Axuunnn vnnn Aunmnn ;. The Post say: another vain attempt. hll been made to induce Rnuin to acknow- ledge 3--ma rasponsihility tovrnrdl Eu- rope. Her reply in invariably: "You ledge l'a!I[mnllDlllLyl0Wll`(lI nu- rnpo. reply iuvanabiy : hnvo full liberty of Appreciation and |c- | Hun " II unm DI\|I.IIALVu. The Post up : should the Cong:-on] fail, Iumu manna may yet be sought for establinbing 3 real or pretended Agree mom. It in nut. probable that it W1 be` found, And unleu Ruuin yioldn, the` storm which in threatening will broak| run! lit I mu nun Uicern of the western railway: in New York report. thnt agent: of the English Oovernmont are actively engaged through- ....n, ma \Vn-9 and Southwest. in bnvinu uu Uovernmontareact1vatyongnaeuunougn- -mt the West and Southwest buying up for export horse: for the cavnlry service. The largut purchase: have been mnde in Kentucky and Illinois. It is repnrted 18,000 horses are to be purchued alto- gethar, and nhipmunlu Ire made by wny of Cnnadn. AI fat as tho borne: bought ITO Accepted, such in branded with the letter ," which niguioa `service. The freight Agent: of the Chicago and Nart`1- l Wclteru Rnilwny Company report ahip- | menu over their road of ve to tan car 1 load: of honudnily, oonuigmd to foreign ' agonu. i I T IO 4 ucuvuuqkyp-w u. -... uug - Duke and suu Put-19: . lug-orrcpcralh hr Ira`:-. Personal--Sch 0-0-l-Rumpnu- Libel ' " Suit. (By Telegraph Today.) Toronto, March 27.-Ho|. M1. Blnlu L bu purchased the handsome renidnnco' built nfow you-I ago by Mr. SJL Brings, lumber merchant, paying 318,500 Mr it. Hnvnnl member: uf the Soncnto School t morchlnt, paying 315,000 Mr 1;. Several members Separate Board last. night ruignod lh8||' tests, or in; tolhe clorioul party carrying I point that they objected In. The Bond Street Cunnzreqatia-Inl Church hu whhdrnwn from that budy and now on tllogiuwe to no den:-miuulmn. The hlpel um of Unounhoo n. Dunn- run in in progress 1 why. The nation in hand upon 5 Inner pubhahod III the Mail in 1874, over Dunumi nignnturo, when U'l)onohuo Va 1 candi-hm for Puliatnenury hunu-an for Int Toronto. IOITBEAL. The Shooting Iron: Sim Buoy. (Hy Tclcgvaph To day.) Montreal, Hunk 27.-An stump! In Indo at 0 Into hour In: ni ht Iolhoot 0 cuur nunod W. HUI. Jo III driving up 8!. June: Itvoot when IIO nhuu Inn nd at him from 3 crowd ol young men. John Wilonn III nbotquontly Irrdu-Id II boin` in tho crowd. but Ill dnochargod thin morning. than bung no ovidooca npiut Mn. Bill 'I I Bonn Catholic. A In natal Juuinon in Iupootod 0! being no pun: tho ind, undo vu- nntlu boon inoodlor hiannuu. An uuupt In tho nude in nhoot J. A. Crtlhy. 0 contractor. on II: way have last night bu. Ho amwt identify Ilia -nnhl ha put Izvun. , high revenue tum or 1:; which, uldod to dicnnoo in height and clnrgu, hu nlurdod than an iucidnui proloclion equivdont to 30 per cont. Under thou circunsunou IO urn quite jmufiod in uly contradicting the user- lion that protection in: Bonn doniod tho mnnnluctureru. A: the mulor nundl, the clan now clamouring {or pmtectiun already but more 0! it than my in the community. To nine the uri in their hvour I! to ruin the price of what they mike sud other: buy, in other words, to in: the farmer: and consumers generally for the bunoliv. u! the mnnzihoturinq mi- nority -~ nlrosdy cowparnlivoly more prosperous than their voiglihourn. In the mutter of proloction I decent. show of hir play must. he observed ull round, and the uni clul of cumunuu mull be recognized ll entitled to some Ilnro ol comidoration. When our Toronto omi- to.-mpnrnry undorlnlien to (all Ill ngnin what. the mnnulu-tuwn are entitled to he should think of thin. ---- o.g_.._ .?___< Int man now. u would be aunt. ' IIII|6l|I_TELE61%.- ,mnun:sol unis .... ll--J. $1 ._L '31: Iongyo. `cu. (tongue ' inns... mmka, ' 'dny I remsrhblo nnumo ol E gpggjg unury. lv. ooncludu: Tho nbnnt Inn urirotl when this qudid should In (Innitely union] with the con- _';uI-nnu'6t ooudnutnl Europe; it it Iinlun it without in ooncurnooo. if. r -..A4.ngru nropoun situation, Iriuon untiruly byvhum - v 1 In Ioi cirdol Chll it I lids- Iprond hallo! that Rania could but Eug- TII rnlv All-IJVU Inunnt. ` | I I Ilud, sad that it in only uounry to u- ` cure the odntrulity ol Auuin, to enable Ruuin ln obtain what duo cum. ....u..... .._..c .-.-unu General Ignnliol, the lumen: Ruuinu Diplnlnutiol, in nu inurviow with the Ilomld correspondent, below the loun- er'| taunt departure fur Vicnnn, uid: "1 up going to gin to tho Aurr nu Csbi~ not all the explusntinnl thoy may desire ngnrding the prolilninnriel of pence. There nhsll be no more room lor oquivo- eution, sod England will In loft nlom in her opposition to us, and to tho armi- nntion ol the nu. We all only too will- ` ing to gut. Turkey now ; but the Enzlish domonnlrntiom, undo by L their float. and by chair roluul . to allow our l.l.'0`)[`I to embark It Bu- I jukdero. loom opposed to our going. In 1 that cue, if we: are drivon to uv.rorni~ , \ ties: we shall romolnber oertniu I phrnu which hu now become celebrated `l `I am here nntl hare Ishull remain.` 0 are randy for anything. The Grnnd Duke K Nicholurouly Await: the word." . W uvssu's rownn. One of Gortsohnkolfl Chief Secretaries 1 ` aid to I Harald correapondent 2 Eng- '- lnnd lone: night of the flctthut we '.!II1 nenloue of our Sknbalntl"|, il nooeunry; even so far M ludin,nnd tint on the other hand we can perhlpl mnlio In Il- llnnco with the United Staten, which would menu: Ennla.nd'I pouuuionu in America. Whatever uny come of it duriugtlie Ieell now cummoncing, every- thing will be in Au|t.rin'| hands, and the uolutlou for good or for evil in immi- In in An ultinuutuin Illinh Izm- nan! (HILJHB nunnl. _ London, March `. 7.-lV. is authoritr l lively stated that the Eurupem Cougrcu i scheme has absolutely failed. There is 3 l not the faintest possibility of any meeting 1' being held. the uolutiou for good tor ovu II immi- nent. 1: in an ultimatum which Igna- tietf is bringing Viennn, for whether Mis- triu in with or Igaimc us we go on." .9... --u |lIrD'I'l Iltx I'.`\lJllIlIl&| IL` n.-.-nuun. London, March 27.--Con|iderable ex- citement over the threatening state of ' the Eastern qucslinn extended to Stock Exohnuge wheru feverish feelmg chanc- Lerized trullnctlons. Uomuis tleclincd now 95 3~]1SLhs. n An n hnnn, 1 Russia, by the advice of Gormnnv. in . cnncilmting Austria and disregarding England. It is believed Russia in pre- paring for war with England. Two hun~ dred thousand men bf the Russian Land- wuhr were called out on Monday. ..,................ ....n....un u uh MUUIKLIIUR `.UU-`|l.'.I.l4lvII. A Berlin correspondent antes thahan apparently inspired article in the Berlin Poul junuen England : demand and de- clnren that Russia should be wia'o enough l to be moderate. _UI\l'A ll\JI\l'|l4 '-FUIIIB. Lrmdon, March 27. -The Guvernment has ordered additional horse lnata, to be delivered immediately. ..... nvvnvunnv wrllv nun- I ll. U|'lLUUI\ nu-4. nhvn. I London, March 27.-A Berlin deapalch any: the power: have declined the mun- l tion made by Rm-sin thin the Congrats be held without England, (iurtnchalu.-ff endeavouring to bring About I meeting of the three Emperor: and three Chancel-` lorn. Runia in nndontood to have indi- cated her willingneu to make lurther cnnceuiom to Austria and some concou- niom also to Roumanin, prompted proba- bly by apprehension: of uifferencon with England. Germany has abandoneil, for the prcsenl, all idea 4;! inning invitations for the Congrcu. upon nrn u~r-Inn Mu. nniiv. Pnnills I0'TnLT IIIKILQI Hill cl lbs I . O.&3.|U'3r, War Supplm-l:u-asl(.t, S vmbbed by (.'-rmanp/. l'I.Kl|.lIl H Al nun. The Times up; To surrender the I hope of the (fmgreu in to throw u ay the only menu: of submitting It to quiet con- I nirlamtinn. Tn sacrice aubountinl prin- _- The recent outspoken utterenoee ef the t London Timur on the Helilex Fiehery E Iiwerd, and the meniloeted diepoeition to E repudiate it on the pert of the preee end E etIteernen(l) of the United Staten will I commend the nppreevletion end heerty I theulu of the whole Cenedien people, and l the epprovnl too ol all hit thinking 1 Americana tlieueelvee. Such 5 well I merited reliulio Ihould Iting, with the I reuioree whidli inveterete nieenneee nl- I wnyl merits, thou clueee in the Stetee t who are openly uowing them- I eelvee in favour of repiidietion I wherever the opportunity to pr-ectice | it preeente itself. Amen; these Bleine I and Butler ere painfully hut Approprietr l ly prominent. In regard to the lut ` mined nothing need be Ieid. He iI too I iiotorioiie to require ooilirnent, end very ' little notice or nlue will be ettached to ` his opinion in the preuiieee it home or ` ebroed. With Blaine the one in eonie- 1 what different. Au ex-aepirent end el- rnoet e euooeulul candidate lor the high- eet nice in the gift of hi: netioli, it ie iin~ I--rtiiuete for the good name of hiineel! end hie perty that he Iheuld hen reieed hu voice in fnour of the repudietien of ,,,i ..I..L-Jl- luioinnh nntionnloblb ` any or nummmng II. to qmes cou- uirlorminn. prin- clplea even for N18 uko uf avoiding mch dnnuer wuuld be to incur an equal [WFIL It. ought. to be the object of all the Gav ermnenlu, Ruuin included, to promote | the meeting of the Cannon." mmmm rznum ANDAD\v'lL'K. nun-An rnnuuvu Ann -uv lLll- Ulterancel from Berlin on Euuarn quution thin morning the fin: nomi- oicinl cxpreuion ninoo the bitch in Con- greu prospects are entirely different from uneitir-nu hitherto mnde. Th- Rgrln Pun! uhinh nrintl nnlhiua unertv-nu hitherto mlae. The Berlin Pm, which print: nothing political lit` out apurpon and which 1: I In-8 ul Bunurcln orunu. nu the hillre ; political In out and Ivnicn ll ` orune, up , of Congress would probably reeuh in Russia llld Englend ronuining st peace, but nrning for war. Thou prolonged er- mementi England cm innitely better nord than Ruuin, u Ru-eie cennut nt- ieck Englnnd while England in porlecily Ill 3 pueitiuu to hide her time. The Car will probably be driven in extend Iain conquest:-, better to be prepared for cal- lieion wheuit don eecur, but in nuch I cue Auelrie end Greece would jain Eng- luid to protect their inlereete. Germany will never ght for Ruuie or any other loreign interest. Ru-eie therefore had better rennin her Ambition. nl vvnvnu-v nvllt`nll._ Berlin, Much 27. -T!: I Pope : concili- story letter to the (iorunn Emperor hu DI rn<:u|.1'v ovnmls. . boon uuwurrd in tho mun spirit. There \ in 5 pru-poet o! the Ultunomuu amica- ly being onroouo. nun-In `Anni .-nun \-AI.-I- Anny-nun nun. Mnnchutor, March 27.-The Uum- I Han : London correspondent says: The aimntion, so far In nprdn the mating of the COIIIYCII. in much inprond by tho uuunnnu that laid Dofby in roooivod from Count Schounlol during the put hv boon. l |uniubuolcnr.hovovc, that tho Inoodl word: any ho Iulandod to gain lnglnod until lglsucl up no- [otma an nnduuhldhg with the pot- III. Uorvrmvlelu (By Teleqzapll ` Inna- unu-I 1H?Vgv_uIEs1. voloe In Ievour or en undoubtedly legitimate netioneloblr gallon. The! he bee dole eo eill fumieh ndditionel reuon for oocgnluletnon thet. he felled to eocure the Preeidenliel cheir, (or, however it me] be in other manure with Preeldent Heyee, he he: gnen this, end in the matter M the Bnlvor Bill. ebundenl evi- danoe 0! hie deeire to vindicate the ne lions] good nerne by upholding intact lhe Americen neuonel honour. Gen. lleyee unlortuneloly repreeenu but I Imell mi- IIII lvpuurnuvu u. nurily ol hie people, end he: been for ll e tame completely overborne by the repu- diamu, who hue everything their own any juet now. And who me] be expected to eeeume Iilhuul oompunotiou the ne- tlonel diegrnce ol rejecting the even! of 1 Couuueeiou whoee Illdlnl they were in ` ell honour bound to respect. The American nation will leee hr more in the deprecietinn of in foreign credit. then it will make or an by the repudietion 0! he met obligaliune. Ae the Tina deoleree, No country heooeforuenl will be willing to refer cleune to erbilretion if the decleiou of the nrbitretore M lreble to be challenged by ,,,.__-..:..|...e. 0 e A_.n'.n rmuelu F0-(`Icy 8utlned.| (By Td-r-rt `I'M-y.) |._'.a.. II H.-`L f!_.'l\4` new |g_u_IsImL 'l'o-day.) . unnrru Arnuruwn In --.u.- .. _- ___, _ (ho muuocoutul party. Ana-inn audit will to unduly ahakon if they ro- lou to chi-lo by an Award. A: to the sin ol the IVIIII, Ch! in only A -um o! opinion, and in the my question Ilicl nqnind the ubitnnout ol the co.- uluion. Too than nnnl in tho Inner ol tho `Abbas chin: was no ` -~- --|- -..--ha And In m I)... I Flour-rocelol mu, 5 -uusuu an steady; prion nu-tuna: nlh ; sun` tutu`: 5.`)! I `-' to L00: do 5.9 to l,D-, do 5.! lo 3.00; Iphng urn 4.35. Gnu. provision and naked um Inna. - 1 C R6 pm. og: lig|n-gndcn rolling a 8.N to {C3 heavy In purkerl 33! to 3,45. honvyto ip- per: 3,3510 LN. O`I'nwA-Nn I I-`Iour Q.'I.'l)', uh-I LN; bbl nun 6.225 ; Bu:-Ivlnoal our In up .50; Bmnarlu ltolb; onutoc ; lath 50x :0sulHa!no: Pena Vltoloz in II: I.~.'> wjlgl); Pontoon 3-`ho; Bnuor lie to I ; Lanl per lb I0 lo |`:O;K`[I la; Pork 05.50 I 0": Boef.'l.b0 I M - [In] 810 Inll); A Flea per ms: to two; Wool 25 mama; lgoh CovI.neI|v1\tlVt~d. III In 010 monnag auwy--; noun -you u - us; ..v-V... I-0. 1 Au loo to ool Ii oh Cows. newlvmlvad. ;oon-on Hilch Cow: I8 to ON; Sheep 8 50 to II; good hard`! `2,`.'> M383. .. ~- - w _ vnIuur.*"""`' ' I531 I ` iauIt.(|tup`uIm y; an ,. . -.-1 I `U -1.] I ' HE HOUSE AND PIHHIISES on Ontario su-cot, oppo-me the onion of Polar Broc, formerly occupied ty 0. Pintl. Apply to W. H SULLIVAN, Mural: '37, I878. Clare-ave Strut. Iauolllouunlu-rbu. Llrtularritonllt. Pub Exmicm Toiimii WITE Flill and Y0l7\'u WOIAN to help I-`inllhinl ~ A I z | P" y ' w. nsnolmjs. ` vvaluvus in mm-zours 0! G50 `Alan-an cu-- -- F7 poounnuly nculdn, and in --_...I Inc on nth: inability ol the Inn Flour-roceiob I3, I nouly: prices nu-in 2 an 1cusToMs' yarnnruaur. muwm. March 2311!. I878. Authurizod Discount. on American Invoices until further notice I per oont. J. JOHNSQWN. Oouuniulonor ol Cunwuu I The aim:-e 1': [hr only ymrire Io appmr In umnuunmru nu!/aorifnl In rup, I The Stone llouse on Barrie St. _,__, x_.: L- .L- I The shove Pro my vim be sold A1` AUCTION av. the Sn a Room: of the Subscriber, .. .....c u .__.A N nu um vcuv ..v....... -. .._- -.. V I On Thursday Next. 2Ctl.lVi`l;l~`llIt, n~ I-J n`:-uwx noon. [11 Apply at 7 0:!BOBN'8. March `Z7. Dye wo;k.. frjnoeu Bu-sot. `EHUTBUNSAQNUHULLS FOR BREAKFAST. WILL HAVE Broad. Iiouadv Bun: FRESH EVERY MORNING, Colnlm-lnsing on Mondny morning, April In. Will deliver in time for lirnnkfut `Lfordor lhe night before. Mar:-h `)7. VVILI. BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUUl`l0N. under power nfsalo (`0I|I.|iIOd In I Ilorwugo. In; my Sale Room. Machinery lhll, Konlrenl Street, Kingston. In H A n AI , n-n_ -5 A__lI llou SaIur:l|:lI`y`V,l`t;e 6th of April. AT uul n'x'I1)(`.l IN `nu: AITIIIOOI. an `Inn u u..-..... . . Tha tint olnu. well built, futullin 8oow' ALICE MAEY.Iil.h |"nrnll.ur0 and lap! romplolo. now lying at Illlor t Jails` vb: . The Ah.-4: M1111/wan built In I875, In 7| mun lmru-n, nn H met. In lonzth. I! feel 6 llohulu br:-m|th.and 5 feet 4 inch! in depth of hold. Fur pnrtia-Illirn apply to ileum Bnwden E Ilwhu, Bolleiwru. I no IJI\II.l\I -- Uppouilo the Pu-k. lntoly ooonpkd by tho Rev. l. J. Christie. Apply to Mr. Girin. uoxtduor. or to Rev. Rideau Canal Scow icnnnlasi And we will Guarantee More. and Better Work tor the mume money than my shop In the City. VI IVI wuwvv-v - vv-' the only Ilnl-(`Inn (`nu-I-Inprlulldui In ll! flly. X Close and Ehwm Plating I special: And Volnclu fur Mn. 5 lot 'oY`Iocun A hmd vmri vorv Phup. tn-|| 4. IT`, I Important Infornnuon for All; EFRAEELEZEF 1"-T5 sugar own! Down: Down! T Ibxiv Iuyju Ilocl. II: 1. IN . --Qyflouuloou` LII IIGSIY will -all duh; Ila HO- lldn nun VOI CASH, (tbnpor that ` nv db: bun h the city. REES BROS. _._.__...__... -onnunnurn IAIIII. Aucnou SALE SNOW HA8 GDME I 3'03 SAI_._E, as-_-.-:2-.-.3 1lElI.`} D!.'B8. -. ('IlI'AGO IAIIITI. g ` . BY PUBLIC AUCTION. mm-o.r Ilorwuuo. J. W. BROWN & 00., man II -u.rI nu I`-ulnar Iullder -v. Apply I 1 J. Cbrumo. Alnhont. ALICE DIARY." FIAIK IIOlIYo _ Din`:- Wanted. WOMAN tn hell: l' NOW [8 THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR MOVIMIIT. ---- vT3i1nAI Iv'xa;Incn z1.f'i Tc} LI; r. H.` nun nnunm SALMIDN TINIIII`, nun... nvv CHAS. MoMlLLAN . Auotionoer. snug. .QI RI` T' _ I ;-. 7' "`-`*"" a;Lg;n4gv:m:nIun tan coxnxm . 0' OF mm xInt;Luvs: We are now Oponlni Out Howl llggn hgllv, WHICH '8 All SELLING A1` IXTIEIE LY LOW PRICES. In. 65 J. GARDINER| Finnanaddies! Finnan Haddiesl A CONSIGNM EN1` (H-` PRIME IIADDLES which we olfrr for sale To pol` lb. A-emu.-liq-In Iuuuuu Juduunnnnunlvllnhin GOLDENEGROCERY| DELICIOUS FOOD. Ulillfllil) WHITE uml YELl.UW CORN MEAL nude lrom Southern Sweet Corn. put up in ID lb mu-hgu. I-`ur Salt 11' am DEN l.I()N GROCERY. I I'l|7|I llllllltn o III Ivu nyyuxu 0. TWO THOUSAND LBS. PRIME CANADA I"RUl'l` lor u|la,|~|1uap. AT GOLDEN LION GROCERY. Dried Apples! lbrled Apples 2, rnwn 'rHnmuND Strictly um prkm Ssh: for Qt. na|ry'ihine}z llnlry uuuerz rnwn 'rHnn.~uNn POUNDS BU1"I`|Ilt bl. `XIX!!- lonhnllt ---~-.-you---_ `sfult aeceigeti HENRY Lownm-:s,'| New Colo:-'d sllk, New Snow Flake Waterproof, New Lustres In all Colors, New llebalge, New Black Lust:-es, New Lace Curtains, 1\Tovv Bnnyrnu 1'13-. FIVE HUNDRED BOXES LHOICE I-`IUS For Sale Chem. 1 New I New Goods Arriving Evaryday ` 318 Vvvuus In Light. lodhm and Duklloda. Ghlna '.Il' Prices to Suit the Times. 2 lb Cam Fresh Pouches, each 15c ; or $1.60 per dozen. 3 lb (Jam fresh Peaches, 20 each; or 32 par dozen` A1so,0annod Pnmpk.ins,Peu,0orn, and Tomatoes. llrch 77.1873. I All ol `think will be sold at 3-rh-an to corru- pond and wur-nun-I of the Hunt I qnllity JIIIIVAS lllllilrun. I'EI(]U8ON' BLOCK, PRINCFJH STREET Il___L II II )! Hhe Weathel ihdicatdi} Inn NEW HAT sum.) In the Nine of I low In! A COIPLITE AIIORTIKKT OI WHICH GA! HI FOUND ONLY haustylumnouawnatswm I! 8 not on IIPALLIBLI GUIDE. but In 5 WIATIIII PIOPIIIT in host: Vanna. Scull nod no It. and u`! the can 1 375.09. [Conn-Prlnullt nut Ima- It--ulna l....Lm IIVI. I V T ' ' ? ' '1': ' ICXTD '5... OK If` ...'-....--"3:-.*.'."-'....-7-*L'.."..'.'.': """""""" mun: mm). 1 `IH1&&'.P9hunuI!.Ih0u Q` Call and Ice them and 4 Dnoo. __ VIII`: Illltlacl o lIIul_y llllltvvl - W0 THOUSAND Golden Lion Uroongy. W. ll. Mcl{Al dz ()0. -. . mu 1 n~n ,-._ ...._..- .. IIEPIIIJIATIOI. `IVE HUNDREI) For Cbenp. AT l)l.l)I- CANNEI) HOODS Ialllllll n nu Iqrch 18, I878. ALSO. A LARGE STOCK OI` RECEIVED T0-DAY. VERY, VERY CHEAP. |II`ll lI WHl'l`l(f um! \'KI.l.l)W1 RECEIVED T0 - DAY PRINCESS STREET. H IU Ill DICIIHVI. flI|" B8!!! A1` GOLDEN LION GROCERY. - -- '---v-.r--- L our-nucull N- nvny. Hpocelua _ .n....- .I.I-a- ' Prlnls, mm uuenp, AT GOLDEN LION GROCERY. A LAR()!'Z QUANTITY OF JAIIBS. Billll. vvunuvn nu !\t'|( nln\'l'I-`Jill R1 HENRY LOWNDES. ..._...-._.- -7- _ . mum. nun ._-L.L.- uh. Ink snueui STREET- Hui HD1180 use or Imam mac, IIEIT IDIIII INITLE. (I? AI II-IOIHOI II-DUI) lnn. UIDI I18 IIOIPIIICY 3m -'uu"':u'3-l-:'n9l'uu ui' WI 3. Iltlouo nplhlhhed. How tho bu-inn lnnhu unsound In ooh- AUCTION SALE. TIM Comfortable and Plan. sny situated Cottage. ON BAIIII STIIIT. opposite Iho Pu-k. owned by Incllmtlo. (7. Ie)llLl.AN. Install 25. - ~ Auouannor. OUSE Nunbor run. Vuu kn '|'I.n1~, .Prlnoeu Elmol; nlno moms. mm). A1 pl` :3 tin Wmu `JIIIOI. on-oh |. I08. III nu unug nu? BIIIDINCE. nearly oppooho Quou Susan School : nix Nluuu; vol: of "up on the prulnlul Apply to 4` VVILLIAI LAKE. To Rent or Sell. N KXUILLINT 'IERl(A(`ls`. [IOU K. can Noun. good uululmlm. Rent 83. lhold purohuor can make uuuuul pnymenln In place of vent. (3. V. PRICE. Mgmh 95. AKIFG. CON I|'ECTl()N ICRY and LUNCH buuiuoua for male Turlm mmle-ram. For paruuulurn on drou lion 398, Kunguluu March `)1. I878. u . In Q am, cbctiin yup- =viQ_nIq| to J A.|.n|.. .....|.;m..n mild vnd 1 omupiod by Ir. 1.. J. !'lrl_v. `nu puhblu. Puueuiou wlwn ruqulrml. on the pmmiu-A. on Saturday 1510:`. n I`! o'cuocx, F un an 141..., ALOT-|n ollrlhlo building am-. munlml at the hand 0 Day Bowen. Termn reuon~ nhlo` Apply an thin olne. Kinpwn. Feb `)3, I375. r\Jl1 ur1u.u.n IPIIA1` HOUSE ANI) PREMISES on By donhun Elmer. West. haul:-man Earl and I HAT PREMISES By denhun Union Sn-ecu. will In mm on block, or In Iou to mm pnmhurru Apply to JOHN MoMAll()N, I-`RAKE HOUBEJ-.hony. on Albert Shout.- near All hints Chun-h, (mo and I hull` Sun-too. containing ulx rooms. and Inning nod ontbnlldlngl and znnlcsn suwlnml. n Wu! and ouhor Ippurmnnuoen lluchml. Apply (4: JOHN II()I`BUN, In-o9h I878` Uu um premise: &I I by `:--- T]-IHAT COMFORTABLE NEW RESI- DENCE. with the lm, ufn qnprlnr of mu Acre.un theoornerol Pam-'m|I and John Btnou. now owned and oonupusd by I nt.r1uk Fnl nu. There are six mom: In the building, which II well drained. For term: and f|IrlJu~r -union Inn I plv to IR. 0. V. PBICL. Burr nwr or to P. ALLEN. on tho premlun. Jun I11. I878. A Iloautlful New Cottage, II.` urrnnl IFLI lIADI'\Il`Il M lluuuuwuuun u`... `....___w_' CARRIAGE HOUSE, HTAl.EH.GARDEN 01.0.. up Ibo Dr. Hunugen Surgery. Union u-mt. H1 in sold rmuonuhlo uml on on uarml of ylaem Hum sold. the Home vnfl he ran . Apply ll tho Wuuo ()rvu:i..m- to J` H. PUWLICY. u-....|. 00 M11! LIIUII. IIIICQO Ilplhlhled. HOV RIO 3-: n.?Iugnuu' ubo::'tu'$'.i nIlopulhhcn.Iliu|vIlbouuo:n- Es-otouiolhc. hdnuh tIIDan' - .. 1333"` " "` ndpmnl 4 g..,.|, u-sp&=viQ: xhIg|o 4 Ighnhoptohihitory tucf ' ` how mcuu the `Ia-yb-luau:-is` sochiuindovhutb .Bnyuuuu I!- may proposed huh 505`! 0'33? ` vidlpllhmgh Impu onlylut B893? ` shady pwved tn? ovoryioifl (dll) Qdaction collate --pernud iIIj"i"`l! n..n__..|..- ;.A.-.a. A 'I'L-gin A11 lunch 15. Aardsi Efjlgmastead Lhf. FOR 8ALE-8lx Acrnnofhaml In the: Town nhipo! KII nwn,hIng npnrl uflhu forum-r V: In Fun, t No I8, In Hm second (`nu- nou on It PI on thn prlnulpal tholonghfnm Into the any nud In but 5 mile from tho Cor~ pol-nion llmlu. The null of tho lI'u|n in anal ant. and the INA I uommuuung one for A real- danoo. Applyto GEORGE NEWLANDS, Iumh l3_ I878. Cnntru-tor. H. 8:; W. J. Crothers TWO D0038 A307`! OLD STAND. Wellington Street. owbo"Ihoy Ill! Attend to .1: onion promptly Ind with dxuplfnh. n ., up nnnmn-nu Till UNDER!-llllsl) mans T0 IIVOII the Unison: ol Klllfltw .-ml vmimty that they have up: -I out dsrzzlvv Boot and Shqe Store. ALargo8tocknfBoots&8hoas OF` A LL DEICIIPTIUNII. In I. Dela`: Ilock. above the ` Albion Incl. Iargcexpcrtationof malt from Canada tnthe l.'niIed Quill. while the expoetac tiun hithefnf Ameriaii malt amount: to lwlttonmhing. Thia com-odity fur- Iinhod favourable condition: {or the sac- ~ oualuloperatiou ufthe retaliatory or IIlI'Io|ial" policy, since to ipoao a heavy duty on that chick Americana and to In in the reoolnniended mean: of compelling them tolower the duties on whntevertboy largely import from in. But hm: did the experiment work! in the very oppmite direction to Ihat which Ill expected. When our duty urn im- pmed on American malt. ucconliiig to the Tory theory this step. Ihrmld have scared the Aunriuna inln lowering the duty on Canadian malt aent into our, American mnlmara immediat-ly brought preaaure to bear on the US. Government, to a.ill further increase their tariff on thia commodity, plying, aa their principal argument, the fact of the increased impuat upon the American ur- ticle entering Canada. From this it would clearly appear that the `retaliato- ry policy bmineaa is a game at which the Americans will not auur themselves to be easily beaten. An incroaae in mi!` tariif did not in thin case, nor would it, in L_...- u.-..u....a ta` l.-; loanalhn inIamtaI1`h-eiaavu; | their market. lnltead of this, how- ` J. E. Dillon & Go I812 iinsloni. III. cl no . II CQWIOTIIIY. II Oltld MI Paulo- pntl has dun on pron! of Au. ulullu Inc l mu -I-Int Ibt what vuunodnu 0! Ian- lioullkt. uyuutld to than: En the Will Hnmh 5. 18 P`- low? In In Im- lb. to at I: and u|.l::uobI KDKI `I'll! A(71'.An `on-nu Ihonorvul I`. cf` I on anti 0! umroul aha uuumlul. Al was dropped has the long r 0! sllopl dlnloynlcynn ritual by Act. A-nlluchu Inn to annual have In I i' \lr\|`.-:-so HAT (?U I'l`A(l|C on Earl Hlmel, nl preoonc Ir. 1.. J. l'lr|_v. 'l`|l.l0|I1CHl~ uhblu. Apply _....._____ 1 ._.___._.- ,. ... .___..... was run ms .. .. Kingston Limoworks IOITIILL IOAD Covbuuuavh H! -ill- fonx nun`. |`Iuuuo. oouo-uo.||..g.,, Bl`!!! (llu not In uun uaau, Iun vvvunu .., ... my cue, hue" the eect of frightening our neighbor: in lowering theirs. On the contnry, it will be louutl that every addition we plum upon our tariff will be lollovied by counter roprinaln on the put of the Amorictnmso that the upshot of the whole thing will be that Cmndinn consumer: will be mercilessly taxed fur everything they have 2 buy, and that, mo. without. any coiupeunting etfect whntevar, of opening up the Aiiiericaii muket In Canadian uunufactui-era ur producers. It would be :1 clear case of the |)|'UVOI`l)l}Ll folly of cutting utl` the nose to spite thv (Me. No womler Sir In ndhvipu whit hlbnv inkoIIo3 dinoounolldthobygooohyavho | In undo tho ppdu ch-hr olnld Canada ring Quin viii Iii phillipla to I . FALLEN. and LUNCH buninoua l`urIun Karol: 2'2. 187! Tab 1!, I878. [A15 4. I878 Al VIIY IMW PBICIB, iE?6TPi N E if (IY AI ll-lblfl ILDCI) prouucurn. ll VII-mu vr. an-um u--x Juhn, 1 upper, (iiblm vi al wont lmck nu lllenatiunal [mhcy at the very n9tvx- periment, hh up Inform choir omiomnrn that they hue rouumod lnmuua A coon_c_uAnca. .FF` 4%!-7--%.. 4-n'IvIvAnn.... ..-I 0...: II ilk] an STAITLIRO RIVI- . !hI1lohu-moou;dIupoI.v- "FbT=FS)KLE. ~ unmur nun Pullillir `F0 !-5' SALE, _.nn nllrnhla huilalivuv mu-. Iill 3VI[S;ALE, L??7*I.$ALE { .. ...n In is \lIJ'IlI 11) ll L37: U--Lg- Eur: Van- Although the Turco-Russian war has been formally terminated by the ratica- tion el the treaty of peace the Eastern question is as full of absorbing interest as ever. particularly to the peoples of the British and Russian empires. The daily danger of war between these mighty na- tions is quite as exciting as the late con- ilict itsell could possibly be when com- liued to the late belligerents alone. Should the lung smoulderiu-z embers of suspicion between the principal Crimean antagonists burst out into the flame of a lroslsconict, Russia would find in Eng- land a his much more worthy of her steel than the Turk has proved liiin- self to be. Preparations for this con- livigsncy have been going uu with ever increasing activity in all the depart. mints ul the British naval and military service, both before, but especially since the adoption of the war vote by the lin- perial House ol Commons. Even if these preparations shouldturn out to be ac- tsslly unnecessary, it must not, from such a result, be inferred that they have served no uselnl purpose. The very fact that England has been arming for a pos- sible lray has taught the lesson of caution . and moderation to Russia whose demands upon her prostrate enemy and upon European forbearance have been percep- tihly more moderate than before this mm. par of British determination and resist- anao in Russian aggression was so distinctly developed. Throughout all thisdiplomatic fencing with the Bri- tish Gevernment, Russia has gonequite as far as it was safe to go, but has al. ways so lar retreated from the verge of war when Britain has declared that to advance further would result in open rupture. Russia is shrewd enough to know that war with Britain and with boundless Brilish resources, its very aieront thing from war with the sicli H ....i 3... and hanlirnot 1'0 Bli'LIi'l`. I-llIIl'II!Nl`II! --nrl mm mom. 1: co. Ivunr Itu. Ionuo. Apply Io WILLIAI LAID. WA`! the Brick Muuw. nnolnlng. > . H. U. W. CROTHKII. [vplym Builulrl lo IudII~ llluw aileron! man." and hll deplotod oxchequer. Russia was anxious sugurnte the lsto conicl with Turkey, oud esgorly seized upon the very lint oocnsinn to precipitnta it. Hot! there been Anything like s oimilsr anxiety to .;hl with England, iliis not very muon- oblo tho! so nanny opporlnnitios to do n. should not only hsvo boon ponnittoul to psu by unimproved, but to |)lV0 been so Isrily svoldod. At this moment Russin is trying to the utmoot. to oxlrsct sll poo` siblo capitol sod bonelit out of tho lsto Int, 5nd to avoid if pouiblo the nrbitrs- monl. olliuropo upon it, but, slthough snd bsnkrupt to in- ` tluohod with victory, in pslpnb unwil- , ling tnlurooyhor construction of Eumposn low ond precedent st tho risk of s now not wit.hEug|snd. A for diys nines it did i, spposr otnngo than Loni Darby.l thought so bo so pncilioally dispooozl, should luvo ponitinol, insiotod upon tho unb- Ildioii nl oll points 0! tho Trosty _ to tho Congroos. It woul-.l Inn boon opon [to [root question, : too, Ihothortho luporiol Ministry would his boon jnotilod in plunging tho Eng- liol notion into nor, on ohot night soon to lo -only s point 0! nstionsl otiqnotto nod dignity To rollovo sll niisoppn. hsooion, honour, Lord Dniy in ssiil to Isvo intori-ognlod tho Russian snthori- Iios on to Ibothor thoir pcopoood conun- iutioo ol tho tasty Lotto Powors, in `boil isohtod onpsoity, would hvo tho so-o oloct no the no-iwon 0! it to tho Ooqr. Tho nogntivo roply to thio qsory hos proton nll ton oloorly tint Ilnsoio hos ultotioc nod not vary honou- Ho Coins in withholding tho ttooty honocoogr-so. sod lolly jootiloo (hoot Ufitss in "misting tho: it sholl ho on solniuodin daogsuotslintotutol la- n .1. -.s:.... _.....o In hon nun: T1 In IIIUIIUU---u-v---n -- upo. I!--tlutiouappoutohngno D hrtluonoor uIovuu!naudo,or glut;-iutboinnotur. Tbountyh. but cnnuunioud II Indnd ul duu|Ilauotho\huP~nun.n idl- not.hv.u 0-nnmncolidov `unIhI&hIoruonulcIhIuh;nd. boohh luiuntou lunatic ....n.l.A..---ninlnonnIILnl.I.Ll jj udddqunouinloruolthu"th .|._-A-.-:1 h n* Imv , THE R0880-BRITISH DEAD-LO0K INN]!!! la C115 I'D` T" "" -upiul. tbeornpt Old 01"" gnu which an had m.- .5. |.4 ah. Han. uutlcnl ,1-duunum auyuu nu pom in II-pa-or an Inn. nun gun to` Inhineulou-ant. IO cu-pt yd` . Ucnndvahhlhrq. Judghgfruu . Iornutiou but tilul-uni dufonnoo to ; lliopilbllrioglhyidlov Iuknt , the pmbnbilily in (Int Ilxn will both 5 inch yield. `It in to be hoped, in no 4----.. .1 _ ....-..I uul nu-mgnnnl. I r I .33 fllll. II II V) II! uuyvu, nu ---w intcuu at n pun] and pennuunt 1 puanlhnnb Mutable I'|hnuIad in , this I8] sud thn. Russia will not lunhor * joopudbo the pawn of Europe by insist- ing on I viohtinn ol Enropotn intern- tionll lavi lkochouer Aid:-nTon ncoiv-1 Of-00 per you and. -~~Bnmu ialinlicr out ol Manual "*mlj ZIIVCIIUI I-uo vu -v_--._. than in Ontario. -- The unrest storm lur yarn visited Hnlilu on Sunday night. _.wh.n an -nn an nd onl-1.ho win- boon sown in Southern umuuou. -3:-Attorney Gancnl Uluko, hu II` onurod Mnnitobnlncal pullfi. ,1'L. rnlinn nrian {or ohoeu-making Sunday mum. --\`VhnIno In an End tor quarter: at tho poluoo bug. --'l`houundn of Lens of `what have Mnnitobnlncal polmm. -'l`ho ruling prion ohoeu-making in Lorin county, N.Y.. in Iron 81.30 to `L35 p0! hundnd poundn. -(iold discovery at Albumin, on out bug. Southern Kinuuotn. _.I'.. lllnrnnv Gnnnrnl uluko, r. 01.35 hundrba pounul. -Uold discovery coat of Vumouvor Inland. _.ARn1. D-irv Fair in to be I Vwcouvor Inland. -A Scam Dairy Fnir held in Uzicn, N.Y., that city of curd And choose and chicken, next nutumn. _Icmn..-...- Wullinm. ol Geruuny. wu which than no u.,. n,....,.... like I50 I11 the lion. putlcnu doling- od. without. A! III ooluplunising Ibo Cnudhnludo, wonllpht mend an nppcr choohorultho npnnda that 5...... Land anon n M dnvoy chicken, next. -l`.'mperur Wxlliun, Germany, eighty-one year: old yeotenluy, And in u alive And strong 3: ever. _'l`rm nun Duunu. who In nuliciour ICING Ill] ll-IUD II uvu. -The man Doogau, u Iy Ialded by hi: punmour Kmo.) died in Montreal on I . -'I`mu Wnman'I Hotel. bun Kmo.) men In menu-can Dlturuuy. -Tho Women`: Hotel. built. by the late A. T. Stewart, will be aponod on Apl-`I12. ' -Forty-n persons were made ill by tho unto! from the luul wall in Riohford, VL, and live died from in eoctu. -A three-you-old dnughler of Mr. W. J. Thompnon. of London, drowned by fnlling into: tank In her I'nther'I earrings workl; the opped on .. dofaclivo OOVBT. ._'l`h. l`.1.1r. tlmunlnlullv -Thi| Tur- opped doucuvo cover. ~Tbo Cur, thouglnlully key ltiud any enough to digon, but I have my apprehension about that Bull haul." heel." - Wnllnce, the Want Virginia murder- or, wulynched by twoutrvo masked men,neur Littletun. the icons of hu ..-imp crime. -The Toronto Lurouo Club has Abandoned iu ides of lending is team to England this season, owing to the agita- ed condition of Europe. _A -imnln nmodv for neuralgia in condition of Europe. -A Iimplo remody neurnlgin hone-ndinh. Gate and mix it in viuopr, the name u for tnblo purpooel, nnd apply to the temple when the face or had in abclud. _A Row. Mr. Badd. I Baptist clergy- affected. -A Row. Mr. Badd, Baptist. man, nu recemly hiuad by his congre- ntion lur some sceptical nantimems on the nubjcctol imnmrairm. Thu: was an orthodox divine suddenly converted inh I Buddhiut. _Hm.. Ara rt-wiml ncurce. and dull --HopI are gw-wing of sale At the uld priceo. Should there be en Henge crop in this country and Iiurnpe this ear, with In many good yearling: In t 9 hand: uf the English nnd homo breweru,priceI mull. continue to rule very low. --Min Penny, daughter of the garden- er at London Lunatic Alylum, utcoonr fully defended herself agnunnt the leruci-nu nueult of an ex lunntic named Baker, who tore noarlg all her clothe: elf In the ntruggle. She it hi: nger, and thin led to hit idouticutinn and Arrest. ~-Final arrangement: hnve been made by Hnnlo.1': friend: lur two noes, one with Morris and the other with Plain- ted. The former is to take place over the Fulton Course It Pitlnburgh, on the 20th June, and the letter on the 15th Mny, 0.: 'I`..ronto Bay. lllll DAUGHTER. The Syreciue paper: give accounts of e Knoll. horrible crime in Onondaga. Coun- ty N. Y. Saturday, utl r. M , a women nuuod Lnrn L. Edden, iu the town of Uiero, eighty mile: from Syriscuee, killed her mother, who we: 80 year: of Age. The mother end daughter lived on a small farm, which is worked by two sons of the murdered women. At the dinner table the daughter qunrreled with her mother, and in the fe ghlli of passion stabbed her in the back, under the shoulder-blade. with njecli-knife. The old women reg- gered out into the road and fell down under I tree. Sumo uf her neighbors found her and nuie ed her into the home. They were met st the door by the inurderees, whn excleirnod; Wlnt lid thatd--- old b-- gu out there to rneke e ehow of her sell for!" The women told the nei hbore that her mother had fallen and iirt herself, and they left. She died within_A few laiuulee. The deugliter locked the doors and re- moved the bloody clothing from her mo- ther's body. tore it into piece: end burned it Wimu the neighbor: came to are the nppu Ghoul In In: wywuuuw -- Inubooo heaped upon diptynndpuonliuuulity. Tloviph ou nddreu of the Hun. 8oaslot|wu pupa! with nrgunoulud run uno- .....1..| lnhnllnl ol the laaohonou In- U10! 3 body. lore IL mm pllcul -nu u......;.. it. When the neighbor: tu corpse they lunnd A round nbout timin- chat long und tum inches deep in the buck. The bluouly Imifa Ill found in a bureau drawer. The dnughtor Wu Arrest.- od and brought. to the penitentiary in Hvrnnulne. (1 Bull U|' Syrncule. M rs. Id Mn. Idden claim! the! her mother et- tncked her with n cane knife M. the dinner table And cm. her hand; thei. ehe did not reulinle; that her mother noon went out; the: do next new her lying under the tree, and the: min mnet hue hurt hereelf hy falling on eoinething eherp. Mn. Edxlen tried to prevent the doc! )I I from emuring the home and seeing the curpee. She also objected to any one bue herself laying out the body. -- -ooo-?._. ' ed. -llon. Ir, lniuo bu contented to run in for tho Quebec Legnln- tun nuundopondnnt unppurut of Mr. I Jnlv, mm In Joly. ultoneod to In your! L-yuan-on. -The eollian of Dunn Penn Inn ru- coind notion ol I Ivopucnnt. rodnctiun ol Inga The owner 0! the South \ ortdho twill Dotbynhih cnlkrin have no I Onhptonioo by tho not. And tho 999: hvm {on has ulna! In pt: rcpt. hand an pa 2 ud Im cnohnplnbnl. -~'l'ho rruuun I Work: In: rovgued. ._'n.. indiutionn romgued. --Tho indication: It BQHIH no I Bismarck ! Railwuy Bill will be raj` . .4 I Illh lf`lIDIllIlII:I w-- our ouulul nbntul ol Iaaphonol mcinl Mluiu. ll inlao gnu surotch ol clluity to Iuppooo that tho lodl Tory majority in the Honda In upon I) can- ..a.u.... 1...; an nun: Libunl lander`: Joly. 1 - l'ho ootomrl inquest hand that the loo: ol the Eurydioe In Incidental, no bllmo stacking to anybody. _.'n.. Budget Committee 0! the French stacking anybody. --Tho Bod C Chamber of putiu bu nnnnnmnu-Iy njutod Ibo Sonata} Amendments to tho Budget. -T||n II'roo'Coinugn Bull bud been re- :....a a. L. Wnhummn Home of RA- l"roo`Co|nagn um had been joctod in the Wuhmgmn Home pnoomuivol, than not boinq the quiuu two-third: majority. - hood bu doclinod lo touily in two-third: nnpnty. the suit ngunnt the City of New York. on the [round that ho had been protninod hi: nlouo on giving infer-nion, sad the proni-o Md not ban top. --n. ma London Ania; yeolcrdaypn i I pronino has kept. canning the burn-kodpor Iunnpn t ' for murder, -... lnuntl nnilll ol nannlughhr and burn-kodpor llnnpa mu wr Iurw Illl lountl guilty Iannlolghlor I uuoncod (on "L-uriunnont. _`I'L. amllilfl ol Dun IMVOI J ~Bcnmu Manual .. in I bnuria, ------ooo nu: nu or nu DAY. Inujonty III the noun: run up... .. ....-.7 viclklll, but the VOI8II1A'5I|kIAI`If'I argument will have in due night with tho country {or all Lhnt. -4o-oo>o~------- V: -~Tho Pruunn Mininler of Pul l'n-l.. Inn: ranunmd. A Shocking Crime. nus BRITISH wmu. WEDNE5mx,,,MARcH.a7. 1.a'78_a, no In lIlIll0IU|ll' our (one Anna Saturdly. , ue (hut \ rojoctv Public ' Inch N.--A V` an IF , III 5:... Mloc'::nt.hlorthnoIina'DlO. nod` thou nl than plindplc, and ongit lot In F: tho ' dzaho Coupon '1' B1-itinh An hon had I long innninw with Conn An- .:...nnn lunch: in Inululnoct. Thu 3" luvince botuoeu England and nuun an i -4o-O}o.-.4 The Toronto iclqram Ihinh the loun- on no being ooddlod" by_tho Ontario Uounmout in tho motto! ol _lho aub- luhmout oltho `filo Dnlninglfund, sod docluoo tho! the monulmctutoro have boon roluood oliuuilol though lou diroet kind ol protoction in tho mount ol tho uri, by tho Dominion niniotry. For ---- um. u nnuunl. of bonol tho Ind`. -in. co-nu. An- _ dngynn Ionday by appointment. This " is no doubt Rania in making a strong 0(- turt to nor! tho possibility 0! ll Angler- Auulrinn nlliulco bola! giving Enghnd n I nal nnlitf. " I '1 be standard uyI:--"Tho Govom- non! uloruhouuu In no crowded with vu-like notes in connoqnoneo cl rnpld . dolivu-in uudor the neon! contacts that as i. numnn to queue not-no in [gre- CIIIVCIC II! but IYIFIIII uvuuuuu -u-w it `uncanny to cngago stung. houna." .__ ..- .u.. nuv:ru'.; vvurr Ill uldu MU-I: n v null- penied by tuvelve Ruuien Geuenle, pm- oeeded to-day 1n the Imperial yecht Li- ndie to Dolnuboughtche Pelneo, where he was received by the Sultan, surround- end other Genernln. The Great! Duke convened with the Sultan treaty min- 1 later. He then went to Beylerbey pr` '.vhere he wee tinted by the Sultan V lurty-re minute: Iver. The Grmd` Duke Illd suite next proceeded to the farmer Ruuien emheuv, In frent of; which the Russian eagle: were dinplnyed. < The Grend Duke will eleep on board the Livedin to-night, and take luncheon with the Sultan to-marrow. It in nil the Grand Duke, referring to the Porto : ep- prehennione of e pouihlo Anglwkuuinu oouict, expreued the hope thet the Con- V green would eect en errgngement. A Pen special reporu met the Sultan ; The Grand Duke Ntnhelu, eaeonr ` edbyhinliieinten and Oemen Pull: ` would Arrangement. ` Ipocinl reporu received the Grand Duke with the utmolt. conrtny and oordinlity. l IA`U).V VI. rlmxlun. I A St. Potonbiirg -pecixl nyu thou: having the direction of nnira there up- pear to hnve very little hope of 3 solu- tion oi the present dead-lock. Although the holding of 3 Cungreu without. Enp land would hue the 8dVIllliLgO of inela- Iing liar and consolidating the Triple Al- liance, itin regarded u more probable` the Coiigreu will not meet :1. all. The whole qiientinii looms to be sinking {rain the sphere of reiuon to that of pin- Illln mm. The Journal dc SI. l'etzr.-sl urq declnrea ` Russia mil not endures position oblixinz ` her to maintain her ununmonu mde-I nilely. The Berlin Post remark: thu : collapse of the Uongreu would enforce` such Ill nttitudo on both Ruuiu and England. nu-uunlv WILL NOT APT. UEIHALII ILL nun ALI. A Berl.n correspondent uya ale AnI~ trim idoa of n Congreu without England is being diacuuntennncod by France and I Germany. It is possible only the three Chancellor: will meet in Berlin, but even this in as yet improbable. (iermnny it sure to lake no proceeding: agninut Eng- land. l(.'NA'I`lEFP AT VIENNA. A Vianns duputch any: ;-Gener|l Igimtieifi minaion in to complato negotia- tions for I scheme of parallel nnnention, which has slrently found fsvonr at head- quarter: here. Austria demands Bosnia, Herzegovim, Northern Albania. And 5 portion of Mncedonia, including Snlonica. Ruuin objects to the annexation of I portion of Mwedonin, but this diiculty II by no means insurmountable. Gen. Iguntietl will go to Berlin on leaving` here. The Tampa, Pnria, believe: the Oongreu hu failed in cunuquenceuf Ellgllnlfl` refusal to participate. France atipuhhd {rum the outset she would only take part in the Congress if all the signatory pow- era were ropreaeuted. . nun-u nu VA In A'r1'I1.MP l', llfi, by HM UODIIHOII Iuulouy. K- mure then the enounv. fennen Iill ever derive horn the tile- dreining en the lnnuhcturen ere, And have been, enjoying in the rauombly tail! 0! l7 per cent... _L.;..|. ntltlul tn dnlerenoe