viuiumy. the nuniulu, who Edy capo with uni: IIIC. iauodinhly -on back upon the hull-aaolud Inc. and than in In eohouat (cur ol uuothu supine, nblopttionol Cnhruhvilhiotlo With the use of tho "Purl: Confornut.oIu'," SILK OI. 8"l'Il l' FELT HATS Z All Good: telling it. the hunt ouch run. _ Innth `).ll78. An Internal and External Remedy BALM FOR EVE LY wot: ND The Best Qu:I|i|_v 0| Fircwnod CHEAPEST MARKET PRICE SALE BY P"E'J. II;?;7ViE1`Z I :Wines and Liquors,{ IEMPRESSRELIEFI MAILH 4 Iuuermpor (l.'l .R. in- cluding the Innmna I | ruviIu-an . . . . . . . . . ., ` V LABOR BT00! 0! KAT1 cu. 2. u w. cam; & co.. Laden. 1 M nnnn l. . `Geo. Thompson &Go. : PM great uorot 0! in nu:-(1-as with ail ulna sea is uwnng Lo the furl it in safe nud harm lenn,plon~aul to take, givm instant. 1-use uni run he apnlied to u wid r range ufdl Anna Ill M\'Bl _V uluy life` with gn-merslu-4-c-up lum any praparulhm whirh l'f |Wul`l"|. akil` uni Mo-du-nl .\':--m-:- Imn vet prmlured. I At Ferrywhxrf. toot Brook'8t. Nu`-.'h I |,1568- [ ,.,, ,+____ JOSEPH VIAOIIIIIIIAM I. 80H ! S'1`EA M I ISABH AND DOOR FACTORY]! who in lutfarixu lrorn above um fnl vmnplniuul. will uullm. the Ul-`l-ICI`. IN 'l`(lRON l`U anv dnv in lha wreak will coNr1iEr1oNEni| he iuveaureuz is null and renefoertaxul 0' IVIIY DKIIPTIOI AID II OUAIHT1 I`xprmu\.. El]-rmuu. . > \a a pronfofils gr:-at power nver diam: I any person no mattur who it. may be, Rich or Poor IIIII or Ynuluz, cm Lnvtggseffs T. RIGMEYJS. |Prhwou8n-oat, ---- Knocks. - OYIICI-Uulur City Haul. Any Iyb cl Curing: on an `Al _ Ill - WOIDEBFUL DISCOVERY. in -;w- ..z._ Imported Dirac: n-am Pram-e of ml! the dlnnaut Brundn of -Inna. lrnnullu. .. At... .,_._.,T._ Home of the but evarintroduuu w Mnrkot. -. n ._`f_. J. RIEJIJTS. " M """' :9: **.:;.';:-3" Elpreum. lIproII.. NIINL... Wholesale and llctall, JAMES CAMPBELL, `.._-__._._.....___, ,_?_._j_ HOME9ATli Y . Planing Mills OHOIOI OAIDII8 CLARK WIIIHIIT. `:78. Wellington cued. Ontario street. Oppuuu Klnyuo-I laundry CURES coo -- - KINGSTJR P031` Orirn Gums 1:: II and Ill. lreneh II-and; folourllu. a very In nor uruolo,; t` A-value (`Ian . _ .u:- THE. DAILY Wlll `I `|`.l.I" __ ` F0 R I ' jxjj __4 9.311 r`r:www I5zQyAL t@RANJ'7" ;`56MBmY V 7 0'!!!`-U`F' 151; B. RFHBUN&' "s"0'*'N, [number gglanujaclurers, or .3; '1-amt. on. Olfer for Elle, foot of Queen Street, . ALL 110118 0' LUKBIB. and ILNUPLO1` BID Ilfllllh mu noun um mum AT wwsn nun. AGENTS : Unioxi nu :xal.Axii V Have Been Awarded by the Iutcruational Jury at the World's Phlladelpma, on their Pianos .- Provilnws Wmutvrn . par (LT K. . M38828 WEBER E C0. in Announcing their ancx-can at the World`: Fair would onll the nmsution of the Canadian Euhlie to the fut that after the moat Iosrohln enmlnnunn hyentlemeu emlm-rtfor their usioal Lalnm. their Piaunua have boon awn ed the above Prison These lunrumanza were not Innda fur the Exhibition. but taken from 15' oak, being I lair repruenmnon at their Pinuoo. This should be a pruuf to Cmmdiunn thnIC1nndu um pro- duce 3: 00d Phnna we the ban: nuportod Xustrumouta. I 1? ICE LIST on nuplicn/ton. FIRST PRIZE. AND SILVER MEDAL, THE MEDAL OF HONOR, A`lTI\ 1\II)l f\LI'A {X1} 1 JPBICI 00 l0.ll87 Pumps. Pumps. Pumps.||1 IN 'l'IlA.`~'Kl.\'G OUR NU.\lEl(()L'S (`CS- nm I-ru for thmr liherul lmtrmmxc In us for `~[\\ \ \\ N F`ll> mi,` nu-do-t Ocgu-nurcd. ALL mus or man PUMPS | Our Pumpure Imsdn cl the lineal, Wlnm rum and kiln dried. We also make the eaelalu-ulml AMERICAN IRON CAP and BASE VVELL PUMP. Our Pumps am sold and adopted on the Grand Trunk Railway from Toronto to Montreal. 9' All partlan orderlng Pumps wlll Blmae give depth of Well from p ncform. 'lI1)pB for Bored or Hand Walls :1 npaoinlity` Also, W(l0DEN FORCE PUMPS mmle to order and REPAIRING done on the almrtant. motive. Call and com rare prices as we are do tenninod to make an sell cheaper and lualter Pum I than auyotlner Fm-.tor_y in the Dominion P; All our Puunpa am wnrrunmd. I `nun: u.- -.........v ...-.._,V,, Ilntarlo Street. - -- Kingston 1..-AI 1 I'IR VI Pnuvn I-`.dInu'd Run to.` [hr .~\m_v~| . . . . . . .... 7 W. ll. BROKENSIIIRII, Atlantic Pump Factory. (nun Tlll n'|..nn"1c vuvuvnm April 4, 1377. rur lB|ll'hIeuuuuu un tuuu I mm-u. Iluoo nupox fl ICE LIST npplicnv/non. Dot l0.ll87 ' LEANS. 'l`ULr5u.\ 1, ma 2: um. < } The Louisiana State Lotteryompany vm.:. a....m..-L... wmi rmu'm`lV ir.<:(nruura|.u-1 NU.\IEl(()l.7S (`C um putrulmxr Hm usb 1- : years, we would reupma . ully call the alulntmn ul pal ti:-A wsnting Pumps to the {not that we Tne llQ1313I13 DDGW uuuwxy _vuu.Qoqu_y '| l1'uI in-II.i|,ullnu wan roglnrly incurpurakv-1 In tho` |4eg1nVn11re of the Slate Inr Ezlucvivunv n(andUhnritahle purposes in 1563. with u mpil.alufll,0(I).[)()U, to which it hu aimm mlaled n rwwr\'c~ fuuul nf I3.`%. v0,000. ITS (`:liANlJSlNh`l.E NVMBEN. DIH'l`KIBl" ` 'l'IOX will Lulu place Iuonthly uu Llw Hettunul Tuesday. `C m-ver Il('lvl`l*R nr ponlpum-n. I.-mk M. the fmlnwing xlintributiun ; (,`Al'I'l AL P111:/,E,_830,0(J0. n...-2 KEEP TWAREIJI - I A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTYNE. }"lI<'I`H GRAND DlS'{`RIHU'l`I()N. I878. AT NEW UK- LEANS. 'l'Ul3DAY. MAY 14th. 9 ,, __ 0A-A- T .55.-wnmnann xlintributiun (,`Al'I'lAL PR1 /.E, 830,000. 100,000'l`I(?KET at TWU [)uI.LAIH EM`! HALF- l`I(.'KI1 l`S, ONE 1)OLLAR.. 1 15-11` nw PRI7.lC'~l_ lln-we-rle-. l'r.. an Illld of the heat Whim Pine and kiln I V m umra.ry Kuuu~-TIl~odI_n, Thurldt I nd lhlur1ln_yI (`Inn nu 3:1). nrnw It H: n In Porumomb-Clom st 7 can ; dnl|vr'd `J 3.1:. Ihrrk~Inld'-C|0Io II 221 p.In. 3 I771"! II II II. p m. rmnh Mnila mu be cloud M Ibnvu: \'|u Nu: Yurlmnry Tunulnynt 1 p 1). P00- uga hr pa-r I `.2 nunvo. Par (`umahnn Thun-lay It 12 noon. 1857 Priuo. amounting lo.. llumonnlble cm roupondlng to... lluponnible rocpondln agent: wnnmll II :11 pvoquinms po` V II] I lihenl com ponullun will be psid. Applimtknuhgguu-n\t_9 nlnbo uhonld onh I ..,_ .._.--_- I ` Wri:e.<-learly uuuug full mum: that Iutormutiun or and onion to II A DAUPF .300 Prize: of ION Pnu-n of APPR` -.. ,.-,_ _. _ Applimtkmu tnr nu-I to be made to also Holnr (Mine in law 0rloaIu.' Writs. dearly full tddmu. for lur- I -All ontnml Enramvlinury Drawing: are I unulrr the supervision and man In 0| GENIRAL8 G. 1`. UKACREGA D AND Juul. A. EARLY. 1312 Pensions. IIIIIIITIIJ Ell April 3,1878. NDKI TBIBACT, any non vbourvvd fonrtuan d: or parllc led in one ha!- Ile. In tho War 0 I80, is entitled Ion Pension of :8 parucuth frundouofuppvpul cl Art. W: or: ol uoldia no hue died chat it-In: . nprvioc, no unuor that vushdua of nor 1 ring: tn the noldla. nnnmlod to dunno. Peukll. _ _ _ ` Vvthn In nmlul. ' mun dnppd from the Ball- hneuu of nllqod duynlgynn nuorod by mun . than Ian benoautl blown` olonrofncoinolrotsml. Ind hula! uyhlu-nob: crbh-kn` nn at ll 10 I n: Aluhornl lnlnlld And Nu-Ila -Tmwlay, Thun- duy nun] lhlunlny. Clone at 7 mm ; nrrlva an 1 Nd lrl 0c!.|7, I877. I Gavin! 2 Prue of $2500. ` 5 Print at I009. . `A! Pruelof 500.. I00 Prize: of l(l).. `J00 Prfulnf 50.. of 1).. Hill PI-nu-n I0. . 9!? lllrnl. N W. --2:._,__. 3-2-1:-2-:9!" In Grade lxposltlol do ' nun. - I W 8:.i1E*J'8- nu - All our Grand and the nmrvidon nnunneu__gl Pelntlll Nudi- All III`) dqupppd ll Bl" \. lCnpiul rum. I Uuplul l rius.. I AI'I lKU)u.I. 9 Approximntion I `J Apprnximllinn l 9 Approxhnntson I c1:LurmnuA`L .aw;n"f Plano - Forte Manufacturers. K1N(aTs'r0N ONTA RIO. nunvi. lunmoury Thun-lay Puclngu .'Iv par I 9 ounce. Rt-xlnlond lmtuvn should ho muled half _III | KIIIIIU I Ialllrv I I.n\Iu\r (NIAI A,,., g. ... u:......u. J 22 BIHDCK STREET. . .~ urn ntormutiun and onion [0 II. A DAUPHIN. I` 0. Box (3'). New Orlauu. Louis IN GREAT VARIETY AT nu-n I0 . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . .. APPIIOXIIATE l'Rl'l.H.~|- mmximnljon Prizes M $l`0.. urn nli.l MANUFACTURING E133.E3:f5 .3: .00 l_ __.__ I OILIOIIK h Co.. E! I 1 ' HUIIJEI um -.I,Ul@VlUDu .- I'0|l B01383 BU! LDYIG AT R. CRAWFORD & CO. par ollua. an an hnur v--vhu lo the than of cloning the Mills. Hunt? Ordnrl [muted on :11 Honey Order Oloea n (`anu|n, Ibo l7nItl Kingdom. Prince Ihivnnl hhnd and Nowloumlnnd Ind tho l'nno.l Hubs. Dogodu ran-in-d Iulor the rqulnhnn of the ull Onlno luring: Bunk between the bou.nol9sm.and I9... 3. DIAOON, P I 1......-. Anpl um -in --u Inpu, D,," ;,';;~:-aoc:I" 3:...-at In-nnrv ..,-' i .'H, """"`|'.*I;0_a. I413, Una u\. .` OF PRIZE. 3 - . . . . . . . . . . . . .. H L. PLUI. 3|? Broulvay, New York. 1 Prime of I Prhwn of urn; un nunun, H1 A1r`3D DIPLOMA OF MERIT u-1. -.-y-. -u,-, -.~ [Aural nah advances muda on large eon signmq-me M Staple nrtiuloa. l-`armerl. ship pe rn nnd danlen in general mernhnndlae muld write for mfnrenoe. price current. Suumil` &.I\. When wruimz us state whether you Wish to iivrim Steiioili Gui. writing nhip on i-niisigiiinonl. or ae1l,if_v-oii wiuli to sell nimio the l|"1i(`I(*1.Dl1l0unl of each and your VERY LOWEST PRICE for name devnrail F 0.1%. (free alirisrd cam) ulyonr neuron ship- I Uill imiin Alim if pmaible sand saiiiple by pill]; paint pmaible send mun; maul` |I 1-nu bulkly by freight. Address ---v. - n `.u;.ru\nvnIr -4-.-. `V ...v.. - ._._ General Commission 6: Shipping MERCHANTS, 22! and 346 North Water Sta ` PIIILADELPIIIA, Penn. L... nu lR 7R ` Tlu-`I.u1eut.ChecpesIud Best seloctlon of SPECTACLES Hnvejuav, recelvmhlirmt from France. A-com Iew mssuruurnt. of the Finest Convex sud `omsavo Glr awn. sujtable for all was and dr green of sight. Also, Finest French Lavender and Cologne Waters, With Lubin'a 5/ L`oudrny's PERFCMEB. And Atkiusuvrs Eu Vlibh Perfume. Moo 1: the same boat, SILK .l.AS'l"IC STOCK] 03 AND Knma (`npu, He-veflad Mirrors, French Horn Dreoaln Oou1ba,&.o. MlMl`ilIl`H ulzluilnmfauy Mum during the night by Liuging the ball. I Dissolution _Hf_-1 artnarship. The Drug business of the above will be our- rk-.d on by L`. H l.AVlLL. who is authorized to moaivn nll ncmuuta and my 8 hbilittu ol the late nn. C. II. LAVELL GL CO. K inmwon. June 5. . I377. I nu) A1` mm: in order to clone up tho boon. us.` ":1. V * """"'Wi"'s`z"in1u`iu. HE FIRM OF C- H. LAVELL 61 C0,` has been nhsaolvod this tiny in mutunl con- sent. Alldalata due tho late lfvrm must be the books. The Drunr ` FRAEET_Y 3| The Sugar Ring flattened out I llmportnnt Infonnauon for All. Boom Paper, I Room Paper.[ V ;Sl|glll' Down! Down! llown! I J." Hum Ilououu run pun` any other nouns In the vlty. `I8 PREPARED AT ALL TIME!) TO EXE (.`UT$ UHDEK8 FUR EPAINTINGI I [louse I'm uHnglm1lun Bra uchen ac-, aw, ac-. ` TN THE VERY BEST ITYLE. Ila en-eon denlly point wevcry place of work Colo 5 mm fur I your put an 5 puruatoq of Maa - mi. Ion I111 not out: untuu nun Iucnlm-INUE AND s0P-Ilo.d olku min uh unhuu Ritalin-ZNUB of sun: Laden Ian at luau Bran. awn. Aa- caq Slroot.In1l be pnnnply nttendod In. larch I6. I578. I`. C. I111). Qomwn LADIES` oou.c 1 ulauliol poll in Ink nl ` lunch. In Prupoohnnppl" haw!` I000 Ilpmn Rainimn at 5 ant; per lb. M0 is lh (fultlu Japan {as It 01 catch, {.00 :5 lh(,`:mi.-n Youn H non Ton ll Nwh . .00:1Ib(?unimlnnpor nl on At, 0| each. 504 I. and In It. Callas: vet lav DFIOM. 100 Iululn Nu llmlsrml-pr llerrfmgu IA UNIT 5 Prue Modal ALE and PORTER .1 wuvl nu Pmml. 0lTY`PA|_llT gm, In I. IITI G. H. LAVELL & G0 `RANK RIGNEY will sell during the Ho- ` lidnv reason FOR CASH, Cheaper than _ ..n.... p....... 5.. oh. "In Jiiuisj kill}: .51-.0 -Qhb nnlnixx Al umng. Gluing. llirn udij LeLlS1~Iiii uv WI l00lI.PunclrA1. FRANK R|GNEYu -..__-._ F. C. MILO, Room PAPER. In (`aural Cllllla MOVEMENT.` . Q` Cabling xnuthopulclniuctidavu h 1'boSpoeioModlciuuIhIIv- !.: i.'.li." ..':2.l.:.'?`.`.:n .xL'."..`..L p:2:{. hum illnshghne dint ;.-* :'.:.,*-...'.-r... .. %'~ I for 05.01 will be $1 by :37 a noun. by uddn-Mn WILL! 5 lDl([ifJ|lIl . Ill {0l .5.-)fIinb0IbVI1z::ld.:' in Y ocznilewyi WILLIAI ' octbk Gnu. I..PIl'~ t, 00., VVlnd`!oI`.UlI&" son I Kin:-an 5 IO;,olvlI2|h.|%8I7I:p0IIl( lo dfIu.EII'hN. [the urea rene niaedy. IOU ;;8l8 ` ' Pox.-lodloal P1113. THIS INVALUABLE HEDIC E 13 nnhitinglnthecuruof 1" MISC `Ind Ahnneroul din-ueu to which the {unlit wl nnhinglnthecnn-co! nll than punml Ind dangerous the asti- tntion in nubjmt. It nu-dents All excuse- md removes All obstruction. and a Ipotdy I100! 1 and ul obumcltonl. mu rpuu cum may be relied on, ` Y T0 MARRIED LADIES. It is peculiu-Iy Dune-L It llhort time brim: nu the m0nth|y period with wil|.in I bring period In all can uf nu-vou uni exerdnn. pslpiutiun of Ih hurt, hynenea and whitesg thee Pills Ivillauct A cure whan all other meant: hue filed, and Aluhmuh I nnwpr ful rImm'V_ ulu not contain iron. ulomel. Aluhmuh power ful remm'y. la not iron, uatimony, or nuything hurtful to me eouslim ~ tinu. Full in the puuphlc-_v. ground brixnggl lilonthlypc-1c;li\lh n 1 er` `in! om. pains in the bI:4:kn u;:l,Timbi. dgue un slight. pslpiutiun hynte_riea buck and limbi. hugue Illgm. hynteriea whites will client, `(hm Antimony, eouslcul (Jun, th Iaunphlel Around cw]: uwksge, which nlmunlix: carefu.lly|-n*- Bern-J. JOB MOSES. New \'urk_ Sule Ph-pi;-or. 3| ()0 Ann] 1'11 L` rents fur postage. encluseti JUB MUHE5. New \ urk. sole rn-pu-wt $1 1'. I pnntag; elu to Nnrthra & Lyman, '1'-mmm, t. gr Agent furl e lmmininn, will emlurell cuntaniug over .50 plils. by return Sold ll) all nlnxggiuts Sold in Kingston by E. H, l`n.rk_er._ ' Kingston Psrker. J L`- Kiuu, Heatl`& (`-unn, H. Rkinxler, I}. 3 Ho- bart. J MCCEIDIIIOH N.U. Pulaon, Hy. \'n'. !r-, Ami ull mudiciue dealers. J MCCEIDIIIOH N1.` And ull medicine IAO(Yl' 8113?. IITWIII PIllClBl AID QUIII Cl'IIIT1| [`r_IIO('lI AIDSION PAIITIXO Oah- oum .Pcpu nabs ouhnnln Ibdui 1V|CTOR|AWAREHOUSEl 200 Boxes New Boneless Oodsh, Bbls No. 1 Labrador Earrings, Half Bbls Salmon Trout, Half Bbls White Fish, 200 New Sugar Cured Hams, Sugar Outed Breakfast Bacon, 100 Sides Boneless Bacon. n.....I. Imu. nil L...-... mu-.-In... LUV DJLIUB Dvuuluaa uuuuu- The Above Goods have all been pun-huod for Cash and will be sold at lower prices than any other house In the 1-H}. .-..vuv-v, --rv~--, -- -._-..- We lmva I Inge Block of JAPAN. GREEN and BLACK TEAS In 3 -I and 5 lb (huldies. whk-h we will sell very low for Cmgh. Wuull UUUVIIII Wu am selling rauulnbod, Yellow and Dark Sugars at 4-xtrelnelv law pru-es. '.l..lI.l|J I`. Buy your Fluur before it ulvunoon In nrino. We Imus . lur;{e3l0c|(0I' Nu I I"unIi|_y `lmu, XXX Pastry Flnur, Hm-|iw).:=nt I-`luur, OM.- uwul,Coru Ilonl mud Crucial When. You will find av-r_ytl:in CHEAP In tho Grocery Lme It the VII, UKIA WAREHOUSE. J. Y. PARKIIILL. Grocer, Wino and Spirit lerchant Ft.-b I5. 1873. ;;pR*miF siobl l IID'I' - CLASH Dyer, Scourer, Bleacher -AND- FRENCH _liLEANER. J:.apub.ashdipasme; ygg,c_B0BmsoN no lbcun dlnnuing eolnplunu no In con- Elte cnru--by Riahnrd King. lfaq . MW to II Nnvv. Rughy.Eng1md. Appf . VI LAY. kuq, linmoa-Ont, hoia 11!-III {U the Dominfmn of Cnnndn lld the Unilod data M` A In: rir-A. E. H. Parker. Druggist, MARKET SQUARB. H.uv-II `4 I317 DYHPEPilA.nnl the REVERE` FURXI ol lll)l0EHTlUN"~n mull Pamphlet dhuousl::heo|:lun'|`dnu;:l its con- Ict rum-h in II . Ha col Eoy:lcl`llnvy. lfuvnxby. !.ng!m Appiy wh. ONEY TU LEND in hlll. nod for pe- riod: of mm no nm the nqninnonh o! ` |; Inhvut nadoruun. Awm JAIK8 lot U55`. In rnurio Building sud Having! lo #3,` ulluguu urea. arpocita uaoomch ll & an aim BANK open dulyfron Io ` ...mann. dWMIolbo In nnvqundty. and (clinic! in the my by JA8. IULDOOF Ilri P.0.. I lib A.RIVJ5.JD Teas, Teas, Teas. .... - I-.- Iiomulz nf JAPAN (ERIC!-1 --:_._._..___ `Estonia 98 $741110; W QSBQRN PHOSPIIOZONE rsodn mninuonu of III-(XXI AT h1'MIL.LAN s. Ia-dawn Sun, lrhuu It sucAn,"sucAn. M-.l|im1 Granulated. All T0 FAEMERS. VI-`OR SALE! ' ii EYJESH TEAS. `D9 k. pan . enclosed 1'-mmm, genenl , emlure bottle I. luv return mail CAIADMVIITE ITLTH AID IU$PI T --vvv-_ - PRINCESS STREET. (Nan!-Myst!!! 8Av__(.\ Bud. Id-gnu.) 1'11: 030;: nxnnrruarr mum .- Incnn r-nruuu 0! (Inch at the lakes! All lost Fashionable ' Styles, Rnltnhh fat than Inn-Mn. cannon: -JV; Iva. nlablo for the puuun noun: ll D!-MADE the Shot In most ox- Qulvmsuselun in Ityto ud qualitymul ointm- (}'i-'a ruuaxe OUODB or .1: do and II [tut nrioky. constantly no THOS. SIALE. Pthoou Bu-cos. | Imurancg:5;i1v1;&ny l BOARD 01-` DlREC'I`0B8 Goo. Pomlvnl Bhluut, Euq., Governor Pblor Puts-non. ` .. D uty Governor. [.11. Rutherford, 3%., on Wm Unyloy And Thou. D. Harris. sq IKUDIEBDX The Hon. Goo.W. Al1|n.'l`hoa.8treet; S1rJu Latin llobinnon, Ba:-t..nud Geo. Boyd, Euqa. Ian: or Iluiue De nuuut. Wm. Btawu-d ., 'l`. . Birolnll, nnnglug lrwlur. o Bx-huh Auarioasu Auumnm Compuy lnuu-e nail and swam Vomlu, their freight 0|` ecnzoea; by the trip, monllz, mason or you. enrgoea; by the tnp, you. against loss or dam 0 by Fire or the danger: ofnvigllou. ut the avail remum~rali\'o mm 'l`h|n omnnuv ooutlnue Lu Insure buil-Hun ofhlnvl tlou. at the Iowa-It re|uuuA~ruli\'o ompnuy buil-ling sud All other dau-ti Mona of Pmparlv ngnlnn Loss or Dun e h `in-eon the moat hwonbl terms and It he won ruusaolmrged byuny good (Eompwy. JAS 'WIl-`T. Again, `Liverpunlxz London & [Mel Insurance 'l'ota.>l-Assets ............ $27,470,000 Invested in Oana.da,.. 900,000 u.._... .n an Jul.-I. 5 ll Inn 1-... nun laughs! I ;uvuuvuu nu v--uuuuw.-- vvvlvvv :4`...-u an ac. Joluru. a.n.. am June. um. lv4C.$.Ib|, It-ICII-.41 In Full Imlnullulrly ulnar Illa I-`Ire. wllhonl ululenunl or llluouub The auuopgarolupt as-ttlunmnu Woru mudo at the great ml In Chiuagu nml Ihmunl, I-sidu givlu I llrgv rum uf'luuuo_v In the sutfensru Rates of lumram-u us luw as Any aufe MI`-uA 'l')u- (`nmnnuv in It-nnlnl to m. luxur- 3' Rates of lumram-u Juw ante Olive. Thin Cmnpan_v In Bcuolhl In In. Insur- noe Olee in the world. Application: received at the ume of Tll()5.ll|{l(lGS,Agun1., Clarence St , ()p;poa|w the Pun. Uloo. Sam, 5, I877 mm: JOB }noom. | ZEJNVELOPESI Dancmg and Concert Programmes. CARDS. NI-nu-ul llunu out lll llUSlNE$H CA KIDS. li Ilmp(-.(~l1un invitml Ural:-rn prmnptly Illleal. Eslilnaben ch:-1-r.'I1Uy given HTIIET %i=6iEi- Loan and Investment Society Ia prepnrml to reovlvn u|Ip|i<'I|tioIHI for luv [)0- bentuma bearing llI|.l\l`rr-l.Wil.I| Coupons ut- tuhed in uuInn.nml fur uunh purzudn as In vunmrn umv clanira. vunuurn -nn_y unnuu. Lotus rnntml .n small ur Irma sumo fawnrsh e tenng. Do niuu recunvecl In In-nr lnwr:~nt,wh mu? withdrawn at any lilm-. or! Ilrthur purtiuulnrnu ) ly tn THU. AS Hlfl. .\lumu! I lmc0m.Aw|! Lll Ul"I"l(7E ~ (flan-Ilv Pact l)icn, Klngnlou Ootlti I877 T HE nndoui nod are pr:-pared I. Crud ntlo but :,ual|t_v, HUI AND DRY. L C05! 01 AND DRY. A: Cheap as any House Trade. FIRE &;__l\_nABI'NEm Oldai ;au-cmd_o:.adua-. Company. R. Orawford &. Ph uanix Fire Insurance` Company, 0! London. UENCY EHTAHLIHIIED IN CANADA )4. l'n"mNb1l 1ilI`rifV Hf I the Block holdnn. [lid Large R-no-rvo Funds. Ilndenvo nuns of rmuium. (H A. KIRKPATRICK. 8ept.`t7.l877. _A!-nl. Kinguou VVGIAQ . "Ayn 10.19:, with (our home vutlool Ioi|or-good u now. For ulo clmsy for out. Apply to D. lulwll 0 I0! AEIALI. ENGINE M two hone power, 3.5.1 ll?! dUAR1)1AN Assurance Company, (II I lhihll IEIHLA II! __.... Ililibd ..... ....... ..`JUD.XI| Tohllu Yundnl Ivntdoo(1;'2.tI.I.O>l1 Audion:-0... . wM OI . ` uunull again: to ncooplod Iolcvutetllnllbhlnalddnnuuhdrlb cunlunuobtbc Inlo-don. IDB llII&.C0., OIOIGIDIIBOLI, On. nnlu(hndn vumzwrr 3 b.BI`l'l'I. Iiiulni Aildggntsnron ms.` Ularen: Bop |i5E'iI%fAiihoLA1ons :1 |HR3]EY F5} Which will he furniahud with u corner from `J `2-`) pnr lhmnm I lu-go uu\?Irtuu~uL ol ll HT\ |.I'.'S U!-` OPENED our TO-DAY! ".}.Ju..-'r-pa" -coon; fob I. lI7I. LD OFFICE - - ~ - - Chunk tmof. Uonuor of Court Bl. T0301` hbvthuln VAIIDIWAT at aura, Annual-Kiuplon. Input: larch 7, ma. much avast. lo. `I. Golden Mon Block. nmnnln ' A I10] AIIOITIIII lXIIVID AI Ivan u--vv ww---r-- 0' IDKDOX, EIGLAKD. (ltlnhlhhod IQIJ MI, E ., um: I Inrrin's -rubs ms. .. II] An... ms... Company- JAS. SWIFT. 9!. Lnwrnnnc W}: n Mulungar. c-um Btrm-L, oppouw the loll ..___ of Arrivnln lIl|l)1'pII'llll'9I from King um: Slnlmn Muutrn-ul Tima; (HUNG WEST` illl n nenlly pr mnmml In). A` Co: We Never Behind J. IIALLIGAN & 00. mm I|l\?: 0.\|'ChovoI-.-any Olin! &'III'hI.Winu undu- quunisnowoomploto. luomu u::Iot|iir'nuouc-um 25 15. (ml lining for CHIS. ` cl 0 bl In . mmn of n'3{':Jc.:.a tan Ala unl Pol-lot. 'A I out Good: IN new anal nulnmd ha nnnn lot (In llolidltl. 3`18|FInd'1`ouktnord1nu'yLaw. J. Human & Co.. Brook sn. --n-. .-.... ENAMAN, . Station Mutual`. - G`-hlna '1' House Prices to Suit the Times. 2 lb Cane Fresh Peaches, each 150 ; or 01.50 per doxen. 3 lb Ouu Push Peaches. 200 such or $2 per dozen. Aiso,Uanned Puxnpkins.Peas.Oorn, and Tnmntnnn All 0! whkul: will he gnlul ut vriw-an lo pond um! warrnmnl ul llw "In-at quulny cl.I.Illx ll I`lI'IlI`I-V . I-`ERGL'SON'.\ lII.U(,`K l`l(lNk`)".S S'l`|tKl1I'I` UNDEAKER, nu... I-In-an A tlvdonhnlu Illrerln. Kemp: oonanntly on lmnu 3 Inrg um v nuonment of Furniture. Uullerukln lttenllml Lulu all In ." `Inc-I loop: on him 5 large uaortnmn .0 .n.-n-an:-n......u~. Puma-. ITAII Good: new Induced Indmoo lot (ho llolldntu. am an n on to hocouvlnond. .':'.::::2:::.;;;;...a. ; fever dew!-I liou,nnlnolu-at "NIl'N`I|`IlhO Duuxtn on I-`um-raln ntlandc-cl to h: ail} And oountry uu the Inuit. ruuuunl-lo terms. [I Y. IIRAM I BEAVER GROCll\',` Dec 29. III. `Non III: ~ni.'x;."sn: 15?? 9]R.ME` C:XNNED ( i'OOI)S Guingtnliamuvamyyaworks "l`l| Tlll-` .'ATI<`Il`H |v'_l)HNI m)dw1-lling. It will mu|n- n or Btnrehouua. Fur lonu-I r -lat-signed on tho preluiuou. IN ()RDl*3R 'l`() (HIT I`l'Rlv: W.'\TER .. ..r .. l ..... Where I whl has ulnlo to In my work qulnlmr. batter and nhmpar. My Hlun nml liwhllllm wl be In unusl on Pl`HI('l`M| Blnmt. TU KENT (DR LEASE. 51 two: n!0rt~_y Uri:-It hllihllxngz. llm wldlln I llm In! In rnur III nu dwullinu. It will mu|n- vupnul \\ urkulmp Capital and Hurplutr 06.540 204 In-an pnd In 61 learn ovq-:3 -_u:_.`o4o_,o7o THIS COIPANY bu ham: doing husluou kn Cllldl to: .55 your and during that lums bin located the publlo ounthlonoa bygwomyl and lihonlwttk-mcnl.ofm~cryJun rhmn. ( :- luulhm pullny hulchnrn urn mwlln-cl hy uh-[mall 0!. $50,000 with tho Hove-ruumul nl, (Hlnwn. I`u lioien urn Ivriumn at. l.hIuAg nuul [mid on R. MONTGOMERY 1EtnaV:Insura1i"cTTC0 y., nil` llAl('l'l4`()ILl) CUNN. T0 STEAM USERS Kingston Limeworks MIINTIIKAI. IHIAD. HE CANkDIAN HTICAH FHEIUC KUHARUIC A8lN)(.'|A'IWUN um|usu ml] mm M Hlnnlll Hullnu. and uivu lft'Bl|0lll CANADIAN HTEAM nu-zlm ll - Inlpolh llmx of H14-mm Hollon. and given for their care and mnusgnamenl, and lnnul l'ulw|u pnynhlo Sn nvent of 0-xrhual II H`,n~nn| alum Nan given woomwmiz mg --I' Human uml ruin; of Fuel Pllll Ioul ugnwhvuiloua ul` EnJ1yu-n Illd Healer: supplied Hun-I UIlu9--.50 IIDII dual. Ealt.Turunlo. llwmuuuuu rum] and Tomatoes. Clllblll and |lll'DlIliI' 00.950 305 ovrr - I.`O0.00 15,400,000 of which wnn pnld fur Ihr (`Il- uuo and Io-Ion Luau In IIH. M. t|_0BIOClI'l'IlI`l' BU'l'(!lll|I I! 6110? In A n I DI I Inf? COJII doll I all I no I , ndn qnon':'!U'. v;..?`."u,...:s.`I|`{ and nlu. U` Shop oppollblolclny In llrotoltovo 3,104 COAL ___QEPOT oonaluntly [mud lugs and vnriod uaonmun Muutrt-Al `I GOING ATHVB. MI Dooorlmlono of coal Pullout l'nuoo,llnIuant Ma botl. 1' hnlaurlptlold out hytolhudnndanonn oetcnoduddoliv bovdcouhlovntnuutnuo. nod ?'(.cuu7adu-a `wlllv-u*r:'vu'n#'nb ?&`XXQUZQ2:----vi (`onor Prllrau cl llyaonhnu Ilireeu, lo. Cl. lllplol. Gul- lhy |`J.IB7l TUUU C Ontnraqstl nscmsn to -uAv " V Or-lorn mly lm lull with II III N} "IIITC TVVIIIU 'l`.LAWIlINCEWllABF.KlN(i8T0l WIo|1|0|I4IoCdlDoohn|n - L . . . . . . . . . ..4:l5 p.Iu. (NJlb.'G EAST. A-inn IBIIJH KIA`! IN BIABOI {LIME ron SALE `6a'bin_$t` HERE: A LARGE QUAN'I`l'l`\' (DI-` IOIIIl)UIl'I'IIl'l` DU I I. .n a nu! `H. c. & J. suliim. J.l)IE*i |lI~}IIIH'7\'. lvu1|\:v; III (It'll I|llI\'l`|-'\-W1` Ullll LIIUILI Illllvv \Jv or UAl'I`F()Rl), CONN. L PUIILIG WILL ALWAYI ll (col bob 1: all than of James swift. AEDIN(`E\IIllAF KINIIH` %%M1_L__A '1`. ,..l:IIln.m. . . . . ..4L||uJ. JUBEPII HICKBON. at out Hunger -.- > .*_ they no lid. Ala chug: u-. Pica.-0': Iuonh Pnavtioa in In undu I pouuu gunnloo to can those Induce: pccoliu to woman, and not.- Iilb-unding Hut lhonlnndn ol woman boututimnny to its oenuy, Ill! Ibo truth I All nuuncou -ado cancnni :1 Inll` Id. mb E I [Q 0' uuv-nu _..----v v IIONTHKAI4 ROAD. at. Toronto. .9750 O. IIUHIJ, Chic! Ilminn-r. vv l\r ml plan IUII VII." JOHN D['Fi", Human Linn "loci. Panama . Oxyuu. . lnwn. I`u ml r hrnolnun Z|:`.'0 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Dagmrt. . 4:17 gm. ....4: `J |.m. 4:05 ....4:|0 p m. KANT. Luopm. 9:00p in. (H0 p.m. 9:61) pm. IVE p.II. 'T:0un|u ..2:0I) un. ..l:||ln.m. gpquu rdilu val Il- um mm. 4:3) p.|n. 1:3) mm ..`:l.'5 um. ..'. :1b [).In. ....1` nun. nude canconu it my otmbnll In can gut and t o knifo. Apia; Dr. Pierce : Plu-an Purguiu Pclllb, nolnnor than \ -murd goods, will pouitiuly can can - nnpction, when it in dependent upon dynpopuinm wrpid lint, yo! Iona um depend for nliol npnn the "M00 DIi|"0l` hugh d--nun! drulic In the lncool uuiioctn. on In radar gt thus I-lmdnou oltlnpoorlidhlo. " ~ooo-~---- `, ywp.m- I111 ! Inn Ml T "qua, bio n;1nod,(,`1ydo Ein- Inan-inn I [sub-inn lanaolial 5!.E!iW'?43 "i}.cu.!1E nu rum Llvrruoo o-v I-11' IUIFIIK &III& Salim; mm Luerpool every THUKSDAY and from Hdlhl ovary SATURDAY. VBUI HALIFAX. 9-mrizn . . . . . . . . . . . Snmnlnv, Anril `Nth _ Peruvian. ...... ....aouu-uny.Apnn anu- Beudiurhn........ do A ril'.'7:h HIl:ernAn........... do my-ilh nlooof Pnuagc from Kingotou: Cabin ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .566, .734 And 089 ......3u Intermediate . . . . . . . 44 Bleenu nu nhluy . Run 0! Pnuuus In Blanca Hlrlllluy . . . . . . .. lhusaof lungs between I John: Gnb|l................. 1 m..-_'.;.' : : I"!-I. rnnlagc ncru-s--a 1'31 wlnhmg 1': W-1. ! for [half tru-nth cu ohuin P|ungeL`rrtrHralop at I-my-at rate. The Union are good for our vrur nu-I the Illlulllll ll lulundoo Ian: unall daluutmn. if not unod. lfuil mformuuon no lo rulurn ucknu am] all ___. .. ,..____ Mu. Hnu'l`n Ex nlll.It'|4-M I M` can! temperance muting in Nov Yurk It. I`. T. Barnum In nm 0! the speak- on Ha said :--``In 18-I7_l gun up drinking, and unce tho: I have nenncoly knnvn whnl It II to hut :11 who or I pun. I huodnnk, pt-rhopn, more chm All)` other man in this hull today, And I kn-an whu it in. It in the grutu: evil m the world, And in tho parent of Almost. every uthor evil. No nniinnl but mm will drink rum You any uh my word for it, u I Ihowmnn, thnt dug: nr other nnimnlu will not touch tho nla Itu. Gulch my oleplunu drinking whiskey? Nu, ur, they will not do it " .. .ooo-~- --_. 1u~kn'.n and an I nation nfpunnge will be gnvcsu In the A em no la nooanur nortieamoa to he 0 tuned n or dn to be nut ed w thin bouua. Cf D D!) ("IH.lIl&.I HI Illll UOIJLIA. For `Fletch nnd nu lunlu-r Imonnation lp ply to H. HUUHLI `R, (iaunrnl Ag:-ut. T: route, 01 FOLGER In HANLEY, A an, mm-e. mo: of Bruc Strut Daylxght Route lo On ville and Tr {- I Stegmer Armenia WHHYEHAPLMXANEUL] The Subu-ribers Inning In Agent: in Hm Uulnilmul rm Celolnnwd Wiumyutie-r H):- on liberal wrmn. HENRY (`H April It}, 1 c. H. 2. co., 1 8'77 . `IMPORTATIONS ._(.p,,, CHAMPAGNE WINES! T..a.. Ln TY-in A C?-star! in Tu: |'l|,x-In Pczzuo.-Divorea In in- urnumg to such an dunhxg ext/cm in Nut Englnnd that the eldun hnva gone tuducuuing name main: I! changing the cundmun uf uinn In Vermont nluno, Int yen, um: divorce Ill granted for on-ry uxtuu murigu. while in Maine it wn null uvuroe, the ratio boing one to tuohra. --- 101:} IINANH C. H.IUMM&C0. |'I|-r H:-l~l~ ` k Ackarmnn Lauruu ~ Duminv .1: Cu (am Aynln k (`n. .. . Ruinul Pen 5: F11 (Sh,-Ink-I I 4'-I. .. .. Ynrlonn Hrun.l-. .. HUUK AND MELLE WINEN c...e.'.:',t*'(".`.:.'.*.....m....,...1 _ 1 I mumol Jun: ! Natural Mineral Watenf us mt mam. nu: IEIT rm. me am mums: Bitish W|1_ig}phBuoms Dlooitahlnclounoanonouuo Vi. htrluunouupoios ZVIITIIO CAIDO--auulula&r Wh annunlollnuih II. A Jnlluhx I . hodoonoanhndbpvontln any-iouofvuti. hlyt DUI U|lI'\|VI|I'\\.HIl_ VVIII Into the UniL-d States in 18`??? P. I. nun. riiinxront-o.-I. lIIiLU'AlIIlIIlIanlI nv I an. Coruar nr Juhnuon and Unlurin Mr-rm.) Km-mnly rn furmnlu-ml and thoroughly ranci- od. Vvry nm:Irull_y uituulml, flouting the harbor um] mun lbw ulonmlnat landing. Thu prupru-nmuereennhladthroughlncnsu but ,.n__,A. , Pnyald PAAMIC T0?-93` -.-n -ulnna n. my 'I fur tru-n `MONTREAL. \i:IlAMPAGNE wines` I OIDII. LA 3 I0 (`AIIIULLV AIIVFIXFILI I IJI I-II-5. nilnl HENRY CHAl )l.A.\' & CU., -GITIIAI.` mews: HENRY L`H.H'H.\`N &' C0 . Solo Agent: for an Do-mom "V-IIIII LRIGI .\Ih`. rum. ('HAl'MAN k (H). Am-zrm mid lnncllnfg. This pruprwmx-uure mmhlmlthrou hlncruu ngbual noun (0 nnrnl vary lI(`L'ul1Hll0( ationaunl non Vl9ll mu-n, vslnlv murtra Kllll ntleutiuu aro pro varhlul (-h:Armxtor`.ltloI of the Anglo Amencun E. MILSAP a (}U.. Proprietors. lmrrnnm. 31-|0 Agrnla [or Ibo Do-llbn. iggn, Belle - (T/\.\'l'.\' [ ':35..-3?-`?..i *9 4905 am What. lnnullu ac" 15.. 3. Ala: 11 And `III, VD Punt "`_o Irnndyt r a ODI 3. 72,-, uvarintroslm :,:7._.l ` 1:1:-34.2 Geo. `,`I)`.|.'u LN}? I 7.`. "" ' Ln; 7 M" . ..--. -~- . - . 1 . l.7.'l0 1 5', }l;%AJxI.t.,\!.nI'.=Iirs.| IIPOITID DIIICT Pl! ITILIIIIP IAIIATIAH, - Iunmouv son rm.-r rural . .u--xv -nu.-an hoelvul {run low York I loo uoonuolt of Attention is roqunlod to my In-ilmen for no- curing an porfact ii: In either I -1.-coo. (lln .~l.\'I) TRUNK RAILWA 1'.