Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Mar 1878, p. 2

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iii V iiuyynctolpa ------oo Mnockiug Tragedy. Tegoi. A last Urcuuu. L - _....--....- ....p-I.l ouggc. Hm:-h.nt I , I-glhr H4-1 tugnf ll. 10 `L691. IV [ART Inva- lAit.7u._ _|. _. u..- .... *|`rru. . .|... I-NI. ;... --ooo-:------ "Ire ugly Lhmgl ; n tmce nu unual IIIIEIIQ ' the ruidom-o of the Lu. (home Paton. Ir. ru lfannln Alta. eldnrt II D. kohuI.or.N.Y. III-won... It wan nut R4: to nr, .\-v fur fr--m u that [hr n.u.I:ul2u1tn of tho Hun. Mumtu r nf Mnhtm precipitately ru- ln:ull~ frwm lhcll` nernml 1-hurge much murc ale-xm~r.xh/.ed thnu frnlu their car ier .~mnv|m. \\q wnture In my that Dr. 'l'lnpp1-I m~c:-rnluul hut, nmnll thank: to hm ('hwftmn fur n,-In-wing an Attack which re-umlcd nu marcllunaly upon hunwlf_ All who have fulluwud --nl this Ilxmder {rum Itn lnceptmn to Its refuutioll will b'lIOV0 that Hun. Mr. Jone: nevur cm ployml tha word: imputed to him. He lm.-: frankly told the House and cuuntry what. he tlld uy, viz, that if the mother country d('tsll't'(l Cnumdiun independence, anal took her hut. soldier from the Do- WI, IIVIIG. ham-r mnga a nose size, in I oomfortabla -v . _- nnnln grnsraagrmuunsrmj In.Io-IIson.| I F amily and Baker'_s flour.` Ileah Wheat led Inland. Frul (`naked Whoa! b lull. lulu Dried X In! to bill. Ill: Ilkl 00!` lot] It bud. Ito lurch lav Duo`: Ioull llatlll Arriving. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Lower thn any louse In the l`.ltv, `Sands, Swdsfseeds. .Saeds.| unn n..- , . 100 Bush Pure Eastern Timothy, 60 do Pure Ontario Clover, OIL CAKE-Rich and juicy Food for Cnlvu. OIL CAKE-(}ood hr Came ud Rona. Cheap I7eed~all Sorts always Ready. wunw uc Iuu .-`,, ...., .,.,,, nnnmn, And her ag from its ciuulela. he luul cunhtlelnro III the puopla of this ruuntry that they cunlcl diruct their own alt-ntmy, Iml, III the event uf this being thv Imperial winh, the state uf thing: WllI('l| ws-ul ensue wuuld n.-ceivu. it not I -. .. n.'|-' hi: 'uI'(llllll|L' N.B.-l would u in confidence to the pub lie ll large tlml w man you Iuut nuythin in the nluvo line if you (`All at HUKRIS N`! you I!" be well rcpnld for your intelligent "i' M. MORRISON. ll-uh l*` lR7 VENl)I:.'|lS WILL DIE. Kblilll \ nu M then Deputy Auljulunt General 5 Oioe, Artille-r_v Park, Kiugs1ou.lill noon on Supplying Forage for Horses. , n,____u_ __.1 u-...._: ""`rr'.r'-a -""u- --- >~-- Washing Barrack and Hospital Bedding. . 0n IlIurs1lny. the 2lsI March. I878, For the pq-rfurunuuco of the uuclormenlimuml service-a oi the Milmn l)uparl.Iuant. at King awn` fur the periml of ONE YEAR. (`rum luv. Ami]. I878. viz.: 1. D U.l'J&`lUHJ US I VJ-I6 ULVAG 4. T0 \VIN A F0l('l'UNl'2. FOU1t'|`HGRANl) l)IST|Hl5U l`lUN. 1878. AT NEW 01'. - LEANH. TUESDAY. APRIL `Jth. l`lUN. 1878. A'l' NEW` U1 . LEANH, The Louisiana State Lottery Company. .-. .: . ._ .....I...`|.. :..,. l...I nu! : . Mil. Deputy Ax|_jumn(. (}anoral'a ()l(-.o,. Kingston, 4th Ilurnh, I873. 1 any any an-nu-..w .-up- _ Thin ixmtiluliuu was regularly iucnrpornlwl hy Lhu lmgislznttnre of the .s`um- fnr Ellllltzlull al and Ulmritahlv purpmsex in lw. with n capitsl of $l.U00.0I)0. I n which it has: aims.- ldvlrxl R rem-rw mm] of $3")(),000. ITS (}l(AI\'ll .'l?\'l.`l.I NUMBER l.)IS'I'Rll .l'- TIUNS will take pla.cv.- monthly on Lhu Ht-canal Tuesadny, It never ucnlus ur pusllxmea. Louk at the fnlluwin; nliat.|'ibuI.ion ; (`.\l l`l'.\l. PJUZE. 330.000. ms i|p|III-uuuu.., .. quu-noun-. Whmtl dor Whlch thew mm cunsinlured, lhmr Inn pefllli In provoke l'hu wlmle Pr-uvince ham) ulrluu wnth ind .l.I Ma :1 ._ fnlluwin; nliat.|ibutinn l`JU'/.E, $30,000. 100,000 'I'I(.'KE'l'S at 'l'WU 1)uI.LAlu EA! '1 HALF-'l'l(,`KE'l`$, ONE I)0l.l.Ali. I T(.l l` l\l` T)HI'/PU ......y| IU,~IVV 1&1 ]`l'l2()G, auuoummg La. Responsible C()lr0l|)0lldill|{ agnutn wanted at all prominent puiuha, to whom a like-mlly re mnxmmliva rulupmnnutiuln W) he paid. A All our Grand Extraordinary During: an- nnuler the supervision and mm: nwnt. of GENllAlaB 6. T. UEAUHEGA D AND JUBAL A. l~)A|([.Y. The next drnwum m`('urn Tuesday, May HLI1. White's St. John's Gospel, 8winton's Progressive Grammar. I.ecky`s England in the Xlllth Century. Carlyle`: Barter Reurtna. Collier : British Eiumy. Note Paer, Envelopes, Blk Books to, 111 every style and quality And at the lowest rates. Pnoes to suit the times. BOOK-STORE 2, Edith Thompson : England. Ir Juno: ptopoung to qnob from n Iuooch ol Dr. Tnppir. iupvguing Ibo vov .n4-uy 1.! Jodp Young (who: Sit John Ind jun quoted) the Una Stntcbor Ilrungly ulapnmhd the npvtiuon in tho Huuu ol anything he might Inn aid in the height on! I based politicd contro- vony' Wu [born on: known I can gluing tnuanoool inounliuolq Ind III- cuucxonbb inpudonoot lion. It Jana, lunooda, "u to to hold nnpolnhlc nu unlyvlut what In Ind in the hat 0! pohuul ucnunoot, but tor- that his comic say be and; when in the notch: cl fair play unndly cl thou -anon in pron: out o( (Iii? owl nonthu. shun out that on: math -3` not be -`mud bonus they nnnchnd In an burgh! cl I polilbul eoulronny. "- - J---IIOIKIH Ila Dr. Fresh Supply of No. 2 Oopies, In-nnI|\ I (nna.l1.) Pro Lego Huxills IN ORDER TO 03'!` PER! WATER I .- A ..-...a- .1 It I .- I Huingtoliamm my llyailum I -w\ TIIII1 WATER`! ZDIII, The dmwmg Tnasduy, May uu._ ---v.-v.--. -.-.- --_. 1'0 THE WATER ! I003. WI-uulvulhonhlobdonyvurh td. houaudehupor. Ivnuwnd emu. wulhuuulonfr`-noonluut 1\To'i-ion- in uowroonn! mlmemliva will paid. Applicatiuuni tur rule-H to clubs nhould only )8 made clearly stating full uldnsu to the llu||1nOWn' in New Orlnama. :ll1It'l`-luylll lvlu-.3 nun ..-... ....._, nu nlinvkmi at what Mr. June: is suit! to how uual uwvorsl years ago. The par {01.'ti_\` cuwnrilly runduct of these dupe um nicu tn the left of the speaker wu well laid ban in their recent encounter with the Minister of Militia Aft:-r re- ni~wnu( the iuuuill upon him, they on- ilvuv-arm]. an the quibl-Io of nnler," to gag their nil:-nde-I victim, to that ho alumni`.-I not be Me to reply. Mr. .|-an-s win not the man, however, to he in uloiivod. In ilulniding hlIIll(` from Tory caluliiny, he mlnpluteiy lurued the lublen an his iuuiluitn. The recolluc nuiui of J udge Yuung, of Nova Scotin, ENDERS WILL BE RECls`I\'ED at 1|. lhunnv A.Iiumnt Ottioe. Exlraurllinlry Druuinga au- anulrr supervision msnngoiumnut A spnznnm orronmfuxwv :\\\7nu A n.-nu-I-Ilruw. vrnm'I`HHRAN' --. 07 Prime. uuouuling 00.. Hannnnnilnln lulu rn-nnlulilu vK'O'1'IOIl. APl R()XlM.\TE YRl'/.EH' .3 Approximation Prize: 0" $300.. `I Approximation Pruzaa of 5200.. J App:-uximmiou l ri7.ea of 100.. --7 RE(,`l'}IVl?.`ll 'I`0-lHY. M. A DAUPHIN I 0. 110x092. New Orleans, Lon! lZ(`l III I ll K()XlM.\TE PRIZES`- mrnrimnliun S. WOODS. -rturlnunvu 01 earn ux uw anon gutted.) P. WOILSLEY. Lt -Colonul, Ac-rg Dupulv Adjt.(]rn'l. Mn. Du. No. : 'llul.\ Iv `Jul. nulwn hid pfolny of It I II pr mod 1 13731`. F [L1 0, un n u\. ` OF PHI /.E. a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. stunt. H. L. PLUM, 3l7 Broadway, Nuw York. ..;nu,40o m....unl nu. . .$II0,000 Iomu Opal} on Bntlrli GRAND BIICCEB. Mann mu-n I (P1 an 4 ' ` - L._ ..-. - U `Ii jjfj A CALL um uinnl A`! 111: an! . an non Corner Prlnocq & I803 sfolu name will be ohihud, |'l potion indebted tone will use the uncanny of pqytu their their l6OllI!l It ones without hror lotion. P.&-Aa on or apouk :55 Ink pa- unno uooouiIyof1 In no that larch 6. I878. ITJSIN ESE U>ENfN G: Rarest pportnnity Ilifarad. The Furniture. bone 1! Good- WIII or the lost Popular llotel In Kingston, TEE \"2'9-Ar?15f"??%'!%%F!9E!:| `I Beaulifullv nituzuoal an the conorof Johnson and Uuunrin bl roeu. fuhag lhu Riva-r Rt. Luv ronoe. Room: eomplctnly funlahod. Heal. modertto. The Laue und Punltnn no of fared for sale owing tn thu propnotm retiring Thu Loua um ru fared owing prop: fruuu lvusiuou. Fur iuforlnnllc IIl(`"|'(`(l. III \-..-.....V wow -.u-tad by Sir John in nuppnrl of mo rlmrguuf dinluyal lnngunge. Hun. Mr Juno.-u, Ill `reply, pmducod A decli- rnnnu. ugnul by In-go nmuhen of the nnzem --f Hnhfu, vrhn weru pruunl :1 (hr in mung, In the olfocl that he had nu] nu nuch thing. But the climax .4 elm-nnfnnn u! the Tory Almder 4-rI Ill tuched, when, pn Hon. - I A-4I\ u.- 11...: Shank.-but owing thu propnowrl reunug iuformnllon u to price, terms, he . apply to E. IH,3AP IL |L6wNnEs & MOODIEI Eveiy escritiun `ufA[lIy Goods A'l` l.E8S THAN WIIOLEBALE PRICES. Thv nublir are iuvilul to inlpoul. our Lace Gurtains,| New Black Silks. New Coloured Bilks, New Black Lustres, New Coloured Lustres. their ~ 6, ['7' (Full mud lvnqw. lunklng any pun-lmecn. Lowndes 8: Moodie,| TISIIS IS T. MAULEY S S PA 0 E I Indexed, } sTAfiimjsHALL UWIWIG 'I`() THE DULL TIMES, THAT HE HAH NOT THE HEART T0 AD- VERTISE TIIEI. Sllll the public will be welcome, for he inundn to keep the Sbup going llvoly. Uhings are Put Down so Eheap. THOMAS MILLS, nnnnn up D-Inna-nil . Inn-1 In-nail YARKER /SED mun Important Notice to Builders, I-`arlners and Others. i Kvlgg . `REET, KINGSTON CUT ` Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Paints, ] oils, 019.33, to. lluo. ll . Joonpnvu In I- -u- m. Tappofo opinion IIM Jollp Young (Uh John`: van. in tho penal nu) Ind lodaud rll right to pIb" Inca, Ac." Tho npcodnotiou at this Ingugo on .g.,.c.ud by Dr. Tuna: bonus in :- __..1......| in tho runs! 0! politic! dio- vv- nUg.\TN,| stoves and 'r1n.vvuro Tinulng. Plumbing and Gas llttlu. Ilnvlng lulu-[ml III Pnnnn. IS NOW IIETTICIK PIlEI ABl'.D THAN o~\:~r In furniuh hll frmmll mud the go on l|u- Iwctt unnn and with pvunptiudn and lm.-Mt-II. .1 nun-_~uuun -Iulu Ill Anu uuuv I E. ROSIEJI ('7 IKEHEIIBIIIK TIIF. PLACE -- |'|(lX (`P255 3| ILEIC. oppo-ntr the rnnklent-o 4:! Dr. Iiupuuu WM. DUNN. II ....I. I III)! no noons uovz onn sums.` Wollington Street. ne-ovanzbg H. & W. J. Crothers I H II uni! allusion I '+'....... "-W n A. 1 t-Iuvl-in-an Might at u puma. -.......-... Joonplwol It-I Inn] -- ----u ..:.:.. and Join You; ( to. w--.___, l Q-`I41 OOIWIITADLI IBW IE!- DllCI,unh lb laid: gaancvd an Anon thrroncnl Polrblullldun llama, -wound and uuupnql B8. DRITRY. YIINCBS KTIQT IIIITIILY II.` Illmoo bu IIQODQI .4 by tho Usually I at 1.lU 7. I PRINCESS STREET. I-`I-b. 18-`N, And in |INpul'Bd In rncoivo All man (or l` THAN WIIULESALE: PHIL`! public inlpoul. STOCK OI" HE l7Nl)ERSl(lNEI) having recoivod a large coxuigumcnt. of DUO? EATS I u A\vI\ non Ghoul LII `I'll to ov-r [Mun AT Till`; VIEI1 l` |'klC|'.`.\S. Maul counplele uonnmanl of [ITI'|>lIl'I'1 LOW 1'} huh Io Inform llwir cnalmnorl that they l-no rammed lamina w.,,,.._ .54., .1 cups: lino. Hu- .., u...._.4hhldIp|0I>INhoII. FOR SALE: `utw HAT sIun.g-- is lwingoarn-cl at m.prooedc~ntodIy LOW PRICES. 7-"(SR SALE, . an-a-no-I-null: I (LATE `l`A(!'.Y'B.l r New I II\.......LA inx-q.m~L nur stock before ll!(`n. 1:11.34? a co. Kllpton, on: ltnno of bar`: mice. For Spring, 1878, GLAIIK .-&iIlGH'|"S. If you want 1 Stjlhh Hat. call at CLARK WilGll l8.. If you want a Iervicobaln But. all It CLARK WEIGHTS. If you want :1 good and oheakllnt [II to CLAIR WRICHITS. If you like A perfect. ning [In an to CLARK WRIGHTR `N haven Silk or Poll lhc mule to onlor, Call M. CLARK Wlll0llT'S. With the use of my "Paris Cunfurm|l.our." I on: nuurvs everyone of: perfect. (it in . ST[l-`l-` nu`. CLARK WRIGHT, :-In_.-_ ul-anal. | orin NING | THE SUBICIHBEIK WILL IN A I-`ICW DAYH OPEN UUT [STORE NO. 2,) rind. 12,1373. ajq-j- Fumlshlug. Iron Monger and Ilouseln-1-pets (004 5. |3.yI,HonsEv.} OTICE I8 IIERERY GIVEN Tu ALL pnrtion roquiring Liquor L|o(`mu~n In the Elootornl Division of tho In u u.. I nppr:-bamul \\` County of Frontenac ' FOR THE YEARS 1878-79, `run application: muet Iva mmln to tho Li (sense In! tor on or hofurc tlm |-`IMI-VI` DAY OI-` APR L NEXT. Lfu-r which date no up nliontlou will be re:-eiw-I, Anulit-mm mun! MavernKeepers,ShopKeepers APRIL NEXI`. Lfu-r which Alato pliontlou A|I]v|i('IIlI.l come pron-Ared with the nullmu of two good Ind nuoiout nurution Form: oljpplichuoln can be hml from tho luapt-otur. .l()llN hA\VHl)\I IThe[iIeaH?tinna|WnIkl HE NEW AND ONLY lLl4U8'l'RA'TEl) H {Mary of the Dominion of Canada. jun! Imhlilhod. Tim mnnc Imnulnr nud -mn|ouh?o I V `HE NEW AND ONLY lLl4l7H'l'HATED wblillnod. pnpular and or! of the day. in lvn mngmrnm znmd Qunrw Volumes. 600 puma onuh. m in nmntlu 1] number: 11.30:-4-uLa. "`b|Il|fIlH\ Illunlrntml uul handsomely lmuudnzvlth `:74 Hu-ml Platu, `lloriglnal Wood (I'll: And `J00 Phulu Lillm pa in Engraving: on now 1-! our proluiuunl pub ic man. I AGENTS WANTED in aw-rv mun And County In Unuulo. Mend .'ur 1,4-rum and u-um. M. onoo or fur umplu copy to 4. King Htreol. Wu!.Toronm. I) DOWNIK In (It). AGENTS WANTEI) in ovary H County In Untullo. end fur I unnplu copy l. Kin Hots=!.!t'9_ra'e> TIE FLAG GUIDE!- ILL HE SOLD (IN RICA wrIna,or will he lat, Haul v d popular Howl, knuwn M the C III iblv Illunvn-I on Unuurln Htrml` un-I Hu 1' IE 'I ENICMENTH utljuimnu. Apply In n ur uuruulzut I \II I \JI'II-I-- VRAIE IIUUHE. rlmnp. on All-on sum. neulll Hailtt Church on and 1 half Iurlotmluhnillg nlx fllllllll nu-I lmving and oltlullldingn unl uncle-n Atty-lu-4l, I Vol And other oppunmuau-ca nluched. Apply to JOHN IIOPIOI, Inn}: 9. I373. Un l.|u- I-ramhoo Iuuh lI.I878. IFEIWIBK CIIEQIIEBEO noun.` of [luau-. doc-uni. In I-on-I-,v reqnlnd, with an mum): of thin -lua, In so-ml moo, Quid. lath ulluubuuov u! the -ah! I-unto Wllhu J.Yonn[. or to J:-lm Iclnlyro. Bu riohtu 14' Dual Int I105. I878. ` 00!! lo. 1-. Vaughn To-rru-, Priurn . liner, uh: rooms, (can). Apply 3: the WIIOUVHCI. link I. IUI. _ U` UCIVUI 7 PIINID ulring um raunul of UNIT K): ocorirbnu vlnrnd ' ::" ':.'.-.:. :1 " 9" r..:-"w '7. oq `us all .1 I I lip-Jud chaplyncr vol. License lnapaolur, Electoral Division of lI`mnw-nu-.. larch 11. 18' 8. Tantra ans. In the Golden Lion Block, Kingston. Ilvrrh 9, I JOTICE I8 IIERERY GIVEN TU ALL nnrtimu rnnuirimr Liulmr l.Inmnwa 7611c: T1'o qnnIIons.% AKJ3 CDTEEIIC. LL poncho having olninu Icnlnnt llo Idaho! llnrrhl. mum. Int:-at u..:nv hon-hy required, has WW -I'M noon mmu. Hum Ayply u. u. . It IAIVIOIO Iluu. |n.p.L IE1 J IJST '_l'OA`(iENTS.' ll WHIII, Luu ........, ,_ , __ M mun, at lenlt hi: cordial am When the circutmuncu un- words were utten.-d are , tune is entirely tun tcm~ the least surprise. of Nov: Sc-otia had .3 vnthindignutmn thnt cun- ahuuld have been forced upon without I4) much u hinting leave." Pnhhc feeling mu r mlhuned by tho nlosertion I Juwph Hon-, who, nutwith- plan In PrInu-lun ll[ll |:tI-W on I" Induce unuuvnq ;l%I.p!,;bb laiuu; for-I-. `Nth N-I n u:.| nnnllon I .1-:R IInnlVHI1` son sALt-:; P... alhh building mo. oil OR ['0 l.l2'ASl .`. to II 1.31. Ill Ihpun Po-I nan-.I y-:34 spun. and chap! ..`7v3'f 'w.:.ia; IIIITII. FUNK A1 `Notice. III II-ulirlnl [ha IIICIEIVIID. Pattern for wnppon. `53 Nnptllu and Whllo Qullu. R. WALDRON S. Wilson's Buildings. f2; 1878 ~ vZi.is," Lrlanpo Allu- IUIIN UAVVHUN, Lioouae lnapeclor, Division II`wnw-nu` {IL & J. cnnnmen (`GENERAL IJHY-EUUDS Blnck and Colorul Silks. Black um Colored (`aslnneres Black and Colorecl I.u.~'t.r*. Dress Goods of en-ryp klml. Bheatin .Pi1-17`)-V:w'%0;>7ttona.1Un kins Tnble inena. Lace and uslin Ourtainl, and a Stock of about 500 Pieces New Spring Prints [T All uf whim-'1 will he nulcl AT EX TREIELY LUW l"Bl(.`I1'.tL R. & J. GARDINER THE TIME TO BUY A Stamp Act uulhoexdlingcnuu at the American rovolutionuy In. A inlnrly high-hudod inju. UK It orluloouo Railway Bill-tyranny "dri- dlod, in tho occasion cl tho punt po- 1ltiulcrinininQciohcq. 'rm.aah-pro. not iutuwn tho gluing injutiu in UI.[hK In be Ihlctod` on mg povplo by I lnuurily of their on ropnununivu. Thou Inn .4 Lggg -g-ninn nonnll, IADIIIQI. INVITE THE AITINTION 0|` (`ASH BUYERS TO A LABOR AND WILL ASBORTIII) Uonoiullng of Jnpnnu. Yuung ll 1 Mn` ,.`4nuc-lmng- (lunxuu In I Uulnng '1`:-nun, i-`nu ?s'Al.I`L AND AIUUVINU 500 Ilalf lllosl.-t New THIN, Ono price only. Salon alriu-Hy rnnh GOLDENEGROCERY Como One ! `Blocked Wheat& Glaham HUUI I ' RECEIVED TO - DAY FRESH |l'ROM OBHAWA. Buckwheat Flour. XXX Pastry Flour. OATMEAL. STA NDAIIDM. Jill I'I|JITIIsasnu. not been ousting proofs, however that the people themselves repudiste the setion ot ir representatives. It is just sqlestion whether the nisjeriiy er the Ililatity in the present Local House re- eas the feelings ol 5 majority of the people. The Lieutenant Goni-nur, by interposing his veto ngninst the pos- ngo of the ohjectionehle ecu will give the people , on opportunity 0! pronouncing directly upon them. The House bu been imlneilintely dissolved ss the result of the refusing the supplies by the new Tory Opposition. If on on sppenl to the country it shall trsnopire thst the new Guveminent is Iueuined, the Governor will be proved to have correctly judged end understood the direction of public sentiment, end his course in objecting to the obnoxious legislation will be fully vindicated. 1!, es the ether hand, the people sustsin the present Conservstive insjority, they will line theimelvel to thsnli lor whet Ill results mny ensue {ruin the tyrnnni~ cslopentiun of the ltsileay sud Stsmp Acts. Whichever way the populsr {eel- ing loans is s moot point, ta say the lent; and, instead of abuse, the Lieuteusnt- Governor is entitled to credit from both parties, and eepecislly from the people, (or thus elfurding the only pouible op- portunity of necertsiniug the popular wishes before the contemplated damage is done. Whichever way the political eat any j|lll1p,lll the coming elections for sibly coins from the action Ilia llonuur hu seen fit tn tnlie intiie preminos. the Quebec Assembly, no hum csn pov I (-. `uh: gang gmish And ovnrythinu In in nu IIUUII The New Store. ab. 4- tin Allvlou llou-J. Princes street. I-.. In [Ill g\fj_;ns,ovsrns gml itrm Near the ' 1'0 I.I:'r. III FAII N17!` of the Inca Ir lulu, ulphlng the Vllhga ul Pormuautlm-on Iaiunhout Mu Auo-. Ayplv In douhun $000. Won hunch In! I Union Blurb. Illl In and on block, M u | to null ulteln. Aulylo ' IIHAT IIOUII AID PIKIEIIIIZN on I uvntmiill ha and I to yuehnnn. Apply In ' Jlll ' IIUIIIEUQ IIKIIBY WDIIID AIY VIII)! `HI gin 4-lie II I] noun. an I mil not In 1:ayau'||:Ia 101 IIV lama ronlnrhl IIIOVIII `E SPECIAL BARGAINS Ill I guessing the Vulcan ul roruuumum-on IIAWDII k IAUIAI. land. I IQI av. l.E1 !llJ|_1_Il m was J I TI` \FI1&&l I HAT Plllllll-Zn ; I win: Ind. Won. Iul : III A Tr: an`-s""6ii. an on 050 Ian: (DO. II IDIKIDj',||na `DIE day Inchbinkhvdlbno otlori. pn_ . TIIUIAR nlumn, luau. AT I1ICEQII'.I"C. u.n~|.7 |r.n Finnan Buddies. Labmd or Earrings, Boneless Oodah. 'l'.;ble Oodsh, Ling Fish, Digby Herrings, Kinpered Herringn, Salmon in Tins. Mackerel in Tins, The lecture of Dr. Burn: laet night on the above subject, delivered in the Brock Street Presbyterian Chui-cli, fully jutitiml the reputation of the doctor as a lecturer of lligli attainruentl, and we feel safe in nayiiig he satisfied the mriat unguinu expcctntiniia entertained regard- inghiui. The minute detail: which the reverend lecturer gave of John Hun, the llohemuin ehuwed huvv closely his uul-juct was atudied. Hun: vvu cited l-y llr. Hun in as a follower of Wycliffe, that early England reformer, vvhoee lamp went out only thirty ye.-are previous to the sitting of that great (Ecumenical Council uf Pups Jnhii Xlll, Reformer, at Constance, inlvich gr-ggeil the mouth of J nlui H uu, and sub- uquenlly ordered him [0 Lo burned at the atulio fur his religion: opinions. Uut though put to death his candle never ceased burning until Martin Luther, and othrr men of his time, lac- ing its rellecliuii, pruclaiiiied to the world that religious refiirrniition which had ucll nigh rovulutiunized it. The Rev. ductor dwelt fur ii little upon the great work accoinplinhed by these men, and veri- ' tiirad the upiuiuu that if mum of tunliiy were called upon to endure for their i religioii what the early reformers did, the lame luccesa would be repeated. If. ._ .. .._i.. ..I il.....lv.. .n...yn.l kn \I:- Snrdmoa in Tins. Dairy Butler in Tubs. Dairy Butter in Rolls, Factory Oheese. Stillon Ghana to Arrive. Lobster: in Tins, XXX Pastry Flour. Family Flour, Dried Apples. Gin` ' (IILUIUIC IIIITITIIIIIUI. Walla Island, Innh I, mil. lupus. Innh U. IITI. PRINCESS STREET. JOHlI II "H Vl(I.I.\'. W. IE. MCRAE & (10. ...|_ 9 lv`7I IIUIIUUI I ANNUAL IKKTINU 9! (ha Shou- 'UIIdlb'rI-Ilcuiaunodltj h-mvoh h the Itn|Iy`I_ 7-`on SALE. 7' Illllll Alli IOIIUIIIIFJI sue Inmo luuusaa wmuu uc m|;u...... After 3 vote of (hunks, nnuved bp Mr. Wm. Robinson, M.P.l ., and seconded by Mr. F. Shaw, the mes ling was closed with the benediction by Rev. M . Dubba. The Rev. Mr. Mclguaig opened it with prayer. ..a._:.- Notice. r BHIIID ANY Notice. HAL IILKYINH u --C:}(-n-ne A11! ppuy In JIHII IQIAIIOI. Builder. (LI. i CAsAiu.~` .vI,\'l'Hl.\`. --- The March` number of the Uanadinn Monthly I5` baloro us, and it affords much refresh- ment tn the literniy mind. There is con- Iidernbie entertaining rundiug, and save- rnl Articles fur the more thoughtful. Alunng the latter wu nutice an excclluitu Iy written pn1>ar,cnIi1rihuted by Prof. John Wntnrm, Q-In-mi`: Uullegu, Knit.- Itun, uni entitled "Prof. Tyndall`: Mn- torinlmn," F|..i0i"l Is credited with I pretty piece of pvotry, "Lave mid Pride." The (`intent Events indicate tliousunl vigour of the gifted you by which tbry .... _.innn M|Lnu.-TIu Mmiular of Mnlilin, in the Commons, Ilmod that ll wu not the lnldnlinn uf the Hovvrmnent tn extend the period uf nnnlml dr1|'a Ln twenty eight nhya, that they did no Inuand to en- tshlmh three 1;:--dc-I truning achuull lur cnvnlry nnd infaulry,n-vr to nine bnigldea of gun-on nrlillory at Quebec Ind King- .` .. NA l'AIln:Cus \ rm rIu.`l, The Camera- uvo party hol-I n meeung yesterday for the purpou of selecting I candidate to up- pm: Mon. Hr. Cnrtivngln. At. the next olocuun. Mr. Wu`. Mncduugall was ptckod on n the nun moot likely to give the ntrongenl up[':oIi()z, Al.LmmPmws1:m CA-I - It is laid I young mam in N:-rlh Uunlow, nnmod Coghlnn, who had been nhghlly mdispno ad, got nprmcriptmu {rum I loctor u! that plum. but nmmulutely after taking lhc n: dou Ill uanud Iilh :11 thus symptom: ul pom-mung, and In | nhon umo diod. Then II talk "I exhulniug u- hndy lot numlnnuun. In the meantime the doctor ha ed ta puns unknoin. Oqhlun Ill nulmg propuniono for In: carriage, whun duth on unuuuly gnu-I Li- ----oau-. ._ Help 0! Wt I'c-rlsb. This in vhnt neglect:-I In-Ih would may if they could remounluu with their -wnnn; and murl chm, thc tooth cannot pariah or become black or yellow i! the 80100051 in med duly. - , W, .....- __... Nnw Ruou'no>A.-Tho determina- lun ol the Inn]: L`uholu.:l'nion to wall on the unnlconth of Inch shows that list nuuoty onhtuiu dionu vion oi tho honor doc to an Inn Pupo ll`!-I the lit. Pariah : Society. which ha naolvod out olnupoet lot hi: nonury not to null II pueuniou on um day. Wu nhould ul nouns prolu that all um-.|I pro-ceiouu vuodouo nu nth. but so than an u-nodcutuind to hop nu. up than who do should ho pcotoaod in lhdr ghts.-U-mlnd Wilma. -g.:---00`- ulna tlnpnual Inuuph II Idaho adyh club: In, [it h lb -nhiauun :4 than at jd fviaon Fiw?-u6T|uncn-'i2f The Candle of Bohemia. 1u . \.ru..o-Bu, .....,.- Prof. I, "(By Tdegfqk Tu liq.) . nu aouuu. 1 Tue Tina e-midis that R-min mun ` subunit oven on of the poses oondiliuu ' to tho Coognu. not oxcopting thoidun- ' nily buu. 850 has no right. lays nu u1.idn.l-obudidI&0tou1` ;. In I Grant Povon did not inviu 1!: make ` war or gin her I oomninion so roplnoa tho Gounnent ol the Porto in on II, the might think lit. The Tina Also on- logiuo Ibo Gnvonnonn action in bring- in` larva-d she Uuok claims. Nu di- *ddu,il.u non-uiulicundlu-nah; huboonuonlbythahiuotinuuyn ` dayuthe urp proposing that Greece lhoulll be npruentod II the Cuulonnoo. h nuyuvniull u! tho old Ila 0' thing: npruentod the uuuloronoo. ll reoognizu that the Utah thing: cannot be ra-bored, sad that tho but mn- krinln for roplncing it are to be lunnd in the Hellenic non. nuns. Inn nut ut. uni. I oolizivo re- tween Much 25%|: and "JIM [or me noes- ing of the Oongruu. Pannco Goruchnh o hesitate: on account. of his recent ill- ness. Bnuin null nuinuinn the view llulonly thou paruol the Irony shot- ing Euruposn inumu should be subtit- rod to the Cong:-cu. Then in little doubt tint Anotrin will support Grout Britain in ndvoooting the clnims of Grueoe to bo represented in the Con- Ufll, the uauonlc nos. Ruuin bu not yot polizivo ply to Aunriio request to Ex 15 due bo- Much 25%|: and 31. for the meet- ;.... -5 ah. nnno.-nu. Pnnco AUSTRIA. Count Andnuy hu mule furthor nlatemunu axplsining tint n dz-clnration of the Auntro-Hnngnrinn interest: In: handud to Rania before the war, and Runin uknowlodgqd in nu well founded. He emphatically Iouied that the Govern- inem. contomplued ordering mobilintiou unoonu the credit In vutod. He denied the various reports thnt Actual meuurea for mobilization had been taken. his uoertad {hut Count fu- drusy, uignntiud the policy of Se via aiming at Aggrnndizaniem and jeopurdiz in; the imerenu of Austria Mid Hun- guns. pun. Hannah-ha: nv Andnuv ventu- guns. Pesth despatchen my Andnuy yutar- ,dny told the Hungarian delegation whnt he unnlentuod by the Austrian interests, and whnt chan es could not be permitted. This portion 0 hi: sutement is kept an- crut, but is reported to have caused a great nonunion. Andrnny united some meinbere of the delegation, that in cer- tuu eventunlitien, the courenron be- tween England nml Austrin was ready. UEIHIANV. UEKJANL A Berlin correspondent hays.--E\`en (iuverulneutll ncwspnpera huru.-t.-rfuro favounblo to Rum: doom It m-canary, since the term: 0! peace are known, to take prrcnmieum (or the prutectnon of European inberuau. vnAuD Ann llnltnh IISIRUE IIVII DJIIIAIIVIV. A Pans c-rrraspondeut. stale: that Franco and Enghnd have n_'reed to make joint intnrventiun in the affairs of Egypt. limb Powers have nddreuod reman- atranc-au to the Khosdxve, and ot-rad to lend nicials to iuveatlgntc his nances. Austria has also shown solicituda about Egypt. The quemnn may come under the wnnidarntnun of the (Jungreu. ].nn1`nlI Man-h H _h. Lha House of ILIITILI Hlhlil 3-CT vb-|I- -v- peruneo luau. (nun but of tin nonbonclsc. Puricr. no-ugly at 7:3 [1 I. c>nll(lBl'Btl0n of the Uungreu. London. March ll.-lu the Lord: Earl Darby said he considered It looliuh to go into the Cnugren lllllcll 1: had 3 real. not merely B uomixul, power of dealing with the matter: before it. Tim Strnulard ronorta that all home uf dealing with the mutton bomre n. The Mrnulard report: wud bound men-of-war have been order- ed to be detained at Malta io strengthen the llvotu Eaatern Intern. In Hm Hnnnn nf Cmmnnun this allur- votn Eaatern In the House of Commons noon Sir Statlbrd Northcute announced that tho terms of peace had not yet been receisud by the Govermuent. He can- tinue-d thu statement that Greece would be rrprelemed at the ("V rllfOl'0lIcB. ll nnnl. A Vonntaminoplo donpatch aayu:--T|m Czar is expected to ratify the treaty on Saturllay or Sunday. The Grand Duke Niulaolu lelegraphad to the Czar tlmt he will return to St. Petenburg immediately after he him vilitod Sultan. The Cut replied, desiring him to remain. The Pane Ina nppointod one Knruaandjinn :3 political agent in attendnnco upon the Gunn Duke. A P...-n Jnnnainh -Av:--. IIAI blll (Mann Duke. A Porn denpatch enyn:-It ha been armnged that the Grand Duke shall visit the tiultnn on Tumday by water Instead of Inn]. The Sultan return: the viniv. at the Russian Embusy. A n Hdmunn tlnlnllch II`.`li'~ Ilnouf P3-I'll lcl` [rum um mum in the l nliCAlIol|< Eunbusy. An Ode!-an deupnwh n:s:~ and General lgmtiof arrived to day Ind left fur St. Puluabnrg. A Vienna deapntch my|;-It in Ilatod that llmml Psalm bears an autograph lolv tur from {he Rmlun tolha Czar as well .. `_ ._...n.. .. .J .I.-'o.-...o- ('omI=n.~=al /or -ln the l'. S. Senna l.oAdny the Bill in aid of the Polar expedition pnud un-i~ muualy without doblle. -l`ha Hnrurd llniunitv boat club moualy without doblle. -Tho Vninnity hu voted to chnllonuo Cornell University to an eight. nnrod race. - In Hm Harman Ruiclnlrnt tmdnv lhel Thc lroqnency and dotdninnuon with IHICP Hit Jwbn Mwdonald, Dr. Tapper Ind other Turin in the Hunt: rcturn to `he chap upon Kr. Jones, And in order to brlnd hill with disloyalty, put ward: into that gent.I0lnnI'I month which he ' never uucrcd, pron how much he ut- urod, pron how much non may not by -L-.- ..-. n... .I....l.r u n mew: oI injur- eight. nurod -~ In the Germnu l{uLch.umg [many the Chancellor's Substitute I panned to its uhml reading by I71. -Mr. Glnduono hu bean invited to represent Load: in Pnrlumont, but bu declued. #A .-mnumtinn at Rina clubs in to he uve lo necounry arrlngslnonu. - By tho burning or the baggnge car at Chinngn to-day. out put] loll $5,000 wnrth of dum--ndl ; mothur $1,200 wunh of haqgqe, many other: louqr uummu Eight. thouund pound: mnil burned but nuletten. _A Hnlnn nnnrinl nu that men- declued. --A convention of Rina held in Toronto shortly. Mr. Rina Will be in the oily lownrdn Oh: and of the present mouth, Ind llll than hold a con- mlutiou with the oicen nl clubs rolr arrangements. Ev thn huruiuu banana no letters. -A Rome Ipocinl up sure: an impending qsiiut certain per- uonn 0! high position: At the Vatican fur inntinting the mutiny nmong the Sum Guards. .- Wm Pulliu-r. tha intantnr ol Guards. -Sir Wm. Pelliur, tho invantnr lbs ried (snorted Cmnon, hu oorod to present 10 the Cnnndim Government .1 seven-Inch and II night-inch nod gun, to be dehrerod It Quebec free 0! cool. 1 I-..Ii.m Hinnl nhi-f, frtrn Bittinl I be deln-cred ll uuoooc Inc or con. -.A leading Sioux chief, trtm Sitting Bull`: can , met Ioout Hound, 0! Milan cur , an ab. '.. 3l.h, on Mlik River, And ml him they wanted to surrender. Ho sud they Ion luu-nlly Inning. _Tho name And Iona can 0! I they Iulenlly nunng. -Tho engine 0! [might Inn: um morning nn through I bridge At Icnh Crook, bohoon St. (`hula and Sngimv. killing the t-onun, nd badly injuring the onginut. Acci- dent cnunod by tho giving many on Jun Above the bridgc which Iuhod out the oubcnknvnt. I ._u....-. an n. n.nm.an mod. ' Ollbcnknonl. --Icun. 8.1 H. Honi1l,d good: norchuh, Hound, have not ed with their cntliton (0: 75 can on the dollar, payable M6, Ilud 18 month. ll. Inhunou R 0lL,|I"|80. Inn ootllud nth Ihoir enditoll It 49 cut! on the stalks, st 4. 8nd Ilsa -`-V -I-utBron.do&btohn, London, lu.. lanhilotl. fbvyvcto buronol I lug` spouse 0! canals and BI-iliah nilny ncnrito. The Tum nyu they auto! 3 lsrp hlo in the hope that us. I runliuo III. 350:)! . ("no out oruinhfu I-in continua -on `m II-Iluau ',. pgpt ;oruilu'u no cannot adlnmmubuvht --Joll nanny; n-n, -- um. nu- : -ndod h the y ID on land 3:-m`ng nr Imlrnn lulled to nab: my any at Ibo groan: W (In Incl at his, but to ` Vul- urod, DUI mucu nun nan .... - tbmr pot. fhg olundor u I iug I polulical opponent, and al mining I .'|l|o ohscuon cry iq tho country. Al- though Mr. Jones knocked `the bottom clan out of the story during the dincur - , .u._*. 4.1.... H... Tm-v Chieftain ho lonngnu nu wan-cu -on cnllngunnnptohnbh -- an (inning Bdl, the nu: Ibo ou Iuuodod H y Sunday --A----n Ir -(ml . to II... T0-DIY'S [LIN [U IHU Lzbhl n of lhe'trea'y. ~ i/7.~--- U'IH'g" [mul- I__Lcms. ran BRITISH wnw. TUESDAY, MARCH 12 13-78. }BlauI a nouau7;-A to Pay No! the I-cdofnjhlb nr. "' | Td -9 r H . . - New Ya, Il:A:':PIl.2 Ergo Ullilli Swen Sounyuurday, Ir. Hahn`: tr nolutiomcalling for ounuqadooeo n- I upucting the Appointment ol ll. Doltonu u the third number 0! the Eulifu Con- miuioo, III ndoplod slur IOIIIO very um Inn by the uncut. who chr nctad dury mud n a century nl in-ling $30 by tho who our bury this more nfnuho pay tho ihry Award may not be the end cl (this In- ht. Undo! the nut} of Wuhiugwn. Onudinn ahudfnl oil uIIIOh!ro AI ntbmpt unyhonulot: nppcnd to Tu-if or Approprhtiou Bill. the dune, acquir- in duties to be `herodtar collocud on clan out 0! the story uunu. I-nu .....,..- Iion on thalddroll, the Tory Chieftain lud nut the political chiulry to nchmvn ledge the Injustice ol IL Uu the count- ry. ha ha boon iuduulriou-ly benching, u for hidden trouure, for fresh proof: of the chug: in novupsper utrnctl Ind from thou whom Ill healing Against the -- . , 1 u.|..... i. lulu-.r I... the Iilllnpl ulyuuuulunauyyuuu -nu .-- in; than Articlu, without ny diuriminr lion in {nor of (land; It in held that Oongrou incompetent to Innko such rogu- lniom in unit: of the trout! provin- Uongrou uoonpounl Io mun Iucu up.- !u.ioan in spit: trout] provin- IDIII. A Hitch Occurs.-The New Gor- enuvunt and Election. (By Teloyraph To-day.) l Quoboo, March 12.---A hitch has taken N place in regard to the legrlily nf the con- nuunoo of proceeding: upon the mount iuuo ol the writ: for Intbiuioro. Sc. Hys- uinthe, St. John: And Rimoulki. Eluc- tion meeting: hue Llrudy boon hold in Bellochuoe, Muntnngny and Lotbinierr. It is rumored that the Govotnmont lnvo nlrudy dotumiuod to full, At so early duto, their obllgntionn to the city of Que- boc in connection with the promised Iorluhipu And the deep water torminun. Csrelul consideration is promised to the diiculliu concerning the Montronl and of the hm. A hull. VI IplJIlI.. Among the numerous notable syinpsth- etic creations of the celebrated artist, Gabriel Max, who stands rst upon; the painters of the Niinich school, are the touching see of the blind girl holding the lamp for her fellow believers to des- cend into the secret catacombs, and that of the poor nmtherless child, Julia Cap~ ulet," carried by the min, also the criish- ed widow compelled to look on the auct- ion of `isr dislrained property. But by many, A Last Greeting is consider his masterpiece. lt represenls a lovely maiden, who has been cast into the arena. in pagan Rome. to be devoured by the savage beasts, for the delectalion of the inliuuuiii mob. She leans against the en- circling stone well; at her feet, brukeii by their tall, lie IUIIIG simple wild owers; iiuploriugly she looks up, seeing the hand from which they came. Her whole life, lilie noiiie gigantic plnofdllll, swiftly rashes through her feverish brain, every act stands out with painful distiiictnoss. Deeply she realizes how often that same strong band which now alone bestowes is last farewell, had been piwured. Ably it would have rotected, beside ensuring comfort, happiness, and health. had she not carelessly and disdsinliilly tiirmd away. Women suffering from those chronic weaknesses peciiliartu their sex are prone to just such actions." Every day they hear of the Favorite l escrip- tion of Dr. R. V. Pierce, of the World's Cispensary and lnvalirls` Hotel, Cuffalo, N. Y. Tlioiisands of these sufferers write in universal commendation of its great excellence and worth. Once within the dreaded pale of disease, it is worse than folly to be carleas, and delay the use of this positive marina of cure. Ladies Iibring from wenkimsa, bearingdown pain or weak back, Illlll nervous prostra- tinn, will find this a epecihc remedy. On receipt of 8] 50, The people's Com- mon Sense Medical Acriscr," r book of over nine hundred large prges, will be sent post-paid. lt oontainssclear and cJlI(.'lsB dvscription of the iiumermis dis- eases which women are stllicted. Ad- dress the author, R. V. Pierce, M. D., Buffalo, N. Y. ------oo---%_ A shocking tragedy occurred in the suburb: of Rnchoaurvillo bctwoen Satur- dny night Ind Sunday morning in the burning of I dwelling-home and the routing of A man alin. The victim of the alfnir inn named Wm. McElnea, of some furty years. He wu nnrriecl, and his wife llld stepdaughter had rotirod in their bed: about half-put ten, the man returning downstairs to cut some splinter: fur ihn mnruinu re. Mrs. MCEIIIDII (lid rcturning downstairs cut splinters for the morning lire. not undress, but lsy down on her bed sml vent to sleep with her clothes on. About midnight the women were aroused from their slumbers by the shouting of the men, and found the lite ll'l sbnut (hem overhead. Mrs. McElnes `ill. eut all right, but Miss Barker. her daughter by in former husband. had so extremely nsrrnw escape. In getting up she esuxht her slop-fsther by the lisnd. but he hruke uvsy from her as she reached the hallway, becoming bewildered by the smoke, end was lost. lt is supposed that the man vrss under the inuence of liquor and thst the cause ol the lire use thruugh csrelossness. The ohsrreul remains of the Vlcllln were recovered sfber the tire I _.. AID! Fuon Inns" or our swollen tn aullau Ln twice Ill uluun mun, In more beautiful than it in After trying manycureI," we came back and award the palm to Perry Du'io' Pu.-4 Knum, the old relublu," which Iffurdn relief quicker than anything we know of. ooo-~.____. Al hm rnulenrv I-`mm. Read. Townahly of Pmalmrgh. an the III}: mnlinl, Ir. Bonjuum Whuzvnry. Jung:-Al IU_vrarn TI {unrrnl In lake plum on Weulnnothy IJU: `mu. u I p n. Prhnhnul uqudnunor. mll pious Iltlml. _ thou whom lll [mung -3."... ...V Muullur of Mulmn in father tn thought that ho had on the oocuion refer red to used the language imputed to hnu. Hui Bur John Iuooootlod in his Iecond snack on the Hun. Mr. John, he would have been much boner planed than hnd author the earlier onlet bun nucceuful, muce, not only wuuld the inlen-led diAluy- nl ndlnnl have been fntaned upon him, but better mil, Mr. Jon" Iuuld have how: ulultllied u I shutihng hu befure Purlnnnu-ul Ind cu-umry, n commu- Illlull vary devuutly In be winhed, Indacd , by the Tury haulers. I .. `nn\.vnrMl' 1 AN Exrunuzzcru cruo`.|er uyl: `Alter I week : M-jouln At the Urnnd Uentrnl Hotel, I hue nu hesitation In shying this! it. in v.l1o`uc-mt. and cheapest Dru-clan hob! in Now York.' &\I\I I I N sunny um`, Inch mu ru- Jonas Ittou.AOIlY mnnnf Any ponou rournin is or `iv inlorlthn for up rcwovary ml in rewnrd . ALEX. Illl. u_..L l~l Inf Y VKNDEIII will bu rmanvoul by Ibo under- dglol till VIIDAY, |.'nh that. for Ibo vu-sou vain nqurul in the anus: at 5 (;.un-gnhulciu-uh. Job-an Iain. Fun And cpnmunoua any to -not at my clan. 1'5. hum at my uudu not luau:-y """" I. man my |1_ Arabian! 1 hrnln n lulbtt, I-yum nu v. uooue rnnuzn. nu `J '1'. Ron. I\ ug-I n, Ann. eldm Ilanglun-rof ll. Webb, M U . _._- HYILIC IIITIIG at tho Inuit: Ibo Iachnmn-' I-inn will Into pbn htblnnlvll---softbal-tImo.au|hn it'll `l. I Inunuunbuu ; on nupnuntuud Iltlho Tlzthuuau will bid bho th .545`. pt uotndul hvi hm` Iydluclllocnzinnn wl mjnua. 1 u r :t3T3LIo _[~1oTIQ:-:j IJIIIIIIQ In King-'mn.on llw |`. lhinsun1.fhr vih Ir. I'. H. kny.oI auhngmor Hutch 1; , I578. ggl I3. I`, me |uu_rg nmn. LICIUII by ur.\.uu-u: -. u...._..... .. 7.?! p :1. Imrnu llcoth; oi ll.J$u (. ku-ah Ton- nernnoolicly. 7 __ _ A . _

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