Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jun 1879, p. 3

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An invitation was extended in tin- Gonforence by the Rev. W. (iulbmith, H.C.L., in the name of the young pou- ploin connection with tho Mutlimlmi Church in Kingston, tn visit Murmu- vood on Tueldny afternoon next. ". ` invitation wu cordinlly accepted by the Oonloreuco. uni, . u.- nun: -- Tho following lay members were up- >olntod on tho Conlingont Uommmoe Wu 1..-`ll l\- Il..-..|.-_ II! I] u_n -A-Full! IJI7\5ICl.I,o The Rev. Mr. Philip was appointed re- porter for the Chruliau Guardian And l'.'vayltcaI W'|'tneaa. i....:A_A.',... .",- - I ' . _ _ . W . ..u 3.---uunuu-Lu cur um u.\prel- Iion of its luminous and condence. The Revs` Wm` lhnaun mu olected Journal Secretary, and Mr. Pitcher An- nintnnlv. .Q:.n-no.-.. 1: null um oecrcury. Iintanl: Secretary. Th. 12... M. D .... uuv. - . H. II Illllull` Ul lrtlqllull, was elected Secretary. He had 00 votes Rev W. l. Shaw, of Montreal, the retiring Secrumry, receiving {H votes. The l reaidem. dvcliired Mr. Williams duly elected The newly olectod So: r.-tary Inndn A brief, appropraw, speech, and thanked the Cnnforonco for tho uproa- of its lun.l...... Llllll ......a:.a....- uuuvwu VII DIIU \4lIIllnlI.IKIllln UUIIITIIIOB 1-. Lnnll, Dr. Mawlnm. W. H. "A". . Eynlop, W. A. Scoald. D. Rune, and . McCnrthy, to meet on Monday even- .....w..-.. m 11 new appropriate ruuurlu. The newly elected Prunident thanked the memheru of the Conference for lhll expreiuiiun of their cnntidence. He felt the grant. responsibility of the nllice which he hnd been elected to till, and felt. think he Imedml the sympathies and prayer: n! his brelhern. He referred to the time when he was nppmnml mm at the miuietma In the (`Hy ul Kuigatun, And to some of circuimtimco connected with his minintry In the past. He urged on the member: of the Conference prayer both for the Divine guidance end bleu ing in connection with nll their delibera- tlom. The President, in him opening ud- drou, huggeeted that more tiuiu should bx- given in deliheratiiig on tho apiritunl lntorenta of the church. The newly elect- ed President tux native ut Scutlnwlrainl has been in the llllnlntry of the l\li.-Llu>- dil Church ul('nim:lu fur nlmut ll qu:irtoi' 0!: century He in n geiitlmmin nt ex- cellent pulpit ability, has A tlmruingli knowledge of the Methodist desciphno, is of sound judgment, and has long liiid the condence of his brethorn in thd miniutry._l`le will make a goud presid- ingotlicer. Thrnv 1` H w.ii;-.... ..r I. J0 ng omcer. PM Nov. '1'. H. Willinma, uf Iruqlluiu, ms elected Smraurv H. 1...: am ........ --nu-yon: Hutu |Jl'T'lI|. ' _ The lift! buniuou of the Conh-nsnoo us the elocliun of Pmnidem, which in Hull] ch-no Ivy lmllut. Thus I{.-\'. I-"um. Hcilclnu, of Allunlnlv, rv('rl\`|`Al Ml man, the liuv. \\ m. Mannie-rd, uf I --m~ broke, Ni, and I few z-thorn.` who are nlun comidurud well wurthy of the high humor, received neutering Vulvl. Thu Nov. (L Mcilohiu wu declared duly elected. '- The retiring Prcnielnt intruduced hi: nucousur in u for appropriate ruuurkn. d nuwlv lm~a...l ll.-...:.|..... n.-..|.-.: n 'i-tnoisiixii mmmn nggtsn . - ...--'-u an yn-yer. `W599 the roll cu cnllod about 120 "minimum were puunt. Th. lino t...-: .: -my n I Inn oruum nocnnuan ;l'll8`l' nun or uuuosu, kc. ..: any I anal. Ilnrl IIIT. I Htmd- Hufh Johnson lnnnlnv R 1.. .......; loxuux. coinnucz. .-.-.4 THE nonuul Uonuo and H00 lud- [nub N. Baud , on In ho nu. lion loot -W 0 Gunter. Ionnul Want and 1`unn'on- use to in nu. IiuII-Joh Eyvnc. Ibo:-brooh and n...........A-n....... .--mmuu-~ "Imam noun; J lien, 56 'n . we-gu:nvillo-~8 H Philli . Well. limmo- Albo N Elam`. l"n|ilubuI-g-Juna It Richudnom.` Jnohon. Bu `:17. Wool hm -J ll Fowler, I A. 8ll|U-wD `IA-n Lntlulfiucrb 3., 'z'.."..... vnlthlnvo adios! ucnnlouhnc-rucI.|::.luIoo. IF` ALOOIIOL. In . and whatnot mtg, II-khq Inna ofall olotvcu Punk 1 Q .. l1Ill-JOII llynot. Ihorbrooh and llcouutno--'l\onn Oluhoull. `hf! W--kId (bola . Ioxhl Pond and Adn:-IIlIu:| Do Wan}!-to Ind (huu-Auud |`anuL (Ir-Jcupl A. Dorian :..'i'...'-:.':.:'-' ' ' "*~*'-""* : _..-._-- .,.u- cu n 9unntMd--C A Hunon. John Tom- iinn, Mnlculm McD-nuld, hnpery; R B Ialdluy. Stnnnu-ad Wulo nu Gallop. -- Alex Hudm, M A. Man (luvornnr and Troo- Iurer; A has Holman, M A. Principal` Uomptun Ilenry \\' Iiunwlu Halley and Cu|v|lle-- Ernest M Thy Ior, H A. Hoobo Plain .n' (I Cn-tier. Oontlouuk -Juhn Wnltun. Barmton Comor-~'l`hun ltouuiu. Dinillu~-Bury Pam. lilo! (F Dalonmi ncalotl-H (hing. 0hnooovil|o--.lohI Ihnrt. 11. runs: mun:-r. 8! Ju|n'o--John Borlanvl. Iloncrul Conn: um um. u-_; Bl Jun`:-John Borland. Montrul Conan i. Buudn. on: In 5...: IAINJUI `` HI 4`\UB'|I|. lnverneu- Jr-hn Luvronce. l'lvcrtun~ Manes -`s'oun. Buurg |.nu||--Une no he sent. Mom~Ruviere du I/mp md J kI- Alex Dronmm. (1.... n.-... u-...-L :. H - A hIIy0l'VIlIt' Cuukkhire Hmllh, mm In Supovy. MI\|'h|Mul| R-lnmun lmede \\ u l..u--.\.\-- queue-c - horny Hooker. l"o|nt l.evn-Benjumin Frnnklin, B A. Three Riven - Wm Ryan. Mo|bourno--Williun D Brown. Hue to ho lent. DInvillo-Wm. Timberlnlw Windmr Milln-lonc Wilkmnnn. Shorbroolto-Junu Kinu. [Aunt-xvil!o--Georgo H l`urlr ; Imm- cil Hunt. Sawyervilla John W (,`lipn|.Mu. C(mh4hirn nn.| |.I-...I n-_..1. n' W` II - AIOK Uflll` Gupo Bum. Bunch:-in and Antiooati- John 6 Brick I-Id Robart W McKouch- Io. RIIIIIIIINO. INVIGOIIA ohovo All. I HEALTHY IIVIIAOI. A pod lhl M the In And tool In 3 I'oIhorru |'4|.::Ju|oo. IX! ul uuong.) Ea`: lton-Hh-nu Fowler. Muonvil|o--Elisha Tonmnt. Knowllon--Riolnnl Robiuoon. Waterloo, I` 0-John Wilson. South 8tnhly-l" W A Mayan. \\ .~nt Shourd -Hiunun Otuohhnnh. Lnwroncevillr lloury Me on. (irnnby~-Uomuo ltugon; S lngnlln, in r'ny; Wm English. un|mn~ Wnlllun Houu; J (Jun, Sn- nu-'n,v. Uuvuu~- urry Pal I (IF Dolon .) E:n`:0galIon--Hi?-An M.uu..il|- DI.'-I._ II ucnn UII|Ul~ J Joseph IlIyl0Ck. \'nuk|eok Ill - W W Miller, one to be lent, E H Taylor. P|antngonet--- Williuu Norton; Ruben Lochoml, aup't.d; Richard Shier,` |up'td. Aruudel-Joaoph Enrl. Thurau-~Junon O'Hara. North Wnkoald-'I'homu B Conley, B A. ran. Wellington St -.| Tnllnmn Pilchor. Aylmar-I{Ichunl M Hamlnund, I frail Jm`qIl0S. I!.l|`..:| .0, " ` " " |1c1mwml-\\lllmm ll Dyna, Iiuzui. u Nurth Hum-r -Alfrt-I M:U;mn. Manulick Juhu H Stewart. BiIhugn' limlge--(E--rlimn A1`-i Motcalfv Jzunoa Simpson. I$e.|rbrnu|(-J Joseph llnylock. ll1ll-W Millur, nn. \'l. ornvu uI.~mu'r. Dominion Church--l!27.ra A Su`. King St--M L Pam-nun, Wm L I roll. \U..II. ....n ._ cu : nu .. -~- VII. `L null` IDINTII Quelwc Leroy Hooker. l.evn_Bnni.....'.. I. J A. Chalneu-Joao h Curr. Aylwin-Job ndhnuu. vu urn...` ......n. Ile. Ulanlny and Mn! W H Slunuwu l'lnI1hn'r_l` reu Jm`x'I| Hull's (`.1 lhchmm 1.... - *- ~---- -r ._J x----~---~ - V Something ";';,-,_'.'.:.,': I her. Waxed swII--v!I Adana. Anmul-Joh U:-ulull; Allan non. Suzuki. u A. Jamel Illmtt. Alnn-nta--Richaul Wllmn ; Creightoln. Sup. l ukenlmm-h'tephan Ii.-ml. .-\rnpnur-Ednmud S Hhure) lrvinn .\'npl'|. `Is... IIIIH. Smith : l"ulls-George D14-l{iO`_;-g'.a_ Carleton Plnuo-- Wilhnm S Jnnueunn, B A. Jamel Elliott. Alnunnonui.-)u...l ll'.I..,.... u H remoru|.'o- Wxlliun Mumford. \Voulmeq_lh--Jnaeph H Uhnut. Henchbu?g-Wnllinm Peck. ( lnrondou-Juhn L` Hsbnrno. Portage tlu F'urt-Juhn Hnluml. I{enfrew--Willimu Urmg. Ahce-Snmusl Ellery. Unnlow -Rnlrort Mark, M I). Bryuon-He-nry Krupp. Mnu.awn-l|ne tu bosom. Egnuvillo-C|rl Allum, (Uernmu 1 ton. l embrulso- \\'n-In.-.) D. Morrinbnrg-Alunnder Cunplmll. Winchulter-John Scanlun. Weu Winc'hutar- Willinm Runny` Au|4vil|a--Williun Ponrwn, Thuunn J Munnoll. L`urnIull- Richard Whiting. Mnulinetto--Snmuel Might. Avunlnore--Hnu In La nnnl J-nun 71 ll .3u:nuwr|. l lny!u'r-Cnrnelinn A Jones. V. Pltulmnun hln-ruI.vu\ uunhanlv-.luhn 'l`hr-mpsun. Delta--W1`I|inuz Nnndornuu. Nuwboru-R:-hart F Uhvor, Alu Hul- Ien. ' loll, Merrickvllle He-urge Fursoy. \Vulf7rd .\`.unue| R Phillips. LIunbanlv-Jn|m Thnnlmaun, Monlsenat limetla Gha nuuura hkunuel R Phillips. L'IIIIhal"dv-. uhlI DalLn~-\\ 1|Iinux .\`nnderm-n MI dull. r nzruy Ixunktu A|lI .1--nn .-\u--nnl.1 '-'~v r:- H`-hllll-vll U1!--r-.l- H--In-rl II-ohlmmul. .\'pmn'rr\I||cs ~.l--.-wph M :|L'IIl', M A. Kmnpt.w|la~ 'l'hnm.u 1-` Wllluuul; H Shulvr, Huparmnmzuml. ' .\'-ulh Muuntnn--\\'m lhlnnco One to he um. EJInrduburg~-Julm Wnlwu, H A. Mnu'|d:--A A Smith, Sidney (J Kan. nu. nun PIIIHTH I)l.s'H(lI'l`. l erl.h~-W1Hi|lu Mci, Jncub Fman~ III". huzvlnulviuo-Jnmu Elliott, 1) 1), m. - --n Huh!-x rlwr. I...;m, _ oughtaa Bu 'y. .l _ ` ` Pr u_ agar! H Dual` To L unph lty u h arr, Lyn~Johu Davies. Unawbo no-nt. "W chum-h ,.,,... . Fnrmernvillo--Du'id Wmter, S N Mcn `'`"'"l V"? "`*`'`'!'`")` 1"- Adoo. ranxlnihm I` III] n`..... vurnn, auponnnuuod. E lanodowu--Jol||| 0 Cart: `I 0 Ad- inn uporunnnnry. Pitubug--John Fotgulon. 0m to be not. Hurronmih- Samuel Toeoon. TunIorth-Nuh|n Auuin. Ardon-Nuuu B Tapping. Becky : B|y~-(ieo ll Squiro, B A. Vonmchor--Sam! Shibloy. A*d , Sopornndiotu-y. I|(in|Iu~g-B N Adana. ` Butoucr-J I-`oick. - Guuoquo-Wu liun J Iollilo, J C Warren, Buponnuuuod. IIn-Jnln| G (lunch `I 0 Ad. Iaoo. Frun|tvi|lo-venrgu L? I :-ya:-r ; i,(d'n_ _h'up'd. Bnmsu wm; WEDNESDAY. JUNE 19. 1879. Tun worth - Nathnn ' _:n ``d"'` W Pi"F 4" H_oeloy'u Ilquin, noon bah-ken: u very intending uuinn. \ "'`h""`,5l The Rav. Stereo Tighu in `introducing Ill. 'l'I| |[o(_xV",|_| m,4"u.- r_ the l'})unI:l:'mua{ulv.tCIH1011!-Ivsnttrl. ll Bmckvillo-JAnu 5| *1 WW7 I'll |'. luuhly lwikrn 0`. ng_EouglIloa,Sup'y. ' 1-_. ., .1 u - - U-rmsrs~\\nllinn1 F Parlay. wmI-W|Huuu yrs, I" la- and Inland -irnnk / `Y T n be sent. 1` W Cunntnbla, V hmlrqnl J U Know .. .|.. ... rll rlwr U Illl:|ln l\nux. nwn--Una to bo aunt. A L Peter- ..... uuun n uni I lulil . ~'lilll) Mumford. --JnInnh H HL...a -~ `inumel D ('huwn, III II nwwnn. a--(Eu-rlimn A1`-Mun]. mu Simnmm H-burly -Juhu Funk al, april IRE. In be tom. 1 Rumour n Stalnlillg. unuuh uuel mlgnl. ` ba aunt. James u'|IlI:un Knox 1... ... I Stnnrnl. w... I I\ln Iurey ; Hunry Con '9 9 n..m_ ` Lillllv- 5 \\AHnun MEDICAL N.l.-A luv home. up: on I Pt: I:. Min` --vv. . up` nu nu-uuun II IIFNII In lauodon chord J TI-v .`jnu-Ianou nqouoht than aroma aoquuo should nlvohtn mat 1 man... .. II Inc pt-H not no - 5' lino nooks lalduu. J -mo In llanlnn in uyuelod Ibo! nl-{anon tun-on ma tsunami .- .....n.. 333M n us. ouid lo lb I nal 12- 5-: Imu. or Yul, Juno I8 --Tho Fronch hon dla Galnuuuauu Arrived Int analog. LI UuImuuuu'cu holongn to West Indian God. mud no rim nquudrun to roads thin pun nu r-uulor umlul viul. (Nlur wow |-. - I the -M on at 3IuudiM.`,. Hm null romnm in thin [Ind fur ne nooks. June In. llnnlnninupontui OU0_lJ L011: muons- pnny nl Jenny City. has ruulud in that IOIIIIIIAI. syn. Nu god, Jun ll.--15 uh] ol India nidouc Hay: and och: Dinotonollnlondlonl run n.__ ll Olly 0| `DO If. Uuon. Juno l8.-8ouor Pintodclivor odnlootnrohanlutonohgonhh ox- Notouoilllllrh Ho unk: -an uxnnowrolanluunotugonhb plontiouh All-in lie on onlldndhnllyol oaty . 8.hn-Icy, who build `his -nut. "GI vnai Inn` ll _R.l\..._..A_ lnndon, J uno lB.--Tho learn I! tho pedestrian at tho ' ltnrd Hall at noon to-day III as ollon: Bnwn 266 mile, Wanton 262, Ink 107. Harding in on ol the Inc... I... In H.__- D:-A- I-IL -- (,`omu'u.ncd for Met`" Iu'g" Item! . Tlmmu I ll 11110.1!-uv. nvor mu faul to than (`Hy .\'ul|1'll4Il mom on ono III roduood lo .l,HII| I`. 0'Ruil|y'I name to he ulrucll --H; nu-umont nl chm-that huuuo In In- duoocl lu `L400. J|llll`l (`re-nlnn, uwr mu--numml llIIl`|9(' to $71!), no u n , , Ino DINJOI wan to be nomlod. S S Phippon, uvor nuonunent on human M which ha in tho ngont. The noon mum nduood .l,W|0 And I . ()'Ruillv'| nun. In In um.-I. .uI'- oh- to I'll). D Driocoll auggomod the change in the nuns: o! outdo oocupnnu at huunu. Tho parties to be notified. Q N Phinngn n|-A- ........._..a .... |..._._,.- I AM olllng 00 30011! G. 8110 low can. no I on plug to [In non to ordered work only. I amp": Wnddincbnn A Son objacud to tho uuuuont of pononal properly Ro- duood to NW. D nvin-all -n-.-g.-..I ck- -L--__ .'.. .L , Hrllllill A Mc('nrn1:u~L, u-vernssos.-u-u-nl, .\|--/Art Pl&C0. ('uI|li|'(l.]I'd A Mncalu-tar, Study`-mu Muck nuan- mont ntruck u'. (Ibp-ctod in paying 1110! on full amount of his Water Works uuck--It ahuulul be on the dividend. Re- forrod to tho City Solicitor. Dean of Omu-io, exempt. Rev Mr Wilton, exempt. R M Ron objected to the Interest on I ootuin inoolnn, boing tho ink rut on County dobontunl. Ralornd to tho City Solicitor. 1.-.. n..._..- ---- --_-_~.-- A DOIIOIIOP. Jame: Bnrpu, our unnnont. Con- rmont. ,l......L \II-J.I:-.L-_ Ln_A 1< ,. .. numun run: an pill nI|_|v~ :\s-o~-M -\'ydenh:un Wnrul. prutedad Ra-fur: (nr fur ..|.un..n unomcnu. luduood O60 nch. ' Juloph Georg: ukod to hunt the man of J P Gildonlaovo put on for ono ol his honuza, to which Mr. Uildanloeve onnuvntrl. I.` ll u.-|...-|,,| I r. ll rnr rednoecl to : \\`Il|I.un : nun l\l| n I... vuuulluuns R MoCAmmon, our uloumon` tonomonu. Rodnood I60 nch. Jolonh Heurn ulud tn ha mum In 3, I H Mm`: .u-...l 5.. IL.. Curling rink (par Samuel Wood!) our uuumont. Conrmed. Dt K N Fculriok, house nu-moot nduood to 81,800, as well u the unu- HIOII` On I llnlhnnnln Li I? ll. nuuoou so ILHIJ, well the 1 building ropnuuud by R Mc- Ounuon. NOW GOING ON AT PR ITRBBT. \_/Ulll|rIlN`||. Rev I! V Rugnra, rlargyunul. 1-unnpt. A (hum & U4: ammalml an unuus grolmda. Bonds, 31-&,1i.'uH,()() in be Muesl- ed to Mr Carruthero. $700 of Sladaconu ltnck struck o', n|Io 8l,[M'r~l of Royal Csmdinn ntnck. P()'Re.il_v'u name romovod from the useumont roll hr: houu for which he 1 III uoeued. ' uoeued. Edwin Uhown our uuumont. Con- rmed. {`....I.... ..:..|. 1..-- 9...: L - J \ .|!|(`nl) B. I'u\\`h' ducnd lu -.lmA Dr. .\mnJurx-1. r.-nml. |m` Anne: E. L`un| Cnnruuoul. Hagar A 11 D. n The Court. of Revision met yoatordny and disposed of the npponls from Syd:-n~ ham Wnrd. Dr. Dickson. rlargyninn. oxmnpt Rybort Kant, assusaumnt nu In-nan ru- dncod tn SISJNNP. .|m-uh S. I`u\\`hy_ nrur :mu-n.~Im~nL I1 Alumni in Inn ,, _, .,. Thu Rev`. C. E. Cartwright : name I! omittml from this list of clerical member: of Kynodl. This in not very courteous tnwnnls e minister who unlike the clergyman of the city frequently in filling l.8llI[mnIl'y ncenciee,end who use formerly mm of the most active incumbent: of the Dinceee. He he: no bulineia oonnection with the Synod, But he `wide in indepen- dent. charge within the Diooeu, one which gave his predeoeuor recognition in the church ueembllee. GENERAL *dEmcus. .... .1 .I|Il1lIl'|` I E. I3; I . LHH--tuli urn gates {rum Ulmwu, hut .1 (Mann urn cup. on: for that quality. qvL,r. .. n u u nuuvuu The Rev. 1'. L. Stephenson look that speech inindood Iilurn and niloneo gold- on. Rut for hi: Itrictm-on upun the High:-p yeatardny he would hnve nharml in lho Frau-kfor-I end:-wnwnt the Syrin-1'3,rex4n|utiun. prn\`uliml mm .1 veto. undcr The Hishu) was I IUIIIG1. I H Pnrkerhml mm! 0.. l in ,,.. _. .. ......vn. u-uuu. A popular Uuun clorzynnn, who pntroniuo I-oporun because ,|Io like: them. digenvorod ydou-rdny Ihlt no in- dopondunt clul tho nenpcpor man of Kingutou nu. rp,__ p__ on I u., . - - The Lord`: Prayer ut the opening of Synod In aid with grant unction. The umo Ipirll actuated thoiobokl, but it ` it not so beautiful to behold thorn. Thesocretu-ion, I`lorica'l|nd Lny,u well In their uni-tint, He-\'. Mr. Grunt. no darn-at-lo at all tigm-I tn perlnna hiving business with them. ...--. .. or: resolution. nuv -quuu uuunrvu lllll I -nuon 0| lundn. Compuod with it our city cor- poration in 1 `side l|loI.' the Synod mi`: Papa man in Bhhop. He once: from Othn duo. `nu Hyuod control: nu . -iuson of lnuul. !!.._...-_..| _xu_ :. , ,- ,2. ITKGT H3 u$H(|. I nml ,I` l.`0l/'8'!` OI REVISION. PIICILLIIGI 0! AI AITIIDAIY. __. tn. uuumont on Inm- nlnnntl IN! gnu). ' mm cnmmu ma Derry aalml to he an! rull f..r \.. n`.,'. V 81809 I rnr of mu wry I I lhu Ihnlmp `nil I 1 u... Fr.1nHurd 1` ` I3-T. -`gt--5-, .""'"- l . IQ W. D. GORDON&.CO.. A I'll] stock or lbrnn. Cleanl- caln. Patent lodlrlul. Poriunon A fancy gfl. The on our the entire Block out In th ,Prmoou It Come one had nil sud noun a ha! 3" Also 5,000 yard: Amarlon Pl-Into W" "H H HICKICY IL I ` TIN`: Anna Ida annually on an". Apt. inn Iohnn Uvu Pol. (Per l)o-Mon Lou.) Arthur. Ont, Juno l9.-ln the on!- nkma 0! thin vilhgo thin morning Ab:-at nu o'clock I nu: nunod Goonn Anu. k up In nuppoood to have on-uck ha: I In on the had with an no breaking in lhO ollll from tho olfoou ul Ilnoh the won an In I III hnun 'l`h.- mun -- -|------- "l"""P LWU-4 VI-`bled... mun, any Piuperfiga for sum A Man Bcadmhzlla Wlfou-ilk . A .75 `_-nun lI'|l1I'V`lH|l lw |I|||`l -In In ad. lh-- (`..I.-nml .\'-"rs-lav)" nu 'l'lmr~aI.uy A `.4111- nun mgnrding lhv Hall of r~--mun lllrlu bars of tho ('nnaJlan tiurvrunnuhl, uh. aro rope-ru.-d to be C0l'Il|l)5( Lu England! -I the purpoao uf asking the lm porial Uovamnlont for a loan nr quarautoo fur the purpou ol oonalruvl mg tho Canada Pacic Railway. nognn. Wmlo It In in progrou Mr. Juno: MoCA'roy notiood lhn Mr. Kerr III unwollmd run (0 hi: unintanoo, jun in time to prevent him from Idling to tho gmuud. Tho doctor applied In - niblo ronwrutionn but in vain. for Kerr bruthod his Int 1 few second: later. Death in nuppaud to have boon cnuud by ` bout diunno. advance of Any pronoun your. I-`unher u-uculnn n! the douth ul Mr. Jocinh on non fulluu . No Ind played two game: uf hum bull and than in down to rat. He In Asked to par- ticipnto innthird gnmo but doclinud. Another y volunmorod and the game begun. hnlo it in MoCA'rov lhn. Mr. K... Ujjirtrll A April 3!`. uuna [or me Iummol. It in Itntd thnt M. Senoonl, loueu of the Levin & Konnoboc R.R., hu hnndml the mud over to the Directors. vim. in turn. are tn give It up to lhe linuliuh bondhnldms, in m`c-rrdnllco mlh lhu hue Jll(h(I|h'lll nf uppeznl. Ian-r_\'ll:|Inu_: In III n~mhm~~..-4 I`.-v Mu ..n.-mum I II,.. II....... 5 . OPENED- unuulnqsr mr nouvule nun place lowlny. A detachment. of `B Buttery, under command of Mnjor Fruor. haven for Montreal And will occupy St. Helen": Island for the It in .o.o..l oh. M u....-,.-I L.-- .: (I'rr Dolniuwn l.m- ) Quebec, June l.`3.r--'l`he Lieutmmnt Governor : honlth hu no In imprurvd tlut his expected he will he lblvi In H0 in the Home in pornon tn-nuurrnw. It in stand that his illness was nuthing more serious than I E: of ulhmn. The voting for the oloczion of I Locul momher fnr Rouville taken pluco towhy. Bntterv. under Hprrning il`I".\ uuo ul nlelropullun. II Loralnhip -'l`hs lluhnp of I"r~der- ictun bu nuuinad the title. Mr. LII. DAvidmn-l will then iuuw that thin Synod, having lou-nod that the Lord Uinhu of I"rodaric1.on liu nuumod Ind used I 0 title of Mom-poliu.n, this Synod respectfully, but unhulit tingly protects npinu the uaumptiun by tho aid Lord Bilhup oi Fredericton, or my other of Bishops of Eocloaiuicnl Province, of the titlo nnd dignity of Mo- tropoliun of Cumin. And roairming the decision Il'fiV0d at by thin Synod and embodied in n ruolution printed on pages 644 5 of the report of the sixteenth amnion of the Synod, claims Ibo uni dignity and um no rightfully bc~lum,:m;_v In its liinlin-pnl-viw. and In-rolvy N`4[lI('MI| ( hlni fu u--nllliun In lieu llm mu-I titlu nun CENTRAL Dispensary N-Mr an-nu my u. not (`casual Dupcnun. I'M Prhulu Nrcot. IR. BRIGHT I dun. - annals-I. Iuurlwoll III me urnngo unu. II VII Gouulu Ihrgnlu on be Ind hi` --K"'l'dcidod to bus I errand proceuion on _ _ __ A_ _ __ ___ .1-M. no ,|..|., ;. n... ..;... ....: ;....n-- "iifu'u_I{r{f V 0/ I'urIium4=nI~-I,r ".1 ll:-ullli .'lliIo'Irn-`u .`IlulIer.~'. -Ir. BrTii{'[ ouiiitc. .\'mItl4'n lI(`u(/r- Eu 1, u i r_r/. [Bomlortahla House for Sails. AND BY ALI. 'lI8I'(Il1All HIUFIII Bone-In the` Inrdnt Water. Wlll not [dare Ila Fluent luclrubtuohn put pupa . we to nodndhu Friends! I . I Ilrvbh|\1.'O 1:! N; In Mfg: WII ton IINIIOEI on ! Sana `Hosp 2 To Make Washing Easy, [Juno llh. 1-.21 l"lulU58 huunan aucnm. In ya want to no something handsome Has received a consngnment. of Real Lace Goods, counting of mu- tese and Duchess Lace Handkerchiefs, Black and Wmu nu-ch Black and White Maltese Ties. Torchon '1'iee_ ac, ugo gneu and Honiton Oolluenee, an one Bunnie Lace BeM.,u well u one PRINCESS LOUISE Jacket. in Lace. can ma impgcg than if you went in no nalnalhinn handsome anoo. aux Also u beautiful umrrmmt nf r uglulh Tw. Scam Illmt Bergen. an .. .r.. "aring unpn-cealonn-I hnrzunn In iIllN`d SM-tf v&*oI.uh Tuoml .\ m:.~. wu are In unlinh-rul(`l1IlhlII|l Wu uu.nr.mu~<~ n tit vu :- Blk sud Oolorod Silk. Black and Colored Cashmere, Black and Colored Merino. ' Black and Colored Lusters. Black and Colored Cords, Black and Fancy Prints. Pnncy Drona Goods, Alto n I!" ua-ottmeu! vf Lav: terpanu, SPIIIIG I SUIISB DRESS! GENTS; A 2-: CHEAP. W- w.H3,o1 s- 0\`erm Supt-rll ms ronclclol L 9lm'||inl0.~lI Ih 1-I'vm|l~'. |`im- lire-we Spring I"lN'l\ G. w.T*AN.;mEws. The Cleiial Tair. W. F. BILH Kingston, Mm new BRETQQNE uses 2 All) a,uuo yard: Amer-Ion In 1 Nut 0:30`: Jewollry morn. Prlu ` lay '16. ~ ama \('|t`ri1'.'I|) IN'IEl'VV' SVVISS I..aA.C'IEJS_ PI-Ana R nnfu nnr `Tn-A ROSS` A III`) NON ()FFEl l1\~Z(.' A ()'Il'0l("/1'} .~XSSOI I`l\l ICNT 010 -`it-3 vi 111 ZI\&\II Opposute Albion Hotel; Princes: Street. Kingston. Nuvru IAIN! I E . ` lrnnllixlulflc. mt, Ilowl. (tollnrn and ('un-,1-utra cheap, we NU.` M-`IL Nmnll Ian. Bum! Ian um Blondor Ion. n T I I -`HEIRS! CCVII , I 1 vonxvcummn ITMIE. Four boon (run the lurid Ilquurr. From 8 Cents per Yard Immense Elearingf IOOIIULIO. Porto:-.ud r'$"c"$'5i" _BRO: m kin... IJ`..o..l. D_.'_---- ; _ A Ir:_._- , nuunu ulvn. nwul -uu nuu amuuar non R. WAIJDIWN. Wilson's Buildings. l":'.'s"o7:'?1..'.'."n'.`.."..`."a..."`:"% "la-T llnrh an-s. Inn. jg -.'_.,,-_7-.. :.'-"a.=`-.-'..`-E -".:-. ..--. u - uuuuuuuuua -v[Iul|llIU[`_ nu-aoruuent (but me moat fuumunn on calm: from. us 15 mil In-[ore purvhumg elnnrlmm. A1` ll HEAD OI` IIOCI ITIIII`. IV "'..".'.`.'.'.'..<'.`.`.`I.'..`f"x;n"2-"-`:`!L'.. ,|qu_ Dun Wrath; and Window Blndann onehtd wmuauluuud Janna and an Ibo O .luouunhuulnfy[unnuI g pom Flalra cm iiug u a nu nu! nluxnba `roIM1`0 :- f! A Z A TI - Hue mun` _8l_l_9_P, jnutabughod 1054. lJHUE|(EU ULUTHINH. Ourwholn Stuck re uulaiug In urdnr Ra-nmmhar. In lake the load u-I--r_\` mm. and our making llld Irlmming In M 9 mm! he uunvulmnl rm.-ck} glrlgieyll \i'i|'nc`Mus|Ins V In npnudqntod. `Crowd: mltod on lotnrdny, wollululod II! { LDVIEST umc mes. w. .1. sAv4x_9__E. AND rmmul & vinm-, striped ilnsllnn. . Scum"! Tweetlo. Cuudlln Twoodn. Black Bleached Shootings, Bleached cottons. Grey Sheetings. Grey Oottons. Canton Flannel. Tablings. Towlings, Fancy Shimngs v-rv. filun-n. Rnhhoun, [Aw Curhur.n,(`.n I`. X. l70I7SIl\'IMl' at ('0. 11 LING, ml Alfui `nu. uv--up vl oy.u'I| I having umx-dam-I llwln. ABA JREWS. Summer lclothlng. A llno I-`H um! & |'aa.~alIn* re Soulan and Cords tor mutunous sand u -nvlnw ,lU IS Ll `K3,. .. .. - ,.,.._ -- --.._.. ..... [Ill Pllllull on tho rod ....."'*."' ...`.".`:`;...i.'.`. .'.'.', Am!!! to lent lltl. TCi3_n.I. vnv bi ioi1AIu an L win. my curlau Ln- 8001'? as .1 iezmfirlrz "f`* Iqut-our Inulhinl has llvnnllu who: Ooldhhu lulu-@013 VIIY COI IOITAILI llll . with but I -' -~~~.-._".'..*....r..'-=. : ..._.__._. __J|OlU- ru gs In gs Lr :::_-.:;;,;:.r. " TS`f,?" :,-----ID"" 339 I I 3 9""" I 5 mu: v N .... . ' boon tor w ' In um, gr: ed AN-oruln II-I Ah I IIIID an I man bu oh -cw-jZIfI-` rill-[GOD IJVII OIL l.WI'-.`I!'Id!-Ululbl. l.QI.UXII.; Wobhh, ldcl r but ' ' ll `*'9jO:--- 10 gm, DlLl'| 0lNTMlNT.~-While the ruin of nu rut onuing wu lulled with great delight _ by the ngrioulturiou it no A source of urea! disappointment to those who oun- tomplntod attending the weekly Oonoort ._____`'ol the bond 0! `A Buttery at the l uk. 1 `(Jud by the any we hope the public will ` .`.`g'uh1oIlouluo the band fnvorl thin num- ggquo, Iorin nfnvornl-lo and suitable monucr. ` - 0405 --_ i Nowlprlngfutonn. l'oI'tlolicI.InI Whtunn, I|.iVj15 v r---- 1'! ~u-vunuwu nu navy u nnnuu yluvuuuluu uu I. (M l2h of July, in the city, and invita- |ooPnI|d`oqhona wall lodges in the County hue "-9-"-gban i-nod. Tm. wu the principal mo. buninou tnnsnctod. 4._.4__ fX.I'l |IOOIl I500 V l%*l' `I Asr.:n.w rlu SJ, L.D+`.`.::rt.n{ lrnuaumg I '_3" Dm2 nIuu no! my man Prin- Iur ulonu he pm. Iilhu u urn numln in _._. -4o>.-___ - COUNTY LODUI.-Tho Suulh Frontenac ounty Lgdxoof L. 0. L. mot yonterdgy STREET. uhornoon in the Orange 11:11. It ...K|nnl. on 1..-- . ........| .\.........s.,.. A. ---c-ii L.D.H., WW0 have not evidently hoard the Inn of ` ltho Vicrrognl vim yet. ` `am Bung! ._.,. ..,,,- _,, I ; nnmay nu ;;monr, oto. --f---1"? IIUUII IP|I|-II|lIU\l Ixlillll UI UIUIIFI -' LA. D. Suvyer IL Cu`: ugriculturnl imple- -':ll"`:o":mo|u-Lho Canadian Harvester, the 181-ndloy Hnneator, and the Iron-clad 30- . Inn`-.. -5- rou ?'* ' * 0*'" Fun lun.lIu.nn.--Mr. A. Stnohnn .,_.--4ihu been appointed ngonl: of Maura L. `D 51.-.... 1. l'..'. -..-;....n..-_v ;...._|.., coo. Jinn: A (inuA;M|s1Axc.~~'l'ho Bellovillo Intelligent-or, in ordor lo bolnter up the 1: ` Nuiuml Policy. refer: to the bulinou of I number of Innnnlacturing rms, and Illudu to nne place in Kingnton n being dag: `full of on-don.` We lhollld be glnd `if Inch were the one, but unfortunately it ' ' in not, I reduction in tha nmnlwr of em- | plovou having recently taken place. _: -41- .__ IAIIIUI. on T: Iovouoolnd but uh: I-I vhhltmwn II -u--. can rtvulm nv|I'IllIlI0lI. TIC Maud gentleman gun an Intending n ol hi: own/lilo uul upulnoo. , ho um tollontrul bold anon- ii"lIdoIolI.hs :-toon ponou,ud than .oHI'Iol'lwonhkcnintotboOlnInI\ ` Q pmhulnn. During the waning Io Idfunhugipmuwnumin paying I ltlhocbnul with they had usually . pdoluodun oItolOll,Iw. A lub- Idpthnu aquuzs In van Lin. lllllllll DB1. : -awn nvuml|.|lAl'I0l.-l.Al| CVO!!- hgthcto In 5 good-ootingin no Manon ol the Bydcnhan emu Ulnrch, thoonnnioaladogtho delivery ol sloo- klo by Ru. L. N. Boaodry, of Ion- Ihl. on Ironoh lnugoliuuon. Tho Ibo:-J ...II...... -..._ -- A-A----A-!-A bud o! `A 31?!- fvunn u-I-an uni ulllu pm-mom; lacuna. The muiul pnogrun-0 will Include both vocal and iuurulunul lode, the lunar being supplied by the XIII II `A Hath:-Iv I u -.. I-- - -Jan5n (lnnsu PAIIY. ~'l'lu Mont faronoo which not thin morning, wil uoopl the (Judon Put] tendon-ad by the Sunday School Children, which will be given in Mortonwood on Tuuday non. The unlit will ho mule moot onloynblo, at It will oubnoo 3 nriocy ol lam-sting polnn Inside the usual plo-nlolng (mun. 11.. -n.i..I ..........._- ..m 5 It uuuuuburi wlu IE IIIDIDCIIII, lull I that to Ihnll huvo I ne nee on Domin- ion Day, Inch 1: will induce n`numbor of k yacht owner: to visit us. Let the yacht- ; Inn unite und nuke A big pmh. ; nu uau uni! nu yulu vIr_1 purptl. W I llopo tho collector: will ho Iuoooulul, sud " (M11 -. dug haw` - R... n... An` I'\.......'_ .4. -~_ Rlun'n.--Whon we -med yeaterdny that than would not be 1 rogntu hero on V tho In of July we were not oonocioul that Iuuoripti-nun were being taken up I in the oil; for that vary purpou. We ` Inn. on. ~.ll...u... ..:n 5.. ..........:..| ....u ..__.-j-o~----_ lnncu luuolnlnrlnu. --lu nalhg-` -.. . ..-.l _____..v_ y .- ""' `-' F I 0 Anl:a.wzxr.-Tho members of the ) `fourt of Rmiainn are ovidontly not ' `rimming for votes, as we know Alder- :`_" cling in that capacity have done in 1;: Uuunparnllvoly few changes no mado in the auueument, the gure: -40! the nueuurl being allowed in all pan. Iibl cuoa. ._.-.- I Allthuuibu Q; j; ? , ..... - ,_ ._ Dina. F.~.nuu'.~ U1.uTuI.~'u. - -Mr. W. * David did nut have all the clothing Ilolon " from Mn. Fisher`: yard, A nhirt. wu . ` Among the mining ulialeu, and Mr. J David did not hue it. wms Iiornei thlluluulunu [Fast Horses& Sifllsh Eania MRTA1.I.lrm.---Fnvo corpontiori cnrtn nu being employed in during ammo for the grading oi Princou Street, It which an nmplo add of workmen is employed. The imp:-ovomgnt mu begun at the Wu-. torn and. o-__ AT RIA8ON_AiLI RAT! Boarding Eagle Attache: April 28. Spring Houdgjnat 13-b _-v_a,% EI.Icrl0mI.-'l`he Rouville election i in; plus to-day. The Uhglnbly eloc Ion doe: ms! take place until the `.. l3Ih. V1 :u-- an; _' E III. H. Dunn nppelrod in III; (3011:; I` [tuition in A rocom illl, u Ippolmt, mlnul (If Mr: H n.....LI.. rlncess street. oppos lllnclxlestou Q ()0. . nu orulxu -nut I one: e. um, `u! nu won. an `, - Ila tun fuvnodnwulcu Inn 1:: In wm4.i.;yuum:".f:>_rI:::}lI mun, main .1 I 'od'n.::ooI-dhg':o ulilulum copy of It pg] no obulnd at the Compalfl allot ` Tho sixth annual union ol th;-Mon- trod Conference In) opened in tho Hy- doin... Htreet neuaoaiu` Church um J wlluniy, homing It 10 o`cluck, the Rev. John : w-in Iv-_n mu nae. 1879- __!$m.d in the cluir . `W V Q The Pruidept gnu out the hymn on he 402ml page. Ind the Secretary real the xum.chhpwr at Eukial and the 6th _._.. olnphr of 2nd Corinthians, slur which the Rev. Dr. Elliott IIKF Rav. (I H. DI- . Ii: onpgod in pnyor. Whoa tho Ill nlllnd nhunl. I-M `_ 3/ `F-WE-B M- I A, u U. Pllul Strut-Daniel V Imcnn, M A. Donhonu Stun-llonr II Hind. ` Sc Jouph Stroqt-8050: umdofl. Bborllooi 8noI-JuIu Allen, B A. Point 84 Clnu-he-ldwuvl A Ward. Douglas Char-ch-W|llhm Hall. I A. luchin and Onto 80 l'bIl-.l I hub. 86 lnubon and Onobly -W ll spotl- lna. B A. John B Hall; I D. Buponnnnntod. st John`:-- J Orolhuu. II A. lAonllo~-Jolln Arnuroq, W I` In- nn. H A. Odollloin--dnrd W Gnu. ll-ulnglord- Sdlul llughs, un- Iol I Ilondaloy. Fluiliu Outer -Wu A Allan. llutinqdor Juan llondunon. (hu|ovo-'l'bonu Boll. Va||IyIH-Gowp H I! Dub. WIIIIMII I altar, M A, Ll. lI,I 1 0! Clone: And Urook Tulmnunt. Ullntn Ru.-.n_.l......|. w u` usurp u-nun. I.l. l`I'l)hIIor of Thonlugy. Willinm I Hint, M A Onion local and Ornuuud Onhuuuuootdu. IAIIII` IQUAltI.. . . . . . . on was 8t.Junu Htmd-Hu h Johnson, M A, B D. B Longlay, B {by pormiuiun olUoofonnoo, Principal 0! Mann! Allimn Academy, Snchilln N ll. nu.-. nu .- _.._... Tho President than appointed the ful. owiug Nominating Cnmniittao . Rev. J. Borluud, W. Scott, H. F. Blnnd, l.. Bunker. Hour: of ndjnnrnuwnt were then kind. The Miliinnnry Committee ul lnymon In than appointed D. Dugleioh, S. Wnrnof. A. Mohau, J. Johnson, P. `scour, U. H. Lanbly, And N. ll--ldon. Oontcnnoo Adjourned. The following lint. Inn nl uutnunn Ill distributed : um . -uu-nun In my uuulutvnccc The following were appointed mombon of the Sunday Schoul Committee : Reva` J. Armltrong, W. Bridon, .7` Wilton, H. Farley, H. Bell, E. Richnrdnun, sud u--mu uwcunuull IUIIUIH-Du, In wnicn Rev. Dr. Elliott, Rev. H. Johnson, Rev. A. Campbell, and others took put, in re~ {chance to the nppointmout of I Nomina- ting Committee. ROY. W. 8% moved, oecupdod by Ru. J. Wilson, thnt 1 Committee oi live be appointed on 3 Nominnting Oommit- too, said Oolnmittoo to be nominated by the President of the Conference. NIL- 1-n-_;_ , )1 Ulullou um unnl 'l'oIlnmont. Outta BtlIot- Joseph W Span-ling I A. B D. wuauvn !'IlR0l.0ul1'A|. u'nLumt. (home I) lulu, LL D, | rI'Iu:i|-Al llld `winter 'l`hunlun. Tololtor M Thunlugy. Slur, M A, Ll. ll.I m!ounr -I Olnnu And (Junk l`..n........ lvu l.IlUI'I!III.`. The report J tho 'l'mmler Uumnultme wu rend by the retiring President, when it In: Itatod that the lollmnng member: were trumlerrod . Tu Tnrumo Cunferenca from Montrenl, Rev, W. S. Blnchtock; to the La-ndnn Conlerenoo, Rev. N. Smith. Trnnnfetrod from London Con- lelonce to Monlronl, Rev. Mr. Tannont. and Rev. Mr. Macnllater. Some dlscunion followed, in which I)... h- lain-.. n__ n u | .. I faikaus a may can a Biacni ;mn---n:-nn---

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