Their (Irocerm U0 always new and fresh, on account of their TL\I'zo turn over. ``I\- [C IIKKUIICW $0`! 1 -'!`ho lclw upon: uauooulnl mu. hit at Tlilofth on Wodoadny. a-Auk (M Norton`: "Quinta" Iago: but in bottles lot tabla Iuo. -Tho Britton-Stoiut cue oponod this ollnnooa in the Police Court. -- l`ho Thonnnd Inland: had twenty lhounnd morn vi-iton lhil you dun --'Ioooo' Ilotit-I-I-`Ilia Iilo in Hon]- Insl In `lri. ` ` _-- IIDII nuocn nvlcu no on uuoun -'l'ho lnigln tnio on lho R. W. It 0. ' (IE. it ilnlnonu nod. -ls- 1.]... .......n- ..n.u...lnI nnllln I Inc hypo-n -v-u-vuv-. --The Rn, Henry Wilnou hud I19 _ -n-..J-.... I--n -unn|nu Al hi: Hlhl llllury Gonpemmu. ?.;.`;u...'." Aouuhl DI !- True. They are oondont tut 3! an very low price: they on now I011- ing at, it will my fnmilieatoloy In their Winter supplies, no there in no other house In the trade` IIIVB Dean UH! Iuuuu. ThaJuIge nbeorvod that than Ilzl no doubt. but (hut the prisoner In in- nocent. Tho hone Ind wuggon used by the rohberl were undoubtedly the prison, or's, nud thnt nnd the furthorluct tint the prisoner reuamblod one of the offender: led Scolttu behave thnt Mcriun III one of them that robbrd him. Hm I : impresnion nut that some rough: hnd noon Mr. Scott got all the bout with the patches, had follower! And rub bed him, tnlnng MoB|-ion : bone and _ ._ :-...... ;. t.....n ..I ah. Alhinn Halal $00, Illd Cl -f- IJIWIIII I- I UlI-v-on . iutlo Ooh sundae is nnony any thing lot who you: lady In [and In ' ololhhgil but-Ion:-'0 u-uni, nod undo! l tho pnlnooo that ho VII going loan on . ` u nuuon lot it. to tovo the talk ' } nmut ntirb ' nndwu curled Iohtl; Th rqod ' Lholuhotdthc-brldolouutobour-. .135... um as-`had. no . slut:-do groan nppnh | ottldnonno. 1'honunp|o I whet, .m...o...a. in an to In in-uolnhlo. Ilvuu -n V. r... ., ._ The nuhnuner (lu|uni`r,_ on her trip down truth when! frunu Chiangu, luul but tap mut un Luke Em-. The wind wu q'IIto irenh an the lime. n._uC I.l;| runnh rm: BRITISH wane/%.c1oAy, Ocrbmm in, 1979. Iuyuu u, ..... ..,,, The rate pm] un barley (rum Kingotun In Uawagu ll three um: per bushel. Unptum Ire Iregxnning to uinle. Tha Ichuunor Shnudon, from Chicago, Alton phonphnte back with her, RiclIArd~ on & Sun being eonuigneor. The Ink given In 8] per tun. nu _,L.....- u..I...."r nn hat ltiu ohlrga. Thenchoonor J. R. Benson, M St. Oathnnnu, in loading pig hop 5!. the St. Lawrence Ind Chicago Portu-ding Oulnpnnfn dock for Milwouho At 81.25 bed him, uinng monnuuu nu--u -mu Iuggon from in (mm. at the Albion Hotel to help them. -Rullieniem, the Judge continueal_ wee beginning to diet iteelf In the city, and it lied to be etelmped oul If he thought the prieoner juilty he would iunpou the hnevieet penalty the luv |ll0IOd After A few further re- merh the prisoner wu honorebly acquit- l_J Th, B W. Fulgar leave: for (lug; tn load barley for 0l|VO0- nu -._.-...-- A|n..oi..n (lid nnl Iiuu ... nuns .,_..., .-. , . U The summer Algarinu did not arrivo hero yonlerdny nftornoon. She In do- luyod by then log .1 .... 1.-.]-.. h-..... Kimnhm nu _.____ (l'IIll! lflll II vuw uuuu u. The lullnning veuuln pnuod tfnruugh the \Vel||nd Clntl for Kgsgtuj _ Sch: (}-`nnthnm, 'l`uludu, corn; Highland Bounty, do, (In, Alburou, 'l\n|odo, do. The furvunliuu buninou Ill Liclod this morning by the fog The bu-you could not come up the river. A num- ber of grnnlndou veuuln nwul dil- charge. "l`hn.nhannnr J. Bonwn. now. - __ `____ _______ __ A 3:! 5 .:.`.'E..":'..".: 3"` .9: n;tv::"nIM|h DIIIUE 9' """ ' ' Jun nun rr. I`-nan nnlunnou a ad Gordon lunch. nu wuuunl. II was nu uwvwnu-J . Mr. Suiytha, on behnlf of the Crown, nid he would be loath to have the pri 3-wnor convicted on the evidence ho had prndubod nfn-r honing the cue fur the defenca. If Ju-hon wu punitive ol the time when he let Morion out of tho Al- bion Hotel, than the p|'Il0llGl' could not have been lhe rubber. nu u, . _ n..-_.._,u n..o uh-.. -in I COII Tho oohhonor Ononul in londinq lflt gap}. poll! [or Ouugo. Thoy no for the Amorionn Union 00. A than engine in mod to draw thom to tho? port halo, u: dnpopuing wash tho Iirvioo ol mix ...A.. I`horo no 5 ronumo olapomont Input!- od from Nilun l'u|||-lho plrcl bo- In` o Hr. Lnoou, scum: but clear. snd Ilia Mary Bun Cult, 19 you! old nd vary putty. It in the nary olo nth but unhvuml Illilul, on ohdnnto labor, sad 5 uontly luond Iona` ; the hzhor win in nancially ouhurunod. ...|...i... 4 in nu hunt in tho uids Iuvun u LlU\.ll vu u-nu-a-1 u-.......'. A few more witnouen were examined sud than Mr. Mclmyro proceeded to nuke a few relnnrkmwheu the Judge said he wuught n In: no! noceaury. M. Q...unm nn huh. nf the Crown. li:.`..'::: a'.a`..`.;;:... .T.?,";-:........a" " '. `main; 1 la the litter no Dakar ! ughtot." to turn him III}! to tho rich mm to Home the cloud that II- ......n..| mu hm Irmnnu. `filo. not rich IUINI U) Clllvi Ill! UIIIWII vuov I-' pudod out In: lomnnu. TI pt hulohnpuothnt nouothlug ton duo. um! Hr. bun-an no a ballot inlln Cull nnniy U l |~`l`I. Uenjlllllll Wm.lnrd wnliod thnl. he luund the prisoner in that my Iolt. |bou Ievon aclnck on Snturdny evening. lI\IUl| For (ha Alnfunco Mr. Mchlfro snllod Wllnuq Crynlnr, high! vulclunnn and parlor uf the Altgnun Hotel, uh - nllogod that priaonur uni in the hotel It midnight, nnd reclined uuul Iumon loft I--r the cruu at 12:45 doloci. When Cu-ynlor w- mrnad at 1-45 u'cluck pnoonu In unad- inun the ndouuli, outside the hotel. Jmhrn .ln~|unn allu nnlnd an mulch. Ill` UII H50 lluuwlll, UIIIIIIIU -uv pairw- Jothro Jsckson, whn loud us watch. mm at the hotol while Cuynler wu II that dopot, uid he gave lhu pnwncr I drunk, ` and In him out of the hotel M. 1:30 -,, :..__.I u... I]. l.|.. Illu III llllll UIII ul IIII uusuu It A.uv o'clock, when ll. nu found that Mr. Mc- Brian`: horn an gone. The prisons: named` to be intoxicated. ' n n n n, L _ . -_L__.. --_ ll- giving the lame ulna. BIGILIBH In 09 Ivysuxuznuvu. Funk Unlltgher, I cnbmnn. at Mr McBnou in from o! my Albion Hotel II I quartet tn two u'clo(`k. Mcrion Inked if I hz-no and suggun bud boon uon down the Muntrond road. Sumo ulher cubnnn and Yu," and priuonqr puud down the Montreal fond. II II Iv II, L,, ,, .I.-_ -_L_.-.. 0II`a3lI Q'HI. Ivuu lulu. Mrn. Mnfuh uid the clock struck two when Scott culled upon her husband ll the Mnilin nuts. I\ , _-:.| L- 4,..-) ll- III UIIIIIII UUIIIU. Pntriolx Doyle aid hi found Mc- BrIen a harm And Iuggnn in frontal W lSnulen'-sun Hulurduy morning It va louonuy IIIIIIIOUII uuvuu ---u-- ywuuanuuilymod bdnn Jjo PIC lor thu rubbivy of luau only 00 Haturdny Iuuruinz lut. Ton III quilt I number at par-mu pnunt. mg n .. . ,1 LL- _._.-_-_A in -4. buuotiio Mncauloy In ouuinod Ind gnu the (rounds on which in Ind Arnol- od McBrion, who Ill am by Scott _. 1 nu- _ LL-.. Cu Anuuuuu, v-nu nu one u! tho robbers. nu _.:,; .L._. Mr. Scott repeated his subs: in re- [turd to the muck that Ind boon made upon him, And the mnnncr in Illou Mn popkou had boon ried. n.._-..';_ |A-....l.- _.. --Au-inntl A-(I IIUIVII lllu Luuuucul IUILI. Wnlhnm Gnllnghor, um-Ihcr cnbmnn, met Mcbnon be|uw the Home of ludur try. Mt-Brien naked If I Imru And rug- gnulmd been seem. Wllneu Ilid `n0,' when prinnnar uid there Ill no mo in going any furtlusr And returned to Prin- uaurlrc-nl. with him. an mg I 1| .u_- _| .|. _A_.._I. A..- X ` Icuuu Tau: luau nlb-II u-`~ QUHIAL PHU UI `III IUUUUI U- Thul ondod tho uidouoo for tho pron-' . 1 Ho 30700! .`0'Il`. Apply t'o 0| III I. IIWIIIAI IIDIIIIL llulnllc Ioolllg. llrlne. fuuonl ct-sung only lumen. -88 Csthnriuu Inn to bo oddod to Toronto. Otuws um um other oitiol when ptopony ha doproontod in nine dullll the put nu . The uuuorf n ~ tum: show I doonuo of MID oygf Biuen. . _ ~A mothor in Union turned 5 dipper of Iculdmg wnlor on I bontmun who in nultod her little daughter Buurduy Int. _Imnnrf.Anl dincovorloa of coal nnd Iron, ll greater {hm can no Iuppuoa. -Smuobody nugguu Qhat one of I110 lndmg topics tnuchod upnn m thnnki guving sermon: than you cull be the Inc! thus the next great walking mulch is to uh plwo In Eu lnnd. _'n.. U E on Club in in tomblo huumec tn u nhart tune. `A wuunn in Mnino making of tho rocom uuddcn dcuh of hot hunbnud, said -``J ult. bdoro he did be out A gallon of oynton for I hundred dollu-I, md clean ' -1 -;..|.n.`niu dollar: for his lunily. his hnndrod dollnri, ma cum - - od oightylivo dollar: lunily, only lifloon." _m Cnthnrinu IIIIIV lltlipvlly -- .._,,. ... __ , during you-. uuuon tum: show O6b,(Xl) Int -nu. Are Bailing now `run. Ooool. Sugars. Tobuocol, Win. and Int you. --but you Kan Cluson pcid one dollar per mril. for I borrowod baby to an in lpr p my 0! "Double Mn:-imp." During hot wunnor vacation aha has pro- vidod honoll with: nu] ma. Ululon . `I I Nonl:hn.`0oun., Iobd no her IIILIO (hugnlor uuuruuy nun. -lmport|nl other mmonln have boen mndo by the Guologwnl Survey in the Nurlh-\\'oal 'l'untonu,bnt parncnlurnul the lnculmoa no not yet divulged. -.\II the trnnuporulion linu loading divulged. -All trnmporulion from New You no run down truth It olghl. ....c ... mm. can the demand for tunn- New Ion uuwn nun Irugm and un mun can poruuun hclluuau, oopooinlly for railroad than be nuppliad. _..~1..nmbodv umuolu 110 Eu Inna. -The U. E cry nu-mu. Another bulk (tho Momhnnfl) is Iuiog it [or dobh Ind II. II hlxoly the .h..l concern Illl be hrdught on tho d iudopood c. m--.l.a: ;0Ir Nonlo.:, Oonn., liooiuu by 39 nnjority. Afur one you . tnnl, which III mud (or 1 strict on- lemma! 0! no law, ooyordiu` to II 0 not at nronimnt umponnoo man, 159 II Run run, nu... . ._- at the recent uloction `ho tie] at NOOIIIII MI 522 majority. ---2:-94---- vuuluxv. -nu -w .. , . . . . -. uf the mnrument of his choice. An A viulincello player Mr. Fred- erick Gieee etende Absolutely without 1' peer. The eweateet of mueic flowed from the cello; while Mr. Helmendehl, the lending violiuiet. feirly cerrled hie nudi- enoe ewey in hie rendition of Pull) ; lenteierLeet Rose. The werm ep- pleuee that followed the cloning nntol leetlled to the delight of whoee who were ex-trenoed with the melody. The performance of every member of the club in leulllenn. Mn. J W, Wanton, the vncaliet, received e perfect ovation She hu A voice of good com- peee end power, while her Iinging in mule the more popular by the eniire eb- eeneeol eeotetion, end the unumption ol any v|rtue which ehe doee not poueu. The wells of the Menaeluohne he but I nu v.-. nnnunl. - Avery incur: an 1 Int. Sunday ovoning. - Ihmnrll from the Sunday ovomng. Report: now Ouvogo Stu-ch Compnny announce nu inorouin bunt- nnu. _ ' - nun. -Courtney : bout, ' out tho grout moo, bu been mmod `Hop ._A mnthnr dipper dob . Ind II. may we whulu nhart time. __A -mmnn new ol pronuunt. umponnuu mun, . lo not vary lured to! tho system, I tho ticket in {M . n;,_._... s... 599 mninritv. --:--o-Q-o----_ p~Nuu. Gsnnu, (no mouse at how long udiuk) n cold In the Hood cl 'l`|touI, Di cult Breathing. Diuiuof Houladlo, Dulnou, Wnhvy Acid II` Pnulunbbohrgu Iron the Hood and `rhnun. Bunnillt. Cloning, luljinug, Hhillnj um spun , god Nun! Twang. null. Scutulhouo Tlis sudioncs 1.1.. City Hsll lsst `night ins lint smong the lsrgsst ol con- can fsvur, but it vss of tho nsusl ren- ad ohsrsctor`, such ss the Msmlslssohns appsl it-, sud such ss osn properly sp- ptocinta this ulsssicsl entcrtsininsnt which the Club supplies. Our scqusintsncs with tho orgsnizstion now extends over soins yesrs, during which then hsvs been significant chsngss in tho member- ship of it, but it has sutfsrsd nothing in ability, sud to-dsy it is rocognized ss ths most perfect sud nished in its perforinsnos of the richest snd most sublime musicsl cuinpusitiniis The parluriuiinoe through- out is most srlistic, siid overy'shsde sud phuu at music is given with msrked prucisioii, elllvot sml pnuor The gnoc- tiil mnchsmcsl sctiun is not only appar- eiil, but the kiinwlmlge of t-nlt-ring which only csii be squired by extensive study sud patient cultivstinn. The opening uvei-lure, '/.anait.s," by Aiiber, was briln ` lisniiy rondorod, sad in it the new mem- bers at the Club made their debut very hsppily. The ute tsntssis, "Chsuson d`Ainour," (Doppler,) hy Mr. William Shsds, was s pretty thing, and well cslv ctilstod to displsy the execution of the plsysr. l'lie qusrtetts in `[3 st, Hsydn's Symphony. ass a tins concsrtod pieoo, ind fully merited the grant fsvuur in which it was recsivsd. Mr. Ryan gsvs s clsri-not solo in s roslly insrvollous inan- ,,,- .s.- I4---.;A.` hmnu n|nnII'IfII7 clam-nu am!) In I runny mu numuu u.-.. nor, the axprouion being umzulnrly clear and-hnrmonioun. We hue never < hoard Mr. Ryan to better ad vnuugo. H0 in A perfect mutu- In In 1 all other Groooriu st Prlcu acute to gel. on Inolr mm us In ouun which uhulotorinod them at former con- tent: In lutitilln open macro! that some New York pouple were on here: 101 dsyu ago, Ind wen: anxious to buck Counuoy on non |orn.I;f_oI' 5 I340 hum, but could not ud taken. But. hula lym- pothy in (alt tor Hsnluu, as ho undo no anrl, after tho Bortio nlfnr, In pt him- ul! int. n groper x, Although he must run. kn.-an. And an nudity did know, Is hr (tom boil. nu tho ouoaluon n should be. Vary litllmjststsst is taken InNIOI w!.sulC'slsus " ` thst than is on Mricsn II tho lsoos sn l thst ths puss is to ho ho dividsd. 0! cuurss the suspiciuu any bs groundlsss, but lbs Imus hum` sll to nun sud unth- ing to Ipose by such sn srtsn snout, II looms hard for tho ublic to ho ion in tho wm/t'J.u at tho sir Hsnlsn's most mumsto lnoods declare tho rsos is to bu up had up, but it is known that ssvsrsl of Hull have not msnilostod thst ssqsr desire to get on thsir msu st all odds _,L:,L _s.-_-_.-..'_-.a al..... .2 lnlihs 4-nn- mu It...-an, nudity lhat byturo the 0nd ol the uuon ho umul-J luv. to unset either Courtney or Rlloy. -_, ., ...._A_ ,-, huqun In to the clue! can no Olllpl lnun hing the euodiuon nhould Von hulk ilhu Ink Priuu up--gt: :o;iud ftou Ohm- " huqcu an the olloot. that the champion ulu (mm hoiu he I%0t IIIOIIIIIU our--u. u-......-._ the and Vohd, Clunoing And Ro- .. gun Organ M thvlolo and ..A Throat. 1% nine lmnudisto Bulb!` that will meet. your Approvnl. YII IAILAI tulflll IACI--Ll LII-I` . l`A- nu III run`: _Ev.ry thentru in Chicago Ill opened um Rnndn ovonina. uncut low, ooyormu` to u o r o! pronimnt tho nll mu an nnd The Qulnlelle Club. Wllilllhll. run-nu ll Imago. L03. m '~-:3 uz`.'.Iu.1r"" I `.H.".`......"'"' Mlv nun. I, um : {not LI. nmmnnx. cuss} nu thg Corner of Print: um Wolhupun lllruu, whrro will he found I Large and Comploto Auonncut ol lnlhh. Hm:-~h, Fronds sud Cuudhn Twoda. Ilrqndclotlu. in. all olthovty ih. ALSO. A LAIOI HOOK Ob` Rants Furnishing Hands, A .cI.o'rnmG |J. .I)UN~BAB & c0.| (`Ali and cumin: our Ilooi at Nolo Book a. `nil um: um`! prices, and of the vary but qu- icy. I561? ma] dncoum ` We Iuvo personally ukolod I" the 19:1 Booh requm-d in Quun I Collage II) III vheupnt pouiblo nylon. Ind Inn on [mm cheap litonl tnnoluionn ol the more dim.-uh huolu. Black vary full PEOPLE su :I'r,| Au suomu RITUATID 1.01 on KING UTBIIKT W381` tbonlh olthn comm Down 1...." nnwnnkuucnn. ' OT NUIBKB NINE, VII` CHI 0! CH)`- llngwuod Biron. BAWDIN I. IA- ~-CHAR. Klngllon. July 96th, I879. Royal Illllury College Nola Paper nnd Envelopes. Ihfedical Studentml Hi npoclul arnngunonu with our New Yor mu-an ntloun we no pnpurod cu lulu- onlan lor odioll Bnoh of all kind: I! Ame noun Publishers` prion. Illowlnz the unul will be hold on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. A HALE of Uoofulnnd rnuuoltsl Anksln ._... UTICE in hIlOb_V given that the pnrtnor ship heretofore existing between Georg e Birch ind Tholnu Nicholson 0: Curpenten sud .luinon hu thin day been dlnoivod by mutual oonunt. Ali` money: due to the rn: will be put! to Thoo. Dudolwn, who will Also pay all debts due In tho rm. GEORGE mnca, Tllu. NICBULHUN. In. n-Inn nnl ml: I879. |Ti{e"N Book stir The hubooriborn be to dnw the nuoumu M the lruda mad he pn lie to the unporl nm or their Quinw Luger. Extra Prize lllllllld (`antral Full . I879. Tbl public an cautioned ngninu I50 M!" u and sup:-rlorilv of othor Lnfor Bmwcriwn ..ud nroinvmod to try out mm to judge Ior lbomuelvu. Hnmnlal nhoorlullv shown to whom in no |AT1nAcfI_\IsAL%2[ N'LA.0ll8' AID ASSOCIATION I 0550. T Uqinta Lager Bear |Bruwery. Klngoton. Om. _ Golden Lion Grocery ' Hsmplen choc ully trade who win on at the Brewer}. GEORGE IUITON t BONE, Prnpriel.orI. Oct, 9th. I879. All this Good: norod an thul Sale will be 01 that but mslorhl sud Ibo Intent nyie, and will be cold cheap. Fuvthor [IITNGIJIIII will! be duly unnunmd Sent. 26th. I879. |Ilissnlutiun n_t_ Pannari l`or3nto Flour Store. II. IIIDIIRISON. Uuusn St. lbtlfhdlst [}l1urnh.| H at, u'.'u-no ad ul 1. .-3 06. ouum. }1>noBAJnI.I1'm| IFLOURI poldod US$3.14. no lull by Inroo re Invrunionu our I3,4X)0. A -Wiacunuin country ncrohanl Iundo 04,249.18 m tour combination; and otnan hue dons oqullly u call. Now uplu-no_ry cit-ou- In, with Iu'arfin ml: for woouo," Inulod by Mil. Luvnnoc & 00., Bcnhn, 67 Euhanp Plwo, New York City. For tho nu; vook. A vary good time to buy you Whut Iona M} hnuuqunu hluictlalulr. ' ESTABLISHMENT. Th most new photon" ouch :u Idlu lot` proC!Ibl0 and mu nook ope-M53. `flan sour bolou Inn has no Ionian I05 hr nuiak Induction: I.'II| IMIIPU` DOICIIO IIVI % Z TCIC Squ- by quick uohuiounllllul uulpu I-mu. Uuolul ad nnoublg popl- only uncut thoull I50 othlntion Hymn ol Inca. u-Iuurvo.. -man onoblu than Iigh largo it man DOIDI to inns! and unlit Ilndoouo prou, which ncwdnvidod pro nu anon; than ohonholdon over, thirty duo. N-I ouuabinntionn up oooqlontly lorming. rm... n-mum m Imam an ho nhlv ouuabinnhonn oooqluouy lonnlng. from 826,111) to $10.01!) an uhly invented cull: splendid opportunities Iof quick pnotu. An lllluoin [run duh undo Il3,220.dl in no investment: A Hichlpn lunar mvutod 360, wmoh iuldod `33.14. Ho QM`! by thru rt I) QIIWI Iji - IIIIIIII uluyil I push though "n ::.n,n: ol I1. lAI#`0-. Illicit only upunu though In ooqoeuuon spun ol Ill. IAI#~`l0~. Vbbhl I nmbhn than wi has looo In an In the Danube. A pggfgpv In [unused In Illcuo. F AT HORBEWS ...._..... H, lufdu-(30% Innhtf`/Cl; 0111101 A nnsInAn}.:ms;i'nnu: IIOUlIon nu- rl mrool, lately oouphd by. .1. W. nr. Anplvto , _, _____ >____ puroulu THUR. N Kiuglton, Oct. 8th. I879. GOOD NEWS 22nd and 23rd ocrosnn, NOTICE. TAILORING u" lof Wear; Dross Goods, Flannels, cottons, Hosiery, __ _u 'l`I'__-.l-.--`I-L'LS._... I- Dress Goods, Flannels, U0l'aBOI'.b, noslery, and Underclothing .4; Gonan I.A.I1\1 G- 8 100 I l{IN(-ES-S S'1'11!I`)E'[`. r:a9_9:I:.Irs ~ o::.o-1-II::NG- za: 0 `U s :3 `BR( )GK 8'l.'l?El.l'l.'. 'O(J_ KT'EI.I. 313.0 3'. |iCL*0T H I N` G *!T 3*- MEI GOODS I lsPE`%1;IAL LINESTIFFIERED NE W 133339 GOOI33. C.1|1ornn\uHms 810 Suns. worth 815, 3 SI? un, worth SIR, gnd A 81.`; Sum worth $22. See nur Colnrod Shirl: at Mo: , u-onh '. .`pc_3:n . 0c_, worth 31.(],\_ .9 ,',5(~__ In-nth $1.50 Um Whllcc Urns: .\huu M <'wn~._ worth 3] . .'- M '.'.'m:., worth $1.50, with All endlru vnriety of Collurn, Tn-o, Giana, Sc. Genta'Undorclolhi.1;z from `2.`>c. - pan and upwind!- A up:-cud line in U u' Biack a..l C--lored Km 1;! won a: '.'r')c., worth 8!` 2.3. Put duo account: and notes lu be ueulcd nmuzedmtnly with R. Shnl, Esq _ Unr- rioter, and save coats of Court. P. HARTY- IWE ARE SHOWING a'~'n'.}".'.".'i'I'.'uL7.'n.n" "..'a7'.tIuud"" ' data (No dkutinn. evil in II: Lu! Ii. and `on Maui. -up` c .4 .n .1. mo... h-:nlh_|I. land all ya... The Bnlnnua of W. Boy :1 a lhmlm In tho nphu with New aid llogumv Orunn-wml, Joaka-In (Jul ma` mp. ,5... (}uod,_ l.odnu,|1 you nun ulna-`uou for ynur aw, - #7`. A. 2088 . . INOVELTIES mus opnrmn uls nnnzfxxnnv -now iaoon-. Winn Io uuhnh oilov sud Well MM Clank 0; 3... ,1 g,,._.,.`' 1-mum, um . v l ulrimmoa lln RICHMOND & IBOYIDEJl\T S. ~.. ....\.-_2-;_---g Eu-:BIG CQMPANY S 4- -j_ T ootunhor Nth, I879. ... ___.,3 ,7 7*` ' "&V" V` Eti $I`$o oppodto Alb! loul. Prlnoou ltnot. Iluuou. h 1g`-3% I... `mt hp`. 26%. ll ! occobu mm, 1879 Oct. 7th, 1870. [ml wonnhvugpununnlnol Nut Ooodmvlhhnnplu - pt OO.W)vI| bhnjo vnbou taunt. '- ROCKWELL BROS. Hlnpenl Hulk Valve! In new (`ohm- New Donny French lllbbonli. lllbbonli. New Funny Fmnoh Ribbon Vulval. New Colorntl Huh Ribbon. Blunt Whlla Klllod Bren-uno IAN- Baudod Lboh. Bouiod Lboh. Lnnonurl Chantilly Voila Luna` Collnrl nml CIIHI. Luau. stylu. Umumenu and Broochm In Real Jet. And Fmo Cut Fmwl lnnpoouun u Invmd In- Twim THESEH()`AR`S'..-t_J_HAMPl7()N or THE wow. 0 protect uuuumtn, und prevrul ` ,\l.umI.. nun-J nut tn nlr by GHEAPER. THAN EVER ! J UST JRlC(3fEl\7 ED $3A`VVI.aB and IEANTLES AT PRICES THAT CANNOT BE UNDBRBOLD. I`. X. C0l'b`lNIiAU & I 0. DH I Q") LONDON AV D PARISIAN _A.. BOSS WITHIN 30 DAYS. TIIICDIEEI G. LIVINGSTON. -BTY S, l!.H(`l( PRlNl'|?,.\l\l` I leachel of `he mianfntl L.` .mn ro_'cu. mma. _, |Al0l If. KIIGIIOI. OI}. RICHMOND & BOYOEN. rmm AND cumm Mm-ruvounme srocx run soups, mm: msuzs 3. sauces. `. ,. _ "r":..`nT.'.u. ownon..aomn. OIL! with ,1.-.,.I he-Iimxlo of Dunn Lhhifu liquor 1....| mm In lluo Inkurou Label Soh- Juny `3`- "7"" _,,, - - Inlv Ill:-llllnll 0! I510? ml mro Blue Ink. v0ooda.vNnhnngIh|u pr , D1ngmm`I_ and Gout.` Furuulnng EXTRACT QFMMJ`-AI J. amtl, SI ply w VIRAL m-gnfort:-b:b_ouunt lnodonco run, muitod on Burt: and ltul Bu Iii; I. TOIKINB. Corner Iiul mud Dlvluou luau. me BRICK DWILLIRG H0033 on B: at am. adiolnlng won. an real- Ionnon It Chnwn. 3:11.. ION` tho CI: Pork App`, to BLWIJIIN & Ilchn. 30 lonori. T0 LET. ups. NIL, IQ`. 1..-'EIl;;l',!;W70@I3|U` bv tho Buhnrlhot ' IGDIIIUTT. nu. yo. and} lit. uo{.aooa.'Iou.I-uuunuutu rcpt. `lulu, |Il_I. mI:TIim( |)wIlI|{I`ho an wonuw u-bot, cow oooughd Button . . If a up. no. Li. .........., ...,,.. -.. _. -,. _. W , IIIIUI IIUUI-II on Icon Icnolml ROI} ooouphll by A. I`. Ingoot I ' " , `a ' JURI lollllol, Wollhmou luau. Iulhcd In Al`! I, by l.Ml""'.7IID` nu! sum; '1: as that r and mum rulxuul `URI COD LIVII OIL |IY!O2I!l!!IdlIInIEL. behur-vttypnlwl ()'l`1'hIrty~lkh.M 2 II. was who! Guru sweet, h-swoon llbort l`oI-jinn`! Nobles uni Ibo Ionwnek out. Turn: any. BA wmm In IACHAB. Intel not-nplod by J .Cunoron. unloou .nn the Mrnol. Ihlhuy Com 1. BAWNIK t MACHA .nl.m'.ora,()o|IIn Lion Block. an Inn, F6h_ALE_. W. I. IoBAI600. THAT THE '. . , (lIOI0l N IW LAND. N Coumqtor. Ioltl lolulun, Wnllhguon OPIIA ouu. - l`ho Aiken Cn|nbinn~ Hon played lut night to I small houu. The porlornnnco uponod with the hrce, "Two Buxurdl." The play of Tslbot. ol Oinnnbn" run through smoothly. Ono not ill akippod, but tho company could bu-dly be blunod with much u honu In tho] had last night. ___..--- A FxdI1'.-LuI night than was 5 Iaimnqo on Priuoou strut, between Bsrrio and Olorgy strata. in the courts 0! which code bony blow: you dull, Ind on of tho puties nooiud qniu I ..._....n:.... n. Ai.m-lunm looflloo IIII or Inn piruen xvuuvuu xi-nu. - pulnmolling. Thgdinturbcnoo zookialsoo It an hour whon tho police should Inn bun convenient. ----ot>-o-:- A811 ANOICOINCIDIH on --Mialortunu our coo nlngly," and tho trim old nyiag in fully illuntrnbd on Howo hlond but Hook. A young lad got hi: right am in I thruhing Innohino snd land it broken. A few days Into I brother ucddoutly broke his right arm. Yootordny both were in tho city. jwo;-o--.-. Tut! PREIIRES on the III! old: of King Sheet. neenplod hyJ.Cunoron. Saloon tuna-. All Ihlhuy Colnyuny. j SAll.0IIII' Uiuou.-Anothar Advance in the nu nl Iugn hu boon docidod up- on-81.b0 per day on Lake Ontario, mid 01.75 per dty through the cnml. The union oonkod lbll. may no not! run- Ionnblo in their demand: - that tho lrdghu how plld are uioli u to Iurnnt tho pnymoni. ol the Il and hr with- out grumbling. --~ .43. .,._ o .-___. Ga P1ru.-Workmon arc engaged tting gu pipes in oonnootiou with No. 2 Fire Dopsrimcut. Pipes no to ho plnood in the Itnblu, which no nuring dolnplotion. Tho building ionuw randy for the tool. Water pipol will Also be put iii. ___...4-s----- B l"lAl.IIIu ruuwoum.~ .. ..... -. . nontlomon on Quoon oud othor strooto lomont tho loco uf Ilmvoro In polo, which hovo boon ololon from their windowo. but night Ihilo o aontlomon In at bio hobo out 3 young lod otiok hio hand throng Igitho upon window and stool o Iota In o put. ho ottomptod to unit him but tho lod ucop-d. , , -----o-ans. ,_... Tu: penplo say they cm buy at tho Golden Lion Grocery I better pound of hi, 3 better pound of coffee, I boner nu- pr anrod ha choice dry heel. duiry butter nod , sud other no gro- ooriu, chonpor than any where else. .__,,., .4-..-__. Fnon MAcnoxu|.n.- l`bo North Syd- my tin-aid bu I (luring naoount ol the lecture dcllvorod by Mr. Alonndor Mo- Konulo, editor 0! the Celtic g asiu who in now on I vhit to Canada And the Unilod Slab: We no promiud uoall nun Ir. Ioliauio, and whoa in loan sung to the oily we hope in II] In In- duced to tell of the heroism of Flora Iludonald. -Ital; A llljllon may-u, nan` Joupl Y , In bun pnooll mun ou:::uu.:.n but rulI5g..'ll:l eons Iothooonoluion that ullth III-` , __ 4...... ..| Il-_I.n and ill} oopoluhry ol [lulu and lllilud Jthlohn II Iliquulug. In Ihlo tho in. `among: will Ind am In in agnol with by many who do not go the length old- Ioptht eondouning but-min; all l oLurI.--J. Murphy Ind C. Mclhli, drunk, Inn nah ned CI and cook. Jnmoo McGuire III ntd .2 And coat: [or nbuhln lsngungo. On Tnudny Int he onllod one Modloy I rogue and I 1-- .. I :7-o:-~-_.: N01-Innnnzwluo that tho judgu n the Fnir did not gin: all the primate Morton : Quinta [agar Bur, ovory Amo- rioun vitnr who tutod It proclaimed it nuporlnr lo nnything in Onmdn. .1...-_ ---- .40. V_ MIDLAND Fuu.--AdjunLmam. of tho priu list. in Mill going on. Miss H. Roovo received ucond pi-in in crochet My, cotton, our-e, inntud of Min Ron- ton. An nun pnu nu alluded to J. F. Baal {or nmnloilr printing. 1 -1. I I U'IUAVI.'l'II.-DI-I II-I nun. -.. output bnlnul an and Kotlt. hc apt! ol lhthbun 5 Son. Ids luu udholyuullnonunt nkldloluot givonthhedoclononplcyu-I. Lou: hobonno tho 1:! 1 mm and nh_un\Iuiuuln Tuupulmb bug. ufbquu dalulht, huh; HO lotlootnlfilthlhppcocnuloolnulo .1 Lngn Al nllljill. M _ Gun `Pun -Ooullu-this quad.- Muohrhuullow on the my has blocked. `ho Ondhhl Shin iuhuuoatoorlugoluvudlhgcom nnhluun mom `butch on up "IQhIuIoWuu,nldvHuhLuv& -Iquu-a-a-Iluxu-rt `Donni- nnytqhulghuovnuvounpnonlu Ilunhu IuIIII9un.,al|II vu- cdnuqhuniddugunibpo nah cudonud.uoAhaldr wqbuu n `uicglhtlnunootol I|ouuuI'oonn- UI-IuqIu. hnu IrluId.IIll"""W` I L--.A.- Flu: HouIu.-Mr. J. Gnnd. o!To- ronto luau. will oh: two of Iain u In-nu hon to-marrow. 300 Min. ,j_-A>-.___. Tn uunur Norman in sun nulxing ouotdp par not in tho Munoz`: plu-0 hon Roohouor sad Uuugo. She will Inlu st 3 IJII. on Sunday, and Inn II 3:30 for Port Hopo and Roohulnr. ....,._ V /` Wlllbo nnltl Puhlflcqganncluiahv nnu'oAnctl-an ;a unn,ltuukm`It,cn uurday.OIobor mt. .-..._.._._.._._...... . !!{!"."`3;. iii ml IIUZ.--uIavIuu' -u nu... -.--- -.._ partly cloudy wuthor. ` Sn Quinta layer but bunny ud- nniuuunt In mocha: oolunu. A Largo Assortment of lip!` Outed Hum. Broakhnt B10011. Bonolou Bsoon. Dry `col, Fresh Dairy Butter. 0huu._ct.c.. ` ---~43. Snuunu l"I.owna.--A number cl nob.-. -hunt: Arnovn or. -1 .4 -- A I&...n.. A the u .___.u_ L...l.... Innn nnmnil lull. Iyolud Innodlnlthi Tun: puyuutnndoihovnudnool Pun. -Itdun:-`no lush wind: and I . ._ .1- __-.|.-- ___._.. -_.-. ....4--. .,. -!llIDAY Ivintiiiz. our. 10. ____i__. .,___.__ -A. _ ,1 - __.__._....__. olruuu viouun. J. I HUTOHEON. Auctioneer. -" V ' I! home on Johnson ltnol nut Io Prof In-Int : rubdonoo; lu [cod min and In: the modern Improvements. Poanodon OIHIIJI . I I I0 ""' W mun mun. (MI. 6). I879. ' - llo --Tho Detroit papers the building ol I utoamcr to ply be- tween Kinguton and Ogdembnrg The Falgoru hr: the am: nid to own the shit. The boat has been built on pnper only. 1110 Fulgoru lint nu it there. V 1 1 I -WItI;toIvu Times: Th Ipullmg I nlorm mania should nlrllu Cnnndn. 1 Enn tho Kingston pnperu in thin ad * I I I I uncod sac of GlVllllIll0l'l upoll harbor, And Iuch words with the `It. So fur u to an ooncornod we inland to ntlck In the old custom 3! opollmu. When to commence 3 reform In shall an a mule turthor in the wurk tlnn our Wntorlbwn friohd. { Td-marrow murning I Iquld ul twenty Iysthru Inn of A" Battery, under oommtnd of Col. Cotton and Lieut. DI-ury, will leave hero {or Quobec lu oonnpoto with I uimilu uulrnhor r.f men oi B Battery Ill gun muunting, dil- mouutiuu, and ring. The content vull ombrnoot (I) Dinmounting gun clown rur on Iutarod skids. (L!) Re-unanim- ing gun by purbualslinq np the tide of A gnninon onrrinao, gun nnd curring lo bu loft in line nl n. (3) Shining gun from curious to curious, by plank And roller, to run, the from 0! upon cu-ring. being Ion font `.0 right mar odgo of plntform, the gun colic loft in ling ol rl, Ipnro olrrhpo to be romovod Ind loll an In oonuondng. Altar thin will be cargo: pnotloo. , The man 0! A" Buttory WI rout hon: by Thundny or Fridnv non. on... ..u-....-. -Mr. 1`il!ey. Impoctnr of Model School|,i| winning Kingnton to-dny on his tour of impaction. He met the Bonrd of School Trultul this Afternoon, to con- Iidur I proposition 0! his to enhnnoo the usefulness of then imlitntinm. I --Mr. Kidd, P.S.l ., Ind Rev. Pr_uf- Willinmnon an to-day conducting compe- titive onminnwm for wholunhipa in the Collegiate lnumutp, eight of which no to be proleuled. nu n , . | , _,:..--,I L. -J -..- .-....v.... V. -.._.._. -Tho Tnudy Brother: am: In Lind My last evening. The audience wu very largo And onthuuiutic, the Town Hall ho packed. A very ntnriug reception Ill nccoldod to the Kingston vnmluln. -Mr. Fred. Forric, for many years olork in Wn|drou'I, Ian on Wodnudny for Atlanta, Guorgin. Wo Iilh him ulc- eou in hit new homo. Be In: well known in the city Ind will be mined by him many lliondl u rmu,., 1---.-- ..t |l,..I-l Whcthcr grnundcd or not we arc not now called upon to diccnu, but no- riono complaints no undo that tho cland- ud ntcc 0! grain in Kingoton cu Imm- thcn thou ol the currounding town: and villqcc. It in an anomaly which '0 hi] to nodcuhno, that lcrucn of thin couur ty, Mid ultdcntc of the towlgchipc ud- jolnlnq u city, chnuld find it protnblo to out their gnin ta Ucncnoquc on mac lids and Nhpcnoc 06 the othor, while the lcciliiici lot stomp cud uhipncnt in Ikiliglton AM no cupcrior. Thou who have huclncu in thc country inform us that the city in culturing grcct loan by thin divcnion oi tunic, and tho nuthr hlntnch tho bncineu non ol the city co loudhly that they have council a nut- lig to ho ccilod lot Toudty cvcning cut, ct which cccccc Md clout: will ho dbcuiul. Wc than their any ru- I I ccuhic pnpodtioc by which Kingston -Mr. Hiram Calvin, M Quebec, son 0! D. D. Unlvnu, M.P.l ., II vuilmg his hthar At Hnrdon Inland. ~ His wife Ac- oouzpnnieo him. .. an 1 'pn..n n__-n. 1,.-. ..... vvlnorwuuuwu ...... -Mr. Wand, oil (lull Creek, Incl. mm inch ol hay by lira luv. weak. Thu lino burnod up to the loot ul two other such but did them no Injury. .- ...... V. ... n , j Golden Lion Grocery _-.,,_ --'l'ho Government hu refund to pn-don Boyle, in the Kingalon Pennan- tinry, on tho ohnrgo ol uttering counter lent Dominion uolen, u pomiuned fur by the residents of Ouavu. run In .1. n__.|____ _____ ___|__,1 -.. ..-.........,..- -- -..- ._~,.,_. -Tbo Joouon County (Wntortuwu) hit In I (rut uuccou mnciully Thy gnu roooipu naounlod to 82,313.00. :1, I1: u_.:n_._ J\' \Y__|...... I.-- ,____. --EuI nf Tnmxiorth lite III rngiurg, ll.l U00. Black : nlghbuthnrud. It in doing conlidenblo dumgu tn the north. Tho Ocphin ol the nu. "Two 'I'|IOQ'."Ml|IIIIIC hhiulog he in l|Io&pHo|-Ihnhtyululugouunof Iouyillloh bold} In his ub||.nd _u.a.....n...m-uloouulhuhof m II - ID Kin-g --u a nun y-u--.-V. -.._ Inh u-cl:-unupoul Iollul hIIo'l:.:iII0|I lorilito ` 1- oodm-to pt ';".`.'-*." mam` Oolljollud It. but-on, hnuo`IIob Ifffm uu-;1I.. ". but-is-train. vihvbo--5--tr-r tholuhotd no-mauuumuw-, gun, hitch ngoulol nu. tau. 53.1353. stat. `Loads Iqhboul with houonhr ` 7`W'" dululdqgwlhllooihllollh &"';'*_u"`;o';_"'i?`_.'_`__;'_`,_`f:~ ulnddtl-nxiou!ochiocu_upu:h,_,..; V. ,g H n .5 quutlyub lnohhdlirouyongnn.` 1 thnbnfo "lioilldtovodclr _ --....._- huUn|.tho-Ihuqlound dumhntlnn DnIahu'p"mhu"Inguch on dvKhVO$i@nDI. ' yo|oI|u;bdhIiIi ` o-----.------~ lhuoukawnshunltho pnpu-In of All @501 Chou In toll Ion p--nun: do, UM l|hl&C%0 Icahn`: 'Qu|nh'|Ig Igntou (null. ptodidit 50 I5`- Ullvvunju -u -:- v._-..-v. .,----v -511`. Funk Muon, Alonnerly Ionl oditor ol Ibo Bollovillo Ontario, hu died of homorthaao of Ibo lungl. 1. 1% - - . /ur . _. ,\ '--aw -wv-uy-m -_.-.....--. _.. -_,...-. 7-. --Hr. E. Muldan, 0! Nowhurg, hu mule I cunlnot to 00 his Augunl, Sop- lambor and Oclobur choua fur |0c. pt-I pound. nu ,. 1 uo,__"_._.AL Al... .- .-..i.... --`HID NOV.` nonry vvuluu unu nu in utondtneo [us tuning at his BINO Ulua for young ladies. r. . u I , L,,_ _:II ....n ...A,..i `a--.- nu ,~...... .__.-V_ --.Quinto" Inger but will not mtoxi~ cola you. Tolnponnon po_oplo um-ula onoonngo it and on-ndiank` upitiu. .. n_,_n_ 31---- L......-I.. I:..-l --Capt. [kiln bu booouo 1150 Scr. I -"LIQUID! Icboal Viilol"o" lotto! Farr 8a|e__9_r To Let.