F Wodundsy shot-noon. --t|`.l lIiuaUIII-n V.---, --1 -Ir. 000. W. Oniglnton In "on 4065" lot onooltlu civic clean. I an , n-..-_.-_x Il.iJ.. no-nun luv: lor one 0! BIG elnc mucus. -'l'ho Can-nqul Bridge Ooupuy Inn duluod 5 dividond of 3 per cont. :1 .. __ _-__ ...u.._ An` nhil-u Man II. Drona 0I]l|[l5. -'I'|Io Talogrcm up Mr. Mount in to bo Oumondod for proposing much I vory props: and vary duinblo prunes, (open- ing tho Lsginlnguro with pnyor.) It in something tho Torin: Ivguld mu: hue dono. ll._L 'l"_-:.. .._n. -nmnrltnd III I dono. -|hrk Twniu once romu-kod thnt "l mu: could pt mnra dioront kind: of author for an monoy in this country tluniunny other on unh." and thin _:,.__ --- :. ....o innlinml Lnnmuo the high-toned. --W. 1.. Payne And W. Webb con- tutod the Reovuhip ufCo1borno. Than Inn 191 votes cast, and the Roturnkxg Ofcor undo the c mm: Pmyno 95; Wobb 94. Webb in going to law to hunlnp than two ballola. u-_._ a. t--....- ;. ; Wnnrtown . tluniunny other unn. Iuu ..... winter cm is not inalinod tongue point with Link. . -Tho blundo editor does not think - 4-` :....._.l :-.u-ngliun -1`no blulldl auuur Iluuu lav: ......_ thy. penoumitiu no toned journslinm, H3 begin: to think no than he got: I Rulnudlur hi: Oliver. Tho bunilcu or- ghn 0! Thurlnhy Int In extremely I.i..|.,em.ul high-toned. W 1 thou nu muou. -Myron St. Louuro in I Watortown | miobfity. H0 in to the paper: than what Chnrloy Counter in to Kingutou uriboI-| eonlunt. subject. St. Myron . ;. III. 1... .5... -..Ir Altar ens ll'lbOl-l eonlum. Iuujuun. ..... -.,.-.. II to vlnit Kiniunn thu wuk, Ahor tortulning Cspo Vincent. We no warn- ed in li1no,nud our woloomo in Indy. ._{...- at V 06! V of ti? nlo:L._. I The first muting of this Society since the holiday: I'll hold on Snturdly Ivon- ing in the Nnturni Science room of the Roynl Oullogo, tho I :-uidont, Dr. K. N. Folwiak, M.A., in tho oluir. It was re- Iolvod to roquu! the Modicnl Council of Ouurio, through the Rogintrnr. to ehnp tho time of tho Spring onminntlom from tho lunar part of Mny to IIJIO Lima in April. It is hoped tho pnyor of the pc- tihon will be gnnlod, as it appears an act of injustice to keep grulunlen from amor- ing into tho puetico of thoir profusion till no Into I poriud. The Cummiueo |p~ pointed for the formation of `n Glu Club ruuunud progreu through Mr. Uraig uni give indication! of its Ipudy eit|'I:liIh- men. A dcbno fallowod on the Iubjnsk, ...- L...) .1.-. ...m..-w in dang ~'-WbobtoboWud;n1or urm -63-0. Julia! 1'5 CcpoViuI|Iau A debate Nlluwlu uu euw .....,-.., Reeolved, that eurgery he done more for eufferlng humanity then the preotieo ef medicine." Mr. Nowlende epened the debate on behelf of the attir- Iutive, end eloquently traced the Me- Iory ef eurgery [run the eerlieet dete, end `eve uverel Inetenceu in which the ehill of the eurgeol hed been eltended with mireculeue euecexu. Mr. Unlbrnith opened the rlincueeion for the negative, And In fellewed on behelf of eurgory by Dr. Feumck in In this epeooh, replete with veluebla iuformnlion. The oleiml of practice of medicine, and in triumph: ee I brunch of ne lical eclenoe, were ehowu et eeme length by Mann. Clinton, Lynch, IlcArI.hur and Smith. Meure. n...;.. k..l.l Lemnrd end Oldhem ed-I -8nonr'bnuu M70 H85'P"'! l,__AI___ ` |'I`- , l _A'ric1|ItllrIl Sooioty Inll! 9' u.'..a.....|.. .n..-nan. ` ` 1._ynoh,IlcAn.nur nuu mum... Urnig. Kxdd, Leonard ad-! vaunted the allirnutive Iido of the qllOl- K lion in I nuvluor whioh ovlncod I care-1 ful nludy of the nubjoct. The nrgu-' menu of such uulo were roll udunced, and the dincunion proud uintorut.-ng II it In: imtructivo. Al. the clou II In lunrrunuu. the eheirmn ol the debnte, Mr. W. F. Cleaver, ennuuneed that he wee unnble' te decide, 1: the argument: of the ein metlve sud negetive were. in He opinion, equal. He therefore dealmed giving A deoleien, but covnphmentod the member- en their eupceen In the ducuuion of the eubjeot. Mr. Donovan preuntod the Onliai reponin an Able manner. The eubject for debate eelected for next meeting in, Reeulvad Hut. Weman hu done more fog the Physician then the Phyeioinn for Women." Menu. Keuue dy end Mo.-\rv.hur will lend the nfrur hve end negelive, reepectivuly The .EeeuInpun Society ie meeting With great euceeee, end ll proving benecinl le ell who enjuy in memberehip. HARM us H1-uwA. +'l`l1e llellcville 0n- l` l {uric of .\'nturdnyov-ning suyn. When the ` Sh!-ppnnl'Jnluileo Surgery: were leaving Utlnwn. they were mlvuod nut to call at Kinguton; that tho plnco would not ruunl thom fur their Iroul-lo. evening Mr. Haney, mnutgcr of tho Singen. nnnouncotl tlmt thny hud Iuc-1 ceodod about twice M well here u ml the Cnpiul. am] this! he ahuul-l tel:-grnph the (mum nlmrper (n that eff.-rt. "1: Lu`. ` would make An etf-rrt tn retum tu Klug- ` nun M. An early day. ..__..._.. ...._._., ! Tmmno Lyn na1n'.~l`he Toronto Vnivenity College Litenry and Sci;-nLi~ c Socinty, M. in Int meeting. resolved ` {but the Curstor of sud Society nhuuld place on fyloq of their rosding room, one duly paper from ouch of the cilia] of Kmgcton. Ihmilton, London and 0m- wm Tho Wllu in the one chnnen from Kingutnn, `And we uh it {Br grnntodl that the Above Literary Sooioty know pretty well an mom: and domorlu of the nlpoctivo local on-gum. -:_-...o~_%_ "Hyde I It. I. I. Chum: TI... It-_.A Lmn Inlmru Punnun.-Wc Inn: that'_ Mr. Tapping Iul lln oloeud [tong ol`[ bsrrio; Ir Butte Ropu 0! (ho; Ir. , mu`... Run ol Olonndon,` sud Ilillor. ` gndhlr. LR-Dawson oocea-um-, I udOuoua --ooo .|-ijcnllplln `society. WIID WAIIS. rm: Bilsu wme. }[0NDAY, AJANQABY 14., 1373. Ooool thonod oodploio IIIIAGOZ lolly Iorlnoilhtoootioo in tho oikyio ooood nod -onogod by Ir. 1 . Dojoo, _ oodvo -oko this Iopnion nltc no on- ` oniootionol tho on! tho no i ohinoq with Illioliii B om-kuL Fully `dainty yoon ago Ilr. Iioliblu unanno- iod tho uuilfooturo of boot on tho oito of thimhtowory. So-o you: shot tho auioouponsd into tho hand: of Ir. {Wong ond in 1842 Mr. Jooub Bojno bo- ouno propriotot, and nndor hio diroctioo it rnpod hondooino rooudo. 'l`ooI.t_y loo building III hid. hovinj Addition: And iuprovononto ndioi Iron: tiuo to tllno oinoo thou. Tho loot clnngo woo undo loot (oil by Mr. P. Bojuo,into when bond: tho iniitntiun bu puood. la` conointo of tho oroction of o now otono ` 4 building on tho north nnlo of tho browory, tting iulo o kind of elbow on tliot oido of the main otructuro. Thin addition in I x `.58 (not, two olunoo, tho bottom nt |boing uood for foniontiog and storing lngor bur, uid tlio upper ot for tho otongo of ico. Tho-lowor nt oxhibiu onnio oxeollont tnuonry, tho oor Loin; of opotono niooly oqunrod Ind bulli- ho-morod, nnd hon loud in Poi-tlnnd ooniont, wlulo o drnin in out in tho oolid otono for carrying owoy my looking or opillod Inter. In thin oportnzout tho ` ` Inger nooivoo tho nishing touehoo. tho puuchaom holdinfit bomg of tho capo. city of 300 gnllouo, And pitched inoido for tho ' purpooa of giving tho boot I pocnlior `avour. This brunch of tho bulinon in prooldod over by Mr. Goo. Zioglor, of New York, on oxpert in the nnuufacturo of lngor. Tho ico houoia in woll ornngod. Tho oor lo laid upon codn joiotl, ooverod with two inch tonguod nud groovod plnnking, than with two loyori of folk. ond llnnlly by No. `_ l galunixod iron, oolderod and mode porfoutly nir and water tight. Tho walla nro bnttonod and lined in nonltoblo way, whilo tho not in tinned and tho Iwholo building undo porfeotly ro proof. In no hr -3 the bnildoro nro conotarnod they hiwo done their work well. Tho oiunnry mu perfortnod by Mr. McCul- noy; tho carpentry by Mr. ll. Nowinon; and the tin work by Mr. W. Dunn. Tho oqtoblishnienc in 1 model of cloanlineu nud tl.rifI. It in well Iminngod, and no hopo tho ntmcn prooporlty will attend the proprietor. ------ooo `yoon ogu tho fonndotion ol tho prooont > At the next meeting of the Molntyro Election Committee, there will be n. can- tiuunliun of the City Hall Exliibilinn by that distinguished iliulioniuv. and tliimbla riuor, Sir John Mwdonnld, for tho benet of the home organ`: business fund. The recent entenaiunmnt. given by the Coininillee in honor of the organ grinder: was purely complimentary in form, and does not tally on n buniucu iriuor, hon i ....&...Ln-- `.1. nnr. ooum. The lint. pen will be made to represent. A McIntyre campnlgn paper, and it will be provuu that the parfarmer muy have it under his vary thumb, but at the mo- ment he wnntu it he will find it. hidden away under the (hldernloove thimblo. The effect in mulling, but neverthelema vary interantmg to the nudionca general- ly. The second in A 1110': pea, and the per- former in very caruful n! that pea, be- cnuso it hu been pr-Hing Sir John I. bud story tcllur, and will be vunled to back up Its good work." But pronto I llml. pet is hiddun away amne- whoro. The performer, to his relief, huh 1t under I Macdonald thim|:lo\, Ivhere than are miniature clerk`: desks. The nudianco is expocted to be dazed by this hithoito unnppronchod lent. of lager It. I. I. Illvonn: Door Ilt---About Mn yarn ago my henlth {Dali lrilngh Ibo dhult-ting uuoln at dynup Ih;uorIy I you Inter l was uurkocl by I, four In nu worm. fo--. ll unlocl In my I and look the form 01: lnrgd deep uaua INOI which wu lftoan monzlu in zuhenu 1 id CID surgical uporuuuna hy Lb hen ski I II 830 Itch but rvdmml no pcarmnueut cum. IIIIOPOI lpnm nut-imnnnd wn oouunuv. Iy silk: by n profuord discharge. 1 ulno Ioillllall pioou if poms at dleronl nmr-n Innate no on Elm: Ab-rut. noun years. till ` i` 'I`hn 'l`lilMBl.E RIUIINH IIXIIIBITION. ` i: not the om to move. ` Mayonlty nloction cnmpulgn, when a lit.- livoly pan. The feurth pot in another Giulia pan It in info nnd fut under the thiuihlu, Ind Since ll. bags: to have principle: it In: nevor boon known to budge, excopi. luring 1 Sullivan llo rolling on both win was di|crotion- nry. But, preno! it`: gone, too. H in oxpoctod to be fuund under A Uuvarn- mom Lhimbls. But no, it does not got Lluro. It will be found uudor 3 King- nuutliimble, known A: the Nrws. 'l`liin is tho pm`: do ruistanre, And the curuin II upoctcd to full upon 1: Elm I nlmw of trickery an I Klnglton Ludionco out be- holi. ._.---._ We no very much dininclinod to In-lice thou pornomlillu which out can temporary I0 frnquontly indulgu in. If, `iolover, we notice them rtrcly, It II nut forluk of mlturinl, but from I belief Qthu the public huo no interest. In such mutton. which no tnything but indict tin of I high tone of jJurnnlinm."--Tha Blond; [Mate-r. 1 `I4... .... "gin. nIn' pnnn`. ghn luomu bauw. `flnhn uproving Ilnl People who got. lhoir noun pulled '_ul' pernonnlniea no 2 uullolt pruchon of impersonal doc- ` -arty uvm mun wwu w -n------ . I `ru--g -- ya) l---h --I; v-`-viz` Ruhr _ .` "Rev. Mr. B0"). tin. P0 nlu sdi|ld*" """ ` "' " ` L ;g|c1on! room 0! Is. Pnuln_ 0 Inch. In , I30- uhu vj\ll-p.mr~-n:L:- N:-4" Id W" Dr, Dichon, the u.a:e.1Sapor=uw;J , on roll own on n ur , ,_ ,; . I.r.y.o?nI.L Lula`: church, Leavenworth. ' "" m -`nd::u`::_ `thtlzu [:1 u Knun. Th iuvilauon, It in: dOQlllI~ '.I ` "v "c".` , J ' god, vu rynovod vuh nu-h uxnuy. and pumnunnl unP`- "' '"` `"""| ` ` you-punod b (no put: for Mr. Bin] | W, ,,\.mm. cf tho um: at law? villi! $0 .nd had; to vnuunh, u! he qt W. -mdmm" u 0,u;,_.`I_ ,]....n.d md ' I 1I`h `Fld'd `9 _"P`v M h '9" ' . . dl vlnlo the tutor in I sanded not n y gnu go uke Hunnnglun sud chum "' \' 1 06 ND and consent. The com 1 Abundant in IuPl l!- 5' " -""d'- `tn ` ` : Q l"'ItuoId It.PuII'n rill leap n canon ` ',g 5. uhn from I point fugthfx "loud `lwror by gas` $39. Iiiuou 55.; gt which the run of tho L ittv=l,.o-"`m..1 I:` tusrtp-:0-'u:` A-:\-In W "` """ ` """"` ' '3 - - - u. g; 5 him utiuuod at 33:000. -~- . ..-...~........ '..'..:.:.`:'.;...........u.....,. `dog. It. ban,-an dovcr hi: luv ,5. hgucioo, n( out-Iain chops ll nu nldvnulhil (W00-I-yhv-i-1. ,;,..4., uoccdd smuuuouo nun: o e|ocI.udvodoohuonIu n..*.u.a,., Iulviab.1lvhnIo|unnlonuy'"`- ' pa Hnhuntun1.ru:_boalO|00*-5|5""`|"P"" lwjnuiiphauohnnuing I up ,..|oup,nIl Xhnuhnn-but @ '9 1. byu _ V " d.'._-,`gq&IhoI|hn'oovn. ` (Haj:-ye Do;.u.ty Judge llmdernon.) Dulmox vi. lLn'uAIn~mI.-Acuon of . roplovin for I Ituln angina. Evidence | Kuhn and one Adjourned lo; nrgumolt on Wednudly. Mledolloll & Nadia (or plninti; J. M. Ihchu for doludus. -:--oQo---- I Gonna Wu1'.-'l'bo Lutuotp Gcuue than rolon to tho romonl of Rev. T. W. harry hon shut town to Kuuu : "Dal Mn. arr! ILA nnnnlnr And. VE(,,+1 'l` I N 1'.) Prepux ml by 1'.` B. STIVIGNS. Bo:-stou, Mass. A Slckly Hypocrlt. ..o4 County Court. ._<. himhlu, 0 nevor g ool lor no me: , It. ininclinod hich 1'9] hi nlnr nd 1 "9" in|3"- I Dr Ind 'onIor$l'.. " it `P :-" Iltyfnnd porn-n ltr. Entry` my I 0 I ~ hut Ink _`h. m: I munc The sbund ._ ...-..A\ -.L_ ; . _m rmuc 13:1-mmols. Ionhnol uyluu hr tho luau. o---- Iupo.:to~IAn;Ioit, hliio upon to ` tko Onhtio Govonmont, ooyo that tho" pvoooodtogo ol this Asylum, both in tr opoot to tho novouonto of potionh ulul in goaonlopontiono, hovo boon mono uriod an important than in my {armor yoor. Tho rotonu out that st tio olooo ol loot you (1875-76) thou romoim.- zin~ dot trootmoot And ooro 37! potionto, that during tho put you 95 won Admit- toil. Bnoo oodl Iomon. -okiog I total of 432. Thooo Iumboro do not in- olndo tho oooviot loutiao rocoivod from tho Kingoton Poaitontiotv ontorior to or during tho put you, or potiouto bo- longing to the Provlloo of Quoboc, but lioludoo than only thou mointooonoo ` dovolvod only on tho Province of On- torio. Tbirtooo polionto, Ihooo iunnity In of o olzrooio typo, woro roumvod to tho lzlomilton Alylum, onl 'ono potiout nu awoy. 'l'liooo oluogoo nd unvo- monto loft 380 potiento uuelor trutnient ` on tho olooo of loot your, on oomporod with 337 on tho ootrooponding doy of the ` procodiug you. .Tl:o maximum uumbo_r of potionto during tho you` woo ottoinod ` on tho 25th ol Juno, viz" 401, mil tho minimum numbor,3-17, on tho 20th July, . tho doily ovorogo population of tlio your boiu 364.89. : J.-- _-_-Ixn :- _----_ Ix` AL. P DUI d0.Ol7 . The sdniulom uni-0:56 in oxcou of the procoding you, and won grenfor than than of any you since 1868 69, hhou tho Daminioufdovormnont plwad 150 beds :1. sh: disposal of tho Province of Outnrio. Eighty-four were tranlforrnd from Coun- ty Uula, ohicy in the outorn put of the Province, and the romniuing eleven were ndmittod under tho ordinary prucus by medical certicate. Tbs discharge: numberod ninur.Ionnina mu nnd ten wunen -of whom fteen were cured, Ihne iiuprovul, and one unimproved. [u nddilion to these dinchnrges, whlch Look place during the oioinl ynr. night. pntientu were unt away cured niow dnyi .:.,_ :... ..l...._ N-->--.. .l..a\.. o...|: pnuuuw noun Iuuu an-J vunn . .. .'.. \._J- char in clue. Nineteen death: took plnco during the twelve months, nhnring Iho rue of mortality to bus been 4. -10 par cent. of the onuro number of pntidnta under trenmunt during the your. II ....x.... .'.. ...-.l- ..I ah. u...n..f.~.y- um. ..i- uuuv: Ilv-Illlwuu -nu...` u-- J-.... 1 Mention is made of thc Irnnuferunce of ' the building from the Dominion to the Ontario Government, of the admirable lpprniiltixnin. of Dr. J.W. Montgnmnry, of the County of York. La naiatnnt surgonn; of the additional n.ocor.umoda.` lion nlfonl ad by the cotugu uyuom; and oi the plan fur the unimilnting of uln- riu. Rugsrullng the purchuo of tho in- stitution by the Ontario Government. the lnlpeclor ronmrh: vm... ...\..,.a..a......o I\' n u.I.mo.u- an: n.. nuyuunun lvlnnnla. The nppolnlment of B valuntor mu re~ commended and immediately took plncc, who, in nonjunotion with one named by tho I).~mir.ion Gnvornumnt, and smother numuiatad by both the valnators than np- painted, pruceodud with the valuation of the furniture, furliuhinql, chntela. stuck, etc., belonging to the Alylnm. us a required by tho Act of Transfer. For them goorll the Dominion Government wu awarded the sum of 8l3,R7H ll, for l wlnch, together with the nuru uf $`.. ,826.71l ` awarded to the Medical Superintendent for furnltura, atoox, am, an n]Iprop1'iali0n will require to be vuteul in the entlmntoa I fur mm. . lulllull piano: :1 M. m IBV `At; 1174, when I frio,-n-I rec:-mu [0 your olce. llld Lulk HM: Vogoiiuei lull`! In, . 1 pound txruu In yum notin the lIPOIlll1hI.`&.. by fur H5:-`S. The vncanf lnmll comigurmn to the 1 u .-\-ylum ware gone over and onlnmnd, ` l. with a view to the Icquinitiun of not lens l than 151) acres, In mlditiuu to the 353 nor: now owned by the Asylum. tlnt be- ing the nmulloat Area which ahuuld be M- ' I uoherl tn an Asylum ol this size. A: tho ` l result of thu oxunirutlnn, the Provincisl l vnluntors v ' jhe Asylum and formal- ly pruce ed to a vulunuol And An award in re: cl Lu about 70 Icrel, ln Ietlle- ` l which an appropriation will also no to be uked in tho enclmutol of 878` Application hu ulnn bun mud: to tha Dmnlninm Uuvarnmnnt for the " (Jnlunnco Land: lying bolwoon tho l`oui tent try road and tho Buy cf qumto, con ` tuning about 100 news, which, It ll to he hoped, will be am-ceulul. l`l... lunlth ..l' Illa Asylum in UH IIUVUU Wlll UU H|'\\.\JIUIIII. The hullh uf tho Alylum in 1'.-ported to be generally good ; ` and I0 far at the Inspector has Ind an opportunity of iudgxng tho`; dllciplina and U10 order that pruaill in the evory dny mmnnzement of its Afhirn ! ._, ._. ..........-....m. ...,; .-...a .....a5 nu uvu] um, .um...m..u... .. ... ....-.... are must cunnnonclnblo. Ind roell [I013 E credit upon the executive Ability and soul I .n.. u...a;...1 s.x..n.. u...{...o wlm nhln creuu IIPUII Hui Us-uuuvu Dunno] nuu -7. ` ul the Medical Superintondcnt, who also ` reports very highly of tho cnpncity ind hithfulneu Ihown by the nuinunl phy:i- I cinn. A: the Voxpanle of maintaining`! um Asylum wu defrayed by the I)umin- 3 NA nn..--.........+ ..n on July in nu :2-n-1 ILHI vv-c Cinn- l`\!1"luIn ,-`. ., .... .,,..-... Ion llovernunent up to July ht, tho our \ 1; {ml of this doputnunt. was only in the ` hum]: of the Inupoolur for threo monlhl. K It` The expenditure during that Limo nmouut- ` ..1 to 3lT,~%0l.I)4, Ind the rnoipu fruu: pnying patient! duriug the your amounted ` to 8I.:'77`93. ....,. 1` nu...--..` It HI respectfully recommended Hut np- ` prupriationu by voted for work: And ur- vxcel upon cnpxul ncooum. for the omumg your 3: fn1|0WI.-- Fnrnt. - For the oruclnnn of I win; in the h-lluwl ;-- sum: style of architecture :1 (In present mum building, enpsblo of giving scamm- mpduiun [or 125 pluonlu. 1!, however, it in not connidored dunrnbla to prucoad with the bulldxng of thu addition, which of necessity would be nthor coly, 1 would nugaut thlt I oclt|g@ur chrome pnuunu be orooted upon tho grounds, and mu: lurnilh In inoxponnivo man: u! rehunng the Auylum wnnu. Mao {ur the completion of tho laundry structure, the erection uf I gu house, with Ill up` ylinnces for mnnufwturing gu, uni fur uthor minor Itructuru. Q- .ul#V..r llunidnlinu ll`: nlnim nf uuhor m1nul urucsuru. 1 SQ.-cond~F--r Hqllidtliny tho claim of ' mg Dominion Gwunmom for furniture, furnishing sud ohnloln uhn over with the Auylum; nlm, for paying for tha fur- niture Ind furnishing: of the Medical Supariutendunfu houle ` '1'h~,rd For one hundrod now bod- \ Honda, H ropluo thou worn out, togeth- er vnxh pnlliueu. hair mun-us. cw . {or the nun; {or the purcluu of picture: and tub Articles 0! ornamentation for tho hylum, 1: well u lot nddilioml lnnurlry machinery. npplinlcu, cm, on. I-1.-mh-l"or the imnrovononc of tho lmudry mumnnry, nppnncu. ow., cu. F.-ar!h-I"or improvonont run supply. .lv`.hh-'l`o DIV hr tho lnml ocrrnrod I run supply. -Fifth-To pay or Wxrld , under the sign] of tho Provlncihl 'uluv Inunn H6433 through y ur muxulnvl Milli: lngra-hentn. am. whu-h y pnducod. B! Who! I luv nml hcll-I I gain:--J nnme ' ...,... Ilodleul 9'.-oriukn-I n hm nppondod rcpt-rt mtixo lm gpo:.::>t, diotuaou I number ut qubjauu gl pgrgunnllll IGPOTMIGO. I788 ut;-va a.|-(um; Ito building, origiusy inundedx; noun-lly, the supply, |'0O0IIOIdl_ tbsp lg-gygd .L-n -5 -Lhnh an an-Ann nl lhg - OI an-biog of ubhl and I01, tho iduinnnuc-1 tho Supll-indict, 8 that put on public Nani, III In: ol toptodnotian. Sq: Dr. Diohu: Alcohol whether gin: in the but 0! but, win or think-ry, Inn. in on:-you: tho-nu dutruclivo Ionian ). I in -.II -nay. (Int anal: I | SIMS-O uooonmuvv uuuo-o-ow. - _ oolloooro that oopoisosolslno 1 `cit! for oloohol in mgr hoy plosciho it no: v , old sssottthot II noun; dioossso it is Dolls 1 in orrostingor provoutmg wssto ohio- 1 no, neithor of which oocts I on quito l pooitivo it possossos, sad` for thaso por ` it is porlootly lutilo to Jrosqibo J It. I unsure thst is o otsto Iloolth thoro is not s singlo orgui or tiosuo of tho body that dorivos on bonols from lts uoo, sud quito so tho that it too must deotructivo` ogont to ovory puma oud tissoo of tho body, oithor in I stoto of hoolth at di-ouo. Hoot Inlstohos idoss how long boon ontortoiood ol tho olcnency of Alcohol in insny Iinonoouf tho systom sud its gonenl offsets on tho hunun body, but ocmnl oxpennouts hnvo oonviuood somo ol tho shloot sud moot prulound thinksro in tho lnodiosl ' prolcosino, thst it has slwsys sud` in ovory form proud itself to ho tho most, pernicious nest thst wso ovor omployod --~1nodicu:slly or othorwioo. Boing thoro- fore ntisliod that its uss in o unto 0| hoolth is novel` noeosssry, sni in s Itato of disuse it is most injurious, I hovo, for yours put, sbolishod its no in tho Asylum. The use ol tohscoo in ovary form hso slso hoou prohibited in this Asylum, to Allow pipes I0 ho usod (or smoking pur- posos was found to bo vorv dugorous. ls thoy led to tho coucssling of Instchoo to light thom in tho dormitories, sntits no for oithor chowing or snulfuia is so dil- gustiugly lthy that its total oxpulslon from tho house has boon orderod, sad for sumo time past it is not sllowod, knowingly to be brought into tho build- ing for hither kaopers or psuouts. Tho Doctor further rooommonds tho lighting of the Asylum by gs: instood ol coal oil; the rspsir of tllli fences sud walls; the acquiring of s uroaler amount of loud tlut tho Government now owns; and if the suthnritios desira to purchuo cows onough to supply tho Asylum with milk. it will be nobossary to oroct is born s.n'l stsblos for tho loclgmelt of tho all- msls sud fodder. This will ontsil su . . I ,u__ Q-)l\4\......-- . \Vuml, `_ \ t.Jesw .\" llllll luu Iuuuu-. . ...- . -. outlay ol prnbably 8`.!,0()0muro. ._:...._.i__. EXiVKa'1`xuwn. The election: were carrlod on with great vigor, nnd renultod in ch. return of the old council entirely : I Div. `41, '71, MR, SUI, 1'o(a(' Rear: 4 ` I II A\(\ I ' I` I I I)` l)[:[' I1 u u man, Perry, 4) Depuly 1\ rn`- D-....o Cl) n v--._y, N [m,.uly- u VV um], um Cntun, (retr'd) I Hut:-Mus, If 'u.., remedy By Ihul :- Idonu in Vegetine. Xoonlnenood taking it mun after, hut I Franvr, I hIi||or,l`.}C.l{ I2 Millor,J .(ruL'd)'. ` mu. (:3 \bnlq5 4 Venton, Inn-.u>n-u |\- - Roev~ W. N. Do} I I !und the lira!) (`has A l...~a,_,I (3 (3nl'ln`nHu-IL } ball, A. In j. H. llickly. um ` l(Il`l Puka, .Q6V0-'ll'I ll 1} Ball, A. Duwne LI |'2..hlu l\-Ln-'1: Reevev Thou. I I Inn Daniel Sol~.(wicl 1 Lenard and J. A. Cat (founvxllnn - - H. r ? gun and Wm. I`:1 ` K r [ vuuI.Vr,nr.- . ` James Willirum was oleotnd Rae" over Mr. Clark. by A nmjurity of nine- loan, the former pulling HI) and the lat- tur til vutol. The (`.`oancil!nrs elect arc: W, IL Hnyas, Henry Marker, Wiilinm l Pringlc and Uani-3| Scum. \ W .77-... -, _ Reeve -- I r: N am `!..Il A H..mnuu Idonuln Vegeune. I oonlnenood torn from ltu cocur, nil] I pormnrvwi. I006 I0" I! VM b0llfI.I.Ill,( mu in ulhrl` - Yu I did not I---~ llm result I ls: !l I lud tskon it f;:.il.MuHy for n little I than I you, when tho div.-ulty in Ihr ` WM cured; And for nine umulhn I line en 0` thl ball of hanllh. I ha" In that lime gained tvnuly ndl OI oah, being hnavinr Linn our b I Inylllmnnal I wan nuvur rnurn able to {arm Irbor chm nut. Dm-Inn the uni. few work-u I Inn] A mail L'l|n nu nmgon. 3 n ,. Fur (`up you In-op rirr:uuinLz'n wuthtr we wnrnml you 0! I An ....u- ..nnlmn'um nu nu ; Rem-ax Stu ....;u.....,.H I- `I I` I -`cry-1._you1' Hula mater. mllutr. but IN 1 h(\*4['I, glad hy glv ing Imruueul {how n-u . u.-.... mm. v:n .m 4-.lmnnu um n-0 1-hen lrieudn that ha hu Iully nucovorod `ah health 5 n gin nut! in now engnzod int 0. W. AN- IPIIWN. u Cl,'TI'I|(, Ind molt respectfully . rm man 5 ronrw-`vol 31:06: oonn-nu And so In (In! to inlorm his Inrmnr rulnnari And ruconrod `ah bunk nxnin I lrllw. moi! roopu-tfnlly I roq Inn thou s nurra lhx... mu M MU do kifutumse ndeavuv so Fnund pk-no lhv-In n gin WM: vofcnnto to the above 0 W. AN JIEWS Iuulmllou I I chnnu in M: \uMiM'Il`, Luring 0-my-I-[rod Ir. 1G-W-7'5`7:f5'E"?YYS'3 cm` L|VEI_i1STABLES _' .`%':`_!.`."` "" -(-4I.JA- -V r~~rf-~- - - - rrtuqgaalgrul, 9---` nun, villors - chm: During the put mulling an larfo u my first ;;:\l P! I but . F.` u`:okm{ogot{ne faithfully, L >M>R. I-IAY.,v'l'Ta||or. The lunlcnpnl Eloellou. (`uunml is I. I. Ay1swnrth,Ruvei 'nrroH., Int Deputy Reeve; N. I . n<.i Dapvny RP:\'n. Councillors unny and John Sharp. ..... -.... 1. n4I'n`\ l8Il(?ll'..'I` 'rm.oIt. '1 :. 1~.a.Is77. v. "v.v.t.\'a'rux xrunrr. ` DON'T mu. .u.u.~r niII.u:r.l 'rH("| JUH UI IIHI VIHUI. lIl'I)\-1 ~ purrluuiug one right. amny. YOU vlulnlr mun Al SAY . ur Hem-L ck.` til I pill` 3196*. {hag Gnodnurv 4 I.....I u...... Inn): l A port o! In bod I look QOJIIO It Ion-I with thurnrfnrr in I m should lmvc been L-unul of m Iounor if I had mkrn larger dz boeolnu ncclutonne-I tn in on Ld vour utmnu lruuhlod VEGEINE rlulrnlr. ; Dvputy-A. Oliver; Denlsun, I. B. Hud- ...\.. )-allur; Dopucy (r-t, :\. Lloyd. C\|`.lII4:il- -an, H. Bnkonond - 1|) A.Vuu:ur... Hornick; Cnuncil~ ick, Oriel Cole, Mme: .m..ll..n ; U.>uncIll.nra 7|, vv_ lien. Hnwluy and W, .(.\`Ol'l'lI). >uncill.nra u_. 1.... . mks her -at llltl n-I-and. n` mg ill Lvutfll 1- hill IIIIIQ no vculd an npodsl .`v.-mu to an. Dnsss comm DEPAli'Il!l'l'-i-lhuy|Iu.=`g lI||lohI0d0!I.IdnIfroI|!|`Jopor5snI. AIlWoolBnpnuDnIC,0o$ X Ihok lashes iron I! I-0: par yd. Wmooyu nus -ha-In or rho. Hannah. Duuonh Whoop shut. sun on hand : A few vary In-go BUFI-`A ROSES. haul and Iqlllol. Jltl nodnd. two In vary beau GRAIN |Mu& r _ " - A. B085, 88 Princess troe Jun 9, IUI. I u `-7-: `Z __ ___`, >` ` In In-kedx-the Goois In In-ry Department Down tofrlul I tlsrcnnot but Make a Bondy Sale. ` ,.-.... ....n.-Jun-nu -.-._]___.g__._ II GILLEIT IEIIGIIH gs.u_o.. um. hu touch! thufhvounodVo uh; I$tt-pdby.lIIavou.IauI.&naI. In Insomnia. gulaanud Pun:-sdnnol HIEN|1LY%Sl1l2%IETY&Ll|HHlI[RPHISE A4 .__._ ....`.o.-in-3:113, -Ll \z'L- 4 9-2.. .__.__._W Postponement Until April Q2, 1878.- $16,O-OO! - n ;n_ . I_l_l. ` -1w j `j .j_.,.._._ 0I|c Chpnce in a l.il'rt|nu-! A Nolrlc liort In Aid 0! the Irish Frlenclly Society I St. John. Two Weeks}?fyiflgperatic Concerts! ! .._Il tltluutl I YH `........._..n_ _ ` I sold xt $5; giving very Ticket llolilar Two Adnluloal all One 8,000 Ticket! only will he (`hnuuo iu luau llum ti lvl. iu the fulluwing liul :-- ELKT l I - E 3- `. C3A$3d0GrI 3"!` - _ `1 i do do - - .1. III! - 3 ~ % do dc an $1 1.. 00 do In n O 9 3 2: 33 o 88.: .i. a. 8 5338 11 Q liflfi I D , Juno: Duuvillo, Esq. |Lr.; A. l,nlplnuu 0. Ionhuu. Inspectors-|1udnoy Hr-u-zn and Inn ordors and communications mun be addnausc-L lo fa III ..- E30 do (in 50 1899 G-1ft-. aggregating.- 1 1 'l`1(`.l( l`. l`.s` THE MANAGER OF THE IRISH 1-'l(ll<.'.\'l)l.Y uOClE l`Y GIFT h'.N'I`ERl`RL'XE INFOBIS 'l`iokov. holder: Ihll, with lhn uuI1cuI'relIt\e M (110 Cmuunttoo of Mnnngement. Ind ow|u to all hunu -I-wruniuu-l in order so hue A full nu-lb the Tickets not. huh: been 1llIpuM~Il\\l'_il has siou oftho prizes to P03'l`P()NE THE IN l`El{PRllE. UNTIL ---..._..u Al'\I"\lI nnun no-yo The Nuugnr respegl their imorelu. reupoo.` had larger dmnou. uwr Inning oocu Lotyour pntrnnu with nu`:-hi`: nr kanxdhnm umlunland am it taku Limo to can a tonic dluuen; And. if they will pan-ut II this Vogotine it will, in my )u:lgmenl., rure Wu have this dnvrnuuined lha'l`inkulr-.( Gift. Iulorprln And find all lllu uucuuuu rm Sxguoal, C|dthing.E|uthilI}g.Ulsterllvemnats.PeaJackets DOMINION LOTHING STORE, .. . ..,-_ ._ u.._._.... n s .l. unrcllm-r's. l`rlnccss Street.) ' EU I RTS, UULLARS. BL` |`u~r~ We are not offering (inmla u vnlno fur their Iuunny, 1`!-NH do uncut. LT` UNE l l{l(?E VIIIIO lnr In upeul. llfl. cheap Goods ior theV|-Ioliday AT wA_g. p_R_0N s. New Em!-rnialerod Hzuulkr-re-lm-1'-, Nun Linux] KM Mm ml-I Hln A Me1'fyVCl1ristI GREAT BARGAINS !-GR.EAT BARGAINS AT Chm. ` with Kl'O8to|li-,;ntiumI I n Il'I.|&.G. \V` MANS|"llI.lI. I Odllt Epiwopal Churrh` The "New N READY MADE HRH Pu Jnkeu. Twuml (Ymnu and \'anI.aofour own lnllln .n I will has nald Ha" I gram. U:|",(nII .1 1. J. L\JLL.n.4 Commituae of Iofernures --Siunoou Jones. a I D . Duuvillo, Esq. ILP.; A. Chip We Ilnve n (`In oin- Rtctxvsn AT`H1c%KEY as n.:ms. 1 -111 \'l `Egg: g']`j`)"`\];vl\ New Serge Dress Goods 10c` 321-2c, 15 and 20c. Newcolored Lustres from 12 1 2c. NewBla.ck Oashmeres from 400. New Black Alpacas 12 1-2c. 15. 20. 25 and 30c, extra, vglue, Now Print: from 6c. New Winceys from 6c. all W8:>t`sr18oa(r`;l}<;1t. Fllz;.lr1r)xel;l15 and 20c. It at am y annel 30 and 36c;re New Blwk N up Oloaking only Wc. gal price 45 Md 50 New Blank and Blue Biack Beavers only $1.00, 100 New All Wool Shaxvls at $1.50; well worth $3.00. 5' Cull an-1 annular any ul l!n- almw; (iuml-1 yuu luau" fhdluif M my ",0 Mr much mm 0!` Dec 20, 1877. Doc. 10, 1377. uotonro 1UU now nu vvuun uua. [f' at! regular prises. Vaaouno in Hull! by all Drugqiuln I -?.:._____-,-- - Doc H. 1877. H03 suns gun '7R80VE'.i00AT8! llAl"\': Tn D DFR IA T MGMTHI 7 _ (Next Door to Rlcssrs. ll. & .` PEOPLES clftnlua HOUSE FOB THE BALANCE OF` T'iH`| MONTH GREAT R[H)U(."I'ION8 WU) . Bl IL: I will Inuit: e gum! Bu-im-gut Sui! (null wool) for U0. ll iooloh Tr [firm In nrvlrr fur II. -; Turmn swim ow. ."2.'.? .1r".u:vuu.p::'r u.;/un'-xumc -mrnunu IN 1'm:(:ITv. \. I will lnitlb gnml Im-nu-an null null wool; In uni. An axe:-llont Scotch Trev-41 firm IL}; I HAVE THE C`|KAPf.'i'l' lh-2A|JY-\lAl)l . ('l.')THIN(l THE CITY. I?` A z ood Uvon-on for :6 to `In nm u [how I'1'.ul'LI H (`I/)'l'lllN() Iloullc. llZlI:lllI'.Il nit. rum; 21 3300! STREET. V I so for UIE I)0l.I.AK than luv nth- or1u I , and I gunruuloo than n huh and nuns: n boohlnmnd on um rnnmum A large portnon of my -I-wk lune hrs-u punhuo-rl within ho wash mu! u all of Mn. uu.u>u'n """"' w. w. RIDEOUT. ` ___,_ _.. ____.. TO LET. . I ,__......n .vn nnuuuuru I .-I-Ir: I. ` lvlll Ive morn Mn: nf Cumod Vrmu uni l Vsiou oftba P0s'l`PUNt-.' tun. r.n I nnrnnuu. un .... MONDAY, APRIL 2ND, I878,` \VHh`.N IT WILL l"0Sll'lVEl.Y 'l`AK|'2 PLACE. ' 4; ' nxpuulon do ""5 "him. TO THE OOLOEN LION GROCERY \ Oanneavoods. mu nmmr. AV!) l Rl?.llHi-38 I.nnI.t '| Immu anba Album llotnl. I1 ta-Itnhly , onnnn WORK AHEAD -A First-Class ... hair iuum-.j".~ 'l`lnn1l4rv h.n\o- L7?` PRICE (>.\'l4\ . vvunu ll --..... ...\ Ir res1hggIfu!ly llmulu all }u~rrn I. rupo.full_y submit the ullow gun arr:-r conroinn-rs. H-Jl-\I, I7! IllL_ (-1-: var: \VHEN P081 l'l\'1~Il.Y ....- ..I.n huvn nurL\|nnm Tiul .- .. .. ,,,u__ _u .... |_ aggreguwszsis 11 '1`1(:1;13'r.: ..`..-..n _ua......m .lnun.:, ul .' Sugars Siitjari J y _, MADE TO ORDER LAST MONTH! O-'- . unucs lll8`81 0cl humans `[0 noel mum 0 III \,I|1v---nu \Jr`r---wv-v (`omuu-uclna April `Rudy I878. R. wALDRON SfWiib;sE[jiid}'f`w' [IA RFS` Tll-CS. \\ RAPPl'n'9,(ll.U\'I`IN, MITS, MUTFLILHS. HAND- -n-lniefn. Sm-kn nlul eh-rytlnng tlml rollxtululon ~ J3 u-n- -_._v __ > 1 RL L\'( J HRH .`s"l`R,I`II`:.:1`. ~SiImaou J ones. u . Chipn ulmw mu VESTS AND PANTS. ' Assortllu-nl AI Ibo] are making Lou by very Smuno `Iron Iingliuh and Icotoh manufacturer-L Woolly; rupootfullv invllo fuuihen lo mm: nn-l In their price Inn. .4 _.-. - .,,_ 51:9. V------ Viirk cI{'ih' tore. .__...__ )W`.\' .-\.`\'lJHl.|I - \\'..~.l.-:|l'n:H-1.1? 7 [morn ~'1'll|`.I`.T. I-'unr Ihmrn from III ll-I-In Iquare. - St. John. NB . Don. `ll. lK77. -, (`nah and Bank Anonnnluf the Irish Frhsndly Society I<`ul`ru' `I. nml Iatiufuulory. D. BREEZE. U. I A'l"l`UN. I........m.-. nil I-`H am lntornnu. Oxtttting Iiouno. `_ ; J. C-`nrtllm'r's. Princess I 3.033 `bl IIV nhl Inn:-4 I unva- mn who have purolnsunl Tiokou, nun], on-Mu] of ~HlL' [Ts FOR 350. .> .- l........ A. I`. llnnlnn 1` s.Jouun a Ca. llullerl; null Suuith, 'l`huu1ulI`urIong. V I l):u1iell n.tou, Elqs. All 1 11 Scotch llranga Marmalade. JARS, JELLIIS, &c., ac. . D L' \l.L\J '0'! Jul: ' 00.. Bunion; null smitlu. 'l`hou\u Furlong. \ of Ir1ml.~1 for our Orcloer Work u . . ..-..m... .3 l-DU W511 WUTIII d-UU- ml yuu mnv ro-qulm nu may very under L Inmlt lo l|l'IlI`l' (7. A N II Is`. IESCDN, Maumgq-r. I IN...-`k (turns. Aim n lull nnm-rlmnnt of Funk ml \Vurulmh. fr Any of Ilm ubovo Good! sn prnvuun to our Annual Stock Taking. -IV I l` l.S1`EIL\', BEAVER Ill...-`k Cumin. Alan lull nnnrlmnnt of Pant: Z.PREVOST, ....... u.- u-_n._- \\'M. NANNERYJ l` 0. Box I LowNogs & Moomz `CLEARING sum ` commencing Jun. 234. Iaonlvod by lull I Genuine & Heavy Rndnntinn 3 w-.n . mode 0. .u vmn-n 00900. In so 1 fat an up n E '.'I.';.'a$":.'4"'.'m."'-.z`."u4 . AT sou nucn . `;Lownaes_& uoodie, ____`___ ..(....._-.....-'._ unison I. loulI..|.Jm.. orayrtar. ~ cum: .u_A Iai4Iu'o- nap can Inctnl l& d.D.|U1 Hickey & Ilett. I). I`A'l'l'UN. lnnpoclnrn of! F 8 Glfl llntorpnu. E .......... . .. .. wing 1 .....'1 9 -_h(I|l\I|-l 15v. hm-ht M. I`. I `in. lbs, `I00 Ind 930, Iwl ul {Ah-, 6045, 70:1, 75 and 800. , \Vu0l Tina, Brukluv. hnwln, Cw. In \gnun-~r I uunu . uus. IOTI ILLS [W K. II. DCOIIAE & (30 Golden Llou ljrot-cry, Jun 9. I873. won; zaenmva mt li\'|n)( prh-an. rh wu WI null vol n are n}-rim: to Hm public good we um oovujucod this is null tlmy Il|..l. [OLD null CHAS. LIVINGSTON '. Bmincn In 1- : H9. 8:. John` . F.'n.o. Esq! . H. Th 0. Iioq.. non. l r:u0noo CIQOOQ 34% % `E388 'Itl'% LT WIl0I.IS.lI,li PRICES. w1I.L1_g1i DAVID, DEAL:-:1: IN , New and Second Hand oods 0' IVIII Dl.I(`Ill I lnI, k u \(I - _. .__.. _ I this-as tuner 0! la: `:4. m tho` 0 `..0:.ohnG-u u(IIo Township cl lug } mm; 50 AI.-no of cnlurund > a us In Dvel ng Hocnomioe phat ions cl vnu-r. sun 4 Ann. of ya h ooucllhomvnh fruit. `Plato ' noun . bu tum. mo 40:48. an E h K Tbtuhlkn` n nlublc Pr-opony " "' u OF Kl.\'(lSTO.\'_.' mun wno HAY!-`. u-:m.~m mun) 0!.O1 llI)lu To Dl!lI'A)Sl ur \\'ll.I. alum lento lhmr orulnrn with L mg Hyoudqnullyuadnulglavguurm nuulysodurovuu toning j.IlInuloIob\b4ucAaun` hluIdIP'N_4 5! they Iiihuugaicanalcamhnnatinni 'N_OIP_'(_l__lDlI I E given I podlyvwunbu of Prints about _ I nu-chum wo Kinpbo, sud they Ian ,3 boobed lndutnou and ncunlul an _ {vi-c--lg`:-:r_-'-<-_.-.19, guns 1... and lo lb ` Ir. Juopl l?nnkltn,dIIoUil- u-bouv-av--:6;--.vc|a1.n..a, n.-u...p...-I um wu..a_ W "' gunk phouvuun iunilkhly shun --~------- '5 bu `Id-I. Allcllhuldtub ~ 1` tin, V . V ' Nun lrgn. -Pntubnrg To-ulip in `I Ivuuwu u, .._.. ,, , ll: Ono Pnuml Pulu. In HM! Pnunu vEGE`fI_N1; jln. III-Ins` Funny uoocc n Flllclu l1`IlIl'I` xlnorrus. CHE All! IIIIE. W. IL DICIIAI} &' C0. OTIIIII TU lllrunr. urr .. phno orvhvru WILLIAI DAVID. who will Itlaunl Illh run It Are Holllug Sugnrn Retail 7$du indie only nod-clu I use, [ II I live I nanr expect to Ind I an truly. IL "Hyde Park. Mun. Vol) I Mums: IPnund Pulll, HAW In 1 M0OI!_ 9}OIl : opus: III 3| complaints. haunt; ltl rnlw, C. W. V. IDKOIIYT. w<">_i'+_z.-:%AP Jo:-mf Incl Putz, n Q-lulu-r Pound Poul. u Hm! Icofuluna rnllml` in Another | ~1 3- Tuba: for In. locum`: Roaduuguarctobqbaduallolllt. Bookaud Drug Mora. .__..3o-.--__. OI uoonnv. of cloning our branch sun on Wellington Itn0.I will sell tho OI- tlro stock 0! Into, mp: um! fun below cod.-M. L HYIAI. - ll I07! you Vogitlu wu nee-uoodod to ID; Illybldlug to the ponuuiou oh (thud lnuucgal no lo: H. Al the um I was unor- dolilily nd uorvou proolrr ` a.n|norbduead byovorwgri ud irr_ogI|u ._____________________ M our urn` rununvv 1 yr now In rm m.u` o'IIut um I -----41-o---. ..___________.____.__4 IUXDAY `IVETG, JAN. 14. mt` VIMIIJIAIY Hlirlla. -Tho nnunl potting on brlnll 0! the Diocuo of On- `tuin, in St. James` Church, Illl be Iolil OI `Value:-1|] tuning. Non! - Jul paniuululy |( day evening I I6 and coin. __..._....___. Mnwu Urr. Tlua utf- member: of A" Binary marchod out this mom- ing, had-.11 by the banal md the cadet: of the Mihlary College. The Appoannce U: 4: nu.-. J ___,, ban College. wu Iltufudory. -- {T-9 the l riu1i1.iv Cnuuqrx Co.-n'n1'. -- To marrow Inning, through the hndnou of Ur. Morrison, u! the Street Knilvny, 'buuu will loan Willulmvillo It 7:30 Ihnrp for tho concert, which begin: :1. 8 u'clock. Rnul-4\'u<: Mr. Morriu-nnkin labouring 1131;},-_yz`~,.v:z.:3k2,,}.l4_>e: yup-jixxga in St. An- drew`: Hall on~Fri:TKy(o\'c11'ing'| puooou. Tho pm--ac-in are in he nlavot--d to the n... 1. ..t n... nmhuui Homo. luruuun at four n'L:l cu muku A rwlui.-4ninJ in atfor-l hcltcr pm: skirts of tho cny. ---0-4 --~ - 9 j-..-..__ U:-Ann or 'l`xAh:.~'I`o-In-~rx'ow the nununl inning of the Duminliun Bond of Trude will open in the Cvty Hall, Otta- Iu. Menu. Csrruthon, Wood: Ind Unrty no the Jule;-nu nppuintod to ro- pruont the Kingnton Hoard. Mouru. Cnrruthorn And Hnrty will hkely nttond. o--- o.1_- _ in` IIQTQQOI-sfdobilily produ- IIQ. Idnead b ovurwori irrogulu Iota In Iosdnrfu strengthening and can- the nomad so aoat my dnlnliah-I IOIHII Inc dooqnnd under In por- I In I n idly rcoonrod, plain; more I1 KIA! no good Icahn; luau than 1 B10 us luhotad to `in Vuegetlno my mu m oldorlnmont ubuug a sale. huh pt 1| qua: n: pronoun; health And udor wand nyuou on at Mo not can `~ duhlho nodnetul Exrnntou The nbunco af Rgv. Mr. (`nroy, of I'll l`.'.nlu', on 1 miuionnry L-xur. led to chungu !n the pulpill. The I Vary it". tho Dun pronchod in St. l'|ul'| lu tho Inorung, und Vol. Dr. i Pnrnoll, Archdltcul, {allowed in Itho onnzng. The Rev. Ilnry Wilson 1 book the uocond nrvioo I! St. Juan .- H Archslucon Pmloll draw up to Bnth_ Ila!` and conducted Imrmn; urvieo thorn. Tl! cs. Polynmiu nrrind It Inhlu .-n.;:,___ O--*0->-.% Tul I'nii.o. S1'r>ns.- Wo nre wnrnod ngumt an exhibition of mngionl Id eioclriunl nkiil, about to be ginn in tho nnighhurlioml u! the city. We know nnthing of in merit: sud domaritl, and cannot. publiah the ooinuiimicntion um. Ul upon the subject. ~.-cs.-. ovary doltripliuu, wigr, chuap AL tho Bruinh Amori thru dnyo only, Jnnunry `n.1, '|"|...--.1-u IF.-i.]..y 3 thru any: omy, uunum, ..... l'.)Ih, Thursdny, Fridny and Ladies old hnir worked over in style Ind nenlul mnnner by min. U0 And In him. -- - -4ooo-:---- - Mun Mulnm. -Un Thuradny oun- ing not! there Ill be 1 meeting of the Irish C|l.hoHo Soclotlu in the St. Patrick`: I, for the purpose of getting upnnno onlortninmant. shortly for tho beam of the poor of tho oily, Wu hope thnl. than united e rt Inll nucoud in thin 'u0J work. ....._____ .-_..._. 1-... NF. Paul: `my 1-umd thr I an rum nu... I..- _ l`nnnuxn.|nuI fur the non twenty-four hour: . For that lower lake region, ung bnromotor, Iur-dorutc tn frulx Inrlhorly so wonterly windn, cloudy with snow and nil, lollowoul by pnrunlly cloning lld coolnr weather. Fnr tho St. Lnwronco 2 Huh to brink uutorly to northnrly Iiudu nu-I cloudy wnthor with snow or run. ---<- V ooo~ -__. I __..`_>_ , A CourI.n1l.~ ~ P.C. Cnrul hu bun ' lorlunnll onough to will lbo 820 or mods} I: ll Hut ulna, winch Mnyor McKolvoy in , the beginning of tho you Gland M An ! incentive to ofuinncy, porloycnncc lld |!.hnll. Tho rolurnl IAN be thoroughly .{ npprooisled, rnl Hr. (`Inn in to be I `, ooulplinntod upon the duuutiol thick P ho bu Ion. M the nun than it in lut- a hand thu the lane pnornlly nun dui : both: unis. lhn during tho put you. naIo'rh."`b inoud {push mo ua GIN`). g. illho I ltlklg |i_ve .-.-- Ununuvzn SALI `, Wm: M I`nvn.--T|:o dorvlcu in oonootiou with the tool 0! ynyor were held ul Iolunhy ovum; In the Primi- uu lothodin Church. Tho shoot 10: Qeomidonlion tn "pnyor lot thou nul- I Ions: In our priuu Md bcoplbh" Ru. nu. hum. pnuidod, and u. -. ...s...a - - n--- 51...... Ll.~ln_ Cndu. Onl- ` Ir. Jouxno pr-uuuu, ... ... .... __._. I by Ron. Noun. McKay, Crodor, On 5 by ad Jnekul. All the I0OtiII'n.dw 1 In; tho not won vol! |ltondoJ_. 1 ~ ooo----- `JVICUI IIU I`! In, ...~ V uf the Urphnm' _ ___. mghl oro, __.*..,..-__ -J:-ha Williauuon, who In ly noiuy on tho strut on Snu- ug while vary drunk, was fined IF\lP.N.--AL the meeting of niuni--mrs' cullml fur this af- .. .u:,: L` l`lr.!`--- H 1: II!` III 1:-.x..`... -vf lhu rovumnl Imlulel of uf the luulf useful and l, nnne mnro an. The --o-1+_.__.. wdny Rev. Father Chim- mgh tho city, from Man- v to the village uf Splen- 'u, wlmru he will Im-lure ' I IIIII ' ' I live I Ilavcroxpocr. want: 30%". olntruly. W. ll. CLARK. IQ lonlgumory St , Allaghuy, Penn. :._,:_ ll'I.s`. Thom will be spo- Quoon Slraet L`. M. Vuning thu woek oxce1rt- 1.1 .\`at1m1n_v. The revi- nnne lnbuu nu. llcy` l1l':lI0l1 and ntmngly` -- ooo----- .. Tovuiip 5!! ..__-.L.. J Pphnj Ali! ll Alnirlcan nuwn, nu munry 17th, 18th And ridny Sntnrdny. `rked in the latent Prof. LI- I c;f hair good: of &c , for uh n American Hotel, for -~.L. IOAL -...I -vw l,'\l'HII|_', .u, in Ihu Mruuk Jol- duluod alvmonu on .1 pa: Uuu-. -Poll on you rubbon Ind philan- pbiu, sad hop an oven tamper than dnys. _a.--..s._..nn n-ah Ian loci in dtyn. -8ounty-uvon noel: the SI. Luvnnao Bin: and Inn hku during thoyuudn of 11377. -lr. J .L. Morrinn All: the public Qofoliu to return hi: favor: unto than by patronizing In. Mnugofl usdingl. -Venun in oxcoodiugly nliiiwy, sud will be 3! her brighten on Wdandny- I0 much no that the any be dimnctly | 1!. broad daylight. NIL- 'r-l...-.... --in Mr Dill `fhlolloving letter from Rev. G. W. lnur `CM lorlnorl puwr of tho Huhodl-I. [Spaw- ('a'HIl'i, ydo Purk, and at pruon: mauled I IJIOII, nu: tonvinc-3 IVIl']0Il who rand: In IONC of u Ivonderiul ountivo qnnmiu OYVQMIIO ll: thorough clonunr and pu nlor the olood.