Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Feb 1878, p. 3

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B7. lAu|.a unu-wn. - .v....,..v.. morning thorn will he I |poci-l unit-0 fofttudny School chxldrau in thuchurch. The Vonornblo Dr. Parnell wnll Address tho children. They aru requested to nut in tho schuol room at 10.30 before pmondinu to the Church for uorvico II ' 11 lll, Ill III. Cl UIIIDIIJ wvuw vv--- -v support. the voopliof tho lower Province by their uympuhy and by their puns il nod be. He Ihouedlod upon _.. . uni-4- Apnienuni in communion with ducivillighh Alliance us hull hut ovoningin lhoCily_l:|nl|. '!h'nud- uoenvuvotygood, `linelnir Ill occupied by II. 01- myot Icoluy, and on the platfor- unRov.IAuLJuhou, Pouockud Jolil o,nudlr.J. A. Alla. 1-|.-n|.-:..... ..I....4I m u.. nnnnlilv Jolll, III! II. J. A. auun. Thchirnsu rolonod no the quality which existed in Ontario, and to the fad tint they nu-only know what Civil Right: Inuit, but that in Quoboo they did, nud they 0! Ontuia ion bound to -........-. n.- .......I.`..f oh. In-no Pmvinco uv u.uuInAu.uncI. Mitch lo.A.J, oflun I V kn! -uguuuu. u u nuns: n-nu uu wnn-3 an. any do to ban; but it he has I ldu ` idea cl civil nod religious libcty ho ho. ` 3"` ` W5". V5110 Bil tnoighbout nay 5'-Nw I-.`. . life ol badge. (5,. plan) Not bad they snythingtodo will -cnnnnnpdog, `lfhq hot that the Bonn Ouholiu n-In-cal 3 [not may thing. Foriuuno they annu- ol that the Chad III infallible. and got nudiluo-do shootout maus- hlo. Ir. Alluvouldbahiu out in .Lx. AI..._LA..\ E. _L.- lL.nnn-4 |]|IU_IWll|WIII$-Iuvu U-V humans Inluyuun Oivil Iain A&0I.IIIhu-mubqvuopd u-"u......| ...| ;. ah. -ZIl Illllij. LII wuev eve` u- ' Kentreel reeeelly thet the Roneu Cethu- lie Church, by its need. wee oppoeed to ' eivil end religioue liberty. When thie In eo whet were they to do! lneiet upon giving to ethere whet ere their juet righte, end tekieg to theueelvee in re- turn whet ere their juet righte. (Ap~ plenee.) He would prohehly he eeked. whet ere the wrong: in the Provinee of Quebec`! the civil end religion: inequelityl In Quebec Coneervetivee end Liberele eeught to poll the Ultremontene vete, end they were told by theee tlut they hed no wrong: to oomplein of. They 4 were ellewed to build their ewe churchee 'V end go into debt ee naueh ee they liked; they were ellowed their own minister, end to pey them An bedly en they pleeeed, end they were eeked, whet ere the Image which exiet in Quebeoi Were they nci mlented? Where wee the inequelilyl If he underetood Prnteetentiem, if he un- derstood en Englishmen : idee of right, it in net merely tolera.!i:u"-it in jun- tioe." (Applevee) They did not went ' to be tolerated but to well: the etreele ( without meking epolegy for when they I 1 AL! :1. -,.....-.:...-. ......l..A nnlioim UH-IIUUU I-I.II.I-` DWI?" Iva vIas-Is u-nu did. He sometimes preached politics, not party politiel. If he come to them as I Protestant minister and issued his at they would not, in political nstters, give much heed to his thunder and lightings --they would rather be inclined to think its good joke and nothing more. But from earliest childhood the Roman Ca- tholics are tuught that the priests are iii. vinely inspired, that the Pope blesses the bishops, Ind the bishops bless the priests, and that disobedience to the priest msans disobedience to the Bishops nnd the Pope, and disobedience to Jesus Christ through the lstter's representstive on earth. The Hubitaoit of Quebec hear nothing but the voice of the priest. Hu blesses them, administers words of comfort, is with them all along the lilies of life, and when he spesas what won- der that the people are in his keeping 1 His law is said to be procured from Heaven, and thus they felt it to be wrong that men should be allowed to exercise power over the consciences and minds el the people. He then proceeded to speak of the revenue of the Quebec Catholic Church, which, he said, was as much on- dowsd and establishsd as the Anglicsn Church in England. It held the same position, too, in point of lsw, with this exception, that the Ritualists only are allowed to nnnslr Tlll LAW in England, while in the whole Province of Quebec the Romnn Outhnlica break tho law with porfocl. impunity. (Ap plauu.) One of the grant wrong: in Quebec wnu thin: that the clergy were not on oqnal footing. Iu Kingston the clergy were equnl in law. But in Lower Canmln tithes were pnid the Roman Cntlioliu Church, whorou it was contend- ed that the clergy thareof should submit ... .L- ....|....t..--. .M`...;..... at H... nnnnln Ilyli, I'D all. u. ..~-_..-- lit Chinuo lnbour quullon. u lulu. LIIU MIOI5 ullilv-an -uu-nu; to the voluntary offerings of the people. The oppouito ayatam was proving detri~ mental to the country. As the law at present Itmds, ouch farmer in the Lower Province is auppoaetl to giva one twenty- sixth of llll root crupl to the Church, and an a. reuult, to dodge the impnlillon, they grow little else than hay. Their duty as Umndinm was to dovolupo the resource: of the country. (Hour, hour.) Hu had hard a great deal about Protection and Free Trade. The doprouion on one hand was laid at the door of Mr. Mackenzie, and on the nthor to Sir John, but the: po litical parties worn not nltugethor rupou- Iible for the dapreuion. Him In it thin the people of the Well. grow corn, as it could not be grown in Quebecl Because it may be said, men work harder, having the Celtic blood Ind the Anglo~Suon tlra yhich the Uabitant have not; but at Lbs umo tima the Frouch Canadian: ITO hnlf crippled becauu rL~ --_-...- -....L l"II'l$llllc Wll- I val-unsa- liaynvobbu. (Apphlns) They hdtouhnd hlinqunlvbonoondon nguizu it thynqt at timothy uudnlvhulhoyuu. (Roundup- plnuu.) Ho huluvnl in the pains of P:-ounhntinu. It -out libcrty, popular ` (random, {no upnuioa 0! opiniu and l_.J._.l ggnn an -All nu nf nnnnoi. UUI4 DU IIIU Bllui lllllll nun g nyuyu the priente elercile such en in- uence over them. As to education they bed an elebornte system, but it elmost amounted to nothing. They bed no educetion, in the reel end proper eenee of the -word, in Quebec. He hed been mm by n legei exeminer, that few coming from the French Colleges knew more than n smattering ef erithrnotio And such studies, end that in the mstter of luv, few culld pun if the examiner: did their duty. Of course, it in A rare thing for men in Quebec to do their duty, end the Eumining Boerd cennnt be expected to do theirs. They hed ne institutions, and hundreds of young men go through the process of ed ucetim without learning much. They learn jnet enough to unt. them for the lenn, and not enough to til then: for enythiug higher; they were enly tted for clerics, end whet surt of elerioe they very well knew. He referred L- TH` OK` INDIAN! TIIUUII-I, And to the unlort unu poeition of the gevernment u their proeeonlore. Of ooune the Government aunt proeeaute any ponple eeoeeed of anon. but At the sum tune the Seminary of Bt.8nrpl1oe an pdfeecnting them. He did not know who would take the put of the lndiane unloee the Civil Rlghte Allience did. `He believed no Government could do it, (but we: becnuee'\he Ultremontene vote would turn the eceloe At my tine. They went- ed I society like the Civil Ruble to le- mend lor theee poor indinne tlmr nglue. (Apphuee) How did they prupuee we ready the wrong: spoken all Fmt. they vented to none public unlnnn-t in their lueur: they treated the people el Uutnrio and the Dominion to me up the gnut eoeleeieetieel qursziuu. They euuld here (0 min :0. up, (or the Province ol Quebec the but beanie; bankrupt. ||d they eenld be called upon to ply ile debt. There will be new rioting, , heeeeee the Orsngeuee ere determined to he've their righte. The Box: Cell- _|;.. L... ALA. nagging. .-`I eh. Olll. lit Ilpljllu In vyuuavu cu- KIT hudopol ndioau Iolluof spunk. With the Roman Catholic thin pain neat inlolaliuco. Thy was told in u__._..I _....|- u..s ch. 11...... 0.11.... 0|? -CVU `TU W Tl T Onngonu Dill have this. (Appluu) Bguanchtlhoubolilionotpiueuniolu du'thr.boeuoMIboh an: ..gi@u;bHbonIbooIIhoIldIoI|n I... .. .u. (lnuanlspplnuoc) u Iona-Odlnudptuoaalo thug .3... u..A..Ja.. ch.-1 _J .ls.o-.L:_. .n._ ityvuuunu-u.----,1--no P`&`I1sV.lF`;U no property an Inn cnurene: pl-up-r. In Montreal fully 811,000,000 of church property In onlnphd. They wanted the ndminiuntion of juuico. Ho hn-I no huitstion in saying that an be-Iv.-cm Roman Catholic: And Pmtontnnu in Quo- beo there In nolhinglike justice. They would remembor the Hnckat! murder, and the Grnud Jury of immartnl memory. They longed for oquul righta-lL.nged for them because they warn Bnbom. and bo- canu Victarin Inn thn|IQueon. (Choen ) Ho cuncludad his Iddrou by tinting that they Imulvl continue to nzitnte until thoy ubtnlnod juauco and oqunl right: in the eyes of the people. The Ipoulur ratirod Amid applause. " -nnunun A Ann] rrv lleeveiuloi pullln, nllavuuu ,reli:iou lreedon. The epirittheyir Iheriiedvutheepiritol the Puihl In- there, theepr-ice! Oruniell, ,theepirit ' of liberty loving people. This eeeutry - -ageing vobe greet and preepereee, , mailing frouthe Atlantiotothe l`eeiIeIn~ I der Proteehnc toleretiem Good hul-eh V nedy grown nut nl their prectieel re- ti-ms, en-l uh! (Pu-y pr--p-eul tu mist ' on we in lha liru phcvo, c.sxu_'nulesr"y V Oducetinu, (F:-r urwdu-v\' newpl v could _ not he pn-epermu); eeeuudly, the dxe~ evouuuent mud disunubliehnont of the ` Catholic Church in Q whee. They vult- ed Perliemem In appnprire In I Clergy Raeorvee, end tu make the II. C. Chunk whet the Anglican Church wee nude. Moe! nf the great Clmmh invlitulionl were Iveelthy while the pm-ple were pvmf, They were going to demand the el -ulitiun ol the inlquit.-one exemption luv. end 'he hoped they would dr-.5-nnething in Oman: to give them e plea to work npm in Quebec. No one nhould `be exempt, the churches In Montreal {nllv Cll.000.000 A SIT '[`<-."-.\'-mo an!` the rem sud throe farlmarn, (nmluchng I hon ghter from Pittnlvurgb came m rnlluw It the Fire Slnuun yeah-rnlay nftcnnou The fnnnon uurv greatly ul1ln\Ilnl>0rl but hold that uwu hrnn-Iy. A am] of city fnthc-rn -aw Hm fnuuu, but con not cuutrul the cuntonding farce: ... -._._.. 1 rollnm A BOCIITY. Rev. Mr. Jollio moved that I vote of thunk: be puud to Rev. Mr. Br-y, and that (he meeting proca-ad to form a brunch of the Civil Right. Alliance. Mr. Jolliu nid circumstance! were such that I Christian people who call themselves I ro~ tenhmtuhoulul mode cloler together. (Ap- n`nuaA\ KIIUIII UI ILD llII\.l Il IV nnxuu \1v-4|: -. ... prixilegu tn z\ttend-u\'cn l rnf. Bull him- self buulg nu uxcuptiun. In ml lntiun to having :1 tlxumngh cnnunzunl uf her Vt-ice, which was sweet mud wall cultimtr.-d, I1 1' pcrunmel was in good keeping with her surru-un:iings,mnd did nut belie but ruthtr \'u1`x{_V the flattering statement made of her uplwarmnue by the Ilwatun Jnur-mil, which \vc1'cprn\tod Iuoux last night's iuau-_` The prugrunuue was a iuzxgtlxy (me, altlmu-_;`11mtl);,' any mezum pro!:mg- cdby the nlzlifivm nf the XXI! Psulln, plnus-.9.) Mr. G. S. Hobart no-sanded tho motion, which was unanimously curiod. The Chairman thanked Mr. Bray on behalf of the meeting (or hll address, and Mr. Bray made a noun rnply. The Chairman. un motiuu of Rev. Mr. Pucnck. wounded by Mr. Bray, Inn ihuuLod fur his cnnduct. in the chair. and then the meeting adjourned with the Naliuunl Anthem." It in to be regretted that so many were prevented from nttnending Mrs. C. E. Noble's readings last nightby the incle` mvncynf tho \vu.1Um1', as wull msother uttrzuctiaulns in the city, for it really turn- ed out Lu be as L-xcullenb an vntcx'tni11- ment of in: `mind as it has even been mu- ' " ~ - I IL. K I ) H I I... U ad by the L 1! -, u|uIA\: WHICH Mrs. numu Iuu uu no uvl Illnulua plccu in an cmllllriir Imunm-r. Indeed tl1i4 m:|_\` luv micl In luv the heal nf all lmr ell'urt.u Wu Hrcll nu! s up tn p:ll`Li<'lllzu'- ize, us the prngramxlnc llzls lu: n print:-ml and circulated, and must of our reader: are cnnvurnn.nt with it. But une piece we cannot pass l>_v,'l`he Bobolink," from the Aldme, wlxiclx was so good that than who were not there can have no concep' man of it, lnll uur pen isquito unequal to the task we lmveuudertaken in con- veying the remutest idea of the beauty of Mrs. Noble's elocutiunnry powers in the rendntiunof this piece. The audience showed its apprccizmnn by a loud encore, J. .I... .....muuln.l \Vn tnlzn this A ...I nnoweu ILH n1Ip|'\:cmwun U_y n Au to which she responded. We take this opportunity of reiterating tht; mntiiuents expressed by Prufunsor Mmkurrna in his Opunlllg reIunrks,whi1ointroducing Mrs. Noble, thait this wu.at.hu tirst. timashe rnd in this section of Canada, but he hoped it would nut he the last. He would like if Mrs. Nuble could be induced to again appear at an early date, as we are intro this citizens wuuhl vnjuy rich treat in liatening to what we consider in ne ;; pron.-ntatiuxi uf tho pnpulnr authurn an they have ever had the plenum of hear- uu wnuvnv have '8 lot [OH nliaionn (radon. Woumgum hunt, our cwuvuuu .. all at the more onPrinceu Btnet, Vhnthoyvil1Iindnl!.ockolhnh,capI Indium, ntgready reduced pt-ieea-M, THE UNDEIIBIONED HESPECITULLY In the Premises at Present Oocupied by Mr. J. P.` LACEY, PRINCESS STREET. wrrn _: IHESUMING BUSlNESS.| A new use or coons.] 'V'alentinos I 'V'alont1nos I I A rxnsr-cuss Assonnmrrl 0' YII LATEST TYLIt28 AND 07 ALL QUALI- TIES JUIT ARRIVED AT u.mrkpampxjs Fancy Stars. | `lings1on&PeIyI)_oke Railway.` 1` (local Iaouogipl I`-o lhnnbldon cl math-puny. will in nu at tho Pndloofo 0Iu.h Ihtcliydlhgnwn. nuns. _, ... ,_. Pllnllnmm. -An mldrou of I high- ly nluring chnrnclor nu prouonlod Lo Col. Eiokllnn, in Nnpnnu yulonhy, for lb Vllnnblo urncn duringtho umpgign, undlpuru ol blwcon 8200 And 8300 In undo up (or him in a low minutes. In Youmml Ind Mr. Juooph thbool In Also to ho pruculed yum pursol. that puy,iI.ll loll Dent .hcho, dlhpumnluou. ae-nw---;u.-.~;-.1---1 '-'-j-'K "' u PRINCESS STREET. Feb I. I873. nu... ...u.....-........../ -__-- __, Iulimntaa that he: will runmo business on or about the I'll]: lnnunt. 4-u.un lane: b nnbuiu-on that an Anal lhuuhllon cl ntbnpuy. T. MILLS. uuj he u `Ins. Noble ruci - ll\r\. J .- MRS. E. C. NOBLE. nu u........ .3 n I Pr:-f` Bull hi: 1:. 1 We no can Had to have thin Sula tn nuke room (or our Spring Block of Cloth. In Won-Itodn. Broul C ctlu. English. Scotch sud Cnundinn Twoodn, whlch will be purohuad or pooinlly for our OI-d_er Tnde, whluh bu noroucd yurlv all It requires the prlnolpul part of our utablinlnnanz. lutanling purclunen will do well to [in In A call. u wo no bound to alu- Ilu Good: at prion than will olfoot. ready sales. 2. PREVOST, __-.._. ..__...._ .. __ _ ._ L... .3- na--n.-a 1---..- Glut In In All Winter Dun Goods. Sou-lat. In and Guy lonuln--All Reduced. All Wool lilnkou at has than Coot. Jacket Cloths. Nap Cloth nd Buvou-All Iodlood. Tnmoniou Bu-(aim in All Veal Clouds. All Inna Wooln. Jnokau. 0onforhn-Ioduood. Fnlcv If uuulu. Ullltbll I-`lnnnolu nnd OIQ Flunolo In THFGHEAPEST SKLE" OF THE" SEKSON New York clothing Store. Wooll: 0onforhn-3.0"`1- Fucy unruly, Orq In-hood. 500 Bomnnu. Dun Goods, Tloktnp. Shooting: and Cloth:-oxln chap. r\ nu.n l'\l'\I\lIIl\ |AlIl I n lI RlUES 7HAT W/`LL `DEFY COMPETITION. REGEIVEDAT HIGKEY & ILET'I"S, 1 )1`nr\Y./VISQQ Q'I`D13`TI"l` New Serge Dress Goods 10c. 12 1-20, 15 and 200. Newoolored Lustres from 12 12c. NewB1ack Oeshmeres from 40c- New Black Alpacas 12 1-2c, 15. 20, 25 and 30c, extra value. New Prints from 6c. New Winceys from 6c. All Wool Scarlet Flannel 15 and 20c. Best Scarlet (0ha.1nbly)l"lannel 30 and 350 ; regulu price 45 and boo. New Black Nap Oloaking only 75c. New Black and Blue Black Beavers only 1.00. 100 New All Wool Shawls at $1.50; we worth $3.00. 1' Cull nnd examine auv of the nbuve Goods you may require no they no very muule mules 100 new Au W001 nuurvus Ila q 2 Cull and enlniuo any G rogulnr prices. --L---o.-.----j lort Buunr:n.-`l bo Luau dog. lidaun have not yo: tuiguod, and S; B doubdul if they will do no. Tho] can It lost and discuss -stun thin dur- New and Second llaml Goods ..- uuunv I\n-unullvrlnl 0" IVIII UlEIUllll'IIUlI. oppoclu In. III:-gen Fancy Good: lure PRINCESS STREET, KINGSTON. `%- CHEAP JOHN N the Soutbwoat quarmr of but `)4. in the I 5th Concession uf tlm Township of King- st.on.I\0ut-nining 50 Acres of gnml nullivnusul land, tlmmnn. are two Uwolllug Homes. (00- oup|e4`y tour Walls of wnmr. anal 4 Aer-an of an Orchard. in good nundinuu. with fruit. There in one now turn, lately lmilt. aim 40148, the but in tho: Townnblu. Thin vuluubla Propnrty WILLIAM DAVID, E El`) 3 E3: 1)EALlR IN Orhhard. There 1 boat Townnhl ` in ultuatod new the Earth |{oa:l, we In ulna from Kingston. Tho property can ho puruhw-od hv paying one third down. For furllmr paruuj nu an to umnl or otherwise. Applv w ._.,.._,._._..,..._,...._________ cheap Sale of Ilntor Dry nods AT WALDRON S. To all People Wanting KEYS for Locks can be supplied by leaving their rulers l with WM. DAVID, ` I the Cheap Bro- ker. Ilo has Hundreds of Keys on hand. VII. IJIVIU vwllvv I The Cheap Broker. Prlncesx Street.` F. x. cougimanu a. co. L Buns. 0||lI SALES IIGIEASIIG. 8ixt_y-l_inI mg mu mm mm: Ink thu tha ,,,_ _;A nnnuwrnn Inhllnfl --AI ____ TIN`) mhnorihor rnturml lain nivwera thank: to the nitim-nu when kindly anaiclml In IBV iug mum of his property In the lam flue. and nlu) would beg to iulunnm to his (-unlmuara that tlmv can be uarvenl with (Iron-r ion II. J Donnghudn, Hark:-L Sqmsrmuutil Iuoh time 30 he onn uocnro Another store. '1' J D()N()GllUE. Gon_1_o tracked Wheat Graham Hour RECEIVED T0 - DAY FRESH PROM OSHAWA. Buckwheat Flour. XXX Pastry Flour. And avorything clue in mylmo FRESH and GOOD. `Illa New Store. above the Albion lloloi. Prlnccu street. .I..._ I9`. ms. Iwosrrr 24%| 0|: land : 3.;CCOI'CI| of Ilrut Cluu Iardwood 2 gnl n_. _ u-__.. 1--- -_; -__L_n. n.. Ilvuu v- hunv .-..... 0! hurt diuuo. 1131-: 1--uvvvwu 0 All Cut to IouI1o.louv and ouhall ha b`fIlI`l.l.ll0 AT Till` CIIAPIIT IATII ll CITY. All Cu to loan bg`_=IIl.l.ll0 A ll OOHJJU1 Jun 16, 1878. N ORDER TO CLEAR OUT OUR STOCK 0|!` READY-IADI WENT`!!! CLOTRING before the u-rival of our New spring Stock. In vlll olnr uayof than Good: II Jun 22, 1878. 7 Doc 14, 1877. ' *7 ` -' 7*? u 1 con nu fnw Ill- 1.`D`IlCI.WI5 laid. ofll Aqnnllbau-unlhldaind luau. M IN l"""":ln.c V Pm"; 5.`7A'b.u.m'u'.-nu. 1. Ktugnton. Jnn 21.1878. FOR IOIIB WIIKS AT GREATLY IIDIIOIID PIIOIS: B'I I.o.Vu hA.'IVl nun. Dinlin Act mntuo. m the united coun- I III vary butter and axcmng. W0 an ICU unqmo, hum lho ourront ro- piof 3 Nnpnno olorg_nnAn`| public ro- Illi: "Tim any one Ibo vuud quits! Ob Dltlin Act was an lit to indoor- kportoluknnki homo." Pny om- plno. il not olognnt. ._. guy 7 ,.._ -n vv -.. .... ... .,...... , wM. DAVIlV)_7N');::;\"a}- . Dhnnn ll:-nlmr, Prlm-mu HI IV. 101V 16.6 ccvwv--wv v--v-- in... :__V., rramgpomgunmouronuumnunjuhtjll.-4 byglviurllllltlmuo olhnu!lhcnlIn- duunuu to All pnrolnun duh; -rnnI_o1rm% pnllhcuuuihlllathllchluu-nu. jovial-nlcuupnl Pauli luau. uuundxlwu-in tho -nllhmv II lb-In-t Icnur-an--1 insinuatin- Ion! Ila `let: in Poul Inn-M85`. .l0SlI ll FRANKLIN. cA_g:.D. K. & P. RAILWAY 3353311 1 AND (SET YOUR FOR SALE. >; IITUIDAY KVIWG, III. D. --~--~ ALIA Mull --'l`ho regulnr muting of tho Alan Hntor Society null be hold thln OVCIin|. The quantum, Wu Wan-on Hutingf imponchmonv. juumiablel in down for dcbsto, but it may be that the thaw of the meeting may bu lnrgoly if no` ontiroly ukon up wn.h the matron rolli- In; to the camnrnzmne. .. ...a3. ._. ESE SALE, n nnunn-Cgnn I but II. C. V. PHI` 5. I Lnhibtt MK WITl:6F{bNT:'Wrir3-nT;Bui|dings. PRINGEEQ ' r_R'E13r1x ISAAC NOILI. UATHAL, IIOCI l'l`ll!IiI'. Ion Inn from the lulu Iquro. .-DU ; WIU. WOFHI `J-UV uh may I-oquirou they no very Bout and Shae Stme III A FEW DAYS! Nearly Opposite their Old Stand. :2: PRINCESS BTBEIT. Parsons 6 Soot-ah I WILL BE-OPEN lhor. WE ARE STILL HELMNO 0|-`I-` ALL OUR COOKING AND PARLUUR BTUVEB Al` 0081`. Only: few mom ON HIND. | A Large Lot of 0h1ldren s Sleighs, Al. 75 Mann auah.Inrt.h 17. ) WELL PUKP8 AND HAIIDWABI9 FOR SALE CHEAP AT - Ia: -nu-- nrsuvvnu N.B -Put dnoAoooI!nt.n not paid buforo the 5th of Fohmary will be sued. Jan '31. 1&8` BTQYES ![}nrbett _&_p_'_s Halgiware House [Wi|Iarda_ct[1_epbsilnry A BRANCH OF` THE ABOVE DEPOP!l- TOBY HAD! BEEN OPENED AT THE BTUBI`. OI` 2 Doors nbovo Pu-H1111`: Grocery, nuuanu nrnszr. The elahnuad NOTE! ON BIBLE BEAD- INGB on hand. Another lot Iffln`. Alon, NOTES ON GENEIIH, IXODUH. LEVITICUS and NUMBERS, by C.H.I. BA81'lI' BIBIADI. In-.. ALWAYS ON HAND. Fab '1, I373. unxvnuuu nvvnsw -.., ...... -. .. ~ airy Aim 'na(uu1-1 .n'Io|.o In any vomu cutout I -:.-o1-0-_._. New cutters. tho.30lt in the City 1:: Now two aom"1.umbor Sleigh: and one uoond hand one ; one single Lumber Sleigh. WILL III BOLD AT COST. Manual! 801% ol`2nd band Bob Ildgln All I 30' Son. B1`()I.AOI for Cnrrluu ud Ilotglu IMO cent: on south and hand Hnquinrl. BTOIAGK nrr Curl-Inna and Ilolglu I per and llnqulnrl. 1 oalCIl.Ial-I and Inllnn lnp hlnn i BAIIII ITIIII, (X)IlII PIIICIM. Jan I JITI, LOwLN"I3%E`&74b?)ADIE cnunnra sun I A Banninoluuhdnntiun Vollluvo -uhusId W. L. RICHARDSON. 'I%ll- -Rt. nnundll ""'| " jugd totlu city until K00357- Irrltnmmn.--Tho `Practice Bo!` ... -._...:..... I... .1. gntnrtainmnnl. (ll Two laud lTunro lldghs. (5 Dunning I I :1 Jul ,|l7I. %Il WI -El KC IIITT I1 l'nI"$I. WGOGICIMOFI nil lohu for Ilu ual mltntuutlou [inn M170! and Iiloclro much: nun. J-{Kl Hickey & Ilott. THE BEE HIVE RE-OPENINB ! IIOOND H`-IND ONES. >|.v navv vn vuuua on v wsv At 75 cent: onclnworth M .75. "J. w. mm: s. cm, IIIIIIAII-5 a raging la: nu onus-ninmant 11.4014 II. A nnnol nnnnunnn it 87 King Street. --I (In-Anmnnnn nno umhl hut? lrgtng la: in uuwnnu-u_... .... 150213. A good pwgnmnoiu 9Qo.---_ A 0001. 0xI.-0n Thunduy nno Juno: - Groom III ununcod :1 On... 1., an. gunk the Ihuuonhnry for lsuoncy. mllilllrtlod llnl Ihon the conviction VD Inch I Inulo quickly npund Oil 0lIIIO'I been he heard the III- j,vIId0trnIghlonung|nuul' up, hol QH "huh yul. I thought you IIIHQIN no nun. ' I gun: that won't K um .... -n '0 | ._ ..._.....a__, , `Alamo Boalb or Ru.n:-'l'lIo sn- IIII lalllg in held In: atoning M` K `locum : oco. An uponduln I031) in tho city in buovoloooo * July lat III uprucl. The oan mi` - . cu u-v cu-cw--.. ,-.., .._. ~._ _. --_.__. 3.... g. .5. nu... a cum. n-pun. nau um, All. Inn ugggggununcilg I not on Ihindf. Jun Flatten. B Jul. lath. IQn*0LAI'I'.-Today Ill] 50 n?'lliacko.ILJu. Rookie, Join Khakis,` E Inotolhtkudlotdoll-Iuuto-cloth-IPNIHOIO III 3 z.,.... .1 mo. `H0 in ugbn.-m,J.n 3.5., Tn-hunidnl. huulu. It. LC. Ilanin';ndJu.W.Pyto8qIhrynl `hu- -.L....L .5 oL.A`.u.l... aL.t..... `vac Ihiqhulcbobcoovln T; an-u..q.......__,_ UIln.1|0N --Yutarday m our account. of 51. Paul`: convurunuuno Dr. McCnm- IIon | name was omitted from the Inn of than who cunmhutad to the atoning : Inurlainnusut. The Dr, in hi: usual Itylu. rand Mu. Mc(hnre`u opu-nion of oh. Uhinnul lnbaul` nuulion. -j_._....___ 8'l Iu!lu" LA uulrau I. ' AL " ' A4, ... uuuxu.._ \. 5 _ ,,, _( u mullinlnlll 3 nftcnmun. I uulnulnhorod, `ha-|r couple wrn could Lru. - To-mono mo renwn (nnrluchng heavy ..lli..:..|. Donor mun prouou-ny. -A dairy of 22 oovl around the river at Ogdcnnbuu on Tuudny. Tho Journal uyu Quy was fun cutie, and cut. 0480 in gold in CnnAd|-n trie Iau lbw 822 per hand. -'I`ho Brucltnllo Recorder trunk that tho claim: of Dr. Brounlo 1 son in tho Sonata WI not be ovorlookod by Lin Id- miuiuntion, now Lhnt I vacancy hu oc- curred in Eutern Uutuio, cnuud by the death 0! thn Han. James Shaw. lemme: lolnng ncrou an luuunnvl. -Mr. John A. Fnur bu pnrohuod rho choeu box fnctory at Tamworth, formerly owned by W. H. Miller, and in making pnpantionn to conduct it oven better than puviouly. . .|_;-.. ..l 0-; M.-. m-nun! tho rival- Tm: I.\1'I>: l`~n-z.-The report of tho Papa ; 1anu.- is now accredited In true by the (`uh-rllca uf Alnerica. A tale- gram from New York Announced thnt (Ianhnal M(-(`lush-y was in reulinesn, pending ntficinl mfnrmatiun, to have hit churches drA['ed and the bells tolled. A later llvapllch my: the Cardinal has nil- ml {or Rmnv tn attend the Conclave. This murning Bilhup O'Brien received the fullnwing telegram from the Arch- bilhnp of Quuhcu Z H'I`l.m-.. in nu lnnrrnr ninilhtnf thn Pane : IllIl\'I|InIB u. nun. wlnu \/IIIIlI\d\-I chnpe-In t]l':||H`(l. The morning service to murrnw ml) he the urdinary Iervice of Htmday. In the afternoon the service: will he pr:-per to the occuinn. There will be his lrellwllctioll given, but there will he at-rvict-:4 fur the late Fope nt4 1-.m., in the Home of Providence ; 5 p. m., In thu Hotel l)iuu, and at 7:30 p.m., In the ('n!hm|1'al. Thu services in tho Cathedral will cunaiat uf Velpers for the loud, ahnrt Pam-.gy1-ic on Pius IX, And I nulonm Liberu PruPunicedf1mct. We understand that Mr. Juno: Mor- ton, non of the wall-luown sud much lnmontd gentleman of the name name. who carried on tho distillery ut the wait and of the city amno yuan ago, and at one time M .1 . fur the County of Fronte- nnc, hu purclmud Mr. Andorran : in` lervlt and gnu-lwill in the old, populnr and Iucceuful Lrewury known as the .lllA,_.I 'I`_....|." ..|..-b-.l ...m..li.ulv PI.ouusn.mznlur the non twenty four hours : Fresh to bunk nor Lh entorly to nortorly Inndn. cluudy wuthor, with than of must, followed by clearing And colder wggther. For the St. Lawrence : froth to brink northonurly to nurt.h- wulorl] Ivlvnds,fa'.i: to cloudy coldnr wan- 0L-- u: we evonmg. --Col. Hickman is lying us-`iotuly ill at an houu of W.1 William, Nspuno. Hi: indiopociliol in tho nult cl our Iotk through the Dlnkin campaign. ML- D-_- .61..-al nn-n- `whgn . COCK Illfolljl Ill! uiuuu Us-urn-`us -Tho Rona Sentinel up: `What 1 mm rum to cull n puppy ho whiulu, but A girl just Iuln dong with In! hand- kerchief oating ucrou in shoulder. ll- LJ... A |v'-.-4- ha: nnrnhnnnd death. nnu Iucceuiul L'rawIry nuuwn an luv Grand Trunk," situated ilnmedintely nut. of Murnoy Tower, and Lhnt in lu- turu the rn will be known by tho nnmo of Morton, McKay Ind Kolly. Mr. Morton is 1 man of industrious hnbilu, in porsonally popular with hotel keeper: and the citizens gem.-rally, und being 3 prncncnl brewer in well can hnrdly {mil to increua the Already lugs bulinou don by the entnblialunant. Unlike most young men rnronl in the lap of luxury, Mr` Murtrm did not in the hour of oi veruny sit down and brood our hi: ill- forluno, but with An nmbition worthy of all prniu, not to work at the first thing which preumtod itlelf to him tn rotriovo llll ill lurk and make lorhimulf I nuns nmung tho inhnbilnnu of hi: native city. Such inuluntry an-I penovrrance scarcely Ivar hil. And that ll. hu not domuo in thin cue in quite evident. from 'ho (net that ho mm stand: at tho hold of thin old and prnupernua enublinhmont, which unutod for the purity o! it: :10: md porter. and whiah lllll never fnilod to on- rxch in propriotorn. Wu wish tho new rm continued nuccau. Inn!-Irv-Q u. ...-....._..u. H. M. Dorooho, K.P.P., In_I naiv- ol the uppoinllnnt cl Ioliciwr to tho Dolininn Bank. -Rev. Ir. Chunba-I pruchu in the: Queen Strut 0.11. Church to-marrow morning, and in the Primitive Methodid ............, ...... .. in the canning. Hicks ---~---rOOo- - ?. PAILILIINTAKY Dlvo-non. - Ben- guugh In lut week`: Grip hu an |dIl)i- nblo cartoon illuuntivo of the opening of the Lognluturo with pnycr. Hon. Mr. Muut in un bu knool in humble do- votiul, And so in Hon. (loo. Brown, (clothed an an elderly dnIIIO,) while Mao- doupll And )I.C. Cnmoron, as littlo boyl, no nmchnovouuly omployod in urging I combat butwoon 3 dog (Mat!) and at (Globe), thn lnttcr 0! which takgu | pod. Man an tho back of the devoted loin. The cartoon in dnwu altar Willnrdh la- mom chroma. .7_.-ooo -...._._..... lylot thonnnon. _D.-nln lhgu ottunanon. " , -n.;n1u1az-arr--nco! DY- X.C.A.onKoud:ytnning- `-linioIu-y units in 33- 91'l" Onihdnlb--onoi. _'n.. diqhy of nlcnlinuin bacon- in... ..--1.. --nl nnnaij ' `DIX vo v:v-j-.-. ..,-.,,, mxgrudcr nndgruur. --Specinl and impair; inning in St. Mary : Cpthodnl toqnorrov. --0u cl raped for tho doounud Pope, tie Iced Cntholic institutions will 5; |..__.: :_ _,..._.;_.. Bubbly: Duxru.-~- A correupnudent o! the Nnpnnoa Bzprm up thnt on Mon- dny, the 4th inst. , Mus Mullen, d|u[h- tor of John Mullen, at cud Viow, Bhoiuld, nged about '20 years. while to- turninu homo from a nouhbu-r'a, dropped Good on the road. It Inc clurly I can 1 l 4Il__-_- v-v mung. v-u-u... ... draped in mourning. ll :1 n,._ _L- I. lluw I||7|l uvwnnul u -Juvuu-vu vu-uu--- -7-tho onablnhing of I hoe mnrlcet on \\'cdnonhyu. Thu will meet the wishes 0! (ha In}-urny u! the bnniueu man md u-vuro tin mnrln-I lay: in the week in: Itoad J one. When in upenlion | for yum ngu. the free muket dny on Wed- ngndny In I run-l t ) work well, and dil- lributod the Inch 0! the wool mar! enn- ly. not cunmng :1 cu one by, to the In- nbnnce of the motchnnt nnd his enl- Jotnurl. tho` Inna of when mounting lack nuntion. ozou.._ A Gout hon. -PotoI-boro bu ukon I new neplownnla a Iyltelnilod bulinou .|.- ..-...LI..}.;.... ..c . I... mu-Imn nnl ------ ,_ Aurn ln1'uo.-`!'N maul gour- nlnoouug of the shuololdcn 0! an Ocndiuu logino ud Iulinty C0-- puy can hem on Than-by uluruou h , .,bo(.`iIy Club noon, Hound. TIC lol- $ loving ganllcuol Ion cloud dnndon lot tho ensuing you, vh:--Sir F. -`inch. R. Jn. ln.. 'n...L._ n.u :1... All I.... . qoQ------ II I . 8. GOIDOTI lnuuedmtuly His Lurdahip gave in- `U"ll('liuH! tn have the Cathedral and thnpeh-I ....._....V ....II I.n elm nnlinnru may-viva Inf -8nn Iarhtto-dny. . -BIutcy-uni uplnmt. ._ _(`jty couuilon loubycvumg. ...1'|...hnglnnhou mind a I... LL- _._.__..._#_ Iioqulom Hcrv Icu. Buslneus Chute. (I|t:IIcl.' . I no longur dnllbtof the Pope ! Olvu. RIuu1u.--A number of ponona II-Lined after Ibo publm meeting in the City Hall Int owe-lung, InJ enrollod Iiomulvu M number: of the Civil RighuA||Innu. To-day Rev. Mr. Urly 10!! for Turonto, in tho Grand "Open Home II which he will preach to-mor` `III WAITI- Total . . . . . 33,168 57 The report stated the! the imtuuunn at present. contained 29 male: end 20 {e- rnnlu; 30 were Protutnnt; 11 Engliuhv 32 Irish, 1 Scotch. 4 Cnnndinn and 1 III- tlvo of Unite`! Sutu. Tlmirty-nine were from the city, ought from the country And no Iron) uuuide plncoa. 216 were ul- mittod during the veer, of whom 31 were regiatored from Frontenac. Two duthn had occurred, of old inmalen. The em- ployment uf inmates during the summer hid very ullafactrnxy results. The urgent need 0' clothing was set forth, and con- tribution: were invsted from the umzena. The report was aduptud. The oloctiun of directors for the onauv in; you ronultod in favor of the first eight choun by the following ballot gural : rn r-;|.-.... 1 1 J. l\.()IllIH5F... . U. Jan. Shannon 4. J.H. Muhnr . . . . . . 2. Maura. Macdonueli tnd Shnnnon did lot, leek election. Mr. R. W. Barker, win In: in 1876 the hardest working di- roctor at the Board, nnd wu dropped off Int year ahnbbily in bi: nbwnoo, mu ro- oloctod by 9. general vow Mr. Uibsoni election nu unanimous. :1- cv:.___-.. ..._.. .... ..l....o..A Illnnnrnrv olocuou Inu umauuuuuu. Mr. Simpson was re -nlect.ed |Honornry Secretary and Treuuror, and Along with Mr. Fruer wu nccordud I hearty vote for good nrvice. u-.--. uI.....mn and Hnhnrhnnn warn `Ur HUM IIIVIUI7. Maura. Shannon and Robertson were chosen BI auditon. n'u,I'r, u-- ..I....A..,l nun-A ~ CUUIUII BI IIIUILUII. The Finance Committee elected were I The Mayor, D. Frau`, And R. W. Bn'- kor. mL _ o:_-_..._ n.........:n.... -:n. H... Qgm-.1. Ker. The Finance Cummittoomilh the Score- tary, were appointed to arrange v.he\'mI.- ing Committee: for the your; the Mayor, D. Fruer. A.Chown, Henry Cunniug-- hnm, and the Secretary, wore mntruclod to but A re door made to preyveuf. aro- potition 4;! the Norfolk poor house holo- caust; md new bedrlmg wu ordorod. Tho Superintendent`: report raprusonb I `ad I full house and scarcity of boddmg; {Air auto of health. an II . | _,,.A. __ AL. ___-...I T`L .._- | XIII" '|ILU UI UUDIIII. The Board menu on tho second Th urn- dny evening in ennh month. - - ----ooo The regular weekly meeting in! thin Socioty III held in the Royal Collage lut evening; Dr. K. N. Funwiclr in the chair. lt. wu ruulvad to decline tho inviution of the Almn Hall!` Socuty to co-opornte in tho manaqeluom. of the convaruzione. Thin wan doaiuod uear ury, u the cam-eraaziuuo will be held at a time when few, if any, msdicnl student: hrs in the city. A dabata followed on the subject. ltuolvod, that woman nhould be lll0WOd to enter the Medical Prolouion." Mr. Chuwn lad the Affirm- ntivo in An nblo upuch, nd Ivuod clo- quuu in hu description: of the wool to which vomon had to submit. Mr. Donoun, in opening the debate for the nogntivo, adduced uvernl nrguinonu In ..--..- 5.... ..n....lml unrnnn -.. his oh. `I'll Ioluoflndutry. Icntll ' iinnnualnuotingclthinudnlnnd hug-InNinhod0II0yvuhddyu&- dn]IlbI|oou,thInyocl:uing0hni2IuI nodo. AldunnDtonInundHIy _._. ......-s an dinuptnn rnnnnxkinl --..43~_.;- F;1 Hm. --Tho Saturdny mullet brought forth one pretty good Ipecimon- I dreuod hurg of Ir! months, weighing 71]) lb|., bred by Mr. Martin Fnwlur, of the lownlhip of Kingston. It wu I Iuuuiu uu nnuweu nu uuwn Iulv nuvu-on. preve how unllllibd women win for the erdueue work of I medical preetitioner. The debate nu continued on behnll oi the nirmntive by Menu. Meeerthur, J. Cleever, Leonard, Clinton end Lynch. Each of these gentlemen brought. forth an urgent plee (or women, end the mnee of A few Amcricee eiuen who have hue dietinguinhed themeelvee with eeelpel end merter, were cited u repre. eeutetivee of the female sex when mo- oeee in enrgery end medicine they omnid- ered eeuhliehed. Meeere. Dr. Feneick, W. Cleever, 0'Shee, Crnig end Kennedy did themeelvee justice in pleedlng for the negetive. Their Argnmente were logiul end complete, end Ireru produced in eddreeeee which bordered on the ele- qnent. Mr. Bennett, the chnirnen of the debete, complimented the member: on their inleruting end spirited diame- nion of thie important queetioe, end summed up the ergnnentu, giving hie deeuion in levee el the negetivee. Mr. Gelhnnh penented the Critic : I-eped, end the meeting edteumed thocicyco-dl,huddntiau. The Tzvuuoinnponpcuunudihao ...n.... V... -V- ---- v-~ ----- -, lbs: unnl porno: Ion iupouing upon` ,1-In Ioclchnriublo ueiotiu, bynpn. I ....;_- nL._..I... .. .I;.n.....4l A. ;.. [Inc mun u-no--c -u.-u-, .7 .-P.-. touting themselves an dbtnuod. An in- nsryuiou into Alleged can at "_-_-,,J .1 am -mo he tmlopod n `mu-uu'. 1. A nnud wife have been paneli- mnw Aidlad hr: nu-con`: Hnlnuhvnl and .7". .Q.I','s'.' c';l'.'..'. -I'o.....a..:"" "'""'" 5|. 0oap`bIoa'ocy,mIollubyciiuIn plaulmthyhuinguupvcnu-Icdnvcy `puiudorl. ltuvtlnlintbnhq .--A Lang and IA -hLnnI-1o Uou 1-uon . .. Wood Fuol.. .. Pluughtng up Flold. .. . .. Printing . . .. . .. . Po-up and Stationery . Inlarmouu. .. . .. . . . Drugo. . . .. .. .` Cub Hire for [nnntu . . J. E. Clark, Invnutory... Young H-:`I. .. . .. . Sunll Accuunil . . . . . . . . . Bdnnco on Hmd. . . . . . . Illlll U IBIU. Iuporintcndomf uLI.ry....$ 436 50 H. Shaw, tniom. . ..... . . . 1,637 49 For Hardware . . . . . _ . . . . . . ll! 65 H DryGood| ........ .. 7063 u n__-..;_- Q5 g DOOII lnu -mic Ropsin . . . . . . . . . . . . Insurance. . . . . . . , . Straw sud Sundriu. Cod Fuel ... w.....a Ir...) Fm: Gonrnnont. . .o2,2oo.oo DoIntialn-........ 5001 For Baud . . . . . . . . . . . .. l$.76 Corpm-scion 1:50: at not. 12.00 stones. 238.75 Dirocton` foo. . .. . . ... 32.00 Ban! 0! pntnro . . . . . . . . . . l0.(X) lntnnu at Bank. 16.08 n 1,, l_,_.l_-n _._. 45:91` .__ , ..._.... .__. Bl'uxnt4.~1)ur univcrual wuslth in being oxtractuxl and sent Anny. Chuleo A. Pnrksr, chip broker at Uuvego, bu contnwtod too Irllnlpvrt 15,000 to 5,000 tom of iron ore {rum Kingston tolhwego on the opening of mlvigaziou. cc:-o " " " IOUI .. lntnnuu . Bduwo tron hut yarn llrourr`osI.--We and the other day L_. _-_-..| .._... ..._ i__...:-. m...` r l1II 0IIlI.. Dry Goods .. .. Otooctiu . . . . . .. C|ott.ing....... Book and Shoot. D. Gibson . . . . . . .. R..W. Bulur . . . . . .. Henry Cunninghun. Dr. Mccnlnmou... . .. hue Sunpson . . . . . . . A. Uhuwn...... G. M. Mactlounld. . . 1). Fraser . . . . . . . . . .. B. liubertson. . .. I l)...nnn.u lnking 3 total uf.. IIIIIHIIIII Escullplan Society. 1-IvwI'I-w-- |iV|X.1n'.I_hlk 1351.4 gdlidnghn . 33168.57 Srrrnux1.-'I`ho :l|lT\:I'em. Insurance- Uompuniel interested III the Inns upun the Albion Hotel, nmteml of ]m_Vlll_'.( the Amount awnnlcxl to .\lr. Hrm--n xu darn: (II, have nlctgnnim-l tn repair the hu1ll- in; And fully ruplurn the dnumgod part, inlcconlnncu Wllh nlm -af Lhu cnmhtiuns 0! ouch policy. -- - 4 cc. -- rm: snrnsn wme. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, -1373. on Ina IUUJICI. nI\Iu uuu I-U-u -u. -..r money of civil right: for one clan or put of tho community in oppoaition lo nnother class or party, but for nll poo- plon, creed: And oonditiou. In Toronto ho had to speak publicly for the civil right: at the Rmnln Cntholion. Am]- grinxngo had but decreed, und there were those whn felt it to be 1 duty to full the olrligniona lsid upon thorn. Ho (tho npenkor) hnd hold lhnt tho pilszrimn lud M much right to Iulk through the m-uh In tho Sundny School childron or any other organiution of the kind. (ApplnuIe.) Al I member of the Civil Rights` Alliance, he stood up for the liberties of tho Roman Catholic: on well u for those -if Pi-on-ntnntn. (Appla.uu.) llgnl. wmcn no uuunuuuu mu uu...... .. was wilhng to grant. to otharn. (Ap- plauso.) Thoy stood on I common plnl. lurm. They were a. defence society ; and they duired to mnko this huunn liberty n free to evory hnmnn boing Al the sun which gave them light or warmth. (Ap- pluuae.) This mu the moat Cnhulic Society un the face of this earth, for it respected the right: of all Alike. (Hur, hour.) A \.' I ..'rRobL'(`TI0l. `R Ik`ll`\UU|.\ll\J. The Chairman then remnrkod Hut no gontlamnn, for so ahort n time in Cnluh, Ind earned such a mum for himself an Ru. Mr. Bray. He had noon 3 pnpnr call him the Beecher of Unnadn. Ho had much plouuro in introducing Ill: Kill A V DI. Jlulnul far I for unnrh. The untold gon- tlaunn mid ho came to link: to A gentle- nm from Menu-enl who Ill shlo to than mu: on an wbjoec, but yo`t ho nude bold 90 stand up to advocate tho interest: of the Civil Rights Alliuoo. AI u llnul duoondnt of than who, Pull- lih, bud purchuod their liberty at I gnu. prioe--u 1 fullovnr of tho pilgrims Ivhor Ind nimod At tho uuhliuhmont cf civil rights on this continent.--ho could not kup quiet when cullod upon to speak on the subject. Hoiid not mun the Id- wmcha. depumuon or we rnrilw um.- ty hnd baen sent to explain its aim: uni --.b- in hul AIIAVI taken an R6" * -*r who commenced by eteting tliet he did not propeee to lecture, but merely to ex- plain the objects end eime of the Civil Rights Alliance, in an addreee which he hed coneented to deliver befere e public meeting. He began by recounting the hietory of the urganizetiun, remarking that for it length of time there existed in Montreal what was known en the Pretee- tent Society. In Unterio he euppeeed there woe little need of euch I thing, in- teneely Pruteetent ea it wee; but in Mentreel, in fact in the whole Province of Quebec, they felt the leak of civil and religiuue libertirs. The Pruteetent Soci- ety did good work for a while, but he did not know how long it leboured, or the emeiint of work it ecoompliehed. Thet it did eonething Ivu eyidenced in the feet the! the Uetholice hated it. It wee his fortune or miefortune to deliver in coiiree of leotiiree, which eppeered ac- ceptable to eome and uneceepteble tn othan. At Any rate, they stirred up the people to e necenity of having an Alli- ance, eucli ee he eppeered in connection with. Then it struck eome that the So- ciety should take upon iteelf A new name ;L...i io .knul.I -tnlzn it: ran!- um uuunuu u-nu --run nu-.. .. luv" .......w --that it ehould atnke its root: deeper than the old Alliance did, and for thus reuon : Thnt. there were mnny in Montreal, gentlemen of edueetiun, who contended fur the right 7!] THINK '|')Il TIIHHILVIR. lu noun; .u.. on-A-u-now-G who inoiltod upon noting upon thoir own judgmont, who wiohod to join tho Alli- ouoo, but who, ombrocing tho doctrine: of the Catholic Church. could not become nttochcd to tho old Protootoot Sooioty. Ir. oiruck him and othoro thoti: won 3 tendor and d;icult thing lo otlompt to moddlo with tho doop rootod fnith ol tho pooplo. But they did not think it im- proper to ottock tho judguiont when it won wrong. In thio mottor of civil ond roligiuuo liborty thoy bod nothing to do with oduootiun, with trodition, but when it com to o quootion oocting tho Go- vornment of tho country thoy could not dool with it in tondernooo ond gontility, but ottock tho wrong whorovor it oxiotod with All tho lorco God bod givon thom. (Applouom) Agoio. in qnootiono of civil ond roligiolu liborty thoy hod no- thing to do with oducotion. Tho Ramon Cotholioo ol Montrool ond the Province olquoboc. and indood tho world our, oonoidor it thoit boundon duty to bo Ramon Catholic: nd to porooouto thooo who on not Ramon Cotholioo. onco thoy could not otood troublm; by ond ooy thnt boconoo ouch in thoiootobliohod opinion thoy must roopoct it. A non for hio {nth oto-lo nlono botwoon him- ooll ood hio God. But in civil on! roli- giauo liborty it woo not oinply o -ottot botwoon God oud nu, but botwool non nod nu, ond tho rolotiooo -not booo odiuotod. I! o moo} loith ho wrong ho _._ `L. n.` I.--_. I._A :1 L. L-` - l-I--. --oj._;- V BuDmlu.-'l'ha slim of April Ihich Iugnood Fobruuyhudbcoivod lawn. The trees in the Pnri buddod thn Iuok nod pvolically, and the shock u: the Mum of winter will give the incipinn` voguaticn will he withering. ._. .2~-..: .

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