an gaiIg_;;'_|1 i;lI am London, Mnrch 22.-A delpalch from` St. Petorsburg say: thnt Gortnchnko positively declnrel he will not submit the ` . Bunnbim question to Congress but will a ratroceu forcibly if Roumulil Ihould l _ oppose. rununnlurn an nun. -nun lunlrnu. London, March 22-The Times state: that the iron trade in South Yurluhire M. the proaent tima in very atagnant. ' A large number of men in out of work; within a few days two leading work: in i Ratcerhnm opped owing to the scarcity of orderr, and abont one thouaaml addi- tional men were rendered idie. On these eatabliahmenta the Midland Iron Com- pany had during the last ten year: paid dividend: averaging 50 per cent. per annnm. It in toured the culliern wili i dividaudu uauglng DU cant. annum. It strike Igunnl. the reduction of wngea, in which cue 30,000 men will be unum played. | Toronto, March `J2.-Mr. Rina `ms uncalled all his engugomonu until After hil trinl. l|;..n..u-6. 6- p-tlmr nrnvnlnnl. in Hm (By Telegraph lo-day.) ! I hil tnnl. Dipthcrin in rather provnlont in the city; 1 number of one: Inn )r0vod htal. mo (I30 hat of nhiml tin: or. the first Tho Centnl Rino Club decided lut night not to chnnga their name until nftor the trial of their launder, which takes plnce in .\lny. Another win: in to be erected to the tordny by Northern Int. 1 I taken plnce In May. Another wing General Hupiul, AL I cost of Il. :,0OU, for purpose: at An Eye and En lnrunm ry. The now Fever Hospital in About completed, und will be ready forocanpm (ion by the II! of May. A movununt 1:? .Im on foot for ntnbutinz In lnohn- I (ion by the 1:! ol luy. A movunum 11 duo on ntnblhting sto Asylum in connection with tho Hos piul. city; number or Inn rrovou nun. l00,(l)0 he! nhin or, of the IOIIOII, Arrived gram Barrio yu- tordny by Northern RR. , ` \" Tho Oentnl (By Telcqrag To clay.) Now York, March ?:!.-A punenget who an-ind yesterday from Huun, mun Mm from 4.0!!) to 6.000 Cuban inlurgontn In ontnnchod in dun ltutorn sad It): Vnllu diutiob. Ind Icu than I OOO$-O0-- Tho full can 0! the not Tnnpcnnoo - . ,, ;. .. n.-.... I...n m-mnrcd in V UUXIII Iolnl. Kine Affairs-I-IonpHa Improve-' menlu, (Pr. I - _ I A Nereru Ending Wr Threatened inlurgonh ontnncnoa In um nalwrn Ind Ion Vslloy districts, lbonuld Ind nruudurod to the Spun- hrdn. Thoopiaion in Hanna III that war would notoana (or yarn, union the Cuban Ion dlavod to govern thon- The Eggod 5:-5:150`-DOW-L010. [Dy lulvvwri nv-way. U Otuvn, lurch 22.-'l'Inn In Indiu- orboo ache Hindu-uy Ilcotiug in Bull Int night. The Rev. potloggu In escorted to and In: the church by I number 0! . I Dunno. In-n V131 Olhnnl ' (B1 ream: May.) .- Il...In 9`) _'I"|mnn --J vv--- 765910. jcTI_vTI, __-.. The recent rumoun that "Mully Mn- gu|rum' wu being lnnlplunlod m the noiglnhorhood of St. Cndnriunl and among tho c:.n|l wan ucitod conu'd0r- Able nneuinon The rumour originated doubtless, in the Inc! that am or more 0! thus murderous clique from 07!! tho Iinuc hud lnlmn uylum in the neighborhood, at n rohngo from Auforionu junico. Ono of thou, Mu-tin Botgin, I Moll]; Hnguiro clnrpd Vith the murdnr of a Patrick llurm. hu bean duly utndnod Iron Cauuda. And it in to bc hoped he will pron to be tho [us of his kidney to vim u. What with both; thoobjootivo point for Fe-nisn invuiom. the uylum (ur Sil- ting Bull And hi: `boatiln, and, gum- rnlly, A son 01 roooptwlo for tho nurphu turbulent And an-iminil olauu of tho l'ni\od Sum, who too Intunlly uh to (`ands min: for temp or (or plunder. wonlywollllopotobelponddlonldol miotiou ol this nooublo lolly [quire puulonu. Wounglnd thoobovoopoct ...-.. .1 mi. now urrcrinn lug gone II llllllt wnnunrn .. --'l'ln oollion in Bu-ulz. - shin. an-uokyutuday npuut I rodeo- Lion in run. Villa: cnly uu-no mnuung; voxou. ` --Fin mlcutu us npuwt BI Inn boon killed on the night 0! I301. ll Fat Oluk. `hut. in I ght but! 350 ihill lid black ll-M91. -T|Io funeral ofG.m. 0'Gruly Hula _ taken plan `at Ihlihx to day. Bnnchu ol 010 Inginuturo rill anal. --The Camnmoo appointed by the Frnh Bush to onqin hug tin I3- nation of trade, no npoqtod ta upon vary m-ougly in favour of iuonoud pm- Motion. rm or Doputicu win 5. dissolved. _ -Tho French Olby ol Dopuh yuiel-J51 Do _. revenue budget with: mly u-no diuouting; voices. --!`in midis:-I I.I'I nun-ed --A large uumhorolomnpooiton no on strike in Paris. The miners at Do- nuvilbhuvo Alto "quit van-Ix. lath -nomadic nionu-|hmd1o Ila Igr ` tion of the lmerrnlionnlp, undue M.- tncting much utunuon. --A dannntch {mm Gibnltu V0000!`- ` um Lrullllulllue uu I uunw xl-vuu. | w Five llmnaxuul 1-uple mluuud the - comecralion -If the Lllwrlml ship `Ar.ov,' at Churleslun yeslvrdsty, by Bishop Brown. of the Aiticau Mnthodilt Church, 3 Seven] addruuu were made, the general 1 1 feeling being expressed by one of ;tho I speakers who aid : "In this count 3 ` nvgro in I nation of boot blush, Iioutleu ` | and home gm-nun, arms of mcninln. If I T he wishe-a to rise he must go when he in : on an equality with his Iurroundingo." , ---7 V -oQo---~-- tnctmg mucu uunuon. -A denpotch from yeah!- day up lbs! Boynlou ntul-nod` thou uh.-r swimming gcrou tho unit: to` Tnngier, being 17 hnurl making the trip acrou. Be an nouly swept om to an by high true: and spring tides. -A Whealimz. Pl.. duoclch nu W6 I Montnnl, Mnml in Bank of Montre:LI~l6l 3 4. 161. _ ` Merchanhn` Bank -64. 63 1-5. , 1 At 3-4. H Bank nf Commerce ~1l:'s `.1-1 115. Ontario Bank-139. 1:55. " ` Molann`I Bunk-Ex. div.. 16 30.90. -' ` (`nuunlIxIntml Hunk TH 34. 781`. by high and sprung nan. -A Wheeling, Pl.. dupclch uyu prisoner: Wnllloo Ind Baker, ohrnod with the outrage and uurdon of In. Wnllnce Ind Min Church, are under heuy guard yet. but it u [ononlly bo- Iiovod they will both belytchrod to-dny. --Two hundred workmen 0! A mu` com pany of Olncufee, Man. are reported In having ntuched the mill llld uuchinery for run duo from Dooonbor unant- mg to 830,000. Other orodilon Inn 3130 attached the property ranking I told of 875,000. ._'rhn Rnhbi of the Jewilh Svnnonuo 1r.5,uou. --'l`he Rabbi of tho Jewilh Synngoguo in Chicago refulen to IUOI I lecture to bo delivered before the Sinai Iitanry ...m-;.oi..n hv A Nan York nmfnaar. bu d0IIVOI 0d baron um nun uunry association by B New York profnwr, whom the Rabbi states, blupheuuu (lad and Judiu. I _ Ma...-. l4`. wino nnd (Yhittandnn of the ' and Judnu. Messrs. E wing and Chittendon of l`. S. House of I{epnIontu.ivu yesterday viewed tho weighing ef fteen million gold in tho nub-treasury uultn. Thu-e is about one hundred millionin coin nnd bullion in these vaults to the surpriu of '\ nk {`nnuron.nuan DIIIIIOH I lb nth Cm 7&1` b -lh Uonureesuieni -A Columbia S. (3., dupntch ulutel that the Uheirinnn of the Fund Com- mittee in the Senate yentordny, public` ly announced they Ind ample evidence to secure the Ipoedy conviction of ex-Gov. Chamberlain. for his share in crime- .......:-up Hm Rial. Rnnnlntimm limunvnrz Uhamberlnm. Inr nu man In crime- against the Sula. Ruolut.i-nu hmnvor, were passed in the Legialnturo on Thurs- day requeutim the Governor to order noble In 0a( 1[ui in Any cue: brought by the State based upon the hats found by the Committee on Public Frauds. i- , I. _..A..___-) .L- Bunk-Ex. div.. 16 M90 (`onuolldated Bunk 78 3-4, 7314: Montreal Tel. (Jo -I22 1 2. 12?. D uminiun Te . Co 34 3-4, 84. Nit-ho-lit-I1--.'M. 53 1-2. "$3.3: Italian Ministry in lull] l Mound, March 22. Flour-ra<-eiuts 2250 bbln ; ulel none report- ed ; lha market. in quiet and wank to oo -1. any sales of consequence conoeunons would be no- `Canary. Gmin, provinioul and ashes nu- clung:-d. B[l'l`ll. 'In this city. on the nd InIt....Qho.wlfo of Ir. J. J. `Jurton, ol adnnghter. ' I II Allllhlh At Bellevillmou the IBLII lu|t.,Ju. Bodner, Esq ,of Rednervillo. to lira. unk E. Brick . man. "I Am--Hui-huralr. lllnlh 0|` Ap oplexy. on linrch Nl.h,Goorgo 0. Lear. nl Lallowell. At lvrrsdr-u.ou March 201.11, llebeoos. wife of Allan Chapman, and daughter of A. Moms. of I in`luI|, aged 3] yours. buck sum. sac uu u-w-., ....,.. ... .- loll non hh him behind his. In an- noonou horevilh II noun a nun- lion. ll Sir John on harponuln his -- 7 -I __ _.n_II-n..- _\Ii- an-.4 1-Ignnn CAIHHAGE HOUSE. !4TABLll.GARDEN. 6:4-. (Ip)mIil- Dr. Hnnnpzon Surgery. Union luau. Wm ha will nuonnblo and on on mm: of mymlsul lfuut. wIl.lha llocn VII he rrulm Apply at me Wma (PVVICL. 0| to J. H. I-'0Wl.I.Y. | I II III! -In I 9 ANEAT RESIDENCE. nearly opponim Queen Street. School ; nix rooms; well of water on the promises. Apply to Wll.l.lAI LAKE, ' III III u---w- - Wvll continue to sol! U;-torn ll bin prooent plane of huainus, nut to Hull: 1-. Guun'a. until Iurthcr notice. I u__-xn0 ICEI -ru n-V-..-.-.._ -.V __,,_,, UTABlaII.GAIiDEN. Au-. (Im)mIil(- Surgery. g V _- -v--~--' 1 UK \'\'| .-ST HALF F L01` NU. H, Ill Um B1-vcInll1UoIn'.~M'mI| ul (Kin non I urmvrln now Storriugum. well V031! and IA Beautiful New Cottage, us -:I A Al-t\uu \I-.v -\;a-_-.:, MC RTUXB HOUSE ON IMIIII 81'. o cp-none lho Park. Inlrly or:-upnd by the It-v. .l. Chri-1'10 Apply In Ir.(.HrIe,non I .;......m Bar. 1. J. cumue.Aaum-c ldnnd. --c- I 51-vclnlh Uon:~u'|nn mnnrln wood vrnu-rm. nluuteol u-n mule: fmm Iinpcon. For I4-rn.n,Iu~ ,|pyl_y In .I, I-1 IIIITIIIIEFON. ISIVIIH \\ KS1` u.\Lr Ur nurnu. n, ( nnnhove yrvpvrcy nu be M AT AUC- Tlu.'\' _ at Ilw Halo lluonnof Ibo Iubounbor. In TllUIMIvA\ NEXI, -Imhtun1.n H -/dock. " mun ]cllLl.Al. 51...]. 9) I875. njgp` I (.`0LLluu1 I. u: v mun-. (`lnu' ........TbDd.A. .Ia IA. yfO'll'.:-'~"I I IAN". Ill ,;rblO?`V|IQ iPruchIn,`Qi_uI_'_o_|}__ulvqi;,wi`, lion. 1| ml 10!! will uuuuupuuuuu. . nnicnnl or roullltcty policy was clnmo which II" ptouct on in (In shun rcdud and uinihr nnpuh, and punt D had bunch; tho `nghht nu-ht cl _:___ 1'... L4 gill ndnhlhh I not ` Kingston Eullfjai- lnsti{lu/E '43! FOLLOWING H `VII TIACIIIIC ml urn: Venn L-III!` I`-un-av. lllllll lnroh. I833. I-`or lrrn.n_a.(- .l|~yI,v 1" J. l'.' llUT(Ill!F().\l, Auviiuneet. Hroc-I Hlrn-Ll(1npI,oI. Hnvr|| `J I, I": F`- l~`0RWSALE,T 7...... ..-rung unnxv nl IIAIIIK K1`. Ind: 12.1875. at FOLLOWING II TII Tucul "'-~9;:':~=.=::,.';~g`~"".;- T ":_..'`.l'_ .FP7 .. Fo_1_z_sALE,` COLLEGIATE DIVIIIOI. _ 11.. man. LI. [and ;Pf29m'%..SAL%i3T 'I`0 Bi LE1`. I.IlJ`hlIf\Ii`\H"Il` n-nvl AIOHGII GI}, no -m -:-u- - ...-- olun to Canada: grstitodo and onppon. n. ;- ;._-A .. .....ghIn And ind AA nj. nuiiicmui` 5.. .|.- Inn. 1...: -g?ontnd,M.uvh21. I 4. 161. i Adjolnin}. (hnnllafvnlsi thehdo-upcunnonu 1"'..:"..'- .,.{..':.-.:*:.':.-:-.-:':':.-.-.-..... gm - - .n-nu nnlluslu tr c`g1:`:gm uson1"n:nZ9i'oum`mxu - """` " lad Iain `P :2!!! I Amllll` or uurf IIO cr Jun naoaina--'no mm mm otslu IIATI. I ' X K `I D 1 : 1 at.-55.:-sm/2.:.'*a:. II|tbo%M ll ` dhovuuhgnlgallllo |a0uIHovYo|-k humndh-habit thatch-upcuononurn I\uihlIotIcrnplll[hI_gohonGcolnndnnu..........._... 9 . ` .,. __ ' I` I l\'I`D BIIDID W 3% - --.s;... -`&:u... tb y. WOIBTIID 00A 0:! in chuck: and II. & J. IIABDINEII! AT F-I -- -v-- V ' - v ~-v v-----v -v- -0..` -guuu-. AI` `I'll `roux oLo1'mno `atom A ` """"'*" / 1-run u.un.Lnu1\ nrnlnvrn A llIl.lInll\ Ananniunus. ._ .. ..__. . _...A..._ IBENEHAL nnv-annual Iii-[cu-n--uu American ci-O, it It'll ahl I I ___A.-_ .-.huul. .-J unu- Black and colored Sillm, Black and Clorml Cnslmeres Black and Colored Lustre. Dress Goods or every kind. ALSO IN Bhootin ,P!llow0ottons.No. ' 3 Table inens. Lace Ind. unlln n...-nan. and in nasal: nf nhnnt W All of which will be 1' EHELY DOW PRICES. ., n_u_., 4-1,. $500 Pieces New Spring Prints` IR. & J. GARDINER A LARGE men or Pleasute Hoa1s&Shnoting Skis NE\\'l.Y MADE AND FOR RALE lagmns kNAPP S `|`x`vn-3 1-an Afrixrnox or can nuvns 1'0 A um: um .. . . nnnnnnn It BOATS built in my at. In to ordur. from the varnlnhed and urnnmon Cedar to the cheapest. How Host. IT Boat House: and Shop in Grmsu Buy. Ilurieelcl. In later Work II to be I-ecu In Illnualon "lIwm,1s-ra clan lo UIIIIIIII [I-nu-an nun -upynuu lthjuolunuaaohh udfIdnpad- blouny olllnotid }olIh _-n;... -._l-`all nntu In ml Parson: & Scorah WILL RIC-OPEN THE BEE HIVE Boot and Shoe Store m A raw om: Nearly Oppaaiee thair Old Stand. on PRINCESS 8 l`llEE l'. OR TO LEASE. ILL BE SOLD ON REASONABLE term, or will be let. that well known and populnr Hotel, known In the l'IDlO hlllellly use Inn. nuuw ourtnins, and 3 Stock of about Inuannuua |l\1vv . .......... One priuo only. Sales nlrlcvtly ouh. "W?! 1" 9frfa'\ rzvivmx cusoumo Hou3.| . .....I ah. '---"V-7 7 \ Ell lztlilitulvad on Ontario Street; And the `I'll '|ENEIlEN1`l')u(l_|uining. Applyw n ur n.~uxuyl:Vlr H/Jiabl Fa_r_m For salj r-.-;u -~--V *7 no men Io nova in tho u....., .1... -in on `nos.-1un1_.xm in. ad nnuhuuing` tho `nun! who .g..nooonu0IRy CDUI. Iyb ., _.A I_.I&..-In-n-iQ'1JnInI1H Nelson mm Farm Ploporty will be when in exchange. Kingutou. lurch 9,1578. `HE Bnbncribnr on`:-rn I Fsrm for ulna about two miles from tho \H|l|;woI' Ilurynvilk, oonhlllng (II Acres, being tho Wm: m of Lo: No. 2, Ilonh of us: has lino, ln L a bah Couoeuion of the Townnhip of Wn'fo Inland. There :11 stood Stone Dwell: . good Barn. hod and lit: lot, 5 good Orchn llld I IIOVII [slung urrlnu of wnur. For pnrculnn l I `pp 0 JUIIN lrCAIlTHY. Iurh I9. Wollo Island, ()nL I`! run"! I II III. I , ONBIETINU of 40 Acre-Iof [004 culllvntetl | Land, the Houthwt-,5! qunrter ul I40! `)4. In the5th Conrnoion of the-Tuwm-Mpof Kluplon ' Than IN! [0011 Imdmp on It and :0 Hr chard of lhrfe At-rt-A It In nillnlul mg" the Forth Road. u mil: Iron: KiugaA(4-n. For I l___4L_- --_n....I-.... ......I.. an aha. n--u-r ronn IIouu.nvr mu--s nrum um...-.-.... . ... further pnrtlculu-A supply to Lian owner. WI. DAVID. The Chan Broh-r. nppopnn llur v-an` Fancy I 1 ( Iboon-, Princuu HI:-net. mpfon. Inn-.h I9. 187$. SPECIAL BARGAINS Ill ' 3| larch 16. I878, -- I AIIIOJPOUI TIOXEIIYIDJ LUNCH Indus: 1or' . Torn: uodonu. Var" yum-wla. lhpuu. Janll (had: Non-, r larch I9, 1373. panache! in: luck :I..|`m. pi\yan|l.IIi|\I IlIli0D"U` Q-(Lam Ilnldbpi ' ii? ' Byudcrdthoumat mnnu: Intel: 2] , 1578. um Building Hntlllllshmelnl. IAlIIIu'.l'II.LII. The llccnrthy Homestead. `I'O LIT: O. I CLYDE TIIIAOI. at pnuuloc and-I hilt. I&d:. [jag 'W 33 u-Ig OUII ll-Int; Vyifhm rd ,gg')!n0l- PRINCESS STREET. . .u-y- `BE-6PENINc{! A mm to neat Nnl'l`lN(b 4|! Arrvanuf [no u culuv: Brunch 1 A coon_gmc. I'I'0CK OF viii `i. i"1"." In-nhu On. huh mu -\._,m-....,, . ..rr., 0. W. FENWIC . Nelson SN`! KM}. Dllill IULIJVAN. Iecvotary Itut I|`l'- lounuuuun unluc-nluun. AN IIISERGENTI Iulrrnm ol .1: ' Young lrlnhnnu I vcll he held Itch ll-.|I,l(lnl Street. on VIIDAY vol Inn.lnrelaWod.It VIIIDAY oval ` In,lorda$!lsd,u l L9 o`e|u-h. ulup. II XTTCTIIUII-Va p-u sbo.`uhhn.h mlh Oblpul unubolunuddtndyolqpu. Ing, lords W81!` III? - FOUR BOOKS IN ONE lurk Twain`: mo lxdruion. Why Wife sad I Quu-rolled-~-by an-Inmn. W11] WHO II!!! I Vuollvuvu Oarlcton. ham Ballsdl. by Oarloton. rum Legends, by do Three Iornou-by Dr. huh. in Reply lo Cwou Fntnr, Boochor. ho loc. Edward Beecher on the Soonpturul Doctrine of Rotnbutlon. `I 25. Iona Stun! on Future Puuhshlnent. 7'):-. like an lunortallly of the Soul. 00. hooky`: Hmoryof England In l1h(`nmury. VUDAI 2 Jun Chunk Iowan at 7:8 p n. n-um lcolhg 0! ul Inn lnohm In] Demoormy lu Eurupu. l`Il klIIlI'I l-`mnleunn maul New l"mm-o. Froln Klllnrney to the (Iululau Horn-u good Book of ! nvel. John Henderson Statiunew Now Aniving. Blank Account Kooks, Note and letter l ||Merv-. Pens, Pencils, Hendersows Bookstore. {9} V.._._-__ MN "M8! 03 PROTECTION. {WOOD The Bet-1t.Qual|Iy of Firewood `i Pnzvost, ` '....L._ A... an. n-.n... n.. loampnsr MARKET PRICE I same BY At ferry Whnrf. foot Bfoc; St. n-...I. IA linu Till UNDIISIGNED BIG!) T0 INFOIII the Cltlunu 0! Kingston And vmlnlty that may have openotl out M NEW Boot and Shoe Store. AT HHIDEHSUWS. Marge Stock utnuts & Shoes Hit` A LL l)F.8C|lIl TI()NH, IMPORTANT BOOKS. BEHINDEBH. In I. I|o|IIl'l Block. above the Albion Ilotel. {.|. E. omen & co I -~......... +'1=Aii~1"ritt3i t ll FIHEPAIID AT AIEL 1 CUT` OED I CID`: 30-, CW: HI 1'!!! VIBY BIIT ITVLI. Us at coll Manly point loonry place at work dogs 5 In-(crayon pullu I gurutoool hlanb - mu l.III_I'PIL!'"__'A."'!!_"" Iloouo Pcmouny Mall in Jim mm on nulntlcl no IIOP-Hula! Icon Itnot Luau bnlt Ina Ina. Itord. III. can unumill hjlunuly uuudod u. ulna. :1. HI. I. C. I110. D IOU IIPIII PIIPAIID THAI w-at-uunum.-4-a-up nnnvtbll-rm '-M H;-_-Mu and o... onnhobouuoanalnivistpuuvtlillr aulnauuh. i '""""'-...`.s.-..-.-.. lggz-a.-.-.. '1 WI. DUII. Much '22. I878. Mroh 4. I87!-I A-al:,IIIIIIoHonoun.nnuvou.' Q XlXI,'ll| I III` II, `I. Al`, VERY IADW PRICES, &c., Muss cnmrneu, cc- v- MORIOIISIL LEV UUIlU$ Ill. ZUIIIII cu in OF` ALL F. C. MILO. IVULL BUI l l.lEH (H-` BO0IUEl.I.l~Jll. hr 30 Cells. % mm II'1,:;`.: AIID TIIIST II POI punk. . tho nulhoritiu |_,._ . ______ FOR ` SUI. IFV 1 -v-...., . dlhnuco between the no cues, t film Ghdou III the hand , _|, _|.._ .1. '3"? Uwllolu In s-U nu--_- bour and ol the people Illtll in tho 678305 hidaueonolularurunlogiclu tot, hii hllan mule: the popuhi dilphuuu bocuuool Mo neon nin- tnoo lo the bdligonul. bout 0! than Gioo, Ihfcro 0! I hundnd IgMI,' In lhohon of loglandiltlutino ol war, .4... ;_ --......a.... ...Iy...n-nnv (ha ml: an Jun1,1u:aL"Ionuuc7~::up.. lunar! lcuhgolull lnnluulu tick Ball at I pa. -.._._............._..._..........._._...._. theuon ol loglsuunuwuuc vs --, while, in assuming subsequently the role el Eqisletor, be incurred the peeple'e dieplseeun, sud expoeul hinieslt to pub- lic insult and violence. All which, nnd sll such uses. [0 to ehow thet, as the stsoensher should stick to his lest, so other men should conne themselves to those occupations (or which they sre ne- turnlly ndspzed. and in which they consequently exeel. In obedience to this slnoet uslsiling rule it frequently happens thst s very sueeessful soldier ` -sy prove to he I very indifferent legis- lator and vice urn. Now insny of enr so-celled Tory `etstesmen hue provon to to be snything hut e success in the! cs- pscity. Msyhsp, hsd Greet Britsin he- eoine involved in wsr Is it wss but lstely tested the would be. some of our `luremost ststesmen' who are so super loysl when it IIlill~l.h6|f psrty purpoee so to be. might hsie found, in the Csnsdisn "l`sn thoussnd contingent. thst distinction upon the eld of glory which they ere very likely not to renlize in their present mistaken vocation. The lerocions com- bstivenese ol these brsve gentlemen in the picnic campaigns of political wsrlsre has snggaeted the ides of their trlnsler to scenes of blood snd deeds of during. Should their military stdour sud uluur, however. ooze out st their lingers` ends st the spprosch of s msrtisl enemy, us their politicsl cunnge does when face to {sea - with their opponents, we could not under. take to predict for them unquelitied suc case even in the sphere st which we have hinted. Under all the circumstances the Tory grenediers had better perhsps con- fine themselves to their psrty wsr. Ws wonder hniv our Tory friends in Lennox relish the insult ol hnving the nsme of the Waiideriniz Refugee freely rumoured iii we|l~iiifurined Uonservstivs circles as their standard besrer in the next ensuing content To {be reduced to the necessity of following the loud of the `abandoned iiiuii' tn electvriil battle in to deserve the statiiii and ll.l_(l.ul of la.-iiig tho 'sbiiiidoiiml cuiistiiuency.' If there be anything in the riinioiir-i\nd we hope there is~-ws czinimt resist the cuiivic'ioii that the Tories llieiiiselves are deliberate- ly siid of inslics uforethoiight resorting to this nieuiis of politically emingiiishmg the piuticsl puliticiuii. Nothing is siirer than the {set that whoever may have the tomerity tn uppuse the Fiiiiiiice ll[ll8l.dl' in his own cuiisiituuiicy will only be ru- Imrded for his venture with A most crusli- iug detest. liistesd, then, of exposing in Tory caiididste proper to this huniilialiuii they seem inclined to sscritica Waiiilei - iug Willis, doubtless lruin the proinptiiigs of II. noble impulse similar to that which inspired Aiteinus \\'srd with B resdiiiass In sacrice Ill his wife's relatiuiis so that -- ,.,. ._.:..i.i ....,l -k....l.l lm nrAlnl'In.l, ucnnue III nu wile: unauuuu -2: ......., the union might. and should be preserved. Hume-, the l`urieu have not. forgotten I10! furgiven Macclougnll fur all those bil- let reprunchcs ho lumped upon his former collugueu after returning from his boat- lcu errand to Mnnitobn m the clplclly of North Wvat Vice-Ray. They still ra- , member againul. him the fact tlnt. he chu-pd the (Junnervntiva leldetl with Ill ` sorts of ilubecilily, mcapncny snd tru- ,- 1 ._.....|. -- uh-.. ._m.l:l uoill Iiltn tn nuru (-1 llIlDBI,`|I|Iy, uusuyn-.u_y unul u..- Ion; And much :1 they would still like to nur him if he were not. utterly destitute ol pulmcnl inuence, u it in they are quit: willing to give him I good aquue clnnco for political Inicide. Such will be the and of him, wilhvut duuht, should be content. to oppona llm Hon. Mr. Carl- S wright in Lenuox. The Finnnce Minia- ' tor, we are sure. could not be betternuited In tho mutter of an opponent, and, n he di-l Sir John`: an n former occasion, wohld donhtleu gladly pny Mr. Mac- dougnllh elpenlel In Lounux I0 u to en- joy the puomva bem-In. of hi: opposition- ---~ v-09>-or ------- 1 The (null retutm in the New Hampehlre Slate election: showed a considerable falling of!` in the Repnhheeu majoritiee. Some ere inclined to blame the Preeident --or rather hie policy for the impetue to the Democratic reaction as indicated by the leee of Me on: State (Ohio) and the reduction e! the Republican majoritiee in eevenl othere. for many were tegerded II Republican strongholds. Dejecled and dieeatielied Repnblicana ahould re- Ieot. however, that they have but them- eelvea to thunk for all the mischief. We meet, and it would be e matter 0! much earpnee Il petty pmeperity had eueeeeded to the note ol deliberete unhirneea Iith which they laid the foundetion 0! the (intent peeaideatial regime. The (nude- Ient election of Hayee ill ! the put, which manipulated it e vaet euouu ol damage with the fair thinking claeeee ol Aneneon electon. Such political ini- quityeodd not but reeocl upon it: per- `petratnea it in duegee byatte leld ` peeeeu. Fint. an we have tainted, by the believe that political [nude cone home to I elieeation of lhoee people who like fair play to beer lie}, and who not _a._;_. ..l eh. -._...g' '. g` ,l'._ W I` T. "'- I 7:` . ""' 7"` ` mchosuottho-yvmytov-3 I. 'I\_.. .. numb`: amnlinn Inn-. `H 11 0| uw --`pun, -v yuw out Than to another direction, luv- not, in Ilaich wpfoptiob retribution Iodtluouto hopunuin; tholopulio ,, __.._ 1-L....1in an. m_ nun P`"""I -- -r--- .. ,..,.,, 11.. puny ant. Pnaom. Qghholootion, In nothoon Ilutol hi. puny. lib policy 0! Souborn In- Qcnity bin dint! nlhgonhn to hp gqb uuudo, Ihih he that ol in] main lulu: bu ul nun [lord ouudvdy npuldnlio to that tho dd lit. In vozliq hid lot Iapf .5`;,vg uuuhuo cl Iopuhnu ;_..z...JAL.---nllj.OOl wj ooll Init- al the Fl`! vchondoudribuhdbhhlnuldnay. hlinlynl randy Ibo-In in nuqiu Hun-no hlnlity nth. ---~r o. THE "REFUGEE" FOR .l.EIIOX. __...g..-..__.` ovnov about tho Ncobhgllnhl, sludu,ul:io|uIr-cdchtwunuut had paid a (may prienlorthorptoyotsy , nnodkupolitinllticntvbnuiit` tnup'muhatnotohu|ualyoanol-c- \ od!orooo-Chitoltholdl-Iaplvpit-, ly than the Oonmnout originally paid \ lur tho whale? Inch` can In It in \ capital. Tho punino bu baa folly juuilod by tho loch Ihicls have lilac lunlpinn, sad 0! which Iholllovo is I opodoon. Tho Nothing ltlohl Ihndcr in completely oxpiodock Now In: uothcr duh on tho Tory imagination lor some {rah ncandnl to do dirty duly u an aloe- us}iiu'r:ou. . lhia I kthgdvq ulcpuhl in tilt! A-..__.:.n.n'_, nll ox- #1 Q llpyuw-q r-----,- 7... ops cam `nausea. vie-` Ian u Quilt,` nut! that ejec- tion Iron the cxvil union In the inevi- bblo pcmlty of politics! idea. The .-.-mvhsnf s=!!s.-n.t!tq...ffx-Iuld9nt.And Kin onuhilo uxpporun ha: ol oouru unurinlly weakoncd the Ronuian emu, md th-.u Ihounnabo vurkiued into tho Ptuidcnual chnix, in ' to the Iilhul tho majority, bu bound the very instrument of his own pu-tyu puninlmont. It is thus men that can politics! wrong-doing does not nlvnyn go uuilaipyod ol juntior, and that` the mutant of in urn fraud Iomotilbcs prove ll) be the mean: 0! in own chu- tiumeut. ~Q-O----.-2_ Tho Rev. Dr. Burns, of Hnlilu, who loctund in the Break Stu at Prubyhriul Church Int ieqk upon The Candle of Bohomin," rolurnod to the city yesterday At the requut. of the Mnuionnry Associa- tion 0! Quun'n Collage, tendond through Rev. Principal Grunt, utl delivered but ..:_s.. ;. r'I..l...n' Church undo: HOV. YIIIJGIFI UIIDI-, III uueevenvu ecu- night in Chslsiers' Church under their euspioee his famous leciure on The Annihilation end Restorr tion of the Spirit." The Rev. Prineipel Grunt occupied the cheir, end after the opening exercises intiodueed the lecturer of the evening. Dr. Burns, sfter A few Introductory reinsrks, p|008dG&l to deli- ver whet proved to be I first clue lecture` He etsted it wee utterly impossible for I spirit once consigned to the lower regions to escape out of it, end argued in favor of his View in something like the following iuenner: First, he ssid insu s nature was Insde up of hie sur- roundings. His hsbite were formed by those with whom he csme in contact. If thst be so, how useless it would be to suppose thst a men once consigned to hell could ever become improved inor- elly, the surroundings being so entirely bed as to exclude the possibility of such A thing, but rather the opposite would be the case. Of necessity his case must become mhre and more hopeless. if, as some ssid, there was my end to these torments, he iuuet then be forced to look upon hell as sin hospitel for sin-sick souls, sud e something to be deeiied hy sinful man rslhtr than shunned, for some actually wrnt so far ss to silirm that A men, after passing thr -ugh these toruiente wee sll the better prepared to enjoy the bliss of henren. Then why is it necesssry to preach the 3 may of salvation ut ell! t.`.ere is such " sn etfectuel method for purifying ein II this, hell under such circumstances as those being suniething to be desired. Again, if any possible chance this eternal punishment, spoken of so often in the Bible, would some to en end why llld Christ say as He stood outside the gates of Jelueelem with tears in His eyes Min. I ..... .-lnsn Jnriinnlmn, tllnl`. lf.OlIBf.ll gates 01 Jelllesleln vvuu tcssrl Ill ssus u,u- Uh -lerusnleln, Jerusalem, that the prophets [and lull'st those that are sent unto thee, how often would have gathered thy children together even as a hen gatheroth her chickens under her wing-I but ye would not!" After quoting severul passages of Scripture to prove his argument in sddition to the above. He said in speaking upon the interpretation put upon the word everlssting" by some that it did not. always mesn of endless durstion~thst out of some 06 times in which it occurred in the Bible, 53 times it referred to hesven,7 times to eternal pnnisliment. and nix times to things temporal, no that while in the six times, he admitted, allowed of this con , structinn, yet in none of the others could such be ssid of it. Then the Rev. lec- turer asked why twist the meaning ol it, as used 53 times to suit the six I thought it would be in better keeping if the six were interpreted ss the 133. Dr. Burns discussed the srguments of those opposed to the doctrine ol etsnial punish- ment, and shuwed very clssrly that it was the teucliings of the llible -thst the punishment at the damned was eternal. Indeed the lecturer ilwellsd at such length upon the Restoration theory ol his subject that he had to close withouttonch. in; upon the snnihilstion view of it. Throughout the lecture wss listened to with very marked attention, sud wss s greet literary trut to all who heard it. The subject, we think, wss hsndled in s rsunu-kably oepeble manner, snd we sre sorry thst our space will not sllow of s more detailed account of it, the sbove being only a low of the points advsneed by Dr. Bums. But he not only content- ed himself by proving conclusively from ,lis Word of (End his subject, but rebut` led many of the arguments sdvsnoed by those who have been looked upon by insny as the lending thinkers ol the time. The choir ol Chslmers' Chnmh were out in full strength last night and sang nu anthem, When the worn spirits want. no pose," when s vute ol thanks was psssed to the Rev, lecturer by the members at the Missionsry Associstion of Queen's, sad so cloud the Ineeting, X0 He: | night 0' My-liu pouuu. -Vuu|'ln being chartered M Parry Sound to load lumber for Chlcqo next __.|. The lull win in nu ...- --._.,-, , Act proves it to hnve been prepared the moat paimuking manner every pouiblo contingency at I" likely to urine in con- ucctiun with it: uttemptad udoptimi md operation lining been nnticiputed Ind pruvidell against. In thu respect, 1-. well u in the promptitute with which the Government pruuune to legilltte on thin subject has been redeaIned,llie huhit 0! present minister: in in Agrecnhlc cun- o....... ... .1. nm -hiliv nhnllvinu neglect and -_.. --Tun ha I ho-you old bsby 1 My-Bu poundn. I being I -1 the In ...-4|. --A boyllj OIRI, Ian at I non- don bulchonkici In Quay: 57: vicious horn; hi: coalition h oritiql. Small-pox bob; on tbs and to- undo Iimpton; Ibdodonu-0 den` a thriving ucdutlnu kahuna. --I. G. Mountain. Ibohulo grocu,_ Q-----_. "IB'l'0KA`l'l0.\. I `crud, u `n[chor,Iig_kI lg "*'XO-L. WIIIUHIIUB. V which In-eat n 1 KIIU FI|l.P"UllIrI.| u---u-vv-- `I of their 1-redeccnnorl Th-9 latter were o-unruly hm fond of what (hay have slyh.-4] the "plgelill halving" uf their nwumlren, and lhmu tlefuutillg the just expectation: mu! wuhen of tho; wnnlry with their un- Iwcuuary llvlay. .--cow. A . ,___ ponuzeudgea nouounu I relating to the But the appcd u} Priv; Coumdl (man In {armor Judson) ch. mt-akin But an of John 0'Fu'- Privy Connallnun nu Iotnor Juagom the uhtatiu OTH- nl and Bnuud. "hlhn Hit ` ' ' yruhnusudlawho mInnpIidl`.ptb'I'IUO_5! '59 In` dhpt. ' - 4 _q.- The (`My P`inqucu-1uobor 119- I . peal. (By Telegraph To-day.) I Ilonl, `Math 22.-'l'h| Committees o_f_ICiig Council uoengnpd in mul- iig the ufpcopbdon. Tho Light Gola- uitloo won 36$, and tho Cny Hall 'l`|cCourt of ho-day denidd in .u.-In. Mn ' mood to thc Privy Conmmoo I'5,`raI'. uilovlng the upped II Privy nmmcil in the can of Mr. B. Davlin, uilovhg the typo appeal to ma rrwy Council M D In nnnnul. honour. tint. III uni- Council the ol nr. :1. uunn, KP. It nppun, howovur, csblo ntomont. bu boon urivod tt. ---.-:coo \ 1 zwyvum. , It seem: an though the public have not yet henrd the luv. of the 0 Donovu R0030 riot. Every hour fresh no" And rumoun crop up, mu m. prount the western portion of the city is in a. fever of oxcitununt over the report thnt never- .1 .: ma nnrlinl -ha took nut in the of excitement over me repon mu Iuv lu- el of ma peniee who put eIone~t.hrovuug ere deed or dying lrom the elfecle ol the injuries received. Three men no reported missing from their home: on Willinm, where the den- penle ght occurred in from of Goa- greve'e he-tel. Two of the men at lent are known to the police as hnvimz taken pnrt in the tight end theee two were seen lying eido by side I lulle nbuvo Queen nu-set. They were Afterward: earned or emitted away, but where to no one up. pear: to know. Jemee Wilson, another of the mining men, was nlao prelenl. at the riot, and wan knocked down, but whether a winter or mere spectator in not. known. He who Int seen at ubout t-nnfv minutes out eleven o'clock, at. present nunmen us In ngwu.u..- ,.... trzmt with the Ihilly Ilmllying neglect, the nlnp-nl|m.l chsnwter of the legislation nftlmr -redeccanorl 'I'l:-9 I A - - - -A- - -u...a BRITISH wnw. FR-IDAY_,' MARCH 22 1878. He mil. an uoom. tweiity minutes past which time he was standing on Qnrcn- Itreet, on (he south side, facing Dum- I mer-street. It wu :1, this plwe he was knocked down, but. whether fntally i4- jurod in not known. except the fact. that his family hue not seen him since he left the house. There nre also uo luu than four men missing from Stanley-u.., but the police Ire under the improuion thst. instead of being injured, they hue ..,.... an n um-an and will turn up ngain in l instead ot being ll'l)\lrt', uiuy uuvu gone on a npree and up again time. It also transpires thnt O'Donovzin Rose; was not allowed to escape without A chue after he got into the cab. The young man who attempted to enter the cab forcibly did not receive serious in juru from being run over, but immedi- etaly got up end notiedhie conipimieixl ot the escape of Roses. The gang, nuiu~ baring shout twenty young men, tulle - ed the heck, and overtook it about the corner of Queen and Yniige ets. As soon at they came within tiringdietniice A vul- ley of stones were hnrlud at the vehicle. which wns returned by I shot {min I re- volver from some one inside. The driver whipped up his horses and drove them Along ll. full gallop, inid in A very few minute; passed from right. It is, how ever, stated by some tint Roses, in his fright, leaped from the cob, and ran up _ Juniee street, and the iiifurinuit further oirms that the deinornlized Fenisn run into the Agnes street police station and naked for protection, which he secured, mid remained there all night. Upon in- quiry this part of the infurini-tion is found to be doubtful, as he assuredly did not go to the Itntion in question. Young Clrgg, who was shot in the back of the nhoulder, lien in a very dnngerous con clztion, and lean: are entertained in to his --u `I'll IIOSSA I101`. A Number of Persons Stlll Imng. recovery. A young luau named McConnell, who denies having hul anything to do with the fight, III knocked down by u olioe- man on the corner of Queen And imcoo streets. The baton descended with ir- reninible force, and McConnell reeled forward, turned round. And then loll an on his face, the blood owing from I wound sufficient in length and width to Lllow of the insertion of four ngers. p..|i.-. Cnnltnhle Johnston Ind Worth of four nugen. Police Constable no slightly better thin uheruoon, but it will be 5 conaidereble time before the former will be nble to resume duty, hi: lace being bndly out, WllllO IOVO|'Il of hi: teeth no lrnctured. um Pownu. (From the Detroi l"rer Preu.) It being gonorslly known thnt no cal- lection would be tnkeu up. there Inc An unusually lugo Iltendnnce of Lime Kll~ nan, and when the bell mug the audience to order nvery bench loomed taken. Brother Gardner looked the very picture of may hulth n he nhook the kink: out 0! hi: spine. and nld: ` "(hn'lpn. thus an dat objocl. on dnt. n. be! ' Nuin but 3 pail." Jun no uh). I! In Hand punt due pail, on` fresco do handle, an Iilvur-plate do hoops tn call it do tower ob London. it wouldn't. be is born onny mou dun it in now. We it all rgrcod on dn -nl| but do no-an. My olo womux, who Ill black ll do one-lpot of spades, lune in do luff Ian, Ind lid no man bony dan do bind and of I butcher cart, frium I curl ober her loft our, men I red ribbon nromf 1.-. t..... ....n. nn . hunk. manna bu` Pll , red nlmnn nronn her fr:-at, pan on A bunk, uocuu corn: till tho gm`: ballot. to nail: down due: tr:-at aid do iduh in her car dnt she`: I Magic, ul be but water, She nohona dll nobody can gun a on her Iidunt I Illivor ol |:lninL5oI.nn`dnt folks will omogino dn I or. all do corlur lots on do Brush-lr'm. um .I..'. uutn but mi olo wuuun. trul- I all Aocorncr mm on uu uruu--u III. 3 But aha ; uutn but any do woman, |ll-nuiu but a handle 0' [room an 3 ` hup 0' nchei. bulk out on do street on` -kn d`n ml lbcry {undo in do kn` Near Huston, Mum, have been arrantinu I number ul men (`lurged with living in upon polygamy, And, in cunnectiun with this occurrence, it ll lulled that an uuampl. ha been in pmgruu fur Inna time "tn uhblinh n Munnon nalaxnenlut 'l'uwlnbury." Very wrong. we irlmit uncl prntu , and the otlli-urn nl uh law are quite justified in pl'en-litlng or upmoting the evil` But why is lllll noxious uocinl evil wood moro prmom-us nt "|`uwlt|l)iiry than at Salt. Lake City! l: H. uscaun the iufnmy in perpotnlod on n grander, i.e., nlnrpr male. that Mormondon is permitted to- llonrinh in Uliih but not in New Eng~ land! Or in it. that uiotnuoolondn a spacing: uenclinntmcnt to the farther nwny nuiunue which duel not there- loro come between the wind and New England nohililyl It II the MH- nmo crime, notwhuunding, which in onri|hin[-it in said" new IIIUEO Nun ovur- in the city of the unit: bu` which our cousin: seem bound to stump out uthorwburou. So that what in winked II in one pluco in puninhod in Another. although all be eqnnlly undar the floating told: u! the starry buinor ol froedoiu. Iv. .1uoui't look just comment, but in cup- -i--|1` nnilhbollrl ll ! . LA- ..Il nu, and nld: "Uodlon, objoct ukybluo ntool obor du-I "DIV: do Inter-pail," was the unawor` Jul Io,geIn`len-jun nc. If due pail Int painted rod or blow win: would in Ina)" A Bundln of Brown. ( Tel:-;u1n. ) nuuunh Hm nu I u-nun on `nunzs, PAWS. nln nnwnll EX`??? ` `."--"?".""'j"'V7 cu. u. uE."!`.a Ind mu Sir H.Ellion thereupon dodsnul thd England Gould not elk! thy _1 Anomstioul Path spod "che _.._:.aL:.-. g-chad mu}-lm gp-qlojrmcluviuuuuwll trinn alliance u bun fanned. I gun--- A. can nu-In-pa `~10!!!-;-A: "n" Pom. dlroul in `china: 1% Bnxlin. huginn nbtiamnt. Llnuzuph - nnnn nf (bl invitation .0 lulu! `ht OOH Damn. hunnn nouamu. unuznpu non of the invitation stun 0on- .-u.- , .1uoui't loo! Jill! 0-mu-nu, um. .. -..r pose in all right, DUI neighbour: no nich a peculiar people. We lully expect that Dr. Mary \VnlKor,Irliu recently gnu liar prolouionnl fonlimony in favour of the Mormon Iyutein belurc the Senator- ul Cuunnittoo, willugnin Appear in be- lull oi the "ninth" ll Tewhbury. Her wmunnly nyinpalhiu. anlighunod by hot- protuniunnl inlornntion and uporionoo, will be kindled into I lioth tire of indig- nation at the threatened extirpation ol the infant Mormon column. She knoiu tho Iyntom in but [or tho race and fur the country. Whether Dr. Mary in nu- ' A _....- _- i...,... mm hut. -Imin cor- '1 he Avuuriul to-day gnu!- od the credit 0! Iixiy lillinn oriu. sun: `-2. .u- on: nn-nil-a INULIHII It i.` IRIIIUDIBU. It in oiohlly Ihhnl Goa. Sir Arnold Kunbdl will accompany Lord Lyon: to the Congreu. unrvnu n! I Anna IIIIUBI ur nu-vs. n In tho Home of Lord: Lotd Du-by nid lhn Government land not asked that < Gnoooe uhould ontor the Conurou on tho * ume footing II tho [rut Powon. TIM. '1 Gontanolt Ind ukod that Ill article: of tho Treaty Ihmlld ho submitted lordin~ cluninn only. that bcing the 061} nnnner of deciding which ol then alootod Euro- peul into:-uh. Union: the Govornmunfn damnnd wu complied with, than would I be litle me for flu Coupon meeting it All KCISILI HUVEMIBI. The euxbsrhtion of lluuinn guard: bu been oountormsuded. The Russian troops the movin northwu-d. The ruon nunknnwn. A urlmh camp ha been formed st Buiukdare. Gen. Nelidotf In- formed the Porto this in unnecessary, u Ruuis, that the Porto`: written relunl to permit the ombnkntion Iullld not have persisted. I TDIATV |lA P'rI`lIIl: . The oicisl jtuurml ol St. Potenburg publisheu the lull text of the truly, which fully conrms the correctneu of tho ver- ' lions proviounly cnbled. l '|`Im 1'imea_re:urdin.z the trenlv. luv: Imus prevmuuy cameo. The Times, regarding truly, guy: there is much to criliciu and taunt, but nothing nbwlutely beyond the min of Jiecula inn. 1un\,unun.-. I A Vienna correupondeut any: he knows the idea of III Anglu-Auotrinn nlliance III recently summarily discarded by the higlr alt authority in the State. lrl Ann |'.4`\.l|4A1`|l. A Vienna correspondent any although Rllbll seem: to have explicitly admitted to some of the Power: that the Congress had power to diucuu the pointa at the Treaty of Eurnpun interest, Russia has not yet given an Iimilu unurance to Eng- lnud. A telegram to the I oh`!Im( (,m'r1'- pumlencc declare: England has uked ltuuin for I denite nuawenwhich would show the difference has becume ncule.. butthoimpreuiuu prevail: that ltuuia will give the required assurance: when i the Treaty is furmally delivered in lum- dun. nu mu n ulvuu Iv un. -nxunu. ` London, Match 22. -Roma despntchea l 5 my a cunristory in to be held on tlia 28m 1 inst. No encyqlicnl will be iuued, the I 5 Pope not Wllllllig In commit. himself tel l any dclinite policy in the preaeul. cumpli< l l cation. His Holiness will only delinr`, In allocation, Avoiding any political ul~ 3 l luaiona. I l) nu inn .'l Anuanxaxn. l London, Much 22.-~A Timex denpntoh from Volo Inyl lhe villages of Olympic, l Re um, Carin, and Lilochori hnvo been no ed and burned by the Turlu. Won mtu, children sud old men were nmua-l cred,except some who escnped to the mountains, which are still covered with snow. Unless a ship is sent to reliovu them. they will probnblv perish. The insurrection progrenu Itoadlly. . n-PIVHAI the l)U|l'|ll`y. Iv Iunuu un. .-..-_y u .__. riod or not we know not, but the in car- Minly dunetwiug of I share of 3 good Mormon hnobnnd In recognition 0! her advocncy 01 the lunar dny lnilh.