Vogeciue Vcfzetine ` Vegetine Vcgctine - Vegetine Vegctine Vegetine Vegetine the yeuuon. It was hunted by several litionor should be baud in half, and n.. m..oi.-m at ALI \V.m.l- 1 hall, and Un motion of AM Woodn, Mr. Counlnr VII permitted to address the Council. The lpooch In not A bad ono-it hid I telling affect, II An] rule, in no fur thnl in the ten minutaa he was given fur the pnrpulo Clurley Iucoeodml in winning over the: Council, and when he re- numed his seat Ald. G..nk|n a motion In: panned ununuuounly. .-\ld. Cu1un-'I'he petition of Thomu ' panned ununuuounly. petition Cnrter, uking for I cruumu on Pnuoou Street, nut Nollon Strou.-Rolatrod to the Oomnillao on Stroon to report, AM Paula--Thn petition of Charles the Uomnnuo mroou to re , Ald. | onu-~Tha petition Dunmora, at AL, praying for the psy- meul. ul certain brvkon stone.-Relerretl ` to the Committee on streets. AM uAlAAllA_-ThA nalilinn of I , Kil- Commmoo Streets. Md. Moksllo--The petition of I . Kil- loen and John Sciuonl, rnpoctirg art- or!` hconuu.--Relorrod to Committee on hioonua. AM |l.o.-.lln._Thn nnliti m of Frnncil hioonlol. Md. Motcalla-Tha politi mu of Frnncin Dnwuon Ind othon, prnying for an m- creau in tho nmrmnt Lllowod for brnien Item from C`) to 83 per tone, the latter being the old nlo.--Referrod to the Cummitloo on Street: to report. Lld. Oulin brought in the report of tho Filuloo Committee. Tho lnlluving nooonnu were recommended to be paid R.W. Allan, posting bIl|I.Ir,'25; Dr` Uli- nr, medial onminilion, (Mary Lamb) ; Juno: Agnew, dnburumonta, Ra Dayle, O`:.5; pay Int, Fire, Wgtar md On, .'p_.'I0; do. Syalouhun wlfd, ,7 ; do R.iduuWn--1, 821,60; dn. Cntnnqvu w...I Q . 34- cl-1. now account. I". ..31I; Wu-d, &'n,R-I; d-1. noc:mn:,r.',;m; do, uroot, 817,43: Cnnndinn Rubber Co, yuqtiull huoo, Q Ib,!li, Thou. Rntlurford, hruken sumo. 063,50; n on ion ol new Cuy lhlvctory. I7.b0; Grand `mill BIL, panpor ynnngn, Cl4,5l>; H. Cummingu, band for pollen nation, 85; Ju. Wm-, sumo for port, 017.30; Ju. |hl.ouuh~ Ia. Lnnktl||IuIO..1 Ciu llcaiunr. I3, port, Il7..30; Ju. Ilunuulr HI, Nokoa stoic, '1 City llcgiunr, D0; R. Noba, II; Hcnry Tnrbin. `L75: ` pg, lint, Bu-no Shoo GL8); do. mean amount. .1734; T. clnhon, glazing. C|3,3b;J.C. lama. Ioctwn o! Shun mi Unrnlt Shoots. 5; pt] lint Ontario Wud, 014,10; do. can-pa \k'ua,u2.. 70. lo`. I :-ontonne Wurd, I0 ch.-. fin, Vanni On, 90 on; city portion ol yuan go . _ _ nfuv cuulluion vnl tho Uny Sohuncuuud than nppnvatly him DOC doubt I: In no sound not-O duo, nnmuuhl Purllou the Blood. Innovate: and luvigorattu the Whole Synlcu. ` 'j j oouuux. r".,........."% ..... --stJ<' 5 5. thnt the po- hia own be- `fan amnsn wme. TUESDAY. MARCH 19, 1373. order! The Mayor uid ho found by tho rules tlut the Fnnmoo Committee could no! pun any bill: for supplies which had not been ordered in the regular Iny. AM All.n hnnnrl than ruln would bl the regular AM. Allun hoped the rule strictly carried out, in which can the ri- tnation would uuv. ba very plenum for tome gentlomon who had boon nnliclpating thoir I pruprinlionl. ln Cnlsnqui Wnrd I. e hat could be panned around, and the money tor the re- pairs to the ting Itnlf niud; but the technical point wu an extremely mull one, because had the repair: nut been made the expense might have been much greater. ` Ald. Mental! trunted the Mnyor would um rnnnco lioillllwuu. Ald. Dnumn and the Iooount Iu brought below the Fnfnuoo Committee 011877. and deferred until infurmnion could be obumod upon il. The hot. named to be that the polo nqnind re- in, that it mm in dnngor of falling, um the member: of tho ind bud H. to- pairod, and he thought the expeulo should bo pnd. Thu would be the hon- all. course to Dunno. pursue. . ` Ald. Gukin Asked if the mouon In: In 1'5. 11...... nm in lmmd in tho Iuvlnu UI pun. ; nu- Ald. Gukin uked i Vc-getme , Melcslle not nticli so clean to the rule: u be bud intimated he would do during the year, because in his run! the npproprintiuu bad boen overrun $300. and AM. Canon h`a.d wiitrncted in advunce in debt of About 8500. The sticking to rules meant I grant. hardship to them. In his ward the expense could not well be &Vt`i\i6d ; the work which had bun done in: I ms- ceuily. The council Ihuuld not be brought down to that lino point. He thought the ag ICGOIIIII. Ihould be paid. Tho Mum: said he intended tu go ac- thought mug ICGOIIIII. Inoum no pun. The Mayor said go cording Lo ruloa, and practice so hr as hu could the closest economy. A return which was about to be brought in showed a deficit for [Mt year of wvernl thousand dollnru, and If gontlamon winhod to in- crease the expenditure by nny irregular proceeding ho should not place bu alg- nnturo to it. mnklnu rcpun ulna lug III qni Ward, be inurtod nud Aid. Gukin uhd tho qux WIN, no uuorua mu Aid. yo! i! the item in a 1031! one. The |hyur-lI urninly should have the Fimnoo Couuituo. NW- Ald. Dronmn novod, in nncndmont, that the account ol Oldriovo E Hon. for nnkinu nptin nth: lag ohlin Cutan- nui Ward. paid. it. Ahl. Walkeln thought they should not be atrmumg at 9. gm! whom they had hlwnlluwed so many camoll. To his mind the city WM responsible for the work, It having accepted and mod it. though in its name the repair: any not have been nuthornod. Th-s account. should be paid, sud M. the same time the council should learn a lemon --to do everything 11: I right mud proper way. The Mavur uoiutod out that $451!). The 03:15:20 noon-2-: t.hnunohainingpoInnuon,nndoncnu- [pluu-iumu.e:umauuuu.- uahdin of tin Git! Solhiur. tho mud Mayor pointed to suspend |Lhe rule ul Council, which shut out the account, it would require I! three-fourths vutu vi the whole Cuuncll. Ald. Allen wlvaucod a number of ur- gumoula in favour of the account being usumod by the Council ; but he did not press them, being nliatied with the de- cision of the Mayor In thin one since he lwl Iuhmittenl that he would ml. in the IIIIHI way in all umilar cases throughout aha unal- turo wllhm tllelr mcomo. Ald. Penna puinte-1 out how different prucucas was to theory. Lut year fur streets they had npproprintosl nbqut $10,- 000, and they had on nded over 813,- 000. while all the whi 9 they had n cue- ful, prudent chnirmnn. Ald. Anuhn was willing. as I rooidont Vegctine ` chnlrmnn. Anglm willing, of|Cutnruqui Wnrd, to pay hi: pnrtof the ag stall" repairs, but lie hoped the rules of the Council would nlvayn be aw strictly followed in ll! thin vane. AH (Luliin mid when he bocamo is followod um Ah]. (hukiu uld membur of tho Finance Committee be was bound nothing illopl should be done. Thnl: Ihould be his policy for the future u it hnd been in the put. End the item boon proper ho hm! no doubt. it would have . Ald, Walkam movod hero I Impen- not been axpundod vnuun over wu. Ald. l nce said the item had beoI1l)o {ore him, and he hml once signed 3 ro- quenl. fur in: payment. Olvjectim had been taken to the manner in whi:l\ tho account wu rendered ; Ind if the gcntlo- mun who ordered the work had been in the Council he would have agreed lor lotting lmn pny the bill. AI it wu it should cautlun Ald. Drennnn to have matter: run through tho uuunl routine, and thus perform the regular hunineu of the Council. Ah] n..m.;. hnilnd with natiufnction Ouuncil. Ald. Dupnia build with that this rule mu tu be curried out in tho Council. He thought it would serve to make them keep their public expendi- within their incomo. LIA pm... m.i-no.1 nut how doubt. It. would have puuu. Aid. \ Va|koln wnpon- niuu nf the rule, but by requeu, Al I Illa! Inge, withdraw the motion. A statement of the account of Mono lulu withdraw mo muuun. A spread on the street: Iinno Jnnuury I, handed by AH. Allan by the Engineer, Ind read by AM. Prioo, Ihowod Hldnu Wnrd to lmvs received 30 ton: of maul ; Sydunlmm Wnrd, 16 tom; Frontonnc Wnn]. 115$ tom, And Ontario Ward 10 Inn: the year. Ald. Dmnnan painted that the npprm pnatinn for market No 21m yunr hsd been axpendod within $50. Aid, Pnca been bo them at nll. Ald. Uukil repllud that it In ulusl to nprud maul every winter when it wunoon to be Inning, nnd the vnluo Ill deducted from the upproprintiom for the several ward: when tho animate: were brought d1Wll. Tim Mum and he hnd no nntimthy tons. Aid. A|lan~'I'hore was no 11-der for them nll. Alrl Ilukin ranll-ll thnt it In brought. d1Wll. Thu Mayor nu] nntipathy to the 1133 Ita , but took the court: he dld bocauun prclcribod by rules of Colin ell. TL. nnrmr in DD. l r-m-Iim- in .\'ul4i`la}/ ull lbrugqlutu. Aml |)_\ N (` |`UI.NHN 5; (f() _ I)ru;_;gi[.n, Km:-ulnn I-I u-un-sou-. .-\ld.Woodn remarked that throo wulu Ago I ronolnllon hul born puud refer- nnu oerum mutton to the lunnu Cum- miuoe to nport. Ho asked if the Com- mittee were propurod to rIp'rt, or in that position the mutter 510011 I The HAyor- l'ho Committee hnd no- thing to upon. Thu Auouon no par- lornnng thnir tori. Ald. H1ldorIloovo-In cwnplinneo with tho motmu ol the Uouncu I Thu Mnyur-DopouiLin. the rolls] Nof; thy undoing tbs nun M has year. Ald. (lildcn|uvo-AId laughing at laughing this Council ! ThoM|yor--Nn, the Planet Commit- tu Ind tho Annnon hofotl lhou. Ind lornnug that ion. Md. cwnplinneo tho motinu of the Council I 'n.. |l.u..r..Dmnni|.in- lhn ml]: 1 Tholl|yor--:In. the nation commu- lu bad the Autumn hdon then, they informed the Committee an: thny could notgu thmvqh the routine sud comply with tho nriagont urn ol the Cu-ext. It In unngod that they uhonldgo on made the use :5 Int Illr. GI|du'aInvo- l1n noun ocld hvohnnpxudnmlhonndl. Ald. Dnnnn nidllu manor III Ald. Dunn: and um uuupr In pudy III the huh I III City who pnrpnnd pnpuing Illd bull! In I hi for tho guvonnoot ol the Anna- nun hrdltho bane. `l\a-nMao uh: donors] rlnuululuolunuun ouuuaulau, mo &n&I#1Qtvnnb- Iiihl Ioococodl by anon...-. 1.1. Itodlhn umhulimhd :11. The mport In uiophd. An Internal and External Remedy \ nu, rm: l'lVl~)1`.\ \voI`.\'u as nrulu-owuuo. 'l\onouotLbadroppul. sun: I nu---wan. uuuu-any-. J Punnnuoruolniu ohbocouuil,` Lglnlln-Innknnalnljlgzl -nn1L` DIIO IUI la. LI. [III Roth. Pnymenn on Huy- mlrket lob . . . . . . Cunnqui Bridzo Co I-lent, powdor ungu- ziua _ . . _ . . . . . . . zmo.. Tue: 1877. Interest, ck: . . . . .. $,)5.ll Uounminsionmxc 14.33 \r _n,.. L :|J:... unn {g Detictenoy 1876 . .I2,5c')-1.09 U0llnI4Il0ll,I'|C . . -o. 11.2`: Market building|.. . 300.00 City Hall . . . . . . . . . . 2,600.00 Market. Sq unre ..... .. 860.00 Mnrkol. No. `.5 . . . . . . 120.00 lunmmca . . . . . . . .. 700.00 Palico Department. 9,156.92 __ Public School: .. ..1`1,000.U0 ' Fire Departmcnt. .. 3,422. Li|nt.ing alrooln. . . . 2,236.00 Sn nri-I . . . . . . . . .. 8279.00 _n_,_... ln'!lA|(lh rrluuug . . . . . . . . Election expensaa.. Minceaneoun . .. .. Into.-vrent, etc '. . . . . ..2f Couaohdnad debt. . 2' Cum. Durham street. Unurt House . . . . .. 7 High School .. E New Kegiatry Oioo T New linguuo . . . . .. 4 Hpanlnu DIvia1onSt 1 " Montreal St 2 " liagot BL... l`.\nrinunnt-inn,,, , T` sue ol dooouI.uru..'u.JA.ov Sale of city proponyl0,9T5.(N Sale lot. 15. B. Yu- 1... IEMPRESSRELHM DITOOXH . . . . . . Puhhc Park . IJ.... ..n I)KUl K Cumiugenciea... Real Estute . . n. I. I . Inna ..... lnltnlmeuu on lab. I Fmnugn . .. . . ...... Lighting doom... . . luurut on but '75 I! u '75 Dog tax 1876.. -` H 1377 " " I877 ........ 5001!! Sula ol dobouturu..24.437.50 Hula 1.! pin nnnnnil 975 00 QIuu,~vu U114 : .-r,: 1..-..-.. Ovex estimated revenue. . . . (3_f)7().38 l`nder .... .. 1',l54.0f) Uver estimated expendit.ura.. l I ,546 .92 lhior " 1.075.033 m . I ,, U 0100 mm! All Decit. . . $8,410.30 Ald. I i ice said he did not know sny~ tliiui; that could be done besides refer the statement to the Finance Committee. lt was the duty oi the Finance Committee to consider the matter, end it would u- eist them on points ef econoiny And in other respects. He regretted that by this stateuieut the tele was even more dole- ful than that given by him at A former meeting when the deciency in dis- cussed. The iiscrepsncy wss sbout dull- ble what he had ststed from a rough sketch 0! such statistics as he could pru- curo. The result showed that when they took the extrsordinsry revenue, and de- ducted from it the expenditure on Court House, Cull-_-ia.te lmtitute, Registry Of- fice, opening streets, new engine, etc. , there was is deciency of some 816.000 over sud Above the Melt; revenue. Thus it would be PUTUA ivcd what sn unfortunate state ef nlliiirn existed -the most unfortu into that bed occurred since he hul become I member 0! the Council. And her. as Ins the present condition of things the detiuit did not include the debts incurred in nu- ticipstion of this year`: appropriations, of which fact his memory had been jogged by gontlemen present-thst the accounts were not yet in for over drafts in Victo- ris, Ridesu snd Frontenso Wards. Ald. (hukin-Nut Victoria. Alkl. Price -Did you not anticipate this year's estimates l Ald. (iasliin -Nu, sir. Ald. l rice-Well, the other two wards have, nnd Ontario Wsrd to some extent. Ali]. .\lcl{uesie-lly consent of Umincil. Ald. Price 4()f course, it Wu all done by consent. by the system known as n-euniiuz." At All events the state- ,_,`,, 1 - 3?`. . In, I ! ' ' L $7 87.18 Ilrkot Toll. ... Ill langciqy l.hIl..... GDJI) Int. Bond llad I) Int. Union IL-.. 1.00 1408 Plan D'ArnI.. `J 110.00 (IA u-ad cl lumina- by consent. by we syaioiu uwwn an grouping." ilent presented by Mr. Ireland made the deficiency much lnrger tlmn he made it. And another point mu bPU\lglll.0ul.-~lhBl. there was no provision mwdo fur the hu- lauce ul nu'en in the bunk. Home $21,000 were fallin due on the that of April; to meet this i ere were Ioma tuea yet lo be collected, 1 little cash on hand, but thorn Inn A balance which, nddod to the unouus now nppunrlng on the bovln, wuuld in- crease the douit to npvurdn ol 8l`J,000, end if tlmt were the can the expenditure lzut ya-nr must have smouncod to at least 8l.':,OHU or $16,000 over and above the income. Hence the Council Ihould be glnzl if the Mayor would carry out the rule: of the Council strictly during the ensuing year. He begun last year in he did lllll, by moving I resolution hnving . ......i........ 9.. t-hank the excl-nuance of T1113 Inmm. m nnussl OPINEII 0l"l' AGAIN! In thoubion Hotel Blool, PRINCESS STREET. of the Council utncuy uunng U10 a tendency to check the oxtrsupnco of the Council-thnt no money should be spent. on expensive work: until the ap- nnmrmiunu were mndo~but the recom- exponllva work! unm me pn-pnavium mAdo- but the uon Wu rescinded by Ald Dnnmn (or the purpose of making same utnordnnry gnnu. AM. DronnAn-No, I think not;l don ! remember. AI.l Prinn nid he did. Tho llk remember. AM Price said he might be a difficult one, but the proper ouune to pursue, If nu-, Council were doterruinod to loop expenncn d>wn.would be 1.: conne tho oullny within tho N- ........ H. main man: the intmduc- the oulley within me te- venue. Be epohe egeinet tum ul petition: euch ee hed been pre- eented that night enent certere' lioeneee; nml continuing, he remerked thet if they burned the cendle et both ende they could not run long before they reeohed e helt, He believed the leyor of lent yea: worked ee hell ee en Meyer whe ever preeided over the nc1L He believed Mr. |leleKelvey kept down expense: to the leweet point; the! he did not expect e deciency, end leltthet he wee coming out with e equate eheet. t here were the guree, end they to deel with them. Ilenherl el the Cote- cil muet etop et euell thlnp, end he hid reeeen to believe diet the expeeditere euulcl be hep! within the IIVOIIIO. The time lee when the eueete out 811(1)!) 1' yoer, end they were in hed oondntine. he expenditure on then eee out down taO6.lJIIl|, end they were then in better condmun than they ha! hem belwe ee since. The upene heel epie reedel ll`2,000. end the eeelltiun of theetreete wee none then when but ,0ll) were lead out on them. There wee eoevething redicelly wrong. They eueld heve the In M prudent chairmen an the eotld, but lhu: en Aldermen eonght the peeteel elpeuduure unable in the eerd he re- ereeeeted. no cheirmen eeuld prevent e pa-mu Ill mo nun no ru- pn-onlod, Inn. at lnndn. Wbilo tho Ibolo Gil, is mad: I pour-houu Int tho onploynont ol -0: union Ioouooluvill oluoy, nu .......c nil! ho avdlnodllh nnlod. ol Ilon locus-nu u-pa , thouoonoymuizilihondhodngly Allmonu :0-IrponuoI' oupp-out ohullboshIohsloodny`IIotI,nI'l the City Engine had the uunpto alum this rule, doting Io- Idun, tho ush could be in goal coolinu lot 1%. Butulwocitylqiualnnpaduduzp dqtbocnlyl -rvilnlllorncn should I-Apvunupinnnbd I-ouch} uouuoou rlidvhoxut given `I In`: nun lotthuuunoupnlnln ' E P in n F IO!` " ;.v... Total revenue. . .. 813`2,3`.3:-4 til Total expenditurm. 140,738 93 _._ __..___. _..._.____ $132,912.28 $132,328.61 T. J. [l[lNl]EHU[& 0. 4.0!! ...77,34l.36 73.12338 00.1.90 .. 751.50 ..26,993.3l 8,500.00 .5 01h} H0 . 1,.)O\,I.UU 5,838 39 7.1:u.43 A `KM! (Ill . Ila uu . 1,339.06 . 150.) AIIIIII 4,'.:UU.uu ; 1,250.00 I 2,000 00 0110 ml ZUU.l.lJ 9,419.01 RR ll rs.zns.uu U,3l0.00 313.26 900 00 R491 911 W"! Ilvnt ALI. or um um) nlum udnlollnv plnuhenllupg -` | 000.51: 2l.(XI 371.00 24,437.50 l0,V4'5.(X)l UU.`lU 709 90 3,331.30 12,000.00 3,504 40 2.359 1: 9,054.03 13,445.70 331.00 I l1`I'.' 7" 1 1 _594 00 55 00 "331.34! A2913! DIV AU 3,225.34 781 47 AJI IA. n,MIu.uu 208 00 7 .:s&. >. on 5,833.39 '7 `LAP. '1'.` 351.) 1,027.73 431.41 994 42 OR 4|`(Fx `L ; IZILS 2,913.00 All] I9 our New Shell lo ufhen all!-(`.51-aptuntwahvo uddnlnnn. Vegetine Vegetiue Vegetine 1130.00 |,u;na.uu 449.00 374.52 171.54 ARR (E LIN 110.15 n them $3,090 :56, Against man) .12 canon Ald. Wuojn, (fucetiounly)-Leuing I small Ium to the good. . AM 'nlInn|n-LAnvilhl I little ahurt lo llluuul nonu-on alraol. OJ.Iu|,uI. one Ion not payable by lhu city, Il- clluinlyz one half would huo to be pnid by Adjoining pn petty uwnon. Although the city duo: pay it out in Lllu mun- tima the Council ha I right to levy I upociul can for the purpow uf rwovoruuq lhohnlf of the coat. Those mm were included in the nutomon: ol expendi- ture, while theylhould Inn coming luck into the treasury. 32,679. Then again the antenna! included the Amount. paid to Mr. Brown for his lot on Black Street. Mr. Price -No ; he roovivod A hand. Alrl w.I|....._H I nun rich! than -ill Mr. Price -No no rocvnoa none. Ald. Wn||nm--lf I am right than will be recouped from this nourco Ol,`)llJ, the prion of the lnnd nuld, or about to be luld, In I Church. Adding lhll sum to the $2,679 gave them 83,879. The dif- ference between the euiuntod And nctnnl Luca paid in nu nnme $4,217 38; Adding this to the llllnl nlrudy Ip-skull of gum them $8,096 38, against 38.410 32 decit. AM Wnuh lfu:ntiounIv)-IAnvim( I enmll the good. i Ald. Wnllnein-Liuving eliurt. Them items, which he lied iueuti--nod, seemed perfectly hound. The diiuiilly di-l nest arise In much (rum m'er-upeiidi- ture in from 1 deciency in income. He believed the diiniiiutinii -vu largely due no the nmniiiit nl laxee written ull' fur the years '72, '73, '74, and '75. He did not tliiiili there wu csiile for the terrible Elli !!! as repraseiitod. What they had to look at was this: thnt they ouuld not have lllll year what they hld last year, the exirswrdiiisry revenue from the ssh of properly, iuid the people iniiat make up their minds diet the upon-liturn lie: to be curtailed or the taxes will be raised. Looliing nver mine uf the Items of lut year he noticed III excess uf ex;-emlntiire on the City Hell of 8Ii23,iH. This Willi extriwrdiiii|r_/-a permnnelit iiivestiiieiit. I! it were, ini invrntineiit, iit lt-int, llllt` would not need to be repnted fur many years. Then there were $472.41) all F F9 I):-purtineiil, epeiit on new hose, &c. llut the principal cxpenditiira mu that mule on streets. which exceeded the estimates 83,135 79, which he cuiild not un lerstisiid. Aid. Miillueie-Neither cm 1. Ali]. Wnlkom cmitiii-ml tlietlie was not surprised in me sense. for lut year he protealod `against the uunlliieu M the grunt made for the purpuse. C-miingem cios he know nntliing of, but the uceiil under this liuid eniuiiiited tn $`2,lT. .`iii'i, Thurs sppenred, me, an ucuu for \I ill- treal street opening. of 81.-I3l.la'i, and for Division street 3654, neither of which i could be considered ordinary expendi- I turn. Thus if they had exirsnrdiiinry ex- pendiiuie Ull one side they had extraor- diiiary rurmiuu on the utliur. llv hupud ` they coiilil I'Hl.'|U llllltfllll. at ll} iii:lls on .|. _ !,lI _ i`... ..ii ..... ...iu i Ald. Wulon and out Mu. rneol promise: and eoncluuonu were bath vrong. An upocinumo u! the item: Inke- ly touidud, ho poitvod to tho expandi- turv for tho 0 (ing of Diviuiou mroot. 8l,90(,00,m the upondnnro la-run o uiuuufontrul Sued. 33.45135. an. --an nut nnunhln LI than cilv. ll- umary romuuu on Inc uuml . uv nupuu nuiuium the iullur fur nll rrquuruuxulnls ` The Mnyoriut1mate<| that 'Im nup lun- tiuus fur llm pnrrlnau by Iho M. E. 1 Church, ul u lut fr--In lhu Uuuncnl on` Brock nlrook, haul f`.',`I| tnruugh. Aid. Allan: amid the r.-venue iram apo- cinl taxutiun on new street: would he all reuluirwl 9. ) [my fur av-.i1:\r upauings elem ` when . AI. DA... nuuvln-4:1. un lluu -Huuihuu Al . P on summed up the situation brioy. 9 mid the revenue from ex- traordinary purpoaea nmuuulod lull. your to about 83`J,()00,and the extrnorrlinary expenditure to about $32,000. This Iurpluu was upondod in nrdiunry revenue, and 1 decit of over $8,000 oxilted buida, In tlut tha not deficiency really amounted to 816,000. Innthor words, 16 mills on the dollar rained $92,000, und the ox- pendituro In: about 8109.(K\0, with 81.- 500 or $2,000 in uooounu still to be hoard from. Adding those, loft I do- cioncy of $18,000, oxpondod over and above the ordinnry rovonuo. Now if they had only 392.000 ruonno this year, And spent $110,000, where In: the dif- feronca coming from 'l Only by iIorun.s- ed taxation or the sale of nlebentun.-ar-- increase the uuuqmenl. lo 2 cent; on the dollar or cut. down Il0,0U0.. The lnltur . would be the most popular courn; tnu- l Lion was high enough. Thu nlntomeut nu rehrrod to the Fi- lulu-lmr Poor Illa ur Yulnllg. tic- IO W. 31] UC- ubouuuiuohxllnh cl Aid. Canon moved for I Itatalnom of of the tn remiuionl from 1870 to thin due, butu the duly nu noodles: and unnocmnry in the opinion of several members of tho Cuuncil, the motion u withdrawn and the Council sdjourne-I L! 10.45 o'clock. --llu Il.lOc0lIllnGl1C8l.l to bulk eboul. Iouue clnningl -()ld weather new: When March in like April, April will be like March ---Counler'| eloquence in the Cullncll lut. evening In perfectly melting. _. .. . , .... , --I`ha Cnnulun Loon-I,Ihioh Iuvoboon Iumboring in the Bug Woods, no totunr ing to Canndn. .1 . Ir`,_._ ,R ll,_A..__I -.l.'A.... lilo pII'|II:u, cl-av. --Unptain Ward, A. I). U. to lho_Gov.- Gononl, in dying of iufornution of tho bowoll. man my: enuugn. I The statement. the Fl.- nnnoo Committee, --Cnpt. Kirvnn, of Montrod, editor of the Twin Women, in 1313: coming to Kinglkm to lecture. `I .` ~ ., ._ L_A_-_._ f\_.I__-- -Nuviption in opoyn beuuon Ogdonlu bug and Luke Ununo. The hnrbour in nbo porfoctly clur. .H--o.i.. Wu-.l A I ) (3 In tho Gov.- - -l'hiA 1| Iplmdi-J Iugnr Iuthor. The up uhould run u [no an under, And our] ohm] in (ho had should hill A hunk oi the solid nap]: in thoir ind. HI! I: n -..A- nu I-lI--i-.-- A an... , =- . e {H Ii 9231:! :niutIchxa`I: hlOn&oI .L- .a-n-. -..I ..:n.a- Alanna-n. 1&1. no n In: . . umlh nu-mu. ..| I o lnlghut nap-culnlm n- nuuuc-ml u u A moat. rlfoulunl '.1om-au- rmnly lor um "rain! of I'nu in casual .u.ldou o-uwrnn. 1. --"K. F."_uodI the 'OOIi|'l". A nun lid 6 bonus, Inc told one (or Q0 bought gaothorjot I00 which In by In the but- Dul ho pin or loot? u __A:..,. 1'1`, . A... - I III -I-tutu VVI--uwvv -nu Inn ynr put their |-upon owning. Enable gag. It would luneurhd bod thy -Chub: Bnnneonb. than Col. Sh: uuceodlu consul M. Inubuln, ha been sent to Chin;-King, China u_I__ .1 AL- Il-..-L..tn- n-.n ISIIII XI!!! Sun on vi---y--an-', v-u-- llnlu-y ol tho Mmchuur oloo 03,!!!) par noon, and uo piathp. -On Friday outing Int, It. Boull. in tho dun: o! It. lhq-ty, -and in tho loan :1 (Jo-can tho nail ndingolalillninhg brad: to tho :-.A.a;...'4'g I. ah. Kin-dun `iii. `fjllI`WI-llIl-%IUIwC--U-Iv `zpuhtianirhlhoiyculaniouell. {u..,..u.ou,un. `ranch-.- l,g.:aIu,sodupindodovclwouu- I _;;_...a._ -Inc. \nppIuuu.; Md. Wnlkon aid that Ald. Price`: unn.i... -ntl nnruwluunnn ram bulk wngl, -Fnrmen are pteparing fur upring _._L nu -.- ,...._ -V ,-_, -Tho lunch Cotllliuu didiot pro- -` .L-;- _....a lg-A gunning I;--Ll. /l`oAmorrow thou nhnlt live on her WIND WAITS. The uuIu-uamvmu lunuu u [no inun- ulu Drug nu-I l .nlo-at II-h no honor: nl luutn-..l, Tursnlu. Iluulllon and l4mdon.I Ruin; given nu, 3.100 worth of PI-Menu during the hut mouth to our Iuuauu Cuulomou. we Inn dausrluhlonl to further an-mumps the GRIAT PATROIAGII given Il may the public in extending our sale Ihmugh the whole month of lush. and In Sn svng snotbor worth of Good: In Pmoenu. Z` FOR i`l`l.l. PARTICULARS `IR 1 HAND ILLS OB AT rm-:13 xrronx. ~' ` F. X. GOUSIIIEAU & I30. Nov Camel Hair Drug Goods. New Iolmir DI-Mu Goods. Nam Camel mur urns Hood new at [Dolumu Dress Goods. New Bcuikn Dn~.-n Goods. New Gray Luatroa. Now Black l.un'n-5, New Black Culuuaren. N0 piaon-A Now Priuu `J50 npdlan W7|mnVUol.lun more Priuu. `. f0 pmouanl tlmcc-Iounwu uyuuwr -u . . undnn While Cotton, 9. : [Moon Euglinh. Snutuln um! Canuun 1 Woraum Coauga. 3" NJ! -T|n-\ um Ihfmrtunonl. in replete I New Slrlpud 5: kn {tom 500 per yard` durin our further G IAT - - . .. _pu__.L __.I n.-I---n-nngtlnn-IKE Iullh THE 'PATR|0|( S `NEW CLOTHING STORE 1 ----On ----- E IIAVIC JUST Rl<`.(?l-IIVEI) A SPI.ENl)lD ARSURTIENT 0|!` Ch0'l`ll8. 'l`V\ ICEIIN and W:x~sLd Coating-. wlnivh for Il_\'l. lurnblllty And alum nan nun-at be aquallml m Llm oiu. WUIISTICI) UUA l`lN(la` in (iln-4-kn. lhngunnln. Dhunon I anal |"lKl|l`\ Finn Wurnl ` I 'l`ruwn-oringn ig all Iho lnmut, New York and Puriu Styles. II`i1m Broulolulhn and llumuknm, l I-`mu (faum-lmu Tww-nlu In Hm vlnui--out |IMlt~l'IuI Mar Iummnwtnrod Flue mum`|l||N|l 0| K.-mvh 'l'woe-uiwl. We:u`vl.nlun;1u|-darn r-.qnilI_\` for llun nbuvo (loads and |-nrliu I-uqnirlng u mull} llfnl ` luau (larm-ul ur Suit at n mm!-mun prim) wi|l1l;laasa null on In We lmvu been lmrul M \\`m h all winlmr nuunufnu-turnng A (,`|lUl(,`l ANSUR MENT Ul` (.`|.l) l`lI[N(). Il)Il]Il||llo1n|'nnmung It Ra.l_v Mmlr ('unl. l m|luur \'w Wlll lhnl our 04 unl in numv ml Moon In unlvr vmrlc. A CIIUICIC ASSU|{`l`MENl` UII` (ll'2N'I"P'l l"llKNISl ING (}(lUl)B- EW AND CIIICAI | L?` Jual Ih-s~4-n-a-:I--'|`ln- luv.-11 nlrln ul' .\lll,|\ HATS {or 80.. Purl;-k`: Dny. .u.|o|ou ma mom .--._j. Inn n In _\uur hcnm-n um it vnll pt-mi n ulou-mg In I`--an fsmlhon uul -mam-.1 frknulp -..u-..on : Now is the ' `New Serge Dress Goods 10c. 12 1-2c, 15 and 200. - Newoolored Lustres from 12 1-2c. 3, NewBla.ck Oashmeres from 40c. . New Black Alpacas 12 1-2c. 15,20. 25 and 30c, extra. value. ` New Prints from 6c. New Wincays from 60. ` All Wool Scarlet Flannel 15 and 20c. Best Scarlet (Ghambly) Flannel 30 and 35c ; regular prlco 45 and 50c. New Black Nap Cloaking only 750. New Black and Blue Black Beavers only $1.00. 1 1oo New All Wool smwls at. $1.50; well worth $3.00. I 1' (`all an-l ux:,nnm- any of I 'u- znlmw! (I-mtln you may roqulm no um)` urn vnry much Ilmlur 3 `Dec l4,1877. 0n Sauurcluy, the Hill: Nlatrch A'I' nul: nl'nlnA`I I II I llrlu II IFTIUVUI -. .. Titln iullapultnhln. I-`or lurllwr infurmuunn upply Lo Iggx. mv. W` (lull all-l regular pI'i1~4m. BEAUTIFUL FARM For Sale by Auction. Ilno scenery. llw umnu lrnun mm n. u. .. Cue [mu lu nigh! ol Hm b.-Inn-. It iuugood lit lur uC|nmw Furlury. It will hawlnl nu r--n.uuuah|a uarm-c-nmxmly. one third down. halunnu yhnrly In omaypu '- mcnu. u the own:-r in In min-r,. huaunmuu 1?}:- Fnnu in better known as the ohl l-`errin I-`arm H0 TIIAT NOW 13 Till`) TIME TO HAVE vnrla !cAnnu;._;s:} And we will Guarantee More and llcuer Wnrk Ior the sauna money than any I i I Shop In the Clly. I I-r `nu. (.`loqn lllll Hlvt-`m Plating I spa-inll Ill Valm-It-I for him. :4 lul. of IocnnK( hand tori var rhup. Inn-In I. I8,` , ,|)`94__;9_1I_I.cr_-.2;-_=-;I;2: -., -.__.. A-..-...__ - 1 I llnjlngnh HI 'I'Ie Olly Flrsl-(`Inn Iho I rrlngr Illlden II ,0 Nlmucv Tl) LKND m ..m.... J": far pr- ; rind: of Ilmr In um llu- l F1|lIil PVIIO!lIlu of hon-owns. Internal movlonlr Apply to JAII .S It-.A|lTlH'|(, In or Ontario lluimlng and thviugn so an, ollnngum Street. uppuvuun M U0-0r[In'II lldl. Khulna. " _ _ _ : I A FEW D.\*8 WILL RAVI IN `I'll WIOLI OF OUR SPRING - STOCK. CORSIIHIG OI otv.W-lllngwn llnll, Kin . 1 IA IIOII LII. M 3 pl. lurk 5-. I917. Many hauling lydcinnn ro-muumrml nonl melt in (hit prnmlns. 11': (urn-ah (nut with ith bhidol nu.-nlunulul by AIII-lLa|P'W`"d.'l'|n(,{nrgyuv|Ih-pr: have (:1 kin and [Irving lulu. _, _ _ _:;:-:1 l` lupus. Inch 11 mt A New Medigal Discovery ` TII- --. _> U Suns: Iuklnl Ity-I-aha-IIcuou.: Canfllnuu-Ida phi colic.-..n-dug ul M- Edtbli Mural: Ii, |378` .___.x;.__ THE FOLLOWING LINES OF GOODS HAVE COKE T0 HAND Al` % L _ L E E `iiII.T.n.s.. l..0.S.. IIITIII. . ENRY HAWl)F.N will noll by Auction nthiu Huh Romu, Munlrc-nl Sin-N. SNOW HAS COME I 7}" . (Ratios:-toeun-|.l.&J.GnInol'l.l PVICI All! lij WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. .1. w. known & co., __ _ an... r . I-an nllnl .a.J.V.LI v -Ia-I-I---`- If the Luteu Canadian. lulhl Ind Alain: Iall. .__.. _.- -....... n _n- nnnununn -_J g. -A f-vu__: 7.` OF` CLOTIIH. 'l`\ \ ICEII-N and U(\uUlIKI|.WlIi1`l| tlurnbily A_l_II_I (1|l0IPllhIn`(\_|`!||Inl. IJQG-Eqlljllqul In-`:1 " ' |l0l|' BANK open ulnly hum M A III. T0 FA_R_MERS. spams iM%s5oRT7moNs. `Imam: tuilmu lot In with Choir onion. jgj Fl .3!) Ianuvvu v---_-._-, __..._-_. V77 . OUR CUTTER X8 SECOIID 1'0 HOII ll `I'll! PIOVIIOI. Inwlau hcilluu tor nuuhctndn; In plants as with chair C. W. W. VEGETIIE -_: _ lllllilf. Prints: Kc , u at Ityel-uhnuaou. n nail lolho r-vH'I'u| I M- , Time to In-ave Your Ilrdcrs for tho Cclelarullou ol the nth of old Irelnuul at the GIVEN_AWAY Ill PRIIIITS, 1 B] N( 7 PISS STIvZ.EE'1`- , 6 Bus: New Colored Kid (Nova. . 0 pmouanl` Hm wlobrmod Lybotor II I Factory Cumin. I00 [via-one l.`|~ l-`I piooon Canulhn Tuned. I0 pioou Nuv l"-uwy 7` DI"lIl'lI.|IOIl~iI with all the nowonu. Shula. -. ..._.. .. .-. V mu 1;:-I. |..l-.. J1 --i`l; lhfnrtunontil Ii yard. -- --j---T- _gfI___IGKEY 5 ILET`I"S, x~.rr\1-nvwrx h. 1..-nah UK` DA Y. llurmvrunlth. TIIIZ I'll!-Z\l) 0|` IIIKIVD. an $1-DU; W611 WOIHI `O-UU mm urn umlm E. :Ta.oss's&.~-r 50 Pin-cu New Huuburx Embrohlery, S '3 Donn how Collar! and Unit. in Mn. `)0 Boxes New Nook Irlllhagu. I2 Down How am: ha. 2 Boxes Now Fmoy Nook Ribbons. N Piooa Now Whlm Real Inltano Lu-e, Colored Kid G|ovoa. mul Lvbuor Factory mom: A "SHOP LIUKNHII" nuthorimn Um Huh` of Li uurlu quuullthsu of not lean Hum Llm-u hall'plnl.n-nunn to he mmuumul wulun Hm tho building of whiuh uwh Blmp f0rm.\1p4I`l I_y person: um. unuully resident tlaermn. "TAVERN LICENSE" mtlmrnu tlmuule on Liqual-I in qunutitluu ul luau Ilmn um- quurl, wlm-II Iunv bo drunk in v.ln~Tuvn~rns A "5UI()l LICENHIC" nulhorilon llm Hulu tlloginnlng Isl llaly) mum. ho lml will: llm uupoclor, On or Before u! In! April, I878. Hlnsuk furlun of I plinuurm nun` lm hm] ul llm luapm-wr by uh ng for them n..Ln_L_.| L.....I.. .: 4|... |...-.I -1 I 1.. uw .....I,... W. .._, ...._...,, .., Publinhod by order 0| thn lhmrul M |.i--mum Counmhununern for Aaldingwn l)|ulru~L .... .... .-.1- LICENSE DISTRIGT; nu..." _. \;vr. u. .n.-nun-5 vuly M. ulnoon thanks to their clulmm-rn far their pntmimgo for the put ulms yu-urn, vnml-I most rupeelfully Inform tlmtn tlnv. they haw ` mulo Istllfnctofy Arrlapluanla ruuuullug their lmainoutwhioh um dullnou of Ihn pan: throw your! undo noouury. They have open ad up ngnln In the IIIJO old corner and would solicit n mntiuullno n! the nunlomnl Hum frlomlu. lining nuly nu Hwns to Illaml In. Ir. Icllnnghton w.'Il benblo Logivn lull -rhulu tima nncl Attention In tho urvux or nll lhoam who will Hndlv pntronfu him Uur Ir K` `\ \ Vegetine tiny. We hnva mule urrnngclneuu with Mr Iclnlouh, who bu boon roe -Inluomlnd In m I! 3 am clua Cutout. We trust um um pnhlu-. will [in bill I trial. ALI. PIOOVLI WAITING K E Y N for Ioohalhn snail: lnuviu Hum arid! llllo WI. DAV? . the (`hoop lfmlor no in hundreds of [anon bud. WI. DAVID. Ilnur. and uolov In New and l Incl Oudnd ovor`lortpuoo. uppdh In. Inga` Inn man mm- Prhuuultnol. Ilna. ' IIKAPJIIIIN -1 A8. A Y l)W()I`ll, Bocrotsry um] lnlpootor Tun worth `K0. utxnu-lrr u ll mono-u.u-aqua-rd |.uu.m um ~'IO(,`cIe|oId iy 0! [lug dnu.nInhhg 9 bid or clunk--I |4od.&orun.u-he Duo 1 ll-nu-n.1c-e PUH 8ALE. OH hoouuuvcnqun-roflaounntln ~'nh(,`cneanInu(l&`l`ov-ouyol KI dnmcunlnllilt Ann of-ad enlllvn I40-|.IhutI II Dvollb lIM|un,;t-r but no: 4 A , la.-1' . in 0] gu_-._'vm tr-t's'"nm_" '" Fl`) U of nan -cw . Incl! hm. dam nu. elm (Niall. Zl|II.ViII fllk Than haunt Jud bum. 4IuI.u.n but In an `found . B vnlubln |`r--pony I-manual Lnrlh arlllcntlvo-n|vulmua In 00:.-0.; :-ubugzmauu Ir. OW V W ` annual :nI|o"tr\iIcd,Ivann|'::7r:uz tannin. 'l'bItuuI1lun hpjuad In 88 Prinoau Street. opposite {ho City I'lo(oI. jun- `IKI U7 5IIC'l- KIIJII in luv vuulc lhu than in nu und 1 medicine ` In \'lUl'3'l'lN . uul l Alan {think it. on: nl Ihnlm-I. Inedicln-i \"lv.:.~.mlhnA1IlIk.`lIkhMl`rc`- "if i5 i'{ibsr, Applications for I.lmu.~u-.3 Fur Hm vnnr INK TED ni: .opT:.-{mma. I hblllvl Hickey & Ilett. 9 0098 AID `I'll ACID 0' LAID shut In Ila Inn Lind-. Ar "' > ll mu. m` Ihphn mnxm ' s-gnu:-Nun. nu was go: nuo an-uutunho. Aulv no WI. DAVID Ownor DAY PARADE! ICNLIIGITON It 00.. `F08 852:: % Gives nezfci, Strength and Appetite NO'I_'|_OE. AI)IIlNG'l`0N 1'0 um, Lin f AIEIX .---. v---vpw ww `Iv. . ling uad Priurou nu T Lnnduwolnvk not vllloutun IMII. lninnn. A. RUSS, M llm Ch! I ma. I. ou Now |".uu-`y (`annual II:`.IX('(!"l`lI:i ' rum-vived In lnvur oi yuur II Hand I-ml lnldldbe. Vilvl `TlN., for I lid not think ,'om hcsnhnnldlnillprnhe, l..v urn lmuhlai over thirtv ' lur I van thlrtv . yawn was that dnndhldbuu. ',c.unh, sud h-I uad: mu .cuughIog Ipclh 0-3'. It wuuhl ' --In u thuugrh I and cunlul Iunnlhr nnr mum. sad VEGP. hvoalhr any sml VILUF. MTINI . hu cured nu. null dn `lcel to thank U-rd All Ibo time nut u \ lC(:E l`lN 11! lhcbelll medicin-i ' lv -r umuha uul vukginklng {rel- [iup at the ntulnnoh, and Idiho _I9'U'vlll`y to sub the VE(H\'.- [iup staunch, and Adina Inorylnnly 'l'I.\ H. Ix-rl an aunt: shun it in run M the but me-llcintu that -nu-r wan. wlr ll. lhliaveu. I Door NiI.-I will aunt char ' `flully Add -yvsdnouy In the `igrut Imnhor you have dual] rv-r-ind In In-mt ol yuur :1 `Quad VASE- 4'l`lV 1.. I nu ma think um hcanhnhihpnho, um." -rim um dnndhldhuu. Vegctiue It in aVa1ukt;1e Remedy ...1. u...u..n Fr-h 7 '70. My.| brn-:5! Reliable lvldoloc. ,-:.'.pllou|e.. ..... --nu-u nu x n. mm. Max. L. U0]! E. M ' nndwoln 330.,` ::*..:m........" ~ r L21` I N E h->Ll1rI--I V'n.1-rnzcz n-nu-r .- Iwaltla, ntrtugth, mu! up N H 'l'.llE.V. r H. Head Hntah: Agx n! It! H:-mru nil-ling, ._ ._rr- {nu-I bu rm-civml was rlll U10 Inc of V u;I1l!!t .inr- hcnllh vnun I ouurcn 3 uuuruuula quau It--| uccd Vegeune Vegeline Vegetine u-l Nmrru la in. And Ken} Entnh: Ag: h-:|rn IlilnHn,.{, llnnbun. M HIno|n.-iatoriuu nu.-topping up every day. The lut claiming public at- Ionliou in Dr. James D. McCain, who_ in. < enpgod in writing up I new hintury ol the Iocld, uhich into be profusely illu- tnted. DOIUIATI LA1|u.1.s.- n u ---us. .._-- inn tu Ir. J. '1`. Run, one 01 our lot- cst And mm! esteemed friondl, upon his onbululion in matrimony, Ind upon bin Alliance with one Ihooe uinnono qulitiu , will mus her a hnppy and dooinblo oon- ,,_. _n .1..- .I. ILI- Will Inn-no -aw In u-yr` wrt all through life. #_4. CAI|zt'x.~YuI.erdny lllornoon Dr. Ca-liuux nrnnd here, and this evening and Lu-marrow evening ho will locturo In llw Town Hall, P -artunouth. Tho theme thu evening in The Struggle for Life. ' We have huard the locluior bo- fura, and In-an been planned with his nub- ijecl unlu-r And mnuner ol delivery. 'V ljoct o-p.__ VIA-nl1.\l}XLl'rlEri for the next 24 houn: Fur the later Inke region: Frooh nouth uulerly tu Imrlh eutorly wind: nnd clrmdy Lu foggy wenthar with uin sreu. Furlluo St. Lmulerpcu, hush to bnlk auulor|y In north enhsrly ind: and 1:`-Audy weather, with Area of rain ur lgllu Q3515 Qrlli WWI Vegctino ; Vegetino Vegetmo; Vegetino = I Vegotine` 3 Vogetinoj : Vogotine ` Vegetine ; Vogetine Vegatine ` I I Vegetino : : Vegezina` `, Vegetine 4 Vegetine ` Tux Tum.-The Tsndy Brothers n` in Pukbill 14 night, than in luau! Iiuliu Botlin, Enntford, Mount Plu- nnt, Na-tau-I1, VVuudAtok, Bttoouvillo, Barrio sod Uwon Sound, bolero running i`!'L'llDAY KVTO. XABOH 12, 1878. I her N Null lulltu 9 ll uut, Iuu -nu... .- Du puhlucaliun in thin cunntry that cln cu-un;-.nr.~ with in, f `r gclwnl inlerelt and chnnluu-as cmulmmd. There nre lulLlI- . ..- .......II....o.nm.... mm uivanturel. I51 . I'Al.'I. I IIIFIIAIIII nuun ..-...- night the ngnlu audit; 3! BL. Pal : Tonponncc Soctoty will be bald in 50. u...|'. mum! Run an 7110. - r--o l5u.|m `n Mo.-c7uLv.-Tho April num- ber nf (|unIunp1.ne in out, sud there in .. :. .|.;. ........on an: an |I.. U171 `AID VIOIUIIV [an-sou! nu.-73: o'auuo oz cnnnpm-as cnunmnuu. 1 umu nlv .....--._ hulll, excellent stones, nu Adventures, pbetry, and n sketch publihod by Thomas St Talbut, Ii-n4tuI1. IIQFIBCU 50:30, In: no. - Pnul'I School Room at 7150. __ ,,-..,.___. AVUTIIIIJ: Dunn. We regret to learn of zumther death on Amherst hlnud from mull p0x-n young woman named Wil lard. The dnmsse annulus to hue g-xiuad a foothold on the inland, and its eradica- , _,_ .___._- w- 5...... KI.~u.--arm: W1.~a.~:. -In the pulling match at Ilullevillo on Saturday, Mr. Briggs do- {antcl une Hull , the lnlnndur, recording to the Uutarm. numling Live to on. Hulr clnims null that he in the better man, but, u .Lh such heavy odds against him, we Ire inclined to doubt him. We du nu! understand the cnudvtiom of the match, but we fancy the granted Itmnglh wmo the day. sud was All know that (ho. Briggs no bluued nth a plenhful supply of nmIclL\ ALTII .l'l'IVB,'l'0lIO,IOLVlI'l' AN D DIUIITXO. iur. nu r..\. g-...-u.u_~. - ..m \/V ..J lnnpuctnr iiuw gives iiutica that parties ro- I|ull'll|,,{ illlllul licoiisu fur Iii: sloctonl dlllllull must put in their application before the tint of April. Siniilnr notice In given by the City Impootor wine du_u Agn, but up to the present but low per-nun have umdu intimation lilkhly duiru a renewal of their Iiceinu. A nuuber of cuumy pniiu hnvo licomoa ex- imding {mm the UILO the Dunkin By-law Wlllilllllhed uuul Mn} ht, the beginning ol_ the license year. A Lnrnr. P.n'rL'I..-Right in tho mdnt ul Lusinvu the Council lulbd hut on-mug to indulge in I litllo plnylulne-an -exubm-nnco of spirit, as it won. It occurred when Aldo:-nu Uukin printm- ed Ihu potmun of Mr. C. A. Cuuntor, 0.0.0., uling for the mansion ol tin rant cl tho Ouy 8:11 on the occasion ol hm leotun, And, on motion, the Oundl constituted null Ill M0000 Old invited Mr. C.-nnlor to nddrou than. Thorn vu nunh And unanimous, but tho patho- tic Ipeech of Cumin`: Urn Onto: loft in impnuwu, {in debt bung unanimously lorgivon him. J IOUIHUIU UH LHU Illllu, nuu II-II ulwu-:- tiun in nut. an any mnctor. We hope, huwevur, that 3 change will occur, and that this has been the Int. fatal cue. [ht-ugh several pcI II)llI are roporttd to be null very I from the name cause. pnrlcu llll Inc on nnuuua, mu. ..... - Whitney, In his early dayn, Ierved in the Revyul Navy, and with nuny other: in those xlnya, lettled down In the vicinity of Kingutnn. His Inn in Pillsbury will be much hit lay in large circle of relr live: and ucquuiutnncol, who know him to be unt only I very useful member of Iociely, but 1 man of attic! honor and imegrlly. ~--- -~oooA-- 'l`uIv. Lnmzsu Qli..~ rlu3l.- nutxcat lulnur ('||.|A|nn Inunl nut In Mn-i __.._..,._< (_)lH| .|A)\Y -\\'u regret to notice the the death uf nnuthur of l n.taburg'u olden suttla-rn, Mr. Hunjmuiu Whilnoy, who do- psrled lhia Info on Mun-by lull. Mr. - \L'|..o....., ... hi. mu-lvdnvn nnrved C0UlA1'I'LA'HO.\ .i. --We utond (not.- . us. I m u..._. A..- 1.1 Ann Inst. Tun I-`nu \'Inuun.--lt wu locku- rule u! the he ol ywwlonhy wu shoot- o-l at La point an which it wu, other mu the loan would have boon vory hu- V . The uvnurqou bmko out rigln in the initial n elulu cl wooden build- ingw, ml ha: is been nllowwll Colptud, dcu known wliwro it high have 00%. The prnuptncn with wlbid ll Induci- gd wu tho ulnuon nl nan thw the building in which 1150 in ouill. e Irena: and then worked wohly. Than wp no inownnvo on the papacy do- ou-oywd. The iuwo-liuiww Ihould gun on auction In rat ___-o (low lo- l.uu1ooud is and` ..|o- l-lIa- nnrbf {ha and dill. A h`.~rnIu.-DIn'n[ the Inn! rook nun nonyuou oaibhlu .6111! 1 I_u..n. nL4n4i1:`|QD . Vegetine __.__-3--.:_ S1. Pu:|.'u Turuucs Socun. -'l'o- _._n:.;- .0 HA P;-I : B& Iivuyuvuu uuuuuuuu -an-ion u [oust In the putt ul ncily W, hlltng c-rnphiu-iI t uid` I Itlbd ad in conqrvpihu. Wloct mam. :1 through the dunno: h-13 uouuoaou,InIqIihpNpUIy,'Iy. I Inc loan, :34 an 8ndny_Io hid _L .4: _-_.. kl- _.H_` .l .4. |K|XWI-I,n-uuuw---,_-- huh uh--old nonrhloutiu dug. ,,_.__...__.. -AA_.._..| ...J-da|- tits it who cnvudlylo 0&0 1 nauynodplhlitvuhdato :- cin ulaznosiiumnuiio db obouuuvcv havoc-unnbldubtbo hI0l'd|.,` _ -'l`ho County L- .`-.oi-. pg, wine the company would ruign. On moliun oi Ald. Drennnn tho com- munication was rolorn-I to the Commit we on Fun, \'Vnler um! (Bu. lnnmuver to hfr. Anglin, the Mlyor uid that ha dld nut. undorutand lhnt the Hook and Lulder C-unpany would no` in tiny way until the petition Inn reported upon. L rcaucr worm. HOOK AND LADDII UU-rnlu. A eonnunication an Ind iron the member: of the Hook And Ladder Oom- pnny, In the eect that at I Ilufiu 0! the oolnpeuy, held in the Film`: All, on the evening of luck let, 5 resolu- tion Ill nnnnimonnly pueod, oxpreuiug went 0! condence in the Chief Engineer, and uking for 1 ooueidenlien of the notion in connection with the peli- . lion 9! the citizenl, calling [or the root- ? 1,-niutnon of the tire brigade; the: other- the would (In moliun l'L I!l.l|.` wunn. A letter wu rend (lddfued to the Mnyor) intiunfing that if the Council wnnted to till in than can pool, opposite the old pavilion and near the hospital, thay could use Lhu iinteriul of the old l.-uilding (Uuret estate) fronting on King S(reez.-|h-slurred to the Coiuluittee on Streeu. llitud uy propocnl [Of the 0: the bud engine, (30. 1, clung ghoy ox- uninod the Ink bolon) they Ilshod talk tho auto! out with the Cooled, And may Ind doddcd bolus unkinx AI o[orI-out that thyovngino bounfto Gunoquo lot ubhmou, tho Council at the mac phat puma L in non, and running in tin use 030113 at that in which also loflhnginelunranhnn should not at ones be made.- la-ml` totha Committee on Fin, Wntorsnd ` Cu to report. In ulnar ls Ald. Drouun. AU. Mc- : In sure: lo Al-1. Dunno, Ald. Cnmuon stated that the Committee uk- od M11) for tho ongiuo. ....,... ..... -...n-3 ngulhnlv Vegetinc The Mu or rend the roply to glean which he lld caused to be directed to tho Department nf the Interior, relative to the extension of Unrrlwk street, through the Arullary Park, to whom it -m.l.l iulenacl Baum. rtreet. whun ox- The rqihr uudI;dthoCiIyCoIn- eil up hold lntonmng. Tina IOYI 1: : "";...`'*r- s'.*--:- ' POI. 00v Oath", ' 0, am, loan, lacuna. Melinda, Ponu. Prion. Tlonpou, Walton, Wlhcn and Woods. The ninntuol tho lat lusting URI -1..) and anal!-nod V through the Arullary rum, to wnuu u. would iulenacv. Bagel rtreet, tauded nml cmtinued in Bend Head Itroet. Tho Depnrtmcnv. uf the Interior nferred the Council In the Mlmaler of Mitin and Dufencu, and the latter wrote back that he had unused I trannfor of the had: to the Uupuunem uf lnlerinr, no he dupuud of on the lame conditions in those v-Inch were grnntud fur the exton~ . mm of Baguc Itreel. Accum mnying thew oicial document: were piann of the proposed improvemunu, and a ropurt of Mr. 'I`honuu Briggs, who. an appraiser, valued the atriof landto banned by the U-nrporatmu at 31,500.-Roferrel to the Committee on Streets. A co-mummies na run n-on Ian: G. Tn;loAndC.E. Button, Uuuoqn, uninglht baton ch-y ub- , mama uv oruooul for the purchase 0! Ualcloqn, tllglux Iolur I pcopoul an hand ondln. (K0. 1. Illia The Mayor uid {hut It the Int meet.- ing at the Council, I rewlution had been pulsed, requesting the Poliun Commie- uonorl 1.0 place A portion of the cab rand on Clarence Itroot, between Omn- ruo street. Ind Cumnningaf bakery , thst tho Comnuuinuerl hesitated, because they did not think it was their dutyto locate the cubmen. and a letter had been Iddrelsod lo the Solicitor, uking his .opin|un on that point. The Solicitor replied. gxving the Opmion that the Cull]- mxenionere had thu control of tho cubmon in this respect. as well an in respect to licenu-a. I`hu Mnwnr I-sill Oh: Ihannllr Jurlon Ald. McCamuJon - The petition of Jmoph Wiuturn, in regard to drninage`- ltwferred to the Committee on Streets to npurt. Ald. Gukin-The1:e|H.iou nf C. A. npurt. Gaakin-The peliliou Counter, pnyiug for the remission of the rent of the City Hall, on the occasion ol his late lecture, or at least the grunting of a sum equivalent to it ; that the lec- ture was attended by inuential and educntocl citizom, but that the audience at the umo time wu M) select that ho mule but little by it. Al.l Hnnltin nmvml in xccurdnuce Wllh lioanu-a. The Mayor laid the Daputy Judge agreed with him that tho Cummiaionon lud nothing to dowith the location of the haclsmon. Ald. Wnlkom also agrcud with them. Finally the report of the Committee on Licenses was umnained, the cabntnnd be- ing xed as theroin recommended. msde but IHU8 by ll. Md. Uultiu xuuvad in accurdnnce the petition. II. by po- I`:-V-puro-11 nu, II. It. SrI'.'\ l .N.~'. Ilm-4ton,l