Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Jan 1878, p. 3

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.{:__. . r*--.. 08 SALE. Ioclhvu:?umr of Int `)4. In the Oh Township of Kin huh; I! Anne cl am In IV! Dwell ll Hmnou. Ice gr iolbl 'Ihl.|n- I Acrugofll .3." f".'..'.".`.'`..s',.'I > go bin. Vat further pa-cu_ uh Iunncrchtvho. Applv to span: QAIDIR 3.....-- II II me cronuuu II any -un Ilvlrvlluv . Cortainly not. It iu_imply- tljng tho unl of the authority of the C /ui'ch upon a doctrine which has bggn dopulitod in her safe koopiug from the at Jun: nt..I.v ---`Winn uuohnulu ` koopiug {rommo 4 .Jg_qm Ohmt. was tho div Jdlnzu :.........n., .u.n .`.A 7 In tn : oumn 01 rope, in um usquu nu mu--a.1u,a.`r+nuuuq.1 1b;5u.,_ hen not bounl.tgacoogg tho and- honu of {H Popo; luck in not the ,1 .LI .I...A..:_-- 11,.-- 3. _.__ rormeny qouoeu 1 III mu uu....., -. Nice 300 your: after Christ had uncond- od to heaven. Why F Becnuoo error hod orioon, and it won deemed noeeoury to declare the doctrine more explicitly. It wo_.o tho oono woy with the second Council It Uongtootinoplo. T he divinity of the HulyGi_oot`vo donlod. end the Oouncil of the Church` met and procloim- ed it. Did that Council croote the doc- triuol Nolltlll. The doctrine wu there from the commencement, the on- 'tion of the Church outhoritioo merely put ipew drooo '.upon on old doctrine. iii- A 4;o'Iohed,ot the third _ iv " the tth Council odon,,. wI_oIi' doctrinoo of the Uhurh were newly promulgated, though" woyo in -pouonioo of the Church. All ttino woo old, though proglounded _ `tine to time for the bouot of tho c!Iohoo ,'~when the definition of . {olthio mode, it Joe: not men: tho otion of Any new doctrine. #3511 the dootrinoo of chriotiomty sud tho Cathe. lic Church were old, end the mines moont the nine thing. The Church was otyled Cotholie on o moouo of diotinguiolp ing it from the little each which had oprung up, meaning that grand old body who were first culled Christiano ot An- tiooh by the octo oh the Apes- tleo. All tho doctrine: of the Cotholio Cnurch Ioro l843 yeoro of age. They hovo bre roveoled by Chrint; they Are the govllotion of doctrlno by Joan: Chriot to the world. The Church cannot moire on low doctrine; neither can the Pope no, Bishops make it; oil the doctrines were foot: entrusted by Chrilt end the Holy Ghent to the Church, to be bonded down to the end.yo.! oil time, to hove their purity guorded, ou thot ot ten lhonloud yeoro' time othore moy enjoy the blooded light of the truth oo it come from Houen, Before entering upon the prooio 'ol the Pope`: iniollibiiity the Biohop opted whet they understood by hi: being the hood of the Church upon oortli. J onus Ohriot left one living oorpoi-otiQn_ to log`. until the eonlommotion oi oil time, and if they did not believe it `ifolliblo there In: no use in tolking about it. Still he iozmld rive tho. Cotholid"IItioo or the .-.._ ..:......a... -1 u.. nuumh, Ann nil` saw unplug lillluvhuv ., ..w:_..- `~`Wj;ca mm mm Jdlnzu rormarxx dbiodT In mi` council .1` Hm; smn vnnu l.Pl' Christ IJIIIII [HG 5uI_ U:-nuunu nvuvn In u-u truo shutout of the Ohilnh. Mu: Ohrbt cum from the throne of the Ear ` Id Iolhor, nlhr dylng on the own Ind bpsying n gcngnl nqpn lot the 11-? the Iotld,IId bllon leaving the I0 d, 110 feudal | Spiritual Kingdom. Than no too kingdom In th world, one gpirituland the other unponL Tho uqponl ulna: to tha of air buddy; the Ipititnlto gonna :34 ab our tho inborn! soul. In I wand, thopiimol Kingdom In: left by Jan Chin huh Hi: plus` Holds ` lnviug uu new be mud around his tioln non, and taught them, gun than ,_BianulnLI1I, udtoldNuIto\eoeh-. ; '33 HQ the thq thought it than: yulvu. Nouludn righttohuloth ' LL-- AL. A...n.l.. ..l 1.... (TL-id I -up-sf` . \ ' ` ` *3`? 5, .35.; g._buo - train at ` e""_t: ..'.':"` _iLL b (iii VI GT3 V-I1 ho appointed only uuln. Nd, uppdnl-an In but undou- ppiug thq kv,li.| august: ol then`: run. Ttjtildiliiz Goya V kunlhnd Ida-I. nu IIncuu-ldI.udIhanhl|t- ,-....:_._ In... ..._. ..__;._.i..|.'.; runs 2 WW `I, "-'7.-' Lurch At nll. u fupo, int}-o oxtdnal ad I! ' ncx1lr"|IniM.M`V'm.1 all L to Peter. eggpglo Pour held of the | vhnnfwin-ch oi. their rum. id Hn,_',\ _- .. _LI , _,,, luau w. my! uuuu-uwuu un uulliu - 3 nu--nus` . lat` gum two nusmn In) GLOVES, nll` n In colon, as `I per pair; foruor pllll 31.8. Vary lnporlor qnnlity two butmn lid Olovll II ilyrooonamcxxuud at we per pair; former pr 01. nos prevail; It `rat I nolid u--um: aw fvvvy > utter -uvw-u V1. loundntion, sad in ulqmd a rocklsnd that rock um Pour. rim churoh am the grandest Aupdntruotidn not created. A dimnguilhod Icl1olu',now no mo ` bod nid, (lat than were two wot clunctoriud by mnh of divinity: than was the creation of the cult: And the lonulun of the Chtlaollc Church. 'l`h.l-.- Lord yonld no} going bsok again until it came tn jud;e the living and tho dud,but be hu ended a ltruotura whioh will lut to the end of time. And could Any om oonooivo for A moment thsl that. structure ` would be built on 1 fonndntiola ihioh might be Ilntterod to poloul Realm doduod that the Pop mun be u infalli- |.|. .. .|.'. ..|.......|.. n... 1.. ......l k. ;.-ml. iuvueueuuuu new vuuuau -yu-w Iv `hem In I. body, but not oltener tlun `nineteen tllnle in nineteen carfturiee; but the hand frequently for the whole, end the head in u infelee the whole. In the xxiii Ohep. of Luke there we: e phue to e text which lew nlht He obeerved. The cha evaonteinod ` en account of the but Inpper end the L.u'd in roprelonted, uI- hevin` and (1% 3lIt veree) "Simon, Simon, (otherwise Peter) beheld, Satan hull de- sired to have yuu, that be me] gift you ll whant;" and than the grnmmer is imme- diately ohenged, and He ooutinuee, But 1 have reyed for thee, that thy faith (ell not." Why? That when thou Irt converted, oonnn thy brethren. Il tbtt did not menu that the head of the Clniich wee` infallible, than he did not keen whet language meant. The speak- er analyzed the |b0VO text, pointing out that the preyer of Clu-int bu been an- sured in the elevation of Peter end his lawful nuco.uoi-ii to the head of the" Church. Chriet pnyecl that Peter have faith which could not fell, hence, eccord' ing Luthu te`xt, the`Pqpo'e were infalli- ble. In the hut liipter of John they read of the fulllment of ChriIt'I [remiss in PAL:-er H-u need` Palm` hlnd of the `Unhron. "U: -50:99 oeeeeton MIOIP ueule [#- Lo epolre in pereblee, eecerding to the Eutern custom, no that when he told f, Peter to feed hie lemhe end eheep, he (1 meent the lnity and clergy. Peter wee 1` given full control of the whole hook, end use their shepherd he beoeme the liret, C Pope. And whet does egood ehepherd r do? He wetohee over the neck. and 9 guard: iifitherefore Peter wee eppointed over the whole flock. to watch it, end conrm the brethren. To !eed" meent to rule end govern. The epeeker eehl he could go on for an hour, quoting, to ehew , thet the inlellibility of the Pope wee no new doetriue-he ouuhl eprnd nu nunr in bringing teetimnny from every century in proving thet this wee the doctrine of nineteen centuries rether then oithlmlmh century. lrennsne declerod thet in the pereon of the Pope in preeerv- ed the lreditione coming from the Apoe- tlee.rOrigie, ln ttv third eeutury, re- mum "How powerful in the pereon of ." -(ellPope'e ere celled Peter) --hi3 decree: ere el tmportent en the oreolee of the Son of God." The lecturer noted theee etetemente end eeutiinentei for the pnrpoee of ehewing thet the idee of inlellibility existed, centurion ego tether then eix or eeven yeere ego. St. Auguetlne. one of the greeteet thinkers - and writer! 9! hie dey, epeeliing of (the long lint of Ilope'e who hed preceded him eeld : Thin ie the rock thet the proud getee of error cannot prareil egeinet. ll erruronnnot preveil egeinet it. eurely ly it mnetbe lnfellible. 81;. Themee, in the middle egee, lmown es the engel of the echoule,oneol the grendeet mindethet the world ever knew, end e teecher ever I eince, more or less, cenetdered the Pope 1 I I infallible, end the Church infellihle be- ceuee heeed upon the iufellibility of the Pope. Bellermeine end othere geve ex- preeeion to elcniler vtewe-thet the Ro- 1 men Pepti doee not err in mettere of I leith. Thue, when the Church eeeemblod in Council eix or eeven your ego to de- fine the infellihillty of the Pope in net- tereof felth or morele, it did nothing I new. There were reeeone for it in thin l9`h centnry.i The feundetione of eu- thority were thing twey. The doctrine wee there etc`! the dhureh einply dealer- ed it pmniy and ..;a..- e lieitly. He expleined the netnre of the F Coun- e,whicli wee reprehentefl by Legetee.end whuuecte ereeenetioeetl by the Pope. He pointed out that often the Pepe eenl. hie dogmetia Intent to the Council, which wee reed end edopted intent. He quoted hetimnniee of the Intern Count.-ilt to ehovr thet iuiellibility wee 'e oonetent be- lief iron the eerlieet hietory 9! the chard; The qeeetlan night eriu, whet gbnut the echieme in the out in the 14th or lfnh eemeiiee, when eeuuple of, Pope: reigned et the eene time! Where wee thtintellibility In the Pope then I They -. were going to here en eleaion on the .2 narrow. Snppoelng I009 dillh eo- t...-i-.a,u'.i both Inenelelnedthe elec- L ltiol, "will eey e hdieve thereere two in leyorel Ieiinhlito theapuel pjthenelelerred to. Hehelwedeebt . -1 __.I I1... I15.` VI _.. _. VUUVC -UIl.I Ill. I U" IIIIIIU UV -C IIIIQI-LI` bio L: dn church; that he must be infAl`- liblo by virtue [of tho promise: mndo to Petey. Sometimes glue Ohuroh npuld to .. . |....a- 1...; ....; ..u....-. 91.... :_ bhqvuulioq ollb C. Pops. Int_hoxviii.olup. u on-an-9-I 111"-In BI IIIII Fjiu -u-uu- ` um u.u|.-.. on... ._..| nu: nIu pin{ ` `in to f-:.|- -an-3. uv n I am with yocu.II_ayu." a. hold 1-In mph-itul kinda (sandal Ip- about one filo twain ofllk Ipol nonho ooahrnd pmoyoavu hr` lvl us. -Jun-any u Iiuu _qI- v---v .......x...o- n..... .0 -.. ..n..'.- ;....n. iuuwlb Elii |)lvua"uvU- I-0` daperiocto than of any oth_dr pontlo. : bum "Tlapu u-G Point-thou at 5 $k-r"|nd IPO! thig rock l will build 4- 0|-__.L H 1`..- L- __.....:...I L- _.-L_ "" p 1` `('7 '-"' ""- ` """ '-"- ny Church." Thu ho pnniud to nab Paid: in fqundntion 11! hi: Uhunh. Why: I win uvhitool wishes to and 5 ...I-_.u.| .._..g.'_. L}. A... n._...L.. ;_ -1 '10 S'l`EA_l_l USERS auvtovumwll -"r-- of Bi. they Ah-no an. H 1`. tan jInIIuI_III,-vi E gnu uh, in lo: dunk: at an .1; ` u-_ u.-- ____..|.z ..'ax...... n-Inuit PVC D "15:? :-7 utudu it lnilllnauunn Idjnul tho poop): utny. `I10 "I --1 -EAL nan -I---n " ll. Innlnd F. rs."...aa""..".'az.'T51a $3.2} .ou'u uqmmamuu -' In IZ(`l3'IVOul'B-- .L..'-l.. .... - .......-g... glntl 1:. :*;...n .....-"'.., : h an |ong`_n thy ha 1, A__I.n __- 31.41.; 1-.- L_ 5&0 hilt! an um. .11 32. Whlt no Iqd nndnldot-nounny_lion odqhltibllittull. HO .nho,hIt\Io ' so Jib 1 `inmost: In; W V O atinuut-X qt I uh. A...-c -ugh mt I.ho`Ooun`l nuniu. And ' 5` " " ldtklred uonraxug to Icxpuul. u, `sagas... Con:-nicnr`:nd znuuzht . ' lip y I , -, ODII q 0. `F E... .11-ram. 'BuIv"II i_t_nzjx|1q fdooltipo, tho "Joni. pot in: hurry; IO 1 u! but `Ho; wowillnot, ` Man. Than. u. y 1'Il'Iur-Inn-' an I III] In: plw5aHhI1."' ' Whii ibthinj to do with up " I '3; of the Pope. ln cqnchnio; nviowod thu pcinto 0! hi: lecture,` than was l_msonu v..--v----o Tun Ln: Touuxs G.~&`|.*.--'I'ha Thunder Bay (Lake Superior) &-ntuul, provides us with the putioulara of 3 ud ewnt, briey announced here 3 few day! ugu .- 1 The announcement uf Mondn even- in; at the death at the Queen's otel of - Mr. T. G. Shibluy, was to than who had but recently seen him upon our streets. on Dec. lot, he oamo to the Quaen'n" from the Government Tor- minua, and wu under medical ttbndamco, having tlio typhoid fever. Duotou Mack- Mn and Mcbunall, tn other wih ovary atluntiun that could e duix-ad st the otu1,fi1ed to saw him from the full vziligi ' e in the Iprixigglme of iii mrmi `)9 vmxra Illrrnnndnd hv `lint! }UtPWW _` Ill! . rvictim. In Iprnxfglme of life, aged 22 years, surmunded by kind frioudl, who in `the uhsenoemf kmdrod did nllin their puwer to smooth hi: pil- low and one his hut momonu. Hi: fellow member: of the Enginooting Statf, Mann Bethune, McLennnn, De Carla, and Ireland, toof/Bhnrgo of hi: tannins. Un Tuesday Afternoon one of the largest. funeml procession! ever loan inthin plnce, toward Fort Willhm bury- ing grnund, to pay the lat rupeotu to I worthy young man, whole parent: md- kindrexl were far uwly. The noble trait in the character of our ople here wan ahown upon thin, M ,3: other limilnr {uouusiuum where d -hu removed a comparative ltrangur of wnrth. RAVI. Mussru McMnrino and Mcliarncher veto ;.. ..n....,1.....m ml .0 H... numnfnru OLA IIOIU VII D051 1: ac um, Lruc Ohuroltf; c Ohrm 5 incl 1 H (1.. *1: . `I ce::Ioxn?'nH:Q:'{= I e. Iran the had, A Ind his Ivfull -` Lac he wu'_-inf lo. Pop: ?iIoIX. . being the hit of `I58; tint lrnni h7@"PI' .`IidIM'iOI `-253; mus :1; '-.1- ` `aaaamiu hsd been sent into` 9- nl, Iriluid, England. Ger-uny, 1 ' Iottho ll, beyond the Gun; lh|.t_._ , h ' Church had raised ill by ` ` world. He alludud to some i ticulau of the puontngo, Lo Dntvi k...u-- .n..I I\.k-D nni-.0. .-ml Al.`--A nih .' B an In gun} __T will _couu`on: No, -uh uuiullunoc ` -ittinguinhixmtho duotlllo of OBI Iill pun-pdyznd sconce. Bonlbgnld Into puclaimod it I hruy. iuhul ol hun- ` in ilin uilonou. Tiny nayuk rhdgboul 3, prion, bu!` 36' ,_ ugqqi nuho:nut.ion,. uni. _ lo. Pp;-' He! She - Q. .0 Pom I conned ; 5` cm jmrxncr nI11r:1u.Lex1 ll; mo`|orvu:e 0! HID Episcopaf Church, $61 n cold lth noun cuvured the rennin! deoeued. Poll liesrum ; Mesa:-I I. To 3. Bethunu, F. Lanigul. W. W. `W. J. Riley, mm! W. Ij. ` , `V '5 " Deueuod was mu Hr vlnrfm. J. xtuey, nna w.u. ` " *=:~3-' Deueuod was mu n M l ., whu resides Lt Kinglton. OIIC. came up here in the g of l'5 Ihd was nut with tho E oenng Sufi] I time; nftorwnrds on 3wurk of construe `Hon; but Lnttwrly Assistant to Mr. W. W. ` lruland, who in in charge at the Eht end of U. 1 . Railway. He wan I. mild and gentle y young Imm, and the sorrow expronw by our citizens gonorahlly, ll we-ll M the great. respect paid 40 _}m ro- nmina by those of the Government Staff, who knew his merit: wall, prove the high enteoln in which he mu held. But I0 it ii---"` death love: u lhiuing mk." pnclaiuud 1: nanny. using or was in; Ihnllioli Udilool ' Did tho Chpch - him -mi Mn unlrinn H` I uni can SM! D01 11: `IO III` P`. '3' Church nova` oudannd $761 Qq binhopg my Inn dam Io.` _ The (inn In upopgod Ins trught In Bog @ yun bulon Galihifltht It '83 "II Copornioon theory, taught by Ooponpu, bu! , '5 `.".`"' 9` nM.hmnuv.ion., u Jain .hSD lab: for ooh. Htrlotly one prim. M1100 I Uh] IIII ` him und Mo duotrino `| AAI1 tk-1 L.` In The Canada Gazette make: thin II- nouncomontz mu .1 _,,_ __.1___,_...I L'_..L_.. IIUUUGUIHUIII . The gontloman Ilndcrnnmed, Having pound their exntninuionn Ind boon` oer- tiod by the Band of Enfnorn. hivt been duly approved for admission :1 0|- dpup the Military Collogo, Kinutonz `Hon y Brodie MAcKn ,` Junior, Mou- trnL- '. 8.200 mun: nnrv Hunt. o- cum, in dovunuaunun. menu-my npodhludJ,tIy50__ 1'!-unu` Incl! \unI Mill ICouio%- No.1 nu uou urouuo nuczu , aumor, mou- trnl,-&, 8,200 mun; Hyon Hunt Ho- gn-, Montranl, Q , 4,643: chart can- wright, Kingston, U , 4,618. Burton Wynn Yntcu, Brnntlord, 0., 3,881; Juno: W. Sun, 5!. John, N.B., 3.246: Wilkm -John Hcllbinnay, Brockvillo, 0 R T], Tun. Ouunlut Srwui-oi."- new paper, odiud by Mr. A. J. Elf, vn- rm.` ..I:.... sh-.o.I..a I... In... Innul, HOW purer, Dulwu I, III. A. U: Iuuy, Tht (.'u,.uIian Sfutllof. h `ROI Illbd, Ind tho lint number in Baku II-' It hu uInonppoonnu,ud Inch: an no- |_-.__-..- I.-- IL La. jg -.-.Ll- I ""V ' -"' "PI" Ipicioll bow. oontribnton, . _._,.x -1 71-- &JnII'IU|IIK"' T CW` W T litontiol Khglol, ulbly Pal. Clash Mum) . locclyol Qua : Oolltp, III 61 Iolll. did Mr. J. 5. Allan. ;All IEO Arnold III 30?] ilbu All told upon |Inp"al vdu of thacjht. Tho audkn -Vpulalor evidently in at being a worthy nu! of in Injlhi Inno- _..I-A -.------- Plllh 3388 STREET. DooII,l'7. ---__-._--:.-----o- N3" `WHO -30 can audition! _ thodoeh-iu,ud aid. noun dneuinqcnluu Hrclv. II: hid ` [an """"":."... 0 Oil! cl 1:! Tn: 8*rux:.-Thu it still I urlh of any of` the nhqounkui who Igotliy vorhdju tlunhoo hint] of XI. Gown Olod. r-duos hon hgl un- nlinktviovu Iiun `-Ir. Ol, but that Mu" Iothunsblo tin.-`mo lojcnn. We `idly to-any gin plus h on ulndd Io uh-upls-`diam o! It. Ola`. II to us... a an H-cvv--at. In :- ldd to run We Iiiot he Ind OI! nrddflo h IId-.|Il Cd _4_L.4I ! on nu ma {aha docs;-inc. `nnnakntl hinnnltngln-nnnlnn-Kiwi: nlussru Mcmnrmo and ucuarncner USO L!I:Lt1L'I1 and at the cepehry f-`D. Fnruwr nllicintexl it; His` Iornbe of {K0 Enisconaf Church. and him drv MB Bl! llllury College. OBITUL KL ._ r-nuuI, -nu nanny: -n ou- It MI luau nqsblo ...... I-A.. -___- AL. u; w nu n'::toro_.." Tm: I up nn -' dngn, "and in 1 fhii `ad inhinl Hon no ILA. jliil. Vlllu ullulsgruuuuu. an uw uruuu uuu uuur-urn. II mu II Inn W] In -31 I ` I u x . n A, PI Inch 3. signal success. for :5 non ot two wash of V` d Opera or Bperatic concerts. and a Blind 'f\Z'["3'I.1'T"I'IC)lSI' ()I" `IQIJQKI. In mum Jun: snows ANDBLL` c. ovmcoua, tmn-ma 4 ha Janina. `ned Conmwontul Ocean and Block Gnu. ll 3 uurhq wld Voofour on Into in Twoodn. Doukhn and Wurlhdl. Illbl win. In unllungtunlcgsln hr the Ionldny-pnvollto our Lugs! Ital ~ 0 Ian qcloho Lssbrtlnont of Goods for our M ' : . _LA_L _. _rn ____L.n_-..__, ._ ___ .|_-1_-.| _A--I- -. II... l-_-.A.Il_a....-ml... PC [I - `F " V 'v ` vm` ` -TI WZCIICIC Tiifti -?- Ti! 7- -V j' V ' ' nt a WW3` mu m `.5. ` auma cu sum mm H uux':'z?:`a' 'i'.'v...`z'. .5's.1""" ,....`n ..`:f....:,.7:'5Z?m.'.?n ..u: ,1... Ah. . ; luck 0! E1535. CLPCIU lot the proton! canon. ` ` ix ` .-" otliuputtotonthoohy. z ' . .3; . '. . a u 'v "' IL-2 kz... '1a.1m. """" ".'.' ""' `'1' 9. """?` '`'`',.,"V -57 x LL IuI...L\JL\.1`4.I.K3 .L.`v\l.l.I4 `T |J\J- All Tlokoh V! be nummd and reginwmd in the M3nAger'n Bmh, um! ' ulna unlulpald !or. All noiiutu from the mile of tlekou will he dapoalttul Ionh In-nine Bank, to the and of n pm-.inl Dom anly to the Joint. Uhoqun of the Inlpog. ton representing the Boom d the pubho o, lhulnnu Manngur. should the outer not not guuood, the Inn on thnmnulvan on NI LII amnion mooivul from Huh-It hot n. The dhmhution ofcu Gift: be uoluly nu trol ot a Committee to no ulgoul by tho audience from among` them vols. naalptnd ' muons, And lo lake phuduq an porlod nl bouoaru. ~ Kguh tlbket two Mlniulolnh 3 M- . .. .G!1_3'_Uo"_".. *_"".f . - ..z .. . __. _ .-__.. IOCIIJTY hnvlng loot, hy tho areas are In. St John. thplr Iiuudlu. uburynd our :1 Y0! and lining with nt fund: and deuiroun at rd-build-.ng And oL|1orwloaAm-dln an 0 opport {bin in pus tiou to hold their meeting: and oonnuo In (In I which an by h$noo1.'.ponved', by Act of Geueml Ansnmbly. have Qrnlgol V II I W NLNNIIY. when xnnungameut. olw Gnund Git"! Cnnuuru. Kn aid oftho Aomy 0! 340. I you-u `K0,!!! success, mason ' -1 nunnn n" nI|lcIu|`~:n n-..u...J-.. An` A nine unlul pull (or. All roemuu lrmgl mo mm: or I-IBKIM wm no u Ilp(!(`.ll|| [u Join ton t. Manage; Inn roooi of Cu nusiutnd `tmonu,u thy .G}A.I PERATI . _ um uecau-so , In; John c. _ V , lnohno. John I 0bIny' Mae .5. "" V C nmu W-S|m lkqulrlouu &. C ., (3 115,11.-u35vnu.. nq, mchipmun uulth, Thomas '3. u-..|.-.... Ingnnntnrl--I)|IAll|l|A Break; and Daniel Pnlmn. Elan. ll. u-ohmu. lnopooon--l)Iulno0 Brooks and Daniel Pawn, Elqu. A lot In. PIIGOUOO cmlou nd ocnnunlcnlonn Inuit be Mmrouod to WI. NANNERY. Bullnou Inqu- ---- l'.0. Bax OIU. St. John, H. . Ann: for lontMn|-ALEX. STEWR I',- 16`! (Iron St. Jnmu Street. from when Tlohll Oil be hsd. CARD TO THE PUBLIC :-l`he lrlnh Friaudly Socks lnvllg onlrutod h IOIIO mnnqolni of the Above scheme. [respectfully inform tho [on He that the lane can EC Vutohfulnouof Shah mmruta will be exeruhogal n._u iu the Acuhsmy of luuo Sohomo, Inn by -yulf sud Ir. Ollvo I few yen: go, and n. WI be my enduvor to Illu GM duo run . The public`: obodiunt Servant. WILLIAI` NANNIIY. nmh'.J. mu liobinyiolgllo `um. " 7: K k - * ~.- --` ' I - nh d III 01108 10.. ll OTC . . .0. . I l$ .;..lu-an 35mu.. Iq , hmllh, Thoma union . Tharno, liq; A. y .. .,.. < 7 ` 5 a [law YoI:_|_4G|otlIIIIgi. 1 > ` - (1 " annuunumsu GREAT Baum. % ..;;._r:j_i nun}! 316,0 00!` ||_3IsH I-'.nIEr_agI_.v SOGIETY. c ` 1'8, -rxr1T1\1r`< Luau G'l`I3T:`l."l New Serge Dress Goods 10c. 12 1-2c, 15 and 20c. New Oolored Lustree` from 12 1-2c. ~ New Black Cashmere: from 40c- . New Black Alpacas 12 1-2c. 15.20. 25 and 30c, extra velue. New Prints from 6c. New Winceys from (So. $1001 fang? Plans? 115 and 20c. 1. car at am y ennel 30 and 35c; Is, New Black a Cloaking only 75c. cu r mi 4'5 "d 50` . New Bleak on Blue Black Beavers only 1.00. 100 New All Wool Shawls at $1.50; wel worth 33.00. 1 Cell and cumin my of the shore Uoodu you muy rgquln N," `N "" `Mi uh 100 NOW All W001 BllB'V1I In yl.-uu; wuu worm (5.00. 3 Call any require no they vary Indnr "W pm Hickey cl: Ilott. Dan 14. 1877. OER.IST$IKSm; S"d'o:MIJ AID BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS PRESKNTH. WHEKIC YOU CAI. ` uuefn] u walla: ornnmontnl. Winn could be non Iul ` {U01 Hut _ low Llnold lkbllln Illbuunllot Wu menu Ion ll urn: A nloa pair of Wool Worhod Sllppon, A nice pnir of Lined Kid Gloves, A nkue puff cl Linod Kid Imam, A nloo air of Jose hmo Kid (jlovu. A nice luck Fur ul. A nioa lfnnav Box of Packet Hnnkorohi um-u.co:.un _ * . I hlnok Hull. ' A nioo Puaoy Hnnkorolaiofl, A nloo Gui surf, % `V.EGE7r r N E Prepnrod by I; srnvsm-5. Boston, Mass. Foch! nnnuromou, A nice nun um.- A uioo Czuhmare bll, A Mac Silk llquaro. A nlr-ax musket in Plnln or Fun, Cb... ARRIVED T() DAY-903 uni: more of Hume llnoly lihhlhed P.-g.|q.m 3,` cm -nah In dnmsud this season ur lwlior Junkets {mm II .50 up .150 W _ `&.o I "u: "WI-4 1 mm mm Hap Cloth uksblo for Indian` and Children`: Ulnben. Nov V5`, In 'l'rlInIInp, nl Goodn Arriving u Milllury d-IIII Onlfday. uulblo I AIL !Wlhihe-E"!t*.2;!!s*9t*.:"!s'.9.a*#~F=!$k* % on P `wk. 35. (ml our cl Inn 0:- hulluu in magic. 0 unylhoubg use 5 1.L:,aI.'aruoo11Ii.lhonI|fI dun.` it-aim unin- hhaguryoltln loulud CaI.II..Jdalno1bb . W cngn .a_ 3.31:. 'n.L..l .0 4.. vua_.., .0 _...-o ' -5 Iii I0! 1-nu nuuw: or rnrrnomn mun" RlD09 l'l0:g mu, 33$ 1 'II I C Uni I f A: oxullnt Iooteh Q` four u I RAVI Tlll CMIAPII1` ilAD!-I CU)`|`HI 0 II `|' I CITY. Itgooduvonooubrlluhoh-due Pl0BLI'ICbU'l' I0 IOOII. IIIIIIII `III PI-`CI I A A _ `nbrciuhbluo-Hnodnoflumtsund Tuknahdllyudqdeklynaduuhuvnhrn he nulhd Inn 1 nndylo lbeonn I-uh; Ioulohubcn nnouddotolhnn nunuuu sud-am-pr-quad um pvrl WW TIIITT. ch Iliad at no vm J F" . ; nu 7ucnn.'Bu- h. 0 mould:-n orlulq. Anlhouanb nacuhvrunduo-r-HIV!-at-nub H03 stints, Ann jgovencoms nun!-\ -rr\- I\Dl'\BD I Q1 IIl'\Il'rLJ I PEOPLES CLOTHING Hagga 81 B300` ITBIII . " acz:-:.':-: J.!n'!9.'.5l mommzou Gnu:-nmc .-,_. _`--_ ._ -..._ - p. I u-..a|...'-In. Du-lnninnltnnntl he let Medicinal llumblnatltxn ' "E... 15! `Doc. 10, 1377. -spujoont.hoIoweno\'.ht&`oun yhvnu'rlglnonpoultuangtn_ oxbr. (nothing-ndnuud-. I Doc 14, II, 1877. W Pjaigll (ltl|D`oOI't0'I{;'I-I.-&.I'.`IIal.ilIII"lpPlh'`ICl"OOI.)" I Hlolood ulinz the Vegutlno. I an ` 'I( along rwnh. and still using ch 0. I oollidor than in nothing oqunl 1. ch cnmphlnla (`An h-ar!.i!y l'econ.| Ioovabody. Yxvu truly I: .Ll2ZlI M. lucxxun. N. -gm-go mm, South Salem, Mus. IOCll."l"Y In 1 I the macro: St. John. 11: k3 udm mburyudou pm. bo'l1:ggw?t.lE'p_:{ fund`; n_n_d glegigun ro`-bullcplzng End othzryha Alp:-dlnig gn '6nnn n` w oma: .eLn::-ms (MIME I'JVBIH'lI0lIY T0 "T ` ALEX. nosgh, nuunu nun n.u guns -;...-_n I-Hou'_<>_;6'II"l'T A vrvon-vnu vguuvovv` Iran` - oynnu u-efany Vrvnyu -- 13 0'1-ru:BU'.I:-Ion! 01' 013.000. nncgya JANUARY 2nd,*:; 1818, -j ?-v - -,_,., -.-.- I ouu cAl_ It wall an an uy....u w...L...| inn...-. I `A uloo Wool enrf. .1 U \-r MADE TO'ORDER LAST MONTH! , , I y - 4 mm iron`: umen. Nov Ivlnonul hwy Ollloon In] 3 M. `(.I I Good; Milllurydllll 8085, 88 Prlnwu, Saree Opposite the Guy 01 - 8,p00M:1A'NXckotI only will be Sold. at 36. unit llnldnr Tum Admlulmn and Gun (Thnnnn In Inn 3 `I-".,u A. ,0:-u a. p----..._...___ Iain. oh, Ouoounn, .Dng;h.. PR1-1_\I_cEss 1TE13"r. ' rvv onvnvvl van] vvua Irv Irv-ug DU yum Hulda Two Admluloun and One Chunoo in ion than 6 1-1. in tho - ; follovlng list :- - In A 13-3 (3.1-, BIPI`. - - an no: V53. All||dPAIT8.T -%~ 1 mo I'JVlI{l lI0lIY nuwvun; nan :- 3ABE`Ei~I l"I`. regutxng 5`IoK12'rs 1 FOR $50. In-ml nml rnninfnm Vin Olun AA0l"l Rani: regntlng `TIN Y. 1I"I`g! IKIE IIIE YEJUIAII UlAIl'J I W nu cuulu uc mum IIII` Hour! A nlm Wool Clams. A nine Wool Ihlwl. A nit-4 Paula huvl, A nlm Break All. muwl, A nice Illk Drona A uinn Cxuhmnrn it anninoiuuljglngtilnf rhw in old-b~y all Drugqlafn. nu. now {runs cnunnm I A____._..._.-_.. CA Lowndl &/Ioodia, onnonclna in. Int. %"".'::..`2.`.`.l...`i:....':.'.:"" v'-."' ' I 2-- `*';*:-.'-'-=!_=*':**-" _ '1??? 4 '"'"6=r IU:L`fx ~. `. i `at 3-18 _.___._.____._ _.. is J. eA1u'iiiz| aim. uvnanou 'll|9lI, BIIOO oil. _-j-:- I;Le.ooo nu. onvlt-a- o:;{$r" -n ,g,__ `L BTBVIII: ~ Bir.-I hnn bean troubled with I. (Junior sud .Livnr Cmnplnint fur Ill; nothing "or did mo my good um lolood ulinz than Vequtino. I am Mu dun: int.-nu. Hus ` onus: IN , '0-I Second Ilnnd oods Ivnv nucllru-ms. ` Iqvnr Inna Good: Icon It'll?!` KINGSTON. I "IDlA'-_;;'ILl I UIII8 II~ A80lA`l IOI nah: Inpu- i 3.: Qd`.': Glut-ttP:|n.;:r an can : ' . Iporhl nu-.5 W ofsn sud uvhg India [And Kn! Lllnvu and Him at grutly rodlood prku. Ion`: Llnod Kid (Haven and him. At (randy ldllood prlcu. D lunar- n.DIe9.llT'r :"5EIERi5U6H~ 1.-III&HlIbIU. equtino. I d nothing to h.nrti!v recom- Go to Bidoouth lot {rah Ball, for tho nogoyuun, an ot quart or shall, and 19: cu}: ed fruit: or vogotnblu. Hie Mock 11300. ho excelled. Bud hi; .1`. ock cxgnnot. I odvulluiaeut. y __.......;_ SLzmmsu.--The nleighing in splendid the nharp {rust having mule I guod loilndctiun, while _tl1e!n.1l of tho besutiful was remarkably even. The merry jingle of the bell: stnku pleasantly on the ear. j...-1-o--: --T Tn: Scuoou.--Thuy Ion roopnod to-dny After a fortnight of holiday. Tho oold author, oloctionn And wink of p:-o- pnrnd lawn: made the (by an important one in thoinntruclion lino. IhLnuIu.um.~'Ihe Wum due: not think lawyer: are not qualied for tho pusilion of Mnyor, but it think: they do nut. possess all the grace: and ability no~ canary fur lhu post. Bury Reductions made during the Oheap Clearing Sale on our entire Stock of Dress Good: I ____....___. 51-. Jun` CoNcln1.-'I'o-marrow ovo- uing the conurl. in connection with St. James Church will take place in the School Uuuso. '1 he pmgrnnmo is I good one, and we can nmdily rocommond our friend: to attend the onlcruinmont. :-: Vin! lLL.--We an very sorry to loam of the severe illnou of Mr. Kelly, lor many yuan tho oblialug Ind faithful de~ livery clerk in the Kiuglton Pout Oior Wu can only hopo he will noon become oonnlaacent, And that Ihortly he will be onnblzd In resume his ncmutomed plwb. -. r.-:..,._,. j. cos? IIITIILTIII; T0 ]`n('nuu.-Tho 00- , uric Guvornmont hu iuued An Order-ilk ` Council requiring public uhool inlpootorj hcr-Alto: nppuiutcd to be honor gnduntu Q tome univumty, and lo hnvo had n yuan expemmoe in practical touching in A-Jdiliou to holding I am ulna pronncinl .....A.~4--I- A Mvnnru. WoNun.-I!y pu-miulon` I of his pnronu, 'l'houuu Misultroo(Jun1or Blind Tom) WI Appnr lur the n! time in Kingntun on Wmlnoudny uvoning and plny the piavm at Uulnrnqni Hodge (1.0. OF.) Canaan. The 1nd in but unn yuan of ago, and play: delighUully-l I: laid nearly A: good 1: Blind Tom, of II. moot. world wide fans. run: -1 guuhu I I. . .._..,. , SI mun` .`,$|s.i1ru;. - Scrnggln.-1 did work on S_undLy. Hv man`: caun but he ground uutolcrtiun guph in he New: oico, And at the lame time u` Rev. Mr. Gnlbrnitlx do preaching n pojvcrful nor,-l man anzhn utxnnl nnnhknn.` nf HI: _ _______`__`____ _ Wuxu Exnu.-Wa thought It unis: to dulny Um Wino this ovoning-nlxl the duties rutunn woro nude and intod. Delay mny be ozcuionod in the ouuuling of tha ballots. W mo oxtru will be in. mod, however, u soon so tho liguru csn be procured. This oioo will be open un- til 8 oclock. .-coo-.\ 4. `- -CQC>' Lvxuuku.-- The um pm Mr I Ald. (hld3ro'ouve such 3 lukounrm mp- por! on Suurdny owning um. the obn- quiolu Tory organ employed in orgsniul. in grinding out olocdon huddle for In only iuuo. The odxtar of our bright contolnponry in not the only one know. in; I thing or two ghoul election nodes. 1 \llIlUI'll.Il WI! IHUQJIIIHB D 1-|U"Ulll I mcb`onshq_eunul pnn1yhmept" I ; , (insular: him during um Cheap I` lain In nppnrtunilvut huying Dry Good: 0 superior quality at lower prices shut out Icforo known. 4 OLD Cuusnus Du.-Yuv.ord|y In tho futivnl o! tho Epiphany, qr Mulla- tnlon of Christ In tho Gentiles, unno- tlnol pulled the Fun ol Lights. hp! in comdmnontinn of the visit 0! Nu win non to our Snviuur nt Bclhlohom. Th lootinl having fallen upon Sunday this you, is. peculiar lootnru booulo I put of the roguln urvku. 4.3-._. 4-1-.k Til Cuum Aoucm.-rant. 4- l'h9 chilnl It pmlml pruning Agninn tho` `Candi Apieulmnl Co., are (60,000, be- side: which there shodiacoumod nou- ruunnting to 040,111) to be not. Th Journal of nmureu up, than an Qchnl oondilia o! Alain could Qlooly 1 want policy holder will but oonzurvo in. own msmu by inmx-`pg oluvhoro us noon at pouiblo.' -i-- -Oo~-- ` --Z03"'-"` ` 0dVI1AIf.DAY.-YIliIy ll kw racing Oonnut union unfold in the Bydonlnu Must Ohunhlov. Hana, n-|L..m. n...'.;.. ma "zlnlvrm lo! ayaollnlu nwpu unun:u,.vu-v. nun:-. Gnlbnith, Oroziu, u:d_ Ilclntyn, (oy Bruptol) adulg |)~\4|| -an cernud. -- -ooo----- AIu..wm.vm flil (`In I.nx.~-`l'l;o ` ubn ct Poubtoh Railyny Ouupsny gin notion (ht they will npply to tho Pnrlho Inuul of tho Dominica 0! Cumin, nut! union, for an Act unending [hair hr, And ompoworing them to build an a. Union from noun no not! Ibnlnv CI] Doqgln. Io noun yoin kind lot` 0! lab Xipiuing, Ind to tho Kan tctminunol 50 Canulii 1 Pacic Raf`- .?....__..~`_ , LArL-.-The Nan will be nlittll it with in campaign about nan Inc. In only iuuo tq-day did a hoop 0! wt- '---r91o-; `--ThcRauIold ihollfwn HQ (37 pouqvalfutunby. .PiuytboandI- tlglplannntnn nuns: Sh nnnnill. Tu.` 'Qq`:;m- ..na dual` . riqhthcuiwyigbwoh tcnpumotll aaparbychonguaaaaaaoxqgsnnd-1 Av-n`l|n ` WCIZQL Uiuq it I jIj| In It. Olldonhunb Doglho Tu] ` lktqinlo knovollmthnutbcincn-I ngq ayuol Ra by. inn duodnuldprivo, lth, on-u-~u-an-g.-.-g-uni-may-y,; .gl`voIu'IILhk|o|dplEu cn- K---A.-A-ll-LL`:--J. To ALL THE mm? ' I s.'n'rn,\' J I ....._.-1...-'-_.. ` ~-... Conn Coua1..-`l'ho0outy0u- dlhu bouunnond\hnutouIhi An-) uII"""' M lauhmuwu uFP""" Guy- llcllco.-Tho baht page cl ,PrinauuruocnycIirJoh Inn rigu 3. ggnnn nun lot It. Idgqn 5. vvllult. an 5. en...` Ollloron. Dcgtb Tu, ........_..-_..._ ...| Q. Ilwnvhnhonj. ----OJ-O"-,"'-' _ , `l`I|u.6udhh_n.lufLinrpool.If- rindulndluln.-.,ulIloIdb' I._AlI-1 a-I-nJg- lxoxmt music. in. -r, axrr an 71011177 Q-ll) hlnuvailtlfdod Itft|6,10n.l.I ' | 1 Oldlolllllk lLook,Volvnt.anud lrhoh l`n Hm. on Khulna, [Tunnels Ind Woolen nods dour don-rxpliun. Mu: on cotton and H8! '1. Sn H in: was Mr. McIntyre`: back atrcat. au'.)sI organ of nuccau to day hat it i.s.mu4l early with hnlf a dozen guuhmg mlxt-riuJn. The ink might have men mud so far as in effect was con- nu non- of the -Mr. D. Koala], orkingltnn, hi przunotocl to the nunoy undo A: Otluvg by the prou'I;f.it)n of Mr. Pd - . ;u- ' -. .-. ` `.1 . 1- , ' -Thc Syrncuu crickotau v:uM- range for a gnmo nut geun but-wun tho English elovon and n twonty-two gather- od from Central Now Yeti. n I n , I ,,-1__ I! _ . _ . _ __ L___:.L '1-| ITUIH 1/Ullllll AV." AUDI: < --l')nly four plucel in Syrwuu fnrninlr ad opirisuou: bpvougu to collar: on Nu: Yen : Dny. A thnpcnnca wave is silent thnre, nppnrently. -Mr. Nowbury, an old friend 0! ours, and City Clerk of Bolluvillo, has been prueutod with I handsome gold watch by the citizen. ' g. A r 1- n ,,,,,_I_ II -_.___ Yeutu-dny nu the but of'6ho Epiph- Iny, on-Mnnifuspucq of the Saviour, by mum of the ovxtnordinu-y star thnt. up- peued t) the Mugl in_ N10 Eat. It in uocording to the Riunl, I ut- dliu !n&,Ind as much an. dull plug- Lffl Gadbil. In the -..I L _-.. -JA-,I L. 45.. A ...... .1--.4l- ICE ll 3!. fl]: vnluwunn. III --v co were sdded to the gures nlrudy I landing the inlenc-Snvlour, than of the Ingi in the not of oorlng their gift! el gold, frnnkiuoonuend myrrh. At the grind mun Father Kelly III)` oelebrnt, And in Assisted by Fuzhou Corbett and Twolgey ea ducon and nub-deacon. The Biahop nu saluted At the Throne by Fe- thor O'Dun0,yhue, of Erinaville. After the n: gospel Hi: Lordnhlp prnohed on I AD--_---...a 7' --B01. Mr. Golbnith on Sand tinn- ing pndohod on Eton ` Fllllll." Ho bolicvod the torment; w 111.0 damned would ho oldlou. _',i . C\ -- -. . L ,L___ IIIU Illl Iuilln -!!r. C. J. Junu, formorly Manager 0! tho Dominion Telegraph CompAny n of- oo it Brookvillo, Arrived in Hamilton on Wednesday In! La till a nimu poaition in-the Company : oico. ` -ooo------ R. &J.GARDIN ER -1! In! Inc. and away. lunch IL) olqtlii I`rooI"d"- down on smut ` -Whan you ask Andmiu Nohbfot the brand of bonovolonco ho doc; not oou uono, but Iugpl up u-uokl of gold- ......| . 431:. cILcy. nut be obnpa to un oubnidiud n for odqbing tho doc` tan, 1: it-d` on Ss5u`Iny~ovoning, vote for Gildonloon. , uv . , L 1.`, -I__l._ .1 -lIot Inch I Into cloning; of III! tion altar all. Two you: up it was the I70 01 January belorgu ht 510501 in in ; 0o----. M.L. Hun: has the uent uiectann of Indian` sud genll' fur: ever ohuwn in the city. Pious cull And unmino -took bolero puroling oluwhoro. Uon gnuntlotn in Fenian lamb, uil, buvon hnir sud plucked otter. Lndiu untra- nn uoquu, rwcoon and black hue trimming. Gunu rncooon and bonlo or-nu ; Alan bulklo sud fancy wolf rohu. )3.B.-Blmk hnir nnn nnd squirrel tail but very chup at H. L. H_ymnn I. -:--o -:--Oo9 COLLIGIATI I:4srmrr|.~ !'hlu menu. llon opouod thin morning with pa atten- dance of H0 pupils. Tho R". `F. W. IcOmig nddrolnod tho pupils, urging thumb lake the but an of their pro- unc puivoggl, Ind roluing some very lnunltinj luciahnu in him own life. Thu N-odor Announced ms! 34 of 613060 cildiduu lot udmiuion Ind pund- Thcn In 1 cl: of About ton or A dual preparing for tuahln Io- oond eonilcatu in July next: `ilflibilclr -: (-)ur oonlonponry in Ink onnoyoil bouuu tho pt-opriol.o:_ of this psphtjn nnnhg forth Conuhll gm! 5 panning! plant in the Snhol Baud. ' Dun help u, what IIHOVMIOO ! It isn't ch inpndondo am caution the odnor Inch. Is`: an ountnat In-lush the po- niuioupluu bin. 10. will to non: hqiuo no can his with im- pnlnu 01 the use Gnrflnliruol PoIrroIno.- By to- tuud Io advuinonobthvlll 5. non smpuauuinuo. ol pm. as tho 1-an rd.-.u,s...c_yom nmpipu IL JoIn,H.B., hat but pontpoodlr I Ail`32l1I-`dict Madly.` '1!- LLLA LL.--ugnnnhcdlhhl IW -'-"-.--IXI vi uup-vuuywuv L._n-I.-p-n um -- -Ii-v-7-1| c bcudilulnouqondthodnving _nI _...1-.l. n.L- .1... ..IL. J.- nu AF`|.I`3'Jla-huIII' nun:-y.` `up- lhulluuuinn-burdtbioxp -`I21 1:` X1: j Ilhlja 1' WuCIKIZIIUWI` villptHi9`;i1InIOP`l_l' 0054-: `U X11 -1: --:----w- O! K (N GSTON I TEII WH01llA\v'-It OECOND HAND ULOTIING T0 DISPOIE U! WILL plane IOI70 tlmir crdorn Inh WILLIAM DAVII), who will ntoud with `I'll cull. -:---xo---A---rn _ V Pnlamm-hhouxt CIGQJIIII buuzfuhobvchho-,ndr auuuunyt-u,~unuu -an-A --iiulrunu--q-y--v--'. -110 oubpu uuy :1 All --KAI. light J-zphy h:0sIin' '.W - ` 4 " I It ,__` 4' ' ` --ad. cm aun- -150 Iu .'I."0hIti, _l.Innry, , nu dodiaul :12; : _: ,_2.'-__pL-"...-.n _-A.. 1 -5 vnnacuyoanvillil {- --B:oIlol1'udI|rl'0m- -___| L.) uni...-u'l-and hhlInr_ 4,, _ wan-um. ya , _g.mn-nu-.-vllu`!_ n;_.J hgmjnnn I-lplplllnh Igmns wme. J ():_Nl1_A Y, IA NUAI -7,` 1373. - the 1....'.....e or the v.- cen Council. Wll Hid ope, oi uni- Vern] pnlur, or teacher of the Ohluch, " `in hit oiehl capacity, II heel `df the .Ohurch, do iuse my doctrine, in no in u Qfelntoe co fsith end morale, he in infal- lible; in other wuril, when the Pope, in his oieial capacity. as head of the Church, tuohee the Cxxivernl Church in reference tafnith or morale, not in his own strength as men, or by virtue of his emclity or learning, but by divfne u- eintnce, be in inlallible. Thus the mean- my who much more restricted thl many imagined. He pointed out thn`t.~B_ Wll junt n reuonshle to believe tbs; the o--..Ll.-.....nl P-Oar morn inlnuln II `0 B Q I flill IIIIIIIIII usu yum-I _ uavua um '|-luv -vy-, mu... ._ _.. _.V meaning of the` domin. Douu new tbs! the Pope cannot do wronghxunot commit Iiu? Ikdnu not. The Popoin lulu to tin, likany ugyer mortal, nnlnu `VII-O58. Ind. eroppnteu ' sun lbs`! don 4 , ;_p AL- .s__... -1 LL` V-, ;.=j*1`;'11. -houla mu thou: j rouonsulo I0 oeuou mu mu tuohlngrol Pater wore inlsiblo sq to bolicvc ihit tho writing: of the Apostle: were infallible. He met mother objec- tion. It wn hid tbs: the CAUVolio Church mninrnined the All in doctrine: wu 1843 your old, but that Mu : deni- tion of inlnllibility only took plun nix or nevon years ago; thnt therefore it is 3 new doctrine. What is the denition of him '3 In it the creation of my new doctrine`! n_.,:_v, __A In -:.....|- .mni.m Hm pAv1D,

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