VEGET|NE| tire in me stoveon lualllullslusui ussu ..... In answer to Mr. Mclntyre Mr. White said the trunks were in the same place in the shop on the Sunday befure the fire. i Witness had been burned out twice, and was insured mice. He had suspected a fire because all the neighbours were hen. ` ily insured. Thoiight it wliuld pay same one to set it on fire. White said he was insured fur $2,900, $2 000 on the build. inn and 8900011 his furniture end goods left for dyeing. He hsd talked with Hy- lnnd about putting another storey to the building in spring. He went to bed nn Saturday night after he had looked into R.-iy's window. All the iiiinntea of his house were in bed. Ray burned gas in front and coal oil in the back shop. Did not luiow that Ray owed anything. Mr. Tliouian l5. Rsy was then examined. He said when he heard the alarm first struck No. 8 he had gone back to the bed from which lie imd risen ; when shortly after- ward he was called up by A person who informed him that his place wee on flre. He dressed hastily. and run down, to End the fire out. Reinained threequsrterii iof sii hour. He saw Mr. White; and later still Mrs. White, whom he told he lwss sorry she hsd been turned out at ` night. After he went home he sent the f key to a friend to look the door. After i breakfast he went down to the shop and - found that the shutters hed been replaced `l by'Mr. White. Never went back. On ` ` Monday notied Mr. Strange, sgent of T the Royal, of the re. On Tuesday went I to Mr. Strange to see if he had received . _ _ _ ,.-.i 5-"... Mann-...I am] lmard that < I I 1 I I I l TEI BRI'.l`l8H WHIG. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10. 1878. huw mucn swcx nay uavu. nu ...... the shop as week before the tire And saw no quuntityof leutlxer. There was no re in the stove on themorning of the re. ' --- A M. |l..l.u..-.. Mp 'hun [,0 Mr. Dtrnngu ll) Inc in ms nu. .nu....\. , my word from Montreal, and heard tha ` the Inspector would be here. Uri Thurs- day the Inspector srrivod. Kept open no lster on Satnrdsy night than my other night. His fether-iu-law was In the shop when he locked up the night before the re. He made eeverel cells,eml reached home sbout 10.30 or 10:45. Hll books were in poseeesiun ol the Insunuvce In- spector. Tuulr no steps to ucvrtsin how the tire occurred. He could not eurrmse how it happened uulees lroin the coal stove. A cell of alligator oil was in the heck shop; 3 big an of coal ml stood under me glue case, and a small one in the heck shop. Ha hsd bought uo (: ml Oll recently, end he could not explain how there wee as large quantity where the ounl Oll can stood. He could not oxpleiu how the inv side of the trunk in front of the glue cue was completely charred whilst the out side was compumtively uninjured. It could not have been lled with intIumna- ble msteriel without his knowledge. He liul first seen the oil can on Monday lul- lnwing the fire, in the lorenoun, when vi- siting the shop in compsny with Smuigo, in the position it ellvsys occupied, charred -...a k....o in H-I-nrl sns nresent. and In the p0lIl.lOH II. nnuyu Vvyu|1n7u,\.uu-uuu nnd bent. in. Hylnnd Ill present, he told Hylnnd to throw the em out. H. hm told Mr. Kennedy, (the lnIpec~ tor) that he had told the boy to throw it out an it might uoct hil policy. He had, he thought, nbout mno nets of team hnrnsa. Could not loll by the metal found how many uh there were. Had ` A --_-- -.. L}. |..u.|u in mnlu nn Hm Iuuuu nu .. no gure: c Itntcment. m. . :_,... utntcmcnt. The inquest than (At 11 o'clock) Ad- journed until 9 o'clock on Wodnudny morning. Al nine o'c|-nck the enquiry In rocum. ed. Kr. Rny uid thnt un Sunday he hnd Ionnurufnn with Mr. I). Cunning- hun About tho re. Talked of the coal -ton sad the but window, which he bud no mum of (atoning. He said thulut Jtnuuy ho had ukon dock, but suppos- od his unknown 0! II In lost, :1 ho could not Ind it. The unoum ol uuck taken In: 82,800 or 81,000. Had the stock lint in in the dash, tho key of which he carried. He did not look into the dock on Monday succeeding the tire. Tn up Ihlnuro-A lump I'll burn. houu. Wlmo (old bun mu no muon- golion uulobohold. Us (R. )In6duirou| ol il. Wool to tho )hyor9u|`VYodnonduy About it. The luapcgsr Arrived on Thuuiny. lid in M4 s convouu'wn with him. [ind I co;/oruuon rich Whno shoal mining tlur Itory on hi: houu. Hod talk vi II White sbou tho uno uoltot. him did not know Ihu mun -gun. |L|-A ht`. X @101. Monday Iueeooalng me are. To Mr. Iclntyro-A lump ing in bi: homo on account of Iicnncuin the lunily. Hod oonvornliol with My Whilo on Iondny oumug 5! hi: din Wmu told him that `mum- ....;.m -nlnhohold. (R. iidouiroul II Mknuwlodgml In all clua nf upln to Vho the rum: mlialolo b ood purier In I. no world. White the nut nun Inn men renee /at:-a had. u! tiuo with hi: III June, 1876, u be (Vim) Alleged. He end White were pod frieede. Did not know Ihy White was in he on leads Idue the Ire. 1'- M. I: nell-- ml Ielr. Ko- I Innuy ICU luau: nun-. um. I on hi: boolu to nuke up the Iddlnulopciullolllllovc wllul \ Head In. all KI` . huh, and Ion! dutl ugh bohznd Mill ; land: In! into the ylll. and looked thnngll die Iindov into Ray`: Ihop. Could not no nnythiug I... ah nnuln, Thaw then rout rt ` noon- oh? r. , Iona that . lay : buninou.nnd ho htund of XI . Ray, at :1. lo: Ibo saute. They won Ions into the bull, and burnt in the dooc. Wind in dean Itroot uni and in. H11 50 bills, but could not uy what Innhut Illriok. Holpod to get out Oouinun Ind Winn": lumituu. Whoa tho angina Arrived the in nu not out in fteen min-nu. 8:! Ray About I quar- ter of no bout nn the Era nu out. Wu in the eelhr after the n; some cinder: 3...: mn... lhnnnuh Wu uith Whine V I7.(_z`r E T I N 1*) Prepared by II. It. l'rlVl'.'N.'4. Boston, Mass. | the eolhr that the tin; cmuuu Ind {Allen through. Wu with While then In found And buried the coal oil cm. Did not no my one come nut of the back window boforo the Sn. when the can Ill (mud Whit: told him he shuugl-t Ihnt wu wlut Ray Ind kept. the u.l for his human in. The can \u not brnkeu in u it is now. Tho witness had trunpel on the con. Tu Mr. Mulutvro-Witnou nid be trunpel tho Tu Mr. Mulutyro-Witnou went to bed I! 11 o'clock, and hand no noise. He did not bar While up. Whan ho buried the can White romu-kod that if nuything sun and about it he could tell. H: dug a hula for the can in the yu-d, putting the clay in the guden and leaving the stone: nround the hole. 11.. r_....;...... .l........I Hut nhn omn- the nround the non. Mn. Cousinoau deposed that the occu- pied room: over Buy : store. She up: the In Aitkonod by the ntllimg noine u if mortar were Idling. Sho lint called her dnnghter. and than nlnrmoxl Mr. White. She nved some of hat things, principally clothing. There Ill an oily, alrawy pumke. She heard no noise dur- i..u tlm night; she would have hurl I pumke. She heard noise unr- ing tlm night; window I! raised. She met. Mr. RAy on Sunday nfteruoon, and Rsy unit! the cm! stovumunt have been the onus of the rm. n.. ..m .r 1-an lnnlun fur bar the an have been me cnuaa 01 me tire. llc uid it was lucky fur her the an uf Neat`: toot all did not catch, 0'.` it. would have blazed and probably burned her. He said nothing about the coil nil mn. She t-vld Mr. White nbout the can and he said that that was the iuylterit-us can which he had fuund end buried. She ` saw u buy digging a hale, the supposed, for iv. l on Monday. To Mr. Mclntyre -White had told her run it we: on Wednesday he had hurned the can. but he new the hole dug on Mun- ` day. She lmd often nan White dig ` hole! t bury rubbinh. White lmd tuld her that the can was all broken in when he found it. Hyluud had tuld in White : kitchen last night that the can was all melted when he threw it out; that it had contained coal oil. White said on Sunday that the can he had buried was All bruken lv np-ripped. lnquent adjourned until 2.31) o'clock. CATAKAQYI NU|m:nuu`--The County` of Frontenac Is advancing in the horticul- turnl line as markedly M in in cattle breeding, which we have nlreadv describ- ed. The hm Ontaraqui nurn-_-riea oi the Messrs. Ducal evidence thin -t.hat of Mr, n u 1 u ` , K - ._._- _.__l -L....|... -.-in XVIUWIEI. k`lUUIUVluvIl\.I1 IOIIII *vuu-v vs u... D. Nicol being for tree: and uhrulis prin~ cipnlly_ while Mr. Joseph Nicol turn: his clll-af attention to flower: and vegetables, with lmth of which ho rogalea Kingston : market threo times per week. The ex- tent nf Mr. Nicul's operation: is not un- derstuod hy many, and we ahnulul ml- viae any parties who viniz Cattiraqui in leisuru liuura to take ll, walk tn his conservatory where thay will be pleased ' alike with the beautiful pictlzro And` the cuurtuv extended to them. Six large green lmnaes, with double lows of folisge plants and lluwern, area feat. for two hours in least, and with uucli quantity then: is combined innite variety. Mr. Nicol in every season Adding new vnrieliel Ind must of Lhuiu com: Iucceufully in multiplied numbers out of hi: hnnds. The. go-rnui-Jinn, fuchins, roaea, verbinna, and .. .1 -..... niknu Linda nf Hun mn-I nnmlnnn . t uowura llruuuw puuvu luau] nu -ruv,vww- to the number of thousnnds, and it would seem as if the country had not ti. demand for them all. And yet the shelves will be nearly all denuded before September next. Kingston alone is not depended on for sstlus, as regular xlsits are nuw paid to Nepanee and (lnnsnnque iiiarkets, while Pictun and Brockville are important tri- i binaries of these nurseries. This is turn` ing the tables, since tliasu towns once lupplljd Kingston with flowers. Mr. Nichul iiulv liiu norm of outside ground covered with llohbedl in which early vegetables are maturing or else prepared {or A pril smi ing. _.._A , ... ,, g'I`mII'.|Iul, llllll ans, ||.II!vu' vvnunu--1, ...... a :1 -'/.on other kinds of the moat onrnmun owers nrenow patted randy for n1a,each .1 , _ .....1_.._ .J n.,.......,:. ....A in nmnlrl great nttcntinn. The schunncr Ontario left Tkallc-ville on Saturday with 60,000 brick for King- I :ELates1 Pattems. HHIHIIHE. ` --C-I. Wnrnley will give 3 [IFIZG fur the best shot of No. l Cmnpany. Nth P. Wit. Ries, which will have target prtu-' .. I n_,:,.. ".'V. Iulmn, wuuu nu. ....-x .....a.. I (i(`(- on (hmcl Fnday --l`ermms (lugging ground in tho vicin- ity of Int you-'3 potato pntchau About Kingston have found potato bug: in grant qusntity one {Jot below the IIII" hen. lace. 1. -Tho saying that I prophot/ii nnt without honor sun in his own country wu dnprovod lut night,/ l|o Tnmly Brothers roeeivod I oufploto oution. The recall (or I now`! time utter their | duet Ill porliltgil. l If) , or not -ac: Inuuuouu yuu l 1uutriod.isisnow an utahlhhd kc! tbuwlnn Syrup in the only randy uhichlnoglnn onn satisfaction in: noun onus of Lung ' . It in true ` than no yo: lhnnundn of pcnona Ibo \ no pudicp-no-I to Throu Md Lon M- locnonu, Cnmnn ion, Honor: , Asthma, Savors Id: uulud on an Brunt, Pnouuolh, Wlaoopil Cu-ugh. l., who Dunno pound not ol Banshee`: German lymp. Tu n In would say that (I011!) duzen were mld luv. yeu Iitlmul one ounplndnt Cou- Iumplivn (ry just one bottle. Regular ` mu 7? own. 00 to your dnunu, Iumpuvn If] jull ')lII linsuu. II.'IIlUl 75 your dnuuu, Heath I. Gunn, cud Henry Wndo. And `ooldbyuldngilh. bout. n-run boxado. G1'R.0uiaooh,8 hblinlymb, *-..t- A at Pi-r-`Eat. Cqu V!'.oom-IQn' POP?-3 d!5'aI`.W5oxnoooan (ITI, (kitsch!-Hub T . 4 undo. n VhuOt-IO .J'.:'-q"-1"?`-L -o-. "" -The sexmll Wm 00" [tactics up -~'I`hn- re nxxwsligutiulx is nttrnctil Lnve|Iest Designs. U-II --Last. emningh 9nt,ert.4u'nmen1. would aw went nely in an Opera House. fr. Martin will plczvsc hurry wnth (hm mlxllng. r`..l \\'...-.lm~ will aim: 1 nrlza fur /A/Iunrhblo nun. X;/inks no dilbtonoo but any n/_.;.:.... M Imn mach m-dicing van N0 II I`: I N DUS'l`l{lES. _.r - WIND WAl"l'. 4 gr.-tn. Inn than in I ounntry in Vifullzih thick. cAn hen! tlm, when the vital m At the llorth-west, they inn in tin than children to Inmp th-Mn [ram Naming lily; lh-re It take: six lrn,-n I no I man, And when the dog: bark lluny lmro to loan ngun a fence; Ibo hogan Are no thin thnntlnku lwnlvo lo mus I thu- dow, and when may I: II :1 law! they Inn On h--Id it up to knock mm chm`:-. ._____._.'?_:__,__ IOOI IQ CI'I$llI T j Ihguinniutill I K nbduokl I801 melanin H Auto thick tho dno it pl lull: botuon thou to pick mtho hoppcn. ud tho only in stoop gun pin thouprip ofgrulh M [tinting moi: noon on 1 pinddono. But itdufl I cinumhuoo to 3 plans outbokuunshnn; tbolnndin so poor that it uh: uolsildou-n way "Knldcar," unions uloudayyouonlun ungua- lnppon sliub up 1 nulhn stalk, us! look with tan in unit on: out 3 III] mu uhl; and tho bumble-but Inc 00 p down on their Imus to get ut the gun; ml! the mooquizooudiod at lhrvu Iinn, and turkey bnunr-II ha-1 to mn- [fat-Q The story of tho unrder M the Earl of Luilrim |=.`|9 bum ;:n;>hi:nlly I-~i I In mhlo dispuchul. Arum.-ml by the ejocuuoltl of I widuw nul ulnar lunauls l`I arrears, I pally uf mun ul.I|:|u.-cl the E url and MI Iltrndnnta and killed I. 'l'heieIail| 'bmar a unlnng resemblance In uthsr murders M the Iuml. On New You`! Dny in I839. L rd .\'aI-bury. nu lrinh pm-.r, whilu \\ Akin: in hm own gruuudu, In shut dead. Tin mlusin ewnpml In the cuufuuon`, and was uql (-apturcm. In 181:! onlrv_:m on the permnn and pro- pertles uHn-nlmvue-urn And agents -wra of lrequcnt oecurnuca. Seven! luudlurdl Ind agent: were Iuur-lumd, and special cummiasi nus won: nppuiulo-1 In .-cmrz: the urns`. and pnulahmr-nl at 1-(feud:-ra. In 1343 there were uunnerms cumilctl ha- (weuu the p-vllce and Um pens-mu. In ` 194.5, Mr. Will--r and faunly We-rd tired on by his 6.-sn:u:ts, and Mr. Waller and loam than new LLlci. (in (ha mh of circumstances, w-u:.1 imncxuu lllll. neither laudlunia ur tomuits in certain Iil"ii`I(`td -if lrrluni ham luunmi much by expcriuncc, and that all the c-liiia nt ro- form have not brought ubuut n ntisfnc- tory state of affairs. (In one side hund- Iords make no conceuiunn, and on the other, desperate man hesitate not to re sort to extreme measures. The murder of the Earl of Laitruu will dmibtleu be followed by a. period of excitement in- cident tu the prnseuutinu uf Inspected parauns. .__,- .`... oi. ( ?- ` Teatllnonlnl from rnptnln Joshua llnrpor 1 Sm-kville. N.B.. Full 13. I977` A,Lnwest Prices. T1 Revere cold which settled on In lungs. Amer . having a bad ct-ugh fur shunt nix wrecks. I had i :5 wry new-re attack of bloc-dim frum the lungn. whllc on I pasvutgv from Quevnsmwn tn llun-I . Hmd daily Rpelln nf hlreding for some days, until I lust about two gallons of Mood. and Wu Rlnelln nf hlreding for u gallium In W4-3k an to be scarcely able to stand. I back t,nQuPel1It0Un. whtere I rvveived run In diva] unuiutautteueuuhlcd in ca get hum-. I unw an mix-ertim-11:4-nt uf your l'h (`ml Liver Oil Emu`:-inn in a paper I imme- dintrly at-nl untl gut half us down bumu. after taking which I lael mynel! 3 well mun rtglin. . My wvight, which was reduced to 120 pnundu. In now up to my ununl aunzlard of I52 p--unda. reduced 120 pnundl. up my Swing what. it hm: dona for ma. I can can Hdencly rooommend it to other: nfiuwl with l\|I1-yin.-anun I ' Yours wry truly. (Signed; Jrmuu llurxn. Of thn ban v1n"Mnr_v Low non ' Pre mred only by J. I. Rnmnox. :1.-4-mm 81.. Jn n. N. 1 . , uul lur sale by Dmgginm And General Dnlern Pricr $1.00 pvt hut!`-x ; six I lmtllfs fur CK}. - - -ooo--- -- -oov- N0 H0111. in thin c-mntry or lump: in more lhoruugh|y cumfnrlnblo for fmniu ` and Indian travellma nlnne, [hill the well- knnwn Cnlunnnde Hutal in Philnddphin, ` |~.. KITTY ? U ff?! UIIVIID Will?! and YILIDW CORN llAl.noda non Bunion lvoctccn. put up in lo In packages. Iarhlo A1` GOLDEN l.l0l GIOCIIY. `FinnanHaddies.' Finnan Haddies! i X (JOSSIGNIENT Olv` PRIIB IIADDIIS whu-In in nln for min Te not Ih, IGOLDENLEGROCERY Alul by N. C. P4)l.$;)TV 5: C0 . Drugginu, Klmumm. CIIITC "IcUo wlivu Inpyviuo ` I 9W0 TBOUIAIDLII PBIII CLIADA ; nut locals.-hop. i AT GOLDII IJOI GIOCKIY. Illry -.IIl'~l'b till) -Ivan a V0 TIIOCOAID POUIDI IUTIIIM O0|IQUnuOroonr!- w. n. lcuuoo. I :r|}d Apples` :7 iri;dIpp|n:| . ruin TIIOHIAID LII PBIII CAIADA Islry Inner! Dairy um:-2 rnun 'rllnnnAL'n Ioulnn I[rl"tlIu I U! SHIV. `-Till U081 PLUII. rhuu Vim-dvlb. KIIQ. pun qcun an vb Ina outnu- Kijn. II. `VI I. ll. KOIIIIPOON. l"Bq . 3!. Juan. (Ll). Dam Sir,--E-srlv in Hotnher lnatl tool! a Ievere cold which setllml lungs. Afusr having: Novv Stay:-nu. P130. IuI.|_I1\ uwwvw -v---,----- : ---- ?lVl HUKDIID BOXES CHOICE rm: . for nu-cu-up. A1` BOLDII Llol auocnr. , , The Axrnrum Jlunlcr-. III: he o RIZCIIVED T0-DAY. V'6n.|c|oua` T irooo." nu--n urn:-no ._.I III! Int (1 mull J0 _F;or Bale. [ant DLHII. an Prb: F Pill! HAD} r ale 7: P9? md put 14 in me Ifhohnnutudhagputlothinulltthlilhlntlithaity Ch0'l'2N0 IIOUIIB can ho rnlld on u tho'hIak' u now III Inn ovary 0 none: ml In NY OIDKR WORK is ghoul uI II|y.lhln:|I 3:53,: -09 IOIO h|t"I|nt-Sign lnnouon 3 nl ` at Mom I sud nu-uneo A PERFECT l'lT. I on asking to North suit for OM50,-hiol: I do my home lnllnptolvooqunl for On. Any non N-quirlnp a good Bunineu sun rt :1! col UIIIIINIII Tweed on he onppllod hr N0, W Md ON 0--04 Diumnl Pun: lo odor. 50 diluent pulorn. only 0|. BRADY IADI Cl.0l`l-IINO-I hum now on but! on of tho but Bloch of Rudy Ind: C|nthing our uorod. Z` PRICIIH OI` SPRING GOODS: The Now Check Cheviot Suit.--all Wool . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . ............... . . . . . . ..Q 9 75 A Good Run of'l'v-ed-Cornvull mnnufnotuto ..... .. . . ...... .. II) on A Good Imguul sun ............................. .. .. ..... .. I9 15 Aood D|nonnlCon:- . 6.75 Goodbin unnlPAnu. '-C35 .. . .. `I ` 1 snlnndid urkiul Pu: ll uoon ullgunu bIllI-IlIIo-~11-[vi-In----...... , , Good Din unnl Puma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 3 Splendid orliug Punt: . . . ` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._. . . . . . . . . "J. 9` A Lot of Van st hnlrprloo. A Whuto `llnirl. for Ibo. Oonlunlu Ihlrt witysqn Duhuo for 3!. A In-go shoot of Gen! I unhhm; Good: oonshntlyon had. .. ,' .,l` y_ Q` REMKIBIGII THE PLACE- The People s Clothing House, 21 Brock-st., CHARLES LIVINGSTON. - A , 4. .- _..s_. _. L-...- I _m _..A ... as 4...- ..r..\...-.. lPEI]PLES'l}LIlTHlNl}HlISE Clothing at Prices Nr Before Oerod in Kingston. ova SPBJN9.#I99KL1R92:I0 HAND! We have a Large and Varied Stock of Raatly-Made clothing. .._ -_.._.-uua.-.-a unnu-on-I-nun IIAARS Inn Uf mom: i DOMINION CLOTHING STORE`, -. , _ _, - ,- n_...u..-_I.. I.-I-nan: ALJaJxA1\7B3a_JR ROSS THE MILLINERY SHOW lt()()NS will open tnmorrow. Snllmlny. llw 21- lth.wiIh ull Hm lost in Elllllh. Amerinau and Pnriahm t) Ian. A great. vnrlocvuf PA'|`I`EllN HUNNB. Pa` in llA'l`H. NEW (,`A|l El` in Ila-mp. Wooi. Tnpour and Bruueln. New l-`mar Uni (`la-In Hui (`elahrawd English I-`l.0()ll Ull. Ul.UI`llS Y: with Eugluh nml Amnricnu 0n<'1.-I. In :1.-as Mr Van! sun: Llil (flollm and (`arm Mnulnan. NJ! -|usoeh'n| I0 (||I_\'-llllullu-I um Ilnlglllzy-l'IVl' Iulinugtn un -IIJ \JlvvI-u `II ....,-_, ........ And would mlioll. u null from Isvarybody lo convince them than fur vnrlew nuul lawn :-.~. hi: Hun-k It not uurpuud In the city :mK`|f; - El` in ll:-mp. Wool. ln[|QI:lJ nnu nruuuua. new r|uur nu n m OIH 37.): par yur-I day-numuh. of the 30 cent. Striped Silk. ` A. IN uugm,-.|r1v.-, Packages of [Dry Goods or livery . l _,...n.a ..` n .. ....n rm... n\'nr\`bml\' nu QHBAP ElI.o'1-EING R0 l`ll, lilngmmls. Worsted Tvvemls, MIR READY-MADE DEPARTMEMENT |8 NOW GOMPIETEI WI All! OFFERING`. Suit: from $5.00 to 16.00. Diagona suit: from 14.00 to 818.00. A1 wool Pants from 81.76 to 5.0 Gents Furunlshlngs. All "(WI rlsulm uuun gun: in: V-Vv ORDER WORK WE ARE MAKING A HPECIALITV. Q Our Cutter, Mr. Mnlnwnh hu given nah-fuztiun to all those who have given him 3 trial. If MuNAU(Hl1`0N 61. C0. are oorlnx GREAT BARGAINS in the Above Good. l'urtmI roqmrlng nnv Goods In our Ima will nd It to lhlr sdvsuugo to give us a null COME ONE ! COME ALL! MCNAUGHTON & CO . Cor King& Princess Sts. ___.o __ E HAVE JUST RECEIVED A BPLENDID A918 IBTIENT Oi` Cl/)TllH, TWEICI) and Wanted Coninp Ivlnirh for Mylo. duubmc and nhuguou cannot bu -qu allml \n the any. W(HiHl`l4.'D (.`()Al`iN`-1 in Ulm-,h, Dmgons I, Dlnuon I ud Flgnron I-`um W-mu. (~41 Trownoringn I; All the Intent. New York and Purim litylou. Vine Bruutlolothu and Dw-nkmn. Fina Canadian Twoodn In the choioul. pattern: our mannluotura-I I-`ma Mlnrtmoml of H4-nmh Twoodn. We are uk|n1 order: ruphlly for the above Good: Incl porno: Hqulrlng n rul|y um. Io call on In W luvo bum land at work clan Gm-mu-nt. or Sun. at 1 modernw price will no I" winter msnufuatnnng A CHOICE A580|l'l"\1ENT 0|` CLIDTHING, nnd `mule: rmtllrlug . A I Benjy Mada Coal. Puma or Vnut. will [Ind oun nal In mnnroagu-In up nnlnr Inn UH-DICE AH$()H'l`IlNI` OI` ()EhT'B FUHNIS ING 000 8- ICW AND CHEAP II` Jun Keneived--Tha lama! Itvla of HILK RATE. 1 DE\IOST_ "hill 9| IIII-\n :-vv-- .7 ..-.. .- And Inning A lI`lRi'I` CLASS CUTFEII In romiu Iltllflotlon to nlllhosn eutrnlllug nu wnh the: orders. PRINCESS S:] `REE'l`. Conniuln; of Blunt Ind Colored Cnohmorutfbh nil Pusey Duos Good: in nll the lnwling (`olon ranging from 70 pet vu-d New ulna llllh at axtrnoldlnutg low yriou .900 place! Nnw Prllu from the but Iuuhan, .506 Eamnsnn mm In he told by 9 pound. White and Grey Canons. 5| matings, Pl low Comma. Tohlo Moon. In in. Total: sod Tovallln a, lawn Cur was sad Auchn-nu. all to be sold as print to In t the had mu 2:: Icon [fun] sun In I olu-ring at I not lhrgnlu, 3 full Man! of Tuvalu. Cloth Ind Connql. menu, a :11! Stock of ion and Out : Conan: and Marina lion . Alto n I" uummuu A (lot can and Ilomm Undcrolothlng. MD Paln like! :04 Color-Ill Imus nch KM (Have: u, Sanka lhl Gloves nu I" lb mm 500 To an-no in n how d. .404... Gamma P-an lhId&. Thane Glovu In `cuddly 50 U000 In the market A fl Stock of Fury (I4-nth IIHI Gong`: li'nI'_niah_ingn.uI_loa_1np_r|nI co! the IOIO ooipluo ail ruruollvo lunch I Dry and lorlno Unllcnwsnlng. an Inn: nu... --.. `N... ,. _ ,. - , ,, 50 c-10 Iona I Glenn ndodly tho Inofhot till I Gaul : lfurniohingmdlaomprlnlug ouool I (land: In the Mn. E` An Inglis: Iollehod. A Garden or glgmastaad Lot! inxoxnsr in :I::I:.II-1--rs, } >_____..-. ` (\rv\1'\T:\`l`3vI no-En lnhnon Ihoprlulpl acupu- lnto|.hoeity.nod in but 5 nllo {nu mca. punt -onllunn. ThouoIloHhol'u-|nouol- consul bonito Ieuuuuullngouohrn lul- dnm. Applyto OIJEI IIWLAIX. cannula lurch `F, 1878` V A-aE:ol|Aull:`I:TovI- In an a (nun |u'hr-,TM io ll',.|I'." - tho tho Car- _....;.. u._.;.. 1-s...n.l an In: M ouol- . I 7I`IIA'I' IIOUII AID PIIIIIII no I: duh: lawn. Wm knot: Ind not unhuutnomvillh ucuhurhlob Ion-spacious. Aplyuo loll IQIAIOI. RM Room min f\ Vtllllnnanu annvn-vuvucvou 3.--Pumice pun-chu|ng1`woodn hon: no to unto ll home. I will out to in mm of burn. ____?:.. It ,ur)lro-I bcl this Hluvm I:1lul.]i`ro:u $5: thooiztiznl cf Kll CLO KING talk AM! no! Much `22, 1878 Inch II, III. 7 T T (Volt Door tozllossrs. ll. & J. Gal-dIIor'u. Prlncen stream _ > Iuuilltl. U I-IIIIIU II I-Iwnbv v--- -v------ ---v- -- -~-_.-~_' ._,.,,, , AND GENI`LEMlN'3 FURNISHING GOODS T0 BILEO1` FROM. 1'` I III ANDERSON Manna _?_g, Now [3 the -"me to __ L cave Your order: for Bprlng sum E Latge Stuck. --u Tufnif:i.7r.. Elrfcusw IOITILY It anbuj u. an. 5.1-. CHARLES LIVINGSTON CLOTHING I PURCHASED '0! CM!!! `PHI VIKIS1` ITOCK Oi PWIIDQ AND DIA- GONALS IIVII BIFOII OIFIIID ll I.Il0l1\)l ll DI'l'II- IIIID 1'0 OIIII 4: c;;_12J. A1\r::`c3i::?;C1?c:T `i=`oR SALE. 8. WJ;=7JiING-. "7 me: Anmms or new spam: coons FOR BALEO r_...n.n.|.h|IlIudu.dI (`oM.lngs, I IS NUW SHOWING `HIE CONTENTS Ol-` 21 Brook Street. Eat-. Cup. duo. IIOCI IIIIIT. Four Door: from I FOE. n Al Wool Pants $1.76 5.00- mn:-nu. n-rv rb n... n..n..- Mr Mnlnmnh !O.A.U"I'ION- .fn:;;c%cu. :35, 88 Prlucau Sweet. opposite the (`My Hnlrvl. j 0- lone other It Genuine. O.Iuvd|I,Il7I. HENDERSIJITS ATH Z2PREVO8T, ll OIL? LI'l1'lIl CIA) I` IIS. lblagolmlu. Worutml 'l`w-mls, Gen? I"urni.~'l|lngs, ll ITLIPID IN-srripllon. 1.. 4 ..u . .... (`outing s, 'E.,.,.a`w|:. HVIIDZ wollttl IND I I n..a, nhlnnnlvu nun and mu. T &II u .-_-. ;r.:.......--:.-.....-- -:-.-.3.-.-.~ on oll.a-4 he inc-pludy ruund In huluh, vnlh vuboutcruwh-uceau. linin--my you: of up. I have I young nan. llweu pan 0! a. who kuhhetad mun. Whoo- rvot he ego e-_uuiIg_f. _I`noo-an in. .L_ n--. VEGETINE. VEGETINE in am unnnloullunulnvlnc PRINCESS STREET. N )l:3UN R K|nxnl nmanua, April 9, 71. nmwwq. FRED A. GOOD, "19 IN Hunt. Cinciunti. lulnctad nebula Whoa- on ensuring on. lacuna in. Ilka: |danltl\' uluudthtin the III! ollh chill. \' bone so had close: upon the Alan: Ilka and of the uodieina meanness lot (`hills lcharlllly noon mud Voplino fa Inch auuphhln. I think u 5- Lb gnouundwlu i-I|\oIo|- lleopcifuxly, Iii. .l.W. l_.ll1Yl'). >rux4InIA. ll Vernon. In purillor Tutu. I4). 1|. nib world. ll1..l.W. BUUKSTUBE, rumsthl --IR-j: gijg gritilll -Whig. EEBUYI [Luv-------. _-- _. 400: nmnbon ol the pictuncqu and phat ollnmpo Inn clean! no -u sun .1` (hair nudge:-on. Ir. the but of that pncou-on. _.. Stung in supplying the subscriber: with thou. '_- WIDE BUAI IV nu, nxuuu or, ....-.l 0177 AND VIUINITY p~aoLo In now an 1 ddook too; ..----.i\- _._. EVVAIOILIITIC. -`l`ho nuonduco at tho nesting: oundnctod nightly, by the Y.U. C A. an IQ" atuudod. Int evening Roi. Mr. McKay oecupioa the chin, And ,.I,..___.. _...g -utln hw RAVI. uuwv. nu . . _ . ----, ~~- , addresses were undo I Smith and Mr. Wnllianu. 10>- . Pmauuarnu lot the Inn 24 boon.- Fur the Lower Lnh region : Brink eul- crly to southern winds sud cloudy number with nin IHII. Fur tho 8!. Lurronec : Brisk easterly to nmlhorlyl wtuda, cloudy weather with nun. -,. ,-....__ Jun lhcuvux, mother lot of the loud- ing ntylu of the celobruod Cnrintfn lulu, direct {rum London, Knglsnd, and the hrgeut Itock ol Amorienr. lull Lu: our shown in the city. Also, I nieo selection a! timed lmtn, st M. L Hymufl, Prun- oou Itreat. -- oj. _. Sr. J.unu' Murm-:.-'l`ho rqulnr monthly meeting oi 5:. Juan` Church Tempernncu Auncmtmn mu hold in tho Parochial Schnul Hausa last ovemng. The attondnnce and the programme lore nhkt g-rad During the evening the lhnhupuf Algumn dulnverad A ntnrnng nddreu on the muumu Imrk of hu (ho- wiiaicsblihzvma, man. 10, iiiu. | nvow `n Ulltlf | ---..49-o~--- Tn. "H.un.Vu.-o."--Mr. (;ildenleovc'n nu.-2uner}|-utuxgsf nnw commanded by Mr. (E (`r:nvfo. in running roguhrly bclvreen this part and Helloville, and she ml] munnue tn do so, uutwithntnnd` mg thu sluleillcllt mwde recently In the cnnlrzu`). The "Hastings" has been um.-l_v pmlll-st! and hue nndurgune a num- lmr 4-! other inn1.ruveInenv.a. $0- _;,,-..._ 'l`nM Puxx 'I`kr:|:.-.- Fhe attention of the proper uuth--rltma is directed t; the cmulitiun of mum: of the trees Iurrnund- mg the Pm-k, and facing the Court House ; a fz.-w bemg in such I cloud and unthrifty tutu that they need replacing, whilst nth;-rs roalunrv immediate |ttentinn_ Ill oth:-r reaps-ct. This work of replant- ing ahuulul bv lune at an early :1 late as lervous Honduho & Lhonmsunm N4rIoru|.|.sM.~--The country in to re- caive fresh fuel for 1!: national res. M-urn. Pnlnck Conaidino & C4,, of To` runtn, have issued the prospectus of "Tho Irish Notmnalut," to be an eight page paper, under control of the Nationsl Puriy, and to bo nrnamentod by correc- pundonce from the l"nit.ed Staten citier. We judge frum thu description thnt it will be somewhat alter the Mylo nnd ap- pesrpnco oi the Irish Wurll. ._.-:.._._.: P9` flnco r I I-IIC `V ALI'N| HIJIIIOV1 nun. -4 J .... now cc-lehrausd lngur beer is being nup- pliml duly, mm} in buouming the popnlnr bovarnge. Within ono year iv. lzu re- pl.scod the mura pimmt drinks, to tho bent-litul the Whola cummnnily ol nucial imbibarn. The brewery is now supplied with (lie moat approved facilities for the mnuuhclura and porfecti-in u! the lmger, which can nnw ho ilolinrecl in patent. futile: :5 well an in wood. It Wlll take I pro.-try gmnl lager to cuiupetvu with the wIldlCl|l>8lClu1`ll. _- .45. ~._.... um um In nan, um... .. enough, and D(`l'\'L'A M a nu-nun of driving trzule In lho American.-I which would nthvrwlno cu-me herv Fmht-run-n cannot pay fty cents on II nmlll c.\Lc!x 4:! fish, on they cannut he Mmnml If they evade the payment of such u heavy Monument. Agxun. an nnlpoctnr of sh should be up pnmlocl, fur the citizens, III the absence nf Inch nu oicinl, are frequently lho pur- chasers: uf fuariu||_y bad And unwhole- swine sh. -- .45- _ \'i:nv A.~mmi.m.-. -\\`e cannot but ex. preee our some n! diupprobetmn oi the eunnyenos canned by thuee in the City ' Hell, during the performence o! .\In. ,` Heckett Int evening. Moat of the eul|- encnn uumfeeted 3 sleep intereat in the progruuuie, but there were I few nneely Ipmtu who alveyu maneized to create din- orrler of mine kin-.l jucit when the utnoet eilence and attention were deeired. We heve but e null estimate for men who will either null up or down the bell while 1 ledy in Ipeeking. Ecmn iu.uun.uu.-`I' .1.-. , ,,_|_-_.1nL- ...`.g.... ---- oj-o---g No-r Exnrnn.-ln the report of tho Col-uiuoo on Fin. nut t On, in- cluded in the report of tho City Council, In ptimul I cluulo to the aoat lhsl tho nun who loot: hone by colliding till: n In. II the loot ol Brock Blnot should be uomptul. Such III Ih reconna- duion n cnpiod by DI prior to the Coun- cil, but at the meeting the inn III onnud, ch Conmmu lulu; lounod tin tho luau ol tho Ihuf Ind mud an I! the lamp ton plant! in tho pd~ .:-_ :.. -I..-L in -.. nlnu nnnhl h-an-A lllllllltllupvulvpu-cu as ---.--r 1 tion in that il us. they would boost ruponublo for any accident which should hppon to it. I `.1... St. PAl`l'I Cuu-I.-Tbo rqnhr gggcigg ol 8:. Paul`: Church Tooponon ! 304.", mu holdin tubulliouo n... -...x.. AQ` can call nn-dnd. IL: I: II. I lhvonu: DoarlMr~l but used your Vogonna for Nun-vou Headache and lb!) lov llnnnstlon, and luvs found nun relic! {run both. Ind uh graulflcuun In neonuadlng ll. wall who may I awiu ho nilotol. n-nun A (mm). it , '8 I'll III III -ji livid- ggyghg, ml in roll HMIIOJJIO ,._& quilt IIIL Tho lav. It. can opouddnoncohnginlho usual; .,` I IbluIngH.IbIh|v-ilk Bouno.uu-IIIII'3!"l'D'i""- nx.. 3.5; _Ilp I.n-n ad mind 6.5! If, -f. lllj IUI uvvuru` `|dnn;i haul Inin.Iz.0-, lningt-n;tv-lingo byl-nlduun.` glalidnxnhuvu. floptugunno `van nllnndunl oul. and A ------ ~---- --_a....n .n...ngL.I ITQTDT :- l...m.. inIulIuI\io7||Iq. .1. Fl-an IN.- Cuuncilshmlld 1:: mm thing Innnocl1m.ely_ that II remove he tull xn sh, which in mvre than 11,,,_ ._.-o-cu-oz: llcnly oecupwu um um... ...-. by Rov. 'l`.G. | ll, lII.IIZ-_- _ .5 . ` Iiichlr. Oldhn and hi: oI'fhuusd- hulodbydtndul tqchln. 30! voohIinaIai-di-ujoydI.h|nx- , _.__ |___..... _. aL-a _.l* hngrinn 0| Uh nay, llu Ina Iugu uqxvu Iu wu-uu they are cultured. In each And all the piocuthce III 1 clnrna of exptenion, ' A delianu regud for ollect. and a graceful motion which conveyed, ll few can do, the evident meaning 0! the uithon. In the bnicony scene, from Romeo md Ju- liet, the pictured the meeting, And the tender Illd Icoluto greetinge, luck], plendingl, and noluloqniu which followed, end all with an nniinui-in which nomad he make the chnptor one of iucroued in- latest: in the celebrated quarrel scone between Sir Peter sud Ledy Tanzlo, from Shoridnnh Comedy, chool for Scandal," she spin ueumed the duel re- presentation, nnd gave the dinlogue, I0 veried in feeling and delineation, with 1 piqunucy and viucity, sud coming II it i did within the nnge of the gonenl un- dentnndmg, it inn, with one exception porlnpe the melt henrlily npplaudod; her rendition of Mark Antony : lunernl oruion over the [rue of Julian Cesar ' opened I new eld for her drunuic skill, and the relult nu indeed satisfactory, but the finest piece of ectiug-for it In _. L..._l. -....c:..- nll danandnd Drug`:-to To-tixnony Iuuluuu-'a-n-u--pq------- Ill']-l nu luxury at (hut-of` baring In. Hnckottinharoriginaluxdlnillinnp ___.u__:_. .1 nL-|.......... .-ul ndur n!_An- 9 -fI. lIlcl1InI$'urI'uu---n-u-...-..._: rondu'ingol8hIkupoun.u:dmhnr|t.n.n-E; ddvnth, bullut night`: liurnry con- '5 |u-ibutiom van in non excellent, sad I . 7 7, -4 - .._._-|. I..n.. :A.. -3 oh. 9-1.-nu I n UIINIIKKII WIT I1 IIRIIV vnvvnsun-'9 -" ' pve us: nuchbdtar iduof thaulanul .1 Han lulu, Am] the Mil: dance in which VOlllIlIlEll$u!r Iuuuul uni:-sum. ol tho lady, And the Isih dagno AL-- -- gnlonnul In AA:-h And Ill tho I' (lelcnpnou Ul uiu |JI'luIaIu5' `nu. ` Lady Macbeth, commencing with the {eriious letter and ending with the inur- tier of Duncan, King of Scotliunhwith the concluding end meet successful feature, the noinnunbiilintic Icene, in which Mrs. Huckett appmired iu continue, and re- ` burned the ghostly part in e inaniier ELI unique as it certainly was ertintic. The part we hnve Iesn before. but not 3: outlined by Mrii. Beckett, and we the in her movement! thet which givee us a clenrer inlight into the mysterious character in quentiou. In the but act she hiid the assistance of Mr. Taft end Min Nettie Hitchcock, n doc- tor and gentlewouien, respectively. Tuey had but little to do, but thiit little win molt creditably done. (hallaciively we new sulcieiit to convince us of the meri- torious ntaiiding of Mrs. Heckett in her profeuion. We can understand, froml whet we now know of her, why she shine: so brightly u l ntnr of the metro- " ` peliten Itege. In whatever role the mey nppenr ehe mom: to be netiirelly adapted for it. She hu the qualication: for my l position to which Ihe may be ueigned. i The audience last evening appears-l de- lighted; but whet must be the differeiico in the effect when one he: the Iupport of E en eicient company, and in surrounded by the equipege end iieuel peraphreneliei -1 - M-.. \.'..-L thnnln-l Mark these dif- bun mo nnou pwcu u: w-....;-.... .. .... no book tending, wherein I depended upon eloculiun and an oocuionnl geuturo - Ill exhibited when Mn. Hwkott xnva : an .L_ ..I....:.... ....iInu oxmuuou Ivuau nu-. uunuu-u 5.... her description bl the, guilty: I - 1.. Ll....L-n. .~..mmnm-ina lith the by the oqiiipnge Iuu u-uuu p--.p..u,~..-.... ` of: New York theatiul Mark these ` ferencea, and then fnncy the result. We , hope Mu. llackett./lg ntillied with her reception, 5: we, on behalf oi the public, must express our ntinfnctinn with her: perforuieuce. An I former reniilaut of Wnllo Inlnnd, 5: one of ourselves in feet, we glory in her 6l0V|l.lUn, mm trust for better thing: in the future than he: even been renlized by her in the put. 0! the mulic much could be written, but in it neces- uiry? Hardly, and yet we cannot din- pone of our penned reflection: of an on- iertninuieiit I0 planning to in without re- peating for the thousandth time the thanks and glisdnou which have been evoked by the singing of the "ever time- ful Tnndyl." Individually and in duet they lung effectively and in u tine voice -. _. i..... .....- Iuuml them: and we they enucuwiy sun In .. uuv ........ u we hue ever heard them; must nccept the warm and continued ap-~ plisnno as an indication that their popula- rilv in renlly greater thln it ever bu been. Mr. Rechnb Tendy sang in part I. the aria. "Ah me, Light Summer Breeze," (new) and for an encore My Pretty Jane," both being equally acceptable. Mr. W. Tnndgnve "The Slave Ship,'. Ind being recelled lung Heart: of Oak," 5 kind of pntriotic mug which called `forth tbundon oi npplnune. The duct 1 i_,_.v- _ . . . n ... Hpmlu I-nn.Int-ed forth tnunuon or Ipplluuu. luv ....... "Chou-fu|nu\" III very nely rendorod. An encore nu donunded, and the "Sing~ ing Leuon" In rocuived with grant. {1- vour. Mr. Oldhnm and his mchutrn, to Ivhum the public nre indebted for many sun of kindncu nnd cunrtoly, phyod 'ch|rmingly. Mr. Uldhun sccompnnied itha Tnndyn in their pieces; he nllo played I livcly funtuu on the piano, and I-.I n... nmhutn in their Ielectinnl. III u. n. nw Dar Flir. ~ `Yr lmvn been ulling your n-mu dy. Hm \ .-,;u-tine, lor shout three years. Ind lulu pluuura In rm-omlnonulna `n. In our tun lumcrn,uu1 in no lnnuuco when - Mn -1 pnrir not would reach the run. has It our hulod u: -A_ ._ ... -..- |.......l...I-n It rvrtniulf played nvcny mmum u.. ....u ,,......., ....- led the orchutn Sines tho lut nppounnco of thin hand s marked unpruvuunout ha been noticed. A: director of tho musics] dopnrtment Mr. Oldhnm mun be cumpliment upon Inn uucoou. Nu , n .__.__n ..-.I- . gnu-Enl lrin In Um The Pnornpont made I npocinl trip to and {mm the Islands, frum which I Inge number came over to Attend tho amor- tninmont. l{:r|.v.-0ur conlamponry bu bun inlonnod by on who in pnunt that our Iutouont about Ward orpniuliun, in connection with the Catholic Concern- um Auocinticn, in Abooluuly without --4I __ _-- --....--o..I 0.. V I foundation. And IO Ire roqnoou-J to -an by | gentleman who In pnunt u: Inch I thing In only contemplated, uni that I conmltoo Ill utnlly struck to uriko tho nunding committal. Opinion in eonliouu, but to heliovo our inlwnntiolinn nliablou um of not onntonpnry. I! than has been my niuopnnuuliou don the hodon ol the Cnthclu: Ceuoorntivo Anlcistion an nupcdlnlo hr in --&-OO>:_ ` A Pnnntuu Ptonn.--`!'bo Ad- -an.-. nouuioddonholch liloolllam. '0urpChyno, l.A., vbodiodou rho ` mi-nu. at hqhvn, Onurii. Io Ituuddnd to no sisal cnquiry bio tic aha ol thi '3 tin Ihpdlt. Ity,oI,tlo Iatdlgof the `S11 cl Ind. 1 in; 2&1! in (in Council Chnhc. and the enquiry was commenced II 7o'cIok. It. In donull Qpacnd in eolmul for thy hnfuca Company, tho Inspector of an Inn iuucuua an invedigntion. Thus was quite n for citizen: preunt. Ir. Iclmyn npponnd for It. Ru. i 311-. White, am, and owner nun. build- ; ing. deposed u: on the morning of tho i re he In nwnkened by Mn. Cuulinelu, AA... ..-....t.......l1lnn I "` I l } IIIII DI! `OI-ll` uuwss -II-u- --.-...._ ._..., n wee burning in Ray's, which induced him to hue his furniuue removed. He new large volumes of smolseenltting from the burning but noticed nothing peculinr shout the odour of the smoke. It Ill not A hall hour After the tire commenced that hens! Rey, Ihu In dreued u mun]. Mrs. White next new Ray. and liked him how the tire oocurted end he declnred he knew nothing about it. Wit- ness said to Capt. Gnkin that he expect- ed the tire long ago. Mr. Rey hand it. Mr. White intended the! he should. White said this because Rey was more hesvily llllllfrd than All around. Ray had told him that he (R) hed $1,800 on his stock, and he had to`.d Rey thet he hed too much insurance. On Sunday White ml! Rsy Again, and the letter said, could it be posslble the gel could elfect it in that way 4" This vms the only suggestion. On Tueednyor Weduesdny witness found a coal oil cam in the yard; it seemed to line been in the re. He spoke to Ray About the can. but the lat wrinsde no reply. He (lid not know how much stock Ray hxul. He mm in I W ., .._..|. i...:..... M... 0`.-. and mi ' he uvuenou Dy mu. vuu-uv--, lnnd on going down ail`! {ound tint I 5`--4 -.. Sunni-a in R1"; jhjch wo;I|d rose]: huhwd oltol no cure to our knowledge` I! certainly In the Mr [1-Iul ullra ox rnenavuorn. Kupcallullv. E. I. HIIEPIIEBD & C0. Drupuiau. It Vernon. lil I- -..|.......u.A.....| nu .II Inn: neuvln