-nu mada lay: of uitod by Dad 0u!loohfo-:--l ta:c-lnglaud Ezpoeung I III:-. (By W Inlay.) London. Jan. 24.--On I-ho minim condition: Ind not yet hr mnhtod, and tho inm-view: bemoan Ibo ugotinon nu elnmctcriaod by 8 In-mth of tons that body: ill hr the Ottoman hop-I. Tho Porto mu oxpnuul its oqorncu (or . Improvunont in udblo in the ro- htioun bottoon Rania and llgiand. | En: Auntrimnumrdinr tn naamnhil } lluoul DIIIBIII nuuu um nugunn. But Auurin, according to account, in not no well utinlind u no the nlun of Rustin : condition: no nooting Inglinh` Inuraau, ud slthough III! has been ino ntod by Goruchkol to occupy Bani: und Horugovinu, Conn Andnuy bui- Iuu to do so u be hncicn h In: diaeov- orod in the peace term: I cum bells for hnuaua. The |,ttitudo of Englnnd bu ngein bo- cemo I Iuhjoct of uneunnou to Ruin, end Sir Stafford Nurthcoto in Itnttd that the Government intended go protect uoth Csnahntiuoplo And Unllipoli, end that union thin chnnged the Govern- ment. night uk or I money note to-dny. it in further stated thnttho British eet st Volu ha been ordund to Buih Bay. "lathe Home of Commons. the Undu- Soiiretnry of State ntfectcd to regard the reported Ruuinn IdVlll00 upon Constan- tinople AI 8 new effnrt to induce the Bri- tinh Cabauet to break I eutrnlity. Ruuin declare: the! the due: not aim at ligning I treaty of peace At Cunntantinople ; and plead: tint she in Adunomg her Irmiu merely with the object of bringing prot- aure to bear on tho Pnrle; thlt en ermin- tlco WI be concluded, and the elim- innriel referred to the Powell. |.. w_..(.... u..|......:.. or... 'r~...|.. ... awmcn; not: and ngony i lomuv. or Au and drove IW` `I`.n an. 1 I --Michel Angelo lhyu, I lI-lnOIj mllxtary painterm Dublin, hu mot hm bath by falling henrilung into I ciltern in hi! lm-mo, winch ha nu aumining for tlmlmrpun vfrepuir` Mr. Hnyu wn (hp punter of lh pnclnro of tho imtnl|n- _Lon of Lh-- Puim.-e uf Wale: as I Knight Inf HL, Patrick. | l'|nmlgn...... . . . . . . . . . . .. Guun|.-l outou.por bog . Brood. P0? '3 It Inc! . . . . . . .. I Turmpaporhog... ... [ [Inn per bag... ... `IHHIIB l(H(|W'n II V I"Y|Y\ ("II 3` he-rm umhmlltod to Hilmurck, 3 ml lung rs;-). I Ex may no speak: well of it. anal those \ who hnve been there once patrumzo the place ever afterwards. I! in nocouury In mid that we refer to the Cnlnnnndu Hntol on (.`lnntnut Strut, Philadelphia, Pn.I mu ....._.-' Iioil` ha-o_dI.h.-u sgguuuuwgoluuu A-auto. d0d_ubhIO,'CtnlldIqhot. mnneu relerreu no mo rowan. In Eastern B-nluuria the Turk: no ovnculaliug Rugmd, and Onnun Bun and the Russians have doutroyod oom municatiouu between the former plnoo And Shumla. rarnamenc, nnu may pronlmy wm stuck exchange deprassinn continual. ` rumored the Uovornmont will ulr for 3' credut to-night zaluo and solling urdou have bman received from Paris. Hr D-|....k...... I... 01 ll...-. ..,... nave noun recuvea tram runs. Ht. Pater-burg, Jan. 24 --Mt.re can '1 tidnncn is felt Ainro peace cnmlitionl wen nubuuittml ta A mlria. and wars not ob-. poclozl rm her nwn behalf thu-A Ininimiz- 3 :3 Vim; danger wf nu Anglo-Anntriln lllinna-. 1: iaaalri Hm cnndilinm, which were only i `made km-wn nt V1--nun thin week, have ` and Appear 1 I-nm_rv.1-). I !l'u)lJI-XXX parMul.. I " XXX IUUIha.. L'1H|l')n, Jan. 24 hln the House lut night Sir Statfard Nurthcote reminded the Hume that he expected on the [int night to know the terms of puoe within twu vinyl. A week had elapsed and con- nidernble Russian forces were uill ed- vinzcing, therefore the Government think they cannot longer drlay. In the Home of Lord: Lord Encom- eld, in response tn the Duke of Argyle, ` npnke In the name strain at Northcote. ' He dutinaily said Enghuid use not to be livtaled to by any other power. The Enrl of Carnerron and Lord Derby were not prunnt. lt is rumored in the lobby thet Earl Cu-nnrvan hu resigned. Grout excitement` London, Jan. 24.--A St. Petorebnrg` desqmtoh nay: it in rumored negotiation: furarmistice have fallen through. Greet Oxcitement in consequence. Lendnn. Jen. 24.-Tlmuuh it in the -Lmnaou. .nm. 24 --rur man-vra l.Vnnn- coto has just In-Lied the lions: of Com- mnua Hut he will nu Munday move for K` the supplementary nuppliel fur naval sud military service. St l et,eraburg. Jan. `.344--'l'ho Agave- Ilum Iava lhn lmporinl Government is aware of the Importance England attach- 0| to llallinpolx. It has no interests in touching this point. It will uoithor bo occupied nor utlnckod uulena 3 rogulnr Tllfkluh army almuld In cencontrntod there. l:i nu;-l'0s the intention to go I/. .....l l !-lli...\..li n:v\I\n [U 1 /01}?! H the Turluul inu there. Lnm-Inn my more London, Jun. 24. -1! Russian! Attempt` to go to Gallipoli or Cnnltantinoplo thorn in hnrdlyadoubt the Britilh Miniatry will interfere if Iuup :rted by rnnjority of. Parliament, and they prohlbly will bol axchanue denrnsainn continual. oxcuomsm. 1n Lsndnn, 24.-Thouqh in general lnmralainn in most. Europoau ca- pital: that the Turks Wl1lICCOp`Rullil`I cnnditirxns and peace be conc1udad,yet ` much dnuht nnd nnxiatv nravniln. nu'Li- 1 cnnr1uI0ns nnu be concluded, yet. : and anxietv prevailu. putti- cularly in London nnd St. Potonburg. Lmdon, Jun. `.?4.--(cnen1 dulneu in cunarquences of the pnlitical Iituntior, iucruanaal yvstardny by rumors of fnilurrl in tho 1-iIK_ trade at Lyons and Rutter- h)uaon'a comm Ip`nim,v house M. Ham- hnrg. Liahildies uf thu latter in from gzsnmum u. srnomu). The Stock Exchange is agitated by the doubtful rumnrs of the failure 0! pawn neg.tinti~n1a,m1dof the orders for su9V- ing British troops. 1 `London. Jan. 24 --Sir Stafford North- inst nutie-ul tho Huuna 9...`... up I III II"."` := I'Hi'P":" ;.':-'-.`.-..'lIhna{! veil-'!'.z'.' '5`?! E.1'r:|lemant in Rmuia and Eng- land. Knoll ox Ln run uf Ht. Patti-k. lush. I9 ......... Ilhio-vc.IevlynlnI.. Counoccovu. . ....... um-ta per bag lnblnga ;-or lmon l5uuaf.lnlo.p-r.lb..... do yrht. .... Mrs. Thurlhy. Nu. `:74 Even SL, Viiunahury, Lang lnlnnd, a very old my, surf:-rnl WI) inllnmnmlnry rheuma- iam; thejoinu uf her hand: nnd feet wrllcn; her Iulrcrilqu were mtolornble, `nd intenle. (;n.n.~4' Llrunnar ovum. .-\ .\l\1I).\ I.\ reduced the swelling nzl away the puns. `A.`m . 54).: . R] A hnltlu, Aannh. Hnnth uruvo me 5c., 50 , 8] It hottlu. Agents, Hnth unn and E. H. Parker. rut ugums. Inn xmporm uovernmem us no moh. his u,r runy in Min-;|u nnvl Gsllinpoli, Iinco 1 regular nrmy in concentrat- ur_1. . an) no . LID 0,40 . 0&0 ll . IOOON - Io 0."! OJ! C750 OI) . IICI lid) (O (in LCD um um: 0.!) uaow o.o1ao.o.'g 0.400 0.80 , -'I|- 11,103, I KVOIIII KI-II. U in killed but udnecr with an an. -__ n-__L n,m:_,- Ion-nod. , -An Ilulisn squad:-on in but ordn- od to the Iannt. _ Ijnnnligk nil-Av nhvukn Jul in `Am- As 0! HAx'Jmu1y nabbed in an. H I 2 nnnrtmeul ol I'll-it-Clan & `I: no-nlahnd (N10, for nodal, 2` bonny of Inuhood -kinship onion 5. annual is shown ornnyoIhh(.`; Aha puma! nil: tubal. I|ntutnLl|n[Yneh h-uoudn. Q5 Iucalouueh In I can-ciprnuvlthnlh Pr-vhnal zxhmyinuot Q:-Iuunlonun,-in b btlhoputn hnofyuuu Wort uh`:-rm htluuutuinnnuguuo 3|-I17 IUL ",l'IOI|OlIJ 1.`. J ., BIV unutcd for conspiracy. --Tha Dunn has In Il'ICl| -CG I0!` COIIIPHIOI. --Tho Quonn has mhuribod 1G;to the Turkish Compsuionto Fund. -A nhock of urtialnkn II St. Tho- 71 p.-. Anxvl bony. -'I`Im heny fnlluru in New York city to-duy. -Ci1mr Imkaru Itrika oolllnnd. Nan [BC VIVIPIIIII U0lllpIIIlOIllO I` III. -A shock urtiqnsh at St. Tho- mu, W.I., on tholh.` ._Rinin- Rnll moving nnnil hnhhnl -5n.ung uuu noun` I Fort: Keogh and Pack. r!-I- ... KY..- \.'..-l. A` vuu Ixwv-In u-nu Av`. . -Gnlo1n New York yutordny vory heavy. --Tun hanv fnllunn in NII York 1 or: roporu o.uuu out or worn. -Tho Quebec Lucll Gonrnmnnu but Idoptod tho nbnuxiouu Ton-bone roan for the North Shore Ry. -Nnr Milwaukee. I (night tnin lor Lno norm more Icy. Milwnukeo, I freight train struck ncnmago, killing two bottothod lpun nnd wounding othorl. ._Thn Snnitnrv Cnmmithn nf tho On- munrazss srnuzr. `Opp. Tandy Bros Marble Works. cuy to-lay -Cigar ntriko oollapud. New York roporu 5,000 out of work. -Thn Ouebar: Local Gown-nnnnu burn ,.VCI I Illll I'U|JH0l.|'l 0IllCl'Io --'I`he Snninry Committee of tho On- Lnrio Leqillnturo to-ps_y propord a series of queationa for clerk: of Inunieipalitiol. --Wm. Llovd Gnrriun. in 1 lattnr. 0` l]llIll0l YOF CICYKI OI WCUICIPIIIII Lloyd Gnrriun, inn loner` denounce: Pre-idem nyu for lunch, dorlug the Ropnblirlnl to Southern Demncrata. 'm.- ..m..:.| ........ .|...-. n..o 41 --n-- v--u-, \uI1 --uuu-u an E-ruu -vuuua plinhod may well omit: the public grntl_ Iudo. We cordinlly wilh the movamen; I continuatwn of the gnud fortune winch In: so far nunlod upon it. .j__. coo -- ----- Ueluncrau. -'I`ha ulllcial report shown that 41 teachers were implicalad in the alluring of the ntolunoxuninntiou papal-I; their cerlicntu are annulled, but they may compete for new one: in July ; in (mun Ill oonoeu will be Iayerol:'IkQl. Witt.` OPENED OUT A-NEW. '1`. B. I"'O0T S REFRESHMENT ROOMS.` AHGE and F373" SUPPLY 0' BUII IKIILLH. (IAKICH PASTE . l'lm`l'I Ind ovnrvdmwrllvtiun of PLAIN [Id IAICY ()1 INIFEI `THIN l'.HY W No upon-Me in pcu boonufit loch lit: in in th Eat. In! > zvznmmao cum -cu: aon|.| DIUIIIPED Bank of Month-.al- 1011 3-4, 161. I(er~hant.n'l'.nnl.r~ ii : 3-4. 55 1-4, Rank of ('om|n:-rm-~1lG 1.1, 115' nu.--. At PM-Inn, on Jan Ylst, Ella, wife of Captain Jane: ffnlllun. ngv-d SL5 yearn. At Nmmneu, nn Jan `Ill!-. Wm. Robe:-Mon , Chnn`u sum! 36 n-nrn. {EOEIEECTIONERYJ ' A GRAND Hum T0 LEASE 0]! FOR SALE. |"m cmnv man: Is HoPE."| ._:..V_.... . T W1 1'38 WORKS.--Connun|era who have: not paid charlccounu at-cram! dad that they may take advantage of Mo "aiming uulo and thereby uwo tho greater part of the dduomu. ,,-'~w .,,,,,4_ | _A_S Slzl/_EIBL3Z' I At. (lalnrruuul. Kaewnt wifu of W W. Kirkputrio cine Ru`wn\',ofn I-on. rewn, I B3-`.,ot n 1 Al. lapnuae. M Hooper` of a son A. MCCORKELL," GRAND (31! 33'9"!` 75-40%) -Gold nil! lots-1013. -Uiu Taylor, cl Nerd! Run. Nb, um killed with an un. CHOICE CANDLES d the Levant. -Cuulin nilwny otoch lull in [an- puny.) --, l`ronv.ug, N.J.. Suingnliuk oouu nutcd connnirsov. <~ nu, w.1., tuuux. --Sining Bull moving south to |&oI Port: Keogh Peak . .__ __f,,,__ At the rulngiouu muting III the City Bull Int ave-oing Rev. A. Wilon utatad. on the Authority of n Tory paper, that the Dominion Government hnd held two moetiugn on Sundnyo Int. Twday a cloth of thoJ`rivy Council In tologrlplr odto, and the nnower came thnt the Itatonont In untrue." We hue slu- whero dull with tho impropriety of mi- niuorl dnbbling In poluicl. . .--co) .__._ __ Cr AH. FRUITS in tin zhmrlouonn. A? .1 mzurs. _"r.o more Philsdolphin am mu .-~dlV.' 0n Rlouday Evening. Feb. -ltll, T PaPtnership_pis9o1Hi;i0h.A Ontario Strut. Kmqdol, 0-1-1'5, {A8 0!! HAN") Ivady Ilbbol kt HI! I lute Gkl Whtrlesule and Retail, `v M 5.5. ); a uring oxlrn I visions and an en unchanged nfs MV's_lE|.GiIs. (By Telegraph To-day.) Montreal, 1.... 24. ll,...a-....I 1.`: ~) 1 1:11 (By Teleg/ruph Tu-day`) Montreal, Jan. '24. -rm~.-iptn N}()')bb|a; no union ; mlrkol ~9 dull and imuzlim and price: an .-..}-- Rina hu been doing his ununl good work in Chnlhum, over 2000 ponunl hav- ing niglud tho pledge during his short. campaign than. The nucceu which bu ovorywhoro Attended the rolormor in Iilllo nhonot the nmrvalluun. Even if u ruulu should prove evanuceut, in any... n`... pl.` _mn....L Al .......I -......... lent Iulidor m ll'l`ll/./ DIED. ..-.n.. Lu plemmre in announcing mg 21 Grand Auunhly and price! sallinz It 5,70; m 3: 5,00; grain. gud ~ CHARITY |DRTE3APPLEs I so 100 Boxes Pudding lsininl. 100 Bu-nls low Durant; |TllE GOLIIEI uol cnoc:nv| no Barrel: Chdoo Labrador Earrings. I00 Hulf Bsrnln do do :IuuBudunGMhh ulubhgfhh CnuIPh|AnHukn Ion-I llonlcrl and lipporod an-incl. I03 DALI A!` THE GOLDEN LION GBOCIRY. TB vnsnu zvzzm, JAN.` 24, ms. ` nuw us: you AND nonn- uas moon. 7 `BLT HOUII AVD Ylllllll LATELY known alto Albino Soul. ,II holixibly Iiunud and in nupla urouvnotluivm for an I but Union; for {usher particular; H'I'II`l;-Olluoandluilunnnbt. p. uI'IIII.ouIu of [by us! I ; lin- nnnmoloulho Dr. Inn . Inca (lope. Bovdlcd lirrun. Frcnei Horn Dnuin Combo, be. lodlcinnobtd ll] uqndnngthcnighl by until: Ila nu. Dissolution oi Partnership. AVD Plllllll LATELY known nal. ,lHoo|i1ibly 1-plo urouvnoolunn tor ulushr-stubs; iuulcn GholIpf,btov,coo-natal ' boruonnd I00 Bunch Heavy Ion Park 12,000 Pound: Bonolou Bacon, IOMO Punndl Cumborlnd Bnon H.000 :o,ooo Bnoon. 500 Sun Cured Hun. -An nnvunv HE CANADIAN STKAM LVQERS IN IUEABCE ASSOCIATION mnkau inspmu lion of Sham Boilers. nnd given din-clmnn fur their are sad m|nngemanI,And iuuou Pom-inn payable in event ofuylouion. Special utmn an given tooconomizlng of Slemn and tuning of Funk. Plnnn Ind specications of Hugh-rn nnd Bonlu-I nuppliod. Head Oioo-50 Front Street, Eu!.Tor-ontn. [A Genuine & Heavy Reduction I Tu Iaoth-1 Hall II 7 p.In Will be nude on nll WINTER G()f)l)S, an we mun. mole room for Bprinx Imporutioun. All uurplm and uccunnhwd Shook mun be told AT sou: PRICE. lluojut rooolvod direct from Frucc. 5 con 53.0.10 uurtuem of the Finest Lonvoll And can (lluoomunltablo for all us: mud do- ofuuhl. Aim Hunt It-anal: Lavender And you of light. I Also, linen french Lavender and I nlnnnn Tamra With Labia`: h Condnfl PIKRFUIEB. nnd Atuofn In Huh Parfnmo. Also In the nuns boot, DILK LASTIC B'I`O(.`Il. (I! AND Inn (lanmovdlld Ill VIII 0! C. ll. LLVELL a: Cu, Iuhlbolnl utility` Iutul oom- nut. Alldchu duo the bu nu mun be run A1 olcllnotdcuelou npuu hooh. The Dnbuhul of an nbovo will be our Hot] In - H- LLVILL. who ln Aulhnrind to nonlvi All account: And ply an lhbilnicn 0! \ho um Inn. c. H. LAVILI. 1 co. lilntn. Juno 2'. IU7. |rnNKf&Nn3?'s| |Lowndes & Moodie,| 11:;-cigELi;;`s ILABTIC xrucnlxus AND (iopmovdlod Dunning Collnhmke. H! run: 07 c._n. uvna. a. cu, in hulbolnl thhdny ' t. 1 ahrgnasng grunts amg. ..__.______._.__.__. Important Information for All. |8pecial HnlidayAnnnnm:eme`t | Sugar Down! Down! lbowu! Sweeping Reduction] | l`0 STEAM USERS] LOWNDES 8L MOODIE WILL HOLD `I ll CLEARING SALE I |'.l'ho Sugar Ring attened Out I I . . I _ . .- ls%a`&2'V$uins;;;;l )Immens""s'iE'iE' Er"'1111nery,| FOR REALLY RELIABLE BARGAINS THAT CAN BE DEPENDED ON I) n 'l`l\ 7, Auxvnnu looting of Hubbub Reforms- Mon lIoch!y,Cil_y Hnll, us I p In. turn r .1.` nun) ruunuu run nu-3 any other house in the city. LlBA'I"I"B Prh dwnya on land. Ituol. Jan II. JG 4, Ila ! Jm `H. mm. I00 Bunch Envy Ion Pork. 2.000 Buon. 1000 Hon: Rnininu at 5 cents porlh. .500 3 lb Cnttlon Japan To: It 81 inch. 500 3 lb Cltliu Youu H vnon Tan 81 .500 3 lb Cntlian Impcnnl Tan M. II NM 500 5 sud I0 lb Caution as very low pr: 100 bbln No. 1 Labrador Herring: LABATT3 Prlu Iodul ALE Ind PORTER uvmvn Labrador Herrings. DU 3 I0 UQIIIOI ImpIl lll IBI DI .l 1` very p bbln No. 1 Labrador Herring: P0 Cour" Cocucu. n- cu 5: I0 3 In Tn looting of Clulnori Church Hill p.II q1RANK RIGNEY will ml] during Illa Ho- - lidny Ieuou FOR CASH, Cheaper than av nunr Imnun in than nltv nu IU annuuu\,r. nun: run nu nnniuder of the mmnlln they will otfor RICHMOND 8. BOYDEN'8. Inn I0 II77 0. H. LAVELL C0. WINTER DRY GOODS, RICHMOND & BOYDEN Golden Lion Grocery. 1 M, lll W. B. ICRAII & C0. Commencing Jan. 2nd. PRINCESS s1'amc1". I'll. Tiukuat. llrnu d Connnniou Conlnnkd n '1 3.-. n i w. nu. 1119" UTUIICII IJIVIIII Cologne Wstcn, u!,'l`oront,n. GEO. C. ROBE, Chief Engine:-.r. I877. MOVIM INT. _T_`.T. .. novullli n IOIII I IOIIYTI. I VALUABLE PREIINT8 [inn AVA] 0111'] in]. $1 IIIVI _ "r`3::&+:::;u-=:....."~:-.":..":'.';1'.::.-.3'.:;":...'.......'~"""'.,V` OIL! fAll'hI I ab vnmunn. culuu. n4:-In: won: *1. 7&0 Ah-:__-0-1;.-nnnI'y"-'":{5r`2`n" ll AVI` IJIIIII I AIYQQ F. X. ;l3_AU & YT! Ivar-'1. yv-cu-1 IIIU II- I hill In Ihnughly conndorbd .5 _x__..... ._ .1 AL. Ilgl.-.. A.....;- ?%aaws AT WAEON _S. (Ira: Bnrpiun in All Wlnkr Dual Goods. Soulot, \\ him and Guy l`lu!uIo-All Iltllood. All Wool Blnukou nu. Ion than Coot. Jacket Cloth. Nap cloth and Buvon-All Iduood. Tremendous llargnino in All Wool Clondl. All Fancy Woolu. Jmkau. (}onhrtu9--Iadnmd. Tremendous Pane Juokab. Cochran-Ioduood. l-`noy 1-` much, Umon Hnnaln und Guy llunolo Rained. 300 llonunu. Dru: Gooan, Ticking; listings and C|otho-oxu' chap. n urn nnnnnn um . n WIMVI T0 INN)!!! MY FRIEND! All ) ruatunu-n und the public gnornllv list I nhnll in a few clnyl rwmme buninuo lost the old utund.wh.aro-I I'll burned out yutardny. I thunk I for lie patrons]: I hnvn rooolvod In prrpnrnl to native npplicotbu lot MI Do- henlunp Marin; luwuv-,wILh CO! IF Kaebod In nmu,nm`l fur such M II _, , valor: may duh: uvwcr.-r::.m.o. nun. oppulu 'uhi' Pod Oh-r, Kingston. 06"` IW7 ty and nulgect to the approval of the vltitin Guvornnrl. and In In dalivorod duly, In we qunnliuen u mny be requlrod. ll` Pnvmenu uuuln umnlhlv THE l.ARGEH I` AND BEN ? STOCK IN THE CITY [8 AT ulund.Ivhar4I burned yulardny. putrunngn in than put. uul buy: I shall roeolu an acne ltlmnl nu;-port un my resumption of hu- IIDIEOI. A THE rnoumuu: Loan and Invsstmant Society # Iiiibinx. Bnrbet1._pf Hargware House 87 King Street. I SECOND HAND PLATFOII SCALE! to weigh Hpauudn, I-`I.lrbAnl`n unit. 1 nsncoxn mm) I-Lnronl scum.` to weigh P100 lb: .Wilsun`| |nnh.Tomnto. 1 HE| ARA'l`H Tl`.NDEIlS VVILL BE RECEIV ml in) the Unmrnorn nf tho KIIGITON HOSPITAL, 3_'_?`9!? '.!9!'sl .. ...,.... I-\/`U ..,. , VI nnwvnl - ---u,-v--vuuv. Alao. GRO(`ERS' AND OTHER SCALES for ull chmnz. .-. ....- . ....._r. We are solllug off our Stock of STOVES AT CUST. l)EEP WELL PUIIPS--'l`ho but in the mar ket hnr sale cheap` M. Kirkpatrick's Fancy Sora, ` > |MHH0nIsIMIs3IuNs! -Jnlnunl. JU\"ENII.E MISSIONARY HEETING IN Sydenhmn Ntreut Church. on WEDNESDAY, "Ulh. M 7:30 p.m. (`lunruun. Dr. Lnull. Ad- ureuen by In-vs. A. A. milhund T. W.JolIo. rsunn ., . nu . . Guru:-1 Illvvv uvuuvrviiul` nu , tho nmount. of good Accum- .LIi.. __-al _ _.-|I .....Lp- pl... ammo AND MEAL} veur. from Ish. In. I878. MAS` M h'ETlN(} of Slmlny Suhooll in By- ulnuhauu Mrnut Churvh nl 9'30 .m. Lddreuol by RM John l ul.tuAnd A. A. milk. .\ll.\`Sl(lNARY Ml'.F."l`lN(}S in ydanhnm Stu-at (`lmn-h, mu M(),\'I)AY.!8th inIt..|t 7:30 `mu. (7l.mirman,J. Tronnnnm. Elq. Aldrouu n_v Ran. Prxnnn-Ipalrsut.-7. Paul. A A Smith 0n I-`ricluy Evening, Jan. 25th. l I7` (`ullurlmu at onvh Service In lid of tho Xinniuuury Society. WM. HQROISIE. |Ihe ladies of ETIj1Jmers* Ehdiblil 'l':-u will be aelved at 7 o'clock, nfter whloh the rullmviug Programme will be rendered: IJ 1n Quvnu Street Church. at l0:30 l. lu Byduuhalm sxreu. Church nt 6:30 p-In. D... A A u...:.L _. n_.__.,.,: L, -77- , Jun 22,1878. I SICUNI) HAND PLATFOII SCALI weigh l`10Ulbu,Wilsun`I |nnh,Toronto. AL. l`Il.I1\r\I!Inau .un .\-.....n 5....-. The-. Brand and Maui. to be of the bu1q_n|ll- uml nuhject the approval of the VIII ng V- ...)-- ,.._ REFORM RALLY. T Kiugltun. Jun `ll, l87l. U50. UKUCEKS cheap. |xI.. -..- __n:_,- _n umsr wr;Ll. PUIH cheap` Jhu 22 I878. TENDERS- lununurn an muy no rcqulrii. JO` l'n_vuwnu uuule Iuonthly. Kuw-Inn IIHIIIILAI J m `1 HUI nu: mu: Inns :1 canny BIIWCIID I-Iuols: .., ._. .,_....._ _. -..... rr_. Rev A.A. Smi!h.n! (intansqul, In 8 douhnm 311'-M. Churuh. nt |0:30 tun . and In Vjuuu Ht. Jhureh at 6 301111). |l&-CKILI , AT M'Ml LLA,N 8 Kmlunn lion. Prlicuu It ANNUAL TEA-MEETING Till Nmm, 29th Jununry, L'lclL I0 - g In City Sabbath, Jun. 27th, I878. V In l'I|hdlIIu It any lino. or further yoruculannpyly In TIIOIAII IIIOGI, FOR B13138 AND B0'Y8. (on sue cum mg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Mr. -J. L. Morrison Q. (3 Glee Club mm .\',1 |'I9' I'Ill' Q! EI5'!V. L") IHTX HHS by Rev. Juhn Pan-,of l`oronto. mvou Church. at l0:10 u an um _n'[l!E_8_m__llE7 "uvn`uAnn2 $_ _.......__. ._.._ ._ .....Mr. Patterson fiolm lhn-L. . MCIIITI Ric-hmoud and [1-Iuthorlnnd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Mra. H. Muodio Mr I. L. Morrinon _- `ye --__.._...---..;\/`av HOW OPIII AT flll anuwn on-r 511.1: 3 n Franco exc-apt by iiepublzcan majurity cou- `heral lundur Ib()V6 men- It evidence of the enor- wieldud by Uunbattn in the defent, at his instance, tmembur of the Right on the power of the An- ulqlo the election of mem I 31'.` to IN? by which thy r~mut.iun wu curled, nu ciuw cxhibxliun of Re- in the Pupulnr Chamber. `_-.--. , __. 0 see that an aglutmn in per- -ruuu. vu .- prelud nn than (, nuncll having an engine ur from fire in some nmro Wu hnve now. I wuuld that lh\d("rlIl)C|1g0 u `I rlglntdln.-utim,m1vl Hm nuuunnl Lax on all in: Icing hualmmn in the c fhereuf all-nv the-In (L4 C mpnniuu) in he rr] Cuunulltee of Fnw, Wa me uf the insurance xuxvulnlly from lhemsv not a lneuulu-r uf the C Appninnmtnt, to any I, man, I run aurc, WI co the ndu-ammo In um will ha fur urmmlnr than .:-*, A.-.-. We no glmi to on foot. to abolish [bl naluon in conuoc lion Wllh the Quebec l arlu'mont Bulld- ingl. In thin rupee! the local law mak- ers of tho uuer l'ruvi.v.::e have been Ilow to henolil by the oxamplo net by their big brother: In the Dounnmn Parlunuom, whose lmuuu wan clulotl some time Igo_ The cloning of they pnrlmlnenury nlvmnl in n dlroct. In-rnurul henotit to than) monu- bern wlr:|ro~. (ho Inrut opposed to tho` `umvement,' whllo the public ncuglntmn which n thun riumonl In the drunk habit cnnuut hut huvo an etfect. fur gnod on n commumly nccuntnmad to hank up In par- lumom. for proaodonl, What with Ihut- ling up the Inlnunn, once regarded an Iuch uununl In-lltuhnnl, and tho open iuguf the Federal and llntnriu l nrlu- menu with prnycr, the prngran nur Iogw laton nru nulung Ill mun] ref-arm in Iolnalhing on which both they And the country nro in he hurtnly onngrnzulntod. - ---- a fur nah pounds as In I a mull or 1:10 gaunt: |leR0lSlE. Soercnry. ............Choir .Prlnclpnl (inn! ....Miu Wnlum . . . . . . .ChAIrmuu . . . . . , , I`ho Uhoir . .l rof'. lolerru .....liuWilson ,..Mr.Tnvlur Ir. J. L Morrinou ..Q. C.0loe Club .I!iu Wnllnn ..Mr Taylor Ir. Pnttonun Information Wuntod. , 0' Till JDDIIIH 0! II. [Um IOPKIIIJ |If.fOfDOl"]d~u (Julio loan, lasxmvbo an In 00- ndgvhh in {until that thIVI'UIUO.DC lallumvbo oukhhl 00- ndggvkh la-ll) thl VIUIUQQC who uvnuthlbunolulohol that If utunl alduv-I will in . Aluuuotr Dru-run 'lII. g-gg_ _, ,. I Qutwuu I uvuu |AlllVIl0 nun ms! nu II l 11:: van. . A Ind: ea'o i._t:ng mania dupe-o" ` olllon.&lu.rdBlnkouayovcinpo- ' linl machinery ol the country. But adwn timeuince,the Tlrypeuloennd with zipmplimentuy Illusions` tp Ii. lBhkeunpucubl-candidate larjudicinl 1 pooitiun. If he would uulylconsenl than to be shelved. his 'I'- ry mania wen qnju: Irilhng tn. swallow theit frequently reiterated opunum o! his lack of ability, and to uvour that for the Bench be ill lllpcr-uninently adapted. Fniling than 5.. -ul 0|.-....Ig-.. ..f n 1'rnnl`n` nntnunn- Hunt and Shoe State II A FEW DA"! Nu:-ly Opposite their Old Band. on rnlsclzss STREET. ...__ Bl muiootlbor nun-u lab nnoou thus to the ultluu who kind! unload II v- In no-ooflh vnoonv at 0 Inc In: II` Bl Jiilotlbor Mo Ilnoou Illlll av- Ing property In; plan would to luunua In Iala ouwnorl Iht lhyeu and with Croatia 50 J. Duqhufl, In-In Iqrurmuutll Incl HIGH It can noun nutter non. 1- .1 nnunnunu to mac! ll mynfoo. nu 'l'U|IUl)AY. tho Wlh thy 0| Fubrunry. pr0l., gt I0 o'clock, LI) . to roooivn n nutoumut m M: nbin and up- poim an Anlgneu H" they no (In. 1 IUIIC by the Quun Church C. I. Choir, Klnutnn. Speeches mun ulergymen Iml omen. TlCKI'."l'IJ-40 oenu. Jun 2'). I87! v R. 8c J. GARDINEH :TheCheapB|earingSale Tsblo Nnpkins, Table Linens. Towollmgs, Lace and Muslin Curtains, shooting: of all Makes. Pillow Linen: and Cotton. 311 mskol, White Oottons, English and Amo- ricnn Rah Mhln. vuuw uuwona. nnzmn and Amo- ricsn Son Makes. Marseille and Lace Toilet Oovm, Tickings, Irum HIHJ {Ii all IIIIIIIII K! [Ur nil! yuan, nu! (nruung 3 par! hf the rngulnr mcomo bf K5o>S-.cIolv. And uwing tn the dnlny II) re-caun-g lhobup1ut,LfMr the dnruue of Mr, Wnlklm, Ibo income of the Smut, `I'll boon culnlderllnly ro- iucod during the luv. two year: There nu alau Anuluuleqi III the Ab--va snaunt I lugncy nf SUN. from Mn. Mclmod, winch nu been expanded II ) mm---r hm`: lung-, {squire-I fur Ihe coll- vomence of tho Home A] 1` .-.u.. lnrlw Ilannels. Blankets and Marloillo Quilts, Clouds. Breakfast Shawls and Cardigan Jackets, 10* We have Imnle llenvy Ro- ductlons in all of the above partnlents. recount mu ll point. (3 V 0n Thursday EH-n'u. Jan. 3| Parsons & Soot-ah On Inntlo and Trimming Velvrtn. ofnll colors. 3' Every plrro of (loud: in our more bu been reduced In price. R. & J. GARDINEB. 1ns1.9'!P..A9t01875 [THE ANNUAL TEA MEETING IIIDDLII Rom mrrnnuaau, mu. { uh menu Tun Gnome: .\!1.~-rum --'l`hcy no to appear hen nut Thundsy, Ind thtt hay Inn not detorwntnd. In the Globe ul \\'.u1nuday proro - -A`l`L-I1-.....- \A.....--1. .......--.l 2.. Also. un our entire Drona lm-k. On All our Silk Hwek. On Trhnmlugl olevery dn54`I'ipIiun, I , ,, . On Blush nud (Iulomd French Merino! and Cnhmoren. Remelnlwr u-so ltedncllons IIOIII good only during the Cheap Halo wlnlcln ends the illslo Inst. I'RE'I)E'RI('l|' .I II. l"00'I', (hurfa Hirvh ' and 'l'I.Imru Nlcllulaon. I`Imn!('l, and 1&1 III. 1-. lug-no.1. 2:, ma. Strictly ONE PRl(`F.'. Kingston. Jnu `J3! IRTH. (H0 ICIVIIHI |,,;O will be far gnmlc Wesley Church, KI/I'E'I`Il' J. H. I"UU'I', Ulffl IHNR I`Ium!(i, l'IIoImu ll. l"uu!, Dnfmdant. WRIT (ll? AT'l`A(.`llM|NT HAI II- . Iuoxl harom.|nd Ihu uronlnoru urw nolllod nut lnvnfuo nu 'I'UlHl)AY tho lth THE BEE HIVE .. iflbpiunuci oA_::.D. PRINCESS STREET, WILL SELL DURING Emu mu II CD ADI C CW-ll` II In nu. ~ I. IJIDEDIIT. /' ' IWII. 1'. J. DOIOOIIIII. nu. (,2 v. rmcx, ommn Aulgloo. Iilpirwinuuzuu} uuuyuvu. a `nun nu.- to rid tho.-mnolvn of n dreads! antagon- ist in the pulxucal arena, they Inns fnllou back with I furlom non of hope upon his reported fniling health, and the organ! are chuckling U\'I:l the "good unburi- ty" they profru I.-1 have for believing Hahn C: i. M. Kll.|u.'. inonnoinn nnl 0' LU!) CH) I Wu|I [)1 Lhnt Mayor McIu`yI' Ipnuch on Mumlay, on (`nun having; {ram first in xumn Ill v: n -x--an-u-, r... u "Thoueorgu Mmuruh I the Royal U;-era Home luv. 1 .nm-man: Aujmnav, nlnmhmr lnl It-Jyll uptra ll-MIC Inn ulgln In In enurmoun IUJIIIICQ, ulandwg mom in I" put: of tho huuu I-cum; in dovn nn"|. Tho poxfurmmcn Lap! {bu audience in one 3-rolonqnl mar oljnught-r. fI`u|`Od It _ um by hula phcu of sunny melody. A pmponiou-.'u:tu than ununl In ouch onIanunmonm-u! !he prognmma in us], bun:-m ch! in not omit-oly IOI Iu ol the can nay, p ling qnslny u that head hero {or 1 0 Btu umo. Much ol lhonucoou of the outer- unnooot In nu doubt dun to tho hotly aniovnolld the on-(or-on tho-nlnL niutond aunnocumnuupggyg... Tbonloctiuuollhoournu Hal, cut ILJ. laugh Wurvhtucudnnagud Ir.cIuhPolubyu bun uncut, vuouvuilhhlyhtliht-ll0'Iihl H the general elucteral ceiiipalyii were iiot a pine M. which two partiee etc` Flay. the Coiiaonativoa niixht coinplecently regerd the pror.-eadlnga ul their recent Convention an huiii; aaaiired eucceu lot Chum II. the Approaching election. l'u- aniinoua and outhueiaatic as their recent pruceedinga were alleged no be, they are notlikely to have everything their own way. The annual IDOCIIIIK of the Ontario Reform Aeeociation he: been aiirumnned for Tuesday eveniag, 5th February. in the City of Turiinto. end will duubtleae be a largely attended political gathering. We aiivcerely truet that the Convention will Include repreeenteuvee from every riding in the Province, and that in in nuiuben. the eheracter of in proceedinga, end. ln every other important rupect it will prove worthy ol the uneullied noon! at the Liberal pei-ty of Canada, end worthy elao el the upright, it-iieet Government now supported by that ___._. i... n....... ....I .1... l\.._:.. t sun} `nu-.r.-.- .-1 olniu Iv: --...-.-... "tlut it in Mr. Blnkeb iuuntion not only to leave llu: (Sabina! before the meet- inguf Pu-linmem, bu; also to take hi. leave of public He." We sincerely hope that there in nothing in the run or, cum- mg an It does {rum such I decidedly in- o.....p...l .... 4..- "PL... .ui:.|. .... .l....l.n . .. ...... l,.......- \)| ......,\_, ...... ....._.. vny. The aim.-es wlnch attended tho Centennial may I-u repented, in fact, vauly outstrip;-e;|_ on or before the com- plctvloll of tho new `ml century of Au1orL can Independence. The aonhnuauco 0! it, however, (mm mm of these grunt hlnturiunl lamlmark: to nuother, menu to be entirely too hum: an undurtaking to be exp-acted tuauccumh. IIIHDCIII IQ! IN) DDCIWI HID ll! IMO I|l'IC|, gujoyoool cxhsha pt-dotnuu Ihouolvn nu-ciao: an vuiotyiu ua. prop-ug- ... unload: ol the must in pull ~ ..p,||dudI keep 'I_"_uI] mu. nddidhinbouinhu ;-'n'...a..H dlhoou-nu '"a.u 4 - p0ItI.mnen)enl of xuvh evumuality. nml uinh Inn tinned usefulnen.-st - the I fur whonC~'runrexucmthy '1' flan mucus: tutu; us up Roofs up pd] nniln. And did hi! bhbllinli ...... tuvlu .. ..-1......` ... ...u ..... .,., ..~....- u'|'e|4,-4] quarts.-r. The wish, we doubt not, is father to the thuughl in Tory cir- cles, that whatcnr may be the cause the Hon"Mr. Blah may take himself out of the way uf the Tory rrzurn to oice. The cuuntry wzll hupc fur the indefuubc All untoward lung life and cun- Hon. gentleman, \Vh0ltTf('YlrelllclIlU1;-'l`U!`iel Lre breath- : u The permanent exhnl-itiun in Phila- elulphm may as well be voted :1 failure, in in nancul aspect. During the put. your the oxpouu uf It bu averlnpped the revenue by our uighty llmuund dollnrn. Hnnngllmu duznz-nnLruted in the very first your-vf its exutenco lll nancial |nelII~l1Cy It may Uu taken for grlnted n.` will awn cause to axial. The ex- hnbilmn tinu lndn {Air to furloil Its clmien duignatiun .1! I permanent ...o;:..u...n \\'.;|. H. ....n..-...- ..n. g . m .. `H111: imtiluliun. With the superior en- tcrpriae to which the American: hy claim, it might have been expected that their Philadelphia Exhibition would have reaullml in l perinam.-nl. uno, much In tho South Kunsingtun ln\lIt:l]Il) in in ...i. ..o ..- r\. ..-n. .... ...... )|.,. ...A To PM Editur `lUVUIII|-V|rII IIVW Ill."r"Ivv`| U 5-DI party in Ununu and the Domain- ion. Tho nmlmon 0! good gov- crnmonl an Inly, tctivn and usual m use determination lo remain the ruin of poqgn No trick mll ho loll untried, no ay, no matter hour specious or hollow, but will be sounded in the popuhr on to convoy tho coumoon than on the Tory unlonnliun at point no country : unla- odntion dopoodn. In halal! of horns` govonlnout is bohoovu Rah:-on to Ink`: [run Q0 eocdunco which bdinu that a tin |ad.uptighI pnrpooo ll Allin!- Int lot Ill och prphction npinu the Quail the oloo-hull?! `lotion sh` III` ,_,-_,_, 1-- - -._.I ._...In .....- AL- Jan}. `..':ir.l, JAu'_y `:3, INT! u nun. . \ nu u.uu.u.. nu ; such nrdum .-uqnirath (I'll I7""! IU WTIIU III. They at Inpt can an! .IIOH woefully lacking ix A.~rr| IM- ll lull- Orphans` Home. tor uf flu Brihsl Whig. "" n 2:. rumdenl in the upper part lwu plmaml and gratied r:\r1L-lulyra, In hi: inaugural A-Jvocatad and im~ (,`-mm-ll the importance of other pmtuutlon u central part than aw. uuggest, huwevor` ouncll go map funhur in tho `tiun, and that in to impose I xx all insurance companies mum City, and In lieu nw (ho.-In (Lu. the insurance A FAILURE- .Ht'|H \l.(V, I5 IHHUTHHCB 7 r:pu=aeLaLed on the l".n=, Walur and (in, by uuranue agents, appuintefl I Ihemso-Ives, one who II City Cuuncll. This t.|nukim( buuinun L`, will command illolf. And muurunuo companion Mar Hum the tax. Imp I'uIng. _..___;, 097-. T. Whooveruin power in the present. French Chunber of Deputies, it in quite uidont thut, tiumbottn u the roal unlter of the uitunu-:n and that, us: Unbnnot can live at prawnt in France hy miuiun 0! {ho luwpublzcan trullad by the liberal tioned. The Inn mous iuuunco the Home VII the his an! a motion by a member the queuiun of Iumbly L; xm-uiicl-no ban. The vote to Liberal cezuut.er~nwtiun nnulliolamly docmvu -publlcnn pnwar .1, , INCH lfl -`UCIHKJ nnnunl `uh! ng ll ..cnolv. alum the ban`: r \\'nIL|n|. lh I :-oposlllou. .. nu -um. .. ulsxpprnimnnon haing Llm ale\!ell\0l)llnn1lolu ru.-can --f tno (H-phana' war ma Saturday, 10. in mu that the nmoun! w of tha 5'--cnely.3\'J.T9B o-at hf 3.5.600, by the 1);. .nIrrr.qt nf which. 5... u.......... .u ...- was the outgrowth of London, In 185]. unit], lmwuvungivu vumliry and |un,:u- .1 :.a,oIIu.ny Ina nlrrrat nf which, xly nmv-um Lu Hm I! S-musty recun-ad :1 unft fur mnnv `king In "M.|). As1'|Qv;.-5, nppeurod I. um ht In 1'.' (la Ana. 4 rau mug. $3,-Inohhuhnonnidnndvrithn` fro-`lino to tuuahoutonr nucuipply for to purpoumbullha. Io now Ilulagrucdul o(tbofpn:l:lonndin ehrgul union the non; panics. Tho toautinhuzpin ginuriu totho ~ 'quuion. ' s In the Wnnu ol unbrdnv. in I can- ragnl Ihde. -'l`ha 3.11:!-vktporl of Buck and .hr|u Comm n in England, hnnda-I un derlluo nan. a U! "Licensed \'nct-ml]-rs," have doclnrml that, "In all lawful wnyu," they I-111 encourages tomp9nu"ca und gulvrlaty." Hnmlb--31' -In I829 (nu Rumnn General Die- bitnch (`roused the Danube with 30u.INM) ; mm and reached Axlruunplc wuh 1.3, I man lip... elm: nnint he dlc'I!Ud A negce 'qu|uou. ' _ the yubnhy, In muuiution Iignod A Balfour," Ippotr some vary pertinent N is sad nugget- noun, Ilnch I think uh ,|d roenin Lh- nltoluiul ot tho ptopo thoritinn. An investigation of the had Iugguted by "A aluoror" Ioulgi nmazgls utbgr things, more to the u ie I qunmy o Is- iu in the r-furvoir would in doemod I fur Iupply for re purponn, and put up and to the wand question in (but eulu. The Inter work: Inn unto since 1850, And no mob test. In: boon` Dado to my knoulodp. A 8u'ergr' I100 npenlu of this wuur Iupplg. Ihlch eon; the city In much." lnfonu~ nntoly fut the Company In Igl" maul in - undo with the city .- ,_ The volunteer lurco of Unnnda in et- trecting Attention Ind rupect {mm the military clrclu of Eurupe. AI 2: ropro` nuntntive Uzinmlun Volunteer, Lwut. Cul. Donnuun not unly won brilliani. penonnl renown by marrying off the Runinn prize fur his `history of cavalry but reaatnd great credit upon the volunteer force of his native land. The htelt compliment tn (jailed: {ruin the old lend in this l'dlpCt I! the eloctim of the ollicinla of the Canuln Artillery u- Iocintlon nu ax-ofuio members of the Nntiunnl Artillery Auuuintiou of Great I)-I.in and reached Aulruunplo mm 1., 000. From that point he peace tn the demonlizad Turks. Thoklluinnl n.m reach Adrinnoplo nth an army ten tuna: u large an that u! Diebiln.-In. -Tho most intone anxwty exist: ` nmongtho IndiAn Iluhnmlnodnn c-uuuuu- nity fur the mecca of the Turkish nrmn. Prnyon are rv-putodly offered up In the uri-mu mu-judnz lclcgrnmu no uuerly purchuml and mu/My Lu been Inrg-1, elpondrd. __-- coo ------- Prooidcnl, Woington Ioullor; Fun! YIINVI IIJIIAIII \v\,-nI- ` 'V'ieo-Preudcnt, David H. Bpcncur ; eund Yxco-Pruidont, Inn: Mlmhr. Dinctorn. A Duidlon. On. A Wol- buh. Rob\. (3. Dub, Wm. H. Snford, . iluphon B. Hibbu, W.B. Cooper. Roht. I IcCnrvnoy. Hoary H. Hught, Allnn Cu- vm; Audlh II, A. Bristol, C.|). M4-rden: 11.9. Roblin, 8oo.-Trou. { I now: Luna (OFITY. _ President, 0 D. Cc-I:n,ol Guunoqno: I ht\'ieo-Prnidootk. A. l'nI\on,!\'au. um; and Vice? uidonc,Du`.d sschoh, I Phiiipuillo. Diruton-John Orninlou. (lcnuoqno; J. 7. Earl, llgin: Ju Cnllqlbt, Pahulg Alex Elliott, Oink]. Ilijnl Bonn, Dela W. A. 'oIu|J..`lAIaIovI; 5. kiwi , $3; to lg, r., nouoqu; I. 0. Hit, lint : Conan: Wilhun `all A II-In 'n--I-_ 1&1. I, Pruidont. D.W. [lutl-an ; Vice-Proniv dent. Ihubow Bouan; Secretary, W. Boullcr; Trouunr, l.A. Coolidge] MIH llvl nl-mun Ill nor no.-:2.n., nave umr plrtsly prnntrntetl hur. ~-.\'ut.-vithnlanding that the Briliuh n vlduer wlll horuftar won` I helmat much ]lkf!llII((Jflht!I'l'l|S3i1\lll`llly,H)6lK}\- hmlurn wxll cmlinuo to wear the Imu- ....r nlnnen or omclnls 2!! per cent. -LnrgIqu|11tIlio|uf hop pnlel from Ottawa are boing shipped fur Present! en ruu e for the l_":.it:d ute-. I .....l lb..'.u-In whn in in \\'a34hinutnn. nuoxy lot use uompany nu Igrer mul, in city when " the Uolnpnny wu._._` rlt funr-ed, whereby the Iupply of water can the my for tire purposes, watering uroeu, foun- uiu in the Marks: Suuumnuxl ldpply for bro wuenng uroeu, [loun- i9 Squu',nu:l supply for the City buildtugmcons the Guy Ian dnn $5-(X): you. For the like supply In Tul-unto, the Water Commiuiuuora` charged the curpontiun of mu city be- tween 830.000 and $0.000 I year. .n..m m A mmmunxmtion in vener- -(]ough will visit Uttawnin March. The Quebec civic deciency is now put. dawn at 852,190. Ottawn uxpanded over $175M"? in -mm m.pruvemenu Int yenr -Th\9 Carlotnn County L'w\1uL1 un- Ilreol. m.pr..vemenu u I. -The County ar-imuuuly pronounced in favour ut pro- hlbitiml. n... ,.l.4 hm Imm Amnriml makes 3 hcw /.ealuuucr :1 warns mm (H unmvu. -'- ,HUUrniaed at 3 meeting to pay John alruet, Bollavllla, l rc.sbylurI:m church debt. Tl... Dluhulnlnluin nnd I.`m|rlinJ Kail- - s-u vu-vv-u--.., -w-- u-- uni M be I [raid anon]: upon tho Con:-Iona Johan` Doubuca the ni- . , ,..--.. ..;n L. AI..._..-Ll- ......;.l-_'.J 4 nouncod equal to unosmre cnoolu -v()tt.aw| propane: to rbduco the .('nst of city government by reducing the nlnrien of oicinls 20 cent. ._l.nr.vn:nI1|I1t.IliIlI uf huD Dnlel for the l.`:.n :41 must. -~Lurl 1)-x'orln_whu is in \\'auhim_>tnn, yesterday In ads 9 cull on President Hayes in c..mpany Wllh Sir Edward 'f`h-rntnn. l :eui_dant Dmz. inntca-I of keeping hm soldier: in idlmeu, utillzu them in .._ .x.. u...:..... ....H.,.. ....A Innklnu In C"H]|llIly WISH Dlf uuwnnu I III k aoldiorsin utlzas tl duiuiug the Mexican valley uud I roadn H11! ..n..h.nn nilwnv nnxmcssiull -~01 ninuteon railway concessiunu tn fnroigsnern in Mexico since the til the Empire, all have been furfuit uufanh. 'I`hn mnnmynr nf Hnwnrd} I tween 830.000 and 840.000 Apln, m B camiullnxution in yester- dnyi New, signed M. Sulllun," Ip- purn thin sentence 2 Hacl theta lJI5I-.l) anything like A full nupyly of water furn- nhod the Uhntham onglue,Ihe Albinn would have bun sand, or received very little duuage." `In uuwor tn thin gentle- unu, I may auto tlnt when the lire broke uut there in about seven feat of ruler in the ruervoir. I In propurml to prove tn the Committee on Fur , Water and (ha that one or two luer. ulilwnler in the reservoir ll nulIi..-lent no A urd a lull .l.. V` 'l`I-.. .--l....u. .-luv elm (`Jnllmm ruwrvoxr lull]-.'I0nI Anura " nun supply." Tho resuon why the Chatham magma wu not uupplicd with nulcnent water at first, wu owing to a. Iuiltnku in piacmg It to draw (rum the same main an the Merryweuthor was drawing from. The error was soon discovered and "she in: nuuoved to the Quoon street m;un_ where, it inni-9, she got 3 full supply." Yuuru truly. J. \\ 1u;oN, u..........- 1. W W hubmnn. - Una old hat from America. makes New Zealundcr wholo min of ul~)U'Il. ZIA mulnicmrl .r. n nmntinu nav cents per um. --Hnmplrn of cheese lrmn ['xhrilue, Ontario, sent to England, hnva been pro nouncod equal to Cheshire choose uronnnen church dam. -'l'he Philudolphin And Heading Rail- way Company hue advancad cunl lilty manta In-r ` uufanlt. ` - l`he manger of Howard's `Theatre Company chaarul out wit in-.nh M St, Juhn. N. U . but W1 Iulauu -In v---v-I--J W---'-H -' gggeoninguuiandlbollolarn hoods- ggqd gll nuns:-y pnentiou Iahn giggnju-pl'b!rou lhoouny. We loohtolhldununclliunonlono umnubhdyurolly-0 IN!- .,____;..I .5 AL. lg-Aha-:1-a h 23rd January. Agrlenlllrnl Society lloctlonn. `llll BIC!!! HIE. FEWS 01" THE DAY. nxfurd ha: nccepteel a nun Cathedral, 'l`urun- |p his ruidunco In that r momu mag`. have Cnfck nrdnv, and mini non the tem- y Dopnrtrnnom, lllchnrgod on uuney to pay Uul nun um , was cap run sarrxsn wme, -rn6ii133EI;f.;:ii*tIAnr 1.!1B._ i j T, ,4{' 4. 4. ."AL""V*-1,, HIBIII H] 1 ranking