Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Mar 1878, p. 1

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WI IDAVIDJINQ .534 0910: in New gm! bend. llnrl o..3..r littylng not up In Marga: Pug -do luv Pnnmu mm-u. Kin;-no at-LIIIAP J0ll.V.' . Will? VI W :v lady (or nhipodnt lion Horn: to King- ston. lIu|huovfocOll.50p|u. `PL- I'.-4I- In-1| A 1-unnnnn --uuw scan . ..-- w .7---v-v - Pulhill on Tuaday wooing. Lm nosing nil! also any to I Iago undiooce at Botlin. n I! . I n,,L,,,, -Ono drunk at tho Court to-day. -Bn&u'llo in npnintilg And repair- -1'Lo B.KituDm'ly Ilzuail ooniq onto Gludtohcnrol it , .1 ..L___L_A. ._ \\`||u|-nu.-4 -E\ Monk MN I` . . . v. . . |KlH- lIj$rVIvI'au.uvlp-n-u -'l'ho1'udyuhdn podium: D--|.k:lI A- 0l'.....I-- -u-a.i-- I-- -up quinuuu u plonphh m -3.)- lg. glni--4-no I-n- aria: in King. --~ - - ooo_---- Mocllunlcs` lmtlluto. 1-*3:OCO A S arrow Bu-ape. Will WAFE- . m. .n F... Whur-.-\'v um-4|. but I v npmkn on d warmly n _.Lo| A .. I n In.e.n.~.1.md Ext: inn and would not be relieved. such new: wan surely not intended for publici~ ty. Wen . Hunnxa has now been repre- Illlll name year: by Mr. Jnmeo Brown, M.l> ., once I Tory, and a grmd one at that, but since the Pucilic Suandll he ` has been nnhnmod of (ha Chieftain, and hll not been Al-lo to vote llll ticket. [lance he has been diunrded by the Con- Iorvalivo nabnba of Bellcvillo nnd vicini- ty, tho that will hnrdly hue much ef- {oct upon hi: next. election campaign. -j- 000- W: | In uuu-uuuuu uu up-nu Iv: vvvllu Iluuu I Stnwa uhow which way the wind blows. Such in roougnized as an uld uw, and we never knew it to afford u better 1lluntr|- Lion of ill lruthfulneu than In the devel- opment: which were made at the recent meeting of the Liberal-Comervntivo wire- pullera and political discontent: av. Nppr ...\.. l\.. H... ..... .i..n IL`... I A-.. Pullvl 5" [" |3`|V-I `-IIIVVIIVVHIII ID LVfyI nee. On that occasion, Hon. Lem: Wullbridge Ivan nominnted, but it In nnnouncod that the hon. gentleman could not accept the doubtful honour, since he In cummltted to stand for West Hut . nu . n _,r,_ I ., L The eeminnnunl returns of the Grand lndge, I. 0. U. l"., Ihow the Uddful|owe' Auncinllon, Bl I whole, to be in I our - uhlng (mulilion. We notice by the Jicul return: that for the term ending Illut of hut December, 54? brothers re coined nick benets, the nlnount. thne pan! nut Ming 85,883.51; that widow: of member: received uueunce la: the extent. ( I Q`2,56l.74; thet 81,540 14 were diapeneod in charity; end en expense of $871.35 Ill incurred in the burying ol the deed. The total receipt: of lodge: were $61,457.34, of Ihich the rohel nu one Shh per cent. The dnth rate nu; I in H3. The toul funds of the Order 1. Annanunua _ __:_,_ When "Mechanic" challenged me to salve his problem I did so the next lay. Nnw, mine have been in print nver a week, ziud still he hnsnot touched either of them. This is hardly what was to be expected from him after his reference to Euc. l. 5. lint perhaps neither of them was exactly in his line. Well, will he try the following wlieel"~er. It is only A "second clues" ehir. A carriage- wheel, 4 ft. `.2 in. in diameter, weighs with the load it sustains 5 cwt. What is the least force necessary to draw it over an obstacle in the road, I) in. high .1 My fourth and fth questions still remain un- answered. The 5th should read thus: How many hills ol corn, the centres being 3; IL, apart each way, can be planted or. in square acre l P`. N H, I In nvu. luv vu-u l-uIl- nu u-w nuc- amounted to 8?96,243.86, at an incrouo 0! $73,023.41 over that of the preceding you. :---OCT: Al the mnml muting of u Hughl Do Pnynil Preceptory of Knight: Tom` plnr And Priory ol Kmghla ol lulu` held yuunhy nfurnoon, at the Tomplni Hull, the folloiing offloora worn inIuI- 1 led for the cumnt you by V. 3. Sit. Knight I Jan. A. ondonon, Proviu-`_ _;.I DA... 4 I In uzawar !.J. E was mother and sun. nu nnrnsn wme. THURSDAY, MARCH 14:, 1878. HI luuxxwucy. Daub I-II -xuuun, sluwlu. Ur into mnnhood, sent to College, graduat- ing in theology, arts or medicine, but ` contracting fatal hnbita of drink, which were the breaker! upon which be we: wrecked. This Itnte of thing: must be put I stop to. The lnw muat ililerfer-5 to uve them. The liceule system wu graphically illustrated by Shylock de- manding his bond, from the Tragedy of the Merchant of Venice." This the Dr. recited with splendid drnqnlic power, and said, an Shyl wk pointed to his bond, so did the lice.-uud dealer point to his bond. In cunclunion he depicted the Icene of the execution of the young man whose course he was tracing, end elu- quently Appeuled to all to aid in crushing out I system no diuatrotn to Iociety. After a vote of thanlu was tendered and replied to by the lecturer. the meeting cloud with the benediction by the liar. Mr. Dubbs. Purllcu nu. mood, llcnovuuk and luvlgonu-no the Whole . 0 _.ojo-..? Pnmv-' Coupon! cl Hypog- Laphila Iilluuanly 1 thumb cutbhluhbnt nails tho ' codunnuxn-ugh-Edam, tapas: to no iuullul.. It vi`; dnqdlholwn-nnl"np-wt to all -voloutayu nun vcIblIlf]S -jollhobu.-Iv. 4 1050:3100 ll till iupnrgvhuv cl} ILA inlnlla ulnvonnny h 004 usual: 0! Ibo huly. (XII! III In I-ulveuuun en the endience the prenone evening Ibo - oonld ehev hinte be "veg. Ho In vited thie gentlemen to come lorverd, end there being no reeponee. proceeded with hie lecture. Dr. Dickson. ol Ihum he could IIOI lpeek with freedom he not being preeent, took the mine eide n he (Dr. Cedleux) did, end eo did the lending mem- bereol the rncdicellnc-nlty. He did not ueert that alcohol wee not metal in chemistry, but the! it could be d epeneed with en emedicine he hed proved from llll own experience in the Southern ermy, where, efter the vvhielrey wee ell need up, the petieuu had nothing but cod-liver oil end breed, end yet re- covered. He geve eome illuetretioue to ehovv lhet elcohol wee not e etimulent, beceuee e feeling 9! heel In produced in certein once. [in regard te Alcohol in deed enimale, it we: ea, end it rel the preeence of eulphuric ecnd thet caused- the etench,not found in fermented grein. He then drew e picture of the child in in iunwency. eent Lo echool, growing up ;...,. ...-..i......e -....; o..(`...lI..,.. m-.Au.r. Inc LII . on C011"! IUIUIIITZIII izi ho had hoard lhue III In ildividull in - 7-. 4---.-- _L.. F ii Zjvii Jill. :5. v Illntcmoccnpidlh ahir,uul|huI.ho- customary opening cuuiun, puhocd the Icahn by n luv month on tho `rut Iauponna -ouaunt, dating II idul pieunol the land: of this conn- tryuniting u on hsnd md uking by the throat the monstrous liqoqgnc and eating it out at our borderlse -M... n. .. .......;.... I...-.p.Lui.l that 1 lj -`III III` vou-van u-u llvvnu--u illhnfon Ball, Pbttsuocth. inch- .1..A _.. un_.|.._ AL..J II II. I -- -~ vu.w.unnn. want! " " I.lIu|l.0InIi. 11. man! hnquoc vu Inuin the .-gnlna |ll.l RIB!` II 0!! ol lull Irviuvlng: The Dr. oncoming furvnrlllid I-Ill! .- |.-A 5..-; .5-.- -.. .. iniridlull in l'rq4-rim in .s'nl:I`I;;/ all I):-ugululx. /\n.l In N ( l'Hl..*U).\' (st ()0 , llrlngglnln. Km mu Incas. 1>:,c'.T...x again loatnnd _AL4`I'n-- Ilgll I-o-nn-ah III-nah. _--~-oOo ll A'l`Hl'll!A I ICAL. ---~ooo.- l 0l.l HCA L. n. u. u. R.'n quentiun- It s" I Wllllilhl. ALargeSt0ckofBnpts& Shoes Ea. E. Dillon & co THE UNl)l4lR.`HHNl'Il) BEGS T0 IN!-`URM [hr ('||i1.4-nu 0| Km;:nlun uml vminlty that the-y ham opened out IEMPRESSBELIEFI { Gningtoemnvemynyemrks Vrn 'rnu- lL l"I`l.`l.I'.l l`l\:|1. In M. llolnnm Block, nlpon-. the Allnlon Ilou-I. IN (H'.l)El{ TO GET I CI{E WATER and plenty of it. I mu R. MONTGOMERY i YARKE%R*S7JLD-s'TAIi15 Our New Stock is n.-1 CIM-up as the-. Clacupest we lmvc Sold llvfore. U1... . u__ 1... nu-u {Hunt and Shoe Store. Important Notice to Builders, farmers and (Miners. 3 OUT .J_"_LM'_!,'9_. 111. ROSE! )2: cu Honthvul quriovvol 1.: u. '.:h(`n-an-a- ct (hr Tnvulb J II. J. |]UNGHUE&E.| In propane! lo olar thou AT TIE VIII IAJWIXT PRICES. Ahouoonpleun nu-nmonl of Shelf sud Heavy Hardware, Paints, 0111, Glue, lo. i opt-:u%o"duT i om noon sronal [DIN-Ill!) I970 IIIEBHBU. ll IGIUBLI H! II], wrists: I cuuld not use them; was help- less 1111 l ussd (:1Lb:x' Ll_'\'l.\lI!NT Iounu: or Al.\Iu'~'ls. The result. was wonderful, pain and swelling dimppesreb. EW. \ nnxH|s, 3111 \\" SL, NY. 0, ... .'\I\.. I0 .. no .. A. ..l. ll-...L \ UUHHIS` J1.) V` ` -UL, L`. I . `. .">u , C)()c.. 13:: bottle. Agems, Hench Sr. (iunn and E. H. Parker. WE INVI FE ALL OF OUR OLD I-`RIENDS uml n host of new patrons to cull upon us. wax u nlcluku Car kt Irbool no. Cur `o-w 1&3`! |n-oll In and and w I oolioutlil ' Twenty Icnnnnlfukllch Pn'a-1g|. odrolon WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. was Impouu-no lur mm to do I0, name In irons. The trnder imintod in accusing him, however, nying he could get his hands out of thoirum. He then drew his knife and cut the man`: throat, and afterwnrds cut the hand nffand threw it overbmnd. The other passenger who wu bathed in blood, ma helplou and too terncd to cull fot usistauce. The brutal murderer then Ittempted In thruw the hudy uverbuard, but nding it fun! by the WI`!!! he cut round the wrist, broke the heme ncrou his knee, and thus freeing the body threw it into the water. The crime mint have been accomplished very rapially and with great. silence, umuu It was nut dincnverod untxl dnvliuht. The rapmly uuu wun gran: nuenco, dilcuverod dnylight. murderer was given over to the cuplnn of the Port. in Iquiquo. - --- 0l l'}Nl-ll) 0lJ'l` AGAIN! In the Albion Hotel BIocK, PRINCESS STREET. Wm-r0 I win! he nblo to do my wm-k quit-lmr. hotter and chapter. IV Store um] Dwelling ` WI be as ununl on Princenn Strmt. A Plllllll dupatch say: I most revolt- ing and cruel murder In committed on board the atonmlhip Ho, on her In! voy- age north, shortly before her nrriul at lquiqua. Alton lenving port two now- nwnp were discovered on bond, sud by 0l drl' of the captain they were plaood in irom on the mum dock and futenod to n Jtnnchion at the Altar part of the rental. Anon: 7` o'clock in the morning I doc` trader, I Uhih;-av who had his lent It the opposite side of the down, .`.;`f' .13`:-I` 'he prisoner: and secured on of them 0! -teahng a cheese from his tent. The man protected his iuuocouce, stating that it was impouibio for him to do being in Thu trnder innintad in nmuaiiw `av-I wuuv-uvu-A Ivunua, Ineu In: Unit of giving to other: whet he he: learned of II. himself, end the reeult ieee eetinfectory In the Medan e! the pamphlet en it Inuet bogretilying to the author. The pegee oi the pamphlet no illutretod, end the whole forme en interesting chapter for the litorery mind. v.ooo--- TU BENT OB LEASE. I two ll0r(:_V "fll'|( lmildin .v.hn wndth ofthe lot in rear M m_\ alwnlhmz. S! will make A unpital Wnrlulmp nr Hum-lmuso. For Karma enquire of the un- Klngnlun, March 2 In. J... n..n:u.. Public 8choo|' - Inqocot ol Tomato, naonlly dolivcod In nddnu ho!-U the Tuehtn Manch- tiouol lhoQuuu City on_lhn Kindn- guun qua: cl caution, and uninit- ting.vopnnno,lo popular roquutho` huhulthouldnu printdl. A oopyot, ihhu hdonugud I0 uuearbinly much plound with the nannu in which ha ha pnlonbd And tuned ha subject. 80 in, nouover, nou ctic when nhity lion in IIIIIIII` Lt Ihu his originulitioo. . hilod to oonouive; un tho oonlru-y, the . Inspector has entered inout heartily into tluupocitiolol the principluol tho put educational alarm, with tho View .1 ..:-:.. . 4.. ...L-.. -1.-. L- I.-- I._-__..| _: VEBETI IE G` A call nlbiud. AI` VERY IADW PRICIIS, NOTICE. Input. |_||b Poi. ll?! M\ snntferillgl with inammatnry rheu- umizm Ierc intunau. ll settled in vriau: thonr was hell)- [-`llli UNDIRSIGNID luring received 1 lug: consignment of The Head and ITnn-d of n luucloal Prisoner Cut 0lf. TV-+0. A IIIKUTAI. IUKDBR. FOR SALE. `I'll IIPIIIIJAITKS. `Prices to Suit the Times. 2 lb cans Fresh Peaches, each 15c; or 81.50 per doxen. 3 lb Oana Fresh Peaches, 20c each; or $2 per dozen. Also,0a.nned Pumpkins,Peu,0orn, and Tometoea UNEY T0 LEND in sums` and fur pr ; rind: of Lima L0 nun Hm reqnirnm-mu nl borrow-nu. Inhreu modt,-rule. Apply to JAMPZIII Ilt-,AKTHl'l!. Iu:sgar()nlario Huilmng und Saving: Ho ntnwellinglon Street. opposite Ht. Gmuq-`n Hull, Kingnnn. d HAVING HANK nnnn dnnlv frnm I All M which will be sold It priru lu onrrrlr pond and wnrrnued uf the linut. quality wtunlnz-U Iuiilvlllvtiu VI-ZRG USON'8 BLOCK, PRINCESS STE EET nhnh I'I lihil lovsrsnd EVERY IMY II "I! YEII. UYSTERS TODAY per Elma. LT EIIEICUWVC. l|rchl.1I878. `HAT COIFOBTABLE NEW RESI- DENCE. with the In! of: qrnrtnr of an Arrepn Lhoconcru Patrick And John linen. not and all ooupul by Pun-Ink Isl em. Tbuoundx numb Ibo hildlnmvhleh In yoll drdlol. Ill tuna and furlluat loo Inn npzlv to II. C. V. PIICL, Ban use or kn P. Al.l.ll.oI Ibo pt-onion. 1:: I9. IIII. Thu 'l'Iu'ki:~h Empire with Maps. ` 'l`urkug\`. Inning Slim:-Ives from Lifv in); Enghslnunu. .2 LEI. Colored Maps ofsent 0| War. 30.- IJHD HALE` rr rm. ":5: per lbule. 1 . . . . .......-.\ u.-4. China '1' Gould 1| (irigin uml Den-I1-[um Ballet, 1` ml . tM'.`II ta. Snlgafe Uuiryof Natural l'lIenumuu.1. ` liiobluam, hy Liuuel S. Ih-alt 5 Third Clasg. _Certi`cateV HENDE RSON S \J honing louuulnududo-hon 8u.a(oh. can! lunatic pit to on-noun tu- nggnndlth but The Ra.-mrrartmn ofJeauaChriat. by In-gin llucnn. I] I-0. Life and (`huruxwr of Cbnat, Moran ilk`. Prayer nu-l .\':I!urul L-J-v,l a ALI. mam-1._u_wnrrnm run [or larhu-nu hoourslull M hnvin Ila! nylon um. um DAV .u-L1-up n`..... u. in Idndvnhul In-nun loud. ..... ....-u. .. __, ,_g . . .. Doctrine ohm lmpe ramul Gm Ihsligu in Plums. IA pnmful bud. I10;-.. Biology of Lotuurueau. 81.7 Evulutiou. by St. (lmrg:-. Minor . $1.- I , I 0001) IUII IAII. usual in hudnl and want an so 130- hunt Duullhg than-n. In Isms } qplv In the tuna. vnuul mun. ` Th cu... huh-. ran... as, lug. The Verlly ol Clam : Resurrection from the I ` L` I`. 7'10. \ Striving for the lr`uith.Lo<~1ur;moltlmhrinlllun Evidence so:-my. .100. Hades, ur the Immediate .\'L.-tr of Man Dr:-pt-r's Conivt between H:-Ii: Bx-it-uu-9. II Muudaley n Phyamlogy of Mimi. T. NOTICE. IUVWYVI II PIIIOII math; tho usual 0! IIOIT non. odulthlun llll than-no-nun A 5'." In can a lawn! la -n..;.. In NI, Illptao Pu: Olen. lhtytlll I no puupdyulld 3-I. udehcnolltdv - The (Jhurv.-has of Chrinlmnlom. by the Rev. A. J. Bray. 7.":-. Question: Awakened by Hm Bible Dr. Brewer's Theolugv iu Sm-In-o 1 The Aboliltou of Death. `I-u. The Doctrine ul' Annihilunwl. ln'J. llaldnn Brown. Ilka. -1050,?! Cook : In-clung, 1'0.` to Qlf par Vol. 'l`n|mago'o Sermon; Ia Klorlnl Pnninlnnvut Imllml V `:31- It is aValal;le Remedy .. I.`..\. 7 ` Esau! llopo-Cnumn Faurarn NoI\'o|uIo of Five onuou. QLLND. fHendeIsnn's Buukslmel fnooxs (JANNEI) u()01)r-4, n. E. srms. n.n.s..' 1.0.8..` .IlTII'I'o '8izianca and Religion! &c.. &c., &c._ TURKEY- [Ila Brut Ilanlict I ;. xtmumnialmantr align lll Plnu FVICI AID IIIIDIICI, Prhnoo It , lmnnnlnnd lvdnnhn-. nu-.9; (`annual hr Iixru-3|:-41:`, 1v| -|_,,.`._.. .|.... RECEIVED T0 -njiv VVICI AID IIIIDIICI, loutrulnnd lyda--bun u-uh. rufll nu-unpaid tnthoootnetlu cl n Pulpit Tulk. I Kingllnn. ' SAVINGS BANK open daily from I0 Lo 3 p m. A LARGE QUANTITY OF JAMES REIIIDIN. IVul\\."H In l\l'l.I l)l)l\l1-uuu u- TO FAEMERS. T="C)-R*iil_`E/,_ nnnunn--.n a nun: '.=o'Afi. llnitorv 0' Tullu-\'. In Empire with Mllpn. nu Li Gives Eealt_l1, Strength `-1 A_....AIo- AT HENDERSON'S. _Not|ce._ III ngnhhg oh. Btimullopel House ,h_v Mmm. mo 0n Ihursdny. the em .\lnrcIn.!, It-ms, . n For the perfnrmnnro of Ihr um-lonm-nl`u~n u-rvk-an of the lilbun Hojnnrluu-nl. at Kn- uwn. for lho period of UN!) YHAIL {mm 1 A|n||, IKIK VI7 Nnw lilnwk Cunlunnree` 300 nimws New l'rinLu, 2.34) pin-4-4 nmhnn W him Uubluu, US pum-n Worsted Conclugn. 3" NJ! - No ma -umnincx-svgsghkv pmnes |Y____ I_ 41.- rm... Now Is the Tinu-. to IA-ave Your 0:-deru for the Celolmslimn I the l7Il| of 0I:l Ireland at the (eel In thunk Uoll III [III III.- tlut than L in mod I Iuulicinc .. vr.r;m'lNIf. um! I .1... think it. an: -:1 lheba-I luedinrluru ` I r cuu.ghn Ami Wcak,linkin',,' (eel- [ inxu an the nunmwh, uul Achin- .--.`rr\'h.-Iv .. min. the Vlviul-L NEW YORK CETOTHING STORE 'l`l`4XV l)I`;H.H \\ ILI4 HI`. I` I2` I`. I M. the I):-.putv :\IljIIlJIliK"vl|l'ru| - H Artillery Puk. Khuuntuu. lull noon un Supplying Forage for Horses. Wuhing Barrack and Hospital `liultlinn Fan: of Tondar can he ohuinul on npyn oouou In lhh omen. The nunon of two nurrtwu wall ha roquiroul for the duo perfunnouco ul v-wh at l|u- nlmra nrvk-ea. mixnod.) P |Ir'IlHl.If" Lt ".1xla|l|AI I . Ii}. Deputy Aahuunt (51-nan! n (mu-r, . Imnbn. llh larch, IN?! 1 TWO W038 A3073 OLD STAND. Wollington Street. [having given away $500 worth nf I rr-nu-nla nluriuyz lhn hunt month In our nulnnrnun (`no-In-nu was have deusrunim-cl In furllu-rulwmnruya tlw ()KI`.'A'l` l`A`l`R()NA(H'I aivmn II4 n_V Ilm [ml in nu-,udiu;( our Nnlu through lhv wlmlu 'n.\nll| of March, and to Ivn awnwuuntlu-r Q30! wm ofoodu in l rosn~ImL E` FUR FULI. l A|{Tl('ULAI(S B .I"ER '10 HANI)Mll.I.S 1 n. a w. J. Crothersl so muuuuan Ian ' `"'.u can 5...`.-75' """u .- ., -1 n_..-...._. ` rvrr nu. ` Mlu. L. (;<)}H'I, I'..r .\la;.;u:n-uni Wnluul Fats, ` ` l'aIuhr'ulgc, MINI. ` u G-II..A.IN'I) (3-II"I' S.A.I.IEl- I YII \Ir\&I-) IIIHAT lllfll All) Pllllllll an I;~ dab: @000. Want. have-on InrfuJ [Inks IIlU&.I||I bald on Marta ll lou- Iol pltrhnn App); In ` Jlll In-AIIOI, NEW SPRING DRESS ODDS! AJI` VVALDRON S. ill IVVVI LCIIDI uvun V--Iv Iv unru- ORDER WORK WE ARE MAKING A SPECIAUTY. 3 Our Cutter. Mr. Nv|n!unh- has given Iotlufaotiol to all lhoae who Inn given him as trial. C MuNAU(Hl'l`()N & ('0. nre ovriug GREAT BARGAINS In the nbovo (loonln |'nrlu~s reunlriul nuv Goods in our hue will find it totlu-Ir mlvnntan to Kim us A call. 3' hIuNAU(HlTON 51 ('0. olfvriug (HEAT BARGAINS in the above (It requiring any mlvuntuga give (`HME HN'l4`.' COMIC ALI.` i'M`cNAUGHT0N 8_L C0.. Cor King& Princess Sts. Suits from $5.00 to 15.00. l'\3nn-Ann Hnifo Tweetls. Gent : I-`umlnhlgs. i CMTIS, Illngonals. Worsted m..:.n.,- my mun. so-1 van; `FINE hn cur-ed nu; andldn lee! knlhmk God all the (line! Ihn [hnrn L. n.. until A nuulininu Feb 24;, 1373. OHIIAP ;(iZII'.-()'.I.'EIN'(3- N'O'.iZ'IGZE3. We ham 3 Large and Variad Stock at my-ma lothinu. Anon njli CCDCIQIQ Rni X QCICX jll nun spams srockls NOW TO HAND! And In ' A FIRM`-CLASS CUTTER in otllhathl to ulllhcu lnul u` nu vI\h't.h:?J-ulna. I` Much 12, I878. [ig,='=r=T" ..n.u.u..c`a;a.raa:*a`-sa .- -n._-_.' n . I n-_an....|. -.:_.... _.- EN1)EI{S WILL BE l{I`l('l*.'l\'EI) ..n M... In-mnv .\.H..a....z n.........1.un..-.- RE-OPENED. THE FULLUWING LINES HF lh)UD-5' H.\\'E COME '|`(| ll/\7N'l .-\ I` Ununh, sud hl such Ind 3-4. I ll: Um . I! wml-I `:cr(:fh|:Kl.Xv:Il,;`P` H I never u`ul4l hroznlht nnv sod VEHH bi In aster: tidy euzunor-l|nuho_v have natural Man. N Mvzlku l Iv Gray Lu W H134-,k L nun: nun!-um nmnrimn us now comm! New Union Iilu-k Uzuhuwro `the. :m.-. :s.' I `Jr. we and nor. Nuw Grey. l|'uvn. Drnh_ Brown. A:-lml M Rosana. Cnlhmc-rm. Nu-w Sargn-.u. l|'uwII. Ha 9.01-mu. Mm-4 u;-I (IN-v M. `Mo. `:50 nml Ilia 5>1|pIe<`ouNn\v Mnlnir ualrea Ill |.":.~. ls -. `Jlbc. 25 um) ilk` 100 piece: New Blwok Hrillinnllm-a .u I.`- 30, J5 mud 301:, 400 pircoa New Prinl.a-Bont Englinh--l x uml I9 I `Iv. New Ty:-001: Ropps~-Hundnouw Pulh'rnz4 for Wrappers. (Inc-up Shootings, Fnhla Litmus. 'l`uwrln, l'n\|e Nnpklun and White Qllllta -\ IA!-I r\r\r\|IuI\ IAIII I 1-; In - --u-- ----- vv--- --v--~--v~-- -- -.--.-' :-_- -_-.._.. L1WGIN 1'LlKIN'8!'U'IN'EU GND3 NBILIGT n 1 1 nunnnnnu u__,-_ (ioxllool-tolcul-I'.`I.&J.G|I'd|Iu"u.PI -5-" Punrli Aln Dlllrlllulll SPRING lMPORTATlONS. ALEX. om , hr II. R. St-svnu. hear Nh'.-X Ill! mud abut- _ Iully Add my lathwuy to the `,gn.-st umnhcv you bro nlnaly lecrivevl Ln lavor M yuur `gun-I --an-I madldne. V 123- T1.\ ., for I did not think `nu.n1hr.|nln35din period of UN E Y Apv||, (`oat lugs, VVOEHIJCY. LI Culuvltl, Ar! [{ Ilapu AIIJI (lo I: I. Hi}. Du. No -'. (hnaml'n ()I'.'u-0 I IDOLLARSA ;B'l'?."'iIVm;:K`i:'|.)"()'|;l|."';`~W'ii;36;wmdings. GIVEN AWAY IN PRESENTS. U DO 10-UU. gon suit: from 14.00 to 318.00. Wool Punt: from $1.75 to 5.00. 'I-` Alli` IIAKINH A h`Dl`f`lAI.I'I'V If (her l?nHAr- Ilr ll.-Int...I.. Illls W III nu-I II M! Ivvlr .llVIIIlC`B W COME ONE 3 COME ALL! 'r]."K. fun I did DOC lllllk `cm-xuhuubanidin illprlbe hr I Inc tnnulal nu-I yum: and: that dnulluldbnar. sunk, And hl such bu! T1-muhimzquclln it ()3 qua-incl u no .'ah(`-aura-n-c( Tnvulb ling .|..g.\-conning '9 Ann 1-! `Cal olllvnius: had. than-. uvuvo Duolhng Ileana. ll` , qgpblpbuiohdlvun an-ulnuclung 0:-chad. I chitin-u.v'IIl bun. `lira Incas III . um. Cb GIG, up: hcg bvsluhh Pup -.._..;.t.nn 5-41..-.|...n-. = Eats. Capo. Q0. F. X. GDUSINEAU & 00. -, ,\V.xI:1|| u ..1| ull" \, 1 I lIIAI\I, Hll1ll|All|I`lIlN|v Illimlu-n--1-4 ml in many rnn uwln In I-nlvr wurk l'.H' |<`l'lL\'l\Hl|lNH UUUl)H~- EW AND (?||I*lU' w :1 .\|l.K llA l'.'i for t Pulri -Ya Day. Z. PREVOST, -u u.I~n|r|r1' II... n..... 3.-.. n._ u._..,. .. I than Ever Before On :-red FOE. Ba()SS S. |`am|l_y Flour. l m~'Iry Flour. But-Iiwln-at Hour. rulnnn Flour, i IIEWTDN & uucus' ` NewF|ourStore Olover Seed Timothy Seed and mi. cum, Hewton & Hughes, \ll 1 9|: Luv:-nun, nut. van. w.- and Appetite. .\l_v -Inu_,'nI.er hu n-(rive-I gr:-n. I M lrnnnlhruncnf Vr,ul'r Ill.` of the nnulnnlity and Ill 5% the |.4FW'|'3"'|` PIKICIM IN I'll|-: CITY. 1 (Nu nu n mI| And get your good: 3! HRH` (ill:-cl. 701-,T. c,`.|0c' nml II. I `Ir. 400 nmI.'10c. ""9! .'.f".'_.'.'v , _ _ _ _ ll mun 0-um loud; I II: 1152'` 1 Illlrlfl ulphbg. a:,'.'}, n." (I. W. UIIWICK. lolnu mun. 1.-.... u..n. um: ILL HI SOLD (ll IIANOIAIQIJ, torugov will In lot, 1-Ill Iull lumuu ...a ..-nu Haul. I.-nil An an mivucx BIEQIEIEI noun. nu. ,nI__ .__..A ... t\.A-_1.. nu...` - _.I . IA) Pit-(`es New Hamburg Enlbroiulc-ry. H I)u7,nn Maw Cullnrn nml limb. in .N' ~I A New Medi_c2;l Discovery _CQRES v vvwwv u___- ~ in m m .I,nA bu-nun-H-n twil- h pvlnrnlux, nlbv I *0` [M H J Ilrl ha I: frugal 0:311. H jtd luv H Jillrl I & ha It-ml h-1 Jnnldlnr-t n-ahmnva PIIIOIII I`| .. `._.'-I Mnrch 11.1370. Ihgltomlwoh um A. Iwss, R8 Priurmu Htreot, npposmu tlm ('ny llnl C. W.`W. ANDERSON. In _-Z'I- vu- OR ['0 LEAHE. .-..o..{ "2,;.;.;. ovnr Ihlng Inuuu (I All. Also 7 > from Ila lurk:-0 uqunrr. llcllsbic Evldenoe. learn lurnlnhlngs. TITU \\ `n ~`\ \ Russ, an l'nu ll. -ly u. take me VKIH-. 7. (ur I am unsure lhem It in I the but medlcinen lhnl nu. ::orn:xl Remedy -: -.\ \\m`_\`1 j,.ooo_ | Turn lhnn-wn. Turn in conndonblo E amvily along tho Ihl?V(::I It the prnonl 3 Mn. pr:-parntnrv In and In umcvpahon' in! the pacing --f nuigtvinn. Wu no perh-pa n Mlle wrung In tho employment ul chm phrue since: the upcmng nrtnnlly I um. pins on the dnylho Picnopout n tsunmd tutu comnunicsuun button: the un. . n In . ,_ n,:-, Tm: Homn.-The communication of the Vlcturm look and Ladder Cnmpnny to the (`my Uuunml lltdd that the vote uf mncondeuco Irna passed by a unmi- mnu.-4 vote, whnch, we are tu'd, in quite cnrroct. H-It one member of the Cum~ puny hm ruquenlwl us to status that he nu-I two uthur rm-tubers did not Ilgu the I,..|n.. A . Al... {`,.....,..I -nu vuu-un...-v nu. l...-.n... t mo member to _ luller [U the Council. * 9.. l'.\`r\vm:n:I.r. SIuxmL-'l of the lnmlurnltn Ill lha I Lollluw nu discharged. | A 'l`r.nu v.`HAL -A ducmnent, uigned by IL-4 hen-I mntorl, including Mr. A. I . Kmghl, Roch r of H10 Colloginte lmti u tut, Kmguloo, hu been sent to the Mk nut:-r of Educutinn, stating the regret ` they felt III nociomg stuck: Indy undo I . h. \l..I .II... in . T..o..nh.. nan`! I'll , IUII III IIU`IUlIlK IIIQUQI I353], un-uu upun Dr. .\lcLallnu in I Toronto pnpor. nu-l utmnuly uliuvuving All Iytnpuhy nth the unilnntv. The Iliuiuor ol Elncauon uncle I tting nply, stating hie huh menu nf the Ibility and integrity l of Dr. Mclnllnn. the gremest FL`! I{mm:nv.-- Luz night some pretty mun ruM>N' lurked in I palm of [Inn in the hnrdwnru nturunl the Mann. Chown, `~ .. ... . . .. . | luv nnluw-us ILIIIUUI nu: mu-an-. uuuwu, E u-Ixx Prince-u Street, And ntolo two rev--lven, winch Irl'0 put of tho [Codi chsplayad m the window: The pistol: had no husnn-as [hare Al mqht, it II true, being I direct temptaunn tn robbery, but `this Hue! nu A vicmun one Lu Add dos-l [ -1|` Ill ALI`-V` HI` J-nu nu un: uuyu I um. 51 has been expense`! by several culi- lzena thtuugh um gross and nthorwise, lhat.\I1'. llmnnno-as w~Il pemumlly d|lV8l' Hm lucluna, which was recently read for him In (Maw: by Mr. Machnr, uu .\'pumIuIiun." The mhlreu, under any curclnmtam-HI. would bv roceln-.l with luuuvu `nu: uirululuunzlunn uvu-I-vu luv my and lsluuln. Boson! been no boils; tted out for senior, and in 3 for days color upon ucvico. What the undo in- ring tho using uncut will be it in 1 hula early to conjoctuc. The ptwpaon At. present an not ovcy bright. l Iuc:ru. GIu.v1.-TIo (`tub sdaol IJounuJ {or Iuvh. inch rid hub you-niny. has an iltdulilg thatch of tho Monty our all llov. Principal ihllll. ..A. llII-jjI ivjl n mud, Ibo -halo inducing the tr `mnviput -uh Imuntbnigh `whoa: onnuytlinq holook in hand, `diabetic rupodblh paladin- cha, Ibo kiunhctlholjnlnlb-I . A_- _.';L _LX_L L- L..__- '..|...A.'A_J u,u-rv vunuwuvn I1.-r--avia-ur human till Ilhbbhuno idnhlod. |n\IIIII&&O1w$II- and maven. The chat '3 anaco- `ma 5, . pohll -nu usury nu-cu.` ._ .1- __-..-I_.a ..J ...n|...... WI. DAVID Owner (lap Int,l r|u~ns Mud. Ihntcu Hun .\'um.I.-`l'ho Elucutiun Asuncio- nnn of Quecn} Cullege have boeu endu- vuunug to secure .\lrI. Nohle'I return In-re fut B BGNOB of rudinga, but have `men dlxmpp--lvIlL"i In her tnul nluwcr. Mm ll In-rlnammtly xed It Detroit by virus and other engagemento. - -405. Tum Fun: 'l`nn-,-'[`ha nchr. "David' Audruvu" Inpdo her first trip" from Nu- panm: last Thursday. She had wintered nuar the swing bridge, nuvl, when the ice Inruke up, u1_r-|p:d duwn Iome dinuuco, but had to be lmulnl up again Ind le- uurud at Lhv dock. _._..,,___ "Tu: Du or l{ur."-Tho February number In received by the Brilinh mail of Ihu week at llonclernuni boohtoro` It in the plveauantut Snndny book yqt, notIilhal.mding ils many rivnll. ` ----~ -- lust: v,-yu-uvuuv--cu -vvty m In Oct-13! ml na. .:,,.43.__ Hu-uv & Inn hnn rcceind their upring goods, And thoy no luhiomblo and yet cheap. All that hdou in um f.uhinrn Jlc=, an sumo merchant: would make the public laelieva. TOT ~. Uh KIY la, lurr hue: ru chu ock, And their cuuoman need never nqniro to lnuk uluwhero for my thing in ordi- fy HIE. .3" .43. __ um... l: mu Ruuom Psonuu, publilhod yoounhy, the hour of starting should Ihuuld have been twolve o'clock iuhad at l.I0.-ALAQCIvI. TuI'ns-u.aT,xv'xo Iukcu 14.1573, our 7` Inn nanurv I 1`GOI..D In NO! YUKI13 O'|00K IQ -_- o-1.____ ! - m_m-*__ I Flonu Du1 n.- We lu: that Hr. John Ctuey, of Bodlnrd Malia, died wary suddenly in Clonluad ycctcnhy. -.-.-- Vegetineva Vegetino Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine ,. Vegctine - Vegetine I Vegetine Vegetine 1 Vegetine ,. Vcgetine I Vegetine Vegetine .- Vegetine '* Vegetiue .. Vegeune Vegctine Vegetinc I Vegetme ,\,' Vegetma i-\ Vegetmc fl` .; Vegetine : A III Iu-A DOT BI 5 uldkfnvon Ill I ll-unhv. 25: :nu.--baht! I`: ud'1'uon Lunntc IITI-7! banana; llounhy. 25 his !::.lau:nuand Fttnnuonq Iobutcaru. u . jam gang grmsn mtg . .__,,.4...-,_._. lly.l.o Own -\\'u very mulch regret ,.nr umhnlazy in find room for the article "The Turks in Uul,(|ria." to-lny. but wu ulna It highly, and will surely nd _ _. I .. .. ... ............. lat . Ihujudlb-zllhl 'llo:n:?|:yI.':0:.-.lnbI|l-I- Pintnuh --5] I . . . aunts. lmh Iu-uo olafurk Fun .n innnnn It I ll- haunts. Inn! lIb-nuu on tur- Fun .| ingnon p.u. April In-Applij In h 5? II` T l/I'a|fd I 7 II . bah Inn. --hlh` J ' v nun-u n arc re-porlml . ..f n.lIuu -u um m....., u. ..uu-v uf whmh Lhv Iurgent purlionuf lmn been left in the won in. The 5 have been broken up, and the run! men, exec-p| the '.'n'er hnndl, COUNTY RVINII. rs.-spout. -- cc `. .x...... ...........,.., -.... .., uxpetllliull of the mnjority 1, to hnl.l the Annual sprung uf at Idcnla all the `..".MI. ol , .4->oT,_. [VAL Ut)l'lu,`ll.. -The Un- mncil hue decided, cun rluinul inteunon, and lo ._.I .. . I AL... ' il-1A.~u`)L-Theu1n-rltionl 1 Bellevnlle lec- nu hkely tu turn out _ .,., .1. A, _.._|_ jnin in the hnpe ,1 L... ,...........| ...o.' Me of trmlcf let the people: yull have 11'!` : vet ml of, to ;. Let the peo- .Z.... L..." .9 I by u.-nu V1-I too early Yesterday nfternoon Captain Mil'ignn, of Garden Island. rowed out in a punt with one of the Inland seamen to visit his vessel, the `Binmuck, lying in the ' stream a few hundred ynrdn from the 1 there. An they were returning the boat I became waterlogged, and they land to take to the Inter, the contmt with which must have been an cooling at 3 seal. on Ill iceberg. They were in n desperate strait for three querterl of I ) hour, as they were bonumbed with cold, and their cries (and such criel an only drowning men can give) were unheard on shore. The captain wanted to not out for the bench, feeling that he win able to swim thnt far, but his companion wu afraid to Itir, and the Cuptnin chimlruunly stuck to him. And it wan well that he did, for It the end of half An hour the uilor gave up his huld on the punt, utterly exhnunt- ed by the strains and exposure. The Captain : muucular urm saved him from Iinlnng and hold him up for fteen min- ..i..- oill - 9.1..` nun-\n nu! In-nm flu: lulnnul Illlllll Illu nun: llllll uy nu unuzuu uu-r uten, till I hos`. came out from the Inland and took in the two men, both utterly played oul.-m0re dead than Ill\'8. A few minutes more in the water alone would have brought. the adventure to I tragic anal. The Binmarck" hu 1 C|p<' Lam with A good nerve and lrun mulclen. --.. l'r-~p.m-1| My II. R. !'bI`ls`.Vt}.\', Ifoston, Mass. pun irum um yuuuu Luau n .11 yluacu-5 receives. We have when wondered Why more interest In: no! lnlion in the Inui- tuto, which nhould be the pnpulnr ruort of all clnuu, irrespective of the diminu- ti:-nn which prove I dividing line in other reupocu. Tho buin in there for 3 lint clnu club room-n literary club mon- nnd the nllrnctioun could be inoruud scent-ding u the hurls were incroand, thus prnvidiugvtha mu-Inna! not only |nu~ mg at but Iccoinplinhing lmpruvamenu. Let the meeting Illll evening be I lnrgo Thll evening a meeting of the member: and friends u! the :VIechnnica'I'1atitnle wxll be ha-Ll in the reading room, City Buildingl, and we earnestly hope that the renal}. of thin conference vnll be the, enc augury s! a better career of an inatiluliun which deserve: better sup- port from the pllblll: that it It present` ----;-n- w. w...... ..n_... ..-..a...a ..+... I -- ii-.-.,... I1\ Plvun VV ...-- I|llt`Il by ii niiigiilar lllllllly. Wlii-ruin-r ho gun he nds hiiiiaelf Iippnlt-cl. I! never iluiiiitoil, iinal gt-iierA||_v out in p|unl_v,|nrl an uently and iui pmnilile. The limit catxuti--plus with which liiii name in cunnectml ncciirred ii night or two Ago at Winghain. There it Iocinii Wiildoirii ]II`vlI(`l|bIl, but before serniuiiizing, he lemme.-cl of im nttack upon him. iiiule in the local paper, the mitliunliip of which he )\lll'|lIlll\`\.l to Rev. Mr. Davis, 1 M. E. (`hiirch clergy mm. Widdoil. acting -in thin infnnnr tion, went for Davin in his lllI(`Ii|lY`IQ. After tliv ilioc-rune, DIVII ll)` in unit for Wiildown, and u they met. Dari: iitnick his wordy nnailnnt I ha on the now. and olhorwine pi-lilhod u the ox Monk in the must nppr-ital pugiliatic fuhiun. The dispute will he iidjinted by I police mm, the can having been taken lincooaurt. Plulsnnol. - Pml. Oldhun ro- uivod 3 pnlnntniou 0! train music bah (Ion tho Ian: Iona, motion 0! I50 Orchodtll Club of Ihuh lo 50 um hand, today. They acknowledge us` (Not proldoocy which the Club no u- hiaod undo: It. 0|-thou`: diruuion, udhopolot hhlong oontinulwouia lands--uIil, at hot. it Iovolop `null ` :_A- ..._.AL:__ Li_LI- _-13-Oi` [av Inc: -on--uu; i.h-yd-`g-gun. lpunyaasq vuthr. Puclvbtz j ?.Z'...u...-"'-"' "J17 ----oo--. ..:-o-qt __ Pnonnntmn M tho non truly but boon: Iuuholovuhkongunndnnlo A- l.-L -.-nL.d_ A- :.-and--i.L (Hit. -U&U UV CIT Z'II-l, Io vainly winds nldnl-vulhot nub uiuotnomlollocd bypninly _|...__ _.-AL-9 yuxunpu nu vvuunu uunugv nu uuuu. -'l`ha Hamilton Sprdalur chslleugel the Thine: tn mike I comparison of bunk: with a view of deciding which pnpor ban the larger circulation. The Spectator utuku $100 on the reuult-n vuiy I-uh proceeding tu say the it':LIK of it. The Sp-clultr must. be twice bloueil when good bank bill: are no nuuierom. u- I 'r u_-...... in nu n........ svvu in-an uuu _.- uu nu. -\Ir. J. T. Grange, M l P., nomm~ Med William Mcbougall as the coming IIJID--lll9 great gun who is to content tho Lonimx election with Mr. Cartwright. Mr. Grange must have felt ind when he made that nomination, as he was FL` ported In line um. long since made up hi: mind (1: ncricu humelliu this rea- pact. -Tho scavenger: no doing n noble work in cleaning our ntreau. ll the cart: coul.| only tnke nvny thu little mountains of mud n quickly nithoy are nude axles`. of scraping would he saved. LY __.. I)- I...IIIS_.` _LL|. I...` .- unl- --um; nun... --. mulch}.-III` -vuu. .-u ...-.n.. -S~)IlJG Pr'oCkViiIll, with too much innney, in said to be drelmrhg of building nnulher monitor hotel at Alenndria Bay. If he could only drum uf how much nmney he can drop in that Iuy perhaps he would change hi: mind. 'I"L_ l..l-...L|o..-. Q...i, .0... nkgllnnnag -wen...-. w-llv\r\a vv .. `v ..-........ --The city nnucen an worrying some of our citiuna to death. It would be I utinlunuu il some gonim cuuld nd out if the city in in debt, Mad if IO, but much I r-- :< ,_1|, --'I`ho Syncuu Herald, in speaking of the bountiful rather Int Sunday. uyu it. In such I phnuu: dny that even po- hcemon unntod to go to church. TL- -lA_ M..--.4... A-A -..--uinn nnunn IIIIIlI' Illl Dnuuu-1. -Eo told his love, aid. (or hot hurt, upon hi: know be boat, but Ibo turned any with 1 pious nit, tuluking, `'1! in I ._n "` --Alt $1 IIIUIPIIJH It Iuwuu unwi- lnloy tho Cut-nuqui Btidgo to Poth- uooth yulhuhy. `u unmet Gonna an-nu;-nun running an ntnrdAv an ytti . au- -vv-n-so v couuncuu running on Saturday. _ I1- BALI L3. IA-` `.1-.4] In: In`: no uuu nu. --Ilr. Inna Gnu, Jun, in but Ip- poinud Superintendent ol Bridpu on tho Grand Trunk, an ooo moody ton- dauad menu by the doonu 0! HI hnr. -'l'ho Iellr Brooklyn in bud Iron |..h- oh. I".--n_;u.i Rodgn In prank- Ai.'rnA'r1vz,roiuc,so1.v1nu' ; men nxunzrxc. I

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