TuWhumifMaynncem` VEGETINE 0! Cl`-)3.-llng cnaugou. -The ('mlavliz\n atvamer Scaudinuviu arrived .t llulxfux lu . vuuiug, mail: due hero to-Iuulruw. A This Killgsl-nu Pust `mice clerk: have nutabed of rum whom one of thoir nun. u ucu ul number is Ill. It may in pry or tlunl-; uf the Alma Mater: A Cullvulrm/.`x-. prewut Iunsinu. It will be :3: M II! any uimihr emertuinluum. in t but butter in Hue real-mt. The modutmn will be nmplu, uincu 1 . A . ` u n. I... ........-..A Iuuuuuuu nu. .,.. Ind Ontario Hulls V occuwn. Thu nuuhmts flu`. quilt) elated with the latter of Sweet .3'1xlueuI," which up` pea;e:l in hut. 9Vuning'a Wnuu. Since the Arts and lbivxmty h -ya are ll much `f-vuureul, my fancy that hnrrid Inqui- sition" will Ih~r:I_y he abolished. Yustcnhny Mr. ML-Imoah, u Sopho- more, left fur Bmui,')l| fur the benet of his health. We hope he will ha bunut- ted by the |.l'l]I. -.--A`ahrVitynn'om|:lyiu oniionrpol. -T||C'B0mCl0t;5iIOIU'ILI. --'IboGlobo|ml toplytho Pipotthia `.130. . .45. now. 7. vs . Kirlv-tr-R 1- . J-.. __ - _-_|.I_ _.....--o- Inn: and hu.-ury en u,|| 'l`l..., ... n u 6 101111 Jum At His Uiue, [}ityB11ildings. EACH LAWFUL DAY, |`n|b\ ` . ..... the chant In 1.1 (`huulwx-s. whu ` -- _.4I . * . . .. by nckmeas. A gm ruadiugl and music the Iurlnor of Inch M I u` ll ...n~..l W. Perry tn.-k kart. In the latter,` Mann. `I. Ihnlxmor, \Vnhmn B:-05., W . Alkinl, and Mines Sophia sud M. J, Burtcnn, axlm uurnw-rs uf the Lodge All did their pan: wt-`H. The name: of than who L-nu.-ll-~rl aw familiar. Tho Mutts. Wiinun, nppeznrlng fur the fin! (`um belnro A Purtaxn.-u'.h amlienca, pur- hnpu lest-r\e n;>uci_.1l mention. Then Va 3 good utuxuhllce.` The HJAPI. ICIIIIHI now van s . . _ . % ., _ ad I klogrnn from the Central Prison . urnkoy, dlnoung him in hon tho pi. I oonon cummittod tn thll institution 3! V Ihouution yuunlny, on lhu Irriul of ` tho oumn Iain. By I mjnooncoption 3! the telegram tho polar uni. ntinuuln oouvupd mo thirteen man to tho dopd, Ihor-.-u` {ho turnkey sonny Iuutod fuur ol thou. Thbqrinnon won All indul- otl together, ind in ulocting tho but ` for Touch, no 3-mug can at-Cd Ic- Oltdoou dodged lho xgrnhy and any 04. no i yd st libwsjg b_II| in capoud The I ___j___,...__-:_ In.-An.--Yutardny the Sharia naiv- ,,-._ 1-..... oh. anlnl Prinnn I`ro|n -` I-`ruit Growers` ,wub9 (luv: .... LL`. I1) I mnplara .|. . I 'T` Quoelrs Collegv. 'l`|n- ." ow Warden. III|I'|I:|I-1. us, like tho 1 I l`E MAILS. ll|v(:l'H of this E 1u'eu;:~.r.l1ru to t-ilhcr nunounco Jm tlzmg, but we buliova the r S-Jclcty has decided to huld /jmua at the clone of the inn. nttructivo , . 1.. AL- _--o umpn-, auu.u Luv \./II w1I1 bu se:urud for tho STUEK m SALE RIOHMUND & BOYDEN \ 5;-nu-ri.iu1;nVgra;1xV1mo of mu wxu then given, in Iuh Mutssrl. T. J. Thump- - 11...; _.. --"I lun nuuuu nnu -m In n.d to the m Agricultural, this an :mnu;Ll Govern vr.-1 :u'o ulupt-ixlted for `r-rvince, whnsv duly mm-L_\ known. Mr. .\w1'lull0II. . an-nu.u.. _.... mm. n. \l. I Ir~u.n.. uu ..... ha) uuuI|La.ined 1` less vitality, Inf the U. and ` it In-cane I -~. u.-uu.u um- uf lluv. A. C. uni In the homo , 5! nu.` .u -H-5 Vlios, who will m |I|\ ....~ iul Inf King` \\'.1.s eloctenl lll'l0 Lodge A _._A.'.... Spriugl-II , 0.," T58 II locum that I have -96?` 27.`)? .`.:a" 1 the put, uynl expo- I to ll the wgnn um-I a a the City .4 I... ah.` ` nuuusu ll" lnm, wxlh I (mice, or :uMr-is at `B5"\II|-lI- , x-ightycenth un mu-nsn[w1ne. wznrmsxiu," IAN1A_R!fl23. 131:; ff` lllvg Illhl IOCIITI. `no Anlnnuy lath; lat Ennlnc. e U The Cheireiee, in hie opening reuerh, referred to't.he privilqe which he felt it to be to come together et theee univer- eeriee, end to recount the evenu eonneot- ed with the put yeer, both ee regerded thouuolvee end the work et lergo, end to etir eeob other up in the grand eoi eel. before them. It beceme hie duty to nuke efew obeervetiune in rcepect to their lneeee end their geine during the peet yeer--their Ioee by deeth end their loee by the ' removel of meny velued fliende. He would not be doing juetice to hieiown feeliuge if he did not refer ee- pecielly to the loee by deeth of one who hed been well known for meny yeere in thie city; one who ever took e lively in- tereet in every good work; one ever.fore- meet in the cireuletibn of the Word of God, end one who lived in eccordenee with it; one who atom! on the pletlorm every yeer from the time he beoeme eon neeted with the Society (24 yearn) whose feee wee mneh mieeed in their midst. He referred to hie beloved friend, the late Dr. Meir, who wee gone to it higher ephere cl lebeur, end hie worlu did follow him. He wee now in the presence of the Meeter whom he loved to eerve while on eerth. Agein he referred to the Society`: louee in the remove] from Kingeton of other velued friends, Rev. Principal Snndgreu, Rev. Dr. Elliott and meny otliare. Of the gain: he referred to the pulpit venee- ciee which hed been tilled during the put yeer, and to the elevetion to the hem! of Queen'e College of Rev. G. M. tlrent, who was thoroughly intereeted in every Chrirtieu work. He welcomed ell then. He epolugieed for the nbeenco el the Se eretery, who wee unevoidezlly celled away. Notwithetending the depreuion the Society wee in good etending. He men- tioned the diliculty of getting gentleiu_en to collect, and the eppnintruent by the Society of e men to do the collecting in the city end the eui-rounding country, people e heelthy spirit of chrietien en- qeiry. At the present time they were prepered to eeud e grent te the Upper Cenede Bible Society, end poeeibly e eum to the perent Society. He pointed to the vent lebor which remained to be done in the wey of Bible dirtribntion Lmeng the French end the lndiiml of the fer Welt. lln spoke of the B[\l8V\illll meeting: held fteen yours ego, null he hoped the \Vul'l( of the Society would be no revived in that at the next meeting they would have A more attering re- port to make, and is larger audience to He wented them to adopt thie The Bible, the (Air- hell` it. ee their wetchvrord : Bible, nothing but tlie.Biblo." end at the nine time to inluee into the pleuee.) wnu nu` sh unr.rY. Thounul _-utilgol oinphn Auilinryto Iio8rithi ud`l`oni.I Bi- bhoddyruhlhuondngintho (Va- II. A aligning: -An Int Hlzo `m AN.` nuuindwr u Ill . nuv. 1'. vv. uvuu-. ---u--u, oeoopiod the chit, and the [alluring oo- cupioul null on the phtloru: Prol. Horn, Ban. Hutu Grnmoy, Regan, IIII jun. vyv--u -nu In-pug. ruling ul Iciptnro by Rn. Mr. Kit!- pttrbk. and payer by Ru. Mg. Onl- IA- .. Prof. Mowat raid :1 smtexnent ml the WoIInI' Bible Society, giving I very iutoreuting account of ill opurrtioul up to the prennz time. It loomed t: be as- ubluhenl for the diltnbutlon of the Bnblo Among the poorer clulou, nleu being undo At. very chup priest, and bunks bung giun uuy in cans of extreme povurty. Mr. Jack mu employed for uverul monthl in the year u a colper-'.` [nor In tho city nnrl vicinity. During: the time of the SW-c|ety'a enltenou name 18,571) copies of tho Jhblo had bneu dio- lnbuud, bonixlu Luck: and uchor books. Tho Society band also nut, in nmnll Iumu, 4210; tutba nnmh sud F...-sign Bibi. Society, snd nlnu $40 to the French Unna- dmn Missionary Society. They hml Also 1 made various donation: of books tn tho n 1 v_.|..-..._ at... n..nL.....' I...-. mace Vnrluul uunuuuuu -i uuun-3 Irul .,..-. Homo of Industry, the ()rphsm' Hunt, sud the Midland Diltrict School. Mr. | Mownt supplemented the ropcsrt. with a non speech, in which he commanded the i work 0! the Indian, And pointad out thnt i the ndunugu of tho Society hul mom i thnn oounterbulanood my objection: which could be urged ngninlt it. The Indian, ho remarked, were working when the gontlr men wore virtunlly doing nothing. Thoy worn now combining the bible du- tnbution withtho city minion, And tluy wen gain: to do what they Ihoulil cuil ` -4.1.- L;I..I- nhrinlinn uurln" Hg guukg I01 ! gtvlllx nu uu -nun nun, luv ... ..-. the bible Chriuinn Ivork." Ho Ipuke highly of the city miulonnry, nml tho uno{ulurv`ou which be In: doing, and he bnpoko the kinillyconaidontion of tho public {at tho duties: which tho India: had underuken. (Applnu.) Rev. Mr. Gslbnith uid he lnrnod thn. the intaruu of the Blblo Society } were {or mm: your: winning in Kingnton. ' Holml been informed Nut 20 or 25 your: Ago Iliue muting: were usually; crowded. Certainly no decline should} uh plus in this no of progrou in ovorf other mutter. Then warn twu nuann - . n,. .t lL-_` _-. sh- -.no A! -ED olner Inluur. uuuu we--.1 evvu .........- for it. 0; of theee we: the went of vi ulity in the local society. Where there wle lile and activity people were `emul- ly union: to no whet wee being dnne. Another reuon was, there wu not A Iucient Amount uf dutribution. If they were_to give more lergely, invent in the ceeaern more deeply, they wolld be utloelto know whet wu done with the money. About the commencement ol ' the prlt omlltry 3 Welsh eleqynen naked 5 little girl the text from which h, Md preached hie lut eeruen. Uneble to r enewer the little girl bunt into turn. Un unking none enqniriee the clergy` t menleerned thet hie heerer bed in -t I r ,,_`_. .L_ I..'LI. :. -i.;..I. 1. n..| .5. III . VVOLKIAI Iul -yvu - ......... -- the wiecouit 0! more systematic Itud- of thehible. e h the Society lied touched bottefn, st in future would be brighter, Ind Clinton the next nint- enry e better reooti would be prgented, in which relpoot he in eubetenoe re- ` echoed thehezetinente no beeetifully ex- rellod lry ' prodeeeeeor. P Dr. Skinner moved that the Commit- ; tee hue power to Add totheir nembere. I The meeting closed with singing, and prayer l,.y lint. Ir. Regen. _o1e Pl tutu: 1 l Cum`! Pn(ml.rUrlul.-Tho lull--win; Iume have been received by Mr. ltmm , ' Q.('.. n Crown Pmeeentor. ea puhlu ` In the Public Aeoounle tor I876 -Y it , Winn-r Aniue, l3;Leunox and A:l- { id|n_-Kan end lneule end Grenville, 9'. '.; Nmthumherlnnd end Durham, 8`1I t; IIIIII lilflll IIIII Iul uvuvu up. u -. u",._.L.,u _.,u u__.,_ _,_._ N __ onpy'o( the bible in which to n] (ho! Nonhumherlnnd 82H -,.I an Thin lod tom lnlaLilNUn uf the ' l""`J` ""1 ""'- 35 N"'""""` ' . .. ',InJ -JD h .$2.'48.`.Ht , nhgmu ouudmon oi the pun! In \ .leI. L`-um: :l:d`.lA"(ldingt.n') and tho duoonry Ill and: mu th-ta: mg ..,,,_`| "M. 1375 ,_. n. H m III I dual ol Ibo word ul God sauna` M1876 ul 8l,250.85 -Nnu. V Ihopournduun. In I804 I nnubcr -ol` (`ha money in but well quot Tho gentleman banded thoaoolnu loathed Government did July in ulocdng no [or Ihopurpuu cl supplying than min a an a Mr. Brian: to oonduttthn with bibl-. III! II --tint in--d in` Crown` business. sod Ir. unm. bu cute.-uu...u.nna.and Foreign ...a.y.au1uuu-vvsu-om nanny} lnqcbu so out pa-a _ I ..W"`|!"'!"*"5"" Mnnoom )lxmolt--`he denite` `'55"o""d u""" i"';usounasnnI.n allude to-dsyo( the .1.-- L-.. _..-. l-Ag mustang: |uh.;vn-.|....|;.a midf gm;n.gjng.,n W. ll`-Iillwiuuptto _____.._.___ '3 `I-' ``'h'*.``' llxmol&--`hue "*h`'*'d '5" .' 7-`W h """' h."i'I!hodid nniv-b, cingun ""`" """u""'`8u-lny.Ind Wuha- iguIt\nl'a1uI.hoIdhuIol|hocu|.L, by"-_. . K Immense`S'f0`5k` liiiuinery, with B-lulu the n;Ihh|inhnunldlhII3II:i0`!' aIiy4,X,$'} Bib won in einuhliou ouch: Iaudthounh; #830 patent! dIO`:?t=t3 or`: no la: than 6.000,tlD, uhih the Scriptures but has lnlolnlod into 3 diluuut Ulglgti and dinlcoh. In from 300.01 were circulated unmllg. union 4 mu-I van cirouluod um. nu 22,000,000 9: . pupuuuu cl nay. At uu tinool pIu.- I'.....-._l!.n-mu unr, Ihnn tho. Kw nut 11- mo uupuu-u. u. an 11.. word of God In ciliihhd, and I0! louruen Pro- haunl chunks nu cnotod in the Eternal City, in tholludov ol the V`nti- un. In Asia similar iudialjonn of the Ipnad of tin gospel were mnnifui. Chi- nn-I|nt ooloud ompiru, containing one- third of mu populuion of up whole world. 400,000,000 -I|I ready to rocoivo the word, Ind 100.000 bible: nail to be now in ciluulntion. A still lnrger num- ber were Ji-tributod among the 200,000,- 000 of lndis. Ho rejoiced in thin aprend ol the gospil, became he know it would accomplish bonociul ruuhn. The Bible luppliod the only religion Idlpted to mm`: heoouitiu. Chrint, zkrtnugh it, proclgimed I oommon depravity, and in .n ...........|....aa... ntnnamnut. movi- PKUGILIHIVM n vvuuuavu --4..-...` , ._.... _ ,. All eemprehending eteneineut, provi- sion: were ndequete end ell sufficient. He rejoiced iu the diueion e! the word of God, beeeuee he knew that whenever divine thoughts erp reeched, the mind in uplifted end expounded. The bible eon- tained the grant thought: of Gad through 4,(K)0 yenre, end it in impossible for those greet thoughts of the eternel mind to come in cmtect with the huunn iutellect without eleveling and expanding the letter. He rejoiced in the unread of the gunpel because of the divinity of it: origin, otherwise it could not luud the iumnlla of the anemia: in the manner in which it llld done. He deolnred it to be the Euicln of the Ikiei; to l)3 a reflec- ` tiun of bed : will, end to heve einily with heaven. Sonia year: ego, when Tyndal lectured in Ireland, many feared ; the: the condence of the people in the word uf God would be ehakun, but -2 u ,_"i :v__.l.-.. ........-ml nuil Hmv cpl I pupuuwu cl nu}. nu my uu-we. sh ' Frsneo-Gorlnal Ill. than tho Punch noldlon Ion culled from Iuly, Victor Emanuel ontond Rome, ud `W that his tho Cportour of 3'3.-oioty. word 0! on Moody aripd Snnkey nppeered, iuul they eiing the praise: Of-Ml, end prelched the plain, old doctrine, and the nmuee forgot nltoizetlinr f\l)i)ul. the argument: of Tylidal. The bible lieil steadily descended the stream of ages, and was deuined to reach the latest gau- erntiona. Its course will be onward, and it will .live_ null ourish when All other syatenis of religion will liavu be came ruined and desolate. If they had any gretitiule for the ncliiennienu of the put, if they believed in the ndnptetiun oi the Word of God to meet the spiritual and mural need: 0! the race, if they rasognisud the Bible at divine, if they believed in its elenting nnd nrroiifying power, then they Ihould gird on their armour and go forth with renewed energy (Applause) He moved kmu wuiuu uuum...., ...... in this work. the iolluwiiig resolution: 'l'lmt {lie following be the ollico-l:earei'ii for the ensuing year: Preairlent -Rev. l*'.W. Dnblm. \'ice~l reni(lente-l{ev. Prof. Mowut, Very lieu. l`riucipiil (:`rnnt, K-c-'. ll. V. Rogers uuil N. McLeod, Esq. 'I`.-u....n-r _!)r_ Skinner. 'l'reuurur -`Jr. Skinner. SCr0[nry-`l{u.V- Rogers, Jr. Cu|nxn|Ltee--Miniutsra of the Gospel; Reva. Profs. Forgusnn and Mnckurrn; Messrs .-\. Chnwn. Ueu. R'>burLu.m. B. W. Robertson, Majur Wilsun, S. Uaw, (L M Mu:-nlnnnell. (3.5. Hobart. A. MICQL Majur Wilson, b. L-aw, u. M. Mucxlounell, Hobart, mer, .l.E. Ulurko md R. Gage. .... ....- .._..u--rv mu-rs HA1 lllli -3UL|n.;| nn.<-u. The Rev. Mr. McCu:ig, ailer cum- meutmg on I for of the thing: the Bible had nccannpliahod, rohorrod to the nbnenco at the report, And said it III not poni- hla I. have the ball llod Indln-iug the ciuzena to such In-etunsn to hen And :have nothing tn tell them. (Hv.-nr, hear.) Hts uxpensmce ha-J beun thin; if they wanted good uudxences they uhuuld Imro mulethlng to show what they had done for Christ, ulpecinlly when they were given the menu to do it mth. Ho ...:. .o nun uh." this Anmainlion given ulu iu-unu nu nu .. ....... -.- Look it that whun this Ansooinlion uuumod an independent l.LLli.n(ie ` it pleilysd iueii to do oertaln work in I. ` cnarumin iuciliily (Hear, iiuar,)nnd he held that that auxiliary wu bound, hefuro (ind null nun, to full its ungagomonu. He guns the India crodit for performing any real prlclioll chrutnn iabur which was tu bu douu; buttho man should pru- vide the lino!" of war. He diupprnvud `uf Lhe Appointment of 3 puid coiloctor, hacanw the paymont of hit: salary wmild ilucroase the Iuiount of rennin, and nn naw iucruiu would be Ildod to the list uf miiirihiitun. Hocuunullod a greater , distribution 0! bible! unung the pour ; imd that the work uhuuld bu done by the Indian, appointing two from ouch Uhurch. Tho Society, tum, should do mmotiing for the country, and he Iuggntod curtain routes, to be Vllllvt] 3!. regular periods by ciengymen or others. The truth win, the Sucu-iy had bnconie run down, and his ex- perience wn till! this but Iuy to revive such In to kimck thein iii the ilOILl mid bngin again Air-uh. Ho rocanded Ru. Mr. (}aibruit|i'a motion. n_,.: ,.r __- 5.1... un -n.I a hymn Sweeping Reduction l . Il.V lxnntuunn-.- -.... , Rev. Dr. Jackson and Mr. Woods fol- _h)Ised in very dale sud inluuung _ speouhu, [or which we hnvo nnt upuo. The farmer pointcd out the nlu 0! the y L bible, what. I consolation it In to sll 1 ` Chrintin.na_ (hut It In: I paluou fur tho -- huhng of tha nstiolu, Ind thnl they 7 ' could not do without tho hluwl book. ' Mr. Woods impruud upon tho Audience . s.-;.m..- A thnon unint- _ touched bottom, in nu uuuru Iuulu - ' ` shatter pl` I mod, '3 y I tho untinonu ` ........I ht hi. nudooouor. lull---in_v` lirnm :1 DI I | the Pulvlic 3 Q18; [Annex ` .1... .. .. ...A l...l. nu! Pr.-nulls. 92.9.; Vmlar Anxul, Uuusnonnox um nu- ur_z..n nual 82).: onhnmhofhnd Durham, Fill; ` Jo .`\n1l UIBIVIHO, 3349 ml In-d Durhnm. 82. 8.}. Hutxngu, Ll. Lmnux nnd Ad-iingum, O6l-'-nib fall noun Ifb of .l.&.35.--N001. '~ tlr. liamrulm I unuuun A collection mu taken up and I hymn .... ...n.. ' Chas N Spoouor, Deputy. Loughl)uro-Chu Ruttln, 1100!`; B McConnell, Deputy. ` \ Ono--\\'m Burke, Run. Uidel|-R\bll'l, Flynn, Roan. Pur'Lhln.l--Elij|h Juyuer, Dply Reeve. Piuaburgh-.\I Slnclnn, Run; R Anghn. Duputy. ' Purtumullth-G00 Snxtnu, Run. S;orringtou-D J Wnlkor, Run; Jno Murnth. Deputy. \v..n.. I.I_...I__D.h-Bnk D;-nan. Rona. TIIB \NAl(U5.\~!lllr. Mr. 'l'nppin.I_ moved ELM the Council mljuuru -mu! to-marrow uiorning It 10 o'clock. Mr. Flynn neconded the motion. Mr. Mcliruth moved that the Council proceed to the eluccion of Wnrdou by ballot, givinu lhreu full or Insight 3311- I Iota. after which the Iowan on nah bul- lut shall be withdrawn, until I Iiml cloc- 43,... I III] II 3 o clocl. , The County Clerk kick the chair, II n-ccio ptuiding. aoat, uni Ilq neuitod tho do.-.Im,sin' ot..quuiIan- oi otce [mm ouch mania, shied III! the Council Ind boutuu, otplilll. The ton-in; was man. Burio--1`hu Tipping, R.-on. Clu-onion Ind lIIlur--B WIIHH, RCQVC. . Guden lnlnnd--D D Gglvin, R0070. Howe Inland-J Quinn, R0010. u,___|. uI-a.-.. Q-- nun... ........ .. .._...,. _ . Rocco. ~ Kir.gston--Anson P Vsnlnun, Run; Chas N Spoouor, Deputy. I ......|.I\..pn;f`hAI R||lLln_ RDIVI-2 3 nluurnun. uapuny. Wolfe Inlnnd--Patrick DIIIOI, R0010; R Honly, Deputy. Bo-]for.l~-H. Hun. I nlIuontou-J R Dnuou. _ Kcnnobec--J Williaxnl. The Ulurk iutiunnod Hunt he lnliovod Mr. Deuuisuu lxa.d|nuiuod AI R0070 of Poxtlnlld. II EICELLEIT IEIIGIIE I . 1.3%`, uuu-sup. Thoinl nootingol lhI0odItg0oII- ail of 1878 `mt thfu alumna, azur- I in. n 3 o'clock. I OIL- n......6.. m...|. amt uh. Adz. u tion. Mr. Angliu seconded thin motion. Mr. Tapping Ind Mr. J. K. Dsnan held that Mr. Mc(rnth'u motion In not nu zunumlxnum to the original. Mr. Me!`-rath aaial thn they hnd not In: eleutl-m, and that thoy couldnol cummontly zsdj~-urn without. making an ulm. m that diractmu. Mr. Vnnluvau argued that they could ._. . .........n for Au |diouru- mom. Mr. Jwyner lhvnlghf. nu ndjnurumom uhoull nut in nuxiu, uuluil Al I Illllnl 0' evading in lead lock. kflnr nmuna further cnnvorution, Mr. dead lock. After mule Muurntln uml.i(>n was put to I veto: ycna, H; nuys, H. A role nu Lhu origiunl motion ruultod Iibnwi-n lldju ML` :1: This and th .I...... .u l\ YCH9 likewise. nu u Mr. Sext,-nu ..r Ix." of I873, Mr. Jnynur umvud in amendment, lo- cm..l.-1] by Mr. (J-nun, HIM. Mr. C. N. Spuuner, bu ulouled the Warden for tho ensuing your. The amendment having been Iubmltt-ul to a veto, was vzu`ri-ul on I division of 12 9.. H) to 10. Mr. Spooner wan thereupon conducted to Lh..~ \V|rdun's chair, on huinu lub- scrvbed lu the usual duglantion of ooo. The new ~Wuhlun said ha Nu lur rlnd on being plnced in that polilioll. Ft htd not been his uwn bucking; he wu not I 1-nlxalnd-nu, but. when his nuns wnl put in xluuninamum agniluct. that of Mr. Vnnluven ha lhollzht hu wua jumliod in voting fur hnnse-ll. He imundad, nu fur as ho Ctlnlhl, to (L: In: duty in such a mums!` II to be A crodu 1 thn county and I credit to hlmlrlf. He felt very much obliged to tha Uuuncil for hil eluotion. (Jp- ..l....... \ THE MAYOR correct. After mum dim.-union the mullet of Iignxng the minute! VIII left over until the afxernt on,un motions! Mr. Mcnth. 'l'K Armronluur. Who Wnnlon uppninted Mr. Thomll Kaumm, of the Township of Kingston, ll .r.;. A...lin.r lo [NU plause.) nl V. :1 S104; ....n-.n ouuuntu at or ml III otimm. u nowo l.u0nn-u uunau, ulvuvu. Hu.chiub|-ooko -Jouph Wuhan. 8r.`, In Illlcllllllllinb, luuvuu uu. -..v-. _-.., for the uico. 'l`he amendmont mu lost, and tho ..I m..oi..n nnrrind HIAN U1.`-. I U-vuu arm. Mr. Anglin, Iccondod by Mr. Mc- Urnlh. muvud the (allowing ta Ilriko tho Hlamllng Ur-tmmuoo of the you: Nissan. Strnchnn. Wulnr, Quinn, Udviu, I . Uuvnvm nnd Jnyncr. Mr. Wnikxna pnxnmal out thll HI: rules of the Cmnncnl Inn! thayunu. slut III Stan-Hug C')lHlf|il,l60 by ballot. HI muvod, seconded by Mr. Tnpping, list the Comxmll-au l -o nppninlod in Nut way. Mr. An:-lm withdrew his motion, slid Mr. Anglm wluulrow llll uwuun, Inn tho nmandmenl wu curried. Mr. Tapping moud for tho Idjourm mam of the Cynncil, but the notion In lull `> ` AI A result. of the ballot, the following tern e-lertad member: of the Colllnitlor. IL---- t'.I.;.. D H.-mm. Wnfkor. Inuuborl ol the uoumluooz Mun-. Uslvin, P Duuon, Wnflor, Quinn, Mull-An. Struhnn Ind Jlyllil . The (`auncIl ndjuuruvl until throo oczuck {or an baud: dl Omnnmou ._._....4oooo..L.A_a..a IE1JiHi?JhTelqgfaph Gompan} kt ikonnupn and (Dion! I g tho urvuua nynu:n.w:Ih good noun. :0- command Vopunn at 3; uull-I -dill! be sub q-mphuun. Your: ray lrulr.___ __ _i____._____ llonuu Mun.mu.-ln Aguu Ian I Monet.-n N.B., uvorn-|rupor, u-oi Tlumlh McCA!thy, Ieh ho to go to lhim-A .1Ix..rd Inland. ma 81103 M`. "I 1 ___...4......;._a..a' ' i ulh Ilccsmn Ion no to II r rIi`::oo {Hind Idflul, Hhmlc. Pal 5,4 .. .nu.I.u`1ln mm of I0"'Y. II` In men xn Shuluc In a homo hr! by I : farm! nnnml Uoburnu up tho mll 50 1.1: home. but than ullu-not 0! him ya last. A French girl named Polldlov. Ibo was hlrml In ihe U0`-01"! h"': 5 new undo I Ilutamanl l'""`l H" 0" |......... ..l ...m-Janna Idflhl. O I use In- hormu ul H nnurhnng McCarthy. Ch up that |lo(.'u-thy no 61% uupibd Huh I pander yuan bun by HM OI- burna an I gig; ul Iiqllpr. and lint Eur} (nhnrno then: `k Mn ol the hand nth so no, iilhu/wlrn. illotiorn od in putting I atom, ulbchd in I I1, around bu nock,|n~l Hurry that In?! .olnJt-brow huliuthonalotiv. Indd. TIC (hbona but bun ---OOO~ ---a~.` A ~75... I; Tiauu at Clu:-.51 in Goulutnoah, .4 Ion? Impmb I about no I n-ink lnuh. Ii! Inst mu Inn on an vote ol 1? to 10, thn ougunl carried on the nmo .|..n ll mum-uni uu.u nu... Iu Uunncnl met. this morning In 11:30 -ck. All the nmmburn on-opting Mr. uison (I':.-nignutl) wure present. .....u..uun r. M.rnchannh]ac:or1 I0 om ulnuu Iill whlch he held to be 1 Ininnh. ur\\'c4l, Iocuwlu-J by Mr. Ualvin, thlt ..'.nulu-a be axucmlod Ly tho Itrikilg nf a pution of 3 report Awarding tn Mr. Wataon, u'._, it not boing ".0 \Vnlkil'..~1 u n, that Mr. `H is minutes of the lut. day I union, 3 l.)eCL'lllb0l' sitting, were then rud e CI-rk. . Mrnchan nbjacwrl to clnuu in uhwh he _oolm-I oouscu.` `-_. T lN.\'l'Al. GBNIIKAI; IEHTIKI 0' Ibo Khan-hnl-in-rs ul 1 Con:-my will .0 I0" II the Gumul om... . lR_l-`run! Ittetl. Rut. Tunuu. _. - . .. .a--;` n___ -1 . Anglin .......I .....no an rnrrioxl, rectum). | muun for nu Adjourn- Wednesday morning. .. .-.;. .....-..;.... .e ll-14 l.ll3IIII". , seconded by Mr. won be I urdou -'7: '|?`J_'a'nn'.ivuuo co Ev? Js`.';E.n Rid ogoucm sun`:-Imam mu Inhdopodo III an city. The olnjou uf the unborn sale In wohuout uh Winter`: intend to anlugq out natal llshunous In tho Spring All hunt! htgoly. - '-- --n -|.. _..\.\a.. mill lnl hall `II Mn REDUGTI0N:3:GL0THI1iTG Emotions in [}lutl1s.Tweads and Underwear. . DOMINION C ` OTHING s'l.'0RE, ..,_.`...._.. .- ....-... .. .x- .l_!cnrllncr n. I :-Inceultrookb ? #7 ` (Son Door to noun. 3. a .l.1GarIllnor'n, PI-Inca: unset, . ,..____m V . u cant um: All -run: oumcu 01-` runs on w: tin`: bnnlurudto tn loll our entire Stock ol ` - }, clothl. DI-canals. I. Warned Coauuxss `lweods, Gent : l-'ur- ` nluhlnni. &l'.. 5... gun--.-. on Wednesday, the ma dsy of T Fobrusry Next. ` . . IKI --,.u-4|. .. ..... I.` upnn-n Mm Annnnl I1- Ill NIB Iuvv ' SRTUHDAY, JII. ISTIL [lur Goods ara Marked Iluwn much Below their [lriginal Gust. --_?___ V _ All DISIROUS OF REDl.'(TlN(} THEIR RTOOK 'I`All2\'U AND WILL HA 3` All wo Mk M the public is .0 rnmu nml sea uurlouk and pncon. and shun judge for them Iolvu Ono prk-0 naked and no In-.-I5 l.I|iNI. .7 EOKAUGETCX Q C3C)'-. - .. taro ` Cornet Kina Md Hiiuuu St: "' '`" ' wim. uAv|s 4. GRAND CJLEARING s A.LIEJ .1 u... nhnrn numlioned Goods ul prices that never hue been non bdom In Kingston. Postnonement April 22, 1878. as 1 6 , Q_o\ 0 I One Chance in n l.if-tlnw! I.F..l..n.IIuv Hun LVVV "\J\Jllk7 VA `rs--~.-._ \,l,_,__ _ l`0IIIIIu-Iwiung April zml. `I878. 8,000 Ticket: only will he (IN .1 $4, gI\HIg 1\\'l'l'_\r|l`kl Huldur TV Chum-u in In-an llmu nl I-I in the falluwing lint. :- l`w0 Weekimof i}r:i1;l:Z6pe1'atic Conco1'ts!! 3)-)...I 7| 6138 .11; ` I vuruu y vat. . Al Ila`:-loch nu:-~:. In rem-Ira Ibo Annual pg.-ggnje |Hmuor_ -uvh llnluiulltn-it and M clock lhrn-tun fur the current you. _ A-J. ` 1 no 6 do (In O do do 13:99 Grlft-. aggregating 1 4 '1` l(`. I. 1."I`,< Committee of Resmnm-.1 - ~.` I D, Junu Donvillu, Esq , Kenlnnu. lnlpmnors-rl)u:l order: and oonuununiuutiuus u THE MANAGER 0!!` THE Thuknt holzhsrs Hunt, with llnw thn 'l`i4-katn nut. having horn - The Malmgor ran-pea-Il ul!_v ll|.1uk~4u their ilubereau, ronpeo.t'ull_y nuhum :1 `Ne Imvn this lav nxzuninoul th '1' Gift Euterpriw and u-I nl| lln-. '.u'I' Sigma]. THELHOVHEAPEST Sl \Iv.E_ or THE` SEASON New York cqojhing. Store. f We urn rum (~|lc-:1 I-I ha Worltn-la. Um:-l (3 mh-4. l'jn;;h pooiully for our Urdu-r Trmlv-_ u our eululxlialuluc-Ill Inl--u hug Jun l3.II!'I. PRICES 'IH/I '1' oululxluhluc-nl um-n1 the Good: At price : that \v F\.II I \Jr\|-nu, 1\IAT (.`0Ii`1\RT.\lIl.l NEW Il- IDIHCI. Illh Hm I! of: quark? d 1 A1-umoulhocoru-rot Palm-I nrd loll Eli. now owns! Ind nceupu-4 l-_v Pntrhl lulu. an all rnomvu Ibo Io-u|J`1ng,vIiuI I vol] Inland For Run II hnluvr - hngpph In I|l.(`. V P|lI(.`I-.,l!n .0! u Marked lh: 1-`mnl.~a In Every lbopaurumsut Iwu to l rlu-so that Cannot lml .VI.L|u= n ltcudy Sale. !OHE Ho would cull npeninl uvumm In nll tho latent shad:-n from Bluak Lulmu lrom I`! I '2.- .1. Wlncayl chat . Still an hm: received. two glen vary Imzu ."J... 15, 1878. L1,`: 1;irvEp' g HICKEY` gs; II.ETT S, ~._uk: , r GIJJVXQ I -- --_ ..___ -_.__ _ _ I `Iii .\'( Tl`1.`~`H H'l`[t .I*} 1471`. New Serge Dress Goods 10c. 12 120, 15 and 20c. Newcolored Lust:-es from 12 1 2c. Newllsck Ouhmeres from 40c` New Black Alpacas1212c, 15. 20. 25 and 30c, extra. valua. llew Print: from 6c. New Wiuceys from 6c. 1 W813] l8cn(r'?)1: FI.|r1x;:l}_l15 and 20c. It r at am y zmnel 3`) and 350 ; re r ric 4 . New Black Nap Cloaking only 75c. `uh P e 5 am : we llow Black and Blue Black Beavers only $1.00. \ `100 New All Wool Shxrvis at $1.5`); well worth $300. 1' Call Mid unumw any AM I'm ;.lm\-- Hum! yuu may l l`,q1|i]gg gm, 3,. "U ,,",|, mm, UV LIUW Au vvuun nun U min)` I` regular pnooo. T P ?`?3J-.-`?1.TRY; 3'..l1o.A..m J.) \J.L.a.1"_I.:L4:J4.;.V ya v..a s....._.... of the above nmnlioned prices -~-.-_- --_...._... ..u an-n or KI1vu.~1 r0.\' .' mos: ivnu HAVE m;m.\'n mum (`-LOTIIIO 1'0 Im-u~o.s'I-; nlr WILI. plans have lhrlr oral:-ru WIN] WILUAI DAVID. whu` ' will nu-ml Inch `IIII CAIII. toll for rum: MM mum-r put: 5;. 3 ply HR. K`. Pllltfl-._ llcnmn. in P.` ALLEN. on Kim prunbu. J HI, I878. ' nmnsL_zn nomr. N ORDER TO CI.EA|t HUI before the arrival of our No WELIQIZ pAv1n,fl Dunn IN Now Inc! Semml Ilnml how! u IVIIT DIaIf'I|l H'-\I UV IVIII var l|Il'l|'v` Oppullo I lawman funny man. nu." PIIICIK STIII-IP21` Kl.\`4i.s`T|J.\l. ' i Jan 11', 1878. (.`I\L|Iwu lll I("ln nun n --u nu um .. Ii Gr-3`.l"A'N'E OABII ICSFI l?"I`. I lhotulliut qunov of Int 2!. m the 518 Contention ol HM Tounsmp ul Km; uo|,elAil|I( -'3 Azrvn uf gr-mi a~nIlIvn'.-1 If. IIOICLID I10 "tolling u-JIM, um a-Baht Wdlld IIu5l'.ln- 4 A- r-uy! an .u'IIIa llvollmz llmun ;( Wolhof run In! h audition. mun {rim `lh-rt .32 . |sIo-l!rhum.|un- mu, lb! h - lab VI nah Pv pat! wgglnjlho only InuI.lv;:nu)v: (nu, V y can he pnq--lured In 1 down. For Iunbn putieng Db TC nu:-vi-n. Apply to WU. DAVID Own" n : I | 1 `X -HIV-.' lap-.lIus.un 1 Doc14,1877. Uolunthbaulyhconadtlu--indeuoooho iii. Tlouauc-I nnolhun tun! diunnonnd null -nhhrpvult HUBER. Thou.-1-ltd lbnh halide In use um uouamooogdsug n-nvhi I-,V_"'2?_"`` !`~ '!."" lionnH|m|.n1,-s In I'M IN If: r. llll`. 1-,.` I r.-u :\Iuu. un nu. MONDAY,` APRlL 22ND. I878, WHEN` l`l` \\'l|.|, | I)"ll l\`lI.\` '|AIl\. P|:A('l, IN ORDER T1) |U`II)l.'l "-i_n;|Ei5 mu-Vestal tho Uplu` on input: -quq. - ill-~!ho public will plant but In mlndtht wgnk op: PRIOI ind vnll take no loss. '-` (2. W. I. `ANDERSON. Inna-. Ullt &WII|li can Uiuuvnnvuu - ..._.._.. --. roll: cannon outta:-I .t.ho |'mJ.nuy. Q Ioir oivuluc vo us g ealrznd tbuudveotl an in an sin. olnjou 8910 _k tgohuguf gt ucuA"'G*igTou gmco. ........... nu .. nan II`I.`l\DI _;If~O.8 SALE. W.2LZ..2lE.'X'.- 12.088 CHEAPJOHN _w_ _ , J _ L A Noble I-llforlxlu Aid of the Irish Friendly Hovirly I St. John. Dl.'(`IN(I SOUR 010,!!!) BE!-`ORE STOCK- TAISINU HAVE A |.. ah ha: rsounblanod `syn cur Inlihd. oll-`.0. |I'uuh-lulu: pg nhevnuultho rogatlng .`l(Jl{1:l'1`S FOIQ. $50. . I........ ..r S .I.....-. & C0,. llnnkern J CUIIIIUIAIVCQ C an Shun-lay. the mm a" all und (pawl WII. I. DEF Y HUI! H|`<)l'K HF lll*`.I\l)\'-IIADE WINTER (,`I.()THlNG P'1n'|||;; Stork, wn \\'|l| on!"-ar nnyof than Gouda M. 713 H5 @1111, WUII VVOIWII .J-UU- .- ulmvr Humlh requinn nu Liusy vary - l)l(I-15% (H)()l)"l l)E[ ARTHKNT~-l'\uay Drone Good: r mnl All \V.m| Empr:-no llruu 000:1: frum We par yrl vw n-\'>1 mu nlm-In or prion. Bulunsntu, l)rou Gu-ed: Anal ~.~: .~ Iurgv |l.'l<'l<`AlA) ILOBES, lined sud ulmed. Jung N u.\1:\' mm 7 # Ha` SI`-n,`K m];v|ous T0 STOCK TAKING `AX: Ross, 88 Princess Street, Unpnnlt Ilw (IHV Hn nl.\ .\`H(`l|".'[`Y (ll|"`l' h`.N'I`l2Rl'Rl.*%E INI-`OIKMH h.- l` u.nuuu.en of Mann;.;annum.nIId nwln to all .< lbw-H -Iwtermlm--I In or-l.sr wlmvn n full ariuriblu \'l-1 l`llE l'1N'l`l'2l{PRI8l. UNTII. .: I 33: IT\ II'\T% lulvm Ju In_u;7 1 . '4 Now two Kano Lumber awn. andonouoondhshd one-one - mu. Lumbar uug. ... ..... . ..n' sun n ur 1-anrr u.......:.n I | H I ` i ` If I ` H\`l<)!.\` 'IAK|\$ whn lmvn purclmawl Tialml`.-1. nnd, U I , 3 New Gutte_rI. the But in the (my H 1' \l1L Pi)\I. .lum-n Cm, llnnkern; 8. 7.. EALO. Esq. Sxuulu, 'l`|mmu Furluuu. W IL Thormx. Esq. zuuul Pnuun, Enql. AN Locum, l'on0io 'Il `lf~5IIlI,'I878. -r_v 'lw|ml. Two Adluiuloun nnd Oua I: l'all1nvinglinl.:- :.=-'r. 5- at $100 .Qoo -c.-w _j--- _..___ _ wu.I. mi mun AT con. Alaoouoou I of -Ind hum] Huh 8|-iglu and I low 80". I __4_ ' vg__yI -nvnuv wu vwu, Iunull s1-nun, oonn Plllcl. Jun II. ma. ` IIUWTII `III 1- IAIVI ; Pamcul. wuaol, be ` `wallbgtalltnu 3-Tu Io :ol walnut! ' `nma-Judo . ntoODuV `W Ian-sou: rm .2.-'*--..... {- I.` [0 GMT I; order r Stool: print, them- Z.PREVOST, Two Baud Front:-0 Sleight. , ___,. smmmu r (uwnqu and Imghuuo rv-ma per uncut,-i iuuod Unqdnl (7 Good Conan and Iain (or hm uul ....-ml -ua-min gnu: In:-r ad Elect l'.,4lm'1 I WM. NANNEHY. Bunineau Mgnxzrllxor P 0. Box -119, Rt. John` B i! Hickey & Ilott. C. W. W. `ANDERSON. lungu. u H()ME_(_)_I_ _ATHY. %I SECOND HAND ONIS. uh aoluphlnh. ttllv. C. V I hovonm. hen-mud In gun legume y--o Ilu cumin-d I.-IuI'-ruvuu-ul an being 3 Info. nu nu powerful agent In pr-nmuuug health I reavormztlm vuu-I nyltosm an new moan! onou-3]. \`egulim- II HM only Inldicill I IQ, and on long nu I live In-aver expect to In` I boner. Your uu.y. W. H. CLARK. |`JJ )lunc;;.:mery St , Allcghnny. Poul; w. BIIIIVII & co;, IJIII wrullrf IVIILII PIIICI ll. l'A'l'l'UN. Iumpmwru of Ll-.` 8 (lift Kntc-rprno. E'I`O1\T Q (J(J'u. Kiny Sh. Clolla, Dluolalo. Worsted Coating: and Iwecdl. Gen ! hr- nluhllu, 8:0. on/u1 1:'1'1'r/0N. our Sprin-,; lm n. \vlIiv.|n W|H In Upprvnlt-* I slu W|H bu purulnuuul or mn llm prhn'|p:|l part of I, ll wn are bound to nliur L O o 1. %. CDQ O0 (`IO 30 RIB!-IMOND J. BOYDEI'8. I... I1) I.'( -' _.:.j_ .18.00C> H . DAG `0, H77. h l-`riundly Society WINTER DRY GOODS, THAT CAN I vEGE- SAFE AND IIIIE. I0 (0 II ll.I, `\'I"l`l*I.\'I) FOR SALE, . 1\4\\lI.`t|l!'I`.l In I III! Th: fuiluim-,1 ;o-ther fr rm H01. 0. W. ll- Ieltl. faruzrl naulv-rnf tho Muio-Ii-I SQ- ral (:bur.:h, I 341 I'M-k and :1 present uulod n Lownll, mun .-m_v.m:u .-.v.sr_yune Ilovoudl hu Io-Lu-r of [hr wumlrrlul curative qnlhtkl "1-Qty, ,, , W. V. lbll. Ill BK r. IIIAI run In the month lboy DUI UFO I In-: um-Izxoxo nil nn '1' o'('|m'.k, 1.31., Po|.lr':.--Mioo Butler, ngnut, Ina committal for three months. Samuel Huun, Inrouny, cu rounded until tho 24th. Jnmu Gough, selling liquor with- out A Iiccnu, hnd hi: can ndjourmd un- til the 241}. inlt. II. H. K. Ilionmr. In IE7: ymar Voga-than nu ncounonded to In; and yiehllng to the pnrunnnlou oln Mold I cannula-I up any N. II In use I was salar- Ing Inn go-uanl thbullcy and urns: pivota- Il-ii. uparianluqa-ll by ulificllfi uni irnjulu . _; ._; -..._ J Ind Ewe. III , $111.51! Stitish mm. 01 nionht :1 dating on hunch sun on Wellington shoot. I will all the my u suck at ball. up mo! {in below coal.-I(. L. -YIAI. __.*4.,.._.__. Pn.ua.'uL.-H0n. Levin Wnllhridgo in in the city to-dny, attending an Arbitra- tion can in which In ioenpgod. He in stopping at. the Anglo-American Haul. 00(1). u-TI: vlnd to the north ubuut 12 o'clock lun night, and at once the temperature became intensely cold. Today in n nipper." ..____ HLVDOOIIIK.-.I.uI vuun nan` ..... .. lho Fire Brindo Icknovlodzu the ro- caipt of 325, not ol 820. Iron Hr. Brit- 5.... _ l wlbnsnn xvI1m,.nz4. 23.13-:3. *"dtrf-"113 ifazrn-7 Q` 010 In In Ya-ht I o'clock mu .__._.3o-_ Connw. Jim. cullqnu lnuituu: boy will KN Anomortuinment on Wednes- thy, M. __......._._. To-molt.-'I'hh ovum; the non] mean; at an `at Iouinty cm 5. ma :_ u.` 10:`. Hull ` In pnouw ash. o-in-1m-4--I by mt-rrvori hhiu. tn wand-rlul urea Lhaninj and aun- Iln pm rue: manual to ,c my dobiliuad Iyobtn rum Lh lint dono,nnd under In par- ...u4: m. I runulll noovond. nub; -on `fun Ln: l'lIll.-.`\ guuuu-..... ...._. has been at pain: to seek out the origin of the last re hu come to the conclu- sion that it was not from the ouuide, the upon yard giving way ncceu to the nmr, where an inm:ud'uu'_y could work It him use. The suspected motive in plunder. :20-jo N01 A I oLlcIlAN.-~wO no roqnutod to unto Ihut a man named McOunig, who hu boon ampluyad by some one u I night Iutchmnn. in in no way cunnected _;.L. n.. ....n.. rm-an. nnd tlut he mun. Ivgm wucnmln. u an nu u-.., ...y........... with the polite font. and rocoivo no connidontiou from tho plblio by proouning to ropnunl himself u be- ing no can nuctod. ---o-1o--. Til GwnI,"--The Rev. 8. ll. Jack- non rovivod In old join in tho oouru of his lpooch in the City Hull lut onning. Speaking of the ncucity of biblu in the hr rut ho nlmd lint I {armor could , not nd I book upon which to mako In } osth, but pruduood Hm Glube and muo- cently wnntod to know if iv. would not |n~ uver the lame purpone. ----~.4-9..- Bun or HnrI.--Un Fridny evening the ltmo 'l'u|nponnco Bnnl of Hope will have I Social in the Mission School Homo, Monlrul Strut. Rev. Mr. Mncluy and Mr. J. H. Mnchrlnno an -r--I_n- ..-... _.....l. in Hum intorouing tlmnuelvu very much in the Affair. There will be mllia And Ipuoh- N ying, Ind the young will be ironed to ` uvntmonu, no. The lhnd of Hope new ` number: 170. ` ~----. ht MINORY.--'I'hiI morning the huh I. Mn. McGaI'Ir| wu hid to her rut, Amid | c 3 large and oorrowlul surrounding. Thu ` "` luuordprocounon mu long nd upraa- `, 5` liven! wide regret And uympuhy. At. `t Sr. Mufl Cnshmlrnl I Iolomn requiem mun wu laid by Rev. Fnthor Toohoy. Tho pull burerl worn: Moan. W, H4r- ` 1y. I . Browne, D. Dunoghno, A. Cica- luri, H. Morrison, M. Flnnngnn. H VANI-AI.1nl.-LuL night mine one, not mtmtcd with tha bronking of the 1'. M. (31.un-'1. wimlnwl, broke Hue hnndnmne glolux which hung in frunl of the Y. M.C. :\._`lI_.;r.-Girl glndod the In-Anger to the n..z.a...5oaQdn` momn `Hm noble spirit Jin- lltloll Ina lirnugun -u um hriu`phi1s1a` retreat. The nohle spirit plnyad in such a duurdly attack should be rvwnrdnl by no-establishment of Mr. Boechur'n future puninhment, for he uuy new/Q be found out in this world. on-u-nu wpnoa -y an-nun.-u must use I npullv pining than usual health an gozd Icahn; lhuothu luurmml Ventiu lay-cu nnmumin-d Il_l'0 > ----- Tu: Ln: Fml.-A gentleman who ' A ,-. A- -..- ....6 Hm nriuin -----v-v`--'*- HA.vmoxIn.--The Chic! Enqinur of I rr Bin`! -`I--nQ`Al`nnl (ha ra- __ ..... LAVINV. --Lat ouning 5 la! named Sunuol Mann, in compcny with two or Lhnae othon, entered the Ihop pf Mr. McCnI tnoy, uh--emaku, nnd ntolo I Isiah belonging in the shove gontlcmnn. Tho tilno-piece VII found in In: poun- _. _ -...1 .1..- 1..I nn nu-u nl ma) ndmit.- ILhl'|91? OUIOII, nu.-rvu IIII nu-up `n .. . Me-.Cnrtnoy, nnd Iwl, and N |Mi(l0]l'I of age) led the theft ; but he Ill renundod until the 21th, to Qthb the Iuthuriliol n _ _L.4 5.. .1- -;n. l.im# until the 21th, to 1|), Xlounnunuu to dcurniu Ihlt to do with him4 vrhothcr L) uni him to gnol or to the Rafonnnory. Tn Mu-rnco.---The public nut hop in `ii. the to: media; which will be hold it {ho City Hall on Friday culling, V7-1- ALA -.-.n:-nnI 1` [hg .[ IOII II [go uuy nun vu . ..-.., ..-......, `pi. LB punpuoui d tho Idiot of Chdnon` (lurch. M nun] public A:- A- __.._s AL` I-Ln-val ILA lmrl UIIAIIOII vnunan. -u -cw... ,.......- Ioolilp randy. labour of tho 1.41.- In: Bu an n pneu- doqlotlonlol it. be Iophuothn $1 Uld F53 owd. The lilcr nry nd npniul progn-no it one of the but our pnoolnod 5*. 5 no nesting in Kingcuu. VVIAT Mun I-vu`--._.. ..._.._.r_ , nry wocldlih to know the nun J . thoennoloc which Mr. W. Hut] nu pea mun. lot -iryi-u am. 4. bsvqnnhnl oI`pgo,|3 cl tho ruin. Aumu cl no Proviso: u 0.. bin, in thIyuuu&g Slat Dun-ht, 1570. We Inn lot III! It. Barty. ~ndInuI-cnuybo-ugh cucu- &,,h1|Ib ptilolr. Unity in ' n`..L:.4-h-n:nL `Djf il hocmn-> wunu Lot, 3,-mlr p.11. Hduey xlin:-an ` cure Chronic Ii . 9 Win Cunt l-()q`buu-ca ooukllpo ,_ _...u mu. In know 0 , .. boy-1 __ ._...s-:_.....no nu \\'dnm- k. IVICDUIII . Wrighn. 3, Kinny. _..l-. 5' I-_ uv`. -9-ur--__ today on I Ink : ninioury Iolt. _1'h- '.o...a turn will, no donbi I0-CI IIIIII Illlvuaq urin- -`l'|u strut sun will. no doubt, bu kindly nnolnhoud st tho City Hall to- nortow owning. ' -1. C. Strata! J1 Co.,_o{ Wutubtl, 1 , L____L .n,... .0 than Vin- -J. U.Bl!0OWr G uu.,_vn nu-u---, hnuarudnbnnnh uanntUapoVin- com. I __ -No {ruck uul link lnov tiu'FJ1l n- If in 1828; in ! tlb cold 10-11:} I lito -9-.-um nun I II. R. H l`I`iHL.\r-3, |:..-mm, mas. II In Lott)" premature I 1 Il...:-o....` ` Wllll PI l Ul . _ -Capu'm Hubottle, for nanny yen: in oounud ol the Pnuporl, bu boon appointed to the Capuiucy of tho Chi- eon. --The Row. K. L. Janos, Into Church of England minute: It Edwnrdlburgh, ll nppointml to Amprior. and in succeed- ed by the Rev. Mr. Mucu...wu,1mot Hnwkenbury and Kingston. rm._ ....I.1 SHIT: Inn hrnuvhl nrolnd unwkenbury luau !\.I|IKI&Uu. --Tha cold snap Ins, brought 5 round ol uufhringin its trnin. The St. Gauge : __x g-. L';.......o .1. Paul n:-.hI'n align: oi umenng In us Lrllu. x nu uh. u'|-'v - sud St. Vincent do Paul Boeing : alien: were besieged to-day for nliol in the way of fuel. __ nu II , _ . _ -_I 11725.... llninin (Lat WIJ VI llltt. ` -Tho Montreal Wituw think: tht the Montreal Brigade wuuld cpproqinh I vigil. from Capmn Honey uul hi: com- pany, uy nu, lot in-tmco, Queen`: Birth- H dly. -I( you want your mail mutter to get to '|`nmIvorr.n, without a dolay of v.wonIy- ` four hU|IH!f1|Iu!l t, mark it via Nupinvc. -'I'lu nmihsfor the Unite". Sutel and for Great Britain mu New Yurk, now close here at 11 a.m. Many still post at noon far thew malls, as before the mode ' ,1. ., ._) premature; . -Uhrintophur Lynch, Smith : Fnlla, thrown into lock by oolliniou 01 Iloigh izh bridge. Dad, uni Ihinkoy did it. n.I........ II.Il..n nl `Toronto. Inn!-I un onugu. uulu, nun -nu-nu, an. n. -Aldumnn llnllmn, of Toronto, tho City Council proooodinp opuod with pnyer ! ,,n.....;.. Hnhunla, fur msnv Venn Vagallur in Salt! In; all Drugu duh: