Luvs I Iluhllppi . . label-ly . . Ono ........ .. 4 x =1 loz un. l:."0 pun. V lO: LI. 5: pi. Ml) 1-. Il;|5pII ' syn. Vlodun bapa. 6-50 pa. Iksu 5 8 ID I In . 395 um . 8.45 mm . 91!) |.lI.| . 9.05 l.lIl h 9.l5 I.|.Il . 9.409.111 _ !|_.')5 n In | lnilo `Z. (L00 mm . 6.3) mm . 6 40 n.m J-nll. uuuuwu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. " 3| Tlolunnclloltho mun um um xlrnallbxla-St. JoIu'o, NId.,ud kl-was n: Non . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jun 94 lI--.l- l-|-- I Chlllnu. out I you and alum, mu I`nn; ohnoonmtb Olnqovuuvtllnll InonQIobno|n|atou|'l'I . Pnuninn _ Jmu IA IuIUr-uu|uIu........... . . . . . . . . ...IU CIIMIII. hon lntznll. Isl! lnruudocl Elfllllllll . . . . . . . . . " " Zlh Rate: of Ocmn Puuagc: hon QIODOII (0:01 billlisyj to Livorpool an Cabin '. . . . , _ . . . . . ..'.I70 and X) . an out. . :I`Ol I?` b ; one lnlor,::1|hlo . . . . . . . . . . . .. N0 Boll: hon ldvwpool TIUIODAY n ma Quhtouly M UIDAY. FROM QUI BIO: I Hnnnntinn . , , , , nlnl-(lav Jung llnh I Sarutiln . Oinm-Inn.. Sudinhn. . Monviuu. .. Peruvian. . . Polyuuhu. . Sums! inn ma- LIlVE|IP00l. gum _uue] Hahn: Ii-om l.iI-urnnn Aunt-I`rI mnruv umaman, Uwwviaoo, Audian, g l.Ivorpool,l.ondondu-ry`& Glugow .1. nor regular mp: between um b lump on 0"0Vlx-l4DOVbI Clayton fur Wanton vi: Gnnnnoquo every morning. (ulldly um mod) n 6 mm; Gnnnnoquuf n.m , Milly at Ll napping plant 0!: the north skin of How: lalund. on llondny Thuradny and Prldnv on the with side, sud hlllldufu. Wolfo Inland, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Soturdny, - Wolfe lulu Ssturdny. Rolurnln Or tho Mum on.Boud` Juno 3rd. II`Hl8 New Int Bunlpor bu oommonse-I her re hr trip: between gbove Gnnnnoouo even mornimy. . CHICAGO, ILL, . uILwAUnuw,wl WINNIPEG. MAN I`... 0..-: L-.. cu '.`,`.'.'.`.".`;.`.'.` ' . ' ... " " .:..'.'.`.??` Fun 3 nun no you. Ibo. LONDON 0111., . mmmn*, |ucu.,. BUI-`I-`ALO, N. Y., . vunn:rn.u.lIAn . . . . . . . .. ~16 00 For Inrtlmr Information and Ticket: apply to R J IEILIIFIVII A `Ibo Gnu Ilulonou In-ody. Clayton, anan_ogue& Kingston! The Cheap! lid :1 Htumorl nownll l'i`iirLnntn`% and fgdaishm-ah` LINE OF STIAMIRS. way. lat-clan hlyraaua Iamad-hIIman Cll'I'IO&|Ill,'oat. Iaznrnlu. rm loan C Ylaaaa: on an-Walaf1`nln at 10.35 am. 5.4.5 p.n..oouIaatIn will Ollld Trunk Railway. loyal Hall Lia. lay of Quinta aullldaaa canaluanauas WI`! loan {or Walla and (la on lalauu alailv at 6:1!) a.Iu.. `J n.n.. and 1450 III. return :2 Imam. Leno Klguon, Snnduy, 9:!) mm`. a.n.|nI Llapm. Will have Wolfe Island at I0 nun . pm. and 3 p.In. Will have Klngmvn for_Gsnnnoqu_e_A Blrlaud. Pie!-Epontdr Geneva I II 04 lh |Ivcv:_BlunuI `will luvs lhnoon lorcupo VI-out aw; (Rum - Ii 5 -.IlI9:II . bl- l`: ; ouunnL.:lnun:l|rh'l.W. hp-.':uih lo:-than In lyruuo Raruul- Hum Cal! Inn All .WIat. LN 9 In.. Ind 9.WpIp- Un llatuduynnnd Tuesday: will mph In our: trip from Wono Julud :1 Sum. sud Imtuln lun. luvs Klnnton. Snndu. man II 30 for Gunnoque daily Rundou cxoopud) It 3.45 p.Iu.. calling M. on Island. will In a Gnunoqu. Tnudnv. Weill-. any Tim and I-`I-may n 7 n.In..nnd!$n turtinn 5. sun. In 6. I379. nullllduu Cunluununn In: an Jail! 38 6:!) min. p.n.. and 145p wm um woh. mud any n 91 Will Wollo [Ill 2.10pm- Un lluudnnand 1`: Kingston. June 49, 1679. :..-_-.-._- 1'IIGJ'Ilf$l,, liuauque. Gau- dcu Island and warn Inland M Itunboal lute. a:Armn'.Au ]I,j}A1>T1.>-`%1% T suumny. ' Returning loan A. Onnnh Co : Whnrf II I ll]. Fro` ht. d ha? I t or |' `Al? GUN &.8'. ). .KoinptoI1. H. 'l`H0lPBON.8ounoqne. [)1-_the [Input on Bond. srn. rnmies LOUISE. III. 0. lornwzu. nun. 1 nu; iii. .34? 145i in. any 945 n m.. 0 lnn. no moat mfm-table Lina nowngi; ly 33:50 First Class fro!!! Klunun oofonnto. mm: am ., HI] u l'llII:iIU LUUI In. IOTIIWILL, IIABTII.) ulahllnuhu I lnounltoln K 1 Clllxnhu Lon f>%uBJA% IV. BOONOD Acucrian -p:-21: `DID A I U PP 8'I EAH3it4 . A... __ .44.. . B. -J. IHLBECK. Agent, Dom Tel mime. o . Saturday, Jan Nth 21:: *- " 2am " July bah u an " -- mm H u 26",. Ian. ung`... - | rnmucmn, ' Nnofoundland lomfm-table an alt 13:50 rim: V- I! I nuqy. ..Juno Ill II `A Th rough rm umy sni1%xsr3_w_.;.n.;` .mn% 24.4 1.379 {A. GUNN .9. 00.. nlullinhvqnunbnun. UAIAITII mu incl II 'hIO.(hh Onvuy. Ilnhq gum]. lug IIHVI and qnloonnlhmuobutboocvu-go l`,M*f|&$I low. 150 builub ya-poo. lulu-utrhl. [sum sun nmmc 4:0,] OIOIOI R STOCK. I4 Olmmh BL, Tovomo, on. HY. BKINIIR J: Jud. Agni, Kiup wnuotnmnbumu no ' hm hm 0 '0 nu. nun: or ALL mu. Illll (I!!! III! I4 BL, R Inn '0. IUYILI AND IICTAUIAKTH. T OIL Men A: stock`: Inn 011. It in All IIITATION in nppounnoo. butjl08'l' IRIIRIOI in quality. I Isms ? `"F` xxml J. L. Ell.|lAI`|' & 00.. Iouuapnuhudvmaqplylo by udl wholnule nnd retail doalan. N.lS.-1`bo demand: of our buomou Lgy. not-oultumd our removing lo Tofgngo. go which pluoo plaau mldro a {nun comma nkcntionn. nmmury, nnivnrull lllllllldt. pull: in the bmlmliunnau of vhhvn. pnvnncun old pr, and many other dtoouu that hul toinnl ty or wnuumptlon and I premolnn (nit. Full nunnnlu-n m our pumphlot. whhi V0 eonuulinptlon um! puunnlnrn duire to and free by Innil toovoryolw 31% Spoomo Iodlolne in sold by all I! at` I! pgr pg.-hue, or six pack as for on-will be can: tree by man on race _to[I&IOIIy by Add ' nmn1l{E GRAY IEDICINI C0, Toronto. Ont. (hands. mm In Kuuvnlnll In nll Dnntlnn um T"W Oil. Clnldb. Sold In Kmgslnn by I" Dr: god not where in Canal: and tho Un tad sung n nnd retail daalon. bugnou an . nequuno 0| Hull Abnne. u 0 loan 0! nnivnrull llllltlldd. pull: In the 330, GR{AY 8 SPECIFIC KRDIOINI. 4 -...n: unuv 'l`IIll1 DIl'A'l|__.__ ...-.. 1 JOB l\I().`HCH. New Ynrk.So|e Proprietor 8l.0U unl IL l 2 m-nu fur pm a. unrluood tn Nurthmp .1" Lynmn, Tomnto. Lgunarll pgenu for the lknninlum _will ensure A bottle mnulninz (war 50 mils. bv raturn mnil. for the limninlum _will bottle mnulni pills, by nvturn mail. Sold b dnlgg,-isln. Sol In Kingutun by Is}. H. Puke:-, J. 0 King, Hentlm. (iunn, H. Skinner. G. 8.. Ho hart. J. M(`L'|mmnn N.(`.. Pnlmn. Hi Wuh King, Henthcl. H. Skinner. but. J.MvL'|unnou N.C.Polnon. Hy Wad: nd :1! modlcln-, dado:-I. H is proullarly nuns-L ll. will,iu nnhort time hring on the monthly period with rnxuluiky In I" cum cf nan-nnn 1nd in] Iectiom pans in the hack Ind limbs. otiguo nu alight exertiun, palpitatiun of the hurt, hyutorics and white:-,thess Pills will eoct I curawhcn nllother manna hlvn ilod, And Altho h n powerful mnedv, do not contain iron, omel sntimuny nr unylhing hurtful to tho oolntw tion. I-`nil directions in the mphlet Around euh luring-~, whivh ahnuld )0 carefully pn I'I \'t`n . I'f\'E` ..nm'Mmu~:.~x. mm Ynrk_Sole Pmpmm unl postage. uncluc (`urn may be rvliwd In. To MARK] El) l.A.DIE8. It is prouliarly uultnl. It wil|,iu nuhort time I mind THIS lNVAl.I7AHLl-I MEDICINE 13 nnfuilinv in tim l'I|I'FFI all all thunk pilillul Hid J ulgarmlu uiim-um-u tn whi:-h the fomslo oonnir tun-m in nubjoct. M. nmtlunlu I" excuse: md reluovea all nbstrucli-ms, an-I |,spaedy be rvlio-J ull. MAIHHEI) l.A.DIII`.8. pun-Inning nloewluero. Hanna and Sxgu Pnlntlng. Grninin , (llulnl. Paper Hnngnny, Knlaominlua an Window Shula Paintmg tlunn -u (ha hast style. short- emt unhre mm at Hm Inn-mat rules utlhu Iuwzmt W. RIIIHNHON & BON Bngm HI . Imlwoan Princess and Queen Btu. April In Jud. HA\'lN(l Inkon my son into pu-tuaruhlp and Inning nbunl. to makes sllnnlloun unuurrltur, we wllluell for the next two muullm our Iurgn -tool. of Bonn: Papar. Win- slow Shmiaa. Bonlaruu: and Decoration: In con! pure. Any person wishing to no cheap Parpe should call and see our munch nnd price: he ore punvlmainpz nlsewlmro. Sign Painting. Grninimz. (Ilulnl. j-Nun. CA'l'AI.l:id(no mutter of how I ltllldi i `H: Haul l?ll:l`o0t, laughing.` Dinino: Hpuluho. Dulnou. Wnhty Au-id and Pm-ulont Dhohugcl (ton Ibo Rod and T , ll 1 ...1';:.-'.:'. m:,-.-. .":."..":: ..!n.".':: l`lw I-in-ul l`mnuIe Remedyl Tne Lzu-goat, Ci:-apoat and Best Stock of H1\l4I4W.A`, __ nIn_ ul the Kapmn of the In Lumnoo by aqngm. cmnnrctinu at Momma! with the Shannon for Qtwbvc. Murny Buy. Rhino du Loup Cncounu. Tn-huguc and lhefnr-lulled Rivu Sugucnny. 51:90 with the Gulf Path IIBIIIIIIID (`knmpcny (or All Port: in the Hnnu Pto~ \' noes. For Pursue Ticket: and my lnlonutum Apply at the Lake and Rlvar Blallubolt Ooi. 8|: Lnwrnnoo Wharf. fool ofJoluuou blnlt C. H. HATOH. Puun Agent. Kimmuu, June 7th. I879. or CITY I=_7j!7_TfE `ue ofdepu-lure from Hinton Cmuuuvu-in; TUBbDAY I00 Juno; An I. vm .. I... lUII)l|Il'l\ln -..4 HA2]: . };dn-ILn4l):l. Cornwall llld IIOIWRII lJ:Il.`:hY. ocptod). I-ll-It'll] 5191;) htl\)1Tnc-:1`: 11! thus unnd Island: and AIM o R.lpMl:?!IIO Ft Lum-not bydaylight. DEC9.B.A_i.!?'E...EAPER1| ., -.....-.-. coitslcu. can uurnx. ~ .(30BlN'|'NlAN, dc -PASIPUIT, do AIAOKUIAN, du IMINIC1`. _du M-`I30 .In.. TUN. ed in; ; Bowmunvllh-. ting. (iii! BIQII, Old IIIIII rwlug. Romano Ch lulu olnoll. Btnnathonu . m ryuhud You, Olouulng ma Ro- Inna` no 0! u. up Had anm. _1m.:.':'a,_eg ngg, TUN. calling I! Cub HAIL] IPINDPI` [u-rluitlinu). Al I500 Illl. '0!` weather - . for Gunnoque. Btockvill-. Pu-usutt. Cornwall and Nootnll DAILY lllnmhvn amaanlal. Idll ILNJIIII thn us: mm: is T3:-tnslto or rum lgnllnwing Int c-lnuldo who! maid! n.n`nn:.\A u n- __._z., ..____n_ nA__I-I- Ilnynl lull and lxpreu use _ of steamers. ` lovin- . an Coupon) . ' ' OT PETR0LAEw6'lVi: `I . ` K Steamnr Mamet. will comnuco lnr rc- fuhr trip: to Oawego md (Thu-lotfe on Jnlv st. . PI Kingnmu, l t. Ticket: nmnly . V In Colo. lcnnlur uun . Iholvont Ind- Iht III: through tho 5!!!! Iith _` Iooytunh cu `a mu "0! Int In like mount. JOB J;;)-Sl.`S PERIODICAL PILLS. wan-unaaunuabu-fr ROOM _PAPER. 5- ' '-~*-~- -~--g 5 Hull Alma. mu-ul lnnltndg min in nu. Tnounndl of Bu-roll of 011. mu bun palm- od o by UN- sonurumua ` vs A100` 50 KZHIVIIWZI . THE GREAT run Inn. l~ln,-_vlinh Ito In.-ulV_ In u` .-5 -vu-nu... .w._ ----v. .. for 'l`()B.0)l'l`0 and HAHN.- Cubour`. Pan llopoand . DAILY. onduyn uooptod lining). --.-- -. _... -..__.. Cnfuln m..u.. ` luau; Porroll. " Irnno. SHOP oprlotor ( Lonnnrnl A MV ` '--- On-Ann (no pastor lnnn nding.) I ondin the or lrvuno. Trowoll. Cllllolol. vvllrll till UTJC In `#1:. "" ...:'.'.' ndnxvyunlouuuavmrin mum f_'I0_,': ,-I-u-u'.'=.'-'.'-o"u""""' |unnxirAx:nJ hillvflhtollllllnunuoun. H!-_.IiR.s}ME~l CARDS, CIRCU LA RS POITIRI. PROGRAMME! IIo.uuI1Iol tubal pnvnpcly and .1 cannula |nn.Ls on cmcumzs 1] " In Ohio yiin W6 ugjlllan four hund No other medicine in tho world III our given such aunt of in curative lpuliucun Bowufu (lnuuu Svnur. thonund Ilnlll bottlu of uh}: medicine nu diatribulod free 0! churns by drug- gillniu this country to than nllotod with Uollllmlption, Auburn. Group. unto Oonghn. Pnounoniu and other duoudool tho throat andlun . givin Ibo Amorioun pooplo nndon lo pron that GIIIAI sun will one than. The null: ha been that dru int: in every town and village intho niud Sula annoouq it to their onnomon. ; 11-1--u..g~ maul `J -hnl that Wlll Ind Ion tho Inns! and non nnodl nan-Omani Plain and Orunnmontnl And sll kinda of Iona! Type` Inomdiug both Phil Ind Flue`; Blvh-o ( nnnlnon who - a gain than II Ihh par: oltho muuvrv. Its fnclllueo lo dmn. work of all I null am most uovnphto. ll ! typo an-bu-mu Ibo Input RIZE Lowest Living Bates. iWH1mV<>RK [China 1-. -.- Ilnallah Breakfast. Black Tea fholce Maple Syrup. ITO-DAW ' ul 4 lmeannnerlod one wvek in 2450 nevupu pen for 8J0. Send me for I00 [uugv pan: hlot (J. I RU\\'Iv1l.l.& (4),, .Y. uoto tlnln and an I in i mat is. ouplo II; Inc `emu. Thus done: will lllulratad by Wood (Tutu. --~ (NH:-ml Rqmrln lrw - - 1 prolunn I|('|u_s`uill\'~ (l;n;portio;ul rem mo emry \\-~aL on Stock [1 nonuo I10. . 050. . anon. . Mm A4,}.-..... F ABDN, I'lIrmun O) Ill q-hq ,n|"|0l.m1- HUHTEU, Nnnaull. N \, New Al\'ert.i.umI|enl,s.l 030 nny i.'aV;:ls."(`l:r.;n_: C Douliknwilln mum let C1 C0.. Nmumn N \` s71I\IImInl|| nml 0-I[H`lh Agamu. (Inllll In.- Augm-lu. Muum YEAR uul o-lpsnnen Uultll haw Aul-hens I EBY. Augusta hhmm purnlnllng. ~ _ S`pm|Al nllontion given In llnmnu of DIOUIIXIIINI Pnhlkx lhuldln n with Stuul. It Hot lr. We mnhanpoaia ty ol thin lami- an Rambo: the placa- Call and no thoCmwn Jewel Ilevbnlblo Flue BALL AND PARDOR HEATING STOVE, tho moot nuooeuml Stove cold. 3 Every Eton (nu-nntood. Also the tho moat nuooeuml sum cold. 3' Every gnu-unwed. Alnotha Crowning Glory Wood Cook Stove. f< ngqagunnlvun. ;' V . A _ -- l A uua Ill -nub nuonuu. . ' _ j 4 Jan`. '.n Robot: , A - .'....""..... '11. With lar 0 pmuhlo pinnmlu-.-1 rapper Runs! volr; 1-om iuwn inure iru mrlnm hmlume lluu. IIIV other Reaervui:-Cnu ing Stoves. and in thus only low urtuhlu Rmnrvmr (fmxkim: Stave in the wurl with warming IITNI nualer [ha lira. .i |5o1'r1:?' W: Wnllt. N Y. 7 _ Mama. I}. E`lWl`"`" In llm World l`n.m...` They I-`uurnnI>;a`- Even-y stave they sell to (he muslin-ll'ou. lcanidian `Stove Depot. |s-rovns[._s-1-ovns. | Examine my Stu-vos lmfnny huyiug elnawhoro WM- f5UNJ.\T, A . l:B:INOE8S STREET. ST01fI38' Wynn they use: .4 Low nu.-r.s. HUD AND UOAL,` uollulmlor em up auuoym: undo at the bud onus lint. 40`: [TH Nm -..-.._._:_........_.._.-_ -..._. _, Mlelvey &~ niail Inn 110:: on nun. Lumnd Wqlj_8aloctad btockl THE ' BRIIISII WING" OFFIC JAMES BEDDEN, '6.'un3{ E3137 -.__ Calldnd no ush mock uud pm-an hofon , 8- , Oct .3rd. v uuvovuvuuu tnvvv ha ` No. 2| Brock Street; Oct. 8th_1878. Emulsion ol lfurouoc mvor uu mu 3::0 MlM Limo udd nod: An I Hi this lilo dulroying dlheaou u Illll AI In hand hljhn Tun M T73 ; I'll! IEST APPOINTED )8nowthnku. Am Cards WI! lmlm Ninuum_ N \' ()3 J0! (IF ANY KIND l`n 15. 7:: 3147513: in . nu{iQn.i, fur I-ant A gency Business 'orh|. Exp:-nni\'a(hIIl1t how, u > . B _...3TV L 4'-`,3: LI1'l'II IIIA DIIOI, WOOD LITTER, Princess Street. in 30 dun U109 lull pay u,ow prom, or 10 par coat. on tho stock, nnd no on. awarding to the mulut. A citizen at Troy, undo 8316.76 on an iuvutment of 050. Many oumunon no doing bemr. The law oinnlu. lugs `two nnonmg rules (or uuooou,'ond. loll dotnila In that my one can operate wolhnbly. Btch sud bonds Innkod. ournmont boixdn nup- pliod. Apply Io hswnnoo It 00., Bank- on, 57 Iullllgo Pluo, N.Y. 9 4 X7 Parlour `111.! Hall Hnuse.] 1'0 'l' mn-nl `In. I. J0 Et. _____-,_._..__________ I smurm gugcuul Ml` FlM8EI&0UAT'I ' HARDVVARE U "` I MERCY KBTABLIQHID IN CANADA I814 Unllmlnd lhhl of nlldntoot Io ldon, and Lu-go Iouno undo. Moderate nun of premium. The nmo rump! scttlemonu were mud: at the gran`. Fires In Chlnngo And Boston bacidu givin I lnrgo mum of money to the lIld'0l'Il'I. Rule! of lnounnen so low is my auto Ollica This Company Ill Iwond to no Incur- nuoo Uice Kn the world. ` _ Applicanun remlvml It the (mine of `l`ll08 l$Kl(J(l8.AgbnI.. Chranno Sc . Uppoanotho Pout Olu Kinululz . Jan 187`! Ph lenix Fire IrisVt1`r}ir1($e% Company, 0! London. ||IlU/ '7? III IIIIK E35,} and My Rumpu- - _ ugh: ntooh ll hnronoo a . ,`rBukn4'tN;i.,'..un to the onion ol . thousands ol pumuu, in nrioun nuuu. into UIII illllcnu annual, Mid op:-rnto_ than u a mighty uholo. than obtaining All tlnlumum of I15 lama! oIpIl||- HutmI'H>od CI nlal .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 1` (llll(l0() Sig 1`uul lm-one I-`nndn upwurdnoI`2 8901 0003;. Paul Income . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... .L'lIL .(K)0lg Funds lnvaatod in Unnadn. . . . . . 0100.600 lnaurnnoeu against loan by Fire umsptul at the Iowa: current ram: and olnhnn aottlad w M am reference In the Board in London. ROBERT SIKMH O. CO. GEORGE DINHOLM. (~)eu.A on&IforCInI4A VANDEWA1` . dz BETT8, Atlanta for Klmnlnn, om TANb;_I:aytiAii1}% % Liverpool& London& Globe Insurance Total Aaaetm. 'r....-.o..A .`.. A I 0351 Illlllilulu . . -$1 l,IU.UUU Invested in 0ai|`.1'.l;.... 900.000 Innnon II III. lulu ; l.I.. Ilnl .I-nn. Illa. ulvaawu Ill Uuuauu.-. vuu.UUu lone: ll SI. Jull'n. l.I.. III! Juno. II11. IJCMIBI, Settle` In Full I-ndlllcly nor the rim, wnholl abate-all or Ilwonlt. IUTIUIZIICE UIIUIIIZKK Punphlnt with mm of 1'53- ppm and Mvonu mu. io Spruce St. I: T. W. Bmshnll, Inngulg Ilnctor. o Brunch Auw{i~an Aunt-moo Compnly inure nil and steam Vouoln; lhdrlroight or ougooa, by the trip. month, lotion or your Insure Inn! and Itenin Vouoln; ougou, month. yur unn Iou or dun 0 by I-`tn or tho danger-I 0 Nu nuon,uttho ovaurovuunonuvoniu Thin Yc-mpgny continue to llinuro building- and all other duori non: of Prc-port ngdnn Lon orllunngo by `item: the men uoruhla some and at tho lovut nhachugod by any d Coupmy. `M JA8. 8Wllr"l'. Ago: Btluwnnno 5 Now ms. I us` nhly thus I" tldliun` o Ohilnqulon unl- iau soil but Iii! . Profit: on dim-i mod Yr 0 Nu union; shareholder: envy inomh. . n `thiuu lIl'I~ rim no neuron in also:-t.porioL,nnd gplhl (tom 010 or [I5 to 0504130 an In mod ml: equal Iron porlionntu nuooou. 020 will mnko 100 in 30 dun 0159 Di" 01,500 prom, not tho 'l'llI`0Il, , Infill], ruu--, .. Ringing o Nina in (In Band, Ooucunnrooli John: Than, :1` ~ agreeable un:|.n[Jln:ing and 8 - ting. Onin Bnul, sud NIIII `hung. Rnunnnhnluo 'l'IUl'l'Il8x ` Tho lion. Geo` W. Aunn.I'boo.IwooI; Bir Ju Latin Boblnnon, Bu1..nnd Goo. Boyd I1-nqc. Iuu or In-lno Do t Wm` lihvud ., 1`. . Bmslnll. nnglngblnotor. Hm I: Ann;-i an Com innnrz nil l:n|I Imam` Vnnnnlr lhAlrlrniu|?I.= l Newspaper Mvortidng Bumn. l'or'1`onOonh: Onohudndpp D.-n\nI. -IOI [Ida Al '31- _ IUAID (W Dllllicllll Goo. Pualnl HldnIl.lnq..0ovI-not Pourlktanoa. ..I) my Gonna. I.pll. Butlnotd, ., on Win Cnyloy nu Thou. D. BugI_ot_ vnno-AJIIJIQI I-ql4l\I\J \JV 0 OF HARTFORD, CONN. fuplul and .~m-p|nl- 06,682,648 luau pnld hunt I nun $I'LIO0.00.,uo In-nrIlI'LIO0.00 paid In-Ilnr Iu.0;'n.|;|Id Ian I Iduu .__._- THIH l`UM PANY bu been dokng bunumaa In Cnnncln I01 . .`- years and his not-urad (ha publiow-aundeuco by rolupl and lit-erulaet !.|em0ulM'eHary_|u:t 0 ulm. ('Iund'|nn pulln holders Ire aerured bv deposit a: $50, nit the nvnrnlnout at (huwn. 1` Pnlimun um Ifnllll ml llun Am-mw nml I"IIlI' INII I4II'I') Assurance C01npany,' (H-` LONDON. ICNGLANI) tam`; .isu?.;nai,'a`;.`, H ARTFORD. CON N. nun orrw: - . 1030: Church nuus.'0uuc 0! can It our lom,whotMr dylpopuo. nmnculcll. oreonuun city. And tho mm.-hie! done by lllclol `fotllhodth in inouloulnhlo. Thgnh honour. to tho genius 0! science IUOII IQUIIMIC` by Ih_o uoo `uf oolt' GEO. P. ROWELL "&CO. iii-H` DICK.` ! Insurs.nce_ _0ompv.ny I to Lu-so I4 ntoaof Clnrauoo ac ( > Vincglgnz 187" V`NDEVVA'I'I`IK & WITH, Au-nu for Kingston, Kinuotan . Feb 20th. I879. Onhsrin at-MO t I IHlFinI}iii owed on Fuaa _.'_= FIRE AND LIFE , n, So"! 15-": ""' ta" ."Amxlxn-rnlcx. Ann. llnota n tho Scott`: Emulsion ol Puts Cod Liver Oil and ll-nnnlmnnhilnn M Lima ldd Comp811Y- V ..$27.470.000 , nmmnn 3 .'.E*'.'< ::i"`.'.=.`-."-.;"-'.-7:` ~17 r ggomnauacmn any new nmxulu tonwo , I`! A I A 11 A I hAI'la III-`I JIWI part: ol tho Iotld. S1`! I WA1`CHIll.ol enrv Dun-up ` I don. uuiuhh for all clinumuu, [tom 1'`! lo`l)0 gunman. (`hru- l nognphn.Chronomcu~ru. Kay ' Ion bun. Pnumaomn, I 4 roman. Bnllwny (lnurd-. MI 3 Monlnd Workman '-\\'uch.. ol um unnnh. 1 til-oral. but I uclocuou nu ha made hon: the large` In tbs IQ. ' . mdcn olmnld ha nun din-rt to the lnnruma Iul. Q'BINHl)N 8 PAMPHLETH an `FUR ET 8, WATCHES CLUCK8, PLATE u|:l JIWIILLERY am Post Fm. Watch: nut uh by Pun hull nun: nl lhu ;Luna:n=ja;j'i'x;i,:"i:zi1 novnlu~forPnn1IIn. Ind. sunburn of than Clirt. ud mu-Iy` In Bunion. lfmu 53. ubqduugnuud Wm. Ionhnt-. M..... n - nu-I \\'|-mum Ala or-nun I ally huh` hum-u nndiutholr mun uhnwhan. no uhmn Irmn Ibo mannms rv the Ilunruulohloguuol Watch: Cloak- . vmuu. Jovallrv. lhlur uni [mom mm,-bu-h uunuou an-o.uouIy an uuhuonu nlocuou ha hon: tho as urn. Hulnn nhnuld Innfulnn. IIII. notion. By the ooulmuuou spun: or 'wng1_:uooku M " Lnronoo& 'sBukn4> ummuuln nl mtmuu. I `H.811. the Prince 01 Wales. ELM. tho Emperor of Rusaimtho Maharaiah of Burdwan, and to Seven! Indian Princes. ! PRIZE M EllAl.H--|.UN[)()N- DUBLIN AN I) PARIS i` N50,.-3 ..L unison-s I ~ anon (`Watch and Clock f TO THE QUEEN AND IOYAL h Gentlemen mnnmxm for their Munloul tsluul. tbnlr Fill!!! In" bnon sun 9 `nu. Thou lnnlrnma-ulln worn not vmulo for ma Exhibition. but taken,'hg.inb:': fur repruontnnon ofllnmr Punuu. This should be: pmoi Lu Csuulhuo that (fund: can pro dnuo M nod Plum: -5 the but Imported lnnrnmnnu. 1'! ICE LIST on am-II:-ulnu. um wmung .|1 (`n m Illnlvpnlwlng than -nevus at the World`; Fair would call no nttautlou of [ha lfnnuliap nuhllo to the (wt shat njlor tha molt Ionruhln ouminntmn than unlnul Ifmlmo I um Above `..._ 11;. [mu-nnu-uln mmlo mm. 84 mi, hnin; . Putin: dulmnu ul lnnur1 undnmlgnod. Oicc, C'larmra Strut. Have Been Awarcln: I11; I.'u' l`uIornauonalJury at Mo Wnrun Fair PIIHIHIL-I_uIu'u, on H000` Pianos .' FIRST PRIZE. AND SILVER MEDAL. THE MEDAL OF HONOR I AND DIPLOMA OF MEI!!! Q 3 J-IJ. TI {ROYAL n~TU _' COMPANY A BY. SI NIA BOTIINIL. (:'Al.LlA. A l.(JL`RI.-I . SPYTIII/I . CAl\|'tt\ lt rrry lnw rulwl HID! pm`; at Iuam`r: M. Iuwwol I-non Through [ill of Inux given I Continent: Ind {qr lulilnrrnuonn 0 Museum: ! Tnou Au: Swnn."-- when tho Ion-nick Ronoo Inland thou word: In spoke a truism ndmmad by curybodt. Whotclll be mm: Ilnn tho noun ntlult of dinuo in what- .-u hum -Latino dvnuanlio. hmnchionl. I Bills lor muIu:.uu fur pm-In Fur I-`raialll nml Pnuu-ac nprlv u l`omp|ny'| I I J. IHI.H|'.l`K. Klluunlvn Agunl - _:_._- --T-- The Cunard sueamshfp Qompany,(Limited) New York and -n CALLING AT Commercial Union Assurance Company HI` ICNDLANI) Wm: an n I ' -p.t:`:'I`x I:|:`1:n!.I: I.`I.o I}h"nIor nu-an onluloho uh OIQOO swan! Puu I saga. v " ` . I " ""'?4:. '"""'."""""~.I-llclautuuao CI.At.IfIC|Nl[Io&|mNoI1ho ` 0: an llouutud Puuge -mnuuubo luau. .g..Ql."_...h`."h..hM R Ilnuo nod Phnou the hon nnpol ml am-II:-ulnu. 000. |0.lI77. _._.q._..--_:j_ A n&[ :- ' ` 0 I111 new cl duninumiu u.Z'.T.Z. odnu. Ibo at tiulaho npdloul mun-2 Ian I uuoouoflyo you. .. .. _ n..._...o n....... mu. Dunn-uni: In law`!-k u Ed-.:nol.-uh. .1 M OI!` ENGLAND Pnrtioo dulmnu lmurmg mu: depend upon low rates and tar dealing by troatlngwlth the nndnrnlnsd. ITIIIBE I RTIAIIEE -IUU UI r-U-u-w l [100 gold. m-uurulnpg us Il`(`_llI|IN|I_1lU0D. _ `okou to Putin |l.- 00, (lulu. nddmounl. Return Tmlou on fuoruhlo term.` 8w\n.n~ Inw me-er-uge `riotous tmun Liverpool and quoanntnun. 11"] ,1] 9,5, nu`; udmpo _ H A_ _ - ., . . tho u-nohoroul nltult uv dmuo In Inu- loruphothor dyspeptic, hmnchicnl, oreonnlunsilvp. In than I `fontllhodth Vvj.E:BER` &: 00-, 11-..- r.1.._.|._ I|_...-'....l............ 1'isUnANL`cn-. Assets - - - - - 925,000,000. __-_.1 _-_; --,-r---I-an jj Piano - Forte Manufacturers, l{lNHH'I`()N ONTARIO, WIDI ISFIV `HI IDIAIUI-`UT 25 onn no_1_q_n 3-rum:-r. CENTENNIAiLT_AWARDS. .l._ w. _ Bgusogij unuw mm. ITS ' ouuuru on _g___ nn_._ Id. msnzuu ncronv um crrv snow noous r-4 . run?` 1r"l"1- 1- -- p`- W73. rru v I-Ron rum No. 40. 11.3.. nnw yoix. `w..I.....I... : gaunt-nun Iihuuus hV- `Ina V. `V, ova-. us" _nvun. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Wodnudny,Mny H-1] |.m ' . . . . .. ...........Wodnul|y.Ihy:l!-- 3 p.,m ' , .. ..Wodnoaday,Muy 28--l0p.m ' ` _ V , V _ , , . . . . . . . . . . ..Wodnuday, Juno 4- 3 [Ln , _ . . . . . . . ..Wodnudny, Junoll--l0 am And 0-var}-' '0"1'V|l w.`n..d" ti`; N.` for.` .9? WRIT IND lll`I'AIIlIIlT- .--_-- E8'l`AliL|HlDI7C9. - Anal hr Hpminl Appolntllullil In Wind Dial: kn. v ` Ann-tn: kmunl Oust: ` dn-or-Iulwuhwooigvoodsa other uuremdulqul to II uthor turn. an -K ` us utylu offnn If. ulna ndmltln for Pnonh. I-do ml:-Iv` In llnnnn-. has 55.. i l`l.l)(`I8--fn r(?bnmhu,Tnr- ten. or Pnblkllulldln n';l')ln- ingorbrunngltoon A III], .(t.m...-. mm-oh, hm, or llhon Parnotunl Clnmsl, Hull, llhop Parpotunl Wind Dial: Au-nvm it-nun: Oulln, `Rates of Puugo I mmmdnlion. ,1__ u tor Hnliundlugov. lhno.Anum-.punrl uthu'p.oru on no nan ` ,. Iv l`omplIIy'IOIIcO. N0 4. Buvlmq (Jroen. New Yuri. gun! CHAN. G l"RANCKI.YN.Ago. run: 1- -7- U I-` EN GLAND. '-'"*"'1'.".*mr ~-_.-..._..:- :_ OONTIOTIOHIRY IIoIanl:I_Id luau." J. RoIID 8 . umupuaylounlntlo C`-A. l%'.?='i'.-7'33`-:-'7':.=w?:.1`..aas WEE d trusting with I ITIAIGE STIANGE A G INTI or tune a. onppllotl 04! son Court. If lmy. nnnlllnn Qhnh nah-r In lhogvoololl lama; llroo, obolv loolota, Nu-Hull, lnchmlhp and all III! of unit supplied GOLD JEWELLERY. :1! lb: rlnhul. and mm! llllnlllin (IULD JIIWELLERY. And moan uquiuu design. with lonognuu, On-tum! l)ov0oon.EMno|hd In Colon:-I. um Dulpu by thounnu noon Howl mats in Ibo tuba nulmlroo, ohm. Brualon. Kaolin.- Ma-kor FAMILY. Liverpool` coax manor: .o__ No other medicine in the world ...-. .3... mm}: `but at in an nuhnud ll vumm V- .13 1.01:`. nth Am. unllvl. Owl. I3, I377 HOIIII S!"P~' `'`.L".'.'..```" `'*r.:"' n Jlllll 0| IOIOIIOO 9 lllouf -. nil uul Alovuhttolhuryot lhj _--s. noon: in til on: us. uwmunr I-numolulmin Club a-count ct Ir`:-gnu. llivllldvlhou I jmrsuq,g_gy_Ist.te79. -CW1 TIICZIJ to , I- .AlA__n>.._hn- IIIXIIK -I.II IXTIIIOR AND INTIRIOI. ronniiic Ain vm; Enlatgedtopiegi old Piclures. -II"* acquaint : `Enoch 0. n.A.-.:l..n_an... I IN ALL IT! BRANCHES. col-mu min` suuncnu: BY SOLAR CAIIRA. IINIIIIIHG ll OIL. WATER COLORS. III AID BIPIA. | AT I`II AIT STUDIO 0!` I Messrs.Sheldon & Davis KING STKIIT. PIIIIIIIIPIIB MITMIWIE rrmnu uuuu. nwnou uunl noun ll! um City. snponoruaoanodulon for (hello and sputum lhnplo loco M crnmarobl Tn- volbn. Onnlbu and Waggon to cll-u. U` A Livery ublo Jtuhod. nnnfu -nh tho lrnvnllinp n only Ittdvch IIIHI III the city. Good ollull buns. Ilnulun UV In conco- nnu. 'l`oI-Inuodcrumw DA\`l Proprietor TIIII WILL KNOWN IIOTIII. In very III: with tho lnvolling public and the on Du-otch lltbl the Llunln ...`.?.'.T.`..'.'..`?IE1-..:.': Dilv unnnnnnnnna-and. Ilnn. Onnnbu Bugs c'l.|'h~uu. 14 blo Ll. JOIIIDI Plbiosor. Lou? ln!'lol3o.| I Kings 12.... .. .|n` 0|ounlo.. 340:. I )lurnIu.... 3.55 p.l)l llnrrowumlth l.I.'r [um i :unworth.... 1.25 p.lI ( llurtlngtonu CJ)p.m I Vu-oIu...... 4.45 pm, I Bodlold.,.... Mlfopln I ll|noI|lnhr'lo .'L|5 p.m V pm I III E In I I Purina"... 5.51) 0Idcn....... &05p. llhu-bothko 6.31; ,nm...... ... 6.50 pa -- . I _ Iillll lnhuhovqilngnlnn at M ; pill. 8.05 an. lid ll.4.'I g.|n.. md gning South houllhnllulwlntlundvnm. a.-'5' i labor `IN pm : Inn ppl.. 1.aop.m I 8.05 and II.4.'- 4 GRAND TRUNK RAILWA Y Eoudhdvnh and Deputuru rm-. xx... non Hutton. llontrul litr.a. some Wm-rr llorvln. llpoln.'l'lo Cuurylalnnd. Bwodin. llvihurlnl |od l`th_v. and Mn UuiII1l,|Ihuo%-DarmudI.Ih|a`umon. Calm. Dumb Colonies of at Thoma. 8: John. 5! Civil -lumnloa.JupAn and For Ilium .... .. been por|o| Paul C|rdI.. `J cents such It ..... `-' ocuuporlon ulolrn I In... ...'>nu Unliild. resolved lld tho rogulntionl ol & OHM loving: Bunk batwoou the sauna! Dumudl -~ YOIIIOI IOIIMII. ii: nd`nn _nll InnoyO|~dor Olen I (nub, thn Unlud Kingdom, Pruu-u r |_ll(| lowlnundlnnd and the n . lummmu &_P_E_MIlIOKE n. n.] Ind Int. manic-a--. ',jv1!.l.. `-'-""'`"'.7;'-.'.."-.:'&.`-..'.`'.-*``" n. I-nngx-Innn In nun. : "**-'*---,-,vv_----r-------y..- . ...... *1} ' i?oa_1'_orno|'c{|1'x!ns'. Iona-`l`Ia-loyI.'l`LIruln I and Igrligil. M1; Arrive nII|:` u.|u U I II II R aloud IIIOHOII2 Vin` Idiwvcrylludsy ual `lfuudny at I. be per I-9 anon. ` `like. our; Vnduv -3 II p.m hump pot - ounce. hd IAMOIIIDOIIM In lnalbd half an III!-sol run. an a outdo hvhmhon Adamo-I Into the on nor|}i'ootIl Union. than In I re nrrnnnmant b'o'r`:utr{;. El 'um' (ltnmuholelrnd, Minus. [OI"l. rlmuy. I n ur. (lull Ihll ud lrolnnd.(Iro-no. luly. Iaiunboutg. lulu. In-numogm, Nether IQCI. lorvlv. Pink. Portugal. Asomn, Hannah. lunch. In Plum lnll llqualqna llorvh. 8paln.`l`ho Cuurylaland. Bwodon. l`tle_y. CITY FIRE ALARM. . 5;. Paul`: Ghunln. lonlnnl Inod. All Balms` Church. 0. Nowlndh, P:-iuoou mm-t. ' Corner of Barrio and Princess an. 8. Cons: of Karl Ind Ban-In uuu. 9. non : Collage Gnu. I9. Inlay`! Bnvorv. King Street. I! DI-.8trIIp`|.lIu sum. I, 8!. Lnwronoo Wnx` `J. mum Ward. 1!. St. (flmnla. `J. (bk!!! Wan]. 1!, St. (tbuloln. O. -- IUJIDIN ('13- uuuuxllun`. Anlvo. De . ....... .........`.`:l0 uu. 5 ;.m .............9:Wp.m.....2::'0 ........ ........ll .u .... .. 6 gm. IAIAN, J PH HICIBON. huh: lulu. Goa`! longer nvhmion Adamo-I J Oahu, nrrungnmont hub Inow rmmh, -venue. Iprnhonld uh Oh the of-cluufing the EL-30.99. lol And I08 av-on oulnl Hotel to um Ionnoluluforthnlaancl |..__ 4.- n___..-,.,. nu. loll! `um Denlnnrl. Iceland, urln. (larlmuvlhhrnllu-. IodI'0I\1 . .. 52: Vormu .... .. HuIlngum.. Siguwurlh... Hlrnwaluith Iuruk. 9.40 on Slonulo . . . . 9.5. ) no In K|nIma....l0.(I)n.m u Ono 640mm 1 uhnrbot La. 7.00 mm a}0lden....... 7;!) um I Pnrbsm .... .. 7.40 mm , lllnchinhn-`lo 8 lb 1IuIl'nn1.,,.. 1.1::