5~..1i9?FE`"ER mvetl. 7. \\'hM1unnsen1ems c1n be nbr 3. Huclul uncl Library \\'urk `J. The use of the lhblc in Work. lcuw v- Thc 1 ` The 1 . The ' II... Will my umclnsauu . ~ I)"'sLrict work nf the Y.M.C.A. ungagu the assistance of tbedanaga done to tha bnildingaa ba- tnon White and the Liverpool and Lon- don nndliloha llulranca Company. Tho front and back atoroa ooeupiad by Mr. Ray taro pretty Iell damaged by n. Ha examined the promiaoa underneath the Ihop. Examined the under aide of the door, and found very little damage done to it. He did not think that than in, previous In [ha n, any communiw tion bottom: the otllar and the shop. Thou appeared to have been a board in- side the partition, covering the apace now appearing open in the oor. This board :- ....oa.n.. hurnarl la in charred more I non; wnna, Io Inns in uppruauuuw... .. I appearing open In lnu uout. nun: v\r--- in pnrtinlly bnrnod. It in clnrrod on the uppot lids than on the undor IiJo. The rennin: Appear M be in the nmo position that they occupied praviuun to the tire. Did not nanny nnil which suggested thnl. n bond hul been pulled or shoved up. Saw the pre- miuo thin morning. He did not think that the premises hul been not tire to from below. Il,, :..__.._..... I. in um.-ililn Hint it . bibnltct` a.n..c.ua'l ch-bu. All the mocha-I'uio.jm-y vcrpruuu. lolno nanny tho It- This and jnguf tho ovidcucotho jurjnpinon- Iilodllolibolthdlllolli.` ltgltnpn. -cu- , A... _.-3.... -.- Il- lI|.K)VU DIIIIU IIUIII IFUIIIIV. By a jurymau-\VouId it not pussi- blu that I hole might be made through the partition {mm below, so that the tin.- could he started in the paint shop frum the cellar ! Mr. Hagu thought it pnssitle. Juhu McMahon, carpenter. being duly Iweru, sand that he wuengnged by the Liverpool and London and Globe Insur- ance Company to make an apprniwment. -: .|.- ,a.......... 3...... Imlhu nremisea. -IIOIIIIOIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIU.` Tbnntiitlcuwulr. IIQDLCICO, ushilut, Ibo-adouninaputionol tho Pu-inIoIth5holApnlonbohLlfol I 12.5.. wsag. In _.|:. nn mnninonont of 'pumuIoI Iloomol AF "" """" "' Bob; White, tough unppuilollo` |.L_ JL__-_ 1..-- an AL. knildinanl - XIII. us, For which In an IM only suhoriud Agents 10! the Dominion Canada. Delaw. By a jury1mm-la iv. possible that it could have been set re tn from below I Mr. (hgw:-lt is pusaihle. By in jurymau -Is it not justns posaible that the plnce was set. re to fr:-n1 below mm from above! .. .. n ,, ,` .. ............ ,. a. nu... uuvvvx Mr. (iage-Fru1n prewm. appcaraxncus it could more likvly be set re (u from above than from below. n ' uv ..l.I :. .\.\4 I,.,. .......L nnuu Uuulpauy Lu Iunno nu -.r,.......- of the damage dune tolhu premises. Made an apprniuameut with Mr. (imgi.-_ Hear-l Mr. Gage`: auteinent. Agrees with Mr. (hge in the main, but is of opinion that the tire took place in the partition. There was more of the parti- tion burned in the front shop chm in the back. If the (ins had commenced in the front lhop does not see how it could burn both ride: of the partition inlu the bnck nhop. The partition was burned through in the back lhl-1), and a. board tint had been against it in the back nhop was charred. A portion of a pnnnel of it and ....... at .1... ....-mlzlnnn umrn r-hnrrml or cnnrruu. A puruuu Ul u llnuuwn u. .. ....... some of the moulding: were charred or burnt. Noticed the hole in the oor, in the front lhop, deucribeil by Mr, Gage, about two feet and A half from the parti tion. The oor is more ohlrrod imme- dintely around that hole tham clone to the partition. It has the shape of an egg. The hole in about three inches, and the chnrr around possibly 3 foot or two feet. Thinks that this hole may have been caused by the trunk: or anything she catching re. Dues not think that lhnt part of the oor was the priginul lent of the tire, because there in evidance of more lire in the partition than there. n.. u- n-..n..... ,'r'i.:..i,.. Hui Hm 0! ure In lne pnruuuu uunu Luunz. By Mr. Cruthers-Think| thnt the [ire urigunted in the partition because it could be got in in twu ways, namely, by breaking a hula in either side of the par- litiun, or possibly from the bottcm. n,. II.. n...... l.. ....o .....m.-ml tn Ilnv lliltlll, ur vulluuly uunu nu: uuuuw... By Mr. Gunn-lu not prepared to any that if the fire originated two and a half feet from the paxtition it would be mure likely to burn towards the partition. u..t...-a Ll..l....,1 h-.'.... dnlu -umrn mum ~ IIK9Iy LU U|II"II LUWIIIVIB IIII7 ylil ulvlvl Robert Hyland being duly Iworn says : He in a farmer, residing about live miles from Kingntnn on the Toronto road. Han anon nameil William who was wurking with Mr. Ray, Aged 18. William was at humc on the 28th March, Ind remained at home till Saturday morning. ()n Sn- ..._..I.... ..., ....... ....'o.\.`.. uni kl. mil lufr at Home nu -aluuiursy Iuuun--5. uu uur turday morning witness And his wife left. fur Kingston Iunrket, and Willism ra- mainad at. home. Saw him than day in town, A short time before he started for home,which was sher twelve at any rate. William went. home with him. He spent Ssturdny night in the house, snd knows ho did because witness ssw him go to bed at night about `J, and saw him next. morning about 7. It was not possible fur him to be out of the houoe between night and morning, becsuse he sieeps up stairs and has to come put witness door to get. ,,... 'l`L..... I. _ -. nm in Dlin -n..n- `u Hlll LU UUII-IE lllil Wllllvpi Il\IU| II\) `vy out.` Then in a window in the room William aleopa in. He could get out of that. Witneu want tochuroh on Sunday morning with hia wife and his non John. Wituau first heard of the fire when he came to town on Sunday to go to church (Brock atreet Preabytorian.) Heard from the aoxton. Did not tell William when I he went home. Did not hear any one i alae tell him. Thinlia William waa in V the home. Had the tint oonveraation with him about 10 or 15 minutea altar- ` wards" Said to him he heard Mr. Ray's V ahup was burned. William aaid he muat I go to town. Had no further conversation with him. William atartod to go, but , wantad to oata little dinner and than l ` rigged up Logo. Lofton loot. Did not rcturn that night ;and if he wan to be . hung he could not tell when he did get I homo. Han naval talked to him lines the E n, about the tire, although he hu bean l ' npoaking to him every day ainca that he ` has worked on the place. um: --up-n. -.. ... ` Mn. Hylsnd uid Ibo remembered her Ion coming homo on bin birthdny, md 'ronninod over Suurdny. Ha ruin tho honu nll Snlurdny owning, and rims: went to church on Sunday atoning. Her husband bond about the lire Mchurch, and ho told Wnlhul when she relurnod bono. Her son leh. for Kingston when ho got bio dinner, but boforo hum; _ William utod hot if the but how the he had oocnmod. And the aid she did :not know. 850 Jud not then no hotoon ` until the following Thur-ndny or Friday. than without Illod him if the good: Icro much danqul, and he lllitrod ` onooidonb_!o." Bo told in In did not knonbovllu 6nhdooanod,butbo. nu->1-hdislilh hvobooo iylbopl eta-nluhn 350 Had Willinntpuk llholcilnuou Cuu-dnyluhsod` ;chougM|onidbthnIiIutoaIoo- '|nynoniqolIth In. Hand has :..,uuI-usoquuonn mun. uunlbynhcmodn. | John llyInl.hothrdWil|hn 3,. ' Iud,anouK oIouldadny,tIo I am. no nu-I nu-Incl-o nun `Willis-,IInIho|uurptndrivoIi:.h P'AN..9:F.9B.I'.3~| uurrnsu wine, wnnmzsuu. until Friday, having in the sciatica` viilod noun friend: in Gnnwmnohx neighborhood. Witnou Ind Willin- hnd nu oonvoriation About the 5:0; bond l|ICI\.IIy Ill VVCIITII, DI lull `Vi-, the Catholic Church continue: to place before her people the dillereut event: thnt proceed the Pueiun of the Sevionr. On Wedneedey evening begin the oice of the 'l'enebr-Q." which will be con- tinued till Fridny. Thin oioe in com- poeed of Metine And leude of the follow- ing in}, end ere said by nnticipetion. The whole oloe of the `Tenebne' in ex- preuive of the moat profound sorrow. Only {our voice: nre heard in it; that of David, who lament: on his lyre the out- rage: and the death of hi: eon, and of hi: Sevinur; thnt of Jeremuu, who chants the ruin: of Jerusalem. and tho torment of the august victim; that of .1... nL...-..\. -|.n ;.. ...,..a nI.i..o&' .n.l neighborhood. wmnu Ina wunnn no bad no oonvorlation n; about tho coal oil cAn~monIinm-d in his on home. but bun! Williun any that he lad gin: ovidonoo that In thought nun much: might have cauod the `nu mqun: urn [Illa lajournou uuun thno o'clock. Eight non Iiuuuu no to be onumod. In the private oonnolies of Monday, Tuudny md Wodnudny of thin I003. IL- f`-o|unlin lunoc-In nunlinnnn in DIRK Lululuun. VI run ....5.... ......... , ....... .. tha Church, who, in most plsinti and under tnnel, call: her children In pen- ance ; and that of the lluly Women, who weep as Jews ascends to Calvary. At. thus ufllce than in no leader, unit 1: writ- ..u n . -n .1 I n | ,,;.u, ten, "1 will strike the shepherl, snd the sheep of the ock shall bedispcrsed/V The uice of the `Tenebrnf will be said privately by the priests of this city. The public services of Holy Thursday will commence at 9 o'clock to-morrow iuonnug. The Bishop himself Iullulli- ciste, and will be assisted by sbuut twp-my priests, who will represent the apostles, dczwons and minors of the pri- mitive church. The clergy will receive conimuuiun from the Bishup, M the Mess lomrJrruw is cummenmrszive of the LAM Supper, at which Jesus took brand into his hands, blessed, brake, and gave to his disciples, saving, 'l`ake yo and eal,"eL.-. The altar in which lhemass will be said will be richly decorated. The _.i.._ _i.-__ _...,....a ll... ...... ......\......,l .. he had put ouuonoo um: no Inougnu nu C` night _lnvo win In: nniu mu In: ..t..., uvuululuu. ..... other slisrs, except the one prepared as Repusitury, will bear the Appearance of a season of penance. During the Gloria in Excelsis," the sanctuary and exterior bells will be rung, and will then remain silent till the Mass of Saturday morning. This silence is to express their desolation at the suffer- ings and deatli of Christ. Shortly before the Cummuniun the Bishop, with crozier sud niitre. will leave the altar and take in seat in the middle of the Sanctuary. The 0liuui Intirmui-um," or oil of Extreme Unctinn, is then plscml befere him. Having blessed it he will return to the alter rind p|'I)C6l:`ll with mass till after the Cuinniuuiun. when he will sgniu return 1. AL- ...r1ll.. H` Al... Q......A. I`l.A 9__Ff_94-N3 .. ..:... \./Ulllllllllllllll` wuuu III) will DBLIIII AV\\lIlI to the muddle of the Sanctuary. The clergy in the menntinle repair tn the Sncrarinm, whenccrtboy carry in proces- _.. .. AL- ..I... .. .....l n:| ..f {`.;Om-human: 5HCl.'lII'I|IIl-I; WIIVIIUU VIII? IAIIIJ Ill luuuvu siun tho chrisni nnd oil of Catechuinens. The pr-ncussi-aii having reached the Sanctu- ary the Bishop, assisted by thotwelve who represent Apostles, wlllbless the chrism And oil. Mass is then concluded, and preparations mails to remove the Blessed Sacrainent. to its I{eposit~)ry, :..- Chapel of the Tuinb, which is (lone in solemn pro- cesaioli. The Repository will be gor- geously arrayed. The altars are then strip-J, the tnbernable thrown open, and, but {or the Repository, nothing: but _. _.... ..: -.,....,... .......l,l mane Hm mu 6.. oh- mg-nu uu -um Cathedral. Trouble is ex pected at the Enter ventry mu-etinga in Balleville. The Rev. Meaarn. Kirkpatrick and \`\'11ion,wiv.h Oupuin Wilson of Kingston, Bat sail for Eurnpu in the `Snrmntian' on May lith. The Most Rev. Lha Metro- pulitnn lakes pouaaa so in the name veuel, The new uurx-He M M. I..mr,;-Nu. who in to fill Mr. Wuhan`: place temporarily, (Rev. Mr. Echlin) in to Iuaumo duty in May. 'l'L.. l'.......du,u.. [J In; l'\,mn.. -II HIE]. The (`vummitleea of the Diocese Wlll again assemble on April 30th. The Rev, Mr. Burrowes, of Oawegn, ; former clerical hrg h of the Diocese, in About to vistt hh"bl pariah. The late Judge Jarvis, of Cornwall, was .1 consistent member of the Synod. Us not only advocated the telling apart of one-tenth of each churchmnn'n inconm for the Church, but he gave in that pro- portion. rm- ,1...n. ..I . t.......... (`t....l.:.. [J PUIVIIU The death 0! A former Chnplniu of Kingston Hnrrilon, the Rev. S.B. Wind- Mr, has beruvod All Saints` Church of in chief huuder, nnd it: tint moumbont. THE K1.urro.~l um Puma Rom.-Mr Gvurge Redpllh Ind Mr. Walla, leuoea ,; .n_. .,.u. ........ .|..;. ......a 1.... ..no..-ml lnwrge lwupllll Illu llll. vv nun, ieuvuu of the toll: upon thin rand, hue entered action: ngninn the Company for Ion.-I filllllg from the bad state of the high- vuy, and enpecinlly of one of the cron~ iugn-lmughboro Bridge. Mr. Wtlkar, the Superintendent, duo: the but he can for the rum, with than limilod mum at hi: command. The P4-Id does: not pay Inongh, actually, to ltoop it in repair. Un. PAnInlu.-A lino oil pdnting of Mr. John Ma.-Kolny is on exhibition :1, the non of Mr. Sound Woods. The Iork in very truthfully and utiltiully done, Ind tho picturo of our ex-Mnyor must be regnrdod u I very good ono. It. will remnin on exhibition I luv day, l wo pruuuo, prior to the presentation to I Mr. Mcliolny. And hanging in the City Hull with the pictures of tho mm dia- tinguished men thou municipal Ioiao in luld in gnulul ronionhnnoo. ---- -ooo Ito. The inquest the: adjourned until `Inna o'clock. Eihlll VEGETINEI Inoulrl-nunv.- luv :-up... ........_ Ire than nrnngod ; Murning urvicu st '11..-..,m .u '1 than Churches ;oolloe- . u. lA____-'_ (I_;|..J--I I..- ah- ll LIIL, III In at my-u uuuwuuu ,w..-V `mm 1: 8:. Uoorgdl Cathedral lor tho poor. In tho oumng I union uonioo will be bold At 88. 0000305, with oin- - L_I__Il .1 .|.-l....l.... H....a.1. ] will no hold A: as. usury: n, -nu u...- inzl on ialullol titlaoodon Social.) {at the Colvonion ol the Java, And that `address: by my cluunou. C. I. Clams. -A unit! an-vino til! on hold nt.Q-zouuittiot Church on Good Pridny coming 3! 101 o'docL -1_'u pi ' at -5.5 by 215.,- mnnng 60,!!!) oqnn hot 0! monum- mld :0 undo! in Pliinlphh at Wed- nn-hy lot Q3). -~XO GnoIFunu.--The Anglican unions ,_,___1. ll. ...;.... ._-i... at , mu. nun ulu nwyunum, , uublnnug uui. 5 of sorrow would meet the eve in the 0.\'l`.\llU DIUCISSE. 'll0l.Y WEEK. uid slur such an qncuunl u: inhntion u to nnow tho discussion III unlottuuh. I: III ilnponiblc to control the hon. gon- tlunun, who nun also Iain own oouno. Sir John uid he would be dillppoimri if um arrangement were not reapoctod on both Iidea. Mr. Mitchell ui-I he hul I right, and felt. It I duty, lu expreu hm via-A Nervous Headache & Rheumatism noun. Mr. Mnckenxio thsn mnvod fur nu- lhonty to enter upon negutwtionl to ob- tain I:-aIIlI 0l of the Kivor du Luup Branch of the Grand Trunk linlny by loan or olharrne. Ha thought it uuduinblo lo mlko any remsrku on lhs subject at pro- ar.-m.. Sn John thought that the resolu- tiun nhuuld originate in Cuuunlttoa of the Whulu. Mr. Mackenzie nid he mu {ul- lowing a prrovdonluf the late Gavan- meui "iiiil Another of the pronent in tho antler. ' Thu mmiun did not iuvulvu ex- penditure. Ha Ihmlgzht it in: duty to notify the Hunts uf lhri inlomi--u to open than |.e;u1.iati<-nu. Hun. Mr. Ha-lwn Lhnught ii the I-rs Julian mount anything it ah--uld I-rigilmw In Cmuunueo of the Whole. He had hath! no argument. to convince him of the neoeuity u! the u'- rnuoumonu meutiuued. After remark: from Mesarn. Bluucher. and Iluwell, ob- joctmg tn the Premier`: prccudura, Mr. Blake tbuught the iutirnmion given would uuuwer ovary purpme. It wuuld be mat- ter to deal wnh the qllelliull next. gen- mun, when the arrnngenunta c mu mplu- led were mndv. The l re:uier huvmg again pointed nut the incnnveniemre of explanation: st. [Ilia tame, and ruunrked that gentlemen uppnule s.su:uL-1 ndnrae to tho: arrullgcuaunt, vntindruw the Inu- IIIHI. (mil. After some remarks {mm Messrs. Mnohell and Htvltmx, the bill for the L:reM.i'm and _rematran.1ou of Humuuead Exemption Estate: In the Terrntorivn ul Ctumdn. and the Bill for the better nudit- ing of the Public Accounts, were n-purl- ed from the Cumunlu-0 and read A tlnr-I oi.-m tune. The Mall Duty Repeal Bill was read I I second tune and repurted. A mnsmwu vnn rend nnnnnncinu UH second tune and repurwn. A Inauage read nnnmmcing that His E.\;:ulleucy had xed 'l`neaduy M '2 pm. for racewmg the address ol both Huunea recently passed. Mr. .\`I ackenzte move! that it he pruaemed for lhz: House by members who are nf the l nry Coun- cxI.-Unrriud. Mr. Muakelnzie nmved the first l'=:l1ilI[{ of the Bill from they Seumm rvspectiug the trufc In iutuxicnlmg liqnm-a.-L`nrrIed. 1'}... Hill in numal Sm. Merchzml. trumc Iutuxxcnlllng nqnm-a.-Lnrru.-u. The Bill to repeal Sru. 31!, Shipping Actof 18743, I`euc1\o-ls aecnlld readmg and pussud through C-unmiuee, and also tho Lhll zmuxnding Lhu Duck- lendn Bull. Ll. I -Alamnm muuml Hm n-nmnnnI'nl lends Bl. Mr. Laamme muvrd the rt-,cmumvt'nl of the lndepeudeucu of Pnrlmluent Hill, with the object uf a couple of mueml- manta, one lnmtinz the c1.uIsel`t-~1n-cfiluz uicinla of Local Legislature: I0 zmch as had to do Wllh the uleouun law, nnl ox- empting pm-lies receiving an allovumcu fur military aervice. Cnrrird. The House wa; iu Uunnniueu on the Bxll at six ',I...I. In bullllllllleu UH (nu nun In an o'clock. After recess, a mnnbur of Government meuurea were udrzmced a stage. Mr Mimhnll Aflpr nmtino that he was apunmceu stage. Mr. Mitchell, after stating thuthe absent when the arrangement. regmling the debate upon the cunstituti-uml quea- Liuu in Quebec was cnmo tn, and Llml he was absent when lhn arrangement re- garding the debate upnu the cun.titu- uunul question in Quebec was come to. and that he dul llnl lnnld himself lmund by it, went. on to npmk for uvor an hour in support of Slr John Mxu.-d amendment. amemlnwnn. The Hnuae then divided on the amend- ment, which was lmt--\'eas, 70; Nays, 112; majurity,42. The House then went into Cummitcee of Supply and pruned the nexus under the hood uf lmxnigrnxmn and Quarantine and Pnnninna. APRIL 17. 1373. Ir ll Iltrvrnn: Dmu'H|r--I Inna n-rd _ynur V:-gatln-I [or Nnrvuun Ilrwltwhu nun] ulna fur Ihelllnniqm. nml luv found enliro rulief from both. and uh [re-3' p|I`aLlllrI\ In re-vouuuclding ll null vlm IIIAIV him may be Illlirlwl - --~ . 1..\4\I| The Free Press makes the following nanlynin of the recent mm on tho Quebec `Crista motion of Sir John 2 ()ntaxin.... . . . . . .. .. Quebec............ Nova Scolia . . . . . . . . . . New Brunswick . .. Prince Edward lnlnnd.. Manitoba. . .. .. .. British Columbus . , . . . . Total Government. mnj. The following in a statement of n E bers not voting last night. : Munich r iata absent, unpaired--Meurs. Uh Barthe, Bannstyna, Hndduw, Mclur Lzmgoluin, Smith, (Selkirk; Thunu (Welhnd) Workmnn -9. Onnnnitinnintu nvumunmired - Mes: (We|1nnd) Workm|n-'J. Oppolitioniutn nvuy,unpnired-Meurn. Ferguson, Mcreevy, Muuuenu and Buneter-~4. I- .....A.mo _ Mann Rnlrnn and Mclnneu. [lad there been I lull House, the Miuinterinliua would hive hld I majori- ty of 45, or, giving them an Independent. JG, An Aiiuiiilulilng Feel. A lnrge prnportiuii of the Ameiicni pen lu are t.o-dny dying from lheellt-ct: of Y)yspepsin or disordered liver. The relulu of these direnen upon the inn Iel ol intelligent llld nlunlile people zl moat Alarming, making lile Ictunlly I burden instead of I plenum. exintnuce of enjoyment Ind inefulneu, II it ought to be. There is no good reuun for this, if you will only throw nide prejudice and Ikepticiun, take the advice ol Druggielu and your friends. and try one bottle of (:'reeri'I Aiiguel. Flower. Your i-pearly re lief in oeruui. Million: of bottle: of thin medicine hue been given Iwny to try in virtues, wiih utinfuctnry reuulu in every one. You can buy nuniylo bottle for 10 cent: to try. Three doeel will relieve the wont cue. Poeitvely suld hy Heeth I Gun. or Henry Wndo, Arid cold by Ill Drnggiun on the Western Continent. 009.4? Bunot.er-- 4. Independent. Maura. Roscoe Mclnneu. (l...I Imp. Lu. . lull Hanna A Wu.L-Tuna sud judicious conca- Iion to the popnlu demand for rulucod nut hu added vgry greatly to the format uoollem uluity at the Colomude Hutcl, Philadelphia, PA. c-3-p faolnanlnl hon (`spun Joshua In-pn. IAckvilIe.N.l.. Fob I3. I877. J H. Iolliuol. Elq . St. John. KB. Du B'u.-E-Irlv in Octuhn lull to-via ....n cold which neulzd run my Iunul. Altar ` in Int I hurt I nun In lung: having shad mughfrw About 1 Inch. I had A van pun slhd of blntliuhun lhglnngl. I) ru1-t- To-txnnony mughlnt nbuutnix Inch. I had ; vary bl:-tliulluunthclnngi. -kiln tn] 1 31`: frvn Qurndnvn In D-gvn. lhnddnliy Ipdh 4-! binning fat can nil. until I Iadlbout two gallon: 11 Naval. and in onraakubbvumlaulysblotonaul. lint hnkto nondovI.wbmalncdv~1uuchIu- din-I nooohldnclontbnoo. Hntlilllfliblholllngl. I DHVPI. I had dnliypmd Null; (:1 cbyi. Nov-L, am] vensmna. The House adjourned at 3:05. ... LAII PAILIAIIIVABY IIJIILIY. noun: or mnguss. The Recent Vole. I Jxlllblelld .n\.-;... "I Mr H. IL 5 n 1-... Hip _ em- : rml` H4518, 112 Clothing at Prices ma, Before oimd in CLOTHEIIG HOUSE an be relied on u the luck in new um nun out-y Iouou Mid dot uuuupofoldgoodn. HY ORDER WORK I: ahead at anything In the csyu I kup none but Iranian workmen nnd nnrontoo A PIIllPl!.'C1' PH`. I an making to order Llxlauauon I Pint (Elna Dlngonnl Inn for OM51). which I do: my home in Kingston to equal fur ). Any l'Q`I|l'lI[ In good Bunluau Sui: N All ool cuundinn Tuned on be nppllod Ihr `I0, `I2 uni OI . Good Diugounl Fun In to order. 50 dlex-ant patterns. ad; CI. READY MADE CLOTHING -l haw uou on mud on of the Mn Stocks of Raul: Hula Clothing over odared. Z PRICES Olv` SPRING GOODS: The New Check Clmviot Bull--nlI Wool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A Good Run of 'l`wred-Curuw|ll manufacture . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A Good Dlngouml Suit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A Good Diagonal Coat-IIru lug goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Good Din onul Pant: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Splendid orlinz Punu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A Lot of Val: at hrlfprioo. A good While sum for 850. (`onunnlnl Bhlrt for CI. A lnrga mock uf Gent 5 urniahiug Goods oonnunlyou hand. Q REMEMBER THE PLACE- The People s Clothing House, 2 1 Brock-st., CHARLES LIVINGSTON. , _L_ .. L_...- I _:n -... L. on 1...- Ar ..I...--A min Bums: and qhupast c1ut1iing~natah1isnnut;ggo city OUR SP.B%!N9__.&I9j9KiA lPEOPLES'BLTHlN[}HUSE to I-08. rovu (but the on loan or Inn ton not ups:-anon that Il0Pl.I's CLO RENO rel uni nub our: ' um yarn. ma. being tho 1. s I Inn our am In KL-pin-. and sun `to as fully up Iououunddotnuxoupofoldnodn. _ A VQIIEBLIIIAI unvanvuunvovo N.B.-Purtieo purohumg Twoodn from me to nuko AI. home. I will cut In in has of charge. :.._?-_- We have a Large and Varied Stock of Ready-Mada Ulothiug. AND GEN1`LEMEN'S FURNISEING GOOD} TO BELIZE` FROM. ur In A\Yl'\l4`I!d{\\! |l.........r Ihsar Hir,-Wo lune man mum; gun. . -Iy. Hm \'c-gt-mm, Ior uliouv. throes yearn. and uh plauuro In moonnunonulnu it to our cun It-IImrII.Ind An no lnnunco where I bl xl pun- nor would row-h tha can-. has II. our fnilod In How: an vurv us our knuwlmlu-. It certainly -A -|- -. . ..7Iu-.1 m rnnuvnluru. ` 400 "Dozen Lotf Nw Kid G1oveS,RChea.p. .A.'I` 'VV.A.L'.DEbO].\T S. ` DOMINION CLOTHING STORE, n , -# ._- n.....n......I.. ID..I..n-.m kl:-nnl I Kid Gloves, Colored Stitchmg, 50c. IA!-I l\l'\r' we HAVE JUST oPENn'ouT: A I"lr'LL LINE OF BLACK GROS GRAIN _su_Ks I Ranging [P01117513 to $8.00 per Yard. The Best Value Ever Offered in this City. I-'. x. cousml-:Au & co. I'.'R.ZEl snj {g;g;1 vALs ALEXANDER ROSS Eighty -Five Packages of my 110008 0f .:. .. ...n 4`.-..... .-vnrvhmlv up (-nnvinoe them thin {I nlguu-rlvu I(I\/lll5.\n u. --._, ...-....... ... _..-._, ...,,...,..,.-- And would nolhsiv. u call from 4-,vnryl_>oIly to for vuillv and luwumsu of prim his Swan in not aurpuud In tho oily THE MILLINERY SHOW ll()()ljl wlll (man to mormw. oturdn . the 30th.wll|n all llw ln mat in En lisl1.Amoricau and Paruunn Ht; lea A great varluvuf A1` FERN Il()NNE'l`I~l uuul HATS. EW CAl!I l:2'l`B in Hoslnp. W09), 'l`npeal,r and B`:-uncle. New I-`mor (HI (`.|.,;,h_ mm... (`mlebrsusd Englinh I-`l.()()|( ()ll. (.`l4()'l H8 Yan wldo hnglull sud Anunrlouu Oil Cloth from :l`In per yard. Stair Oil Cloths and Cocoa Hutllngn. N.l!.-Reoolved to day-|nutln-r gum-Iv of the 50 ueul. Striped Silk. A. ROSS, .. . nn Inca BR Prlnnun trmt. nnnmnih tlm (litv Hnml. CIADTIIS, Dlngouuls, Worsted Twepds. Gent : Furnishings. II. R. SIIVISNS. Boston, Mass. '0? EH I00 I01 hlhl. TUVINU And REPAIRING cnnfny ut- Icndod In. Our prh-on being rnanonnbla and anus an we out-ta I" intending purclnuai-u to [In no u call. uunnng fur nil hone! Ir-mlnwnl nd shotough nrlntnetlon to ..n '4-uuumora. OUR READY-MADE2DEPlRT_M-E_MENT I8 NOW OOMPIETEI WE ARE OFVIIIINIIZ Suits from $5.00 to 15.00. Diagona suit: from 14.00to 318.00. Al Wool Pant: from $1.75 to 5.00 ....r nan Ann nnvlun A uuur-IAl.I'rv it nun Dung: Mr M.I..| ..h OIIEAP ELOTHING `L- nu vvvw sunny: nun. V.---a u. ...-.v ()lH)lR WORK WE ARE IAKING A Kl I".ClA/LITV. w Our Cutter, Hr. Murlnlm-la hu given utilfmtiol In In than who hnva givan IJMII I lrhl. V I! MeNAU(l'l`()N I1. C0. nrnoffaring GREAT BARGAINH In the show Gouda. Pam: n rnqulriug nnv Goods in our hno wlll find it to their ulvnnuqo to give an I c||L COME ONE! COME ALL! "sou: w. ....v-. ---_._ Aud having A l"lRS'I`-CIASS CUITER wag us with than MCNAUGHTON & CO.. Cor King& Princess Sts. "'78_ SPRING. "78 umca ARRIVALS o_Tjw spams coons .EIOIZEY 85 11.251-1--1- s,, ........ . xa ._,- Continuum; of Blush and Coinrod (Juhmu-rm. Plain and Valley Dun Ooodn In all the I154-liuq Colon nnghug from 70 par yard. New Black Hllh at utrAoIIlInu' low yricu (Ill) moon Nam Print: from thn but IInIeI'I_-'10] lcammnnu Print to In cold byt pound. Whites Ind On-y Couonn. ll oatinp, PI low (Bottom. Tabla Liuom, In Ina. Tovoln nod `fovnll . lune Cur ulna um Auumuau-u. nll to he sold at priest to In I tba hard use '5 pbom xfnnl hin. in I ollaring st u rut Bnrpln. 5 full Monk ol 1'Ioo:Ia.C|oI.hI and #094111] (Jogging, rm-nu. I nll Sm:-.i of la und Gent : (Jmmnu soul M.Il'IIO lloolar . Moo 0 III! umrtnout I Cut um and Harlan Under:-Iothing, !-(ll Pnln lllack bud Color!!! to llculon Pun:-In Iucl (llovu 5: file Tu IPIIVB In 3 for d: |~.'n donou Gcmumn Paton Bunion: KM (Man: II all Iba nut huiu. Thea: Glnvsa no amdeclly the but In the market. A full Sunk of Inc] (loo-In nunl Goal`: VurnlIhIngI.II|o1nprIAIn|oneof the uh: oonplola nnd runetlvo Macho I Dry |Oooda In tie In. 2' An In-pecou Iollrilod. -11 CAUTION. ; ....... .. Myrtle Navy Tobacco.` April 16, .` ug-T- UP` TUIKORTU. Hrnnchrn M. 0ltaw.s, Huuiltnn. St (`aha ring: And Lululuu. MEN]! '2, IFFS. 10- None other In Gouho. [UST llE(?l<:[\'El) 400 D()ZEN NEW KN) GLOVES lllkl.-ICT I-`ROI |~llANl`l-J made [0 our own order and marked u M: our nnne. I I11?-c hdllbgdbannhlu lbs haul Icy Inn. Tans nun- gbb. Appiy nl lhhu. lbn. Poi 0, iii. 7 7 T . T (Vex! Door tolcssrs. ll. & J. Gardlners, Prlncess Street.) "4 __...... __.__ UST DOZEN NEW Kll) UM - 5'71`: v---_ llnnittu. Ind II. |I7I, IN A111: TEE IVIITEST SEAIIDIIB. 3, Browns. Nu'y'n, Urey and Hmnltilul Evoulug Slmdou. We our tlmaw Hlorou ul 9| 0" per pair. and warrant, them oqunl to any Gloves at `I335 in the tnulu. GHKRLES LIVINGSTON In the Golden Lion Block. CLOTHING i PIYRLWIAIID F0! CA!!! THE VINE`? ITOOK OI TWIIDG AND DIA- GUNALS IVER BEFORE OPPEIID IN KINGSTON I8 DUTIE- nnnn 1'0 otrn .L,, A. GRANE OI-I.A.].\TOZEJ ??? 9351:5- ,1s7a. 1: on.1'.Lh1'ns Coatings, I8 N()W SHOWING TIIE CONTENTS OF` 1 RI NC E88 STREET. I-'o'I=:`EAs"rEn GOLDENEGROCERY v ...-a, "T{NAL6ii0N. Wi|son sBui|dings. IDO '|lI nnu ll IA! PUHII QIVIIIUIIII IA! Eat-. Capo. $0. IB I'll- FOE. Qromise nnafuotloll to all those nutrualing nr nnlnrn. ,___. '3 NOW T9. HAN? - | ALL PIOPLI WAITIIG Kb`. 1!! for lmehouluou lbd hula than ordain with NI. DAV , tho lfmhr Ila In: hhndudaot Iona laud. W DAVID. Intlt. III dash! in low udlooudlloodoodool ov hurl Ion. no-adu In. litmus` Inn and: on. tad Ioo':Id.lloo';|`0oodool ad bu, "'- 'OlII' Vila . 331.; [Input Q'llIAP.JoIll. \J lQl.IoII1IQq1-uu-cu.-u ctohhvuungiqdhofnnnhipdlnpcn `II-coups! hllquu Ion-I um uldlbulcu Itbdc-unlnauuho n_;l_Jlu-lIn`I-- Khnnlm. Inc Iqnolis Sun Outed Bum, The Inputs] Hun. Oundin Sugar Onnod Bum. loll Iwod Bacon. Bonolou Bacon. , Lu! Lu-d in 21b. 11b. & 1-alb rm. Luflnrd In Tonnu. DI-lad 8001. Ind: Butter in 2011:. bur] line in tubs. XXX Putty our. dnlunuunau n-unu--n-can Fi Iutln -lulu. Ihphu. Inn n...s_..--hnnmltlnnowmo, A. lcunn, 88 Princeton Street, opponita tho City llnu-I. l_ NOIIIIHIOHCIQQH I I.-A MAX vvuu -v u------ _---._. C. T. W. ANDERSON, Mmnugn-r. grhii _ro neyurm .u. -nun-n.1Aa ...._l..... ._ NO'l_'[CE. Every llrscrlptloli, Cl40`l`llS. l)ln.gona|u, Worsu-.d. Gent :-1 Furulnlninus, DI-bl Apples dlu. Inca. Pound Iconic. Inn --un L I AIIITI. Tweedy, WI. DAVID. In larva` Inn Coating u, VII . |' '3" `VI 3:-ug- lanky Inch Owned. _ ____ A_- " W|`(.Ie;|ur~4-llul|y, [-1. I SIIEPIIERD & (70, I):-nguu-Ln, It \'eruun,lul la nkumwlvcigu-ul hy nil uluu-n of >4-opla lo l><- (hammt n-huhlo blood purmor In I a world. And by N. C. I Ul.H()N 4:. C0. Klngntou. Fa sxLe,_ A'*.:."...'..';.."..'.`.`.".;..'..'.':"1s.`:".`. nut ts lholhg llama. la: I-an -cpl; bub stun. \ WILIJAI DAVID. 1'\o(\aph-ha. HhunI.IIIIun Iuuuvju :---_.__ aopochlly thud lb (Anon Innu- lncunn . A.&S.llllHl]HE|M[H'S} April 1,1578. the m Ivlul Min Kupemlully, I slaw: . um Chlcicrlng, Dual Ape: u. an. THE FAB VAIEI) KENTUCKY Incnw um ounmw ml WELLIIOTUI IlI!3`l', VEGETINE VEGETIN E. \' EH l`l'l`l N E nudthtunu tbntelunc zlutusm swans KIT .'I'II[, Duh: -vn-- -----... I i W. I. ICIAI C CO. Inn Man ulhng your rem , three moommonulnu ('Iucinnall.|,A FREI) A. (2001), Ins lull Street, (Jim-'|nutl 1I- and Inns. I- -. .L...'...l A--..u I, April ' . |)r\igghuI. WI no 10 IIVOII `il PUII/0 0! Kingdom and tho can-ind unity that to have UII OI IOU llltlnuutrvo nu: bonus in Kingnton in udnniood to-day- that ol Mr. S. Kilpurick on Ionrnd -O}-O-T-- . No! `[0 III Enwun.--Nun roeoind {mm Mu-quouo than that Mr. Ryan : goose in oookod ." 80 up tho Hunilun Tlmu. .:_.4u>...___ Uh: gailg gritish mi; wzbWu"sBXY iiv7i(i;7l3n1L 17. ms. " iii; WXIDV nonurr h-com In Now vorut 3 o'clock Ioog ?-_.;+---- I uonuu.rnu.-For the lower lnh region, uodonta uorthoukrly to |ouIh- oauorly witdu, and clear to fair Iuln inthor. __--o3 Sorta Lnm. -Maun. L`. Brinon, W. [L Froduuburg nnd Uuo. To-nnonl. hue been numinnled In connection with the ropreaentnuon uf South hoodu. ruprelentnl mu 1 'I'hentn- C-xnp wundmg uuum .__... Tun I-`mu Dowu.-'l`ho propollot New York,ul the Nurthorn Truuit Lino. will put down thin n.-waning, calling 1! Still : Ilurl. _jo:---. A Bnnchdou-'1'mmlIub1khn'nt mu wzu.lla1'ul l. The nv. - the wurkn -._--->._ lluoru Dub. --Txoublu never comes uingly. A horse of Mr. Norlhmorch dropped dvtd In the City Hotel yard on Monday evening. ' _- -41. __. \\'v.nw|.\' [Mr-vu\|r.l-.4-llnving accept- ed infurmaticm of an erruneunn nnture, we said last night llmt Minnie Hnuilh and Mnrgnrut Nelsnu were rornuulud until this morning, while at the same time the former was lined $.30 and emu and the nu um: WI-n .....,.. lnlter 320 and costs. A ooo -. _. AN ()swr.uu Sun.-u1'|>.v4. - The Tunes given an extended notice uf lhe finding 0! I bloody Ikelelon, over which ill people mnden great ndn, an it an nid to be um mck buno and skull u! on murdered . ;.... ...rnmimu.inn re- Cnuu. n ,r- veulul the her. that It . . ooo , - A Lnm r D1)I`KlLT. --'l'he Auizes opened in N-Apnnce yustvrdny, Mr. Justice Mor- rison prosnlmg. Mr. [S M. Hrnlmn, Q. U , fur the Crown. The duckat. 13 very light and the business will llkely all be finished by tn--marrow uvenmg. Hi: Lordship In pruentod with I p.\ir of white gluvon. - .1. -._. dny Tn: Mnr DI.-u-L.u'.~The butchers but been A: busy as 3 new mum of been thin weak prepnnng cattle fur the Easter murlu-tun Frulay. Tho duplny will be good, lur cattle never were in n ner nuts lhun nnw, Mr. Plum will dinplny. Mr. Elliott`: big pig-thn.t eight months` inlnnt ol 400 pound: weight. ------ ------ Tiil lluiuiui :4 Fr.s'riviL~i.-Tliai-e will be no meeting of the City Council l`l| Monday evening next, it I! nndeniaod, since Mundny ll I wmi-holiilny, and the l C0`llICll hu nuyprou.-ing buninou on hnnd. I The Cumniitteo on Ellroota nut lo-dny to Jiochnrgo Ill buninou, prior to the inset: inq 0! the Finnncatlummittu todnortow, ihu. the pay street: nny not be our- looliul throiigli recon. -oo Till 811100! In Fuiw CAIPIILL. Moan. Ilcllwnn & Son no building an- other lnrgo tnnlt for the Iolionner Funny Cunpbell" nnw fitted out md tu be on- [agod in the mi cnrrying botuon Barnin gm! Ilontrul The tank now being built will In plncod in tho contra ol the dock. snd will have 5 capacity 0! 30 tom. Tho oil innings ol the vessel will than he nbout 340 tnnu. . ,_._.- Wham we I151! input ominnnt JIUIIC, IUD. BOOK! ll` GCUEKLL `L'- IICAL IIKCIILIDIII. Ab 0:: of the pluuntoot all haunt ., .._.. 1- l.';.......... i. ulnanin-d In-dnv- `T OT`. A Nzw NAuI..-Snncu leaving King- tnn Limlloy hu furmad a now company. I. in mm known as the Lyla'I (llyunpio 'heatrn- Cu.up.u-y. The nnulo in high __ -._g.- Tu! ScHooL !loi.|unn.- l\o Public ohoolu wall elm: to marrow tuning. And nnnin eluted until Tncoday, giving Hum] Fridny nml Ellltl Ilondny II huh- dgyn Reno limo I'D I vook'I Iolidnyu worn sllowod II Kata. bu`. the dwar- coco botudn than Ind IIOV baboon ., __ :_ _:.I -n--m- ulna. QL. -_ I$I IIIUII Illll uvv c-u- -vvu nndo up in id-manor, when Ibo I9- louo lion luhut h non undbb ad up- pnciablc . _.._ -000------ --CO. l'uvn.u.Io WrnIInn.-DIr|n tho pronoun in iuqnoot uvonl vituuu hvo given their evident; in Ivory II- _.;.a...... ........o Donna! and ano- Ian pun non ovuuuuu Iu . ..., --. ntiluctory manner. Gounod and onto- IO! Inn boon nlih annoyed at tho I :- pluvsy inuhich Ibo lunacy bun` lbuaginu.|odI:Ie|\inoMIhnquuI `-__ -;._;__ 3..-n-uh $1]: $11 ljhj Ilt no vIu:u.u-u-- --_..._. ullyoruupHly,oI|nvuohavat. It Iucununsouufualunhgu alum. uuuqbmununon shadow: sdh-l puihouhvin bopluun Had! he ,nq wind and Iuln-upda-. uulopoocnuily intonation kind- 4.. ....|.. .....L .3---.n- I uh:-p----u, --.... .._. slap:-duucia"eo-raj Hllly l'N'l \ Il'l'.`\ xll l`. I In - urn \ II .'uh-luluwn-, unul Mr. Ululhxnn`.-I rts will lw givuu tn the perfection uusicul pnrns. I telling upon the buuuxeu. mler work is Increasing. and I h`.A\'c ubumhuwenf 0<:(:|l|u|- T Ti 01 diluent nnkon. but upon-iolly than 0! (H50. A. PICIKCK k U().. which um nchml. lodgal Hr-I anon; the bum muluu. IICOIII HAND HAN08 And OXOAIIB for uh um! I-or hlro. rrnunlu ....| Ialilullllll 1-unfu'Iv nt- ugh, wxnr. Aui-zes I u- I. .:,... nu. \`uvr.n.1-n-. .. cl (':;tlwlra| upon Sun- . .. ..n -Mc.\'zmghlrm & 0). : ng the work l Bxllulnauuu In wu tho Ikolelon :2-v `l'|oI:`cOea-nil 8IluisynvI:`Al! Ieaagpuuuu`-an bunny,-no WIIHOIIUIIAI chalet opouultillbo fuanu -..u.. Iiihdngttoullr 'HIoqlA!IunnilIH9pI-nuoo-0 for-nlinoto riidronfumw sud otin|"bdon may hp, Ihd paylo- snuunnta to 50 lav natal: not ohhilnblo A8 Chiup Ind Iilinuku. By the niddlo 0! {at week In look to Iu3or4c.p.iduoonIoBnslo. I The props. Anti: Qlcnhc will ._ ..__..a:.... -:oL oh; lof-IIIBIW rjtvvvuu JVIVI-I-v -- Ogdouburg in $10061: with the Nnrtham RAHIQ. Tbcjhil now un- dergoing exton&I iihu, lhilo tho Armenia hujnltonltgotl n I hand- nono buttery from I chrynlk cf propa- utiou. The ulna cabin Bu boon fur- nished rid: c.vII'Iuphh am, sad ovi- dontlyuno Ind! dponno; And the Ir- nngouonu provided for tho comfort at plllcnpunrc very complete. The Cubs Hen hon. Nile Edith 0 GorInen, known u the Eoaped Nun" will deliver e lecture thin Wedneedny evening, in City Hell. She lue vieited neuly all the principal citiee, where the hen epuken to lnrge eudiencee. Le it ie her tire: and only Ip- peennco in Kingnon, there will be curi- oeity te nee her. Her eulejecte ere Life in n (.`onvent," "How elie Eeoeped." and How it. was She became Converted to Proteunnv.ie:n." She comes endorsed by the press unll clergvmen of other cibiee. She in now I member of the l rul.eet.ent church in New Jersey and hes just. re- turned from I trip to Celifornie, liming epulren nine time: in San Francisco. Her lecture bu been the topic of camer- eelion for eeverel day: put, end the will likely have I good house t)-night. --- coo - r-- ---~ooo -- IMAT Bu1Lm.~m IN TRlN`l`0N.- Fho Inlelligyeucer remarks: A new bunch of buaineu ha been established in Trenton by Capt. Cuthben. He is now engaged in building a new steam yacht 65 feet lung, with `J feet beam, for T. Russ .,.. gr... will hnva double engines by Capt. L,ucuuen.. Ln: 1: m,--. u 5.6.... Cummings. She will hnve double engines and I cabin the full length of the boat. ller speed will be nbou 15: miles an hour, and is designed for cruising on any part ofllie lakes. Cuthlrert expects to have her out by August. It in also rumoured thin in will build I new screw steamer for the Buy trade, thin summer, and thnt he hu I10! her model complet- ed. The steamer tn run between King. men and Trenton, and have is running capacity of 11' miles an hour. --~ -ooo+ Chills, Shakes, lrlavnlt and Law. ---- - V 0.94 l A.~mnN Wi=.icK.-- l`hiu in the nnme com. moniy given in England to the week im. inedintely preceding Euler and otherwise Holy Week. But by the proper rubricnl .... .. p...;.... Wank in that nhich me. Holy Week. nu: uy we pnuyn -uu......l usage. Pnuion Week in that pm. cede: Holy Week, commencing on Pu- uon Sundny,the fth Suudny of Lent. In the Roma: calendu the whole of the la` fortnight of Lent is known by tha mme uf l auinu-tide, and all the services of that time differ in many reupectn from those, not alone 0! thus year but even I! thu rust of Lent. The vane Gloria Pat:-in in diwontinuad both in the man and in the bonevioary, sud all piolureav crucitixu, atutuel, Ind uther sacred re~ presentation are veiled during the whole: of Puaion-tide. ..:----oO----_< ..:-.-oo~-- Tm: Y.M.C.;\.-Arrr:mgmnents um h('llI;_flll1|"u for the holding of n cunfcr- cncu, uf dulegutes uf thu Y.M.U.A., at Iirt-ckvillu, comlnoncing mm the 26th in- mm. Unthunccasiun of the confer cure the Kcrurdrr lays. the following subjects Will be discussed 2 I '1'... nr..m.-+ wnrl: ..f the Ullllg U`Vl|Vl.'r[H. 5` M1blcChLas. 6. How pl-ayur meetings 1: pl`n\`ell. 7. \\'hM zunnsements __..,, _ Fntrv C.KTTLz.-(7|nsdn in becoming! fuuod for well-brednnule both in in Eng~ hnd And the United States, An Iull hue been men by the oxlnordnmry high price: quutod recently. The Vuuntry Gonllemauul I recent dnta givu nnolhtr I Iooolntol the sale of fancy cutie at box- inglon, Kentucky, at whnch` ve Jerneyl, bred by Mr Romeo Btuphonn, of Slocum Lodge. St. Lambert. were loll] st tho ful loving price: :~Muybud, 8340; Juliette. 8290; Prinoou. 8235; Plum, C320; and Charry, C230. oo~ S1`A.IIuL0l'I.~A currupondont u in-1' dagnunt at tho ncgnddoun not 0! placing lugs uonu upon the strata to be brohn 1 in Mu. Ho uyi it in cnntnry to sll la n o! rood linking, and never can pm- duos 3 Inoolh road. Iuly atone: nil uoouunly remain large, and thou Inge can II" nl-Ayn work to the uutfuq I Who II to blame I Never since the db]: 0! Funk Woinu has this pornicionl pne- tico been cornod out in Knnpun, in the unending 01 mod; ------- 09)--- T0-NlHll'l'-'l'|lE SCAPID HEN, -- Dunne Wrm `I'll `Tun. - Kinny ; thousand copra bun nlrudy boon told 1 ol Wnll L Tho-ponds lumu song, "Quintin; Shell: from the Son Shots." `, It i thought that nnhing with tho` Tide," Ilia Author`: Inn competition, will IVII odipu "Gathering Sbolla" in popu- larity. Any node dtclor will nnil either ~` A|---- L-A-hf-I rung In '9; J; Iarity. Any nun u-uw -u. ...... -....... cl than bouulnl your to you: addu- ou naipt cl prion. 40. Pnblibod by W]. 'l'bonpou"l Co., ' lad Idvcpnol, 1\L; _ .g._...__- I lounncu.-Ir. VI. Tandy bu hnjodaddludul l)inutotd Ibo |u:tIIulq8nolPu-Ii:-ngnditin puhlblhuho ill naqt. In til; ndbphguolu vhuvonylhdio hpuhpOb-duphb|ir lid Ihnyahununlodndluchapu-pus. . Sleluui