Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Apr 1878, p. 4

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JUST }xmvso`: \ _.._.;..._.__ Gtluol Cou1um..-- l'hou will to ,_ ,. .. _ n ____u_ n-u-..n-..-.n.. .----0-1o---- MI Onn.-Tin ulnrtiuuent of ..._.,__.|:...._ .A,..... I......._ 9.. L. In in Luv POI. HlNl.~The (lananoque Re- porter haa been looking into the law for hene. lt aayu: There are two claeeee of people et thin time of year very much in- teratetl in the law relating to bone. The acting Magiati-ate, in almoet daily. asked by one olaae, "Have people a right to keep hene to eoratoh up other people`: gardeml" And by the other clan, Heve people a right to kill other poople | henal" The reply to both queriee ie, that there in no epecial law oenaerning hone; il a garden in damaged by hem, the own- er ol the hone in liable (or the damage; end if a men kill: another man a hene, he will be liable for damage, to the value of the lolle killed. Going to law in thil matter lead: to we wits. and the owner ol the (owl: will be likely to get the want of it. So the Magiett-ate`: advice is, keep the (owl: et home ! _.-.A. -Londou Adurtizev : "There seem: to be quite burden lifted from the shoul- ders of Kingston Oonse rntiveu by the announcement tlntldr. Cnrruthers not intend to be Acandidate at the next eloc- tiun. That mnkeait look a little euier for them, though they are by no means satised that it in easy enough yet." -~-oOo Hon Anu:.-Tbo Bermr up Mr. J. naoomun, ol Cluhvillo, bu racont- od the horn utolon {tom ii: Mable on Tundoy night 0! la: week. On tho owning ol the day shut it Ill salon, it no into tho pnmiuo cl Mr. Perry Wnllnuu, Iron lowudn Kiupton. nak- iu with uni. Upon tho lllilll Ian ........A ._.. L... I.I.-|..o. ....l . uh]; W - WW3 `'I:-`._ Zl- C FCC - upnsd. his appeal Nut the aid, for the honor ooncndnut of hi: booty, hdliod it to I tuointho Ioudl And hlnahud it to protect it pcopotly. and that the pony, Incoming notion. broke lb but Ind not to-ovnnl. -.:o-1o--i- I.-\ h..1IIT'IUW USU IVUII Ill` Qlghdlglho hth Innivclury of Ilohltition dlll Lodgo,I.0. 0.'.,iIt&city.|Io llcluvill gt. hnlvboutvbnthiinlr Ihdclu, Dodtcot, M102, hwi 11%, No. loan .n ,_ -;-n ,n _~, . NEW DIN/'0 STOKE. Inrket liqpre, Corner of lung and llrotk streets. Anrll 8. . l|W- -Mn. ~'l|lIiun, of Kingston, rou Iron hot bod on tho availing of the 10th, but on reaching the oor, loll dud." Bo no-Ipuper moounu go, but In know nothing 0! the circumstance. _n... .-nut--nnnrgrv Anon rm! like its IIOBIIIIII 0! Nu! utuum-wuw. --0ur contamponry does not like its -bluqden to be msde sppuent. We ul- xuit. bur psper conuiun errors, but we do not nuke 1 business of parading our knowledge or comparing ourselves with the n....-.L I...I..l..-. nl nd : m-anl.nran-hIn|. Mr. J. L. Morrison, President of the Kingston Street Reilwey Company, has returned home After his nearly three months` tour in England, Irelend, Root- lend snd Freeoe. He was et the greet meeting in Hyde Perk, London, et which the greet riot oocurred. He etood et the outskirte of the moving mass, end new the movements but heervl not e word thet wee said. It wee at this meeting, celled in the intereet of peeoe, thet the our party triumphed, thst Bredleugh wee cudgellod end escaped in I ceb, end other exciting scenes occurred. This event Mr. Merrieon would not llIVO-lI)llI- ed for e good deel. He visited eeverel plecee of amusement, end here the pub- lic feeling wee indexed by the kind of progremmes preeented night after night. In every plsce the tocein oi wer wee sounded. In concert halls petriolic songs were very popnlnr. At one piece plrtioulerly the the line, "We've got the men, we`ve got the ships, And we've got the money. too," were loudly cheered end applauded. Mr. Morrison says he sleo visited Peri: end the new exhibition buildings, which he believes to be much ner than thoee of the United Btetee Centennial. He re- porle thst the Oenediens Ippeer to he further advanced then my other: in the we; of reedinese for the opening. Alto- gether Mr. Morrison hse enjuyed his trip very much, end seems to hsve been beneted in heelth ne well es in other respecte by it. III VIII] UWXD. uyvu nu: -cu-a Icnppod two hone blnhu uul 3 1 .-no-1| Iii-nnnnnnAdLhAlI.hAI -Iv-un u-vvu, -o unuv, .,.uvc....`ui man ommnyi-vu-I.I-u-th-r -i-'*-*- tqhuunvu-yin -oi-`huh thodty. Iov.It.Jdivi|l will ----o---- -`-AlulundBIun,npd10,hdhin` Nthnd Iugtbyoloollhoouluuwa Udhotllglgliunyllflhuohvill boldd ` 'ItPICIoI' lb third Wodundnyin lay. ~- _ nsphguprbudn an nadyto gffm VQItonisukrsdnIc- ` duifiu lulyonrontho lmhofay ` bysPitIbnrgnooN!. --1'h (Iunuwqno Village Council in ; Eyotlndocidcllbout u pnrohu oi: 3.. .n..i.- Nu I angina in still than I 7,`CTXWX1llIlI III ylllwu-I vvu n angina. No. 1 angina is still than Avdting Insults. ,_1\- ...|... llnlno-in, at l'iat.oh_ In. -'lllU Ilnuuuv 1-tux nu ua-u -v Hunting: rill return no nombon in support of Bclonn gnd honest Gunm- wuung ruunu. -110 och. Uwtario, of Piston, Inn boon purohnod by M1`. H. E. Held, 0! n_u..;u. .g....gi..n, `u nrim add in DfllDvIllUp -I -ovum Ina. comic 01,000. TL- II_l--in 9- None other In Gouulne. Illnllh-n.luvnhII.I87I. -Mr. Tlnomglhrko, of Pittsburg, nhipped on Wodnudq n tsttod ox" which tutnod the nodes at 1,935 lbs. It VIII 3 Kingston dnler for _,,,.- - @011 plllwi U uni. u. u. uvu-on-, -u Bcllovilh, it Motion. The price [add in _-:- s_n.'. at Ann Knovueugeur Uulnpurlug uuuwu cu wluu luv "moot halpleu of God's creaturcI-lunn- tics. " x.o.o.1r.- .n._A L.1__ AL. IlE'|'UINlI'.D IIOIH. IL. 'II I) oreuon onneeomn; "uveum my, I number ol the leedie Proteelent clergy of this city net, end eoided to nee their inuence withtheoteuue body, in re- gerd to the waiving oithe Inlet . right to walk in pmeeutou on their anniver- ury Key. Accordingly A petition nu dnemeelin; Iheoruugenen not to hue e preoeenen' on the ground that it would leed to no good result. TMI petition he been very exleueively eigned, our infuri- utetelieglhetneuly ell the neuee ul the Proculenl obfg-ee in loungi- eueng them eevenl ulu-ee--ere mm. It beebeeeeelno the Outage Order, and will nose up for dheneeiun at the next meeting 0! ch:comy1.;.- Wu. j. 1 Hum nrjlgnutoad Lot. __..o1o>_. hmnuuou nu IIoull.-AIou| Ch Int od Pope Pun IX. no 8: -nnlhh nnunlaliabloduuddooem III llidnptd Io IIC Uulouc run: `E50080 A-uiauoo, known to "Tho at the Onn. `ho _'tion ol IIIKII cl oun- yin - ya:-,@poIIuIn ;lb8h` lnsul IUI u unvv wvvnn ,nn.-nun nun. The Echo edde that et twelve o'clock the young~old-follu--hie reverence and ledy-toolr the trein for New Yor|r,where end et Boeton, they intend to spend the honeymoon until the let proxilno, when they will return, and Mr. Craig will then he regularly inducted into the church there an it: peelor. j-ooo-:-- In UUUIUII III.` WIIIUII IIU l|rl'JI.I|l\.0I4 Rev. Dr. Freser, the missionery to the Islsmi sf Formosa, where. he hes been engeged in Christian work for more then three yeers. He seid he hed been brought here by the Ladies Missionary Associs- tiun. Of Chins he said it Wes the lsrgest country in the world with its trihutsries, and the Chinese were the most interest- ing Hestlien people that he knew of. Besides its size it was is land of most im- posing beenty. oonteining mineral and sgricultursl weelth to en elmcst unlimit ed extent. He geve stetietios nf this. The Chinese, egsin, were e very intoller- snt sect, so intullersnt thst it amounts elinost to en indifference. There was e greet vsriety of religions. but the uni- versel worship of the Chinese people is the worship of the spirits of their own deed, end there is scsrce- ly s household but hes in own elter. Though I shrewd busi- ness people, the Chinese really ima- gine thet the spirits of the deperted came back to esrth end dwelt in smell wooden xtures, and these form the objects nf their worship, in other words, these be- come their Gods. What tesy be seid of the spirituality of these people msy be ssinl else of their moral ,condltinn A women occupies the some piece in Chine es in my other country. The birth of e femele child into the fsmily is considered sgreet misfortune. He [eve en interest- ing ecconnt of the wey the feet of the Chinese women ere kept smell, giving as the only reesen that it is feshionsble in Chine. He slso entered into e very lucid eooenet of the wey the merrisge ceremo- ny is celebrated. The schools end native Chine women ere doing In good work in bresliing down the old customs thet to s very greet extent preveile throughout Chine to the present dey. His clesing remarks were tehen up with cellii.g on the people to give lergely to the work, not to dishonor God hy e gift thst we won't miss ourselves. :-_.-j--..._._- fnvllbhouuuds ' W Iconk. Lax man. has I. `hjlhlh ml -Cl . EUILVXE IIIII Illin HIV)! Munich, Toronto; Mann. W. B. ` and J. B. Malnrrich, Toronto; Rev. Dr. French, Bergon,N. J; Mr And Mu. Hindhnugh, Ouwogu, N.Y.; benidn army from New Yuri, Kingston, etc. The gucutl from Nnpnnoo more Judge and Mn. Wilkinson. Mr. and Lin. B. M. Dorooho, Mr. And KI-I. H. B. Sherwood: Dr. and Mn. Rnttan, Dr. And Mrs. Brintol, nnd Ru. Mnnnd Mn. Young. Tho wedding nuppor was bid furth with I profusion and -splendor mrreaponding to the elepnco thut chsracterized the whole of the proceeding: Attoudnnt on the occasion. The bride III the happy ro ceivcr of very muny clognt and cootly pruontu, among which in: I complete can-net in uilver, from I friend in Albany. A complete nilvor not of cutlery Ind Ipoonn, oonuinod in I lnndsomo rune- nood coo lined with pink satin, In the present. of the parents 3f the bride. The hunbnnd'u present In: I pair of dis- Inond oarrinu. Shortly after the sup- por, the wedded party took the morning train for I three Inch wedding tour. mL.. DJ... -..|A. AL-o -6 p_-I.... .\'..lm.l. Lnt evening there In an interesting meeting of the Woman : Miuiomry Au- nocinion in Chimera Church. Princi- pal Glut. presided and gun n short ne- count of the missionary work at present. carried on by the Prenbyterinn Church in Canndn, aftur which he introduced 'D-_ `I'\.. `la`.._.._ AL- nn:a-:n-la-G on (Kn D03. `*5 C, II VIIW OK Ullll Ulll be the dcrhnslth nulu of I strut` colo- brotion o thoconing 'l`womh July." I nu-Ian of the Indian Prolnunt ah:-xnr lcnou Culun. Ant! 9, 71. II. I. I. NW1: Doullr--l Inn and ynur Vcgulnn tor and nmto-4 o-unuaum-noa.na' uhgnn-. Inna-ncsdhglnonll ...n.- ...-- n ....z.. 5.. glmnd IZTTWX ijqjb Cindi: ndud oliiilo cord:-I ilk, ptiuun potato, Irinucl with kuilo pldtinpand Bonito: lug. full nil sud vrholorlhp Hun-_s. at jewel; Ion dnply Ijnvilznt pgir cl dim -nnJ ngi_-inn: ll`... `nah: Rnthhnn -and Cu`-rilgl. H38 Inniu Rnthhnn m dread in can. nun-son. .|.um.:, unsound with loan`, and won 3 nil. Thu. won beside: hnny nugnilocnt toiloh Inn by otlurldiu prank on the occasion. Tho In-idogroon III mppurul by his bmthor, Ilr. Cruig. and inInodi- ably that the common] In onncludd, u ueoption was hold at tho iesidouo of the kids : fnlhor, at which IbOIl_| A hundred `nun Inn pnunkdl `Anon; the goat: IUII uupny u `IIVIIXUI pf vu su-' nu-aunt nan: run "I and fl. E I -1 Zj -U:unIu-, -{nut cu` Hon. John Heinrich. . us-.`h-en. smug quad :- w.n.u.u.,x...., hmthroltlso Thohridovuhuguihlyand uwyu. u..a `.- - 3...`. -1 -|.|.. ...ul.4l -III: `mac n. lmlnlhhl. In-. olil` Point. `lhcuu-tugs pudotoodiu uuo-i.nchuh.by:u.r. 1.3-mu, nan-,.-u.asyn.ne.rnun. did;-,l.J. rluuuuuuu -an us-.uuu.`n.u.s.., auuhnu. Ma. 11;. u-s.n n.u..a.|. .|....u...o V Awme. sm1,RD4. A1. RIL, 13.-.1-37$ Sono `wank: I'D, in `in: of whnt night 1. (In dcnluslo unit: Appeal to orange-`:.. (III [N ESE IHSIONS, had a! cum can rule lo! no Iuupul hutch. ch nu-up cdgln of the coulo being 1, Anorial and Caulk: bayou nu poo. unt whowlho Ion Icighd, and coo pmlmh ash. A anchor of . VEGETINE. Drugoto To-unnonr John ShAnnon,tha tuchor who hu Ind chnrge of tho Moyanburg school uinco tho he at Jnnnnry, cans to Cnnpbollu ford on Woduudny and pnrchnod I ro- volvcr, u be aid, for the purposes of shooting ulnirreln, but it appear: hit in- tention II the limo in to shoot 5 onng girl, on of his pnall, nsuod rthn Wynn, tlnnghtor of `In. Wynn. Bhu- nun, About noon ouhrdny, Inland Wynn`: noulonoo I uhd for tho gltl, And, on being told the III up shin, do- hbonhly wont up and Ind two ungu- ona bnlloc coloring tlu about and the ache! in the bnnu. TIIO lirl II III I very critical slow, but hopes no onunnlnod ol ho! recovery. The bnlluta no not yo! Cnmn you llnuun --an. a. r, wu- orohl Iron Phonon coo Iudnd uulounublot the lawn! ....u.a. 25. "um: nhln obo extruded. Bbumonia about 40 and In and is in bolioud but wile ring. Ho gun hu man: for chanting the girl; the he in in [on with hot, but on he could no: ......-u hnr In ingdd In about in Mad in Ion with not, but in coma not Iurry bar, In indel to shoot how than an Iinull. 80 was u-rated. cerheld. M9,; Mmon Juneu, norms, 11. Y.; J. E. Mlllor, Bridger Smtion, VVyo.`, J. U. Mernman, Logunlport, lnd.: M. M. Post. L'>ganlpul'L. lud.; J. W. Bailey, `Fremont, l u.; H. B. Ayrea, Ln Porto, 1nd,; Jessica M. Sean, Ft. Hmnoh, lnd.; L. Wnlliams, Canton, Mo. ; W. A. Thnyer, Onarga, III.; S. B. Nichol-, Jr.. Gal- veston, Ten; Jena: F. Rainert, Stnnum ville, Pl. ; S. W. Lunk. MoFnrl-md,Wia.; Juhnuun Willisml. Helnuck, Ohio, Mn. M. A. Currey, Trenton, T;-nn.; J. G. Joalin, Keene, N. H.; A. J. Caper. Table Rock, W. Vn.; Louis Anders, Gay- spurt, Ohio, 0. H. Uhaae, Elkhnrt, Ind.; Mrs. Honry Hnighl, San Frunciaco, OIL; Mn. E. M. Gnlluahn, Luvreuceville, N. Y.; W. J. Grahsm, Adel. Iuwn; A.0. Smith, Newnnm 03.; Cu. E. Rice. Baltimore, Md ; Jane M. Sean. Carlule, lnrl.: Dnn'l B. Muller, Ft, Wayne, lnl.; Mr-. Minnie Amaine, 290 Dslwoy Street, New York; H. W. Hull, Hutingn, MIch.; Wm. F. Mnrntnn, Lowell, Man; I. W. Rubens, Marie:-pa, Ann; Chu. S. De- laney, Hnrriaburg, Pa.; M. C. Colo, Low- ell, Mum; Mrs. C. J. Spurtin. Cnmdeu, Aim; Chm. F. Kuv. Fredenoktown, Ohiu; Min. Lucy Hunter, Fnrmington, Ill.;Cnpt. E J. Spaulding, Cymp Sum. bauxb. W_V0~; I. `V. Tracy, Steamboat Rock, Ion; Mrl. Lydia Wsite, Shuuhan, N Y .1, M. Pack. Junction C|tv.Mnnt.: Hock, loan; Nlrl. hymn Wane, unuuhan, N. Y. ; J. M. Puck, CIty,Mnnt.; Henry Ebe, Bantu, Cal.; L. P. Cum- mingn, Rantuul. Ill. : S E. Junol, Chu- leuun Foul` Cornen, N.Y.;Goo. F. Hull, Puebio, CaL; Wm. E. Bnrtrie, Stprling, Pm; H. H. Ebon, 948 Ponn Stroo,Pittu- burgh, Pu; J. R. Jwlrmnn, Samuel`: Depot, K_y.; Henry Zobriut, Geneva, N. Y.; Min Hnttie Pnzrott, Montgomery, Ohin;L. Lodbrook, Chnthnm, IIL; S. B. McCoy, Nuhport, Ohio; W. W Warner, North Jackson, Mioh.; Miu Mnry A. Winno, Du-ion, Wit; John Zoigler, Cm-liale Spnngn, PL; June: Tompkins, St. Cloud, Minn.; Ennch Duor, Puvneo City, Nsb.; Juuph T. Miller, Xenia, Ohm; S. H. Nioholn, Glnenton, Tan; H. L. Laird, Upper Alton, HL; John Duin, Prescott, Ari: ; Mn. Nancy Grnhnm, Forelt Cove. Oreg. 1:: me money 1 m utnar, sure: -Uul. Shepherod, I ntirod U. S. Army oioer, has been found guilty, by a Court Martial, of neglecting to pny over hourly 82,000. contributed by hi: brother oicer, in 1864, for I monument on Stone River bnttlo ground. The Preuident hu Approved the Ioutence, which in conne- ment for one your And thoroalter. dntil the mwney in paid. ---no-o+---:-- For nearly I quarter of I century Dr. Sage : Onsrrh Remedy bu been Acknow- leligo by the people as a punitive cure for nll cutnrrhnl abctioul. It: grout. popu- larity with physicians and psliems, to- gether with in constantly increasing ule, attests, in srgumuma stronger than words, its healing power. If there be general ur nervonn debility And improver- iahed blood, Dr. Pierce`: Golden Medicnl Ducovery should be used in connection with the Cnnrrh Remedy. The following nlmod pnrlien no Among tho thouund who lino been cured of cuurh by the use of Dr. Sago ! Catnrrh Bomody: A, F Onwm. Nu! Genavn. PA.: D. J. Mr. H. R. Suva. In... In. _III_. I. .m of Ur. Hugo L`n.t,Arru bomody: A. F, Gowns, New Genovn, Pm; D. J. Brown, St. Juleph. Mo.; E. C. Levin, Ruthlnnd , Vt..; Lavi Springer, Nettle Lake. Ohio; Chu. Norcrup, North Olin- terlield. M5,; Milton Junel, Scrlbn. N. V -J l`. Mlllnr. Bridnar Sutinn. \Vvn.: [H0 DOIFQ I0!` I Wll DODGE. PICK. -An Athletic Ipecimon of the Emonld Isle called on 3 whnrnger for A job. `The top o the morniu to ye, Minter P. I've been told that ye'ro in wunt of h.`p4` '1'vebmliulc to do.` replied P., with reluctant. gravity. `I'm the very boy for yeeu! It`: butlittlol cure Ibuut doing; it : the I'm nlther, lure! -Uul. Shanharad. I mlircd U. -11: none Iuaonln wnotl. '10 dun I'IBOlO50,&l ne'er but NH. and tuned up hotnou in potlluii ||"' M the gig] who last noon ! 1&3 M3 warn. ' ` uuna nu 7U|I I II-I IIII pouch do: of III h3lfIl l1.|.Cl.. Eh `format in oltilllhd at UIOJIXMIX). Ho bogtll Hf: um nnronnm ms and Iain. After auunua u uu,uuu_uuu. no noun un- uul Ontwuloao-ooh-ahr. lovetll nilonuio h-uinoo ho iuonud I alto that undo hit forums. -'l`hn Inadgr claim: that it `n unknow- bux now nanny vouon mvo been cut. -'I`horo III once I wonnn who uid she wanted the board whereon bur dud husband : body VII hid made into a bench to she could sit on it and mourn forever. 8:: week: afterward she Ill married to Inuthor nun. Tnon nho took the board for wuh bunch; Fact. _ A n .n.l..H.. .mu.:...... nf oh- |r...-..m - "'.'_'iT. $"'r..'-....-3 c.;:~s.......-1... duzdnnl 3 livoudb four at lot --`l'Ih iutio hdiouui hitlon. who worn. -.-A Innhrof hats: in the ulglbor l|oud_ 0! Bull Inn bun stacked with I portal pnnlygin ol tip hind qurton. AI uxporionand nhnnuy uujoou bu ptuaonlod thoonuu his conpuion oi thokidnoyu. -::K;l';II , ol NoI;I:o'I-krooully I80 I 0 poster 3... his fu n.l.t:n.. mu an nun mt fol-tuna. -'l'ho 111$!` China that it il Unknow- lodnml by Amado... luuiliu -ma uh. I nroureu of thin own citing. tint no cit! [wagon Ivy Anenouu mmnu tun mo I prognu own cities, that city In the lawn, liddlo at Southern Sun: hu thorn during the In: low your: look sign! of month nnd unto:-id pro-potilv u Toronvo. __ R...o..-. in. - -4.4.0 _-s--A..l Inllno- unnuuq -u. - um... I: Acknowledged b all clan: of up he tho moat relhsblo b pnrllor In t I 1'0:-onvo. -BoIton hu 1 rooont puontod bullet.- box, to pl-aunt fnudulont voting. Evoty ballot in rogintarvd on being dopolited, and, by nnmo internal mechanism, ono mun loan by gure: on tho outnido of the box how vole have been cut. -Than Ill anon A woman who _--'!`|nloqYcru&,o Pnqtuu uuhbogsyuunun nihalhndl cllulo. -AoolnIyoll1huiliuhuuIivdnt W5-nip`, canola lot the hills lo- klonl`. - C1m.u llouub --Xx. J. P, Wis- ...o.a..J..4| ln_ P:-mu an Inulnl Ill unconaugua nu. indium, mu-a.|..1.|.. 5.: ..-.1... horn. A Cloud of Witnesses` coo lm! for love. lrnintwaunxsmml OLD IDIIBUIOH-Boll; unubuou of EM: hubvclbaluolln nu Etcilnp Ihollourlof lid bha Tb Wyllol the I@Q`v|I[II.&O.,U]dIIHl wuau. LLD ves. . . ..........ca.u lunar. Image! on rukou H I-gnu. II .I. all : Itvyd In rutvu I nglul. 0| ll. l&|h |Ion|duIbW|eol...,.._......% Iunuvo Pnyhnlly Pcuhu. ......OI Vinny. Iooothlnol Ibo cduhddimcl In. In. rnpum ny II. I. snvnss. Boston, nu-.. 0001001 IIOTITIO P550` utlxlblkil. CoIlu'oIpooohauuFnoTrndonIdl`in|Ial Il. AhoIll:IInnuuIAyb|uIu III I008! AIINIIQ DAILY. Hagnolia Sugar Oured Burns. The Imperial Hams, Oansdian Sugar Onred Hams, Boll Spiced Bacon. Boneless Bacon. Leaf Lard in 21b. 1.lb. & 1-21b Tins. Leaf Lard 1n Tennntl, Dried Beef, fresh Butter in Rolls, Dairy Butter in Tube, XXX Putry flour, family llour. Ont Meal, Pot Barley. Hominy Fresh Ground. Tomatoes, very ne. Green Pen, Green Oorn. Dried Applel. Pickles, Sauces. Potted Ilene. to, n. --.. unnu- Cu;-rmx.-Bowue of Any mun who offer: you an imitation nrlicla, no nutter what it in, and up it in at as good u the gonuineg they sell all kind: ol nham romediu" in this way u an the reputation of the Pnin Killer- 0 Iuro and gel, the genuine, made by Plant DAV!s. ---.~o< . J. ll. lsuulnson, r.sq.. ax. auuu, n.u. Du Sir,-EarIv in Och-In-r hut I took 5 severe cold which settled on my lllnxpt. Afaer hnving ; bu] cough for nbnul. nu weeks. I Ind a Mary severe Attack of bh-c--lin from thv-. Iungvx, whilu on I pauuunge fmm Que-euMtuwnl.n 1)n\ er`. Hmd dnily wall nl Mu-4-ding fur s-um: ls-ya, until I lust nbnuv. two gnlllxn uf hlood. nml wu npalho of NI-1-ding fur luys. :0 weak M to he scuoely nhle tu :-mud. 1 put back toQueomnown. where I received nuch mo- dicsl auintuxcauellshlnd me to get home. I nwm Advertisement of vour Phuwhoriud suintuxcauellshlnd home. I nwm your I'hua nhoriud Cod Liver Oil Emuldon In a paper. immo- diately sent and got. half I dozen l.-onlrn, Lfter taking which I {ml mymlf .1 well man again. My weight, which wu rcrluoavl tn I20 poundl, in now up to my usual ucanclnnl of N12 poundl. Seeing what it IIM done for me. I mm eon- dantl recommend it. to otlu-rs nfim-tml Wm: lnnu 1| nuns: Your: very truly. (Signed; Jnsmu Iluwun. 0!` tha him In "Marv boww Lon." Pro I only by J. I. Rnmxsos. \'hc-mitt 81.. J0 n. N. 13., and In!` sale by Drugginu Ind (k-nm-ll Dz-nlera Pri:-c $1.00 per hotlla; nix John. male hy Druggiuu sud General Dz-nleru 81.00 per homo; bottles for 85 00. - ~ House and Lot av Aucnou: ___...`._j_ Tun Ruucoma Ira now at pence, And the hotels have hurl their "Inr." Tho rauult u! this recent cutting of n?-cl.uI hotel rate: in New York leaves the Grand Central in the Ind, with rules one And two dullui per day l--wot than the rest. -ooo---- -- -.u~---- -- Tosllnullnl l nn)l`apuln Joahua llnl-peg. nckvillo. N.B . Fol) I3, I877. J. I]. Ronucson, Esq. St. Jnhn, N.lI. 1).. Rh _l1'..n-Iv in n.-r..I..-r huh. I am]: I dantl lung Ira GOLDEN_1`GROCERY| Brent, Pneumonia, Wl'|00pIn.' Uougn. lc., who hue no personal lanuwlodun of Bacchus`: German Syrup. To much In would ny that 50,000 duzan war. no!!! lnu your withmlt one complaint. Cou- aumptivu try jun one home. Rania` Inn 75 cents. Go to your druggml, Heath & Gunn, and Henry Wale. And ID by Ill drugyina. W, -.. ,_-__ .__ Seeing In Ba-llerlug. If Indie-I who do nut. use the frnnrnnl. 9020120141` will compare teeth with than who do, they will 3-0 in an iultnnt more reasons for Adopting it than can he com- preesed inm n newspaper plrngraph hllodontiuly. lfyouanlhndluiudinu doubt utovlutpnllltto niI- the rut. Ifyou on not} lnndladmryusd nit: tho wind. lllll mo Inna. Uysuu uhouldhourt out with I up droning u! had onnho and plum- tully -non-L `Flu oyuur Iichun i! not round, dthuugh in lruuauo in iI~ canal. ` CK. . (Mme bronchus nhnold bust out and the broddu: tabla. They mod gun can and nunti--o, honour. to ho than Inn running into the bum an Ino- llllu. Wuh than tell -woo I dq with Iunpand IIEQP.-1\'\D Yank Gmphic. 000w?-ow-cv _ n ur--In-Inc lII'--III ll. make: an dilfuronco hm: many Phyuicinm, or how much uudicino you have mod, is in now un rulblluhvd hot that (hmmn Syrup in the only umody which hu given osnpluu ulinfnoxiuu in liver: can of Lung Dianna. It in In-no than no you lhounndanl person: who the prodiapucerl tn Throat Amt bun Af- footionu, Ooulutnpliun, Homo" cpl, Anthnn, Severe Oulds union! on tho Brent, Pneumonia, Whoupin; Cough. ta. Ihu hum nu ourmnnl linuwlodun C.A.`U'TIO II. :1. ll. mum-. Dear Ilr,-Wu luvs boon nlng your remo 0!. 150 Vrntiuo. lor shoal three ynn. I-ltd his [:10 mum Ill ro~onmond|ag It lo our eun- unuern. sud |n no huuneo Ihvc nblo rd pnvi~ u would reach the cum. ha I: over fnlh-J to olou scan to our kuowledco. ` It certainly 5; IIIO vu phu ultra on nnovuon. lleopootlully. "AA _ W . '. 49'-T ; 1 ? A '*"*`-***-="`**~.-.;~:`.e:. _30INIIutlt|iInuIh. '*"o..:':'..&'1. ..':* % .d.'?u"-.` haw:-yhght an. It you In nine u wind. I inc-.. .|.....l. April I9, 1873. ro EASTER THE FAR-FAIED KENTUCKY IICII I'll! 'l'0-IMY. A llonuhbh Runll. ._A.,, , .|:u-_.__- L-.- MynTJ'i fo1.'a}cu. moon truly. Jn "wt 30 & OI d1`nnabp1I_:slluo Iuaulwtul udhnuiuylcn. nu unoulnuu no uoocllu. ucuulhn u4|ohIooho|nuIpuII'uoAC ' flonuunao-:(II-out Tundt WouI'l::n.:odcnnpHl:`:r?|bofId' . ug:`Lr&o||{I G and I w 1 at ' .u'5' A"c"`s3'a'5 AIIO $1-ov'3I.-nu .ulpnbo'c:'q:Lrlu: ?:n'-'-`c`c n'2"nin':'r'hr 7'w'3'H'-'u"r1:'n'u'r'n'l1':'3"o'5a"-'Fi's'v '11 ounv. JXMV-TKh`VhN` '5- Z. PRIVOIT, _-A... ---n1 3.4-L-Q n`: AA; Cg`; --- 77T'8, SPRING. "78 was mivm {at mun um 31:01:31" a FE ?lT...`Q Ejj wli I HAVE JDIT IICIIVID A IPLIIOID AII'll'l'lll'l' 07 CDOTIII. TWIID nu Wound Ooouqginloh for sub. llntllll and non mam-c tn -vm ollall II 3. guy. WnI.8T:|I)'0\ :4 hY..`:;ota& and U1|g&.mq|:Inn Worms: Tyyw `Ow Oi [Q m MD I I M rmcuumn nodal: chuhahuuuuuuuunnot-uni THI IILLINERY SHOW BOOKS wlll open to-marrow. tluurdnny, the 30tln,wlth nll tho ls- hot In E: Huh. Amorloon and Pulabu Ill.) Ion` A great urluvu! TPEKN lJl)NNE l`1 and HATS. EW CABl E|ln ll-In . Wqol Tspumy and Bnuoola. New Floor Oll (flow. Hana (lolobnud lhgllnla FLOOR OIL Ni! Y: with Engluh and Aumrlcuu Oil Cloth from 37c per yard. Ilunr Ullclollu and neon Ilttlmu. DLB.-Kooolvod so dny -another lllpply of the 50 cent mpod Silk. A. R.()SS, Inch '23, Ila. B8 Prinoou Street, opponiu the City How). 7" 7 _A_____m_______>______,_ _____ !- UTI-T Olll READY-IADE! lEPAI1iE_Ill1' |8 HOW GOHPIITEI WI All OIFIIIIO: lulu h.-om $5.00 to 15.00. Dug lulu fr 14.00 to 18.00. on` omll Wm] Pant: frmn II `M on K n / III "iI`jf IIUEI `Lilli Uu U.\IU ORDER WORK WI All IAKING A IPECIALITY. 2' Our cnzw, Mr, |.(o|no.|. bu (hon nolltlootlon la ull than who hnvo (inn him 3 trial. 2 \l-llAI1ll`l'(lIl Ir (`'0 up. nlgolna llllllf IAIIIAIII 1. AL. -L-_-n... ,n.. 11.-...- I11 [nun xlliluuulll In Ill snub wuu nuvu .IVIIl lulu I vml. ll Ke)lAUGlI`l'0N I. C0. nu olnu OBIAT IAIOAKNI In Ibo sbontioodn. Pnrtloo nqurlng in Good: In our lune will Ind It to tboir ulnnup to jive In 3 call COME ONE I 0081! ALL! Fl NIW YOIK, Wlno lnoouol II` I. AT KINOUFON (`.--ash: n In |O|h. A1 'I'II NEW YORK 9_]_._O_Tl-IIHO Q1705: FEE SE ARRIVALS ALEXANDER. ROSS _.____,_, ...., -...,......,.. .. ...., ...v-..- - -vuu; llOHIJl`l|lIrlIJll' And would solicit I call (rural mint)-:l|l`Vlll0O tho: ttgzuzciwlry-vlrloly and lownuh of price CI40l`llS, lblngonuls, Worsted Tweeds, Gent : Furnishings. * iMcNAUGHTON & co. Cor King& Princess Sts. Wu have a Large and mind Stock of Bandy-Mada Ulothlng. AND GlN1'LIMIN'3 FURNISEING GOOD} TO 8314301` PROM. lurch H. ' C. W. W. ANDERSON. Hangar` OUR B'l`()CK WILL BE COMPLETELY ASSORTED ABOUT THE I. -Tn INSTANT when we would roquoorlntnndlng purohuero lo Ball and Examine our stock Bafora Purchasing Elsewhex-e. I`. I. OOUSINEAU as 00. Spring Stock Now Gomplie! b.A.'I' VVA.LDRO]Sl"S. All Goods at Lower Prices `Ilium Ivor olerod Before 18 NOW SHOWING THE CONTENT! OB` Eighty-Five Packages of Dry Good: of Ivory Description, frnru evorvbodv to convince them than fur vnrlnlv um I..-...... ..r ....a... CEEAP ELOTEZING _ H H , , JI7I`|' IPLIIDID AIIIITIIIT 0' Cl/JTIII. TWIID null! men uqvltlloll Ibo wont-so co u emu. "Slum mm. mm .:1~.....n...|.unh.Inunl.uhptn.I Ilulndalounnul Doaln; The People s Clothing House, 2 1 Brock-st., CHARLES LIVINGSTON. -- u --u---vu-u N.B.-PnrtIu puro|Ium;TIruda from no to Iuako at boumlvlll out 00 It freon! ohu-go. -.__....._.._.__..__ F. x. cousmuu & co's. mvnlo rownaun not cut I1ll7"I1 ' ' I 1 oonu xvu anon on 1 ~ IIIIID To 00 lC1othingatPricesNaverBafon0EIndin!ingston. mmhmmmqxgqiguumnutggnmw luv-wt--pIIIQ-Ij |.nI.bhu0vuqu-an lath Oohoanuiulllfbvulbollu W hhpoqlnl CG jdluhlun ltbdudnmb &I1.InnIIuhu lxhn. Ibv bihcpinduuqdylohoovuu. .. ` WI DAV lPEOPLES'BL_T_lNGHUSE If OIDII WORK I: udnu-nun A Pllllfltrl` l Domnuom cnornma 3 runs, ------o`,o._--- OUR .3P.3J!Y._T9_9K '3 NOW T9 AND! .- . .-.-~`. v-'v.- .- .-vv. .v --...~- HIV And having A I`lBS'l`~CLASS CUl`l'Eilhw?l3rron|u uthlhoclon to all Ihmu out:-unlug _ I I ordon April 2, 1878. -3-3: -_.._.__ Now I. the `mac to Leave Your 0-`den for Gull: sult- New Turns, Gray nnd Stool Deluge Dru: Hood: at No. Win, zoo and 3-50. New Camel Bslr D1-on Good: at 20a. `25 and No. Cheap Fawn. Gray. am! and Brown Cuhmorea. Uhenpent All Wool Blmk Cuhmeru ever - Herod n we. Mo, 7013, 750 and 900. Ulaon Union Hlwk Cuhmema It `be. -110. (life, 400 III! 500. I00 p soon New American Prlnu st be. 2:00 plooaa Hoyle`: Pnll-- fut color: at I00. 300 wool Bonlnlzul English l nnu-Chap. 50 men Cheap Sun Umbrella. wuth Cu and Chuln. $0. 300 place: New Fnnev Drou Goods at Igi: lac, Illa, No R! `Ind 300. New Knickerbocker brou Uooda 5! I9 I- , mo. Wand 35. ' Coupes: Buck Bulk: ovorncrad at Min. 9-Co 750 and I. Pouun I Black Gm: Grnin-saI.Iu D-`Imah- I. QL25, 4.50, 01.7. : and 02.00. l'\ IIIAI I\f\lI lAI'I I rt II (Next Door Io:.IeuI-I. I. J: J. Gal-dlnnr's. Prlncon Street.) __:.4..... CHARLES LIVINGSTON i8E Coatings, ;.Ei3m: a.Tm.` 21. Sh-oat. TW'AL"6"R6N'f'Wii'sBEi`Qiiiiildings. Eats. Oops. duo. FOE! an new In vacuum vbonul who houlbtnl. vnln. :1 `$14.00 018.00. Wool Punt: from 01.75 to 5.00 IPECIALITY. Z` Om nllnr, up u..I......n. Twecds, (ilelwu lurnlshlngl, Cl.0l`ll8. Dluonnls. Ii. M up Law hath not: ` Wanted Coming s, suouLggp_ -Hamuton1:in`7in7d%%'i'atanan,'| rm] NEW YORK _ 'W'.AZl3E'S And by I. C. PUIAI-0.!-I ha 00., Drnxhu. Kluzolon. Lll C. III. - .._..-...--.---... WILL BE SOLD HY PUBLIC AUCTION 5| tho Boon: of Wm. lnrrny, Anoclonoon, Iaudio-' and Gone - nlovu. ' flywqlut-.I IN GREAT VARIETY ! ..-.._...-rV - .... _. _._._. %IXCA;nJQniQIII VEGETINE -_.___.4 |.- VIGITINE nh:`&o Inu=`ol ll"-I. A'|r=ll Juno-I . 0. A, 0: Tllunulsy, 25%|: of April, .1- I51 n'mnnI(. lll. ........_....._.._...._..... No[I_oE. Ill GILT LIITIII ' mamas smuous ! I8 ITAIPID :\a.gJ.-.... Prepared by JIIEIH Ihm y. `. I. SHEPHERD A C0 . Drnnhtq It. Voruon .1 ma tn all nlunu noble PUDSUN H` . CEIOI I A;-dlih shn- .hhnnnno(Ihhncr 1IAT COIFOBTAIILE NEW RESI- URNCK. with the Lot. of: quu-Mr of an Acrmon tho oonot ul Pnrlok pm! John Strata. now owned and occupied by Pnrlck III on. Then an Oil room: in the buudlnu, which I: well dished. A lied nd hnWol|nou the union; for turn: ml further punk-u~ I I1 to III. C. V. PRICE. Barrister. MP. LLKN. on the pnulou. or to the Auctioneer. DO IHDIX. FRED A. GOOD, Ill Ill! Itnut. Cincluntl. TdIOD.I.l.'.7I IWMIDI. cannon luuu.|u people to be world. - EDn.-nIo:uL.-Tu-morrow tho Illllll sermons, in the interutufoduoation, gm! of the Methodist ministry in pnnloulnr, will be be punched in the GM. Churches ban. Rev. Mr. Lueu, who thin you repruontn Sumtead Oollega, will be one 0! the preuhon. Rzxznnln the ().Y.B.'n Auom_bly on` Enter Monday, in Victoria Musi Hull. Tickets, admminx lady and gentlemm, 50 centa each. W. Perry, Dirsctot of n ._ _. ..,., |'.l|II'. Luxvn:s.--Wo like I tutu uf nuan- nblo luxuriu A: null 11 any person ; and in mud. extend our thanks to Roq Bru- lor n umll onto 4! only ulnwborriu And tounutoon, nolulciouo, ripe and enticing. They no simply Iplondid. ._..-__.... _ Juan` RI.c:n'ln, Another lot of the lud- ing style: of the oulobnud Christy's hula direct. from London, Euglnnd, end the lxrgmt stock of American felt Let: our ehoun in the city. Alw, a nice selection 0! tweed lute, At M. L. [{ymnn'o, Prin- cou street. _.-._.-1.__.__ Ml . FALLEN. Inn pl Auctioneer. Klnpwl. Aprll 4. |87l. Nusnn Au/uN.-George. Monlter, having nwrvml A six mnnthn' term, In` released from the Ceutrnl Prison on `vV~dnc-nday and was innnoclintely roar- nited ulll charge of larceny It Odolu, nun Kinguton, which place health that evening. __ -: aw`: Bunu\uncIuI0.- TM: morning In polieo brought. from tho bush Elizabeth Murray and John Hondoruu. who have been hloly living lih wild pooploln tho Ioodl. Ono (lsliuboth) III Ind 84 md coats, and the other .20 and ooota, or in dohult u long term of imgrinonlnont. 1+1. oo-g. Dnmuu.--Mn. Birch, nib ol thi lu- ponnnunted Civil Sorvioo clerk of that nuno, residing at Porhmouih, Ill buriod thin uhornoon. Mr. Birch hu Iuffond I grout dual 0] trouble within the put two or Ihreo yuan, lining, inside: his dr sound wife, lost two dnuglmru, unovod nloo by mmh. Burn: Cu-rLL-l4n evening A late- nndingparty Ipldo I circuit ol the city, pain; in from of tho bonus of noun! 0! onrptuuinont ciduu Ind playing and .z_.:.... .a-:a.|.u..n. Th. whit: nl ah. 01 0II'|l'0IlInulu clulum nun yuuqaug -un- singing dulightfully. Tho Vinita of tin Indian, on long an chu-Ichrinud by the euuluct ol Int evening. will In O'_If vol- cano, tho` they are made maa at n uumlty late or ruin III lly only hour. I l.n.-mx\L.--Mr. Wm. F`. Cong.-on, (loneral Agent for Weuarn Csnudn of Tlv Tribune, in in the city, doing buli- uou in connection with that joumul. 'InI Anuzu.--Tnn Spring hitting: of the Court 4-! Queen`: Bench will open on Tuouhy, the 23:11. A number 0! import- nus oven: will thuu occur about the arm __.__+7.?$ Srnmu Orunms.--Mr. J. T. Anglin had the largest crowd At bin upaning that mu ever rcluemborod here. The lune in true of the assemblage: at the other full- ionnblc-, millinerien. Pnon.uuu1-um for the nut 24 huuu.-- For the lower lake region; Fresh to brink westerly to uorthwouorly wind: and hit wonther. For tho Stbawrenoo, woltorly to northuveuerly wind: with fair wu- char. r _ ,_.-.__ u]. m.. - n-.n-..: .....-m. Dnocn P. 0.-0u coal:-pour: will ink! that Dumbo P. 0. III nub- Iinlod lorjho houltol Hr. Donn, u haunt ET-but no nuts and tho lmdmtndluiwid do dilnlty. It. Down dut ISI- oidlhulclhclnooydu Inhnudnh-lhmInnnnn1Lnn-dnMQ uruuuuuunuunuvvvvguuuwuvuuuuuw Iohpicohdintoinarthpqi dtbovidlily inld iiplll "H Ouoouonounnhu nuisance ab III Ilrvll. -|IIv uuvvu ----nun. -.- commodiou stone house to he let in good ocr and worth enquiring into. _ A U0l.l.lnI \i0UNUIIo."I"U|'U Illl III I media; 0! tho Q-non : Gollogacouailon the naming oi the 23rd--0onvoouion f\__ Tu: Fun JOY sitar Lent will be the the Aucxubly of the I. C. 8. Union, No. 9, in the City [hi] on Euler Monday uv u\/nun ....., Ceremonies. Enuu Mur.-The unuul prepon- tiono {or enter Ira noted Some very ns cattle have been imported, and the duplay ut_ our butchon, I wool; hence, will oormnly be an imposing as usual. i IATURDAY lV'XG, APRIL 13, an-r Ann noun:-7 B'O0I.D laNoIVoI-I018 o'o|oIt|0Oj 4:: DI!- "SVW, K WFXT ouooolouptuyhn nndoouocuia Unlnllil iudAy.htI-aohubuu _..._ l._I:.LI- lnlunn.-J up than ILL. A-g `jails u--,,-.----_.... nunlculhhly lolnudnplhuthluoo. &o0I.IxAIIIu.--Titliv gun.-out-sunning;-with -nu-nu, nu-udnuununy uruiluatllulblldl-Idlb |.A._n..A.--nan: ($22131; WW - ""`Inn h'.`U"`FIi-outy_ nnlIo.g.,__._`.~' v mu gang gram mi_g.l ...._...._.__. . V 81'. Annvr n.--'l1n Raw. Plindtf Gnu! wall punch It the: evening serving in 8:. Andrew : Chiral: It-not-raw. '

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