tuu but and Jun mug nu wu- euuu-nuod, and than (an 80 ha nnncunuogtholiuul " ca one pnniulu by lotluupm As` John sud his brido lauaa manna ' dune, Cluo -uppgd, cl aunt, th- in Cidtcobpuy. i` ` in thing it would have been (gt : Clou llnllivu In nary John Hulda : -an`. -.M um-nuintorotbut Joi- my! um. 3:90 11.11:. EH10 I-`m '5 H0 p.m. 9:00 p.m. I! ll) p.m. `r00 p.m. ADI. Arrive. De sn. 22(1) mm. ....2-. 55.": nnm _l5nm ' ILJI) p.m. my! Z! IU p.m. FOR L I'UnIr.I(UL.'s l un- Il pulrmmgu to us fut wr would raoqmm. :' n. DEA(.'()N_ P K5 1:4 11. WA 1'. tint!-.~nng Fur -moo Mr. Ulovo munvnn, told Mr. Clan HUHIVIII Chm: ha ha! been bndly pmnahul, and thnt. he well deserv- ed il.-Ilurpn'a Hlvkly. ,, ,.,,_,__ | '1-Jl) mm. 4:31! pm 7:1!) mm :50 p.I.n. |U:(X) LIII. l:.`)0 pm. 10200 Llll IIPOITILD Duur.cr l_ Ell_ xrr.nm1nr" ' uuwrul. - - - .1 A um: siocx or Inn. on.I.u.w.(mi.cya:co..1.ou-ion. llauuvadhuuioviukuluvautnutdl `AIIBIOLI 731.1 HL'.l'I| n ACDQV nnnpnn Attention is nquolod In my Iuimieu for to curing 3 perfect Mun inn: 5 The-y were seated hgothor, side by nude, on the win, m the moat Approval lover (Mh|olI-|Iil um eneirchng her upor want, utc. _ LIuie." he uul, you must hue SILK Oi 8-1`!!! FELT HATS With the no of the "Puncouformatpnr," C'AlJ Good: selling I! the Iowa! ad: nlou. THE MONTREAL TEA HOUSE 0I'IiNI'}l| 0lJ'l` AGAIN! In the Albion Hotel BiocK. { PRINCESS STREET. II. J. l}(JNl]EHU[&E.| | WE INVITE ALL OF OUR 01.1) I-`RIEND8 1 and a host ol new patrons to out! upon us. Our New Stock Is as Cheap as the Cllcnpest we have Hold II:-fore. King-mum, Mnrvh `_`, I8?! IWOOD; IEMPRESSRELIEFI The Best Qualy 0|` Flrewcardl An Internal and External Remady .\ BALM FOP. FIVE LY WUU ND CHEAPEST MARKET PRICE FUR SALE 8`! how durl I lure you. "You, rod; you Inn been very unen- livo," Mid Llaio. "But Lizzie, dnrhnu, do you love me? Will _)mi [)0 my Wild" Yuur wifu, Fred 0! all things, no! No, indeed, nor in] one else`: " l.iu.ie,_ that do yun mun" "Jun what I uy. Fred. l`vo two .n...-nml uiulurn E; iai " lwines ant; Liquors, l"_""'" ' ' lnporood Dirac-I"r.v`xi'Vr';n3o5T all tho dilnnsn Brando M a Who. Irudcq. 00.. Can. Ann 15 and ;n_l. [Geo-Th278924:2-l Foolhache, Earacho. Hnulacho. Ne-urnlgis Bheumutinn,Bprniuu. Swelling. ludsmmn nion, Burns. Cuu. l5ru"oM. Pain in Sid. xun in Hm-L Pain in ()hnnLl nin in Mmul Cuu. liru`-nos. I-`mu um in Back. Pain UlmnI,l `I:-r,C0nghs. Colds, I-`mu Hm-n. (`I Di4rrhu~u_ I)_vsenu'r_y', Hauunner (`an 61.0.. &L(-. At rmywzmr. iioz nroci St. lurch H,l86B. ! conffro iii} 1 I'll!` DEFY! AID II OOAJTIYI 1 All. nurn wuss`? who in I-u'arin.r lmm nvxynfllue above mm :`ul 1-muplniuta. wnll mil 3!. the UPI-ICI`. [N 'l`()R()NTU,anv day in the week wi jg: mt. urn.-nun nrm.l--lI`mn of (flmnm of in Illlch or Poor 0II or Ymmg.| the. Lizzie, "you read my heart are thin; yo-1 mun! knot durl l lure you." VA: md: vou Inn vary nron? the Ir 0 mle Drug and Pawnt. Media no houses: ol Montreal, Toronto, llmuilton and Loutluul `\l B proof ofita gr:-an power ovar linens any person no umlwr who iv. may bu, AIIIIIIVII Q`VII.l|`f "`llI'V . urry it to your hmm-s and it Will pmva it ulouin to [our familial and Ilinfml frlendr .. am no In xv bqhrfillln nnnn... U:-.\u[:it,a' nu-ia 'm>|liug unonm in: of us who:-over ilnrodlmed. lchsllan than world no rodu: WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. J . Riiiizzo-s.j \-u-pv-v s.-. . Iunnolllobcwthvvd-unlthh Ints Wholesale and Retail. games cnupnm, IL I lmlmwe " Sn people uy, but I Imuld'nt nund ` in either May : uf1NI5'.1 shoes; that'- IN." I run: mm xulnninh mo." I rl n-, 25c per Bottle. ..- ... in--rurnnllvlvllll nu um Ll Infill. Penn 1! III 1!]. Uncut lrlndyc CLARK WRIGBHT. Wellington turret. I878. GUQES sl|Ill:IlT'8. wig, ;'Ql4Y . I1it1,T15ztIt.V'tt1.w,:APR13I N R?!- .. 5 Hnnl ,..._----1-.-- mg unormona qlmntI~ trodlmed. I u- I, (Wnlhlnuus I` (`ulnphinl ROXAL = C?%QMPANY 00- incur: l1%I. B. RA~ BUNSLSON, I. ' L17./.uu, ynu rulnrinh me." lmuk hurt, Fraud, I've Ind our hun- my-xivo sleigh ridu this winter, thank: to you and my nthct gentleman lliondp, Fred winced I link: ban, wbhor at: I . ` . "`:.-xo`i'u's`8`- zf:`&un` '.:3"u.u`:n`r POI HOUII IUILDING A1` LUWK81 AGENTS: . AGENTS: Have Been Awarded by the International Jury at tlio World's Philadelphia, on their Pianos .- FIRST PRIZE. AND SILVER MEDAL, THE MEDAL OF HONOR, AND DIPLOMA 01*` MERIT MESSRH WEBER h CO. in nmmunainz their Iuoubul at the World : Psi! would call lho nuantiou of the Cnumlizm nublia to the Tum. that inter the moat. Ion-uhln eumination tweullomen eminent for their usicul ualaul. Llmir Piaunn have banu awur nd the above Prriu-9. These lnntruxneuta were not mule for the Exhibition. but taken from 8' wk. being I {sir ropmaenunuon uf their Pinuoa. This should boa proof to (`mimliuna thin. Cnumla can pro- duce no ood Plan"; an the bent. imported lnstrumnnta. I 1'! ICE LIST on npplicutiuu, lllr |"0|il'Hl|el.Il.&llIlll In umu n lnuuu. . um nu- Pluuns an In G`? {ICE |]1pli('Iliou, Oct l0.lI87 ALLAK LINE! I.iverpoolV,I.on(-iond.'en'y& Glasgow TWENTY I kndid Iron Scoamnhipn, fu powered,c onble englnad, Clydn built: Cinrauixtn A uatrian Canadiu n Pulyucuhn Naturian A ::adum Sarrli N iau Muruviun Ne mfotuullum Hibernian Humulfiun Wuldensian (mpian I em,m' Pluetmriaas. S1.`ull7'Ml N. Rcoliuu C01 mfhian. Pruuian M ani lobar: I-I I Ell! VIII: I'lf\Ih Innin- Bailing from blvorpool ovary THURSDAY and from Halifax every SATURIJAY, FROM llAl.llI`A)\. Peruvian . . . . . . . . . . . Sa1urlny,Aprl]`..*Ulh Scandinavian. . . . . . . . do A ru 27th lliberunu....... .... du uy 4th E1z6sol'Puangnfrmn Kingston: Clbiu .... ...... . . . . . . . .......)66, TU andif lnu-rt-ediue.. .. . . . . . . . . . . .310 Rena-gun Iinnlifnn. vnnood mun non, tumor :5 the remombnloo of the unpaid ll , ` IJIH, ur tho MOI uf IJIli0'I Ihijhilj With her other gcntlouuu lrildl, lanpot poli lively nnnur. "How mnny do you Illink uy mun L|VER.l;_(I-l.I_l_.widVI'\l'I"._ LINE I Hnilmo Pu-nm Llvarnonl Ava:-v'l`HURSl)AY I (10 may nu Boone!` Pump Tmm . . .......i66,|7%I aml089 Int:-runediabe...... . . . . Emerita vinulifmr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ` . . . . .. ill Rate: of Panama between Ihslllhx sun] HL Johuh: - PI-epnltl Puuge (`vi-tlrltn Penunn wishing to sun ! for Llmir lnamln an I uhtnin Pnssn;ze(,`arI.illouuI M. Iowan!` ruins. 'l"ua tickets an 0041 for one your um! tho amount nu refunded I nemnll dednutmn. if not mad. Full information an to roturn ticka tn null all mamal-I olpuugo will be given b the Agents IO to nooouu oorvimusn to be 0 tamed m or- der to be nunit ed to thin bonus. For Tloketn Ind an further imormntion #1 ply to H. BOUKLI B, General Agent. 3 route, 01 _ 7 Dayhght Route :6 Picton, Belle- ville and Trenton. .1. April 4. 1877. Stegunezf Armenia u.II.w.alauvn.' Jan. an-up---. rurr. .us. (`0Ll.l'l|l, Muster, Inmvn swmm Wharf l(mzamn,daily.(Hnn sh,._y`s use oodbavt 5 o'clock u.m.. nrrlving in Pmton at l mm . when the oonuacu dnllv at 1 Pm. wllb Sumner (Vim for Bollevillo and l`mnIou. givlnrpuoongeru three hours for bu nlnon orplouluelt flown. lHl`URNlN(3- the AI-monk loans Pkuon for Klngnton st 2:1!) pumsfcqr the urrivnl oi uunet (mm from Trenton uul Bellavilh. The 341-vqqyoto lg Trenwu sud ueuaum, "no A u now and my (upon: Btonmor on the _--,v uf ulnlo. Portion of ten (I0) no Pinion um] ramrn my one run. Clone oounootionn mulo with lho Folger Bron`. llaunmr for Cape Vhu-.out.Wn' tonown and New York. Also by Cuuadlnu Nnvigulon Stoanusrn from lhmllton Ind Mon troal. II Llbnral ohm-gnu to rommervlnl (rm nallern. Sunday School and Nstlnunl Emur along at low mm. For freight uul pnaugp gpply in JAMES SW1!-`T. Ila ...\. 'l orrivnl oi Summon An new and the fused ltumor lively umwur. mun do you 3] hnvehud! at I-IIO ul ollo-either nlthem. such pretty girl: allay and Nollie were, too, sad I0 much Iltontion they uwd tolnve!" "Now, lniuio-- "1 um load 0! going to the them-a m-cnuunnlly, A: null u I Iootun Air con 7 can sometime. and I IhouId'nt like it if I propmed attending any Iuch enter- lnnnmnnz to be invnrinbly told that tamuu were hard And mv hulband could u't ntfurd it, sud than tn hue him monk ulftlune." H .\...I than M nnco in I dou'l M10 he did The I.argesI.CheupesIanI Best ' Selection of I ll7`loom`Paper, l Boom Paper.l BAQUI` STREET. BETWEEN |'ll|N(.`l`.%8 AIL) Ql'l-EN 1'IIILi.T`l.| I 9' new AND SIGN PAINTING. (ll-ullv i M: 7-3. Papa HI'I`||l and C-1 ' nuhtnmhe in Ihhtd aphasia thinned | In!` g ROOM PAPER} om! PAINT snap, And Room Paper ll:-pot, ` I , an ace.` `l`luluPl`I| It I '.h_ROBINSON April I8. mu. PWEN'l'Y Susamnhipn, full nowered. enzinad. Clydn mnrru-cl rmlrrn. ' "Uuruuuly! And Mn. Hupkua nml Mn. Skinner hue vary good lmnbandn, " -14.. ..n....l. guy but Itovoo and 'l`.l.nvv,a.:-0. Audlrpupued on nnolvo ul union for "en wniMz`: A%L" .4w;`n{n s. `Plano - Eorto Miinufaotuaors. KINGSTON ONTARIO. VII-II J in! no. ll7l. * -~--*--_~ In Central Canada. [Amber .Jla:,mfacturer:, or I132 Point, 0-5. iagf FOLGER &. HARLEY, A cum, an Ollloe. toot of 8 Street I INTER 1878. `III IPHAIIII A'\I fun ulftlune." ":\nd then If once in I dug : ago coliduccuml to go with me Anywhere In the evening. llhoqhfmliko to be la Ln pick my way don: the Ilippory plum, at the rm: 0! breaking my neck. in walk- L-.. -lnnu um-m:|ninnl|V bv mv lids. I'll) John usual I vile`: nnid.orIoIulhingorubu! ` ulna}: Inlqlitiy My I no any: `big lnluianin-6 . AIIIII n-.' 'E3BE3.3E?:J<%;:`co., _( _ _..._._:: R. CRAWFORD & CO. umaam u Ne mfomullun d Mljlet Ugca |8 3| 33.; `U391! 1\Ih Q '`Gl.A?-`E ' mu m TH-E 5710331 mum PRICE .1... r..I|.....;..- ...ox..I... ...- -a will I rllltzn For all of the following articles, or we will ` mall them for you on 5 par cant (live per com) com minlon: Iltlor.(`In-M.Il-II',FblI|ry.I.|r1l,`l'|Ilow l'-uIneru_ PMIIDN. Aoulmunn. Flour. Ila-I. Fur. Ildu. Woo|.l n-nu. Ilroou fern. Dried Fruit. ,. "yr-. _--u -.`. Liberal 03:4)! advances nuule on large onn nigunwulu ol Staple nrlloloo. Parnlmrs. ship pen! and deolarnin general memhundine should wrim 131' rnfcanuwe, prise current, stencil. GL0. When writing us mam wlmther you wish lg When Ship 1 n.uue VERY I.l)Wl`l8'l` PRICE lor same 1l(9l|VO`l'1VI| F0 H. (fr:-ms ahrnrd cars) In your nunrunl. Nhlp pmpzpoiln. Alto ll poeaaihln onml sample by mail, if too bulkly hvfreight. Alhlreu nun. - o. L\A1A|'I\l1llII rink ol bronlung necl, no Inu- lng nlung unconsciously by my ride, of l dopendoat, clinging nature, and I need the prutoctiou 0! n Ilrong um." Lizzie, thin in nll nonunlo." "I'm the youngest in our family, Illd porhnpa I've: been opoihd. At Ill ovonu, I know It would bunk my hurt. to have my hunbmul vent all the ill-temper which he cnnceall from tho wnrlnl On my do feiuzaiean head." Hui l..uiu. I n.-umiw you thntl " General vonnmlsslon at shipping Ml:RcnANTs. 22! and 346 North Water St., l llll.AIIIM'lllA, Penn. |.... n Ian I `inch pointlouoqpdooool vol: noun hm far you nspullbaafhh ll:-. on I V'lIltG.lH'I_A All 098 Iltblmcl AID l0P-- bl ` has Lvdcnlouhu In-g.l|uI. aunuugwlllhouw-olyulanhl ta. Hnvejust rm-eiusddirm-.t from France, x. rnm nlem asnnrtauent of the Finest Convex n_nd plate `at-nmrt,m-nt nml Concave (112 asemauituhle for All Age: amide- greea ufnight. Alan Fnmnt French Imvender and sPEcgLe_xcLEs| re aufni ht. Also, Pil18StgF:'8l1Ch Lavender and Cologne Waters, With l.uhin'a Av C>nlruy`a l EIiF`UAIE.tmd Atkinson`: Eu linh I nrfume. A1901! the ammo hoan SILK `LASTIU STOCK! 08 AND Ir (,`omlruy`a l E..l'LlUDll.u,anu boat, SILK K1me(Iuus,Ilens[lnd Mirrors, Fmnch Horn ELA8'l`I(J ST()()KlNG8 Knees (laps, Ilevcsllnd Dreuin Comba,&c. Medicines obtains any time during thonlghl by Liuging the bell. I Dissolution T_`Partners11ip. l)IlI' IAIIIAIIJ. I '1.unn--no -u ...._v - "I Ih_yen,Frenl; I imuw whit you no go- ing 10 ny~llml. you will be dlorent; but Mmy and Nell have Lulnl me time lhd ngnun tlmt. nu hetmrhluballdl than thelrl m-urluvml, nu Fred, A: I lovar_ you Are put parloct, url lnlull lute awfully In `IVS ynu up. Still, if yuu are bent on nmrrylng, llwro nu plenty of girl: who luv: not Illuriod uiuou, (t who are not can emmgh lo prot by Iblr ugaplg |( '_ they hue. And don't {fol hboullmo, lot I've no doubt I can nd noun one to till your plnce -" But before Lizzie hnd concluded, Fwd IIE FIRM (IF C- H. LAVELL 6L C0., haubeun dusoolved this day 3.! mutual con- sent. Alhlelyta dun the hue an: muut he PAID AT onus in order to clone up than lmokl. The Drum business of the above will he car- close tun noon. Drug ried on by U. H. LAVELL. who in nuchorisad to roceive ull ucmunma and puny all lnbilitiea \ ol the late rm. I FRA!i!s..I:I_ The Sugar Ring flattened Out l| Important Information: for All. Sugar Down! Down! Ibown! 1' Illl" FOIUOUII l'\IlI DAD` auv othel Iuvulks in tlm city. I Lu!,\'I`I'HI'r1-. glwnyn an lmml lonuon I Ilool, nan nan. ! 00-, 60-, av. `IN `run vnuv Inn 3111.1. lb ea-an `ndptu poinuouoqpbood nut dope -" mule for the door, Iuuuoting uouothilu "unmonuonnbla to uh yoiu." ' "'l`hure" udumod Lxizie u the door vlnood with A hung. "I Itnnil Io wu no hone: Hun Hie nut. That`: the In] John nut Mack nut and Ilun dmn, when things don : [0 jun right. He'd nuke I pvnfoct. but ol n huuboml, but I'm In burr] ho ounolo tho point so soon, (or he will jun! a splendid bola` -~ Nu: Mruvuuurl. Fredoninn. 3`;'.'.3 ....a..u b vitltu sr|A'3`i'c. nun. PAINTINTCEJ I8 PREPARED AT A Tlllll TU EXE- CUTII OED K8 Full D I : Hmuw Pamlmglnullux Branches Tomvm umw cum: I000 Hum lhsinin: at 0 mama par lh. (Al) 7` HnCnltia-I Jupzm Tea at M N-II, 3.01) 2! lh(,'nlI|--n Young ll mun Tan I` each mu :1 lb (Tutuuu lmperuu on M. '1 mm. rm 5 and '0 ll) Catlin 3! var lnvl [urn-en, I00 hm-I No. 1 Lthrulur H ngu. IA lL\T'|' 8 Prize Mralnl ALE ind PORTER lahrulur llordngalv IA M1-InlAL|I'. nlvnnm ll nvnvnpu I` LOWEST IATII. 0. H. LAVELL & 00 .-.-- From utnoxuuun undo lbw unions cope. ol the blood of pnlhuu nil; Fal- Iowl Compound Syrup of ypophom phutu) uken from (inn to time. poutivo proof ha been obtained ol the mud; ro non! ol dinnlod toil dead bled r~ (ids, and the unhnmntiou at it nod duel. Io masonry to the oonuttnqkm cl hnghhv munch. `RANK [HONEY will I9" during the Ho- lidnv manun FUR CASH, Uhoupvsr than .. ...|.... ......... ;.. cl... Mun iilkuhs REID; .l_l.__A -ahead 1l.L.I.o.--. -1 01 , `i`2.. -. ..w....,. .._..- J h"u}i.'i'. .u scoiiuv. `J:-Vail, Vl:'I'l': liIi|.'V'Voo|. Pen-It Dried Fruit. Ilu. llopa. an. ac. lllv. WI. Inll, Pnnvlnn. F. 0. MILO, FRANK RICNIY. .-._-- -u_-I. , _ Donna-an Hing nfuln wlmthbr wish to uu1i;_rnuusnL or nnll, ifynu wish to R0 nrnn-law. llIINlll'll. of 9554-}: and your nwu puurlc fur nmnaaleliverml '}A6 \EniEii * (HAG. DCIIIII hoduxy munch. T L ~-'-II'lj-' `[1 3|`: nlldntnx Ihtlsllovullqoool-I Ahuu.-I-o-oflIa:!.In1nIu-llani HI I 1": mm` Innhh:iL ` .`,'."n"o3'a: ll 7 if` `:'..'-`L '33?` "" "iv: .co., db]... (`.1"` 3d|l`h0Ibub lbdhh Gnn.l.I.PII~ `:a.`:;'.f`:.,":-* '-`--*--mm`--;~ E. (X). WillCnt.'0lt. { .,_4._ o 3f'..'Z'..""5' $3 CO., min .01. Eidinlhnlnnbllk 0 51] who no nulori (mm the cm): and lndiaucdouolyvn . Iervoul vat nu, mu-Iy doc . loan ol Inlnbr-nil, #0.. I ll and I nalpt will can you. fill! 0lI'_ (`HAlu)l. The (not ram:-ly wudbwvcl` odh auicdaurv h but In I -QM:-uodolvolu In 1-5! . J 1', Inna. Huck. . Bb 0&0. cu -._..,. l The Great Female Ion E3!!!` `_ Periodical P1113. THIS l.\'V.-\Ll'ABLE MEDICINE I9, unfniling in the mm of ml! thou painful and d mgermu dim-um tn which the funnlo owni- tutiun is Iul-)1-11.. It Iumlenleu 311 91093! md vemnvoo all nhstmcdoua. mud A ipecdy was my be mliud un. ., mu u A tunnel) LADIES. be nsuuu TU MARJLIED LADIES. It in peculiarly suited. It wtlhin Ilhort timo i:3r...'1:':::3;L;:_3 `W.-..; pun-' ' but ll!!! . On, exertlmn. ;d[|ihti'ug ul )_h`o_ P0113! HIQDICK lll Iuul-. I -v-, -v on-rt!-In, pAI(I.|ti(-n Qhn hymen and vlnin-.thc-o Pills will dust g man when all olhet menu luvs lgiled, ` duh A power ful nnmodv, do n C cont&i'n1mn, _ cl, Antimony, nr mythingtuu-tfnl` tn the onnslltn - lion. Full din-ecti.-nu in they puxnplxlqt Amnnd Antimony. Anything nunlnt In no onus-on - F nu tho mnqixlet and umh {nu-kngu, which nlmunl csref ypn- II!l'\'l`( urn-d. ` JUH MOREH. New Y.-rk. 30"? P"`I'-`'- s|,m.mI I2 I Zluc-uh fur nuance. and"! JUH M()FUH. New Y.-rk, Hole rmpwmr. Cllllnnul I212 ue-nu fur ; . and-Ind to Nurthrn J: Lymmn, 'l`urnnn-, nt. gone!-Al Lg:-ut fnr lllue I`-uuiniun, will i~mInre 3 bottle containing over M) plils. by return mail Sold by all ulrjltggiulu Snhlin Kings-um In)` E. H. Purlzcer. J (3 Kinny. Heath. (hum, II, Skinner, H. S Hu- burl. J l\Ic1'z\nmmn N.L' l'ulx-um, Hy. \\'uh`. nml nll nu.-.li1-im- cl.-uh-rzs. IVICTORVIAWAREHOUSEI 200 Boxes New Boneless Oodsh, Bbls No. 1 Labrador Earrings. Half Bbls Salmon Trout, Half Bbls White Fish. 200 New Sugar Oured Hams, Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon, 100 Sides Boneless Bacon. am. .|....... n"...|. I....... ..n hm... .......I..m.1 LUV Auun uvuoncrn unvuu- The above Gnmln have all been purchased for Unnh nutl will be auld al. Iuwnr prim: tlun uny other Imtlsv lll Mm -icy. 1'. lulu. Ynrk 1 `RV ._v.---, -v--., - .,__~. We lmve I large Stock of JAPAN. GREEN and BLACK TEAS In 34 and 5 lb Cuddles. wblul: we will sell very low for Cash. UUUTIII UVUf'IIIu We are selling Granulated, Yellow and Dnrk Sugnro M. axtramelv low prices. .'-IJLIIJ K1- Bny your Flour before it mlv'|m-on In prim. We have it lnrgaunuk of No I |"nmH_v lolu, XXX Pnslry Hour, Huckwhnat Flaur, Ull- menl.U0ru Man! and (Trm-In-l W}1oat. You will nd uvnrylhiug CHEAP in the (huoory [mm at It! \'lC'l`U|llA \VAlHll()USl. ur. `no IlII`IIIIIIJIl' Grocer, Wine and Spirit Merchant F1-In L3, IP58. 1; man s'i'bci| FIR-IT -CTLAII Dyer, Scourer. Bleacher --AHD-- I=nucu_gLAun. Don; wwu (HI'u-n uml Htoaln Dy Wurku. oornm uhnuun mud Hag-II. Emma Kiuptuu. Nov 9, 1377. U can I than tn 1: Ii'UH.8 (-. II..." I I 6 6 I)vnI~nu|A.uuI nu-n:vcI.Ium mun: nl lNIDl(I|`1.*4"|'lUN"-~n nnstl Pnupliuc an Hmm nltulrr-Mung ron1up'|`niutn and Illa Mm lug rum: to uzlum In , F r {cpl Nnvv. Rfnghy. llnghnd` A`;::a`y.z cl` r|l|.Av.|r.u.. )|amonn.()u, mu Agni. lor I-Ina Umu'm7un uf Cullbcllllld IIIO Umtml Hull! ofAn-rk-u. Dn.'o.lU7 E. H. Parker. Druggist, HARXET SQUARE. Hun-ah -2-n IR77 0m.n.~Pu:enL.:o\llgyvhroh bad. btbaaupduadiduovn-Ado. Out! c-nnaoouua-nathnu. (hnbnlbhn ad bconehuh Iunyeuu want In-unin- old mug 1-out ll unlyunncuuvh noting In or- nl and un ' nnmy In-o but cl e 1 you thud . fol- '.;.-.`-.-. ::.-....~--::.--....- 2:. .:....--~ on non-at (vnh. which. In hhdnlp GIEY To LII!) `a nun. Id {at p dado 0! mu [0 aim has IN? 0! Ioriovian. I-mmmdon& JADE _l7I. __ .|*t`1 uB|ish-d - posttree FOR SALE! luau-nu8y.ud dolhcul in Down loot. `tho III-at unlit] olWhl|o_ Ibo v`v"1i i cuiJ,~ IMTJ] % jlRjs2}::I=_`s:E> Teas, Teas, Teas. *.. |...-.. - In.-n- Numb nf JAPAN llliilw PHOSPIIOZONE W- 9'?9RN , , , I > on lacuna: bu can In Many-. ---._..,,__ xx.-rtunnl noun` Lmuum Ian-rue On.`-Won.` `x fun In Ina-t II om4..--Psheauouh1v&vh band. It pm ~ 'n'n3s"" "I.'3`ul"""`~u. n or Arno u us; van 7 y olhglon ltnM`.IIppoutnII.Ogr[I c nun-u. _ A _ __ J. `Y. I AIll(IlII;I;. .-_ 111:..- -_..I ...'_.'b ll--- sunnnfunnn. twllilm AI T0 I-"gums. nu. I-Ionnunodo-nee. A u M30 in Va 5' 9... . ;`u'`" .. .. P` s. Volutou Duvet. 'P'I|0InI IL atom FLOUR. I.~I...... l...l'..-.. H ML... C BANK opt! `uh Irv. IO -,1`; FR ES}! TEAS. M II'IIlI@Iju din): in. Hull: ycunluu duo-tnt will I ........, I I3. HUIJIJIJII I-vial`: I0. I and: I L. being 1m... e%:.n.w,a.+.u.=| A-- -II.- II C w---:- - ' Pnm'0i:ss stun . Vfli tho lylold. Khlca.) itutlilbnbt;-A`rrlnn oolinhlh` 4 phone r-cannon olooda ol tho l.-A--n .`_`_.I M Il_\I.l___LI.. p-nnnr name an lost mmoubul Htvlnn `iviaipuyl & mm in [Mb] Insurafce !'ohi-AIut|.,. ........Q27.4`l0.000 Invutad in. Oanadu. 000,000 Iannon at It. Jnh-'1. h.K.. Slut .I-In =.Il1I. \s T 0 V 19 Pour In lmuulq-, Ilxposillmn ole l'AIll.~`. 0 ENJOY A \'lSl'|` TI) FlMN(`l'I Ivar I":-wmh by `joining mm nl I'ruf, lbuln-rtmm' Fmlnch Clause-A. Tuition in In-auling,(lnun- ppllflll IOU! rl (W`E\'Bll Ill KIM` I llIl('l` Ul `IHOS. lHll(I(lH, Agvut. Clnn-nvo SI. , (>p,nu:iI.a the Punt. Oius. Sept 6. I577 `KEEP WARM! A Druamuut UK; Vi-lluU&Ii a. TO WIN A F0l('l`l'Nl'2. l"ll"'|`|I GRAN!) DlS'l`lUBll l'IUN, 18721. A'l NVW UR LEANH, 'l`UF3-3|)/\Y, MAY Hth. nu. _ 0 _,!_1._- en... 1' -u.__.R-__..-__ l4J`.l\LV, lL'l`.`IU\ I,|\I1\ I nun. The Louisiana. State Lottery Company 'l`hlaim+titn1iun \\`:|.~4 l'\"_`lI':\l`l\' `inmrnorxm-l uu UV!-unuuul UM-IUU uvwuni vunuru-u, Thls iuntimliun I1`-`lI':|l`l_)` `ill<'nrp0l XI[c- by the Lr4{iu|Murc,- of then .'mu- for I`)-I\wxt'iux Island (.`|uu'il.Al>h- I_n|l`|IHu>4 in 15151. with (IIIIIHM ul'%l.000.lM\|. I n which it. Inna Him l`ui(iuu In-aulIng,(lnun- m|r.&r' Address the lfar(.ox'ol' llm (`ulh-giuln llnutilute. M and Ulmr|l.2.sl>h- In laln. w|I.n 4| In ninru mldenl n rum-rvn luml nf $ll'|U,l|l|ll. l'l`l-l UHANIJ ."llNHl.l`l Nl.'.\llll".lC lAlS'l`lllI5U. TIUN will tuk: pluru Jnuntllly nu tlw .~-unnnl 'I`ue>uIny, 1!, mm.-r anal.-c ur pnmllmllvs. |:(mk M. the {allowing clincril-uliun; l`/\l'|'IA|. l lllZ|`}, -?il1l.WNl. 100,000 'l'l('KE'l'-`l Al. 'l'WU ICAI '|l , MALI"-'l`[(TKl`I'l`.'l, UNI : l)(DI.I..r\|L LIH1` OF l`|ll7.H. I Unnilnl Prlzn , _ . . . , . . . _ . . . . . . . . _ ._I'|U_l)(IJ ll our. Gnnd linrwrnllnury Drawing: an- um cl` the lupervlniun nml |rmm;zo~nn-nl of G NIRALU H. T. ISEAUHIHIAILI) ANI) J HAL A. EARLY. _ notional In lulu nuu qiausgmlu loduua than 0 ll FUI SHINE (30098 of sunk- and In nut ul-ow. oouotuatly co I00 Prison of I `J00 Prim: of 500 Prizenof I000 Prunes of APP! porholk vlhuvo-uu.--In hnlenuilo ncuupduu: J. 0oIhn!,ul'spu-u.()|L,wrhu.&lbdI duo-I lhflij` hluu|e0ll.hnn|ddl lbnJo-,ycnnI~JIn|II-ncronoialhd .-:.'"""""". .. '* '..*..':"'.:.:'."*-*... .1 ,Ir!|ll, N D O uuuhuohuuIvuah'n huhul IIVBI2 Pensions.I lJ fourteen days or pnmlpclpntenl In mm hal- tlo. I the War 0| MI). ho unlit I mu lsnniun of per month from luh5o Irovnl an! Art Widows of ooldh-nu .n haw Hm! Mu-r nimllar NDKH TIIIH ACT. uny pd-mun wlmusrvt-ll fourteen clays pnmlyzlpntenl In but- mln. In the Wu ul Ill). he mulitlul `I! month from lbh3ql`inrovnl 0! Art. nllt-r mruioe, no nalwr wlml. Iran the: Into of nun- rh n In the unluli:-r. urn culilled lo tlm name Pdnuion. Neath:-r snrtien are antil.Io>l. AHI I2 Hui:-m-rsdroppml frmn Ihn Itnlln Inmlmno cvf Illa-gal elm! -_y;.|I_ynrn rr-sum-I by thin AM. Amplmulinnn Il`RT I-1 4-xu-uh-ul lmfurn an thin Applmulinnn omoer nf u omnrl. ul re-vurxl. Sand to us for Any inlornmtlun uwdod. `nu! \lIll1 A ppm- TIIE mmunc Loan and Investment Society la prrprmad in naive npplluuuou: for In Do- holmlrk Inciting lnlonnhvitlu (Tonpoua nt- hdod in Iulna.Mod mr and: 1-nod: no In vuuu-I um; denim. Loan lotl .n nmull or Irga mun: ms wounh e umnn. uuouiu mound I hear lnusnsahvlnoh ()I'V|Dl - Clnnslcl Pan 0 oa.K1uguuu. (Sell I377 ' ..._._4---..___....._.. '|{.IIl`Il] DIV at uuuhuchuu-Ivru ` n -Inll: now. ll. of loukvnbn i5EiiiiJI iuEAf6ns"! L I103 LIIORTIIII lHoRsEv's| ] gum: nu. Annnhjdlvohnuuvn. Kmgawu.Nov `:8. H177. McKe|vey& Birch's. 2'5 ISIMDCIK S'I`Ills`.|}'I`. 000l l'Iu3nof l0...... . . . . . . . . . . _ . _. Al l'R()Xl.\IA'l`|<) l`l(l /.I*.'H- 9 Approximation Prlnun uf 3:u'(L. U Ap])I'nximal.iun Prmu of 200.. 9 Approximation l rizou m" IUO.. for lumbar I-1:5:-ulcn 5 Iy In . TIIUVAH IHHINMI. Manger. OVVIDI Clnmuoa Street. opposite Iii Pal Ono. Klunlau. I Cupilul l`rI'/.n.. I Unpitnl l riw.. I (hpiul PI'ilB.. 2 P1-ms oI'3`..`. 0U. . 5 Print 01 1000.. `J ! Prim: of 500. . > 3';u\g' v lllhblohrthuptuout noun: 5` l-KADIaI.boBtocll|uuuoI- in,-ulcluo-in am: sad qlalltmnml A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY A In: A l`nlI'l'I!.`\H.` |.`H."I`|l :I:.\N ;i3E.l'1`LEM-Enfs IQEUI I-lupu Ihoswclkuudouo rs, arlchu un ryuoluunpriou _ I V F unhle in In lnusuat. which wlulrnwu at any limo. II pariah-ulcn ugly TIIU AH IIRIQHII. IN (IRl'ZA'l` \'Alill1."l`Y .\`l` O9mP- (HLM()Ill'.' G1. (71), 121'! II` Kn-ml, N W. Wn:I||nll()n. THOS. SEALI. Prlnoou n. 'N'r0l!l, N W . W:ulunglon,l).L' ......$uo_4ou -mu wanted at n lllu-rnl vol!) . .$'|U,l)00 .. IIHNX) , [1 (II) . 3,000 . IUJXN) . 10,000 . 10.000 . l0.000 J. HALLlG AN& co. wemxmrnenina .lIIohll|:LhhN|`0`I$II8olIC& -and hlb I hrgqbaghnnhuy mun-un5n'or ' . ll-an-nl unnnlgn $ln n"n`uuI ti. lllitullootqj "nl0uocuu.vimuau- Ni in not oanplou. uh 1.4. rulo Illll un-_ ` `Yuur Into ! Winn win you I ..a -1' 3 lb: pal Rna for CI `.95. laiqnn and units kw. But Brad: of ngllnl Cuudh aupruwuunu-manuyyw. J. Bangui: Ga.B1-ook BL. Prices to Suit the Times. H In pal Rana liar 11 1:. all kw. link Gandhi Aha and Pbrmr 8'A|ouI-(loonlnunnl ml mum}: in lor the succum- mvo II uul Io In cu-vllleed. (Milan '1' Hanna 21!) Oans Fresh Peaches, each 150 or $1.50 per dozen. 3 lb Guns Fresh Peaches. 20 each or $2 per dozen. Also.0umod PuInpkins,Peu,0orn. l and romscou. AU 0! wlnhob will be said II Ivrku-on to cornu- puud and wuruulml of llm lino-ul quality run md Omar gcnzlomtn rnonul.` wmood nliuln wholor 1.... ..........}...nm ul um unndd f-INIIV-T IIIIIVlvII.1o I`lL`R(l U801\"8 BLOCK |'R INC l~;.~'.s u'l`RKlC'l` u.._..|. 1'1 nznl - Inn-ml A Huh-nlsn llnortillolll uf I-`urnnunn. uttcluled um. nll up .'3tImInI Imp: on hum ..-.a--- nluluvl .'lIIZil,l2Z..3i....-.3 ofover dew:-I uon. no: the [mu Nll`I\\\lII lho Dlllllhl on l-`unomln alto-mlml [0 In any And uouulry on the moat reuunnlrln tunnu. HY. HKAIIII I-w III In! l}uingtuVBemuvamyDyaWurks or Storehouse. I-`or terms 1 denignod on the prouniwu. THIS COMPANY bu In-nn dning hulnnu Inuuundu In: 55 yuan nnddurinn int than M: Mound the public ooulhlanra hyprmlr and lnlmnluttlemmn.uI'uvcry_)nrt 4-lnlm. Ln- nudiul pollayhnldnn nraumurod by Io-pooh. I 031),!!!) vlch the uvernmout at (mum. Po Hahn In wrmau M. thin Agonc-ev and paid on wtlu u fnvonblo an my at mr n:-alu- Company. Jurv. II71. JAB. BWIFI`, Agent. IN ()|{l)Kl{ TU fil l`l'I{l`2 \\ .\'|`El .... I ..... .1 ..I....-.. ..r `.4 R. -MONTGOMERY Capital and nrpluw 00.540 204 Ian" pain! In M hm. our - 041100.00 n.loo.ono pf which wnn pnlcl lbr the Chl- (Ill) and Iooulon lawn In IIHI. ICUIBII H0 -' me, In u n. llsl I .H_')(._ _ 1;1{1x;m, -4 SH- --_. 'I`() J Brick lui mnlma I zia%na*1nsm;.eFcvy.; HI1` HAIl'l`lN)lU), CONN. "BEAVER Gll0CE|&\',' Doc 29. I877. Np; u} J. ISURANCIC AH6U(,`lAT|UN umhc-A Impor- Iltll Bolkrmnqd gins all In their are muugemofnt. uml In-uu Po k-In pnynbloin event olaxrloah-IL Hpasiul ntuan don [Inn loobncnk In nflt-um and ruin; olfual. Plan and l|w0Ili4-nlinul of En Inn and hula: nu plktl. Hm.-n mum~I-0 mot dllif. H Q. 7 ___ ` A Luau QUANTITY or CANNED (iT()()DS Kingston LimoW0rks IIHXITIIICAI. IKHAH T0 STEAM USERS Till PUBLIC WILL ALWAYI FIND A good oholeo II I" Mud: of n mvwl rruwr uuwckul an n n n IIIl|1`1 .'l0l' A I.\K|Hl.\U (JIIKL. ...__.s 0 Ilpulaofch uqulall .VeunoIunpp|II:'J.:n` mm. C oypcdcolclolvoy In Illnh -lino 'u.Iu4 cnAL__qepor JII Idlu 3}; I O IallIItlIo|'$-Iflllrllu. lhzovllouo Iuunmllluh-ulna u.- unit 3 Km~pam-nntnmly on land Ilurgannd val-lad umrt.uu~nl All Dooomvuonl 0! cool Valiant In-um-.l!Iuh-maul human.-`I hndntdinbudnnvou l'UIll C Uvnvg I Oatwroqul. `IP01:-I101 ! Kaunas: . _ . . . . UIYAIIO. Ily |'J.lI'l1. Qlul-`Jinna-v----a-----` furntr Prlnuenn dltyolenlsnm Iltrrcln. No. 06. llnuluu. Inn. Q` Unh.-rs many he I4-H will: J0 N Harri) `ll. HUHH head." Imuiu. prumiu you thlt I n,Fred; -Umt I And .... hon.-v hnnhnnlln lhnn Chair: in: giant ` "`L ahumooni dun, IE0. tuna ballad HI. - ml. in that lool Al DU `lemmin- Bol-u.' In -curd. James Bwlft. 1'.I.AWlI!lOlWl!AEl.KlN(.'TON Width and Install Dub:-I to Ionpuny. rum Inn nu inn: . . . . . . . - . . . - - - - - . - -- - . . . . o u - . . . . . . n - .- *[iETo`li SALE HIC ('ANAI)lAI-.;.l'lC{\M IYNEIM IN~ AHUUCIAT UN umh-A Impor- nn nlunn Balk:-I.ud uivu din-thou _.r .-v..~.-, L6a'binot Makg: In UIOCK III N. G. & J. ELLIOTT. no.0}-o forum (II!) II. J l I{l}IIlHE.\'. umnvvu In nun. IIl:I\'n-nuns Ullll .l..l.lIJIl1 IUIIIJIJ \Jv QF llAl'l`F()ltD, CON N . Kxuuos, . M}:_.3_x'r. ICHT 0 MI: Inn. `i an 3. mum. 1- ,.,.v-- ------ v - - H().`1TIlKAl. RUAI). nu. Au - ulul |-|enl_v u roan 3. sons. u-Q4-n uni 'l'$1l.I OI! IMASE. n twu lion-y Jim wnlulu of the lot. in rear of `turn! umko n A-npnnl Workshop . I-`or nquiru oflhu un R nrmn |!I. bio link at the aim 0 uhlu [41 In my wnrk qnhskor, npur. My mum u-ul [Pm-Illux I |ll-lllll nu l'n'm-,n~na Hlrm-I him. I U. HOIIH. (mu! Eugllwar. uuulw I , Llulu-hot. T1117] J l)l7l"l", In-n Linn lilm-|l . in Pub. Hello, B01101 . may 1- 8-901 7 on, 1 `not -pm I! . L.-thin -I4-tuna. I lTYHO`l'lL-It-'|.||| -4 '0 :nau&cnII.lbontnonIun| Iuolhlhc 1, II n->-n-I-uni-rounund npouool _ Icnulorcozaoftv Ulwhunad Bantu Uupunn . A Livery Stable Jlnohd. . Pppmur. mo -` V 4-Lu.>r.-. UIII Tyv - WILL KNOW! $1 H mm 511 `difvhh the nu pal: I clan ab! h , ` . can 2.. rov- ,5. AICLO-A ;i'iiFAii HOTEL` j- iprloioqnblodn 1-unsung gyvllb 0;:-ad; and at (ion `a pro tbinlohnrncurhtwc of tho AngloAnoncan I. IIIJMP & (31)., Pronrioion. T-- our: o!ArriuIn sml Duputureo from King non Hlumn Muntrenl Time; COIN!) .WI|!T. taneubdlodiin. Banal,` 1 NAILS. lute-rn.po: ().'l`.Il. 6: | a-Iunjhzg Ihn Man-um Provim-on. . . . . . . . . l Wnutam,|mrG.'r IL. -~-- o.o-4- `KINGSTON Pos_T_o1rI-'13: GUIDE! Ifusd . .'. ............. ..| TRENAMAN. Jt ntwl Hula. ._...- coo Uniusd Staten, win I Vlnranl . . . . ` . . . .. Prluoo Edwunl I14 I (hv sums: . . . . . . . . . Prluoo lcuwnrn mm 1., (by Hugo: .. Novbury and l)dan5a. Hnrrownmith&l.ough- boro.|nvK dc l .|l..,1 b1II'0,|I K dc Wolfe la and .` duden " . . Nan boro Haul: l`i:-mn-(.'|m Par Cnmulian Linmovory Poctago -`m par l-:IoIIo- Km(hIl.+~nn| ltaahnu though! no III III I Inn` 5;`-uv, --- vbold 10 50 ' I70` ' -No, mmk?:c,1 hvrpm I} `J. rule Ii! I\ ...(..' Winn win` you n Knxiummul lntlbunlmulal be mnllvd hull" an no lmur n--uvhusto SIM thne ul' Gluing the uiln. Iiuiln. lune Orders giant:-d on ull Moue_y()rder (lion n Cunadu, the: United Kingdom. PIIBGO VIII] Inluul Ind Newlunuulnml and the I niu~.l Htulc-n. lmur the Pmnl Ulrts Snvlugn hours 0! 9 sun. and 4 p.Iu. I \Purnps. PUmi1JSPilV"`P3=l IN WFIIANKINH Hl'R NUM} (`UH- Imm-rs fur IlH`I|' hln-ml pulrulungu |ALL KINDS or woou Pumps} age . u- pa-rl `J ouuoc. Par (,`nmulinnLina.ovcry'l1Iurndn_yIt I2! mum Panama W. II. lIIl0I(I-}.\'SlIIIll9, Atlantic Pump Factory. Iunnn nu; ATI.\.\rl<` I'uL`NDIn'.) riod `I `last month, in Paris.` `And the hppy lady vur ' `Win I thought you know; over, one s. uzlnnu About my mood touuu. u. 'Iuur Ina. Vvuwnq --.- ,-.. _,, | ontarlo Sire:-I. - -- Kingston ` Apnl .1,I87H. 3TAT}!2!':`ETf'mi A4-knowludgui In than lnmlmz Svh oflhinrily (nu rat`:-rem-n In the gr [Io Comer) In ho f.u- my--nur tn : (Jolt! Book mlrmlumd M" an \' H The Latest and the Best! IBAULETS BUUK STORE. Apm um I-l3:_McE`WEN sg S65; Bonny : System of Pnctical Pen~ muuhip. agfhziriud by the A . luvnnru to their many rn-It-rm:-rl. would nun- llal although lha uuau an -10" And IMI tn ngnwnvonnvurllng fhll mm-. Ind kc-pm; Sudan . . . . .. llI:il0 nun. lzw Nalboro ltontu. .. . 7:00 n.n;. 9:00 p.m. Pit-ton-C|mn at 21:10 and 50 p m. . active at 7:1!) 3 u). and :.`:Z|U nu. Ilnlluruen um! hunhuvx -II-mll.n'|. W'm|nns `II KETUI,'HIC THANK}! VDR PAN!` llvnunl their manyrn-(mm-rt` would this I Pgovmg Ihnt wt nluuur work Fbflylod vol], ` V II: clowns Fnomrv l|m| of the hot | yolk-rl on hand; Gill`! ICA lnchlne, lulu none Works. LIIYIRS STKIET, na nurly 3:$,uno,uw In mouay um um estate, And I hurt boyond I" prion. `lluv on enrlh did you nut nor 1' I `Hho Ill travelling diliurrnld In 8olden-y-ou hm: John Boldon. She with hu lived In llollnovh dnou he loll nchuol; they won friend: when they nu girl: upthor. Clove ntharod up his reina, and nay!- | "1`l1lI\l'4A'.I Ll VI Jtltll ouc I3, NUTAIISS. ha Clnrrnc Cunt. tlfnoi, Pu-0 odleo II-tyd Iyut Haul In `"34 ' """""` 5 I I Uppuuwn-nu-;w.`-------. DI. TILKAII, PIYIOIAI AID Ill. 017108- Ial O opt`: Du; Igan. 1 :'{`7.T1:x:.u & w:r.11;;ii l(`l1`nI! infnultl 14,. 121."..- I Klnznton. Auri! 4. [E78 _.___._.> _. CITY FIBE ALARM. ho hr mp.-y Coyay Book mzrmlm-ed nu Fun of Worlcnen lhpnue or doing anything In our lune. young Iuuur wnrl Fhflynod in f In ynluvrn 3 CA on 9... ` .' -. _ J-\L_ rcnovtb Tbgaaoooc `"` fr} nnnln [in list of QIDD Hf. | hour; one is tailing nboum nod Ilru. Balms: ll old P 3'0 .31] child. `What I` `III: Clunurtino Mani. She hrivp nurly KI,lXl).!l.IJ in money ind rad ..u.u. boyond KIIVKIJ I\J3`BIJ\)I'\ Cl opp:-u1hollqyo(QInIhll%. Inn 1-IXAC- . Lowrance Wnnl. I . Munlrt-ll `I GOINU Amve. I aw---g ,- (Wt `-ru`.'r.\~`-_o.u . . . . . . . `.,. . L`) D,Hl. OUING EAST. AI-rlvn $ 3".|vUU C xvnlvu QUEEN flg, .l A V >-iv:-nl under tha reglxlaliolnn of ca Suvhnzn Bunk between Hm '21!) . .l.'>n.m. . ..`.!:v0 p.m. ....`.`:l5 p m. ...|:l0;.m. ......6 I In. JUSI-`.PH LIICKBON. at. 014'! lnnnger 10%`--. V 1. D-In, lt:;;m`L`_m' ' . ....'i? &".`.;... .....4:I0 [\.m. O'pOb6r.' Clove gthorod up nod- ding to r. Trunk Bola, drew up the IVBIIIIO at n lurioun nu And through tho pnrk. He could not trust lnmu-ll to nponk to my one, And when he did. the remurk which he mule In mmulfln Itrlot eoulldonco vii nut Fur Mr. Clove Sullivan told Mr. beenl