UOIIIIIIUII lur CUIIIII uv-u-. -Gnnunuquo in undinq A deputation to Montrul to raceive h linsl doclliol u to the oontomplntod romoul of the bunch of tho Muchnntf Bunk from thou. . .n 1,1: _L- L-) n.- ...:.h.-Aun- ta morn. -A lsdy" who land the miuforluno to lodgo for n cnuplo of nights in Kingston, write: from Puluki thu uh: Iuuu no more of thin plus un hot plate." Per- hlpl tho untimenu no nciprocatcd. Are they, Sorgnnt I A v;......;. Wu-.l buy {all through Are they, Dorgnnl I --A Victorin Ward buy (011 through the ice on Snurdny And 3 young compu- nion reported that be had been drawn- ed up to his wsint." He might tell how it full to be drowned -u fu n he's gone. If n.. huuinnnl nditnr nu mother -If the businou editor get: level) years of it, he mny know how `.0 do: little "businus" without conching. He may perlnpn be able tn discriminate lmtween a. business special and in elec- tinn endorsement. - ~ - MW-) .|.- nun vuuun lIIAAvu\.. -Tho Tory Convenlinn oxpruud tho hope thnt era lung Sir John might. again gin them tho benet of his talent and pnrioti-um u >tho had of 1 Conaervntivo Adniuinntiun. There in nothing like hoping, gontlnmon; but it will uh morn thtn hopu Ind lowlutiom to dnfut the prount Government. _Rir John Mncdonald. at tho Tory '*DH' JOIIII Uonvonliun, moved I vote 0! think: in tho Connervote pron of the Dominion for its odvooooy uf tho potty`: prinoiploo. Tho Tory prua of Kingston IdV0l:Ii.OU tho inhsrut. of oorne men at the role 0! ton com: o lino, but it in meroly o binni- nooo orrangoinenl, ond tho puffs ore sup- posed to hovo I list" boforo them. ---The editor of the New: was in the Houw on Thursday, and was diIApp()int- ed becouoe Messrs. Muwat and Fraser were not agitated oval` the Exemption petition. Since the Mclutyre Committee went on muse for tho News men they are luoking obuut averywhero for on ugh union to equal Lheiro. Periupo Mmm and Frssor had is Sunday to cool otf Lu Iuuvluu u , cu ...- - -., Oll- -ln View uf the busimu editor'u con~ laud blundor iu p.nh|iuhing the Glider- Iloovo noliniutiunn in the Mclnlyre orgnu it vmuld only be polite in Ill, conliwlermg the warm, mutual rugnrd existing, to oskam him I donkey. Bu|,itnuunch u it ma I mauar uf dollar: And cents, aundour nugguu 5 doubt. about the hu- nuonir; quslity, and lens: it An open question whether the jingling of the guinu did not lend its good otcel to but the hurt that honor felt. . V.- --Tho mdependonco of journalinm will never be complete until newupnperl hecunw I uulu personal enterprise, nan ullbsinlizoal u wan the Mall, yr, if we may without nfTr)noe quota nu.-nrur home, tho Newt. We-re prnprwtnru reuonnbly independent uf their pululicnl lriondl. need not Iubmlt to an evening of nbune, or I forced Ipnlugy, fur wither: blunder or I prcnnudndmml utfenco. Thoy could Ieml the oumplainurs ahuut. 1he'r busi- ` R|vn`u.o.-The urvicel in the l rimi~ 1 live Ilathodinl Church yollordny were vory inturomng. Rev. Mr. Julno pruchod In the morning, hi: urmon bo- mg both o poiubod Ind thoughtful am. In the Afternoon the low fonot.(which in o roviul of on important. ouromony of tho oorly Chriotinnl collod 1 {out ofchgrity, when vory lubarnl contribu` tiolu woro modo by th: rich to the poor.) Tho Rov. Mr. Julifh pro-idod. uoutod by tho Riv. J. Dyko, of Culinoby, Rev R.Moa|uy, Ind Mr S. R Brigg, 'Ioronl0. Aftor tho conmony of pnning round tho brudqnd valor, tho mooting wu lln-own upon (0 portion tn reloto thou oxperionco. Sovorol momheru ovulod thomoolvu of tho privilege, I-hich mode tho oherhoou pun protobly uuy. In the evening 8. R. Bnggo pronchod oornootly and prol- _LI_ W-L Jr WTRY nrount Uovern mum. -Sir John Mncdonald, n._..A.l - ....o.. n! Ohnnltl an Lux- Wu: lcI.-0n Iotnrdny. nndcr the warm nun nd lhnlsnunry zaphyn, the we in the harbor shun: porcoptibly Dolled sun}. The occuion In 5 grnd on (or the ourciu of the nvongo Km`- uou boy`: opint of adventure. and nun- borl of loolhudy youth: umptod tho weakest upon. Bantu! ducking worn ` the Iuult, one boy vary nearly furnish- ing the very noodhnl, if nd. ';|qruiIg. Ho uni undo! the ion, and but [or the bomb: 0! 1 onlpnnion who don n`I.or . :# L- _...u L-.- ..-i.Iu.l | IOIUIIC W I urnyguunn --.-. | bin to would have pctinhonl. AoInnoI.-'l`Io nupayorn of tho Ippuponhn ohlu ccy no agitating lot tho loutiou done cl, thonhu: one glint in Iidcou otfwnhnu Wad, ad ht Ibo vuvpninkion J! the In lfrigludo. llglnluuuoutill bdngdddh` J,vvv VIII Ilfl. II. It. s'rIm:.\'s. Ismou-, mas. Veqatlur in Sula; I:-g all D:-ugql.-sly .9}? , 5 `. . ,_.n__ _-... rm: nnrnsn wnlef ;i4ONDLY, `IANUABYA 21,1813. ,ll!'l'A1'l.-- III Iv---H r-I"" cut inhtndhb q|_niuIioInn|lovcr' ugurmiuo. xi-a-to-.i-.-op.-I`-K" ,_ -_ __._.._n..| .. .....I In-I-thl . In no l0l|0IlI.l[ ruuuuu -uuu..., ........ in`. All the cnndidnu puud in tin following order of merit, the lots! murk- obuinnbh being 575: 1. Booth, libel. . ......410 nnrh. 2. VVuod,El.tie..............40O 3. Creighton, Hugh, . . . . ....39S 4. 8ooI.l.,Gnrno....`........396 " 5| McDonald, En . . . . . . . . 391 6. Robinson, Andrew... . ".332 7. Gilbert. Alburu..... ".37? 8. Gordon Mary . . . . . . . . ..366 9. Mcnhon, Muthn J. . . .351 10. Cliff, Barth: . . . . . . . . . . . .346 ll. Gruu John E ...339 12. Muldoun, Chri-Liuu... . . .338 13. Allen Agnes . . . . . . . . . . . .386 \v-- I o u ....,i 0 H. nnntildnlll from 13. Anon Agnes ....u N00. 1, 2, 3 and 9 are oandidstu fun Sydonhun High SchouL The nine: no in the nrdar of merit. Bubjucu of ex- lrnlnntiuna: Mental nrithmotio, rending, hygiene, Aptitude to tench, school luv and roguhliunn, and educnlnn. Sovnnl are from the Kingutnu Public Schools, which apparently compeio well with tho Id- val-ced Academia. ocloflhool the loving. Iaoaoodcliu A ooupnruol at dilonnl lonlisin will be local inhr uooour1............., .. Hnmilton .......... ".49 15 I Munu. Scuon..-0n the 21:: um! 22nd of December there Ill an cumin- tion of some thirteen pupnl audidsul, who were unending tho Model School, nnd who Inn npplicxnu hr toughen on-tiicntu. lnnpector Agnew hsndod the following ruulton lutnrdny morn- ` n1 .5. -....Ihh:u nnuml in The most imposing funeral that hsa talmn place since the last turn out of the nissonic body of the city, engaged in a. similar mission, occurred yesterday, the Irish Catholic Benevolent Ynion, as sin Auociatiun, having interred the remains ufihe lute Williain Patricli James Dwyre with 3 great deal of interesting cere` inuny. Beside the l. C. B. U, the members of the Ieversl Irish National Societies joined in the funeral procession, making the eortege :1 very lengthy one. The band of A" Battery headed the line, followed by the l'nion men, uniformly dressed, and all wearing it mourning hedge. Following these came twelve of the late associates of the tie- cuased, six of whom curried the cnin (a liamlsoiiie one) while the other six acted as pull hearers, esch having ll harp, the hand of \VlllL'll was covered with crepe. These twolve were of equal heighth, and moved with steady, regular stop. their rnnvenieiits lx-inq watched with great in- terest. Then csine scores of those who were identied with the other henevolent and sister societies, friends and ncqunin taneeaof deceased, and tinullyzi nuni- ber of cal): and unrringeu. The proces- sion passed from the late reiiidunce of Mr. Dwyre, Untariu Street, to Johnson Street, and up the latter to St. Mary's C`-stliedral, where service for the dead wag said by ltev. Father Kelly. From there the cnrtege proceeded to the Roman Cn- tholic eemetry, where the last sud rite! were performed. On Division Street the coffin was transferred to a horse, and thud (,")ll\'t,'_Ve(l to t.he cemetery. The hand pln.yed 1 beautiful march en route to the l-urinl ground, but no iimrtlal slraiinni were liearul on the return. This is the lire! fnllefill which has taken place since the formtttlon of the L'ninn. and ' '- l--. .....l in n-u-0-nulrx \l'llIl noun. . ... Gnolph. .\. Nnnunm... THOSE WHO lV|\Vf-I SE(,`()\'ll HAND ULOTHINU TU l)I,\`P().il' I) WILL- nlannn lnnvn Ihrzr 4-rdern wuth h'OIblll'[..". -. Brock ville. . London . . . . Brockville. . Cobourq. . . Hnmlllmn It will be romomborod Hut some . month: Igu 1 tin box, connining u nnull cub box and I number nf nlunblo pn- porn, wu union from the oica of Mr` Burke, on Clananco atrut, and Nut the r next dny the l:rgor box vu: found In tho ocilur, Iii the circumstnncu :nd nppI:r- nee: indicniug tbnt tho ponon commit- ting the than had been either ponannlly acquainted with the building, or that ho Wt: acting in conoaul. with mm: on: who dul. There the manor round for a lime, md Iii ourt: of the police And incorutod pnrtiu hilod to End I Iointiun ol the myunrv. But the one hu been pnrtly dovelupod recently by the nding u! the cnh box, um! I number of documcnl: raluting to the Weulnko Euutn. gml any on having 5 curiomy to In the recour- od property can do :0 by culling At the :hnp 0! Mr. Weulnko, on Pnnceu Itront. The mod. mined paper: of nil, hnvo nut : u property culling . Itroot. turned up, howovcr-notes pnynblo to Mr. Burke, wt to others for whom he wu Acting. Nut I unp of ny of thou III fuund. They loom to have bun carol fully uloctod, And the lnlnnco, with the box, (broken opcn with I chiul or Iona other Iuch inntrumont) were cut into tho ynrd at A lady raiding an Hydonhn strut, nearly oppmilo the CM. Church. The thiol in Ill unknown, prubsbly un- Impoctod, but littlo piocol sf paper Iamotiruou hotny ud ucrotu. and it any bu pociblo ihnt Mr. Burke may yet some {too to hen with the mu: who took such an unuurrsntnblo hhorty with that "wuu't h'u n." BIHCH IIIU lulunnuuu nu -.uu un iu auspices, and it 4 I V cry respectable and nnpu #.._ -Th Public Accounts of Ontuin, to mind In-day in pviutod Inn, show lb: the nun upended on coloniution r--ad in 1876 in tho ncighborhood ol K-ngslul WIIT . Lldmgton R-mi, Frontenac ` Huungn " 1 Ihuinippl 1 ll J auction nut... UIO I UlI- ... Belinda of $1350! ` solo to tho lolloving tovidlpl : ` 11.1.. H u I look Veg-eline mum it low! with thevnrfzu.-e~ ll nhnulul have ho-on curwl ' Mystery Partly (lured, Imposing Funeral. at---- IIIIBAIIIIAI. Colouluuon loads. L 5. [Ant . T3` 76 A. Chruuunn. 860.35 H]. liuu. . . 1,339 CU H.3aIivh.... NIH` J. R. Dnvuon will) J. 5. Daniel. II).`X) W. F. nlldli LN 1|: 1.151, mning unu. ....s W -J! `'0' an. 841.35 undo-I can 1,039) guc of Q. `..;.'. a`}'.?`"-v-`N-~ .I_ Inc usdinprovow hie 504.00 boson. 3 1.1g wu Ionian if 35.11 mly V WILLIAi9I- DAVID, v u! Inn we were nnppuy xu-cw. ......r quonlly when the nngu of the In hand were checked on they won, thohgh cor thinly the ruulu no notion: enough. Bu for u we cnn' uoonnin the hue: worn` lint noticed About 1:30 o'clock, bo- ing than located oi the door ol the shop oocuplod by Hours. Pusan: & Bconh. boos md that union, sad I doooptivo were appouaneu that `ore unllomln, who now it about u only In my on, in- form: that ho could not till whether tho Us I.boIhid&iuolr.KnrlinhuIinilnr~ ly aloud vithln I [or month, and Iinonhoeily unfit dtiuu I!!! but nanny fully I-unwind lronho gnu: ooulagntioo at `Jim, 1876, 51 thick Gian noothinglibuqnu-uro! I nil- liop qlollnn in building: and good: pun- odarsyinuuokonduba. Wooouiun :.nu-`n... n round me some or an on-utnpho you-Itdny homing, sud oslmly viund ehonituliop, In [canal tint the cousin: might be I painl ro- pctition of pnvioul upcricnoo, but in thin luppily ml`-cud unbu- _.u_ _.u.-.. r..- _-..... ..I am In end III` In: BUININO 0U`I"3lDI OI. IIIIIDI. Before the alarm In given the wholo Izoro trunt nu in I blue, Ind thoro In wnrking npidly upuurd into the Ip- ...- n-.- u I-AK .-.1...-Ir an In bruztdo wnrlnng rrplaly upwnru mu-u Ouv ..y- por nu. At 1:45 o'clock the ire brrgtdo were onllod out, md the Chnlmm ongxnc wu Ipoodxly on the spot. It nu looatod at thy corner of Priuoeu and Bngot. Struts, And in I few Ini- nntu begun opntionn, not boing nblo to etfnct much for 3 time, owing to tho Iosrcily of water, which Lftorunrd be- nmo full and nmplo enough. At A glmce thc onginor nw (but the unitod strength of the Dopnrtlont wn ur- gently required, Ind the Itokor sud horn: wore um. buck for Ihn "Marry- wenthor" angina. Tbil Inner wu m plwod It the oornnr of Princess and 8]- donham ntrneu, but by direction of Mr. Devlin she run It I Inter mp rumored to the bydnnt At. St. Paul`: Church. L 7-..-) -.. I--O a b,.1bo.Ininouno(n`oi . dcnaulcuthonuth nidbdthonowlv , ;___. .|4_:.n AL- -4----nninnnil } -mwhm 1 3 u-nun... -u ....-, .._.. . We never new 1 building burned so [Let M the Mertin Block. 8.) rapidly did the tire gain the control, And no hot In: it, that eh once it became Apparent tlut the remeiiuoiild not nu it, And were un- der necessity to plny on the Albion Ho. tel, on the opposite nide of the Itreet, the front of which gave evidence thet it could not mind ,___ ._.......-- ...r nnuihln Ill'I. n-nuu Tl! E INTINSI FUOECHINO I to which it an submitted. The roof of ` the Albion Hotel ruintod for I time, but ` the heat trucked the alnto ; inched fur a 1 time the prucou of Ihattormont undo: none very much mumbling the dis- ` charge of blank cartridge. All tho glut ` in tho Hotel windows, ham; Mnrtifn Block, were broken by tho but. and W|lkiman`| plnto glus fell to the side- walk in a thousand pieces. A brisk wind prevailad, and thin, nu doubt, fumed the tire into A perfect furnace. The ocul- pauts of the six Bhupl in Nartmhn Black hum: I--.--... have lorxlflrinur than nww. During the put (4-w Wlrkn I Inn] 5 Icofuluul `willing ll large an my lint gnlhar in nnuthor port of my body. I look Vugeliue failhfu|'y, am! it -r.|3.n!.q_! Mr. Thomss Mills. hsttor sud fiirrior, who has but lately commenced liusiiisa, saved 0 ' . Not only did he lnoso his own tuck, but various articles belonging to h potrnns which were loft {or slterstien or i provo- iuont. Uue lsi'y's fur jseltet, worth $100, perished with the rest. Mr. W.C. Martin, who occupied the shop adj-lining, lust his stock of locks snd bumsliis, on the iuriner of which he hss on iuiiursnce of8l.()U0, his loss boil}: much greater. Mr. Heel, who hod the shooting gsllury, saved several of his things, sud it was well he did, since he lld no insiirsnce on what he did possess. He thinks es it is, however, thst he will line 5200 or $300. Messrs. Pisrsuns & Scorsh knew nothing of than-ir misfortune until their store vrss cniiiplatoly gutted. The re having originated in their opsrtmonts, not su or` iicle was riscued, snd they csleulsto tliiiy have lost shuut $1,500 over slid above insurance. Messrs. Chewn it Sou were not so iiufnrtunote ss sumo nt their noighburs. Mr. Chown urgsnisoil s ssl~ Vago corps of his own, snd hsd s lII[8 iiiisntity of hsrilwsrs removed. so thst, including his insursuao, tho lirin will not likely be sfl'eai.od to my lsrge extent. Messrs. T. J. Doniighuo E. Co. mot ss hoevy A loss so sny. Hr. Doneghuo, of- ter closing business on Ssturdqy night, stsrted fur Moatrosl. At the depot he on the ref] tiun oi the Ire. but mis- jiidgorl its irection. Ho took it to be some place on Ontario stroot, end, with but s pssoing thought of it, pro- cosdod on his journey. Ho hod _only reached Msllorytown, when he received s teloirrsm thot. his store wss burning. He osught the up express, thos sbout due iii the In] ststinn, snd resohod the any shout {our ifulock -iust in time to see his piece of business end residence s hoop of smouldering brick end timber snd Ashes. __ _._-- -u... .:-noun-rs nu n. on which the Iulll rooted, out! so light the uructuro Ill through, that on tho in- teriur guo iuy the vholo block (Mor- in I) collopood. Ono loll of n portion of the front, our on tho otroot, crutod quite o otninpedo. Some ol tho burning dobi-'i' loll ll` clueo proximity to tho remen, bet they reiminod rm at their pooto if duh-h.Il)d,IclPOd without out or ocntch. Tho brnnchinon md tho Ghiol Ingin oor inuit bo ooimdorod bruo men, Ihon thoy eubniittod to tho oiiigeing thoy did while directing the otroaine upon tho lront dfifiilolhlhioo Hotol. Tnoegh enh- lii not their clothing Ileouod wit-li hut, ond tho pnlieh on their re hut: in blis- tore! nher tho -onner of the point on tho llutol lruiit. Perhopo ii In fortu- note that Mvintrool Strut oil been ox- tondeil, for without thie oponimz it io haul (or tho Ilro Iuull have ex- i:utIoril-iii-laud it to proboblo any... n... .__ ,...., much old oimno would hove boon A tnyellod, and the iediutry oed loboor , ond inprovouont ol tho poet yoor Hon L] o total crook. Bot ho` it 0 Ioatnol Sitoet eboekol the nugoe *3 unit. on i. an am-uai. Ihilo ms. word mu-Id Enos toll. on! `Kc goth ' ...iu thoboiIdtI[eo_eI|ioIbyIr.W. n n..a.... unonilnnnjolhotliqee ru thdad, honour. `ns uni qilthvhlonhthjalnugbt, .d.ulilo.ovu1 Ju|Iu-bIIot- urtinhulinilnr hotl Iholn though blah (M II ceiling, Ihih IIO Iutryuuhtphyod. Itiuu on the outside. The note vault- L outing. and no onnuuuly ucuhnd M the banana; were u all 5510 to '- - - ~l' - --l| nxintnin tlldl Iflllld OI bttthd wouuv or `run ranks of the community. Every man worked hard, and u for the engines, those who us! their opention yesterday must feel ntiaed lhll. the city did wisely in pro- viding ilult with I second machine which in good for the hardest pull thet nny be expected of it. Mr. Britten, who in: present, very nnturnlly lelt greet anxiety about the nlety of hi: hotel, but he Inuit be gnteful that the and Ill what it in. The building hu nulered About u much perhlpl from Inter n it hu from lire, but thcrepnirn will not involve e_ heavy expenn, proba- bly nut aver one quarter the amount of lnlurnuce held by him in dierent compa- niel. The occupant; of the hotel, Mann. Waggoner El McMlllnn have been very unfortuunlu. They suffered huv_nly by the big fare in June, 1876, and but lately they removed tu this new building. where they had gone to comi- derublo expeule, in anticipation of I long Inn and Au incruue of buninen. They ere insured on furniture, but not uni- ciently to cover their loss. The en- gines ooued working at L ) o'clock, Ill dnuger than being put. We have gur- ..l n\ uh- uuon or me pruunneu Iuu w......... ..., one of tho diicultiol under which the lumen worked. and of the audit thoy In outitlud to for ncoompliuhing vlnt thoy did. The uico of reman in not I nry I-olnunontivo 0:10, And it man no not in receipt of payment sdoq-mute to their work, they no ......_...y A. -run 4I*AII\l j.I%--u---U .v--.`..'- as. In uuxfm ling. can namely thoheeo-neg null obleh nuilhigx their ground while they bettlad epinet thin. They could` not nee; no leap or tench Ieuld rennin lit, eo done and tlnnp III the eunoephete. It In long before the eonhgrelien III eup- puuod, end before the ue building eould be aid to be out 6! dnnget, and it In only and efter the meunrd Ind been burned neuly through. An unsi- ntien of the prouaieel will ounvince In] An: at eh- Jh-hip: undnr which IO AKUUHT OF THE XN8UK.l.`\'1,`E held by diuront puruuna auctad by the [ire at some 833,000. Mr. Brittuu will only receive about 5 hurth, nr at most a third of the sum for which he ha: pull- oiol, mud deducting the lnl.1uce,lenvea some 825,000, which nll the Insurance Cunlpuiiu will hnve tu p.iy. Then there are nrioul numunta allugml an lie- ing Imt. over and above the insurance; ` ` Adding than we have A mum of $14,080, ` or n tutnl lou (including tho iunurnncu) of 339,000. The Iavurnl conipimiu are loner: to the following extent : Queen, $4,800; Ruynl, 83,000; Scottish Comm-ar~ cial, 3`2,()()i); imperial, $3,000; Nnrth,: British &. Mercantile, $13,250; Jlna, $3,825; Wosturn, 82.000 ; National, ` nu Inn. u._...l.....I Cl min. 1.u|\nn:.l|il'n . l Dl',`A|.!-ili IN New and Ha-rmul Iluml bloods UP EV V. Y I)I.|l'I(II l ll|N vvw 'v $1,500; Cxmux. l'lRt)NAL Lo.~4~n:s. Eight rm: nlcny_;eLher were burnvd out, and their inaumncr-I and 10318: are thun renpoctnvoly gnen : Mr W. Mllrllll Ii numred in the lam- cuhire fur $2,000, and in the Lon- don and Livbrpuul fur $2,300. 1!. in said $10,000 were upended in the building of the burnt black, by which nlmwing Mr. Martin Inll I040 about 85,000. Mours.T. J. Dunughuo & Co`, who 00- capied the More on the cornnr of Man- trul and Princen Nreot, in thin block, In-re iulurud in the North, lirnish and ` Mercanlilo for 81,750 and in the /Etna .. Ivxn | . .4-| ('2 Ann ..I I] .(i -u -.,..,.,-.... ..... _ .. _., ,, in the upper Ituries, nu hm! reuemly lurnishod the I;;zsrlmem.a at A cost of 81,000. This in 2; direct and counplou luu, ho having nu insurance lheroun. Mr. S.(_}hnwn K: S nu were imurml in the :ELna for $2,075; Wnltern, 82,000; NI- mm], 81,600; Standard, 8l,()1_)(); xunul of $6,675. The firm d) not expect to lose anything, having mud n lnrpa quan- tity oi goods. I II .._. n . . _ . _ .- I. u.......l. -..-,. nnnur. Y-1"-3! ---~ Whlle they cluim _. an mm M.- w nun In? \.xu|un ` At 85,000. Mr. 1.. --~.v -- n---- Ma urn` Parmm & Sonrnh WP|'e untur- ecl In the Queen for SL800, and m the North, British and Mvrcuntile for $1,- 000. They believe they Ind ll It-oak worth about 04,500. Ihowing their luu Io be nnmo 81,700. Mr. Heel hsd no innuunco. Ho uved I printing pron, the gun: uf hi: ahuoling gallery, nnd aomo nthor goudn, but he think: he Itill lose: $200 or 8300. .. m nun, .x_ I.....:..- L./I ._ in, unnlu nI Iuu Auuu Quavu un qwvw, Mr. T. Mills, the fur:-ior, had n lumnoo 0! $800 in the Phuunix. Am} r- n- I ,. .1 _. .. Ill uav u ullunu bu very light. II, III I` uu nu, IIIIIV4 Mr. W. C. Mu-tin thinks hin lull on buffalo and hardware WI Am-nut to probnbly $1,700. TL- Allah... Hotel in innurnd In than proululy qn,auv. The Albion Halal wu inumsd than Companion: lmpennl, $1,004); Roynl, 83,000; Queen, 1.000; Soolluh Anuricnn, $2,000. and North Iirituh nd Muen- tlla, I3,U00-in all, !|2,l)00. L nu not ulimnlod. " -- \l'--..-..-- L \l.\lill.n urn lI.\'V.Ill |n.unIru-an. Opponlw In. In: rm-u` lfunry Goad: Mon Pll.lN(.`EHH 8'l`Rl-Ll'."l` KINGSTON. Urcnnnn rm Iuruuuu-, -um. -. yu.-..., .-.. 8600. The Inn in this nupoct. Hr.Wn'- gonor utixunu At 82,500. u. 4: W Ahrnu -hn lntalv moved umnuoa. Noun. Wsguoner ah Moillnn an insured in the Q-noon for 02,000; nncl Mr. Drcnnnn on furniture, hold: I polncy fur -,.n nn . I... :_ A|.:. --.-gab u. I... DICK-Cnlll. IUI Q'I l(IU gnu ill uuv A|4Iu:u Fur $1,750, making ululgl of $3,500, _|..!.. .|.-.. ..l..i... nv. hum n ntunl: \';1Luud uuxuuu u u,uw. Mr. G. W. Abrnu, who lntoly moved into the Albion Block. Ind I piano da- nnpd, and Ian several things by rqmoh .1 Tho Albion ooeapod Very well under the oircunlunul. lu ooudition wu nndnrod tho more pncuionl from the full 0! the {rant 0! Ihnlni Block, nd he upouro to the loulul furnace ol In. ____._...._,?__. A: the rogukr In -nthly meeting --I the `Prunes Bbyl lodge. No. 2, held in thy Urnuge Hall, Amhu-st Inland, on the 12th December list, the following (:5- ogn van duly elected and inlallod for .|_- _____. nggn - nun: uuvl up the Alul vs.- ...._ V__, - `thnananh-cy-r: n..L.. 1.`! Hllluw nu yuuv u. ...v . .. .. I tho Gundiu. llil Ion, if any :~ 1. Luulunuum, .;w,.uv, . -nu... $13,000; National, Suuclard, 81,000; Lmcaslniro, Landon 8: Liverpool, -`3. ,H\)03 L, 8300`, Guardian, $604). I-vnnmun. l.n,~(~II. no|.oonl.nining .30 Arrrn u! gonna laud. lhormm. urn (Wu |)vu~IIing I ouphyh (our W:-ll: ufwutn-r,n|1-L4 Orchard. In gr-ml |`:HlIl!I|l'H|. wIth_ fr Notion umia Ivdlhlrr` Alas, Hchc-5 AIGI. Ilclic.` J I. John Flninn. LL; (`Shana lhvul but '7 Alex. ch(' I ll Hill.- _.__..__. Election of Oloen. ----D - -77-" 1 Lu have 9, amok \'u ]_)oI]ug}IlIe had run . .....- .....l |\n.. n-`nu will 1 1 8000Tiokatu c `_ .1.(!-El. i 1 I (10 I Cloths. Dlaxonnls. 1 Worsted Contlnxs. ! Twccds, Gent's I-`uh I Illslllllgs, ac. ; 1 oIp|o`p tour ' v I: olo new h ii}. In bait-ed [in `nu Vngsno my man called cu!-munch! uboiug I Info. nun Inga: In pronnulg health and mm Iuul oyuan In new III: Ind jgy.Voptiu`th lnodolulo. ulubu so I 1:. 1.112;": expo ;-lolnd a hunt. Yours truly. ` W. I]. CLARK. l`.'D lompmu-.ry St . Alloghnv. Penn. ARE DISIBOUS OI" R|l)l7(`.lNG ` TAKING M W snumm. mu. mu. [lur Gouda arn Marked Down mun11Be1uw their Original Dost. l\iIILA.|'uAI..-u-u--..._\. ,, Iooollonranlinstoolot Nothing; Gloth.I.'1`mo:h and Gentlemen : Furnishing Good: :8 Out II. A. -an! d.nn.oonI:oI\ninx on Thursday. {he l7t_a lquq:_7L!. Qothlng; Glam. Tmou For 60 an S dun. oonnoming till lid B to their ndvnlnx la give I.|vl Inbolooloxlhocl htadmu u-us lg. 'l`||eubjecsoft lujlonr uullio -1.- __Ln.'- ...an at...` has: in mi lnlknuixnsnasuluunuarguwuuuwuu-.-- I: la luxury. Nan puinui aeatloufi uonuvizoo shmdzwahnkj be INIVB 8410.3: Io clear out this Wilhfla Q VI hluonl la the spring and [upon hrgoly. -unhnvank0II AiTncuAuce we cn:AvFF%c`umiruc:+w Clonlm. lbluolalvo _ l`InII|a lllnwnnnla- UIIL IIUIIKII svcv u:---'.. _._ 9' All we ask of ma publir is to mun nml see our Stock Iuul pruw. sud than jndgo for thou- Ielvea. Ono prim uked bud no luau mkeu. 3dIo,'lN' Q C3.- ` " -M ` amm King ma Hinuu nu. T (Son Door to lulu. I. &J.;0aMlnor's, I .__.._..-go Al GIIAP um: All THE ORDER or TIIII: DAY WI 1 to all our ouuro_ scion ol_ Annuvu ll|-n- .. .-. GRAND oLEA;Eif1rG e um nf 0.. ghnvn Innnliuucd (}ooda:I( privel that m-var have been non beloro in Kingston. |nEnUcT1oNLo{rmNa+ m.sn:`%rmm 3l1E|ETY_E|H ENTEHP`H|SE I-ml run-lnmu. WIHI lruu. uuuu Mon urn. Lnnlv l-unit. aim 4014!, the EU! in nu Townnlnp Thin vnluuhln l rop4~rl_v blltlulaod near lhn Pnrth Kms4|,Vo mlloa frulu Klnnnmn. The pmperty mu ho purchu-ad M ay gone third down. Fur further pnmcu; no II to Burma ur olnurwms. Apply to IIIIYII IIlI:II-:- V_-, AIME G-IE':1A:~i391\'l'L7EI\'I`3. lPostponement April 22 | $ II. 61 0 O ! igduotinns inLlntl1s,'l'wandn uid IIndImIr.% ` % 0nc Clmnce In n l.Il`-(Inn-2 l.`..Inn.IIv u. Two Week; gporatic Concerts! ! I all 4)*,!naI_ IN1K \ :__.__ 1 1299 G-1ft-. aggregating 11 'L`[(Jlx' l`I'l.`-\` I (`olnluittee of Kafnrnncen -3'unwn JuI|-M. u!` H J H U , Juno: Duuvilln, Esq. M.I , A (Ihuiumu Sw Murohnncn. lmpau-t.urn- lluulnay Ir-u--Ln zuul Dan nrderi mul oounnumunliuuu mus: lw umlruanv-i lu >'l`|l!C MANAGER Olt` 'I`llF. l|{l.\"l FHl|'.Nll 'l'in|ut lmldaru that with llu- i-.m.-nr--nu-r oi I) vlm'l`inknuuulhnviuu hm-n -lnou-um--lul H In- TIHC MANAUEl{0|4`1~m.; l~`lH|-.\ln|,\ sm`ll Hlrjl` I`.A\lhl(l'Kl'1l'4 lulu: `nlllllllllm of Mmmgulnunnnud owiu I '|m|u1llmlduralhatwllh lln-'i-vnu-m'~um-r :h-- l` ` I m-run-mnl nu order to huvn nfull Im H18 Tiekau |mlhn\`i||Lv -Immm-.1 nl H |u~ lu.-4-1|. . ` I` ' gm" 01 1| mm-.4 1," IN) l`|'II.\'l'j l'lH*. |'.N I |`.I{f!H8K. UN L . MONDAY, APRIL 22ND, I878, \\'l|llN H` \\'l|.l. l 1)\'!l`l\`l'Il,Y `l'\l\l`Z I'l.A(`E. Jun lF,|8L ` n...... .. The Man.-agar renpencfully I)mnk- n their iulmrenln. reIp9o.fu||,,' uubmu L! W `I'M Cheap Brokor. Prlucoun Street. Kingston. Dev '31`. H77 -----r - - - - --_ .-----c-nun .nn I We lmvn this dnv umnnn (lift. Inturprlw uucl tiwl all Siglu l 11' am as m; sEAso`n ) New Yark (nothing Store. Jan 1. ), 1878. u-.j.-.-.--- HAS BEEN RUIJH A S[7(,`(`,ls'H Ah `I'M Prinu not mennunml nu uur lmml Inll WBR E L|%Bj::Ajl_'-"{ i%A% I:|_f.l:Y 2 z ' I llivu nus u-......,..... ,, luulles Umhrrlolhlng, M-w SyI1`.~` uf l*`mu'_v Dresses, Ellison and ('Inillreu~ Whllv I-`ur umul.-a, White Ihlmlbk `fable (`oven-1, 'l`urkl:-sh Cove-ru, die. J'.l.3.I.2...LV .a.a \;..._- of the above Innnliuucd prim In ummiv rm` Inturnrlw nl He wunlal null npovml nlumtmn In I, in all the latent nluul---t {ram I25! `Ir llluk Lutru Iron: I 1 I '14- par yd. Wmooyn ebony _ht-ll nu hand a fa roooivod, two rules very lnuny (MU 1 IilU13I:_ 1?EiiidusL A_NNWERSARY Ill.`I."I` uggu at X. c<)Us1N11AU&0Q. Ills Marked the I.`0ml.~s In live-ry II:-,p urum-,nt Ilown to Price: that Cuulmt lml .Vl.rlu- an ltd-mly Hale. ' ;C:I-IZE:_A_ZE% S- cheap Goods for the Holidays AT WALDRJON 4S. ' New Embroidered Hnndhrohlofl, g. ungd K kl Kins lll'I (Moral. U Duunn New Wool Ulo-ndn from I'll 24:, III Wool Bquuu nod Ju-kuu, IW Piooea New l'r'n-u. Ilomluuno Ihluzrnn, Nut In! India` nml Home`: Silk Ilnu-llovahlofh. Hrw IA! laudloi and Ham`: Silk Tuna New Fur Trimm up It sn, T03 Illll 75: I00 W... x.-1m...uoo.u.u-n.5., m. 2. nod 21., 50 yo New (Jnhmcru II Ella, Ch, 7% 75 and Us Nu nunsm, Wnrol nu, angina such, as. _ ..._._-g--up. Inna: - an an In sctwsg Afr 1;1cKEY& ILn'1"r's, `l.'g_' g"l`l)l.`I."I` New Born Dru: Good: 10c 12 1-2c. 15 and 200. lewoolorod Llutros from 12 1-2c. lcwlhck Ouhmoru from (Dc. In Black Alpaca 12 1 2:. 15. 20. 23 sud 33. oxtu nlu. In Prlnu from 6:. New wince I from on All 11...: lnuht flunnnl 15 um _ [IIW T101 3"-V-' -- ` -"' " -"1 -V -`- \'`'\h _ Winooys 00 All Wool Scum nun! 15 um zoo loot lurks (0hunbIy).!h.nml 30 and 35 ; roglllu prion 46 II` MO- Inw luck ll Olosxmg onlyc. _ low Iluk Ilu D-not Bosvqn on1yJ1.o0. . _ _ 100 lawn! Upon mum: at .5); u wont 08.00. ' g'cc[:ud`ou-uunywfvhoghqvo voqnnyragdputhqcuyayudq _..4 4,4." won- v-Irv` Jln `J, H73. Doc. )0, I877. 19-}! _ oobllu will `ID \'a bu hold in the C11` HALL. In folluvu Till AINIVERBARIICI of that fullowin ('ln|I|ce In Ieua man I ~ I` In mm H . (I-lR.A1\1'E OASII G-I F"'I'. L do do Du 14,3177. [N 0|{QEK T0 lU".Dl.'(JK HIS HTUCK I 2l".\'l`)U Tl) HT()(,`l( TAKIXG ham! to I:lll [I onfuulhiohmonl tn the Spring nan upon nquq. . Ill--The public will plane but in and than at OII P110! and mu takt no less. ' _,- . -- v. w. w. nmnuox. Inna. mcunfffqnua co. .nA Ann IIEORI lb` 711:! 'l' v~> uu THE cowmcimm or am: am SALE -gvjjy . l.Il'-tlIm- 27*\im1.-, |}ll'urtlnA|1l oi the man I-`rlendly Sm-lc-ty 01 St. John. vn \_n---_-~- ..l._-,, ('0llIlII`II('|lI:; April 2 ml. I878 be gold at `.1, ;.[IV|l\|( m-vry 'In-kn! llulnln-r 'I`1 I 00bNCII|Il`I! \ 4 Luv umu m Inc unu- `HLLL. IINGITON AFXILIARY (H-` BRITISH LID FOIKION HIIILI-2 b'U('ll-ZTY, On Tuesday, 22nd Jmmu-y. llllorrnn .u'xu.unv or l.0ND(vl nualou lHAUl sm'n;`I`\'. II. I1v-.l....Aau 0']:-ti hut nuvvwuu-u-. R wALoRON`'"Wa'ibH`"T.iIdangsT ()(.'(`lNG `nuzuz s'm(:x anus uo.oo0 baron: noel- AMI WILL mvzs A` -i--1e1-~;z?;1:::; ' s'1`12r;171'. ` I W sun Moot oll -._.1 1;....1.....'.. l..p..|.l 3321:. {Ross H lI.I. /)l'.'I")' , W mu-;.-;3 (mum l)El MCTIK.`"`--~i`nno:y nmmoou 1.- In-r var-I All Wu-nl Emprnu Drnu Unmll from Ila pol` yd I. Wlm-ryn any -oh ; In ur prim. lh-Inunnh. Drou Good: and . ... `...-.- |..rg. mrn-`AI.u m)m~:.1, lined and nunnod. Jul J2-I A J'.TJ..I...LV \1 &J Fi-nun: rived IAHP4 A. Ross, 88 Prlllceau Street ()ppoInM tho (my I Q3 7` HHS D mlha I@I 0` _ lI|.Y S()(`|IC'l'Y (HKF KNTEIIPRIHE INFORIB n-~ l"|n|IIIlill|-,n to All .. 1..-.-u in A full |III HnI- .\'l'l l'lH*l |'lN'l`|`.I{f!H8E. UNTIL A -4--u` It\jp\ ya and - hr-_{(u uni lNIil'('I l'S T0 0l"l"lCH SEVERAL I0`! 1:: Fur llI"IlIlIl`(| wn wi|l offnr thll week: Z.PREVOST, rl `Nml. W I I--Lut 'l'wo Adluiuhun and One `lho fullox-rung; lmt :- "' ` "" at Olg :I..og o So 8 E388 .13.00Q 'I\1\1\ an-.,\ 1v()1a I . WM. N:\.\'Nl R PU Bux1l`J. St. Jol m-: \m' MADE WINTER (JUJTEING .\-. ml r nnv u|' Llnmw Good: I! C. w. w. Axonuox. Ian.-`o. Adda-c-on will In clnllvn rod by prouunm Clcrgymm an-I Lnyuun. Cblloellouo will In Ink:-n up A an harm-ally Invited to nuen-I III I7. |87t|. mifFEEB;LD Bow.` |-any tuuuizouihquovuynunnl Hlokoydllpfg n fur um` Spring; Hawk of Clot.Il.|II Tu.-mlu.whn-In I'll] be pnrohuotl oc- UH |l ruquiren Hm prlmsipsl part of gun) ma 3 ml, M We are bound to 001:! EI'IfO1\T ch O(2'-. CJr mi Ki 9 I cloth. Wqntcd Outing: and Ivdeedn. Gen`: II!- nlshlnn. to. >_ lhmkurn; mu Furlong. V ` Enql. All I 86'.-.< ). u .|...... L () JII E 'l'lT10 N. I). l'A'l'l'l)N. :un nfl.l-` 15. um lutorpnu. # P2}, 1979. CCII l9|I'l7Clv ()ppoIIM (my llotol. 2- UIIQ Ibo body {A llml that mind nunnot In H Illh. Thu onfroblnl Intellect ol the n! &U inn dlnuo an nul II I It auto for paid Q lb Iain. TM I-Irlltod liuln cl the IIVQIIII 20 not In Ibo haul nonlbh audition yovhu their:-vwr vkl (nod, nut and Ibo nouns:-Irool Me. It in Ihorolnro the duly dclllucnnfvu the Inn olth bod_y.h loo 3 uilhg. Q0 luv:-no hlppilocmlll In ad- I11 any who qrg ullicud vith_ dunno to . llmimsu Mums r x H`), John` .3 W Il.1`horuo, Esq. lmltorl, l nu0moo 3 . Duo 20. 1'77. 1 Friundly Society . IIREEZE. . l'A'l'l`t)N. 1 um Intern hnpp'Inou,nad al- v&[ II on with 1 PI POZUNI. the rntontivo proper &Ol Viki an no uurveoll in Ill Iorvuln. lhI.I|$uI.ah~I and rbouunncou u. Ioonuuuod byvbo-noun 04' lo HVHIIQCP ~u||lar envuuunou. nib luv it uid by ul_| _l)nnhu_us Tbfollowing la-nor from luv. 0. W. lau- Ickl (crawl! uuzur uf the Macho-H-v. Bulloc- (Jinn.-I. I ydo Park. uni st present uulod Lovull, umu oocvnuas ovuryano Ila roul- Ih blur of Mn: mmderlul curuuvn qualms: 0! Vogadne an as Ihnruugh clrauoor null purllor of an nlood. llydo Park. Mun, Feb I -, I870`. II . H. K Btcvnnn: aO'VI'b|.uIdcr-nu|lar II do all DYI[IllI.l r111! lb lab-inn-ry of I53 ptgyrbu I C Ciu u u-u-v - vuuwu D2! will In Iva-s_ud hy the unclut- dupd me no: .( runsnu. thc `Lind ' .4. Iuroll-I108 -94 -I-in-4 Ibo Syd-tn Illalillul a lumen mu In: -. On Vledncsdsy. 23rd inut. BABBATII Rll0RIlA l"lnN au('lI:TY. A. IM......A.u run. inn: VII Illllnaui . -.-.. Cflir will ho ulon cu-h c-vomn Aldnfl will be ulnlln rod lo N tho Soutlnvmr ., Ulh (Ion:-mmiuu ol In,l$lILIil'|iIl[ An Your truly. C. V ponlw rgeu lfunry noun: 3 I IlN(.`EHH WM. DAVID Owner OTIIINU 'l'() lllxrtmr. In plcun learn lh:-Ir Wll.l.l.\\l I).-\\'ll), who .YEGE-F13? V'E( ; [T N E n....._......n y... BATH Khiunnnn nun run -- On Thundny. 24th inn. `.1- _m I... uh... nu-b 4-ununn II ' ll SAFE All IIIIE. `?) coni_gA6roas`. OF K I .\'(-'.'s'T().V .' tFoR sA;f Iona Ivnvu uwxr ururru nu. W|l.l.l.\\I will nllo-ml lvllll V of TUILSDAY. I50 `I54 -::d .I. - Clhll gdqgptlounaybuuplul , L )lI;llTI.VI.:-.~.- CHEAP JOHN truly. W. V. IDIOIIII. Tor Lit an n In -IIII 'IlI1I Iunnth I think I l of my mnin lruuhla u'qr rlmcu. after hnvinu Ill I":-(M town A not. Anuuvu mm] romrvod ninth I think I main Lrnuhl Ill mu-rm nun; 7 .10 p.|u bv 1-rmnimlnt 1 IHOVX: 73 you Vrpuno Ill roooonnulod to yi-Hing to tho per-uubn_ cl 3 frlgnd "1-_.__.p_.._.e-as 3'*'?f"F'rl 'u.-uo.n1-inuuuuunotot hgghhpekdhookmlobi 5' "' ....;...I.- -nonnn. S-!UIIIInru ycutcldny -owning. you. Ttonoort of the oponing pr coding will be nu! with ilutoit. ------O-1o---i 'u-v.--..- ._ . _. *-}1`1'v"`4nn #7101117 ? `T 1 [9 II II Vi` WHO`. `I -----j-0--:-- En. 0vn.--A noun In -- -_...., owning Iuolingolthllnu [unn- `dyvill nppoutonornv. Auuu. llrn-u-.- - uv ........-._., -noting: ol tho uvonl nligioon ncloliu will oouuonon to-norm: owning, in tho City Hall, with tbs! ul tho Kinpson Bible U. lemons OI Cln Ulu Illuulyu ..... on Wellington I&roct,I will ull the on- tiro Rock 0! huh. dp And Inn below cod.-I. L. Hun. o-oo------ ---.-----4-oo------ Slm-n..-Mr. Mayor Kclntyu outcr- ullu the mtnbon of tho City Council Ind nnuubor of friends at 1 upper At hi: ruidqnu this owning. ` -IO`lIdyh|d|lgtnIhopenI.ubI0ln!r|ond I In-I-hdwlu ii. u.u-xi-ax-u-unm 4 ` hglrvn punldobillpy and urvou pnotrr 1 Manual by mortar`: and inogulni la vouderfu area than; and cum- VQ , wound in name gy doblliuad Ml; ncovand. pining non u Ill had _u `nod tuna; Smooth: 1 I luau: Damned In ugy I m an tho Int demand Indor no por- tno I ` .___._..._.____ Nuv You Bnn.-- l`ho Shh hi: will be held this Full it Elwin. The Jahnou county qneulturll Iooioty Inn nunodtho17th, lmh sud 19th of Sep- tambcr for thoIr_nhow. --A- ---o ------ooo Nlw I-`nu Hy-Law -To-dny Mr. Dren- nnn gave notice of a by-luv to uneml the tire ordnance-, ucuring greater protection to the `.9,-by in_;ho manner of erecting building}. .___._.-2-.__.: Tnurxmicz Muvutur.--Mn. You- muu hold uuocouful umponnoo mun meeting in tho C.M.Church, NeIburg,on Fridny. The number of ulannturu to the pledge was 4H._ A umponnco union --. ..l-.. l..-nund > 9.9 Rr.|r\1nm. r. T. Mills wiahcl III to inform the puhhc that ho ll mnking ur- rlnguluentl by wluch he hope: to resume buuneu in a few days. We lwpe the young nun may nut lune 19. patron by the G... ..I m..nar.Inv __,, .43-_r.--_ (`nu-rs_-,Hu Snturday evening th-`re mu n cnucII.~4 of thc members n! the County`C-`:nucl- the tapin the War- dannhip. Wr lcl!t:\'c Messrs. Htrnchan, Wntkixu and l)amuson nre "on dock" for the puaitiun. Thu lucky man will be known to-rn_urruw. _ 7. _.g._______ ENTIIITAINIINl .--10-Iuunuw v...-.... sn outorninuout will take plnco in tho Tenn Hull, Portsmouth, nndor tho nun- . LL, 1'_;.-.l 'l`...n..vnm-a Anlncin. Town nun, ruruunuum, unuvn ...- -..- pics: of the United Tomponnco Anocir tion; than will bu music and readings, and enjoyable evening II bo spent. -~o1~-_ Pnmu|n.m|.u for the next hunty-four hours; For the lowor lake region: Light to mmlernto northerly to westerly winds, cloudy weather with area: of ruin and mow, nuuouery or slightly lower tempo rnuro. For the St. Lanrecu: Modento to frenlx eutorly to norlhorly winds, cloudy weuhor with min and snow. > ____,_,,.. (nmnnv.-A very old md much ru- poctod citizen uf Kingston hu puud lrom enrth. Wo refer Lu Mr, Jnmu Hopi, for many year: one of the moat uuomod Inorchanu of the city. Hi: rlemth occur:-ml at Newburg, Inving upout hislnl dnyl wilha brothor ruidlng at that pluco. __...-__.4>> -- In-vllnlcnr. We am sorry to learn thlt. nu Saturday the father of Mr. \\'illinm \:Rn5.!i~ Ivzus injnn-d by an tram at Napa- nue. Wucaunml lenrn tho p:u't.culnrI of lhv nmcnimn. \\n~ unly know thll on .\`nlurl:ny whun AM Mu-l{-muiu lull here the uutfurer was nu an nuanaxhlo condi- tho 3: good have than I into uaulilod I_ Iqlq. Aug SI UPATIIY Thu publu: will Iuroly Iympnlhiu with Hume who were burnod out yonlorday, upoclnlly Wllh the young men who huo but rocomly om- bukod |n buniuuu and becomn uttlud in their (rule roh.timu. Mon ponplo can undunund the serious check which I n bu upon 3 young m|n'| umbmun. Bung than inturruptod It in not us any to Again anltiulu I gnod buainou pnlrouugo. Auuu. Hanna.- - 7 -1 .L- -_--..I -oOO--"'*` OI Account to! closing our bunch store n. ..:_,,.._ -._..4 I-all --ll (In an- Ml`ll1?l|'Al. TAXA`l`lUI.-ThI Pour- borouxh l.'euw given the following II I nutonionl of than rnto of tuation in the dnmaroul plncu monlmned' Potorboro, H nnlll; Kmnton 16; Toronto 19; St. Mug : 15; Port li--po P1}; Cobourg 30; Nlpanoo 19; Unit 20; Hnolph L10; Lind. uy I5; Thornld IT; Bellevlo I6; Brock- villo I3 : Chnthnm `I0; Tnlnonburg I7 uilln. A l'||n'|. Tm.\`u.--M-. Thoma Rag- ora in Al pi-om. unuuing tho city for union for I vary unoful lhing-~nn index book, tho nrnngumont of which in Inch Ilul one can In an instant plnco his nger upon tho name fur which In any bolook- iug. It in nnnulutnrod by Mr. A. J. Crook, cl Syrscuu, (lotuorly of King- Iun) In known: 55 "UruoI' Printed In- dex, nnd cannot be preiirbd in Cnnndn ucopting through Ilr. Baum. ._ .1.-- Exrnnnd I I! r. ~To-marrow evui ng . ll o-I.- nlnnn in tho Fun l.'IRPII'hII - We rupecdully suggest to the (`uuncil (ha declnhiljty Ind pcppristy nl app--inting 5 En impen- mr for the cny--An oflcinl whoa duty is ---'|| |~- -. -.. ol..o um unnm-njrv rilll {or use cuy-nn omuu -.....u u-.-, .. Iill be Kc. no that no unnocunry rich us run, `And lint every preparation in I]- ` way: male to chuck any oonqnuon which may occur. Such an |ppoin_t- ` nun would. of count. be An expolun, but it would ho | protable one, that in, it would be I uving in the long run. In El Connwr I-1: Vonnar not on- uugd to some honour in hit out: conn- ,,| u deal not pnknd to be O ....'.n.... uuhuhhau Iia nun-count 31. ll. 5 DtIVr.'I.|In. rbou lHr-AhouI Mn year: ago my health Clad through lhc rh-c|cling unnuunl unpop- lh; nearly as yaar |uu~r I ma uuukod by|_y Diold {over in on ICPIII (rm ll -1-ulod in my pf0pDO|} IISIISI III uuuvu nu. l;.v'.-urn-. -tics: on an that-in by Ihichdu _nlniuIhuif Io enuotnocl [unbou- 1". hoeulnt but nah I no dust `..s..n.r..... no. .. Inn 5... ....t.|- Iy yuchingthowutlurclngn cl this n south. on! Io ccnqinly tool lupus! ushhin pudhtioun Toouuinl thy 5... 5... .i.Iy.d... 1.11,. min- . -,_;-n |..._.__|,__,_~ -4.`.-.-II .-v-j I. -1110 snnivocuty _- -..1.A:.. -0o$y0o|ndlb-lunar. -`l'IoJnnry`th-hnnunnn. -'l'houvivahnputill'nP|`&. --PIiIdpnl`Gunt'IoauoI: yuhtdsy notnnngvuvcyiuunutilg. --8hIiqI.uHoouninal hymen- entrain. -1'bouvCouuiIian nounnpodn Il-|-odr ` -lamp soul out `ydudny tone SH Dvycrfuanl. --Wonld you bolionin Knh Inha- i|only36. __lIL Ohnnn an-jinn` III If. m` IIIOVIIIIIQ IIOI Hill Ilulcr yin. -Tbau Iho Vol! 1.: Vohurch yutorday waning _wil.hout unbully rocoivod 1 Making on thin us} home. 1)-: `N J nnlnr nl Chicano. 100- Ill` OI] ' Iulunluuuy. -Eli school house in Syruuu in providod with n iro cxtingniuhor So should ovary school building in King- uon. non. ` -Unhrtunsto Print street. This lutppnodobyln iouaunlnoky on. -213: of January, and ferry Itounor running rogululy. -'l'h0u any ban for back who from nhonlling now III Iinhr yot. Um... .I... _--g 0- -hnv-4-In vnnlnrdlv IOIIIII` on llIIlI!_ In nu-nu. --R07. WJ. Humor, 0! Chicago, lu- turu In Guunoquo on Thundny oun- ing on ntrinony. " v;-$. ...l.~.I hm... in n-mun 1-1`no WI- -1 lune; nun um.-uv-. to gin the question of strut auowbdl- ing 3 root. It oonloua half out of A-1.- oraor. -I'ho RO'0fmOfI Arc randy for action to loan :5 Mr. Joan, M. I ., hand: in his ruigution u reprounugivo in tho Common fur South Loodn. n -74 .. :- --...n:... . .I.m.no.inn 1: guukod ah! In rat k and wok the {arm ul 1: Iarga deep sum-1 85030 which wu flbuln mnuthn in gnlhprinz [bod uvu nurgu-ul uporalmnu by the bait ohll III tho Stuns but rm-mvml no pvrumnonl. euro Iludernd gre.-z plin -I. mum uurl wu conduit- ly nwakenul by u. prnfumul discharge. I also lull nuull piawzu ul puma at nlnarcul umu lntlere nu un thuu nlmuv. n.-n yearn, till