, Rutm tiny H A000. Frnnkvi|lo-l4.' Torment; Tholnu Og- den. b`up`d. E Mait.land--\V|lliAm Philp. North Augu|ta-Guorge Robinson. l)xford--Ruben Robortnon. .:pencervi)lo--John Sc|nlon- ....no...'|I.._I M u....... n c;.-n-- III In` IISULVKVILLI UIITKIUI Brnckvilla-JnInel Elliott; Culhor Uuughlull, Sup y. Preaoott -TG Wlllinml. Lyn--W F Parlay, J M Moore. Farn)onville-DAvid Winter, 5 N M0- Adua. l.'....I..,;II. I.` 'v........... 'ru......-. n-,. 'l`I|l!IO-l DIINII . Null: WW4 O'Hara. i his--Jci ' loan. 0 run-I A lulord. 8ooMuy--J 1' Piano. 0Hdrmnn-Wn lluulord. .._n ...c _,I D.-in. .....--.., ...... -. vs. on-nu nu:-ucr. Dominion Ohuroh-l A Salon, King 8trooI-M L Poul-Ion. Wellington Strut --J T Pitcher Aylncr-3 M Hammond. ' Boll`: 0uvnon-J J Loooh. m.n._...n_.w.. n 15.. I . n |5I||'I UuVlIOl l--J J DOOOII. RieIunood-WII R Ono, I A Road. North GoInr-A|!rotI IoCnn. II.-.n..I._,l n 13...... quetm DL-VVIl aucuon; L L rum: - non, Supennnuuod. ' ' Nnp|nee-Anduw B Chambers. I Murven and (}oIport-A C Clumbou. P'oolby--Francis O Reynolds. Roblin--W Puke. Newbul-gh-D Connolly, S C Kendall. \\'ilt.nn -Thornu U Brown, A Jncquu. 0doun-\Hlh'am Sheridan. Bath--Wulliuu Briden, D McCnnn. Amherst Inlnnd--Jnmon E Won-Jen. Catu~uqui-(Jeorge G Huxtablo, Juno: Awards; [1 Byers, Supomumory. Elgmburg-T B Conley BntterIua-Ju|oph Fulliok. Gm`gnuqua-W McGnll; J O Womm, Sn erlnnunted. tm|duwne~Juhn O Hurst; '1` 0 Ad- Innl, Supornumerary. Pntuburg-John ` Fergupon, Juhll Thompson. Uarruwmnilh-SAm|mI Tuunn v. In-up-uno vuunuu. Pombruh-Wm Hnnslord. Wulmuthw-J Davina. Bou:hhnrg-Wm Pooh. C|nrondon-John C Onborno. Portage dn Ft-rI-N Auuin. Roulrow-Wm Cniq. A|ioo- Samuel Illory. Unnlow -Robut Mark, Brymn-Honry Krupp. IlnI.hwu-T Craig. ligunvi|lo-Onrl Allan, (Gmmn Mir ninn \ UhIl| mlIl- Wm IIOIIII Burvluy -J. Dubs. Ill nu-n.-. nu gm. UnIll'IDln-J IAIIIOIL Secretary--T G Williinu. Iv -u-up nun-I-u nu.-nu Porth--G Mallitohic. :..m.'. Ir.n.#r: u n. ' "I4 -' "r-"'_a' ll II. In: [wanton Dllrnlor. Sydenham Strut---Wm Galbrnilh, J G Urozior; J Brock, J Fruhmon, Sup- onnnnntnd. Queen St-Wm Jucluon; L L Pater- lon. Slllmrlnnllllnd, OOOII, ll numnry. ` !:o,wua nrg-D W Mclioohnio, under S ff delta! Ltdhwllidt. virt Got-o-Willium Smith. `M... m....._... 1.-.... nu__.u__ .` ca. St John a-W J Cmtherl. ` LncnHn-Jolm Arunlr--nu. Odollzown-Edvard W Guns. Honmiugford- Silu J u hon. Frnnklin ConIr|-Wm A A Ion. Hunin;dua- Juno: omlonon. Oruutown-J Holmes. Valluyold--J Webster. Hudson-T O Onnon. Lnc|zno--Ebonuor Robson; J no Hi:- onclto, Bu Bmnnn nm._D W Mnkudmi. nnnlnn nompaon. Uarru wnmilh -Sunuel Teuon. Tunworth--R N Adnml` Ardan-Uns to be um. Seeley'I Bay- Gen [1 Squire. \'ennnchar-N B Toppin . Uhairman-Wm Galbrnit . .<.....o...._.a n m......s.-.. UIIl'ln8|l-- H II] Kidlnrlln. SecratAry-A B Ohamborn. nu -mun ..n.....u..... .-..... S: Lambert and Chnmbly--W H Spar- lmg, B` A. John B sally, Snpcnnnuu: ed. I life. 5: LI! .1 wuloynn Tnoologlul uouo[o-suoI'I Douglu, Prinoi and Prolouor of Thon- Iogy; William I oI,Prohuor of Claude: and Utah Tau-nun. Ottawa Slnd--Dwiol V Lucu. Dorohutu Bu-006- Henry F Blnnd. St. Jouph 8uot-JIbu B Bunion. Hhorbrouh Stroot--Junu Allan. Point 8!. ChAI'Icn- Edward A Wu-d. Duuglu Chnroh-Wulhnm Hull. Hrbuohinp and Coco 8!. Pnnl--WJ Jol- 1 :'rq'r'ic.m'c &I .2 encervuIo--.Jonn acunlon. . Kl:mplvil1e-J M Hagar; H Shnlor, n'd. 'Iii}a33'L"1'r"n.i$3". """""'." Chuinnn--G Doug1nu, L L D. SecruIrv--W H Smrlinu. IL JOCC 5%!- Longloy; Priuci Anoduny, Such lo. ununun--u uougnu, 1. 1 SecntIry--W Spurling. ll 1-... -n.-nu:-nu nu.-nu so JDIOIIIOII or LIlmN.7C.|ninh _ virth Smith. N our Glasgow--Iauc Whquloy. Radon--F Delon . ' Ch-innnn_.lJ Dmm an I. I . ii n. gouom. unocd, qt I dmuluuiou In rudby the than-I-_ my youhtdq. - . - _..- ..a.----.. non.-nntvu ___,, _-_._ \;Vulo 3 'l`||ooVlro|a- I Uol|3lO-Gooqt] ,luuxIu.'P':incinsl Prolouor Thon- libtflll OI IITIODIIT Illllflll. -----' `U I. III IOITIIAL DDIIICI. . Joan than-llf J i ;' I [I0]; of smut AI not I -_.. .-I.-n I- but nrourllxrx. ""$;`".`2`3r'$':Wzz ;% a -5 : .`$'. ` ,I--g IIII. QI*"'IIUKIIlIIIIOII. U-U nrnnlqhmndurnnudodbyanrloty olnnnulnuhocuurldlunnlotnthut hu\ho`NIclucHu.' Thnlmu uliuilod npplyolhu-ooI|nndotnv- Nn|u.o0l6III.-otumpwvduon w-vlhlhuuluthuuu-u. Mun n'dooh.a||pIou|lIhIIhnuhl tho lay. Ilhlnullcnnhlodlynl |..u_- _.._._I.. In -MA IL. an-hm: IT. u-V... mjwluuuj Q thou and pithy Iddl} Ind, MP 0 .._..'..I ...-n-lhnnmn I4: Du ll-go. 0C-UIlwIl Iv IOII. nun: wt About 8.!) o'clock, and, until 10 DUCK. III oantilntd I I901! I&| nomad novor-oudlug, And which VIO unmltmhly long and pray and worry. 2... 1.. ... Ah. Inn A. It lawn-ml ti-ma unluuir-W! '""I `W |"""l -- --"1- in. to any the but ol It. Iovuul NICO than In an uhnpt undo to word the npqhgc down, but In unlined n poo- gqion oc Ibo pinion. not wont on In u to an In nut have quiet," and only and when tho nu hljdtnl. `IO hula nut L-.- _an.L.-u ah. nhhnl of |hn (hula: C" Zjim I-I wit-cu -:I hon niuckan the object oi the uudou Puty, whid non people holtoud to In an cannon of iuouol plans. but which be and to think In 3 tin. tut fquuq-on but and a bolt. an u was nlgh. nd mauled by a minty . A. n._, AL- ._A..:-L__..| .1 ..n... lLI1 i"8 cu Ivy salt Ipuln-an 3. man` should be u much halted in uuuunor u in what, but the but ol 3 uidannnor night nacho on: tho par! 0! I llutomt Irluomo when oonluod to a hull ; but on the tutor, and under oirouuuhncu liko than of Int evening. count and doom ammo I dinnt upset. Ihchoir ol Qnoon Strut Clutch Chilly qlmod duomulvu no hvanliy O to ` _ n npolilton of the CVCI 5| clad} Following the odl Q ` muting wu gulf Ipl, , -0.3.) can min: In: j H In 1 an in [nu IIIC IIIIUUII I {am I Eat. Thou In singing (By e Rn. Mr. (Joan) and punt,-In tho sponta- _-__._-._-,) D`- I I [A-4 -.tl- . Ill nuul Iv: Iyuuo II IuIUI|ul' nu uuv mania which Hound Inndwnrd from tho yum, the aiuuneo loading ooohnuuul to the lnrmony. The ohoit song, with but no or than interruptions, until 0 o'clock. the inuruia being Iillod in by the dock at the Tandy Broth- on, who Inn hastily upplndo , J L- n.- .....a-A.._ :...'..- I` Tho yuung pooplo of tho 0. ll Ohurohoo are to be congratulated upon the ouocooo of tho entonainlnont which thoy londot--_ ed lho Montrool Conforonco yeatorday, and which tool: ploco at "Mortonwood," a delightful retreat pouoaoing many charming leoturoo no much onjoyod by the Vllll.0|'I and ouondonlo. Tho mo of tho promlaoa woo proourod from the agent of the Ban-ow oolotoawhooo kindnool should not own bo fol-gallon. Tho nflornoon mu intonooly hot, but tho tunponturo waa toznporod by tho cooling broom, and tho plooouro aookoro Iroro proloolod from the marching ann by tho ltooo which onmpooo the gran ond provido ohodod wall at All timoo. Tho ottondonoo dur- ing tho afternoon woo voty good. Tho great majority ol the Inombon ol tho Gon- fononoo wooo prooont. Tho Young Ponplo oxomd thomaelvoo, ond limo poo- r led quickly in plooooot anuoomonu. Evening wore on opaoe, ond tho numboro on tho groundo woro rapidly incooood until there could not hovo boon Iooo thou one lhnuund prooont. Tho grounds woro nltroctivoly illumiuohd by Inogic lon- ternn, Iho vuiogotod colon of whinh od- dorl to tho oocto. Thorn In 3 ml] manure of music, of on inotruinontal and vocal nuuro, but in this roopoct tho con- oorv. ol the Quoon Sn-oot Choir, on tho `water! waa tho moot ooloct ond maul` oblo looluro. 'l`ho oiugoro, with o tow friendo. won-o [ivon tho on 0! tho corn- nodlouo atoom yoohc `llorqnio ol Inrno' by Mr. A. Gunn. MP. ThohooOIoom- oi along, tho ohoro until all lortonwood A wt In undo. Tho [I070 In almost dooortod for o limo Ihilo tho concert on going on, tho `potty, ndjonrning to tho nut, whoro on hour woo oponl in liotoning to tho .....-:. ..L:..L l...o.4l lam!-an! 6-mn clan u. nncu ounlcr. St John :--John Borlnnd; Iloctnnl Oonlro and Milo End-Louil 2 `N Boundry. N WDoboniu'. Montreal Eut--W U Grvnior. Montreal Wool and Tuna-in--0no lo bo unt- dl-Joln Syn-ct. 1 Shorbfooh and Brampton--Thomu - Chnrbunoll. Kiuguy Si4]it`g-Antoino Gooroy. Rnxwn Pond and Aoton`--EdIurd U0 Gruchy. , Waterloo And Cmun-Amsnd Pnront. 0h-Jouph A Uorion. Csugbnunp and St. Rogiu-Jouph Oneukanrut. (}hnirmnn-J Borlnnd. Students to Attend Cullo o-D eE ' Mul`ory, J A Craig J VMc owoll, J T Garvin. J Glbnomd R Flnndarn, >H r Nuuory, .1 A urn; J V] Garvin, J Guboomd R FI4 Eldrulua, M Y Batu, W Luna Conley, W R Young. .:...---4-O0----- uuumvulo-a u rnuum Wu: Bron: -Albctt N , I003. J Fnlugh;buq-JunI I Richardson; 8 whoa, uponunonry. Won l'|rolun-T Ball. Sutton-Wm Admin. 8!. Arumd -11` B-ohuthon; A Putter- IOO, Snponnnu . Bodlutd-HngI| Ouirnn. , Ohnoolvillo-John Burnt. OhnirIuu-W. Soon. Saontnry-J-Wnlaou. 11. rlllcl nlillml-A unuuuunuo-usury union. Gruub'y-GooI'o Bogus; S lngslln, Sunofy; Wu Inglnh, 8up'dt. Dunham- William Scott; J Gray, Sn- pernumcry. C I -5 CPU: ' `l .'.:n|::};`.:n-Alhnn l1-, mJv;hn Tamhiu. Melanin Icbonnld, Bu- pornnuotuiu: B B [AH . ` Sunuogd W - Ala. Hurdle. X.A., on! Gouroot and Trcncurat; A Loo Ho|0Q,l L; Principe]; 8 Franklin and I N Saint, Bmdonlo, -hh onnuuoltho Oonknus C$oo-.IQy W Knowles. ' l:l,::q pd 0oucronllo--Iruu I I ` ~ sub. Phi--0.. so In unc._ Caaticook-John Wdton. nnpnnunn {In-an-_'I'Lnn In--ig ya-sIvtusM:nLL -M *.r.-:.'.'.'.'.a".:'.:"...':.'.',~'- - nnog-A ru . Int Bo1kon-Hinn Fuslor. Munuillo--G 0 Papa: Kuou|ton-.l Uronfoll. Waterloo, P Q-Jnlm Wilson. South Bah! -l' W A Mayors. Wm -ii-an Oroohlun was uuInI'I'I-I|non Uroonnu Lnwuuoovillo--l':|onry Mo on. Gnnb'v-(}nnma Bonn: 8 In lllill a `-un n uuvu. $3E',suk.2 W"; Oroohluah. LA-rmunuill n..."nnrI Ilnunn UIPIIIOI ,$,IC"-'l'IN I Dixvilh- Bin-y Para. |hog-A Puunnn. Bn1ou-Hinn Fun .:.-__...g...?.___a GARDEN PAITI. TZVUII-Ilyj --sum-um - _-_ -;_..A V. I E I V Mc l Flnndcn, (18. l, W Mtdge, mu. 3",-VVZIVCI yIUII--I-- uatl plhfiiw 55"` 5'" _"" lm hdnl maid. and mythic n ,3 -_ _.1...__A -.A ..l...I- UI uppity. nu uwv. In nu- pulonuvutiibru Io uh-yaugqiuullniuluuuuu and-pundit Anual|nuQu- dIilloIul!nIKlqduvuhmoo- J.-.-g.-Ag;-mg:-x`1n-xlInnh lhIl'l"B " lLl'l"l"b mm-I-n IlI I- CI -llIUU In 115 um: ---rs only. No gain: or 01009.0: can no uulloul old book, lor-uy port M 1!. Tan it up and in in (ma Io ill oolw, `nut brown. and no clear an aim. TIM lmclolhp to the `Inn, am: houol II: but pm-an Mr. Bcjubolopu n ohullnco ol Olav In Any chub: to mac nytluing but hopum mu (wait. no lull uh: our continua that public tut. no long null No logo: in uutdootl In public hunt. and In Kinptou Bunny nap tho rm cud due to the non jurloat Ind n!uu~ all ounblillnoit In the Quill ). uuuvu. use -an wuuu wvluu -uuuu, unu- od, In and lot tho howhg. I'll ollvul non. luju has! I: made ol null and It-pol ..-I- -n n as along. AD ---n AL. _{.'udj'xI.'uII-v-auu-,u- nu-u um ol the led Ilnll onto: the bnlldinu; the vlcinlly al the ballot in hop: as ulooth ondglun on a table; In tho nu ! oor: no Iuhcd uul Iuuhod daily; In~ dad ovorytlnlng in oorupnloanly clam, wlallo Ibo uir in cool and lnolhonlvo. A Inga well nuppliu Inter lot cooling pa :- poooo, but the Into: Iorh Inter, Illtrv -1 A- ..--J 1-- AL. In_._l__ The lull He-Ila. rum Hawaii}; baht pans. nu Boil patchy in I vwy plunnl III ....._l..I ..n...a.., than 511 nl ` lLI'l"I"8 ll.l FIVE I; .'T1?:*.T...7.`.5.?ZfT.:,;".*,".L.2'T.I."+';.'; .-uuou'suI1..u.n.u,.. um _._- .1 AL- J-A .I..II --A.- ll; Lnllalin... I11. Ul L_I- UCJUI Z-T, IIIIVV Ill. Inn: in M (Hold! (If not and Inn. llnn Toroow, C any olgnu broworu, in on of its tbnhri. CLIIAII-III. The [not cure ol the hnuon in vhol, nonmuu. The natihtion ol the bui|.I- , , 4 _,IL_ n- _uL. 1---__A.,. nu . The hiring in lhcvodqus-nonu o1 bony sud light boot on am`! up to 500 bunk per week, and if Chi lndo incan- uuit bu done in un put two purl. that in n consummation noon to be ruch- od. Tho Kingston said In not the hctry mm at Mr. Bojou boduu, uinoo In- |-..- I.-- n. l.a-..A. I. _.Q gm! -..n tothquqlhn; that,-A pain Inn- bouuol, mi: toounf 563101` rouuu nnd I yu uu I}-dun In uuuwvuyuwu. an un. .... u I ,.4u_- `FL- _|...I- Lgildi-.4. in ..n AIul\lIA IIIVJAQ Inulu wu--` roo|n,' uioo. Tho wholo building it an IVHJUO in inc", on tho vldtot dill End in mak- ing a circuit. nnbnjv Tho logo: non unit will hop 10.000 gallon: cool at I time. Thou are An ocllu-n in all, all Inland and agged 0 ourod with cement. __, an 1.-. I___ _...I IIIKMTI WIUII XIIIUIIM The alo nnltLu'o 72 foot long, Ind yo! no lflo in unoccupied. In uddihon a..n......I|.-. nun-..- -I-nit: mam. P0!!! Plpg IIII luv IICUIJI. A mill for cranking III wu imported from Brooklyn; the boilorvlul 75 blrroln ol cupucity; the fa:-no-xtinu room connin- nix lager tub: of 1:600 gullom each; the coolur in tho liuul in Cumin, ousting C800. and being In ovidonco` of whu n small quuntlly of copper notol can oolt. fl l'|Il.I.ACI AIII mama; W-*" -'4 `I'll Incmwllv. . Tho old and new yam no completely Mud with modern machinery. The en- gino which Jrivq it in an eloient Ian hone pout, _OOenty years old, sad I llI0lilU?'Iv'bf'.'t`0d work turn- .,_ uI,,.,-.|__ :,, u. _. wholanounnllucuoueud , suck}-In`uou.% ..... .. u.u.........,. ... .... ....... ....... Odout n lbO Kju B11011 Fqilldry in than dmaumtu aim.` : no boilurof 4:. I. _ 1- ...._ -..A 3.`-.. 5... .....i.... . luv. CLW'|I'-- 1.1 ' l-W IIUIIUI VI 1" h. p. In now, sod drive: two onginel. _L ponoy poop. and be lthy. A mill fnr 1-ranking mall in imnnrlnd 1'u&u.v`|lnUuuuy oaths ...._.-.L...lI1.h.....n- IL. 1-5|... `ma HIV iuiinuo was built by Mr. luau Nowlanda, under New York plum, alnady auocoufully proveu thou in large bnworiu. The walla ara fuur and a hall fact thick with atone, felt and wood. Portland cement waaunadin pointing, audit la in hard an the atom itnlf, thin autiliug local ditfuronou 0! opinion aa to it: suitability. The fool and joint! (all rmly bolted) Ire of iron, twenty n ton: of which in con- tainod in thia now addition. The inner - door: alono have hit lining: nix inches thick. There In three act: of windows, which with the thick walla pnaorva tho All at about 88 faranhoit It all time- Our 800 tona of ice are atond in tho building-no ainall weight to aualain our the vaulla. No wonder tho walla were mails heavy. _o... .. . ......._.... l nun UUVWII III III -IIADI. Three yoga ago not I drop ol` lngor In undo in Kingw-u, and wiry little in drunk lggro. Mr. Bujua' Gornun inuincu told him that lot Cnudinn lum- mcrt Iago: mull b0 the pnulllng ban- rngo, jnntu it in on the Amorioan aids in all largo plocu. Ha hogan the num- hctuu condently, yot the naulh u~ ooodod lm nntioapuiooo. L-Igor l'Ipid|yL boonmo the local nlnlhor. Bin former lucrative numhoturo olmho huvy also and beer Ill nlqnod Ion uoondnry plans, and lut your I grant utuuion of business upncity vu wlomindod. The work boollnolll ontlflkbo, line: Mr. Bajul put up n building unrqunllud in tho city for gtroogth nod oomploianuu. The addition inouono pdlloo, the dome ol which in 70 100'! MG! (round, Ind Ibrdl n In! thy Bay and Eut_End. Looking down upon the Browary ronh you can judge of the large u-on covered by tho gnlqblinhmout, the 5` frolttgl bully 20 lady ind the of the ordor and nutnou of tho ynrd, with driving nhoda, cdopcr shop, cables, Irnud yard, all enclosed by 9 I not! ltone fence. ...... ..-.. ..-.........` -nu: Imuululnnt. ..._ noiu rujup. T s.':-f_. 2.'.*:`-,..-W % % *w:.-::.- Dunning! IIJI1 Jun I9. nnhioo ishloh * Superior (Clerical) Illnck luklnmh Ovoroona, I "IV! SDI-In Ovoneuts, Slporlle W. Iiu . Bronuldoth A rusinoro Souhlud Cords r m M nun? CLOTHING. - A nno fit sud first-(`Ilsa Workmlmhip Prlool VI1 nuoxuhlo. G. W. A DRIW8. .u.,.n main ` `Alli-inn HI I To Mike Wish Esyl THE {3L:mRIoAL -I'A'I:1:.oR_ HA8 JUST RECEIVED A L01` 0? ALL-WOOL IUITIHG IN BLACK AND OOLOIBD, THE LLTIBT ITYLI POI LADII8` nussna. OALI. um an :-r umzs. A {is}: J-1-:a:i=.Isizs'AitiIjimi{aTslI;s. 5. , at normal: he. ' $:.u~o o.I.arln[ unnn~o'lo2~.m lurguinn in ORDIIIID ULOTHIIG. Onrvhohliodro duood. uoothoootoh Tweed sum, we no nuttug to odor. Iennnbor. VI Iain tic land in nnhmd Clothlnl Wogusnutuu an In even out. and our Iain and tdnuhg In of Blk and Colored Silk. Black and Colored Ouhmoro, Black And Colored Merino. Buck and Oolored Luaters, Black and Odlored Oordl. Buck and hncy Prints. Fancy Dress Goods, Alas I lm nnortnonc of Lines. Trimmings. Hm-arv. Glovol. Ilbbgu, [,.gg0ug;._couu . larpnu, ho. _ _ Alan I houmfnl uoorunom of hngunh Tvnadl. Scotch Twoodn, Contain fwcdmllool ea, lilac Scrguuhc. . 01 no olen: Imrgunn (JDOTHIIO. Onrvtqh Igo ro_ Illa (Zheapu:f_se In lilgsln Dav Goons % STTIS EM!!_l..J.0...N1 Tweed sum, mum; order. I in Ordered Clothing Wtgunrnnteal v. ever out, the but poutblo ducrlptnou. see our pncu ll ho oonvlnood. JIIIIIIIAIEI GENTS` FURN! 0nallpurcha.ses.w1th exception of Prints and Cotton, an we loll these Goods at Mavul`uvLurers' Pnicon. Kluuon. Juno 23:4. I870. Juno lth. Iny `Ila , I879 Alarge Exght Page Sheet of fifty-Bix broad Oolumnn, Cm. sent, font Paid. to any Address. till Jun. 1, 1880. FCR HALF A. DOLLAR- I.__ook out. for TRY` THE MATCHLESS SOAP iizifrfi szls-1-:: GIAL No-:|'.-:I:o:a T0 GLERYMEH To be hsd of Am. TH: 0300888 11;! ms 011'? . ONE BAR will do the work or 1113!: of any other loop. Greamfutions in Prices. `Attending Kmgston Conference. We will allow I dlloonnt of THE WEEKLY sU1I, ___i_ o()--:. M:-u I White Inrino Under Hhirtsw. C, 5.0, 60. Men`: Whilo Karina Fun 1!}. 40. 50, 75, 90 Man`: India (Inna mum Ind Pnncn 40. 50.75 Man's Cotton Uuuor Shirm II), 3-'i_ 40. 45. 10, 60. Men : Canon Pints 35. I0. 50. 60. 7.5. Hen`: Color-ad Merino Punt: and Shin: (whoa . The boat While stun ll st Waldronl. only I .l0. Men`: l"|no_\- Htriged in `J) ll--.1 Mm-inn Ron I M) . '1, (fl. 2:3, 35. W. The but White hmrt II It. wumron SM ed `JD, 3 Mon`: Merino 300 I I), ', I0, .50. Mon : Cotton socks from 63 tn 3%. Hon`: Tin! V4('nrI'n. DHWIL Cullnrs ll Men`: Ion`: l`m-_ Dawn, and (`u`n, utr: chomp. Cnn t all nlua pig Mon. Small Man. moat. Ian and Slander Ion. V a nr A 1 nnnu urn-.._v.. I: :3 PEIE?,% CENT 00 TO THE *""FuR;~:2 ;'3;~1lNGS, CHEAP. -j `, T11 - *4 E05826? I` Opposite Albion Hotel. Prinoou 8 ltngnon. sun labor 2 AND YOU WILL tin: no o-run Address THE SUN. NEW YORK CITY. Dllllu mull. HIUEW -an Inn all-uucr III. R. WAl.lJItoN. Wilson's Buildings. ll` ])!'|COI III1 & DOIIVIIIWI. _R_q9Kw:LL Enos. I fl4'_ L_`.A. $.l..._..-_ III IQILIOOO. .4," _j Bleached shown: Bleached Oobtonu. Grey shootings. Grey Oottonl. gantpn l'_i.a.nnlo1l Lhlmal. ow 3 I fancy hlrunu. Iochcllhloftlxll ApI.a r x. I`0.l'.~_ilNIM[T a co. gllllpll I 8hlrun|.' _i1scnod snoounp. nnntnn Hanna}. {OIJXII 'I\$ if $' Wouingioo 8:. . Parties lLI:1`1"S mun-n '- .da"_."UI,.Yo ..V an Iiqhudloova-N_n -unluh-uquuuunlopuoa llochvdondthpudot. Du-hglho A-Q-IA_n-1AA-h.nnLIA0IjnnnnnAnl ', UTCHCUTVCIFUI. Q01: cluubou|I,'lIoIIdc Dqtdndonuwqudnto `ohliluutuuuucuu. uuulum-guauunuya-nu, -anon-v.ur.v.u.uun.-qua. punoolt `llndndctnlbtu In-n...-.Il-L-J . 3 ` """"f"-" Wlwouu.--hot inning a anchor 0! Oh lcnhn ol ch l.l. Clutch not,u.d `hilqfflvldlutlhltf, liq n uhnvtlnhloo. Ploloun Ilnuuut-Ion.-lr. Kidd, III Oily School lnupoclor, in Itoltliua lat anally wish the wououol on nllnlku. The tip: nhvltl for that pnalhnl, anon um ol ()0 pupils in too aha-gudlolluhuvork Ind ilordct to ooupbu than bolon the III, than tho pub: ounlutlou ugh. On i"h_l_I! _!_a_uhlliI|8iiiii{ 4 3 Iqlu upping Mr. Gt-duh`: deput- QQU In Inlor onninaol Gill 0 |.I. Ollol Shays onaninod. 90 pmnd, I high snap llli "Oil! III-IIIIIIVJII vujxu. vu . _._... -tp Gunu Oom.-u1'.-Wo turn that 5 ` garden and parlour concert will ho gin! at St. Joan Panonap on Thnndny` Inning. July 3:11. Thu bodily II loan ul Kncpton have kindly pl-oniud yo oonmbuto lhoir aid. Wu top that this account noul tom: .0! cutawa- uon will mm with means. `lick my be had from nriona Imlbon o! :50 oglqnon. Iuly wplioniou lorthon will In nooouuy. n th number iuood . n :9, :._.| --u ww ...~...-.,. and be linked. 31 VOIC; Iv-. uuuruli-, nu); vamp ; mo. n.n.,xon; 0. ucnu.m..1u, Wu. sum. mm. A;s:oord.1u- Ial~oyHooIor,100; w. SootI,97; John 7|. It villbo obunnod thu R. W. Galbraith ulood nooond in tho IIUV. vv . uululuuu IDIJIJII -vuvuu nu list no In at who um eoncornod. Vornlo Ion 0lunvn.-M tlio sloo- tion of District Chairman ut the Ooh!- outyuurdny, Dr. Dougluo ucoiud II) voles; Wu. Gulbnith, 113; had `x-.. nn mo. n Il.D;n.I.i. Ill. Donmuou Du.-A nunbor of trip an on Elm twin for Dominion Day, among Minn, on excursion to the St. Lunnoo Cantu! Camp Ground. Cunp muting opnuontho Nth inu.; st it Bilhop Ulrln, tho Ron. Du. Iva, Sumo, and Jooquu. and other oolobriliou, an ax- pootod. To than who favor lhll nour- oion we promise n plouont trip." The but will Ionvo Gunn I Co. I wind 5% 10 an. _ ---A-&o.-_-_ Tn Nlwwno Dluon`nrnn'toxt.-'I`wo gontlomon from Nowbnrg inform In that tho domomtntion nt Noibarg to-mob row. in oolobntion at tho Duooho cloc- tion, will ho an immomo nlfnir, if ox- pochlionl an ruhud, and if tluprr pnntinn any in Onion :1 an indication. Thu will bu some good cpoochu. A dclogution from Kingntun will stand. V-V In uuu Iqu-vvlu uu nun nu-nuns un- found us that it in from an old bnllnd, Jolly Robyn Run;/h Head," wml0m0 of our Indus lurninl: us with tho V0-l'II of the ballad which contuim in -:o-o>.,..__ QUo1'A`rloN.-About I yenr up no ukod our router: (or I verication of the quotation, Cumiotancy, thou Art 5 juul," but ucoivod nolnnuvor. To-dly one ol the lunar: of tho Institute: in- l..-_.-.l ..- AI.'-A in 1- l..,._ -.. ..I.l L-II-.l } --o3-ga-?- "A0013!!! 1'0 A Cnu.avnuu.-Jacob ` Loyn, of Adolplmotown. one of the or ulry troop, Accidentally had hi: right leg brohn bolluon tho Inn And nnlrlu yu- tcrdny morning on the drill ground. His hand, which in Ill lending, either go: {righlonad or utumblod, ntrikmg him with in loot, pith the Above relnlt. -nu-vs was -uvuuv--any In all. u n . unu- loll, Ibo own: thno bloododl hougu, which will oompou lur prim. lhcz Cot:I.a:.--A half mile tuck Inn boon laid out on thy ground: of Mr. R. Vlillin, WoI!6'hlu:d. The couru will be" lomnlly oponod on Dominion Dny, n-.I-.|L. AK-.`b..-`Ll- ..I II. I] A Ii`-L vv I-Inning vyuuvu uu AIUIIIIIIIUII um , undo: the diuotonhip of Mr. B. A Ful- `Ann -Iu. 4.--.. IL-.4 L.I...uI-,I Lnhnnn Poucl OLo1'aum.-'[`he polioomon Ion donned I if nummor nnifot-mo, ud luvs: `righ mun nppnnuoo in III:-~ Thuuili nu vary mu, 0! ex oollont muriol, and no: good Btu IO". Kr. 0. Li'ilI[llUl| wu Ihomlker. ..'.- Anournum-.--Mr. 1". Ruth, B. A., at pruint one of the Auinnut Muun In tho Oollogiuo Institute hon, bu bow appointgd to the pooition ol Protector ol Mulumuico in Snnuud Oollqo, Prov. -1 1 1..-}..- . 0! Quoboo/. L9Dicl.-Onphin Fnindoughh III! [lulu In to be launched at Burhliold toklny. She will be In intarutlng addi- Iol to the loal oat. being I dopcrluro l..._ AL. ..l.I Ii--- A, |u.i|.Ii-In in -nun- av -5: nova: nu--. Irvuu - uwy-nu-v limit the old lines at building in vogue` L--- .._...-..qp Tin Can Gnounu-.-'l`iohu for- the II. I. Church excursion on Dominion Do) an : Adult: 500., children 250. Dr. Inn 1: pupoolod to bo at the ground. Thu ICON!!! Inn: at 10 LB. ---op-o-: hcnuuo.-A outing ol boot onon and oclun luonblo to twin a no: on Donioiou Day lot Ioal book, Ill] be hold at (ho Britioll lmcliou Hotel, til: ovoninu 8 o'clock. ......-_.4p.____. . ._.. ` (nu or Lot.-Public ultoaou is called to ski ndiuugoono olor of I out plum wdnu-nub. muoupucap Opal auction on Mnudny II Banning- I1 : `WIDNISDAY IVIIING, 2|; - 7-. _... ....,. .........._ _., l**iM *5 70171` db nauzrr. _ Fjujvvvuuq nu gnuunw -an Iuofollbthofnhlk nun an on-. nit). Ouuuuduc, Col. law. to- ...-.`-.n-..-ALAII-I.-Jnnl ah` Inn. - ZTIIZ `III CVIl Il uncut vvv-u'u Illl dues [or nation sud I! u pmbohlo that the lion. It. I_Inuon, Ilminlur of Ilo, and ' Hon. A. Ouupboll. Pennant " will visit the land- tunl all Do `phout club; the our: fl __ hung the _-`&Ih`i: n.AL.u a. 4. W V "-'*.9 PIT WW ""` pllll at I p.n.. Anillor drill ml push a 3 gonna: nhibmh u no a` nu. gs pnumuoa u .4... -n `. nonnnalg -HI .....,...,, .. - ........., W..- nppoin lo Andra nu) c ' C an In HQ. The appointment I 1 I ' C .4 ;'-% .b . .. both on 190. cuma no how, 5 ' wll be --nln--I " A Hmlrtul aomnl-1on9"`7l Z gwquu I- Iu lav ` '11:) Father Unr cu-mot any, but this (W wl non uciivoly unloyd If 0 lurpt the am: du- tits I Ilse um IIIOIU departure crutu n ICON); and W500. picky and devotion won only equaled by his application to All (Mugs ol n uligiouu not-an. and to nl| A-1 ..I-n4.l 4.. n.. |.......4 ..I ah. nu...-..l. ju 0-uh`: In u uvngluuu nun-nu, gun "I -u as land toun inmost at tho Church to wish ha no much -mated. Foal -~ ot_G(boM.IQ and ham Ml concocti- Mel IIMI now. Is Bishop 0'Bticn'I pri- vate Sotlohty. U-III: can Inc Huron vvu uauu nwv. - nonw- Oorbott bide hrowoll to tho Catholic pooplq, u I noounry oonuquonco of his 30- tndnfnllur Corn- c` Via:-Uononl liq." In Iomnwhu of 00:500. 0 ml; to hgoqlll npu bo $32. 3' ' .1. '1... Ian... (1.... I the o6rro|po:I_:i-:10. In another col- Ill! 5o'7vboOI`Vad lhnl Riv. Flthor n .L,|:- 3 'l'hiA morning an incident occurred Ihich lhowod that miniltera no not Alto- gotllar without the power to Appre- data A irond joke. An indefatigable and chunky organ grinder, who has . bun perogrinating About the city for Aomo dayu to the delight of many chil- dran, and whole monkey, in MA garb of rad, :'A an Attractive card, atruck tho Sydanham Street Church about the hour tho darn` canpriaing the Montraal Con- with 000` `h! hia `moat implring tiinea. Tho malady oohoad through the Aaintly church with great diatin_ctneoA. After A i for Inolontn tho Confarunoa opened with ` one of Wulay'A moat inopiriting hymn, Ivhilo the organ grinder followed with `BIIO Junio|a,' which cauud many a ` aoltlndnhrluohhnakintoa A-ila. Aftor the monkey had taken up A aub- Aai-iption, oauido, Iron`: tho divinau, who Ian watching hi: antiu, ho uocudod Ilochurch Atqza, And, toiling Ina Iila turban At tho I`lu0I ..nt0I 0d the noti- bula and took_lA thgurrnqpdinga Than ha would hit-wayp tho door of In ' Aolotury, Ind, opil bohd light, no doubt naatrl Uc Amount of hoodolotli ' but A retreat. Dollar 1 int-manoa the loronoo wort gathering, and Atai-tad o" , dlvhu oddd Qho Iport lulu lgly, hughiI_b"' _ _ hurt`: conlnt. It was ugood to them. After the muioinn bl his cuhloguo 0' undo In Ioimi lichor wd I L-.._A.. _.-.d -Mr. R. P. Cuoha, of lirockvnlle, and I Mr. Penrco, oi Monltul, huva ucured tho Carillon Dun >cun(|'I(`,L A _certain youth-on in Killgtan will now hie satin- R...l ll- kn. ... -....... ...-......... LN... -.. -_-Tlllo minister: ml the Nov: Suulin Conforonce lune subscribed 82,000 to the Thnnhgivinu l"umlo{8l.'v(),00t_I, which 1. intandod to pay 08 tho Mimnnnry Board indebtodnou And put the mission: on u nublunlinl bail. .'l.w III IUIIISUI-Pu "III III! |'U BHlI.' ed He has In Imus measure been re- warded for his political wrvncea. .Ia,-nnnoumh Run! mum; Oolkp _nn -|,__ 1,... ..-._.;.... -..J .. ;- .....b..L.I. Thlt PIIE. Ill and Dunn -At the Derouche demunItrntiun,_ Nowbnru, to-mnrruw, the Ipeeclneu will be mudo un the Crystal Pnlaca ground, commsncing At lull-put I valve o'clock. The 0nd l"eIlun' Bum], nf Bellevnlle. yvill be in nuondanca. -.~ -r v -~v~ -~~-~ -- ~---- ..v---r -'l`ho orgnn unecl by the Queen St. chair, in their `oil shuns prugramm-'1 M HoItonIuorl In! ovenluqfwu a gem} inutrulnormnnd wu kindly loaned by Mr. Purdy, from M: wnnsroulna, Princeu alroot. -E'urll urn being llll to have Hury McLeod rulqnoi from the Penitentiary, tufwhioh he wu unleuu-ed for live your: for Iuooncy. They think ho has suffered enough. HO ha bean in than pun. nu .1 -A number of lump: lmvo been proling uound the neighborhood of Bach lately. A good deal of thieving hn, bogn done at Bun by tuunpl, and our oiliunn ulnuuld be on the alert. -.Thq oicinl who recently rooeivotl tho [Ind bounoo iron the Military Col - lcgtupoch to bo rs-Appointed. He in much more hopeful lhn we no about it. - l`ho rooster that will lone his crow hull crowd to gobble: worm, may not b0 0 muqioul nuooou, but our local mm- but will be! on him for I" that. -T2Io Bclluille Uuturia does not ugre with Bow. E. A. Stafford u In tho indo~ pondonoo 0! political parties and the froodom of the ballot box. > --'l"ho lollovillo reman Inn nut. sun that: II] clear to Xoeopt the invitation of tho Waorlown nmen tuviuit the lunar phco on tho `fourth. ' an n u --'l`t`u'W.'ucrtovn `Mirth domonuru tion will he nloud phi: if tho colored poohn nnncrihx-ion. nuah uqooud cuiuu, (lied in tho_ Hold Dina )OltO[dl].lnorning. ' -IIr. Williun Coilollo, of B;|Iui|lo,tl In an lull located with am Goods in Hana, which In ull Ohup for Out. Dolidous Oorn loltlnfrlu, fongun. Hun. -ho Baptist T3umu Call: `in in ugioo qt Btoctvillo. -T|IC Oompuiy will poiloro hub in odoy or no. It in lauded envy- 5 lltllr Oorbcttfu hrcwell. ..."e..- um,` 6.7.`. ......." " ........- n -vwv--__.__.. A lousy : Anlcs. wun,._wum * ._,.. I-.-.I M In- mm nnmsn wH_1,c wnnrmstpu. JUNE _2s%. Le-19. out: in ndhu variety. Ploklu, Inca. Oluutl. Gluu Ah. Plain led: Wutmololoo Inch us-and M... Noun;-In Oonduuod Iillu. to. lo. Golden Lion Grocery run Shin. I l::.=n'4. Nnrln uowu'-A|lNd IOUMIII. |luotbt-J H Dunn. Billiu 'Bridgo--~0 A Glord. Mal (o--Ju Sin 1:. cIrbrook-J J uyloah. Vanilui [NI--J 8 (cough. U H 8 Davin. ...'.*:.!.':'"......:!'.m_""*-' `W Juno: mnou. Almonto--Riobu-d Willol; Williun Creighton, b'up'd. Pn|louh|m-Suphon Bond. Arnprior-Edmund S -`lhouy; Henry Irvlno, Su 'd. Fitzroy flu-bor--Williun Knox. FunH.oIn--0no to be non. Mofl'iokviIlo- Gaorzo lorpy. Wulford--S|muol B Phillipa. Lombardy-W W Mlllur. Do|ta-\\ illinm Sandurwn. NoIbon- Robort F Olinf. Mu Hol- dun, GOD. Glentny llld Moborly--John Fowkol, W H Summon. Plnylnir -Cornelius A Jonll. Ch|mnAn-G Mcllitohio 8ocrotnry--:5tophon Bond. rorm-u Maunomc. Sllinfl Fl||l-G H DIV. Carleton Plneo--W|lIIl 8 Jullnon. Juno: Elhott. A In...-.t;,_Di..I\--4| \lHInn-- Willi-- 5|} 0. Run Wiuchutor-J Wilson. Anlt|ville-WiIliun Punon, Thomu ` J Munull. Oornnl|-R.ichu'nl Whiting. Moulinotto--unuol light. Avonmcro--.Iunu Lnnon. Lnncukor-Snmuel D Oholm. R Eaton, who nhnll I ad hi: time in general oungolintiu nor . Chnirm|n-J Elliott. l.4...a..--*1` n w;n;.--.... navuI'a_' 1`. ` Int. I094. V A _-* nu a. outh Mountain-Wm Rilnnco One to be sent. Edward|burg-J H Uhlnt. M|tildn-A A Smith, D C Snndonon. llnrrinburg-AIonndar Olin bell. Winnlnnur-W Runny; E Taylor, Sno d. "That