Fluuu IlnII=1|.-Wh-n III` to l.l0. Burl! &5uoI;Nn)loI.IlcloI;0ua:'lIp 1`: I|Ito'k.B]!-'0-'D;P1:BI?.' who .l'hoca-Slollm Puuunianh .-L-h=luuon!au&nrl\.;lcof.lIo TELEGRAPHIO SUMMARY. 8.|'l'L'llM_Y S GIJANINUS4, IAIIIIT lllllfu (Iv Tiqnph To g.) . Inodan, Jan. l2.-A Pu-in Inqu- ioal ohgnph : E-queen Inhnlm Ibo, II In: and would not In punit- Qqdsonturn to8pAin,onnooo\m8ollser notion in connection with tho 0 ` from Franco-of Don Cu-loo, insist: upon attending the man-iagu of King Alfonso. Koran nndtln Spanish nmlznnndm-st Eu-in are compelled to war: to nnm__l>er- lau petty pncnuuonl and Itruomn,'to prevent her from carryilg out lust tn- tentions. The xunrriago is now xed for _ Feby. 2. Now Brunswick. NJ JII. l2.-(X>II- 1 Feby. 2. XOI Brunswick, N.J.. ` lihllblo intuoot bu boon excited ion by the unnounuomont of the coming nur- ringo of Abnhun Voorhcu,` Iod 70, worth $150,000, to lliu Manic Vau- `, trmd. I poor girl, npd %:,;ilpo by All odors 0! Oliver Dunn. and 94, to ' induct uripuu clergyman to marry him And Mn. Wny. and 70. Na: York. Jun. l2.-Tho Herald : cs- Way. nod 70. New York. ble dupnlch up tuntj bgltaliolu of infantry and I cornlpondiug lorco 0! co- vdry sud nrtillnry Inn boon ordorod up Rome to give the dead King Ch custom- ary militnry honours. Pnrliunon! Inn voted fen millinn frnncl to delay tho ox- ponlp of the muwoloum in the Pantheon. --.--o3oj- nun. Weekly I..ung,im, a. name of an I.Vinaool.dn Puloohty it It. Ivy`: Vootrygut. 423 p n. Iolou. ?~: gr Nnkeu for _,Mru. Manger : Readinga are to be lmdat all of the ' Book and Drug Stern. Mnntrc Bank of Mout.ron1-~1.'>9 34.150. llorchint-' lh.nk-65 Id. 05. En]: of ('ommerco-116. H5 1 I llorounm-`1:..nk-os;w 1z.u'>. Bank ('omIuerco-116. Unlncnlidatnd I !-auk-l-39 3-1. 4. Ontario Bank~97 154. 96. 63 It 9!. 139. 4. Dom. 'I'elo %mpb ~--77 L2, 76 1% Montreal M, (`..`y 1'11, 1`.-'0 3.4. R1&vlieIl~0S 1-2. 017 1 `J. At. Rn;-`I11: vey Hunt. 1 AV. Pictuz AV. l*'h:Lul1 M. Mvers. I At l`iot.on nu-V. Hallo At. l'1ct.on, on the um I nelly, Uallo\\`eU. to Miu: Pun-y. Nurtlnuvlzllerlnxul. At. \VilI.un. un .lumm Nurthumllerlnml. January lat. Mr. L. 1' Sinner of hrneattnwn Lo Min M.J. Smith L than lump ulna, the name dare. At Soul. 1 Fre nn tha In inst, Mr. l'utur 1 url to Mus Mar Juno Hiugmnu. lu (Thnumout, Jan. 1..\'nnuu \VIu'nar. of Hr. l'utur1 url Mus Mar Jun lu Chnunuout, 1, Nnuuu Lyma. and Miss Belle ll. Bslol. 0 cont. Rev. lhmia) l'ngnr_ aged 64 yrs. Al lirm~kvil|e:, on Ht`-1 iuat , Samual Huol~ wood Esq , Iiiltricl En-,;iucur. Cnuadim Pu cic kailwuy. In l iutun, nu 'l`hurIrIly. Januanry 10th, Cut Coulcu.-JBog_ulu looting M I pm. Lrrnnv lasting of the Y.l.C.A. at their Roonou II p I. Ilknlc at the Kingnon Boulod Vinogu Work: at I nan. lhuno ollo lcanpny, P.W.(). Riloa. in 3).. mm Blud, 7:. p.I|. ---r-o-1-o--__. In lhchm-.uu. on Him lat. iu:t.. W In. Lug- liah. Aged 38y 9m In Uamulen, cu the `.`n.i inn, M11 Thomu Ibu-raH. znvnai 8. vhc. cic Kallwuy. Thursdly. January Charla: Buckun. Esq , aged 75 years And ll vnrs. ynrs. At Napalm. on 29111 D1-c,Mr. (ioorge Arm- ntrnng, ngml 60 years. 1 I N otfe tA(A>iC011-t1:a}:(t01's _L racaured It tho mile on FR|I)AY,1.ho lth i Munnn. Carlrentara. LANA! may bu won I? racmved tho nlco nu IFRIUAY. the lth in I"l\IlJl |l, LDC llll I |":HlIL`.l`I mm lnzinrtr ' eruption of :1 1) vellum 00I`HHl' OI DI`0l`K IIl\.l K'lUIlU'0i\.` IIFDULI. Tl!!! lawcsl or may tender nut uweualy nuueplnd. II. GAGE, .1... I-7 IR`?! Architect L` \"iu`.Iniul.\'iu|n, Hollucollxst. `Ind Cornet.` `21IIU7|uriuul.lu and Bus Trouabone. Apply to I I: nmnuu I us: Dtgnilg-- It-Ig Internal ! Ihucrd. ' 51` Remember to pay your Watu-_ Work: Account by the mm, and uwo Ma ruocount. N EXPEIHENCEI) 'l'EAUHlCli- prut'rn'x'wI, fur School Section No.5] lulgnd. Apply to JOB WAT The Weekly Literary Meeting MNNIMY PIVENING NEXT, .. Iul. ..o I ..'..I....\: (Jnan-lorf Iolhni, Ly V-Luo. ygui `J1 yn. In Napnnee . lav. lhmia) ['1 '1 he buninnna Iaiul uvcr from from lut lon- nlny evening ml! a'uu be dinpoud of. lomlsern WI pluu his notice. All young man are iuvited. ` A Tzfm ixnnvv N BOOK-STORE ! Kilian : Anelnv. Church. Snnnuur a Nnturnl l"bi!o-ophy. Drawing Benin. 5. Now that the pledge: ujoled out of Relunucrs : yen and more ago by Mr. Mclntyre no ulf," I repetition of the lste cluctmn, wnn after all, by nuch 8 huulful, uuuld not Igsin be carried by the utuu ourt: of that guntleman. zu- :i:ted h till his party friondn, [Also cricl. nml puliticnl nmchinery, Jnuu: journal thrown in` No um: know: thi: better than the barely uucceuful candidste hmnelf, whn, duuhtlsu. Menu: hi: lucky :tar: for In.-speaking, bright And early, enough Rnfurin support to un:uro hi: re- tum. At the present mou1eutMr. hil- Ilernieeve i: mnre pupuilr with the cloc- turs thmi before the election, and ware the vumeut to he fuught -over Igziin he would iw n-turnrd nut unly withuut dif- lieully, but by is sweeping majority. Bank of England Pull, Gillan`: 205 l'ino Poinu. Index Booh-nll nylon. our supply of IIIIAWINISI RLATISIR sohl out. We Ilmll have 1 Iron Invoice on Ilen- dny mornlng. V W. do not ull Hun CIEAP. Var ll rognlu price In nd shuyl nu I00! `Hun. I _ GIOIGI LIIISIY. la.D.&, DENTIST. - Ofcl,-nd laHaIu- I can last Q1 Plho . I [ on-Ivan .__-. HI ANNUAL AEQVIBLY of I50 sbvq unwed lot-ion -an be held ii ibo TOW! HALL. Ponnmnsb. On Wednesday In-ulna, 133.33, 'I lCII`l'l-50. to Inc had hug ne... ulna and at the 499-. :3!` has canyon from an Inn to city so 4 sin! I.-. ' I IILITI POPCLAI QUADIXLLI IAZD will ion at J. I. P. IATIIIWBOI. ' ._ Io nun he Indium I --~---'_---T -- -~~- I Wsmnutn st.vgtncx'ssoc:et;g `U IJIICVX FWOR (JLDH.-\M'S 0RCHES'l`IlA - A `Judi \'in!m i.1.\'m|u. Vlulinmllist. `Jud (,`ornet.1 Will be held In the Rooms, co.-ncr P and Montreal Slreotl, on Mr. Jnlnen Benny, the v printer 1:! (ho Leudcr, and V `the Dolmm-an Parliament I ration, ought tn know nor the f'ana (.'uu:mt1n.m1 Ineuuu'y ulTmrn. In fact, a Imnqucl nu I`-:1`-unto the ul tulal Inn mnlu.-Ilcu lhnt In at the opmnng u! the Umnr them what nothing whxch know. And yet in the 1: soundly burned the Onturi l._ ... 5 .'..5.u..Iu.inu xx lnri mam n__HIcus. Jan I2, I378. Jon I3. IITI. III II. III. vv aluvu. EX PEIHENCEI) TEACHER -- Mile \ nnfau-y-ml fur Sulmul Hm-[mu Nu. 9.VVulfI RECEIVED THIS IOBNlIG._ (By Telegraph To-day.) Mnntrul, Jun. 12. Montreal -- 159 34,159 NO. I cgnPAiv_. unnu- urprilm, on the 3rd. Idteldont dbuzlr rcuu (`lu.rk. n-4:: i 19 years. ml--uI'.oull1u la . iuIt.. '11:. Eng- ` 38v m \Y, the Inn. inst, an uoou, lor mu Car routers. Plumbers. Tinlmith. :mI work ruquirod in the f wollmg for Dr` Dupuin, on the 151-01-k and Muutreas.` -ntroou. .._,__._.. Z0---' A! II . 5. 00300110 I'rlauua8_t.,Ivul_bd__f_ouudJl.:du; ...:_1.....nlLn 4) Mn: Ilannnu Tnumpson. , on the "Lb inst , Mr. Augultun Lo Mina Maggie lieninmu-l. x, the DH: imsn, Mr. Jnhu Dun `\\w.-H. Min Susan Campbell, of Jnuvulnerlnml. S. WOODS. 'lIl IAIIIIIIAVVI A Jan. Hth, at 3 o'clock. w aihi&.' PFIIIICNCEI) 'l'lCA(IH )H,\M'S ()R(!llR.`i'l'IL on 'l'bun-lay the 101.11 inst... 'ngnr_ aged In. . TM.iI7i 1{|7E'1:: OB WATTS. Boo -Trezuu Wulfe lnlnnd P.0. No. I Company. P.W.0.liioI WI mrzulo M the Drill Shall, ' MOJDAY EVENING IEKT, llm llth inn. :1. 7.30 nlurn. Everv memhvr in expeulnd to llue prosonl. Also thou wialnlg lnuwt Ann 3a In um -nu, ..,."-.. ... Ontario Uuvurmnent fur hut intrmlucing an thrill" which Ihnll gin: greater prutoctiun totmmllun manu- lwluron. In u'lI` nun]-hcnty we lnlmuronl I under the deluulun that the luml guvnrn mum: hml nuthlng Lu tlu with the taritl but that all Iuzxttmu Alli-cling cluotuum and amino worn l`ulugt|lml to tho juris- dictlonof tllv l"ul~r.Al l xu'luuuunt. Thin, slthough gunumlly rocom-vl M A fact. in, we mun. cnucluulu, It xnistuku, and we choc-rfully aunt in undcuonvlng the pub- licnu thu point, by quoting the autho- rity of mm wh-u Lnnwls fur mun than lhsfunn Miuilturu mu put. Into the (lov- ernurk spa-crh, hut. who Iuaum at tho umu limo to know nary little About what the (,'hio!t.\iu put intu the Act of Con- Iudurutiuu. -jj DIED. I and tenders will be Ice of the underliguod. inst. for thu Iruu:-June. Apply w - J, K, OLDHAM. Bulsilavn St.` EDW. IIURSEY, Cnnmil 5. BARTON, Gan Socrntnry. :1 \\ urner. I! I. of Cnpo Vlu- nru IWIOI. Ina-tux. Cicmnin. .......__T__________ BUFFALO BORIS [mm'sBui1ii2x.mmat| chu`rflIU_` lie on tlu n J I Y 3 Cu: no longu. young Innmdo vxtholt um Fm` CID you koupdnoning about. The cold vouch: II Ilrntd you 0! Iutvook, Icon slum: you pun-hull; on rlgit away. 3 Y In-got you lltdl minor. ohhor. but Inks hr hart [hi by giving Bar on oi thou nu: Inn has now we no cloning out so cheap. Yun nnnnnl TX I If you nun `me our Stock. that Good: no high We no calling at land time prion, LADIES CAPS. CULLAE8. BOAI uul IUFFS, Ian : and Boy`: FUR CAPF, And In not our entire Fur Stock. Don`! largo: that the but plnoo to buy I-`rah Npw. II`un. or to have slum undo to order, in my rule you wish. in At |Mi!!f_._F.!::' .._:__ E Always keep on hand Organ: and Mo lodeuue of the beat (`nmulunn 1unke,|nd huva now in stock oxonllent ENGLISH UP- RIGIIT PlANOS(m3do by Bruaulwuodfhn I] am.) to which we invite attention. Also u out Piano: to rent. Piuulu `We foul condent. that our own Iuatrumemn will continue to uustuin their wullreuruud It xfy uu_l W_ns_Ijxan)oIna.coruer of Prln pulnlhm. `Adolf; ul1lWnIjan)uIna,coruerof L-' ` .m\l|`x-:10 8ta.,KIngswn. WEBER & CD. (1.4 on IE7 . 13f{i~I0s, ORGANS & MELo_g1_~:0Ns. In time: of election excitement the Cllllnl of the riul pulilicll perliee, u to "which he: must at hurt the iiilereete ul the city, winuiimeu keenly compete for recognition. The Ruforui pert has no raeeen tu fear Tory competition In any one reepeot. Involving either the public interest: ur loc.il proeperity. lt nutter: Iutliing in which direction we look for In illiietntiuii of thin feet the reeoilt will be equnlly luunirnblu mil creditable to the Libornl pnriy. The iiitereet taken by Ion-ling citizen: in the education of the youth o! the any in n hit I (out u could be wielied (or, and in thin dcpnrtment the gift 0! Collegiate Institute Ioholnnliipe, open tu All the piipile of eiir public echnole, will be I good criterion of the in- tereet taliou by citizoiin in I uietter very eloeuly concerning the public welfare- WIio_ (her, In the gentlemen that line thin prhcllcllly evinced 1 pereonel inter on in our educetinnel inetitutiniul The Jennie el these echnlerehipe no Mr. Jon! CAIII IIRI_ Wii. Runilimil, M.l .P., Juli! FRAHII, " 3-imiul "'00 E: Rest:-r u] the I , .;,l..A. in Turiuiieaj And nu dotermlu--I tn RV Iham at rnumunblo priuen. I keep Milliuory and nuke n upaoialty in that line. Hmvu all the All the Na-\v(-st 'l`rimmings for Mamtlcn! Novelties in atsan d Bonnetsand Trimmings to Match. Frmn thn diffnreni Market: ind will sell then! A'l`()lA)SE PKILYILJ. I keep my usual Huck ul Fancy and Staple Dry G00lll ..u.L.._. ...-ch... .n-innu- -n-um; ....<. ...-I._.. _., I Am huuml to sell tholu lowor thus any homo in him trmla. A full nuiit-itud. Anyone buying Clnlh in the house for liantrlwn ran Iuva the 1: out free of ohnrge. I . llAlt'l`\ , Ferguson : Block. l`RlNCl".IS S'I`RlE'l`. n . nr ur- __ 7 FIRST PRIZE OBGANS. Jun 4. I877. WIIER HAS, IHV Attorney, Myron moun- Briunn. in the nmttcr of my Pl.iI.iun ngninn` I the return of Sir John Aleximnler Mn-Jnnnlci. In rnprvueul. the City ufKingntnn in tho H on-an uf (`.`-Inmnul, inntitululuid l'nt.it.iou `In ch: Eiactiun ("ourt" (untold of `'In the (`curl of Quinn -I Bunch," Lnd whoreu tho Conn. of Queen": Btnch of Outariq, bu doelnrod, in I Judgment delivered by in Chief Junticu. that by 1. o nid ignorant. or corrupt iuiitullng an my uid Petition. by my uld Attorney Byron Molht, Briuou, il bu nojurintlnotion to enable ii to pny buck tho Deposit. oi ono thouu--d dnllnrn minis with my nid Petltiqn ; Notice in hevebylgiveu thatl uhnil apply to the Parlia- Inonto ('v.nmlA. At in non Bunion. for an Act. to Iunhio uid Court o{Quun'I Bunch to pay to me said Deposit. of one \hounnd duuhsrn. but men . meee And the lnuncee ol the 'eeld ehAdeA' the entwhlle patron of the lull- um felt teluckently oempelled to villu- dnr lie scholarship, Although donlnleu it one: bin neny A peng to do it. In Sir John'e Bebe`! it Ahoulal be urged the: with only the intense: lhonend dullu puree And A few emilu emu-eee nl revenue te live upon he he not in A pauion to equender Any portion of Me nedeet ieeo-e ol certainly not -on thee 810.!!!) A yeer, pemeuleely open the youth ol Al ungrateful pleee Ihch Ine virtudly cut Lin Aeide Ae uevortlq ol their euebdeeee. The Aueegth el Sn John`: let hie pocket borough. ex apt Ae A plece to be eleetetl (er, in I01] illeeuued by the Ahebby little Act el eeeullieg the I.~`xolAAip,Aa.l ae he .44 that lie ehielleife Aleeou foe his II-IIII new [nun-tut In u-A ` cueetiteeeqie eeneepondiegly reeiptooet enl. `lie! veoy little late lees between the people All their neu Ie eecieev `y by Me Ieneifeqipgly 45.3.- . L -- _-...;p:.. I. ah. .._ ... A., 2n the hundre-!~ -H: coated ha boontho ubjoeto! [Inll )9 cannot our inc: the election. Thu d ---~4- l_._ `I... L-o `.u4u`hlD I I KEEP MANTLE (`.U'l'l`E|lS uul MANTLE mnlmra on llm lIl`1`|lIi!I|r1 uuul umko Hnntlol uul MANTLE makers prvunisqm lo urnlur. I kuop While rrrurniug tlunlu tohia friend: And the` publiv lur Lhe varylibernl patronage bmstouud upon the | CITY DOOI{ STORE t During Ch riutnnui, wou|d bag to remind them thut his very Inga Rluock still rouninlng is both Iuitablo uni dunnblo {or Ntw YEAR PRESENTS And how intend olering them Auuoh low price: an cannot fail to suit nll purohw-rl. l WORK Imxl-:5 AN!) WRITING IDEBKS WI be sold It was to clear them out. A {rash supply of KIND l UOTO(}RAl`l|S just received. .._.._ - uwvnnnvarrnif oun lvuhlutr, Mr I` I: glad to inlnrul bin inner cuiumnrn and lriemln that in in fully moovarod hi: health spin and II now augngad with G. W. AN DIEWN. II CUT'|'EIl. Ind non raupoctfr-il_y roquu-to I runwnl oi `their oonldoneo nnd no luru (ham tint he will do his utnono minvour to Fit and pleuo llmm min. With Inference to tho ahova (l W. AN REWI nnolncu 1 a chnllgn in his lnuinou; having enaployod Ir. llny u Cutler. he in wnldent with their mm binnd nbiliiln (boll: an prtellml Irndoamu. und Civil and ki|iury l'ulon; , sud luvlng ind uuuulvo prwlioo they will give gononl ` Inlnfnclion. ,_ _. . -.. __,._;u_ Au`,A uractlve Block or casonable Good: on hand and continually replenished. _ --- --.---j|Al3 G.w.'A"i1IE5i="2'Evys,i DIIEIICIIAIH` TAIMDR. nu. no. um. wu.Lmo'rux zrrnrr. ` Thoiuculingllstuaod Out! <-p WHEREAS, Attorney, Byron Mofh` nriv.~...u in the my !FRAN1;=J9I93'EY 8| 8pic1alHu1idayAnnunncama'ti I Isunr Down! Down; Down! All IIOIIY ill and H th dun:-no FOB` CAIH. 55:; 3'1: Ivuloluh, Mr. C. F. GILnIu. um! " Aunnlmm (nus. Wu IOIO about to Add the aunt of tho Right Hon (051: Jon! A. In-nonuun, but uluf under tho prunuro of hard , __j .L- 1-5! .--... ..I ah. I..lJ Iran ` uiunnnv. .. urn ofnnnau Important Information for All. I PIIRIIII Intro- I , iwjhld. - - - run.-nun In`? IE1` CHAS. E. w}.ENSHALL. Duo 2`). J77. ii. ET-EY',7aJir.r Idji ,uu1.|&"' CHARLES E. WREIISIIAIL. Vilhll IIOIIV, .a-I-XQQ.--' u r-`.___. 7-- .1 DON'T uni. ninlnr. anlmr. I [1 pug: I-I I-II -v-gt. - y--uuuu-I` anus-uni -----`Lb-.1:-aiy hng By the way our b- gggiuglnyothuhsdthropolquu cl L.2__ . -an-m ml mlnnniuu If: -Lgll MOVI`>V.IT. SKY ..nr Rina-E , lhal JOHN STEWART. n. uwmlnl. Alnlblu man to nnnm-I in 1-3. mud int owing to menu: lnIlr'I'e-Io:0utOVl3n in to :5 Am lInerv-d.`imnd In order to give everybody a clue: A to end: a choice of the Presents, ` l.]u.USINEAII 8b'C`(m): lTheywi|| Keep fheirslnre penuntil ll Tn-light l Notwithstanding Advertisement: | IHAVE JUST BECEIVIJD A NEW (And unuuh Chuper llun uuunlj out-c -.vW----'--vr--,-- - dng-nuuln-dodustiou. Wonhll gupntlhgloc the angelica Eu 5'; ppnluivliabubuulbylho lp\hndIh4nlnnobthonbuvo uuaoll. lnllhuupudhndh -;_u|...._.aL._._.-no.1 AL. _... `common Slate] l WITH Rl'l.|-Z. PENCII. uud Nl'lA'I`l)l1A`W- INU CARD! A'l`1'AL`HEl)! W (`III I IHende~rsnn's BnnkstuIe\ A Rivsl Bookseller has had the audacity to warn the public that dealers were pelming on` Spurious Brunswick Note Paper on the public. As the Subscriber is the only one in the city, besides mid Bookseller. who advertised that particular grade of paper, he would be greatly obliged by interested parties calling and seeing for them- selves WHAT or WHO is spurious- II,'l;I; STO(Ilt' 0|" AllljualiliesNolc&letlerPapers I TIE? l'\I`IIll D... nN{mLoPEs, &c., of I Rival Bookseller, he N0 MONOPOLY! nor _ has my one also ` of the sale IJHAWIVNG SLATES! Henderson's Bookstore. I lllN(`E STIIEIYI`. I0 `MONOPOLY ! (Tnroful ultantmn pm-I ll roxulu:-izles of the teeth. Jun ll), I875. uluuu-unvu vv uu-vu. Y AN UIKPIIAN BUY, batwuon tho I`. of lbsud I7, who in Wlllill to work M nny thing [or him bannl lnll clolhu Ior tho Inst` your. Apply II the Bnnuu Wulu Uvncl. Jun ll. I818? NE (DR TWO FURNIBHICD ROOMS in I]v16|lllllI|bIl I0fI|IO(`|I ', oithor with orvnthout lmnrd. lIuquiI'n|l.lho uxuorrntn. Jnu ll. INTI`. A hnud o. t-huiu hluk II)! inches long with common by. (I in` HILL)! `!$`I.I1 IIUIIUUQ HE ADJUURNISU MEETING OI` Till . Blumhuldern nl tho Kiugnmn Bonclml vc.....r Vlurh (Iumxunv. for Lm alocuon of Vinogn Wxnrhn (Imupsuy. alocuon or Dirulun. kc . will In halal st llus om. of the Pmnidanl, J I Gildonlc-us, Euq _ on MUN DAY,Jan. H. 4 p m. ` JNO. ll. BIRKTIT, Jun I0, I378 ` llnunpr. vvaluvu, QU/\LIlI'll".D HALE TEACHEII, In talc rhnrgv (II: Common Ha-huul un Wulfn ll lnnd, Agvp|_v bu FHANLIA HUI.l.lV'AN.Wolfa hi:-d Mat. 1 Slum-holder: nl llu 1 {nu h_olul ab lnblioqnnupnllinlhg` lb Inuiultblmlqpuv .._._....a_l...Ia.....I. IL-Indn:--5-. I 1 non of tho Tuwnulnp o! Kin nun. Inn Mu known u the property of Ily. . Paulo , tn um Villsgu of Wuthrook, t-bntuntn lhroo quarter: of an Acre, new or 10-5.; hull- in House Ind morn nnal `shoe lmy nambinod, with good eellnr-. wine]: will In and tiny for c-uh. For pnninnlun apply to tho aunt, J. n. PRICE. Avian P.()., or ANTONY le- MISREPRESENTATION I hnvi. A: I to hhnd. DEL? Jun N, I878. out. J. G. PIICE, OUIN. JI.. Wusblook l'.U. Ju ll. I870. l(%ingstun%E%l`et`:tdra1 Division` HOCIlI'l'Y. II can Ann-.4. eosdiubi J-N ucordnnoe with line lnruu of that An! rd nd Inn-'1. II77. the Annual Gour- ootlngof Ibo bnnlnn of u Ionkty will I L! held on WEDKKSDLY NEXT. I0 I61` u , 317 [I.II.. Ifll. U. I. C. Io0lLI., .-_. IITI It.->.unnndTrnuunr l I VII \Jr\u...u_, 1)A|{T 0" LOT NU I, In HM 3r:| (`unmi- Kha Inn 5... known nronony I'M-lay, Jun ll), I873. lo0lLl., up I, II . g. Ilzoaoury and Tvuou-It ' F11I'IliS1-1(V3d7R00>IkI18 To Let. 7 Lvg I , KUOLD WAT(.'H,Ivith gold hum. sonoml hluk Ind gold. Iboul 3 .4... lmm by. *Sit{1`a.tion I I`:-ire only 26:`. %I-`(DR SALE7, II lI|'l` In I (n Hm flnl [w.;...gaa: Irllfll HALF 1'}-`.A(:Il _ ON HAND, 4._.-..._ -v Notic-e.. W .-A.u.s..u| hnvl I nmen venen.l>la pru- nf who has at in mu-an Iince Conf1~de~ night numolhing abuut nwluzn (.'un.sul1n.|un and pu|ia- ` at the John A. ulhcr night, he s the spa.-ch" pa-mug Unuxrin l.og1shsturo, us: he did not uunc speech he I . _; 11... -uununt 'iJtET nlYDNIIlI |Ilr.l(.TlN LOST, rrwn with nnhl ).c.IIII.(XHIno. lay. (2. II`. Gll.DElLILII43Vl ... duum`, Prim-cu Hlreet. ml Hynlenhnlu Hzruntn. I lathe uorrocling of ir LIA. '!ThelIheapB|earingSa|e {R & J; GABDINER `W831 Tnblo Nnpkinn, Table Linn, `rowolhngu, I he: sud Muslin Curtains, shooting: of all lakes. Pillow Linen: and Oottou. 3.. makes, .. --.-r 7 PUBLIC SPIRIT-V White cottons, English and Luc- rlcan Bot! Makes. Mu-aeillo and Lace Toilet emu. ' Plannels. Blankets and Huulllo nail- Oloutis, Breakfast Shawls slid (`av-(Hugh Innlrntn It We have made Ilonvy Ile- ductlons In all 0! the above partments. On Innle nml1`rhmning Yalvotl. of all colors. ()u Trimuningu fevury qleuvriptdun. On Blnrk nnd (`alumni Frent-In Ilorinm ond Cuhmorua. Q Evan` piece 0|" (lumln in uur Mons ha been reduced In priun. Remember tlncse Reductions hold good only during the Cheap Sale which ends the Zilnt Inst. lodge: ' _... :-;-...I. l.I.n r-ru-.l Ii. 6: J. GARDINER Will dalh/urn Lt-churn lllnlo-l' the umylou of the Ladle: of M. Amlro-w `:4 nml Ulmllnor'l Ulnurrlu-n u: the Thursday Eva. January 17th BURJEC'l`.-Tl:o Lift` and Timel cf H10 [Q0 Hun. Joseph own. uf Nun n Scolha. ISIUEKIAKINGSALE! um T0 unuiumm; THAT ron `I'll -......:...I-- at nl.- ....u.al. than -HI nhr 1mmens""s't'E:'iE fiillinery, WILL Bl HOLD HY AU(,"l"l()I, OI I'll pnuainu, lingual, on Tuesday, the lulu Instant, A`? I`) mum Th Anuu of nbovo luolvonl. oouhtbgtl 5 In lluioffoilnllonuy. Ind Ibo nun... ulunruu. Jun. 40. In Dining Icon Yunnan. Indulha I Inrtlo `lop nus. Cu. g.-. --4- -.__n_I- r.---l-- --` "Q EIDAI. --leech; u Prinmvo uh fine Illllnrl `hblu. Icon lutnuln. dc. CEA8. leM|I.l.A)l. Autwuocr. |B}Ts for ran And `noun Cullirc. qzoom do IIOI pnor, _'x.u.v' u, as. A Sweeping Reduction FOIL REALLY Rl'2l.lA|l.| I BAKIIAIII THAT CAN BIC l)l .l'lNl)lD UH nu `rm ' J `lnblu, so-pun. u nnonrns. Duh; and lam; lumen. mu. f`, Hlriully ONE PRICE. eounnt unca nu -u-an-. .... diluuu, Inn tho but lavoahlo t It. Gildunlocu, you nucinon In-k- oduthodnyof battle drhnur. Dur- ilgtlpolctunltugd vu,Ihon uvia- tory bug in the doulnhl huhna, thn pluck at tho combatant: was most In- Indy touted, nnd Hr. lclntyn undo hi innocont in hiadeclnntion Ipeooh, ol how u`;oqml hi: on-ing"cou. new no to tho otdul. Baton the day wag lost at won by anybody, Mr. Kain- tyyo gun up :11 (air lmt, Hid as he Ind the wungo to tell th electors oh dochntion my, be dunk off home under cover of the early twilight, leaving - bin fritndn to ght 1: best they could, for A ..._..A-- ..o ...`.;..r. hi. mm uuAilzmi- IKIW. I'RlN('I PAL (MEANT Klnptoo, In 0, I073. LIILIEII. D1 quilts, mus, DFIBISIIIF Ell Cardigan J scketl, U VIU ANI"UHl.'l`. IIIAI IUD III romnindor of thy month {bay w||| oor tlm hnlulu-0 ol tlmlr II . I D I"II' RICHMOND & DOVDEWI. lg. I0 IK77 RICHMOND & BOYDEI wnmn nnv coons, LECTURE. PRINCESS STREET. Inn {ninth to ngus u um um, w....., ..,. 1 victory of which his own punihmi- mom mlroat proved him tu bu no utterly unworthy. After uuch a heif- oonhlud ubibuion of cowudiue, for Mr. Mclntyro to dun in tho triumph which Ind bun won lithont him, ro- nindn one strongly of the nu killol hill. didn't we?" of Ibo timid uttlor ll ho onorgod Iron: his hiding place in the _|.:..___.. .._. Al. Innifn Lml lulled the bear. IIIIII lU' u--us. -c. Colo Iounull Conn-not Ind iyllndon. will `nrnunn. lull! c. Cuit:_l'|!_. .5 a-autnJ,u he had at the loot- u Um Luduu vllw nnlv lm-Iurn that VIII I luv. Principal tbh Vla- G I IOILII. BO OD0| O(.| lI'DIlI nu nuuu; [II-vi ... ..... chimney far by `W. had I.-.u.d bear. Then 1: nothiiq whuover in the Tory Index : prauu re nunennlor to oommnnd tho rupect ol "vi: o-u folluworn, ghu only uuoeeodod becnuus they fought with I coungo hr superior In his own u Msny who nupportul Mr. lllcluiyru hue not boon nlow to uprou tlunir contempt lur wok porloctly plnuklou belmnuur. We Itrougly dnprccala tho Iporting epi- thou :lunghill" And "game bird," ro- npoctively Ipplloti by the urn! vorn|cu- ` In to Mr. Mclmyro and Mr. Gilda!- ' alcove, iu allusion to the cuuapicuous Jul- ` - - :_ .L-:- L-L.......`...- A...-In: nnul alcove, Lu unuuou w um wu-,.m...u... .... foronco in Lhoir behaviour during and since the content. Hull, inolegnm as the town may be, shay pretty uccunt-sly or pron thc publu: uumato of the cruvon ti midny of the former goutlumon and tho Iplondid courage of hi: opponent. It is 1 nutloublo {act that Mr. U|ldo_rnleo\'o ha: ha hi: dolut.-so nelrly I triumph- wishuhr morn cheerful (mos thnn Mr. Mclntyro did the tight, bcforo victory hul porchud upon either bnnuur. Thu dltfu-once nbuve nlludod to, even uuco the dny of vuhlng, bu [IVOH I fruh im- poln-I to thu rovulnion of feeling which ...I ..o a.. unh nu hnurlv increlsiml 4 PCIHI hnd nt. in with an hourly inc-reusing volume in Uxldorulun from the momoul he took lbs hold. All who ldlllifd ouunqo In Ighc ur chnrful fortitude in dofent hnvo had their nym pnthiu And ndmirnticm nurred by Mr. Uildornloou u pluck sud apmt; whxle Mr. Mclulyre] unnecouary tmudnly And doprouiun, Al I point when ho nhunld have pruervod a stunt heart and shown n bold front, have forfeited for hm: Lhu ntuom 01 many who voted fur hum II. the ruuonlelection, but would be very slow to do it. again. LI Luv IIVuLl|vu on .-v.-..,\ .. ...`.. fnvour of M r. After so much dreadful cnrnngo in tho East, the iulolhgonco -( I causation of hultllitiu, if but {ur I fuw woekn, will be welcomed by tho peuplu of un-louking nations. but much more ugurly, wu- Ihou|d lay, by thou nmra -hreully inter utod. It is A cupntnl limo fur Ln aruns tine, uol only an rogurdal the exiguucim : .n_- _._ ....|- .....I .1.- ....-..m..vu fur v nae, um. uu uf the struggle and the iiccuuity for breathing limo lur both cmubniaiitn, but in tolerance to the I038-Jll of the year in roll. The climax. at tho nun. u! win would likely insist. on in truce of its own, It may nto in no for as all iiiiportant miirtinl operations are i.niicurneJ, and iy in IISKIIHI um u.......\,.... the vur would ding its slow lunglhl Alung during the wiiitar insinilu without any very 1lOl:llVO result to either hide. llii-l ii lrucu nut been cnllail by the uuiilouiliug llflllldi, the combined rorilu of war tB..l ' `inter Iwuld hnulmeii iuurciluu iiidaad Lu huth Ildol williuiil. lining any tlecinivo ell .-ct upon Ilia pmiliuii in liwiitu, Again. In My. ll|`:l`BlIIl't9, Hunt the pruuiiv. in at good [HUB for the lrllllll-lL`e. In is also oppurtiiiio fur other fellsulll. Tho Tull. ll doluntoal but not yet liuuiilinhul, |l)|lL`l| lou dontruyed, and lll is ilinr-i'ui'o willing to trust with Iii: conqueror UH something` liko term: of honour and sol!-rt-spout. Tho prutip of Ruuin, Clllllprllnllllkl by doful and dinutor early in the CAIII psign, ha been lVO|l liy reuenl IUC(`Hs" In which have mmpullcd Lliu enemy in. AIR for terms. Fur tlio puke of 'l\Il|'IlIlll l Ly it. in umutly tu be lioped, that the truce, Ind the iiegnliaxiuiia WllI'.'l| will be` conducted in ll, iiiiiy issue in :1 l.-ut.iny,{ hiinournble lnil eqiiinlolu lelllcmulil til I ~ ...- ii.., ... . |l_|__., SIX lor Ierlul. run my mum m mu... .. inuvnutly WI be , conducted :3 n` quutiuu which Lu become the lurmonl 0! Europe, And the numlnng menace 1! in pence and pmopenty. # .._... ,- _.,,,_ Mice. A some it! by the ml: to hqvo bun nttoodod with violouu--th--ugh tho im- putation in pouilivoly Jouiod by tho hun- bo|J-Iu lollowod by tho braking up 9! their homo. AI uunl the Innocent. olildrol IOPI the chic! nnffonn. l'nsb|c to or undonuld "why I stony barrio: should niu bonus pnrontn Ilon tho] loud. they were upautod. Ibo hlhor shing Hula Ednh and the cosh: Imlo Allen. Allen tout do-n lo the gun. bnnthilg forth with her lyulg sigh lnudcr Innis ol lhopumt uh. nu In Lily. Idubslauo ronunod. `Ind :11 the Iodllol in maths : Loan Ill cou- cutnld upon but. luv hnmlrodn cl milu cixd the III . outrun not. I lay Ilndrodl that ulvol Io obtain occasional iuccrvinu within child. `I'M husband unmnod cold, diumn. i-phiablo. At length, n!~ In iq vain ooding for rctonezlimon in Ind Star] 0! Mn. (`lulu-h. _ ...cc o. THE TRUCE. uoxuun - -. otmwy. u lupulo, JML _.\m~{, WNW`) him the l'.nmm| . of tho Im II mm. rho H. bah! nuunlmlud, much (.nngn.g.m,, `lhlrv-I'UI'0I'lHin[ maiurder. A->_4. . . thi .iue. _ur.u;unu.rn-uuI.zo. I ma IELEGMIS. _ To the id-loo] no Mu l h 1- . 0:1-'ou-I iri`n:"8:`uO;::t3nuod-No _ - h ' cruu - nk : . Condition: of Pom.-4- lnglhh loo, and at `his tnnnuu byviho cu...-h* (`abuses Council suspend. :..."*....'.:`.'.1:.""""`....".`.`i':..f .'f ,<**v_"=`!'-.;!"'7_.*"'-?.. poniouut clan: cl Inn vnlulm H with all thought and to and out :11 ad- unao sud plilugphy Ilium to hot oln dogmnticpnlcuwqn. fully. Bouuoi!" nnhuu innuutin (ii In at .1- Mtrnardinuy pain, not no the and of hi. au'oor-II do vane 0! the Illotlo-I olB0uc,IlllI0IDXIIuml1"' hudncoonnu-1nt.'InnIuhkinn mt- `-b.I_ i-I_gnuunn-n-anlljdjl Mtrnordinuy genius, no can 0! g cu-u-n vane ah... -mun roar: ll` 1-hobln. sad bio at no Iuouon three noon ygnn and un-loob|c. old, and Inlorh--dun 5 toillouu life Ipom. in -akin; discoveries, which hue mod 3 luau on his own nuns and I glory on the world. nu who lint unon tho imma-rub ol hunnnity. III omnnon sad I bonfnctor at tho whole lmmun net. ` '1`. ad thin Inn of oolounlinullect, vo- ...-..l.l- L- |.aA`a.... and Li. nannililiunl. 5 '1'o udtnullulol oowuu llllaucus,` ur w ---7. _u.. -- -.-_ -. __V . g9r`b|O by und Ii: Ioqniliuuna, rum, If It be fruo, II no to the Gru_:d bond dawn Udun wan pinched-browed 9 Duke Nigholu reply M _lho overturn ol 1...,..a.n.., mu his mu. foolish dogma. ' the Turkla Cows:-H:-To-0|:-fkTh9~ u.,nyn., .1 ufing and imposing Ii- ueqxnto no fun t K At t a noun lenco upon him -i1 uouuthing too pninful ; mmury. olamont in strongly oppnpd to for us tu dwell on, -Int mug: ix luvo[un_ u-gm-t_lco. st pron-at, on my bull. .)oen to him. Hi: light giving |1m[c:;rdt`|`u gang I|nchn_od to rfopnll` My I095 |:d0P`!l vo'o1"d wusunlfod out by no.` r y. ypnvng mom 0 as If yearn ru- Bocnno hi: condemnation ha been rupro; mph, just ufit hy within their grup. todbo 0 Va um ll Aniro A son: 0 rumon an a 3:! tea" few sTo:.f'3m-narz 11.1 B.ono- | u tint thy `Grmd Duko _ Niche,- Ientod to you :5 wine vary umau mu: ul 1 a few Billmpl," Illdrou all l --pa. llld Bishop, sud Cudi;ul-I'u moved to in Ivory tutu. And sll lor wlntl To condemn I mm for tho drudlul heray ol uurtingthu the enrth moved; for snorting that the present Pope and ovary on also known to bo an uruuuilnble truth. In it not I Iurtllug idea, thu. il Pope Pin: IX had lived in the dnyq of Pope Urlnn the Vlll, ho nmuld bnvo -boon eondamnad us here- Lnc. Ouly lnnoy ono lnln`lI!'-lo Iolerunly uomloluning Another [nlulllbla ; and. stnngtr uill, bo.h of them stall l|fnlli- L-lo. 'N.- .............oinn -I (ha Holv Olllcc The congregation of tin Holy hurl their hula hour of lrinmph, but now the ruvilud and Iloarrcrunluod tlnliluo lives in man`: momorion, the hunuurml clxampiun of the Lruth, whnlnl. the (ethali: urun-lo of his condolunntion sticks, and -.n .4... 6..-awn in the side: of tho urmulu of mu OOIIGOIIIDIIIUII nucnu, mu will stick f-raver, in the tide: (Juli Ivhnch enudomned him. It in thul that times brings nbout `m rovongn." My l-- v~r, think! hi: Lordship, In: a must Mn saing ono;" that the (hhleo mauer mu I storm in I Input, in fact. - `ho duing, not of the Church, but of A raw Bl.-IuuPu: but miuropruanted nnd magnied into A ll nnuotion of tha church; and,:\ um.urumon,:ho13i.hop, forget.- mg what he Ind been jggn. telling us, adda, "mu 4-uvucu was determined to put I stop to it," Ind the Ohnrch's method of ;n.t.Lin-,; I nap to it, geuanlly rm-um put- un; a stop to him. Poor Unlnlu !\ .-w well what. was meant by "{w!'14 ; \~...up lu it, and hm uuitive (Lu. .v nu neilhora. Luther norm Bruno shrunk c...,.. .s.. ....I..I And and tank. and it, and hm uuluve ms. nu neither a. nor ll --shrunk from the orclonl. Aged and wank, sutfnring from Hal-nin, ho felt that he could nut endure tho threatened onmon rvgo1'ouuIn"- the urriblo many of tha -nmppmln, and L. thnt. In to follow it. Says Mnzieron (from whom Iquoto large- ly in this papor) in ]nOHll[ over I/tevlc"1'rI nl ylmna dro-nd union: of the holy uflico this papor) III Iuokuig mum in of than dread allies of tho Inquisition, we nd LU the words lpoiian by an suorar while his cluthu are being (1/;mo', and while he in Iuing tied to thu Instrument of torture, all the repiicl he runlms to his judges, will his plans. Every muvenmut he makes in noted with cold precision. any, hint sigh: and grou-nl,w1iilo under torture. ' Ha_ was huiutad by the rope, cnlinly adds the notary, and, while lunpended, he would ci out in 3 loud voice, U Lord Hod. have pity! Our Lady help me!" ru- 1-uutmg these word: ngnin nnd again. 'l"uun he win silent, and having for a lit- lie Wililtl thus Iuld his panes, ha bagan again to cry out, `U (Ind, 0 GodI' In the lunqnaan ul lnuumtorn human riunrn- lnuulx lo guano A-cogs quasar: uno- poninunt cl-rl-II a! limo Chunk t_9 in. .u thmmh and un- lu um nut, `U uuu, u uuui language ul lnquuitorn onmen sum" menus |.l'i2\i with torture. With Him he was threatonod, And at this he aluin.-:`ud and shrunk bank. (inlxlnu had written on the upuu in the Sun. .\ftei'uuinining his treatise, the iiieiiiiicra of the "Holy Oloo," on the `..'4:|i x f Fubruary, 1616, unanimously pi-onuuncnd it nblurd and hrretirul to assert that thrown in moliuulen, and that the Udflil roroivu. Th: Sovereign Pon- li` iunuadintely urdeud (furdmnl Baller- nusun to BULIJDIUH Hilileo, and Luhavo him [I| l)ll|i!0 that he would no longvr up- hold it pro outiou condemned by the Uhnrcli. " f ho rofunu tonbay," (said the latter of the Pope,) "lhu `Fathur (`om- miaumry, in the pronoun of n notary nnd wilnouu, lhl-ii onjoin him nbwlutaly Ln nhunin lrnru touching thst Ioctrino uni that upiniou; from upholding It, or oven nf iL- in can he does ml ; ...._uu : um . npnuou; a,.oen'.tu,I of ho Jzul." .-Xvmrd innvnad La ayenkltl; or ll; in na (.09: u-H. ho shall be cut into A<~cr.rdingly Onrdinnl Bollnrmln ` Lu rucuut. After iallnnum, I l'.:u:Imna.ry Uoueml of the Tnbutul `of lnqniumon made known to him, I "on behalf of tho Pope Ind the entire vnngregutlon of the Holy Otuc, tin for- nulaugor . . . to llphuhl this opinion . . . In any uunner wlutaoevor" (Muieru). Uslileu prominal compliance. Un the [uh March nan. the oumzraanlion of the Index con come: of ma glou ol hm I:0l'Olh|p. Inn; 0 G.h1oo wnntod the theory he 1-lmcznud | lxlalarc-I in be I doctrine of Icripture; ` 5 and, u 5 bad nu Ill than being mmlu l 1` of ncriptun, tho Church In: determined 1 I r... put a stop to 1!." Such no the units 3 -r ` Lu whwh man Ira driven, Irhon, to up- ` I I link` n -uegom concluaiun. they urn found : I la auhsdnuto for the facts of hntury the '1 :a........... ..l Aha hum. ?,, | Iuhsululo lot my _/lull m mum, u.-u gment: 0! ch: hruu. As my loner in nlrudy II long In in 4-ugh: In bar, I Ilull ronrvo In conclusion fur In--lh-ad o;;u|on. If I know myself, my abject in writing is got to wound the wank-cl, but to win mu from then; Ifrurl to the truth. ` J. A. Anus. Thr-mu fr-vm my canon on the ice, uphutenua the bonus olopo Inns, Ipnirr ` mg the otlur. and unl-nag (run unto cuutuumu about the hand. Ono battle of _ unu`l.1.uuu-rlouuzu or hnaoxou tr ducod do auollingsnd look sway o iu- ` Iona pun. Thom can be no min o in to in gnu. virtues. W. 1.. Coo|,n hlip, I-litot Long Inland Herald. j 23 . 50. . ll Iboulo. Apuu, Hutu as lung -yin new on Cilyg rm "I nulmlo llilnlovuhun. -3:-In. IX W iunqunvphhpld lo byyoodcu ...L. unto -5-? ---y>- , V ~-\!r. Bethune, it in mud. will bring up his bill in favour ol nnuluivo voting aiming tho pruout sumo.-. Ir. Hod; II am oh push his bill lur asking llo in-ton but Inul. _WIu'lS||OI Iooom nilnul in hvqqdo no-rollcnyg Pt Thu ,5. ..hnhirnHQVU*,DIJ|oohp- Long Inland Honda. ` 25 . 60. , I1 1 boulo. Agony, I than And 3. ll. Puhr. V '1 (IDEDU.-r:`ur-u-:5; you may scab rm: `nmsn wipe. Asxrunnu, JANUARY 12. 1,878. J. ALL". - A nolilcnuon to ma onus III In: conveyed from SM Polo:-Ibex; In the l arto,nud it in uunod n Couhnlimr plo, on the authority of Ir.Lqnrd, tbs! Loni Loluu, the British Albu- urnctod to upnu to Prinoo Gortuhnkof Lord Du-by`: mtoninhnut 55 the Print : failure In lull hi: pnlnin Hut tic Rus- . l aim communion should 50 unpownnd `- to treat for Au nniuieo. Thin -saw 1, it be two, in duh Gnnd 1 Nicholu' tho ovotturlol . lchg 'r...|.i.h (tummmdu-in-Chlof. Thorn E I l I n udar 1: St. Pchnlmrg, Inn been in- j V p I ll, JIII. xv. AIIII II'--I-I Iv- puuiou bu an o no prunouino yuutdnfu nyon, the Rnuiuu baiting that wugotistiona nut ho ooulutod on ' the hub of owning! pun condition. Anuulmtinnuthinoluthubon the ban of annual ooaaluonu. nolilontion to thin slut in but ...........1 0...... Sr. P.4m-bun in tin mniury olamont strongly oppnpu u [on Armistice, being inclined regard any step u tlgprivlng than of htrdly earned tri- an it All of nut, the Grmd Nicho- las demnndad tho Iurnnlor of Adrianople u the n! pnli-ninry to the conclusion of a truce, And thn Ruui; will domnnd the evacuation of oh- Ihnnlu fortune: and H1: Iilhdrhill. will domnnd the oncunluon or the Dumbo fortune: And the withdrawal of the Turin to I hue uf domnrntion/50% twoon Adrinnoplo and Philippopolin. Upon tho whole the chnncu of the con- clluion of an nnninlico Appear to ha 91- ceedingly ahrn unless the nogntinlionl I6 conducted by Russian diploumtl, to the exclusion of the military nnthorltiol. The lI,..n.. I... qlrnndv nvnmnnud iualf ill 0D~ exclulion of the mmlary antnormu. nu 1'-artohu already upmued itulf in op- politiuu to the aouplmg of tho u'l*.innLo peace cumlitiom with the quutiou of II lI'II1I'.lC9. nrminnce. llaiieukyi great victory in the Balkans hn, if we may judge by the tone of the prus of SL. Peteruhurg, rendered the Run- Iiana mnro Quoting in to the term: of peace, and the Cabinet: ti. Uolntnntinopio and London have been warned by then organ: of public opininn that in the Yugo nation: which are to come us to the oon~ ziimnn of an armistice nccouui . must be taken of the (iOciIiV8 military poniiien which the Czar`: army he: crusted for itself. Preparation: are nirendy being made for the defence of Adrinuoplo. The neat of the civil guvernmont nu been re~ moved to Rmluoto, Mid the non-beliigo- rout porliun of the city has been ordered to luve. It. It nut believed, however, thn A serious defame at the piece in con- tempiuteul. A chnnga hu occurred in the permnnel u! the Turkish Ministry, Hamdi Pnhn having boon Appointed Gram! Vixiar, and none of the old mem- burn retaining shair Ientl except Server and Hnivnt Pashnu. i.. Oixn ...i ah i'nriu have aulttineili (By 1'dur-up: 1544;.) London, Jan. 10.` mlinkiann} hn n 0 nmln-`III nfvnt. Pashnu. I In the meat the J'xu-kl hnvo auatnlnml two great reverie: in the Iurrendor of Niach to Iho Sorviana and of Anlivui tn the Muutenouriun. Tho latter no now umrchingou Scutnri. ('!mmmnt.inanIa_ Jan. l 2.- Enconrnzed umrching on Scutnrl. Constantinople, 1'2. Enconrnged by the (Barman nmbnnadur, who intima- ed that the Ruulun cumlitmm for peace Wullld probably be Iuuzlortte ; mud in or- der to give Europe a pruof of hvr ain- cera desire for peace, tho Porto bu uk- od the Russian tiuvurmnem to lulu what; cuuditxoua of peanut it would do- ma '61. Landon, Jan. l`..-'1'ho News nys the Cabins}. Council Inmmuned fur to-dgy mu nrigxnully fixed for Muudny. The data has been aduucoal fur reuoul which may he of great gravity. l...m1.m, Jar. l`.?. - A (`onltlmtiuuplo Lunduu, Jar. (`onltnxltiuoplo denputch any: fugitives are ucking there from Phill|popoHn_ and Adrinnuplo. A 'l`nrl.Ar liuznrdiuk desnntch any: the Phillupopolu and Adnmupm. A Tartar liuznrdjuk despntch any: Turks burned the Lawn of lchtinmn, and intend tn burn '[`Artn.r Bazanljik and other: in 'I`a.pollt'/.n and C`-yup: \";|luy. ` convnlenuing. 1 -|1II ropurted that nun] wulthy ism. Cuhnnnon cnpitdintl will and I lnrge paper Inlll II Morrilton nut npring. -TIw | e'erboru' dry gnudn and cloth- .i'nz Imuul hm-`o gone into inwlvoncy, ` ' Lnher Ural` & 00., and Sutlnorlnnd & `I Borland. 0 u. M..-gt inmndn mnvinv for A Tho Dnukin by ldw ha: bean carriod in | eterburu' by I majority of 934. ---um|uy has arrived at Roma, and has heen privately presented with the medal nwanh-cl him by the lnto King. |.. H... (w..m.. |R..u. Mr. Parent. sii-uann xv: '0, us. win; as-auuunqs. 1-. n nwai-dual him by the mic hing. -In the Uka. can, |ltov. Parent. l r()t.0atant Miunionary, gsve evidence He Muted that he nevor hnrd the In- dlana makenny threat: Against. the unil- nnry. ltliclnwl Purtpil tutlod that the prisoner on trial was not At. the fire until After the uannun will red. V At. the Quebec Council meeting lint night tlza Mnynr Itstu ilut it Ill only iuutorday morning that he had rst heard that the Trouuroz wu in the hnbit of dilcunniing nntea nu tho Merchanln lhnk M. Lorin. which fact. he Acknow- lodged to him. Itating that itwu well known to A member of the Uuuncil. Ho (lhcMnyUr) could nnnro the Council that he hail novor the inn idea before thnt Mr. Durion In "klclng," un- inq thacily tundn tor Ipocnlnlive pur- pmu or-luling in paper. The cumi- natinn so far made by tin City Auditor gun to uh:-w n ieciv. of About 843,000 instead nf `3.'),05lll AI It first Illppoled. _P|m- F. Willnuns. the Chicago {or- I ` rnnlo II In. OOIIIIJE IIEIIIUBI Illl luv : House ol Cuumunu. Q -1! int: upnr-I of $4,000 3 mil: to [clan Nu: York unou. I175; I mile to i dun them in Plnludclphis. . ._(`..n..n ominnnl member! ol the iuntoad of 2$.'),U:KI at max Iupposea. -Chxm. E \V|lluuns, Chiongu gar, In: men remanded in Torumo till Wolnuxlay, Ina cnuuuel intending to ten. the legality of the present indictment. 8'u.m!i ho, how:--/er. be not It liberty I again, he will probably hatriod lur bring- ing stolen pr!-perky into Onnadu, to win, ` money he deposited in the Ihnk of To- : nmtu -ArchIb|lrl Gordon sud Ivifo, of Unn- ville, N. 0., no uid tn hue 27 um. ~Tho rnvagu of hmino in the north of China continue unnbulad. --'[`ho Sixth Ecclemuucnl Council of thus Pronncau! Q-Ieboc WI be hold on [ lhe1`.Mhol May. ` -E`uhu Hunull `tho lonrnod Black- \|I:ilh' -who was i.: xll hulth, in nlowly ` convnlenuing. _ I: an rnnurlod wulthy VIIIE, Ia. u! Provun l.:.... um. .. Borland. ` --Mr. Mann! intend: moving for Ecolumntlee to-day to consider and report ' on a form of prayer fur opening timing: 3 of tho House. w` 1-..... Run. n f`. in nnntimnd no ;_ of House. V- ` -Jnrnoo Buly, Q. C , in nuntionod no the Connrnhvu undidnto of Centre To- frnnto n the coming oloctiolu luv the . Hnxxlj ..1r`..._m..n., Plnladolphls. , -Cert.uIn ominunt 'Japnneu liovornmunt an hlf(O.`I with nopuplri-:y lc uuulnte Ills loader oi the .111: ubolhon, nu-I an iuvutigntlon hu been on F33. ._._. llm-rtnul -Onu9|u2l\r.PooIuS5c; I_u Mir, Bnrlry rev 01 lbs 10 M llr, But wlgrlilgafti-. `bastion llr Woolo; Pm-mu no 45-~. Chicken ism)-1-. Lad II _ to lie. H5131 lo 9 Iuuon 5 lo 1e.P1-ilig E11: '.`.' lo '59. lunar 251,-. V Hun: Eu: '59 , ` Win 0! PuIn.-l luhodiu Chuck. - noun