EoTT!$ 1 EM|.!.L$J.I!.M inn Inns. [UH IBVBDCG I Sermon , Sabbath 3 Rogers; `rim snmsn Vwuf% s;runnAv. .mm2M21;. is-79. Ill. IOOIIII uorrion. , Rov. L. Hooior Ioid:-By roqtioot of `ho onthoriiiooof thin Uouforonco I on to move tho I-ooolntion which odmito thou probotionoro into full oonnoouon with tho ministry of nur Church. In I0 doing! inoy ho pormittod ono word ol oolomn ourprilo ot tinding myooll just when [um to-niglit-o sort of connoct- ing link botwoon tho oung non of tho Cunforonoo ond tho othoro It ooocuo but o opon, no rapid hoo boon tho (light of time, oiuoo I otoud when-o thooo young bi-othron now otond. Ioorooly knowing whothor moot to rojuioo or trolnblo when tho ormo ul tho Conforonoo woro oponod to uh mo into lull connection. And now I atom! with one hond in tho hand- of non of whom It will ooon ho uid. and ooid with mm] o toot. "thoy on not. for God hoth tolion thom. And very ouon thorooltor I, too. Iholl gothor up my foot oiid dio. Evon on lot It too. Tho wotoro oi the otnom (0 put tho mill but onoo; onoo only thoy hovo thoir brie! inoinont oi uoolulnooo at tho whool, and thou thoy Ilow on ond out to the oooon. But thoy on not wootod. Tho groot Mutor ol Lilo boo o plooo ond no for n.... in ma nunilnld ooononioo ol noturo. 4 @"I|VElJ'SA'[A`_LL] A-anunvlloollluul as 00 an 'ruuuolu Honor ol uuo nu I puoo am: no lo!` tbon in tho manifold ooononioo ol noturo. So it it tab In. For o nouont, how briol, IO toil. out than Ibo porting cord to pooood with tho toilon bohind. ond no no owopl orgy by the Inuonblo bond ol lino into tho oooon, tho ohoro- looo oooon ol ltonait ! But no go not olono, for tho Ohio! bophord, who in tho light god tbolilo ol lull. Ioih in tho volloy Ind Ihotlow ol dooch, and both ool up in iuho bonnor ol Ion; not nnpp ndod, for tho bouoo nol ludo with bond: to, novottboloot. built; and nnltitudoo ol than who no tbooooluo out uininry and tho and oonoidonblo portion ol our biloololborobototo on waiting to Ioooivo no llto Ibo out-looting bobilotioo; And ovov, to oboor no. Ibo bu-ooooo that ovoop lulcoltbouhotolouo ooou boot to our oou Ibo oxonhg-onlbouo of tbog|od- Iod, ond o volalvontbolhrooo Ilooll ohlol Ioyo, "0000 [0 N&dl" But. air. It In toll boon coulbootbo annuy meuea. Mr. Connolly rooeived an early religious trnining, being led to the clue meeting by hi: father, and he had oonuietently attended it ever since. When quite young he had longed for re- ligion. He ruled that for yearn he hul endeavoured to avoid becoming I pre|ch~ er, but tint the thought returned ngnin And agnin, until he nally gave himself up to the Chriatinn work. During the put year he had been pluud with the result of I revinl at Nowburg where 83 were converted. fruluul. Mr. Smith inlimnted thhl he had from an early ego, and until mlnnhood. been impreued by religinnl cnnvintinnl, hm. the: for n time he no (er ignored them A: to enter the bueineu world, and become engroued with worldly eiin. But the four of the Lord In belore him, and in the course of time he experienced the genuiueneu of religion, and he believed he was called to preach the Guepel. Hi: ve veer: of probeuon had been abun- dantly bleued. Mr. Cnnnallv reoeived an aerlv preached. Mr. Sparliuu u only as tap your: nf rigs desired to live a religion: lifa. At fourteen yours of ngo ho Ill converted to Hod. Until twenty-one yen: of ago his life Ill nimilnr to that of many others, but be Inn At length led to soak ulvntiun. He did not remember I time when ho did not doairo to punch the Goupul, and dur-V ing his probation hi: ministry had been fruitful. M. umm. ;..o;....o..I nan Inn hurl fmm unurun ul \J|IIlI|- Mr. H D. Uhmvn declared that he know he Inn converted to (End, and that he believed he was called to tho Chris- tian ministry. Ho Ilid hi: aulv rah- aioun lifo amounted only In improuiom yuntii thirteen year: of age, when he felt /convictions, being led onvurd by A pious iusucinte. who induced him to attend clun meeting, his lint |ppon`i-nice at such being on the hut Sundny his father Ind exintmd on earth. Ha found the Saviour in the buemout of that Church ntn. revival conducted by Rev. Menu. Ryckuiln and Brock. Whslavar hil pu- ailion in the Church might be he full that he was called 0! GM, Ind Ivhnt he felt ha preached. Mr. Soarliuu nrlv ten velrn PBTIUIIII Illu lllslvuu 115.111: "um. -. . Mr. Ellury nu the tint to speak. Mn hnd experienced nuuy Iulemn seasons in hi: short lilo, but none In men nuleluu tho that oconion; Hi: you: mg 1 he had ndt the (times: idea of the ministry. Fouttun your: ago he Iml relagi-nun (lull- victionl, and our Iiuco hm! an nuns u! the mod 0! ulvuiou. Hi: prubatu-nary term had been plenum. Ho wnahod tn dodicato himself, (1) to Uud, (2) In the Methodint Church, und (3) no the whole Church of Ohriut. nL__... Hun) In; A: u l\ .lA,.l-.-.l rlna-n.-nun. up: u... The nppliuuu for uluuun--u In the ministry were then iuvlmd Iu relate ilmr penounl and religion: elporiuum-I. Mo Iflluru can that lint ln Inn-ink. "H nut Ivcgug nun wu u nu". ........- moo in tho Sytluhnn Sum Church, the oceanic: blngtho rocopcion ol thou Ilw ' huo lately ban udmmod in! lull unam- ` bonhip. ` Tn. cum wu occupied by us. P-3.1.. ` dent, Rev. Mr. Kcitohio. Altar devo- tiolnlmxarciuol. ainpug and Drink, the ` choir Illllll uthun. ,, ' ` ill on ulbnu. A 1 1'hoSoaoury; HA7. Mr. T. 6. 'AI- 1 liuu, Ind the nunu of the omdidnlu, : such on. ol whom ran an unnounood . ` Noun. 3. D. Ohown, T. B. Connolly, . I n . a mu... m n u...an. ....I W To-l;i'JW`i; 8;] nxn. :2. u. vnuwu, .. u. .. B.A.,8. Ellory, W. D. `Smith, ` H. Spuling, BA. hi-nnll In`IrINl\| F0 III IIIIIII 0! I'll IOITIIAI. GlI'II' `IIFC - Lu! uoqlnx than up n I-no I"-"'3' ..... ;. oh. slmlnnhgn RI:-nnl Church. ` --1 IIICIPHOI l!I'l`lIU- ` mediate end inieiiioie inepu-euone ul God for the purpoeee of edifying end governing the Church. We grent, indeed, thet theology, ee eeoienoe, in progreeeive; but thet in much the eenie ee to eey thet we get from Montreel to Kingeton by trevelling the tiret inlle, end then the eecond mile, end no on until we reeoh our deetinetion. In theology. ee in other ecieiicee, we begin in the rudiinente end Ipell our iiey nm by etep towerde the other end, with in ditl'ereIioe-in theolo- gy we never yet then-- for, ite eubject, the Innite Being, ie, end forever will be, en interinineble height, e bonndleee expenee, e bottonileee ebyee. But theology ee e eoienoe ie e thing thet diifere by very lerge meeeiiree iron: Chrietienity ee e eel- vetion. ln thie there inuetbe no o- greeeion. God, wetere of eelvetion. In ehort ell ' thinge thet nieke up `the greoe of God ihet hringeth eelvetion. The whole, with no emelleet pert iindieoovered, wee i M neoeeeery for the tint century ee it in [or the nineteenth. The weyfering men. though e tool, must be eble to welh therein without error ee well en the philueopher. Therefore it wee thet the book: conteining the Chrietien eelvetion were given et the ret by inepiretion of God, eu thet they might be good end enicient for doctrine, ieprool,oorrentiun, end inetrnctinii in righteoneneee. Our ceiling, then. in thie ininiury. ie not to uizulie new diecoveriee end reveletioiie in mettere perteining to leith end preetioe, but to know, deliver, exemplify, enforce nnd depend thet which in elreedy given by innpiretion of God. Nor do the men nt thie ininietry nieke eny pretenee to priestly fnnciinne. There ie, in our hende, no mum-poly of the greee of God. We dens not eey thet our beptieni mekee the eubjeot 0! it e child of God, nor thet, lecking beptiem, he ie lelt in the hende ol the devil. We dere not eirni thet in the Euoheriet we eeeriee Chriet tor the peniient eonl end eeve him, or thet we oen relueeto do no end drive him to hell. And I ineke hold to eey, eir, thet in the entire New Teeteineet there ie not e veree, not e line, not e tingle word thet teeohee or ellowe thet eiiy Inch mono- poly ol eelvetion hee ever been pleoed in the hende at eny hninen being. And yet I will not eey there in no priesthood in the Obrletien inietry. There is e print- hood end the euthenticetioee ere elinpie end eerily dieeerned. They en llvein number. Oiieieinthe pelin ol then`elitheed.endone in the nelm of It in light of life, breed of mom unlnou. unoumuu pun: at tho `|uhud.udono intho palm mole |Iud,|ndthon In on in oo,uId Ibo ltthlniuthololl aide whom nunpoarwudrivon to It bout. ht Iiuulobou-nhuo oudnntiolo and vowillhlluhin loot "aim sad -uuumn with on; mo hianolold IIIIIQII hoqulcktodinonin Egan who II|ll`:no up tic-goutlnl our . uni. thunnhhulood, hutblit he noted "That TH of IIIIHS. Dlll mus to tour. no my nlnuu numy on no man. Four year: have we um] the-e candidntan boon prapuiug for thin mlemn cuuuumnntion, nnd thorn in, tlneraluro, good reuuu to believe that they will continue to examine thomlolvu in thin ministry until they Ire oilled to the better country. I oongrntulnto thus brethren. secondly, upon their reception into I miniltry and nothing more. In this mininry there in no pntonu to im- modinto and inlnlliblo inlpirntionl of nd [nr chm nnrnnun of ndifvinu Anal anort and II umvwrau in in application. It in thia ; Do they live Apoetolical line l Do they praeeh Apoatoliral doe trinea I Do they have Apoatulical fruit? We are nutthe vine but only the bran- clwa, and Chriat ia the vine`: an-ny branch that livee and bean fnii ie. be yond poeeihility ol mietake, a branch in the Irue end living vine. Now ahow me a thorn branch thatia laden with grapea, ul'l branch 0! the vine which wae cut ` away in laat year`a pruning, and aeaaon- ecl under laat year`: aunfand ta thie yearn bending with cluetera of purple fruit, and I will ahow you an equally atrange phenomenon-a ea:-called chriatien mi- mater who livee elileof Apoetolical puri- ty. preachea Ohriat ea the Apoatlaa preached him, and auoceeda like the Apoetlea in turning many to righteour none, and yet ia not in the true Apoatoli- celnucceeaion I will not glory above nieaaure. but, Sir, when theee teens are applied to the mmiatr into which then brethren are about to a received, there munea lrom iuany-ielai.(la of the sea, from every continent of the world, and from the holy and hleaeed Heaven that bend: above ua, a teatiinony which de- clami that, in thing: pertaining to God and and hi: new covenant of grace, there is in thia ministry a plentitude ul au- thority, a eulliciency which in of Gud. . And it ia to be hoped that the ordina- tion which theae probationera neck, and are about tuubtem at our handa, will never lm prufnned by mean: of their aub- mitung. in after life". to the laying] on of other Iiande. I may not week for othera, but Ior myaelf I will any that aince l wee set apart to the otlice of the ininiatry by the laying on of the hamla of the venerable tathere of} the Me- thodist Church, ` I have felt that I could receive no higher emotion and authority unleaa, indeed, it ahou_ld pleaae the Maater to lay upon my un- worthy head the handa that were nailed to the cruel. It would be innitely bet- ter for themeelvee. for the Methodiat Church, and for C-hriatianlty at large that theae prnbetionera ahould nnw draw back. than that they ahould ever profane what they are about to receive by declaring it to be ineulcient. There la, however, but little to fear. We lay hande haatily on no man. Four vaara have we anal W. he mull Ior mo noun; or momenta, uur that oldmy nun or not 0! man. to bo in the true Apauolioal Iuoebuion. Like tho celebrated dictum of Ariuotlo. ilgia very ahurt and `u univdrul in in application. hi: thin: Do HID! Anootolicnl The lattes! and Boat selected stock In Ilnpton. I bopooltio('loI'yolGo3_,b ut Illoin Ibo nnlnnoo thcyoa Ifh [OI :Q, ,0! -8 CD. I03 only fl Ironic` AN nu swoiwle. Rev. Dr. Elliott eeoonded the motion, end he spoke eloquently of the lite upon which the young nun who were ehout to be received hed entered. Be hed ettend- ed rneny 0onlereneee-lootinu heck e few yeere in he lil`e-hut he oeneiuly thought thet the teetitnoniee which he hed heerd thet night were ee th.-roughly ecripturel end epirituel ee eny which he hed hoerd on euy other occeeion. Then hepeeud on to note the remerk which lieu been uiede to him by e noted Cull- gregetionel edlierent, who. uldreeung e Methodiet miuietur, eeid, `Y-mr clue} meeting: in your wet`, the eheonce of ` then ere our wee niece. end the epeeher unpreeeed the inipurunoe ot the oheeru- Noll upun the euaienae. He noted the reletiune of the old to the young minin- tere. ol hnw one ehunld give evlvnce an-I the other receive it, declering thet eonau of the letter exhibited the epirit at tho Apuetlce. Alter oheerving that niinieteu line en ineny euneiiiiiy deye en the men - I l euy other prutceuon, he reinerked that ? the mere ennoiniing did not inelie them everything. Iliuietere cuuld not run I_OlIH IlO e eingle heert. They could in t perdon e eiitgle ein. God never `eve u y men tllet night end never will. Pardon could only be rented by the Greet Hm I rrieet. it cool only he ohtdeed et ti.e mercy eeet. Nor could the ininietere wt cletxll to be the eole gtopfitton at the power by which the ouutente ol the Bihm ere to he underetood. 'l`het eye haul long etnce put. some were Inching e deeper-ete etlurt to reetore it. He preyul they would not heeuoceeelul. He clueel hoping thet the public end privete den- tioee ol the young inen would be Neeeul olthe lard. end thet lorlheir deeotignl they could et lent be edulued within u.. inner nirale. Iuuoluq IIIIII IIIII lbupon, :0 that they ugh prompt the I-`IIPII held, Ind IIM IoI&lIo uloinnouu could lolhlo supine ol Ihooonvorh II; [nasal God and the povotol the Holy Ghost. Ho node I good pouu old ho duh upon the unaudited chu- utc ol ohridhoil , Illld no vonliod by tho hbtoty olghtooo ooaumn, -III. no nnan ol Ounlnnun. Buddh- upuuouslnuuuunu an and the an . TIC! Iuiulowur snmnmnncmvj III WCUQ ' inuot circle. a nun: wnonnno I'll notion. Dr. Noun, Pluldoulol tho Iomr.-nl Oonlouuu, II the notion vary nib. B0 II` Id any nhppnlnm olonnulotho oldest and nultol C. I- cuuosunuponoc wuuuu, mucu- i$.IntIon|n,Inionnodu.uo.nnd thoochrqohngilpluulintbocnuihlo d I320 rank! -3: out no! the Inn 1 1"?--uj ujllo In `$03. uh-hllnhdukhiinuhdn WIIXI THIIIDI, Oonluuu, Buddh- nin-nndnmn-. and [H8 llllalllgtl Ill H19 grub mun Ul IMJIIDII, "thonghbrequiru I Inn-kar.' It in In he hoped, than. um. our brotharn will take their unnd up-m the wall naourtalnmd fact: of rohgi-Jn-Lhe {note of Sunni and the Cruz:--aud from thus central. AI- pmo height: search n hr in they may toward the circumference of things. Ono in: word, ur, and I hue done. It in to be hoped thul. they willnluuyn bear in mind thut uhonr onccoun iu the mmiury dopondl not upon whnl they IN! :5 llpull what they do. It in ouontinl than they live a pure, tweet cnmtisu lnfu ; and la do than in tho Ininutry II nut Iu ouy I matter as many unnqmo. The minor nf otherl, the mininer in lnimulf wilhnut a uxur. And ha undertaken. an n nun of Independent way, to hop hunulf in the love of God. I :-tying molt fervently that grace, many and ponoo from God the Father sun! the Lord Jun: may abound unto them, And am every neona- ury gift of the Spirit may be In them And abound, I beg leave to nubum this ronoluuuu. gu ADI - as-nt\\lnDn wnnu uou an I nvmg perunu, I auawur,. "just an I ox tad; the ziuuuuun to find the: Eiernn and Innite One "in the i crucible and in the npectrunonpu ll n|~ toyethor too lofty! Try ngun, brother, and try the next time there millions` of honest. man deoinru they have found him, in and through Chrm. Jeaun the, Lord." But if Hut Sciontiu priest-~ doolnringlhnt ho ho found anywhere in nature chm. which contrsdiou the funn- datiom of the fundamentals, thn axin- onco of the Living God, then III the name of that nature which ho hum libulisd. I protect that there is not In Albania mum In the universe. The truce: --I thought nru upuu every Mom, and, In mus the hmgnugu uf the gran. mun of Boston, 1 "thmmhbreuuiru In Iuuon. nappy win ii no my inane nreuiren ., if, mingled with ihnt divine charity which ., will iueke them the `friend: 0! all and the eneiniunf none. they hnvelhe win- doin tuudhero to the ductriiieund method: which |linve emteniped up.-n then: the seal of the divine npprmlll in everg region ul the gluhe in which our churc bu penetrated. I also indulge the hupe thet our dear brethren will not be I the number of thou who borruw trouble from the reviul of Science which in junt now going on. By I mun: let Science revive. The more we know of the warli- of God the`better Ihnll we be able to ul- inire and to serve the Great Workuiuter. God hleu all the nturdy toilet: in the field of Science. But let it never be fmgui that Science. beautiful la the II tw:ln_y_ Wllll hnve changed mum of her feature: by hi-lIIuI'l'liw, mid will hive chniigud them for the better. if the Sciom-u of twenty year: ngmwere to tnke A look It herself in the qlau tn-day. ehe wuulil hnrdly recognize her own (vntsirea Agiiiii _J uy Hod blenn her ind speed lier xrmrth until nhe preaeiiu had the Cruel.-r in fully and as beeiitilnlly nu ihu sweet tmspel of Chriut revenla him as the Fiitlier And Friend And Saviour If mnnliiiid. liut, Sir, when with n l.-uli ni Iriuuiph on hll fees, the Scientilt 0-IIHO In me and ny|l have searched lroiVeinp and In the bottom of thing: Ind hii e not loiiml Godu I living perlnu,` I an war, "iuat exnected: ...;.'.',.;...T.f.';:;;.... ._.h_Au.._.-I-Ag; ---l-I-than Ihe[Iheapesl_mse in Kingston DRY G ODDS ny no no-roan um. uxscruuuuw no:-mm men to Iho cm-Inn: ululiml uf some and tho cortnin dun-notion of 1-then, I ulvuion In {no that it albnnul and urn to tho mtarlnv-av. if humm will llld pul- lution. Happy mil It be (0; those btuhron If. minolod with (hut divino chnrilv which . nun. II Illll nnuulnomu IIO a lock! In and of -thy duu'nd.dvo' . inuence 0! mo Muhoduc Ohumh. . It in tho Ohutch at tho ittnotnpcy, , Ihiohooooonomiua miuintcrlallnbortlut minister: It in (fun ohutoh which bu the but and throat provision For guhoring in member: into the clonal chtiuiu fol- lunhip that they mny uh lint ouunul together, and ntrougthon such other : hand: in tho hard. It in tho church which udl in tho- run! of mu Land, wu- nntod to preach 4 (all and free ulvnlinn. I nqlvuuun no {rue (mu. :1 In Iruuunolod by dacrmm that dnscruuiuutao hotvaeu mrt-nu it has no noun church: and an idle . j|IfIIC|IOXK||ClIUIlIf lb] duo tho vault cl IUoynhy'| Inthnohdlnn `linnnunhv To Make Washing Easy; Sues Soap ! lcmuess canoeijjrownsn ] Pmizn Insect Powder. I :WhI mm Ilu-Cloth en! Wlll not lqjuro the Flues! hbrlr. AT WADl 8 DRFU SITIRK. Pure White Hellebore. KEEP YOUR! l`VP__"9l -w :j-_-:._. .7 blue 5101!. Donor of IQ and Incl Iuu HAS JUST RECEIVED A LOT 0! ALL-WOOL HUNTING IN BLACK AND 00LORlD,1'Hl LATIIT STYLE POI LLDII8` l"'UL g ----v- |s".'..':.".'..'-.-.-.*..".."'-""~ "J. AT vunla nlwo arolui. Pure Purl: Orson. \ \ r 1 L n L Alao I ne unomnenl of Lucas. Trimunngn. Hossrv. Olovu. Illbbonn, Luce Cnrulnl. Conn - torpsnu, ho. ` Alnu A beautiful ulnrtmout of Engluh Tw.-odn. Scum`: Twoodl. Cundln Twcodu, Black So on. Bills setxu. Gm. _ e um ullu-In unuprnwlentonl hnrniul in ORl)li|(l:.D (.`L0'l'lUG Our whole Stock re- duood. Soothe ooh `l`v-d sum. in are muting In ordnr. Iomomoor. wo his tho land in Ordered Clothing Wu guarmtoeu (it In ovurv cum, and our Ilnklng and trllllllng In of H019 uur prices And be convinced. ROCKWELL BROS. -n__v __ I'I-a...I I!...'_---- QL_--L -`l_.-.5-- 311; and Oolorad silk. Black and Colored Oashmero, Black and Colored Merino. Black and Oolored Lusters, Black and Oolored Oords. Black and Fancy Prints. Fancy Dress Goods, GENT.` FURNISIIE-jlNGS. CHEAP. W -A.LI)]RO]N"S. .__-oo._.__. J um 20th. `rho above ltook of Umbnllu an all oloud It prion much be- low their ulna. Z Juoh. M-my 2|a'. I829 j 0nallpurchn.aes.w1th exception of Prints and Oottou, '5: we sell these Goods at Manufacturers Prion. , 12% PER CENT um-go light Pngo Shut or fifty-Six broad ooiuinu, will 5. sent, Post mud. to "my Address. an m. x, 1880. ' Senna the lard:-at Water. { "HALF _A. DOLLAR- AT WADI' DRUG HTORI. U-'||_.___._ Look out for (nu. AND 3:: IT Lmua. IJUI JIIO INI. %are?'E? & SPECIAL NOTICE To cLEng_vg_ng:u%{ Attending Kingston Conference. W5 will allow I discount of low I Damian _.;'.,__4-' -----~'-~-*-` ' `1:`Hf1j W SUE; Ian`: Mum Man : Man n Men`: C4-.0. Ian`! Tn-~ (fun (it all - Men` nun rauun .51 Ian`: Cnlnrvd Mnrnm The but Whna .~hu-v- Inn`: Hnunr Ftnp. 4] '~ .__.:.oo._. Isms \\'hlm llerinu Uuder !~`h|rr.y'!0. 4" Men's \\'hiIo M--rluo Paula 33. 40. 50,4 _ Ion`: lmhn (hum Shlru and Punk: 40. .54 Mon`; (`Minn Umlt-r Shirt; IX). 15, G0. 45, iv Man`: (`um-n Pauu 3', 40. -`:0. I10. 75, , You-0 showing slum llld ndchupltookgtlllkudothor nskuofvnlmllustlowprlou. We no wall utookudvith uulooou-In-uu,wuoh_wo all Gap for out Dondou cu-IloonI|II.lcIIu.Icn. IWU` `W --- TICT-I Opposite Albion Hotel. Princess Street. llnnton- Raven Labor ! the Sign IU _.--.-..-- J ' mzmrwml g,u3.-----""' .r..'.:."r7;7'.; s'x>"""" Address THE SUN. NIW YORK CITY. v u. .. \|n-Ill .n--n .mu .uuuuuI nuu u` t 1. .. nos. Wilson's Buildings. Al Selling on D001`! 5 IBOII In In- . low cost. no I I. Roll; 00 give my uno- ; non Io onland work unit. ILL bun A. 0:`: 5 Co ! Wll -N `hull . Ind DIM?- -iu. In 9 2:. ad.` p.l.. hr 0 Illa IIIUVIf.ul|b| cl '0 Vial. halo! \VoIloln|ud.huh on ll;-`and 9l0pI- `nu-vmgln panama Ix no. the day usual funds; on Inhale. Vnnliouh. Iuuda hnu as did bun ch noununuhlonun. """ " -I. c._-orIwI_u,~,. NOW GOING ON A1 PBIIOIII ITIIIT. frhaggglstsiili Silk.A|paccaandlam||a {PRINCESS LOUISE. . a (in Wm! ` ,1"::auov anon olllu. hunt. and I-A.--442 I BRICK CU'l'l'A(Il.'. with thno-Ihh on an Arm of Land. A Inna Dublo. 0 Huumur Kluhen uni Woodnhod. nu uoollon Wall and Culorn. TM (`Jordan to vol! lup- pngd nth Ibo but vuiouu of Apple. Pu: and Plum Tron. Gnpo VIIOI all! that p-gal Innlo. All in good baring. Th I-huloln boauufnllv muted. and In roploh with an-rv comfort. Tnrnn rut. Aunlv to . v u u e - u an {}RiA TWl}LHAtiINli 8Al.t. `(`}`0.;:LlO Ilunlu can In ind Int Ch nn ` A. slI'l`IlBI.ANI| Shh} I ' -:_...._:...-._.`__...j_.._...........___... . u||anI.=:|.LA" wumturtabla House for Sula. .__...__.._L.. .;_.___.._.__. POITIIOIIT1 IIIIIIV. . And! I. mu comfort. `form: any. Apply In ! I`. X. IIIIITSINIMU & ('0. Bleached shootings, Bleached cottons. Grey Shootings. Grey Oottom. n.m.nn llnnnnl, .-um about mu tuudor Ian -. -vln ,_,n, In R. 6:. J. GARDINER V ' I nTl`I*lIW GAGE. J.t'.I`II. Alpaca ui-inuuu 50.,-no um 75 each. Jrsu. llnhollu at 280. at, 3:.-awe Kluuon. Jun mt. nu: l1nI.u|luu'0g,OI.ud moms. uxulllhn uutrqllu as 15, on and um An lupootlon invited. GO TO TIII WJVQION. MANIOCA` Parties. an HIOKIY HICKIY BIOKIY awn! moxxv pxoxxv awlun BIOKIY HIOKIY HIOKIY nmnnsv moxu BIOKIY Aln Bslu !or |LE'l"I"S lLE'l"l"S lbETT'B !Ll'l'l"8 lLBT'lS ll.I`.'lVl"R (Jnclun itnouulnr.-Prol'. Du- pnia, And Mr.`B. Woodn, M.A., has but nppointod to examine the oompoli- ' Ion lot tho Gilchrist Iobolnnhip. Tho udsfutory porlotuuoo ol this duty no- oodhtu duo oonlnomont and applia- Ilon lot about 1 took, Agni thus in no oolpunution allowed luris. Tho ou- nlnulou oonnooou on the 30th and clean on tho 9th pful. IluIr|'ou,.---We lurn thu the Rev. J. D. 0'|lo|rI, of the city of WinniP'R. hu undo arrangement: for dulivenng I loo- turo in St. Goth-30': Hnll nut Thursday owning, on the subject 0! Manitoba. Our pnirio Province duornn our but attention, And Mr. 0'Mn.n'n contribu_ icon to our knovlodp at in oondition will. no doubt, bo both nulnl And outcr- hining. VT All Do conggool that III air Gull Ila I Valle In Ila Clly. Wuwon AoAnI.-'l`horo in a now plum lo the out. Inf-mnsuon he been -goal-n II:-I All Ininnlinnllnl `Ill [nan IIIID II I00 . IIII-Inunuuu nun -vuu nuhd that no Invuupclon has been |.-u L- .5- n|..a.u.. .......I. nl Ghana. ljvx but III IuvUUII'IIuv- nu: uv-u holdby mcmwupooplool oh..." into its than-you nuinu ox-Honk Wid- don. nil It in resulted in proving tliolr hly. On an otnugth ol tho null 0! I50 llqnlrln, Widdou nu prnonul which uldlu nupublh Iuouu and npclundnnnnigu. Ouont Im:I.--Yuconluy unpr- nuntholihuhpolqcrhtot mull hovuntholillcuycdtlqo Ouloaud Ob lluooolhht Glob took plus oIl|oCIdoI.h|l||lp.n.`l'ho0nddo IuIIIInuhhu.|IorlnMnu.(0 Ignlohyhuluy. he Khplh Gtbldnutolunuuulouvhht donwhulhplu In dluutiuoi. ltouvuuoulb-dqdtpn. .----oj-o----- III I VIIIIII, Iv- 3-uu-'-. - h1IuuonolKIlN'I|.|I|`5'l| aanuuauouyhpollon-nuhllc 1. Funk. he and MW-II! Ii-annual:-II-dntllth In lmocaluiuuucluuuo. L..A.A-A--I-lnnnjnl .__.......___ Panic Sclaol. Pwruc.--Thio popullr ovoul ior tho girl: and boy: hon boon dollnitoly nd for Dominion Doy. Thuo for tho prognunuo for tho notionol day in : St. Vinoont do Poul oxourlion; Pub- llo School picnio- Y. M.C.A. gordon potty: Ohriotion BIothoro' oxhibition; M. E. vioit to tho comp ground. Nuv Munruvs.--Thin morning Mr. W. B. Follo|t,ol Williumlvillo. dopoaitod on the Wine tabla n mouuro ol new po- tatoes of full groInh-fully u largo u would command I sale in ho,Full. Mr. Follut bu boon very nuooouful in this linoin put yum, und this uuon hu diaunood tho eld. JIUIXDII I'll PLAOI-NIX! TO 0401`! II FILLER! JTOIII. `--A ISL Tu: Scvumo RACI.-An] one who uuninu Bcn`ongh | cu-coon: on the ` Ellio!.t-H|nlnn not cannot rofnin from smiling. Tho; illuunto tho uriouu Inho- oriu of Human`: uuooou. On the back In have A for political oarioaturu, which no u pungent and u pointod 1: any which Grip hu our printed. -- ---..-. ,.___ Snun Dunrnu. We l'0ce|V8d this morning our copy of tho dabuon M the In! union of the Sonnto, reported nnd printed on oontmrt. Thane debate: make I Inrgor vulumo thun uuul; thoy are WI" bound, And are such 1: become uln- Iblo Additions to the libnry of my pub~ lie man. , ._._.....___ Tumn PIuL1w:.~--`The Cadet: of the Military College will use the bull: on Mondey, in cohlequenco of which the target pumice of No. 5 Company will not teke pleoe en Arranged, but the Com- pany will meet in the evening (or drill. Mn.n'r.--There In I largo mukot thin morning. New pontoon mndo their lint nppunnoo, including a Iina lot of Martin Boyofl, of Sturrington. Tho lu- luld mnrkot fully unstained its rapuu- ----cc--~---- LlNI_l0X EI.wrum.-'l`ho recount of_ ballot: in the Lennox decliun one In undo yutaruny, nuulting in Mr. Hur- loy, Liberal, being Iuuninad .by 10 of a Imjority. Mr. Huvloy hut ve vote: by tho nviuipu of the guru. .----o-t>-o---- --~---vwu-v--- 3IfI'l.IMlN l`.-Th0 appul OAIO of Johluton v. Brown, uunlt, which win to have been tried :0. the lat sitting of tho Uounty Oourthwu nomad by mt paying the coon, hence it Ill withdrawn. ----~oc>.--_ S1-nun. 8u.:.-Ammion in diractod to the ndvoniumolu. ol the Isle of I good, utvicublo uunlon_ steamer Al. `Mon- treal, on Wodneulny next. It would lush an excellent river boat. . IQ Yours `l'|nu1-Wo Han nnnnll collation of loot kqyn. Thu ndou loll __u the Wino qioo lor'idoution- A Ouncu Su.:.-1`bo [Miles of St. Junu Ohurch, who, 3 low you: up un- mpd one of tho but also our given in Kingston, An pnpuing {or another, to ho given in the Full. liljlllllllllon 81'. Ououarn (Jnnunn.u..-'l`ho Lord Bishop of Ontario II deliver the unnon at "St. Gonna : Cuhodnl to-marrow mania`. Arroinri'xrr._;-.Wo u`. iniqguu cu. DI . Iodallu llga been appointed lodiml Ippufinhndont ol Rookwood Asylum. hm; up GI`;-;:uIu _vioiing' the pound: of Honoured on Tuesday nut chliulmolaunkifauityruu. ---_-o-to--_. lg ms Wwi-;l ......_.___..__... _. .............:_._-,7, - . . .,__;;__a.._.+_._ "E17123 mu" :1. : urogziiv" our _um mmmgr. .-..-........ -......._.- .. ._ .. mun. Ilumvl. Ill|l| IUI' UIUIIIUII DU IIIU Iuullllvl Ihov. The `calf (Ior such it in, being about 101:0! Iong and weighing I200lbo.) died in manic botwun Richmond And Ilontrod. It In nhippod from hot by tho propollor `Kinoardino for Onwogo lut A-ga-Ln- PnLuuInInar Lmunv.-A largo portrait of tho Hon. Mr. Wilmot, Speak or of tho Ontario Home, and painted by Mr. Sawyor. hurooontly boon hung up in tho lihrory at Ottawa. The paporo Ipeok well of it, and than to whom the honoroblo gentleman io poroonally known nay that tho likonou in 6 really good ono. Thlo, howovor, in a forogono oonolmion, ouo of Mr. Sawyor o ohiof oharactoriatioo an a portrait paintor boing tho transfor- ring to tho oanvaoo of the main troita of hio onbjoct, oven to hioidiooynoracioo, no that tho Iihnou novor fail: to otnh ono aa boing that of tho man himoolf. `and nobody oloo.' Thin in tho third of the 8poakor o portroiu from Mr. Hawyor'o hando, tho othoro boing thooo at Sir Honry Smith and Hon. Mr. Wallbriduo. A SMALL WIu.I.--Yesterday an agent 0! Coup : munoth circus and nunnqorie I.rI-ind hora per Gnnd Trunk RR. (Ex- pnu dcpu-nnnnt) huing in ohngo I until whale, which III caught in the Oil; and which he puruhuod at 3 con- Iidonblo mm for Addition to tho monitor _L_- nu- a--uI /I..- ....L L; K- 8.-. ..- IIIIIIQII III III ptvpuryuun us wwu w- lb Synod. Tho tom of (In Into dobollu indicted Iii popularity, and kid Ma unions and ability won nppnciatod ll tiny ohoold bi. Then an ho no donb|' cl Ibo Lnhdueuni Industry and app. cubs, and his pron! illness in much to L. .....n.A TIQI Imhlghth vooollnd |uUt&Otu|.I|IaI\cIIodoII'Iuiuy Il|a'IonI|Inlon|lq|un,ud ulapc ab dlulugh-an In and and Auononcoxu Pnnu..-Wo meant to learn tint nines yuhrdny Archdnnoa Paul] ha been quilo ill, And it has nuupind that {or tho lat month he bu lnhonnd injudioiounly and layout! hit strength in the pnpuptiou oi wotk for Ilsa -Innll, Tho long of (In Inn dolls! Tn our unouim.-An cu-nniol donthumtud out In about. La- uuu annual any pond. calling u `D ID! phll by tho Jnbo I. I. (Jinn! Inc Donhhu Day `no dust `Ratings in bus app II; In 000000. B Ununbon, U U L; uzau, r. 5 bnoroy. Fin! Oon Church-ll, J T Pitcher; 7,J Mngnr, M A. Second Con Church-11, W R Dyro; 6:30, J Armstrong. Bnptint. Church-10:30, R F Olivor: 6230, J Eondornon. M E Ohm-nh-l0:3U.S(} Phillipa; 6:30. 6:30, J uondonon. M E Ohurch-l0:3U,S(} Phillipa; 6:30, A Unmpboll. Pol-tnmouth Church-l0:30, J Rcnnlnn. Dnplr_.l I nnlrnnn and I) Winlnr ` 6:3U,l(. wnmng. St Andrew`: Church-ll, J W Spor- limp; M A, B D; 6:30, W A Allen. n|..lm.u-'.nrmu~h..1l, L N Banndrv: Oh|lmar'l Ohurch--11, L N Il3onudry;` 6:80, '1` G Williams. RI-nnk Ht Prnnhvlatiln Ohdrch--ll. A 6:30, B H Johnltun, M A. n U. Quagn St Cnurch-10:30, H F Bland; SSchool,2:30, J Allen,J T Pntcher; 6:30, L N Buudry. Depot--6:30. G Robinson. Williunnville-6:30, W Philp. Primitive Mut.hodin-10:E0,D Winter; 6230,11 Whiting. Ht Andrew's Church-ll. Sou-. 6:30, '1' U W|Im.u.|. Brook St Presbyterian Ohdrch--ll, B Ohnmbon, B C L; 8:30, E S Shnroy. Ira.-.9 nm. Ohm-nh-lI. J Pitcher: rsydonnam hlreel bnurcn --um Love font, 9 u.m., Ufdinuhun E 10:30, Rev S S Nellu, D D; .` School, 2:30, U A Hanson. G 6:30, B B Johnltun, M A. H D. nm... 1:: mm.-.-h_1n-im H F nuu uuv uuu -`uuu. The (-`nuunoqu Field Bntlory will into camp an Monday morning next. for t,welvo_ days drill. The place nelecled for oocupntion in tho name as last year, just want of the village. A'n instrumen- tal band has been organizud inc(mnec- (ion with the Battery, which will be quite an ngroenblo Addition. Fifteen instru- Inonu have hog; purchased, all of which are of the but make And moul. approved douoription. and Mr. Rackatt, Bnudmaa- tor of `A Buttery, has been engaged u inn truotor. Yenu.-rdny the Kingston Ewld Unitary went into umip in the Artillery | nrk,and r this morning they commenced their un~ nmldrill. The Batmry is oioerod by Capt. H. Wilmot, Liout. P. (J. Wnlmot, John Wilmut; nnd Dru. Saundon and Dr. Mulntonh, V.S., compote the medi- In cal Ital!` The forbeil composed of four oloorn, fty gunndra and driven. Am! 2:5 horwn. They have in use thirteen tenna I And one llurqnms. I l`|.n l!-..-.........-.' I:`in|.l llgolnnn mill .... ` - --Bocuuu Tolontu will spend O5;000 in in dooontionn when the Uovoru.;r-(lon- ' onl visit: than the Belloville Ontario up `Kingston will take g back nest alter Toronto nlnovu harm . Wa do not think I0, unlou the nmoum. in quadrupled. and even than the uompnriuou will be Against Tornnlo, tnlxing populntion Into consider- ll lou. _., - ans- l. __ ruonnn-nu..3:.n..v,; Quit! W.` lj- 111. III: :.`.."""'.:'..."` C':'l0tIt.I'o Goldumonorooory h ---Rn. Mr. Hnnningtnn, ol St. Bar- tholomufn Church, New Edinburgh. having givuu up nll cnuuruliun with Illa Cuvrfntornity of the Bluuod Swnmum further action In t'ho can has been nbm donpd. Portlmoutn Unurcn-lU:.1U, .1 Beam! Pnrk-4, J Holman and D Winter. Sydonham Street Uhurchwtfunference Jam Inn, 9 ..m,. Sermon. -.-_...-. ....., ..... ,-... . _ v~|lr. W. H. N. Sluunon, of King- ston, hnl bun Ipooiclly lnoupd by his fellow Itudonu, on oumploting hi: busi- MII education It tho Ontirio Oommcrcinl nu ,, --`flu Onngonuu 0! Prince Eduvud will hold n 120.]: of July colobntion, mt Rodurvillo, thin you. Invikliutu. n In u an . :1-,, n -- ---, .v.-v-_..-... -Tllo Phatou Oaullc inliuutu that `shunt the 15th of Sopmnbor the Prince Edward RR. will be completed. .\ 1 us -nu,_,.: -06po Yint ls uciud About llu cam July colobnon. mg. n- .,,, 11,, n. l_|Z.__A__ AI._A nou vn.w"v| nouwnxln on valor-s Sunday Appointments. Wluuloeru In (`nnIp_ ILI`l"l"8 lbl [TB `ll.l'I'l"A