albounfnshfoachomooclllbc; oruopu-dun. 8lb0uIl`nuhPcnclum20cuc.h;| or potdoun. n.-- A._..-A 1____|_1._ n.-- II-.. R XJ|;l\KIIjnIw CVUIIlJI.. XXI upin thonorning Inudaringvhat happonodtothonorthownshor. 1.4-- _L_ ___A L, L..- I)__ II. neln lromlhonppulskeo villboooning intothinlnrbotby thabtllol April. I\`, ,(/,,,*3,,I _L-_ A1,, .' W ---xlimwmbuu-uy-|:imi.hush G'ty0ouna'll.hincvuuj . -'ICiwV Iqu-doducctnintlln Pu-linnnntvilllioptaogudbylnltc uthlnh-s -Whulncl inlihApril, Apdl -.'II 5.. 13.- H--L " in an .41 --`- In IluusI-nniu, Inuuv-|-yI{, wiiehwe hopovill not "ho vcrihdthii` `_-Tholibnu mThwhcw bu Ling Pnrcllulng Agent. Will IAITS. A Reply. r.;.;;.`;..:, '.m y `again. and -4.5. ` nun, Inn: ,1: u -vueuuu Ieu-vuluueculu that, if not more than men Chm! ellonld hue elievn each power And ped- neee, euch ea Ind never been ehuwn by an before, be having exerwed ooatnl over both lite and dentin, e power ol ul- deubtedly divine and heavenly origin. Eevevn, in our on: day, the nnnbet ef eeeptial Ill Illtiplying. Ae luau edeneee end huge: widen beeene more widely dieeenineted, any poop]. think I theueelvee eble to epply then- Ieleeeloe cilideu el gaepel history, eenequently e Inge: minke! look upon Chriet eel] eee prophet, ad 39...". deprive Uh el Ihet beeeet. A}! the In Pain lnh ennnhhln -.. _.g .....|.; ICC Iittig IZOB;:`I ILOCI, PIIICXITIIIT I3. I01 j* I-"1j'?Wf I'W5-I Ch'ut'ilivhonuunlI&cI,chi|o[ notch-ugb hvhgunaog nth-unlaridn-nnA.-.. AL_ -..|.n ---v-vuapuuuuu,-aw Vlriljfl |oPdCIfUIIf!IhI|otnop`|.d tnbg-byl-Induced, by non inhlnlavidnnnnnp L..... ......I uu--u-nvvucv-U XIV W2 hatchet Iclbonndlonu-u-3` witihplilhouopo-UIIIInl_IhooIh. A-an`-n::K`AiI--.-gt.` III ljlul VU DU II-IU L)"Il UI uuu Illll OI` vieiir ef men. In one sense those who did not end those who did eoknowledge Him to be the Meesieh hed equal oppor. tnnity of forming opinion regarding Hie cherecter. In the preeenoe of friends and foes he performed his greet (works and teught his great leeeone. And yet observe the different cunclueione regerding Him. Sumo thought He de- u ceived, some that He bleephemed, and so on. This diiference of apprehension of the penon and char-eater of Christ hes continued in succeeding generetiuns of the Church. Manny reed the history of the wonderful life end wonderful works of Christ with indifference or positive en- tegeniem. Theologiste heve mersheled the most formidable errey of evidence,` of e ohereoter to eppeel to the reeeon of men, but to e great extent in vein. Un- sympsthetia critics point out many deli-- cieecies in the beet errenged systems of evidence. Thus the eervice of intellect may not estiefy some, while it will be in- adequate to convince the unbehever. The intellectual light wee not ea much needed in the cleer, spiritual inuence exerted by the Father. So thet in our days, ee in the day: of the Apostles. those who were convinced thet Chrldt was the Son ol (hid, were so convinced, not by my re- veletion of flesh end blood, not by the epplicetion of ordinery reeson, but by the reveletinn of the Fether which is in hee- ven. The reeeen of this stete of things beceme menileet. The greet men 0! men view religious beliefe in the light of their own nrdinery experience and ordin~ ery reeeon. They regsrd epirituel things in the eeme light with things which come within their ordinery experience. Reli- gioue belief goee fer beyond end ebove thie sphere. into e region which hunien reeeon cennot penetrete. The whole re- eerie of Chriet's life end deeth, His whole hietory wee brietling with poiiite shedding light on thin queetion. He wee in the world e men of the world,` end yet he exhibited nnequivocel evidence thet He wee not of the world. While he wee, humeeely speeking. emen emong men he weein the higher spiritnel eenee e denixen of eeotherepheie. From genuretioii to generetien multitudes lied stumbled et thie, end yet it eeelnsd nneocounteble eb.-e ck... -.... (vi.-._. ll Inn. _.~.-. uuu, - ncvuluuu in -nnv nvunu Un n uvwn, Thou ere the Son of the living God." In oenniderutiun of thin remarkable` cen- vereetiun he briey glanced It the nature of the men, who, during the whole of hin put life. wee ehnrecterized by integ- rity, clear common eenne, eerneet in his nervioe to God, nhowing a npirit of deep ,reverence and devotion towards the Father, who allowed him to be called the Son of the living God, and nll honent mun .muet edmit He would not permit the npplieation of nuch 3 name if it were not true. They had reenen to believe thnt Jeeun wu heneet end nincere. They knew he wee zenloun end devoted to the Fntherto A degree unparalleled. He hnd ehown no weeknenn of intellect, no love of iueenioglenn ailurntion; hence when ull.d the Son of (Bud they munt believe that these wordn he knew well, but the full meaning of which the izpontlen end they eeercely undernteod. But the chief point for hin conniderntion ooneieted in the point brought to hin notice; that meet people, before whom Chriet ep- peered end performed llll wonderful workn, did not recognize in him the premined Meeeieh, whom they expected, - while n nmnll number new in him neme- thing which the multitude could not eee, new Him to be the Sun of God and Se- v_ -._ ,,__, .L The rourond gontlumn nmukod that during the brief period of Hi: retin- ` lnout, Jesus had tnken opportunity to ` convoru with Hi: disciples regarding the _ opinion which hnd been found concern- _ in; Him. The place and the time of thin ooavorution worn peculiarly npproprintq ) From Hi: disciples Jean: hard that the V t peoplo were not agreed in their opinion _ rognrding Him. They nll ngrood thnt : Ho In I grant mun, n mighty prophet nnd toocher, like Elia, or lninh, or Jero- miu. or perhnpo Ho wu the reappear- ance of one of these ancient man. With ' p 3 few scattered exception: the great. body "0! the pooplo did not no in Him any- thing muro thin I prophet, 3 [rent prophet, but not the nnolutud of God, who came into tho world for the purpose ol nving men. The upon- `tlu were differently Iituntod. They hud been most intimnte friend: and oompnnions of Christ, Ind been brought into close contact with the spirit of the Hunter, and hsd lean [Iii wonderful power, hence their reuponne to the ques- tinn, :1 recorded in tho word: of Peter, um. . n . .. . THE BRITISH WH19. MONDAY, MARCH 25, 1378.` "And Jan! nmwcroa MN. and unw bin, Bland art than. Simon Bu-jean, for lab um blood hllh not rovodod it unto that, but my Father which in in Huron." mm Non: Mn rlusr cum IATIIIALI uuv BD!4ll)EN(lE AND SHOP--Houl of uoen Buoot (.rdnn led! at Root Hroo. Store. Hu- oou Screen. II bu promply nuomlnd lo. Inmh It; llfl , i`, C MILO "And they said. noun uy that thou m Joli: the Baptist; nomo Khan; and other: Jotoaiu, at can ul the pun. "Bo, uith unbshnm. But from In ya an 1 :9: And Simon Polo: nuanced and mid, : art the Christ, ans. of the Hun; AA:-- vunuu. Whoa Juuehwwinto the stub CannnPhilippi, hound hiadiuiplu, nyin;,Wbondounnythultbo8cl olnau uni llA_J .L,,, _,:J _ , .u_,. .x,,, ouon, account, otoonul tupro "Bo unlolnm, whom say I ya tn: 1 :92 And Simon Pub: A-nnnrnd And mid, otuiaynuuingBoj.PdndpdJan- diupuudo1liI0hnlnuI II-cl. n nklzl-an -ancilkdnndign IL. `HI-n :; uvuutvig run I-I;vs n-v lnuuvllui diuouuod hon luau xvI.-lnoI tho IC.L _-._ , Imus I "And Jan! Inunrod MIC Bid unto nim Rlanngd npl Ihnn 5'8-nan Rnujnnn I-v- --I 'PC-III] W nL.......a'...._..a.a.. I Tn: lulu.-We an glad to learn that the ubacriptinu to the nuns: fund bu reached lbs! O-TOIIC u to justify the oougngnuon ol UhlllIUI'I Church at once, oru noon an loan-1 convenient. commencing the erection of the building. Thou who hurt Ind tin callous in hand can be conplinautod upon an aunt: of thcir nginarlng. The objoot for which tiny Into Inbound has been 1 very worthy one, and no no nailed that tho ultimate mean: 0! the project will unlock. the mono endil upon that inn-cod with tho uunpucu ol il. . 2:o0o---_q-u Oppulu Ila Ioynl (`allege 0! Physician nud lnrgoona. | 1`n"1`ncs Wmunroonnn 0'Dolo-l Va out.-lunya: "U shot-_g.[,,.`_ IOII il QIIQIVIO E51; 3 . g'u, Iitl "'%ua Iran`: shrinking idea, then lot than, nd 15 class, to uupoudbhfcthdrutiuu. ll than no III voiding |&I -1 h vac I.-. Iujatin In any to boliovo liq -an Fovounnpnn vothinktbo viniudbyaum-haunt la-thobouavIuu|lL `oyuu Ynjrvlotouvu. IICTT. II to an Uuonn -...,. ........ ..... ..........,, un-yuluvu. The wyto on the nommntion Itood. Elliot: 361, Mallory 86. 00 motion, the election of Mr. Ilclloty wu msdo unai- muul. Mr. Elli-M: exprouod his dour- miuatiun to me I hit inuonco in {Hour of tho nominoo ol |uConnntion. The candidate elect Ill Warden ol Fron- tenac in 1876, and In Boon 0! his tovmhip for eleven yous. Before the Convention uljonrnod a ruolutwn III unnuimolllly nduptod Indorling the u- nuionnl policy of the Opposition. ||.Ir|" uuusuuuiv, uaa. um-Isl) ulna, nllu Mr. John Elliutt, Kingatun. Some oi then gentlemen declined the nomina- tien. viz, Meeara. Walkorn, Bell and Lake, and the remaining names weie aubmitted to a Committee chosen by the candidate: Lhemaolvea. The Committee having taken the aituatiun into oonaider~ ation, recommended the name of Mr. Juhn IoR0ry, which nomination wan unanimoualy adopted by the Con- vention. Subeequently eddreaaoe were delivered by aeveral gentlemen pneent, alter which the meeting dispersed. Th. I-1.0. nu eh- nan-..n.o.... .5.-.../I On Saturday last a Tory Convention mu held M. the village of Centreville, the object being to select A candidate to op- poee Mr. Deroche at the next election for the Local House. There was agnod I!- teudnuee 1-!|ly one hun- dred. The chair mu occupied by Mr. J. N. Lapum. The bulineu of the Con- ventinn having been furnully opened, several gentlemen present were nominat- ed, au.ur.g them Mr. J.D. Hem, of New- burg; Mr. Bell, Reeve of Camden; Mr. R, -,,'I;`,. \V'aIl`('e:x1, Kingston; Mr. Dennieun, late Reeve of Portland; Mr. John Mc- Rnry, Luughbnro, Mr. George Luke, and Mr F`IIi..h l(.'n...n.... Q .. ..u Ive: --J esvllvu V1 nu wugnu nun no csn do, as all mankind ere slike before(lod having nothing of theneelvee I0 recommend them to Him. He continued by seyiniz thst men had striven end were striving still to usher in that golden age by external menus, forgetting that it is only by the puricetion of men's hurt that real true regenerstion can possibly be brought about. Secondly, he discussed the method of attaining to the acquisition of the prize. It requires no more qiieliu; tion than anything else, but it is not by chance that heaven is to be resched. It wee not chance lhst sent C0lumh-_;; to America, nor chance that made Muriin Luther the hero of the Reformation of which he was the acknowledged chun- pion. Every man hes to exercise violence if he would tslie heaven, his fuel being no other than the world, the flesh and the devil himself. Thirdly, he said we ought to strive to win heaven because of its pre-eminent value, end egsin on ec- count of the brevity of life, Each of the ebovo topics occupied some time in dir- cussing but our npece will not permit of I more extended report. -----.w_, .-t_._._. ervnl rlvwylluu uunu utnl-IIIUVV Ll. 1.1:` And from the day: of John the Bnptiet until now the Kingdom cf Heaven euf. fereth violence, end the violent take it by force." After an eloquent introduction, in which the Rev. gentlemen referred to the death sleep of nearly four hundred ynrl through which the children nf Ir rnel penned, And which was now about to cease by the advent of Christ, he divided hie text. into the following three huede_ ret, the nature of this heavenly king- dom. In Ipeeking to thin topic Mr. Ni- choleon nid it was a prize, A Iomething more then the eerth can give; it in the future home of innnliind. Al the narrow: men experieucee hero nuke him feel thnt his reel. is not here, that here he has no continuing city, All meukind were Alike before God. A men could not win hea- ven by richeu or any work: thet he nan (L. nl nll nun-.LinA ... glib- -v an nu: unnv nun. In the evoning the Rev. A. B. Nichol- son preached from Matthew xI., 12: Anti In-nun Mu: Jan. Q! In}... H... n-,..;-.` -1 venue-u. V, eeeu IDIIJII, II It? uvu.v eerily the work of Divine grece working in the heart of men, end producing thet feith end love, em! new obedience which eonetitnte the higheet end beet lile le which eny huinen being een ettein. They (the oongregetion) by external neine (chrie- tien) end eppeerenoe, believe Jeeoe Chriet to be the Son of the living God. But there were rneuy ehrietiene nu-rely lntelleetuelly eo. They hldllol ' received the reveletion ol God in the - heert. Agein trne Chrietien feith in not e inetter of custom or education, proiueed from without. It came only through i the working of the Divine Ipirit, eo beeutilully deecribed in the gure of Christ: "A well of weter epringing up into everleeting life." They could look upon Him ee e greet teeeher; could eit et Elie feet eed edmire hie worde, but un- leee they hed the revelation from the Fether, the enamel ediniretion ceu be of no relue. He cloud by renierking thet they required more then an iutelleotuel knowledge of Chriet, in the lightof hu- men experience, but the deeper, truer knowledge given by the Fetherin Hee- vnn lI`um||y Flour. Pantry Flour. Buckwheat Flour. Graham Flour AZZi>IC1iI3IIlIlIIIUT I.I U00 implies for non than knowledge; it iupiiulov principle: ol lib, formed by ranching in into the futnn. His know-_ up of cum. 5, :5. min, in no... ..-:l. 01.. -...I. ..l n:..:..- ._.. _--|.:.... uungznulllnllllllvliliii "l`||ohlidlIuJesn|inho3onol1 .__Il.. l._ ____ .L__ L__,_I,1,, ....,......-. ..,..............'... natal vion union cone: to no thilpniboeouldnotuotho-bolotu. `K. L.I:.l n..; 1...... :- n.- 1:... -1 12-: --..- -In-vlnvvuvul 1553, his Ibyclnlghgthoinuutuo, throui&doIpq-Sou dtbo nod Inn: .4 nal .....|. I.;_..u ..-m I. UIIZ Illl IVVZZ ljfl HIV ::;;itiInotby dillicll manta] wing. llunl an.` .m-.. L- ... tho pub`: hulls; and condition at but lfthunilcvo torahtiuint L..._A .L_. .__ L- _- _. _. -_: FURY (`UN YEN HON. :1. J. IIONUEHIJE & cu. {Our lewntoekbulll -Q CH4 MA 1; h And In I'M-I ovor thug nuuuflcturml from (I AIR. Aha plenum In an um-.. Pre cmly dy J. H. Raunol. (`brain 8:. Jo n.N. B.,ndlor uh bylklainausd Gnenl Doubt. him U13 pa bottle; is. ouloohr but I WIIIYRIALLOYUUIOIDYIIIIM! g-J-L.-1.1..-..:..n...lI-..--. Banal. Joann and. bu, General IIPQIHH". L`nunriuIa`4m. and all mpurmrl nflkl II/ootl. II no particularly adapted to lklwau Io-mulu in than low tutu at the uvucm that until -t Ihenuolvau In an m y ol `ho nllmonlfpoculiu mhtgziruxin To (Klara! and lII1'I1"`I`nDIIl'- in vigonna pmpeniu Iv to re newer! but`: any to very ymm ran can an bl found olfnonlculnblo bonpt. an In Innlc And nun-Mu papa-den II rpl the blood with gtrcngth [kin noterhlu (`or (one and mmuc|c uruct urmnnd than furnish the Imndscinn Ir-r snug and Lmllky nolutllulimu. It it very plonnnt to the Prenond onlv dv J. Kaunas, (`hr-am 1EInnmiL TEA Hiltisli IDPINID 0II'l` AGAIN I In tho Albion Hotel Blool. PROMO!!! ITRIET. ----~ooo Ronrxsmu haournonnn Euuuuov or Coo Lxvn OIL. wmc Lncrornosrnnn er Luau. ll prepared with the loan and [mwr OH-ouo of the non rueemcd remedies In tho cnuln e of the llnterh ModicA"-I.u1o- plum ale o Iinu. which enter: to lu-gelv into the urmnt on n! bone mutorhl uul uthrr in pnrtant. linsuen of the hmJy-Phonphor:u. the great. hrnin And nerve tunic Ami in vigornh vr. in I form mantle-inbla on uhuin its fullo-at erclu, tugnlho-.r will: other rm/nah! rrnmdial mun. 'I`}mm mm all imim.nIv mmhiuml in um (IPIICILB nu-pr pmu-u|n 1 remulubie} power in nrmutilm ihv uh-my ml! mpplving the wuu uunnuntly going on in Lhnuu uhnnr nu] cnnditinnn of the nynl-m, Ioolnd by nu-la dinmu un 1-vrv-rt Ant] im ir autritirnn. villhu the blood av-dup the vi Iurvu. his h hly rammmcndod for (`manna ma-a. (an M: no. alutdl. Cuuah. Bromln n. Scmluhma and ruummemlod for (`Milan (/Ar alaifil. Caught. Htnruflnn, Sena]: .'! phllilk I'lrrrl, Tumnn, INC! 1%., Jmnln andplnr. Gmnvll Tun Cuumnz UATTLI Exroiu'.--The Duke of Richmond : Cattle l)iueuo| Hill, lstely introduced into the lmperiel Pur~ linment, And which it we: feared would nip in the bud our growing export cnttlo trade with Great Britain, wu dincnued in the Senate, nhowod hy Order: in Coun- cil and mlagrnms that the Dominion (lov- ernment had been in constant onmmuicr tion with the Imperial nuthoritiel from the time the ubnoxiuun Bill wu intro- duced, with the view of guarding Cane- dien interonta, uml that the ebrtn of the Government were likely to be nuece.-slul In hning the objectionable feature: re- moved. O09 oo---j- A THnenr..~'nra LITTcn--On Fridny nfternuun the Premier received thrungh the mail: In enouyumnl note in which he wu informed that he had only "two deyn more to live," and that ho III to be ehot_ ~ooo-_ IN THE VEILY BEST N'l'YLI`I. "P can (`on- lldunlly point louvury pleua 0! work done b hum fur 1 your put an n gunrunwa of Mn nin- RlC!All)lN(1E SHOP--Haul ofOuoen uuuulvu Iuvlluvw HIM. I Innulu, In VIBW of uiuting circumntnncel, call in my on- gagements for the present, which 1 now \lOI|l'9 to do, and I hope that there will be nu ruh or premature action by may of the Club: or their individnnl mernbera. The proper time will come for the considera- tion of I change of name or the nltering nf the constitution in the contomplsted Convention to be holden in June or July. l gal. 23 nuipemiun of judgment end the manure of charity towards myself that I have extended to others. Yourl, for the fallen, D.l.K. Rwr. _i. 4, -. _, uenornl Doual- ottl" hr |.'L. T Mr. 1). 1. xx. lune nzu In-lea mo lol- lowing card 1 To Him Total Ab.xtnI')u`e (`lulu of Canada, uml all r`Un4'r`m-111 Dun Fuuc.~m4,-- After a conaultalivll with prominent tulnpexfuncu nu rkn.-ru, it in deemed advisable that I nhnuid, in View ..I .- nu n-n..m.o.m.... ....lI ;.. .......... (I ) By an Order in (`-uunoil of 18th of March, instant, the oxinting paragraph 56 of the `kegiilniioiia and Orders fur the Active Militia, &c , 1870,` ii cancelled and the following new paragraph 06 aubstitutod thensfor, viz;-`B6. Thu iziuk of Brent Major will be granted after ten year: service as Captain ufa corps of active militia, which in eicioiit in awry respect, and to Adjutanta who have held the rank of Captain in a corps of active militia ton yearn. Bron-t prumr-tiun will be granted only to ulcern lhu are duly qualied. (2) Oioera who are qualified and had, on l8:h March inntaut, ciiuplot- ad their live yearn qualifying uiivice for Brevet prumutioii, under the cancelled paragraph 56, will be granted pruiiiutiun iiiider that paragraph on being properly I`8C (15) Also, pruuiulii-_-, for distiuguialied service la the rld, If for useful uervicu to the country, will bu specially provided for by thy (Jureriiur (laiierul in Council Url I IUCCOIIIIY In May HQXL -.-\I. the grand review fullowing lho pruclummliun nf peace, the Grand Duke Nlchulu land to his army. Tu an Army which has sccmnpllahed that you haw, my friends, nulhlng us impuuiolo." Thin in now quoted as I mgmcnnt uucrnuoo. >- 009 -4- Lruv. II 1: menu med mun populnr brand of whukoy bu beau romutly named liter him. _'!'l... l..-.l-- -1 H... n .... -:.|__. :_ AK- lln. --'I'ho leader 0! the Oppoaitlon in tho Nova Scutm Assembly hu reuulutwuu be- fore the Home of Inn! of cuntidonco in the Government, the debuts on which WI occupy some time. -Tha dmlh uf Hnnau--I ()'nA-1 vuu time. -The death uf Uenornl 0'Grnd_y Huly will bring Snr Patrick McDnugnll tn H511- fu. uuunor thnn Iiu intunded, Sir Pn- trick having been nominnted u the (Jan- era1'I eucconor in May next. lha urnnd review funnlina lhn penon or penorux" -'l`he smoker: of the _D-nniuion can cnbutod ndleu lhnu 81,629,496 to the revenue in l876-77. E! the Excuo Rewo- nuoun tubncco nmounla to that, whul mun. be the tmount expanded for Imnke"! -Tho Muqum ofburue, the Queen : |on-iu luv, hu published u new version of lhu Palms nf Dnvid. By Iuy of con- truv. it in vuenli mod than populnr brand whukov mmullv nunml nfmr ll nlnuml-tn AT ALL TIMES TO 1cxrcU ctmc uumzus Fun me uuu 4-! Yul !-ltnun. -Tho vanornble old India: In the Son- ata at Onuu no bunily punmg 3 du- voreo bill 00 Iordod that the womu di- mmed may be from: to curry "any other perwn penoruf" Dominion can UDUVC. -A return paper In: nomimwl the Vcnonblo Bury of tho Louder to tho peerage. We proaunua his mle would b0 the Duke 4.! York-Ruuh. _1`h. ......-.b.I- nu |..n... .. M... H-.. VCI LVWUV ulhtlwehve `QM. numc In mu cuy. -'!`vo Indies in Hunilmu, Mn. Chal- tnn sad Min Donnnu. IIIITOII] ucapod suffocation by cod 5:: from n cell-feeding non. _A --.b.-.. u...... I. . . n A _ .:..-a-.l AL- Iou rvconuy Cold ll um per born]. -A Mr. Sun Wood did at Not York, on Thuvndny, luring our ono million dollan In establish nCol|ego uf Munc in that city. Hunilmu. Mn Chnl- In Ulmurulrl. --Toronto in thin in; ohoicu-gr-ado D-nrhcmntu London ( nu.), whore I50 Iota reconbly cold at 8140 haul. dind ll Nut lll LIIDIDI IGIVOP. . 51:. J. 3 Damn`: an Lihonl cu- dnhto chosen to run again Dr. Tnppcr in Gumbel-Ind. __1"..u...o.. :. .|.:.....:..- -L..:._ --...|- any onncun" Inn. _ -"'|'ho Ii!-at of Inland" lid to In escorted to the head on `awning Int root In cburg. --Thc 3 buaincu at tho New York abstain inpnoud. Think I total unnnl of :1! dramatic pnondont. -Im-Ina has onnnod in tho North. unnu or nu nnnuuo pnonuou. -IprIug has opened in tho North- Wugnd than up on running on Rain` Lin and River. In I ll hula. in th- Ijk.-gl ___ on or no tcly ohncun" -"'|'hn Ii:-up ol 1 Graining. Gluing. -"Buy arm;-3; in -5 kn dnbbodhn 5 Hlhil _.nn nan mu 111 a KYO IlID ll tugulhnr wilh lwlluahlr rhesus urn all inliunnloly combined in mlvenl. uiul ul hnlntun-unnlln nmprnnpn D. l. K. Rina hzu in-led tho fol- : mu-(I _.(.-o4< Klno s Circular. M;HUl| Orders. `ll! ms " ha zumpllshed mlhnng d - ooo-4- Iulmu and Mn: of If e vll Drmlu-:_ ntwron 3. IIu(:ns' ` ew!-'lourStore If I. uurmicro '",.:.s':.'.-a.-.:f.::.. _. 7aTf8T6TATaiT` lapedblly Coneorjlu Pljyen. [ l.iirk_!_Itu1nk'iPnq8tu|,| rt!-an no DZ U A--IVIIU I500 Isl}. Chest: New 'l'cu,l 1 '4.-4.0.. Allan... Van-n ung. Innnhnnn vvw 1:1 \4-vuZ AIIJW IS `oidtl 0! .Y K ` c...... .."2'o'.:;. '3L.k"i`s'4'CE" [eoLoNi5E;noEnv| New Csmol Hnlr Drou Goodl, 50 Place: New Hamburg Embroidery, New lohulr Urou Goodl. R Donn how Cullnrn and Guns. in solar. New Debu-go Drou Goods, 910 Bonn New Nook Frlllingu, New Batik: Dmu Goodl. 19 Down Not 8|lk Plea. New Grey Lu-tron. 2 Dozen Now Fancy Nook Rlbhouo. New Blunt Lulvren. I9 Phsou New Whlm RM! `(Alums La:-0, Nuw Blank Culnnon-. 6 Boxes New Oolorod KM Gloven, Il)0 imou New Prinu. `I50 plaoouof tho oolobrstod Lybotor II I Fnotory Comm. 100 piomn (`- uadn whim Cotton, 91: ploooo Englhh. Scotch ind Conndlnn Tweedy, I0 piooeu Now Pint] Worsted Coatings. Z` NJ`-The llk Do urtlmnt In replam with I the union Hhmlnm New limped Bl kn from 500 pot yurd. A. R,()SS, 88 Princes: Street. oppocito the City Hotel. Inch 5. I878. THE TIME TO Buvl (louelntmu 0! Blank and Colored Cashmere: Plain and Funny Drool Good: In all the bowling (lnlorn ranging from 70 per veal New Hlnolx Sllh at exmwrdinnr low prices, 500 |IiN`4`l| Now Print: from the beat muken-s,.`>(lIlJ Eamuuma Print to be told bytne pound. Whllu uml (inn Uotbonn. Bl eutlngl, Pl luw Cullupn. 'l`nble`l.|non|, Na Hun. Towels end Towelliu n, Imus (Eur Lain: nnd Autimaouue. all to be uold at price: In an t the hard time 25 phwan nliml HI-ir: in I onriug at I rent. Bnrgnln. In full Sunk of Tyeedu. Clothe and Won-tml(`uu1inuu.-lump. n ull Stool: of ion and Gout : Cotton: and Marian Hauler . Also a mll uemrtln-In M ('01 ton and Merino Umlerolomhing. -`>00 Pulrn lilnolx end Colorand wo Button I`ren.-h KM Glon-u nl 504: To nrriva in B few 41 5-50 dcueu Genuine hunt Bumleeu Kld (Haven m ull lhu mm Slmden. These Gloves Are Iecldully the heat in the market. A full I-nook of |"nIu'_v Uomln nnd Gent : Furnishings, ull oomprleinz one of the met oomplela Ind rttmotive mo:-kn 0| Dry House Painting mall Us ltrauchea at-oPun.i n. a w. J. Or-others: htlnnhuuctaunn-nullullbo ' hvonlhnnn 1. 1-wo noon uovzlbu rrun I-`urnlohmgs, sll In! Good: In the city. [I An Inspection nolioltod. At 3| -IOVVOI` Prices than Ilvor Boron-0 Oorod Blmdan. Thou ulovsn ulecxdedly market. Fumlohinamslloomprininz oomplela HIOKEY an II.Il'.I'.".I"S, PRINCESS STREET. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVE!) A SPLENDID LSHUIITIISNT` OI` CLUTIIU, T\\'l|l) 5 and W()rnLed Contiugu, which for style. xlurubllit. and chess nan cannot be wllullml ll- tbo city. WOHSl`ll) UOAPINGS in Uhealu. Dun us I, Dinuou Innd Flguron. l~`un- W:rrul- nnl Truwseringl lg all the latest. New: York and Par Styles. Flue Bmadololhl uml llm-xklua, Flue Clnmlmu Tweed: in the cholout pulorm our manulaoturod I-`lne uuortmum ui` xmmln Twoedn. We are taking orders rapidly for tha nbon Good: and portion requiring a rmnlly llrnr clans Garment. or salt pt I mudonwo prioo will lone odl on Ill. We lnvo born lmnl nl wurk all winter mnuuflu-luring A CHOICE A3809. KENT OI` CLUTHING, Ind putlrn rm uinm; 3 Ready Made Cont, Psnu or Vent wlll ud ours equal in many rupoola to order wur ` A all manufacturing A CHOICE ASSOETIIENT OI` CLOTHING, Ind u find unl man ruoola to CHHICE AS5()t1`ll|Nl`()i` ()Eh'I"8 FUHNIS INC 000 0- EW AND Clll'2Al' I?` Jun Received-The Intent Itvlo of SILK EATS. Z.PREVOST, --nnu an---In -\._.. -_-.... o.-_ ah- --_n.A. ..__ ;n*swspamE;na:ssJeo aha u...Iu"u' NEW `YORK o5.g1'Hmc STORE u-n snvuu Unlll-IJIIVI UU Ill UIIIIZ VIIV BIVI IIVUII HI!` I IVIII. If MuNAU(lH1`0N It. C0. are olorlu GIIA1` BARGAINS in tho nhonooda. Porno: mqulring my (loodl In our lmo will and It to lbolr uiuntap co glvo us I call. COMIC NI? I lll! Al.I.I PAiN*rI1\TGx sum from 35.00 to 15.00.` man-nun nit- ll IVUUI KBIIUI IIUIII `L-III UU U-VU. URDER WORK WE ARI! IAKINO A SPICIALITY. 3 Our Cunor. lnllolnmoah, Inn givou anti-{notion In on than who have given him I ma. 3- \l..HAlTl'l'l`N In an -Inn nl.-I..- nllluli IIADIIAILII :- AL- -5-.. n.....a. 11.-..-- McNAUGHTON & C0. Cor King& Princess Sts. rinnan Buddies. Labnd or Human. Boneless Ooduh, Tzble Oodmh. I 3-... )._I. ....;..wu vu -gwuungn, Salmon in `rim, lactate! in `nu. Lobum in `u, Iardmos in `tin. nu:-y lunar in `rubs. Dairy Butter in 3011:, Md . HKAAJA : wvvva J, vuvvwvv ltlon Ohoou to Arrive. XXX Pantry our. funny flour. I\-lgj A gun!`- O Tweods. Gent : Furnishings. -nu. (A-u. Dtgby Horrlnzl. tlnnnu-AA Ilgpuln - Clfl :1, Dlngonnls. Vegotino 7 Voptino | Vogotino Vogetlno Vlgetino : Vogetlne Vegotino Vogetine Vogetino V Vogettne Venting: Vogotmo Vega tine Vogotine ` Vogotine j "W-7I.'43 sou-um TsuxT11}n}}`_' ' "' Boston. MA- Cumot b:'._lxce|lod; Chsr|uI.own,lua. Mr H R Bwvom: D1-Ar 8lr.-T|a|n In to co-nllv lhnl. Ihave used yuur Blood Prepnrurmn in my lomlly for navuml nun. Ind llxluk that fur Ecru!-1|-A ur (inch-mu: Ila- moru or Khuumnlw Allecuonn. ll. umuul be nxuellod; mud. an a hlvlod purier or Ipnng madl- cum, I! u the bean thing I ham ever unod. um! I have uud ul- luonlavorytlnn. I can vhrrr fully rvooommenz it In m._yuno In need 3! auoh 5 nmdwine. Y-run reopeotfully, ILA. A DLIIIIOIII. No. I`) Russell B! It in a. vsluiine Remedy south Bunion. Feb. 7, '76. Hr. wvenn. Dur Hh'-l hnvo taken Iover|| banks of your Vegitmo mud um con vl uced it I1 3 valunblo romedy fur Dyopopnlu Kialnoy Complaint and zenarnl debilltv. lcun houuly reoom mam! `t to ill Iuering from lba nlmva oomplnlnta. Your: ran Ifully. Ills. unto: Pnln. Mnroh 1 2, 1878. on:IA.:- io;i:Lo-1-:E1N'G We have 1 Inc: and Valid stock at Indy-lulu clothing. A\Q1\ A-IIQIIIDIII-Q -IIIEIIBIIDJI Anuuuun an n-Iu1 -`Au Much 22, 1878. "H'L$P'" _3_I2`.3',`{ '5.[ N93? -T9;%HAN_9% I 131 on A THE FOLLOWING LINES OF GOODS HAVE COME TO HAND AI` D`.!!.."_!.c!:9.!'_I';.S9._: tlonbooruflcnrnl. &.l.OudInor'n.PI-Incmstmotb Inch H. --- -7- ---uvuu cvwuu cc -vvvv -w- -v-vc-- - rlndh IlIIl`0!oAU'l'l$ ""` ......'.'...'.".-..".:--"""-""""W""""** --oo Now Is the Time to Leave You-|_|T;Drdera for Spring Suits VI:u1_;71`IN I11 Prepared by II. II. S'l`lVINl. Bostoujlnss. nun nun!-nun: ntraniziiut us now conrmu New All Wool Blwk Cuhlnou 500, H10, 700. 750, SIM Ind .|. New Uuion Black Culunere `Ibo. 300. 37 I-`Jo, 40c and -`.00. 2 New Grey, I-`um. Drab. Brown. Aruba: 0! Ronomuhmnrea. New Semen. Fawn. 8a1n.Groon.Iou and Grov M. `Do. 150 in New Anbu oi Ilonomcuhmaru. Bergen. 8: n,Graon. Iou n`l)c. Ind Ne. 50 piece: NM! Mnhulr neuron st. Ibo. 18s. No. 95 and mo. I00 pieoan New Black Brillisntlnes at |5o.20o,`1-'5 and me. 400 pnncna Nvw Priuu-lioAt |ingl'|nh-|0o and I`) |~`2o. New Tyuoon Keppn-Hau1lnome Pucwrm for Wrnpporu. Cuenp Shootings, Fable Llnom, Towels. Table Napkin! and Wblw Qulltm l\ Illnl l\I'\f\lIIf'\ |ll'I I l\ on New All Wool Blush Cuhlnou 500, No, 700, 750, W Ind (I. I-90. w. I. iiuaoo. .45. IT . Vi--- ..vvv- v- _-'--' ----_ _---___ *I1Eb_a5n?'iitiiimnnnnxauoonsmm.Iorrnox -_L I1 I! 1 - nvnunnnn Il-..--.. tiioxtoortozlenn-I.I.cJ.OordInor's.PlInoCllI~oot.) ___.a 2. I HAVE JUST RECEIVED A BPLENDID ASSUIITIEN1` OI` CLOTIIS. T\\'E|l) S Continua. for nvla. nlurmbllitv ohonunau mnullml In 8_ SPRING- "7 LARGE ARRIVALS or new spnmc cuons Voacflno in S0ll.l-':][ all Drugqlua. And by N. C. PULSUN ll. ($0., Drugginu, Kingston. ALEX. ,_?. __. 4 __ _._..._..i._..___._..._..._..._ Z. GRAN ID OEZA.N "C5f]' .A.'I` 'W'ALDRON S. COIQIF. 1: AIIIVIIG 'Vk..l_ -`. "RI"`WKL D"ii6N`}"Wii6Ei7lidings. uuu will nuu II 50 l'ClI' IVI|IIII" `U ' COME ONE ! COME ALL! |J.|IvVV L Suit: h'oml Est-. Gap-. do. IIQIIIUI In-uuu Iv -IIIEII I, Oolll all Aavuolpol rfuvuod LQI. I-Iooltbicltq CIIAIN. In sum. Canada oho1'owuh9pol Input . `lhuuugod lliqunnanl MU! eiudolllnolanu lllloftuuuluurtha Pa1tIcd.Innl|brQ III;-nu. For hula purtbuhn apply to the war. It mvm, ""&..'2.";"m....."""3 ..3e'.'l't`.';.T.`.`." Innb II. ll :1 14.00 to 018 00. A Wool Pants from $1.75 to 5.00. RPIC{`.lAI.l'I"' 1 Our (3uxur Ir Ilnlnunh I{a()8S S. To ALI. Pl:0Pl;_Wll'l'IlO K It n ....z- ':.*.-~:,~.-3:-V-rs-:.b V... -"~ 1--' W . , I Iobuhlrdndhnn hurl. N " WI. DAVID. hour, and cooler in luv all Iooold llnudoodad our dnncriglloa. '0?! It I nu.-' I and . g'r&luI':I..I|naI.::'. nzu>'Jom4. - v-' vv---I GOOD IUII IAII. numb A '-:'.?"F"'f"" .2`,3 |nuuo,_op`p-innu.oc'm.- Ill! qn 'lal1& IO 6 ixfi Vogotino V 3` None other In Gonulne. Bunllwn, luuh ll. IOTI. EACH l'l.I!G 0|` Till} Myrtle Navy Tobacco. plyuuhonu. WILLIAI DAVID. Tbuqlnb. Puhxlmlhn I FAII T0 IIEIIT, xurmlo at on Lanna! hood nrzm TO rAMis7 -565? SALE. `III. -A-- --QlAI_a-- NC)`|_ [C>E. ll GILT LFITIRL 7 I no: [lo Inrlu-I Ilqunrr. `Gent : furnishings, Wanted Ckllilg 1, PIIIOIII Msrehll. I871 CANNED Goons Vogotino ` VCQOHIO f PricestoSuittho`!`imes.i AI.`I.'IIL'IlVI.'l 0lI0,lOl.VIll' Puaclcllooqleuonla nllnvltu-uculbefhole ON PRINCE]! STREET, IS THE PLACE TO GET YOUR RECEIVED T0 - DAY A LARGI QUANTITY OI w.m..... emu. unsj nus.-I. I'I1H`- -I nni mil`-X} VEGETIIE F. C. MILO. Ill ug, C11 Painting, Paper Hang ha. LI! I. D V DIIICIIIU Xvanavul 1 Bwvuu. Du: '1 ; i: I ` ` ` ' roupoclfully. Ch|rIeII.own,lnu. Bwvolu: l)onrBIr.-TIa|I M ,IOVOI'I| ` Khoumnlm and. A puriar thlng luv ul- mootavarylhm . rvacommen Mn.A. H! co-I._-Ln- n_...-.I_. aloud NA says: unvc srrivu name new i mg on . sad I Also thhkltoual dubs-cnadichun luta>qhandvunk,dnHng!nl- ndndvhn body to uh the VEGIL ` 'l'I?I.!uImnn-untbunlth `an. al the but mdlcluu that .lVf n. leoltothnnk God III the limo llhuthnc Inn and nlluvdidno In VEGI'."l'lNJ Input thcnouuoh, av ' Hcrdaclining health vs I uuuruo ` 0! z uni-ty 9 I. but hunda. A owbottln of Vlnlll naI(M~ ml here hedtbntrength, nnd ap- nrN"e. Hillel ! ` puma. N. H. TIIIIJE-V, ` lnauruu-a E. Hall Ilutole Agent Nu. 49 Sun Bull-ling, Bullun. _-_ __'r--_-- ` My daughter bu received gnu ' beneliurr-meta-uul Vwnun. Hcrdaclining Health urns: uniutv In Gives Hos}-l-1. Strength sud Appetite. .1 n, ,,,;.__L_. _._..'..-J ._-- Clover load Timothy Seed and 01}. cum. ..: .L. n-_-. ....-u.- -.... .II .5 oh- Inll-`RTI `VIE nu ""' '-'4%OUo( * ""'I|-iv-lm. )nlAh|o.inbuQ::h': oath... " ..!'m"""l',IlI Tue Flu BIIOADI -We believe the Committee on Fire, Weter end Gee-or e DIj0I'IIy ol then--Ill! this evening re- commend the appointment 4:! Capt. [hr- eey en Chul Engineer, with Mr. P. Dev- Im, the preeent `luineet, ee Adetuat, eeeh te rocoue oquel eeluy. We have no diepoeitnuc to dieeun the expediency el theee chengee. not lining the evidence on elneh the Connittee easel heleve ea, but we no in the recon-eedetiee e -bod ol recon.-ilia; present diueeeu with the Ieeet nepleeaeoteeu. eed tin b e eeeeenuntoe devoetly he be ried. e ..:,.".........,' .."".....-.: `mlnlhovnnnaiqu. Tnhlybt in. '-An-nn- A an-all-&.._u L...;..LA __./ o;... Tn: Mun. -'I`ho pooh are of I compli- Inonury dinpuaitmn. In 5 rooonl. ball I poem, written by Dr. Dupuin in 1866, when the author III in In hood, Ind dedicated In Mr. Eun IIcCoII, ipponrcd In the Wm-: The circumlunoo cnuud Mr. Macon to unurth I poem Ivrittun by hum under uimul-r ciroumualou, nd publuhod on Suturdny, but in doing no Hr. IhCnll ommod to say that be non. rupootlully dodicnudit to his broshcr lyrial, Dr. Dupuio, Ind In not request: unto nuke the IIIOOIIIIOOIIIOIL a1_____ Loloo: RIov.-`l\ounulpI'uIuhu-y editorial circular Laban i-udbytho II`-J.-n M 11`; Idnh -._. !-....-........ 3.,._.-_._:_... IIHQOVC. Alan cl Iboonllmnnlo ..'.__ -_A .L.. -_ ...A_l-|. _- .__....'..I VAL: Vanna, n! (has Haul: unllty um all at the LOWEST PRICE! IN Ill-: CITY Gin un I call and [at your good: at illixfl` COST. .Ionooup|olo. upudvoundullldivo tat.-gqs Ali-n-lnkgnn-nan.-`I. ~J*%' (_'mumrus'- RAMBLI.-4. Mr. (.`. W. Oruxglllcm wxll ruunnu Ina runhlm during Illa.` vnsuuug nummer. His first run Hf tlw u-anon \|lll occur un the 24th of Mny, when n 1-my for Hhnrhott [Aka and tho Misnui;-pl Will be Inaugurated And mm- lgml by Mr Creightun. This in unhel- pating things. but Innqlpnuon in gene- rally plenum, and In tlnl can pcrticu- lnrly so. .;...-- $5.. 7 TH: Liuruii Fi.\Is.-l'..e lupactoi-of License: teams to be very energetic in his pursuit ufthule who no infringing the In! either by selling without Alicomo or nailing After prohibited hourl. Al- rndy the tine: nnmunt to a large tum, and it Iimlu an if from this source luily $1,000 will be received by (In time the license yur clonal. -OT ' #4 - .405. __ (:.,.-;.-,1, \lzz'r|.\m. - The luv. Mr. Stephan:-u, now whnut a church in Dutrun, hue boon mvitad by 5 number of men In In lJ non wctauinn uurvicu ovary Sunday, it being held lhaQ there in quite 1 uld fur such work In that any. The nupporv. Wlnluh the reverend gentlemnn Inll thus roccnva in, we fear, u! I very un- .n.LL. l.....l ---<-to-~_. I\'Av1mnn.~r.- A Nnpnneo telegram Tine stunner "Shnnnon," of Pnclon. Arnvcl hero ll. twelve o'clock, the rnt Irrivnl thin xenon. She oxparionccd dnicully in hrukinj through the ice, which lormod Iut night,in com- out of Pncton hnrbour. 0%?-OT-O S.'|moL or U in nu. --Uunner Hooper, Purl Hope Garrison Artillery, and Gun- nor Thnmu Hull, Tomntu Flld Buttery, obtained re:-clan ehort course certi- cntes at our School of Gunnery, and Gunner Leary, mun Field Buttery, hu obtnined 1 second clue certicne. --_- goo-o.. TnuTuuA'rru'..-'l`he Rev. Dr. Burns, of Hnlifnx, ha: been lecturing in Mon- trul, on the," and he come: to the concluniun thnl It in a wuto of time, n wants of money, thnt it ha: diuipnling inuences ml the mmll, and that It in injurimu to the morals. The Dr. think: it his duty to apesk out on the aubjoct. -- .__ --- -o-.`_.. Tn: \'orNu MI:x.--'I'his evening than 11111 be 3 Iunotiug in the interelt ofyoung men generally, in the room: of tho Y.M.0.A.. called at the instigation of the Executive Committee of the Parent Auociuion,|nd to be under the manqu- meut of um! be nddreuod by delegate: {rum that body. 3 `TOT? AN l.~:-uuu.1u| Wuley Spunk, conncmd of houuebruking in Spancarnllo, wu on Snturdny sentenced to tivu years III the Punitcntiuy by Judge McDonald, of Bmckvillo. Ho Inn at one time sentenced to dnth 1!. Cornwall for ynpo, I-ut hnd tun sontonco commuted to live years in the Penitentiary. coop-o_.. Hewton & Hughes, _..7.1-.?__ l'nmunn.17nI.| for the nut twenty- lour houn. For the luworluko region, docreulng northwuterly to nouchwuh orly winds, And cloud] to {Air rather. Fur thet. Luvrenco, filing barometer, bruk to `high north to woo! limit, and cloudy wanker, with area of snow. e----.1-o-.-. Tu: HIIALD.--TIIO Colleginta Inui- Luto llcruld, regulu number, In iuuod today, as bright` and cheery looking a nunl. Thu printer (Wum) in oomph- montod by iho publinhon upon the pn- per'| typogrnphicnl appunnce. ..___ __:oj..`__ Bu) Bu.|.I.-BiI|n ol the Conuliduod Bonk no in circulation in thin city. Thou bills are, our vendors will roman- bor, the um. which won uolon some Lune no in Manual, Ind the payment of which Lu be-u ntoppod. 2:01-o-:_. CoL'.w'u.. --The angular meeting of the City Council will be held this evening, And I Imrrn limo of 1! may be expected. jo----- __._._. 012'? Ann rtalnzrv Q-GOLD In In Ycrluu o'clock loo; I _.____ l`HucauS!.,u-illufoundauunao olGro-cries and Prooidovuolubc I do ac culling cash principle. !v~ss*'s.r***a#a?#:~;~l I IloNi)AY`z\":0 , MARCH 26, l878.| :--o1-o--: Al N . 8. GOBDON 5Gl'Qor l'rlncau!H.,u'lllba[oIIIdllblII olurocerles Prbvddonoolw 01111:: '1' House h Lkhgovcltocpid u:.n'&'ilhu.n-lb): Iudlll 05 trvla 0uta.- bl OI hhtlad. "Jun: Inn Eco , huhu. hands. Ian.-an gum. olQuu'I 0.11:... baboon-lninloavruud nu-nouir dinu n Cancun and thooghuul -ind. Allvbo hon bovdhb Iona!` (unoollhcy-subset ; hpoluhvu. oiovohttlutrniviil hint-nality 0! though, d@uo dhnguqguj 1dnn1nlnrn--I-...I- ..u Capt. Honey, No. 1 Cnmpnny, P. W. 0. Riu, bu written 1 roply to (Jul. Slnubonzio, D A .(i., now in England, uprouing his gruiludo lot the kind let- luor of oongntulnlion And the very high oomplimonl. pud hll oompmy nod him` tell. Ho inform: Ool. Strsubonuo shot the Couunondont. And o.eorI ol tho Rioo fool very highly plouod nt his kindness in noticing tho oompooy. Tho Copuin inlunu him that be nod his lu- lor to the men on parade; tlnt they rootninod thin` loolingl u long on they could sud {hon burn out with Ihroo hurry choon lot Col. Stnubonio. Cor Iain llonoy up his coupon: commenc- od drill lul ounuot shortly that tho oonplotiou of tho unnnl drill, and in Doooubor [no on exhibition ol drill in tho City Hall. Minor tho New Your the coupon] roouuod Grill with nearly Ill norliu. Sinootbooonpuy oo-Ioooo. ..a.i..:nn.... -... ..... .... L....i...n III! aux. uuuvu -v vvunp- UIJCIIIVIII. od drill than won our one hundred In in it, the darn having allowed the nu ol any company to [all in. Prurcnu Jnnln.-W0 Inn in this and lab into gin: okokla of tho utcnlancl the Rev. Principal Julius, Onnudculu, not bound be in 0 din- s_._;.L.J -.J_.A_ .ln....I- n_u-__ w-v-'- Alomcnod `PVI-:1-ak1nn.Poan.Oon. mad Imam; I V - -u----uuuxlvlu rdovlhu lbulchnouiuulom. .a.JhA.L- n-I.lA.JA___ 31.4-,- Ijj-CFC? W J'"i""#'u7' 'H'3I- Io |&~'Cd"..`.`M`. If The city of Watertuwis the other day appointed an agent, whose duty it is to , purchase city supplies. and become re- , aponsible for the debts incurred through ` his means, at least he will be required to , show, on the most satisfactory business , basis, that any expense contracted by him is justifiable and necessary. At llrst , thought we wavered in regard to the expediency of appointing such an `etoiel ` in Kinsston, but the more the matter is debated in the mind the more sensible the suggestion appears, and we feel con- strained to press it upon the Council. A ' great many things are yearly wanted by the city, and we have every reason to believe that economy is not always con- aulted, either in the use or consumption ol these g0ods,and the condition of affairs is such that the ratepayers desire waste neither one way or the other. We have space now.but for the following quotation from the Despatcli, promising to revive the subject in an early issue ` "Another good effect will be the settle~ merit of eacli year's business within the year, as the Purchasing Agent's beaks must show every hill owed by the city, and we will be done with the very annoy`- ing present fashion of having accounts dribble along lur years after they have been incurred, in some cases long after the removal from among us of those who incurred them. It is not tho intention e! the Board that the Purchasing Agent shall pay the hills which will, of course be subject to the scrutiny. as now, of the Board of Audit, and no member of the Board of Audit will have had to do with the incurring ol the bills." ;. -Tho carpenters tender: for tho new Bethe] Congregations! Church were :0 clone that 5 mu-gin of I fan dul.l'I would | hue covered the first four. '1ho total cost will be over The builder: no to be: Muoury, Clnxton And (hllingor; carpentery. B. Alullline; painting, T. Snvsgo & Soul. nu-. u., , y _~,:. ._ n.__._ --Bawon :- Every conceited upstart who goel through the country with n. ll--nched hat on hi: head, limp bibloi under his um, and his hit parted in the middle, is not 3 Moody ;nor in every glib-tqngued retailer of vulgar miuodotu ` a (tough. ---The Plcum Guzetle lei run that (`apt_ (lennan, 1-rupricu-ra>f the steamer New York. wliich vrzu condennictl at Mill Paint this winter, is about purchaauig ing miuther steamer to run on the same rout, as the above nteanier tllll ltutaum- mar, to run between Pictun and Belle- ll ville. , . . l ,__,___. _, ,, , -0'Donoun locum : visit. to Conun- dnigun,N. Y.,on hi: return from Toronto, in: not I trinuph-boing but u plight im- provement on bin Toronto reception. Telegram: to tho Now York papers uy tint very few of his countrymen wont near him. Only 5800 person; utendpd tho lecture, u tho priest: of the plooo had Ipokln against it on the Sunthy previous. Roan did not elicit I cheer and loft. im- modintely fur New York. 4-}: 1-3. I -Singular, ian't it, that late conon to church ahould always wear the hoavieat kind of lmota, and have a peculiar knack nf slapping them down in a manner cal- culated to arreat the attention of the whole church. -Mnrch in u variable this you an out befure in in changing record. The blowing of dual about the atraeb Ian on V Saturday declared a grant nuiunoo. On Sunday we were in the depth: of an arctic win tar. -'ul. 1:. vnuuuu, Inc: v: IIIU vuu citizen: of Cnpo Vinout.Iu died fl-)-nib Ilinlu gugtl RR wag . in I vluduuu un u-pt v luau-w, nun uuvu -- Dotroit, Mich., Aged 88 you-1. Hi: ro~ Iuizu nub brought to tho Cspo {or into! ` tut. I n~ _u,, X__'A :; .L.. I..- -__-_ 1... -'l'IIoaowhovInt. to barkcv. Prin- cipal Judino loctun Io-no:-rot evening, mud nd lhcirnaueuly. There in 3 good ptoupoot of I very large alan- donca. rm- 1 n,__:-- -_. .1 .L. _I.|,,. Allolilhl III in Add ......'. .........-:. ....~-W qnnly.