13ruS'1-t- To-tixnony yin-ux, |u||lln -in. ll|ll\lU \4l ...... .......t_, ...... sets I man in thinking with gran energy Ind nnccuss. There will be a sage lull of pretty Ivnuien, choice mimic, queer nilimtiuiu, Ind Jollity if all kinda. Dznn AT .\IlLTl).\'.-MIjol' (ieurgo McLean, of Wilton, Adjutant uf the 48th Lennon Iml Atldmgcon llnttnlmn. died It nine o'clock this morning At Wilton. HI! lunoral will take plmce on Saturdly af- ternoon it two u'clocls, undor Muonic Iunpncu. Mnpr Mclman wu formerly lucaled At Catursqul. Il!Il'0 he had in charge the admirable lonnlochoul. De- coued wun member of Prince Arthur Lodge, A.F`A.M., Hdesu` >000 4 TII Bonn lloov. -The I ;-lgct Eo- thoft no running into the building at the corn! cl Cknooo nod ' Ontario` ,.- ,._ _I.._L ;_ L__.__ L_-A.___I_ :.A..I Lv ll:\,lIII|. uuu U|lJ\v,Cl\l| P... ....u ....... mer, utliors to improve the means by ap- pllclllon to labour of various kinds. We are sure all mutt have appreciated the sterling advice delivered to tham yester- day by Principal Urant in his clocingiul- dreu. IIII An accident occurred lisst Mondny morning by which Mr. Krophy, s farmer residing sbout four miles beyond the Fmntensc Lead Mines, lost a pair of va- liisble horses. On the morning in ques- tion he end Mr. D. Williams. the geolo- gist and l . L.S., started from the fsrmer's house to come to Kingston. Arriving at the Loughboro Lake bridge, which is now irnpsssible, they got on to the raft which does ferry duty there, in Oumpany with iiuuther team and wsggoii similar to their own. When in the middle of the crou- ing, and where the wster is shout forty feet deep, the raft gradually began to sink. Mr. Brophy endeavoured to un- herncss his horses so that they might swim ashore, but unfortunately they took {right and leaped from the raft, tsk- iiig the wagon and Mr. Brophy's son with them. They sank completely out of sight, but in iifew seconds young Brophy came to the surface, just as Mr. Williams was going to jump in to his rescue. By great exertion the young man wits tished out in ll very exhausted condition. When the raft tirst begun to sink the ferrymen tried to pull it back to the shore, sud the heavy strsin upon the ferry rope broke it, leaving them in ii very critical and dan- gerous position. After Mr. llrophy's teum sud wsgon went to the bottom the raft tlosted snails, and all got safely to shore. It is thought they will recover the wngviii. It is a serious loss to Mr. Brupliy, and is great mercy every one on buzird did not meet with (I watery grave, as the position was eminently ripe for such is calamity. --~A-ooo-e_ --~A-v'v- SCA'l'flIlNu.--TllD brillinntnenea nt- tomling the cloning exorciaan of Queen : College are past, but it till bv some tune before they {do from memory. To-day those who c.me here to witneu Convoca- tion proceeding: have about all deptrtod {ur lllelf homel, nml the student: are wemling their way to the ucnttered point: from which they hzuled originally, some to rccrmt and enjnyably pass the num- .,._ . L...... 5.. l.....-.\.u. D)... --..n.... Lu nu, ue urn: ur-uauuuw nun u-uuuuy. -Tbo city Cummilloo upon Btroou in very slow in in opentium. Several dnngerouu places are left unattended to because Ipproprintioua hue not beer. pund for the work. Tho lent amount of work pouiblo ll being done, because every dollar spent in illegal. The poor system of appropriation, and not the of- ticinln of tho oorporntion, in to blame. ` --:---ooo-- -`l'III hrncicnatlbis Coho ns: Italic. _o'l hOuvou6cnolQuu|'I Gallop ya-Inuinyunnquiuiuacuuing. --Iotm` ol the vcyhut quality in piiutlola inlibnovl, IJ. -AnInoIlnonIto0olhp\oIho `-s..ao.u.uL an. 1*. I. Pouoeunu. _L-__- -1 .L- _....'._ .1 IIHIL.-._ an II. R. STlVIi.\'.'4. Boston, Mass. DCIJIVIHC OIIIX. -Dr. Grunt visited Kinpton to no u lunatic: of his non-ono ol this you : gnduun in Queen : _Il- nlx-nDlnAn Int. an innnrnnnn ........... .. ........ - -Hr. Bouernnn, Into u: iluunnco spat bu, bu accepted the bud mu- tonhin of Whitby Public School. ___ I'L_ I_.o --o-h I.-. nut bnrnnc` un. lonlnn ol Wtmby rnnuc aonool. --The Ion watch hum! turned up. If you no any one with 3 silver Thoma Ruuoll E Sou, No. 8,425, you can grab it And run. (I I I? A _ A.._L__. _.II .5 V II Illll run. -8ovenl Kingston teuzhon In]! L!- tcud the meeting of the Lennon nnd Ad~ dirzgton Touhor-I` Association, which will be held to-mutrow and Ssturdny. MI '- .._- uA_.-A- ;- `vw IKTUTI IO IIAAIUIII --In matches with Kinpton, Picton And Bollavillo clubs. n, n_,_. ._:.:._.n r:._..;._ .. --- 41.- CICIIUUL 1Kalo1.IIlI&I--: olnrpolthonouol Iillhovououl I-34!`- -130 vutunn vyva-un --u van. ` tiau to be plbliahod Ind edited by But. nu. ntuy. -.!lnpuuo arichlan nu union: for -.o_L.. -bl. Winn-on-u Pi;-tun nnrl .-:--ooo 'Alnnnt |"ntn| Accident. WIIIWAHI. I an Iunou n.. :n nun onus: hnoI- pun! la. cums]. _r can or A I In ..` ", JLIIIAITYICO. Licounu (or the you in coma huu boon 3.-mud to the pliui Ilaou n-mu ` lollov : I n___.__._.. I_____ n.,_. u-._-.1. The Board of ']r.Iateea of Queen`: Col- lege met. last night, and remained in sea- aion tillalate hour. There wan A large atcednnnce. Mr. Alexandur Buntiu, Mantrenl, and Judge Dennialoun, Peter- bnro, were unanimuualyelocted Trustees. Dr, Bnnlter, of Stirling, M,P.l ., and James Crml, Esq , Montreal, were re-elected Rev. Dr. Wrmlrope, uf Guelph, was elected in the stand of Rev. R. Mcbonmn, who had removed to Charlottetown, P. E. J , and Rev. N. McNish, LL. D., of Cornwall, and Rev` Donal-J Russ, B.D., of Lachine, were re-elected. . n . . -.~ :.L,|1,_,_ |U`UlULL(ILI- A deputation, consisting of the Mayor, Professor Dupuis, Rev. J. C. Smith, of Guelph, R. Vnahnn Rageru, and A. 1'. Knight, waited upon the Board to urge upon its nttentiun u rcaolutinn of the Vniveruity Council that $l;'U,()()0 were indiapenalble for buildings, improve- ments and additions to the scientic apparatus, museum, appurntui, &c., Ami miditioni to the togching staff in Art md Theulugy. A joint Committee of tha hm bodien wu appointed to consider the whole matter And report lo-day. We were unable but l'\'0IIil1K, owmg tn the late hour M which they ware umdo: kn:-wn ut(`<-Imucminn, tn nnnounce Hm winners of the l'nivemt_v prizes. They were M fnlluwa Prue uf Alex. H. Mclhxn, B A., Mun- ;-._..l I07. (An nl... pl... l...-o ........ .-... cl... 1'. Prize of Duncan Mela,-nnnn, $15, for but any on the nnture and inuence of (he philosophy of Des C|.rtoI.-Mr. Geo. R; uo. . I n , .; I,',_,`..AZ _ ,:nA__ .;u,g,u.u. Just bdore the diuolutiun of Convo- mtiun, the election of Follow: took ply.-e nth this result . Thoology-Ro\*. J. C. Baxter, D.[). Munkrod. A-a.Alhan H I`:-(`.|'Hn-v-nv A Munlftl. Am - Rev H Muhum. 1-- _ M. W... ` unmu. _ Kllcnol ("roIlIoiip)--CHI Counter, i A-may nu-A Innnnavox -Jolu| Aha-n. Jub- uv ---' Til) l1'\)I`! IIOII DWIIJJKG uh: rm-sauna: Colin! A I trual, 320. Modern I)-u U91 1. I . m~u. Leiil arll. .25, Man. VI T tn]? I":-rguwn. Prinr of G. A. Mu] re-rguson. ` Prinz A. Mullnck, B.A., Perth, O22 ), fur ho-I many on the life and Jun- curenn ul (1'I.l|l|0I). -Mr. D. Mc l`n\'nh, I ,. l.0L'liHB(HU). 'l'zn'urnn-Edward Vphrqu), George} Spence and John Switzer. Hlsvulxnnuox, I4I'-5Il . IV Ill. IIIIIC. Ll: U Iledicinz-A Mr. M. Sullnvm, Kingston. SHEFFIELI). Taverna-L. A. Wheeler, Elias Mc- Kine, Richard Mnhuney, Mrs. Phelnn nnd Jan. O'Brien. Bhup-Henry S. Joyner. xuuun `nan AN(:I.l1h'lA. rouruxu. Tavarna-Andrew Dunbar, Thou. Fal~ Ion. Mire: Summons, Lewil Geraldi, H. I . Abrams, lrn Smith and Thomas M. Clark. l t\l'1;unnIu\ 'I`nverus-M. G. Vaudewator, John Leslie, Jnlnua Guodfelluw and Arnold Hmght. BEDFUHII. mun:-Ls. Tavernn-Joaeph Sprnul, Wm, Warner, The: B. Uook, Sam]. Lung, Miss Margu- rct Weir, Ed. Hmnillun, Mrs. Margaret` M.-(`...hn 'l`Iu.- Kidd Chan, Shiellll and W uxr, lad. Iimmnun, Mrs. nlurgnrot McCabe. Thus. Kidd, Chan. Shield: nd George W. Ashley. Shopu-Hayden nd Ryan. KALADAR mm. A. Tnve|'na-Jlcob Audenon and F. Boat- ley, Sr, rou1'LAsD. At A meeeting of the Board of Liceme Comluiusionuls fur Addimztt-n Distri:t, held on Saturday lxul, licenses were au- thorized to be isau-d as follows for the year 1578.5! N!4.W|H`li0H. Tuverm--l{. I}. Hope and John Green lay. ('AMDE.\ . en. ensue vnuut.-, uuumu-vnnn n. The meeting here III held at 7 o'clock . p.m. Thirteen penone were present; Rev. F. Prime in the ehnir. The Church- Ierdene eeoolmte were examined, found correct end ulopled. Mr. Samuel Todd end Mr. Robert Hunter were nppoinled Chnrchinrdene. It use decided to pay the clergyn.un'e ntipehd (by envelope rye- `em) on the tint Sunday in every month. The Incumbent took the opportunity of trunking the people genenlly, end three lediu epecinlly, lor the preeeut of hell 3 dozen handsome chnire sent to hire. Prime. Mr.Sunuel Todd reed u tntement of per- eomge eccount and eelted the Veetry to eppoint auditor: to Act with Mr "Vam- dell. Messrs. D. Rey end Thomu Todd tere lppnlnled. Over 81,800 ha: been expended in this parish since Mr. Prime to k charge ebuut three years ago. At Birmingham I hnndeome personage has been built, nnvl the organ purchased by Mr. Barry paid fur. At Storringtun a cummodimu shed has been built and I good organ put in the church both paid for except ten dollars. There I! a debt ` on the pareonege of something over $501), which will doubtleu won be met. Menu. -` Samuel Todd and Richard Conuell were elected clelaglnre to Synod. .------000 u.avlu|.,uI;nsuunI']x--51..u-uI'_} ouua-unc,n~q;;,l"hIi`-.t?votct.cn-tr.` The H-rnIhid`IhiuIu!0cx~ ,1 : ,__.: _-_.,_. ___.I _)_.A.J Ialn 581$! Ill Hfjlivxt Iv'v olodod Chnrdwsrdanx Mr. Samuel Todd, Trouunt ol the Pu-uonnga Build- ingCoI|nitho, road I statement of tho accounts. Ind asked the Veotry to sppoint nn Auditor to enmino the boob, Lent:-. Ir. Vnrndellvu appointed to Act with whoever choukl he Ippointed by the Vu- O... .9 Dip.-.innl..n.'. ....w~u. ...u`..... w 7". try 31 Btnmnghnmn . um.` nu-!I- I;3)ln, oiMheingpuIuk..TlInin- ....._L_a. n..~mn.ain n...:.n...L.i.' rm: nmhsn wme. THURSDAY. APRIL 25. 1.373. Baum lou. ruyno. Gnu! Inun- lil. Bowl Inna-Ii. -1.1.1. - _.A.4l 4l:-3_- Chills, Shakes, Thin Po:1uou1u-Jnnu Short, Pun-kl: 'I_;-.- rapt: Pu-ruum-Illa: Dunn. In-. sum. I4! lnij. | uuuj. u '0l.II Inna --8.0. lliuhoot,1`.W. In-A loll. Plvln. BEL) FUNIF. Tavern Wm. Crozier. nnnuir I :u..unn.<-urn. 'I`avorn-Gcnrge H. Williams. xumux. Tavern - A. P. Wiok ware. nun unu. Tavern -UeoI-go P. Ferriu. urn: vnmn unison. COI.l.I'IU E 'l`|lUS'|'l'3 ES. A. & S. NORDHEIHE R, HI` T4 |Iu1|l1'n Cut!) 0! Frontenac. . . . . . no {Ale-1.46, : for the the bent u-nay on the -or-u'n-..6' la`n..-.n- _Mu- (Em. (`ON VU(,'A l ION. ADDINC-"l'0.\'. ball lvctun nn n12 ver:es.-Mr. J:-hn Mcilhvny` Tunic. LL D. ,` ll Null.-gn .G:Jl. ` M II TUVIIU All IEPAIIIIO nnfly Il- undod lo Our prim: hdug nnnmublo Ind lormn may up mnus all intending purchuon to mu In as wall. on-unnz fur nnvl hone-t COIN . -T lophaoa ' 3 _ T. P:,. M. `.;'I""1'."" 7`',.`..`..`.!~ '```-` '2.```' III 0 gnu Ia lruqcrluundl to any `pet ( 'l'IIr for Ioon Inna. - touuhlho dlj | tht@.W|,G:.?'.g'-h :31- V the nnutycu an 31.0. irna-flu! can cons & kouptnnpdt. uu tlvnlunrwlwllsllla vvnulls. nu-uunu yuyuuu error was to needlessly meddle with other people": business. Hussite were early l'l:4-.l`J, and they are very cunning in lind- ing nut what is doing. They are able to tell inure ab mt une'e alllurs thun he can lllmclf. He gave new-ral Itmueing inci- dents illustrating this part of his subject. Anuthci error win that many person. think they will muke A great impression upon society by being peculiar. There was the religiuul Iran, with his peculiar actinne, and ntliere with their big euund- ing wards; and than there was the hip- piuh dandy. Look at him with his twist- ing, twirling gait, Ae he step: along the pavement, smoking the bent ciger, staring thruugh his eye glue at every lady he meets. It was I wonder that much a re- . .u -nu ~ .u .- ., .... .., ..,., ....-........., Allue Vane." The qnartelto than give |nulllN' piece. when Mr. Shaw guo hi` reuling, "The Mnlutiml Rooocer." The Clmrman then thanked all who had wn. lnbuted toward: the emeruimnon! of the evening, Ind oapocinlly the lecturer for luia nblo luctnro. A vote of thnnlu III given very willingly (.1 Rev. Mr. Dyko. The meeting In cloud with (ha bonediotlon. unuuun. n. nun - nun-un mun. -uull u no ned mnrtal could live in this world` Another popular lrrt-1' man that some think they will sum-ml u uh .u'. some nim or purpose in life. It was the duty of parents to give their children some xed nun ur purpose in llfu, Every day they met with mural wreck: in society. Every day they were surrounded with aimless people, who are A burden to l.l10!IIIBlV0l sud to their friends. Another error wns to nuppooe one in right and others are wrong- Some think that this error belongs to the past, but iutullermae and bigotry only want the opportunity Ind power to din play their cruel aliapnallionn. Bigotry has slain its thmaaudl, and it has not been confined to any particulnr creed or conditinn, or nuy Age of the world. The only remedy in For every one to rolpect the npinionn of others. He cloned by nhewiug the benet: to be delivcl by doing In. Thn('hnlrmsu| I-Allnd nn Min Ahl-Am: doing The Chairman called on Miu Abrnmo to give I 3010. She ung very chlrminnly llhn \.'gu.n " Thu nn'xrIA.IA ILA-u as---n - The How: Sewing Mnching Com. pnny`| elevator at Chicago fell from roof to buouent. 85 hot, with tau ooeapcnh; mm were injured. . -Tha Alnxnndrix Tnunntnira -ml ID)lll'O. -'l`ho Alouodrin, Totnoniro. Ild Iunnreh, ironclad: ol the British navy, luv: boon providod with chemo light; than brilliantly illuniuuu tin can wound thou. By this mam, it In thoughgtho Approach of tofpodooo my bodetoched. _D-.I.a...' l...__ .3; un.....\...:- aoucna. -Porhu' bmvn colt "cuclon," who has been the favorite in tho heating for both the two thousand guinea nod tho Derby, broke doln in tn|n1'o!. All bu boon struck out of both nonn- man and his donkey in this reapoct. Ewery true man should have I I nnnd of his own and have I knowledge that ha is right, and then stick to it. The force of moral power is destroyed by I vucillating spirit. They should not be no nti that they cannot retrieve their errors if they (ind them out, and not be ashamed of nck-mwledgingwlnng. Another popular n-...\.. _.... L. .... ..AI....I.. ......l.ll.. ..:H. ..AL.... u|IruIl\A. .\|l\I\.I.l\)| nun. w... .-, y ....... .. ti. person beneath netioe because he wore . plain clotlien. lt I! not to much noticed hate as on the continent. There was nothing so deteltabld u that mean, l.|`l'0- szcnt spirit that loolu down on other people because they are not well dreued. He gave several incident: illuutrating how many persons liml been Ieproved by ahuwirw that low, mean trait of chnrac` tar. lloaainl tho time In: coming when men will meet on a common plntfurm,and when mun will be valued for their moral Worth and not for the circumutauceu by which they niny be surrounded. Another errnr was trying to plane everybody witlimlt any referenco to themselves. They in the end plane nobody. He in- utanm:-l the feeble ubrts of the l4`...-.. 5...... ....... .l.....l.l L...-- . VEGET|NE{ sn` Ive own on any usguu. Ir. Dyke was then introduced, sad commenced by ssking their sltontiou to two points: lirst, thst than would not be time to give, in one half hour, the whole of the lecture. so ss to do the sub ject justice; secondly, they should not be offended with say remsrks which he might msko, for it was much essier to praise society, run withthe stream than sgiinst the current of public opinion. His object. visa to pointout some sbus- es uf society, not for the grsticstion of nding (suit, but improvement of society The first error thst was common among many wsa thst they cannot make sny niistske. It is nmst amusing the blund4 eis some of this clue of persons make,sn(.l they cannot be convinced of their ignor- suce. Like syuung woman, whose nsme was Brl\lgel.,Wl1u thoughts `is know every- lhlng` One day she went out shopping. and passing by it poultrymi\n's shop she saw a line big bird. with very lsrge eyes, which she very much admired, snul she thought it would be first rate tn cock. She asked the owner Irhst was the price of the line goose. He said that it was en owl nnd nut is guise. U Well." Said Bridget, nu iuailtcr how ould it is I can cook it." Such wss her lll0l'lIllC6 and such is the cue with many sll ........... The lint un Ibo progninmo III I solo by Mia: Lindsay. Sho ung very bunn- fully the piece enmled`Ho Situth on !:e...WnurI. Thu next tn the quar- totto by the two Minus Lindsay sud Maura. Purdy and Audrowu, whloh In an uith excellent eect, entitled `Tho Pnlnm of the King;'Miu Smith pruid~ in; very ably M. tha organ. II. l\-|... _-- ah-.. :_a_..4l....._l --4I _.nvIp:1-u,-Ivfjuvuvuvu-l. with 1 hymn And then lid in prayer. In sfovoponing nuurkalolliulh III gruiod on seeing so Inge an abundance, ntho muting Ind not boon Idvrlind in the lulu! way, no public notion having boon given uoopt 3 Ion] notion of the Incong through uh ooln-no o! the Wine, for which he felt exceedingly .._o.l..I nu: mung, i;_t.l: Primitive lotto-J dinm-nu, up .n:. Dyh, ol ()1. E-nn ' Ig1&jmI n1|AD UZII , jurvvu lvyulnl E-tors. Tho ll. 1'. W. Jollilc occi- nhh . L--an --4| OLA; [ml In n-nuns In ulcryu gs Inna. . .. .;-.,.w. .. ......, ....... how it h many Another error was to consider I .1 .> L ,,,, c,__.A r. I. CIIJICI. WIIHGIFIIS. T .1? T j if T 0! Allan! taken. but npocblly lbs of am. A. PIIIICI & 00., which no uzlmw lodged u: slump the hotter Iuhun. SECOND HAND PIANOS sud ORGAN! fut solo and lo! Inn. TIIUIHJ --ml IIIIDAIIIIHII _.-l-II- no jlvuw. IIJI-. lull. I J. H. Ioltlnoi. lhq . St. John. Ill]. n.. as. _.2..|. :. mm... In` .1. I1. IUIIIIIHI. j DI. aunn. ALI). Du 8ir.--Bntlv in October Inn! tn-ii nvav cold Ihii utlhdm n Iuugn. Mae! hgrhqnbador-ugh fur Ibuul x vdu. 1 id gury-ovcreutackdblnulhalrvxulhcluy. vhihonn. lrr-Quannavntnhpvar. lhdddly Ipel nl bk-eu lawn: dnyl. nndllladab--cl two pllnurl Andra anwuirbenuucolynbhto . I put hnckto n:cunnwn.vbculnadvudnh dag] nnahlcrlnotopc bane. lnwundvarli-tntnlyuur Calljvu Olllnflivnh I ppu. 1- dm.|n-cud 1-Ahulan hauls. --A man namuu Jamtl lmnuey, wnu utatud that he wu A desert;-r from H. M.'a 14th Battery at Royal Artxllery, surren- dered himself to Hugh Constable Bunsen- nette, of Munlronl, un Saturday. -'l`wo hundred and thnty horses were purchased in the Montreal market In! week Ind shipped tu tho United States. The nverngo p.-we Inn 880. -Sncakinn of mvnterioul dinnlenr I no average p.-we wu gnu. -Spcaking mynterioul dinpgenr ant:-vs, the Cinclnnnti Nuzdte wants In know what has hecnnle uf the `z. ,.'lU0 American Ioprnnon who hue nude Astounding debut: In Iuly. ---ln commuuenco of the ramunntrancol ISDOIJDCIIHK UBUUII III llolly. ---ln cunsequenco the remumtrancol of the great. Poreri. the Egyptian Unv- ernmant has paid &'.'rU_000, the amount of juduunenu obtnlned ngninu it in tribunal: by (T`I.9|lOl I. ~-ll. II rnmunul lhn`, Hun P, C, I. THI moat ucellont. attribute. to the moons of I n:-clan hotel Are courteous trutmunt, a well appointed Gm'u'nc, ud wolllumuhod rt-omn. Y.u can nd I than II the Colunnndo Haul, Phil dolphin, Pa. -2- -1- ._. Ct-I IJVCUIIII-uutvnlaapnpu. l-Iv dhu|yuntudguI.hdlndanbu|u.nlt high: which I I-Amy-Ilonll-unt. or I umereuce or IDOUL uzo.UuU per day. -NIue hundred and fifty-seven thou- und seven hundn-J ton: of ice have been harwntutl xn Mnine during the winu r. --A named Jame: Lunnav. who narxuwu muue uur Jan dun uf I ( I `P...-. |......u....4 .4 . nil intending pnruhuors to mm Inntmtgul Anal thorough on htncon to all 4 ununnua. Ins1xen.2t2 1875* Lrioiinnil Dy (rl5Ul[0I'I. ~-ll. in riiiiiuiud thn`. Hun. P. C. Provincial Secretary. will iihurily be pointed Lieutenuit-Governor of . Hcolin, on the oxpintion of Lieu! ~ Archibald`: term. ,_T`|.- nnltv c-....-.1.-i gloin 0.. oh; i Arcmmm I lerlu. --Tho only person akin to the royal family of Englund Iu whom lunscy hu Ippenred, excepting, of course, George III.. wu the Inca Eu] 0! Munntor. nppenrea, exoopunu, or course, ueorge lll., Munntor, nu.-Irnl non of Wilhun IV. by Mn. Jordnn, the M-lreu. , A D-pm--. I... An-i..4l - R.-J: Nhbgl .1 orunn, mo tclreu. - A Gormm hu devised I Bank Nun Album" with leave: of ubulon paper. Papers place! lnhvixt tho Iona will, it in aid, be logil-is ovorrnhdr exposure to a fate which reduce: them to` cinden. I fcntlnonul Inn fapuln Joshua Innpu u-.xkul|n.N.B . Pol. III. I877, acne am an nanu. --A Burlington man has naxnzd his girl-baby heurge Yelliut. -Greocu can uuw fumiuh 1UU.()().'J --U| e9L`L` Iumuu lUU,UU\J soldiers and 10,000 nilnrn. -A steam tire-engine nearly burst in a trial at Quebec yeslerdny. -Sir Grunt Wulnelc-y inn-nkei cigarettes and dam`: know what. ll 13 to have IIDIIIRI nerves. -1! in now the mode in Islngluul to be Lmriad in An open wicker-wuxk cutlin till- led with Huwora. _M;.nop.;.| -...lmn .n.l Pu-nmnn urn mu wuu nuwora. -Munl.n-ml police sud remen are much excited over the proposed redm Linn of their pay; the latter threaten to re- sign. -()il in tha Sum in 81.25 a barrel sign. the States in 81.25 3 barrel |gn1nnt,$2.92 par blrrel this tiu1elaut_\ cur, or ditference of About 825,000 day. -NIue Piftv-sevsn thou- Zwuxxwg For which '0 an the oalynuhoriud A;-nu In: [In Donlltau oflfaudm Mr. Sitting Bull in keeping up I dcuporute thinking. -~'l'hn day: of pie-plant and staunch- ache at hand. 1 IL.-Ii.-...b.... ........ L-.. .........l L2- | \ The Judgu made a auunblu reply, and then the Uruud Jury was (hillell. The Pelil Jury was ulsu dlI8h1H'5;t(L nu, . -nu-u--u. rruuecuwr, nr ma suurway In To Sheriff Ferguson mar ulau due fur the uttuuuun u we have received at his! thanks of lhuclly nun] unu duelmu fur hm lnmluenu m the use nf prleuu lalmr i1 In plepurlng mu uruundn fur pl Eur the excellent boznrdwmu I..A .|..u-.. wumen m wusnlug mm uwmg um IIuum-- in: work ol the uunl. Wn would wish Inca?! the Mt...-nti In uf the County Cnuncxl to thu rt-c--nt. uacape ul :1 yrnsuner, Whlch was fxmlitated by n wntsr c|0s~.:l: built, by the authurltlexs uf the (iramnuar Schuol, against the outer wall of the pol. The Cnuncil uhoulJ request that this be at uncu l6lHH\ (`d. We received no cumplamts [rum any of the prisnnera, who enamel ea mlicd wnh their t.runl.uu-In. ma... ..l.. I... U.- WIIH LHUIT LI'l$"IvlUl`H[. Thu I-upruvulnemu hem Corbett in front of the will rmneriallv min] In th tho Court ll man and sun I- .l........ 1.. ....-..... er nuuer um cnnrge nuunuug mun. lu pursuance of our duty we visited '.!:.= (hul, whu-4 we fuund 48 pria-man, '28 male and 20 fenmle-une Iunlo an idiot, nu! ma Insane. Them wn wuuld ..a ... n... .. ., L...-V. ....`I I. . nu... 3.1.. .. I noun - .u n.` . . \"sLerdny afternoon the Grand Jury made the following prusuntmant (hum; Jun Rmw, ) Kmguou, 24th April, 1678. \ The Grand Jury of (bur L my the Queen lorlho Court of Angus fur Iho County of Frontenac, bog leave tn report that we luve dnauow-i nf all the busluuu K/Ullllly `II l'l'Ul|LL5HAC, Utg IEIVG U` l'l`pUFl disputed laid below us by the uicer uf the Crown. 'll1el1ghlu-as of the crnnnml cal:-ndnr has atfarded us Inuc!| grullficzlli-HI, and we noted vnlh ploauuna the presuutulmu tn Yuur hardship $1 the b'heu. uf the cuztmunry pair I! white gloves, us show- m_- the siglliticant {mt ha had In) lII lIuH' under hm charge nuuiliug trial. In lmrnummn nfullr duh! W8 vinihsd yxvv. Tu: Qvux v. Bunu.\'unAu-Auault. Dolrlldullt In ned 330. 'l|.... n......-. .. u..v _ .. I"L.. _:...,-_,- I/Vlxuuvul nun uuuu yuv. Tuz Qvxxs v. Mcliu. - l`he wilueuea in this case could not be found, hen-:0 no nation was taken. stelnvn I `E In Inunxrf Bun v. Snvunox at ;L-sm at ejeoulnnl. Verdict fat plnimi by consent. Mr. Briuon for plaiunlf; Mr. Mnddom lur -loiendam. Mun.-.;..--u~'.. H.-v - 3;`-run-.:\'.; u at Iwulnuuun u Luuucuu. Cl|n.uru.w v. Puvnm\'.-Seduction' The portion live In the 0-mu! of Adding- tan. Phluulf clhilued 82,000 uni gut lAnn .-........ .-an. LII-uuvu uvu ------ u.-.... MlR\'dA.\'l"sUA.1K r. zsrxvn.-Ls at glans.-ux.-.1 by pun:-s uni wnthdmtr. Mr. Brulun for plaintiff, Mr Preston lur A-.'.n.I--.9 ...... ......u.. .... V.- doion-lnnt. ` SLIJMAN v BI.'u.\`s.-Twuc;uau. Mule rcunuou by consent. I`.---. noun - D..u-n.u- _E.u!u.ui.-.n- I`-7`) ' . l.I\I--'n-`QII ZFIQKI IX IIIIL Verdict for plnintil K35. Ir. Kirkpatrick for plnintil; Kr. Smytbo lot dolendun. 13,- __ ,__ v n _._ ,, o__..______. -. I-IIITI. rwjj ncbock through 650 ' ` doluluugdort. nanny` than vhichludunr ' doloodun. The button thoungtlu ` mains-'qc.m9. Ir. nrmuntoe` ..|-:..ut.. II. 51.1."... C... .l-l..uI.nQ v-Il$0|Iu-'IvI glue. 3:. nu-u- av- plaintiln; Ir. Iclncyn for doloudut. Boon v. 8mnv.--An notion lu- `V ,n:,. , _n ,-_.:n Ann: ll- ma uuwn. All of which is I auu one useau umnu vnl he Ipwdy l`HIut)\ed to the pru- ylnma. `Everything nbuut the gm :1 rrupnlouly than and III perfect ullecung Ih-s highest L'rt`tlIl un nrhett, the Govern: r. u-I. .I . ..F pl... .. ...l grant --H-an m month I NEWS 0! 'l`Hl'Z HAY. I respectfully 3-nbnu led. x Q... ..... ..~.. l`.`........ .. mu helm; m ulu by Hr. ga->1 rmndeucu nl the amm.ruI.cu of uul aurraundin-_-s. fun) I..-.. un. I, 1 up nrnor of Nuvn . u.u.u--,-. n r pluxutl-nu, ll hulk: they Ln In I oining II I rest Bu In, I lull IIOOI OI Til. UD$ $4 W Lilll. wrap n ,nll wch ollatilu um! ( out : Umtona sod Merino Hos . Ala svnll unnn-sent at I'..: lull Ind Iorino Un-Inn-looming. . -ll! Pun Black And Clovil '0 Punch KM |O'I'1.nl 310 To Arrive In 319- all 0-!!! Ion rnnmo Pubs! Bosnian lwxbvu I 0 lie IWI Shade-, Than Olav?! In aculully the but In the Iurhol. A full 5 of lacy (loath lull than '|nhh'ugo.ullaovIpnung cm: a! the -0-: oouplau and nuuuu Inch ol 1):; Good: in We cit}. II` An innpo-4-not Iolll.-ilad rnnsn .A.II..___.__'__B;I.'V'w .A..'l.'.-8 ALmxA.1~n:>:aJR ROSS A. & S. lllHH[|MEH'S. Good Dlu unul Punt .. Spleudld urling Pants . . . . . . . . . .. . A Lot of \'mm at lwlfpru A nun! Wlnlu Shir for N. A large Stuck ul'G:~I1tr; It uruiulnng Gum] rur urrvn.-uuu-u 'rn|r Pl.A(`l('_ ITTWEJWYUBK ULUTHlNG_3TUBE- For Gheap Ready-Made lolild Gluthing Made to Urder WY. DI-`.|i`Y (.`()IPIZTlTI()H. ` vo vggvwr -vv-w-J --v-u ...v-- ---u. --..v-.- :--v -v _---- WK D1-SPY COIPIIZTITION. We are! now prepare-cl to nbnw our (.`mmnnI-n snnutirel NIW STOCK ol FANCY (YOATINHH. IIIAHUNAIJ4. 'l'|'IEl)H` (,'LU'l'HH, (IKNTB I` HNISHINU GOODS. KICADY-MAIN`) (`l.UTHIN() (our uwn nmluap. l|A'|l9nml CAPS. UNDIIIWIAI. to Our Black in bought Inr cut: at Krnullv radian-ml pn..-- and n wnll bu our onvluvour Io plan-n sll In re nnl In man-I nriro I-`-)il I3A.'4H we ran au-ll luvu-r Uun my other Hour In the any and In I do :0. Our [family (It And prim-ex uny any rt-pnutrm for ('uu.ing and Filling hu hm-n ulahlinh-II for yum and In-he-u I0 II] that won wlil guarantee A Plikl-'l'(,"l' I-`IT wn mmnn it It will nvnrynnn mgotuur prkn ln-fora um-hu m ulnewhom. A Inrw Sm-I: of TRUNK!) and V'A.{.ll8 just rooolnd to In hold -1 ....m..u Waoloanle prkx-n ['7' IKKMICHIWIM THE PLACE- Z. PR EVOBT, _.._.... .._.._...- _,-, `A... n___ .g.- -__n._. .__.__, [ Conaiatlng of [Hut and Colored C h . Hun d 7 D Colon ranging from 70 par uni, l.;IIml:l::.i Kllh suntan-A R-|2:.d. I. .&`hM,.,.,,.l`::: Prinu from the but mnkora (AI! I .n-uuulh PHI! to In all gm "4 gm, (`nttnnm Medial: Pi luw Column TAMI! 1.5501. llho. [Cd IQ`! Cur ` C.-mum... nun and Funny mun Good. In nu nu lnndlng lav black gs outrun-(I hw Igg Prilu Hannuonb I] pound. (`otlonm blotting: Mums, Torch Tobol . II I Ilsa hard line 2: plans If-ml Him Lin: and Anulnuunu. ull to he ooh! st price: (6 nltfreu Bu in, lull lunch of Truth. Cloth ll hunted CCQIIQI. earn nil of `Ia um and Un-Ian-loom-Ix. .'-u loan (Ilene ml The People s Clothing House, 21 Brock-st... CHARLES LIVINGSTON. _ N.B.-[ urv.ieo purchannu: Tweed: frm . nlzuszo stone} Ann. urr nn Suits from $5.00 to $15.90. Diagonal sum from $14.00 to $18.00. All Wool Pants from $1.75 to 5.00 n ....r Ilrn .nu.- u.u1un A uIlIl'l`IAl l'I`V r3 nu! f!no.nu- Mr Li.-lnnul. UHDEK WUHK W I has given uliufw-tiun .2. Ln. A nnu1`n\ ..-s `nun u_.,m...~ .,.v.. If MuNAUlH`U.` n-qulring any (luodu in "78_ SPRING. "78 um: ARRIVALS oTiw mum com ._`1-_ HIOKHY &A2!Zi1:@'J'.".I"8. Clothing at Prices Never Before Offered in Kingston. CIADTIIH, Dlugoual-s. Worsted Tweed.-3, MCNAUGHTON & CO. Cor King& Princess Sts. CEE AI % CLOTHING Gem : Furnishing.-4. ` A3nnchu!au'!a:utoEsb1iIhn'nt (ll HIIJJIQTOI IPRIIT. The Busiast and Cheapest Clothing Establishment in the city IS THE IPEUPLESCLHTHINGHHUSE Cams` Best 200 lard Spools at 3CenIs Inch. Coats Best 300 Yard Spools It-I Cents Inch; l}Iark`s Best Needles at 2`Cents per Paper. Croft's Best Needles at 3 Cents per Paper. IF. X. COUSINEAU& co. uuuw TWIEDS by the yard very Cheap. WILL PLEASE REMIHBER THAT WI ARE NOW 3-` I '13 Bandy-Mada u1utnii1{;`z{1Ia"t 1a"1i'tiE1Ii:i:'s"rurnjanjng Hood, AT TIIE DOIIIIIII CIOTIIIII CTOIE. J;:::'.g.-=:::~sr.%'."..t::;'.-+,:3-:;:'.;.=~'.;.*:..7 . IIW ALI. WOOL CA.IPl'l`B-15n. 1. $3` HAVING A I-`uzs1`cu'ss ctrrnzn wl-: uuuuzrrn sA'rund'r|ou ro 'I`ll()sE onlruninc |lI Illh their ordain. I'l`Il0 W413 111! Pl7llJ(L' 0! ' t .u.Ih to Ian Q. q A If DlIPIl'I-70o.f5:g hound !h-loIl.IUI|'~ IIv"AI.I.I`v .c 5o.Uo %:uICI.I. sauna-nu ' Fuuqu-1... I&00.OIII.04-00.04%!-'> `I'D Lu-o rhhmhuysrdn tvtl 5'- (.\np0noIIutI.lAp|udIuundllunh Q0. (IlcnpPhno0onn.nllWool.noI ` (map Goon lotus. Lapland Ina uni unk IQ Pluto 0onn.nllWool. IOIOOICQ.` Onn clubs-ale, 3. fl Isudlyudnnquto. l'\ lllnl RRAI I Dam} % ;omf:o-rni `Siam, .__;n_.._:. :_a._ -_ (or `I. A urge Guru: 0: null In r In u 3` REME.\llHH THE PLACE- Apnl IT, 1878. April 24. ms. oun nuuv-MAn'nma1ia_mur us now cormnn ARI nI`IvIullNu' 7 j (Next Door to Icssrs. I. `J: J. Cu-Clnos, Prllceu street.) CHARLES LIVINGSTON CLOTHING I Wban in um hupn nnonnnl JICIIC. ICIIC BUNK!-and GIIERAL IL . MCAI. IEBCIIAIDIIII. Alu- A. GRAND OI-IA.1.\TOIEl V side} 15aznE,'r3xiE>oosE.n 'uC.'iZx.7. 9(,__.__ PURCIIASEI) FAR (`ASH 'l`|lE FINEST STUCK UII` FWEEDS AND UI.\ (;`u()1\'AI.S E\'Ek IHCI-`()RI-I 0|-`l"lRI`ID IN KIN(l8T()N I8 llI*I'l'l`Il{- MINE!) TU 0l|`||`|H (`o:|Iingn-1, ::E5'U':BI.I0 ll IOW IIIOWIIG `XIII GUITIITI 0' I RI N (JESS STREE1`. an |nuru- wuu mnu Klvun uuu a nun. &. ()0, nrnuaring GREAT BARGAlNH|nI|1e n|ova(lomln. l'urLIn-\ mlr hnn will Ilml it to llmlr ulvnntngo to gives me 3 ca COME UNE! COME ALL! 21 Brook Street. PIANO-FOrR'_FE__S.] -umoklla nkgnggl ILA `nun: nun: u-xuannyuulquluu R. WALDRON. Wilson's Buildings. A FULL ASSORTIINT OF 7 Iioflt lrlllrl`. lour Door: from Ila lnrb IIIIH. Ixuto. Oupn. duo. GUAKAKTEI BK entrusting with tholr `ls-an I lull IIOOI OI TIQCI. CDI- $4 Wuulcl C%|I|'I. ftuttom U cluuu (Iv-nnmo lhxbvu III h. the nnrinl. 8 lnncv oath um to make at home. I will out to m mm of ulmlgo-. II !lh-loI ll 90: and Oil . -`Int-0Il.nlIl|8.|Iil:( Wll-II 1 ulna L`DlInl||llll_y nu lmnd. llluvn lllllll VAIIII vv v-vv w 01!! Cuwnr, Mr M1~IlIfl|n|I ll. And In N (` l'I>l.SON It C0 , lrrmggiala. Klmnmu. Nervous `Headache akheumutinn CIADTIIS. lllsgonalu. Worst:-(I Twrods. `Genvu Furui:-hing. Coating o_ '. Hangar`. tannin. Ibo-ho. A991! :2. mm. IIDYXIIDUIIIIDKIIIU TUYIIG and I.EPAlIllO nnfly prim; hdug _-~ -- - -- u-'-- ----:-- _- W mlumru. Iirnncle-In ()lL1wu,Humilum, St Cntlu riun And Lumlun. ICITI CI XII C IV I I show IIIOIVCIEI lune.` auounuu to about Il1.000.00. nun`. -ul ulna.` -A-:4 up... `-1 -4--rn In tha Goidon Lion Block. WILL IICIIV;-FIUDKX UITIL L . o ela-I. IoOI.0N IATUIDAY_`l'-`lb Incl . 3 [Ln anpochlly than at tho (anon nun lacuna: l(4\Ip1~<-l I u I | V. E. I Slll-2l`|lF.'BI) 5. CU. lnuguinu. It Varnun. lil In nu-lnuv|4-nlgul In nll cluuu of Ectopic to |.- the Imml ralmhlr n.l`:....: purmor in I 1- worlll alnvn. mm Chic trlu, III III l`lI|'lr2l and AGl'l3. E\I'II I'I.l'( 0|` 'I'lIE VEGETIN E. V l*I(} [GT1 N E inuwa was uawuw OI WIIJJIOTOI ITIIIT. VEGETINE Itovonn; --l huvn mm] your \'ogaHms for aodu-he uml uluu far Rholulntinun. it 1.31. ..-- as any: I CAUIVIONI! Propared II] KIT Dunlun --J 1'uu.-innntli, April `J, `77. C Olol IOOIII. Ind (khan hon Flu-:1) A. (mob. ma Mull mun. (lint-llmtl JLI. IIAITYI C0. `T - " II. uuuuu. C. V. PIJCI. Annglu. -. ..... ,,__ Lnmv. Em:s.-`.'caterdny in were):- loniuhed by the production of I monitor egg, ulniiiahecl Lu be informed that it wu that uf ll hen, and now our rondon will be Mt-miahud on n-aliug these ti gnrea weight II ounc:-a; circumference 9} by H`. inulies. \Vu must cunfeu that we lime 15 great curinnity to see tho hen which in NI Lina lmbii. of duing Inch aur Myrtle Navy Tobacco. i it { Hans ALI-R S1-'.nE.'4A|nzKn. Very quiet- ly hue Hnywnrd's Seremdarn announced thn.-1l'n5-pcur:1nc.v fur tun1:rr<-Iv evening but lhe public can depend upon them -..b I ... .|m.n Hm w of: __ P0l.l'I'lI'A I. Mx:r.r1.~u;.-Thm evening the Adjourned meelmu WI be held in the Hnlden Llun Muck, at which the organi- tmn of the Young Men's Lxbonl Clnb -ulwlulllvu uuwuu-ug nu. .,.. ...,... ... ...v luck, Illl be completed, lllll. to-marrow even- ing I special meeling nf the regular Reform Aawculmn Will be held for the lrnmaclmn of Important buain_eus Let there be 1 gmml rally 4! the friend; of guod Iiuwrlunenl. Thv Reform element L,_,_w ,_ ,,,,,, ..,K.... ..............., paying fur It mum aim). and (Lu pruba- luhlv II that n Is not nu good a umchuw I! the Kings!-nn engine, lot which .401) mm nakml, but whwh could haw been purchuod for K100. The ung II nut now worth 3(1) Cantu, (but u: an far as Ils .u4-rvu-0 hvre ll runs:-nned, and an uffurt should be made to alupmw of u an am-n em pouihlu. Sr. llnokufu Du . -Thu Donn 0! On- tnrio cum-lmled his speech At St. George": dunner Illh lho knlloving poetic linen and nllmtnlion . Tho Hninh M111 is: atrung. buy. The Inn}: IHII nu tough . ! ` The Snxthmnnl hluw lzxoa-uuno.- lauovcniug thou cg} Inquest touching tho Jail d lb dliotmr drivd Anvil! III vault! in `IMO-nudlnniu. Anddnlol 'ovUuooovuhhn,nudclsoItndie~ .uqu.aa.u-canny Ihjuqnoo A4-|L4..-ln-'a-AL-Ash--n.J&-ll-ngl uu.-ii us,-.vv.un.uu. .... Lu u. giving nii (-iiiurminnieiit fnr lbOV8 the nvernga merit. It has been truly laid of the miupimy, that ii. is cnnipnled of Art- iutl who rank ainuiignt the highest in their 1-rnlmmnn, sud whu, whenever they have App:-iirud. have met with lnuilistiunl .-.B~ up-in every hand. Ilosnun S1-I.nr.--A loogthy km: in the Win. --I to-day explain: tho poni- uon 0! Dr. Dlipuil kg: nlcnmol lo hi: building on Brock unot. Without din- cuuing the norm or donoriu ol the can it man be rvgnuod mm In uhould have boon put to the upon. ul pulling down the hull slur it bad boon to Inhncanliav hull. and to tho hngth hitch in can. II Inc in aid that the Dr. has pgid putty daily for the error in tho uriking ol tho has at nu-cu. ---V -o>- LU`l(u.~HE.-:\ meeting of the Lacruue players was held last evening, when the club wu organized for the ensuing nel- anu, Inch the fullmvmz office b8Il'0l l : I reai:lant- ~ Mr. Thmuaa Scale. \'Ice (ieurge ()fT~rd. Next.-Treasurer -.\lr. A. E. N. Lou- uumbe. l'..n blvl l1lll|Ll08 7* W. M. Bmlht-, and O. Chuwn. 8* None other In Iiennlne. Illntltuu. lurch ll, I821`. < 4 I r-- ax:- l ou- E. - Bvrnard Hnlhgan, drunk, fined 8`: ur 10 days. Two lulunl, Fnlici Hllrlullni v, Antoine Fumi, stated their cue, uhlch was nnliy dumiued. It seemed tu be nu of one and half I d Z.-n of thv ulhur. log-uulnhl &oo&!CdqIi% I'D- ouulvoryurnlauqtllocti. 1 -_ .409? Turn Mun. L1-u.-Tne uuamor Al- gorun" will proceed tn Prescott on Tues- day the 30th of April, leaving hero 3! 8 |.m., retnrmng an Wednaodny. smn. ...nu.u..u.... .... ll nrongin Kingston .5- 40}-"--` Tm: TILCI Wlt.-tun.-'-CnptAiu Kir- III] In nuguuunug lo: tho sale of the True Wilma. He Inuu tun-tire from 1-Juhalitm. 43---- Tm: Bucozn l".unu'.- On Munday evonmvg the Berger Family will plny in the my It 1: one of tho linen compan- in tru-ellungwa rusty in Kingston. .499 -? o3o-_ Pmualnlrlu lot tbs Int `)4 houn- Iruh `.0 brisk southerly to westerly uindn, hit rather, with rain in was IOCIHI-itl. ----o-1-o~-:_ Tun hulthiat. diudond on rooocd Inn hu been iuuod by the ocisl usignoo. The acute M T. I . Allen paid uc on the dollar. I -_..cn>.___ Run`: {rid will not be brought up till this p.m. A tun bill In; boon (ound ngnimt Rina. nothing fnrthc d0|lO. Eh: g_3i_ly Inrdwnte Stock of -L-._- I___I_--AI. )-A-I- ___.. _ -. , ` THURSDAY BVNG, APRIL 26, M78. 1 -----~--1 u----- at ya I in nu V Ihu.I:. lpphupwgdnxkukhgpihnvin lholuopmpon I nailiuullylnvulul BVSIQUF sunny Lovydoabiibllll Ikioicflidllhcfl uncanny! ndnsllyhlli It lilo ll 0! ub:t'n"uhlb an _ 2.3 a D "'5: carv AIID noun:-7 @450) in New York It 3 o'clock lo `llolupupuniuol has had 3.'.'.....:':'.'.....i `In ukuh Inlh Ila-rung null . "But I! I" U`: Ancient henna-. "Then in nune dun can wmpu-6, "`ith I run. will IJOI. I ha Sunlalnnn I Now "The lhuinnu know. "In ukuh Ivilh nu-rling nnl 0! haunt ,\.nu,uv.., nun... u. .. nun Inn; in the Ihnk of Eng- Jtxng HM` pruper clmlnlnus, llloll Il\`v III the vicinity of Kingstun, hxlvv ongugml n lawyer to visit ml e-nnnl-Inh their chums. Q I I pvvvovvo Push: will plan-noon uruoand tummy Monk Lil and nal can in nu-Ind on up phmunn In no. >jo4l),00l),0()1), which Mnuun't , .L, In ,,|_ : I). Mars. 1,. .r. I. reuse, . Parnell, Jus. Fllconor .-...---`u. H... |.... * {rum Hruclnnlle, .1] .....l 03.. ..-L.- A tinvnll LIBIIAL. -At Queen`: College Conmcatmn yoohardny Hu Lord- Ihlp Buhop O'Brien occupied 3 son on tho platform, and during the proceed- Ingn Principal Gnu! mule nlluuiunl to him which were luudly npplnudod by the Audnonoo. The lhnhop in n m,n of very lihonl views, I grout Advocate of gonna] odnmliomund ncitiun the in clouding- ly popular with all cluuo ol tho oolnw llunity. A Nut l.u'FI'n'Iu.'6.-- Un the 29!}: of lhu munch the newlnulidn Hulel, erect- ed by Dr. R. V. Pnetce. Hulda, will be lumully opened. Md the pres: of the {'n State: And (?mndn-nt lout thooe [amen with whom Dr. Piereu in: bad busincu dealing!-are If-ecinlly invited to 51 an nppunnoa on the uupicioui oocuino The mnuuom issued an ex- nungly neat specimen: of typography. dncu.uhIchiIboIng iudlo-cl] fntod Q. Thaw-dnylholnuilguduu hnnloohlpilo quulamud I link pugollvgntncnth fall on lasting qunou which, in anus. nun, hm bullhonnooldlnruolliuonn, flulhnlilhnhllorilinlou. I 7 ---- - ooo- - -- Emu WIA1'ulIuBY' FBOLlQl'll.-Al- moat everybody he I hubby, but Eliza Wenthersby has e whole {play of Hub- biu," whichnho, supported by an excel- lent company, will produce at the City Hall on Wednelday evening next Hobbicu" in nail to be jun brimful of fun. tinctured with that indewribabl, uomelhing whnch tickle: the fancy and pnhte, thnlla the bres of the being, and -..L- .. ..._.. 9.. L...L..... with ..u-.D nnnrrvu and Iuva fuuu-I mniro re:-lief {rum both. and like gran plu-uuru In racouununding H to I wlnu way Inow mo he nllllclvd.