Condensed for 7:57:19 Rcadera. more will be nrgnnlzorl nun. ween. --A muting of wurklngmon in to be hold in Toronto to proton. against the pungo of Buthuntfu Uumulntlvo Voting Bill. -The }overnnr- General And tho Cuuute-s uf l,).Alr'.'|"i|l yeaterdly hold I duwing-ruosn nu the Semto Clumber at Ottawa. u.. 1` V Rm. the Reformod -K". '1'` V. [(0], me xuuunuuu Brnhruin priest, lautnroa in Toronto next week, when he will nppaarin full Hindoo A-llnrn cellumo. -Lnvronce Crowley red three shots thin morning in Wutortown without olfzct at Lyman Clark and then nhot himself through the head. Crowley cannot ro- nnvPl" 2 IIIIIBO. covrr ; iunno. ;-A house owned by one Thompson, on Division Strut, Toronto, took fire last evening. Whilst tho ronuon wore working in tho Attic 3 gunpowdor explo. uion occurrei, and Lhrso of them were injured, but not Ierimisly. --A msn naruod Sanders, while under but lerlmllly. the influonco of liqunr, in Toronto, at.- Lukod nnathor man, proprietor of I n- loon un Wellington Strut, when tho lut- tor Itruck him with An no on the hud, iutlictin; a. noun wound. ._ It in ntnlad chm. Ulunl Puhs will be wound. It. in muted court nnrtinlled shun or next month on 1 charge of burying Ruauan priunorn alive. Tho fooling against bun in n nlrolg Among tho Ruuuu: that ho rnroly lnvu his house. JPL. n.-I... Timu nublilhol nutsh- -Tho Ouvogo Timu publinhu mom. showing the total Import: of barley from the prnvineo of Ontario into the Fnitod sum in 1877 were 6326,08? buuhell, |gninu7,52l,831Z in 1876. The import: at Ouugo from Uumds in 1877 woro 3,U|2,l35 bushels, in menus out ok. nrnwinun vnlr Vol`! d,'|l IIIU U. the previuua year. ---'l`ho High Cn High Conntnblo cl Moltrul yntordny wont to Swoelnburg, when Mr. E. H. Gull, ex-Mnnnger of the Cuudn Auiculturnl Innurnnco Com- pnny ruidu, with the intention o! Arr-rating that gentlemnn on I chuqa of making fnlu And fnudulont ro- turnu of the nninuf tho Conpsny, And ul other chargen. While tho Connnble wan getting the Iurmnlnigned bynnngir trateof the dinner, Mr. Golf board of |..;. nlnl nut out of hu roach _._._j 4..g}..- It loch to tho Telegram pretty much u if tho general oloctium, which mutt in bold sometimes within 1 you-, would bu onrriod hy the party thin hu tho moat porloct orgsnizstion, And In tint touch the two patio: on who in getting thcir rupoctivo housu in order in good mm and mukiug nll nooouury propontionn for tho coming ght. All thorooont election: --thero being no [rut polniosl question in Ihlch puma: nnydivido-h:vodomon~ ntrntod the hot (hot the party Ihnch had the most compluto orgulintion hu curri- od the dny. It will not do (or Iithor :4 :. .I..i-... in tin I Vilfy. to craze of dmtnct, Hr. uon nuru on his movemonll and got by crouing the hnu. ooo------- O00 ------ Run what lhav. tru|y grout. nnd unl- nontlsdy phyniclall, Mrs. E. B. V00!`- hon, ul Nu. 5l Wu! (`Id SL, NOV York uyr I prascribo with ch: moat bona- cul ruulu `nun Lulu.-4~r louml or Annaoun. I unhoul-Iliugly pronouns is the elegant, niout, And best oonbinr uun I know 0!. I0 rnpndly nbuorbod and ..;.;.... ;...u-n ruhnl. " l knol ol, up: giving instant relief." 25c.. b0c.. II I but} I AM nun.--Tbo win or u Io:-mar oom- Iiumn ma.-hum. M New York, ad Iii wife of I nun who had boon ruined by tho luilnru ul 5 New York imurunu co..- | my, more npphcuu lur brood ticket: in owurk the otbol day. the ol thou Iulnn "p that in cad `: louder `Ii , ;,.._ v 5 -Girh will boutronoly naughty u! tinu. Ben is I ample: Clpnlu south` in indulpd in by any young `Iona and 005-401 pith. The thunk __.....___ I $ I | I ll Luv luv. --.- and '~nly women I relief." 25c., b0c., bottle. Apnu, Hush |l. Gum: and E. H. Pnhr. --~-ooo-- Wuuluu Ioeioty.' 0-j..,_< A: lxrnnvr Muor.-Pst.urun, 5'. 1., Fob. 8.--The grand nuur ha our pondod tho mum: of the nuab lodge cl thin city for initiating a an the Iul 1...; . thumb. the Inuouic uh: Iquit- city for Imtuung an Inn no: but 3 thumb. rI|cI | in; the ngccuun of all Inpotfoct Incl. -_., -o-1o-.._. Inna cl`) I5 .-. Y.I.C.A. IA - Ct" % Dunno-no: an attic $4 I noupuyu-nu an lntnllli livululuotcvo-Inn.` nu: u_I rm. --- --oo--~-- I 1 nun.--Tbo vita of lo:-mar com-_ -;....... ...---Inn: of York. tho! T0-D|Y S yucnnms. T. V. Boy, the nu-int lnutnraa '-J u-.-- -~- - U` `h W231 ` mg . an rno-rod: P-pg: .....w` I at Don-on yuunlq. an cumu- Nthwtn ulnouoood thll h ICC ohhonpoololuiinudnuknnd the nrnintioo sot-nu rcooivod by the the Gournuout had not 1 puniou ol the lat to UouIu.ntinoph--not u nio- .......n from Mn nolicv 0! ncutnlity. III Inc UouIIuunopIo~-Iot a nu- puturo from the liq nf nuutnlity . to mount llto an property r-ud had in- from Nu my oi ncuxnuly. III protect propx-ry--ud Jud ia- vihd the other Powers to can I Iilnilar -0-.. In (:..m'miu. of the Who]. tho other Powers an uluuu nap. In Cuuinittoo of the veto oi nix million: In can-iod. lb ION prominent Liberal: and Index! al_ tho Onnoaition. including Ion! Ennhghon 0d the any. 11 um um. uv ... -. party, il it duiru to win I victory, law ovorything to the lat minute And than go into the content with I rush: trusting tollck fnr nuccou. -- -o~-o-..- promnon: uoonu Inn --mu u._ an Oppoaition. Endngton sud Mr. Fonur, abstaining from voting. Mp l'1|ndnmnn_ huiovir. Vtild Illlhl` lb. Glnduono, honour, nun uunu p the audit. By the hung at the uni- hun u nmivnd bv the Britiah By the tenneellne II'-I- tioe, 5: received by Government. the Turk: undertake M .r......mla the (on; ground Con- Fonur, ahutuntng Iron voung. lb-.Glnduono, honour, uslnltl nu Audit R: Iha Inna the Turks nnuruxo to dismantle the fort: stantinople, and tho lino of donllution nzrood upon pluol IOIII] All Bnlgnrin And Ronuohn, up to the linuol Omaha- tinoplo, nnd Gnllipoli in the Killian hndu. Tho Ruuinnl will diction oc- cupy Wldiu. Ruutohuk, Silifil, Bol- nudjik, md, in Ania Minor, um. Ollervilo the condition: no Iuhlhnthlly I ` the ulna u hue shady boon (Inn. It in to bo noted, howovc, tbs! the oucuntiou oi the fortunes in on of the condition unwind to tho uuninioo, sud not one of tho ionito A .24. P-lnnhnra hlnannh ..--.m 5.-.-- N!':*I?Hv-) InIdon.'uh.O.-Il&&i3'l1 .0 Hannah: vjtlnv. Si! Shl" II IIII HI Icuu vvuunuv-u u-v-V---- pews bases. A St. Pohuhurg ulognph uni-Lg chm: Hm lump will include nn ,,.1 1 I ...z_. -Il.--..'|y.-5-A-n bases. A St. rout-sour; uugnpn uuru will upludo olfomiva and hf:-nlii ulliuoe between Ruuin uni Tmkay, but until tho moot- ing of the Oonfareuoo all web rumour- nhould be taken merely for whu they no worth. ~ ~ - - - ~ - - . ,. 11-. _L-_A:- wunux. A Cabinet crinin exist: st Cou|t.ntin- oplu in comoquouce of the Abolition of the Grand Viziornta without. the hflrouoo of the mutter Lu) Parliament. 'l`k_ Thnnnnlinn innuraunll hnvo D10` I'll'llIIDOl|L Tho Thuulinn insurgent: huo pro- clnimod the nnnontion of Thously to Greece. v nun..- -` proud t Li-I rm Dan erwaarly -I`:t--Settling Ml` In-m of Peace--The East- ern Conference. -- 1 London, Feb. 9 -. Vienna nu, Austria i Ihall be nlluwud Lo] Uonferonco. 1 A J __ I7`..L O I UUHIGFIHUU. London, Feb. 9.--It in oioinlly tn- nouncod thnt lhl British oat, probably accompanied by war Ilupn of other lore" n powers, WI proceed to Cunuuminopc todny. Neither Russia nor Turkey hue offuro-i any opposition to th British out. being uatiouod nt Comhntinoplo. St. Peterabunz. Fab. 9.-~It in Announc- 1 bung uauonou n Lzomunuucpnc. St. Peteraburg, ad that England has dupntohud I oat to Constantinople, which cannot aunlidr rnble excituuxent hero, though nothing cuts has learned an to wlnt construction the Runsiun Government will plum upon this movement. The impression in thn, it may lead to aarioun ornpllcatiou. Lundon. Fob. 9.--'I`ho Times approve: it lead to aanoun ornpucauou. London, |pp|'0VOl of the Government`: notion in lending a portion of the eet to Uonltuntiuoplc. I: say: I danger of A renewal of tho war between Turkey and ltuluia in now our. The Rnuians are practically the nunnlrlnf (}nnn.1u.timmla. Nothlml re- 3 D(In){l'8BI. The tilnt. Rngiment. leave: to-day {or Portunomh to embark fur Malta. 1. .`. ..m..a ohm. tha ltmumnn unturad } or| Ilnoulh embark mr Mum. It in armed that the ltuuannn cnpturad ` oua hundrvnl and uvemy Puhu Ind 1,000 cumon, during tho Wu`. \';....... l<`..h (I _R.nnmn, halide: tlka 1,000 clnuon, during mo Vivnnn. Feb. 9 -RunIo, bolidel tnka ing oxct-ptmn to Vienna. In the pines for holding the C4-nf-srenco, hu unununood Hml. she had some other objections to umke, which am oxpectod this ovoning. It. it Iuuru llaar, probable that Ruuu WI :. .... ....-tun -mint: mu nut dahstnnbla in tlaar. probable uni. Ltuuu Wlll imiet un certnm point: as non debetelblo by the Conference. London, Feb. 9.-It is reported n. can- lidenble failure has occurred in the grain lrulo. It in undentoud the rm in Mayne Br:-th.-rs, uf Balfut. The eun- pluyere sf O1 Ihnm Mills Ind Netird Mill: will be clueod nn the 21:3. Fab., in oouequonce of the wnvere notice thnt they mteml to leave work becuue the vugae Ire ruduoud. ___.___ gum.` 1 } l'.RTlI-l-`klurpz-r NJ) .4,50 In Q5, 1,05; I-`nll do l,I. :. Unuu `..'.'.w; Ky 43 l!oof1>erl00 lbs.l -2:-; Ky 4;. Beef per I00 lbs. I Butter I2 to lhc; uuner ll [0 wt; uuceau -e w Ivu Potatoes WI hush 25 ;Wonl 2.`: w":'3';"fi.i:io Qt-`>,`I5 top, Slump skim 45 to 700; HA" I10 to 12. nu I nu-u.I.I--Bnrlov 600. Win! l,|0; Opt; Qs top, Hlu-up IIIDI 10 to me; run mu up :4. BIu.L|u'u.I.|--Hurley 609, 31 to Me; P915630; Ryo.">6o ; Buckwheat 70 to to7. :o, B69185!!! .6; lgmbfrmc; NIIIWIS to Sc; Mama 9 to 10; Butter. roll. '8 0.0950; Buuar, tub, In; to 1711-. (Jhoom 9 to loo: Eu- H to I50. Lard I5 to I50; Pntnwou 50 to60por kna' |` 1. : naqr bnl. lhv Ill vu Ill, 501.0 bl`: Flour [5 par bhl; Hnv [II `ID. ;..,_L_ Mnntretl. I'D`). Hulk 0! .\luntrral4 130. 159 3 11. I59 )1. Merrhmxu I`-lull-K ~05 1 4. G{ 3 4,5 ll . Hnnk uf ( bnnnerce H6. H5 1'3. Mt-rv-hank Hunk ~n:u1 I. In .1 ma Hunk --f Knnmercer H6. 151-2. Ontariu Bnnk- 95, 94 1-2 ('r:nm|id.|tII Hank~H0, 139- Montn-ml T:-.l.(`u`y ~1l9 1~4 I19. Dam Tel:-grnph-B3 l~2, U. RichL-|iru-- 38 1 2. 50. Dam. 'l\-It-;(ruph-5'J 1- Richulio-u-- numu. ` At Nnpnnao-.on the 4th in|I.,tIo wife of W. A. |Leov.ol I non. AI Nnpuzea on the Glh |u:., the Iilo ofJ. Cline. 0! a daughter` A: Nnplnoe. on the out Inn, tn rm 0! B. G. Wrigh.ol I dnghmr M Arden, an Jan. 71:, an v;!o of-Jnmu G.Wrig|it.oI Arden, v;!aaf-lnmu William Ru-vo. of 3 son. :4 , _ :-*-?.____ `Si U -. .-o> -o r ---.. mt rnususn sunvns. To chug critic: who but ohnfod At tho ullugnd dclny ol tho pruocution of the Home ltnlwny it ought to be vary gntilyiug to be infurmod that the annoy: an all cmuplozod sud thu it only now --I-no oh. moat oluiblo to-no AI link. un Jn. mm, Ir Ju. Aylnworth. ' toltu Hollis. donghtet of It. H. Armstrong, of Huh. I 6'1 yrnrn. At l'1cmn,an llh `noun. IAry,vilo of Ir. Wilbur Jcrov. me | `N yuan. A: Odenu. an the In nun, Nollmdughur of Ir. I . Ilulun. Ac 039403.01! Jon. llu. John I. Bobcat. :4:-,: - ' i:T::: -*- - .; _. ILKKIZIL ' AI Hallmon Ju..2'uh. Ir. J.G. Ilouolton Inc Link Pu-h,ol Bulb. Ir Ju. Aylnworth. .. u... NoIl'n_dnn1hlI Armstrong. I AC UCCJIIJIII lII- -I-0. urn. -. u--v-.-` agud I1 yun Al Ado||phn9'0'lI.UI tho an instant, John Yun.uodl0ye_ut _ __ _ __7 `NIUXIUEE A -w._- _"`___" Aunt; uugmu In -1. cu... ..._,_.., Aged Dyan Al Shun`-nrtih. on the 6d: iuhnl. lab I` Hound. mind Ilirun man. up: 51 yn. E iinistamntlPnbl1'c Spaakm .113! 1.4 an i'H()8FOZ0.Vl. Inla any It Adolphmuovn. on Yuan ,nodI0Juu AI onus n|I,o_a Ill tg_._aIls. ..:n.-L II`-Q Hand-n_ all cmupluod Ina mu .. ....., -.iYV romnuu to ulocl. the moat. eligible And then to innugunto non ncllvo open- tinun If our than um: I public under him; which should lunpontinly impou tlu ulnmt. cannon And dollbonuon i? in -- A ,1 .1..- ..-`gQ lnlnl--()cnAIl0 D.lXIlIlJn At ALboI.ou Feb .51. lugnrotluhn, npd g! vpnn. __ vfwlrr. I" Ac n-dllvun A _ _ THE vn1_urs1. (By Telrgruph Towing.) 1! nnlrenl. Fob. 9. u..nOroo`4 l 1.59 3 11159 1". L0 I1. wr N1] 1: .'0 (035.50, Outnmalrer Wh--al--s rin .por buuh I to 5:. Paul to o; Hnrloyloo; L3 to 500 , Pork, Mesa I|Bto00; I. QI.U0u).|..')0 ; Lard IDLO I20: 2; Cheese I? to I80; Eggs No; Lard Wto 120: ;Cheeoe uh ;Wonl lo `.'7o; mac- -A dupnlcll from s ma-mu Hut Turkey ) pnmcipnta in tha I Instinc- Our radon Inll porhnpo fIDOlIIbOI'- tlut chit oomponnl Inthority on nuts muuhnp. the Kmgllon Uauly Nun, Jr clued Hon. Mr. Blah u an antenna - iIuro-n docidod fniluro. New Ibo Mail, in opoouluing the och: day on Mr. Blake": probable uuuoor, hit, man` othon. upon Ill. Young, the INC non- bcr In South Wuorloo. Although Ir. Young uoouodo-I to be 51 chic nu,ud --- -I...A. min. A -[nut nluo in In I laulnhlludfurvliohlnooi O . V nub Aguunoullvdnnrvln pl Iihnl rt. - ' W" am. It. nun nu-um, 91.: um. an `Literary unsung.` (V ...... min: at H n nlook_ on uonnn Ivlmma 1u:x'r\ IR. D. FRASER will nu! u Papa public an oordinlly Invited to stand. or A ...H.mInn will bu KID ID. \VEGETINE\ nu-us-unw, -..., - --. ._, , K1-.ll.ll. Steven: Dar Bir.-Sincc seven! fun: I hue gut I ` ton and very pninlul (not. hul sumo play` Iicism, but they couldn't curs me. Now I lnva henrd of mm Vegocino from I Indy who `Iicism, Now I have your Ind wu sick for u long time, nnd bocune :1 wall from your V nuns. and I want And bo ht me one battle of 'eget.ino; And nfur I h unod one but.tle, left mo. and it n to heal. and thin I bought. one 0!. or buttla. snd no I takolt. yet. I thank God |!oI' this reuudy sud your-nelf; And wishing I ovary sufferer many my Attention to it. It in n hlnnnilw fur EDA - |loI' um renuuy luu ,........_.., _.- _.,______ Lay Intention I blessing fur hull. Mun. C` KRABE, 635 Bnlti monstru puuo In wru...., .......... .- ..-___, Q! A collection will be taken up. I ILA! Fob 8, I878. II IIIIII] Ill: u ~n:v--,.._.. ._ an ltolotn rush. yu tho Maul nlocu I Ikach cl `lb though of uohnging Blah tot Y-rung. It In I gnu ducosl. lo buun, INN Blob la Yang," an the ` :_ _n.'..L uh. noun: gnu-inn In Kr. II. R. Stevens: In 1872 your Vegetlne wee recommended to me; And yieldlng to the pereuuion of: friend looneenta-d to try it. At the lime lwu unfer- . ing from general debility and nervous prostra- tiou, euperiunlnced by overwork and irregular hnbite. its wonderful atreu Lhening end eure- tive pro ertit-n seemed to 19 out -y debiliatml system rum the r-at done, and under iu per- sistent use I run. idly recovered, gaining more than uennl heals: and good leelmg. Since then I have not. hesitated to give Vegetine my moat uuuelied endunuuueut. an being I safe. Mire nu novvnrfu' agent in promoting health nutl I VEGETINE1 l we AND suns. I LIIVOIIUU uvulvcvvvu vvn--~ -~"-.,, V um ualied ulre um} powerfu' sgent promoting health And restoring the wnabad system to new llle nd energy. Vc-getlue in the only medicine I ule. and as long as 1 live I never expect. IA) Ind 3 botmr. Your: truly. W. B. CLARK. l`..'0 Moutgoluery 89. Allegheny. Penn; |VJanG:EI'I'jE1.\'r:IaJ1l Denr Sir.-Thin in to certify that I have used your Blood Propsrntion in my fnmlly for several years. sud think tint for Scrnfuln or Cnnkarutm Human or Rneumntic noctionu ' it cannut be excelled; And u A blood purier Mid spring modic1'neIc in the best thing I have ever ulad. And I hue used almost every thing. I cun churfuly recomand it to guy unein nod of such medicir 0. Your: rs nctfully, MrI.A. A. DING ORE, 19 Rnule Strut. Ell! WEIILY LITIIAIY IIEYIIO , VI" be held at tho Booms, WHAT [I NEEDED. H. R. Stevens, Eoq. Bonmn.I'ob I3, '7]. Dear Sir,-Abnut one your linen I found maolf in A feobla condition from genornl dc iliti. Vegetino wu strongly recommended to me y n fnend who km] been much beneted byita use I Egocurod the Article And. nllur using uvcrnl man. In: return to health, . ....I M Linuerl its um. I feel unite condant VEGETLNEJ Hum-to mmplsinu for which it u cspccuu pn p'||I`e and would cheerfully roconunou it to [ll-mu who fecal they need nometlxing to restore tl. `III to perfect hlth. lmqucuull; youra. U. L. PR'l"I`EN(}lLI., inn u! S. M. Pcttengill an ('n._ No. 10 Sun 31., Bolton. IobcllN,J"VN| Dwuw gnu`, _.- ._- urn: in which the O?! Sxpnuuu no none! the dilovi in $50 npodty o! dunno non. Nov,u' Mr. Young in 5: Id- -iuqlly nth nu, III in pot, in the nail`: opinion, :0 hr huouh Eon. Hr. Nah. that bound the ignonnlu-`l run: which would pnnonun tho lulu .--..-- u- o..n...... .a..u.a mm. H Dear Sir. v I bnve hsd dylpcpcin In it: wont form for the lat can ynn. And hue ukm hundreds 0! doHnn' worth of medicine: without obtaining my nlIo!- In September Inc. I commened uking V nine, vdnco which time my health but Itcsd y improved. My local di nun well. um! I hue gained hoon pounu nl anh. Than In uvcrnl other: inu place uking Vqetine. and All luve obtxnnd relief- Your: truly, THOMAS E MOORE, Ovorueor of Cu-d Room,k orumouth Co.'| Mill: iVEGErINE$ Propnrul by `II. It. srnvnns. Box-1tou,DIass.. ` We Are Never Behind ` Fegeline to Hol;b_u all Inugqlaha. IJ. }{ALLlGAN& c0.| lhgoodlacvlunlulcvtl. lrquonndlgu hrrlbl hr. Bounn-no! `lint Cad` Aland Pnt. G IOIt0ooIllr0 wand 7-dutodh ldthololidnn. Gin nu as we been J. Hallignn e 00., am; BL. "BlAV:B -GROCERY," ._ .. mun Inn lhnlnlilt. | Gononl Groceries. Wino: Lnd Ll- quon in now complete. lsngu and'1`au Ixu-mam:-`yI.:w.| In reluruin thunk: to (belt nulnemun ruur morn and the public I! lnrge, bog have In Any (ha! than stock of And an c-aring Gnu Bnrgslu in Ten. ll- prglobiu nd (fun-nu. luv h-Iiu, lav Peck. Spica, ta. .-sing boulu. recurred hulth, ml discontinued quite lmt. than in no ,modicina In rlor to it for ~16 for which it cspccinll pn- .-nml. cheerfully rocolxnmolntlit H` H. Btevonn. Eu], dylpcpcin in its worst `arm lnr Lha yum. 9083.077. NIH IVA I - v -u--. .. Commencing st 8 o'clock. HEB OWN WORDS- nmtnoro. ld.. Fob. I8. IIIUII NMYIOI IUIIII; 0! null Luova-uubyo dug 'l`he Ion In-lug nlodlelnon All Ilnve Obtallcd Iellel. South Borwiuk. |la.,.h.n I7. '72. If IIIII Illl|Il- namnm, m7. LIL: .1. I 4 Propn-Md by IIDUK nu ..._ _r. B. RANTON, Bounury Chu-lutown. |noTyqgTnsrAuoIun Tl|E_ mum maria , 4.... ._ ...:. -39--01 -n pa. j-_ .._.-- I Q? `still halo S`l1Ll;~lIRl'|` I IIDUCIII on dun nu: mmuo iuujusr roan wax `}.n-uu%.:3a'3'3.'.?;'..33L":" 'Ios1- or run Dl8I`O()0D8 an sun-nu to'n:1'r`n`1:o"v`r `#1.. -3".` IPIOIAI.-l`l'llB--1`vaIouaIn|1luodH[|Iohun4o yua ducllucciouno-5opII')|ld. new has Undone ......a3?3'.`::.`. .`..1m2 lcq|outhuWIo|ou|o .'l'InbAlIlIO0lOIl'Itookdlhav_yW lsL|....m.n... ucal lcnnnhl|DnnOodn.Wluuyon Pdnu. IOI IIIILII-I IAXAIII CO I`. 3 I3 'vww-c v-- ""F'V J nbnuthollhlail, honour, to unuhbbuauloun tho Nu-dlhurd such`:-nliauluiunnllhsdqu-h l Pebl. I878. Free Reading Rooms,` Open Ivory Wool Day from its Illl Own (except duh; the timoof Ilootlnp.) Union u .-Servloo In the Ionian. ovary lhndqyovon In at M5; open unveried`. Llunry looting for Lectures, , mic &o.. eve:-E Iondnv evening at I u`gl . Bible Inn. for Ssbhnh School Tanohnn. ovury'l'hun\da_v evening st 8 o'clock. Minion looting: In tho Sohgol loom, lg!- ALEX. IIaOSS S, I-.51 I31 Onouiu the CI" Ila ohurmuj looting: In Bohool Ion made 5% 7:30 p u-.. nndln choloon OVOI the ' Pooslgiloo, Porumouth. at I pvnuon Prhhy sun 1:. Young Ion`: Prnyer looting ovary Bntnr dag evening at 8 o'clock. ll oung |neu.ureuonHalI_\`iuvitod ton? and 61:0 I vs Hmml, unlllall umurm :1 Ch: L IIIYOQIIGO no on on uryl ghavoonu, who will he `find no direct to sult- nhlmboonlimz hounou nu Iurnhh IIIY Informs- onv ulroqueawu no Mu on ulo uuunnu, .. the Xoonu. Ahlubonnling tion that may he lq`l`lil'Qd. Douninns 0! Hm: n we . to the 1.i|u:u_-Ky are {Ion Ina} req`n`1h-ed. Douninns mbrnr I'Mpoot,(ull_\'Dulic|led and will be znrnful v re oelvod. Persons wishing to promote their uronta of ma Asnm-inxmn are requested to call u u the undo:-ngned nay dny between `J And 1 LII. sud Quad 3pm. 8. IIANTON. sumo mm! (Jan. Secretary, lornun. stun, Conn Punolu 8-r. Union Goo Booln. hndnovon n1nt.8;l5; open tooverybodl. _ DIP`? WIWI UHIIII ft`.-I-V 1|` ...,u..u "3 fulIn- udcolol lnluo 7' w.a.gocIbunlorIotIoou'lkuol .._.: ....._... -n nu-nnnd Iitl \uuLnuLInNuHucnv: 100 Bbln XXX Pastry Flour. 100 Bbls Family Flour. 300 Bbls Dried Apples. 100 Bbls Mess Pork. 20,000 Boneless Bacon. 10,000 Cumberland Bacon. 500 Bugar Cured Hume. 100 Firkins Dairy Butter 60 Very Fine Factory Cheese. 500 Bbls Assorted Sugars. 50 Bbls Extra. Pale Syrup. 60 Bbls Labradol Herrings. 60 Half Bbls do 20 Owt. Table Oodflah. &c.. &c., &c. - T". 11. BIOEAEI ch CC Golden Lion Grocer-y_ Feb 2;. am. F0!) 9. 1878. n. & J"EAnnIuEn{ IEHEAPELEARINGSALEI All Surplus Winter Stock will be Sold at Even lmwer Price-H than during the past Month. I `TO ADD 1'U'[`|H'1A'I`TllA(`Tl()N 01-` THE Sale we will hrmg lnrwnral In large quantity at Naw Hnmh ulnlih-cl for (hp surly Sprung will quantity of New (loud: mllqm-ul earl; yruag Wear, whleln we WI null AT ll`.DL(,'E|) PRICES All Classes of Woollen Goods. All Kinds Cotton and Linen Goods All descri tions of Silk Goods,Vel- vets. R1 bone and Trimmings of every kind will be sold at great- ly Reduced prices. ` Also. our Enure Stock of DRESS GOODS. suited for present and only Spring wear. Q Bales strictly cash. FOR SALE (R. 85 J. GARDINEB. hand?-stone ll Hnrknou` Pint Grout Book. Ionllodgdo Bnuoh lpellin; Book. Load; of :11 Bus: {or [Adlai Ind Ont : Geld Pvnom. Load; of III BIIOI mr Launu -uu -.-u. . u.... Iolrllng Pnper nnrl Envolopu-nll widths. VALIITINI-38 ln profuso-n, awry kind has um. conu I, oft-inn and lhuy loblaiu. A not up . , _y on ll: be toconvod on Hands]. I011 PAPIB of uh 3:-qlunuopu, nu. gnd Vac). Wlnla und Lolourod. mu n.ou..`momn, Duy Bo:-ha, aumu. III lndprl from IN to IN) pp. II ICIIOOL BOOKS V0 nut gum] udpnomudtlopul bgeubgnvnn ollhioun how bunounnlu. We donut PLPII 4 null. I then. - 11' 1'38 3163'!` PIN! WILL BILL s. w60Ds. Id 9, III. MONTH OF FEBRUARY. yrt |m4.,nnI-p. RICIIIVICII T0-IMY. MEETINGS. -...| _u..vh.. In llun I PRINCESS STREET. ' Al? PIIIODICAL. IIWI . or IMIAZIII to Icbaiiun I mnsonna |lVEB8LZIl[NE IND BALL AGIAIID CONVIRSAIIOIE AND BALL. upon an Iuou and 091: much. will to hold In the ...._.--,--___._._ IIHAIANUSCI. CITY AND ONTARIO HALLS, Thursday Iivonlu. Feb. Nth. up -us-u n`:-u Ant In honour of tho mm of the GIIAID Inna ud tho lloud of General Pnruoou of tho Grnd Lpdgn of Cumin In tho Cm of Klnguon. will be opened by tho Reception of the Grand Maslet lembeu of the Grand Lodge, lu which the |arhuu Amateurs of the city will tnko purl. Grand concert TNUBSDIY. II lomlwrl of I nppenr In Ragnlm. I IN RETURNING THANKS FOR FAUT lnvmlrl In their |nun_yrualmu:~I-1. would It-Ito that although llm linu-n urn ulull uml work ll Marne we no wurhiug full Kim:-, uud looping DOOTOISEWEI. l~)i.-McE~V"V$iJ"1`ZJ\ ls; Sii A Force of workmen (`unable of -_ doing anything In our Ilno. Proving that we do our work (`huply and wall. w Six (`home l"a<\\nry Hnilern of tho lulu: plttorn on hand, UIIEAI` FOR CASH. Machine, Engine & Boiler Works. QUEEN S l`I{l!-Z l`. Huh I lR7R ADDRESS on WELCOME fr DANCING will'mulIIonI\0 at I0 o`o.'ook . 11m ilofroalnmsut Room Wlll lm upuu dullng the ovuninu. Euiaiun [no g_giLn run 351?. [1 with four horw vnrlirul Iiollcsr--good II mow. For sale uheup lnr a-nah. Apply to J). M:-EWIN In SON. Feb 8. H178. AF|RST%CL\SS OFFER IJ Unnooulou of Um `l`uwnn ('0lIl.|IIIll)|( about 3.12 Arlma, Bath Road. wiLhin live mi rn . A ns Realdenuc-, lhorn. Hlulul couorteo of: apluudnl Fun m. JHH N TIIE ENTERTAINMENT F'l1IIlitllI`;i-El.-iirlin-3-1101] Fixtures HTOVIFH l'A|lI I<`.'I` IIICHM IH(I)I)IN(I, Qllbnlnvvsav uuuu uuur -...-up-:- BTOVICS, CARl`E'l`H. IIEIIN, IHEDDING, LACE UUlt'I`A|NS. Au-. unuu uvn.-u-nu. .... Will behold at the Hmrn ->fJ. P. LACEY, on MONDAY NEXT, FM: HHLII. 2o'oluuk p.lI. lvuryllnin in now anal in good ooudlllols. Turuu mu . Nu rousrvo wmmsn AT mus ` Gard Printing & News Agency VHTA Ill.lHl|Ml'N'l`- Ill mumln in uuul 'l5nIA HHTA|lLlHllMl`.N'l'- I00 pnnplo to sand `Hill lor 'J. nu~ul|y l'rm|ul \'inmug (`nu-ln,nr I2 bou- ti|'nl Floral (In-In, pculpunl 5-: MI] uldrou. (Emma and Fun:-v Vulr-nl Iurn nu gran Harlot]. If Daily Ind Wu-ukly Pnyu-ru. Hung lionll. Naval: sud lnlnrnrio-I. l'lu_\lnw (`ur l`|p, Tubnct-ul and Clgnrn to ho luul from J II ICICITJ`. vu-ou .. --.. ..-..B - -... .... -a---J HHTA|H.IHI|Ml`.N'l'- I00 ponplo land '5!!! Ior'. nu~M|vPrmlul\'iu1lmg('nnln,nrl2 |0DlC(`ul Iuu \,l`Il'I [.0 um um: lllllll J. ll. BEEL, ll Dr Brown`: Hullding, I'r(ueau S|., Kingston Feb 7, I870`, 4;" ----4- `Masonic `mug Asmtai will Lula pluro Im `I l'! .HDAY EVEN- lh. |"eInrunr_v |`.'th,uL 'l:IlI0'oIool. II the Iltonir Hull, Kinpnlun. Bnn|nou~T|m |'2lu1mn I tmlvurl Ind Bond of l)imomn for ma ennunm veur. THE ANNPAI. MIC! FINN 0! THE Kingnvun Muunw limwf Auooiulon I minakou I nnL___I- Perch and 988.? llvlu` um-J` A.'I' rtznmouwv-'. l'ob5,II7l. IAII CIIANCIC for Anyone nqulrln 0 llondaonm mom. (I pnnul nu); ta Ind mule or u I funulv lllolgbznnod all anon: service. Aluv-1'bms lhumful laid. (Wall sud Boar). two Wrn . Iuod ollykl on nu:-n. Innnndhla app icntlou udvlnblo n the Wave nnucu. Ugh 2. Il7I. I V.` \I"\1&l YBAIE BUILDING, on sunny Illa halhnituntod on (tony:-ru lino! nu Division Mncmeontuniu nix foo-I. `It in (Quid I goon 004. I nod I312` ad '0'`: Tm cola .. Apply at the W110 Ornca. `J, . I-\IS? I 7 I IOIDAY. Ibo uh hut. Al IIOLIII I0! TIIIIIEII PL'l',vI|.h brown u would no oya. Aulponos mu-n nuo at `hit my II oruaun hulls; B roeonrywlll mm; uvudnd by nun t axons. I t :35` I 9 ll noun hydro ....-:: -..-::'I`. I.'*".:-.'*.:;.'.-'-I--' ' ' ' . a --L O I.` non at!`-:73`!-m '5'! 7 `III! I0 ` - Ir ! 1 w-~--'*-::..`....=. _- .., .L _n Dru-nod ready for Cooking and delirnod to Any put ofthc 1-My nr vlrinhy. All Hnda of VICEHII FISH Ar rhlnu dnllv. SHALL ENGINE If Iwn lmrlo IWWIT, l with four homo vnrlirul Iiollcsr--nood II _A*NAAUTCT|0'N SALE .9, I878` I`:-rnoou . A .'_'$.'1 '1, up 1, :63. 708 .1, |I7I. rum F75: HALI4`. nu man must Volf I. which will In followed by a D. M'EWEN & SON, Linn `Inn-Ina A Dnilnn III. In nllplo form And by Ill #09 SALE, l'IlAI7l'Il` I." -n F oR SALE 1 All! llll llllll nun nun-u Pahae the meet pitieble quibble with Q. ` ehleh evee the `foreuael antenna em Q the beeinen ..-I the Bone, Id Iullelby Ihieh he ecughlhepev 13 an re-election st Hon. in. gun. as - " `None 5.: . uunberof an `*" leeee eeeld be elected the Bpeehev of it, end no uenber cud mold heeeoe e pen Idlher proper till he heal mule his NW IF ` lo the Ipeeher.` Such wee the `let ol u. Sir Jehe e objection, uuplled into 1 . long and bitter epeech egeihet Hen. Hr. Anglia end the Government. In A hee- nie end pithy rejzinder, the Premier clnlletely cut evuy the grouodtfrom ' eedc the feet el the Chieftele. Mr. 8 Mackenzie wee eble to quote e higher euthority than Sir John Meetleneld. ee Britieh perlleutentery preetioe, in he bearing on tlm perticuler matter. Sir .3 lrlhine ley,ie e letter tor. Iieehenete in reference to thie very ceee deelered Ilr. Anglia eligible {or re-election, end the! the Clerk of the House In perfectly eonpeteet to enneunce the return: of- . the interim eleetione. Furthermore, the Premier I-eesfhded Sir John thet on hie eve ehueing he (Sur John) Ieuld have no rightto nil. in the Houee, ineeunch ee lottnel introducti--I: lud been weived or neglected then lut he lml eppeeled te hie oonetituemefor re-electioI,end when. we" might edd, his mej rnty wee eueh e microecepnc one M to uimit ul very gnve double in the uuude of nanny ee to whether or not he wee elected eh ell. Sir J:-hn wen cumplelely uoreted-l.he '|`ery engineer was hull` with hie own peterd. The Hm. Mr. Mitchell pve I70 lue him Ilitlle `mural supp-Jrt by leeving ' the Huule tlll alter the eleetien ef the ` gt Speaker, ll there seemed to him to be mu IODI doubt u to the propriety of lelxlng h.if hie lent me I new member. Even the gm. member: of lna uwn puny new .10; pleinly, however, that their lead- ion. er bed put his fret in it, 5., Mr. Muuun uhy-ctmg at the last moment to the takm; of tho vote nxemel e Iingle nommnuuu fur this Spukorehlp, end .-...-...a..... 4.... .. -.. Nrililh Pulle- . 6.1m! hnlfnf Nu. . :, In the Second union of Hm 'l`uwm|||p of Klntltol, 1 nllumlml on the Siiuiudui;-n;. app`: "ggtIaIluh.Oour|p` 19, Mg, -10 Admit Lady and (lontlomnl. in-it-tn fur Loldluts 75. Ticket: can lmm llm Sm-n-tur\- nnd nnmharl 1 u I U|lIl`l'I I of the Craft are rrquulod to 51m. J - , Oppolih City I! . Wanted. IOII dug Also pg 76` inst. 1` var ..._..L.J|nthna Ebjsi. AI ah`:-3.1-mo ` [Ill Gllilllllll JBIY. JOHN K ULIVICR. I D, oontuy. orlfI(l'.'Hll DI) rlvlnu dnily. 3-n-1|;-5 contending that 1 montary practice I unleu two candu Sir John, lumen": 10 violala um: purl . u `e uI' lhu ellf. HID 'n. Hlululeu nlld Is I thus no 11 I-`mm. Apply to JOHN l<.'VI'2HE'l'l'. ()1: the prounlnu. bonny NIIIIDU U] axons, V0 HENILY IIAWDKN, Anatlonoorl FEB. MTII. um mm. Hovrolny. nummnuuu In/I` Kali n. nu British IJPUIIFI-lllyy i nut. to hike mch I vote cundnlzitc-A were nominated. Sir lmvsevor, was just M willing Mir: ptirluinanury precedent II he was 1- |l}:lll .l<,lllH1l|0|", if by either course he could. hurt the Hm-ernniunt or lhuir h0Iull:(*.3 fur the Speakeruhip. H0 miunbly Ind Iiglmlly lnilod in both, and only mccooded in domoulrnting his own personal and party weakueu. Tho Clurlr, houdleu of his protest, put the nomination to the House, whiuh adopted it by I majority ml 6:}, or I vote of more lhnn two to une uf all the members present. Had Sir Juhu atudiod lurd boforolund an to what. couraa he should lulu at the up-anmg ul the Home to displny his own fncliunaness nml to bo- trny his party's wenklmal, he could not hnvo hit upon n mares elfactivo plll of accomplishing much Itl`JlllJl8 purpose thnn by the zourm which he infntuntodly Adopted to his own cunfuaiun on this question of the Sp!\lH.!l'Bl`llJ. --4o-.. Finding nerinun juurmlinm, as be con- ducted it, rather a nu-ions business, Mr. Wilkinson, of nourinus Wont. Durham News fa-no, ha: embnrkeil in what to him in duubtloan I nnvui departmant of journ- Llinlic omorpnlo. He has atuled I car- toon nnd oomiu nhm-1, nfier the style of Grip and by name Wu` IAIHIP. II. in rn. thorncnnncal venlun-, we should say. for the ouiivictod Tory Ilnwler-mnngor thus to engage in K H Il`i uf guerilla war- fnro agiunat all whu remit the return of the immaculate and claw hnndod C'uiof~ tnin lo p--war. ln tho cnpwity of {run .. r._... ..t n... (`nn:ur\':|l'iv(\ mrcv we wish (inp and by naum luv lulu: .. .- ._, say, Chic! Lunar of the (.`nmorval'ivo puny wing: the ox-libeller all the nuccs-u he duorvol, which certainly II nut. much. In the um u- . `which ` whxch corunmy u um. mu... ... ..... [III Sphere, whxch perhnpn hi: L-ma w1H open for him, there runy be 3 wider and (or scope hr indulgoncu in hm uputtiug pin." Wil.h hi: now knvfv he may cut. even more duply than he was wont with the blunter wnpon in Want Durham, and if he should romun u hbelluua an ever, ho vull be Able to urge bcfuro the Judge: that hilt new pupa: me!f and all It contniul In only a huge jrfku, nu|.l no such should not. be cnnudor-d 1 ho within the juridic- lum of the Courts. We dun": knuw hon hr cnmir lx<'vn.Io oxlonda in cartoon"; jourmlmu, hut we ale know tbnt Io tromhle lent the West. Durham Lrmrer mny guh his hmd Wllh hi: own wanpun, and lost the lunar may thus prnu 1 man - - -. ._ ......_..n .1... 9.. Hunnn for? I Ind loll Ina uuur Iuly ulna Pm... - .... uerinua joke to hlmnqll than tu than I whom he I! duubnleu nhsrpoumg 1 blldl Inh tho uhaluane of runlgo. To the Ezlnfor of the Ifnhsh Wing. 81|_-l wunlll `Ike through your col- umn: Lu cull (ha attention of the publi: to the onllrn nl-amuse of nnylhmg likol nllicuncy m the no hrngmla u at pruont orgnnxzull. Wntln Llu unk and lo I have nuzlnug hut word: uf pulse Anal udmluuuu lu u-Her la! lhu lnorulo mucurl in whlch Ilmy duchnrgo then; mmu. 3 8;: mt m3nn.;aunnt, the chief elocntinl .,fc.n_ whuever tho] may he, know mu. l pr n )ll1Iw,; (`l Ivhnl u roqmrud to control` 5 rs. l would l:ke nu Intelligent Annvorl . .L , 1 1. ._..... ..u-.'.u-nu With tug would Ktke Inn.-|ngm Inuior to tho fuliulln` queanonl . two` alum u ougnu-1 and 1 good nu] ply of` into: un Innd why in 1: mm than Ill only on. stream of Inter (or urnoo fur at Inn on hour char lb: tin broke out! Why In it lhu for 1 porlion of thug limo, the one -uum u! Into: an dxroct 01! In the tin ru-If when the dry combust- ible lint nd bud uuuluzulh and in may to reach thr-ugh lino lugs IIIISIOII` um I duor from lho ground I I hold, -...a I run uuma : null dnzu. 1-Anna thu, I door lrum Inc grounuu u now, I and I an nnno 1 putvoo Ihn he-I-I Illh me, that with proper mun`:- nunt !ho hrs of Fdl, . morning could ouily have been c-mined to tho out and ..l oh. h.ul.Jm.z_ 1-hora n urlxluuod, nod c-munod to ma out one ol the building, ungluuud, the uni. bull-Jug awed. Iv. uolu up no that I rootnnnutvvsn ol the in bnpdo ol the oily Io-ah] In I vary doonnblc nu- ur louhnd to At the prawns uuo In tho! uunhlin nnlnrvll. 1 ll! lillwuu w . publia tutu-vol. \ A Nut Cu'cl.-A vory cluor |m.`0l 0! unit; u in! III Ducly adopted by I lnodun olutnoy in tho an of A bdngtl` my am than In on d not . lie but I sup bu, And man had I-{uh-In son. that a 5...... In in no-and out 5 Ind- 'au" `IEQXH j j _guu|oup-zdurv_i-9. ` aloud I-an-I.nnun.|. Iuuv u in. II In mound wnhuluhct I @350. Running and lichen: `In 4 bouodidnoupptulo to par ugly!` 3 in. "Vat--tin. unkind .5" .5. can :1 [china oh nun; "uy ago`: on acorn; why. that .,.:..\'.u-rm. M` on can at H.-O, TI! 8PE_!_EI8IlP-` r_.b. a. ma. - A NEW ROLE. .- coon #- rno rm nrngm. `mu gang gmish amg.` -__...._.__...__ _,.- -_. _.. `Yuan very uu)y, H, Cum 1')` ltd) , H. Cuotuu. "tlo Unlvuusy nbalinh its 139. and tho igh .m hamllad Iuul uh the-orkol IR . and the High lunch 0! an mu- will boanllad Ipol Iodothovotkolprr paring nu uudonn lot the Univonity. It. would to wall tot both our Uninni- uudum lot the Umnnuy. It. tin sud our High Bdoolo if the ionic! would [allow the olnnplo I1 I80 Univer- sity ol Mlusuou. ll. nhonld ho within an power of all tho Coll ' lutitnle ...a..m. mum.-or 'I|Hchoo|nto| ol Muxnuou. 1: atom: no -nu-u; u undufthoboturelnuol 'huchooIuo' carrythoir pu illoulotho ondof (.1901 am you in 0 Uninnity ol Toronto, than nlioving Uninnity Collage omiroly oi ohuunuy work." ' ` In roprodudnglh than icon '0 in- nocently mutual that tho. Glob: III hinting at tho Ibllhlilfnout of Up- per Cnudn Collage. inunnoh 5: sh: - ..-hm! Inn for vnn boon doing sbuolukly POI blllql vuuqv, uI:-u-uu -. -.._. uchnol in fur your doing nothing but High label In-K-4i:-noting in nmmioo mainly tolnrdn preparing noung Mil High T III-Guiana-3 in ouargioo uuiuly prcpuing student: for Totonto Uniluity. ll nuns, however. that we Iron ulinly Iniunkon, for in numb) : inn of (Int ..n...- n mad dnt no Inch hint wn of um pnpor no road our thrown out in that column." We appeal to you, It. Editor, to any if is worn nut juuilod in Inuouuoing tin. tin! IATUBDAY IVIIPU, FEB. 9, I It. l.'aItoI', we u we - juuilod tho Globe fovourod tho obolition of tho "Royal Gromuor School." on it is oonotinu collod. Soyo em ponor, "1: min ho Io for our Univouitioo . . . . if they would follow tho onm lo of tho University of Minooooto. oronto in nuroly on of our Ulinnitioo." Tho atl- tuto onocu thot "U. 0. Cullogo And all in oain And buunou Iholl In uador tho control, nnnogomont and diroction of tho Sonato of tho Univonity of Toronto." Why, Ihoroforo, ohould not Toronto lollow tho oxoln lo of Minnesota! The oo~col|od ollogo" is merely n propontory oohool for tho Uni- unity. II. III ootoblilhosl u nuoh, ` t. io no: nothing more, though in common with othor school: it attempt: other work. 0! thin lottor `kind in tho ` oducotion which it profouon to provide for !.ho pooplo of Toronto ot on onnual cost to tho Provinca of 325.000. Accord- ing to the Glob: of tho 23rd uh... it would bu woll" if tho C..-lloge" wore obolilhod. in IOIK of yootordny in chnt H... mush hint. In I'll` thruwn out." ufor` his nboluhod. in song or yuwruy II no such hint win our Wu the Globe undoring it: ndvice Lu Trinny Univomty, which, we bolieve, in the only ono in tho province beside: 'l`o- ronto, tint pntronisu n proparnury de~ pnrtnientl Of course Toronto Univer- uty liu coruinly no power per u L: abol- uh U.C. Uoll 9, but iv. could rocommend it: abolition L the Legillnturo, Ind back- ed by tho powerlul inuence of Ihu Globe the dinuinblinimont. ul the -Uol- lege" would most Iuurodlv lollow. In oonclnlion, we unnut help thinking that it. is the mono: quibbling for the Glob: to any that Univorlity Collogo has no preparatory uhooL" If it bu not, the University 0! Toronto in: one for it. However, spar`. from fnoouution of the Uollogo being I prepare-A-Lory school (u W.L. Mackenzie once called it) will tho Globe kindly giro us reason: why the oifolo imlitulion should be long- or allowed to intorfore with tho proper warning of the High Schooln of the Pro- Vince: and whv it in still ndowod to the unit. crru nun oou.wl. High Schooln or me rm- vince; why extent of 025,000 per annum for doing the most ordinary kind of school work. With many thmh, Mr. Editor, for |--.I -.. ....-.u-..,....l ordinary Ild or school worn. With the apnea kindly placed at our disposal, pending tho nut. "mug of ourlittle paper. Youn, lc.. Em. Hn.u.n." n n__:.A- I _-n.'s..A- V-3. H I ' --The sddrua In reply to ma apuuu from tho Throne will ho movod in the F Common: by Dr. Do St. Uourpa, mem- ber for Pout Neuf, uconded by Mr. `, Charlton, 5! North Norfolk. ` --H.ev. A. DuI', M.A., mlthomaticnl lecturer m MoGill L'uiurut.y, hu been ` appointed Profouor of Hebrew And Old ' , Tuumont. Thology in Ariodnlo Uongrm . guinnnl Collage, Budlord, England. |'* _(.`ol. Lyttloton, ilitnry Socrotnry. I ` Cnpl. Humllon, A. D. .tothIUon1'Inr- `General, and all ofocn of the ngulnr l Army hue receivod union to hold thorn- ulru in radians to join shit rupoclin I fl 0 7 non. "nn.u.u. Oollogiate Institute, Fab. 8. sA1'k|vAvv'EIuT1_:1us. --Mr. Rina in high foathor At Strut- ford; pnckad muting: ovary time. -Tho American Prou will be lnrgoly represontod at the bull to Earl Duorin at Montreal. _ Mr J P Win:-. of Prescott. will be afluntroll. --Mr. J P. Wiur, uf Prucotl, I candiclnte in the Reform interest. in place uf Dr. Brouu. -Mauls nunr wu mldo during the Brouu. -Map}. lunar weak: in Jtnunry in urioun pli of the Pyoviuoo of Guano. --Uu Monday noon Thai; Excollonoioa the Earl and Counton of Dulferin will Inn by special train for Montreal. ~ In Paris a Uuouund horsu no uten ovary mouth. We hopo this gnlloping consumption doc: not produoo the night- IHIPI. walnut. Y.I.CA. Iooth! 038:1} p 3.-Ch lull. Iu'nIoolIhaI&V|uondaPul yd #3 p I.. hit. luff: Vestry. ` Iolmr. unto. ---A crowd of 6,000 pooplo in Quebec. who burned Hon. Mr. Anger: in olgy on tho 0th sud created 3 tin. had to be du- perud by lha miliur . --MorriI. of Pm: urgh, hu Accepted --Morri|, Hnnlor.'I challenge to row : Ive mile race for 81,000. The I100 will probably come off about the 15th June. ,_ Andnrnnn, on: of H10 lD(ll0l.Od mom- the lblh Juno. -Anderwn, one bern of the Louisiunn Rnturning Bourd, hu bun fuund guilty of umpsnng with tho olectornl returm. gm. tlirnntnrl of tho Jacques Cartier ulectornl -Tho directors of tho Jacques Bunk have land to pnrtiu the coil mine lnuly uquirod 1: Non Soolin, at A rent- ` :1 of 820,000, being 10 per cent. of tho ..ur-oh:-A mnnnv_ ' ll OI U,uvv, um purohuo money. curpl. -It in -um! Moun. Bnntya. mem- `bor for Prux ucher, sud Uunninghun, member for he: Wuunimtsr, will not .u|u their :- as this union, in con- ! uquonce of v. -lation of tho independence `of Pnrllhnenl. Act. A.......I...u Ln lhn Globe. the honor of > of 'P|rlu.nenI. to the Globe, I Knighthood vu some time no dochued : by Senator Brown. W0 Inn unto nut in. had bun doclmod D] It. Blah and ` Mr. Mlckolxio. , Ammrdin to the ulculntiona of Prof. 1 According `Elliot, of Hnrurd Univonity, I y--any |,mAn pursuing hi; studio: in Hall in- Vulitution roquiru nu nnnunl ullownnoo of I about 01,700, in order to live rupocubly. American lnhon during the bud time- had bum and their gun to Cnadn I when they will Ian an nut and Hm I a.... n hnuoily for eouidonbly lou D Couuuclu. Co|.us.-'l`ho unnll : winter sons: of um:-publis lectures at I tho Ununo Conlnominl Collogn III nu` ` nuguuud yaurdny by Ir. J. W. John- mn. nrinioolof tho umnl buuilau do | ` by Ir. J. W. Junn- u non, prinipclvl parulclt, whounddrcu In, of course, on I oolnmorcinl Inbjout. Mr. S. 0. Benny will ndirun the atudnu, nndl nthon who III Jain to Attend, on I Ioudcy. HI I bo loliovod V Mr. W. I B. Rubiuon, Mr. John J. B. lint and ; ' --3-. ...nIm-on. st nbuouuut dua- a logo at 9159.3. `All of Ihop_lI Pans. u Icuuonn yclluuy. arc round: nu Ind without of-ct, than p.o.`IuoIDO` hi-all mild. but ---:--oO-?---- Sovrnn Cmuuv Dvu.uxo.- Brownsville. Tm, Fob. C.-Fau Nox- nvuhllod inndnol with I. do II: n... .. lnhnnnl ICIUIII. Two | DHWX II 1 annual] I I Eikob-IIIOI, J. B. Fh-t nu ' oshu nntionol. Iubuqlonl Bdiuiua lnldllyana. nufhll in reply to tho Spooch --... n.. 'I`hn.m will bu my Inna Inn um nu hnppily ...".':'.=;.7z;.".' " ~ T uuur mp luultnnnnd llonubolloodl I at bony ; at 2 p m. 1 _., _________.___.._ As it is who that the Tory put} bu ` in its on who: shining Ir. Blnh, tho ' Iokgrall up it would be interesting to 1 kuoviuut how many nun have boon hound through those diudpuhblo ntuch on one who bu spent the but your 0! hiolilo in trying so lih the politics of hi: nniu country out of tho and and min into which tho party politicun but 4-) AL-.. [ ' " 7 ..__. Juanita of the Cououvao '50` [ill Ll y 50 ill T """""'` "u C , III: (By raga 1541...)` Bone, Fob. &-Propu-uiuunuig undo at the Vutinu for the anuuqo ofthocondnvqnltuthocuntonury nine 3 Ioyuhuo Ihutllodontlol the hupongil. uunlurvicnIQIIho bo|i1nA|lhochun:hauBano,buIrtIo ubuquiu will hko plus M St. Pout`; ,5'I`boroucinnolPinuIX.Iilllhinsnto `(or (into dnynin the Skxtiu Ulupehnnd for tho nno porio-I in tin Basilica of SI. pun, Fun:-thru Cardinals an Il- lha Buulcn or 5|. ` Pour. Forty-throo I nuly in Rome, and an Inn I36 oxpoob ` od. It in nuud that the Catholic Povcll I Ihopuuu Lhu xi ht a! nm on than ` lotiol by the Culfego nn onduvouring I to obtain tho ohcuon 0! u Pop who will put Au and to the oonlliol ` botnu Church und Sub. Font IIIOI ` , nu moutionod as likely to obtain botvooi ` C than tho bulk of ntu at the int bullet, ; viz: Psnobiuoo and Bilio. Ullnmonb , mu ; sud Fctliui uid Di Pietro, Liber- ; ob. Pnnobilnoo, whoa IIIIO hu boon , luqlontly mentioned 1: tho robnblo , Iuoocnoor of Pm: IX, in G1-sud Elohim- , hntlnry of tho Vntican. Hninsuouty wont: uld. Ind vu sppoiutod to the Vulcan. nnsuomy - unqld, sppoiutod 1 sudinnlntn in 1861. Bnho in Bishop of ' Sabina, fty-two you: of up, um! I * Cnnlinnl of twelve yuan standing. F -rriuri hold: no occloniuticsl ulioo. In close upon uvonty, and has huh I. mun- bor of the Surod Collage Iinco 1868. Di Pietro, botwoou whom sud Panobinnoo the choico appcsn tn lie, is Bilhop of Albnno. He in seventy-two you: 0! :30, md wu Appointed Cnrdinnl m 1853. Th. ufninl nocount of the death of the Appointed Cnrdmol 1503. Tho ofcinl account Pope substantially ogrool with the dotoiln olrndy unt. lt note: the Pops rennin- od colnn thoughout. At 11 o'clock, vvlon hio diotroued broothing In pninlul to vvitnou, ho took tho crucix from uador hi: pillow and bleuod tho byoundoro thorouith. Ho nftorvnrdo, pt tho roquelt of the Cardinal Bilio, blooood tho Suorod College. At 3:40 the body bocuno livid. ` Tho Cardinlo relieved ouch other in playing by tho bodoida. Oordinol Bilio rooilod the otou for tho dying, and At L tho commencement of the fourth uioo tho _ donth rottle oouod. n..n.hm_ Fab. 8.-In tho Legislative rattle oauod. Quaboc. Fob. Legislative Assembly thil afternoon, Hon. Mr. Angora rose, alter routing, and nid tlnt tho painful new: had cums tu this country ol the death of the spiritunl hand of 230,` 000,000 people, Illll he inuved thnt out of rot-pact for the memory of his Holi- nou Pius theNinlli the House Ilmuld adjourn. Mr. July bugged luvo to ucuml the motion, and added that tho great majority of the people of thin Pru- vinoe snd thu [rent majunty of the mom- bon of thin Hours belonged to the R0- man Cntliulic religion. The death of tho Pope must have bun a. heny blow for thou. He was glad. an I Protutnut member of the House, to hue thll op- pnrtunity in gaining with his Rmnnl Ostholic lriom I in paying thin tribute to unc whom they had loved lilm I. fnther, and whom the whole civilized world had lurnod to respect. (Applause) The Home than ndjuurnml. In tho lmaialutivc Council lo-day Hon. lilo Pontiff. Rome, Feb. D.-Bismarck hu in- Itrucced the German mnbundorl It Rome, that Germany rcfralun from all interference until the new Pope has bun eluo ted. ndjuurned. In thu Legislative to-day Mr. De Boucherville moved, sud Hon. Goo. Brynou ucondod, the sdjourmuunt out of roapnct. to tho Pontiif. Izm... Far. 9.-Bum.-Arck (By Telegraph To-duy.) --Two new Rina clubs 11:" been or- gnnind in Toronto remnlly, and two will be nrgnmzod next week. _.A mnntilla uf wurklmnuon