-ck p.m. lays the wonthur has been clnndy all duty, but no nin hal fnllnn. Thu llnperill nuptial oeremonieo pused off without any upecinl incidenu. The Empomr, during the oeromony, an much ubcled. Thu city present: I healthy npponnnoo,_nnd the nu-ecu no thrungod with emhuniutic crowds. London. June ll. -Roporu received but olootod lat `Hun-uday giving an intlopondoat support to tho I-punt Iiuiutry. If they should do to Iron priloiplo. and human thy think tho Govinlont is worthy 0| condant sud oupputt,.|ll right. W0 Iopo than will to nodolootlomfmut tho'l`ory ddo IO! nonunion lot! hlbonl ply In-on my Inn with nottyo thn um II have ndnttoncd. We do nbt with to no the Government may stronger than an nuppnrt o! In own prop: lul- loun will pain it. An ociout oppmi- lion in nu iuptwlnt Into: in our Iqb- ' ~--L:-.- ....| m. tln Oatuio mum in increulng. New York, 1l.--Aldormon'n Commit- tee to arbitrate between longuhoromon. nuul nloaunship umupnniel hnvu reported Imlly that the Inner would not let them arbitrate, and the Aldermen id revenge prupnw proceeding: Against the compuls- Ion fur obstructing the Itroota. mth emhunutlc crowds. London, -Reporu hero state that the Irish uu.l-ront move- increuing. N..., \'...h II --AIdmnan'n (l'(. f Unmlulun uuucq Ottawa, Junu 1l.-S|r John A. Mum donnld sud party sail for England on the `28l.h inst. ' The Canada Central Rnilvnv are orgnn- izing chuap oxcuralum for business men between Ottawa And llrockvillmnnd Otta- wa and |`ennbr--ke. u-...V.. n...n.l.u- nhurm but uiuhl. The Ministers 1':-cp to Eualamlu cheap E.-xccuruonn. (I 61' Llumuuuu u-um; Mnulronl, Juno ll.--Tho uooountlntu of the city mo! lmdly and org-nixed A board for mutual protection. A oomInit~ too wu formed In petition the Govern- umut lnr a charter. [LI object In to nine tho gtntuu of the profouion And ullhnntely to qualify ncr.-uunt.ux(n. Inuuu u-I. ` Bank of Mnutn-A1431 l-.2. I36. Merchants Bank 76 I-12. 76. Bank uf Uomlnerv ~l0ti I-2. Ontario Hulk--o|I'ord 00. Bank uf TI>|'unhr--19'-', I1 I-2 (Vvlmnli-|nI.od Rank -43. I2 1 1 Molsoun Bunk - . - Bank Iu You In - -`:3. Jwquu Cut OI`--3`. 212. Uni:-u |}Auk-00. Mmllrml 'I'-L I7ur~nr.: o-u. nu ah Uily Ham ('0 VH3 1-1.`. .5. Dominion Tel ('0 8]. 78. (3it._ | |mu-lug:-r R.Ii'wIy-~ N, 42 I4. lulu so--47 ls`. | mnu 'INw|Ige-r hlu --4714. cm.Ier-~;s. .12. Uujnu uebec Bulk -~l)lAuk. 11.1:-hwgu Bunk ~nn|ml 55. Mulllrval T0]. (7I>~IU`.l I-C, Hulk 4 (Tn lfilv Hun 1]. : incu iupnrnu ucsur In Unit ..,..- lain unehincry, uul this the T min uunnt hop to luruhh 05830!` in nunbon or Ability Iron Oh: more land- Onlolthnthtuunngodtopt Inlolho - -u..... n..a.I.. in lmnvthoov. Oawogo. Juno II. Flnur nun-kc! unchanged. Wheat rm; wlulo stale l,l0 to L13; rad Ital: 1,]? to l.lb. (`-urn aleady ; 1000 woatarn 46 to 47. Oat: acaroo; atala hold at 39. Rye quiet sud unchanged. Barby mar- ket. nominally unohnngnd wilh no tram- , actiunn; urn bright quoted at about 80; N0 1 bright 72 In 75; No I do 68 to 70. Guru meal unchanged. Faoi unchanged. Canal freight: unchanged. oo>------ nuparno held at 4,10 to 1.00; [Inc] 4,210 to 4,35; spring sun 4.06 to 0,16 ; Iuperna 3,90 to 3,55; strong b0kOf'I 4,40 to 4.00; lino 3,8) to 3,C5;IIilIluiI'I 3. to 3,115; pollsrdn 2.60 to 2,130; Uppu Oun- uln bags per HI) 2.10 to2.l5; city bags delivered 2,215 to 1&1; culled. 0n- tuio, quiet at 4.20 to 4,915; can and n `I (:0. Uorn ll 45 in bolt Uuudn pun. spring lulu] It shoot U). Oltl hold at 3| Lu Ill}. utter, IIOI 10 lo I2; IT to loreunary. Lu'd9to9| [or tub. Park 13.25: 14.1!) sounding `Jihad; Inn llcper lb; chbuo 00 to 7 ; Abba ---pun 3,56; pouln 5.1K) to 5.7 . 300111-- linmlhv L90 not lblhu. Clover 7 to IOITIIAI. I-uuzcl lllln. Hound. June ll Flour roouiptl 1.636 b|)|I.I|IOl I00 Mal: ol IIlpQI i0|' ours at 4.35. lfk dull and unchanged. Quotation: In! 1 Extra superior 4.65 lo 4,70; uln held 4,45 to 4.50; lino] 4,210 4.35: InrI'm1utn4.06 lnllln n.JuIeI0.uII0nIHoueoolhor noun-r. uh: um. Jnlb holovod Ilh ol Cult. wnliun 0 Inn. -94 5 your. The funeral wlll uh phunu. II .1 o'clock. to the I. 0. (bounty. h-lull und noqnlnnonnnn hm-d to stand. -poC| :$,l')h; purl: 5.00 lo 0.10. noon- timothy L00 per 45 lbu. 7} per lb. v drum 0! lIII|I| ||II out A pl 7. '3 .,,_,` _ _ lohouoloblhuhnrliu, Ihbul '05. hiolonlolldow. O. PIIATI. ::L`:.":.`..'.'..."' """""` "' "' I -vIy9J3e_2*-4: tnl ol than an umngou ups uuuuu In Homo. Bddu, Io buoy the Gov- cnuout will he nblo to not though the papal Pulhncut without Tory aim In-Au TIA: cont IhO0HNIi0II ll do Va and |'ennbr--ke. llcavy thunder storm last llighl. --ooo._. ...._...,-...__.__. .. A RARE cumct % luIMap_uj3clu_m_1_lLehnic: hull. V Ihpld. Juo ll. ..--~ . 4.. -._,.. -- 00>--: - PIQDC l'Iac Accouulznw L'm`un. FIII1`-CLAII Dwolllng. vltl hduru . |npvunuoIu,o|Quu I0. Apply to J. I. CLIIUTFIII (Pcr Dmninion Line.) ....... in GI. Lulu- (I`-1' Duminiou Linc.) Pullman Ilulolu nu, _-- Iuou. The wont Iho0pp-niuononn with nll the (ans 3! their command, will not who u Illghlnt hoonnniouu Q uolnn-onlwlskh hm strong In tho public oouldoun and purllnnonhcy lol- Joving an in tho Ions lhlury. ---:-- -..___._.._..._.__ _I_._1=.:'17.-' J--ooo---- uI0u_I5uL. L (3I>-~IU`.5 5". H5. I. SI. 78. 1 diff Wllllll. J . --Montrnl. Juli "~ C IJ) I'll`. WIITY londkl Inc I powered. uuhlonud Hunhcn. Pcruoiaoa, _ Slnliuiau, Hraudirfu, Polyvuaiu, Prum'au Hcrwtatian, (hapian I n`-u...'.u.. Hibernian * run crunch or run Llvmool. MAIL Lula` n-u.... mm. Luvnmool ovary 'l`l|UI.l)AY Ll I Bill Ilvn nun u -n u--.. Salim Mun Lu-orpool ovary Tlllllllh In from Qualum av-wry UATUIIDAY, |`IlnM nI`I:I:EL`.; Snrnutiuu . . Circa-an. . Sudininn. . . Moruinu. . . Pcruyicn. . . Pulynulnd. ` Snmml inn. . Clbiu Cnbin . . . . . . . . . _ . . , _ , Accrdillu to ncounuundutiuu. lnlerlnodinlo . Stooragp . . . . . .., Wm .. .~unm.mn M Hm (lhunzuw Linn w Stoorag,o.......` .....,~.... Thu Hleuuorl M the (lluguw null null lmlu Quuboo on ur About mnvh Tluurvuluy. Pruuinn .................IunuI-I Lucorno . . . . . . . . . . . , . . H Wnluluminn . . . .. . .... . . . . .. " `:0 Phucmicinn .. .. ` '.".' Unnndinn . . . . . . . .. . u`ly 3 Col-inthinn . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll) Mnuil.obnn............ . L7 Luoorue.. nu [Lu .. .1` AI... Il.Iil.u Linn will Luoerue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. The smmun .4 the Halifax him: up! Issue Halifax ur St. Julufn, NILL, nml Liverpool, u fuuvn : Nova Soutinn . ` . . . 4I'..l' 24 Uupinu .................`.....July 8 Rules of P-mums lmtwouu Mnlifu uuc|8` .ln|m'n: Cabin . . .. mooruge . l'l'u'Il- rnuugu II1III-l~uvw- Pcnnnu wuhuu to um] fat than lnondnnl ohulu I-'unqe(,`orlIllcauso M. Iowutrrntou. The ticket: as good for one your uni u amount. in nmndod. lou I Illllll cl-Iuctum. il not used. l-l|A7:I-|e;lleu and mnturlo N;rin- tlou ('onIpnny. .L llllluwlllx lI|'FI.'('l|tHUu|Il<` w ---n-- -w- ---~~ - (MRSICAN. qmnlnuoiu-. Cnpudu Hilmlnir. 2. 1 SPA KTAN . 0 ` ' Hailey (,`0llN`l'H|AN, 410 " I-`arnsll. PABHPURT, do " Irvmn. AIAIERIAN, do -' lrovell. ILGNET. do " CIIlI0l'uu_ 'l'IIne ol departure tron: lllnntou Common-ing 'l`lllhDAY, IOIh Juno : AI.-5.3) .m.. for TURUN I'D and Illlllr TON, MI ing it. Cobuuri, Port. Hope and Hovlmnuvillo, DAILY. ondnyn axcoptml veuher permiuiug). . At. 500 am. fur Hanan:-gun. ISI-_ock\'il|-. llnyul Mallmul Iixpress Line of Slealners. Tm: LINE IN (,T9P0S|'3D "F W fulluwing Gran-Iauallil` W110 3`""~""' .x.. u:....l.ir (Manda: dual hl I" I n.-nnu-ti Slcuenay, Alan with the (lull l'nrhI B` Company fur All Pom in u.~ Imrit vines; viI_IoI;o. ' The Summer Manet will mnunonce her no- fulu trips ho (hm-go and Vhulotle on Julv Il- `I-ll. I-`or Puusgo Tiolnuo and any lnlormnllon npply at Llm l.aln~ Mu! Kin-r Ntuannlnnl` Offwo 8!: lauwmmo Whnrf. foot nI'Jo|nmm blunt Pastry Flour, Teas, Coffees, Sugar, can-can-us. zuacoud mm- uncl&cIhnu.' Claunnhutoh 3...Iu1ihnlunquwcl |nIIluIulIn&!nIuu,Inl.uq ...4 .Hnh-A kiln: n.-nu V HAMS, BACON, GRAHAM FLOUR, Family Flour, i.IAMs mmwronn, Iiosr /nc|=.|vn.| NEW NECK FR|LL|NG| Vuudcuu do. [H.&WIJIROiHE&| I : Klugntnn. Junn71h. Ill?" Juo mt An Immense Lssurtme HARD ROCK PRICES DIANA II u-u -u.-..-.-.. OIIOIOI AIIIJ HOD OIIIAP AP OHIO! H. HOKRISON. |-aII. Prepaid fugue (`mullahs ___- -14..-- 5.. -.. .I I ... Ihnlr lnnn` Agonl for l.nbcII`n London Ale. Rain of Urrun Hus-I512 : RTII hnxlns, L'.."J'.T'-`-.-'-'32....--'~ "'-'c'Z.'u'-on-an-'" 7 n_AL.l..LIhn-n-p'nn-Iulnntrnm III Quvlum ovary an I \ FRUM Ql`lClSlC: C:.n.`..-ml. noon-mun N. Sodium A uurian \'l`I'4III}gLv. `.Sn.urdny, Juno Nth -- `" 21.: -- -' -.-su. H l..I.. ml. C. II. IIATCII, Pnaonger Aunt. I7`! (.ormlM'u, Hauilobcu, HR: ' I l'L.-uminn. Bhlllnhipo. (I I, (Hyda built: , 1 I7..h-tins , 1, unpuu --u... Nutorio , Canadian , I`...-.ulLi'n , I Phtlnoiou, | Ncu-fmuudldud I saga . 7 , .870 mud $30 ulnljnll, , .1-nnmv. --ZQTIQ jvqivju-o 0I|iIln&nu-r`nndhadalnlII- iuguInIofIi,tIiInlQhin 5:1-I&nI,III.Ih-qt hon-I tat. Inlypun-Ilqnp envhn T `Iii! liiiifhini -'5 Q`-w,1n-sinb - ITURI ITOBI Iron: July om 12311 10th as `Milk up. In" I-t: --010.00 .. nu IUUI 1 - 840 hr. R. & J. GARDINERA NEW DRESS GOODS V which `ht-y an ulforing st low:-rfpricm than ever hofure hmun. 5!!|L`T'!!"'|"*"",l*T-`,!"""l"' ||lIessloutl_s_l]u:parlm',nt Olson Lulttu in ull nludu at lilo, l`.. 3c and Ibo pol` yard. All luol per yard. Molnnuo lmnlre-I in nll nlmdm ut: l'.` I50 and 200 pa: ynnl. " All Incl Iiluck l*`rnm:h (imuu-llmm at low prices. Evarydurriplion us] Dry Uuuln N now being ION M. uxtnennnvly I-M prices. 0T""-I -hlmn~lvy1;iv-~Iu Ihuv Hm (marl. ul Rawiniuu wlll |m|n| nu Mr Iur Inru." hm nppenlu much:-l Um AHn(`!u~III(\lIl nl |lu~ mu Cay for tho prvwut. ymr, Tueday._10th June. inst. Cnmrulni Wnrd.. . .Tm-n-lu_\',.` l"mnumu- WnnI.\Vo.'.nma-luy. . Ontario Wu-cl .. .. 'l`lnu-anIn_\ . . Rhlcuu Wunl . . . . . . ..lciuIu\ .. 8t._ lnwrenm Ward ..Nomlu_y. . vclelnluzsnn Ward _ . 'I`uwuIn_v, . Victoria Wunl . \\ c-ciuumlux-. J And will mien]: llm uppmnln 1 Ward: at tho nanm lumr an I} __._....... '$ ?*V - In qurbn it B Ilinlod that none ,. .g- n... ..............I Oonurntivo Spnrzgless Truss SITI'I'0IK I'I'lRH. Mon. Urlauu (!oum.y. N.Y. Go Hlrly tho u-at u) Ilaur Hr gets in. In 3|. 1)H0'I'0(IIAI`lllioI an` aim: IN ho` ubmu ad choxp at Bell`! lualiu. Plrnw um nnd oumhu my Iunpleo. Ind Iu~r`uoII IV prkwomsnd I ma Illtn you will admit that I I-- glvlng tho but vnlun Ill Ilm rm. All work dunu in nu lrlllsllr Iullnmr PHOTOGRAPH: I :-ttnm 0! N. Is. :- Ottawa. 3 fresh Hlpply. R. 6:. J. GARDINER Cheap Hlu-It and L`.-nl--rm,l Salim. Arc showing a splendid Stock of Cheap Blnck and Cc-I-Irrd .\`M,um. Itnohuauihodilauahthovotld .. _n._.._. I-11 `II: ldlnlllo All luol Du lmgm Al nr in-cl, An inlpucliull am iII\'ll|:\L K ingnlm Kllllll, Jul By onlur of the Court. him mane m.s;_ uuM.1.'vmua. ;T. "T. - V. -.........`.:t ;. : ,...,......4 NIIIDAY IVER!!! JUNK ll.` NEW Book STORE Bountiful Fun In-nu 4. -c 0 SI Elegant Ii o .9` W |:_;|l|h.Iv|I|!. In! D IIIC l.l7IIO- 5" ' V II. BOOK! sq _........-- - cm or xnucstou. Water Works Notice. NI ha. OI L31`, Corner of Ioulnml nml Pn S. WOODS. W. P. BELL In mg al llja lC_\co|IAu'f tho Mur- `L M. l"|.e'\N:\(lA;\. ('Il\ I'|<-ll [I 'ru|r|)'. ~---:' -1 - ;1il(l -4" . . In convincing. ll , ____ ....__| In nu! .`".}{;{. in nu: In. __ _..a.. luau an nuunut mm-W! nun. 1 IOHIIIIIIJ-j|o.I-odrennulnnoolll ollbilolono cl o.....mb I-I0`! m&MIh|IOBIN@K n.- n.....:.l...r-It... n.hig.. In about to the the Inge Ooeeervetive lnejotitiue `eeredreee leeellepeeuber. l'lie.perty ; vqteie lheoellylng province! would be ll! eqeel-u any rein the mejority ' euroe onehedperlieein `II Utlllllrewy veuue-e- .._.... -IllII|eIl|yd.vuug-&helb,lhetwopI in- eleel preeleeee-I elaebonieloeehouhl beeeeee-Iheregneeul LlheI'elGoveru- meet. 16 eeelron Onterio end Quebec plheeel would here been II the-'Pmvlueee of Ontario end Que- bee been eeythlng like rquejly dirinled. A lile over eyeer epatl ilm Proviiwiel eleetione of Quebec end Unle- rloweee held. Beleeen lh-see the Due nllzlon eleetloue occurred. Yet the Plovlllelel eleeilooe eueteined Liberel Govprueienie. while in theee eeine Pro- vlleeeelhe vole lor the Domlnon Home In peopoederetlngly Tory. Theee (ecu put together eerlelnly do/,no ihow e per- nnene Ooeeervulve reaction. but relher iedioete the! when the Provincee, M such, went Relorln `before end Halter` the Dominion election, the letter Ieuei. have been carried by eome perelculer were which proved etrnng enough for the time being to uvorlluvl end oblitente ell perly eoneidereliune. `And euoh wee the fort. 1!. we: not the Tory Pill 0 the men who led it, but the `Na- lionel oIioy`cry which won th. victory 0! September. On thie mutter elono wee the Tory majority in the Commune ropre- eelllelive oi the populer will, end in thin ouly heeeeee the people hed fur the um- uem heoome demented with the fair but olelueile vleioue oi proeperily which tho Tory megieiene bed conjured up lur party pilrpoeee. Hed the vote upon the now well-nigh exploded protecilrvui queetinn to be taken over egein the lI|I|l0cUlV0(l eleu- U tore would deeervodly pronounce it 11 do- lueion end eject their dooeivore {mm the pleoee they ublelned by hleu proloncnm Bu thin eeide. _.whet loeeuenlo fully and preeuleptlou ii. in (or Sir John Mecdunnld to elelm that the rule of-- lent Boptenibor In the voice 0! the people upon the Le- lelller queetion for exemple, or upon any looel meteor elfeellng either oi the twu , lerger proeluoce when the political maju my in eeeh Legielelure II n pructicel mntredlotion oi eny euoh neenmptinn ! For the Tory leedere to employ their in- rll mejorily for my purpose 0! interfer- ence with proviuoiel eiliiin, eepucielly when the Toriee ere not eble to bring lhu provinelel government: ink) `lmnuuny' with thee ol the Dominion, ie e piece of end tyrenny ilzet ie quite in- ........m.I. -mi the `gum pighw H- llllifplll IIIII lyrllnly nu-u nu -`---w ... compatible with tho righu anrcd to the ptovlnou by the Confedera- tion Act. The uooncr sir John sud his Ocbinet nlnin from inlormoddling in ptovlncinl chin, and conne themselves to the tum-tinkering (or which they M..- -n-.;..| n.- hug. tar themselves I ' ' ~ Inlnoh. ' H luau: Iuwuu cl (inunul high at I pa. ` v pug : .. ` 1n_una:n:'ouu3Qqnuwnc1u1zab "~.I'.ITlJO llclom. ltmuo-Ipoelal noulliu ;------s' W: % . . IO `lf"l'III|IOI'|ll[ I0!` lluluu luv were oloohd, the both: for thenmelvu sud nll anneal-nod. v~o+CO}-o-o- lion. Hr. Joly repoeoe en edminblu oonlldenoe in tho juetioo of the British Gone-nnelit. HeeIn.Lenupvln and Ab- bott. the egeote ol the Dominion puree- clldll, or lILI'pIIeUuton,0l the Lieu- teeenl Govceor ol Quebec, loft in`. but lteete for Inglend to clamonr [lie llunor'u deoepitotlon. They could not wnit for the neerlng promultion of Perlinmeut, an eager {were they to be lint with the Bri- tlell Oeblnet. On the other haul the Quebec Pmeier took hle time in starting for Engldll to lo] the defence beloro thn Petent Government. This done he ro- turned loenelle, quietly condent that the lmpefhl eetlaoritiee would do jneticu 1- n.- -.., The Pmio 3ooudel-leint-. C 'u`UOUlII$ iuunu uu .....uu In tho nu. Tho Pacic Oil Inlulrhl, honour. still remniu in ordot lo hlntln lull told, u they hul tho fll, lll I Q! 0' IO Brilinlr Colon- lnl rswrotuy. It would be I terrible null on than men ll, allot All, their revenge hrl null should lull. Anal otungar things than this lune hnpponod nu-I uuy again. In any OVOIII NM Lioulomul Uuvernur __.| 11..-)...` humid an much to be ud- Iu can um hliuluuuuu ......,... .. sud Quoboo Punk: no punch mind for thonlnly dignity, which can only coco ol oonnoiou roomudo, gnu with Ihhh they hue conducted them- `VUV D Uhoh OOIIPIO of IMIVBJXIHVO ponooution. An Imperial vildioutkll 0! I80 Uallonant Guvovnoro lotion would to a liking foaognilinll ul their toupontauld dignied lsohariuggr, ` and: richly dclornd nbuh lo 'l'ury ---I---4--.. -hhI. hnmnlnvilul unsun- nun noluy \I---"-- -------~_ W -"'4 nalovolonoo. which |I'|"P'"!"'I| | "'"` obuhod Inc gain moth-r pom-* W - .__._n.n. .|.- ..._.u..l Illllllililllull nl R ONAIIOII [W Iii!!! Quinn ooapllsh Ilu ponolml _|Idilh0| opponent. -Kll HOIIHT -:|, nouns and sing- er, in dud. -'hvuiIl|II to Ian 3 has mulot. bun dhauvomd nmun Own. Kind, ol liollulq. `All & Inn - nd 2-`ounppdlldqutyhutullul Unloc- than-ad .1\Iup'ur|pto Q - Ihnduyulln hquupilh Iohnluduon tun nnuqnlthulho hnuwh. to lh:IuI&.|llbuhoo. .L`T."""'_. ._,......-.....J'_4-....--....._.- .9. ,, i W 33:13 Emma $75: .71. IX Illud Ill uau-riv-w DonlIloI"l`oy c.u...u. _._.}_..__ TIE lEfELUEI_ _D_E|:EGATl0I8- IIWII 0' TIE IMI. IIIIU put |--u - hunuilinua an of who Nutiuunl Guard, new Ion, am being ptouy freely cliiouued junk mm, but than would, no doubt, be much grouot futon-It fmnniloousd were it thought Quit the ngimnnt would y in 5 vivit on the lot of July} in; to anuanninn , . I VII uu IDU luv u. III! iuviutinn. . Nov You-I, June 10.- 'VnvI rnlrlulndl M 887 Charles Tuppvr |I `pain; dour till: nanny ail hi: oi: pay. Tho particular an: of ii: unpoplohrltyjult now in bi: pcrllnn uIonuugnnIt_ ol tho lntalculonisl. Altbouglflnt ya! I-- _.-_ n... nLI.u-ln.nunninAl.oII hoirto | l0.--Unr satire new York correspondent. tologrsphs to-dsy tint be ill! interviewed Mr. Ryan, s pro- minent member of the 00th.`vha ssye: `Thu trip hi Csnsds" use never favor- shly looked upuu, sml is ntuv ss good ss given up. A law of the men vlw have Cu-stlisu friends easy go as eivilisus, but the regiment ss sbody viii not. go. ame of the Unmpnnies sre nude up to s large extent. of on-Fenisns, and the oiosrs and ` man generally sympathize with the most ` sdvsnood Irish movements." '- ' mun nu. u'1uIss sun. some people think Mr. MoNsmeo, the > Prusidem. u! the BI. l`striok's Hooiety, has mule s mistake in givini this invi- . ulinn, hilo the msjorily our reporter meals I not in trust the mstter with in dic-rence. pruhsbly becsuse it never I8.- I rmusly occnrrod,_1.u then: the: the regi- ` Innnl. would my Mnnlrosl a visit on use- . nuunl nf ihsiumwn semimonu which, it (W-us} ) `Mao nutucodouu al the 69%|: I `imam. Nuimul Guud, New Yo: . are |...:.... .....a.. truly alininulod iunt 7m-ulcl Elly Mnnlronl nun. ac- ouuul. of the uuwn in curruntly boliuvod, perndo tha furcr In A lnrgu exhvnl. Mmmnu Mr. .\lcNumae this furunmm Inrgu exlmnl. Mnallng Mr. thi the writer asked if it were I ported, that the lgugimunt. was principally ul Fcniunn.' `I Mu nurpriud that pan imncipally nurpriud pouplu Ihunlul make such a nt..1uuuanl,' nixl the Pruni- dunt. `They are raking up 0|-I thing: oi twun}y year: ago. Why, bleu yuu, llmru in not 5 man in the Ragiumm. now HIM. wnn in it when tho Pflnoe of Wales viaitedlh-9 Uuimd Huston. TIIQ Coluuol 4.. ..s..........| ..n.l Hm Rouiunent hu gnnu Uuilml Hlulol. `nu; \./uluuvl in chanxml, uml tho Regiment 3-mu llmvuglu lhu war linen. . "|'hro in on, M. Inst, whuoe nonli- Iuenu nus not changed. `Now, Iuull hora; II: lrinh Unthnlicl ans ulvnayl having it drilled intu us nut in rnke up old griovnncen and keep open uld n -r-.-I, and now the `author aide won't let bygone: be by-gonna,` and Mr. McNa- unve, who evidently wanted to now u mm, lmltad down I Iido street. A HAMPLK LITTER. (Tn flu E nflhc Wlhuxs.) Sir,--I nuggk-at that tho Uuvarnur (len- aral ought not to grant pormiuion to tho .\'ixty~N|nth Feniuln Raogiumm. uf Na-w `fork (.6 arm: the fronuur with arms. A Vou'M'|um. .. . I I......n.I. Ill'.`t| ` s -mun mhnvggvnn I1 003 saw` 105' 1.IlIDPOIDll'l-Il Wifhill Cblllll IJIIHJ OI IX-'I_IlAl, All! can annual! Al A [Any iju, ]of_ row [or our loss." Moved by Mr. G. Craven, seconded by Mr. Ju. Mask, and rewlved. That. we. the membon of the St. Patrick : Society of Montreal, Iinoorely Iympalhiw with the widow And other member: of tho lunily 0! the donated. l`|-npqqgpgl by Mr. M. KcN|mnn, lec- ` omlod by Mr. JII. llclioown, and re- ` Iulved, "'l`h|l 1 why 0! than I-oooluliom be prownud to the widow of the decou- od, um! be also publilhod in the pron." A rowlutinn uf condolence Ill nlm d In thu wlalivu of the late (Ion. Shiululu, nl ihe United States Army, in which admiration wn uprated for hin bnv--ry during tho war. '1 ho queltiou ul the pmpoood _ ...-..'.... -u... ml-u~u'..unu"-r `III IIUIIIII Al A I"!!! van. -nu . VIII`! UAIJDA--IITIIVIIW Vll fll .n'nuu. nu nut ILIIU, Ill A V 01.111 rnnn. Montreal, Juno om, 1870. ur..~4u1.Unom4 0|-' vonnouxclz. The St. |`.m'ick'I Suciety hold you ml- juurnml mu-nlhly uumimg lut uvuniug, tho |'reniInl. Mr. II`. II. McNLum>o, in the chair. Thuro In :8 large auumlnnce of moluben and I uuod dell of b\_,n-inuaa was transacted. The following I'oaolu~ lions wens pusetl : I`:-nnnnaal bi! Ml`. P. KOIIDO, ucmulodl lntolwlomsl. Aunoupyun-o F... In III the Ohiannincnuuiuntod llu`l'ory lndulbipho probohilitkun um In um um m`.gr1.t bolon M.- - that strive: to gniunuo that Pnmlcr dig- nity. He in too envenomed 0 puma. Mid loo ucllnn and unwiudplul I poll- tioian to can (on? himull my enduring Inna ur position.` Bid II Sh Juhll Mica domkl may ho in than unpack, the ox- chungo mum him to Tllpptf, bath (or the Tory putty And for the country, yould In out of tho lryina into the (in. ~-.-oo-oo ~ -- by Mr. S. J. Quinn, Wlumu, "ll. hu planned the Almighty in [lit divine window to call from our midut our egwemod And worthy fallow`- momber, Mr. Wm. Modroady. we cannot rofrniu from eiprouing our heartfelt. wr- loss. Mmmd hv Mr. Craven. lions puseu I`:-uponeul by I . pl! vusrr TI) 1-ms cn'v'or `nu 69m'umuxnr having come up for dincuuiun. Mr. Mc- Nunue n-quunled llm roprnenlnlive of the Star present in state who wu the pruminem. Irishman rvlurred to in that paper as having chnrgad him, the Prui- dont, with in-ting contrary to the wiahoa of the liiuh Catholic: in inviting the 69th. Ho inked the Slur representative togive the nuns or withdraw frurn the mom. The reporter mop ted the Inter nlbrnnuvo. After some iwuuinn, Mr. C. J. Shield: pmpunod, wounded by Mr. S. J. Quinn, I n-Iulntion onduning the wlinunf Iho l`n-cidom. with rognrcl tn the invitutim iuuod to the 69th Ragi- monl. 1!. was Illtod that the whole u! the sub ouuld not come. but the Culuuol amt: company would pny Monlrul A nut, and the wish lhu tho rocaphon given thorn would be hurty wu uproa- ad. Cd. Tho meeting qdpumod. AN nnucn: nl-m_nu. The New Ynrk Svumsy fkmocml, I paper wholly wan to the Iupporl nnd ouoourngolnonl 0! Anything Irish. come: out In Main! inno with nnuly a column .......a u.. (ha nronocod unit ul the {mint with nnuxy `0IIlllIlI in round la the nrupoaod 69th Reginwnt In Lona-ul on Duminiun Day. It Ipmlu very highly}! the plnn, and say: that tho only dloulty, tho IIIIC of tummy, in nu obabch at all, And monliom innnznkogdvbon In-go IMIIII had boon nlmul to dofny the noose- Iuy. It I: givvru the nsulniu nl many ominom or when w n, it uh- gr unntod. would In on!` too In Ipy to pour out the _c.munu ol 1. dr vol -tilled umhu to am in Iu_ch_|_p-uni unwo- llw c.munu on war nu.--....-.. ponhh aid lunch I gum! IIOIIL It Iponh In In huruuol Ir. ....._..- ,,,_ _ ll Anything can convincing, ` nplnn even in own nmumoul. to our , local oammnpoury. it will surely by the I mm! ol 0 Ohfoluln `by whom it ielighgu ` to II: The Daily News declared the , Nniunql Policy nu not an issue in the ` contest. - Naw iuohnppono tint on the 2nd of June, or three dnyn print to tho tho pulling, Sir John Mwdonnld deliver- ed himself. at 3 speech in the Amphi- I.lIoutu,'l\vrnnu1. in tho couru n! which he decluodz `lnuppouing Mr. Mann ind MI Guvemmont, an-I eudoavouting to de- - - .n...... n.. (1.mnr`nI.ivu 'PuxIok'n Iloouly, um ll -gun u, .... uuhry ol that society. `vn'Ilu' mnoI.1u.. //III] `I'll an nunntr. . necnndedl ).--Olnrr native New o-I..nnIu hpdly 15., 1'79. Tan ni21_r1s1_1' wine. Wnunisum . are true, lum- I. was `cumponsd I ;rn Drum n] [-3. ` 11515.1. tfuuehuuooolnt ;|=..n.r. lul:::u|.uIudo`tho. T50! '8 uhjeou in Jun man an kindly hiding: mind: then. cone wguhor, In pronoun, IIMIC I-ho Hrilmh ag, Ind than who nfuiu huh .n..;..aonh.cn...u1I he g to -ul than there. ll. kin much Inulnsl cour- \uiu.nut so much furgouinu a forgiving Ilmtin t, and whatyu II. worn the l....io .4 .. mutual undonlandiul thnn |)dlC, and whapwu wont mo {mil 0! can mutual understanding should ow be poiniblq, that old cumiqcl. dieuvn . Nan. 'm|x.Junu ll.-T|IO 81! uyn ihun Beecher lad Ina uroouyn mom , Regiment in$.o Cumin be had I bod Lula to nolact huQuouu'u `Birthday II no oc- casion lot his wish, than oonlirlning the charge oi toadyinn levellod It him both here and lhore. Doubllou it In in some meunro II ulfnuulno lieochoriou unkyiuu the 69:1: nu invited to ibnn in celebrat- iug Dumiuiuu Dny. 'l`l1o69th, however, has Infllhuf md mare oongmisl iork on ~ bind in preparing` to coivo the 9th Mulmhulolll Rogimuut hero 3: about . the very time not down for the pro ltigto Montreal. .- Yuri. Jun: die urn New 'ulk, Juno ll.-'l'ho uyl Beecher Ind tho Brooklyn 113th n....a......: hm. Cmuh Ivvu-u-- .._.-..__. oo-Q93... _._...._._ 7Tury ulinloyulty in the Province of Quo- boa hu dujionorilod into (ll-bud indo- oenoy ivhou I4 Gmaclicn, ahich hnuded the (lnvernur Gononl II n pinto booauno ha ohuno In tofu: the Iatollior nutter `tho Imperial authorities. bu Ind thu an- die! uothruw slur cud murund In! cull in the vary fun at the .P|-iunou her- to". llnppily ii III not for the Ron! party to hunt Iiuch In on!- :-ugo. The pooplo ol Quohco Inn nobly. duuo so by emulating the city cl King- in extending the hurtful of wol- -~~- -- u.-u. .Il-Qinmninhnd snub.