Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Mar 1878, p. 3

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AIIBIOAN 801"! IILT HATS In on: I A-I-nail I-All; to In! IIJIIIIWIII. . Hucpitnl Surgeon-Menu. Hender- Ion Ind Loonnrd. n.mnn.u.mn_ nun, Wnrd Ind uuuuqluw-uun-,u no saw -0-. hlnamlhjanpton. Tholouol ouliufdlnou his |oalonoo.iHhoynn __-.__.;|.l. ,'hIInovcI.`~`l'h0iOon&but hlitplnalundc uopob-b nu. L_-Iganng A_.AL.-J.- -...L.A.. To--u'uuu-u-l. lvvwu, - &I#uhIIluIlaIbIdh Ihpuddluylu 1 ID. EDI. Ofnnuuh. Yutsrdly Afternoon the remit of the noun: nrodicnl ouminalionn III In- nmncod :5 (allow: : Elna-.3. Maura. Bennett, Brennnn, Craig, Clinton, Evans, Kennedy, Kidd, Levin. Lynch And Mncnrthur. nnluguv Inn], Iucvnuuuuu, uuwumuu -nu. ......, Excellence of psporl naignod position! to tho lollo wing: u ..-..:o.| n.......u..._Mu.n I-land. Vegotmoi ` , \ Vega tins; : Vogotinef 3 Voutlnef ` IIUTDUII. Tho Iuoeu-ful student: tn to be con- gnlulotod. We hope Ihuno who go forth to pnctico the profession may be Iluilllul and export, nnd contain the poution which most gnduatou ol the College hav- Inn in tho put. The Rap! College I... ......4I -....... In l--l nunntl nl Innu- Ion lld hoonnrd. Demonunton - Hours. Ward Ind Norton. 1 an ,_,.1__| _;...1__A_ __- A- L- .... It-I 'Irv-J Ilndonu, Iluviuly -ppy In-up -'l'bo'lugIIioIbulnilqd. Bum nngnobniuqhli, nutter pctdt.` ting. _ T -- Ilou, by good: nudnt, 10...... 5.. ...A. -- ...:......A II. -ill cl Qlm. Thu Pauly! nut ho nnoufany happy huily. _-I-n..'n....s ii... I... 4.31.4, I-I. -ill "FF" -:"' ""U?_f""_I 7 -w~I.-nv-n-v:..anl-i-.- hlingviowuolliopuo. ` . -Tho Omen nnkn hit `trip bo- tvuathoooponnl thodly. coo-:2 AKIIAIM.-Aloud dog,ouIuuo- ..AJ.`..n L.` Lang I-I-a-n -aunt --Wovhln nu hind add: 1 can my: Ann 01.--- lI.._A.. __.A I.- -to-nu.-inuum.-copay. '4-nd not nches my hi bi nutnmananmrnmnutj .... --.__.. -`l_'|g u`o.-\-u :- ..-I...I.o.J --nL-lg: . IEIDICAI. EXAI I .VA'l`l0.V. llI.l1`All\' lll5CRUl`I'l NU. HI. Pfb. IIIU ll" Il \.lUl|I!`U lrouun to Ice] proud 0! her . Iovill .I-II-_ Ill, ovary uwrulw runny unas- ing, with In avenge sttendsnoo of 40; Grove In, every Altomsto Friday even- ing, with an avenge sttendsnoe of 20. Ronlso holds s weekly meeting in his own house, on Thnrsdsy stoning, where there no` often ss msny ss forty-rs. Thuo matings no wait nltsndod, and Iluah spprocistod by the clssses for which they sro intondod, snd sro oonntensnced _ by the ininistors of tho city, who take s persons! inhfast in the missionsry's work. In sddition to these, ho holds s mission Sunday sdool in his unn house, with sn Uvsrsgo nttundsnce of sixty from the sum rounding nsigbbourhond in which he i livss, and in this he is assisted by several Ohrisiisn lsdiss, sud others who take so interest in the mission work. He slso visits tho Huspitnl sod Home of Indus~ try, holding weekly services st these in- stitutions. Much of his lime is devoted to visiting the sick and destitute, rosdiug the word of Gml, sud praying with those who no unknown even lo sny minister, i snd making their wnnls known to those ! who can relieve them. Those who no I scqusinted with tho circumstances of Kingston, know the grest need nod im- portnuco of tho City mission, sud it is u osrnostly hopod that tho call of the col- loctors for subscriptions will be libernlly responded to. Is the support of the mis- sionsry now depends solely.\Ip(m this Association. I IIIL, -u_.___._-_v_ .._...... .i.....- n..o .5 | .-iuociauun. | Thu TruIurer s report lhoin thnt st ` the commencement 0! this work there was I bnlanco of 847.36. Snnoo than, than - ha been collected 8267.43. The expen- diture bu been 8304.35 leuing I bnluico j of 810.43 in the Treasurer : hnndl. I Pruidont--Mn. Machnr. I Vice-Preuidentu-Mr|. McLeod, Mrs. Cartwright, Mn. Mair, Mn. Clarke. } Treuuror-.Vlrs. R. V. Regen. I Socrotnry- Mun L. Dupuy. ' Cc-mmItloo-WIvou of minister: who qualify u momberl of thin Auocistiun; Mn. Mucklonnn, Mn. Macnulny, Mn. Gnnn, Mu. Skinner, Mn. Adams, Mn. T. Hondry, Mn. McNea, Mn. E. B. Wilson, Mn. B. Rubertwn, Mrs. J. Hendry, Mn. W. S. Mwdomld, Mn. Gnrdmor. Mn. Mncdrmncll. Mn. W. Illly, IINJ. IIII. UIIUIII In-I -u-. vaun- uon, porlunaod Choir work ha Ill oxeullont manner. The piano Ill from the ub- linhnul o! Weber I Go. Prol. Dalto- ohoru had tho musical department in chap, and the menus ol tho entertain- noot in 01% reopootilgnulyduta Llg. A I-u-hblo hull. It nukes no dilorauo how many Plyddnu, or [lot mach medicine you have tried. it in now an ntnblultd (let Ihuovuun Syrup in the only moody which in given onnplou ulialutlon in 001.0 can 0! Lung Dianna. It It Inc than on 100 thousands of pcnono tho an nndimuad in Then! And Inn M- than you momma: ol Clo nnprodiopnaod M Tina and Lu; 4(- loociou, Conn: too, Hononhqu, Ann-A. Saran I unkind on its Manna, noun uoun count on III Baud, Pnoonouin, W 4 Ouuyi, 80., win hula prion! novlodp at Bantu`: Oahu Inna. To no! In Mn. Gsrdlnor, Mncdrmncll, Skinner, Mu. Mcknnio, Mn. Sherman, Mn Drummond, Mn. Duff, Mn. Wnu. Mn. Mncfnrlnne, Min Fowler, Min Mnir, Min Gray, Min M. Guy, Mm Stoughtun, Mm Folgor, Min Ra-berllon, Min 0. A Dupuy. Mun Mnckeuzia, Miss E. Ru on, Mm Tu|ut,er, Mm Chown, Mill nodonald, Min Cuy. ,,,.:___ . 1 .1... .|...,.. . A-...,.:-H.... un- Illll mnuuvu--u, -.... `,.._.. A meeting of the above Auocintiun wu hold yosbordny in St. Jamel School Huun, when the l'epoxl.,eIubodied in the Above, wu nubmitted and adopted, and ` sddroued by Rev. Principal Grant. p---:--0oo-- A very- interesting entertainment was given by the Literary of the Collegiate Institute, in St. Andrew : Hull, last evening. The attendance was not so large as the pergormeuee merited, but all present seemed to enjoy themulvee to the fullest extent. The programme III opened ly the Misses Strechan and Mc- Iutyie playing an overture. Mr. J. 0. Heath sang for e solo, `Three ehes went sailing, and Ira; highly spplsuded. Mas- ter George Henderson resd `Scotch Words` very well, considering that he is but one of the junior pupils of the Insti- tute. Mal 0 Reil|y tlion sung `Waiting in excellent style. Mr. E. H. Britten gay .a selection from `Josiah Allen's Wife, a profoundly amusing work, and one whoae humorous reading is always wsys appreciated. In the hands of the reader in this case the ideas ufthe author were excellently interpreted, and he dc. served the applsuu which followed. The vocal duet by Mrs. Jackson snd Misa Bauue was thoroughly sppreeiated, and Mr. Kennedy's pieno solo was well play- ed, reflecting credit on Mr. DeeRncherI, his instructor. Mr. Mair took Mr. Me- Arthnr's place, and read a short poem on `lntempersnv.-e.` Msesrs. Heath snd Daly won their usual, laurels. and ten enthusiastically enooredr" Mr. A. H. Rsciett being unsble to stteld, Mr. El- liott : reading came next. He gave a ne- lectiou entitled `Shanna O'Brien,` and was encored meet lgrlily. The quar- .,.._ -_.__..-.I -1 Il...- I-I.-o|. .-.4) III IIICUIVIA IIIIIII l;I|ll,. nu: li|III' tone, composed o! Mann. Heath and Day, uni. Mn. 0'RoiIly and In. Juk. .-- n.pl..--ml (hair Inrk in All nxanllnnl IIPOBTED [DIRECT PEI BTIAISIIP SAIIATIAN, Iryurtus imxsuyuu,-a-us-nu mu- Ionths, ss Ionicriy. 111-. Jul began Hsvotk in oolueexion with this Asnocis- Gioll in Isy, 1877. .5l'|'!ing the Bible snd disposing u! ca-p`es of the scriptures every month. Ha holds wzekly or fun nightly meetings in vsrious destitute psrts ol the city and suburbs, as lollon : Little : lane. every Mondsy evening, when he hss generslly About twenty ve; n--:.n-l.I ...--- nI6ArnsQA Iriolsv swan- WIKI" IJU IIZKUIIUIDII DIIUIII Uwvuu -V\-' Burioald, every alumna Friday even- :-.. ..uI. ... nun... .00.-nl-nan M 0: `Al IIVC lllgll uyuuuuu uI-_I-- qaha-oolthi Smitty inhdand with thtollbo Anilhvy Bihbooidnil vulhnghtupodbnuo chugoivnlon I'gInliontot.lntol`l'hoIAdinA-oc'u-. tionot Bible lidon Wotk,"oannono- od'nIn&,~lM'I_. Tocuty out the plujzoauolthil Sopioly, the collector: [wan nqnutod to Ioliitullnaiptionn tonrdnthonpportofthocityiuion-I If] forth: vho|oycAr,inuudof four` _.._oL. ..l.-halo Ilr Ju-I hunn I-nu-u-nu. -la.,. rnlfnxrnsn wm. s;u'URu;x.fnAgncH 30.1318. EN ! l'.'I'l'A|NI|'JN I`. 3 $7! I0. Hunter. Inlay C Olonlnnd. con- utuwn. This uuiun :1 Port Colborno inn buvyouo. august deal olluhoriu to be dam. Euuutlmg for tho no: luck in now in pr:-gnu. Two mm danish no at work and than In employed Kl) lsb--nu. N luau, um; I) anon anon. Tho pnnpuu lot the ououneton an fund. Aluuothcubo Oonnnunt md coun- try any no ooogtuulnbd on luv this inporunt work no that-mghly nd t.b~ lully duBC, and tho -umgocoot no on- luny hoe from non tho appnnuco ol bribcryu r plitiul In-uiu-u ; in prod ulihld no load Ind] pt-int lath he! `, suout o! 850 ot lino contact: that up a lnuhll, only no its an upycua J 60000:: 4 Mn wr-at vlcunudd will lulu ` "..`. ."..'.`:'.`:`.` s."1."'.2'.i' A nnvl nun av Fergueon, Mitchell & Symon, contnec turn. This motion in under the peruuml Iupervuiuu of Mr. Mitchell, sud in pro- greeenng very nicely. When the water was lot out. of the Camel there was about 30000 yarde of excavating to be done with team: and wheelbarrow. This in now nearly all obmplcted, and the stone work for the ebuunent: and centre pier: hu oom- menced. The well: llupo well in about hell up, and the none in ell ready cut end on the gruund fur the Ihule job. The Mom: wn procured from the Umupanfs quarry at De Ceur Fells. 123 men, 25 teams, beeidoe DIIIOHI end etnue cutters, ere emgugrd on thin work. There in no dnubt but that it will be completed on time. -1n1-Inn `.27 nnussuu as . Hunter, Muiray & Clevelnnd are the contractors. This section taken in that part of tho canal running directly through the town of Welland, and embraces the building of the long-talked-of new eque- duct. The above contractors have en- gaged A. Fraser ti: Co., of Thorold. to do the stone work undrain and bridge. The furimr piece of worli is 11 heavy one. eu- gagiug quite a number of men, but only a more basgatelle compared with the exca- vating for and building the aipieduct. The amount of labor misy be estimated by giving the dimensions of the drain and the esoavetinn attending it, as fol- luws: Length of cover drain, 700 feet; width of out at top, 10 feet; depth 0! out, 20 feet; It the bottom of this is the drain proper. coueistiniz of stone work, the auuave of itself There is in this drain 1,000 yards of stone, and the whole will be llniuhed very shortly. The work for the bridge in being pushed forward as fast as pouuble. The nbutmeiite and piers will use about 3,000 ysrds of cut stone, which in all ot lrnm A. l"rn.ser & Co `s quarries Tiis rm has also the supplying of all the cement required for ll'to Welland and l`ort Culborue works. Very little more has thus far been made towards the aqnaduct. The timber for the crib work is nearly all here, and men are busy framing it. A large number of plliil f-r the foundation are also bought. and will soon be ready furule. Over H5 men are engaged altogether on this con- trsct, and it is expected that the work will be nished on time. On this section is the old aqueduct, at which the Gov- ernment have a gang of men taking out the false bottom. lt is calculated to gain about two feet by this, and thus give twelve feet of water with Lake Eno level. Considerable diiculty he to be encountered in this work by the water of the iiver lseliing up through the bottom. 15 men ere here engaged under Local Superiiiieiiden: Paterson. HICTIOI 28. Ferguson, Mitchell and Symmes, con- tractors. The changing -it the site of the passenger bridge and building plan and abutluents for the Canada Southern Reil- | UI\l bridge is the main winter worlr in this section. The those contractors are getting along rat rate, under the direct management of Mr Symuiee. The out stone tor abutinenta and piers issll on the ground, and is of rxoellent quality. The tiuibere for crib work d:c.. are all there and are being Irene-l. l60"mesi end 3) teuuare engaged. Work will be easily nished on time. ssariuits 88 & 34. Clark 8 Ce. . (ealo) contractors. The w--rli hers consists at rock ueevetion. Six stun drills are at work and s corres- ponding rieutbw 0! stone derrick with Inentoaadst. 'I'he|:oge-lsguod. The mu-nnry, Inmn comprise: loom `24000 cubic ynrdo, ha been Iub~lonu Dunoldu & Jackson, who have lmt no mm in punhing nhoad their work. The earth work in being done by Geo. W. Onun, of St. Culurivu-I, who, .unwith- standing the not, but -xcnvned 1(X),000 yard: since November. sic-noun 19 no 20. Bunny, Pnrry 8:. Co., contractors. The muunry and ntnno work lining been Iub In to John Enun, uf T:-rumo, who bu already tiuinhed I largo tutu weir. which the Engineer: pronounce I tint elm: piece of wozk. He has also com- pleted the stone abutment: Ind piers fur I new uving bridyle across the old Canal. A cunuuleruble amount of earth wurk has also been excnvatod, the nontracton hav- ing taken advantage of the low wage: for lubur and teaming. nuuvrlnu '7`! um Alum nu. John Cnrrall, coutnctur. This com prison the building of A guard lock, bridgc And none culveruu Tho excavation nu manly done, and prepguuiona are now bulll made has lnyung the founcluiunl. The stone, which comes from Qnoenuton, is muuly ready. Over 100 men and I number of team: are engaged. Proa- pecunre lhnl. all the necessary work ml`. be niahod by the opening of navigation. anrvrvnnl 95 .ucnou 17 All) 18. Hnichimoueh Wood. contractors. The ori;in.l ountnclnr IIIR. J. Canpboll. bulit bu hllon into thn land: 9! the shows rm, who were his luroliu. On than Ioclionn than will be one [in luck mud one guard lock, two brid- ges And one large Into wier. Al- though the work vu only commenced Int full, urea: progreu bu been male. The which comprise: About -24000 cubic vnrdl. gjiilil III-`-uiux : Illdy lupoldod during the wlnhr. It Ill be twnonbuwd that owing to bula}:-nIn,now be-itlguhvo who ` builtuwu `ho anal, :11 of winch an to ` swing in the oontnoltlo cluuol, Inv- I pungw on both midis. Tin nwuuiu. tad now ahnluiuh, pint-|,oko., to aoa- ` cruel which tho wuhr wu drawn on` AIM ` null in December, And will be let in again probably the bqginning of May. 1 l`ho wholo wotl in pmttuuing vary wall, `l and it in thqnght will be rudy on lino. Tho weather during the winter bu boon 1 non luornblo lot on! door work, luv. I in been no nild and but mu. mow to ` -A-an ntnn III III IDIIIII-I uwu, 3-my --nu-' tonouoolthouotiououlhouuilhnll. lnI'l`Iuul on |hoIlItl|oPortDdhouniohoiIAluooI __nX.._I_ -__.__j_J .I..._;__ AL` 2--5`: % Ilnlcr wan. non-H-'13::-uusgwuh JIM Du-iniouunldng pndbyo nun. h-.- nal -1- Inj K` I EUIILIDFIII bull. Inulod IiI.! Ag I.l u -nu IIO .....m`.l% `Ian.-ulpl bululwlw. St. Pnul, Minn., Much 27. -Mr` William B. 0'Donohue, the brain: 0! than Reil Manitoba ineurreatiun, died II St. JoIepli'I Hospital in this city, on yester- day afternoon. O'D noghne wuecrelnry of the Treuury under Reil, and Lock I very active pert in the miliur opernlionl under Rail, and In gen-rnllyy consider- ed the reel moving spirit in thnl mun- rneul. Afteriu failure, and failing to receive pardon, nu Rail and other load- on in the movement U'Dm-olme returned (.0 Dulkoln county and or-nimenood le uh- ing sclu-ol,_ which he followed until cum- pelled by oonlumpti.-Ii to take to what proved his clenlln bed ln St. Joseph : lion- pilll. hdfmmi hook-uhhla haul nut`: ID D "W 733 .uE.w..o..s.u"r.'}."L(z..'.. and I urns U lull-I ndlol an: ad Laullhu couuhubu. II but ! About the fullowing most h rrible, ahuuminhle nml unhiuird-of-crime. in it.- uell I Colman: of mvugem u,a whole nbyun of atrocity i have wont Authentic and reliable iufurmniun, though fur the lakes of huinmity I should hue been glad hul it been othcrwioe. Ii. uppottrl that -he in- hnhitiinu 4-i lhe villnge of St George. eight hundred lullli in u|l,Grerli entire- Iy. ying luiuru no Circcuinul. who hid attacked nud dantruyud their vilhi-.x.e,mun- aged tn hide theimolsu in ii lnrge owe neir Kara Dara. The Uircnniuiiu. aver thirtting (or Chriltinn bland, were scour- ing the country Ill search of` viciiimi, and finally fell upon and d scuvvrud the place of refuge of these unfurtunuce pimple, And immediately tried to etfect. an entrance t-i the cave. In this, however, ll]l`y were bnlad, the entrance to the cure being well gumrded and well ili-(ended by the refugees. Thin show of resinlance (III the put of the people, and the inset, perhnpg, that three of their number were ltlulhtlly wound-ii by the shots lined from Wlll-l, ueemeil tn ixuaprrtitia them mute. and After two or three further uiteinpta tn uei t :11 emrnnce, hut with-mt siicieeuu, lltty determined by any pouible uienm In put iinuiediainly tn daiuli tlimu vii hiei. They nccurdingly net tu their infernal work, and by insane of crnwbnra they ul- tinuitelv nucceeiled in upi-inn; ll hi I-.4 in the r.iufuf the cue, ihr.-u,vh which, with- out Ii-an ul time, they PrUU\`el|Ud `.-- pm-r lnrge quantity uf lnriuu-tune nml uh- pulte, to which th ey act tire by ning their gun: through the h-,|c- An ll cuiiaeq-is-iire, the inlide hi the cure iiim in II few u.i.i- uten filled with mi-An an dense that oh. n...... -.......L. 0`, II .| .. n nun |.- nu. zit- Tull: In Itulnu. Are a nun draw back on personal Ippeu- moo and penunnl oomlon. Therefore, keep them in good repnir with Ihlt. entai- linhed antidote In all the diuuu thut usnil them, tngnnt Sozonorr. Vogotino` 5 ` '`"'`_"-:_.,,_"""`W Vacuum} cum bTIxeena|: lIL-_|..: ..__ ll...- mulnfne of the "Inked: Modica"~/cu.-(tr phat ml: aflimr. which rnwnno largely into the ormuion 0! bone m|lol'h| And other in pn-Ant tissue: of the body -PAoapAoru tho pent bnin And nerna tunic and inviqouta-r. In A form m0Illle'lI IM tn uhuln lu !ul1eIt sectu. rather with other I/alua_blu ramvllal an an all lndnumlv omnblnod In llllboulovllbdd IIIIIVIQEIBIIIIIHCI than-Ilv-I h I) may oi In nth-ah` Ihr '0 I . uh P pro.:sc`s'-:'-"uL.1'"' naxmnuznd blIoiLlI|a1 :1 aim; to In Java II I00 |n';o?xn?lo:>{ to bond II M tolls and nun-Idn mun-tin nnnlv Maid VH5 T95 nHl`U '1! FIl|'I'\ Ulll LIIIII: the pour pa-uple I`: ll -Iva II nne hy Inn. dy- ing nf !|'l`u'.'|'i`-II . uml the hunts of eight humlrz d n.nrl)r.4 11- Al nliuml unrul- mnw-uely tmmrd the fnuv. of the throne of lhell` Creetnr, the Almighty. Uni. of the eight. hundred who entered the cave only eighteen were uved, nlmolt by I miracle, hnvinq on nk. entering the cue taken their mind at the furthest and of it, Ind having. after the Ciroauians Iud taken lhemmlven olfexulting no dmltb in their nbomlnnhle work come uut of mu immense grave by drlzging themselve- over the dead budielof their folhw vil- lager: of yeslerdny. -(`an:tanIinopl Cor- rupcndeuoc, London Daily Newt. Bouillon": Plmanmuun Eluulov or Cnn Llvu OIL. Wlru Lwrornounn: or LlIl,II pmpnred with Ibo ner (od [Ava- 0U- one of UM non - nu-mod remedied In tho mun. no of the "Hated: Medici`;/ultr oh. no-mntinn nl hum: mnlnrld and nlhn-r Cm Mher with other I/alua_oIa rmmdlal ope-nu. no Are all intimately am demuleenl uid uf bomngunoom Au-per-Inca and delicate umr poueuing nmnhble power in uruthuz `he duouy and Inpplvlng the hub oonnnny going on In than About uni cnndiou ol the . nlocrod lry Inch dluuo u pa-nu-rt and pair nutrition. Vida: the blood ldllp the vital Inna. [III h 1 ruonmnoldod for Cotuaunpual, Ola ale - I -I la :'*`,.`.`..:a..3`. '. 5.Z.'..'.'."';,'..:;, ..`',`.f:.:.`. ' lnlboulovntuaol Ilnnuuunthntlunlfcn in :1 man nlhnhbuculhr nuvmncuchd for Covuuun , (Jun nu: Mn mm, Ouuglu. Baum: a. San/klou and mhituk lflcan, Iumoru, Dbuu of the to. Jounlt and Spun. Quail Dqblly. ned tut ovnlclnpt. ul c an --The London. Water Works` cmtrnct hu boon ginn tn Mean. Sxou-m,Tnr-u-r sud Burm, of that 0.1.]. for 394000. Manny toudon I'QI'0 l"(`Q,'iVO-I [mm the Staten, And some from Euglnnd. -Thn Cnnndinn Am-llun AI. Pnril ill sum, And lrom lsuglnml. -'l`ho Canadian rectum II Paris mude mun prugreu than nlmonl my Mhor and Fronoh Authorities any that in II- hibition of to: ds. u du-player] in the shot ones, will be I remurkuble fonturu of the show. __M- \ ......n I... lnnugll l..r n nnhnpn v`un. It. I]. I Door .- `I II in unity vo`OlO:` $15! I Ian `noel yonrlood `ETC! I nuyluu 11': I Vow!- ::::.'.r.:..::".; '.:':`..;.;.`.:;. 1.: honor luv MA -:cuonn.n Vogetinol uanot bu anxl::lhd ; nml. III a 1 bland pnrller or Inna; modi- gn. duo. it In the hon thing I la a V.` f aver mod. and I have Mal?!- V `ma-1.-vorythin . lun '|1oor- v`un.} fully roorunmeu is lo A-:1 une 1 in m-all at/Inch n medicine. Vegcnj` Ymaru no Ifnlly. In. . A. Danton. vwnhd - no Bnunll as I 0| IIIQ snow. --Mr. Young hn movocl far I return of the name: at the gnllunt nlo-an me! man of tho Cundiun Iullitin who have intimated lhair realineu lo uudorlnku active uqnioo if required by the molhor country. mhiluk lflcan, Dunn of ma tau. D4701! . Foundation. and all npurtlwl o/(Al H I! Jporealuvdyadaptdla Daulr Ianaln, ulutlug an 5!. !'Ml'|:l'I Day. -A within in I mining unit it Dunl- wood, thinking In Ilttiruey ton ponunnl in In`: arm:-unmmninn,dmw hen revolver but Ill provonlocl ring it, nu-l ill ned {or ovnlclnpt u! XIII! O81 IIIPI. -8oriom sbuioonru Ivy that J up in. ` Civileniou Uommiuiou, no! um`-g; 350.0% I yur upended by on deport- nouv. nndno bu-out k -8avorul Llbouln. Imlrliwg sun in the _Oou.nonn, -re Iopuulod to onu!om- ` plate teaigning. in order to and lot the Qvubec Local Auemmy ` -Tho lrilh Soouhu u! Qnohnc In 3| ; loggarhudn met the qua tic-u nf tho . Ilight uond the civil min; tiea. in not ulutiug 5!. l stI'i:l n Day. ` -A sinus: in A minim: unoloulg wanna IDI '00! an I cup inux at retailers owing to the I-ulmui fun. * _H4pin-In Jsnnfnn-Anna Inn Hun J .5: L- n -110:3. 'u.'. n. 2 Co... n-pr in! portal! Hat Yuk, ntaposedhln uauh8!Il,(,nndon-ipnoatyuuo '*' .s....'* ::.':*.:..... .......- on tho Tho nulls H Ito, nuluodu n no . --Yonn-. saith Co.. aunt iI~l filuluu u.hl!n. Incl . I t: C t: '22: l-an (IKVOITAIIJ IIW uuccmu Iblaiddqtb you-nance! --~-ooo- W. B. 0 Donoyhue`s Ruth. `f6 ragmmsf - SATUIIA I ! CI:-Ilklllls FOR SALE. Urcunlu Alrooltlen. -uuqiuunn-n put: upon n this not and onion h III V E G i3_TI N E Pruporod by II. II. STEVENS. Boston, Inns. CHRIS l'Y S LONDON Cumming of Blusi and Colo:-ad Cuhmeru Plnin and Funny Dru: Good: In all um l.a.Hua Polar: nnghg from 70 per urd New Man who M. oxtnordlnnr low prices, 500 [lluvl Now Print: from tho but make:-1.501 ) Remnant: Punt to be sold bu 9 pound. Whltu um] Orgy Comma. bl oetlnp, PI low Couom. Tnble hlnetu, Na klnn. Towel: nnd Towolllu -, Luau uur. 5. mg Auumgoaug, ..n go be null] nu price: to nu t the hard man 25 ylucm 5u`.;r-I .-(I-in In I o-rlng II I real. Bur In, t full wok of Twoodn. Cloth: And Won-um] Conunu, unlmn, I ll Smell of lo: and out : Comma and Marina Hoolor . Also a nil uanrnu-ut 1-! (lot- Ion and Marina Underolothlng. -"-00 P-Ill`! lilnoh IIIII Color-id wo Button Vrourh Kid (Have: at -500 To Inns in a low 11: 5450 dnun Gonunno Pawn. Beunlcn Kid Glove-I III III the Dev? shades. Thus GI:-nu In ooldedly tho but In tho market. A full sun! of Fury Gmula uml Gout`: Fun-nhlhinga. All oomprhlng one of the Inuit oomplou And rnrnotln Htoukn ul Iiry Good: In IN 0_1- 2' An lnupaonlon Iollolwd. nu. non.-'wA IO [III 1| tnluu Iv nun! 3---~ nlllfllloduaaudpucnliiirnnui latiholiiqhlbdlatltb Itoltlcuuuudndfowglpalljn `lhnuu pd Idlhana not no: &dd&uAau llbdtuhlunnb Pailntln-lluhn Ihpua. In Instr):-Indaoqdylnbovnn. )3 BACIB him -1- E HAVE JUST RECEIVED A SPLENDID A!8 )BTlE.\"l` OF CLOTIIN, 'l`\\'l:iCl) and Wound Coach: A. which for uylo. dunshlm and chat nou onnuut lm vqll .H.ul m the any. W0|t8l`lD COA [N05 111 Uhook-. Duo in I, Dhmon Illd Flgumn Finn Wum - ed T1-uwnorlngn lg I tho hunt Now York and P Btylol. Flue Broadcloth: and l)nmI(inn. Fine Cnundlnu Tweed: In the choloeu puuorm our mnuutnotllrod Plno umrtmout ut` N.-nah Twoodn. We no taking orders rupldly for the above Good: and [nu-tlu requlrlugu l`t`. I v lint.- olun Gnnn-at or Salt II. I Inodex-no prlno vlIl1P|uoo call on us. We have been hnrd at wurk all winter msnnfnotunng A CMUICIC AEBOR WENT OI` CLOTHING, and puutlon roquln-in;z I Real Kado Con! Pnuu or Vent. vlll ml our: ul In mun wagon: to nrdor work, A Cllul E AsS(m'llINl` HF` 0|cl\'l"3 FUBNIS INC 000 8- EW AND CllEAI' 3' Jun Rooolvoa--Tho latent. ntvlo MIILK HATS. Z. PREVOST, nnnmn I'll-I-1' l_-- 3.... (5-... an- u-_|.-. .-._-__ ..___.-.-_.: At Iaovvor 23-10.. than Ivor Bolero ogre;-ca It None other I! Genuine.` lhull|cu,lvuill,lUI. r u-u `nun unuvuuuuvu nu nu uu-u Ivuu nnvu IIVUI luau u Irrnul. Q' MuNAUGl!1`ON O. CO. no oorlu GREAT BARGAINS In the nbovo Goods. Pnrtzcn requiring nw Good: in our [me will Had it to their ulunliyo to give u I onll. nnun: (INK I nllll! Al.I.l |GREAT_ GIFT SALE! own vvzlalnx ONLY. F. X. GOUSINEAU & 00. EIOZEY & II-E'I."I"S, `I`\l"\`I"KY/VITCNLI c`1rl1'l'\'r'I>nrII ilEiShPRlG om-:ss G066?! .A.'I' WALDRON S. cAUI'IoN-1 T'oTI1-also.` III VVUVI `.IU- IIVIII 'LlU UV U0`/V. ORDER WORK WE ARE IAKING A RPECIALITV. Q` Our Cutter, Ir. Molntoah, bu [kin ntllfnotlol to Ml than who have given him 0 ti-hl. 1 Ll..NAl1nll`I`nhl L (`n -.. ..n.-n... nnn-A1` IIAIInAl|h| I_ IL- -3.-- n.....n_ n.-. .- nu: Punuc mu mans: nmemm-.3 NEW YORK (_3__l:gTHING STORE luitl from `00 to 15.00. In mung udn I Twecds. Gent : Furnishings. MCNAUGHTON & C0. Cor King& Princess Sts. . an-an . inn. M. .n In In E'.'.%'.`.`l'I.:.?.`!.`?.'.`.?..'.l,`:.' . ..... ' ""3 .'r`%%uu .`:,..mk .... um gw (um-3151. 1|. Wgr` ad In hour on men. unre- QHUIIHQWI M003 OH: 14) I VHO IIIlAn\\duI(_)I|0Ioli'o- =i1opuyui. Ilu ullcmhudnaoulnougs I3. Icludu-annular oupplv at Ll: loon Blnnml Illk. . "\II"I T"I ='.`.%'-3"-'-"-*'-`-`*'l ouuunu mu N00! 1|! . `Io UIIOI dmw amp?! lkhcy-llvc of It! But 06 Ivory Inscription. Anlvuld-ouulo nlllhn on-vhulluuhr In . .'? $"s`. .'Zs nu-pun! in tin dvyvuuv b...` _Cla0I`I8, lblagolnls. d:a:nA.:- `_Ci`J-:;O'I.'E:IIN'G- Wu hm am: mamm army-ma u1otun.~ AI'DOll1'LIllIll'UIIlGOND3!'0IIl`aN`l'!'I0I. ` .. .. n - - nrnnnnnu 11.-.- GUI} SPRING STOCK IS NOW TO HANDL A__l __n._ . --muons Ann sung}. _. ._...|.. ..nLA..A.|.- in -sh.-nan!-alum lD._`?'`T"`' 3? _; 1 _._ 4.j.._.. March 12, ms. Much 92, 1878. . ._. - -_-.- A. GRAND CHANCE Inll. `._`Zv'I .71 runs`-t :1 www- -_:uo Nnw lathe Time to Leave You_I-Tbrdera for Spring Sults nun READY-IAIIE IEPARTTMEIT us now conmnu Owputool New Print`-50!! Klllnl-IN Ind |'8 I-`Jo. ow Tycoon Zopp--Hndwno Patterns for Wnprrl. Coup shootings, Pubic L|nonI, Total. Tabla lop In and Wang Quuu. l'\ lllnl l'\l\f\lIIl'\ |ll'l a I` on New All Wool Blank Culanon 30c. 60c, 706. 750. 000 Ind 0|. New Union irt Cuhnare `J50. Um 37 I-`In. 100 anal 500. law any, fun. Duh. un-own. him of |loooI.0-hmoroo. New Bo . Fawn. .0run. lot: nil `in! I: No. 250 and u. 50 moon ow Inluir urea I1 I50. 180. Me. U I la. HI] place: New lllnok Brlllhntlnu as I5o,`l)o `J5 In No. coo [moon New rmm-no-2 I:n;u.h-|oo mi Ia I-`Jo. Tycoon awn---Hndnono Wrnoporu. "3 ma TI nut` Illlldhnnndns. -lII1 (!c ulo\cI-Iuun|. LtJ.uIInt'I.l' `Worsted 9|` Vogotinnj I Nance. 8. SPRING. "7 mos Anmms or IEVI spam: nouns ll GILT Ll'I`| III Contlngs, `ll ITAIPID 4,511 of the an In: W IIII- `ulna. Buildings. PRINCESS STREET. Is` now ulmmm `I'll "con-urn or Vegouno In Hol-l-l:u all Drugvlua. And by N. 0. P0140011 In 00., Drugginu. Klnplon. WILL CONTINUE FOR mun will llllll II II! |rUIr UIVIIIIIF so [ COME ONE ! COME ALL! f`iK'a' from ouoo to us oo. All Wool Puts from $1.75 to 5.00. I IAKIHG A RPECIALITY 1' Our Unluur, Ir Mnlnrmh ' 7 ' 7 stock IIIII1`. Four Door! from tho In-Ital Iqnre. Eat-. cups. to. TE A31` QUE. uwvwu Iufllvo audit w- J aria; TCDR -IVVVUU rvvu. 1 Par`? WIIJPI nlYlLl.a'0W `(.'((_)Il -dn Q lqhun can on. pguphlllundqu. In bl- Af noun; Linn uInl!IIv A OOXOIIIIT 0' VIII! IAOBIID vhbhwgulothlub hurl. \._. Voutiu f Youtlu j coLnNm'c%n%6btnv vv tjilfi .-133.` F19 : PI? CIUICI UM! A1 COLT 11$ OIDQIIY. 'flnnanHaddies.' I Human Haddiesl A. nuns, lhhanlhdnppadn |.hocny Maul. IIOIIVID `I'D-DAY. .. uuolouo roob. IIIILD run: ..A VII] n- 11 liliwu rt! 10 A1 OOH!!! U0! UIOOIIY. - `Goal : l`uI-nlshlun, Worsted foalllllu '9 n.-nunn.rou1o.m'.%vur an nmnxxo. Inn]: 9. I878. luck 2", F73. OLARK W|GHT S. a. ullnvlunlatlqihlo ` `. `Ila In-nil Soholnoffotonln and Uttauu will be to-91,0904 on 1'lJI8DAY.thouh April mu. when Touhro-In Tnlulnf for Can `onus of Oh Ipooud__~_Cln_u vll _ho In-cdhuly. upon no ptopor toms, I Incl Iuv be attuned nqnut. I. `I'M I4-nlulou Ilnthlol Cudklnu-A lor Bonoll-CIDI ' nllea shall at one Houston at I Hanan} bool.u| an nllovnoo In nodular than of those who Iuoeootl u the In! mumluuoa. at the am of two,-r not ad line umul usvollhg oxpuun. L Di: I the condo-Input. than II no loo- oho the Lltc , Soblulo and Pnr foul Inidu o Undiduulor I'll-Iv 01$ Ccntleoloo, In which snpllouau -rumor In lopuubu. uupl npoohl nuns. llyotdn. the Iooouctclnu ho odmltud. The Icahn II close on tho am. of June. L A pllcothn for ulnlanlon In to be an In In-alhuly. tho toms, Mel hlnun olvvn vu nun. NJ. I. E. W. Christ] &. Co., London. for gg In Supt lly odor. ALI] A LARGE BT00! OI HATS. .: u 9 n. w mus." 5; Ca. London. vase} I uu--nu A-Jallal In m1-un- uhulllnnamidnnuunollhhvun `i`="c'>`ns77.`E." n.-an-nhhndad (:l.AIIk WBIGIII`, Wellington Iirool. H M: II a vacuum: -uuuu, lamb Baotou. Fab. 1, '76. Ir. Itovons. Door lit -1 have ' ukou novel-ll bottles of your Vogiuno and an 1-on viuood It In I I valuable mmody for D ynpepoh Kidney Gomplnius and general | dobilllv. loan hnruly rwom. mend `I to I nula-in; from the sham oomnlnlnlu. ' mom] III Anna almve oomplnlnlu. V Yuan nupoetfull It 1. maa Remedy n.....|. ll4..n.n Ink 7 "IR, Iuoonvbd from New You: an Inn 3-cannon cl 1 u '" "..'.:;.:..':.. `ibcnd,tLnua(V:ol= Hnuhnli-haianllhvnnmu ` ! r lulu ""..'.`."... ....u`i:'.7.......'""` uhmn Vmnmuum- hnhhumudm I c... ""..`h93.`.'. u.. Ilntlln-s ' `mmnuTh,Imuu: An` I-nab: bonds nunclouul Vlunns Hndoclinhghnllhwuuoctoo Ldnutuxhtyloahwfrnaadn wllal IIIVI _ ` llouua Dunc a nut manna- . Attention In nqnootod to my lullmu for u- uuing a potion Inn nm 5 'oI'IM. ALIXAIIDII IAILIIO. `ll lootoku-y OKDIOI M Inhuu re mm In Ifully III. In: on Palm. CU Irv --wv--v-.. Chrluwvl, Hus. L luv-In : :v-oj-0---- I l Ionnu.rnIc for tho nut 24 Bonn: For tho lower lsh ngion, lling hara- uwhr, incnuing northoutorly Coauth- outorly winds, increuing cloudinau And nin. For the SI. Luunnoo, inaouin; northerly to ouurly wind, inorouing C'.u|;dineIl and nin or snow to-smorruw j.__;. Born Auu.-'l`hu Hun. J.U. Currie : one bu been mmlo tho subject of: great deal of sdreno criticism by the Tury journalm. The Telzqram roniudl the Oppulntion of Sir John`: failing in the same rupect-tho if he hnd been pruned ho mun have been removed Iron the lut of noliciton for his Pacic Scandd trnuctionl. ---ox-.-_- Bnx IN Bu.uvn.u.-The Bellevilla Ontario dubbn the vagrant who was yes- tcrdny committed fur vngnncy the {umber of tramps" He in A bad one, tmly, and the police mngiotnte did rightly yenterdny when he sent him out of the public way for a season. Melan- nan mny not be no saucy after ten dny|' fan: on bread and water.` ii-`TO -----o-1~o-:.._ 0oIonau|on1..-`l'ho Bu. Pdnaipd Grunt will patch it the Putt Canop- tbul Ohroh, Wellington Swot, to- Iortov ouuin; at 7 o`oluak. Dr. Juk- nou pnuhn n us-non to ohildnn at SM pan. A Bvu..-'l'bo onhliou ol 3 won! in 3 pungnph in hot owning`: Oditioo nude ... .... nun oh. ..-n-inn: nn (`nuntl IILI OI BT11! TILT HATS With the no of the Pub Confonnntour," GM! Good: Itllill at (In Iowa: onh ntu. __ _ Fully" III III! IvvIuIl'I II-nuvu uuu-u In any that tho Oouniuoo on County Propoy Ind ordnod the levelling Ind ending 0! the Conn Houu -5 very ohnml propolition. Reference III undo tn the grouudn. `A o&o----. Hanna 1:: Counr.-A clnp named Davis, being nuod [or breach of promise in Toronto, igreed to marry the plnintilf in the can, and the cenmony wt: pct- formed in Court, the defendlut bung bald in custody while the nnrriqo ar- nngoments wen being undo. A TIe- graun `reporter furnished the ring by which the coromnny wn undo complou. T} j__a4-9-`. 'l`un Dmsirf 0i.ussn.-Wo Ire in- formed thnl. during the recon it is proba- blo _Il) Idduiun will be mule to the Pro- lulorinl ml! of Queen : College, the Ir bout of the Divinity dopu-uuont being more than the present. lull can vary u- tuholorily wcoinpluh. The name of an old grndunto, whu bu won a nun: for hiiululf in the cxerciu of his ganonlly ncknowlodgod talentl, in ooiiiiocled with the rumoured clnngol. i 5} Fm: n Lu: Urnucon.--Wo regret to nnn muoe that urly on the morning of Fridny the 29th, the saw and shingle mills of the .Mcll| I. Poole Brulhorl wu totally destroy:-d by rs, including the whale of the umuhiuory. by much exer- tiun, luring a nut!" north wind. the ntoc_k ol lumber in the ynrd, the barn adjncolii And the large quantity u! cordwud on the whnrvau clan by wu saved. Lou About 83,000; no imunncs. Cnuu of __. ....-,,_. Euzmnivu. ALLIANVI. - In manoe- lion with the branch of the Eungolical Alliuiee, which ha been formed I for wulxl Ago in this city, it In: been decided to hold I union prayer meeting on Mon- day nhenioon M. 4 30 p.111. in the Y.M.C.A. hull. Christian niiniiton And pooplo who duiro to toutily thun their eno- nou in Ohriat Juun, and united]; to cull upon Him for needed blouingl, it invitu to than meeting: nlhvho love Him and who believe In Him word. The lint will ho hold on Monday noxt st uhich the Ru` Priucipnl Grunt, will pruido. ___. .4--?_ DIG lnlnlgoliiln In uv uvuuu--v-uv, un- boot ha been rovod upon the rocks of `utnnguzoof `uni `ruin no. Thoro- upon the Onvomor in npnuulod u hu- ing dhninod Du Bonchonilin and I. Joly to IIIVO uid ` `In I" roll onougll todinniu kin. bot vhn can I do with ounhonnf ---o1-o--: cu.-nu. `FV|vvv, re unknown. --~v-up Tin JuI.v" Pun.--0n p'n Iul cutoon oppliu lo the late ctilin in Quebec. The Pnuuor in rapn-nomad u I [Argo to: boat, heavily lulon with `debt. The puuugon no the Governor. Mr. Dal Bouchorvillo uud Mr. Joly. Through thy bod mnnngononl 0! Do Bouchorvillo, Ibo L--A I.-- L--- -n-ml nnnn [Inn I-nail nf Tu Kmonol no Pnunon Run.- V11. -The lhnlrov Mercury up :- "lr. u.o.n..-. the chic! angina of the K. I `P. RR ,vu up 5! Cnlobogio bah, on-hit-(vlh abut to which it would In nanny to drive in piles. in done noun 0 ptoppr foondulon to: hunt! at that will-. Ho COO on b lhh village bofou ntorlingh Kingdom nndilhhoputllhllia vtihlhltivo. ulthpuunputclthovuthd chann- douoltholhofrooiln panache-inu- vs no junction mun. (`nods on-ml ldlnvullnlnuhingonunnnoodn undying. ---~cu.__. JVIV IIUCIIZII Zjiiiatli 5% locbolhiuinutlly ktl givuoonunlodilgyaucllhopqcu mill?! cl lotloudludf I; It. u.`...nu.....A..-_un..| anucmon inmnmm, AIIIAQIA. Q` WIT. II F KW -Aqua-u` h by It. Go-tn-lad-.9 ullhuuq d `kink $0 Icindnid. In-o-H..--noun.` IcnIdInlb.'qIIIVIIIclbIhu-' 1.. .....I..-n in 2158-n 3.'2T"'.....'.."u-u..a."""s.......a..-M t WC. `id Nun.` A. llgvulnmuoc JIAI-ILL! -.`nn...u.a..n.... -_- lurunou IY`ld,~lAICl_'l an, an I TI . lL'VC-Cj or-Arnou Iilhlutnn until don hiqin. oi Wpb lolu,'tIo &udIh$Io updlhuiIuu.uI-nqob. 01! ? AND 7101 If p-noun use-vuui owuuoog, :v"-""'e< a~i*s.am*W2~l Al F. 8. 003 N ! a Irlnouasl. Idllc luddl all}:-at-or-lea.aul I$I0 rruwaa.-u..Iuuunuuu-cu: :/(Int-aria and Prouldonuot on cums; each principle. EUUUN I IUII Bu! :1 u In-u - , oxuuo. Aclnlnalon to Norms] School:-.| Iolloy bill `Hf- It mturnlly lollo ws thet when the En]- lieh Government in placed in n wnrlike ettitude Cenede must be nlfeeted, snd Ind] eiciency. Ir preaent in native duty is not lsrge, end such us it ll, it cannot be utilised un- ' beeked by my reserves. In Censds the Government eslnot lull beck open retir- ed military men who have served in the eriny, se in England; but it__ can do the next beet belt thing, Ind form n number of smell brigedee, which will hold the forts," while the nvnilsble nsilitin will be moved from point to point, es deemed _ expedient. Nut thst any Fenian or oth- er invasion is expected; but s show ol our military must be msde for the pur- pose of supplementing the English nriny if eventuslly not required {or local ser- vice. Thus we turn informed the: en Mondny next the oicers of the Dis- trict stud` will revise the roll: of the Dis- trict, and, in pursuance of orders from Ottswn, receive the nnmee of all wh) are willing to do home duty; these nsme. will be submitted to the Govemment fer approval. and if endorsed the spplicentn will beplnced in qusrlers, clothed end retioi.ed, and be in receipt el ordinery ' pay, nwsiting orders of the Kilitis Do- tment. Those `who intend being npplicnnte must preeent lhenuelves It the 12 o'clock nhnrp. the enrollment lo he continued for ID hour only, since but s limited number of the meny seeking engsgeinent willbe eooepted. I nened lo look to her military strength The force of militin at. l r berrecks, Artillery Perk on Mondny st 1 Ul Inyuuug mu Ivvu uuuuu-. --G|n|noquo Inn 3 new ynoht-ho Eclipu. She il 21 foot kul, 26 has our nll, and carries -mo hundnad ynrdl ol cunnu. Sh: in ned with sir-tight vouch to provnt linking in GIIO of loci- dont. Value 8350. n .___u Inn- .I_-_-n-I... 0.. A... u. ..., ...u... I -PooI' Mulluloy, who died in the po- lice station I couple of dnyl since, III in Gnnnnoquo before he came here. And Ill passed on to Kingston from {hut place. , And why should ho be puud on? Ai doctor at that place reported him to bel Iuering with oongution of the lungI.l He could not out be In to sick, and yet is In bundled out of tho village to die in Kinguon. The corpontion of Uunanoque In truly 1 kind lot. -&---ooo---< IIVIT-1 Z " WI. -U in- Iot to AUG My Cub on tho dollar. -1: is Ittugqthu Ibilo itinlbo hoiglnol Ill noun Guano an potion, it in quite nance chin; to pan at his tin-up an qua din. -86: able llulhd non ol the Capo. sc- onnilngtotln Iaonot on jury nllono dutnoon listening to but 1 can, when the whola Amount at nhko Ill Mum dollar and thirty oonh. -We duikuow how many pooplo rm going to tho lulu, or how many thing: were gono," lot Ibo nuotionoon ol the nuke: nqum (tiled to Iloll may to-day, though none Apps: to be consumptive-- ul unytllinu pol good victulu. _fl .... nnnn I... a na- -nnI|l'_.lInn CHI: V II". $35 : --By jovo! The dnpolohu to-day intinuln tbs! Gon. lgnntie up he never I :41 ncorroapoudonz of than New York ' Hera d, and never uid nnything ubuut an nlliuwo bottom Rustin und tho United Sum. The Herald can't nun u my more. D415. Ilullglgu -Inn chad in Oh: nn. TuVnuunUo;,Lurron.-1'ho8ondy Click Now: up 2 Thu Colloctor of Rodlokl, Hinn Alguiro, bu nuooaod, inking till bin about 14,000 of tin unuooy holud collocbd. Atu undu- Itund it, I-on-0 to this villngo last So- turdny to nthud the burial union ol Dr. Glut. and iuud 0! going homo he took the waning Cllil, having punhnud I licht lot Capo Viacom. Bile: than I0- thiu in but board ol his wllonobovil. `Mil All ymbability id in undo his toy Iocudo. Ilia laid the he us` much in 4050, And with the amount lu- hI.huIndoqniun|tn'ho, it to no- ....A. 1- .....s.. ....A.- A I... .1 rnnuuv. Menu. Abbott. Bennett, J. And W. A. Cloavor, Dunuun. Hondurnon, Horton, Honk Jndnun, Kilborno, Loonud, Luf- forty, he0nmmon, Nowlsndu Ind Wnrd. li`-...Il-...-A nl nnnprl nnaiannrl nnnilinnl Aaumurygnutm Lat.

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