Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Oct 1879, p. 3

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N, l![cNEIIg III ulnln` IUT IIIU Wllltu WIIIII7. -Tho Iomi-Annual summation for cnndidntoo desiring to be ndmittad u csdou to the Mililury College will cum monco at tho hondqnartou of tho uvnnl militnry district: on Tnudny, the 16th December. 111 - .,u, ,L.,_. -WntorI.o\vn Times. A Wntartown boy lojl inw tluulrnnk st KmgI_tun And in sand only sitar grout el-rt. It vyu not the light: that he an lacking :1, but he In fishing (or the white whale. rm... .--.:_.nnn.| nunnnlnlllinn for -Mr. L. Hylnul, 0! the Bollovillo Hunt Club, tho rode to Kingltou on Friday Int, ruched his bums on hi: re- turn trip on Sunday In--ruing. Ho halt ad and rulod ll Nnpuneo. nv . uv .,_._,____ |_____ --'|`ho Nspouoi Gannon! Worh Cu.` Inn [inn notion ol Application to: lol- hn potent. Onpihl nook. 014,000. The omorptiu in inking. Thorn : million: in in ` - l'ho Omn Ciliun Admit: thy! Sir John stall " Buoomold, who mud- napoooh tint III vanh million: to us." We cannot an it. "l"" "" """"'I " '-"'1 "'-'-" -A clamor conveying Vino-Ron! put} down the Oust: narrowly oocupod I urioun diaulor on Thuudq owning IIII. ~~ -'l`ho Ottawa Inc Preu In I Iuunvr.-. out rebates to the bdloou `noon-nun winch Inn to have taken plwd nllho hit Ind didn't. -....., .......-, -...,_.. ,...,..., _-._ tho Hblnngh. 7 _ V -q&ochil|b I: `o Inn I ngstu on Oh |OlIAuul 17th ul thin numb. --15OI`0diIjol Victoria Word will In nodded by the uv' dnhugo lylbn. -`u Capo Vacant Rank in vary ul- ouda It won on : upouu. The gos- oipou an nooiving a lively this-I. .A.__._ ..__._z__ `L. \n.. I).-.I nun iuuoon gonna anon uuou QEEEN I ;r|m. Eonu-Meuu. S. K. ,Millar, H. lionhln Jn pgnL . Fl-N1 I-I-xi-a I`-l-._'. -?---.-&o--?- Agrucultnrul Mum. with ll. -0UIUU(`D-II I OI. I corner lot. 66 Icon xwlou say, how in in to be chum! to: two 7 All Il.K.I-.._l'h Ian. J ILA ' Jul. uuun run | W...` w mu "_ NI. Ald. lcDI n u-'n. "no. no 5530". Maui 100! um nod'I:'uou 2 an ohm tut tout winch vu ban. nrmnd nninn II. Inn : :1 1|. mod 30:30! II. norfo at Hit 0, u ueououallnulutlon unaut- alloy the Illll-MU Io IIOOOIIO nllavinnuimnnuchn. no Uoummoo on menu to upon. Md. Wilton -'l`ho vition at W. I1. loll I 00. mlpoctlng homage-Bofw nd to tho 0o-amen on Strong to ro- nun-Q TIIE BRICK DWELLING HOUSE 6!: Ha ot Htroet, -diomlng Wu: an real- dunno!) I; Chown, Egq. nocr the Oil Park `pm a. mwmm a.kwIua,so no--. ad by (In Inns-Kiwi IIIDOII1 at lavish: with powcrbut. HIAEI - I All. Ila-tyhuadnllnthnputonho Fin-an On.-|us`nnannnnlhn Ibo to the City lsngnnur to I-upon. , Ald. Canon-Tho potiuon ol Wmipu D. Guns, lronuo-Eolorrod to an Oonmmu on luau in, form, Ald. Ilo0uiro-'l`bo pod! on 0! Incl: Dohn. no in; fronhp-Rolorrod to tho Coma mo Oman upon. AM. Wilnon-'l`hn nulhion of W. R. I0 DO Olllffd I0! "00 I AM. IoKo|ny-3] loogth ol the building. ` AM, nniin I-and n hv.Inu an Haul ml. would pruduoe mo ulllu urynell. Ald, Mcbermott and tho Iubjecl. nood- od much intelligent couuidontion. Ho Ind been given to undenund that some on hnd blunderod in the oonal.I-notion of of the building. Mr. Auhloy. router, Ind informed him that in the Iummor he could nut, light I quantity of note pspor, no great. wu the dunpnou A vs-ioe--[l.'I I rl proof Mlildin. Md. Allan Iulhod into tho nootionn ol Ihn ucund-hand oolul who pruhmod to lnjuro bl: dignity u I number of tho Council. The letter III to dlrroupootlul. in his opinion. the ho movod that no lo- tiun be him on it. An olcill lnd trotted the Council as It nhoulrl not be tnatod. AIA Il..lu'-l---'- -unlinn n: .-un-ind wolcn, mnunn lu 1. Court of Rcviuion. AM (`.nnnn_.'l`h Uourt ol uumon. Ald. Cnnnn-The potition ol John Boom, in frglrd to lronlngo-Rntorrod to the City Enginoor to upon. Ald. Cu-|on--Thu mliuon ol Wllnn county. Ald. McKelvey uid it would be ocono- my to hem. both oiuu by the one boiler, und chm. the expense of inking the change And connections would not exceed $350, whiuh mununt. Ill provided for in lhtl budget. It would uh thru non: ' lo properly host the oioo, Ind the con- uumption nf conl would be three Iimol u grout u what it would be by the hot. tutor I Item. Ahl nlnrnrn -Aid Ohm nnnununuinnnn Wllf IEOIII. Aid. clmyre nid the oummuuioetlon did not trout the Uouncnle of thin end lent year with becoming reepeot, the Council having nlvnye endeavoured to meet the requirement: of the lee. He certainly understood the letter to convey I threat. He wu not I member of the Committee referred to, but he would not lit lubmir eively by end hrlf any oiaiel Ipeek of any Committee in the manner in which the letter spoke of the City Prnporty Gommiltc-.9. Ald. Allen-Heer, hear. Ald Mcintyre~-lt in none ol hie buli- nau how the Committee ecu. Let him do his duty. Let him notify us of whet in wrnnu. nr sand in the cmmnnnioetion do hll duty. but nlm nouly 0! Inn in wrung, or bend nu tho cnmmnmontion ul Hun. Sidney Smith. Ho (Aid. Kcl.) would uphold the dignity ol the Coun- cil and would accept insult from no oli- ninl. FLOUR} um. Ald. Suouk thuugh! the Inn tor should hnu tnld them Ihll. kind 0 but would pruduoe the requisite dryneu. Aid. nld Iubiect In-I.-nu I annual . A communicnlinn wu rud (tom Capt. Honey, u|nng,on bohall cl tho Fin Do- runont (or the six months uluy low us the mon.--Roforrod to the Mayor. -`v-V. Ald. O|non--The pol.luon`ol E. R. Walch, roluinz lu luu-Rdon'od to the nnurt uf Rgvininn, A. holucnaux no rexerrea to. me vom- uumoa on Cnty Property, to ml-kc ar- nngernanta with the County Council that both the lloglutry Olou mqy be hand from the one boiler, now bulonging to tho county. Ald, McKalvav nid it would be ocono- um nuwa. ~ Ald. Allen and he undenteod thnt the plan: of um budding worn rucoivod from the Governmennnnd ifthorn nu anything wrong with this plnn the Council should know it. He Approved of I mono econo- mical and safer mum of hosting the building, but ho did oonoodo thtt the chnngo of but would cure the building of its tendency to become dump. Ald MnKalvnv moved. Iaeondcd bv ms: nu roqunrou. Ald. Snoolr held that the building should have been constructed in such n way thnt it could be kept. dry. Ho should hka to hear from the Arohitoot. The oice should be properly ventilated and hunted. A I.l AIL... ..l.l la. uunn--Inml ah-A flu. 0! no Lsnaancy so DOCOIDO dump. Ald. McKalvey moved, seconded by AM. Hnrly, that the oummuniontiun M A. Lollichaux be referred M). the Com- ...ungu nn l`uh1 PI-nrmn-In In nulrn Ar. [I01 ary Ina PIBCO LIIC 0Il'N9I' Wlll HUI. Ald Mcbermutl. lntimnled thnt the Uity Property ttomugitloo hnd the quan- tion under consideration, null thlt Ald. Irving hnd been deputizod to make upe- cinl em mrioo into thl onunof oomplnint II the lwgntry Oice, And Ihc Nmedy that required. Aid. Rnrmk hold the buihlina tlon. Ala, AlIen--Whnl in Iuntod to be done? - The Mnypr To be boner hulod. Md. Allea-lf one Kind of but will not dry the place the other will not. Ald. MCDBIIDOLI m nu pruom. unto. Ald. .-\lIen-~Whut n the mutter with the oicof The Mnyorabampl-on. Ald. Anghnwvlt want: A not man. The M|yor-Mr. Run Illlr`. not enter his npurlmenu uuul propegly hosted And Jried. ALI ;..I..`.-._.| ohmmho. it -u tlanidnd .--- - nu[mn1.s s1-on ll0Ullon Bu- ns nu-eat, Inmy oooupbd by J. W. avor. Applym GEORGE NIWLAND. Contractor. .:...a mm. mm Jmsd. Md. Gukin--l thought it In: docidod uome time ngo thnt the Iyutoln of hosting Ihonld be chnnged '1' Thu Mum--'I`ha manor wulaft in Ihonld be cunngeu I The M|yor-'I`ho antler wuleft the lllndl of the City Property Com- mmoo, but there an `no npproprir tinn cil Ill held Int evnteg. _ Ieee men were p-eeent . Mayor Gildeeeleere, Aid. Angina, Cueon, Fee, Geehin, lierty. Mooere, Mctlemmun, leDu"o5It, Mo . fiuire, Kelntyre, IIeKelvey, Mellamete, Panee, Reddeu, unook, end Wileon. The minute: u!_the eeverel meeting: were reed end conrmed. rue II0ll'T\!..0lL'I. Mr. A. Lekieheux. Deputy ltegietrer, enbmitted thelolloeiug letter 2 "I here thin dey received inetmetione from the Hon. Sidney Smith, Jnepeclor ol ' tries, to Apply to the court = for e men- demue to compel the Ounncil I.-o lnrnieh the nllice with en eicieut ineeue nl.heel.- in; ii. In sending the notice I here no wieh the! it lhuulil be conetru:-d intu e ' threat, but eunply to shut the nu-eeeity oi imllledlqtl action. The pin-uml. tine ventherle being Allowed to in sunny, end In may expect that it vi l`b- lI ul by cold end etormy Ieether, which llll render it eomevhet inconvenient tr- pruoeod with the work. [tie mm more than I yeer einoe l tiret eelml yu .r comideretion 0! thin mutter, my cum- rnunioltton being relerred t - the Unm- mittee on City Property to report, end ` All my cu-mnnieeuone mice than h-we shared the eeme fete. the Oommittee be- ing either too indifferent or negligent to report. I muet, therelote, urge you In I Committee oi the Whole to teke imme- diete notion, being canetnined to do In became my heelth ie euerinu iron the 4 elfecte of the dump, end I only reiterete the eentimeute ol member: of the Count` cil who have vieitecl the olce in enying that it in extremely dengeroue to keep it in ite preeent etete. Ald.Allen-~Whet'e Iluufltol Alulll-I1:-n lu- .oaauu-rixrncu-nuns: lYi'ru|--,u loan nv vluulpc vu.u'~-una1oI nu. ru uuinl. l1'A"rIol-I70. . The rqulu muting ol the City Own- owning. tin than -Ann nun.-and .10! am... . DON Ald. lo0umon-I! 1 us: a noun: Int CHI (-4! V`n'nnA 3- kg. in In illllllls Md. Gukin (`d I by-luv to Int ol- l uunI-Iallu .lnl.lQIiXIn"'< natoa. Ald. McKo|ny'n notion nu ouriod. n--nu--M -.u .nv aR1ns ri.-j%wH1u. T;IEspAr, bc'ro'B1:R 7, 1879. Li; ._ 4, r__ .__4;_._ _____ 01' UMBER NINE, G udo ol Col- II:-`wood Street. BA DIX b IA- CHAR. KInut.on.JnIv `26th. M79. c-;t1.::nIJiT.'?1`n:. - rltxrlonn, pnymonl nl nnotnor circular I Ald. Snnok would like to lmnw I! it in not decided by the Council rocontly that 3 central Ilnuon Ih0Ill'l be erected. that two-thirds ol the Onnuml vocal in fuout at N" change, llld tllo um the pnunt on lno house In ulvortlnd lot ul . Ho nd nonrnoon my ovidonoo lhn this Ination had been carried out. The ugino houu lml not boon |dV0l't|IV ed for Odo. Alul Ilnunnmn nu nnt ntnra of much insulation. The Mayor-At the Inn muting ol the Council u revolution nu qnrriod In {nor of building oublu in ran 0! tin pl-cunt on union. Ahl Dgnu --id AM Emmi nu riuhl Iko Iuuon. Lld. Poul Ilid Aid. Bnook Ill right A noolution no puud that who (in nu- lioo should in cold but nothing Ind been done wind thnl. end. Am u.4`_......m..._1`h. manor 3;. re- hrtod to tho I or. The II he III not Aware o! it, bout to gel aha no union. Ho Ind uluyl boon in [nor ol I in nation In Illa upper oi the city, and he would luvooa Iooghdtoutil Inland boon-no nu-uohd. LIA Hall---nn Inll lhll Ih In HUI ! IJUUII Ill IIVHI In - nun u-uvu an ol ~ Md. Unouunou aid that when the qiouioa in Int dincu-ad. u Club-nun ol the Fire, Wnua On Uommlnoo, ho val Ilqlaud an look around and no II n dulnhio Mu o--ulJ be Iocund for . the station. only mo in oin||d no In loaded on Bruch moot, batman Ir. Onnntli and Dr. l`oI|u'b. which lot M500 but none and 182 hot deep. and could be putobuod puouny-lot I50 AM All--ll.o0l A non nothiu cured hr the Fire De nmenr. we cut not to exceed I350. he Onmnnnnoe had receivecl e tender from Mr. R. Cernovnky in regard to the erection oi en engine lmuee at Williemeville, which the Com- mittee recommended the Council to eo- oept. Mr. Ceruonky offered to build I brick houeo 30:30 feet, to hold an engine, hone oert.,end hevu npertmenu far the caretaker, the rental tn be .100 per ennnm for ve yeerl, {or which term the Council would be obliged to ladle it, with the optinnof renewinu the term: of pot eeuiun :1 the ex rnllon ol lhet tune. Mr. Cernonky I00 provided Ibo light, fuel, end the caretaker. - ALI Mal!-mmnn mnvnd the ntlnntiun tho caretaker. Ald. Mdlummon movod the Idoption at tho rvport. Tho Hnor--DoeI it not involn thal ol tho rvport. ' The Mnvor~-DoeI lha pnymonl nf nnothor cnntuko 0'!` Thlrlvdtlght. 66 1 IE`). not nude 0! .J tIn1-rlruoz. botwun Ilhnrl Ferguson`; Hublon and tho Fanvnck lhmu. Tums ouy. BAWDEN H. IACIIAII. -.-- ad tor 0010. Ald. McC|muon no not nwnrc of and: 3 docinion lining boon urivod M Aid l`.n...h an: (In motion In: cu` `Ill. DUO! nnolncion. -n.- n... done townnl Inn and. Ald. |lc(.`unmon-'l'ho mutter In re- lortod tho I `FLA Mann; an ha in: Inn Annra I'll ii. Md. A||oI-Il.lXN pun nothing tolhdt. AH. "dhIOC-'l\OpI'iu'hNDoI- all; Bnookntuu. AH. IIc0nunun-lI is only hall": lol. AH. Guhnilitvusgluuuhnh Ioboil thoougiuotouq than It In A OIIIIII Illvon would yd bobqullll mctuul-opus. tho lcI-ttyu( chi | .--I-Q hgnnn In Illijih. Md. McCumnon nubmiuod the l O|)0l\ oi Commit! on Fire, nor & (ha. I: follmut In reforoncato the petition of Ru. Jonph Yunng, at al the Ootmnitloo rooontmend tint the prayer ol the pati- tionoro be gnntcd; Ind that I lunp be erected on the corner of Montreal nnd Brocu uroeu. On tho oommunicntion of Ohio! Horny rogu-ding rubber emu the Cumxniltcoc recommend that the Finance Committee be requulad In nuke pruvmon for the purchue In! ten cunts. The Uumminoo recommended that 301* foot of [ICU hole of but qunlity boa pm- cured fur the Fire Do nment. the cult. ....i In A-n...oI 1151'] ha nnmiiiillnn had '.ICC'CU|IIK5I' W. Ii Ignlno havoc in Wnllhnnillo. AH, Allan am not think grully chlnged. Aid. Geekin aid the vote of credit. n he underltood it, would be dieouued when the new tender: were naked for and handed In. He reminded the Coun- cil that the preeent Engineer mu pnid 8250 or unnum lee: then hi: predecea- wr, uring Wlmlo tenure of uice Mr Nuh In tho employed for Ipechl work. . He ulred the size 0! the drain to he built on Aral: elreet. Ald.CerIon-Three feet by {our feet. Ald. Gukin nid Arch street III one ol the nicoll. pleoee in the city, end the Eeople of that notion were elm nice, and eonly regretted the: the Council hid notthe money to nish the drum lhll Tlie m-more wen nuud. nnllh UN! fllll L0 UHIOH IITBBI. Ald. Cgreon said it we: unnooeuery lo Ink for e vote of credn until they new whether it wee required or not. - If the work extended Into next your the nen- ciel eepoct of the queetion would be greelly changed. Ald. Gukin credit. Lngmeer In our aunpluymontv Ald. CII'I0l'I and Mcouie uial (hut Vvhon Mr. Coverdnle wu sppoiutod Engn noor it In: known thsv. IIo|wn not I pm- fauiunul surveyor ' Al.) A Inn (In-I nnl nnnrnvn nf lha inn For saI3___T To Let. fuuunul 'Ald. A lou dri nol. Approve of the film: ing of tho entire Iutor front Along King Itroot. He thought: part of 12. Ihonld be fenced. ` AIA Ilnllnlu-u_It -nn Q. nun! mnoh be fenced. Ald. McKolvoy-It won't. oou much. It will have have but one mil on top. Ald. Canon onmittod to state that the Councul mny require I vote of credit. In order lhsl the drum mny bo ninhod. 'l`ho Ap ruprinuon WI only fmiah Hm drain to Pinion street. AIJ (`.-..... ..ioI in lung nnnAt\All|l'I7 In Io. Md. H|rty-Whilnt we Engineer aunpluymonti 1 VUII. Ald. H|rty-A Ionoun wouution to unto nanilm. the Engineer. Aid. Cnrunn, continuing, rernnrkoal thn the Cnmmilluo thought the mm; for the Iooopliun of tendon -huul-J be extended, and that new contrncl auiunton nhould be asked for. He nlluded to the opaniug 0! l u'nrd street an I deumblo cnuvonr same. As {or the King unset fence it 7.: prouzlod for in tho budget. Ala Hu-u_\`Vnn mu tho nuemon of pruvuoa lor In lno nuaget. Ald. Ihny--\`Vno pay! the upemou 0 Mr. Nah I < AI.-I Hun-_.'I`hn nit: hm AI-nvn (Inna nt your own I AM Csnon did not think the Engineer oapablaof mung the proper grade: and loveln. AIA I-"I.-b-_A nAI-Innln Annnnnfhwn In Alq.__;o`ronn Iuondod in tho noon 0! chqsuoou Go-oitloo. which . `mm thoy only uooind too to; tho ounouootiog of dtoloo btoly Idvottlr od; hot Ibo Connittoo voold uaonnond `thottholooduol H.. [`oolh 8onhooc- noptodunodc tho dioptiono ol tho0on- mittoo on 8trooto,lor tho onotnmtion M o dnin tluough tho o gruuudo, ond up Arch otroot, no In on o I300 Ippfu~ pnoto-I for tho dnin on Gordon otroot wall ponmt, oz K} pot yard, ltnul; ond your Comittoo Ioulil ooh thot thoy ho olnpowotod tn oxpond tho NINA oppm- pnotod on (Eamon ll-not drain for tho obovo purpooo. Your Committoo eunnidar ~ I t tho bonds: 0! John Uunuinghom for J 'n ooctionn No. 1, `.2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and '8 on too hluh, nnd would uk pormiooion tb otlvortloe lor Iendo'ro ogoin lur the uid oodtion, or on nun] on tho Uommittoo nu] doom nooeooory. On the petition of B. M. Britain, 9! al. to open up Plcord otroot tn Du:-I--n shoot, your Cummmoo -unld n wunmond thot tho petition bu ro- lovr-ad 1.: mo City En inoor, to proporo plum uml lute tho pro oblo cogt of upon- mg up and otrool, ond to oncortoin it the potihuuero oro willing to but port of tho 00010! the oomo. Your Committee would ook to beunp-morod to oak (or tho oou~ urucnou uf A fence Along the broil-tutor nu Klan urout. , Am (Tu-nun axnlolnnd hi: ronnrt in tuna lH0ul-- Am. Cnnon uplnlnod hi: upon in full. The Iyltem of drniuuzo spoken ol us not: now thing. but had boon Igitltw mi in the Council Iron you to you, and the time hpd Arrived Ihou"tho overow at voter in the Spring and Full should to avoided. Mr. Null had been employed, sud II: bud prepared plum of tho dnim ` and tendon bod boon racoivocl upon Ibo lnl thm prepared And prounlod. A d HArl.v-H|Ve Inn not ; n Enainoor Inc run: thus propuroa and prolonloa. A d. Hart.y-Huo you not an Engineer f ? Md Cnnon did not think tho Emnnnr' O s aocuion numg Dun unvou u 1 Ald. Foo--1! IIl;IO motion `an! / I Tole De Punt Baruch Will be mold l;z l*'nbl|o Auction at Ilntchav tan : Auction om! -In SATURDAY, llth OCFUIJIIR, AI. I0 I.m. J. E. HIJTCEICON. `Dd. ' Ald. Snook asked the Clark to raid tho .....I..ai.... vi-id (6: the pasta! at the rublur cunnuuannnnddlnthofinbooan. ndod lot no purnuu cuasuueno-oudadb] uuutudupugudlo ..--...-.. ll Lb Fin ho T tho emu. -|_z.c.sv..a ma tdopbdl. -.-n-o Vlr. Nun! Ald. Hu-ly-.Tho city bu Aluuyn don in NI" IIIIIlB- Md. Huey ukod whu Ihpa had been taken to collect from tho propony owner: thoir proportion at the out ol opening up and unending Montnll Ind Divini--u nu-oou, nud whu Amount nu expect:-d to be nhod Iron this antral Tho Mnyor-Tho Oily Solicitor, tho Engineer and Auction an now making the valuation. LIA 9.. --n innl ghoul nnnninn nut, mo vuunnon. Ald. Foo In just ghoul! puoin; out. louinu the Council -inul I quorum, than 3 number "drew tho situation In tho Mayor to that clout. Ald. Foo-l'n nick. (lnnghhn) The lnyor-|IoI|hon of the Oouncil mnnm Inn Iilhmn. norlniuion. '|'no Iuyol--|IonInn on ma \ cannot have without pomluion. RnnAc1gysAL2| UDIIIVIIVI an la-w. The Oouncil cunt into oonnMo;`o tho uholo on the lronugo by-luv, Ald. |InKo|voy in the chit. um nmll dinnnnion AH. Snool lift Hoasrs {rdizjw saini Ilnliolvoy in the cunt. Altar coco dinouunion Ald. Snook loft And tho Council ndjoollnd lot VIM of I n unn: l . I IIIII IIIU \ (] OHS II A nu ovuuulnlom-mandala will to b Q WIDIIIIIAY and THURSDAY. an an an-ii serous. uuu I IA. Un lnullon 0! AM. IicKo|vo,y,ucon.l. ad by Ald. Hut}, tho Trouuror Ill d: rooted to report the amount roooivod 0 him on Account ul dog tax during Hm you, also the account ucoivod for Iron nun Cnrriod. W II Iunnu unu--nn. A11, Fgg uhd in nlu-once to All. McCnmmon'a by~loIv lor tho wait!-"mg --f nlrnnt.|_ drum. The Mnyur-Thorn In . dilionhy about cu-tying it out, and it In tho. - donod. . ILADIIU AID AIIOOIATIONI Works. After uomo further lllk tho motion wn curried, Ald MoCammou being II.- nlructod n \l to give innructionl fut u..- hunlding of tho Wilhmnnvillu engine houus until in ngroemonl Ind boon con- udorod and uianod. W0 UUUD IIOIAEH. quiet to this or Ir vo. in ulnglo or donblo hnrnou. May be won on application to Burn. Brown, Tole De Punt Hnrruh WIII ha Illlll bv Public Aunlkm \ r`- ` " HEW u.-.~ni.;... {{a mm combined. on the annular of York and Allan Blroon. Ihnl Ind ooh. wnusr on the mental. Good Huhlo I3 1 II) Apply to JAII8 NISII IT. l`nrnAD nljnhnum nu! (In:-don ll. 1 dupomod vntn. Md. Hnrty nu nurpviud It the Coun- cil clllinn Mr. Covcrdllo In Emuneer when he knew nothing Ibout angina"- ing. He hoped themunounr would he clroppul u upoodily u pouible. He IhuuId be called 3 Surveyor. Th. Mnmr.-BuI. ha`: not I Snrvavor. should be cauea surveyor. The Mnynr--But ha`: not B Surveyor. Ho might be called Foreman of Public Works. AI.-- -...n- lu-Hun: lnlL II`. lnnhn,-1 Unoan an lathomat unmet] (3:-:.=::e..'.:-..".7".':.*-..........--`-. - *- unlu Oh. III. Vulcan-No, no. Aid. (`-akin uid the Engineer`: Ivnrk required I grant deal of running About thnt the man III nearly run olf hi: hm. His work wu lookod uftor, it win util- fnctury, and there In no large oxcanen. lie reaemod the iminimtiom against the Engineer. A man thnt would Iltuni t In plane Iowan Chairmen of the Wnd om- mmeu. And do :11 they and him to do, "'(iod keep him." Two yarn below he haul ulvocsbod tho purchuo of 3 hone. on which the Englnoor could trcul from pullil. to point. He Inn of tho sumo npililon ntili. [lo boliuvod I burn : nur- vms would pny the city in connection with the Enguuer'o uioo. Alrl Pans: nnilni-and thu Iuimanion Oi mm the lnguuer`o umoo. Ald. Penn endorsed tho uuggeuion buying 1 hone hr tho Engineer to nuke mun In nous Vinita to the palm: At which var vnmboing carriod on, and to give more personal nuporvinion to the vsrioul public oontruou- He believed il would pay,tho nponu of I lonnun bung dispensed with. AM. Hnrtv Iurmiud men an uuuum Iuonlll no ompnoyoa. Ald. Cnrson did not think the Engi near Ind u grout. Amount 0! work to do. The duties were not vary onoroul; the oice should be An only me it the occu- pant kuow the need: and requirements of the city. Ald. Fno-BuG ho don't. Ald. Cu-Ion-It. in for the Council tn -..- AL. donng upon tho newly ognou ureeu Ah]. Penna nid the ninoor Ihould not be crowded with our: duties, hut in oonuequeuca of hi: luck of owrsighl I dnin In Frontenac Wnrd had 00!! $30 more than it Ihould have con. ALI Mnl(.lu..u nuid lllll rnlhnr lhnn than It lhoul nun eon. Ald. McKolvqy said that nther than tnko tho Engineer from the rqulu du- tiel uluunf. should bo omployod. AM u..-um did not think tho Emu 9'I*.'II.m. ing. been ill lines Saturdny, which might nc~ count. for the tinnncinl roturn nnt homg mud n ukod for. Apia, he an em- played for two or throo Iloolu in uniuing the nuouurl in ulunting the [sad bor- daring tho newly ognod nu-eat: nainoor Ala. Carson said the Engines: had] regulnr Iuoeung 0! Inc Uouncu. Ald. MoKolvoy uid that abaut a monlh ngn Md. Penn! had moved (or 1 untev men: of Lhju kind, but no notice hm] been taken of tho notice. It In deairnblo that the information should be forthcom- ing. ` Am numn uirl the Enainaor bad | Md. McKelvy movod uoonded by AM. Penna. lhn the City nginoor report. the amount. expondod in the ward: nut. ol the curd npproprlutionn, u lull n the unuunt of special opproprinionn. uid re port to be nubminod not later than In x( rogulll muting of the Council. Ald. MoKolvov vvuq uu unnu- Ald. Mcliolny moved, seconded by Ald. Gukin tlut the Mayor ucortuin from the owner: thmnluo of tho ucun. Inc an Brock uvoot, bocwoon Montronl And Clot until. LIA J3-mmnn_' IIIIA Inll III: nu-inn um U10;-`gy unou. .` Ald. oCunmon-l (no you the price. ' The nluntion I gotulrom Mr. Gunn him tell. . Ahl Ila-Ifnlngu unit` it nnnld HA an! A-Id. Mckomy uid it could b. not spin, and that the Council could have the refusal of tho ptoporty no long up the Curporuioll oontomplntod tho purchuo of it. uu wuu --. any: so u --um: un uuv Uouunmu on Only Propotty. AIJ. Snuok-Wo||. tho pmpcr commit too. Tho station in just no: out of 31500, snd might iupty Iloll ho Iutionod at Bvlloi Island. 4 The upon Ill cnniod. coat or Lulu. xnuv.-nu Io ulvoruu II Ior Ille. Ald. MeGunnon-l haw nothing to do with it. That in I matter [or the AIJ. SnooIt-Wo|l. omnar nuh`. Ald. llocnnuou ooboiddd in the opln~ ion that Iluthoc I .3!!! control Itation were around or not it lill be absolutely nonuury 10 have: plus: bum lot no land origin, tho lsooo, our. in William Villa. 1 ALI .'-....A.#ln -.. 0.. Ana. 11! oh. VIIIII. AM Snuok--It Ill tho dug ol tha Clniruuu of the fits, Winn & :1 Cum- minunn ln ntlunrtinn it In! nah wznit_;smv. oofronn sch. L'nIl| |.IlI|| 0| "IO l'|I O, WIl$ - \ Inm.-Moo Io advertise it [or ale. AIA n..a........_I 5... .. {I was ulna H UQIQC OIIJUI. Lld. UIlI.-lII UKKI VIII IIVO undo:-uh-r tho auction of this engine hung-. All]. DICK II` ulo nl also n nuuon. Ald, unk mind nllh ol the olnir. 1-5.. H..,..` lion. '1' Clock Ald.".8|oot in Illllnn. ol onuguq-*1 In-31 In put- duo I load, and uucnlin N I new Nuldinn. Th: mutant aliun mild llt 0| IIII, III III CQIII N budding. Tho punt dnlion could not In cold but ALI Ilk. `Than nu discu- NononCool0u,Iuokc.orDuuftuI I! u. The motion wu ccrnod. )l UBO llf. ' The Iuyo ndod Iuiiu A|d.8nook. Aid. n.n..._1\. Oonndl will Inn `vu v_a_'_rib. 'f.q_a'r. I ILACI nut Allvonlo SILK |t.:ooK'vv:::L 1:. BROS . can the must. 040.000 worth to be_oold wuhonl nut vo iEVl}`(`00DS W! NEH 600118 F! For m column 0! rnoxnluo, will 5. haul u m Dominion Felegnph} 0! not than IOIDAY. Rh OCTUIIB. ' 00 won" In cal rule {or ten wom- bosvcn an phoanin lb: Pmvueu uflhzltvlo and Quinn on lb Dolnhnoo Ioh~,;a-uw lon- :,1!.|ll0l will Dmnduod to `I IUTY . U _ Thouuoralnulu Im in undo baton` occnnumubnu nobcoud Iuinl-1.90 to. Owen and . 350 ndunbu chi?` u-dnvl lsnvbo to us this Ouuuub uncut: gr, all , PEOPLE'S OI-()'.'l'.'EIK'(}*. 5 / ` C 21` BROOK STREET. I 61 Reducti;r_I-in Rates 1-3 ml OI .au. um'o u-urvun nun 5.` the Cougars pnporuuu be to out vb that Inc It the Udhl Jiz. 1iEsnoc111~:us, ._._ .__. .. .. ._. ..-.-n-ng.n GEORGE I-.A.IK'G-`S IqaI r-we-:q ---:---V . onontrruv n . u;u-Hanan ..,. _.___.4u_|nnnn1I.nIlllIu. Dress Goods, Flannels, cottons, J udgo s Chambers, court Houu. |N Till CITY 0!` IINGBTON. .._.._.____.____._:__ CLIITTHIN G %! NET 1383188 (100133. KPEIJIAL LINES HFFEHEI] New Hindsbme Wa.Ti1?d M Cheaif (5lb7a.'l-:i1ig's Eu received his Fall Stock, and ha: GOO!) NICE and 03314`? Hu boon his IlION,u in the selection of It. And parties desiring nluc sud style lnr thuir Iunney cun ha\'a_il In his plan-e of business. What. hu been and u[ bin (Brnnd Dry uuodu Dnpartmont nny Alan be -mid of hi; NOTICE. RICHMOND & BOYDEIN S- I I Toto:00\. nu. ma. 1 For the purpoco M` Auditing Amount: nut! dcmundn prof:-nod qlln at utd County. By order. ` ALIXANDII 8. KIRKPATRICK, mark at the Peace. County (If VronmnoL Oct. fol, M79. IXCEEDINGLY CHEAP. WI} IBLEACHED Pym. 24th. -.,.,_ Esoptombor Milt. M79. Saptlomhor Nth. I879. Pretty (`mun-_ Mnltona, for cu-cu|nru_ ll an. Champ Nap Ind Bonn-r Cloth Clmkxu Benmifnl Havarnihla Cloth. New mnped Silk V'a`vmp. New Colon-d hulk \'o\!Vflu_ New Black Silk Valve! It (I 00. C` ` New Blmk Ilunllo-Vol\1-In M 33.00, 0. ..n, (`heap Bllok Hullna Ml 75"` . `1*- .21 All Mm` Clmnp Slrl ed Hanna, nll N.-va Hum}.-r 100 Pieces ow Drwmll ..l-, I \ A-u.-'v u I -`om. `J6Lh, mru -1-35 Now Camel Hur Clnalnugo ll Olxb and II. `:0. Prouv (`mun-_ lemons, :-0.- 2'.) Remember that we no hnnng a nut. uh of New Goodn. vlmh an pm; 3; pngog so BOARD OF AUDIT of Twenty For Cont. Lldion ' Yuu ulvo money by buying III OOXPAXT. 0 -o '0! Qt. Inn`: it, W3. GHEAPER THAN EVER! MILLINIBY and OABPBT DEPARTMENTS. sI3AvV:L.a and MANTLED AT PRICES THAT OANNO1` B.'.' UNDERSOLLH non... uwxyaxln. L. In... ' ' Opposite Albion Hotel, Princess Street. Klnclton. N rmmnnv srruarun LOT on - xmu urnnm wnerr an an om. 'Countv Down Inn." uuwnlkuuctun. 108 PR.INCI1IS-`F ST R,EET- SHEE'l`~ING*, Roc%K\_Ig_ELL Enos. `L._... rl-A,I -_._- nA_--A 31-...-- G. LIVINGSTON. Hosiery, E` A.u?-.ln:o.\'. WIIso||'n nunau -1 )_R.CDl\T S- ll! xiv-u'\.--unsung vuvvu un uuvu, unn- ood < ooh. "L Pm. -u.u nu-.1... Cool; Q In l d'u--Pu-Iouv Onto; Ginny. Thcbon nazulu.-and I. I C. Oi-uy co.. In I-m..~. at r ' 1 co? Mon. by . :w'Ie'=hahov; nd Tull Au ul III don Mu ~ __ ........._........-. 'WoLbAug_'unu. Westom . A. Assurance npv. lmln_ | 9_ uggg guru ............ `I31 Ihkuohu uhnnblnuuo uus cnlby nu Iltlill . - A:|&I.hn.. [bun .aEN`1`R.AL rd COMf ANY. Irm Vund Marine. Toronto. rand Underglothingl bl ooklog Utovo In Pm} Ounuy Iunnu. In IPHI-O-Clthlli than (or Wood; Our- Lnv wood Prluuultndndoddollllot nIIIQ.0l.nm. _ ..___.-,-_.. __ . r, .|,T.\. -nd 5. on rm and 5.5.111 10 opc Qml , IIT9. 7 7 JAIII NISII IT. Corner ohlohlunn and Gordon Shula. _. _._..n- n-:u 1 uni; Tbronte Flour Store. -__n. IOIIIII. ' -._;LL| Usbllnha. ml ?" ......"'i.'..a'.".:'.::..... hA.|.-n.|... .n-ah-ninth . I". X |'0lT.-l.\o;|l' s Iu_ "AT HOR :EY 8, rInn:nII'h4AnA(Il|I`nl'h Incl RE()OR.D- .:ad out for inspection. [In 60 i ll-All-an-. In houby glvu that I -`uh; of Foil July 99?. I879. > Ihpl. -29n., l87!0_ op: 5th, "79. CHAR` Kingoon,July 26th, .._....__-- `Vn)1(-I-Nr|I v`; dchlllyflorvoodyhnbuu hum. ..:,m I` do cl III!- pct mm? . Cm ' God . C all ma "Hull. ml I50 Wm-A and U3` $17. lmnd In aqua! R, [Q h VEVERAI4 comfortable hangout lodonb 5 rants, nitnnlod on Earth In! III`! II- I I H nan. -mums. Harnor Bull and Dlvlalon Dtroon. Hep` llh. 1879. ` co-ul`ort:l-I-l: banal lodonb 5 ranla, nitunlod A vv -- urn...- * VIIIIY UUIIPOITADLI nucx DWIL LING. with A Ifrod ms, will in houo utuohd. of orltt. A to VAlDl!;_'l'Ih_h __ . _ sc9_TT 8. 4- 3 :3 I r,'I.mmLv snuarnn LOT on L Kmn nrnnrr wnamm om gr. -...v_ ... _. cuurqmhnulurouu ownumm. x In . mod uitnnlol on Want smut. .. nun. Htroot. um `com. Applno uoIm:s.T.nm N Ir van. nlnnlo _ _ ' _ BRICK HOURS on Bax-A Street. . proton: oecupkul by A. P`. lumber Anplytu __ _ H __ A __ r nnhluhnl --vvjv-f pusuc NOIIGE cum on Al! IIITII ,wIIh urlxs nthohdu a VANDIW 1'15 3 o&.-o.u.-1. knot HEATING] T0 LIT. 1-ni- J. lllJ'| CBl8ON, Auotlonnr. JUNK IOIAHON, Walling on Strut. INOI Wat Stud. "5`o.=.'-"a c tsr~'t,` Wm strut. Ornnlo. -By nlon-in to our idvor tining oolmuno it will be nun u! I new rm, mood Wnlph E Co., inland opening to-narrow Ill oltrutln unort- Ionl ol Inillinory goods in Imubofa old and. Th am will look cu-dolly I!- la any customers the {not liq: with calls. In a luv dun ognnd opulug will be ontwunood, and tho tholullu uny hue II opporlunlly 0! testing the ` I--.5 Incl. naul -Ia` nuungootlounnulu-gnu : wan. um... sumu ho. Ina pun- hunlhulhqhonhpythkuxu inpoduuuI.uuvolyuIlqdoIhdr utunldnlhuhq will-outta Dlih upllqilt. ad lb tibia : n-L L.`-panama-_ H-nlnlnhnlh, `VII Tn` I11 vlll sat with vutyuutu Iiapnulnwuhwnns ._ 4.... _, LIIILID ~'l`ho Talodo Cmnnm cia-' say: that Int wont, upon tho nrriul of the Cnnndiu. schooner `Alborooro thorn, tho Ill libolod by Hours. E. R. Wil- liam O Bram. who chin Ihu the our- rsn 240 bushel: of that 01 hot lad cargo to Kinptou. and that the apuin uigud bill: ol India: for much loll than the ntul had in hat. The vuool In hound- od. and it in ouppoood the Inner will be brought into court and land. Sun: and no: Mr hnuu upended by hulk HoIWuor. / -Ilouufmllnollhonut uuvvdplhd plonivltlthloi hnovunnu. Irlulhfutorynhnuujivol. I lmrl or D3. Ton.-Dr. Topp, oi Tomato, did yoolonlny ol hut about while gating n all. 1'50 dunuld wu bun II lcntlud pbout sixty-In nun ago. and In oduuod at It Aidan`- Uuinuity, who to on gun hunt! and lb dqno ol D.D. Ho wloplotot ot llgh Oh:-ch not who nun, sol on nbudpuuonmu nu. Dr.lIu|u,|n IOU, honudndo call to tboputonln 0! Km: Clutch. In Tomato and has ball the puduoodnoo. _A.._~-;_ Snnmu.-A school boy nuned Kon- nody III accidentally ltd -bod by Anom- pnninn uunod Lauder. The hm: Ind An upon lnmfo in his hand, ngninu think the humor run, cutting a lap vein in tho nook, sud causing him to lull (roll: loan 0! blood. H0 in I brother ol_ the boy Kounodv who [ell from I tron A short AA... ._ ;.. n- I_-.'n- -...I L-.l 3.5. nud- Runucnon.-- The Montreal Tolognph Oompnny Announce thnt after today only twenty cent: for an word: WI" be chug- od~folloIing the couru lnnrkod out for than by tho Dominion Uompany, the Inunqou ol which, Suporintondaut Hoa- lnor doollnl, will his tho lint. petition horufhrpnd load in powerful riul in tho matter ol tclogrnphio ontorprino. Cnum: or BAnuuu.--Tho Montreal Hcrald ruin: the rumour that "A" and B" Button-ion will olungo quu-an At the and of the month, tho ldhnu go- ing to Quoboo And the Inner to Kingston We you: could no the some 0! inocu- ng this uponu. The country will gain nulhmg by it, And the man will not be In the inlorutu ol ooonomy and good Govarnmout. _A_-4._. __ --A-egg... ___ Dunwnu WHILI Dnmu.--Two man Iunod Goorge Mc0oy Illd Junu Mc- Uinnin nttomptodtool-on the hay op pooilo Duh on Snturdny night. Whoa two uniluhmn nhoro tlu bunt upset. Mcllmuin an drowned and McCoy pud- dlod (ho clnoe upoido down until he reached the Inland Ihoro. Moinuia bu not ban fuund yot. Both men were Idrunk. ._..,- .14 ~._. Sluuu Nuum Suouuu.--Mr. M. L. Smith, of Arkonn, loll. at our office I package 0! the Above unokiug, and we nd it to be un uoollonl. romody [or en- urrh and other bmnohinl ulfoctionu. 1; has I very doliciom noun, And in plu- nm to nnlulo by thou auering from well complaints. --~._...~._..__. .-_-.<.p. ..___.. PiuzuCniumzn.-\Ve no nquuud to oorrool. an arm: which occurred In the publication 0! 'tho prize lint, Kingaton Midlnnd Conxnl Far. The uooond prize on 5 two hone cnrringo, light, Ill IIIld- od to James Lutnrnay. Tho credit Ill given to 0. W. Robinson, Mr. Inturnoy lining uud one of hll entry Iickou. .-..___ Pu.soNu..-R,ov. Junu Ourmlohul. llnte of St. George : Church, Mont:-nl, nowof lllmillnn, will next month preach at 8!. Paula, and during the ruck will lecture. The reverend gcnllemun la out of tho molt gifted sud oloquont Ipunu connected with thy Church of England [in Cnnsdn. Vllur h't.':.~.|.~mruL.,~Miu E. A. Ann- Ilrong inn Kingulon urmtrbudding Into nnnadiun repuution. At Ibo rwont Hidlnnd Fninho carriod tho rs! min in try clan 0! (inc Inn in which Ihl ontotod, onu Ihcn the competition Ill npinu profouiontlt `rm; | BlMlnE8 on thowut aid: of Klng suns. luml oeeuphd byJ.Cuuoron.Bnloou keeper. In the Etna: Iollwny Com y. BAWDII C HAQIIA . ohoieornoldon [Jon Block. Julv `.3! -. Poznan 0oUn.~--Thh morning June: Bran cu ned II or I0 day: {or boing drunk. Ho Mt tbs money. Juno: Shay, 1 shoouulur, luiling lroxn St. Iohn n, N. 8., imhibod truly yootudny. 110 Ill dilchlrgld upon pfomising lo l0IVIi' city. ___. .,.o&.~ A -. ._._.. iwi"su:.-IIr. John Caution ro- |m'-und! the city to-day that an than 0! uuul Iouthl, lpoot principally in 'l_.-....l _., ._-._. in-outrun; -T_ho Montreal Tu Homo, oonniol Honlroll nnd Prlnoou duct, bu boon n-opened by Donoghuo st 00 , and an linly uh at groooriu la liknly to at in, u the firm no propuod to clot urn! bugainul Thu nook 0! ton in very -._-. .-1-~.__.. ----oj-o-._- u Putin wanting n na ought to stand tho solo ohlr. soon : two In home: Io-nonow, It Hluchuon`n suction roouu, at I2o'alook, uodin. --ooo. ~ ---- Oounonoa or `run.--`l`b uncal- _..._ A- .|...._-I_ ._l_...I_. AL. ..lI.; BL IIIDIIWI vIuu;u.-:uu n-u-- 0! this Church intnding holdkng A haunt oath 18th and mu ol Dooonhor, ol [which duo" notioo will bo given. I _,-._._,__ l wu.-IodouTo-Io [tug club to- cating cloudiness, (alluded by mu -.-'-. .- JV Iuuioi 7I_n-no 1737- cu an-nnnmnonh j 1 j V III} BRICK IJWKLLINGOO Wollln 0| Hum-I, mm ocollghstl bV III UIIUOGI1 I`. .. F`. lCDIIIU1'l'. Klngutum Sept. 1'2:-d, I379. Tl-`HIC lituno Dwelling ma III South this 0! . Ordnance Bu-mt. above vdonham lltrool. 'l`Imlvo rooms. including Kitchen on main lion: in run. Good Collu. Well and Frunonrdon. Pounulou st. unynno. llonl 0l`I0 and sun. A I no W I ('3. LYON8, Inrku Square. am: mm, mm, ----ojo -. 8:. Amount`: ClUICMI.-T||0 lulho , ; x_.,,.|2__n-|.Ix__-I.----- *.;-.-.~~-~'~" * - TUBDLY `VII 30. WT. W ~ 2:- - ' Illa`!!! Ilulu I I-I'III I IIIUII indie lovillo And Ind bin nook {bi} n A u nouvlrr. _-_._..._ Mullen. --A Ind dollghllul oonoort lo ontioipuod on Thuudoy ovonlng, when Ibo Iloodohohn Qoinlotto Olob will nah in mono! Vllll to Kingoton. Tho club hoonpoood ol tho following utiotoz Edward Holluondolll, violin, llrot oouon; Oootov Donurontlaor, violin ; Thouu llyoo. olu-inoo and violo ; _Wi|llon Bbodo, Rub owl tiolo, lid ooooon ; hodoriok Glooo, violonoolln, Int ooooon, and Illl bo ooolotod by Ito dlotlnguiolml vooolbt, In. J. W. Wooten!) Hr Ry- III lo (Ibo only Iolnbot ol tho origluol Club now tonoiologto ll. Tho oooond vlollnllhldtlo Oooollot hon boon hon bolero; but tho otllot Illroo iootrnnon- ulbb Iovo novor boot: in Klogoton bo- lon. `filo in tholr ns oooooo glib tho Olnb. --j-coo----..- I1"! UIII. IIu,'uI Illtaullodhnuou,` wmy dhlouo, udnnlhlhuhpclbdt, the principal oIubdq"`I`bu|utrIodoa ol aywlu bvlnhuid-can." Chanda 0! an (Incl Una llohlfunlnp, by night. Illlnluhdlunpulu pny," "Opul- Inh0nyn,InlDaudo_oo-Llhtllllu, by moonlight. with an hallo lap at liliifflll-Ih."IDI I50 4..h.-33$-Q "ndrnxln '1 Oh O|lXVpGI,ll0I- In--IrIvw Ivuuoug. `hollow Yet-hlrouuynythophyhn very shuttle on. lull,-ol caution! ..A -.-.-do `W, -[oh ulhlnnnn, of the any or Ainguon. All eeemed to be well pleeeed with the ehow, except tum or three of the exhibi- tore, who no eeid to heve telien too much etu` to the leir, enebling them to any all more then their ehnre uf prizee. - our- Xobhery . On Fridey leet Mr. hue Scott, of the villege of Weetbrxiuk, returning from I vieit to friend: in New York Stete, ruched the city by the Cape ban! about midnight. He immedietely left for home. Beyond Williemnille he in overtaken by two men who urged him to ride with them. He mounted the ve- hicle, end then he Iue ordered (11 pey hie (ere, 25o. which he bended them. Alter conveying him eome dietence they mode him Iehe the med egein, retaining pomeeeiun of e emell beehet oi peeohee Ihioh he hed with him. But e eeoond time they loroed him to ride.end e second time made him pey hie (ere. He did eo but hie oeptore were not mtieed with 26. ,end eeiling hold oi him, robbed h1m of All the money he hed on hie pet-eon, wow 08 or U. He reported hie ueee to the po- Iloe, end Detective Meoeuley mede euch enqniriee ee led him to eoepeet one Mc- Briel, having e tin ehop in Williemr ville, he being out on Friday night, end heving e `rig of the Iiind deecribed by Scott. Thie morning Meeeuley, wooin- penied by P. C. Einde, end 8ooti,vieited MoBrien'e piece of hueiueee. At the door Beott eeid, thet'e the wagon," and ineide he identied MoBrien ee one of the men who robbed him. MeBrien wee ex once erreeted end in now in th I! ,- _L_AI-_ Ann. In On-Inf` will he girth u the opqqouo In-aw-low owning. MAI Vj uzmuuilhnhlhl .l."|. present 0: I"ll. Applyto polix station. MOUODIIU, J. u. l.II,|2U|iI. Finmcinlly the Ihow In I gnu. nuc- ceu, the unoum. of money received, On vornmeut. grunt end Iubucriptiom, be- ing largely in oxeou of other years. A nnnrninnnl hnlnra in connection mg llrglny III vnww U1 vlruvn ,....--. A prominent. future in with the Ihow III the npooinl prizelu kindly donated by the lending morchnnu of the city ol Kingnton. nu .......A on in call nhuad the W. Luvronco, C. H. Trudall, ll. Gnin and R(votI-Meuru. T, RiIbrid- gar. U. Morrimnn, John Wnd. Outings:-Menu. K. McConnell, F. McDonald, 1. L. Hnycoclr. ,__:_n_ ;L_ -|..._ _.. a mug! ann- 1,uuu enmu. , The judgu who kindly consented to not gun the utmout satisfaction, o|poci||- ly than on horun, um-, Ihoep and grain. nnnn_MnnrI. S. Millar. Ritchie. Ju. Grunt. C|M.le--MuII-I. P. McCullum, F. M. Campbell, Joahun Knight. Show And l in- Moun. Cnpt. Smith, The Township of Kiugwvn hrid Ito Innunl than 3!. Counter`: Hotel, on Mon- dny tho 6th. The day being ne the AI.- londneo nu Inge, And the exhibit: grntor thnt Dlllll, nnd of boner qunlity thm In our boforo noon at any nhow hold in that Township. There were over 1,000 entries. tn H onol - mourn. i Grunt. nltla--Ml. uvnzusuvs-s . -Tho Bollovillo Ontario tslks About unding tho police force 0! thst place In Kingston to Isosp down rowdyism. When In no informed that there is in the city on tho Bsy As many as seventy-nine bud] houses In no [owed to the con- clusion tho: the men of whom our coo- tomporsry bouts on more otnnmontnl than useful. We want no oicisls of such I description hose. --?---o+o--:: Sheep igI- C. B. Trudall, Grain and Rnotl--MOlll'I. \;\'-|-unInvu-c-w--- .. -V..- uitnlol `Q I. our King Ibh;o%EIu:'|'. CB]

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