tune ol uanoe or violence. The onoyclienl contain: no attack what- ever upon the civil government of Iuly. nor my mention, direct or indirect, of tha House of Savoy. R Ilnn, Anril --N9l!0i.iI'.i0nl `OI `hi th-1 House of Savoy. R mm, April 27. --Negr>t.i|lionn reatnntiun of the roluionn between the Vnucan and the Sails Government hue nearly fallen through. Boiled Don-u for WIn'g" Read- ers. -Binmnnk I! reported to be in no danger from his malady. --Tl`he Pope I) not leave the Vuli~ can during the Iummer. - Got! has: not been seen or board from in Mann-uni Biune Wodneadny. _.\`nnninh nmnnnnaru ntnta thnt Elm- |n 1\l:ml.runla|une wauneuuy. -Spnninh newspaper: state that Eng- land holds sSp;ninh torpedo boat which she refuses to restore, deapito several ap- plicutionu. -~The Duke of Edinburgh ha: been l'I|Ik`?. 0|] 1?. Malta. _ '1'... '1 mun Interrupted Beecher. -It in thuunght that the dividend to be paid by the Merchant : Bank, will be nu- nouuced this afternnon at I meeting of the nharehnlders. It 11 thought] here it WI be 7 per cent. -M r, Mathew M.I`.I .. threntmui plu-Lmona. Edinburgh been trnnaferred tn the command of the Black I`:|'m~r. one of the Channel Iquadrun,r.ow At. Mnlbt, It Malta. -The 'I'n'bune uutea thut Beecher de- nies he will sue Tillon nnd Monltun. M a prayer meeting last. night, I strange wo- Interrupted Beecher. _It in thouufnt that lha dividend Will be I ounn. -Mr. Mathew Mtl)4Pl' legal proceedings against the Mnntrenl Herald for publishing Gull": rtatelneut thnt he had been subsided with $20,000 of first mortgage bonds on the Montreal, Portland and Boston Ruilwny. -\Vm, H. Vanderbilt nilecl from New Cul. llzuwskfs mine is being mentioned es s probsbls csndidste for perlismentsry huuours in West Toronto. An elfurt is being msds by those interested in his sendidsture to mske it sppesr thst the gsllsut (`ulonel's petty oolours sre of A noutrsl tint, ur, M. lssst, thst this s met- ter ol secundsry aonsequouco, snd thst he should be supported hymen ul sl! psrtios in cuusulersuuu of the public spirit which he he displayed in sll mstters escting the interests u! Toronto. Duubtless Col. liwwsln Ill tsilwsy, xnunicipsl, musics] nu-l milusry insltore hse estsblishsd very strong cleuns to the grstitude ul the peo- ple ol Tnronto. In politicsl msttors, however, it will be lound thst, once alerted, no lseiter how neutrsl rnsy he the prutsetstions either ol himself or o! thuse Ibo sre bringing him fornsrd, he will he s st:-sight supporter 0! s Tory Government should he be returned to p|l ||Im0IIt. Although public services should he grstelully resognlsed, yet men should he sent to Psrlisnent, not so much lot whet they hsve dooeia other spheres es to: whet they no ressseshiy expectul to do then they [QC there. I! the peopleol West Toroaw. or say other plscs, this! the public interest will be best suhesrved by the sstehlisls-eet ol s Tory (lovenneut. the true wsy. ol muree, to `see sleet to thh opinion is to esnd Tunes to Psrllenset, end in such s use-other then hing eqoe.|--the IOI who hes done the Den he hiesestry end lecstsey '3 eltttlsl to the pvderenss lren luspsny. OI lhlsprlnoiple the gentlenss shove ss-ed Iosle nuke s very eligible Tery Makes. Te minute susnistefsthnd. ICING, nth entirely mines! (need at giving his tbeposmosssssn veoshdistinstisnlun much seem seddutt. llelilytle the use thesty ol Pulse-otevy dee- tlon in Isles like thus. Th dates It the seeming slectsoe nsslhseuthehs-s olneeeusessedprieuplss. sedsotuee Portland and uouon tummy. -Wm. H. Vanderbilt uiled York for England to-day. The rumour in revived that he goes to nrrnnge fur el- tabliahing I new lino of ocean ntenmors. It iaulao status that a contract lmn been madu between the White Stu Lina and the New York Central Railroad for half of Lhe la(l.er'a European frelght. Vnnder, hilt guy he goal abroad for recraatiun. guy a r.u_,:u-pn . u'u-uy. Stretford, April 2ti.-'l`he case of D. l. K. Riue, the temperance lecturer. who was charged with indecent assault upon the 8110!] of Eliza Gibling of this place in arch lest came up at 9.30 yesterday morning and continued nntillste this evening. The court room was crowded and great interest was felt by the public throughout the trial. The evidence tor the prosecutiuii was virtually the same as the original examination. The witnesses for the defence were Mr. King, of `F0- routo, end Mr. Flogg, of Mitchell, whose evidence went more to dis rove Mr. Hurst's veracity than to aha e the evi- dence of the irl Gibbling. Mr. C. S. Jones of St. ` sry`s, the defendant's at- torney, msdea lengthy address to the ` jury, as did also Hon. A. S. Hardy, of Brsntford, Counsel for the Crown, and in the remarks of the latter the charge was thrown out. The J udge`s charge to the jury went to explain that the evi- dence was not suicient to prove the charge of indecent assault against the prisoner, sad that his intentions were not of that aiatiite and in his opinion the case was too trivialto have been brought be- fore the court; also that the accused should have the benet ot the any existing doubt. The jury then retired and after two huurs',duliber-itinn returned a verdict nl l\ot Guilty," which announcement etfected considerable applause. Verdict `Not (ill,-`-2 II""T00 'II'II'iIll for (1. Court. (B11 Tclrqrapli To-day.) Mantrenl, April 27.- Cuntrndictory re- pnrln nbnul. the she -ting of Hnrney by lluaa--l am in circiilnlion. but the `night 0! ovirlenoe now ntales tint both pcrtlu were drunk, orparlislly In, in which can it will be difficult. to say which pro ro- vocntinn. The opinion of the ma icnl nttendnntl ll. the linnpital nn Hurling - conaliliun has improved. Tho nervous shock inflicted upon him In very great, and it in difficult for lllll to rnlly. The wouml has been probed fur 4 mar! du- tunes, but the Ihorubouh ol the bull In not been uooftlinod. Then in alight iuunnulion. Opinion Alum! the Electoral Frauds. not won, Apl zi.-- rno nurm - lmlinnnpoliu upocinl report: An interview with Hondrich, who laid labia`: con- huiolu Ion not a aurpriu. 30 `noted h-on In spot, that Ihlb Bayou thin um uulod, am 3 Many pnliohnont nut in mixed in public upon u crimi- nals involved. A `V.-Ininulnn nnnniAI in thn T1-(human I Ida Involved. A Wu!-inzton special to tlu Tribune up Secretary Sherman am that In did um {or I nomad Ildiovo Kali`: enrwrdinsry allegation (ht Hnya know uaything About :50 Fluids irregulari- ties, or Ioul one have can indiuotly auctioned thou. v I Opening of the '.rpoolon-lIu- . Ineuue Attendance of PM-dflu ' QPI. (By Telegraph to-day.) | New York, Apfil 27.--Tho Wurl-1': mlinnnnnlin nnneinl nmann An inhrnow The Late Mo-r_n;`eal shootmg Cane. T0-[JAY'S 1E_LEGBAMS. THE FICTLOJ FIGHTS. (By 'I`e!u_/raph To-Jay.) t4_.l A..-;I on 'l`|.- ....- 4 BIN'_ pass. ums'__nm. Bnut. Pneumonia, Wlsoollu Uvllll. I . no In person! no-lo-In-oi Bf:-entree`: G:r.:aun syrup. To Incl '0 would any IIu60.(ID dean won cold luxyo_u- OBI annplnht. Ocu- uunotuu In mat one bottle. Runllr luxyur without anpluln. un- uunptivu try just Rullllr sin 75 nuts. on so your drum-II. lnlnptiul ]|IlI home. l\l'IIlII' sin 75 nu. you dtuuutn, euh I. Gnun, nd Bury Wade. And mid In nil drunnin. Ad-llillllllt-'1 an In---u- `...... -_ mppmngnhdunuuighunng. ubulu the no In than he Qu hncnoldoquu.u!cuIbpohhuulh attuned. We inhh 0... - .-L.. 1. ...-LI- t noun I. unun, and I: l lold by All druggiati. Colnnnnmx in &.Heorgn'o Cnthodrulu ll n.m.; at All saints :37 pan. IOIDAY. Y] .C A, Litonry letting at Ira. linen I-`n-uly City Hall at pp. CIT! (`orscu -Kegn-at looting at 8 pa. Txuunn for the work on tho new Reena- lion Ground rooolvod. --oo----- FNAPAHBH uun.'rn.--Whon LG} to |.0.'r. Hurley 40m 501' :0: Lite ; Oatnool Q-'>por alt; Egg: (`0 to En ; Rye! 5110: Pan T00; Corn 501`; 1Mu`2"1`.ChPeae'.' in mu; outou 35 cons- par huh; lulton to 61: pa lb.;Bof$Mo 05 per I00; Turks 3 510 no `I; Chickens?! In `Do Conlwood-$3, for heat; Butler 13 to 90 per lb. HI`y.1000 N. PI:n1'u- l- Iour per hbl 5.00 to 05.50. Ouhnonlrer bbl 04,50 ws5,whoat-aprin ,porbuI0 to l,l(`;II`n|ldol.00; PQAI5-`Ho ;Bu-loyllb; Unuiic; Rye 45 to 500 . Pbtk, UOIIOIQNI3; Beef per I00 lba. |4..'>0to.5.00; Lnrdloto 100; Butuu-l2wl5o; Cheats 12 to I30; Io: Potatoes r buah 1l)o;Wool`lH.oR5o~ idol 55,00 to ;Shoop nkiun 45 to 700; an 016 u 12. hlunll Bduk nf \hr||lrr2\l-l53. 167 3-4. Men-lmulao` I -uuk (SH. 67 3-4. 1 a Bank of ()onnm=n-e -HS, 117 1 Hntnrin lhAnI(-- PM 3 4. E7 Bank ul 'l'umm,o 1393 4. 136. Mulnuul Honk ~Ex.div.. 94. 9'2 1 2. Bunk Alu Plphe 3.-Iknl 3). 77 I-`.`.. ('uxmu|inlutr.~d Hank `[91-53. 79. Jm:quezI('m'tit-I'~ ~I`J_ {H I '3. Muntnml '11-L (`av I32 I1. 11. ! 3 4. Jm:quezI('m'tlt-r~ ~I`J_ H I `.5. Muntnml (`ity Han [`n-|;`n(). H8. ])m.uiI|iun Te . Cu `.K) I-`. .. 85. En-.~ 3 (Menu -UIIATBl"l1L AND Cmlronruto -"l5y n lhomu,gh In-uwlvdge of than nuunl Inwn which gun-rn It-oopersons ofdlznulon And nuc|iI.iou,nnd by u onrelnl Application DI. the ne properties or well solooled Cnooo. Ir. E bps has |)l'0Vi\.N` our hreukfnn tsblon wlm an 1-.lI(\M.e|ynvo|IreIl havemeewhnoh nave us umu_\ hamvy do-to!-s bills. It In by t eja- d iviuus use as!" such arl'I:~h-s of die! thlt I nonsti- anuuulu In mum. awry lend:-noy tn disease. llllmirmln ul` nuhllu Ilnalmllen are oating around us Manly to nttu-k wherever than in n womk pmut. W9 may eooope nnny I fut! chat! by knegnng ourselves well fortied with purn bluotl and a properly nourished frame."- Ciml .5'N'vvu`' (1'a:r!(I`- SON only In Pnoinln diciuus ofdiol thlt nonsti- tuliun may be gradually built. up ulmluroug disease. Iln in-uln nl` nnhllu Ilmlmna Am ontlnl All Illlllnl Inn. On April -mu. "5' the Dunn of Toroul,o,JolIu Pmluumro. um-ru-hunt. ul Toronto, and Inn of Cheater. Engleml. to Martha Ann_ouly daugh- in of thv hm-Geo. l`a:n~ruvn.o{ (llonblrnie, near Kingston. M Pm-c lIumu.Mich.. Anrll Hth. Mn. - A9. Huron. Mich. April hurl Huh`), of Port Huron 10 Alexander Ho Idun. form:-rlv ol NMJQIJOI. of Port liumu lo. kinn. furnn-rly Nlpnnoc. lllr. Wlu. ll. nelllmlm. uguu uuyullri. Thu lunerul will take place from M: Into re nidanc-e to marrow (hmclny) M. 20`:-look. ..n... . .. .L, .u.4___..,...) law Henry nlcm-an, nx lunenurwn. In Kingston. on April `26th. Joaoph. olden sou of Mr. Patrick Smith, uged`. .'n yeum. TL... 4'. ....n.`. will ruin. nlmm frnn: hi: lnmhn-'1 At his rt-aidenoe. Wolfa Island. on April`.'tith, Mr. Wm. H. Bennett. aged 68 yearn. ` 'l`|... ......`.I will Quin nhuu fnnm hi. Inla rm umrvm - Lu mun-uw \ n.u-.-_y, .. ~ .. . ....,_. At \Vilv.uu, in the the thirty second our of hi: Ag:-. Mnjur (I1-urge McLean, son 0 the hm Henry MCl;Bll, nf Ernentown. 1.. Ri.....o.m nn Anril `lath. Jnmnh. aldent 0! MI`. rnlrlcu -`mun, ugvu 4.: yours. The fuuurm will take placq from his lather : n-aidence. curu:-r afontnriu and Gun Street, on Sunday at `J 1 Lu . ulmrp. Friend: Ind M-_ qllaidmncea are relpecifully inviwd tn ntteml . IF E .E,'L`..E.E.!.` K-I AN OFFICE OF THIS BANK WILL BE OPENED Monday Next, the 29th April,` Corner of Wellington and Glar- ence Streets. A General Banking Businessl 3' Gold and Currency Draft: in Nut York and Sterling Exchange Bought And Bold. Into re rallowod on Daponiu Mscordlng to XLKYECIIHHJL nu-: D66 1'Ax| LV owning a will: ploollll I-`u v the Mme. nl.horV|Ua they will be prououl ed not-on-ding to law. 'rnnuA.61 nnNl.lr.\'. Rd IIAIKH --. H ll :4 the M editors or he:-'|::;':l1suud."uvl::::`:uv In! loving lroln mental than IN! to lend their alni nu Io Iran. Iuwdnn & win, without I alnl Into -cur- dclny. April 17. um. I '()TlCE i Hroby Ivan that all porlb N w-vlningzrlharborug Dope nun {CR5 - l with mocnn II. C. TICWXLI ':.-..:a:.,-.=.-.;:-.- 3;`. ct"-3|-lm an 9.3.. can "i-'Ii'uI3' 'E1'il'"I: 'o"."."c 2.y`:% _ Loan nnnh ' ;r13;&{1;;8:L-Kingstonl IN ALL l'l'8 BRANCHES WILL BE CONDUCTED. Kinguon, April `I7 , I878. Kingwn, April 97. IN KINGSTON, GOLDEN LIDN BLOCK, nnonqobul. In up! n0unotCo.u at I-tIl.lUI. Sill OTIOI OF 0AIDlDAIE8- T Notice to ammo:-3. REIINDEB8. Hive (1'a.~"r!!r`-- on! in JAM:-.3 Err: 5; Co . I ulumopntlhiu . Lomlnm." MED ALB rllton of her Iunxsua. wno nu nuv nu mu 5 'I'I-I`]-L MAKIIIICD. . I... 4|... IL... ..r GEORGE MAIR. DIEII. THOMAS CONLEY, I77, Clu Connnlolanor. I IAIADI. _ THOI. IOIIFK)I, Cad] `Mann-otl. Apr" 77. ` 101-3-4.1013 J-4. Tb we u and Drugs Yong museum quulod unuulho urn all. .3 I23 1'u- 0130'. (Ian- 'l'U- KOIIOW , (III- ! h 9 `:33 n.'."3"'....s" '5 Ilndlclfh WI land the Inns! 0! v|se1r|uoInthnWn ll. lau, 0! Walla mud. -r 1 x V 3nnson's` The Duniumb Joaquin Miller.` and In. Idnniui indow, only I5 can o... Mu. " , :..'*.;.rs.:.-::"-~ ~- n-- `lIO'II 3 I11 RUT--I non. The Gorirnuo hniodnod Incl too hbon.l," as tho ufgtl Pw'0" ` _L._ :1... a- n.- .......-a in in oil: ` London Parcel Arrived` Bow Bell: for Key, Ivory lonth do London Journal for April. London Society do Ohrmlnn Herald do Temperance Chronicle, do &c., &c. ` Allo Received: BU'rTEB.IOK`8 DELINATOR, ` Henderson's Bookstore.` Ladies and Gen`: Satchels, Yellow In-lpto, by Oust. 25 oontl. huphtiol. by Smith. 25 acute. I-`um Bnllndu um! ligands, ole, 26cm. RoborlIon'| chap sum. ' Illlido Chap Libnry . FANCY STORE.` Walking Canes, Base Balls and Bats, Rubber Balls from 2cta up, Hottoes and Frames, Silver and Gold Card Board, New Blnck Bar Rings and Sets, Purses. all kinds. Gard Cases, &c. Irving`: Fin Cont Nude. John Henderson PRINCESS STREET. cord: : "Tho uklhtinn of the but Unihd Slueauuhocitinn in that vary imnignat II worth to tho country Il,(KX). and than can In nnloullbll WILIOHIIC II Eh: gang gmish mtg. IN%Aj1Lsz4 3-inch CUT NAILS only `L70 per I00 lbs. A Inge Stock an hand. PORTLAND CEMFZN1 nml l`luau~r Purin For Sale ('heu|), Bmbe &l}u'sVH'a1"rdware House 87 King Street. rvl uunu \ nun... PAINTS Ana PAINT mm. GLASS and PU'l"I'\' rln-up Ila Anglo-American Hotel Fumilute, TWO P||I9. BAR-FIXTURES, Al lNS'l'Rl'(.'TI BY THE PR()P|E~ Inn 0! Ike ubuve Howl mull by PUBLIC AUCTION. on Thursday, May 2nd. All of the Furniture. Pianos. du- . com-htiu of one Prim Fox 7 ()1-tnvo Piano. om: Enxlle U right. Piano. wntenu of N Bedroomn,oon- I Mn; B.W.snd other BedoI~udn.Wuhnl.usdu 1`: ma ry, Wnol uul mlu-r Cnrpeu, llurunuu. Tubal. Betti. Cums and ntlusr Clmln, Iioddlng. Father Bed: And Pilluvu. Haul L|non.priug and other Ilnltruuea. Looking (Imam-,cunr beau of two Purlomu, ll.l`, nfsuu. II (J. (flnirl. luruo I|rror,Tn|u-wry \` r mt. ue (furum cnrnicu. Marble 'l`--p `lulu a. mu. Exlmmlun Dlnlux Tnblen. Hicleluonru 'l`uhIo=n.lnrgn Menu Hester. Plnwd Kniw-A. Forhn, Rgmonn, Fine emu. (llunvnro. (frockrry. Tnhlo Llmsn. (lap. to . Bar I-`ixturn, Bnr Lonklng (Hun. llnn (lluuvun. Bottles. Winn. Boar Pun :- Ind I`Lltul'uI. U|ocIu. rruux I |t:luru,( II UIO I lot of h|I('("l. rga llotal Cooking . Ingoud ordor.Cnx-kn. .lnu,I Ila: Duh. Stove! And Plpon. liotwn, Hanna. ll Back all Indian. `Alum u lurgn `nt of Kitchen *UulI|lI,v|lh I lot of ullmr nrhclma loo nu- namnl lo lnellnm. J. _._._ IV ICU IIIOW IMHO 0ItIo!nloot.vi|I|u-npocdnlte Iomu Iu. run the nugiwn. `G. W. ROBINS()N.| -umnnn n1.. IMO!!!- Iota: Na country u,uuu. um um: can be mdoulhnln rI,aothoI have in one you actually added In lab Uniud Sam, on of slit Cundinn Tua- nu-I. lnminnnll who will ho worth to April 2: , 1873. FOR THE Clll*L\l lS'l` AND BEST `rm an. normal Inellnm. V Tarn: nub. Sale At '0 rrlool in Room 0.17. H` J. E. HU1`(,'lllSOF. A...n -n nan gummy, Q Aprn 21, ms. LT. VV . IKAJJDLAV an OIIIGIII I1" WIIOIYOI. Apruil. JRTLANI) (IEMM For Sale ('heup. . .u..... `. . u.` -um IIu:Iug_m United saw, or nu Unnuunn un- uuy. bniuuu tho Cniud Hutu thou! l0.(XI)." OUTm_l\_l`_AIL8 IIlNlIII{S01\"S In}, In! Inc El I038 Auartmcat of .-rhgou our shown in Zlnjnn iim. . gln manna (III I W ITH Ior.vlII In open! In}, ml `sat `sun CUl{ISh`.'I`T & Cl VS. llunlwam Ilouse. Thafnnnaluy Liberal lnb. III-'l'|l(I`Ih Club lot the lluonlf ouuomu-nude! Dolognuo uonllvlth tho hlonn Munchkin in In uleounl ol u Candkloh. will be bold as Ibo cm. Ian-0. II Golden Lion Block. 0: halo: Ivoillg. April 80 AI 7:'.l Yemen. 1.41. In us; 310 ixnmignnu at 31.011) pot immigrant, Imuld gm: us the nwunl. to the extent ul winch our friand up Mr. Llukoluio has enriched Una Adjoin- ing country. Bur John Mnodonnld, In Momma] hat you, hold tu the umo the- ory, nz.; thu our country Ill bemg do- ploud to ndd to the Ivenhh, Itnngth and power of nut neighbors. Jun think of It :--310 immigrsnu ponniuod to pun lhruuyh our nrnt.ory~no embargo plaood upon them to unit than in their ha.-,gim ' to Uncle Sun : donuii), no eurl. rhu- .L_ n_A|.-..J.. Hqnntlinn Lady 0: Ihulru. I.|III \' fllhlrr Monday liveulng. April .`9I|I. Fin; nppunralu-as in Kingshm nf (luv 0 ed original and unly - 1 _ _ \\'l'|I| TIIFIIK INIIIKI-I GREAT COLVPINY OF STAR IHTISTS MIHH ANNA `."l'2RI'.`h`A IIICINIER, tho wou- btll l,U|.Vl'Illl ur oum llnllolo Lugs ANNA ',"a-zulcm wou- darful Indy Cornnt Soloist. MB. JAB. Holt EU. the grrntmt. Uhnrwtor ' V09. mm. In Am~r'Ic-n. Jm-1sIn:.m1 wu `NY Dl'1|:ANU.lho utuiun [urn of nzugtl 30. `Mt! Hlwh-In-n nhd lllrtltlou rluohnnunl the cum Vt Company. c-uluprining IJ lII0l!(HlII'Hl$,Wlnl IP99" 5" | P"R|`|""D0 rgplgcg um; nov.|` _ uuullowlng with rollnad humor and pregpunn all llw Inlll nllrnouulu of the tiny, includmg P. urfm mnuu-I-u on Hm Bw |ll ()vIr|nu,the only not U| ' Rheum nmlruuuanu (war Imnoru-cl. . ml unguuu mm IHI Berger Fa;ni|y. u -.u., Q. nhnlnl. CITY :H;9_;L1:I. Populnr pl il'l. 50 and &H'M MI locum! in zuivuwe, wmu-ut vxlru l T. (`AlI|'_\"l Hookntnro. Anril `J5. IBM. NEW FURNITURE! Bl AUC'l`ION! 011 Tuesday. tl1a3{ltl1 April, to uncle bill] I uulnuu, nu uuuu -u.-. onr msdo by tho lethargic Cundinn Uovarnmonl to induce or compel them we turn uido und settle in Uundn, and no the whole batch, worth 01,000 npieou, or $310,000 fol` tho ship-load,wu lost. to this country, poor depleted Cums]: being left with the wliury cumulntnuu that her ion In her Cousin Jonnhun gnin. "'L" ' '-- ----~- -- -------A---Inln lung. ` PRINCESS sTm;1c1'. BARGAINS! "ll |l()A|N!' will he at The lnrgnu Huh: of Furnlluns on-re`! for: n; time, mvcl I quite new. , nu lllwv nunrll Ir'l`H l'..n.m- nlul Rhln lllua, IIVII Ill quuv nu .- VANCY llHA('KH'|`S. (.'un.m- W|u.lnul.a.TWF.h'l`Y ml ll:-um Whlh-, All: and Wninut. Wuml lurbla Tnpu In Wnlnul. l).nm luau:-ion Tables. link uml Wuln Walnut. IL:-mt lhmm Uvll lxumninn Walnut, HIDE- BUARIM. (`LI um` Walnut Dmin Ulullrl. TII PAKIDUK SUITES In ll-ur(JJntlu.Vnnc B31. Blogatoll And once uupcwrtur MAIIKETII 8 ITI in Punch Crown. -9 1;. n....n-.. all! In nn ulnlnltlnn an 8. T. DBENNAWS Cabinet Warerooms, son suit-:. BYAUOTION ' IIW BRICK IIOIME. Iuntul all lol- Inol bane, of fl :0 lo; vol! uninh- ad;o tn-I02. hurtlun no-ttnrnul an munnlonon. owned mud oocuobd BUITI In lfrancu Umlnu. W 11!! rnllln will to on ulibltbl II loml|y,uId up to us hour of Halts on TUl8~ RA Y. Bah no-Inna-sag II mm cfulorl, Am. DAY. Ilurp. Iiiinslux nous: WILL III MOLD A I` Till IALE ROUND of Hm uu|uu:rH-er. _ ._ . - __ `.- our. 0! Iculu IIUL. u (an .-u., u........... ing Sir John : tenure uf mlica the num- ber of 400,000 Canadxuna left their native land to Iltl to "the wuulth and aLrcn;,'lh and power of the adpnnlng country," Sir John phrase 1t. mm, the have cited 81,000 per nun would give uu a gross luu Iuatainocl by their departure of $400,000,000 ! What become: of the 310 vagrant immigants and their petty cash value when placed in contrast with tho four hundred mil- linnn of dollars lc-at to the country by the in would Well, number we at oxodul from it during; Srr Juhn's re, giants, and for which he uhunld un the lame argument. be halsl ruapunanblu I In dealing with this anhject, tun, why have not Tory organs Hm furnms to admit that everyoma knows tube true, that during the put year and lI>ll\_{(`l', umre American: by far lmvv cumu 4-ver In us than would many tuno-s on-,r nupply HH- placve .1! th-ma whu have game to them, no that the balance in really and largely in our favour. The colnclualon the organ nacho: in tlna matter in - l.m.,..L, |:,._ ,3 oh. (EAHAIYIYIDI1. oll;.o'ntI'IIX.I|.&IdunlloI'OIorIud all can lo-umoqnulupd coupled |ryIr.I.l. urld. ' V Aululldtldd. lab :3 llofol Ion. Tame on]. J. K. IIUTCIIDOI. April 9. WI; Auuauor. 4 ,_Z_._-.' on -.-_. .5-5 _; A-iii. Bnjz Bjabs In-nohn I`;-lnnni. ` annnn % CLEARING SALE v- -:-w-----,, .._.., --,_, 5.. lot- tnnl Inna. olndon uvlr. wall abb- l'IlcnaI III lllll Illuhual us That the policy of the Government ha: been web as cu wnrraut the country in drinng thu whole corrupt party into oblivion." m.- . - n -. _;n ......m.. .1.-non :|Vl;1;('Il'. ' ypulnr and ?3('M Nmill Mn 11 ml u-huge. I o. 'ii."y 4t|_I. ..-nu ..g.-4.-p ..... ... nan A-I-`;llAC'I`I0!\i. . Illlvor form-I nu: pg vlu loll ling:-rn. Inmrl-In an J. E. IHTCHESON. Auctioneer. IVIDCI. JA8. GA LLOWAY. Iloontu-y. Ipll Clubs `uml Top: and um ltmuu Ovnl Walnut obuvxon. This being no how will any one dare to propane the l t`IVnrntioll (15 511' John, who, on the organ : uwu uruuuusnt, has been At. Inst 1: thmuanvl fuld wurrm tl.nn lhu proaem. (.`uvorumeul.. , , ..Aoo- .. They prupuau to try a new thing in the matter of liquor run?ricHm ln tha city 0 New Ynrk. Frmn Hm principal provi- vinwn of the new Act the latter may be Appropriately deaimmtud " the Punch Liquor Luv." To many A veteran tnper such | title wuuld have A fiunilinr and not nt all A disagreeable sound. The puuch" to which he is Iccultomod, how- ever, nnd that concomplnbod by the not in quutiun are by nu mum identical. The whole intention of the pnponed now nctin lo dincournge and diminish lmr-room ti}:- -u:,__ 'r*.. ............ om. daurnhla nun. lo aucourngu uuu uuumuu u.uv..,..... H`. pling. To compau thin daurable oun~ Iummniuu each bar Isl be furnished by (iovenmwnt nth pxmuh mlnewhut Iimilnr to those xucul by nulvuy conduc- tors, ovary drunk win; over lhhn bar in 1-. be rocurdod by n penforatinn. And run ouch ulrun consumed and thus checked the any (iuvvrulnom I! L. mllecl. is tax u} live: oonu, the proceed: In form a fund to be devoted to the defrnym; of the ordimry mumcnpal expense: of the city. I. ._ --.....a ;n hump nl this 4-urinnn oraunry m\uuc|pv.: Blyclluvu u. ..... ...._,. It 1| Arguod in hvour of thin curiouu Inouun that in uuocoulul opantion would unly and Ipoedulyl dioconngo tho uonlqioun habit: ol bu-rippling And muting, Ind (hut. until lhll dulnbln ruult In reached, the frequoutorl 0! than plaou would lnrgoly relieve their who hlloi cnizom of the burden: ol dvic Government. 0n the ulher side it in contended, even by the fnomln uf lutricon. that` tho Ilmlo Ihing_ can it tried. Iuultl prove ndicnlouuly iupnctncsble. Nu! the lnr-tending frntor Iily would be sure in furget the injunc 4... H....-ml. -`uh cun-.lrn bunch m the . .. __._...._._.__..____..._.. IATUIIDAY IV'I0, APIIL H, 1 any Ioulu no Iuru nu I'll"|n |nu ...,...... to punch Iilh cu-lu punch prunes of lhe puunguro," that n that)- -nd hum could be devised In udu onplinnoo with the luv, And to roudor it pnloelly inupentuo. Thom can I little doubt that; coach and law could gully bo Mun Ibrough such II "Act of Oontnu." but than in pudola IMIO llhdsbood 0! in nu boon; d led by not n mlo. Sena-at Saba`: idu ldlb worth any number of such ight) -a-._%o.{Q-.. -----_..-oo>.o-__.. Plll KIIJJI is n pntdy Vegnsblo prquilmfo to trap and tn main cvaylnnily. mnphchy nuudx noun nth the gr-at viii dances! may hr enhn-ly enatul l'ryIt.nnd the great um-mu .-I {n and ullring that mm hr nlluulul timgll nu Inmmnla it `unmask : any punch In yt null:-uvhhlhu zdlv y. and keep it alwsynuen rung.- Iuuinl, 1 may In-5-_ r...__.__ . lion in the argunoit in in on ago -+ 4- :---- A NEVIUSTYLE or uuuon LAW- 1980 ,Iu-uIIII,yuur- wit! h nnldnnco of` 3 shilling putdny V 01 he unuru ul all Scotch eulliovioo, um] I! ah donund Ill . nluud LI vriko on 2nd Ray. 11.. brunch bohnoo the cotton Inntan roluud nvnu znu -uy. , The branch ` and opontivu It Blackburn in Iidooing, ` 15ouonIty uolleo 1.:-day van called in , Gnu Horvuod Ioproloct n munulocturcr ` conned to his house by n in-out _ acid. A nunerouly attended nutiugolpnnlo outtolopilnu-Ianddinouncllho 'n- G; 00`: in Oman: yuucdsy ed 9- Iuduod Hypo ol uprinon vopor A-at out. ' M. Blackburn 5,000 loom: are working oulvol 511]. | uprI'ioI in Ibewuning Ilanifonl Among the pu--rer --peruivou. London, April `Al.-.'l`ho Emu upro- nenud At the winners mum): It Old- hun yeuordny run (our million spindle-. The mootnng decided that each employer must follow his own couno in regnrd to the roduccirm 0! time. 'r.....4m. Auril ?a'.-Tlxe strike of the l 0dIcLi0lI 0! time. London. April ?4'.--Tlxe cotton operativoo At Prcuun nppun to be ended only no hr as the operative upinnon no concerned. The western, winder: and Harper: are concerned. still stsudmg out and there sums no like- lihood of my settlement st present. Landon. Auil 27.-Ninsty ol the lugs 1., the Edltur of 11.: 5111.1. Whig. Dun Sux,-Whet in Ilyled -. Conven- uon of the Cnnnervatlws ml the Cuunty of Frontenac wan held on Monday in the Court. House, And by whole nnthurily ere our halls ul justice allowed to be used for party puliucnl purposes I There are plenty of public hall: to be obtained n! a mtlmg expense, where political meeting: can be held, and It does not npenk favor- ably fur the impnrtinlny of the Warden when he Allen himulf to be u. party in this doubtful lrnunclion. Surely the high toned gentleman : putty, as they de- light to call themeelvel, are not. depend- ing npnn the charity of the county. The public should nolnllow their courts uf law to be used in this way. The address of the gentleman noulinntel as the Tory candnlale in only a rulnull of the unar- nncen of Plumb end others. He charged the preunt government. with reokleu ex- tnvngnnco, By comparing the expense: I the two government: he presented to settlement It present. London, April 27.-Ninoty cotton mills in Blnckbutu nu; their balls :4 uuunl to-day announcing thnv. the mill: no new open to receive workmen. Nona ol the operative: raspnnded. Ballevulla. lll.. April `26. -All the cm] responded. Bellevlllo, lll., Aptil `26.--All miners in thin region hue struck for higher Iugen. It m not unlikely gl_l the minors in St. Claire Mid possible the Ad- juining counties {mm which 8:. [nuis drawn the: much Ingest. part of her coal will join the ohiken. (by I uegrulm 1u~uuy.; Cornlull, April 2T.-A man named Dolnld ll. Machenmn committed nul- oido by hanging himlelf in his cell in the jnil hero during the night. The unfor- tunate man III of 3 very reupoctnl-le Glen nry family And an: conned on Io- counfof inunity. 'lhe 8l|l.l')0|'ll.lt3 were in dnily mticipntinu of recuivim; an on do! fur his remunl to In Asylum. The deceased drudad thin very much. and uu doubts morbid dread of it mu the CUIIO which moved him to suicide. ,-M 5 l had caused the tlitfarence. By comparing tne expenses u! the two izuveruinents presented his hearers A great army of gures, which it Wullltl puzzle hiinsell to explain. He shoulvl have shown the items that One of them would hive been the repsiriiii; til the Government works iiruund Kingston, which the Chiel'tsin's Government. hail allowed to go to ruin. The expenditure of the said money had been of benet to his constituents. He might also hsve mentioned the erection of the college end also of the money required to keep the establishment. He might also have meiitioiied the iiioresned expendi- ture, caused by the silly and long debates at his friends in thelll iiiso st Uttewa. As to his cliurgrs of incapacity Against the present Government he specially Ineli- iioned the purchase of the steel rsils ll 5 loss to the country. Neither him nor his chief tlsre impiite improper motives to the Minister nf Public Works. Dr. Tuppenspenliiiig on thisqiiestinri iii IHTD, sent ; "l have no doubt the li'1V8|'ll)t lll. were acting with the utmost desire lor the public gum] and Iain always ready to give them credit for go-id intentions if loan." The llI8IY|l>Bl` for the County should have nid thsi these rails, instead of being I totnl loss, us being used very largel st the present time. There have been glteon or twenty thnussnil sent into the Province of Menitoliii, And there are in thnt Province 150 miles of mud ready for then rails. A large portion of theee rnils have also been used on the liitercolonisl. As to his charges of job- bery and 0l:I'l'llpl.i0(l let him bring them fnresrd where they can lm siibstsiitiiiteil, If true, he has I this opp->rtuniiy of ills- playing his llllllllioiul He has I noble enmplein the notion of the Hon. Mr. Huntingtloii, who brought his charges Against the Chieftain, lor corrup- iinn_ on the lltmr nf Pnrliemeiit and A Lunatic C:r;:ul(u Sulcltle. Lhllod Sld. Hill Ilibtd in tho. number and inuence M tho lonign born citizen: of the country. A unto he 3 uudidsla [at the lfruidoocy mun. hon A--~ u-- ---n... hm. In anon- the Unieltain, lot corrup- tiun, our delunmled an iiivemgntinn before A Par- liamentary Cununztlee, Although Sir John bu I strung majuiity to support him. An open foe in In be admired men il ho should ho wrong. There ilnothing no man or oontciuptible u to slander I mun behind his hauls. The Government bu dared the Chieftain or any one In bring found their chupn, but they not very much like thou rooster: that mu run very luutily on their own burn yard, on- pocmlly if they are Iurroimdod by a high Illl. Ho up that Cnnuln want: In honelt Government. Thut in what the ple u! the Dumininu believe they have and wlnt they inland tu keep for the nut live years. The Cuunly member, if oloetcd main, nill have to romnin in the cult! Ihadu of Opfonition. No poster calamity could hnppen thin country than for tho Uhieluin and hi: party to gnin power. It would be worse than: had lurroot. It v/ould;bo iiilnrmati-rn ll the partieu thnt moved the cunfulence tunin- uon in the Chic-lt.un'n lrmlo on nnionnl p-wlic would explnin what it II, no thnt it coal ho undentood. \v_ H ___ -'.:..L::;`;:.:;;..:."..;';..;;;.` Oilollnx to Indus back _.1 0...: u rilnnlannli I A hot-riblo` tnqody aaeund in Potts- Iowu, Pnnnaylvnh, I than time nnco. Fun lands, in the shape o1 non, diunbcb ul circulnn thn.-ugh tho town IlI|IOIlD- ilg Chit rudinul to rouoro brilliucy _.J ..In...- In Inning back knit. QIIII Ollollnz Indus hock nu, GIIII 4-! (mm, as rilmlouly low mu. flu: they wont uuund and cuoctod Oh wiwhu. dc. ol India: who nun nxbu In have that until utidu IF rvooobol, givhg printod neupu thon- oc, Ad glnnuuoing to but no owl done in lbroo dtyn. And Ih IEO bani day cute, And the hut in no! returned, an bulnnd. lube: and brother: ol the Pottdovl hdin nu ds-pushed lo the Iohldnuyooogncnto Ian Ibo -.nam:IlIl'hfIhIm'n April 27. THE COUN'l`Y IEIIBEIL (By Tzlegraph.Tu~duy.) __|l A..-El 0'? _A nunn ul:-pm] fellow-citizam. duncretiunn like (In! above rdenul to, Bcmstor Blnine-`Hn.ino'I gifted non`-- has proved hunulf Inch Lu intense political bigot, both in his bloody slur! Attitude luwprdn the south, nod in he: ill-crm- ct-dad boltvlily to Ural! Britain had CI. nah, (hut uuny well be rogudadu I mulurtuno that ho should ever go! I'll- u---noed on the throne of the Republic. 01 this than in no dnngar. He in too great An extremist our spin to become 3 |`n:udcntiAl ponibility. ovo~ ---- A Bur nut-I-3 Trudy- ` Edijiaitf nwlnuvvu. Yonn, ow. . All run samsn wme; SATURDAY. APRIL 27, 1378. ' sun and blood, to nny ' word our link: to tho. purpooo D the lntlloo of Europe." \-'1 -'*-r-r" " `v-: `fulfill INIJAXII flrlllr. London, Aptil 26.-'l$o nd, ring to tho ototonont that Auouinllll `to he ndnnciug tovudn 3 solution oltho Innis of tho other powon taking ouihblo eouponution for tho inctouod inluoneo ollgupz Flo oolution 0! hi- ing onitnblo oooponnuon nuns, ol conne. tint Tnrkoy should ho lnrtllot donpoilol in untidy tho tem'toria.I nod: ol its Idglbon. Thu tho boulo that my (0-31:-row ho fought our ono crip- plodponr no tlwdng oltor be laugh! out tluoo. nglond nay ght in that Ibo (cola in I just conno, yot, allot upend- Ing more than we can upon of our flea- nd ounnlvu lling n ditch over which othon wnlk quietly to the common goal of tholr upl- ` ntiom. Europe, of nouns, now Imilol ' upon uo, choon no on, And _ _ pfopnru, in our oyoo, I lnuoot wuh which II II In ro- ls would ho more if we -on notlolt st once to vindicate tho lrontlu nud light ._ .. 1u\u11nlnu . IAIII XIII ll)!-VIII?! Aullu A Isorliu doupotch up of the pio- puod Gennnn form of invitation to the Cuugrou, cm the British Government Glpft,-MOI the nu mption lhnt the Iron. don ol 1856 And 1 41 are almond] modi- od by the III`. England innisu that the neoouity of nuponoding or unending thou treaties i: not to be nlumed in ulunoe. IRELAND V. ntnnn.-1. A St. Poumburg correspondent tele- gnphn it [I evident. thnt lhu preneut unn- tilfactory Into of thing: between Ruuin and England in due more to mistrust and joalouay thnn to any other cause. L'u- Iurtunntaly the negotiation an no! ud- uuce u quickly on the armamcull. nun:-nr uannnnukn FISUJ lL'l' ADA}! DUN In. Conntnntinople. April 26 --The Run- aian authorities: hnvu decided Lo abandon the intention of sending & number of -111- cerb and men to attend worship in the Greek Churches here on Suudny. .; nun. n.vn\.nu-.-.--uu. Vusa und Tak Puhu leave to-mm row for the loans of the imurroction in the Rhodope Mountains. The insurgent.- nra well oioored nnd provided with abundance ufammunitinu` They occupy iunpregunble positions. .....x..-.. vnnrnurnu uurwuvu-vvvrm (`Kt-'|I\u r.L`r\UrI:.A.I In nnnvrnunzr-. A deputation of Muuulman lnhnbxtantn in Ruumelln Iuitud upul) Mr. Layurd And begged him to telegraph his Guvurnnlent to urge European imerveuuun tn and tha nlrocitieu by the Bulgurium. It. is denied that the Grand Duke ..._.___. .._o-9.... `Eur and won our Couorntiu eon- umponnu relieve the ennui ol Opposi- > than loinuro by counting our the number of change: that have oucunfod in tho pru- unt. Clbmol. In reply 1!. Ian lrequently hoe-n pnllllad out that changes in tho Cn- bmev. were quite so much u clmnclerinlic of the Ian Tory Government. The Hut"! uf Thuudny, II] no Eugluh nun oulumu, fuminheu nu even more dmiuguilhed pu- oodem. for Cabinet changes, no fewer thnu fumlcm being Ipociod u mulling lrum the rutlromeul. ul Lord: Derby -nu! (hrmrvun from the Britioh Ministry- We Iuppolo Cuudinn Tury orgnm will `hnrdly venture to my tint thin uiemivo -.._....I-II...u ..l Iha Imp-g] Cgbiugt, g gn by the Bulgurusm. It. is denied leuec San Stefano. Illb MUVILVU Ur lll\l\)l~V. Bombay, April 26. -'[`x-oops are arriv- ing daily for embarkutinn. The first de- tnchment. leaves for .\ln1tu on April 29th and the second on May lat. Fifteen ship: and twelve uemners have been an- glged for the conveyance of the expedi- tiun, which will be couvoyed by I nun of vnr. Greet onuhulium in manilested throughout India And nntivo troops are volunteering. unu .uu.u 'l"Ilr\nlI~ Iurlnnlnn Inuurn. Buchnreat, April '217.-'I`ho Int Bou- mnninn regiuu-nt. Inn left here for Turnu Evoriu. I` PLRII IHCHANUE ur unnn. St. Peternburg, April 26 --'I`ho Agence Rune conrms the report that England and Russia agraed that a direct exchange of view: Ihould precede the Cungreas. Austria, Germany and Italy ulna favour thin course and have invited England to alum her views. Paris, April `.36 ullubnrt. Pasha nrrivod here. unnnnnn. un ulnun. London, April 26.-Tha Duke of Cam- bridge, Oomnnnder-invChia{ hu iiauod A geuarnl nrdor, conveying to the army We elpreuinu of the Queen`s high a precin- tiun of the patriotic and mldinr In enpirit diaplnyed by the reuervaa by the very nliufnctory manner in which they rea- pouded to the call ful" mobilization. Innunvl ; n -|Hl'AIIHnH Iruim mun N541 nllnun. London, April 2t3.-lt in reported from Chathnm that A powerful ironclad aquu4l run will be immediately prepared to be in roadinen for operntium in the Bnltin. RESTORE!) TOEHEALTH. Constantinople, April 2G.-Ex-Sultan Murad, who in fully restored to health, in closely guarded. -ru :1 :4 Hour! \l A van llll E\;l'\|`I4ALK`E. Constantinople, April 26. -'I`heoxtreme Muuulmnn puny has inked the Iheritf of Mecca and Mufti: of Tunis and Morocco whether Turkey Ihould join England in the event of an Anglo-Runian war. The Mufti: replied in the affirmative end the Iheritf promined to nubmit. the question to the Council in the even! of en outbreak of hoecililiea. The Mnuulmln insurgent: no gcpproeohing Philippnliu and are driving the Bulgarian: before them. . uuunun A|J\lv A lI('U.Vn Aunt. London, April 27.Tbe Eng|iah Unv- ornmcut are Arranging the formation nf a wound Army corps, And are raising corp: to full war Itrength. -rlnlruunl v |lII.n.sAl.I. An Athonu dospatch report: the insur- rection in Thoualy nearly crushed. `hnrdly union to may mm u... ---....-..- remodelling ol the lmpvrinl in nnhcuion ul wnknou or of its impend- ing diunluliun, since the llrilinh Govern- ment at thin moment in almost omnipo- lonlly strong. Let our Tory conlreru, therelore, cease to uy tlut Cnuuliuu Cu- binot cimngu purund the doom of the present (luvermmmt. Nu change: have lalmn plnca except in the public illu-stout. The Unblnev. u u Ilroug u ever in the public cunlidenco, Lu the ensuing eluc- tionn will be turn to allow. .._.,..._ .. --. I In! l'lhl|l|:.|v |.Il\!nI nu. u. A Constantinople deapatch up the foreign Atnbundurl there hnva proposed to the Turluuh Uuvurnulenl the impun- tion of nu Incrouod import duty of 20 per cent... Iovicd for the purpose of naming the llwuouzdo 0! refugooa now than to Mturn to their homes. IITOITATION l'|10Hl|!l1'Ill. Locdon, April 27.~A Ht. Polernburg deapatch say! the Runiuu hue prohibit.- ad the oxportuiun u! cereal: And provi- Iinm {rum Baurnuu, on the H-luck Son, and have loud 3 [per cent. import duty nu (Ln alum. KIAIJI lllll `w'I|vu London. April `. 7.- A cnrroapondonl ol the Ihnchouhar Gmmlian uyn great on- thuniuln wu Imnifulod Ill military circle! hora to-night in in becoming known that the whole n! the null sud commissioned nllicen uutmnod at Aldu- slmr. roceivnd orders to hold thomulvu In com eta tudinou for immodinno nov- vmo. I is rumored tint oi-don II In nhonly iunod for the formuiun of I Iocnn-I any corps And the raining of in bcudiou lo I in establishment. Inna lI2I.`l`l'l.V l!-_,A_L --__ 4I;-A.._L._.__ Ind 0010 your on tb name. A Bolgndo dlnpucl up antnrunx have broken oil It Nilh and Pint ho- Iwnn tho inlnbiunh And the Sorviun Inlhorilin in ooluequoncn of the Randal ulmnom for runlng rectum. .....u.n'-9 nron In I! ` nuwnuust ul uuuu. London, April $7.--A Couununnplo donpuch IIuu'|uI Ibo uu..;1.:..... much an Iii ' zddvhg Ibo lulglriuu on :17: Ahknoploilgrutly ngiuud our the mango acquitted the ` }A number ol oollieniguo uudunthonnou have but ardnlly gulvld. much rnollc octngu conlmou A nlbot uollienlguru utcd Q the moon Public building- s... 1.... gydnllv turlld. Tho gu- % arcnuy gum-. .- 3-..- than -Ipnputugto spin! u inn-gush. ~ nun: uanm. ..*r.':.`.`:..""".-..'.;.j.'. """" "" _ , "I 'I'Y|_'Il.'l luv-. A I-I-0-vi inlaid Rjnhuqurlo `cl. An -I hn Al Adxhuplo, Huuth Uxlurd Tori:-1 hue [ur some time bvcn liunding I sort of lurlum hope -I -ucceu win an udontly wiulied fut Ichllm in the Libcnl nah. Thoy know right well that their only chance 0! Ir deeming" tint staunch Rdorm oonntitn- ency Iny in dilimiou unong thoir oppon- entl. From the fact that Co]. Skinner, tho prenont number, though I Reformer. us: not the rcguhr candidate of the Li- bernl party at the int olaction, it man hoped that he would feel Iuiciantiy sore at hm own party, And nuiciontiy grnteful to the Turin! who nnpportod him Ignimt Mr. Edgnr, the Relorih nominee, to cut in hi: lot with the Tory putty. Thin, however, the gallant Citllii hnd too much principle to think 0! doing. Though not eiectod by the Itnight. vote of hi: own party, in hn loynlly supported the present Libonl Ministry throughout the ._t.,.|- an... n! Lhn nrount Pnrliunent. ; n.x...a.'"1T-}'-I~'"- .... |....u.n an Nb wy M-17;; I-4-an no-an nun njt CIYIRI III [vu- punts. the n dintnrbnal fish and Pint Ino- W.-m---I2 rm` ' *"l`hohovnI dlhymd e { nr.nc'&nhudnntg.uId& Holy gndonthoiltimuo Idocol L tho hiaiful Iith 150 Rain Pauli`. lo Qlnnnlntn ntmnlntn tnnnnn Ilut. IO nll tho lulallll with no 16133 ronuu. It thwnloto stands to nwnanilhnt wo ` Illould with nlldilignneo do all-in our goworto pnncvoinhu lhldj C1` the Roman Catludn, in otdor bob" all things to guard the right: and Ii 10! ' the Holy See. Wonlwllnonr onus in ` inuipi tint out authotity ho nupoctod; thntuurniniatryandoutpowct be kl!` (all; (no m I, and Clint tho ` pouition 50 to II in which Die : vino windom long ngoplnood It in ` no um deoito ol dominion which move- us to domwd the to-uhhlishmont 0! our civil powor.- Wodunnnd it became our f lotion nml nblann oath: nut it, we bo- cams it in not only necessary to ennui-we iully the liberty of ' Yul pawor, but _ lilo bocauno it in ovi ont that when it in I question of the temporal dominion of E thoApoctolic S00, involves tho wtll- being uid ufely of tho whole hurusn il- mily." The Pouo distinctly endnnow the po- mily." The Pope distinctly po- licy And act: of hip prodtoouor, oundoumn civil Inuriaaea. and deplore: the rejec- timi of the nutliority of the Church, pron chiming that tn be the OIIJIO of all exist.- inu nil: but in lnnuuuo of callnnell clniminx that tn be me 0: an um.- iug eviln, but in hngungo ind dignity, devoid throughout of my of ulfanoe violence. l`l.n .nnv:~liam| nnnfninn no lllnck proum htnoru uumuu, um.-..,,.. V . . . .. Iholo term of the pram! I.'mler than circumltanuo the Libcrll convention st. lngonoll bu done the ugh! thing in ucknowlodgingtho Colonel : nrvicn by tendering him tho onndldr cure of the putty. Mr. Noxon, nu ox- tn-nnive mnuuluccuror of the County. seem to hm-u been the rival candidnte. nml he has rnlired in Cul. Skinner`: h~ mu:-. Thus the hope: of tho South Ox- ford 'l`r~riu sums to grief. At the same mnvenuun Hun. Adun Crook: In ten- dared thu numuuuun lur the Lou]