. m~ -Ay--------~---'--"-' V ' Eh} int} iuum am, _ _A. . _._. _ . ..... .-..---~--(- -----:-""* "I" u, u _,.l .uuII. Una of the peril: betting fomnla inn nun-null 11 um: nlnod bv I New Ynrk CIIIDI P|C|_F|_C RIILWIY. , ._.,_ ._..__ Perils of Female llllfflllon. Tali nxrrjsu` wmu; Tuuusvnx. AUGUST`1e.l8'79; (Pa-1-L:-u Line). ._,| A__ In A _..n-u .__.:~o-o.-_- A. 'l'. Stuart`: Ioualn. (I'n Dwniniou Line.) 1 _,, A... :1 A I.-. We put it Iqunnly to any candid Con- uornlin il Al! the nu through the Mnckonnio rqm n oral: ol monetary imtilutlonu ooeurral anything like Ihpl which Inn lately Jnvolvod ve Canadian Hunk: in hupolau luiluro. The In clmnict Bunk but 3 short time nine. ool_ Ispaod; nnd, luring Int wools, the Suda- ouun, the Cunnohdnkd, the Iixohngo, And the Villa Muio hue hallowed While that banks Inn `gum up` an ock ol the nurviving kindred Indiu- tinnn Inn gone down; a panic bu uind upon Itookholclon and dopunilun. 3 hor- 1..I t`-nn" hnvinu Ill ill `full! `.0 IAIKII` ((.'lob-.:3p:tal. ) 1-) 14:. IN. Imgnyo. Ipu uh. I -9ir Michael Hlckm ..I l`.. nun 1:41 Mar Lnndll, Aug. I3.-Fron Afull onmiv nnnunol Smnh African ndvicu, the Tu'm. dun tho cnncluuion Hut King Uelawnyu rlulwd I" on the battle 1:! Ulumli, and Ihnt. the end of the var bu been touched. ll Hm-null Ilm nuuil|nAl- -In. --nl tn Tkc African M71;--Au Oleander m Mmbo-`-Glooumenva troy! Evmlaud-Cotton Manufacture, In IDOOII IOICIIISLI. Mr. Hnue-ll. lh.- rmgiuoor uhu want. In France boloro thowuuo uh: Iurnnl ol the Speaker nf the Cmunnnnn for hi: ur- rul, lur ulfetiluz tn nullln-I by bribery I decmun nf tho |'rh-ate Hllll Uumnniltoo relative to I bridge, hu returtusd 14 Eng land and has zmrrumlerod himull to UN rualmly uf lhn |Iuu|e., Ho hu now been I--nually pl:u`IMI in the Victoria lower in custody uf um -\'ergonnt at Army u I prlmuner uf |'arhlIuunt. A lnnm number -at German iron work: hue mcrouod chair price for cuting two unnlu per hundred kilngrunuwl. 'l'|m Hunnl ul Auricnlturnl Cmnluiuinn mnrlu hundred lulu-gramluel. 'l'|m Buanl of Agricnlturnl Comluiuinn rrs recently appointed by the llritiuh 1iui'el'lIluDlll., are zealously inquiring ml the cause: of, and the remedies: for, Lhg pi-ommt gcgvaro do reunion of the ,n;.-ricnllurnl iutoi"e.3il.I'l.i'EJu'y[li3Ii Iliii Kimgdom. Tliay are now prupming Lu ..|qiuinl. uainuint paid utlicinll. Illd send (hum Co visit Canada llld llw United States, In inquire canslully into the nuts ul agriculture and supplies in those nwagiuiu. Thain ntliciuls will pruhnhly he app.-intml within a low duya, And talus lhuur departure uu the In nl September In!` Cnlmdn, ur lllllllcdlllloly sitar the up lu.|lIIllIMIIl lldlllllllllll. 'l`lne lhited Slated Cumul at Manchu lur, Hug_lnml, in I zleapnuzh tothe De pnrliuunt ul Mala given 1 gluomy account of holll llw zigriculturnl uid nnnufwl.ur- mg unonsnlu ul that cuunlry. The failure ul crop: is much mum Aeriuua lhnl. in ;{\`IltIl`&ily nululnmml zihruml. The de umiil in Eimlaii-l fur IlIOIl.I'IId gninn from tlw l'intml Stalin will be enur- llluull. Hotter xurlhudaul placing Ameri- can butler, cheese. heel, hams, fruits, .\'c., on sale in the English mnrkot would lm in prot. Trmlo in,yot in in infnncy. Al. present it is hampered by middle man. 'l`hu necessity will favor now ox- mlwnt.-i to extend the oompinptinn ul nll Aiiitariuii produce. Cu-nipetiliuii will anunur ul` Into: lunch the fnruwn of Eng liunl llmf Lhuir I-xpminns can he reduced by using lIll[|F\v\`c|l umcliiucly and imple- mc-nls. ' lI|1'nIB. Tho cnttun lrndo of Lancuhiro con tiuue; in u dopneued condition with little uncuurnuuluenl. for thevneur future. Muvlunury nl-l n'.n grant ncrillco and alnlu-s lmvo cuaaml. Alrm.ly their calls llllull rh.~u'ity arr heavy. Last year more llmu Hum pomulla were supported in Muucllesler by the public. The coming w mm will probably witness a still groan 1-I` nlenlituliun. uuuaua were u worn knlleal. inmlculnblu. Ilooluoluon Inu uupuuuuu-, - aw- lul "run" having not the upon tho City and District Bunk of Ion- uool, Ibo Hnnuum Bunk, um om...-g, Now Ihll in the unum ol oongcigncg would not hue been a. u! had then Hung: hnppouod under lulnornl rule! A [1 ml 0! nu-ration against the (Journ- moat would bun gm-no up [run on .94 0! the country to tho uthu. Tho Iholc I -7 ,.- -1 nu- _.....n A, alinnnlgpg gunk] 1-l`IleH|.lllIllull. Unmuh m-wapnpora state: that I terric thunder nlnrun uccured III tint kingdom (nu mu -uh um. Over I hundred fun: hullnoa were tlualruyecl and fty perlom The damage tncrupn was illmnln-Illnhh-, (,'ou'Iu'ling ur .S'uraloga----- l`Iu= ( lIillll(]l*l_IIll'.h`U0lI ~'l'h.' Slewarfs ('u.w' (`uni Bury/r.~m' A1'1`('Sf-f't`_ Nuw \.;rk, Aug. Ill. The Delnwnro & llmhu-n U:um| Uu. .-mlnl at nuction yaaler- dny rwxm tom ul Lackawnnna cunl. Thorn won; a good altundunce of buyen. The hnldmg was apirillr-nu. The gun: was all sold at QGLUU; egg .. ,'22; stove $`..'.I -`.55 Al. the lust union on the 9th of April tho prices uf one kmd grnle Ind ugg 32 L7, 50.0 $25.70. (tmmmu. Am. 13. -'l`he three hun- H, In cnntanlplnlaal. A Wnnlniliglu-II apafrnl tn the Hvrald nya . "`A memlwr uf the Uabimst nub: llul the I-hjncl 1-I lhn hstwr tn our diplo- Imln: repr--nuul.shn 29 mu to properly not fnrth the clmrgrs ngmunl. Mormonism, In that puhllc hncussiun In the foreign pn-sa wuulvl fullnw and umlm the truth knmvn (u all clauuwa. This nhjnct IOCIIII In have bum: ulrumly nlltillecl. I uIy- gxuny hm: now houn cloclnrod u crunu, and the wllnlulnistrnlinn has a right tu ro~ [mm pcrausm--n to nhsnmalxipn tn lund ll- ulun wuh l'l.ah recruits. . Mnrknvullo, 'l`enn., Aug. 14 --|'|lrIck Mnlhvy and I.-nun Ifrinknu fuught a duel with rn-vu-In-In yenturdny,. the chnllonge rvnulhug [ruin a dllhcully concerning a ynullg Indy. Shula ware exchanged by mndln lmhl. Mul Mnlluv was slightly IL L3, 5101'! $25.11!. Clncngu, Aug. - l`he dred `.huunnl|(l dnllnra suit. against P. T. Barnum wu diuunuod owing to tho hil- llru uf a similar cause in Clncinnnti by tlw sumo pru-tin against Barnum. Nun \'.uk_ Ann. M. ~-The Trdbnxm nvl thu pnu-urn ngrunnv. uamum. Now Yank , Aug. nyl that a hulhur advance in out-bound freight: uf liw cents par cut. , from Chica- cmntalnlplnlcd. ...... . "A nmlnlwr uf the (lahinut nmu that city m|_ Julm Inn, and arrived non ymlardav, IrJ\\`0||IlI|.( all the way on horne- huk. Mn rmle thulylnur milau ch day, And th Int day Inrty luur nnlu lmtrnn. Auu. I-1 ~'I'he lulu nlumer any, um um mu u Uutnut. Aug. I Stomha-II, which I -..A l`IuuI.-nu II I-unndml. Flelnlnutnn, N J., Aug. H -Tho Row Abnhnm Wnclmli , up! Now Urlauu, lull. city Jun Inn, and arrived hero ._. ._,.-.. .__ _n n... --.. .... )....-... Dotrcut, Aug. I-I l'lIe mu IIOAIIJOT run: between Uelruil nnd Uhuthnm, On! Jun dvclrvyod by tire thin morning while lying at her dock harm. Thu rnplzuu unl his life And tho cn-w him a narrow escape lrom death. The (`Jl|vll||lI mu uhligmi to jump into llw rlvar Inth bu baby. Tho maul Ill uluml M SIILIIIU nml wn innurod lot IHJII0 The uptun and hi: Iifo Ion nll nu... .I..nlm.u .n.l ulfusu, nlno nboul ol the country to my uuuw. nu. Inna: blsno ol Elm [mop ol dinnun would hue boon uddlod upon tho Uovotnnool mud n long-uulforinu pouplo would have _-.,1 __.-J AL..| bk. nun nl IL; mnnn. 98.!!! The upuun and mu wuo Ion nu lhmr cl:-Hung and ulfocu, nllo 3.300 ymnh ul pwolry, purohuod only yentonlny. '|'lu- lira CIIlIII'I'I|IniCAl.Od in tho: wnrohnu-we on the whnrl, which In ._..o..-|. .I..n..-...l Inn. and lunnrnimn llns Ilrennu-H \ o.-umcly dulm ad` m.l nnmortmlu-1 . T euturoly dulrn and` no llul noarunu-u Thu 1. um the alum:-r In u lot. Hnrnlnan Ann: L! , lur. Hanlogn, Aug. H --An uoitomont III cnuu-I ha-n yoltarduy by tho now- Iudmg mlnnnmurnlod to Funk H HA- mlm-, one of tho propnotoru ul tho Ilnlhurno Spnngu, by W nodworlh Barn- IuIl.uf Suvlnnh, Ihn (snciod that "I tlmrno hm] mmllocl Inn Illa. Ilnlborlu clnlmo llul ha muer nu Ibo Indy. Hun- uoll 3| :5 bvoll nrrulod and boiled. N-.. \'..-I. Am. I4 _'I`In World : ol uilnt In the world`: cnmngo. New Yuri, Aug. I4 -1110 `him: up: that allot mural`: body nu union, on Ilslaun atone cuuar, mmod Bah, who am Illa Uutli giant, "lulu-mod J llilhm um pnnom an Troy won lg aw! nu the Hunt! mbbory this use to Thy but lulu] In unto any discov- nrrulod and hauled. New York. Aug. |4.-'l`lu World : Wllhllmtoll upociul up thsl (hot-go Wulhr, now in Europo In the Intent: 4.! Hi.'Iou||-nun, an tho rupnooonulivo o(tho United Sunny, II imumxud monly to diaouvu the loolmg among lnuigll nu- uuna um: regard to calling a noound lu- u-rluviunnl Otmgnn, in decide Ibo sum world : mlungo. u.- v...|. A.... I4 -111: nu mu. llnuhn, Aug I4.-1110 '01 Ounl uruuoo to by as 1 no thouw In thin cI|:;.. |nd clulllu Iit mu: yruuobd ion at in Tonobb back than Ilhcnlod. Tho polka Nnloonulddnuhophnud on loan- Iol hulndlhd. tml Iongmuuunuu p-vyuu Ivwuu u-.- bun iulunud that the cup ol the coun- try`: minty In no! lull, sad that it Ill on-ty thou`: rluti "QINIIII 01 puny pndcloollouh unto down u und- ..4I.4|n.u.LIhn albino! which can put- Indy. Shula exchanged Dy candle light, Mnlluy slightly n-unnrhnd ooo----- fu7uo_| ms. (mu-:7:-.u.. ) A... |A_n... n ihicitxi. ~-vvvj 7h;p}pAu. | nu-nan umauou. any lnrly lullr I The I ` n..n -.. Junta. 8 Illlfl, WINCH III [nu um] Imunnoo u origin of tho n I yol. unaccounted Haul to plfly W1 o - -u Iuv Inwww .. --... and-do-nothing shim! which por- nllng the country to rod tn ruin with- out putting lath ludh I aumuy clot! to urea in MI. Bu than no nothing throughout the wink tun nl lailnnl uonnooul u mil to oo-pu with ilk Aalllcuhou tboututhollovuu oltbo oloouooouing pranks: 0! In! yam. than proohclllhinpohuq cl Tory pu&d- cll Oouvolhoo-.-Iuttyuouununlng Ion; that the duo with Hi John Iadoull dcdunlllowntry uocldqnh, undo (Pu Duniulovo Lane.) London, AmIa:k:4.'.-A R4lI'|1|_ nal" c - '69-`-v 1"-= , on cumpllintl of hllph) tndod conuoncml. | n a. -..,...a..| |hnl Ht Hmlnrd Moan c'ondoauod[f0r'-3;; ` WM0 304"` P" It in upoeud that 5:. (hulurd Moan t{u'n will be pi0rcod,Ind a tunnel curia-I nah! through by the end of tho prawn! m,_ I . . Nance ha been posted at Uldhnm Cotton Hill: lo-day of a Lmlucti--In ul the wagon of the cnlmu wnnu-rs ul :3 per com. A nimilur roduvn an --I wugvc ul` lhv Funtilu la-avws In .-xpaeclud. _'l'|m nutm- come: in force ml lnu `.!`. |nl inst. N... Jnvn Ann! H -'l'ho mnh on III lurv.-r ':.'mI mu. Sun Jun, Aug. H nu-I Tuesday Attempted tn plulnlvr the unlu- tury store: here, and 1'4-Huclml thmn.-n iugly belore the I-sum-|u.,- Mm-y M7 reou were mule durm,_-lhuliruun nmxu. inn. Many cnrlrnlgu-s rxplndml In tin- bnrninu houses. I. ;- ..-..`..-1...] Ihnv 5|-u.I..v ulna oxuluner burnmu In-uaen. It in I'I'pul'l<` that .`iI:mla~y lhu 0 Arrives! in Slang Le-nu --u the July, and sum-,-I fur Ilm l`|V0`l` Cu Lut niuht. Ell/.|J-ulnnu-m aha: ' July, and ltarle-I I-r Hm lJu|n(-r hut night "h`mlL-h Liz/Au," mul Jun:-.~ AI-numy. munuiltml ' i'iii"gEi-?4'x'iI(I msnmlv npnn`1tubu-ccrMeL II-l`,Lt*v]H-ruf an um-nv,-union house In Tnuily Square. 'l'huy unlzored thu In-um and urduronl Ii-Inur which was rnfunad, Julfnlnu I|.l Ill'|( Mnllrr un the hand with I lmlllv. Al tlm |MI|l:`M count thin luurn mg Jgplgggggugg mgr: Inn-c_J f'.`| mm nmln. Lullnlnll, Aug. H. A umnru lhumlnr .n...y .I....m.....l Ilm .-run: in huuxlun, Aug. H.` yr. nuv Itunu yuulx-may d:mm,;ud rho Midland Counties. 'l`hu 'l'imn mum tint larva me Midland ununuea. Thu 'l'|'me.x any: tint larva I. gold Illly he withdrnwn lru uf England {or New \'urk_` lirmr [mm M ghu nu n--y nm N... u....... ..r I...r.o.. mm In` ghu In=n nut. Tho House uf In-nln Inn! Illylll udoplucl an amendment to um lrnsh lmvunuty Bill as passed by Um (.'u|u|u:mu, Iunking provision: for fellnwnlnpe, achulnrnhlpa. and other ordinary oudowmonu, similar to those: 0! the London l'nivorsity. l`h.. Hnunn nf (`nmumlll last. llihl _....-. M... .. cw v - Jan to keep their hand: in. no dc-uh`, .. _, .a__.__,.. ..a l.1.u.-`ll nlubd LEG of the London I mversny. The Home of (`unnuunn night nally pause-I the lhll olmblmq banks of unlimited liabiliuun to have-mo banks of lilnitod liability, and authorizing such bank: an increua in the nominal vnluu of limit ohm-en. va....... Ann H, ~'I'lm New Anutm 0| I.nau- nnuruu. Vienna, Aug. I4. -'|`he Npw Cabinet in couxpluted, and suvernl zuldl hunnl posts fall tn Lnhemln Thu Min- iatry cumprioed of repranonntutnen of all purln. -- V I 009 - - - -- I00 m 10, ohivlaun `I. -c to Jun. hl-loo pc 57 to 88. uhoapghu an-In `. .`w in .'-00. I1 lu C`. Wood `2,.`n0 to II, wool `IL In `.'1k` P|c'roI--I!|r|av 1.0 moon; Bye .'-U nu Cannon! 3.131 . lluclwlu-gt Flour IL. -0, liruu 70; 0:15. !-'1 to 40:, Pan par bush, 4.`. mfli-~ Bun bush Mr, link-y 00 the much, lhmhu tlotaclluanuu 10!, to I00. I: Ila In Ha Tolorm -- What - lull IN to we. CI&NO to IIN. wool-per lb. `Dr In `:0. hqy-- to II. straw $.01! In 092.0). III- tu.nu.l5u to 17, pontoon par NM, /00 In I00, qp Iwlo lilo. Innlll--Wbcu. l.0h; I .50.. Pouhoo. Coll 55. 01:: n to we; uhvhu Our. Whoa our. NM Bu-Icy C01 5&4 (Dunn I5 raven. (blunt. illr tn we pol` haul; Ilun nmay com me. *3 run. 0obu.1|0r 1.05:0: Ice pa lb lumen .1 to par lb, hum has us; hm-v noun. pnlr at Maul pubs: laud hula. `Nb: mp mu In to In. (5.1: man u put . tlnnolkllliu bin \, Inna: llalu nbll. Innlhihc In Us Illa Mm--.4. Wool no -A... Is, (flue _ 3:1:-.Ilu|uy hush, Ilunlv I. 40100:-. I||ll[ #5.; l. Full that `Ll! -. low pout:-no we to la`. wring. lhmw In yallaloo :4: Ho. lard r . Mo to We; Put Ill.-'1) Iabl` Idol h; IADB 5 ION; A | per Dbl Z|,. l) In It Wnnl Eur lnnn 'I.II) In L50. loud rat; has vol; A Ion in I|,.'ll to II; Wuol 9):" Shop `LG! [0 450, good udvuol 01.75 In M. Mu as u..u_ imam. an Db I Illla and 55... Is. m..$..`7| Rube-ov.In pot xou.a.-` Oqlud I-Inl. Hovzuov.` m ouyI.h.1`uyh no 5, In 30. (then. run Ir. luv 34,30 -.l'a-I hlho 5 Id. ..,|uu, ptoillld lluuuununuour mun .-an-in-N -I-I-I-I I- Q...--4-nnnnmd b`I1anso.fnu~l . .. Uuiuna pm" Imnvh Hay. pol um . . . . . . Clover do .. . Pm,-, uhnl|ud_ per qunrt . tfalarv mar howl .. lfalory per howl Oren: Corn par -Int. . Iilvhown. . . . .. 'I'iuml.hv Semi. per lmnhql. do ` Ainigust. u y 3 `wnnwn g. 1 tlm `illd .'xr'V lurlnglharuuu|I.i~Rt|| `Mg:-3 nt l~iI:m|~y llmvxpluner `..'~l!huI I--r Uulnw Julmu-m smu-I. 'n|lI`!. '. `. '| . . . HID .. [I150 .. I,CL'3U .. UL`: mm 4,:sr'. l'.`U . 4:10 Cl,li."H `Jllullllunn urt-ra;:n prim I1ll`Tl.!2 FA: ruugo uf [Irlcm lmul we-c-L, yet nmundetably n mrnl bt-mu in A nutm -...l ...uu.u-nl mhh `h. w W ITCW wuunowuraohlofaloiutuhu anuunuacuuur Who.-1`-I ....g..,gu\honH5ug gun!-ninth uggyuqondhhloclho pecun- ggno dnu. ut canon `lbyhluuhutllnurntuldhnhlmv nl oonnnuu I-I thlllil g|.|p|&,&IhnhpuIIInp ;_:....u-L A-n --an-nnnnlnnnnlln. r qnnunhln-a 0| Ill |In- Bank In Iuxparl a :1 kn! (`Tu A Gunny: Rng.-A cluuge took plan; at l`uou on Modny. Prion IIIO up Ind tho Ialumen won The ndunou dud In-L nnniloot incl! at once. and :I't`lI lhu`aa who dogarlod ol I506 o'z-luck lnm I-vol. thoukht that Bk III to be tho loading ptiou.` But 0 ulna cuIupu|IHun nmoe on oortllll hnnda, thn pnce paid fur then drove up ,Al| Hm Ii-mung lncturiu an eighth Above The lnmucuum Int the dny were Ilpm-n -hm mu Ml-eel:-IL .sslucl.Llh1s!'33_ 199 91 , . . I ..cmn. wo-re: extremal, 4] to frjc , prwv, Eric ; loading c. FALL` |{nI:.-AltImugh the prucun wan not much betlerllum lzul WN`|n, ycvtllm In|r|not uuy be qunuad stronger, thu luull unprnvo mm: bung iu l|vnr_ ul white rhooootfor ' qnbl clomund. In .. ..r......l....o I...-li .lLIl.'l.l, 1hss_r_e, or Inple qomnnu. '|'|.u|-r1-vulalnt Irelil ;, nil; nu ummluliml and Mary re|uc`.Anl recept- .-un-u --f lhu present ct-uditlon. |<'u'..\| lnnuucs, ~-'I'he delivery 0! [nun Jury L-Imam nyurugntud 486 buses. telling ul frmui to `.'n`r, the bulk of it ut (rum . I In 5:! V l~u;1-.n.wI.|. l{n'|c.--Twenty facluriu-,1, ruprwusntlnng .">,'l'.!A'> lmxea ul choose. I00 huxru m-Id at fur. Buyan uer 50, which sellers tlnnk too low, um lmld over for uuuthcr week. . Tnilbi ii" Ma-mreu, Aug. :1. I"lwur-ruceipl.a 1i,Ul)1'; bbln; nu bulir In-ms hung, Iunrknc mncllva and un~ chnugml; 'I'udny'u qunmtionu are M ful- lnwa. Supvrlur extra fn,l7 ln Er,`.55; extra uuperlme :'n,II'.'. to :',lU-, flncy 4,97 In (>100; apruuu nxtra mm ground, 4,871, My I,`.l.':; auperlima, 4,04! tu 4,715; strung lmkx-rn' .3,|lI to ;3,'.. .':; lino 4.10 to 4,30; mulaIlm,,;n 18,215 to 15,50; pollardn 15,90 to l$,l0_ Uutnrm hugs `.!,1l7&tu`.!,~|fr_ city bags dc-Iivomd `..',. .' ()aluw:Al- ()ul,nI'iu buy: "1 II./.. nnniiI|1|' (Inn: 33 tn IN. For the Caxrpp Ground.- THE Stunner Pruwou L '-an luv A Huun xi Uofn Whul TU MOH -' - - - - 6... IIE Prlucou 1. Into: RUW (Fl{llbA\ )l'l|nl'nlllg :19 mm [or lhu Clunp u'rm|nd van (`.|y1on. Return- Iug Iona: than M `Z pm. Ttchu for the trip nnly '. . n Centl. lurk Una Tickets to be Ind on bunnl the --nly 15. Cantu. l'nrk Ind ll IU ("cull II I` mI'I`HWEl.l.. (flu-up l:xcurl; to Goun- qm-. and may Ground and Return. I What on IKIUAI, Auu. IDI, um `J n n , tor Uuluwquo And the Cup Urn-Imd. Returning will have the On-p Hrmmd At 3 p.III. , Usnnnoquo at 4 p.In., Inching Kingston thou! 6 p.n. 3-`... I... un mum! mom (lumu-an Dthohut llleumon ol the nial, undor tho sonpoool ol the II. Clulfcll, Klugltnl. on WIDIIIDAY, Al IH'HT `lth, cl l0 1.3., by Shane: Hlubngn, In the Tlumnud IIIIII Put. TNIIHI In mo 0! thonoluldllg that on) ohk -lays VI tho Hanna. Row. J . Nnnhl. .1 0` Ioutnll, cu, II.A.. on -ouuul. n In and hntnutin Tonto! -no-Tn -u than 1:. No.` 3, lmrhn Tnubb, Inabcty PO. A oodlhu J0 IOOIATH, l - ll lm. fgj. touching muguon mom Ii p.-. Fan for the round triptu (Inna-qn or Cnnpuround 25.1. August I4. 1679. nu)-nyuhlo -lay: yl no union. 110 Row. W. Hpulhy, ILL, .m .:..|.'... In. mmlu and T] I I-2 H'l`R.- (IEVEVA A n..-ull Hlh, I379. _ T ',"_ ','l Ch -L uuulu `ICE U. W". Two of onLy"coIibont eitiuu luv; ' "um you been unis tho nalpinto ol opoeial bouru Ihohsndlolthoordcn ol wlgichtlioy have hit yonnhaou div n iohpd and uutul nonhon. Or. You ha bun elected tn the Pull- - ,1 `L- 11--..) I...I... 1|. ILA HE (lcnou have the Ferry What FRIDAY, AUG. lblh, u . -. I... Ilunnnnunn And (In CID!) . Hyu nonnmu. Hun .>. ll! .u. Iulmut I. Curl: meal '. ,. U. U--rn mill 4.`: um Cmmdawhunt--~rocei[-to .. I (rt 9.. I (M. |{utler~ coma onnoma All. Joan Iwurru, WI. ITOAK ` (h`.JIO . manna E ll Mm Murvnn, ml Hm lll,|| August, Rev W V. mun. Mulhudml Mmuounn In Dulci- Mn ml: (`ulululnm (.0 III: llnannh In art-ulnl ulnughlu of Junul oboruun. "nu `.:,.. Ya I Ahulll. I llnry lnrkou. ,.m (mun . nmnhml. Au 1` IIIIIIII .rm A ugunt `Jth. Jamal Kunmcro mt. lo Mun Liuru Turilnnnnn, ni A uni I-til`). . nl. Iltulull III:-pry uluununulipohinuolluuud n-ndlnhn Ind-uni. H. L` RI |THWEl.I., Mnntrell, Aug. H. `lllllfn hhlr nu but 1-,, 4 ! Excursion of the Season I [III IAI|IIi'AII| S.0l'II'.'I I { Queen Street in. Church vuu-cu-1 V`-.._-~ 0n Ilomhuy. Amguul IMII. MU.\'(l Inunrullmr ullrzwllnnu M lhonuw muunn zc I.|`l`IUHl'L .5-ul IFISVUUNIIIN WI Ink plum In (In-a nlu-munu on n nnlnjrirl of -nnrrulnntnrnt Al 7 pm alum-pn(iIANl) UP NINU I`0Nl'!'II(T will be givan. In Whivll Mrs. Celeste Keltie, msksunceue nan HAVI-J 4'|IAunuu:n `nu-: A PU,| Ul.All wru. mum mu AN I-`xrvu sum m 'I`Hl ` _..- .--. -nnnnll M Ilmnilloll. 'l'AN|)Y l!I(U'l'II|*lRH, M (Ma rI|y.uul Hm Intunmlmnul Choir of tho Pur- Huuml vull [mrlu'I|Iulv Arrnngzculmmlu lm\' loom: nnulo by which all hojuura tn!" llvksvln fur Ihn-o nxnurumu who Lugv wn-In to um-ml lIu- up:-nmyg Hun-lacy nf I Inn An A{tfactive Excursion.i THOUSAND ISLAND PARK English Magazines.` In |lENl)ERSON S| .1. rlmrmrt-1| Isy Ilmlmlmn no-w nl llus l!AI"l`l'l` l`lll1I((`ll for nun I lnllm u..oa Pouniu at an L. Bump co ho had in lulu-out loan. OIIIA P, fir GupIuI.0uqIot, .dflb.I|dm,PHm.lootnudOIr` iisnor o'nnn:n.] In nmn:nsoN's| |nmumnaon'a| Oolotul. lloop, Pup: and 00000: 'l`r|n.OllIAP. _. .1... wh-`TpI* Out|II1thdduuuuuuuloqul|I- jnthu ulh. Wilton! cqllh The Young Lady 1 Every M-rnlh fur Soplumhcr Funily Hornlcl` Band ul Ilupa Hanan. (laud Wurda Chuldroni Fnond Quiver. How Hell: fur Saptomber Ih-mnh Worlnnn Londun Jnurnul Sunday Magnum. Family Trnun Ohnnhon Jnorncl. 0|uo|| I Art Ihguinml Tho Buys` Iniuuro Hour Bundcy 1! H050. And 26 other Hquluol lad 8.8. Pa- At Bondononi. TIIEV (`UMI`l(IHE - ARRIVED, ul NIlIll`clu_\' uwnnug ma lulu n \\ uh llw 'u`urnmu party on ` h'tr.unvr Maud hun been 1:` llm I mlmn Ho-win-;;('Irvlc~ HF |'n;>or, (lpnrlxllng an who my; I In uduui down -ulnnl for Sap uun Urdu. scum. $4.50. Send in yaur onhro fur (`uni NOW. All our cm! in under cover. in our Shod. Ben-com-cl nu-I Du`. Dohvoriou at I moo. a-cpihlhkuuawjd -_l-_.---nndnnn-[hIn&njd IA. [J N'l`ll. l"U|t'l`lII(R N0'|`ll`l!`. Ilm Huln ocrmor will sell I`:-r Cu-In uli Ih\0$`l ||!l|I|lll M Iluunl (nal at an an 0.... `I-'.... I|..nI.vn-uul .'.9W!.9'd.& -` gvuurv - -- _.v-- _..__.______ No order will he r~rI\'aI.;un|u-a tho (`ml II paid for wlnsn onlotnl` J SWIPI` rcoAL lfreuln hlnecl Iboulole screened 12011! For $849 III 34-50 IWI` on. 21,000 'l`mn ul FRESH IINEID lH|lV|H.IC HITREENKD (`Ind at all nmu. ul Hm \'a~rv Hut Qua|Il._v. fur nnlu um 34 {-0 par I`nu Dull vs-rm! Tnnun. (`uh on Rmwpl ul Unlnr Anulw In Third gnpual Sale 'I'HUI{UU(HII|IIII) l IU('I\N nr.r.|- Illuun Al. (ha Unmrlo Itxpc-I'iIIsnl`A| Fm In,(hIol|h. Um . wnll he Imld an FRIDAY, iF.l"l'F.Ml|l'LI( ' , INTEL when 4 IFW hurlhurn mud 7lIaro_ _up_ 'l'lI4 )RUU(HI llllltl) B'l`U(fK 41 REED (IR A I N . . .u.- . |..a..-Ln irn...-|m.nu`.| I-`m m (hlnlnh. I'.'lln, IH7!|_ Hhurlhuru llaro I :-I--I Ilullu. anal Ayrnlnm Ilo~ifurn,n uumlmr of (`ohu\'m<|. l4l9II'6lI(I`l`. Sunlhuluwn and ()nl'nnl Duwu lhmn and Kin-A. mu! In-rlucmru nml Wuuluh lhurn llul liowm will: nevnral warm tum 0| :-laogl Wlmnt WI" lm ulhanul wlllmul re- omrvu l'|.m (lraud 'I'rnnI lull (Iron! Wmleru TIIE FIAIIII FXPLDDED. liulluun WI numb Icolnrn `In-nu: Hlh and I`.'IhHn|:lmnlmr` mm! In I lollm Illlh. ul Siunfla Mun. I.um-\ n m Sula In rullnlualn- at I. nun: run Hula em nun-4 Iuguen un upplwuliuu to P HART`, II ullu-I` --II lhu ul---tn ' (lulu ut Inn Elatnhliulnnunl, |"u-r;;u- Mull`! Hluuk, Princenu Htn-ul, Hus whuhs Inf his Stuck in '|'rudu, v-unprlnnlng Dry Honda U: UNA uluuunl 01$-|,'.. iIl|lNi Thu I-`omits WI ho Iuld lur an much nu Hm Dul|Ar ul the Inventory prim, lm|lum'_ this Ill opportunity llnymn uupht Iml lu min, as the Hlnck In Nuw anal Inlely houghl, and II chiey v-|u|,c.ne-I of Gnodn liltrd for the Inc:-nun Sena-uln. Notice also (hut tho Plmtu of Ihmmmn II ....n ..t uh. [man in nlm (luv and that In lmpbrtant Auction Sale AL General Dry Goods. Nullco allu mu Um l'Im:u ul lnnummu :- uno ml the hell. in the Guy, and rnugumeuu can be umde {nr Ihu l'nr- uhuor to retain l'un1-nun nu F|\'u|Il`-I able Tenm. Tu any mm llaur-um ml Uonlinning in n (loud |hmm-an lnlnh hulnnunt thin ntfnnln A chnnca nmaly mat with. The Stuck ulul Iuvuulnry umy lm won on npplicalinn In Mr. Many nu --r heforolhu thy ul uh. 'l`rma--Unn Hull Hnnh, Hnlnnvn in Tlnree Muulho with Appruxml Sn-onmy Snlo at H BJII. I` ll.-\|('l Y 'l`n HE IIELU UN MuNI)\\`, M1 I ~l` Iinh, [N KlN(;.\`|`uN, u.\`I` Nw V Goons And Ill urdnr Io main room ww have nlmmlml lo ' ollef lho |~n|ntn<~~ ul our Nulnnuu (low!!! M umh ...... .. nmn nml I AND TO luuuvls nnvnuu Una Ilnndnd warm Nnw nu-I (`ha-n-u Pu (arm lrnuoln uul 'I`npo~nIr_v l`nuu-Ia, nlun Dome bountiful pain-nun II) but mmlnn ling Im. on clam. Imnztvtn T0.DAY. |u:lnm-4~ I price: 5: nunl. aoat I IO Dlqzluuuuun 7 which Lluit nun :-un some oi tho: but nun In Du Hrouuhnon. lln-|er_v,I Iavn. Umh dun. lmfon they no I pmlni up 'l`HI`. HOU|lI-Ih`M-In in n frw don" nbovo luv It Iclny an Iumluu-A--In glmoll oo-rind. nd rnuulua noun largo mama. Igluu fool. night lm-has high. wnh I'|u ton to nab roan `Tiara In n (ho-I (`qllu and Latin Cldofl with pump and Mr! In tho Illchon. Thorn Io lion n Largo Nina-I and mm Inc: In You]. `I'M pllre 6| Ima_| mann- I00. ~` _ Uuh mun in all one u:um.pmy tho Jnl-r, nxonuou novmms FALL Importation: Speedy Clearance. AND TO ARRIVE SHORTLY (ma Ilnndnd Ilinrna ZLIUEIVEU Iu-urn. HIM-k Hnlnn do|.ymn_ Illul And l`uluro--| Mlkn, Blunt nll Volnuu, Naw Hood: -1 n d guruu, bolng bought belong llus rot-M an nnm in pt-tom RICHION D & BOYDEN mu. -;-m. I87". A New Irlck Calls on I'm- per lfolborne Mrec-t. n `Its in mm! III 1 Ollold Isl Innhod The neigh- borhood Inqulu and my Ioaporublo '0' '.,'"`|`" 1.&.!`{.: lI) IIAWIUN Iumlc III Ulllohr. Upon lfolburuo N1 Aunt MI, M70. roii M Two Acre: cl 3:0 laud on I :- loan]: lrnnl _ Thoonhlb l`cnduI`Anodnlionin1I ubhdumuvgudnholuind Idudlounl Olduuconlhh-maul IlhndPIi.. Iloluntdliaoimh August ltb. Ilrfti. hlublohvlu payouts M lonlmouou hi: hill Iota. Turn: ol pqy-nut -do on! A H0 JOII IFIMI1` IIYTII. Flaunt Minot 1....` an Ill! sgr.` coral Flour in Down. Thu Twonto our Stern. .C()_AL. Angunt Illh, I879. ----_.....____._=...-. .-.,._...._;.....q BRICKS FOR SALE. `III '0 $ Pnalld id-.h Inqlunuhnuy. ' I I Mann Lnul Isl $4.50 Per Ton Iwllwrc-1|. u :n u _ .,., I ... |-_.. -L- l`...I Unmrin Expat mwulul I-`arm Illh, I87". Il'I_d$0Ialu|uI, u-sun-u.._... do|npulIbIdoI|n,QIotlniMohnn nhuldn |hluouaoIpIt,in|IIugnu- ol Otllol II A Iput admir- shln Bdrm ht Nu dolivond bolum it by the Paddock, Dr. It-lallnu. Tu the ...M..a.mn.d nlh thiunhls Inner n Fowlof nu nun owcuu In say u-.- done, 0! , the Gnud laodp ol the lndopondont Otdor ol Oddlolloil ; II` yhulordly, AI. Uuolph, |'boInn Uonlon Inq., III, in him nuance. elected by tho Unnd Chuyur at tho Rays! Arch luau ol Canada, 8upuiuIondunI. ol the Calif! n;.a-;..4 --g-..4l:.... 6-nun Ilnntranl I9`:- IOVOOXVOM J n|_v `Bth, I87. Augult I hh, mly to JHHN l(E.|H(. Gu'I.Uu.'n (Mix-1-. I-`out 0| QIIN-u lms! Anni III.ll19 ..... .q......._.. . JUST nfcsuven BRICK . .-2'.-.'=r'.i--'--**-'-* r-:-- -_-V'.- ARE NOW ARRIVINH DAILY, wlllmul nu vnll Itolnrn 'l`u-hula nu tlm HI Clonal.- XIOIIVED T0 -DAY. pk Hahn 10 lam-_ I`: ton gun. D IX TIT! Ill. -rI.a-u-u. .v ..w Iubjcutllndodolllthilno paper shall llh lihorty olllludiuulgnin. Thu Nliionnl Oonfotonol 31 tho Thouuud Island Park 5 0! Guns 9! I lean lunual ahuour, uu ontybody u oligilnlo z-. |IIl\5d|hIO in ill pt0I>dilIgl. The plan ndoplod B tho nding ul M. any or the ddlnty M an mhlmu UK II VIII! IQII that street. V.V.2' -.,,7..._.- _,, IIDDIJ C WNIIII. I'nu-Hun WM IIRUWN "nrlu. '|III~||nh_ Aug uun surly and MI. In Drawn (loads a Ilunhmlln. IN- 0| III. nu... . ..a 03`! upon none live educational topic. loll`. od by I gouonlh dinouuiqu on the nuhjocl undo: oouidontion. Un Tun-nhy oven in Inupupu Ill rad nu "lu|u-tu- inoonul in tho uchool room" by Mr` Egon, Principal 01 the (hula Nnrnml V -School, ....1\cus}.uu,L am.-.d mm AL--J replete with uuuulionn that wore in ac cord with the ulnnood idou hi this pin- gnuiu ago upon the Iubjoct (-1 which n nun-7 In an tndod. Tho dlocu-ion Ihich lolluvunl ' wulivoly nnd inumnliva In-I inun-at lug, Di . "avian, oi l'ot|-lun, N.\ ., Prol. Bolllldt, of Sync:-no Uuivonily_ ' Prof. lcI"nII|. 0! Linda}, (ml... and ` may otlnn taking put, tho uhoio being under the able Puaidoncy ul l'n-I. lluono I (ha conductor of Chg cuuvonliuu. Nu I `ballot invoounout 0! time could be mmlu than lot mu` Iucbon, unite-on. and. gun ' onlly. all who III intended in the Active ' work ol oduoauon to pay 1 vim In this Ouufonnoo sud me. at my rah.~,| hsum ' lug intact! in its inlouuly iutoroaling pmooodingn. It in impouihlo to` listen In tho ulunoo-I view: And the hlppy Ilyla of the live oducaton iu Iltomhuco llwru ` without boing oqunlly pleuod and pr--Iii" -The Sixth will gu tn limuk lyn on Dooontion Dqy, luau. -'l'ho lint halo 0! the now crop of hop: III sold in New York :0. per pound. _ -Hr. Thou. Wlulo, H. P., In: started I3: go Rocky Mountain: through the I'lI1ll0I'I health. , _ P-i` -|lr. Arthur Sulli-van, unnur ul Pinion, hu gone to Swnurlmd fur Inn hnhh. _ . --I riIonon cnotpo from Blackwell`: lnhnd Prinou through the druulusuuou of the he _.u. \A ..., Dunn In elected Mlyur --II. In. Dunn Mnyur of Prescott b I nnjurity of INS vote- out Mr. 0' Gray. -801! can of Annie Cholera have been In nod in Cunauuunoplo, bu( they no vet! to ho Iporulic. . --'l`ho npood indinpuniliuu oi the Muqnil of Lorne and not nun Iur min. Th addition ha ha been re ol borne DOOCI IIOI nun l|ll ptiu. ociving Iould Iiohu any one. -1 Vhnu ootnlpondeut unit in Iould Iiouu one. -1 Vienna ootnlpondout up it loporhd that tho u~EInprua Eugenio hu gunhuod Wtuorburu Cull, un Up 5...` pct aqnu. ..--`an urivd in New York : JiaIy1l,'l1o ' um um... pending ported 1878 the total in united In 8.689. ol UIIIICII, Bllpilluldlululn Ill sun v----- Dintrict, extending from Muntrul mud to Iiallovnlle. Both goullolnen no omilnantly, deserving ol tho oondouco ol choir conlrureo, And uongrstulah ._ u._ |.....,.. Ix: nlnlch lhlif NOT .L.__ . di ?a..'.`:`.".2'? s`sS'. ' `nd nu n-Inc: u of ox-Khuliu to I |a....ui.L.aI hh inlnntiou oi the cl-nlnluvo w ngnn, law ..... .. linquinlotl his intention 01 going hick. -J|Id|O SONIC, of Floridn, l'oPuI'tl' that hind-Iutln ol tho bluk md mghh math ol the Ihih Ropublicuu 0! that sum (not Grant to: Pnuidaut. __A n..n..niln` niulo Ioulliug much lot Pnuldaul. ---A \.sI0o~ni|o' tingle Ioulliug botnu|Wn.,IoKon, 'Dotontn, my and Jake Gudmr, ol Orillh, II on tho la;-u. TIC not will 50 tuned on Toronto Ihy, the auto bola; phond at I100. _.n.unl (Inn! in unoctod to arrive lulu; phoou at mm. -0000!!! Gun u ted At San Fnndno on the 2th Soptombur. _II\... Am 450 women lamina m the 30.83: lnndno no Ilnn 30plon|oor. -`l`hn III 050 donkinu Uuilod Shin. And 1,350 no umlymg . I.-thlru _ Jouthu-1. -At8L John tho Uunlouu ncoipu to: July wont thinl Ion than in July oi At ulilu tho decn-us no I UISJHIL -'l`|oindopadonI noilpapon speak higllyol misconduct ol the Return pthtlowunoit panned in reiur coco lo the lahlliot nutter. _I.. Wunnnil. 0uun.. an n nu hul the lahllbt tumor. -In Wnluhwl, Cum. Von clay, I no-on rubbed bluo punt ulf the IQ Bonus`: Elwood Ural nth her hlndldvlld, lid In nbruptly nth- ,A_._ 0.... sh. nlnlnnn, umr conlrunu, um . them on the lumen M I hu boon rocognixocl. MICU, IIQI IO IUTIIIHI, -uur dun (Ion the plnlonn. -A song In; at an at um. by um -on-Hun noonlo ul qlmd II duo can u use um um: uv thoiclhjptoplo nglund udou lino, which Isuz- "IIOTIICQ II Ilplltl the wagon II down. u- n_n-.n - |!.._u. 1`.-Ihuhn nriogt "IETIIIG II llpllll In! Ivuun nu uuwu. - In Bnllul 3 Runs Cnlhullc priest and tho lilo ol MI Uunaounn, who In Inhgdugcoul annual by an In- a,_..:_...| _..L - npinnl incunud an I huh` hngcoul [MEX I05. -..A.-Ll. A-h. jlllltll by print incurnd -Ixpth hon (Jud umun In um dldidq lbopodotl bogluniug Apnl I and July 315! have diuunlnho-I 000-\Nl'd II: 050 nun patio-lint put. `I'M: u uunbutoa lu thooluh d the ICU tum euuloluhod by the Ounnlhn Uuvutuont. -1`|o panplhhn at the doluuet ah.-, an n IM'0oIvun nl Nuiunn,` no-I lune: yutuday no Chicago cur till, -lnIb Rm, Induuunh-I In nu. that you: ,ouI `ma -nid In W U!...\aIi|g-l|'uu Punt, u nun-nu In -up. lllgpcuuol up, ounuiuo-I O$& ll 5] taking Pun -- Annhln nhnl IN &I.l_ INC ifs"-1"-....._..__ .. -. JHURSDAY IVI AUG. 14. .__.....:-.......~ - N. W. Arthur Salli-nu, author ul >;...:.... Inn: gun. to poctynt. --`Plum a In II no -mnnh. During I. Glad Brinin In Cum hdnht lb lndod mama nu vmnui. Jul. `-0 [ND |lIOII' llllluu III. In: vu--"I I u!.._L`1Lt4_.I19.!l . 2.9! ; 4 .L-. -1-.. ms I`.-ialnw ninhl. lul. Fond NEWS 0| `ND-IIA|'. ooinoo of tho hm spinal uliun hm int. II. Dunn; curmr number In 5!. uuosa, .-u a. Domain and the proton ul iuol the return ypt,` he h_u N- I young Ploridn. romnrtl ` during I n|I'l'nI~ uoauumr llaak uauulm- Discovery of Ocnpbotl'c:l1g- Inauuo~lr. While : ,1Hp Wau- [I17 llilluwn u `W, Lu`. l3.-A muting ol the (Ii Ibo lIlIlliO' Bunk `Auk plus to-la M. noun u:.w.n... Shunley, VI-2o-| rmi out, in tho char. . I! an nvpunod to the liuonl that the Bank Inul rodumd in hnbilitiou to the Mul- nmu Bank [rum 8100,01!) to About 00,- 000, held quinut ncunlicn In the puuouion ol the Iloloonf Bunk nuunuut ing to about .`I50,00l). This ulacn-nu II It the nu of nearly 8I0,UlIl) par In-elm. uni II II thought that very lholy lh-~ Iholo ol the uvcuritic-I will be rt-louud. In the Iuouuvhilo Ihocimnlation in bu- im: n-lucql, Iloily in lho ordinny coutu- ul bunivzau. A: loan at the claim ul tho Muloonf lhnl in hntiroly remuvosd AI-rnugeuuonu null be Inuit with dept-an turn And billholdon, if pmooodingn in inuolvuucy be not taken in tho Imam uliilo. u......-.| Ann It The mnuunce uhllo. Monuul, Aug. l4.~'l`ho mom. of tho diloovory. in New York, 0! .5... had: .1 [).'.i:nhl't.`InrntscI!. Hmpumr- u!.._hll_Q!.9.|_.| _-1999'.-..:.-.-.?;, 4 In that place on Fridny night. lul. ` ul their nocatiou, nnd Iinhing to pron nlreuh their powun u uliuguinhon. they ignited} bun jun [or tin plouurp ul pulling out the big bonre. The .m&.d iuu or tho lira-uid," in sun.- curious enough thnt members 0! 3 lira bripdo nhould thus be provuking houlilio tiu with tho enemy. They are Iihly to pay dearly fur their oncnpndu, huwevorn luring jml. hggu cuuuuniltuu to trial (or iuoonduriom. It will gn nuuu tho ouior with thou: an mucuunl. M the hot that they were rouum. 5-: hr lrom thin giving them the nghl. Io nhrt a tin for the more plouuro uf tryiuig to putil. out. n. will only prom III ugmvuinlv of the uenco, , M .-.4.g4. \.____. tho body ol Uunilnl Umrpwn, mrpurm- umtlmnt ol Mlodonnlsfn tobacco worh, in uurpr-sing Tnlurmutiun !o lriendn in nan-cl: -sf him, mnuy ol whom behaved he `In-I mt lull the city. Ha ha: uccupnod tho |--Illliull --I Huporintomlmul nl` lhia Lunmnndh ggI;!1li!hl!L0! fur 2| curl, and dmnu._- llul. long period III on y one tiny fnu Inn post until hi: Iud-leu Ina npponnuco about two week: ngu. Mr. Tholnu While, M.I ., loft thu- ul tho dlloovory. In new Ion, (II the body of [J0iiilul'CIm'plIcH, hhtpurt-> I.muINIt iav nbuut two week: cily Inn. night For up North West. what-4 ho II" mlulin nix weeks. 1'1..- m....m nulm Ha Mnrnv. mu uf Hie Illl mumn nu loelu. Thu yuung Dulm Do Morn}, non Mnatar uf the Household of the lute Nr puithglll III., II in the city. He in 1 hmdnumo ymlnx nun about twenty {uur years nl Ago _. __...ao ropurr Aboulvnno o'clock this morning Um: gruva J.` Uu'1. nlu brewery was Ilaalruyall by lim; I--as about Il0,00||. The hnu hul removed nearly nll their plum. from the building to the new brick brewery reconll y erected. mg lllllll me an wumur mu.-. Thu Ilumer `fiothenf wu -lalnyed at Niagara yenlarday un Account of A broken uhnft. She arrived in the city ludny fur -uu-rr-- ,...,.,.. .. _.., Lundun, Aug. l3.-Sir Bunch, in the House ul Cuuuuum ye.-Jar day, uumuncud that the Cnlxndims Huvornnnuut as ya! hu nude rm prnpusnl on the nubjcct of tho Cnuuln I'M-Ilic Ihilwny. Any arrwgomoul which the liritiuh Government undo would have to be nlitiod by Pnrlinmont, which would Ins prumguod next Fridny. Theroluru hstilicaliun thin you in iuspouible, even nnummg, which in undanloud just mm In he inuprobnblmthnt the British Chhinet is willing to give the gunrnntoe. Inn] l)u'a|-in will Ihorlly uuccnud Sir (I`'r llumiuiou Lune.) Tc-rulllti, Aug. H.-'|`ho nnnunl .|ril| uf 11m Queen`: Own Rie: I'll cum- nIolI1`1'd lulvoning, when [the luualor In (:00. 'I`1|cy will panda every enm- until the Sofaambor review. 'l`lm ml.-nmer ` theuuf nlalayed The Proposal Before H: c I m per: (1! I 'urNa meul. .4 nmml 1 ill -`l)elu ued-~Iu ru- mg of a Bren-erynl'ilIui:m_us 1 gnu: ull, uln nnuruvutnu ruwlrul m euuu y-uu-.. inn`. Let Reformer: in nllice be diemine- ed on the Icon: tlut (a Tory Uovcrmnent being in power) their neefnlneu it one. Let every vacancy, time or otherwise cre- sted, ho tilled, and II many more be uponud as mey be doomed neceenry in order to make plus: for hungry Tory hur- piee and olllco-huntere. All this the true interest: of tho country and the ethnica- cy of tho public ecrvice inipentively re~ quire. llut extreugencu muet be cur- Vutllud. lur all this, by A Government ehoeu member: have been rnlling at the Hush expenditure: ol Liberal (lovem- inent. While providing moat generously lor thenieelvee and their political lrieude the Government has mula good ite.pr~o- teetetlone ul economy by cutting down the exoeeeive pay of the rent: cud fyle ol a couple ol Batteries to the extent 0! the cunt: ndnyl Let the pay ol the volun- teen be reduced in the nine proportion, and then let in ell hurrah lor Sir John Mecdoneltl And Tory economy! ._i `I rr A/vniinvvvv uuuu, Stnthrov, Aug. I4.--A heavy rain Itorln. accompanied by thunder and liuhlninsg, pm-ed UVOI hero shout. 8 o'clock lul night. The lightning lunch I burn bani-Io Adalaido villuqo, oomplotoly Ile- umymg H. nu-I tin othofbuildlngn. The bun in owned by Mr. II`. Pitch. Hia luu II he shout 81.611). on which then in an insurance 0! Qlmin the Wal- ortown Innurnncc Co. The lulu in rent ml by Jun D-uvnuy, who Inns his entire crop, with hm utnck of implucuouu. Hu Ion till be fully SI .1110; no innurnnco. it Inllmg to gun the glnrumoe. Ihortly Austin Lnynnl Al. Uonnuntinoplu. . ._ .__` Hem-y .s`lorm-Burn Hlrurk by l.igIm'nu. of the pant: heuulng lemma Im - nugnnu ll llun by paper "The Ohio! Cloth of the Land iug Bureau ll Uullo (ludou, Col. Umn- \ `an. hud his attention called palm 3., to um y-mug nlorl who ha-I J mt lmIul- ` ed lrnm lha uounlhip `Rm. ul.l..,` (rum Luverpu--I. They won to-tuuopuuucd by I ynnmg nun who undo their M:qun|m.nnc on tho punnge over, And who van known in Cal. Uuulllll to be M 1 quonuunnblu chu-u-tar. The Uulunollalkod with the girls, who told hm: that they were on choir II] from Englnnd tu moot their puonln III Canada. The yuung mun hm! prumind lo look that their internal: In pining through the city. Cul. `Joanna ndviu-J than to have nothing to do with him, but the older girl hoouno indignant, and muulod upon lowing thounnlon Illh the young mun. Sh. III old enough In hho unol honslt, Ibo Ilid, and her lnond had proniaod In protect her. The Colonel ordorod the young nun to lone Cull (Jordan I! ones. The girl: won douiuo-I in tho (laden unlil evening, IHOII they IO '0! Canada. U10 Cululwl looping u Inlohlul 0]: upon them until they were ululy on lha tnin. Tho New Yeti HIM dovutoo lnur ooluun loncoul donlopuonu In the stats! gnu mbbuy. lluyuhnt in J mu. 3 Na-an uuuc lnyor nulvod 5 Inner [run In-urn]. Iignod "Roman," on- olmin; I rdunct cl UNI), nd uliug inn in also about ol ngotininua with Ilultou lot the mum ol the body, which no oloul lot nqunu oh nil- |hn. Ilo also resolved by upnu, :- ovi-loaoo dvgoul lnillot the writer, uilnr tuohu Ind panel the handle at mount`: coin and ouln plus. Th lnyoc cou- uuokunl Ibo huh In Ilopultu, but no mud llulun and In. Dunn that the uni, vq thinly unit to noovoro-I III by tho munlul Ibo land` 11,: uillion . Hilton can to unothu. I] III non! C II! IIl'IC' up -lIIl0I mum. Hilton ugounu. and Clinton lb mu? ol tho nqom IL... -in ...- -ojo---- Lao: utamtm -The Iobor amia- u-u0u||o()udu Inc the Gm nun nulhollhhcl-`ops u not iaphh wad dry output:-0. -an-ulna-ltotulnulhu | o1-Imps, in nnlhzigntion ul our nugget- tion when rofurrinu to the mnouncomom um the Dominion Uuvernmout hnd ro- duoul tholpoy of B" Binary men by live cent: 3 day, tho ulna tulo hu boon applied to the man of A" Buttery nlw. This in highly commendable from a Tory ocunmuicnl uuulpuint. Hy nll man: 10% Dominion! miniutern bank in the mnnhino ul uicos and eniuy lhoir pay md their pickingn in full; lot. good in union be provided also for All and Iuudry Tory buck: whmo party service ontillu them. without doubt, to the but the country run nurdvutho reward: of their pun-in-L I -1 n-:.........-. in nllina ha llillIIiI-