With Lubin'u & Condrafn PERFUHES. and At.kinJon'| English Perfume. Alw by the same bolt, SILK LABTIC STOCKINGS AND Knee Caps. Bevdlod lirron, French Horn Dreuin Combn, GL0. Mudioineaobtnin anytimeduriug Lhenigbt by Linging tho boll. Dissolution T_f_l artnarsh1p. 1 IFI-VHE FIRM ()1-` C. II. LAVELL A: (J()., has been dissolved thin day mutual con- sent. All dams duo the Ian rm mun. be nu) A1` mm: in order In close up the books. Tim Dru: buaiueu of the Above will be car- the books. Drug riod on by C. H. LAVELL. who is Authorized to receive all woqunu and pay All lahilitien or the late inn. 0. H. LAVELL dz C0 R.'..n.onn Juan`) I877. --once-y~ Stooruza . . . . . .. ............ . . RETURN TIUKRIS from nlifu to U- verpool or Derry : 'I`h7wI}7arge1t,"nl.>st Stylish and Best Stock for all Pur- chasers In the City. LIVU unn .4-.. . G-ENTLEM}?.N`S Furnishing Goods I .-. ,...-. V. nmnnnm PRINCESS STREET, (Neatly Oppanla the (My Rom, Kiugumz.) THE ORDER DEPAH'l`l(ENT contains an mmonne r-not-Lmaut of Good: of the . -.-.-. -...| Ilnat Ilnnhlnnnllln THOS.--!'.ALE, Merchant Tailor, Clothier 1FIRST on THE COUNTER! ____ 4;.-/'-- ANGLO-AMIRIOAII HOTEL , ..: I-s...-m.. uni nnmrio 8treou.| UIEI LARGE POST, Ann VIII: vvl. I nrvvnn I-`orfx: lDd 10v, is the but nlue in tho cny iMAULEY S pin: raomnic Lua.11 and Investment Society la prrpnmd to rweive nppiioationl for mu Do- lu-nmrm hearing Intern-Lvith Q! u: M- \ mob:-d in nummuld for such 1-orlodlnmu In vt-non may desire. I 7--- ._.-.-.| .. ......n n! In-an gum: nu And DOUBLE DEKY FOB PRINTERS. 75,000 ENVELOPES. ` `zoo Roam: NOTE mmm. '* ~ -rnr allot nnliv BOOK UFI-'|('lIZ - Clarence Pool (Mice. Kingston. lk`ll6 II-`T iconncnonxny verbiznl 1-lmrmteristion of tho Angl` IE. IIILAAP G1. G0 . Proprhtori. --o:-o._ GUA1 % Assurance Comgany, 1 I I I m gunman. noun V1-nun Louuu ted _ huuurlh is anal. Kinntou. June `2. I8"/'7. ` 3!` \TI IVER N HALL. (lute Saucy A) \' _.`u/ Inn` J . REIiD S. mg than Uvorpool an THUKSIJ and in: lhlihx nay IDAY. I-nnu zuuiux --'-"'-.r:-a...-er 0. ll. LAVELI. & G0. >I'0IlI"I"|E IFYIIII. Do in | P0:'lVl\lI to but Interact, which :1 withdrawn -1 my time. or further paniculun Apply to TIIOIAS BRIGGS. Msunnr. IOUNG MEN OF GREAT BRITAIN for l Nun-iuber. I GRAND l'RU_.VK HAIL IVA Y. .. nuvrunrm. FAMILY HERALD for November. WEDDING BELLS do MYRKH JOURNAL do DAY 0!` BEST do Pnpnld ruuuo C-rule-00- -unn ihhmt In and for thbil luau K) PAPER. S """' THE GEM COPY BOOK :. .u.. 3.... "I... in n... when-no and scan. onus YIBTIBDAY. LE POST. '\lI IDI.I\l\-I \l\IQA.A 0! nmmol, noun (Iuahl-;_-I um.) VI nluux IVG7 nun- IIOI HALIFAX. um, luv, ` able for the present souon: DY-MADES the Stock is most ex- ? it dun in style and qnalitymud durum rice: `!`UR ISHING GOODS of alldur TIUKIIS from Alma wu- voryoolol-Derry: -.............|00..lI8,.H3 n........ ............870 .".'............sr2 Hours of Arrivals and Depnturu from King llnu Slnunn Muntrvnl Tums; (101310 WEH1`. Arnva. Depnrt. 'I0l`[~lll$l1I 0| U000! 0! H18 and blast. Fashlonabla Styles, -I.I- far on... nranznf. naunnz Flcxua III uyua uuu qu.-uu_y,nuu \i in great. vnriety, constantly on BRIGGS. Msungrr. -(`larvm-e Struck. opponite the Khan-tau. FOOLSCAP. on lung nouns. .n unnll or lrgo 1 Tl-IOS. SEALE, PI-innunn Rn-4 .... do nu: -- do 24:]: ..lu'eh3I-d ..| ob IOIII - do l7th OALLY anmsn wmc FEBRUAEW 9. 197:. Line 3723 . . _ . _ . .81) fxpreua. . Express. . dshnllu dun: Dunn ' in at dlouaohrnllhuuudyur. ' IX X II-----u - ---..-...__` ___.-- The British and N;}ifK7erican Royal Mail ._`R1 Between New Yerk End Liverpool, OALLIIG A1` 003.! E13303. IRON NEW Y')R.K. IRON NEW YORK. A B Y8SINIA..."'Wedneedny, Feb. 6th. A LG ERIA -- . .Wedneedu, Hunt 13th. PARTHIA. . . . '.. Wednesday Feb. 13th PARTIHA . ..Wedneedey, Mllth 30th. CHINA. . . . . . .\\-`odneede ,Feb. 20th. CHINA......... Wedneedny, Inch 27%!!- HCYTHIA . . . . . . .Wedn y, Feb. 71.. ABYSSINIA . .WedneedAy. April 3rd. BA TA VIA. . . . Wedneedey, Much 6th. BOTHNIA . . . . Wedneedny, April 10th. Bazun Tiohu on fnvonluo terns` Sud-Ago `otsam and from :1] put: at mu-ope st vary low rate; c.........3:*.%=.-:5. :+..a'::..e:.r:.:-;.,:.'f~`L----"-"M-~~--4 -=- m - - For Frdghx md Cnbin Phll Apply 3! the Con oIIoe.l Bowling One: .Now York. WP For Freight. And Passage. 1 at (..ompny'g0 oe. Buwlxug Green. N.Y. V QHAS. G IRANCKLYN. Agent. And ovary lollovung Wednudsy f-om New 1 noon-up pnungon. Assets - - - - - $25,000.000. TIRE and I.nII`ll. \ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF` ENGLAND. ,\ll-lnlduiniao vavun w -u-V: .1...` _-_ OF` ENGLAND. Pu-tie: duimuc of Insuring ou: dopand upon low rat a nudnruignod. Oice, Clarence Strut Ii N , 01' Inn; Pain}, 0nt., Offer For Sale, foot of Queen Street, Kin ton. ALL DBBORIP- TIONS 0 LUMBER and MANUFAOT RED MATERIAL mu. ummm nn|l.mNa AT LOWEST RATES. IIAILH. `own. Iulermpar ().'l'.E. In- vludlug tho Iurnuue l.|0 pm, Prov.'iImM........... `.l:0Op.Iu. WoawrI|.|wer (LT IL... 3 I0 pm. 9:00 pm. n..m..! mama. via (.`. RICO` O7 PIIII`O I c.bu.,.60 gas md 0100.00, Goldmooording Io moot-mu-uuov. Tho QM page in I lpogbl low rota for Wmuor months. M6 to Pnril, $15.00, Gold, Lddltionnl Tiokou fnvonhlo KIDS` no...-an Tmhum I vg_ry AGENTS: Have Been .4 FIRST PRIZE. AND SILVER MEDAL, 'l`Ll'L` RIIETIAT Commercial Union Assurance Company nil ENGLAND attention of tho CILLIEAHRII ublio to the fact Limt after the moat, waruhin examination hyenuemen u111im-1:11 for {hair union! talent. their l iaIpsi1ave been awar ed the nbove Prizes. The-nu llllfllllwllll were not made for the Exhibition. but taken from 8' wk. being a fnir 1-epreiieiitutmu of Lheir Pimios. This should he a pruol to (Jnuadinna thin. Canada can pro dime us on-I Piunus as the host import-ed Ilintrulimnla. ff ICE LIST cu appliratiou, ) Oct 10.11117 MESSRS WICHER 61, CO. in announcing their aneuena at the World`: Fair would call the Dr.A J. Collis Brown s chloradyh HLUKUDYNE in mllxlittod dy uvar zliaunverml. 1HL()Rl')DYNE in the beat I HI.-ORODYNE eb0l1mlly; Fever anti Croup, Ague` HLORODYNE Mm luke n ` I) wlnlorv. HL )l{()l)YNE -mttuully S asmn ~gllL`:')LRDYNE M the uni; Mouim_-iliu. (av. Frrun Lord 1 V Lord M Lord I-`ranuia (?on_vI.glm|n, W1 (31110;-od_vne from Mr Duvenpurt have halfn damn bottles sent a Earl Husaull w|ul`1uInivs3u-d._! Hm; Maj:-,nly'a (`unnn the onlv rum-my of u halfn ll."o1.en lulu] "Earl wunum Ha: M;\jnnly'a('um-ul u the uny nirun, whlch. ho rogra-(Lou L The public um lurlhur ruuni` knowledge of the Board 0" lm Sold in BOIHHH '.|t Is I `Jul ' the Board Sold Co||in Browne's (.`hlurud uwompnnlnn am-II Butll SOLE MANUI-`ACl`|; THE PUBLIC ` mood oln M. 0.heBBOCK8'I'BEE'l' BUTCHER8 SHOP `" 1" 0 I El I IHTT Cm.fnl dnlivnx v in all puma of the oity,|nd orderl q ninkly ned. Veaac-la nupplicd at me I nut reasonable rates. 11' Shoo onvooito llulelvey AL Hirolfswvo I cooking. um um Parlour Stoves ` um am kind: or nomomc II_..J-._. I ; ___.{j_ ___ |mm1.m- Eafea lull In llllul In -.a-any--... Rudwnre! [Ml iiqnv noun: I-nu-an ptuno I `III Iounn. uons:v'snAahwAn nous: PRINCESS STREET. K1Nes71*o}"P6T omen GUIDE STEAM April 4, 1377. (Hy thn invvmur m \,`|.. 1m`ue,whl(`h. rogra-t Tim mtblu-. lurlhur` Butlliu SOLE MANUl-`AUl`l]k.ER--J. 7`. I f`1[ILUli()l)YNE mlnuittod by the1`rufasuiun to be Hm most wonderful and valuable reme- LJ 1HL()R0l)YNE ronysaly known for ()ouglm,(`mmuxunl.ion. Bronchitis and Asthma e'oct1mIly;u-hcwka And arrest! thona too olmn fnml liacnaes, Diplheriu, r`1HL()RODYNE as ulmrlu in Diurrluvxl. and in the oulytspecic in Chplera and l\...n..om-u '|;::tl:-aux)`. -lunbvlg-rten. 7 II Shop opposite Depot. JQIJFT rnzun nrr IN smson Print-A lcdwnru nm to, (M Stag) . . . . . . . . .. Nnwbury mul (hlmcnn. ` Hnrrowuunitl:&I. horn.h\' K & 1 . IL. `. heBROCKt|'I`REE`l' HU'n;n1-.n :9 nnv W. G. & J. ELLIOTT. C ENTEN}i IA I ." Awzmns. VV 2: T T Piano - Forte Manufacturers, KING STON ONTAR1.0, 3 Awarded by the International Jury at H c Wu1'ld 8 1 hllmeLplu'a, on their Pianos : ?UBLlC WILL ALWAYS FIND A good choice In all kind: of SPECIAL. l'AlITlIm.---Beware on rnru-,1 um u-us-uw-. r<.--Vim Chunnrllor _Sir W. Pngo Wood ututml tlmt Dr` .L Collin Browne wan undoubt- .v.mm- nf (Jhlorwlvua. that the story uf {ha I1-fmurlunt, I-V`reguu_u.l_1, w_n_n`Alelibernt.ely Lumber Jlanufaclztrers, THE ORIGINAL AKITBNLY GENUINE. udou . . . . ` IUZJU u.Iu. Iv.vv -.... Newborn Bonus . . . . 7:00 nun. 5:00 pm. Hatter.-um llld Huulyurj --Ilondnyl. Weduaa dawn Iurl |"rnln_v-L Clone atllil). Amlmrut Island md Stall:-Tuesday, Thun- duv anal Huuxrdny. (`loan at 7 a In. luwmry |hmta--TueuhyI. l'hursdnyI md Hnlurnlnvn. (`loan at '.l:'.K). nu ... u... . _ __ .7 r"`" \, Francis (Ionyughnm. Mount Charles, Doncsgal, llth Dec., I88. `a (7on_vI.glmm_wbo thin times last year bought I-mum-. of Dr. J. Cull}: Browne`: In Duvenpurt, and has luuud it n nmat wuudorfu] mediulue, wlllbe glad to en at once In the above address " `unuluunivnu-d to the Colleqa of l ||_mi:-inum that he reveived a den atch from `um-ul at Munilln. in the nch chm Chuh-rm has huen raging fearful y.zmr| that yof uarviun was Ch1urudvun.--Sma lmnw/_ lat Dom. I964. rA|:Tum....Bewnrc ol Plruy Ild Inlullol. . pndoI1lnL- r :l<-fnsutlunt, I-`remunn, was deliberately .. mgr:-(Led Ln mom . had been awuru to -S(~e Tinua. Nth Jul\'. I864. _.., .- . .. hmuu-u ..f lhn (hnvr-rulllmnl Smmx) havlmr come to the S enctnnlly outs short all smack: of E|nl(~pa_y, 2 unlypnlliutive InNeura Ll . humnnn. uuu man u: nvavstuu an FOR HOUSE BUILDING AT LOWEST R. CRAWFORD & GO. .I`J IN All THE Prim-A Edward Km to,- lbv Slams) 7 Rates 0.1.`-5:05:33 1 nu-Id_moordin1 in nll u for 1'ut,0lugow.Hnvro,Antwnp uni an 90 . _ _A _ __ _ _ led; a urinary ul nu: Ind Rt-venue. l.,4a0i1|1\nAl Iln em-h` . Hm um-nrnlm-nl. SL l [D LIA I4 MEDAL OF HONOR. AND DIPL(_)MA on` MERII` II II II 1\aI. _ __ - baud &n.&ouInnInol&lhnhhnQo- nu. Ivguloviu-kIQu.IIIl&a(Dd Iw.d'5CCl$._C*h`X.C1I3 `. D.\VE.1ruI!.r. 314 G1. lhmaull Street. Bloomsbury Inml on I York 9' Shanon mu-tad "lo noun-ry `General fonnnlsnion 1; shipping { m-;n(:nnmx. { 0300118 do `I IXOW DROP, horn,h\' w..n'.. Inland . blnnlnu .. ' WILL m 13': u'Iuu-s1 mam NPKICE n n 1 .L_ r ,._.:.... -.4K-I..- A. .. _:II ramp on rmmgnnwnt or Mi, if you wish to sell name the nrnvh--. amount. of etch Ind your VERY LOWEST PRICE for ulna deliver:-d F U H. (free ah! urd cars) :1 your neuron. nlnp ping point Man it pm-nihle uni sample by fmml, xftuu bullly by fruight` Addreu I --..-- - .........-..... I When vrrmng nu-mm-. whatber you wiah to "22! and t., ! Pmmlmnrun, Penn. I I... In In-u jnuxbs for rm muting] (1.. 4...... I 1HYAOIN'l'H8, Double and Single vvul 7 -.~........._..._ . I Inner. Clone, Eggs. Poultry. lard. `follow ! I tAIIIfl l. l nlalm-I. A II('.l.Gl"lII. Flour. ' .-_,. -u.m. _`.-. -u Lihernl rush Mlvuncvn mndo on large can Iiguxumml ul staple nrucloo. Fnnnnu. nhip po rn an-I ulaalaru in gt-nt-ran nmrchnndiae uhould w rum fur refo~n-nm. prim current, Stencil. he wish ` mm vacuum: I. can STEAM Illll AID D003 FACTORY Nana in gvnuina without the,w0nl.Dr` -11: Stamp. Uverwhelnniug medical t.eeL.u:ony l'J{|iu9J Nturn. Dr oaim n-mlved under the regulations of [ha on! (mice saving: Bank between the hnun 019 mm. Ild I p.Iu. ll. DEACON. P M` v........... A....\ ll I977 fmzmcnu. HALL! n-algm, Rheunmtialn, Gout, Cancer,'I`oothnwho I -I\/D `or all of the following articles, or we wil sell them for you on . per cant. (live per oen!) oommiulou: Nth : Huw-runmmt Stump lmvlng And lluusc Culture. Planing Mills 3 Anal lair clnztllug by trontln with tho RTIIAIEF R. STIR BE- IIl'l.I.' & s()1D.'I`-}-V`I`i.'-; FOR SALE AT THE -1 1 STRANGE & STRA GE, [GI-NTI. .41! Sultan` (`hut-~A~I)Ivin|nn Stn-1-I rl-`rm-on L Morning H200, AFN-moon 400. Evening 701, Re \' Thurmn Bounohl. [I-IP01! (`hum-A-luhnmn Wreat--Morning I; Inn-nin,; 13:1. Row (lmorgo (mum Hrllul (A Sin-~-lnruing ll. Evening 6:33. Rev Mr Purork. Hrmlx Sir:-vl Prnbylrriau CIIurrh~-IloI'ning arch -((,`ongrag'ntinnn|j fhnnan. > |Il'IC DWUUI. : nal: Ibun Inst :09! Qpusvio 0. I. HOBART. do BTOVEM \.__.._____.____._... ..__., _.._; lsrovsss s'1'ov1:s!| Grown Jewel, AT WM. DUNN S The Hundnomeu And Bent Stove in the Inn kot. A nonnlunhor of FIIBTCLASS ITUVIS vlnnh in vm null Ghana for Chain. Pleas zlvo ofFlIB'l CLABS ITUVES vlnnh ho vl all Chat for vs no u call and examine ton: baton vou ly WM. DUNN. BEPOSIT WITH GOVERVNIENT 350,0 |Auth_orixod Capital - - $2,000.00 "TCI1 KINGSTON. An mu 0! cunm-t7Asu1I.nnnouna 1...: II nhnhbwnl III has rm: nhlnh-g ALEX. W. UGILVIE. I[.P.P.. President. Riohunlwbim. lat. Vice President. 0. M. Kinahorn, `Ind " llsnrv LM. Secretary. '2ud llenrv L60, Seuretarlyl. Cbnrlu; .}.lax.snn.C iellnlpector. nu 0-ru-,-l\ I -l')Ir\Ll=l IV A Charles D. uans-m. uum Inupuuwr. ALFRED LeRIOHEUX, Agent. mnamou. ()t`f'm=---Wno Booknu uni Wallincbon Sweats. Nov 8. I877. "*s'3sv..!1i:9.'1's~ (JENCY ESTABLISHED IN CANADA )4. Unlimited linhilitv of all the Stock holders. and Large H-auerm 1-`undo. Moderate rnma of premium. GE _ A. KIRKPATRICK, Scpt.`27.lB77, Agent. Kinguon Ph71-enix Fife` Insurance Company, of London. TneBr1t1snW1iiJuhRunms ARI! REPLKTI WITH ALL THE LATEST Ont 4. H71 . AL" Hl:lJ I-e"l\Il'I=-\JI\, CIIBV KXNGSTON. Bookstore, ooruor of Brock .1-.4 Wnllint-um Snroota. Prvum (`..'F".A narucou. 18!) on. Ovncnn. Iouulu sud uruona at the Inn wu. or non burn. on tn -my and nlllul D nnucyhun nu Gunman of which Quinn no knovlodco. Write till cl curving nun anoint of p{ and bout] rnulvcl. sun .uu AIII reply, nhwcnnlln nan. Inn to us you Ina. lo. ' Olnlnn rune sunny! h Dunn- w||ul'hngruutuuIyI`tr|b'h.cdvIlIlI uuudpnopurynpcnunpabtu 3. % .."..:.'.:"",......- '...:r. .."-:-.':' "-"' ll-nu lung Canon] IAAI 0&0. nuun.nouotpA{u: manual Jnlnlulm uanumlbo nuyonlno. Ionian. Sept.`27 . I 877. ouuuibuluu Ibo Ocalllanl pnjdtblntdl-. - nu lnnnh Land In '.0..lu. '.*:.;....:.-.~....-=.-.-...- 5 " 23 IIOEI STIIIT. .pl1 IQ! tcnunpuupuhoullnnnnu unnu luau Canal uu Ola. Oaunudlnnd ; Inngrn-0-ulannl 083.! `D.--~:o:.;`;I".wv] E; I jut Pnpubhnud n ` CCILDLJIIITID `flu Ill) IUCXI Addro GEXOBI & 00., Lanna. II-nnngna. nu ant um:-rr xi mauve ncpnnncou. Anon: of by an Inn}. sun. IOLDIIII : *bg uo(&__ X1?" X0" UIIIL flfj I I WM. DUNN, Prinann ltrol covu. 457181. Acoaluurtou or punt ' ll Trnlnn A Livery n .8. JOHNS . Proprietor. - KBDIOAL IHONY. JIIy83&.ll'1. D,Go|d Harbor I.u..l.a1ou ` NI.--101! lounge: an oxoallant. old that joulchlohotuuutnlhbb. I mug Iv- oonncndtllenlloauofcoughundt 3. You an up liberty to am. this to IV Ophhn. formed hon may yous expo!-knot. J Inlununl I l.C_I_L.. LLL. Lil. formed non oxponulou. J. lumwu. l.l.C,B.l.., LIA, KlA'l'l1lG`8 COUGII LOIBNOHAII sold by dl Ch-bu in buns. uh huh; the word: "lnrrnow Onuxh laoangoe" on`:-Inn an the (ow:-nuont sump. wold: KIAIIIG1 vmun 14 on the gore-nlnont sump. U ndertakei"-. ' Brock Bu-cot. uke: Square. P. Fl.'NERALSCUMPl.E'l`ELY l"URNl8!ll`.'l) and unandad to on the shorten notice. 1 (X. lI`II`l.\'S nu hand nud furnished to order on III uvlaa. nunuun: onus no. A New and Solendld House umlv nrnmlrell. anal the moat. onnshll atten- 17:35` a_;r_;An.~e" BRITISH AMERICA Insurance Company A new and uulenulu I-Iuuruv lhtely nroouredmn-l tion given lq onl-3:1. Jmm X876. HEAD OFFICE - A - - ' Clmrch Scrum. Corner of Con BOARD OII` DIRECTORS Geo. Percival Riduut, Esq., Governor Peter Paterson. Eu ., Do my Governor. E.lL Rutharford. 811., lm: Wu: Cnyley And Thou. D, Harris, hm l`1iUS'l' ES: an n _ n-,. ur Allan 'I`I..... Qo......o HI. 1... II . Evening 6 1) KM` F W Kiriynlrirk. St. Paul : (`hm-A noon !'|InnI-Iorning II ,E\'1-ulng (ill). low B Curr . an In `J Cuuhaimllnhnnon rmt-Iua Run! II}. All ,\'n nil!) .In. Rum llov lMnbop0'Ir|an. Ru ulnar: lgginqcubatt Inward and Twohoy. In-Mmu (`bun-A-syd4-nhan Qmnl-- !on oT'Navi union, at the luwc-at rumum-rutive mum This `nmpnny cunlimm to lnuum building and nu other dauurigtious of Propurtv ngnlnn Loss or lhulmgu b `ireuu the moat fuvoruhl terms and n`. the vest rate: 1-hnrgad by any good Company. JAB _s`.\_'I1-"r,.\,;u.e. I llljllini The Hun. Gm). \V. Allun,'I`lu)s. Stmet, Sir Jar Lakiu ltubiunuu. Bu'!..uud (loo. Boyd Esqa. Mun: er Mu-iue l)nruruuuut.,Wm. toward Ea ., 'I`.lV\V. llirchnll. I Amuglng Dlroulur. ns British Ann-rioun Anauram-o Company insure sail and uxmuu \'n-zumln, their freight ur cargoes; by the trip, month, umeon or year, against. loan or dmlnnlze by Fxre or thu danger: n Nnx-iqmiumut uwc-at rumum-rutive V `HE undersigned nre pm-pnred to dallver Ctml uf the best. quality, HCIIEENED AND DRY. lGoo.'l'ho;;aon M10 an _ agd Liquors, ..a- - -;, Grtllllnx. Pnpor hnngin will be done A! In ohupeat nu us but style by cm uv__R_v_sTABLs 'r. Rlcuexffs, Prluccu Rh-eat, - - - - Kayaks. C 0Y7l(,'l7.--Untl-r City Hotel. Al] lylool (Jarriqc on than notice. HA1 _ IITI WM. ROBINSON Oldest Cha-rtered_(7anudI'a In Company. ' Xdhmd ('Mnn-h-."lirlonh.II ha-mI- Ion lug I03). En-nln; x Que-en IUNII-Inn: I ION; Kvalhpi. lav. J. Gtlbnnh and In J Cutler. (`hpol.-Konhg In-via El); 1 Anrucol. I29 punaiptiouotq thnucntohnl Ouut. auulndilnhottlo. Boldby all - A-jil uujy-u-w -:vu unodknhnnubvduul BAGOT STREET. -__,_... 4-; --._---- U01 Po`-c xu. uh Iundvta want: Anon. It-nu` DluIn.in&I.~u-slziarolnxryfmf` Etna InsuranceCo y., or HAR'l'F()lll). oosx. Ll-I UIIII LIIIJIIA III-lVJ\I'\IV I 0!` HARTFOIID, OONN. cum: and nurplur I.5lCd lanes pull In I! lean our - OM. 8.000.009 of which wu pull in no C out and IOIIOI luau In I011. TRIB COIPANY hu bu-n do|n{.bIIiIIp lncundum 55 you: And (lurk; at tho hh wound the public ooulnlenco hyping and liberal oenlomeuc of ovuryjutt ulutn. nndinn nallav hnlrleh An Iocund ht deh II libenlnottlomeucof oliil. I3- Indlu policy by depah 350,011) with the o\ronnuu..l. at omn. PO- lieiu no writum at {him Aguuov um! pail OI turn: :3 favorable us any othr Illlahnl Cbnmnuv. Uniano Street. Klvuptnu, Ontario. A8 ON HAN`) nmdy linunlmi for uk 5 hr uuurluleut ul' Mrs!-("Ian Odd` Bright lanuialmd Sky}. for modal, lpool beauty of nuh and workumnahip oguos in uoellocl In this min or nny aunt in Unnldn Alto pulntod Sklfkopl. on hand. I-`noon Iulllug Ynohu 1-um l-I unler. lkl Skill": lop: to order web 1: I obummd prunes with II tb Provhminl Exhibitions of Quulmo and Onnrlo for the pumumber ufyuuru. Work to be sent from Kingston to be put! benem Km non input! for ooxons imwlug he onlnbliu mont ` urll 7 mt. A FRESH srocx The oldest Renmatlug llllll lbyelng Islstaulnllslnullclnt In lungslon. ESTA [H.151] E I) lane. Whom all kind: of mulu run he mule to look nquul muew and nu lh-~ nmnl` rmumlmblu I/arml an we work by Susum oulr. mm`: Clothing Scnurwl evmnluv and l)y-ml if n\qII|N\d. E. H. Parker. Druggist; DYEING TO LIVE Clothing e\'m_\'dnv I),-ed E7` Kid Gluvu done In two Imurn and withoul small. Vulturo,()s2TlrI1 unul |"nn_v I-`unborn cleaned and dyed ulnily. (3:-ups uluuunl or dyad and nude ull him Imw. `I huvo Hm Illa:-|'l` DYE Il()l`lC be-twoel 101-onto and Muuu-rm in ruur 01 my pralnlul. I `jmfdkxtfif Steam nynng, lllexurlulllix & smur- lnu I-Istnlrllslnm-.nI, 60 l rln- cess Street. cm! I-|E)-;EI:-1*-* Pnneou Slmot. the man _oo9I Koopa oonntsn ply on hand 5 largo and urld uoortmaut of mt-urn, Uuddrtaun led loin A In. : `Iuuhu lmopn nu hu: 3 large ouumruneu .uI .... . ..-- ........-ua....._ 327.'Il5I3'.I.I2l;I;.i.5 of ever dam-ri Hon . n ll.|H1`IFl'. [loll-nun GM Dumln on Fmmmln nllumlml to in oil] Mid country on the moat. rouonnhlo wruu. HY. HRAII Ff)?-. .13.I .17. (nhc varnmtiata are curly] .0 Iunlocf hula per Hmlortho Ilj hrucuud ouupr||ufundoI' uoguutluatuu ,unept vlumordnudanu tvnuvontvtothnyuroehupd ghl ' It: can put Ibo uuvocu vol: lbun In odltorhl oolnnnmlmo` Iocloivtl oupnlocu prcnnhry or prln Ihtdj nnpurudlIuh,| mruao(,anpQhg` 37:... hound Anus-ninu, lump, uh sound uvmu-am. I and lint... lodnul luau! .. . .lhl!nD& nu"7.%~ YIIKIT - l'I.U\I I Dyer, Scourer, Bleacher --AIh - FRENGHHQLEANER. `II onhuwnunnr-hr -4! H}; I Knlgx Itilllldafilllflabl-.|(;|7U.:hWl |uuuonnId.l.'ofor {uni-er oonunnodollg tbooondu T but no c|urroolIl.I unool pd :-u.,c...u ouonlnba varnmcuu an on. manual 6093!: per Incl; I1 DIE IIOLLAI A," A llhvlf A YEAI PECIAL NUTl('l'I -LAlHF.R' DE. A can be Dyed ur(,'!-mu-:1 without I gluon to pieces. FUB8 man also Im (,'l~nm-u! lfhnlr. `rho Weakly Irltloh WM; _ an ___A__ |l-_A__ Iny HLI874 Vlulaal-sU---------vi COPIGP l`rln-nu 41 Kym-mum Mroou. No. 65. ILIn||un.0n|. PHOSPHOZONE in nu: ll Al1VAlCI.)0MI'fI1lt.9l pg, ___j. . . . . . . . . ` . . . . . . . - . ~ . la Pnblhhod ovary Thundzy Ionllg, W- 033QRN~ C. II: \II.JlI.'L'a.:u jour- CT '0 0|. IAIVQI YIICIAI. SUHIEI. lg. # .4 Wntthlnot arhtdlvotuulry -.1 .- wg- ..-.__. `Ea-binet Maker MARKET squum. 1111 `El I877 B. MONTGOME_RY S III-AU. an AM: Boat Builder Ill IDIISIIIIM`-III , 0 cost; r77 JAE. SWIFT. AJIII. JOHN IYIWAIH ; Hmnn and uvlng rllitllll of I'll) I00 ..:I umm-50 I llnsd . . . . . . . . . . ... ..| THENA M AN. J( St-u.mu Muster. . Chief iuginocr. aonlhln [I Y. I! RAII 'mIr. mm Pnrkhllh, . can '. being I1 K1nguo!'z.Anr\l ll. IP77. --- --ooo- ro'o uid the `Brock ooppcn ti. soul, with which Amoriouu In-4|-rl um m-avinou. had boon dro- ox--~-- LO CA L o n Raomv fl 71 I0 I gbutlnlloyl uh-rury |hmta--TueulnyI.'rhurs mu lurnlnya. 'uruuumlh--(,`lo|n at. 7 Im ; daIivr'd 9 3.4:. irinnlx Mail-u WI he closed In follnwa : v... N..- Vnrk urn-rvTllnIdIlV at 12 D II]. Pm I HoME0_I _frTHY . THE CHURCHES. .' t'hun~A-4l)|vin|nn t!` . . . . . . . .. 4:I7n.m. ....1:.'>`2 mm. . . . . . . . . . ..~I:0.'; mm. ....-4:10 p.m. GUING EAHT. A "I... nan:Lrt_ ! ounce. _ 1 Lme, every Friday it 11 noon. If. ounce. M1-ry Tuondny pm. I|HN`(`. {'3.r:.".'.'."' "'0--. Uncanny,` ...l:l0h.ma . . . . ..6 am. JOSEPH HICKSUN, er. Gem} Muulger NUT -O|-II, Inn w u T . _ . , ,, bod oodod tho prcvinooo. do- olorod ulnolooo ond o public onioueo by ` tho Inorchonu of tho city in o publiohod ` end, no ol tho oicnon ol which in tho only dioehoogod. booouoo tho -orohonu hod hilod no comply Imh tho aodiun ol the low. , 7:00am. . 3.30 p m. ,. ,. 1:00 p.l 7:00 a ll} ._.<.--- I.-In 1015 I debt -4 -Ml snub. III iah Alnonouu . LIE. .-uh.-an In The Flu: Purify tho ls1ood.ocI-net :11 db- ovdon of the Liver. Swnuoh. Kidney! at! Iovaln. And no Iutwazbln in I oomplntnln ovdo-rVIT!'ll|Vo Lfvor. Swnuoh. Kid` up an latch, llcidonal In Felunlet Tia Ournnln is the only relhble _ Ignady The Ouruun round} for Bad lap, Old Woumia. Sons and Uloun, 4:! however long standing. For Bronchitis. Di the-'|n.Coulu.(.'ohln. Gout. Rhonmuhu. an All Sh: Duuoucn it hu no equal. nnwn: or Ni? You coun- rnnrxm. sold under the Cl!` K. (.30 . BY A anmsu AMEnToAN HOTEL ....... mull. KNOWN HOTEL in val ! way It. (.30, by Curran k Co. the by tho I die-nu Cunpnm wnh nu uaumunl oliovna'CompIn\ -1 Now York. nunaumml lr:dol1arklhu- -- Aguiu um: Joaephllnvdoci of New York. lnl-o-wum pu-eso' cuuntcrfoiulnf hi: own m `In: ululnr the name of Hollowny & (`.o.. nnvinu or a trrulo mark nCn>ne-ntnud -Ice the of E 042.. having 'or mark 5- Cnoeantnnd Serpent. M-Kean: 6; R l-bins 0! New York ua ngc-nun tor lhu name. Thowa Derlumn, Hm `m-um to doc-oivo yang: ly re-Iuuuera in god. Slgmxl. "W "mm. R16 Building and Savings Society, and cinypr mwu the ('1)u\'nin-n1-r- cllurgml lo bun-u rmlucml un-I nmd mun-n nnrohnsecl I'I~.llucMIl unu mm|rr.nu- uu nu. nyl gage-so mrohrssed INT .Rl`I.`|'l' .'\U0w(-(1 un l)EP( Socielfu HAVINGH HANK. OI-'|I l(}E- \V1-lllluunll Street. St. Georgia Hull, Khn,-,:stuu. Nov 5 I577. Mr. W. (.:lu\"S Sl ECll-`IC .m:Im:Iu:. DR. R0BEB.T8 8V GELEBRATEO DINTMENT I \1.LIr.u | I '.".'n o-an-l:. In-I Inn 1 |Pilulaz- Anti-Scrophula or Alter- i native P1113, 1. UK! I I311 nmsn-vnu . .- . __ -PHI! WELL KNOWN very porulnr with tho travelling public And the rnylfinl Clnu Hula! ,in the city. Good Buuplb Raoul. Vinhuhu Livugin oonneo thn. Term: moderate` W.DAVl .Propr`.ev.or __.4a> Jhsl Published - posftrei FIKLAV. I-.'oq. [hm-ne.0nt. hula Aunt ll llu Dunlnfou of (funds and the l'nn4-I tutu 4:. Angola; - FOR 8ALIl Ix. nvquuutymnd drhvond In the my by Hal. the Inn! qnnlu; of V\'h|!e hue a|u-Irwa JASI. HCLDOOH. Horton I P0 . I Ilia ()l PADFIX VAIIIIIIKI. CHIJKIA PLANIJ. AIYOIEI. ldh. QCIO. Tub, Wt Dino. I44 H} 1..-mm-.:wv -' w'"- - A w`H1_1`_1:Q__ gr uh-cunt" ' '1`_ M h_l_ILLAN S `Q... `m `."r}T.2$.."u KlN(:.~ 4:.-=ze.':"-""r-"*""" HOTEL-~" `W `"1 Pnnoou onntnl Hotel In the City. n nor moommodution lorueou An 4 -paciuun umpla loom for 0onoerahl`!`n- vellan. Omnibus pal llaggua Waggon: to Livery Stable Jtachod. I JHHNFI _ Proprietor. '[`H().\I.\S HULLOVVAY. .9 l>(.`7 ALIA 441 FOR SALE I nor gnd .l..2u-nrnl m (i.\"I`|)N'. 0,\'T.~\R|U. -r|,\ ,' fur )u~I'i0dd to sun 'rmvo=m. Nu cmnmlsaion Lrxlll charge: xed by mrirf. App-uved Mort- I DEPOSITS iu the K Iumo of Hallo 1. I-`. Henry `ruwxinu. And ropohun Io- ! Now York. \ 1470111001.!-0-l1I_I_l-trrl on-ow\ WRIT? -l:uIlcnnnM .fnl` pound, nutclydo ' figugnd-n I lad:-1'; Ilhnadinn TIIIIIAITITII !.|VElIP00|. A MAIL un:| Aihna N11 llvnrnool BVBPVTBURSDAY LIIEIITUUE IIIIIIII Inlnin Snlhng hon THURSDAY aid Hnlihxovary FIUH IIAIJI Boandilnvhln... .... . Pu-nv|An............ Tbe Shannon 0! the NEWFOUNDLAND HAIL LIHI an lnhndotl to have Hnlilnx tor St. John'I,QIaonubvn And Llvorpool :- Ulrluu Cubin ...... lnlcrnodiuo. . Stanza . u I."rlYI?Il 'l'I tor at. John I, quneuuowu Iuu ulvulyvvn .- Prom Hslifu: to Liverpool, B1-into Onrdim or Londondorry : n.|.i.. ...................... 063 Ind :73 Cabin.................;Iw.yu InurnoodiAu..... . . . . ........... !II.eorngo...................... Prepaid ruuao liduueaual Yemen 1: to soul for their ndnen ohtnin Punatlijerontoo for The ticket: no good for -no you uul the amount 1: refunded has 5 null doduotlnu. If not uned. Ifnll information u to roturn ticket: and all matters of puuge V1111`: given b the A am: u to nooeunr ooninnwato in o tunod n or- dortoboeml od wihhbonu. For Tlnkou nndtunher ilfonnstion up ply to H. BOUI R, General Agent. Tn ronlo, OI FOLGER E. HANLEY, A onus, 0oe,kooto!Broo Stroel Linn -uh Ill". SPEC_T_`-_&CLE%S Hnvejust. received direct from France. I com plow auortment of tha Finest Con vnx and Concave Glnasomluitablo for all lg:-n .u..1.I.s- of night. A1... finnnt. lmm-.h Lavender and 7 green Also, Finest French Lavender and Cologne Waters, IIIJI-II-Jinn-nuv--u n. . __ Corner 0! Johnston And Ontario Btreou.) Recently relurnulml and thoroughly renov- od. Vary oenlrnlly situated, fronting the hnrbor and new thus Memnboatlundin ` Thr pruprmtunaro almhl~4|lhrl)Ilb1u(-xruullg bani mean to nurd a-very um-mnmuc union and mu van am-u, vlblhs couruauy and Atlumlun no pro c-lmrac-terianun of tha Anglo Aluoncuu u IIILHAP A: (51) . Prourhiuru.